THE BUSKERS' SONG. icMtaeta a u u 4 uu vane mm in."! An; pariie, and Britb.. Better than pold ia oar eera teuvfold From the fertile earth advancing, Twill five yon health. 'twill (ire joa wealth. Your happiness advancing. causes. Then husk your corn before 'lit morn. For the pumpkin pie it waiting; And 611 your maw, lit !1 store's law To give yourselves a bailing. With it we make a johnny cake. Of roast, or fry, or griddle. And puddings good, be it anderstood. And stirred up with a piddle. Then husk your corn, Ac. When it is green, as we hare seen, Tis first-rate boiled or roasted. And when 'tis dry. who dare deny Tis quite good popped or toasted. Then hnsk yonr corn, dec Turkeys and hens count it by tens. And never stop to tasie it. And ducks and eeese, a pint a piece, A bushel they'll soon waste it. Then bask your corn, dec (Squirrels by day, red. black and gray. To slore it in their "eiries," N i question make for conscience' sake. Cut snatch it like the lanes. Then husk your corn, dec. The brave chipmuck with right good plnck 'Round it you'll see him larking, Wilb pnutm? lip he'li seldom chirp. Or iaik, like boys while working. Then busk your corn, dec At mid of night, with much delight. Old Bruin filled his basket. Hy light of moon the knowing 'coon Hp ate it as he husked it. Then hnsk your corn, dec. The erunters all, both great and small. Will sqneal to hear it rattle. And then 'tis good as any food For burse, sheep or cattle. Then husk yonr corn, dkc Rtmtcn, Oneida Co, K.Y. Joan D.Tsrrr. nnowER.of the Montour American, a candidate for Assembly io that district. Feeling an interest in the success of such a worthy member of the editorial fraterni ty, we telegraphed to bitn to let ns know how man thousand majority he had. Hs informs us that he can't tell, as he de clined immediately after the election! By Mr. Brower'e declination, the State loses a good Legislator, and the people of Danville rotaiu the services of a good editor. Jcr$ejf Sliore Ytdctte. The Editor of the Lynchburg Virginian recently attended the examination of the first class in dictionary aud spelling, at the high school of that city : TfiJirr, (to Bob Smilbcrs.) Spell ad mittance. B-Jb. Ad mit, admit, t-a-n e e, tance, admittance. Tmther. Good 1 Give the definition. Bib. Twenty five cents Diggers and children half price front seats fur ladies no smoking allowed. Audio Jubtisoo, just elected to the V. S. Smate from Tennessee, had a very ob scure origin aud no educational adtao tsgrs: utter ire -married, bis wife taught Lira Lis letters, aud while be prosecuted Lis calling as a journeyman tailor, to sup port bio family, Le acquired the simplest rudiments of education. lie served in the U. S. House of Representatives several years ago, aod was recently Governor of Tennessee. A good Example. G. W. Sears, of this borough, has pre sented to ns one of the claws and two of the quills of a bald eagle, killed by him a day or two since. The quills were ac companied by a request that we shall in dite with them sundry "piten things against the Border RufE-ius" which we ahall endeavor to do with a will. The bird measured seven feet from tip to tip of its wings. Tioga Agitator. Those who indulge in the "weed," have leen considerably exercised of late by the reports of a short crop of tobacco, both in Cuba, acd the Southern States. To re lieve their fears, wa should statu that there are several cargoes of guano on tbeir way here, which is equally at nasty as to bacco. The Syracuse Journal perpetrates the following upon the marriage, at Roches ter, of a Mr. Husband to the lady of bis choice : Tbi" cue Is lbs ftnagrft We've known in ourlife: Toe llualeuidsa Hnebawd, And avis Die wul Mary years ago, Moses Poor failed in Boston, and did not comply with the usual custom of removing bis name. Da ring the night, the boys took down bis feign, sawed ii iu two, and replaced it but with the tames reversed, so that it read l'uor Mote. Just at this time, 'aoon hunting is in season. Some man in the Loop has taken tliirty-six tLis season. During abuntone tiigbt last week, be took six of these var miuts, all in fine condition tbanks to a heavy corn crop. HuUidoytbuiy Stand ard. Religion has again poached npon the manor of the world ; whereat the N. Y. Exprett utters a bowl a piercing as that of a s'ruik hyena. A newsboy has cried the I dependent, a religious journal, for tale in Wall htreet ! TVre are eleven preachers, applicants for office to the Teunesee Legislature, from the Locofoco rinks. They all base tbeir claims upon distinguished services. A lady walking in Owego with a gold piece in her mouth, soeesed it away and lost it Goid dollars re "not to be netted at" ia "these bard time." The man wbo waa "moved to tears" C'ini laios of the dampness of the pretni t f, and wishes to be moved back again. An old pauper woman in Philadelphia u.atd of the Bank suspension too sate On Jp nite I I MACHINE BELTING, &c. a nuiA jcuobek Belting of all aiaea cape. X eior una tan Leather Belting Mill, Cir cular and Cross-col SAWS and every des eriptioa ef HARDWARE Wholesale and Retail by LEWIS M'DOWELL. Williamsport, Pa uraen oy express er otherwise promptly aiienaeo li It-KMSUASH m69gpd TAILORING. JOHN B. MILLER thankful for past favors- would stale that be tas re ceived the Fall and Winter Fashions, and is prepared to CUT, MAKE, and REPAIR garments as atoal. He will endeavor, as heretofore, to execute his work satisfacto rily to all. Lewisborg, Ang. 10,1897 TaISSOI,UTION.-The partner J ship of Di'ffenderfer 4 Uchtenthater was this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the above firm will call Immediately and settle iheiracconnts with J. IX Dieflenderler. at their office. J. D. DIEFFKNDERFER, I). I.. LICHTEMHALLR. LewUbor Planin. Mills, Sept. IS, ISM. CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned have associ ated themselves into co-partner ship for the purpose of carrying on the Lumbering, Planing and Carpentering business in all their various branches, ai the Lfwisburg Steam Planing Mills, where ihey intend to Keep a heavy stock of all kinds of Lamber, and are always prepared to nil all orders they may receive at short no tice, and all work warranted to give satisfac tion both in price and workmanship. J.D. DIEFFEN'DERFER, MARTIX DREISBACH, REUBEN SNYDER. tevrl.bure Planing Mill,, Sept. IS, 1867. L. H. Lawsue. p. B. Ssaou A NEW HOTEL., In Levvisburn;, Fa. THE BUFFALOE HOUSE This House is directly opposite the new Court House. Ii has been fined op at considerable expense, with the view of afTording every con venience; and no effort will be spared to ac commodate its patrons. The House is large, conveniently and delightfully located, and has been newly furnished throughout. I.AW8HE & 8EB0LD, Lewisbnrg, Aug. 26, '57. Proprietors. DUVALL'S GALVANIC OIL RELIEVES all pain and soreness in from 6 to 30 minutes. St another column. Price 50 cts. per bottle only, shipped to all pans of the U. 8. For sale by Joeieb Saber. Lewiab 'f t W W LirKlentauth, Buff Hotel COIlnu.h, New Berlin I Beaver, Moms 1 Co, WisaeM UviOaaly, Turtlevllle D H Miller. Mifflmborg Cumouor- a H kite, Uartleum. SnTOO 41 IMPROVEMENTS" I 2V eousequcnccol ihe terrestrial revolutions going on it !ocr Market street, GOLD SMITH At BRO. arr compelled to remove the yiurgM.uimi.ih Clothing Emporium up tc next door below Walls fid Mammoth Store where, with better accommodations, we are prepared to sell CHEAPER THAN EVES. Call and see. June 9, 1857. BEISOVAL. TEW and Magnificent Stock of 1 C-OXFECTlOSERIEg! J. F. EtCIIOl.TZ A CO. hare elrcantly refined ihe Htoprnom formerly occupied by they will keep on haad for sale ihe very best of t.'onfectioneries. Toy, Fruit. Notions, Ac Call nef Set ! Levisborg. April 9, 1857 DR. KILLING'S Catacer InHtltnte, for the Treatment oi Cancers. Tumors, Wens, Ulcerf , Scrolula, or anv Growth it Sore. Chronic Diseases gene rally can becured (if curable) without surgical operation or poison. For all particulars write, state diseases plainly, and enclose 25 els for advice ; Letters must have a postage stamp enclosed to pay answer. Medicine sent any distance. Address C L KELLIKG. M D. Mrchanirsburg. Cumberland Co, Pa Mehanfchorc in K miles fatal Ilarrfrharc.f IbeC.V. fcsllrosri. end sroeiMe from all pert et Ike loiD. Old o1 ros. pr and rif h. eune all we will do you jtaI. 03rTn thorn afflirtnl wbo cma ot Tint Me prrm nall. 1 willM.nd.Kr nil.oa rreei.t of $S only, s keripe to prepare Medicine with full Ihreetwu frr oef, . aUle all particulars Addreet ai alioew SaUO LEWIS PALMER, A RCHITECT and BUILDER, J LEHISBUKG, PA tyOflice in the Univeisiiy Building 683 Fruit and Ornamental Trtes, The subscriber has jusi received a splendid collection of Fruit and Ornamental TREES, from the celebrated Nurseries of Ellwmgtr 4 Barry. Rochester, N. Y. embracing the very best varieties of A pples.Pears.Peaches.Plums, Cherries, Apricots, Nectarines, Graper.Goose berries, Raspberries, Currants, Strawberries SLSO Large Horse Chestnut. European Mountain Ash, American Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple for street planting. Ever blooming Rose, and a splendid collection of Bulbous and other Flowering Plants. I V Nursery Grounds on the farm of Ja's F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, wilhin half a mile of Lewisbnrg. All orders addressed lo HENRY R NOLL.Aet for JJMERKILL LINN. will receive strict attention. Term invanubl CASH. Lewisbnrg, Aprl 9, 1857 LEWISBUBQ BAKERY. rTHE subscriber has rented for a term of jenra iuc cumiuuuiuui i uvuia mat uciuw Kline's Hotel, where he carries on Baking Bread, Cake. Tans, dtc and hopes to be able to render entire satisfaction and receive a liberal support. He also oilers CONFECTION E HIES, of every kind and quality, at WkalnaJr and KrlatL ICE CREAM for the public and for parties, in large or small quantities. Cash paid for Butter and Eggs. tyNuts, Toys, Spices, dec always on hand. Orders at home or abroad promptly attend ed lo. r-AMDEL HOFFMAN. Lewisbnrg, Jan. 7, 1M57 Vocal and Instrumental Enslc. t "'HE subscriber having located himself ir J Lewisbnrg, is ready to leach Instrumen tal Music in all its branches, viz. Piano, Melo deon. Guitar. Violin, Violiocello, Flute, and all Brass Insiroments. He will also teach Vocal Masic. Having been taught in the best Schools ia Germany, he deems himself qualified to rea der satisfaction. He will also tone Pianos, and put them in repair if desired. Residence on Sou'.b Fourth street. Jan. 19, 1857. i'.or. P, HELD. V John & Linn, ATTOKSET AT LAW in Prick's Bl-ck, North Sd St. near Market. 79 leWlabmr. Pa. WANTED ! IORTYBMt BalldenaneCanient. tors, to work ia the Boat Yard at Lew isburg. Good wages and constant emplo meat will be given. Kvr. U, 'it. TRICK, ULirrR A CO. vBWBaWaVnBBB1 LEWISBURG t CHEOMCLE THIS sterling machine has within the past year been put to severe actual tests, and been very much improved by the addition of a S2 inch fly wheel, new gearing, joint bolts, and oiher minor improvements, and ia now efferrd to the public wuh the certainty that itis made in the very best manner, and ibat it will grind and press easier and faster than any other Mill ia the market. Dealers and others supplied cn liberal terms. 12w695 -Vfj!!??? Educational. UNIVERSITY SCHOOLS ! WILL open for the Winter Session of six months on Thursday, (Sept. 24 ih. Tuition, COLLEGE, for the sesaion $20.00 Fuel, Library, etc 300 ACADEMY English Classical - Charges Female Institute, reg'r course Preparatory Charees 10.00 13.00 2.15 $20.00 13.00 1.40 A. K. BKL.1., General Agent A Treasurer. Lewisbnrg, Aug. 11, 1857. 3m696 LEWI8SURG ACADEMY. 'PHE FALL SESSION, of this Institn- L linn, will commence on THURSDAY, 8ept. I7th, 1857, lo continue 13 weeks, I ne wisTtn me same irngw,; ill immedialelv succeed Ihe former, to be 1 interrupted by a Vacation durin: the Holidays.! As the public are pretty lully acqnainteo , with the success of the Principal, during the IO years of his connection with the Acade- my, all extra vacant pretensions and promises ) are out of place ; suffice it lo say that all the branches of a thorough English and Classical ; Course are taught, and thai youths are fitted either for College, for Teaching, or for gene- j rat business. The Bible is a tei' book. I A large class of Young Ladies is secured. I TUITION per session of 13 weeks, including contingent expenses. I PRIMARY nu-aJiri. Writioy, Iktnl, AritttortiP. i ... and U. S. III.U.17.I J, AIIVANCI D K.UU;U lallaotiulodMlsban.) CJ ! LANUUAUE8, "! Wo additional charges; also, no aeancuons except for protracted sickness. ' J.U. KAAUUkrtt, AugustSO. 1857 Principal FEEEBUEG ACADEMY ! NORMAL SCIT OOL, Freeborn;, Sassier County, Pa.! T HE Third Semi-Annual Session of this Institution will commence on Tnet-ii day. July 21 w . .. new and commodious, and Terms low. Ii is the constant aim of the Teachers lo impart sound instruction, and carefully derelope and direct the Mental, Moral and Physical ener giesof the students. The course of study will thoroughly prepare those pursuing it tor Col lege, the study of a Profession or business ! ' F ' . ,, 1 j pursuits. 1 ne nnWlf aba as a O'B1 as a? 1171 1 HOK9IAL UtraHTHtUr nSn raprrior CaHlltlea fo Tartwr aad thp wlsfalor to hrromr auch to arqwtrr tha r anary qualiftratiowa. The t County suberlntanuvtiK will reu.uentiy review eiae., , and Irrtureon Uie nraetlral duliea of th. aehocl fw. Leeure. are : auodeiiaeMin eonneciioo - in toe ino-jar, , ? !llIMT V" r,' ' , '1lk"V; f.,th. Pr.(-a-lo. 'Wwaurn bein, d.wiA mrectar. te procure aebool. kthoa. wboobUua eredlta. For Board, Tu.tiM, Room, per et,k,n, -'3to' Tuition atowa', hi Normal Dep t. per Quarter. 6 Muaie Kitra Boanilnf In the illage. f IO to f X per , Weeaj wn a ...mieawe nrnimrwiw mrioer yaror uiara. Adtre. eo. p. mt.ari.and. Princirai ; eaejeeeeVeeVaieaveeeeeeeeNe' I Dr. L Brngger Dr. J. F. Harvey H0M(E0PATIIIC PhVSicianS, ! sooth side Market St. between 4ih A 5th ly640 LBWISBVRG. PA New Clothing Store, at be old stand. PHILIP GOODMAN having purchased Ihe keeps it in a stale of great preservation for a Goods, dtc-, of A. Sinser, at the well long number of years, is made of brass known Slore room, opposite Klines' Hoiel.and terewbnx. It makes a very neat job on a Head having made large additions to his slock from j Stone or Monument. They are used in Green Philadelphia, respectfully offers lo ihe old wood Cemetery, Mount Auburn, Laurel Hill, Inrnds and patrons of the establishment, and ; . . i - , I to the trading community in general. the Largest, Cheapest, and best assortment, (for cash,) Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, ever offered in the West Branch country. Coats, Vests, Pants, Hats, Caps, Shins, Draw ers, Umbrellas, Valices, Carpet Bags, Hand kerchiefs, dtc, BOYS' CLOTHING. and everything nsually sought for ia a Cloth ing Store. Call and give ns a fair trial. Lewisburg, May 6, 1857. James B. Hamlin, ATTORNEY at LAW, XL. tyoffice oa Second St west side ,ina door south of Market, LewlsbHrsr, 6mS93 Union Co. Pa. DRESS GOODS ! Plain Black and Fancy Dress Silks, Tissues. Berages, Shallys, Kobes, Lawns, Brilliants, Granadines, die. Also a lot of Parasols, (extra Black) and Fancy colors, just ree'd and for sale by May 21. Goodman Sl Chamberlia SAPORIFIER, or Concentrated Lye war ranted to make Soap wiihont Lime, and with tittle trouble. Wltb onoeakeof l.yaand fnurponnda anup Fat, yow -n make BReea rations good, soft Soap, liard soap ana be audo ia th aarae way. For aalo by CIHI.T a CALDWELL. B AYES' WHITE GKEA8E. for Waggons, Bu, ierCsgagts, Omnibuses, Stages, ete a eoperiov artiela, frw aala by C11KIST a CALDWaLU DR. GREEN S AROMATIC SAP, a certain cure for Dyspepsia and diseases arising from aa impure ataSe of the rnreaerb alee a aura pro. entire of A AMD JC( iprioe Ti tt. par botllo. aaraajo oy wnifll ai uauiwaLLi. 0. W. SCHATFLE'S WHOLESALE ud RETAIL Drug and Chemical Emporium Market Street . . - Lewisburg, Ta. CLOCKS all kinds of 8-day aad 30-hour Brass Clocks and patent lever time-pieces. Brats 8-day clocks at $4, brass 3u-hourclocks as low as l. All clocks warranted for one year at J.L. YODER S WilUtai TanGwxar, ATTORNEY at Law. IV Eeswtafear, fjaileai Co., Tm. Orotbct oppoaitr Kline's Hotel 67 & WEST, BRANCH fARMER.-OCT. 23, ft . Huniirclaer'a (XOYER Ul'LLCR. rpHE subscribers still continue to mancfae- Hire ihe above Machines, and as ihere are over 500 of them now ia use in Union and ad, lining counties, we deem any further recommendation unnecessary. The' machines are all warranted not only to do good work, but better work than any other kind of machine now in use. T. CHURCH A CO, Hartleton, Pa. Apply to Tao's Caenca, Hartleton, or L. Roocs, Union Furnace. 1)652 Chester County ONE and Two Horse Endless Chain POWER. The undersigned being con vinced by practical experience of the superi ority of i'and'nlia'i Tread Power over ihe or dinary five horse power now in use in the West Branch country .for threshinz out grain, have purchased Ihe patterns and right to make them. We are now making and have on hand a large nnmber, which we propose fo introduce on the nlan if thev don't answer t0 tne clfr the guarantee given witn each of them, the machine will be taken back and the money refunded, if paid. They are now almost the onlv entire Threshing Machines jn use ,n Chester, Montgomery. Ilerks and Delaware counties. Their advantages are thai ihev will do almost double Ihe work, sc cording to the number of horses used, than J iie ,) machines will do ; If they will save ai rait two hands and Threshing can all be done snngly closed up in the barns, in wet divt, when the bands woo id ne otherwise unemployed. T. CHURCH A CO. Hartleton, Union Co, Pa. Apply to Tmo's Cncnca, Hartleton. or or Dr. L. Kooas.ITnion Furnace. y645 - . j, A Call tO rannail. ; turmert, arup your vmurvaute a nine read thin, and rrfleti!! Inriniirnn nnmiATinil rlrlriV r AnmCliw mUmUl lUIs DUU NEW and scientific manuring system. vauoo and increase of all grain, grasses, louder and pasiuie. nnfli all kind nf anil, nroved bv actual exne- riments and based upon evident truths, desig- net! to improve sgncullure in all its branches ; 'T S '"'JST L" L".": , , . lh. h. rR C. O RBINHOt.n. f Bl. f enna. KECOMKBXDA T70.V. Ia thin tmtto It will he arm that tha oljMt has Vsa to irlva tha farawr tkat kind of Infnnaatinw wkN-b awablaa bim to aaaka DrwetlraJ anhatioa lo fertiha. hia laad awd lcppaaihia arain,fBddaraDd paftwraw. Thadoctrina, aa tanabt by tiila aaaaariwir, aad ftMM.r, and paatwr. cut tlTation aantrai. an ratlowl, tUmr awd avidaot. and awff. 'taPww?,J,taT2b'!f1!!riT?'iireJ!S,,,'2 unknown to our Ctrmera, and wblrh. V adontrd. aid cr,fiy aractwd ran wot fall to atl.anr. tb. Intaranta of the farmit' mmmualty. Suebawork baa own murk ..ntrt, a. it a oid ihlcb ha Ion. baen fell, hot vhkh thnw baa bitbrrto bras bo aiuaiut lo .anntr. and aa of Oantra and lluntinKdoa oowattra wo rerommend the work to every farmer, as tkej will reap the greati-it pcaatble beweot Sron R. - . chri.,Ua INV Bnehanaa Daniel Mmawr.Oeonca Baal. Jk Monger, tnuirla Alel.odrr. Jokn Bally. Job. i.aj,,, eanuel Duncan, Jobn HonVr, Jona. M'Wil llama, M GZ.,.J,., Henry Meyer John CZ ilH,n,Jobn Herman, O.W. Meek. Phillip Meyer. 3n,rt For sale in Lewisburg by 1). I. BRUGGER. w m . M . aa, . , Important to DatsireotyviilMlarUe Uealerf anil OlaOrS, Tl TOXUMENTAL Dacneneotvpe fa -"A A method has long been sought for in4er' in a i"nb)' "". Daguerreotype : Likenesses to Head Stones and Monuments. i I have been manufacturing these Cases for the 1 last two years, and can warrant them to secure the picture for a long number or years. The outside case is made of Parian Marble, land the box which encloses ihe picture and ana mary omer uemeteries in ine u. states. a t : k i . . 1 ki 1 I A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers and Daguerreoiypists. Price from $2.25 each to $9. So. A circular of engravings will be sent to any address, free, with price list. Ad dress, A. L. BALDWIN. Agent ' of Maaeo leant ng. Co., Sua Broadway, Kvw Tork. 660m3 Jt 83 WITNESSES. M OR. THB J FORGER CONVICTED. S JOnN 8. DYR if the Aatbor. who ban htvd 10 jmid xperteo a Banlicr od PuMUlswr, aaxl author of A Sunt of Ltcturtt mi Vm Jrimrfny 7riwerwacfe, wIvb for 10 uc4Ma night- over tmrtOSXto Ptwplc QltTcvted him wftb round of npplnaac, while be tht- 03 Mtotl tbe Manner tn whleh eountortVHera eieente thrir fravuda, and th uivet and ahortetit nMana of OtMMtif tberal The Btvnk Nito Kagnirs eJl aay O that he. ie tbe nrnatuat Jndgo of Par Nonry living. Greatest Discovery of ike Prftnl Vtn o tnry forDetecimg Countersit Bank Note. Deecriblnjc ererj genuine hill In existence, and rxhi bitinc at a flanoe every ownier. tn eimilatioa! S Arrannwd to adaiirablja that relerener la oay and O drtrrttvn 1 nittantaneona. Ko tndes to ezaaiiaa. No pm3v?a tn hunt aI Bet ao simpltflfd and arraarrd( fi that tha Merehaat. Banker and BwIaois Man can O see oil el a v-awer 3 EnglUii. FrrttcJ. and Genuan. tbna May each read 04 the iiwt- In hia own native tonfua. g Mot perfect Bftnk Note Litl ever puWshetl aim a list or ail tne rrtvCM Banket in America, a : n wmiplfte enn.mary of the finance of Korrtv- and Aater- ; ten will be anblMed in each mhtiom. together wilh ail tne important newa oi the uay. aim, g A SERIES Or TALKS, T Prow an Old Manna?tTpt trmnd In te East. Tt lnr ntabea the most eumplete history of Oriental Lite. d C8 scribing tbe asoK perptesiag iOMttons in which the I,, ladies and gentlemen of that country have been ao 05 often fcand. Thefe toriea will eoatinne throughout the whole yar, and will prora tha moat exOcrtaining 9 ever offered to tbe public. Q nstirwtirhrd Weekly ta tuheariWra only, at $1 a an yaar. All lettera mast ha addressed to , , 5 JOHN . DTK, BnoEKR, O Fublfober aad Proprietor, TO Wall St. New Yosk Pianos, and Basic. JOS. L.Y0DER, A goat for Meyers I 1 V U. ..l.l Die... 1 r riceiaicu a lunua, n.a ,-ii'ist leceiveil a laree assortment of Shrel Muiir. i'lanos, and Mtlodeo Book. Seminary and Teachers supplied at tbe Publishers' dis count prices. Mask, published byOoaldXee tc Walker. 9. L. Walker, or any Publishers ia the United States, furnished at their prices. N.B. Meyers' and Voght's Pianos sold at less than City retail prices. Lewisbnrf , Nov. 14 Jamti I. Liaa. J. DerriU Lies. T F.H. M. LINN, is. atleneja at Law. LEWISBURG, 7i ' Vnioa County, Penn'a. II. GEBU1BT, DEsnsr, ffTl Market street, aext door to Browa ZIn7 Ruler's Stdre-JTEWISBURO. PA. : MEDICAL HEFOHM. M. H. DEKSHAM, M.D., PractMng t Physician aad Surgeon, will also pay particular attention to Chronic diseases, such as Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Throat lnsessr. Consumption when not to far advanced. Asthma, Piles, Rheumatism, Scrofula, White 8welline.Dropsy.Sick Head ache, 8t. Vims' Dance, Fits, Sore Eyes, Can eera. Tumors, Ulcers, Eruptions, dVc, also Female eoniolaints. as Prolapsus Uteri, (fall ing of the womb.) and all other complajpts of, ihe sex of every name and l rm. Most oi ine above loot .tao.linr dieeaeM ere rumble, and none more an than tho nf females, Peeltnc oaotSdeot that nearly alloftti. latter ean poeideely he rurwl. lhavinic eured anmeof ten en.! Srteen yeara" aundiniritboaanoteurabla rao be relieeed, aud ean aaneraliy be taken on the lib eral term "if not cured or reliered, no oompetuation b denianded.' Dr IKKll MaTadneted at tba releette Sfedtral Col- ieco of Oiaeinnati. haviOK Drt atudad tba old or Alio- aatlie aywlem in r-htiouelpnia, aiterw.rue ine enunam or Kolertie ayak-m of medieatioa. Tllifl ayatem uaea all Hie medieinea of th- rular or Alb'iathie aratem.eieeft Calomel. Areenie, Antimony, and Bleetline, (eater and better agents hat inft been dineoeered ;) but H nlao en bra, the many valuable medleineeof the B-anie erh-etl not known lo anv other eyetem ; nke, tne Improeementa of tha llvdrnpatliie, liomeoathie and Tliomennian era tami. Thia eeruin ly ia aa ago of pnwjveaa, and too New School mneee with the aire. N B. oar In N.TIIIHDSt - - - LEWISBURO. rriIE subcribers offer fur sale, at the L Lewisburg Foundry, in large or small quantities, 100,000 feet dry Hemlock Joists, Scantling, and Plank, at $9 per thousand. 50.000 Shingles, at $R.i0 per thousand. 6,000 feet small Buildins Timber. Also a lot of Pine and Hemlock BOARD8, Rails and Fence Hoards, on accommodating terms. GEDDES, MARSH &. CO. Lewisbnrg, May 15, 1867 HOUSE BUILDERS, TAKE NOTICE! The undersigned are appointed Agents for Ihe sale of Doors, Blinds & Window Sash of all sixes, made of the best material. All work warranted. ! - .Made by LU-Sl'ltOLT, Hughesville, Pa. and for sale by 67tf CHRIST At CALDWELL, Lewi sb g DENTAL CARD. TIIE new mfthod of inserting artiii- I 1 -TS ,u stl.antes JtVa bnoion aa 1 CIB1 Cnil,wum, lat-ejauuwHw Allen's iondnuouN cium uorK, without excepliua, the best improvement ever made in the art of Dentistry. This work, whin nrooerlv constructed, is the most Deauti- ful thecleanesi.combines the creates! strength wuh durability, and adds more to a clear aod distinct articulation, than any other kind of work eKrbroUpThttariitnpabit. And not oim this. Hr a brautiful diirovrry ta fOiMntioB with thi HyW of wrk, can atire tu facv it natural nrvi- tio, without, In tb Mt, inlrrfttriug with tbe a fulseM of th teeth ia matiratWB. I would take this mfthJ nilnlornntiitno iniv-rrrtTra that 1 haa pnrrhaikrd tba Patrnt kiiit tur tbin faluabiw iinprtmrnt, il th iufntnr. J'-bo A.lrn.lBow of Ntw York.) for tbin and Mffral adjoirtintr wunttrft. and that I am now manufacturitiff in articl of Tth aud tiumst that will rompaivfnTnn.i l with iiy thmg in that lint? that baa ctr br-n vauV in tbin nr aur oUi-r country. 1 ask all, and eapartally thoar that D-d trwth ( if th bava anpifvd tbtm or not, to call, and rsntnliir for tb-melas. l-'IT.w s,w nai :wt( On and Rfridrnre on Third atrvtH, nrar Market. Oflrfwin MlLTu!,on Briway.orCdwalladsrtt'rnTr West Branch Insurance Company, OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Detached Buildings, Stores, Merchaudize, Farm Property, and other buildine. and their coo tents, at moderate rates. Doing business on boihCash and Mutual plans. Capnal,30O,UO0. V1KECTV1CS. Hon John J Pearce Hon G C Harvey a 'i' Abrimi D J Jarkoiaa W White Thos Kitchen ('has A Mayer Chas Crist Peter Dickinson Hon. U. C. HARVEY, President. T. T. ABRAMS, Vice Pres. THO'8 KITCHEN. Sec'y. JAMES B. HAMLIN, Aeent, 627 l.rwishure,, L'nion Co. Pa. NOTICE. THE undersigned have this 2d day of Feb. A. D. 1857, entered into Co-Partnership for the pvrpose of carrying on a General Foundry BumIucnh ai the Brick Foun dry in Market street. Lewisburg, under the name and firm of Frick & l.illev. WILLIAM FRICK, JOHN L1LLEV. lewisburg, Feb'y S, 1857. A general assort. mem of COOKING STOVES for coal or wood. Stone Coal Stoves, Wood Air Tight and Parlor 8toves, Ac. in varie ty always kept on haad. C ASTINGS of a kinds made to order fqHocrs' & ?iJc't)qoii.'s' fastfriiiKe Coiip. a.w. cos. ssonsn aso walsut sts. ruaADKiraia. Capital l,230,000. Assets $108,151 13, luvesied in Bonds, Mort gages and other good securities. ARB YOtJ INSURED AGALNST LOSS BY KIRK ! There are but few who receive sympathy who incur loss by Deflecting this most necessary and tubstnntial precaution. We often see ii announced that persons have lost their slocks of (ioods and Furniture, and results of years of industry swept front them by the devouring element over which they have no control but hy being insured. Insurance protects you from the incendiary, negligence of servants and the casualties of yaur neienbnre. tt will impart coufldenee lo your ered lUira, and eiva character ih prudence nod preeantiou lo nil your hueineM trauaartione. ranjrlne from Jluu lo $1000. and yet how many there arw I who have no inauranee upon Goada. ?ornitnra. or nnv- snina eiaei it your Sloe, la email, anil we UNW 10 you mient be aerioua. Thia Company insures HrTr.tH.VCX. MKRCITAXD IZK, GOODS. PCRKI1VHK MAVI1XKK 1 and STOCK From $100 to $5000, nt tha Lowest Kates aod upon tha most Liberal Terms, aod raoMrr Paihsst on the adjustment of Lose. DIRECTORS. Ron Tho.B Florence I James K Meal I I U R nelmhnld Geo II Armstrong I Clia's Oiaeea I r.Carrol Urewster liaA.KuMoeam I Th ManderOtld I Isaac Leech, Jr. UnsvUelmbold tieaaral Snperintendent jnnf TROMASOIf. THO S a rLOHKKCK, President. EDWD B. UELMItOI.O. SeereUry. J. MERRILL I INN, Agent, 657 LKHlSBUKG.VnwnVo.P A CARD. To the Citizen oj Letci&urg. THE object of this Card is to call yonr attention lo Ibe fact lhat you can buy your Books aud Stationery cheaper, aod have a larger stock and variety to select from at Nea lua a .' Cheap Baokttore, than any other place in this town. We wish yon to call and see for yourselves and thereby be convinced. If yon were to consult your own iteresl,yoa would givethis establishment your liberal eneouragemenL We desire to see a taste for reading grow up, and to fur ther this we place good and useful works at such low rates as tn be within the reach of all. Young men desirous of improving their minds should embrace this opportunity of furnishing themseves with Books of Travel, History, Biography, Narrative, Science aad Art, which we offer at low prices. SrBSCRIBE for Harper's Magazine, tbe Knickerbocker, Graham's and other Magazines, at the Publishers' rates, at P. NEVIUS a CO8. UBSCRIBE lor the New Tork Ledger. Ballou's Pictorial. Harrier's niastrated. or any other Newspaper, at Publishers' rates, P. NEVIUS a CO'8. II Philadelphia. BROOKER 4k BIABSlf , Anctioncersand Commission Merchants, 161 North 3d St., 1 door below Vine, PAiA. SALES of Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods. Guns. Hardware. Watches, Fanry Goods, dte.,EVERY EVENING. lyCouotry Store keepers and others will always find at our Evening Sales a large and dcirable assort ment of Ihe above goods, to be sold in lots lo suit buyers. 'Goods packed on the premises for Coun try Trade. Sept. 25. iBSTmS MKEA'S CELEBRATED GLUE!, THE GREAT ADIIKS1VR. Bl t xurfal rtirlr i-tfr tafemUtl, (or hvum- urr vr -fhrm. urpafttr.K ulil- it Mfrv other jrltnj, jtum. m'tis. rpfr ' rnfit er known. ALWAT.1 KKAHY l-"H AI'I'LI'MTIuN. h- film Pati-wr. Cloth, Lstli-r. Vurnitiir. furf-li-i. t hi- nav,M-rbieiril-- for an-s.uticturiuic (avu- Arfi. iv-s. . Ty, (- tt tm nt ii,if mir. ' jprmtT ' MrvuKtl. lrmiisu oihur-.rthr.butx.lbr-.irior. jinrklyp lraviiifl at -Uaio whs-rei .Lvftwrtu r-j..irH( , m Vmim. ' ittijs Ihr layst Vfr upw:in1 of MM'U bntils n ( of ihiti jiwtty i-.v-t.r.irj LIQl l.n.Ll t. b o : and tbf (frratt risti . ht-l (I liw pnrl ia -rty i nor, lite drMrrfe-illy w-artil hr it ft Jfiiimul lii b ih ( niitnufav-ttirrr han t unt it. at t.m-f, Uiftirult to m-H: avrktrt irlti bv 'l b bavv utwd it. that ttn m nte arv fr , ab'r auy nituilar wrlirtr s-r I'il-v i t tbe puMie. f.rAif ;. KU rjtnrly r- n trf't-d'J-rv th -. tttlttrM-Cr'' t; l'r tl"f t " '' .MHf.'tr..' : Take no thrr. if H'A.Vi Ytll k tS IS A BUTTLE. Manufactured atw toi'l. U ,..., atitl Rrtaii, hf i U M V. M. ICKA. Sftn-n-T, Xo.07 Chi-tnat X , FMU'l-lfhia. j Yr!Jrprat ind or-m D Ls ofltrij to j;rvOa tLrirvu vf j elliufc tbabo article. HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. j rrillE fullowin?, from that eminent Physi- j cian of i'hilailelphia. Dr. Brinrkle.adiled lo the testimony i f Professor Buoih. only con- j lirms what is eviilenced by thuands wbo have used 7wrer'a 'ye. "fi iv r d Itow. rurTrT Prrrr, j l'hilarfell liia. U-rrmber Ti.l. lUi. In rejanl to Hirer's II .r Itf. 1 can .Ule unb.nla- tingiy Ibat il enntaine n leleleriou inareda'nte. at4 nay be uectl with tHtire ttlv n.l with Hie m'mtiw mfi dace ami ncau." W. I. UKIM'kl.E, SI. 11. ( llvoer't iVrilin'l & Imleliile. Inlet, Are so well and widely known, as lo require ( no eulosy of il.fir merits, it is only necessary : to say, that the sirady and incrrasine demand, : gives the best evidence thatihev maintain their . character for snperionty, which disitnguistie-1 ' them when first introduced, yean . ! Orders, addressed lo the Mnnfa'l'rv, o. 41. R ACE street ahnye Fourth. (dd .i 1 14) Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention by j 67y JOSEPH E. HOVER. Manufacturer. j HERRING'S SAFE. ! THE arKtiWLtlrfir-B II 4 M P 1 O ! Tilr; K Kl'hN f TRIAL? at Kra- dit ( taTa d the ( UlTt'Ilt f pib'ir oi'okni. ftntl i-flyflrmrd tin? , Vfnli-t ul iii-r. II. an 'i-'i ati.ltfii- , ta1 fir-. r ins t-iiurlusi'i-ly tdat "HfrrinptV' ia tba 'WsLK (Aft iuat h .trart th rnrnniitUs-'a Keiort "U tuv Trial of If u Jj.sft -a at K-altnc: On the -"'th of r-Vbru-iry ai I ih menii of th Com- , anittrf nift to wilDs-a Ib Sfr and b.ok atd ,Irs ; IlusTs-d in tbrtn) and wr pfrM-tl atinl.e-u thut ail wa rihrbt. 1 he day -llowir'flr. the burnlni; tw k pU3.ondrT the aurjw'riiits-nitVnr! oi ile lYmmtttr. Aitrr a fir and . impartial fcurolrf for b"Uri. tba Satit of Mrra Kvanjj A Wataon wa flr-t o. -n d, the S:.f.- l--intr -n Bra inMr,anl the cntxtt jiarliall" t-mium-l. while the i eoDtt-nU in ti r- of M ftm Knrrdi A llt-rnng were in ( good conditio, and no fire inctdf ' Ji-adins. Uard. 1, (Stgned.) II .F FFUT. . N C'i,r.M A , CcnmUtoe. A II PFVIN'K. And nilorrd bv ott .'-0 of tie Iv-at nis-nnf ' Thr aVoTfi ft-'ntn br in-r-svt-d at 34 Walnut ttn-.-t. ! wliarr tha public ran iwit:t tbaniM-'fra f lb jfrrnt an- : i-ri'ritT of th "ITviTinc;-' Itent rhampion." o-r tbc ' dtJaTaiati ait1? ut"t. up 'inaid Iron l"wr Salam.-ilidcr." I FAKuKLS At HLKKIMi, S4 Walnut Str-et. Iti .wMpM. 1 Omlf mnhtrt intuit nf JUrnny't i'utmi fkam j in- aitrtnpi mart hy "t"r partm to ho'Mcr ap the ' tvixiratton .t a lafs i i'"h h-ti J'kH'iI an fcaalt tn rfrv ' aVnCuf .Itrv in Fhila-telp:.!, i Iiut-a4 11 --.) I t tV-tt. 1 one cut of an cnta atore. ill. A . Lants.) m-vt ef.-w' U Vttcirm'it. (-iitliTi-nt fi"vni trioxr tby wll.) to "hurn up" j owf of Ilrrriraj",(boif Uirrk) h aiett with ita true re- ; ward. Hrrrinp a lf amM mU h 'nm(1 rotinr rt.DcIu- I rivly that tneonly ret ia hie SnlV now madrBaHerrrsfwf,'' of wlikh orr li,'r,' are now in actual usrjn'l tunrr Uian WO have ben tried by Are vitMnut a ttpU j ALEXAXDEIl KKIiH, IMPOXTEU and WaoLisaLi Diana is SALT. 31 Soul h Wharves, I'lilludcliiuia. ASHTON'S FIXE, LIVERPOOL GROI XD. TLKK'S ISLAXDand DAIRY SALT, constantly on hand, and for sale in lots to sun purchasers. Apr:l 3 l37iuf WATSOS, Philadelphia Manu facture! i Salamander Safes i Ao. 26 . Fnurtt. it., , L'afS" PluL.dtlphia. ' Truth is Mighty, and Mu.-t Travail. 1 Report of the 'ominitiee appninied tn super- ; intend the Durninz of the Iron Safes, at , Reading, February ST, In. '7. j l:clP(o. Mareh 4. Tba nnder-ivnetl. nterarera oT t!i. ntmiltee, do rea- I peeuuily report, thai we ,aw tlte Ivn .-al,a oriirinally Mill il nr-'n hy Karrele !! rntiir an.l F.vaiiK k H ateon. plai-ed ante by ride in a lurnaee, it : The San: in uee bv i the raymaati-r of the Philadelphia and Headinr Kailrnad ! Conjiany, In his oflior at lleailiatc. nianufactnred by rar- I rrls a llerrine. aU't llie Safe IU U..e l.y II. A Lent!, in I hia More, maniioirtured hy Kvaue k M atavn, and put in booh, and paper pre, teety alike. The fire waa started at n'ch-ek. A. !.. and kept up I until foureordeor ereen hirkory, twoeorihidry o.ik an-1 j half eheetnut top wood were eutin ly en.umed. tha whole under the auperinu-ixlence tr the euhiwriSere. , lenihera of theOotntoitle. The Sate were Iben eooleil ; off with water, afier whirh they were opened, and tbe niailta aud papera taken out hy tbe Committee aod taken to II. A. Lanti'. store mr puldir exan:inalion. alter tley ! were first examined and marled hy the I inomiltee. The books and papers taken from the maunfaetoreil bv . Kvaus a t aton were but eitehlly anVrted hy the inn beat, while thosa taken frim the eate manufiieturi-d hy , rarrelaA Harrina were, in our judKmeni.dam;ired fully ! fineen per eenL mora than tout taken from ran A ; 'J'-" We believe tbe above to hare been a fair and imn.pti.1 trial f the rat paetiva qualities of hnth Safes. JAl'nB 11. IiYSIIKR. VAMrXft. IILWTKIl. Ilavlnr been absent durine tha burning, we fully eo Ineide with the above statement of Ibe condition or tha papers and book taken our of the repecttve eajea. O. A. Ml'Ot.l.a. II It lt III.IM1KKO JAMES .MIMIOLLAND. Evan a Watson have now on hand 300,040 pounds! of the above S FE3, which Ihey offer for sale on better terms than any other manufacturer in Ihe United Stales April 3, 1057 67. yl a.The fottowinr named irentleincn.reeMents nf Reading-and Its vicinity, who saw the fir. bsea porehaeed Safes from I VAMS A WATSON siuce Ilia durum, up to Hay 1st, 1H:,T: t. A. Shx.lls, Lepold lllrah. Isaac Kuth. Kirk Heia. ter, W. Rhiads A Henry W Mis'inier. Dr.W Moore, Solomon Kb sids, Levi L. Smith. Iliah A Crai, M m. kirk, Kaulman A Kaum, W m MrKarHer." tleo. J. K k-rt. J M. A H. VY. Ilanetook, tara Miller, Ja. JsmiMiu. J B. A A.B. Warner. Jacob fVhmnrker. W m. kinc.V. B Scbollrnber car, R. K. Company. 11 A. Lanla, W. C. A V P. Krman trout, J. P. Bridenane, Billmeyer, Pnllmer A Cn.. Milton. Engraving and Seal Catting OF all kinds, at 204, ( Lesnut Street, ! PH1I.AU. Visiting and other CARDS, i Corporation and other SEALS.and everything I in our line oi Business, promptly attended to, in good style, and on reasonable terms. Or ders from City and Country solicited. H. H. e'CLTON. J. W. G. MASOX. 111 E subscriber con . linues to carry on the Livery Haalaesa at the Old stand on booth Third street, near Market, and respectful!. solicits tbe patronage of his friends and ilu public generally. CHARLES F. HESS. Lewisbnrg. May M, 1850 BOUNTY LAND WARRANT blanks lor all eagagrd in the service of the V. 8 in the War of 1813, and for their Widows, at the Office of the Lewisur; Chionicle. EV.4X9 & rfew Firm and Hew Goods! i AT the Mammoth Dng k Chemical Emporium of CHRIST sV CALDWELL. The undersigned havinf purchased the eatire Maminoih Drug formerly kept by Or ThmnUm 4 are bow ready lo fill Orders aod Prescriptions at a momeai's aotice. We have a larpe and well selected stock of fresk aul pure OhLOS, MEDICISES, Chem,eals Uyeslull-, Oils, Paints, Glass, Puny and JULil.lTb' tiL ASS W ARE, All kind of Patent JJcilieinn, Fruit sad Con feci ionory, TvbaccorSaufT.and Imported Cigars of the choicest brands, Panry AWtons and TuiUt Artielet, Fine Toilet S.aps ft Perfumery of all kinds, liitCMHES an Cunas op inir vaaiBrr. liuuks and Stationer), a rrneral variety ol Literary aal isrhuol Book. Pine Oil, l.artl anil Hum Lamps of every srription j fresh Pine Oil and Patent Burn- desr ine Fli luitl always on hnrta. PI HE WlXhS and LIQUORS of ail kinds for Medicinal uses. fire I'rm.f ami Zinc Paint: I'r-sfTviiir wti'l l'ltklinp Jars, So' ryt'uaton.era ill find our slock complete, comprisinir many artirles it is impossible here to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices Call and see us, nne and all, and see our stork ; and if we can't sell you cheap goods, we will not ak you to buy. We are alu ay on hand to wait on customers. Remember the Mammoih Drus; Store THEO. 8. CHRIST, . M. CALDW ELL. I.ewishnrw. I'ninn Cn. Pa. Cf LEWISBURG FOUNDRY. The subscribers, thankful f. r past patrnnace, would infi rm ihe out. lie that thev eontinoe in i9i;2!crm manufacture all kinds of MILL IrfcAKIMi and oiher tastings. Thrashing Machines and i.tlier Machinery repaired in ihe best manner. CaMmes warranted to be if Bond material, and at prires that can fajj toplese. (iEllUES, MAKSH & CO. J .eu ist.ii re. Feb. I5l Ct( X il.ti Stoves, of sarx us at'erns ; ami size-, for Coal or Woo , for sale all be Lewisburg Foundry by eddrs. Mired 4c Co. STO l:S Parlor. Wcrtd. and Coal Stoves, various pNlterna, for sale at the Lewi-ltur? Foundry. l.eddra, Matah A Co. 7IAR1'C5 I'alent Hang 1'low. a supe VV rior article, for sale at ihe Lewis!. urg Foundry by Grddrs. Mant A Co. GRAIN or Seed Drill. Ross' Pnv iit rlpcidedly lb" best and most dvrnhle ii'nin Diill now in use. for sales! the Four.iir) l.y (iedde, Msreb A Co. Hussey's Grain Reaper. for cuttinpf both Grain and Gmss M AM FACTI KED and for sale at u.e. Lewibture Foundry l.y JKUDKs. MARSH A r MOTIcr. Having ktn affoitudile i. SEXTO X to the Lewisburg Crmrirn, the subscriber would siate that he is prepare I to peril. rm all duties ccnr.ecieii wilh lie tun. 1 of the dea.I.on short ronce. Also that he v.'l attend lothe re-interment of r7eeea.ced j erf.ns, under the direction c f their sorvitin iiierds. Kesuieiice in ihe I.oi'je ai i!:e liaie f I th: Cemetery. CEOKCE DONACIIY. Lewisbnrw, May 30, lt-54 IRCW! IRCW!! IRCN!:! 23 17R LI . Jnst reciived at the ' HARliWARE STOHF. of Jn MtPALLEX. Farmers and Elatk smiths, call and see ihe Uirnl end I "I as Sfriment of Iron ever offered on the West Branch. Having ihe rxelutire ermrol of the celebrated Vhimhi Centre county Ir, n, he is enabled to murrunt every tar. A I sizes Tire, Srollrp, Ki uud and Square; Hc-rse Shoe, Xail Kods, Ac, at Cash prices to ail. Call and see the Hardware Mere rf JOS. MTADDEN. Lewisburg, May 10, lr55. llclmboItTs lie nu I ne rrrparalion or Highly enncenfratd Compound Fluid Extract -f S2 MtVjmrzm aj IOR liisrases of Blaller. Kidneys. GravfT, lripsv.Uakni-sses,Obsiruclii'nsecret Diseases. Feir-ale Complainis.and alt dieass i-f ih !Vxri.-il irreanm Hnin.i; fnm rxrtAf anrl in.Tiitl rtirn'" in lilv. ami nnis-n all 1 rftr Dicr har ;! fri m rhr R!aliiir. KMnrr or Sexual 4lrlt1.wtbr riiotint, in Miitui r'iua.e, fr' nbattrwt-r caiue bt liaw oripoatrs., aud do matter of how long standmrr, giving antl Vir tn th f'mv, and Bluom tu lb Joy to the Afflicted! Ucutv- TTrU" r.l tVli.iit.ttnl affv?rtrsi, aU't rrrrTf all th ?VM.T'iMS. -nionrf vhirh maj b ft.t.ri i It'litiei:ion tu exrtriTi. ltr of awtrr. Ita of n-rmry Ji tin nt rt .rrNt)iTUf. st ti4 ral f d t. borr r i-i -1 f Ms'.at'. Ur-rVt .tl i Ul I-1 IU(C. Ur-lt.! t Uj bFTUr f JrulD, biifht reuU, exit'l irt, wakt-fujrtw, ilitnn of fi-n n. UbfCitisr, unnt-r-il lailuslr -t ti.r miis ru'ar csTMs-m. ! rnnrawMnn aptftitv iiK oynf" jtie eympu m, h.t Lat.U. Much eg cf it- tstwly. tlrvrir-ci of th- k:n. p' Uhi ffiiti lenanrv auU rurIiMi on tb tit, ym in tht bark. ha iiM-wii f, thf rTvs-lisU, frrUfOtlT b-aik -p if fljii.n Wfora tliv r vf w iih t-a.i-nr r atTtiaroa and Iis-a of atittit, want of aUrnttoB. frrrat int-iiitj. norl rviitlf sons'", with hi-rror f iOrirly. oltiitf ia mT- durable to Mrh T-r"'P than soiiiu-t. nj ooUiin tb-T bj rt? di caxJ tr a-ar of li.rnv-a.wfea ; so njtna. of tuannr, no fariiealnvn. no (tprratattoa. tut a burrifii tranaition from on qurauoB to aootbcT Thr aropUHii, if al.4wt to e Mv-h thia mr4r ria iaatiaivi rrmcirj auon foilow or Powli, I ATI ilt. aPD KPlLrFTlC 1" ITU IB OD-Of Llt B th Battal bt tx(iir. U bo ran put ibat then tirtj r l frti(Ut-iUl y follow. J y thoam :ifvful dtsrafw-a I-ani: and Cosoai'lifn 1 Th ivrnnhi of tba Iihm ami lb- mv'anrbulT drath. by C'on.aB.ptioB. Krar anipl Uatimeny to the truth of tmrm aafrrtioBa. Ia Luaatiff Ayiuai the n(Mt ant'laiis h'ily -ibibitroa a a-iri. Tba rnuntsDNnrv ta artually lien asii qoilr dtti(abkBwi' tbtr Biirth or pirivf t tT iimU it. frbouiilaaouail oi lb ruiee ocror. it ia rarrty artita'atc. W ith wispful mraaurr, wan d-rair leow aulle-B tvnnda his arirf br-jcuilrd. Pfbitity iri mofit t-rribl f anil haa bronpht thrrvarfr nrvnn thoowinsJ" ta untinr-t? arav, tfaus blastingr tha ambitron ol nan nobis? Tootb. 11 fin ba cuivtl by U r..fii.ia IN FALLl Itl.K REM KM. Ifyna an auftfring with any of tbe ahova dijslrwioj af!nimt. tli- 11.11 U EXTKAtT BUCUC will ran 'Mi. Tr- it and bv cnnviitcrd of ita rfflraty. Blwau or Qt ACK Nonar-a Qfa- rnMS, wbo taWl bn-at nf abilitit-a and ivtV-rrnrv-. 4'itifrtrf bnt and aioid tb at. and nt Inoa: l.rTt : in e. mtonyt and rxpe.r-ar. by a-ndiBK or railing fbr a botti of tbia Tcpular and i-tias.r It allava all pain and inflBatfftB.i rfrtVrtlT In it t astir aai odor, but iniairdiatr ia lU action. HEMBOLirs EXTRACT BUCIIV Is prepares direerlv aeeentinir tn ibe Rules nf 'W-l-M II I AX If t II t. MIXTA-r, lth Ike crrale.1 aeeuncT and rbemirnt Sminledte aui rare deveteil in its ecsiM nation. ee Prtilesaur Ueneea' talaabla r. i-.a UK rreedee of fbrsie, aud moat of tbe late Standard aerks ol Medidna. Sioo ja One TTnndred Dntlars will be paid tnanv rhv.h-taa enn prove tbal tba Madieine aver injur.d a I'ala ai . aad tbe testimony of tboaeande ean be pn.dnredtirn'etr1 it does rreat (end. Casea of fri m one t ! tnrle" veers' sundms Save bees eaVeted. The . of -tary Teetimony io pnsaeraion af tbe Propriet- r, veuf iiist iu virlnea and eurative powers, it immerse. emtreoaeT naiars well known u H la.V ' A l t l.Hfc 100,000 Bottlet Hate Bten and not s aiagte Instance of n milnra bns been reverted rerseaally appeared before ma aa Aldermaa et Cltvof Philadelphia. II. T. Hmsoia. Cbemi-t. ' duly sworn does any. tbat km preparatiea f" Nareotic, mercmry er injurious trrns. but are purrl? awtnbw. U.I lUnaoia, S.4. Msnutsetarel- Sworn aad inbarribcd n. re me thisi .1 dav . f V"ur bar, ISM. W U. P. tl IBB KB, alderman. JVice, $1 per Bottle, or ,x f.r V lUter' ' any Addreu, aeeeve pawled by rallnolenna Ivssjssaaikar CerOes Pr.sara ol Heuieal loilefaa, iierjjmea -1ii Frewed and sold by M T. sW". Practical mnd A-alil' ; (Trsiiel. An. 53 Sulk renf IkuOuU.Au-'l ""-T ' .ra te he a lenpsri.'t. rsd IWfces (.. I'mUtd SlaUM. tbaedo sm AVina vaeennea. BEWAtu: or couKTEsrtrTS. At for lUmboidrtTukt no WAcr-lv-Gumantied. 5. ,? ji- S0y) CJIXJi T 4 CALDWELL, tsn-