Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 18, 1857, Image 4

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    EST hi iti'MW
I i
1 i, I
He .en.Ie and Hind.
Be grnlle be..uJ becuuil'ous and oblip-
iw be forgiving. Pui off that austere coun-1
tenanee that hard, uninviting, unrelenting j
ik. Ban ih that rough manner, and ihose i
ah irp and hard words that yon are wont to
use to often, aod which makes your neighbors,
and four friends, if you have any, afraid to
jrreet you. Hard words, cays a writer, are
like hail-atone, in summer, -batin down atd
destroying what ihey would nourish were they
melted into drops." We say again, then, be
gentle, kind, pleasant be smiling. Hear
what the Poet says; how Uoe it is, and how
prettily he says it.
The sun may warm the prass to life.
The dew the drooping flower,
The eyes i;row bright and watch the light
Of Autumn's opetuug hour;
Dm words that l.re.iheof tenderness,
Ant smiles we know are true.
Are warmer than the Summertime,
Aud brighter than the dew.
It is not mnrh the morld can give.
With all its vubilc art ;
And gold ami gems are not the things
To satisfy tlie heart;
Bin, oh ! it ih'e u ho cluster 'round
The alt r and the liearili.
Have gentle words, and loving smiles.
Hour beautiful i Kajlli!"
"TE LUIDLE I'LACIi liuNV." "SllOtl,
jou recklviut'inpcr iUt liJJle placl tony I
Jyed niit dc pedlar next veak 7"
"Yah ; vwt of liim!"
N'.itiugs, only I gilts sbtatcd purity
Yah. You see in dc vurst place he
isb plint mit bote leg", unt ferry latuc mit
won eye. Den voo jou gits on hiin to rite
be rare, up bcliint unt kicks up pcfore an
vuncr as a chcuuiule. I dinks I dakcbiiu
a liddle rite jester Jay, unt so sooner I gits
strattle bis pack be gousmence dat vay,
basts so like valkin peam oa a poatstem;
unt ven be gits tone, I vas so mixed up
mit cfcrjJiiig", I vitits minnclf lifting
arouut pack-wards, mit bis dail ia mine
bants vor de bridle."
'Veil, vot you gniug tu do mit bim 1"
"Oh, I vixed biui bettor as cbam up. I
bitcb bim in de cart mit bis dail Tcre bis
bead ought to pc; den I gifo apout to dot
en cuUmitahitc cow; be starts to go.put so
sjod he see dc cart ptfore him makes pack
ward, liurdy soon bo stumbles pcbinl,
and sits down on his bauuehes, unt looks
like be veel purty sliamped mit himself.
Den I dakts bim out, bitch bim in de rite
Tay, unt be goes rite off shust so good as
anybody's pony." l'orturs Spirit
Fob tub ScnooL Chimhien. How
many of tbem can read it 1 Mister Editor
Will U Xcuse me if I pen U a of 2
or 3 lines, 2 let U uo I'f 1st rate luk &
bar found the gal that Cls my I, k U may
Dpcnd she's Xtra, and more & all, I've
got married and keep bouse 2. U no 1
Bed I wood tell you all about my wife when
1 got 1, 4 now I'm going 2. Wal, sur,
he's 2 fcS-sotuc for me ; that is, I don't
desltve ber, but I bliss my I've got
bcr. She's not 1 of L'r M-T headed wim.
mio that K 2 often i 1$ found, she's nut 2
vouns nor 2 olJ, she's just XX. Sho's
t-huk full of fun, but no van I T, full of
K II G, but not 2 swift, plenty ot grit
without X V. Her n s K bright but not
2 sharp, she's moderately pluuip & not 2
much OliCT. U need uot tLiuk my ' 2
my wife is 2 Xtra, for I no U can't find
her ia this of the couutry. It did no:
take me long to pop the 7 I didn't edge
along by , like some timid tbiog, but
kuni right 2 the question in less than a '.
Says I, "Will U B 2 me a loviug wife?"
She aaid, "Ycsi air E." Tbcn, says sbe
"Will D B 2 mc 1 O b D cot hui?"
& sex I, M Yctb'in," so we 2 became 1.
4. letter in the South Cmijinian, from Lon
don, in alluding to Senator Scwr.,who is in
England now, says: "Ii Sives me real pleasure
to Know that Mr. ltilla$ repudiate him utterly.
1 asert this of my own knowledge."
If this be correct, it otilj shows that
Mr. Dallas is following the cxitnple of too
luariy Northerners, by exhibiting scrvi!
ness to the Slave 1'owcr. Mr. SutDoer is
a man who has tbe rci-pect aud love of the
best men of the whole world tbe littTe
Vaot of Amifican Shauiocrats exct pttd.
Iu 1'aris, aud iu London, the greatest and
most liberal intn, high iu rank or high in
ecienca, rivaled each olbcr in their respects
to Mr. Sumner. Lord Brougham called
upon hi ui at Lis itio. Sumner can live
without the smiles of Brook;, Butkr, Dal
las, or ny of their kind.
As Infikel Kebcked. An icGJel,
boasting in a jubiished letter that he bad
raided two acres of "Sunday corn" which
be intended to devote to the puicbase of
infidel books, adds, " All the work done
on it was done on Sunday, aud it will yield
aome seventy bushels to the acre ; so that
I don't see that but nature or Providence
has smiled upon my Sanduy work, howev
er the priests or the BiUes may say that
work doQu on that day never prospers.
My corn tells another story." To this
the editor of an agricultural paper rvplies,
'If the author of this shallow nonsense
had read the Bible half as much as he has
tbe works of its opponeuts, Le would have
known that the Hultr of the Universe docs
not always square op his accounts with
minkiud in the month of October."
One little "garden patch" of ours bis
been very profitable this season. The mails
ate op the cucumber the chickens ate
op the snails tbe oeigborV cats ate up the
chickens, and we are bow ia search of some
thing that will eat up the eats ! Can any
' of our agricultural fricod aid ns. Ala.
Id treating diseases of tbe niicd, tousle
is not suffieicutly valued. In raising tbe
heart above despair, an old violin is worth
t iur doctors acd two apothecary shops.
Money rniuia ia what ths lawyers mean
(not m .noimai i) in thtir defence of whole, i
Se rf,..li'j. I; a s:r Vie of th i a.
o I
TH18 MerlinR machine has within the past year been put to severe actual tcMs, and
been very much improved by the addition of a 32 inch fly wheel, new gearmp, joint bulls,
and other minor improvements, and is now offered lo the public with ihe cenainty that itis
made in Ihe very best manner, and that it will grind and press easier and faster than any
other Mill in the market. Dealers and others supplied on liberal terms.
TX the Srhool opened in Prick's Building."!!
Wednesday, August lth, will be tautit
all the branches of an Cnglihh and CTIassical
EdurRtion. rriroarv. Commercial, Classical,
and Normal Uenariineuls will be formed, and
i the most thorough instruction eiren o pupils
i.f every grade. H. V. W AI.KtK,
au!4 Principal.
To Teachers.
riHECoanlv Superintendent will be prsen
I i .1 I n..:i t:..,. . -.Int.
B ai ine new ocihhm wuuuitii; u
:-ih int.at 9 o'clock A.M. for the pnrpoie of
eianuninz persons ihin2 to make applica
tion for Schools in this Borough. Several
Male and Female Teachers will he wanted.
Sec. pro tern of Board of Directors
Lewisbuig, Srpu 2, 1856
Ex&min&tion Of Teachers, I
I WILL meet for examination the Teachers
of the different Districts of Luion County
... . .
at the following times and places
Mepu 12 Lewisburs. at the Public f.H.
21 New iierlin & Jackson,at N.Derlin.
2t Miflliuburg. at Milllinburj.
2:1 Buflaloe.at bull'iloe X Roads.
21 Kelly, at Rover's S H,
u'h,i. n..r si Cnlnml.ij s IT.
26 East Buffalo?, at Mi. Pleasant S.H.
2H Tu inn. at Winfield S.U.
39 Limestone, at usual place.
Oct.1 Hartley & Lewis Hartleton S.H.
S West Buffalo at Ked Bank S.H.
Eianiinanons to commence al o'clock.A.M.
A full attendance on the part of Directors
and others feeling interested in the advance-
ment of Common Schools is desired.
11 HKHKEVHOHVCrnntv Son't.
J 1
New Berlin, Aug. 2. 1857w3
TILL open for the Winter Session of MX ,
V months on Thnrsdar, Sept. 24th,
Tuition. COl.I.EtiE, for the session tjrso.00
Fuel. Librarv. &c 3.U0
ACADEMY Kr.glish 10.00
Classical - 13.00
Charges S.li
Female Institute, reg'r course $-:0.P0
" Charges - MO
General Agent & Treasurer.
Lewisbnrg. Aug. 1 1, IK57. 3m696
' PRE FALL SESSION, of tins lnstita
I .:n - THrllS'liV
M. Il.l. .in ........-.. '
Sept. 17th, lf7, lo continue IS weeks. I
The WisTaa Sssfsiow.cf the same length, recomux-nd tl.c work toery f:iruier, aa tbej will reap
will immediately sucreed the former, to be the ercat.rt ponobie benefit from it.
interrupted hv a Vacation during
As ihe public are pretty fully acijuanneii x.fflM,n.sniuiiOuncan,Jidinllorrer..iona..Miliime,
with the success of the Principal, (luring the Jacob M. y.r, lleoreliuver.Jr.. Henry Meyer. John fr
. ......,;-. ih Aenilo. per. Snmiiet (lillilani), Jnhu lla..on. lieo. Jnck, Samu.-I
IO years ol his connection with the Araile- Mm w wk . .Mm,, Mr. .
my, all extravagant pretension, and promises , Le-isburg by Da. I. BRCOGER.
are out of place ; sulTire it to say that all the - Z. I --.
Itranclies of a thoroi gh English and Classical - " n,.,.i:i. n.,11.
curse are taught, and that youths are fined Important to Daguerreotypists.narWe
either for College, for Teaching, or for gene-'. Dealers and. Others.
rai business. j 1 ONTMENTAL Dasucrreolvpe fa-
The Bible is a tex book. JitLses. A method has long been sought for
A large class of oung Ladies is seen reel. ,() msert j( a Hnrab1e mx, Ilajuerreotype
TLrnO.-persesSi.inofl3weeks,inc!udiug LlUenes),es u, Head Stones and Monuments.
contmsent expenses. I have been manufacturing these Cases for the
f!SKi"S' l .o years, and can warrant .hem to .ecure
a. avy KNULiMi ad not iur.ud.-d abrf . ''-0 ihe picture ftr a long number of years.
LAM-L'Ai.KS. - - - tw( The ouTsiJe cave is made of Parian Marble.
So alt!iiuna. charees; also, no deilnclions . . . ... lh. nirln an,i
except fur protracted sickness.
Aajrnst 20, 1RS7
X Illiljlj UllvT ACAjJJjJIJL
Frccbiarsr, Mijcler County, Ia.
f IMII' Tllird Scmi-AnnUal SCShion Of, seottoany address, free, vnh price list, Ad
1 th.s Institution will commence on Turn-: t ; 'H. A?nt
Jan. Jula 21, and continue weeks. Il
location is pleasant and he.ihhy. Bnildins
new and commodious, and Terms low: It is
the constant aim of the Teachers to impart
sound instruction, and carefully develope and
direct the Mental, Moral and Physical ener
ffiesof the students. The course of atndy will
thoroughly prepare those pursuing it for Col
lece, the Mudy of a Profession or business
pursuits. The
f-fft-ni auprrior fj.ri.Uies o T'-arhrr: and thone wi.1iinjr to
rwewrar utirh to arqiiire thr nnt-irT qiiaiifimtion". The
County a-ui-erinteudrttt will frr-iK'Ully rrirf cl:irenr
atitl irt'turr on thr praetlral dntira of ihe (.Jir-1 r-v-nt.
LTturea are alfOidrlitm-Vl in roui.eeli..n witli .h- f-uij'-ct
..f rtmly, and eTery erertion made to unality :u pltv.-i.te
f..r tl.r r'mrrarinn. Arrtu.eTmrnta are beiiii; i j i ailli
Ittrei-tom to procure erho"! formate whoobUin credits-
Mr rrrtifieatr. TKUM.
t-i Hoaid, Tuition, ItfXin, 4c, per aeuion, f -'.2to)
Tuition alone, p-r arnion. $ to $!
Tallinn ftloBrr. in NomttU D.-oL ner Quarter.
Mufie Extra. fr-mnliug in the il!ace. $1.S0 to J2 r-er
wk. i. t a rnll'.ru.- rontattiini: ftirth-T parliruUra.
Adirea. (iEO. F. MTARLAND, Principal
tSSl.rrtrt0,tStrrrSSte.f 1
RIFLES AND PISTOLS...Tlicse Ri-! i':"',?: t1""
fles and Pistols are like ordinary Rifles, 1 From . om m "; Ji" Rat. Tt fur
eicent that bv a verv simple arrangement of . nihe the moat emnpiete hi.turv..rorientai ure.de.
Ihe hammer, and the addition of another nip-
pie, two load; can be put into one barrel and
two loaas can De put inio one oarrei aim, , often found. Theae u.rie. win comma, thmonhout
be discharged separately and at different the wt.ole year, and will prore the moat eutrrtaJu.ng
cts; thus serving the aame purpose a 5 " "J'? B"ll' v
.. . , . , . . , , ,H w-V.ruiahed Ueekly to ftubivrihera oalr. at il a
h U.harrled fir..arm. while ihev are onle : ..i... i . a ,1
double-barreled fire-arms, while they are only
half as heavy.
Manufactured solely hy the subscribers.wbo
keep constantly on hand fire-arms of all de
criptions, ammunition, and hunter. equip
ments. Repairing promptly attended to, and at
reasonable prices.
I.ewisburg, Union Co., Pa.
tVCash paid for old Brass orCoppeiTJ
Aug. 6. 1857Sm
THE Partnership of the nndersigned, tra
ding under the firm of Itrmcn A Kilter.
ti i (kl. j i ....t . t , . . n
I persons Knowing themselret indebted, will
call and sttile without delav.
asc. ia, Sa-'iovo' RrrrtR.
IIiinNc t kcr' CXOt i:it 111 LIKR.
riHE subscribers still continue lo manufac
ture the above Machines, aud as ihere
are over 5tHi of them now in use in Lnin
and adjmnin counties, we deem any further
recominendatiou unnecessary.
mc nwu inni.c-i. -a..u..,.
;ao goon worn, uul urt.r, w.a ....
kind of machine now in use.
T.L'HI'KCH & (), Hartleton, Pa.
Apply to Tuo' Cai RrH, Hartleton,
or L. Huoke, Union Furnace. Iy652
Chester County
XE and Two Horse Endless (Twin
rOWEU. The undersigned being con-
vin.ai.4 kt. nriiiiril prnrtpni nf the cm fieri-
m i i- t' j ,
only ol I andTslice s Irtaa I oivrr over the or-
(Imary live nurse power now in use in tne ,
West Branch country ,for threshing out crain.
have purchased the patterns and right lo
make them. We are now making and have
on band a larse number, which we propose
to introduce on the plan if they don't answer
to the letter of the guarantee 2iven with each
of them, the machine will be taken back and
' money rriuuucu.ii cynic ...-
almost Uie only entire 1 hreshmg Machines
in itm i f,lia.lar Uonlo.imnrv ftaarLfe nnil
Delaware counties. Their advaniajes are
that they will do almost double the work, ac
cording to the number of horses used, than
the old machine will do; n?"they will save
at least two hands and Threshing can I
ail be done snugly closed up in me harns, in
wet dav, when the hands wonld be otherwise
unemployed. T. CHURCH & CO.
Hartleton. ''nion Co., Pa.
Apply to Tmo' Cncara, Ilartlelon.or
or Dr. L. Kuokh. Union Fnrnace. yM5
A Call to Farmers.
farmm, drop your tJ$ vnute a li
remlthit awl reflect "
"" 1 rrJ'lr'
.,.M.aMM. w.-..m n m m ..
" V fl KMfcKV fKUMlJ lUfl BUUrt "
A f.r the cuiuvauun and incrt-ase of all
.pur i . .
UmJs of grain, grasses, foMer ami pasture.
; upon all kinds oi mm!, prove by actual expe
riments ana oaru upon rviurni iruiii, iirMg-
net? (o improve 9rtculture in all its branches
represented hv upwards of one hundred and !
6f'y en-ravings of the most valuable pras-es I
7 . .... . n :
I aud plants connected with ihe system, by DR.
C. ii KtirSHULD, of Uoalshurg, Centre Co,
In tl.i treatW it will tie eeeo tht the ohjeet has been
to site the farmer thai kind .if inf.irmal.on which enalilee
htm to make practical application to fertilize til. land and i
inereaael.il. erain.folderandpa.trea?e. Tl.edorlri.ie-. '
a taosbt by :hl manvrinir. aod ftalder, and panture cul j
t.alMin .y.ti'Dl, are ratw nal, clear and e .lent, and su.
ae.t an tmproTement in uie miaie oi acncuiture ii.incrio
! unknown to nor farmer., and which, if adopted, and
' careluliy practiced can not full to advance the interest
of the iarui.ni; cnntniuniiy.
tfi.cb a work hat. been iuu h
which there ha hitherto been no attempt lo aopi.ly.
Al ubn,rIi f Centre aod Huntingdon o unilrs n
j k t jn a sUle of preservatiou for a
long numUer cf years, is made of brass a
screw iftx. It makes a verv neat job on a Head
atone or Monument. I hey are usedia oreen-
WO(,tl Cemetery, Mount Auburn, Laurel Hill,
and many other Cemeteries in the V. States.
I A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers
1 and DcuPtTcotypists. Price from $2.2i each
to Ji).rt. A circular of engravings will be
I of Manful, urn rvir Co.. W llroadway. New York.
23 W$T?4SSSE8a
? JOHN S. IVR If the Author, who linn I. ad 10 year
exjrrienrf aa a Hanker and I'liMielrrr, and author
Of of A aVrtrj nf future at tU. Jlrantttvttf Tubrmttctr,
s; whrn fur 1 nuwwiiTr nihu oer People
Qpre-trd him witb rund of appiue, hi(e be rxhi
btted Uie uianner in whi h couttii-rfritrm execute
thrir fraud, and thr anrrttt and prtortext niranit of
Odctrrtin thrm! The lUnk Note Kntmirni all fay
O U,t lfirf the nrrattTt Jude of Ynr Mnnry livlnir.
Greatest Diifcotery of the Present Vtn
o fur ip far Detecting Coun(erfi?it IhmkNote.
tVFcribiug ererr genuine hill in rx I -tenor, and rihi-
bitinirat glance every countrrf. it in rirruiation!
Arrauneu hi aumiraoiy, inai reien-nre u raxy and
O 'h-tt-eti-m InniaiiUnroua. o iud-x to examine. No
' -.r- to hunt up! But ao aiuiplinYd and arranfrrd.
1 C that the Xereliant, Uank-r and Ua-itteaa Man can
w nil ot a danc!
j KnjilUh. Frt-neh and (.ennan, thu may each read
the aame in bin own natite tongue.
Alma list of all Uie Triatr nuker in Amrri.-a. A
q mntpletertummaryof the finanreof Karnprand Arner-
fr& will U Duhliihitl lii rnrh iHiitioit -Hri.lh. villi .11
r?.M" m? crfleiirin i.eitio,,. towhieh tt
a. ladiM and KeDtteoieil ..f that muntry ha.o been m
as roar. All letters BUt h. addreaaed lo
a JOHN g. I.YK, Rroiaa,
O PoMUher and rropriete.r. "0 Wall St. Nw Vo
Pianos, and music.
JOS. L.T0DER, Agent for Meyers'
and Voght'a celebrated Plane, haa
iust teceived a larrre assonmeni of ,V1I
luuitc, fianot, end Mriidion Hwtkt. Seminary
and Teachers supplied at the Publishers' dis
count prices. Music published byttoold.Lee
& Walker, 8. L. Walker, or any Publishers in
the United Slates, furnished al their prices.
N.B. Meyer' and Voght'a Pianos sold at lest
than City retail prices. Lewisbnrg.Nov. 14
James F. Linn. J. BlerriU Una.
TF.i J. M. LINN,
J i Attrncy at Lam
Union Ctanty, renn'a.
PROPOSING Amendment, to the Constitu- j
CnmmimW'iUk of iVnnfymNui m funeral AtttmUy mt,
Thit toe Inllowioc swrAdmrnta rv jtrooml to thr nn
dilution of the Commonwealth, iu 'CuriiaVOoc wUi Uw
roTiftwiw ol ike toutb arUcl UmstvoC
Tbr vltalt bt aahhtional arttclr to Mid constitution,
to be tkavigiLstvd a sftade t;leira,u tuliown:
Rtrnm 1. Tli atatat bus rvautrart dfbt. to iiidI
rauail rifflr-ita fir Ikilurra in Tvcnur.orto mt xxmar ,
not ollifrwin (trotidrd tor: but the airpT'-Sittr amount 4 '
mk dcou.dirrrt ami ooniinrrni, wih'iikt emurwrn-u uy
virtuc of unr or norv artu of th ftv&rTal appniMr. or at
diffrrcat pfrirwJaol tlmtlliKll re reSrvrd wven tundnxl '
and fifty thoiiMitd dollmrs,and Uie utoncy arising tt aa w f
rraUon of-nrh dvbta, shall be appLUM to the iur4jM f r
whirb it wa olitainnd, or lo r- tbe debt to coutrartnl,
aod t no nthrr purfo whatpvt-r.
hccTtox 3. lo addilioo to Itie nhorm llmitnl power, tbe '
tat may rontmrt dvbtr ton-pel fnraPion.upircKi in-ur-rrrtMn,
drft-nd tb Mat in war, or to rclin oi tbe mmit
(utntanditt indcLttIuM of the tuW ; but th moiwr
ariiinri from tbouutra'tiouol'.'Uchdrbt,liall Waj j;il i
to the piirpttiir for wbkfa It wan rnl-d. or to repay urb j
dcHt, and to no otlicr purpom wbatvTtT.
Sccti.' 3. K pt thr debt" al"T() mrinM In ivtion
one and two of tlii article, ur.d-bt wbatvfruli be en a-
tnl by or on b'lialf of the utatr. j
tcTl(!l 4. To profidt for Ibe payment of the pn sent
d-bt.aud any addiliotia drltt contrartej mm fonitl. th
lefrivlatiire nball. at it nrt twaiou alter thf adoption ot j
tlit ainrndiueiit. rrcate a iuking fund, wbi-h tlm!! bo t
utBrirnt to o&v the arrruinir intTest on uch debt, and '
attnuallTtore-lucvtlif pnnripal tb'mf by nttim not W
tliMU twolimdr.-d and i.fty thousand dollar-; whihm- !
kioc fund hall conlft of tbe net annual inrom of lh '
public Horkts ironi time to time owntfl hy the .tte, or '
the trocWn of the sate of tbe rauw or any fart thi-mri. !
and ot the income or protved of eale of rtck4 owu-d hy
tle sute. Ugrt lier with other fuu'ls or renoum-" that may
l dtwicat-d by law. The said inkintr fund may Im
fnrreaited. from time to time, by a-ii:niiiK to it any part
of the U-e. or otln-r n-Tenues of thu otate, not retjuirnl
.... ur " " 1
aud unlii iu nute of war, nTatiton, or inatirrer ti'-n. no
ptrt of the katd niukiug fund ahall be used or app)id
otlirwi? than in extintfuiphn-nt of the puhlie dfl t I
until tbe amount of nurb debt Is n-duced beh-w Uie fuw (
of five utitlioui of dollar. j
frni-ix &. Tlieereditof the commonwealth nhall not in !
any iLauQiT oreteut Im pU-Ujn-d or loaned to any inlii'l-
ual. nuipaiy, eorpirstion, ur aMx4tl-n; nor id tail the ,
eoniuinnwealth hereafter beeoine a ji.iot owner or ttock
b'dder in any company, a-ocinttnTi or rorioralh'n.
SMTltm 6. The eotanionweiilth idiaH not a"ume thf :
debtor auy part thereof, of any county, city, lioriiich or i
d'-M fhiili he been contracUti to enable the state to rr; i
iuvai'-n, Mippremi Jonn ntic inurrertiou. defi-iul itwdf in j
time f war. or to aitsu-t the tate tu the discharge of any !
portion ol it prent iu lt hVtora.
Mniui t. in legislature bmil Dot aotnoriie any i
Milintw oilv Iw.ri.ii.rti I. .!... it. i.rlnmni.rslisl iliflriet 1
" Virtue of a fote of tt" rttUena or othr to l-e.-ome a
f - torklaolderln any company. aeiOe:ationortorp'rtriin, or ;
u obtain money f.irorloau iu credit to auj rKriiou,
aMociauou.nuutuuon or party.
Tliere tihult he ftn a'lilitiona Brticlr In nirl eonjtitutioo,
to be drAigualed u srlicle elrvrD, at follows:
Anij zn.
or xr.w oi;ntii.
No ennnty xhall be diviji-d l.y a line euttlni; eff ht.t
on- tt-ulh ii Its pr"',,'on, lei'lwr lo form a nrw r.Mtnty
or otherwi. without the expren aeiit orsurh county,
ty a vote of the rlrrtoni lhioiif; nor ihall any niw
county Im e.ubiihd,eoutaiDiDg lra Uian four huuJrcd
Moare milra,
From Peetion two or the first article of Ihe ont!tufion.
trike out the wont'
eark rowNfy rrsprctt
mike out tle woru.
witlttt ; from Mel
wuron. - pmiat u
ertion four, sauie article, and in lieu thereof insert Uie
fotlowioit: i
tH-rios 4. In the year one thonnnd el.dit linndred
and fiiiy-four, and iu every wti nili year tliereatter.
"7J ....". '": ".l I".? ..7.J "... '
l'.1l..rK. In pmporti... loth. o.Wr..f unablr inbab- ,
ilantK in the -e.eAl pa'f tlh-reor.rr.e,-,.t U,.t an, county
e..uin,n!:.l let uVr- th...adl.e hunlndiauMe.
m.J l allowed a H-parat.- lerrr-..l.tin ; but no more
'.,. .... , ........ ii I
I. .llnded. in th. .inflation of a di'.lrirL Any r.ty ron- j
Oiiuh. a ul. ient nuo.br nf u.al.le. to eot.tle it to at
i irm. 7:rr:r:";
.YMniivmnt h.rriinrr e.r..m.l t-..Kt- t
tion ax near aa may be, each jf which dmtrtrU ahall elect
one rerri aentatlve.
.t Ihe rod i.f eetton seven, fame articte. Insert these
word. "lAe ci'y nf Vhitart'lpltia thttll I dirutrii int't riftil'
ar.."l"r.i(t dirtricts. of ctm'igwmi ler.ora at nrorfj ..Mrit
m f iri.tJr tumtilotiim us r. a,,'li Lut ao mai A thali lie.
d.ri..'rrf in thr. formalitni tttrrr'f
The legislature, at il fir. fte.iion after the adoption of
' tlii. amendment, shall dieide tberitv of I'hiiadeh.hia into
pn ii.J: wi. diauteu to remain u..eh.ni.d uutil ti
aiHrt.ontueut in th year one tbouaand cisht hundred
Thrtf "bftU lx aDmtltiliefi(i rrrtioo to the flrrt artirlt
of r-md roiintitution, wliit-b ballbe nuDibt-ml anil r-J
aa fulluwa;
To (V Srrtion XXTI. ArtieU I.
Thr lrftiftTaturr 'hull have thr power to !t-r. ren-ltr or
auiml iuyclirirof inrorportirn herr-lVrronIrn,l
t,r under any -trrial or grtu tmi law, w.n in-r in tli.-ir
opinion it may he injurious to thf ritinrnii of th com-mDwt-allli;
iu nucb wanner, however, liial no iojuaticc
t-hall Ijk dbU tw the curjrmt.r5.
Man h -T. 1M7. f
Wrvf,TIiat thixrepfvliitktn paa on thr fir-t atnrnl'
ttiritt, rau iw, Dati ?. UD Uw M.nd atprniluii-nt, t-bK
'.. nv X. On tiii thiM amrniliwut ya Zk Uiij & -1.
in tint fbarth amnUnif lit. ra A, uaya .
tvAlract Uoia Um Juunial :
Is IIolsc or RrrErtr!.TmTt. I
Atril 1K67
Rrfotrfi, That tl.it" rmolatiot. paM. On thr f1rt amtnl
m'nt. yra 7. nara li on tbr arcoml aairD.hwiit,
bl, narc H. On Uie third mrnlmtnt. -m 7'i, umyt 4;
anil the fourth auirntlaient, yvaa Jvi, nara 7.
KivUact Iroin the Juurual :
Sd bit.bt' Ornnt.
Cfftary ( Ute lummmtc
Perte-rAfT's Orricit. I
njutusBiRG, Jane 22, isi".
rvnf?mnia, FSt
I do errtifjr that tha T-nTr anfl forrpninf t a true a Til
mrne ropy of the original IUanuLion relati.e to an
AutfDtlnirnt f the Cvuxtitutiun," aa the aame remain
on file in tliin office.
I 1 In trftmuny whrreo I hare hen-nntn art my
J l. J. J-hanJ aint eaurd to te atr.xr4 the t-raJ of the
11 Jjecretrv'iOtSce,tlif Jay and jrar atiTr written.
Secretmry of Ute Om mHieaVh.
llarrh 1, I
ItpeWilntlin pwiprtflnst smrn lrarntu to tliu Constitution
' cfUre c..mmoi.eaiiii, Wing un Jer conw.rmuont
11 ill Lbr innate aen to the flint amrn lmrnt
The yttf and nayn wt-rr takrn prri-i ah! to tlte i roTirV
tort" ot the t'on'tttutinn. and wen- ai follow, viz: 1
Y.s .UVjifM. Hrritxr itr-ntne '-Jfrf AVjf h'ran Frtter
Ftrntiil-'H Frntrr Hyram Jt.nfan Kiilintjer Knar touUirh
fyyris .Vfrr S4Jt &Urt Shnman XVrit MraiM tYcUh
U'tlkins HVmA( ami Taygart (Sf-ak-r.ry24.
N r-M'Mtn. Vrahb VretsueU Ftmurjf Grtyg Harris In- ,
rojr ant .iuaT 7.
So the iuetiun was determim-d in Uie afltrmatire.
On thr (juration,
til the lvnate agree to the aeeornl amrndmrnt
Tlir t-ai" atid nay- were taken axrrrt.ly to tlie provis
ion of thr Constitution, nnd wrrr aa follttw, vii :
Y.tx Mrrs.f tracer hrvwtte OrtnwU F'v iVntru frffer
Finnrif Flmntlen htfrnm Jonion An.nx Miihrtth Lu-U
Af'rrSrlUrt .ViNtwaM S"ttthr Strrte. Miaul Ytlsk U.UtJu
WrHjht and Tatjaart lpeal;rrr'l.
a.VfSMr. f.jf traljt iS ate Gregg Ilirri Ktilim
gtr Vr'rwr and SL-iyieUl N.
to tlie question nm determiuetl in the afflrmatiTe.
On the qneKtioOt
Will thr Senate trree to the third amendment?
Tlie yea and nay wt-re taken agreeably to the Consti
tution, and were aa follow, viz :
r. s M'nr. Hnrur Itrntcnr Cmht CrtitwN Et$ Front
Hmailm Frtrr htijram Junhm KiUinarr An'i Isittliaeh
hryrxt M-t'r N;J.Wd Srllrr Sfiuman Houthrr sXretc Straub
HW.A lY.IUntond Wright lt4.
iSnTs Mtrt. tirrgft IfftTTi awl ttrrwe -.
So the tiuction was determimtl iu tbe alUrmatire.
On the qurMfon,
Will Uie Srnate atrrre to the f nrth amrndment?
The yraa and nays were takm agrreadl to the prori
sioua of tlo' Coiirtitution.and em an follow, viz :
Y S.K M't tr. Hrnofr Hrrocnr t S.jf. v (WtttprU A7y Frans
Flmnikm Fmrrr Ingram Kiltmgjr htwt Luubach Is wit
JUyrr Hn,(irHl S-Urrt Shvtnam A- Hlter Stettc Strub H'tUh
U..i-in if i Wright 2A.
Kaim Jlrtrr. Vafc Vnnry Jordan awl Jin mm t.
u the question wan dvtrrmintd in tbe affirniative.
Is tub liottw or RrranirTtTATTTeti.
April -'. 17. j
Th" rraolutton propnalns; amendmrnia to tlirOntitu
tion of the Commonwealth bring under eotuiilemiloD.
On the qoetion,
W ill the lIottM aree to the first amendment?
The yeas and nays wre tak- n asreenbly to the provl
ions of thr Constitution, and were a fitllow, vis:
Y rjiB M'stri. Amtcrton Arthur Hackhnn Ikifl IWk
ILrhi-n htrrr JrteM Cblhimm ittmJu tit st.....
fwd Vrrkry Ktt F.ur FausoUi F.tur Othtmtvit t.tita
iitmzt MM'irfr ttnwt iii'iuntt mil rttlfrgn ijoirman of
Ikrkt Imbrie Inn Jacbt JmJnn JoAh John' Kavjf- :
man Krrr Knight iMtrmriug Longmkrr Lorttt Uanmr JtW I
pie il (almtmt it Ihaiw Moothrtid Mum ma ilmxieiman A'.-
eh iStdtHfin iiMraauetrr twrv Itrrt IMrtien a
nall Irerll Ram try uf If.iladrfphia Hamtegof JWt lira- !
mrr Htd RiAtert Awff Shaw &num muh nf (ItatoriM
iSaif uf frnfre aVerenwn Toan Vmil Yanraarhi Yicler
rphhg WuUer Wewtbnnk WharVm WtUu WdKcru
Wr.gkt Zimmerman and (U $ptikrry,
Nat- irr$. hack Hnutm - fttmrfton Hancock
Hint Ilnfman of Lebanon ld JXruOten Ilwm Warner
and Wtntrvde IX
lo the que-tioa, was dafermlned in Um aArniaUn.
On the qnestfon,
W ill tne Itowas agree to the aeeond amendmetitf
The yens and any. wen tas-a airreenbly to the proTi
skm 1 the ConaUtutton. wen as follow, vit :
irVfsrr, Andtrwn BaclJwvie liall Bed- Ibnerr
CwVkh, Oimntrtl trf A'e taiwtv PntUr fmdm Htottl
linr Htu U,'ikmU HUm Htfmrnn f frrkt owe
kteprr 1ml i h, Jrnktmt John Jahmtmt kawfrnan,
Fmaht Lrtmrtng Longakrltwett M-trrrrMaolr .ifllrui
Maorhtad Miutrtman Xtetol yiehalmm A'efneat e,Wr Sir
mm iUrt Frtrike WmH kmmsafFhiHdpltia
Ramtei f Work Mtamrr RiAtrts Knpn US,, Sioan r-Vun
naTMhf mtr mitknok WUrta Zimmerman oitoJ
Qrts vJaaiTT) 47.
., U,t ei lf V,i uW . lui.llic cic.nr.-..,. ...... f.--- SX-r I tv ail
ir.,-" fmm retmn aw. ram- artirie, i with durability, and anas more to a clear ami , 'ri'vr - y v..... .., . it. ....
......a.i,A,r,,i jilincl arliculation, than any oilier kiud of; i v? v liJ.ri.xX
th. word. -adw,,.".n.l.triW out MS ! ? '" " . . y..Ha.gaTS'i.Vg X J I .
N Mrttrt. A'lftmr Aiwtut'' Htteknt tltawn ik h j
JlrrmOttr Usurer 'raw ford &tfUr ti'iMmv Hamilton ,
bo the fjuetioa tut ilcivrDitiieU tu the aSrautin.
On th qtintIrtiT
W ill tlte lluiisu ftiYC to thm third Rtnencfmrnt?
Th? mid any WfreHxkD. und wtv m l!Uw,
V.a Mlrttrt. AutiervH HnckhtmM Hall Heck Or r sot
Hur linwm OiUftun Uumplirli Cta ttV.ftvr ,ViWrJ
Ihrlrp Knt f'vttrr Fntmltt rUtt'r (iVrmrv iftiwW ibityrr
I lAwtittm ll"Htkr?iT Imiirw luii'S J.tnJ JiJtnB J'thnvm
I h'auffman Kerr Lrb ijmybrr lrrtt .U-mrar .V fhtmt I
Mivjlt M-nrlirml Hftimmu Miutefmnn .mth stfftjun j
nnrmarkrr I'ntrum 1'rfmirtrtLrn thtmall I'tirerll H-tm-
tr$f Ynrk krnmer Rretl KuftpHhitm Mnan Snthvf flint-
' mi murtj ;cntrt Wrt.n iman tau tunrwn
tr V,,jhtrt W.-iprntMlUr Mtthnxik WUlutim WiVirrme
ll'rgtt ZtmmrrmiHt n4 'iW: 71.
Nrttr. Arthur At$ittinr Itarlhtu Hisftnp Carta
Ihrkliihfra Himiltam Ihmc.- ititt JrnHni An 7'
$rnrmn W' lira liamrf i'hiluMf-hu Jittrtt Strutter
Th. WitUr W'trnrr Vhartnmmd HVnna" 22.
&o the (jm-t-tion a dvtermiutMl iu tbe ailiruiatire.
On Oie qneaMnn,
H ill Hut IIoum airree to the urth amendment t
The e and uavn were Uk--n, and were follow, tii:
r.Mettri. Aud'rf.m Atthur ltck house H-ckn$ IkiU
tt-rk lirmmm tihhnf, lt-nrr llrwn rlhfHn fitmfMt Ctrtif
Vhaft Vtrf rtr Lruwfmtt lu-lri hit ilyitrr t'um'M l r
f;tl4mry UiUba mW lUrprr llnu . ..
.Jinn uf Hrkt ihuh Lrtmat'tn llMkrrir imlrit.
iHWtJ'VjJ.tJrnl.tittJohiu Juhnntn hauftatuH Krrr
Vnrtfr iMmtl-ikrr in-eU Mauvar .V-fffl ITCatmimt
J'rtttrm i'rttrt 1J nl.ru J'.nalt I'tinrll tiamtrfi i,,ia
H'lphia Itnmftlfof Yt.rk Kmmrr H'M H-4rU liu(i M-iW
.S'ortw UmiiAnflii m firm Smith f Vnlft .Stnrn T'Um
Vil Y.:th!fvYtrilrhYwXtif W.4juUrr W-t'ur Warn'T
Ytl!-timL Yhartm toiUi&ni todlteruw .immmnaa and
6W tr.tlrr) f;i.
Ni A-ir- ff-tmi'ton JUncntJ: Flrvthtn Thorn
v the 'ueetiou wan d tf rmineJ in tbe afTlrmatire.
SnumaiS Orn. e. )
II tkJUitLHO, June ISiT. f
Vttvfifn(7. 5",C:
1 do certify that th ahne and forecoin? I a true and
rnrre '""py of th" Vean"' atid NaV tnken on the
ICi fHiIiitioo pro) n-iii2 A iiiendmentK h the (Vnl!tutin f
ttf t'oinrii'iiiwi-faUh. as lh- ram- Mpprit on th" .hjuri.j'"
of the two llou- of th" (tf-neral Aeotnibly of tin Coiu
lU')Iifulth fir the M-Miinn ol' Ku.
f- Uitnen my hai.J ami tbe wal of mid office,
l. k. thit tweiity-Pfind dy of June, one thousand
( ) eight hundml and tiftt-neven.
A.r.. rn:TiN,
Wml frrrrtnrtl fifth? fhu.m-rralth
i" 118 11 altT
?Jf f?5 Market street, next door t" Brnwn A
1 ' Ri tier's Slore lK VV iJSli ( ' MH V
Jampq K Hamlin.
1 I"?"Ollire on Second St west side,2nu
door south of Market, I A!Yiwlilll g.
(im.9:) L'nioo Co.
THE new mt'tlm.l of inseriins arlili-
J cial Teeih, (Juin, Ac, knoua as
Alien'!. ConlXniiouM C.iibii Vork.
is, wiihut excpptitm, the bet iniprovement
ever made in tlic art of Dentistry. This work, :
hfn properly con 'true ten. is the mosi beaut 1- 1
we ran frive the fare it nntunl expreao-
aithout.tu the l.-ast, inU-rtiriui; with ihn u lulucss
of the teeth in nnHtieMti-in.
ould take thit met I
if ififurmtn? tlioe interett-d
ll.t I ha.e r..rrh.l .he Patent KiFht f..r tl.i. v.l.b
",":,,"", V "r '.' , o ti . t ,'l ' . ,M
" '"' """rl' ,,J'' nl" "T . .1'. . I
. "...u.tun., an arocle of r.,.h anduu, ... i Ut I
""I-re will, aoj-tl.ios ... tl.al Hue Ihnt l.w
ever lieeo m.le In tin-or a.. other ,-ouolrT. I ak all. ,
"' "1-el.Hj lh. that ne.d 0- Ih ,if Ihe. L.Teenied
"" or "dj',TM ""V.T.K 1 ".' ''.
otee .nd Third e.r .rtet.
Offlee iu SllLTi?(.ou llroad way, near Cd wal la.ler'.-1 rner
West Branch Insurance Company,
OF Lock lla en, Pa., insure Detached
Uuildmes Stores, Merchandize, Farm
Property, and other (buildings, and their con
tents, at moderate rales, boin? business on
boihCibh and Mutual plans. Capital,:MMl4.0.
Hon John J Peaice
i..ha n ..!
Chas A Mayer
('has Crist
II. n G C Ilareer
r r Anrams
1) J Jarkman
W White
Thos Kitchen
l'eter Dickinson
Hon. C C. IIARVKY, President.
T.T. AllKAMM, Vice Pres.
627 I.ewisburg, Union Co. 1'a.
rpHE undersigned have this 2d day of Feb.
I A. I). 1857, entered into Co-l'drlnerhip
for Ihe pvrpose .f earrving on a Uf nerul I t
rounilry IImsIik-nh at tne isrirw rnuu
dry in Market street. Lewisburg, under the
name and firm of Frick & I.illev.
Lewiiburg, Feb'y 2, 1857.
A general assort
ment of COOKIMS
STOVES for coal or
wood, Stone Coal I
Stoves, Wood Air-I
Tiaht and Parlor i
Stoves, Ac. in vane-1
ty always kept on ,
hand. j
kinds made to order '
iqi'li)jhs'& TiT.'.'iiiiiilji' li)?!i'qi);i.' Colnp.
a.W. Cua. SCUM AD -J.tl.T STa, riULAMlLFUU.
Capital l.'jro.oo.
Assets f Iiin.IoI 13, invested in Ilnnds, Mort
gages and other good securities.
IiY FIRE ! There are bat few who'
receive sympathy who incur loss hy tieclectinj i
this most neeewtry and ubtuntial precaution. '
We often see it announced that persons have i
lost their stocks of Goods and Furniture, and
, r f r -
. . ' ' .
by the devouring element over which ihey
have no control but by being insured.
Insurance protects you from the incendiary,
neslmenre of servants and the casualties of
your nrinhtor. It will impart w uf.Jrncr to your ert .1
Itora. and zire a rharartrr 1-1 prudrnv and ttrecautiuu to
all ymir buttinem transactional.
i. riiiiiea nui a vrry rmau turn in incur in sum
rnnirini' fnm f lui to (lUttO, and yrt h-twtnujr thrreure
who have no iusurann urn l.und.i, Kurmture. or anv
thinir rlxr! If your tftock U small. s:ilt the Loss to you
mitcht be serious.
This Ompany lnnre ttriT.DfXfl SfFRWf '.I.VJ
Il' i.ililii' I I is I It a.' at a ti t ru a . a i:
Vnm t..n n. c-Ajui
..v. r " L . . Y
and 1'aoxiT fainuiT on tbe adjustment cf Loss.
Hon Tno.n. Florence .lamr K Nenll I E.1w It TTrlmhoid
Groll.Annstrfns; Cha n Dinirrw I H arr.il ltrrwtt;r
('ha.A.lCulinrum Th.Manderl.rld L-aac Lmh.Jr.
Ut-nerol Superintendent JOHN TIIOVAPOV.
THOS H. FlJHiKNi!!.: l....i..n
EDITH B. IltLMl OLO. Sn tarv.
J. MKUKlMa l.l.N,A2ent,
657 LE ISRCRG, t nion Co. Pa
To the Citizens of Letcishury.
rilHB object uf this Card ia to call ynar
aitenuuo tu ihe fact lhat yon can buy
yuur Buukj and Sialinnery cheaper, aod have
a larger stock and variety to select from at
Kevins k Co.'l Cheap Bookstore,
than any other place in this (ovq
Vie wish
you to call and see fur yourselves and thereby
be convinced. If yon were to consult your
own ititeret.you would givethis establishment
your liberal encouragement. We desire to
see a taste for reading grow op, and to fur
ther ilus we place eood and useful wnrl-c .1
such low raies as tn be within the reach of ;
an. 1 oung men desirous of improving iheir
mm,1. h..e.M 1 .1. :- '
r.e...Ki.. .k '"""" opponunny ot
w..u ie..oa9 oi 1 ravel,
.....u.,, mugrdpny, narrative. Science and I
Art, which we offer at low nrie..
' luw P"Cf-
or Harper's Magazine.'
ker. Graham', ..3 ,Z'r I
Ihe Knickerbocker. Grafi.im t.i iv..
.Magazines, at tue l-ablishm rates, at
PaysviM jews.
St'BsCRIBB (or"ihc New YorkLeT
Bailout Pictorial, Harper's IlltiMraie.l.
any ether Newspaper, at Publihern, rates,
r.NEvirs & co s.
i.....i. ..... .. ki r, .........l..v
-u if n
all iffYl
rilllK fullowini, from lhat eminent Pht si-
i cian of i'liiladrlphia, Dr. Bhnckle.adderl j
lo the testimony of lrofe.-s"r Buoih. only con
firms what is evidenced by thousands who
have used Horer't Dye.
41inrAB Row, rmmitrT Ttrr, )
l'hillrlt-liU, li-o-aiU-r Iba. f
MIn r7rfl to ftrfr'i Hair lltff, I nn ptjitf unhmit.i
tinty, that it routaiiii m, il-ltriuu inrtMliut ,i.'l
ni7 btf aiMJ with tnUre 'eyDil with tit' nlm'ill rtmji
ilMX nj ,wtcu." H. l. UUIM'KI.K, 11. 1.
Hover Vr'rUintj tb lath-ltUr 2nl;,
Are so well and widely known, as lo reijuire
no eulogy of their merits, it is on'y necessary
to say, llial the steady and increasing demand,
gives the best evidence thatihey maintain their
character for superiority, which distinguished
them when first introduced, yetm tin.
Orders, addressed to the .M inulari. rv, No.
IKi K.M'K street alxive Fourth, (d.1 No Ml)
I'hilailelphia.will receive prompt atiei.tion by
B?!y JOSKJ'il E. liVLK, Manufacturer.
THE ArKlnK'I.FIinri,
' il i M V I O !
t Y ' 1 -I -TJ .. i
; ihE&5:pf di'i; -
tiFk'SSrrVbi' l''1" ' i"""n.'"i" 'iii-iu"' tw
I VJW!f l..t Wgt t.t i.,riw.r.iiua .'. .r.-i I. e
I" 1 L ' Kl 0 H' riliii! . l the ifU 1AFL Tllt
: :?. . ,
'Tr r7L -tMri imm the rnrimiit-.
Oport ou the Trial of Iivu Hut-
at K-aJtn.-:
"On tlie it th of rVhruanr ail the memTer.of th Com
mittee Oft to itO'". tl.e ;ift-n ni.ij Unkfi trl paer.
ij-breo! jn !iT--m'l ai d were pe-rf-'-tly stiftt.-tj th:it il
: n -liL 1 lie ilfiy t'lliitnif. th liurriinf' ti ' k pirn-. undr
j the atifM-rtnt inl n'"e ol the Comntitt-e . Aft'T fnir and
impnrti;l KurnMia; ftir tin? hii;r, th of Hrnt
! Kvunn 1 Vatioii wn fir-t oprnd. the ;tfr hefntr on lirr
j inMde.au I the eon'ent partially r .nuiit. while Ihe
n-ut' lit in the .afe '! M-.r lfrrele 4 Jli-rrin were in
giH l roniiti"0. and n re uilde.''
! Kndmic, Jdarrh 1-".
' (.Mirned.1 H. F I KMX. l
i V. S ntLKMAX. ronmittre.
Axil l'KA'4nh.)
And endonfd ry tT-r .U of th hat m-n "f Itexlfuy;.
The ahote .fei. enn be inspe-tcl ;it :i4 Wxlinit Street,
i where the publie ran Kqtlfy ti:eme '.-H f.f ihe trrent n-
pennrity of the llerrinirt I'.leiit ehmnptou,' or-r ihe
' defeated aui tisi-up 'iiiide Iron !or ittaniander.1
j F.i;i:t:i.s & HKUKIM.,
! :;4 Vt'-iibltt Street, I'h 'joletphU.
I On'y mahrr intftis Stat vf Ihrrtny't i'uUmt Cham
pi'tt Sitfr.
The Mtt'-mpt mad.- hy other partiea to 1iolter np the
r-pnMt;'H i'f a .fc;if- wi.i- h tft t-'Mni r-itoally in arvi
( dntil bre-M in I'hiladi lpl M, i:n-t-1 Pine.-.) hv takirnr
' one rut (-fan at-'ent's ptore. ill. A. I.ntt.) mle Htmi-U
' Viicknr. f'litfefent frmi tloe they eM. to "hum up"
one of llerrii's'. ihalf ae thirk h met with He true re
. Wiir.l. llerrinc'H S.iff wuM n-t hurut. pr-.Tifijr n.nrltt
Mvelv thai the only rehaMe SnVrnw nde in- rr,
of whit h ot. r 1 i nr' n-w in ;ie!ul ito-,r'l more than
S U have been tried hy fire wuMont it $ngU U,$t.
Li:x.M)i:it ki:i:i:,
:ls Soul li.l hiirr,lIillaK Ilil;i.
Liverpool f:i:nr.M).
11 UN 3 IM. ..l and
constantly on hand, and for sale in lots to sun
purchasers. Apr:l :t ISjJn.C
r?!tW- tolaiitfiphia .Manu-
- - .'rLL V fnr t n r Pit
?s3 m Salamander Safes
&-vE-r Xu. ac s. reA st , 1
5?" rhiLidftnhta.
Truth is Jlil-ty, and Must Travail.
Report of the -ommittee appointed to super
intend the Ilurnin of the Iron Safe---, al
Keadir.gr, February 27,
Kitnrca. Marrh 4.
Trie oniter-limnl. mi-intrf'rl. of
tt,;e..n,n,Ul..,.l.. re-,
p.tlul.j report, tl-at we eaw the
i ari-eii .iwi.. tiy rarn-ii. a to rrine
j tila-.-(l i.lc lit elite in a turnai-e, ..a
t m u-r t.v
if lnnijit T i f the I'ltiSn.lrlt h,ia ai.tl Ural,mr ltat!roal
j C' nirmny. iu hirolirrat l.rmlinj. nianufaeturiil l r'ar-
bia tore. mttniifirtnretl hy Kvaur A Watson, and j ut iu
bukn and rn.-r.- prt-t l-rlv alikt.
The lire Wai- fUrtjHi ;it !.. orlork. A. !.. and krpt np
nmtl fur rtiri- of prrrn lii. kory. tworJdrv o-tk an-l
h:tlf thr-tnnt top wiml wrrr rnlirrly ron-umrd. tde
whi'le uixirr thr .Uf-frint-n't-tirv cf thr rulVri iU-r,
Mipm.ei-ri i f thr.rnm:(l.... Tha S.if. w.-rc tt.n r.H,ll
olf with wati-r. aftt-r li h th.y -rr of-n-d. and the
hook nud paprrt- taken out br thr I 'onitnittrr and !.k n
to II. A. i.anU torw for put Ik runiintion. atr tl-T
re nrl t-XHUliriflMli-i m:irki'd t-y tlir t ommiltrr. Th.
oa k ami pi er- t n from thr na!iutartrnl h.
Knns A tt aLn wrrr Lut iijiit t aff rVtl I.t tl.c ih: d .
heat, whilr tbflre tnkrn (tout tie l-afc otanut etor.-d t !
: r'-irrrln llrt rinj i-r. 'n our . u. me t..inm;li fully t
I t ftrrn prr rrnt. wore than tlio t taken from t.an A I
: W atKon h aff.
!W b-IU-r thrnhove to hae heen a fair nd impartial
trial cf the reret-ctive iiUi.iiti'- of t-t h
J f iB If. IYM KU.
1..MKL S. IltM Ki;.
ITiaTintr hern nWnt durine the hurninir, i fuTW ro-
, inride with thr il-nc fUitrntt-nt of tlw roudition ol the
I papers and book tukru our of the rer-eti.e Saf a.
tt. A. NK'itl.LS.
f II II. MrHl.r.MtKRO.
j JAMt MI1.1I0LLA.N0.
Fl an & lValwOll have now on hand
300,000 rotiluNc t the ahove S FKs,
which they flier lor sale on better lerm. than
any other manufacturer iu ihe fniicd Suie
April 3, 18."7 (J7?y 1
C .Thr folio wini n.im. d irntlrmen.rr-idrntit of Rratl
ln uJ it- TKiintv. win. i tiie fir. hate purrh.i-ed
.wHf. fn m KV A A ATdi'X siurir the burning up to
Met Ut, In'7:
ti A Ni-t.llw, Leptdd Ilirrth. Iiae Ituth, Kirk .1 II. i--trr.
W. Kb-iads k n. ih nry VY. M:etnirvr. lr.W M..t.-,
Sol.tmon Kli.'t.iii'. I.e-.i L. Mnith. Ui -h k triir. tt m.Ktrk.
RautRian tt li.tuni. W m Mi rarln-r. .ro. J. K'-k- rt. J M.
A 11. tt . lir.n-tot k. r.xra MiH. r. Ja J nn-.n J H. Jt A H.
Warni r. J:i . h rhiiMM k. r. tt m. Kii.t:. K .rhoiL-r-Wr
p-r. K. It. t'ciupniiy. II A. Ijinii. tt. t A I Y. Krumn-tr-tut,
J. F. Krwitfaur. Rilimrvfr. f'ollmrr A To . MiUon.
Engraving and Seal Cutting
OF all k:ntk,at 20-1, Chcsnut Street,
rillLAU. Visi;in am! tnher CARDS
vii I'tMdiitiii .in ti tiiiirr ob.Ai'.tiiiii rtriviiHiiK
: in nnr lin
f biismes, promptly attended To,
in goud stvle, ati'l on reasonable terms. Ur-tlt-rs
from Titv and Couniry sulirtted.
SATUUinEK, or Concenrraied
ranted to make -Soap wiihou
led Kve war
ut l.i in o, and
with littletmuMe. tt itli fne rakeof I.ye and fouri-onndf
p--at rat. ynu nn rnnke tiflrvn cat Ion gwod suit ap.
Hard soa can be made in tbe fin way. Y'-r hj
t II 111.-T at TAI.Ott Kl.l..
JH'r.' w iiiTf PLMui'f ii-
. -
i t Bit, ierC
tS Omnibuses, Maae'S, etc
j a eupenor artirie. for sale by CM U 1ST A CA LI' IV KLL.
! lO LASS Jars, for Pirklinsr and Preserving
VJT Quarts and Half Gallons, for sale cheap
t ruiiivr a cai.I'Wki.i..
I cure f.r Pyspepsia and diseases arisms
fri.tn an imhnre aute f Ihe a.nmarh a a aure pre
ventive .if eLYkli vlVi G7'l..iie 7.. el., per Imtlle,
.Taal. bj C.UI1M' a CAMIUKLL.
rriIE subscriber con-
-1- linues to carry on ihe
i.ivery isuNincNs at
the Old SianJ on SSouthl
Third street, near Market, and respectful!)
solicits the patronage ol his friends and th
public generally. CHARLES F.HKSS.
Lewisburg, May S3, 1850
Drwj and Chemical Emporium
Market Street - Lewisburg. Pa.
CLOCKS all kinds of 8-day and
30-hour llrass Clocks and patent lever
.-W ur 'CS
Drass 3tl-ht.urclocks as lew as $1. All clocks
i warranted for
one year at J.L.YODER'8
-J pas" the sei
e War of ISIS, and for
ARRANT blanks Mr
service of the V. a
their Widows, at
ihe OiHee of the Lewtv'iur; Chionicle.
William VanGezer,
IV I.ewlslMirpr, I nion Co., Pa.
17'Oilice oppositt- Klinc'a Hotel 51
New Finn and New Goods!
T the Maiuoioili Drug & tkinieil
ujponuui of
The undersigned harin' purchased (he eotir
Mamuioih 1'rug Slore formerly kepi by Or
Tkornluu 4 ., are now ready to 11 Order
aud Prescriptions at a moment's notice. We
have a larse and well selected slock of fresh
and pure ItHVGS, MEDICISES, Chenueals
Dycsuilfs, Oils, Paints, IJIass, Putty and
All kindt of 1'atrut Mmticinet,
Fruit and Coufectionerr
Tobacconuffiand Imported Cigars of the
choicest brands,
h'anry Kuttuiu and Tuiltt Article$
Fine Toilet S -aps A Perfumery of all kiad
Umi-h.s iMo Comii iitu ttlni
liook and Slallonvry,
a peneral variety ol Literary and School Books
Pine Oil, Lard and Fluid Lamps of every
description; fresh Pine Oil and Patent Bura
in Fluid alwavs on hand.
PI HI' WINKS and LIBORS of all kms
f'T Mtdieilial Uses.
t'ire 1'iifif ami Zinr 1'uintt.
J'r servitif? anl Pickling Jars, Ac'
i j- iiMc n.ers will nm onr sti
eotnpriM,., rr:t,s m
to enumerate. a:ni all sold t mo
Call and see us, one and all,
I iCusic iners will find onr stock complete.
impossible here
derate prices
, and sec our
u cheap goods.
', , 1
w Wl!1 n"' r IO DnT-
't are nl -nys on hand to wait
y in nana to wait on customers.
Kemcinber the Mammoth Drne Stori?
t . nr?. T'nion C. Pa. 6S
afpw.The suh.crihers thankful fr
a(ti.!wMia,pa!.t ptronose, wmld inform
Vi3nfcKV55i5 1 he public ll.l thejr continue re
w"V'rw ma'iMtactiire all kinds of M!I.J.
l.r.AKI.Nf; and other Casunss. Thrahm
Maelnties and rtlier Machinery repaired in the
l-et iiianner. I'atin" marranted to be of
C"icl material, and at prices that ran not fail
to file.i.e. GKbllES, MAKH & CO.
I.rwMmrz. Feh. ISl
tUOKIMi Sior, of arn us at ems
Ithe Leil)ure Foundry hy
(ieddea. Marah & Cm.
STOXES I'arlor, VotJ. aod Coal
Stovrs. various patterns, for alr at the
l.ewi lurg Foundry. Grddea. klairh A Co.
! "IITIAKIJ' Piitent lianj:
I nor aruclc, for nU al
I'low. a uf,e
ihe Lf wishurg
rnlij ly Geddet.MnaL A Co
1 IJAlX or Seed Drills Ross Patent
rlcri.li jlv the best and mrsl durable
liiain Il'il now in use. for sale at the Lewilur
ru..dr hv Oedde-, Mar.b rk Co.
Hussey's Grain Rearer,
foi ciiuini both Giain and Grass
AM TACTI KED and for sale at iLe
Lemsburg Foundry bjr
N OTIi'K. IIaii!fz Lt cn z pointed ti e
SU.VI'ON to ihe Lewisburg Cemetery,
the sul.-ciil.. i wi'U'd siate thai he is prtpaird
to peril rm ail duties connected ilh the tun. I
of :lte dead.cn short notice. ANo that he will
aiieinl ! ihe re-inrermenl of c?eceaed perot-s,
otoler the .lii. cnon of their snrvivinp frien.i.
Kesu!ei.ee in ihe l.n.(;e at the Caie rf th:
Cemeierv. UEUKt.E liOSiACHY.
I.eu ivi.nrz. May :in, IHS4
lhCNl 1RCNI! 1RCN .'.'.
OO ITO LPS. jUSt TCCflVed it U
. XeFAVDEX Farmers and Elaek-
rr:iiit, e.:II am! see ihe hrrtt and lot as
sortment of Inn ever offered on the Vet
; Uranrh. Ilavin" the exetwir control of ihe
t relet ralett Valiktixes Certte county Irrn,
lie is eiiaMi'd to warrant every bar. &.
; vzes Tire, irolk p, Koord and Square; Hi-re
I She, Nail Knds, 5.c.. at Cass prices to all.
j 'ail atlil !ee I
e Hardware Store rf
.ewihnrs, Mav 10, SJ5.
IK1iii!u!Uh licnnlne Irrparallon
H'gWy r-ncentrnl-d Compound Fluid Extract of
ess xumr: m m L7
TOr: Uiseatrs of Bladder. Kidneys, Gravel,
pleases, r eir-aie iomp.aini.,aDa an aiseasrs
cf thr rtial Onran arie-iDat I mm eareiwiTe and iniprtid
rtirn K.u liti'.attd Mnntn2 all luiproprr Ihi-ehargnt fr m
tin' It'aiMrr. hnln-T or ;Wuai in:t.f.hrthrreiitii!(
in Mj!eir 't.inie. Irt-m whaievir cauae thej may baie
and no matter of how lung standing,
giviiit; U.a'.tl. and Vior to the frame, ami Bloom to tbe
pal. id rherk.
Joy to the Afflicted!
It curvei Ncttmh r-nd Prt.-.Iitated ufTerers. and reinoTes
all t!ie SVMiT'lVP.iim-iie wl.irb may be found
In l:fiMou t rtt-rtion, bus of power, loie of Sftemnrr,
u:t n t rrtltinir. iftn ntl t-kns. horror of lia
tevcvfak 1. 1 rv.'Satn ml-Iiue. un .lfu' horror af death,
ja'nt' l at", roid trrt. wait filneM, dimnrm f
ti-r"n. Unmoor, noivrivl larituie of the nu
ru.ir ( m. oftrn eimrmoua a)'-tit with
tiyV T lir ynirti m. ti t hands. fluiL:ef of
llf t-U.i1rur- of tlir feii. plli. Cftin
triiaitrr at.d erupt tons on tlte face, pain
ir j .- i. k. hrat inrm of the eye-lkls,
friijuniiy l.'ai k j U flyine "brlbre
th.- r' with U-mt orary utT ueioa ard
!- nf fi;ht, want of at4ntMn. (TTi-at
mot tuty. nud r. U-inenn, with horror of
sot-irtv. 'thin i no rr tl-iratile to nvb
rr r-- thitn o'iiu'lr. and notbiiraf they mora
il !. 1 f r fr;r of tht-melrr ; do repose of
Oinrwur. n t-anit ntn!.. bo e-erulatioB but
burr.. J f ..i..-iti -ii from one qurU(n to anotbrr.
Ttrm- nij t. t:., if allcwrd to en on whkh this medV
rinr iiiis'ui-iv Trmrvrs soon foi'ow Uwn "I pita
1'ti m. D r PiLM'iic l'rrs in one of whirb the patire
tr, iy tthnrnn ?y tht tlirjw-eacesresarewt
frr.jtiei.tiy f-IN.wrd he those tir.-ful diaeasrp I-aefy
aixl t". n-kini lbr record of the Insane ieiliiM
airl thr tnrtar.rtitv lmth. hy Consumption. rar aBr
ti-ftiiooi.y to to- truth of thrM arrtioB. In LnDatie
Ay'um the most mflancb'ily exhititk n atprar. Tr
eoutitt n-'iru-e is arlual'.y eildcti ai d quite it, ?otuU syt
ttirr n.irTh or ,:rirf . e. r .i.t- it htu.d a souud ut tbs
luut tmr, it ut ntrrly ariH Utatr.
- ith w.erfu! m. n-nrt-. wn dewvair
1 1 sulh n sounds griel U iru..ed."
Tiff.tntT is nil Hit tvrrtMw.' in.1 bn Krnn.iht fheaaoct
nt.n il . "u.:.n.ls to nnttmrlv tw, thus biastinc m
! iaOil'iii n of man noble Tmth4. It run berured by tbs
1 UM-'fthiw INKALI.lill.fc HFM. I'Y
If you are sufFrrin; with any of thr at-cTe distreMisf
at.nwnl.. t' e ll r.UT Bit 111 wiil rurt J--1r
:t and be ca.n.itoed ef its ctBrary.
Ulwa:.k .if Ql.U'K NoTBUMS Qt ri IVrtVfca,
who fali-rly t-oaitt of al i' tii-s and rvfir -rt-s. i tUiees
know a tad a't.id th m. atid save i.sVhar. awooeT,
nnd rxv'.firr. b -. rnjin? or calling ftr m botUebftlus
It pulnr aj: t rec-fSr Rt nifly.
It ai:af ail pain ard ii flnniatirn. is perlVetly nleasaat
lu it t.t-tr an-l odor, hut imnirdiate in iu arttoa.
Is rn-r-arrd dirrrllr am r-hntfto the Rulr of rti.X
M I 1 AM i U.VM.1'. with the irrateet afcwrary
and Chemiral anoalrdir aod rare deTotrd in it- wM
nation, brr rrotrSvr Uewee ValuaMe Wrt na the
fr:ri)re 4r I'hjsu', aLd most of the late bUndarii wtfrkf
of Hvdirine.
One Ilumlml PoUar.w.ltbepaKl U.at.y riir-lrl.?
ean ,.u thai tbe Mrdieine ever iejarMl . ParieBt.aaa
Ihe tr.!inil. ef IhoueanHitran te- pn uuerw lorreelnal
it d.-a ureal c.4mI. I'.aea of Ui m en. week le l-nta
vea..' land.Dic liar, been elf. rte.1. The UN ot Volaw
iarv Teeli....... in poaeeKw ef the PreprtebT. apnea'.
iu virtue. ael euraliTe iiwera. h. inniepse. lwa
nainea well kcu.n la K aD vaMX.
lOlM'OI) tittles lhirt Jiern
I anl net a mok'. laatane. .Y a fai!wr ba. brea repin.r
iPerafnally appeared hefrre u. an AMerown of tb
Cily ol r l.uadel,kia. II. T HunnLb, t'krwuat, who
.h.lT aworn dr.. ar. tliat liia reearatKin eo..ai.- -are.'Iie,
ler.'Ury or injiirh u. Pray, hat are paeely "w
aetahte. II- T. Ill.aou Sole .waawfanwrer.
...r. and subx ribed hrt.ee lh..2l Jay of X."
ler. l.s. i. U. P. IIIHHARD, alaVtwa
Price, f 1 per Bottle, or Stx fur 5 Dchrerti tt
any Addrets,
aeenwp.nird reliable and rw.pe.BriM.(VrtnVah
fr. e-M" of Mrdiral 0.1.1.(1.1.. all "JV
l l.l.ItJ and aold be M. t. U .
Proctil awt Jjrntwl e
X. ii . TVart SJx'ow iAtta-Ulf-Hf
,v . TI h-t of D, WW ZWe. '
Im. w .u'.a, CU..U ami ItnUA frmmct$.
.4.- fur HemUla'tlukt no Vlherlr
Guarantied. .&rf ...