Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 25, 1857, Image 4

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Kcmlaiaceace of Canning.
Mjny nf us have laughed, rear ago, over
the felicitr of the rhyme of George Canning,
which follow, but we will co,'jr it for such
of our reader as may chance never to have
seen il l
Whene'er w:ih hajsard eyes, I view
Tins dunseon thai I'm rottinr, in,
I funk of those companions irue
Wlin studied with me in the V
niversity of Gottingen
niversily of Gottingen.
Sweet 'kerchief,checked wilh heavenly Woe,
Which once my love tat knotting in !
Alas! Matilda then was true !
At lean I thought so at the L"
niversily of Gottingen
niveruy of Gottingen.
Barbs ! barbs ! alas 1 how swift ye flew.
Her neat post wagon trotting in!
Yc b.re Matilda from my view;
Forlorn I languished at the V
niversily of Gctlingen
niversily of Gottingen.
This faded form ! this pallid hue!
This blond my veins is clotting in ;
Mr years are many they were few
When first I entered at the U
niversity of Gottingen
Diversity of Gottingen.
Then 6rst for thee my passion jrrerc,
Sweet! sweet Matilda IVttiiigen!
Thou wert the daughter of my tu
tor, law, professor at the U
niversily of Gottingen
uiversity of Gotlinpen.
Sun, moon, ami thon, vain world, adierj.
That kings and priests are plotting in;
Here doomed to starve on water gtu
el, never shall I see the 1"
niversily of Gottingen
niversily of Gottingen.
Ancient ramiHe.
It u well known that the Highlanders
re great sticklers for hereditary honor?,
and trace back, with tie most earnest ven
eration, tie origin of families into the re
motest ages. An amusing instance of this
tenacity to bold to tbe dignity and antiq
uity of their kindred, may be fouud in the
case we subjoin.
A dispute arose, between a Campbell
and a 51' Loan, upon this never-ending
Bubj.'ct. M'Lcan would not allow that
the Campbells bad aoy right to rank with
the M'Lcans in antiquity, a ho he iusisted
were in existence as a clan from the begin
ning of the world. Campbell bad a little
more biblical lore than bis antagouist,aod
asked him if the clan M'L?au lived before
the flood J "Flood, what flood?' said
ti'Lean. "Wbj.tbe fljod that, yon know,
drowned all the world but Noah, and bis
family, and bis fljeks," replied Campbell.
"Pooh ! you and your i iml," said 51 'Lean;
"my clan was afore the flood." "1 have
Dot read in my liible," said Campbel!,"of
tbe name of M'Lean going into Noah's
ark !" "Noah's ark 1" rctoru-d 51'Lean, in
contempt, "iclio ecer heard of a M'Lcan
thai had Hot a boat of hit okh f
CP" The aseof falaratus in cooking, is now
generally regarded as destructive to health,
although -handy'' in some cases of haste. It
tends especially to dyspepsia. A "poick" who
feels bad from some cause or othrr, relieves
himself by tbe following anathema :
None now can make a shortened cake
A. good as could my mother.
And I do know why it is so
As well as any other j
Because since then, some wicked men
Who about "improvement" prate us.
Have made a stulfc the bread to puff,
And called it Saleralus.
Don't ask us why so many die
That some should live's surprising,
IS i nee now our food is made of wood,
And salt is used fur "rising."
I hope the cooks, with their good looks,
V ill not exterminate us
With cake and pie, mixed op with lye,
Iteduced tj Saleralus.
May ev'ry pot in which they've got
Tbe stu.1, be burst to atoms;
May ev'ry tin in which it's been,
Be minus tops and bottoms.
May ev'ry store on sea or shore,
(What else could more elate us ')
By tire or flood, or in the mud.
Lose all its Saleralus.
And now, ye fair, I little care
What else may be the diet ;
Though made of rye, and hard and dry,
The big brown loaf, I'll try it.
With cabbage b'lled, and turnips piled.
You're welcome to come at us;
Yes, anything but poisoning
With cursed Saleralus.
The Truth. While the creed of the
Republican party is, "Equal and exact
Justice to all men, without regard to re
i; i..i;i, ..!. ....." ;t ;.'
ligiouorbrth.orcolor or fortune ,1 .. .
. L 1 1 .1.. a. a. t
cuijiuaiicaHj in mu ,'rcscui. coi.ii.sv uc
bite Mm a parly. Tbe Democracy aud day, July 21, and continue Wi weeks. Its 1
tbe South. Americans are cunuingly eoga-! 'oca'ion is pleasant and healihy. Buildings :
! new and commodious, and I erins low. It is
ged ia exteuding tbe power and the curse ihe constant aim of the Teachers to impart '
of Slavery, which uut only wrongs the j sound instruction, and carefully develope and ,
i, , . . . . .... . , direct the Menial, Moral and Physical ener
Black man, but injures the bite "--""'ie, of the students. The course of studv will
also ia many wajs.
AQu ycr, to rcai tuc
munAra nf lhat rTtv Af.Itr rn a mimtit nn.
4 f J e r
pose the Keputlican party was advocating
tbe fights of the Colored race, without any
regard to tbe interests of the whites. The
truth is, the Democrats and South Ameri
cans arc both so full of the spirit of Slavery
propagation, that tbey cry "Nigger ! Nig-
gerl asleep and awake, and really seem i
, ,.. t
tO tLlUK It 18 the lu publicans (instead Of,
themselves) who are trying to spead "Nig.
gerism." They are like tbe drunken cbap
who tumbled off a stage coach, and after
reaching tbe ground told the drirrr to
"right the old thing up." The driver
told him tbe slice was rieht side UD bad
ot fallen over. HV."naid tbe outsider.
"if I had knotcn that, I tcould not got out.'
,j ..,.,.. "
If these gents who only know enoogh to
jell "nigger: nigger r'would inform them
selves and bo honest, they would join tbe
White Man's Party and leave negro driy
itig atnaigaruation,aDd the traffic in human
fl.-ili, to somcboJy el?c. j
A country paper, puffing np a recent
camp-niceting, sayu "the proceedings were
decidedly eu'.husiastic" evidently, in his
discriminating view, equal to a circus or a
"Donnybrook fair !"
The saying of a White Mountain stage
driver to a New Yorker sitting with him,
I a'pose if I weut deaun tu York I should
fMt dot up
lure," is not i,,
f ana
S !!:; fell 5
1 91 i s
kiasl raw
THIS sterling machine has within the past year been put to severe actual tests, ana
been very much improved by the addition of a 2 inch fly wheel, new gearing, joint bolts,
and other minor improvements, and is now offered to ihe public with ihe certainly that itis
nia.le in ihe very best manner, and lhat it will grind and piess easier and faster lhau any
other Mill in the markeU Dealers and others supplied on liberal terms.
IN the School opened in Frick's 6uilding,on
Wednesday, August 12 ill, will be taught
all the branches of an English and Classical
Education, Primary, Commercial, Classical,
and Normal Departments will be formed, and
the most thorough instruction given o pupils
of every grade. H. D. WALKEK,
aul4 Principal.
To Teachers.
fTIHE County Superintendent will be present
J. at the new School Building on Saturday : vinced bv practical experience of the superi
12th in si, at 9 o'clock A.M. for the purpose of orjtv Df Vandsrttiet'$ Tread I'owrr over the or-
eiaminins persons wishing to make applica-1
lion for Schools in this Borough. Several .
Male and Female Teachers will be wanted. ,
Sec. pro tem of Board of Directors
Lewisburg, Sept. 2, 1856
Examination Of Teachers.
I WILL meet for examination the Teachers ;
of the different Districts of Union Counly ,
at ihe following times and places : j
Sept. 12 Lewisburg, at the Public 8.H. !
2t-New Berlin & Jackson.at N.Berliu.
1 Miflliiiburg. at Mifllinhurg.
23 Buffaloe.at Buffaloe X Roads.
24 Kelly, al Royer's S H.
25 While Deer, at New Columbia S. II.
26 East Buflaloe.at .Mi. Pleasant S.H.
28 Union, at Winfield S.H.
29 Limestone, at usual place.
Oct. 1 Hartley & Lewis Harlleton 8 11,
2 West Buffaloe at Red Bank S.H.
Examinations to commence at U o'clock.A.M.
A full attendance on the part of Directors
and others feeling interested in the advance
ment of Common Schools, is desired.
1). HECKENDORX. Ccunty Sup'U
New Berlin, Aug. ", 1857w3
"1TTII.L open for the Winter Session of six
months on Thursday, Sept. 24th.
Tuition, COLLEUE, for tbe session $20.00
Fuel, Library, &c.
Classical '
" Charges
Female Institute, reg'r cenrse
1 40
General Agent & Treasurer.
Lewisburg, Aug. 11, 1857. 3ni696
' 'HE FALL SESSION, of this Instiln-
X tion, will commence on THURSDAY,
Sept. I?th, 1857, to continue 13 weeks.
The WiMTta Session, cf Ihe same length,
will immediately succeed the former, to be
interrupted by a Vacation dnnf the Holidays !
As the public are pretty fully acquainted ( Nrfltson. smuel lunei,n,John HoiTer.Jona. M-Wiiliani,
wilh the Success of the Principal, during the Jaeob Meyer. Ueorxe ttuyer.-lr., Henry Meyer. John Car
lo rears of his eonneclion wilh lhe Acade- fr- !'n""' liitutaud, J.ihn lla.-aon. ieo. Jack, Samuel
1U years 01 nis connecnon wnn ine Acaue- . wi,.UDjJullo !!,,,; .w .Meek, ILillip Meyer .3m
my. .. ejirav-.a... ,uu ..u P.o. r,
re ,, nf rtlaee culllee it to av llial fi I lhe
Branches of a thorough English and Classical
Course are taught, and thai youths are fitted
either for College, for Teaching, or for gene,
ral business.
Tbe Bible is a text book.
A large class of Young Ladies is secored.
TUITION per session of 13 weeks, including
contingent expenses.
Pill M ABT rtteadine. Writing, Hi liner, Arithmetic,
3M..nm.aii.l f 8. Hitorr. 5 0
ant am-kii i. Mi li mi jmii ot inrioird abore.
LAMiL Ai.K.s . o-ooi
No additional charges; also, do dedncttons
except for protracted s.cknes
August 20, 1857
PTinriilTTin rt t nnuv
Freebnifr, Snyder Count-, Pa.
g Jm Scmi-AnnUal Session Of.
,h,s Institulioo will commence on 7m-,
i thorousniy prepare those pursuin? it for Col
lege, the
study of a Profession or business
ntircn,iG. Th-a
I nm ...a,., f,riitiM , Temeher. and thoe wirhlnr lo
1 heromesurn tnar-juire tlie nerevary q ua lineatmns. The
County Sapcriutendefit will frequently review rlasses.
awl ieeture on tbe prartieal duties of tbe sehnol rona.
tie of tbe eehnnl riom.
Uetnrel are aln.deli.ered in eouneelion with tbe .uljeet
! (if tule. and eeenr exertion made tonaalilv arnlleanta
f r tlie Prf.fre.inn. arraneementK are tiein; made with
I'irectr.r. to procore arbo"). lor tboae who obtain credila-
I.U. eertiresfe.. TRI-Ud
r iioard. Tuition. Room, e,irari:-m, $!-,;tofo
Tuition alone, per ar.won. as to sis
Tuilh alone, in Normal Dep't. per Quarter. 6
" tuhp. a-' t per
weva. uei a iuuoue eonlainine turtber lrtlculars.
Aairre. i.fcu. t. M rlil.ANU, Principal
IX lies and Pistols are like ordinarv Rifles.
i except that by a very simple arrangement of
n.amm"-. ano T aa""",n OI an.,1,her. nlP:
I i j t j u
u uiscnargeu Kparaitig ana at ninerent
' hjects; thus serving the same purpose as
double-barreled fire-arms, while they are only
half as heavy.
Manufactured solely by the sobscnbers.who
keep constantly on hand fire-arms of all de
criptions, ammunition, and hunters' equip
ments. liepairins; promptly attended to, and at
reasonable prices.
Lewisburg, Union Cov Pa.
1 1 Cash paidfurold Brass or CoppervCO
Aug. 6. 1657e Um
THE Partnership of the undersigned, tra
ding under the firm of Brmen 4 Ritler,
was this day dissolved by mutual consent; all
persons knowing themselves indebted, will
I call and settle without delay.
Aug. 10, 1837.
lluutteckcr'a CLOVER UCI.L.EH.
riIHE subscribers still continue to manufac-
Hire ihe above Machines, and as there
are over 500 of them now in use in Union
and adjoining counties, we deem any further
recommendation unnecessary.
The machines are all warranted not only to
do good work, but better work than any other
kind of machine now in use.
T. CHURCH . tiarueton, ra.
Anrdv to Tito's Came. Harlleton,
or 1 Rooks, Union Furnace.
Chester County
ANE and Two Horse Endless Chain
If POWER. The undersigned being con
dinary five horse power now in use in the
West Branch country ,for threshing out grain,
have purchased the patterns and right to
make them. We are now making and have
nn hand a larze number, which we propose
to introduce on the plan if they don't answer
to the letter of ttie guarantee given wilh each
of them, the machine will be taken back and
lhe money refunded, if paid. They are now
lm,,st the only entire Threshing Machines
" Chester. Montgomery. Berks and
Delaware counties. Their advantages are
'" al,nos d?uble ,he wo-'t-
cording to the number of horses used, than
the old machine will do; I tfthey will save
at least two hands ;jr and Threshing can
all be done snugly closed up in the harns, in
wet days, when tbe bands would be otherwise
unemployed. T. CHURCH A CO.
Hartleton. Union Co, Pa
Apply to Tmo ('hijsch, Hartleton, or
or Dr. I.. IiiMi.,Union Furnace. y645
A Call to Farmers.
Farmtrt, drop your lurils pautr a little
rciuf this, ami rrjtrrt!!
ANEW and scientific manuring system,
for the cultivation and increase of all
kinds of grain, grasses, fodder and pasture,
upon all kinds of soil, proved by actual expe
riments and based upon evident truths, desig
ned to improve agriculture in all its branches ;
represented by upwards of one hundred and
fipy engravings of the most valuable grasses
and plains connected with the system, by DR.
C. U REINHOLD, of Boalsburg, Centre Co,
In IM trotttir It will It ft-rn tti.t the ntjeet hu tires
to gt tlie farnerthatkiwlat iiiAruintiiiti hirh rnabirp
bina to Blake prarttol efplk-ation to S-rtilise hi IsihJ eDl
, incrrearuii:riuD,tbWt-raiMlestttivK, Tuednrtrtnee,
I a teozht by tht Baoarinir, eJMl fltdJ-r, and partore rul-
ti ration ivnpn. are ratloaal, clear and evident, and .ur
eet an improvement in tbe mode ol acrieullure liitberlo
nuknonn to our farmer, and whii-ii. if edo&trd. m.d
carefully frarlired can not fall to adranee tile interetii
of tbe farminr eommunity. Burli a work baa been much
wanted, a it fi'ls a void whieh ttae long been fell, but
vtucb them baa hitherto been no alb-mpt lo supply.
And ai rtrmeni of I'enlre and Huntingdon eoutitk-a ne
reromtn-nd I lie work to every farmer, aa tbej will reap
the ereatert poMble U-neht from it.
, F , . Lewisburg by Da. I. BRUGGER.
s '
Important to Dagnerreotypists,l!Iarble
ueaiers ana otners.
MOXUMESTAL Daguerreotype Ca-
J s. A method has lung been sought for
to insert in a durable manner, Dacuerreotype
Likenesses tu Head Stones and Munumetits.
I hare been manufacturing these Cases for the
. . . .
iwo years, anu can warrant iiirm 10 secure
me picture lor a lODg Dumoer oi years.
The outside case is made of Parian Marble.
and lhe whjch encwe5 lhe picmre and
keeps a 5la(e of gnRt preserJation for a
long number of years, is made of brass a
tcrtwoux. It makes a very neat job on a Head
iSlonf r Monument. They are used in Green-
::';aJTlr'r, Aob.or":L;;"', ".
and many other Cemeteries in the U. Stales.
A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers
and Daguerreolypists. Price from $2.35 each
tou.so. A circular of engravings wil bt
sen. toany address, free, wh price' Hsu Ad.
to $9.50. A circular of engravings will be
dress, A. L. BALDWIN. A?ent
of Maiuolcom Co., 315 Croadiray. New York.
VH l ii ii
( JOHN g. or It ia lb Author, nho ha haj 10 eeara
" exirlencv a a llanker and Publi.hfr, and autlior
-J; .b.n ,r lu 'aneee-riee nichoio.rr tf iMMm Iwir
greeted ijjo! Witn round, of apilaune, while he exhi
rs hited the manner in wbii'h counterfeiters eleeule
their fraudn. nod the aurent and ahorleet nieane of
Odctertine thi-m! TLe Uank Note Eneravera all .ay
O that he,b the srenteet Judge of Taper Money lielng.
p (J i rati tl Diuxtttru of the I'retent ('en-
. n..- r . y n ..r.
S tUTtfJurimcawy wounrnyvll IMMCAulc.
DeFCribinc ererv ceunine bill in exl.tenee. and exhi.
S biting at n slanre every eounterlVit in eirculation!
Arraneed en admirably, that referenee ia ea.y and
O di-teetion Inaiaotaneona. No index to alanine. No
paaef to hmtt up! llut m limplifiil and arraneed,
B that the Merchant, llanker and Bunineei SJan can
O ase alt at a Kluncrt
Enatiiib, French and Oermaa, thus nay each read
t tbe fame in bis own catire tooeue.
g MotlprrfirtiJiink Note Lid ecer publithcd
Aleo a list ofati the Private Bankers In Amerlea. A
O enmplelesumn-a: y of lhe nnaneeof Europe and Amer
lea will bcpubii-tied in earb edition, together wilh all
the Important of the Day. Also,
aT. rrom an Old Ilanuseript fouud in the East. It fur-
r ' ni.he. lhe unat MnLl. I. i ...... r.t tt; . -1 1 i. -
" ttSS?ST2JZSZ k....
(g oiu-n iouihI. Tb-srtoriewilleontinnethrouiiliout
: 3 me wnoie year, and will prore tba atnat nlertaiaina;
9 erer offered to the public.
M a.Vurni.hed Weekly to Sokeerihrrt eah, at 11 a
A year. All lettera mast be addreSMHt to
ft J'HIN 8. IIK. Bxosra,
O Pnbliiber and Proprietor, 70 Wall t. .New You
Pianos, and Dnsic.
.JOS. L. YODER, Agent for Meyers'
rand Voght's celebrated Piano, has
"iust leceived a lar?e assortment of .cAe.i
inu.ve, f'tanoi, and Milndnn Bnoks. Seminary
and Teachers supplied at the Publishers' dis
count prices. .Music published byGould.Lee
Walker, . L. Walker, or aoy Publishers in
the United States, furnished at their prices.
N.B. Meyers' and Voght's Pianos sold at less
than City retail prices. Lewisburg, Nor. 14
James F. Linn. J. Herrill Limy
T F.i J. M. LINN,
J Attorney1 at Law,
674 Union County, Pcaa'aw .
PROPOSING AmeadoMDU to thcConatila
, tion of the Com mi, n weal lb.
Rttol rvj Ike Stnat mmd iMkM iff KeprtwrntaHri of tht
fhmmvmwuaUk I Mjn.M in AtmmUf met.
That the fbl!owin atrol-eU mtv prfpol to th Oon
tiUitto of th Connwowaaltb, la acewdaBM with Um
proTUauoj of the tenth article tberaoC r
Then shall be aa adJitionai axtieto to aaM eoaatitatinn.
to te Oepigutcd aa article eieveB, as ftiUowa:
or public DenT.
ftcrrrm 1. Tbe aute war oatract tVMa, to mpply
cauwl d4clta or failure! in NveBMtcto veetexfrnnMa
not oth-rwlae provided tor ; bat the aarette mount of
acb VlU, direct aad eoatingrai. wbetber ooatractcd by
eirtae of one or more arte of tba geaeraJ anembly, or at
different Drhndaofliene, ihaJI etrfi4 a-rrahoadred
aad flfty ihouMod dtUani .and tbe atooey arMnK from the
creaboa of Mfh debts, dial I U apli-jd to lae pir)m fr
hirh it wa obteJoed, or lo rrpay the debU ao eoatracted.
aad t ao other fnee whatever.
UK-no- J. la addtlioa to tbe above limited power, the
atato may rootrwt dvbu to repel InvaMoa, aappreM iaf ur
rectioa. d6:ud tw etato ia war. or to ndeem the pnwrut
ovtMandliiff Indebtedne-a of tba auto ; bat the aton-y
aruiiig from tbneontrart.ow of rach drbta, aball be spiird
to Use pur pom for whirl, it wan rated, or to repay aaca
dVhu, aud to no othvr purpoM whatever.
gtcriua 3. Kirfit the dflrtJ above tmecifled la aeetioaa
one and two of tbif arttrlr.nodcbt whatever aiial. be crra
bd bvoroa br half of the state.
Sumos . To provide for the payment of the prete-at
drbt, aud any addiuonal debt eonlracted as ai(srtaid. tbe
ItciHlafcure sball, at its Qrl suasion niter ine aafpnon vi
this amendOH-nt. ervate a siukins; fund, which shall be
autltrirnt to pay tin- eccrnins; intenst on surb debt, and
annually tortlu-e the princial thereof by a sum not less
than two bi-nrirvd and tlftv tliooKaud dollars; wbirb sin
kii.K fund . hail enn-.it of the net annual income ol ttra
public workc, inmi time to time ownrd by tbe Ut, or
the procevtln of the sale of the same or any part thrfof,
and ot Hie iueome or proreels of aale of stock owui-d by
tlie stnte. tmpt-t hf r with ot Iter funds or resoum-s that mny
W do.uatnl by law. Tire Mid sinking food may be
inrreasid, from time to time, by af'.fntuK to it any part
of the taxr. or othr revenun of the state, uot n-ijuin-d
tor the ord!nary and enrrent expenses of twernuieut:
and unless in case of war, tfirankia, or insurrection, no
part or the said tinkinjr fund shall be asrd or applied
ottierwiw than in extinjruishmeat of tbe public debt
until the amount of sorb debt ia reduced below tba sua
of live million of dollars.
tSsmoxa. Tlwciitof tnoeeaaawma-ealth shall aotia
any manner or event be pledurd or loaned to any individ
ual, ronipaay, corpora tion, or associatVn; nor shall the
common wealth hereafter beeome a joint owner or atock
buldfr in any company, association or corporation.
Sunns 6. The nimmonwealth ahall not iwua the
d i-lt, or any part thereof, of any e.Hinty,eity,borouf:h or
town-uip. or ol any corporation or asM-naiion, u-u
deM "hall have been rnntractd toenable tbe state W repel
invasion, suppress domestic insurrection, drf-nd its If in
time fif war, or to assixt the state la the discharge of any
portion of its prraent indebtedness.
Hel-tiom 7. The legiiilatore aball not authorise any
county, city, borough, townnhip, or incorporated district,
by virtue of a vote of its dtiaens or otherwise, to le-come a
rtork bolder la any company, astmeiation or eororation, or
to obtain money for or loan its credit to any corporation,
association, institution or party.
SKron AvxxDiirjrr.
There shall be an additional article to said ooutUuUoa,
to bt designated as article eleven, as fellows.
Airicut in.
!fo county shall be divided by a line cuttint; on atct
One tenth of tU population, fePbeT to frrm a new county
or otherwise. without tbe express assent of such county,
by a vote -f the electrs thereof; nor "hall any new
county be established. containing kss than four hundred
suare miles.
From section two of the first article of the ciastltuton.
strike nut the words, . CA ciy I'hi atitlphin, 4
enra coamry vMseeurwy .-' front section nve. name article,
strike out the word, I'Uilaiitlphia and nf the trrtml
Ctmutie from tcction seven, same article, strike out the
words. nithrr V" nfjr fhitodftphia. nor nnv," and
insert ia lieu thereof tbe words "mnd ma ; and stnXe out
section tiurf aaaie article, and ia Uea thereof insert tbe
u Se.tio?i 4. In the venr one thousand eltfht hand red
and fixtj-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, I
rt prricntatives, to the number of one hundred, ahall be
apportioned and distributed equally throughout the state !
l diatrictft,in proportion u me numorroi tax a dm innao
itaut in Ihe several iarts thereof, except that any county
eontaininit at least three thousand five hundred Laxables
may be allowed a vcparate reprenentatioa ; but no wore
than three counties fhall be j-Mnnl. and no county shall
be divub-d. In the n-rmation of a dUthct. Any city coa
tsininic a suffh lent numlier of tuablee to entitle it to at
leat two rvpreftentalivt-s. ahall have a separate reprrfwn
In I ion dsidtrned iL and shall be divided Sato convenient
diatricts of contijruous territory, of equal taxable popula
tion as near as may be, each f which districts shall elect
one rvpn-aentative.'
At tbe end of section seven, same article. Insert these
words. tV eii y f iltitiHtelBAi tknll br Wtrvrfen' rf nft
ttnatoriat dittrteU. mf conttgw-u territory as neary ffttnl
in fciTrfWc pnpnlutum es p$tMr ; but mm ward aitsUl be
diried fit Me farmmXHm Caerro.'
Tte tecislature, at its Drat sreeion after the adoptinsi of
this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia into
senatorial and rrpintativediairicJkin tb man ier above
prnvi"led; a web districts to remain aacbaad until the
apporthnineht in the year on Utoaaaad eifibt huadrrd
and sixty four.
ntTtTSJ AMKrVDMrjef.
There shad be an additional aeetioa to the first article
r.f .-ir ew.M.tltMkkt. vahat h k.H a- -
as fDtlows:
Ts be AVrfvew XXTi, ArUclt U
Tlie lejrUlaturc a ha'l have the power to alter, revoke or
annul any charter of rncorpieration bercaftrr conferred by
or under any special or svaeral law. wheaever la their
opinion It may he injurious to the citiseos of the com
monwealth; in sttch manner, however, that ao Injustice
hail be done to the corporators.
In Pextrs,
March -7, 1R.-J. f
ft'tfilrvd, Tbt this resolution para On the first amend
ment, yeas 'H nays 7. On the second amendment, yejta
'1, nays H. On the third antendmeat, yeas 1H, nas
On tin- RHirth amendment, yeas 'i, nays .
t.a tract from the Journal :
Is lloiss op RrntEtirxTxnvEs,
April ltv.7 I
i'?efri',Thst this resolution paas. On tlie first amend
ment, yeas 7 s. nays li On tbe second amendment, yeas
a7, nays :h. in lue tnini amtvinienc, yeas i naya M
and on the fourth amradment. yeas tiU, nays 7.
Kx tract from the Journal :
Sscarr tar's Orrtes.
filed May i, 1S5T
Acrrtaryf tkt lommumwemttk.
t5KmrrAKTs Omri, I
nAUUfBtBS, J one lSiT.
I do rrtifj thnt Ike mhnrm arxl foregoing in a tnw and
rorrrct eopy of the oricioa. liutktn rlatiT lo mm
Amfodnirnt of the ConsUtttUon," m Um now muitu
on fil in tht office.
l la ttnio t wnfrrao; I har hireanto mH my
nana auu cann-a 10 ie mxifl tbe twaJ or the
SeeteUr y ' Office, tbe daj and yar ahorr wri ttea.
Secretary of the Cbmnumtceul k.
" I?r Rebate,
Marrh 'iT. 157.
Rv-rmTnlloB prfrpoHntr amrailinrata to tneConiiUtution
of the CftninMinwvaiLn, bring under cotuidt-ratioii.
On the qurs-tion.
Will the firnat atrrre to the Unit amradment 1
The fno and naya were takrn agreeably to tbe profit
)on of the Conatttution, and were mn H-Mow. via :
Yt M'ttrt. ltrtor Unmyne. 0ffrw Ely Eeans Fetter
FUnnilm Frater Ingram Jordan KiUinger A nor laubnch
Lwi Mgr Srofeeid Srlier Shuman Steele Utraub Hash
HilltnM Wright and Tagoart (Speaker) 24.
N.tv JrTf. CraUi CretsweU t'tnury (jnyf Uarrti In
rore and Souther 7.
So Uie queatwaj waa determined is the affirmatire.
On the jitettiot
ill Uie Sd-nate agree to the arennd amentlment f
Tltf yeaa and naya wrrr Uken agrerably to the provla
lon of the Count 1 to tion, and were aa follow, viz :
YtkS.Vrttri Hreteer Browne LYttiwtl E'f Erans fetter
Finney Fltuniien Ingram Jot don A'no Laul-ach tswit
Myrr Srltere ftkuman Smther Steele Strmub Weitk WUkttu
W right and Tagyart (Speaker 'JZ.
WMr$r$. ioffem LTnlJt FYattr Grtffg Ifarru KiUin
ger ly-nnte and SofiJdH.
to tbe tiuwlion waa determined la Uie affirmatire.
On the qaeetion,
U ill Uie tenate agree to the third amendment I
The yeas and nay were taken agreeably to tbe CodjU
tntion, and were aa toltow. vit :
Tata MuriMrower lirmwne Orabb CrettmeU Ely Erant
Flewniien Prater Inaram Jordan KUlinger A'nnar Lauhaek
Uwit Mner Sa-frld Setkerw Shuman Souther Metlt Strumb
Wehh W.tlintmvd Wright 24.
ISaT8 Mfejtrt. Ct-ffe-jr Gregg Harris and Vnrvw I.
o tbe qaertton waa determined in tbe aArauUre.
On the question,
Will tbe tVnate agree to the foartti amendmentr
Tbe yeaa and naya were token agreeable to the rov
don- of the Conatitutiockand were aa follow, via :
Y Mettr. Brewer Browne fhfeu Oreenoett Etg Erant
Flennilen Prater Ingram KMtngiw Knnz tambach Lntnt
Mier X'ld Sdler Shuman &ntktr Steele Strut WrUh
WdkinMond Wright '23.
hJ9Me$trt. Crabii Finney Jordan and Fnrooe I.
fio Use qnceOon waa drtrrminrd in Um aJarnuUire.
Ill ru IIocss of RirarsnrTATrria. 1
April W, 1HA7. ) I
The mnlatlon propfwtng amendmenu to UieConUttt
tion of Uw Coeamonwealtb being nnder oonjiide ration, j
On the qaetion, i
n ill tl llnnpe agree to the flint anMndmentl'
The yeaa and naya were taken agreeably to the prori
atonti of the Coaitituw7., and were an follow, via :
Ycju JMuir. Andcrnm Arthur Itaekhoum BaU Beck
Birhp Router Hremm Qilhtmn tamp'U iJntte (,'faerCram- '
ford Ifiekew Ent Eytler fAiummi Fheter Gihboney Gddea '
iMf tl trner aetns lltntan mil HiUegat Hoffman of
Berks Imbrie Jnne Jaeabe Jenkins Johns Johnmm Kaoff
man Kerr Kniaht Lrisenrium LonoaUr Loeett Minear M-. as- 1
gle ATiWrnent sfllrain Mnothead Mummm Mtnsselman i-
fews rucAiMttm &unrmaeer inarmm ivers I striken firm
null Ittreett Bamsry of i'hiladelphin Jtamseyof J'or Kra
mer Nerd Roberts Bupp Shaw Slomu Smiek of Camliriu
Smith nf fntrs Slerenson Tolan Vl t'anronrhis Vukers
Y'ghfry Writer Wesfhmnk Whartim WUlis Witherow
Wright Zimmerman and Gets (tpenkrr)!.
Nat .Vessve. llnclut Benson D-ek Hameltan Ifaneoek
tfine Hoffman of Lebanon Leo Stmthers inarm Warner
and W,ntrvdeH
o the qnestion waa determined in tba aflraaaliTe.
On the qwtf taw.
Will Um llotte agree to the teeond amendatent?
The yam nam unya were taken airrerably to Um prori
alnna of the CnneUtatloa, were aa follow, via :
Y tss Messrs. Anderson Bekhmm BaU Bsek Boumr
OsU-nm OHaprVff (arty Ent ransom raster Otidea feme!
Horner Heists Hiestand H&mjns Hoffman mf Btrks Hausm
keener Imbrie tunes Jenkins Johns Johnmm Kaufman,
Anight Lrinmring Umgalerbomett MtnrMaugU ATPvain
Mmwkead Mussel man S'irhots Niehnlmm Sunrmeener IVrm
aa Aeva liruen Wawfl Pureett sYmrn sey ofliladeifmtm
mammy mj son steamer Kmoeru Kuw ismtw Stsmn loinn
rial FeenMrv Mwr Meatarani wjwJ, .zru. .JS
Rais MtMrt. AAhvr Aguttiftt Baekut Hrnton Bthp
grmmm t'twac cfeaavr Crrfvtd KfUr ihbm Hamilton
JfoucaHr Hilt Hnt Huffman mf Jnxm JmA krrr Ubo
itCmimamt Mum mm He.- Urn ilk of ati ia Omtik o f L'raLr
tfveveaunw .SirtUhrrg thnrm Vamwrhu l'letcrt WupmadUr
Warmr Wintrmti W,tkenm end WtyktM.
bo the iestion was determined in the affirmative.
On the question.
Will the House aSTeo to tbe third amendment?
The yeas and nays were taken, and were a follow, vis:
YtAt AVurs. NoVrsr4t Had turn i&dl Jkrk "a
J9rrer Hnmm Qtthmn (hwaVfl Chnre titanr t.tfvfmrt
Dtektf f'r Jmld h"Ur Wf6Mtte Hamrt Harper
Mtrint litrstutft flui Ihltrtfau Huffman Herkt H(fmanf
isbamm Hmekrir imbrie anss JuoS Jsis John
AmmWrnan Krrr Uh Ismpikr, Lnrrtt Mmmr Vilmt
Mimgl MomrUead JrastaM MuiMlmam A" JSirhfUmm
A mr marker I'wrmn frtm fUrtlm fhmmalli'HrcrU Ham
ttmnf IbraV Knwr Weed Kw Skit tt SmitAoJ im
brta Smith of mirt Xtrmtxn TfUm I'uU l'mroorAw T.ck.
era VffthUm Wipmullrr Hrntbrotk HUluUm Witkcrow ,
Wright Ztm mrrmum oud 4irt 7 i.
N At s Mf ssrs. trrAwr Avpuiti Htrlhut Ktknp Cart I
Dmek Gitda UamiUim Unrnnck llimt Jkit An'M te
tmrimg JTfrwan Ham' nf PhiUidelpkia K"lrtt frulktrt
Thorn WntUr Kunvr Wl-irion and HVitrrooVil. I
60 the question was deU rmiued ia the afiUawtlTa.
On the question.
Will the llouseasTeetothofburth amendment?
The yeas and navs were Uken, and were as follow, rii :
YnM'jrt. AmUrvm Artkmr Harkhom Baeku Hail
ftck limm fitjhnp vrr JtT'rvm Vuihmin OjatpM. Oirly
Chore ilntrrr Lrawfad ! xrlt9 Eml yUr Htuwld lWtr
GMtmwm 6'1cci Uamei lUrprr linnt HrUaud HtU '.
Hoffman of Kn-kM H-ffan ut Lrbanan iiutkejrr hbri
hiHj9mbiJtnkinJuhnJohnMmKatftfMn k-rr Lrho
UiMMrinn Ltm-jokrr Liwttt AW-nr -V.io kTValmont
AT ram Humma MuMtMan'irhtSirhilMnSunmnch'r
Jraum I'rUrt fetnktu Hmnull I'trreU h'amteA of I'Hila
aV'pAm Kamvyof York UamT Kted KoUrU Jtfp
Vaun Smith f Vamlria Smith f Lttire .Ve-cnje-n 7Vaa
I (tu wurjfhleyiuntoarhu I icktrt n iontaiT a r nunrr
WrsH" Hkarttm HiUutan. Wuhavui Zimmerman and
SAaMrrrt. irk Hamilton iluncbck StrtU!ter$ Tlmm
n'tntml-mmt WriyMl.
Ho the questiuu was determined lit the affirmative.
g Kramer's Orncr. )
IlAKJUsBLSsi, June -.i, 1857.
Ftnmtylranitf, US:
1 do certify that the above and for-oins Is a true and
rorrec. copy of the Yeas' end Naya' taken on tbe
Trtesnlutioe propoin)r Amendments tu the Cooatitutn of
the Com mou wealth, as tbe same appears on tlie Journals
ot the two Houfs-e of the ilneral Assembly of tlus Com
monwealth fur tbe session of lhi-7.
Witneae my hsnd and the seal or sain nnice.
thia tentytwftud day of June, one thouaana
iaht hundred and fifty-seven.
9nm Skrrrtiny o f the ttmmmwatth
, II. (.KRIl.tKT, DfTlST,
LMarkrt strl,nexl iloor lo Brown &
Rittrr's Store LEWWBUKIS, PA.
James B. Hamlin,
IX. If Ollice- on Second Su west side,2na
iloor Konth of Market, Leil KburK,
6mftS3 Union Co. Pa.
rFHE new method of inserting artili
a, Cial i ectn, uuin, ac, nnuwu
4llenfi Continuous Gum Work,
is. without eireplion, the best improvement
ever made in the aft of Dentistry. This work,
when properly constructed, is lhe most beauti
f ul. the cieanest.combines the greatest srenuth
with durability, and adds more to a clear and
distinct articulation, than any other kind of
w.irkeverbrou(rhtberireUiepuMic. Ana
not onlv this, ny a beautnui ucntvery
In comb'inatlon with this style of work,
we can Rive the faee Its natural eprea-
sion. without. In the Iraxt. interfering with the usefulness
Of the teeth in maetieatH.n.
I would take this meihd of in form in r those interested
that I have purehaaed lhe I'atrnt Kijfht for this valuable
improvement, of the inventor. J"lm Allen. now of New
York,) ft-r this and aeveral aojoir.inir conntb-s, and that I
am now manufarturtntr an article of Teeth and (iuma that
will eo nil re favorably with anything in that line that has
ever been mal- in thi or any other country. I ask nil,
and especially thoae thntnecd tew-lh ill lhe have engaged
them or not.) to call, am em mine r unmiioi
JuilN DM KK, Lwi'W M,
Offire and ReMdenre on Third rtifrt, near Market.
Ofll'-ein SliLT"!).on lirnadway, neart'adwallaslerVoiTner
West Branch Insurance Company,
OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Detached
Buildings, 8ture Merchandize, Farm
Properly, ami other buildings, and their con
tents, at mmlerate rales. Uoing Dullness on
both Cash and Mutual plana. Capita! ,$300,000.
Hon John J Tearce Hon G C Harrey
John B Hall T T A b rams
Chas A Mayer V J Jackroan
i - W white
Peter Dickinson Thns Kitchen
Hon. U. C. HARVEY, President
T. T. AURA MM, Vice Pres.
JA.MEa B. HAMMX, Arent.
6S7 I.rwisburg, 1,'nion Co. I'a.
THE nnilf rstgncJ have this 2d day of Feb.
A. V. 1857, entered into Co-Partnership
for the pvrpose of carrying on a (.e lie ral
Foundry ltUNlneNS at the Brick Fuun
dry in Market street. Lewisburg, under the
name and firm of FricW & I.illev.
Lewisburg, Feb'y 2, 1837.
A general assort
ment of COOKING
STOVES for coal or
wood, Stone Coal
Stoves, Wood Air
Tight and Parlor
Stores, Ac. in varie
ty always kept on
kinds made to order-
IWB)Ct$'& llftViMQiV fastifrjiKe Cotflp.
Capital 1,250,000.
Assets $4118,151 13, invested in Bonds, Mort
gages and other good securities.
BY FIRE ! There are but few who
receive sympathy who incur loss by neglecting
this most nrccuury and tubntuntial precaution.
We often see it announced lhat persons have
lost their slocks of Goods and Furniture, and
results of years of industry swept from them
by the devouring element over which they
have no control but by being insured.
Insurance protects you from the incendiary,
negligence of servants and the casualties of
ytror neighbors. It will Impart enufidenee to your cred
itors, ami give a rhararter oi prwlence ami precaution to
all your business transnrtioiis.
It requires but a eere sx.au nm to Insure in sums
raneln. from $100 to eilMXI, and jet hnn mauy there are
no nan nn msuranee upon i.onds, eitrnitnre. or any.
thing elset If your stock is small, .tilt the Loss to yon
might be serious.
This Company insures Brtr.PIXGX MFRCrtA l
From $100 to $5000,
at the Lowest Kates and upon tba most Liberal Terms,
and rsuatrT rATMtST on the adjustment of Loan.
Hon The R. Flore nee I James R.Neall I Mw.lt iTelmbn'd
Geo II .Armstrong I Cha's Dinee. I TrXarrnl Krewster
rhs-A. Kubinram I Th Manderncld I Isaac Leaeb. Jr.
Geo. HelmboU I
Ueneral Superintendent JOIW TIIOM tSOV.
Tllil'rl B rUIKKNCK, President.
ED WO a. UELMIUIMI. Seeretary.
657 LEWISBURG, Union Co. Pa
To the Citizen of Letcitbury.
rriHE object of this Card ia to call your
I attention to Ihe fact that you can bur
your Books and Stationery cheaper, and have
a larger stock and variety lo select from at
Kei laa Jk. C'O.'S Cheap Boakttort,
than any other place in this town. We wish
yon to call and see for yourselves and thereby
oe couvincea. it yon were lo consult your
own inleresbyou would eivethis establishment
yonr liberal encouragement. We desire to
see a taste for reading grow up, and to fur
ther this we place good and useful works at
such low rates as to be within the reach of
all. Young men desirous of improving their
minds should embrace this opportunity of
furnishing themseves with Books of Travel,
History, Biography, Narrative, Science and
Art, which we offer at low prices.
SVHSCRIBE for Harper's Magazine,
the Knickerbocker, Graham's and other
Magazines, at the Publishers' rates, at
UBS-CRIBE (or the New York Ledrer.
Ballou's Pictorial. Harper's Illustrated.
or any other Newspaper, at Publishers' rates.
at p. NEVICS & CO'8.
TIIHE following, from that eminent l'hrsi-
cian of Philadelphia, Br. Brinckle.adJed
lo the testimony of ProfessiT liooih.only con
firms what is evidenced by thousands who
have used Hurer't Dyt.
Hliaiw Row, Cicrrsirr Ftstt,
Philadrlyhia. Ileeember il. IHI. (
In regard to orer'j Hnr lhp, i ean tale nnneerte.
tingle, inal it enatalna m lelelerk,ua inxreilientji, aul
niay be uaed wilh tnUrt tajtlftii with tlie nfat'iat
iM ana mouu." H. 1. BKINLkl.K, M. U.
Jlover't Writing & Indelible Ink;
Are so well and widely known, as to require
no eulopy of their merits, it is only necessary
to say, that the steady and increasing demand,
gives the best evidence that they maintain their
character for superiority, which distinguished
them when first introduced, ,y"'r g".
Orders, addressed to the Manufactory, No.
416 RACE street above Fourth, (old No 1 I t)
Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention by
679y JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer.
r II 4 M 1 I O S!
Til K rt fci'KN f Till A l at Rea
ding have endorsed the f urrent of ;
pulfiic opinion, and (.ntirinel the r
verdiet of more than ttsi acriden
lai tires. proTinir 'ourluxi.rly that
HerrintfV is tbe uMl saifc that ,
will kot aia.i. j
fcitract trom the romroitte.. g
iieKrt ou tbe Trial of Jrn tf..f. s j
at Keailinit:
"On the 2ith of February all the memleersof the rotn
aiiltee met tu witnea the Safes and hooks and pnpers
ltlneed in them) and were perfeetly ati-tW-. that ail was
rn-ht. Tlie day (olio win-, the buroiui; Ux k place. nnh-r
tlie itiperintvndenee ot tlie Committee. After a fair and
impartial burning Pr five hours, tha Rat, of iHef-rs
Evans A WaUon was firt ojned, ttm Sate leinff on rir
inaide.and the contents partially consumed, while the
eonteiits in tlte aV ot . a-ra r arrets a aierring were in
good condition, and no tire inside."
Read ) nit. March li, ls7.
(Signed,; II. f. FKMX. )
A. II. PKAUM-K.) j
And endorsed by over Mi of Uie beat men f Reading, j
The aoove Safe can be inspected t :t4 Walnut Street,
where tlie public can satiafy thenihetvea of the jireatau
perioritv of the llerrin I'-ttent Champion." over tbe
defeated nmi tul-up ''inaide Iron hcor Sliimanilcr." i
FAUI.EI.S ct HKR.iiNd,
34 Watnut Street, I'h MadelpM.
Onfw MoArt a this State of H-rrifjt i'ultnt Cham
firm Xife. i
The attemi't made by other partiea te ho.ster up the (
ri utatioO of a i-afe lj b hut futUd so iimatty in .
d-nlal fir in fhiladelpl.tM, Knntrad I'laee.) by taking
one oiit of an ajrrrit'a atnre, i II. A. Iatits. niwle tii-H1 1 I
Atci"J, cliirerent frs-m tho-e they to -burn up" j
one of ll'-rriii(c'!.'lalf ai tliick i liu? niet with iU true re- i
warl. Ilerr.nir s Sfe rou'd ' l.nrnt. i-rowic r,tirlu
aiTrlv tlial tb-onlv relial.i Sulenow uile i-limft 1
of whit h o-r l.'t.-NHi are now in artnal na.-.!rtil more than
iit harr l-et-n tried by flre wlhntd a $tfjt- U.$.
I . MX AN1 K F. 1 : 1 5,
Wholes. lb Dcalkb Ttv
j aWJ,
j fvjiv
-l. Ui.'.-
3 Soul h W hart cm, I'biladclpbla.
TLKK'S IsL.n and
constantly on hand, and for sale in lots lu sun
purchasers. April 3 ls51nir.
-er!1 " Philadelphia Manu-
sHwtf fac"'rei1
Jfittvwl&- Salamander Safes
JttjglgAW! yu. .iH S. Fimrl). St ,
E'an ; j yt -r" htlndelphia.
Truth is 3Iigh(y, and Must I'ravail.
Report of the romminee appointp'l to super
intend tht llurnin? of the Iron Sales, at
KeadiL-, February 27, 1657.
Reh-Pm:. Mrrh 4.
Th1 ntnleritrBrst. nM-ml-erai of tf ciBnni(trt. Ju r--IksH-trttllT
rrpsTt, II t w hrw the two af.-n fsriiN.-tlljr
ticrtsl upasM ljr Fatrrrlai A fl'-rriD; aiMl Rwuna at Mitnan.
I'Ir-l il by ei'le in n turoaif. ti: Tin- .-al in u by
Um ft.vam.U-r of tlx l'hildrlthua, nnd H -! tn-r Kitmat.t
Com pan y. in bw t-fticf at K- tm. mmnufai'iur-il by Kar-r-ln
4 HrTTiDaT, ami lit finff iu ur i-y II. A. L.tittx. in
fat iturt. oiaou&K-turrsJ by f.vana A WatMiB, aJatl ut in
btxtkii nl jwr p(vs-l-v)y alik.
Th fire wan utarttl at H r o'clnrk. A. MM and k-pt np
until four rJi of frren hn-kury, t rfT'l ilry rteknii l
half clivwtnut tttp wood witr rntirr-lT cnnuiniJ. th
bole unil'-r the niijei-riiit-n'tf !.( t I" tin t.uStrii f.
turmht- ru if thfivminitlt-e. Th Saf. wrn then '"onlf.
oil with water. af"i-r bu b tl.-T Wftv ft-Bfi. -n. the
books ami papTt takt-n out br the Vfrnmiilee ttnil tak-n
to II. A. LanixV fturf for pullir -xnmin.i(ion. a!t-r th-f
wen tirt raiBiinnl and mark-l by tin- (iipimtitw. TK
Nk ami p:i)erTN lak'-n fn-ui tht S-ti- muiiufkrl nrel by
y.vixns A W at-m nvre but Iiz1it'j 1T -eini by the tnt-n-v
hrat, while lbM takrn frui tl r afe niiiui;.rturi-l by
FarrelaJI llerrmir were, in our jU(!r if.-ianni-'iil full',
tifti-e u r i-vBt. auura Uimti lhor tftkea tcm txa k
Vt.Mna- Ur.
Mia believe thembnTC to nar btn Hlr tioj iaip4vitiavl
trial of the n;pectiT cjualitieri of l-it.ih ..f.-i.
JAi'oB II. I-V-IIMt.
llnvinc btw ftt-fvnt durme the buruin. we fully nv
inrtde with t)i al-- ftata-iu tit of tbe r.-ti-jitirn of the
pen ftD'l books lakva our of the nvp'Ttite Saft-a.
i. A. Mtli.,4.
ii. H. mi in.r.r.r:i;c,.
Evaitfll & VI'afMOII have now on hnno
300,000 pounds ot the above S .FEs,
m'hich ihey otter ttr sale on tetter terms than
any other manufacturer in the United Slates
.April 3, 1H57 67. t I
t9.The fiillowiop nnmetl jrentlenHn.niilt'ntJi of R .!
inc and itTti-mity. who a th nrv har- (ur'ha-e..
Safe from KV ANS A W AJioS since tbe buraiuf up to
May lt. 17:
i A. Nieolla, lipoid llirah. Irani Ruth. Kirk A llria
tr. W. hhoati A S- u. Henry W. Mi-Mn -T. br.W M-r-,
SolomoB l(h .tii. Levi L. Mnith. Hmh A Onic. Wm.Kirk.
KaUlman A ItaiiBl, Uio.Mrrarlier. (ieo. J. k. rt. J M
A tl. W. llantM-k. Kzra Miller, J-. Jam. na. J K. A A B
Warner, Jw-ob S-hmiirk'-r. M ut. Kin.V. K Sehi'lit nK-r-fer,
K. K. tmvnny. II A. Lanta, W. 4. k f K Krman
trout, J. I'. Itiiiit-xaue. Hiilmeyer. roll pier A 10., Milton.
Engraving and Seal Cutting
OF all kinds, at 20 1, rhesnut Street,
PIIII.AI). Visitins and oilier CARDS.
Curporatiin and other SEALS. and everytinns
in our line of business, promptly attended to,
in good slvle, and on reasonable terms. Or
ders from Citv and Country solicited.
S. II. Ft'l.TO.V W. ti. M ASON.
APOKIFIER, or Concentrated Lye war
ranted to make Soap without Lime, and
ith liltletrouMe. With one eax.ee-n.xe an.l fiiirriinl.
soap Ft- yu ran make fifteen rations ro (I si.ft Snap.
Hard soap can be made in Uie seme war. for snie bv
CIllUST a r.tl.OH I LL.
AYES' WHITE CREASE, for Waggons,
Bu, lerCsgagts Omnibuses, Stages, etc
a superkit article, I. r sale by t'HKIST CAI.IAt KM.
GLASS Jars, for Pickling and Preserving
Quarts and Half (Gallons, for sale cheap
tj cnnisT a CAtnwKLL
DK.UKEb.N S AKO.MA11C SAI'.a certain
cure fur Dyspepsia and diseases arising
from an impnre state f tbe stomaeh ali a snra pre
ventive ot aTA AAD ..( price rte. ptr onttle,
t.rsale by C.IKlnT a CALUW KLL.
TIIE subscriber con
L tinaes in carry on the
Llt-erjr llUMinesii at
the Old Bland on Souib
Third street, near Market, and respectfully
solicits the patronage ol his friends and I h
public generally. CHARLES F. HESS.
Lewisburg, May 22, 1850
Dtmij and Chemical Emporium
Market Street - - Lewisburg. Pa.
CLOCKS all kinds nf 8-day and
30-hour Brass Clocks and patent lever
time-pieces. Brass 8-day clocks at &t.
brass 30-hourclocks as low as All clocks
warranted for one year at J.L.YODEK'S
all engaged in the service of the ". S
in the War nf 1813, and for their Widows, al
the Office of the Lewisburg Chtonicle.
William VanGezer,
; TTORNEY at Law,
ia. lefHlabnrg, I'nion Co., Pa.
17 Oilice opposilr KUue's Hotel 54
1 WSB-SaTaBnaSasaae-"
New Firm and New Goods!
T the Mammotk Drug & Chemical
-Ii. Eiuporiuiu ut
The underti.-ned having purchased the enhr
Mamiuuih Dru fa re lurmerly kept br tr
Thornton V l o , are now ready to fill Order,
and Prescriptions at a moment's notice. We
have a lame and well selected stock of fre,L
and pure HUMS, M F.I) H 7...V, Chemical!
Dycaturts Oils, Paints, G!as, I'utty aad
All kind of I'atrnt J
Fruit anJ ('oufcetinnerT
Tobacco,SBulT,and Imported Cigars of the '
ehuicest brands,
Fanry bullous and Tttitrt Artirtrt,
Fine Toilet Soap A Perfumery of all k:ii-i,
llacsHis n Conns nr um T.anrr. '
look uittl Slutluficry,
a jreneral variety ol Literary ana school Book,
I'll e Oil, Lard and Fluid Lamps of eTrry
description, ire.h Pine Oil aud Paient Unru
in" Fluid alwavs on hand.
PI KE WIXLS and LlyL'ORS of all kin !,
for Mriiiciual ues.
Fire I'rmf ami Zinc Painlt.
Trim rvinr am l'ickjinw Jars, Kr'
r"Culin.ers will find our stock compie;-"
conipriMo? many articles it is iuiposiut here
lo enumerate, and all sold al mr.deraie price
Call and see n, one and all, aud see i ur
slock ; and if we can't sell you cheap goo'i.
we will not ak yon lo buy.
We are always on hnnd to wait on customer..
Remember the Mammoih Drny Store ?
I.ewisnurff. I'nion Co. Pa. ati
r-rnrThe subscril.ers, thankftl f. r
jiVj.-, post patronase, would m!, rm
wWihe public that they eontinue i
Ef-'-''T''"! maaalae lure all kinds of VII. I.
OKAUI.Ms'and oiher Castings. Thrah.r,
Machines and other Machinery repaired in th
best manner. Cat.ti2S wairanted lo te . f
good material, ai d al pnres that r.in m i u
to please. OK DDES, MAKMI 4 cu.
Lewibnrr. Feb. s.S
C1UOKIM; ftotis, uf varii us at ern
) and sizi-. fur Coal or Woo , fur sale
at tbe Lewisburg Foundry by
OedJes, Marsh & Co.
S lurior. (."-d. ami Cos.
s, vinous pnlterns. for -ale al ii.
ij StliVOS
Lewi-bnrw Foundry. Grddee. Mai,h A I
V.Tttlll.,-. I, .. 1)1
1 1 IA nirj I ,tll 11, x.ail I low. a su; e-
rior arlicle, for sale at li t Lew I.I ur
Foundry by Oeddea MaieL A Co.
GRAIN or Seed Drills K. s,' Patet.t
riirnlrdlv the but and ions I dvrnhle
Orain Drill nowio use.for saleat the Leiirfii.
ruuodry by tirtltle-. .Marsb A 1 a.
Hussey's Grain Reaper,
for cutting both Grain and Gra
TIA.M lAlTllltU and In saleat lie
XVL Lewisburs Foundry bv
i.EDDKm.'MABMI a c
: VOTIt'F. Ilatin? ktn sjiin'Mitiilr
i i.1 M..H. to Ibe l.l 1st 111; Clin r:
1 1 lie snbrr!!. r would slate li.ai be i pr j
j to prrb'rm all duties eonnecreil u-ub tl.e 1 i.r
ol tl.e dead. on short norire. ANoibat beu:
1 anend ioii,e re-iniernieot .f ilecejse.l j i t-i t :
i under the du action of their siirvn ins Iriei i-.
' Kesidei.ce in lhe I.i.i'rr ?i il:e l.a'e rt
' IVm.terv. I.F.OIK.E llONACHV.
I Le isiiurs. May 3I, fi-i
j ircw! mew:! ircm:::
i 91 17k U'S. just ridivei! at te
I - "1 ' tl .tCliU'.tRE MOKK of .
SKI'It MtFMHiEX. Farmers at.d PL- ,-
j smiths, call and see the largest and !' a
; si iinient of Iron ever otVrrd n tbe
' ltranrh. Hrmo Tlie e.... e. ...... I , . .
celebrated Vjhstisl, Centre conmv Ir..e
he is enabled to vnrrunt everv bar. A
sizes Tire, Scollop. Round and Stjuarr; H. r v
ne,.all iihts, ac.. at Cash prices to a:
Call aud see the liiirdware Store of
JOS. .M FALI'il.V.
Lewisbur, May 10, so5.
llcliiiboltl'st (.( inline I'M titration
Highly etirtt-entra'- if Cntnpnund Fti id ltruci f
HBC r -
TT'OR Diseases of ElaiMrr. Kidneys, firar
1 liri.psv.H eakni sscs,t)bstrucin.ns.trrt
Diseases, Feuiale Cotiiplainis.at.d alt i!i-ta-
i f the Sexnal lircuns arilnx In m exresn.e an I imi ri.
eneir. in tire.an.l rein, xtn all Improper liiM-bar-- fr n
lhe It.sU.ler. KslneT.er sesu.l lrsn..h.ti. r rv.-;..'.c
in xl.i!er F.-oiaie, fn.m nhalnt-r called thejf mj Li'
and no matter of how long srandirr.
girini Utalth anil Ti?t In the frame, anj Bl.im t. :L
paliul cheea.
Joy to the Afflicted!
It mre" XefTtm anl PehiJifatnl utTernrw. an retrT
11 lh- VmTllM.xaiui'bK which may he tcuni
In'litr.t;ii-rn l eerti-o, 1iiii cf f-wer. ) of mtr- rr,
d!ft..-ult ol liresthin. eeierl et'kn. -.ii. hrn r .-: 1 -rae.emk
BerTe.tri yihlinc. tlrra-ilut brnrof ileait:.
Diht nwi'its misl ft rl, ak fuliresait, sjinn f
iri'B. lan-'uor, untirial ka.-Huir f tbe mit
rutr !.-m. i.ft n ertornrr.iia apt-etite n.iri
dvsi-ttir jn.t'l'm-. hot h.-nr j.-.. tliiahitii: if
llie lMetlv.lrllit! t(te !eiiD. p.tlifi 11 UU-
l tin nee and rru)t:i-n n the tare. am.
in the bnt k. hi-auin i1 tlie rti'-lij",
frciut'a.tlr h.aik -r- t Min: bt-lon
the eve- with temrxTar irti;iio al
1K if K-lTllt. il.l 'f htlllltMD. iirtnt
BHirijlitr. an-l rewllm-n- ith ksrmr'f
IMM-iety. Ni.tLirs i uu rr ! irabie u, m li
jMriir- thn M.t'ii-Jf. ami tntiat(t Xt.ey !!-
tlrea.1 t r Vi.r f th-Bie;t-s ; rei ?e f
H?anner. r.- earne!r. no f;nTul3ti( b. I tir
hurried traii-iti n frmu ouo t4eii r to i.i'iu'T-The-
mi t'ni!. if allow. .1 t r" i n t;it-h tl -
cine inTariaiiiv rem e Mfn f.lfwi La. r 1'
r'TiiTT. so l- riin-Tic 'it innbr .r whit h tliw yi
nwiy expire. Who ran ? that tee ecrf. arv
treiiifiit )y fi.lliiWiil I r tlne ttir-fn) ilira! H 1-a- '
a nl C.'nfwmvtii.n The iverr1- cf the Inatie A-n'iis-anil
the toelanehxlj ileatli. by (.tn.-iinit vd. bntr u : '
tentimotiy tu lhe tm:h f th-e M-rf ii n. In l.ur '
AfiQtni tbe tuo.-t aieUltrh i exhititt"n nf-mrj i'"
roui.tt nnfr IK nrttialiy nil d n antl 'iiite Jet iit.'t - "
thtr avirtb ur eri f . er itt it. rla.uiii u i-vunj U -
Twice H'i nr. it i ran-Iy ftrticuiate.
ith woeful mv-iire. wnn Jepa;r
L"W nulren Miuntl. lib criet I pm.eil
IVhility in most terr!Me! an.! hs hrnmrrit iVf1' "
OfH'D tl.tu.-aDla to uiitiniely r;i e. thu. b i.-t:-' '
am hit it n ( dimt inh vnith. It nn he cLf l f1 '
use ot ll.i IM ALLIUI.K KF.MU'V
If v' rv utTetiiii ith aiT if tb- i'iiTi' ! l-t r- "" -UBtrntiv
the H.LIU EXTKAlT bit lit Will vb.t
lr :l ariJ le rtoT.boiif its tttiiay.
BtWir.t oi Qt u k NoTit D Qt - IV iT
who tal-M-lr Nutut of ahiliten nl pef, ivpre. it t--
laDs'W ami aTOi-1 ttK m. ariti nfe Uipf ulf :inz. Hf
nnd expriniire. by -mlinr or raLin T h tt' lI lLJ
IVpular and Sl-erilfic Kemnly.
It atlaj all pain and infl 'matin. rerf- rtU pjea.-iu
in it" tat aad odor, but iw mediate in atin.
Ik fiTvpaml direetlT arronlintr to tht Bui ( ' '
M it Y AD ClirJtlSIHY. with the rr.atet a-rort.
and t'hennral knvwlette and mrr .)e-l-'l in ci 3
Ratios. See Pnntt-r lVee' V!oWf . rt
1' mrt.ee of I'bveir, aud ml of the late Mauuaxd ..
of Medicine.
tir 81(o j
One llnndred Dollar, .ill he pa"! toanj Hill. Ian
r.D pr.i.e nai lie ..,rtii, lie- ... -. - f
it ilees erest eel. t'sie-sef frem ee- e.-k I"
.ear.' stanUine have keen eSWte l. Ti e ir " "
iarx Trsrimnnx In p.se.S!n ef the Pi..pne(. r. 'Bf
iu xirlues and euraUx. powers, is immense. rt-raei.s
names will knonn to sHltM K AU TAME.
100,000 FSlth line Bon SM.
and not a single instance of a laitore ts V-a " ! ' " , ,
Pi-rsi nsllx appear, it lielhre me aa tdefm" "J
riteof l'hil..lelphia. II. T Hnsel. ' """'. .
iltilx seem dies sae. that his pre ar-iti.-n on
N.rmlie, Mi rrnrj ee ieiiirlens I'riil. Sat sre P'"'.
aet.l le. II T llixtsiap. SJe vtsnulsri"
tl.orn and suberibeil Is f rv me lhis!'l .Is '
her. Mot, WJ1. P. HlllB.iltn. .!
Prut, $1 ptr Bottle, or S,x fr S Ihhrtrt
amy Address, f, a
neeeannanM hT rellaMe.nd re-rra-il I. rerliS"'" "
Treleor. of Sleilieal .llees, flerp men srj
rrerared aud sold ly T.
iT't iii"""''-,.
,1 .t.ifvW-r'
. . j. 1.1.1 !"
.x. u joua ens jmutirm inejrai.,-. wl r,,,
n te Unntoft W -''"' li"
rl d Surrt. immlH u Hr,ti,k IheH"
beware or COnRTESriITS. ,
Ask f.,r llrmUdTakc
Guarantied. ,r, , t