Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 11, 1857, Image 4

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i i
cf r. - rnf it u
(r c Asarwluig or DescenJing.)
For aye
To Mar
Tis undmc
W ith Godlike air
11 fame during
IU Wight iimiriitg
Looks oa It fmm afar
I-o! every an.iiins ir
To rune the pile to brave.
Theee beautwon? stones an ffven
A irayer for truth's ear itrr.g liitbt
Kach tuaiTy struggle tr the right
Each kiudly word to cheer the lowly
Ken ecpiratloB far the holy
Earb strong UwptaiaoD nobly ovetvon
L h clamor's pwuvsion held in ..lrnr lnb
A iuw ft fine b wards the upper beaten
Sume after htooe unio the mM lfl fiiren
It Lumi upon the earth IU ap-! In the skies
.tbe .od Bau'a rhnrrt-r Pyramid doth ri-e
Adventure of an Editor
Tlii! editor of the Auburn American
r- ci-Dtlv attended a trial of Mowers and
Keiticr, and" while txamiuinj an orchard
a.li .luii.g the meadow id which tho trial
took plo.., iipurioucej a trial of quite an
other description. His description of the
aTur is toi gioJ to bo lost:
"That bull was one of 'tin. He was
iiiouarc!i of all be cou'J cal, chase, or gore.
!cing deeply interested iu the apple crop,
we wandered out of the fild, iu which the
mowing was going on, into friend Shut
well's orchard. Fat aud handsome blood
ed cows were Ijtng about, chewing their
txh, and utterly indifferent to what was
going on. We wandered on from tree to
tree iu tbe large orchard, and while criti
cally examining some very fine looking
lruit, was suddenly and rather unpleasant
ly startled from our train of thought by
the bellowing of Mr. Taurus, whose maj
esty had been recliuing, and uf whose au
gust presence we were unaware, lie ele
vated his tail, and u.aje the earth fly with
'awful paws,' and thus manifested his hos
tility aud gave tone, if not 'color, to his
idea,' that we were an iuteilopir, made a
plunge towards us. A moment's view of
our antagonist, was just about enough,
lie had a tremendous ft out. His eyes
Cn'.ied fire. Ho roared like a 'Dull of
Kishan.' We did not at all fancy the
s'ylo of his horns. They were straight as
needles, and about as sharp. He exhibit
ed un uumistakeable desire to employ
them upon us.
' Knowing that it was expected of ns to
report the test trial going on in another
SjIJ, we remembered the prior and press
ing interests of our friends, and set up a
smart run. Sj did Mr. Hull ! We scam
pered .Ve scampered. He made better
time than we could 'botlj'm out.' He
gaiucd on ns rapidly. Wc could almost
feel his hut breath on tbe back of our
nock. It was neck or nothing ! Kail
fence twenty rods off! Tight race. No
bels 1 Hull in high spirits ! Gave up for
a 'goner!' No such thing! Friendly
apple tree with low branches ! Clutched
two of them and lifted our precious body
iuto the tiee! Taurus arrived jut as wc
i lea ted the ground ! Pawed aud roared
horribly Taurus did ! Wc attempted to
reason with him. No sort of use ! lie
was obstinate, and hard of heart. Evi
dently a great scamp. We eyed hitn.
Ho eyed us. Good sight for both of us.
Being in the newspaper line, wc are iu fa
vor uf tbe earliest publication of important
news, but we coufess that the Hull let-in j
.nniamnl.iml nr. tliia ruva.intl fcIiorkffl our I
sense ot propriety. Aua tue laci tnai we
were 'Irced,' illustrated our antipathy to
... , , . r . t 11,1,!.. it,.'
,.ract.ciug the popular feat of 'taking the. ,
bull by the horns.' In this case it would j
........t'.l.r.lni'linrn too much ' So.
Mr. Uitor. I
itu climb tha apple rea
lha bull to are.
"Our enemy pawed around the tree,
after the manner cf 'lioanerges, the son
of thunder,' glared at us, and finally walk
ed off the distance of three trees. Thiuk
iug all was right, we tlid down heroically,
unJ nut for the cr-zv old fence. Thedis-
tauce from tree to bull, and from bull to j
fence, was just about an 'even thing.' j
Our assailant saw the movement, audi
more the chase was a hot cue. lint
this time wc distanced the horned 'critter'
, ,. r i j j : e ii fi
and scaling the fence, lauded iu a field of ,
ra .1 il,n etna mnillPtit lliatAlir ItlirsUnr'H
li irus struok tbe top rails of the fence. We
, , , , .
read tue sconuurei a lecture iuai we uopc
he will remember to his last momcuts.
We made all due allowances in h.s case
for the excitement caused by tbe hubbub
(if tbe mowing and reaping affair, but,
nevertheless, concluded that he was a great
.... if , i , p 11
bile thC CieitUCS Of AHulierst tOlICge
a- - , flt
C.n.meDiXlllCDt tTe IU full progress, tbe
Kxi.rc tlit-re UU nn. a sedate bachelor
ao so enraptured with the charms of the
Touoff lady whom he had escorted there.
t t '
that he commenced vigorous courtch.p iu
... , , .
whispers so loud as 10 te db?liuctljr beard
lv not a few vho set near. Notwitbstan
tlm fiuudry slight rclutTs, which served
July to increase the aruur of his attentions,
ho at length popped tbe quest iod. aud was
rt'jrctcd. Tbe verdict of '.bote who over
hiaid was "berved him right9
Lights and ?iiauows. Oo last Sat
urday, JaJg Courad seuteuccd a duq
tiTtmcd Ruuip to prison for two Tears aud
t-i.'U moutbSjfor the perpetration of frauds Weep consiautly on hand fire-arms of all rte
by uhieh James liuchanao was elected to ' 'r;. ammnnition, and hunters' equip
..... merits.
the i'rcsideucy last tail.
yit. Iluehanan
now occupies the White House at Wash
ington, aud Kump is domiciled in a cell at
M ij'amcusing ! J'ltila. Bulletin.
In the Catholic church at Putnam, In
Ci::iia, the other Sunday, a collection was
being taken up, and when the priest came
arjutid, au Irishman Landed him a quar
Q . '"r- 1 n rr'est tli
. leniftidt-d a d dlar.
na ri ply, tut fcnoel
Ar-triicci ut tie duj
ter, itie priest threw it in bis face, and
leni:-tidfd a d..llr. Tl. T,;ct.m, ..j
tnn.1 j . ..
u.u. uwo, anu tue
F cantluJid m confusion.
r- . mm . PJ
THIS stprlin machine has wiihin the
n ...
I DPPn very mch improved by the addition of
Hid other minor improvements, and is now
niaite in the very best maimer, and that it will grinit ana press easier ana taster tnau uii)
other Mill in ijie market. Dealers and others supplied on liberal terms.
Iiw."i V. O. IIICIiOH, -li'if Kek VV'urfci, Jfurritbur, Va.
IX the School opened in Prick's BuildinJ.'m
Wednesday, August 1-th, will be taught
all the branches of au English and Classical
Education, Primw. Commercial, Classical,
and Normal Departments will be formed, and
the most thorough instruction given o pupils
of every grade. H. D. WALKER,
auU Principal.
To Teachers.
riHE County Superintendent will be present ,
at the new School lluilding n Saturday
12th inst.al 9 o'clock A.M. for the purpose of
examining persons wishing to make apphca-
lion for Schools in-this Borough. Several
Male and Female Teachers will he wanted.
Sec. pro tern of Hoard of Directors
I.ewisburg, Sept. 18."G
Examination of Teachers.
v 1L.I. meet lor examination inc i eacners
of the different Districts of Union County
e following limes and places: I
at the
Sept. 12 I.ewisborg, at the Public S.H.
21 New Uerlin & Jackson,at IS'.UexIiu.
22 Miffliiiburg, at Milllinhurg.
2:1 BuM'aloe.at liulfiloe X Roads.
24 Kelly, at Rover's S II.
25 White Deer, at New Columbia S.H.
2d East Buffaloe.at Vt. Pleasant S.H.
2 Union, at WinfieU S.H.
29 Limestone, at usual place.
OcL 1 Hartley & Lewis llartleton 8. H."
West BufTaloe at Red Bank S.H.
Examinations to commence at 9 o'clock,A.M.
A full attendance on the part of Directors
and others feeling interested in the advance
ment of Common Schools, is desired.
D. HECKENDOIt.X. Crnnty Sup'U
New Berlin, Aug. 2b, 1S57W3
WILL open for the Winter Session of six
months on Thursday. Sept. 24lh.
Tuition, COLLEOE, for the session $20.00
Fuel, Library, &c. 3.00
ACADEMY English " 10.00
" Classical - 13.00
" Charges " 2.15
Female Institute, reg'r course $20.00
Pwparntt.1T la.tIO
" Charges " 1.40
General Agent & Treasurer.
I.ewisburg, Aug. 1 1, 1 857. 3m696
3 C'7,CeJ1ff, APAUBMV
L.C. VY IJOU ClLl tbtVtLVf) 1
HE FALL SESSION, of this Inslitu-
Sept. I7tli, ISS7, to continue 13 weeks.
The Wixtkb Scssiow.of the same length,
will immediately succeed the former, to be
interrupted by a Vacation durin; the Holidays
As the public are pretty fully acquainted
with the success of the Principal, during the
l ir of his ronnecliun wilh thr Arade-
IU tears oi His connection nn ine Acaue-
' niv, all extravagant pretensions and ptomiscs
are ou, f p,,ce . suice it to say that all the
Branches of a thorough English and Classical
Course are taught, and thai youths are lilted
eMh(.r (of Teachfng or for genc.
rai business.
The Bible is a text book.
i A l.rni rlnc .if V.niifr T fl.tipc ia crnrpd.
TUIT10X per session of 13 weeks, including
contingent expenses.
PRIM tltV-fMcadinir. Wrltlns. II- finer, Arithmetic,
iv . iiraui. and f. 8. Ilift.Ty.l ----- .fAOO
AV amtkii K.NUL1.-1I ,ll not incladed above.J
No additional charges; also, no deductions
except for protracted sic kness.
i n ... vnrtt orr
August 20. 1857 Principal
reeourp, juer -.oumy, ra
i I
HE Third Sonii-Annildl Session Of! senttoanyad dress, free, with price list. Ad
r. ... dress. A. I.. Rtl.DWIV. Acent
rl --
j. tins institution win commence on je-
. , , . , -.:-. .... lr i,.
l..rntiiin it nUatntil nn.l hatihv Rtiil.linae!
! M nd eommodinns. and Terms low. It is
the constant aim of Ihe Teachers lo impart
sound i,1$trnctlon,and carefully develops and i
' direct the Mental, Moral and Physical ener j
; Z'. i
lege, the study of a Profession or business
pursuits. The
J r-fTern aupcrior fartlitlca to Teacher, and thoas wlshinar to
I.T-itur kui u ui aiiiiirc vor nvrmrj tjua.iueatioua. 1 lie
' Coutitv brt(rio tend-tit will fruu'iit!y rvffw elaspeit,
, .mi tun-m UH-practin.! duties of the fvhoo! n.
1 lur are alMdfliv.-r-d in romirctioa with tbenulirt
lf rtde..nd ery exertion nt.de toqo.lfy r,t.riiJnt-
, ZiTui. vem
: Tuil?n 11on P- tA n $u$
j Tui l ton alone, iti Normal Dfp t- per Quarter, 6
t iuc Kxtra. H-r.imtr in ih vtiiane. $10 to ts ver
1 WM-K. At-iii . aiwiotfio' -nTa,.nini: further uarticul
Adit C.KO. P. M'FAUL.WD, Principal
lies and Pistols are like ordinary Rides,
except that by a very simple arrangement of . niahe. the ok. nwiMr hwtory of orienui I.u,o
Ihe hammer, and the ad.lilion of another nip-' eriwhw the noat v. r.eiinir poeitiri in which the
nte i. i,j. w. ...i ! b ""lie. ao.l renttemca of that country hare been ao
pie, two load Can be pot into one barrel, and g fu n ,Ur..t. Th .tori will mniinne tt,r.-.e.-h..ut
can be discharged tcparattlt and at different : tlie vlxae year, and will omre tbe moat eutvrtaining
objects; thus serving the same purpose as e""' .".'' '? ,l,Vu,,:.i'-. e v ,v
aniiote-tiarreiea ure arms, wniie tney are only , rear. Alt letter. mn.t he ..i. Ireri.1 to
half as heavy.
Manufactured solely by the subscribers.!
Repairing promptly attended to, and at
reasonable prices.
I.ewisburg, Union Co., Pa.
7" Cash paid fur old UrassorCoppeiO
Aug. 6. IS.ri72m
riIIE Partnership of the undersigned, tra-
I ding nnder the firm of Brown 4- Kilter,
was this day dissolved by mutual conceal; all
I persons knowing themselves indebted, will
. call and settle witbont del.iv.
: jArnn w Bunwv
, Ac. 10. U57. aoioio ntTTPn
past year been put to severe acloal tests, and
I ... . . - - i. . I..
a 2i inch fly wheel, new gearing, joint bolts.
elTr red to the pul.lic with the certainty that ilis i
Ilutti'Ckrr' ILUVLK III II.i:it.
MiE subscribers still continue to manufac
ture the above Machines, and as there
are over 500 of them now in use in linipn
and adjoinin; counties, we deem any fuither
recommendation unnecessary.
The machines are all warranted not only to
do good work, but better work than any other
kiud of machine now in use.
T.CHl'RCH & "U, Hartlclon, Pa.
Apply to Tho'i Cut-HrH, Hnrtleton,
or L. Rooke, Union Furnace, ljf.52
Ghester County
ONE and Two Ilor.sc Endless Chain
POWER. The undersigned being con
vinced by practical experience of the superi
ority of Vanjtrsliu't Trtad Power over the or
dinary five horse power now in use in the
West iiranch country, for threshing out grain,
have purchased the patterns and right to
mkff them. We are now makin? and have
on hand a largo number, which we propose
I to introduce on the plan if they don't answer
to the letter of theguarantee given with each
' of them, the machine will be taken back and
' ' i
almost the only enure 'J hreshing Machines
,n nse in Chester, Montgomery. Uerks and
Delaware counties. X heir advantages are
that they will do almost double the work, ac
cording to the number of horses used, than
the old machines will do; tff'they will save
at least two hands ijsr, and Threshing can
all be done snugly closed up in the hams, in
wet davs, when the hands would he otherwise
unemployed. T. CHI'KCH CO.
Hartleton, Union Co, Pa.
Apply to Thu's Crcrch, llartleton, or
or Dr. L. Kotikic, Union Furnace. yl45
A Call ta Farmers.
Farmert, drop your tU pmis a little
rend thi, and reflect!!
ANEW and scientific manuring system,
for the cultivation and increase cf all
kinds of grain, grasses, fodder and pastute,
upon all kinds of soil, proved by actual expe
riments and based upon evident truths, desig
ned to improve agriculture in all its branches ;
represented by upwards of one hundred and
fil'y engravings of the most valuable grasses
and plains connected with ihe system, by DR.
C. G REINUOLD, of Boalsburg. Centre Co.
thi. trtW it wilt l.c iwn tlutt the ot.jwt tout twn
ta icive tlH li.rui-r tlixt kind rt itiftTUmtinn vhirli mutt
hiin to lUNkr rw-ti-al kll-atintt to t.Ttll;!- hi lamt nd
iocrnowhiK grniii.1oJrirafid iiaitun-ac. Thrdortrinr.
UtiL'ht 1'V :Ij niitiiuriliic, awl foiMrr, ami iiatturr cul'
! litalioii yU m. art rslH'nal.rlrar ami etiHrut, and ,u'
unknown to our hrmrra, ami wbi.li. if Ird. ai.d
j carvfulty ttrartirrd can not fail to ailtann thr lutrrfwta
of tlir riruoitir niBimuiiitv. Mtrn a work nat. I -n mii'-n
want-.l. bi it HUM a told which ha' lon twen llt, but
which tlicrv ha Lit?.- rto bcn no att'mt lo upfly.
And aa f;.rin-rn of eVntrv and lloutiuplon counties w
recomnH'n.l the ttnTk toetiTT fHrui.T, as tlii-y will reap
the erraU9t p)iwible bi-nclit from tL
Christian lhtl,tlirre Buchanan Panirl Moaafr.Ccorce
Boal. Jac-h loa?rr. r'rancla Alctanrtcr.John Kailv. John
Ni'ltlHn. Saninrl buncao, Ji.hn Hotter. Jena. M'U illutuis
' Jacol. M. yr. li.or Guyrr.Jr., Ilmrr Mj-rr. John l'.r
1 Samurf loMian.l, Jehu llt-H.B. i.Vo. Jack, S.mu. l
Hm)B JuLb nMB1,u,u .w ,i,-,k. Phillip M.ycr . Sn.fi:4
For sale in Lewisburg bv Dn. L BliUGGER.
Importarxtta Dagucrrectypists,naitle
Dealers and others.
MONUMENTAL Daguerreotype Ca
ses. A method has long been sought for
to insert in a durable manner, Daguerreotype
Likenesses to Head Stones and Monuments.
I have been manufacturing these Cases for the
last two years, and can warrant them to aecure
, Ihe picture for a long number of years.
T,. .Il. ..... ,.. -,.l r Parian rr,l
and the box which encloses the picture and
keeps it in a slate of great preservation for a
! malres a v'erv nea, job on a eai,
stone or Monument. I hey are used in Green
wood Cemetery, Mount Auburn, Laurel Hill,
and many other Cemeteries in the U. States.
A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers
and Daguerreoiypists. Price from $2.25 each
lo 'J 50. A circular of engravings will be
, - . . . .
! ... f M.uoictii r. to., a-o Broadwar, Nw York.
'C 1
! S
JOHN S. DYK U tbe Author, who htm liad 10 year
m " exrw-rb-nee a a Hanker and ftihliuhe r, anl author
m of A uVrrVj uf Isrtutft at Vr Jlrttodmtif Thrmir.
when for 10 nxurmiv uiifhtsover Mm.W.i People
icwtcd him with round of aitoUti, while be e&l.i-
titiil tbe manner in whbh eountrf-iteni extwute
th'.-ir frauds, and the rrnvnt and nhorterit mranjiof
O dct--tinif tbt tn! The It ink Note tntrraven all nay
C3 tbat he.bi tbe jcr'-ateft Juti( of Father Money l.lig.
Oreafrnt Diwtn rry of the Prcvnt tVn
o fury for Drtet'tfagCi'untrrft-ti HanhNote.
Pewribinjt: fery genuine bill in rt (fence, and eihb
bitinjrat a irlanfie every funu ri. it In cirruUtion!
j Arranci-d wi admirably, that reference i raiy and
d'btim itiriantanoM. No index to examine. No
vpM2H to haul up! Hut ko iaip'tfi'-d ih1 arrand,
IS that the Strrhnnt, Bink-r aDd ltuinesa Man can
JO mm all at a canc-
Knlixh. Fr.-nrh and Cprman, thas may each read
tbe fame in hie own native tongue.
g Mtperft tlink Xvfe Lt ever pulliJt
A Io a Ibt of all tbe Private Ranker in Amerira.
eomp!etemin.maryof the f nance of Ktiron.and Am
tea will be puhlbht-d In Mi h r-Jitioo. together with all
h uw import.. Aewa of toe Pay. AIfo,
A si:i:ik? or tales.
I Manu!irri;.t r.mni in tt.e Kaai.
J'lllM S. IIYK. n.oirm,
Pobli.her and Prnprielor, 70 WaJl ft. Niw Toat
Pianos, and Husic.
J0S. L.Y0DER, Affcnt for Meyers'
aud Voght's celebrated I'iailON, has
just teceived a large assortment of Sheet
Miuie, Pianos, and Mtbdeon Unnkt. Seminary
and Teachers supplied at the Publishers' dis
count prices. Music published byUonldJ.ee
Walter, 8. L. Walker, or any Publishers in
the Uniied States, furnished at their prices.
N.B. Meyers' and Voghl's Pianos sold at less
than City retail prices. Lewisburg, Nov. li
James F. Linn. X fflerrill Linn.
T F. & J. M. LIXN,
J t. Atforneya at Larr,
671 Union Cyunty. Penn'a.
PROPOSING Amendments to the Constitu
tion of the Common wealth.
Kerolml ly the Semite and II-uu r Krprexenhttiret mj the
(Mmmmmeaith of JVansglrauia in Veueml AttrmUy mr
That lite following amniiltuvDt are pruj-esed to the Vu
ftituLtou of the Commonwealth, ta arvonianoe with the
pnTiiooa of the leulii article tbereul.
n9T AMElfltMESt.
There nhal I be an additional article to nsM ooastJtaUo,
to ba derlnjUtl an at tide eleven, as follows : t
arttcl xt.
HrcTtot 1. The elate may routraet debts, to supply
Dot otherwise pro.Mled lor; but tne acsit-pile amount of
such di-hts, direct and continent, whether contracted by
eirtue of one or more act of h RUfral awuiliy, or at
didrrt nt in rhxlit or tioin, shall nfffuwwl pKTrn nuiwmi
aud tifty tltouMii:d lUar!i,aQd thf mnuey ariiiiK from the
rntttion of cm-h dt-bu. t.hall be applifd to thr urtMw fr
abn'h it wa!'buiiitrd,or to riy tbe dct so contracted,
and to no otht-r purt-ow wliatv-r.
bMTl! i lu ail. i Lion to tlie above limited power, tbe
utiite way t-ontrnct d4.ti to rfpd inakn, vuppresa innuf
rtction, ilf ft od the Mate in war, or to mlerm Uie prntt-ut
oul-iwi'litt: ind. htfdwa of I be plate: but th mony
ariMiitcfioui UhT.iNtrn ttonofyuch Jt bU, shall be a ii'd
to the uro.Me for w hh h it wan ri-d, or to repay kUcb
dchl. and to no other purpoee whtcTer.
JliCTioM ;i. Kr--pt thr d'bb ace ierifiwl In eertlnni
on- aud two of tht ariit le, nod-bt whau:rer ibnll be crrsr
t-d by or on b'hnlf of Ibe ntnt.
i-tik i. To i ntvide for tbe paynwnt of tbe prcaent
di ht. and miv uddiuonal debt coiilrnrtt-d as af.nfaid,tli
bieinlutarv shll, at it tttt m m loo altKr to nilopuon oi
it.i- atun.duient. er:it a niuainR fuudt which shall be ,
Hliii.t tit i..v Hi- .ivrtiin-r int.Tfitt fin Mlrh debt, and .
auHii-ieiit to oav the accruing intercut on Mlcb debt, and i
aiinti:tllvtore lii"e the principal thercf by aauin not le.a ;
than tao huiMlri'd. and lift UtoufalHl dollar.; which .ia- i
kiinc fund lmli coniMt of the net anuual income of the
ml,lie work., fmm tiwe to Ume owned. Iy the .late, or
the I'rorewl. of the jmte of tlie ame orsnjr part theri-of,
and ol tlie iiicntne or liroceeit. of aale of tork. owned by
the fc.te. t'Hf' ther with other fund, or reeourr. . that may
lie dcifiialed l,y law. The .aid .hiking fund may lie
inrrensej, from time to time, ly aa-iuiiig to it any part
ol the Uxex. or oth-r rerennea of the state, not r;ired
fur tlie ordinary and current expellee, of ipireriiuient ;
nd unlei'!. iu rate or war. Invasion, or insurrection, no
part of the naid fiukinte fund vhall be ued or api lil I
tlM-rwimi ttian in exlmxujahuit itl oi Itie puonc nt-oi,
until the aumunt of Much debt ia h-duced below tbe aum
of five millions i f Jullnra.
tbLt-TioM 5. The credituf the commonwealth ahall not In
any n-anri"r ore-vent pl-djtrd or loan.-d to any individ
uul. company, corp. trat ion, or a-octatira) ; nor f hall tb
rMottnouwt-aith breaftr bt-eome a joint owner or atock
boldT in any company, M'W.atton or eorpomtkm.
Jkctiii i. The rotunion wraith aball not a.--unit- tlie
(Hit, or any wrt tlirrof.of any euunty,eity,b'rUt:h or
towiirliip.orof uny t-orpratiiin orariati'n, unleaa furb
d oUhnli h-tTe bren n.ntrartmt toenaUe the Ul- to rep-
invai'ii'n. ciippifM douierttie iin-urrerttou, ilef-id ltw!f in
time uf war. or to aiwUt the itate in tbe diacbarjfe of auy
portion ot its proent in'tebtedneaa.
SKtTio.t 7- Tbe lefcilature fball not aathnriae any
county, rity, Itorouvh, townxbip, or invorporati-d ditriit
by virtitfof a vote of ItD ritiwna or othi-rwlfw, to lim a
tiN-kliold-rln any rompany,a,aoriaiton orouruetrattVin.oY
to obtain mon. y for or han iu eredit to any Corporation,
aAaociatiou, icatitution or party.
There uliall he an additional article tn mid entuUtutioB.
to bv dvjiuatvd w article eleven, an follow :
No ennnty "ball b divitb d by a MiieenUlntr off over
one truth oi it- population, Cel'her to form a new county
or otherwise., without tbe riprena aHKent of urh or.unty,
by a vote of tbe eb-ctora tln-m-f; nor eball any nrw
county he estAb;ubed,cutin.ng leaf than four hundred
Miuare iiule.
Fmm jtection two of tbe fl rut article of the constitution,
Ktrike out tbe word. IA city t'n adrtphin, and o
rarh ctnmtm r i",c.tWy from M-rtion fle. Mine artiel,
strike out tbe word:1, "of I'hiludrlj'hi'i and Vtt trrerjl
etiunti .- from aectlon tMv-n. Mnif article, alrikt-out lb
wonif. neithfr Vtt n't n I'hthttUtjthut, nor any" and
ii.tert in liru thereof tbeworda "aud nn;" and utri&eout
erUon tour, eame axticte. and in lieu tberauf inat-rt tbe
foil.., me:
F.(Ttfl 4. In tbe year one thonMnd Azht hundred
ami Mxty-fhnr, and in every (vvs-nth yt-ar therenrtcr,
n-pre4rntativ-t, to tb nam her of one bundrvd, una 11 be
it-orti.mi d and li4ribtit-d equally thnmbout tbe tate
bv Uitiiclc. iit tiroirtion to the nutnln-r of taxable inhab
itant! in theeeviTal p:rta tht-riiif, exei-pt that any county Y
coiitainiur at l'at three thousand tire hundred tauhl.-a
may lv allowed a tearat-' rrpreat ntatmn ; but no more
tliau tlirre rounlicn liall be joined, and uo county tdill
be dividt-!. In tbe formation of adi-tricL Any rity ron
tainintr a nul'irient number of taxable to entitle It to at
leant two r-prrtpentativw-e. ahail have a rale repreaen
Ution aJtin-'d it and eball be divided into convenient
diatrirta of cnntijruou territory, of jual taxable popula
tion aj near at may be, each of whkbdiatricU aball elect
one repretM-ntative.1
At tbe end of action awvvn, name nrtiel. insert tbme
worda. "the city u f i'hiUtdrlpltia thall tV dtrtdrd f6ta
trnatorial dtttricU. a conttonnmt irrritmry U w-vrjr rqual
in taxable pnpHl-itioit at puigMe ; but ma utard thail ec
dtrittnt tn far fur,MUtiou Vim.
The lepUslatiire, at itu flrft aeioil after tbe adoption nf
tbih amendment, ahall divide the city of I'biladVlfdika into
fenatorialand reprtaenUtivedutrtcti.intbemaouralwiV
pro.i-l.d; tu-b district, to remain unrhanx-d uotil tbe
ai-porti-nmeut in tbe year one tnousand eight hundred
and sixty-four.
' Tbere aba'l 1 an additional ertion to the flrat article
of iaiit conititulion, which abail be numibt-red aud read
as loilowa:
To be Srctie xm. Article I.
Tbe leffialaturv hall have tbe power to alter, revok or
annul any clmrterof incorporktion ben-arterconfcrrtI by
or under any ni-ei-ia! or pen-ral law, wlimever in their
opinion it may be iojurioua to the cititens of tbe mn
mnealih ; in luch manner, however, tbat DO injtuUce
abidi be done to tbe curporators.
Is lrn.Tit, 1
March T,. Xhhl. f
KrtfJwl, Tltat thin isolation pam Ou the firt aa.end-
nirnt, yea -1. niu 7. On the twond amend went, y.-aa
nay . on the third amendment, yea ii, naja it
On tbe fonrih aifieiidmcnt, ycac ii, nays 4.
Kxtract ftum tlie Journal :
tJEO. W. rJAMEItSLET, Clerk.
April 1M7
JtfjotrfT.'n.st tlilP reKlotin pac. On the flrt ameDd
ment, yean Hf nay - ,vn the second amendment, yeat
67. nays Z. On the third amendment, yeas "'i, uaya o4;
and on tlie fourth amendment, yeas W, nays 7.
Kxtract Iroin tbe Journal :
Pecttbt' Orrtnt,
filed May t, 1P57
ii.crrtary f tfte Com mm wxultM.
PintrrAaT8 Omrt I
BttwisscBQ. June 22, 18i7.
I dc eortify that the above and torero.Tfc la a true and
com-et copy of theoritrinal -Keadution relative to an
Amendment of the Constitution," a the r-ame remaina
on tile in thi offlee.
1 In teptmony whereof, I have herennto aet my
l. 4.hand and rued to be affixed tbe aeal of tbe
j Secretary 'a Office, tbe day and year above written.
Secretary of the CinatwuictaMK.
March 27, Ih',7. f
Feaolntlon propoatnff anendnienta to thet'oufiitution
of the I'ommon wealth, being nnder consideration.
0u the !Ment.on,
Will tbe Senate arre to tbe first amendment f
Tbe yeaa and nayD were taken aitreeably to the provU
ionn of tbe Coimtitution. and were a folh.w, vis :
Y'tA? .V'rsr. HremT Jlnitmr. t'fty Ely A'mnr Frftrr
FlmnVm Fmrrr Ingram Jordan KillinoeT Knar Lan'mtrh
L'tru J'rr S-nfetd .Vbr Shuman Stret Strxtub Welih
Witt ins tVrightOrtd Tntignrl Spttrr ) 24.
K x N' vrt. lYnbOL'rrttKxU tiMury Orrgg Harris Pm
rnw and frtuth'r 7.
So the (juention wan determined in the affirmative.
On the qneFtlon,
W ill Uie S-nate ajrree to tbe eerond amendment f
The jeaa and nay were taken agreeably to the provbv
iont of tbe Constitution, and were as follow, via :
Ykas Nrttrt llre-vr HrfWHr CnsrtotU Kranx Frtirr
Finny Ftmniien Inymm Jordtm A'nra Jjiulith Lmrit
Mver Mien Unman Xtuther Strete 6lntub lYttth Wtlkim
WrifMand Tayaart (SjaJ.'r)'L
K a it Mfuri. t ntfy tralib Fraur Gregg Harris Kittim
ger Vtre and Sctfeld ft.
10 the question waa determined In the affirmative.
On the question.
Will the Senate a free to tbe third mendmentr
The yea? and naya wi re taken agreeably to tbe Conati
tuti' n, and were as t-dlow, via :
Y M"trt.llnrwrr itruwme Cra)th Crttswett EtyFrtms
Urnnikm tfrwr Injram Jnrdim Killiarr Anoz Ijtuhaeh
I.wit Ntr St field s,1lm Woman Souther isterie Uintah
Wrlh mainland Wriaht U4.
jNais M'tirs.V'tjfry iiraa If xrrit atid Ynrntri.
So tbe question was determined in the affirmative.
On the niieation.
Will the Senate ajrree to the f mrtb amendmentf
The yeas and naya were taken agreeable to the prorl
Nona of tbe Constitution. and wei-e as follow, via :
Y kak Jet rr. Hrrwrr ttrmmr i bfey CrrttitrU Fly Front
F'rnjtikrn Fratrr Ingram kilttttffsr A'aos Lanharh Lneis
Jlwr SrtJUM .SrUrre ShuMum. HumtUer HUeU Strut Wtish
It jfJU'wi t'wl Wright tti.
Kai Mrttrs. VraJth Finnry Jordan and I a roar -4.
tso tbe (lucaliun was determined in tbe alltrmative.
In tin Uocra or RrrarsrATTTxe,
April -Jfi. IH57.
The resolution pmpwlnjf amendmenta to theUontito
tton of the Common wealth being under consideration,
On the question,
V ill the llonse acree to the flrst amendment?
Tbe yea and nays were taken atrreraMy to the provi
sions ol thf Constitution, and were a. follow, vix:
Yp.k N-str. Andrrfm Arthur liackhottfe Halt Rfk
Jtuh"p ItouHT llrrm ninlhfrun (umphfll that CtxrcrCrau
ford Vickey Jnt FyUr raumH .ixtVr tidtbtntrn tJildea
lltmeJ llirtrr Hnt Hi'ttand Httt llilts Huffman nf
Herks Imbrie tnnes Jambt Jrnimt Johns Jehnmtt K'ttiff
mow A'err Knight fjeismetuy Umgakrr Lortlt M-mrar Jrav
glt il't'atmtmt STUrain Hfiioth'ud Mumxu-i Jtussrtman Vi-ra-rfi
yich-itsim y'Hnrmaeher ihimm Ftlrrt JlctrUm im.
natl ItireHI ham try f il,iltidetjMa Uamsry " Jir Kra
mer liad Il-trrtt Hupp .S'.i- tSlm Smith ti Otmhrim
Smith nf fyntrc terrnm Talan l.iil Fanmtwhis tvkers
VtTi.ls Wuiter Wethrok Wtnit-cn H'.tiis Wilhrrom
M r.ght Ztmoterman and G-ts (.ukry-lH.
Noli' JwVjwr. Itactus BmMm Ile Hamrttnn Hancock
Ilif.r Ih.ffman cf Lebanon Leha Slathers Thorn Huner
and l.'.Hfrode ii
! the qutetion was determined in the affirm ativw.
On the qnestlon.
Will tbe llonse acree to the second atnendnventP
Tbe yeas and say; were taken ajrreeably te the pitrri
rion of the Conatitutlon, were as fidlow, vU:
Yr.Aet JrVfr. Andrrmm imnkhtmm foil Beck Jtaaitr
fuihrnnn Omphrtl Vurty Knt tammum natter Gddem Hun A
Harper H int Hiertand Hillega Huffman affrrks Hnusf
kttprr Imtetie wa Jenkins Juhns Johnson Kaufman,
Knight Lritmriuy LangaierLoreU ManenrMaupU AT remn
Atmrrhead Jeotebnwn AwAofs yichaUan AuMem.ther iVw
son Itten Vfnfcm Fimsnatt Fnrtttt ham fey of I ft Uaddphut
Jfamfe of 1rrk Rnxmrr Roberts Hupp Shaw Sham Tvian
YaUroahUf Walter ll'eSwVwA Whartv ZimmersMtn nasi
6tU Xptaker) b.
ht Mm. Arthur AmffmtUm Btcknt Hmson Di hp
i.tf m it-ffmtan f Lrhawtn Ji Krr L.lmi
ATUiMM Wumm-i .Vrti Xmilkttf (tmi u W tVlr
Xrrmm Strmthrrt Thm Vaurnrhu Vic'rn WaymttUtr
Warmer IhaVrW H'.Mernwr md Wright
bo tb question waa dvlermiued w the afBrmatire.
On the iu-tlow,
W ill tbe Uouce acree to the Uifnl amendmrnt?
The j-nn and nya were'taken, and wi-rt a tollow, tIi:
TKASjkVxfrf. Ambrwn tt-trthmt'e Jlmil Urrl Bnm
Knvmr Bfm OiVvmn UimjMt t'Af.e (teiw Vr.ncjwtt
Jig Kill Eyttrr frnvtld tiut'r itihbuttl Ifamrl Ifiirprr
Hhs Sirjtand Hill JhiUgas H'tfman J tleikx H-tant
Ishuwu Jt- uJnrfr imtttir timea J-wJa J-ihun Jn'iMfn
Kavtfman Krr Lrtm ljmQkrr Lrnrttt Mimrttr WUtmimt
M.tm.,1 U,u.rhead A a mm a Aimtrlmwm Xfh'Jf Xvh-djo
yurirmarkrr iYarwn fttriMrik thwnall I'urcrll Kim-
seyt.f y,trk H,uxrr Itred Hupp .lham .m Smtihaf turn.
brta Smith Vnire Stttnm P-tia lail ldreerM I .rj
Wnght Zim-urmf mantl&U 12.
X.kMrtr. Arthur AgnMt.e forth tu Bihp C'irfm
Torktii!d n HimilUm tlnmc-l- M Jfutiut Knff'4 Lri ,
i'nrinfi .Wlivat liamuwf I'htfad! K"trt Strmlhert :
titm n Wiltrr H'arnrr Whttrttm nnd ntntrtlr'i.
So tbe quct'tiou was drtrrtuiued in tbe alkrmaUTe. !
On ti e (jui'iitlon, J
W ill the II. him- aprfe to the fourth amendment?
The rw aud uay were tiikeo, and were an follow. Tit:
Yt- Mfitrt, Audwn Arthur forlJHmi Ittttu ittt t
Rek lUnmn Hithnp Htrr Hrtrn 'WrVM f',imj'tt f'irtjf
lAux Uitiirrr trtitrord Prkem Knt Kgrter PauitJd fftr
;,l,lmru t;,I,Uj Humrt llarprr IAm lli'ibtnd ifill tittr-
JfajtrnttHof h'rrkr Jfafmam. Lrhuuan Htmtelerfirr Imhrit
Jrtiitt J-iC'tf Jfnkiit J'-hit J.n. Kauttmnn hrr 1st -a
Uitsnriw Lftvtnlv lr.tt Mfwmtr M-ttgU Nt aim out ;
Jf 7'ru.M Mum ma Mwiariman&irhiJsyichmyitmrM-rhrr (
JVftjmi i'.ttrt i ctrtl.ru i'cmiU fttrrru numtm y m
drfphi Kamrf rnrkjtramrr w K'4rt Mu
Xh ,tJ. f I'.imf.riji .S'miA ttt fftttr ,V-r TolUH
Xltun Xm.lknf tiiMf.rt Smilh t Cmtr ,Ver....rtt Tola
Vail i:..il.UU'l iiunwdi- IV (r Wipmrtlrr Hil'lce llurn-r
WrfTuoi II kirfm Ut-ton H'Mitram ZMmrruM ami
iLtt 4 .V.wteel h.l.
Nt5H.rr. Hamilton Hancock Strulhrrt Thorn
Wmliut'aift U.igld7.
tso Uie iuesUon waa d termined in the afflrmntire.
I!Ai.Li;ULai, Juue 18i7.
nniyirtnii, FS: I
I do c rtitv tli:tt tb" above anil fon-e"in ft a trn end j
rnrrtT'. I-..0 of tb Yean" and "Naya'' taken on the !
KrwiMiion pro o-inir Aiiiendiin-ntu U the Coimtitutu-n f
th I ouiiih nwfi,mi, ai m caiin- api-eare on in- Juuniwa
of the two llou-ea of the General Aaaeinbly of tbi Looa-
Uiouwealth tor the -eslii ot li...
itnn-a my Ii.hkI and the aral of airl office,
l O-fthi t.enty-.-on.i dy of J une, one tbouand
I J eight LuudXL-d aud lifty-aeven.
a o.rrRTi,
fttOm) frrrrtorynf V ltmmnnwiUh
ii. t:mititT, iwstist.
UTfjt& Market street, next door lo Brtiwn V
- Killer's Store LEWIsUUKG, P..
James B. Hamlin,
XL tiOlHce od Second St. west side,2na
door south oi' Market, Lett isburffv
6 mo 9.1 tniua Co. Ta.
rFHE new method of inserting artili-
X cial Teeih, V.wm, Vc.f known as
.iUciTs Continuous C-um Work,
is, without exception, Ihe best improvement
ever made in the ail of Dentistry. This work,
when properly conducted,. s the most beauti
ful. tlie cleanesi.coinbines ihe preatest srrenjrh
with durability, and adds more to a clear and
dUtinct articulation, than any other kiutl of
work ever t-rouht tM-f.re the pumir. And j
not oulv Hit, by a beautiful di-ovrry ;
in roml iiialion with this etyle of w rk. ;
we ran eie the tarw iu natural etprraa-
alon. without. In theh nit. inU-rfering witii tbe ttt fulnesa '
of the teeih in mastication.
I would tke thi. metho.1 of infi mdnff tbo int.-rejited ,
that I have purchased l be Patent lliplit for tbi valuable I
improvement, of tbe inventor. Jnhn Albn.'now of NVw
Y.-rk.) fur thi5 and aeverai adj"ininir couutb-p. and that 1
am now man u taci uriiiff nn aritele of T.f th and (iuui- that )
will compare fuv'ratly with anything in that line that hna
ever been made in tU or any olto-r eountry. 1 aok all-
and eaperially tin that need teeth itf tliev haveenrageii
them or Dot.) to call, and examine t r tlii nietvea.
JOHN t.tb'KK, I.RWi-.trM,
Onrw and Ratddence on Third treet. near Market.
OfrW iu IiLTox,on Hroad way. near radwaltadecmer
West Branch Insurance Company,
OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Detached
Building. Siore. Merchandize, Farm
Property, and other buildings, and iheir con
tents, at moderate rates. Doing business on
boihCaahand.Muinal plans. Capilal,$00,000.
Hon Jhn J Pearce
j..b n II
("has A Mayer
(.'has Crist
Hon G C Harrey
1 T Akranil
D J Jackman
W White
Thos Kitchen
Peter Dickinson
JIuu. d. C HARVKV, President.
T. T. A UK A MS, Vice Pres.
627 I.ewisburg, Union Co. Pa-
THE nmlersignerl ha'e this 2l ilay of Feb.
A. D. IH57, entered into Co-Partnership
for the pvrpose f carrying on a General
foundry IlUMinestt at the Unck Foun
dry in Market street. Levishurg, under the
name and firm of Friek & Lillev.
Lewisburg, Feb'y 2, 157.
A general assort
ment of COOKING
STOVKS for coal or
wood, Stone Coal
Stoves, Wood Air
Tight and Parlor
Stoves, &c. in varie
ty always kept on
kinds made to order-
ilil:il .l.250.000.
Assets $1118,151 13, invested in Bonds, Mort
gages and other good securities.
BY FIRE! There are but few who
receive sympathy who incur loss by neglecting
this most necessary and suttshmtial precaution.
We olten see it announced that persons have
lost their stocks of Goods and Furniture, and
results of years of industry swept from them
by the devouring element over which they
have no control but by being insured.
Insurance protects you from the incendiary,
negligence of servants and the casualties of
vour DeiicMmra. It will itnarl ciulijenee to roar cred
itors, anil irire a character i f rujeuce and irccsnliun lo
ail your t.unines. tra.aartton..
It requite. iMit a Terr ttmttll mm to lnnr In rom.
reneine from $i!KI to $!0i0. and ret how many there are
who bare no insurance u.on tloadii, yurniture. or tor
thing ele! If your Stock ia .mail, .tilt the Loss to you
niieht be serious.
This Owpany innres Bm.niXCH. MERCITAXP
FitoM $ 100 to 555000,
nt tbe LnereH l.'ntee and upon the most Liberal Terms,
nod I'aumi fAiMSMT on the adju.tment of Loss,
ITon Thn.tl.F1orence I JatnecE Neall I F.lw.R IWmhcld
6eoll.Araitrnu; I Cha. IHneye I .Carrol Urrw.ter
Ch..A. Ituhineatu f Th Ma&derfield I laame Lcecb.Jr.
Utneral Superintendent JOHN TtlOM ASON.
Tlli.'.-t B. rLOKENCK, 1'resiJent.
EDW'D R. HELMnt.l.Il. Sc-reUry.
G57 LEW 1SUURG, Union Co. Pa
To the Citizen! of Lewisburg.
THE object of this Card is to call your
attention lo the fact that yon can buy
your Books and Stationery cheaper, and have
a larger slock and variety to select from at
Keviutl & t'o.'a Cheap Bookstore,
than any other place in this town. We wish
you lo call and see for yourselves and thereby
be convinced. If yon were to consult your
own iutrrest,yoa would givethis establishment
your liberal encouragement We desire to
see a taste for reading grow np, and to fur
ther this we place good and useful works at
such low rates as tn be wiihin the reach of
all. Young men desirous of improving their
minds should embrace this opportunity of
furnishing themseves with Books of Travel,
History, Biography, Narrative, Science and
Art, which we oner at low prices.
SlBSCRinC for Harper's Magazine,
the Knickerbocker, Graham's and other
Magazines, at the Publishers' rates, at
SUBSCRIBE for the New York LedgTr",
Ballon's Pictorial, Harper's Illastraied,
or any oiher Newspaper, at Publishers' rates,
rilllE fullowin", fruin Ihnt rmitirnt -I
cian ol Philadelphia. Ir. Briiicklr.adJJ
to the tcsiimony of I'mf-ssi.r Iiooih.only cn- j
lirms what is evidenced by thousand who
have used Jlurtr't l)yr.
'ilir. no V.nn. rHir T fmr. '
riil!Hili. i..ruiUrl-il. i
Ii rerari ttt iorrr'g J.ir Hy. I -n tt .it;it- ,
tingty, lb:.t it cDtainn iMt-i.i.tm injrfli i.t-. iU.it
may b ut with f.it.re nauii w:th tl.f n'.ulf"- i
dettct aoil JHVX'4i." M . . lu.l.M kl.t, A. U.
JLtirr Wri'ti'n; ,( LulihUe Juki,
Are so well and widt'lv known, as U require j
no eulojry of iheir merits, it is only nece-sary :
to say, that the steady and iin'rrasinu demand,
girts the het evidence thatihey maint un their ,
chari :ter fur mperionty, n hich distinguished ;
them when first inlrodured. qeart n.
Onlers, addressed to the Manufactory, Kn.
4li RACE street above Fourth, (. Id .No II !)
Philadelphia. will receive prompt attention tv
e7'Jy) JOSEPH E. HOVEIl, Manuf icturtr. ,
Ib-rriiiif it" io the 'jMI caf
Will V.T hi.-.
t tra.-t troti tlie t'onmi:t
Kep..rt on tbe Tiul of Ir .u
at U'-adin:
On tbe 2ith of February all the mmterwof the Tom
mitlee met to itni'J-.- the t.il.H ai.d "-k rtd pajert.
tplnee'd in th. m and were jrf etl v .attnt."! that all wi.
ri-ht. The da follow it'?, tbe luroin t".k plaee.uoder
th- jinp'-tint. ndn'-e of th ('i.ninntt- e . Afler fair .in-l
impartial larniiir f'-r frre h-.tir. the iaf- t.f Jlej-nr
Kvaiit A WntwtD Wio fir-t ow-n.'d. the Safe trt-tnir on Are
in-i'ie, and tbe entente i irii.tilv .'.nuniett. while tbe
ront ittji in the fii.f ot M. I :irrele i lieriifig we re n
good entidition. ail no tire in ride.'
Ib atlinir. Mrtb -i, 1107.
(.-igned,) ii. r .mit. 7
I". X !.r M AN. Committee.
A II I'kACiM'K.)
And rndowl by over L0 of lite b.-iit nten- f Readir.x.
The aove tufa run be in --- t.-d -i W iluut Mm t,
where the public can fatitfy thetnae'red ..f the great )!
peri'Tily of the "llerrinirt I.. tent hnn..it n.' over ll.e
drteated and uted-up -iniid- Iron l-or .-alamander.'
at Wa!n:it J-lre. t. h N b !i ila.
Onfy mahT$ intuit Stale j H irwjt i'utcM Ctuimy
pinn Stfr.
Tbe attempt made by otlter parti-, to hotter np th
reputation of a Safe w!ib b h-tS fJbl ao niftialiy in acei
dtvl fr4 in I'blladtrljdiia.t Kan-lead rU.--, by taking
one cut of an a-nl'a flore. i ll. A. ..tiit.. made dt.!
fiiotwa. i ditb-rent fr'nn Uions- (hey iii.i to -lurn up"
one of Herri !( n. ba!f a; I I'trl. i b wet v uii il true re
ward. Herrinir'a St- routd n-4 if turt. pnn in ii.u'.'.u
nivelv that the only reliable Sf now inndeta" rnv 'i "
of whieh ov-r 1 are now in a-tii! itn--iml malt- tbttn
'lv) have been trinl by fire wi'Jun t a tu-yi' ioi.
JZ--. v and
3S South V. Iiai irN.l'Iiilutlt !ihia
constantly on hand, and for a!e in h.ts to suit i
purchasers. April 3 lS7mfi j
W3K. I'hiladt
1 t-blfla Salama
Philadelphia Manu- '
Mfll Cewl Jn. ClVn
l p1" kI. saiaiiiaiiuci vaiva
:fliatP?A. 'J 5. Fourth Xt
I'hiLidt tjihia.
Truth irs Mighty, and Must Travail.
Rrport of the Committee appointed to super
intend Ihe Burning of the Irin bates, at
Reading, February '.'7, 1857.
IlK.e-t.n. Mi,rerl 4.
The nmler-ini it. memters of tin- c- nnit;!ee. iln ri--peettnl'T
refort. tl.at we .aw the twu Sal.', ori'-'tnall,,
acreeil up0 1'V Kami., a U rnnrf itrel Krai) Vt.t-.ou.
placed .i le by .i-te in a tuinaee. viz: 1 he S.fe in use l.y
the I'.t maater of the 1'bila.leli Ilia and Ke:nln.' Kaiitoaj
Cotnpnny. In hi. office at Itea.Jini. miintit.el ure.1 hy tar
reU It li' rrin. and the Sule in u-e l 11. A. L.-tolx. in
hi5 rture. m:ituitieture.l l.tr (.van 4 Wjteuu, and ut in
bu. lt. ami aN-re reet- ly alike.
The fire w;i. .tart. .1 t ' .'cli. lt. A. V.. and kei t nf
nmll four curd, of preen hickory, tw-icril-drv oak anj
hnlf hwtitut tup win. I aire tnlir.lv r a-iinel. tlie
wide under the .up-rinti uleoc.. i.f the eul.M-riln.
nietiilvr- .d th..r'.ntn!ittec. II,,. M,f . ,ri tlin ,...(...!
Oil With water, at'er Whirh the. Were ni.en.'d. ..el ttie
bor.kii and fan. r. t.Tken .ml ! ihe t .n.nnltee ami uk. n
to II. A. Lam.', .lere for piil.tie cmirtir.-.tuii. a't. r tli-r
wer first eAnmiiielani uinrke.1 ly 111.- t i'OimMtee. Tti
tua. anil p:ir tak.n from thi- Sr.r.- tn;TiiiTai'tiirel .
Kmnn A. ttat-"D were hut sii.'htiy atl- i-ted by the u.U ti e
heat, while !ho.e Inken fri'tn tie- S;,r- iuaT.i.):.i-lur,-.l .
Kitrn-I. 41 lieirin! were, in "ur .luilm- ni!i,iii: :i.l lu:!v
fifteen per ceot. more than tho e tat-u lr- iu Liii- 4.
Witt-,.n i fate.
We b-Iiere theahore to hare been a f.ir and imj-artiai
trial uf the reepccUve quaiili... itf It- t )i S:tfi-..
J l nil II. I'YHIKU.
ITnTln? been atwent diirittz the durum--, we fully co
incide with the aht.Te .tntem nt i f the r..i,.i:tii n r.t" the
papers and tKioas tukca our Cf the reyH-eli.e r-afr.
! A. Mi !...-.
li Ii wt in Kvitrnn.
JAMi: !ll.i:iil.LAM.
riaill &. Hnlsnn have now on hnnd
300,000 potliltN of the above S VFEs,
which they oiler lor sale on better terms than
any other manufacturer in the United States
April 3, 1837 67yl
.Tlie funoainir named (rent Vmen.reevlents of Ttead-In-:
and it Tirmity, who .aw the tire h.t.e tir. ha-e-1
Safes trom KVAN.s 4 WAldU.N iuce the hurutnz up to
My 1-1. IV.T :
ti. A. Menll', Lepold nirah. Ic Tnth. Kirt Heia
ter. '. Itreavls 4 s n. Il-urv W. li-in r. Ilr l...re,
Sittotnon Itli tittl.. L-ri L. Smith. Hu-h 4 Oritij.-. Wm.Kirk.
hituitii.-tn A H:n:tn. t in Mi litrii-r. .i.-o. J. r.t k.rt. .1. M.
4 U. W. liati.ttrt. Hir. MIMtr.Ja' Jnmii.n.,1 B. 4 .B
Warner. Jacob t-liuim k.-r. Wm. Kin-l.V- B. S. h.ii;eni.T.
per. It. It. I'umn-iny. II. A. Unix. W. C. 4 f. V. Krman
trotit, J. 1. llti-lefunt'. l:iiim.ier. r'uiltut-r 4 t a, Mi:tou.
Engraving and Seal Cutting
OF all kinds, at 20 1, f licsnut Street,
PHII.AI). Visiting and other CARDS,
Corporation and other SEALS and everything
in our line of business, promptly attended to,
in good style, and nn reasonable terms. Or
ders from Citv and Country solicited.
SArORIFIER, or Concentrated Lye war
ranted to make Soap without Lime, and
with littletronhle. W ith oneeakeof l.yeand fnurround.
snap Fat. you -an meke fificrn sallon rood fw.fi Stap.
Hard soap can be made in the .me way. K.tr .ale by
I'llUI.-T 4 CAU.WKI.I,.
sL)) Bu, ierCsgagts, Omnibuses, Sl.ices, etc
ft .uperior article, for ante hy CHKI.-T 4 rAt.lV Ki.L.
LASS Jars, for Pickling and Preserving
Quarts and Half Gallons, for sale cheap
rilRIST 4 CA1.1IWKI.I.
cure for Dyspepsia and diseases arising
from an impnre .tate t.f ihe .tomarh alito ft .ure pt
Tentire of fLYkK Jl.VO .dVf f price Tfi ct... per t-tvti).
tor aale by CilKISX 4 I'Al.IiW KLL.
rVllE subscriber con
J tinaes to carry on the
I. Ivory IIuxineKt at
he Old Stand on Smith
Third street, near Market, nnri r..n.if,,il.
solicits Ihe patronage ot his friends and thf
public generally. CHARLES F. HESS.
Lewisburg, May 22, 1 e "i0
Drwj and Vhemital Emporium
Market Street
- - Lewisburg. Pa.
CLOCKS all kinds of 8-day and
30-hour Brass dorks nn.l nnleitl levee
time-nieees. Rrnss N.dav rl.tcl.-. 911E1
brass 30-honrrlrwVa .a lew, a. 1 411 l "l.J
warranted for one year at i. L. VODER'S
all engaged in the service of Ihe V. S
in the War of 1813, and for iheir Widows, ai
the Office of the Lewisburg Chiomcle.
William VanGezer,
XI I.e.vllurc:, I'nion Co., I'a.
LtfOUicc opposite KUue's Hotel oil
I ff- m,"m?y T1,r- t-Knwtr.DRrD J
' Uf iH-'-l'l T:iKiii:,'"N1' Till ALi at Uea-
hJnTttVTI K' "I """'"- "d roi;tiru.-.l tlf
1-5? nt'"', 'KS -rdirt o( in-.ro Uoin m ar.-ttfn-
TJew Firm and Hew Goods!
t T the Mammolk Drug A Ckfaicil
IL Eiiiponiiin of
The underrigned hiiving purchased the entira
Mauiuioih Drug iore iuiaierly kepi by Dr
Thornton A 'a , are bow ready lo fill Orders
and 1'rrscrtpuous at a moment's notice. VT
have a lare and well elected stock of fresh
ami pure DKLVS, MEVHrlSES, Chemical
LiytsiuU., Oil, Paints, Giass, Puilv aait
All liud't 1'atrnt Mtttii inet,
Fruit and Confecticnerj,
Tobacco, Sni(r,aiid Imported Cigars of lae
choicest brands,
Fonry Kutioin and Toilet ArticUt,
Fine Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of all kinds,
Itut:Mt.s mm t'lmit r ivsav VAaiivr.
IIookH and Malinery,
a general variety ol Litrrary and School Books
Pine Oil, Lard and Fluid Lamps of every
destrii'lii:n ; freh Pine Oil and Patent Burn
ing Floi'l alwars ou hand.
PI Ki: Wi.M.Sand LIQUORS of allkjarU
fur Meiliciniii uses.
I'lie 1' '!'' ii nil Zinc 'ninfi.
I'r. s rvitifr and Ticklio Jan, 4J
IV l.'uinn,ers will find our stock complete.
eomprisrn? many articles ills impossible here
to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices
Cti'l &'id sue us, one and all, and see oar
stock ; at. I if we can't sell you cheap goods,
c vt nl nut ask you u. buy.
We are ,il trays . .11 hnd lo wait on customers.
Remember the Mammoth Drug Store!
LetrUhnri. I'nion Co. Pa. )
f-p-T)ewe.'1',e suhsrriters, thankful for
r-jijnwi past patronace, would in for a
' -'-'lHtf.v '.'i ihe puhlic that they conlinue lo
V'l'niaiiul'artiire all kinds of MILL
GhAh'I.Mi and other Castings. Thrashing
Machines and 1 -trier Machinery repaired ia Ihe
be-t n.ann.r. Castings warrantee! to be rf
gonil material, and at prices that can am fail
to plea-e. GEUUEf?, MARSH CO.
Lewisl.urr. Feb. x5l
COOKINC. S'lovrs, of various atterns
and sizes, for Coal or Woo , for sahs
tthe Lewisburg Foundry by
Geddea, Marsk A Ca.
STOVKS Parlor, Wood, and Coal
Stovos, various patterns, for male at the
l.rvti-bnre Foniiilry. Getldes, Mmsh cV Co.
IITIAKU'S Piitent tJanr Plow, a aope-
rior arliclr, for saleal (he Lewisburg
Foundry hy Geddes, Marsh Sl Co.
GRAIN orStt d Drills Ross Patent
nVr.fieillv ttie hest and most durable
(.rain Dnl! now in use. for sale at the Lewisburg
Foundry by Cedde, Marsh k Co.
Hussey's Grain Reaper,
for cutting both Grain and Grass
MAM FACT! RED and for sale at the
Lewi-tiur2 Foundry by
;kiiie. marsh a c
N OTIi T. Having bt en pointed tie
E.TI. lo the I.ewisburg Crmricry.
ihe sub-enber urn d slate that he is prepared
to perfi rm all 1h11.es c nnected with ihe burial
of the ilt ii.). nn shnrt com e. Al-o that he mil
stiend ituhe re-tiiiernient of deceased persons,
ainler ihe diriciii-n id iheir surviving friends.
Residence in ihe I . -i're at ti e Gale of the
Lewisburg. Mav a, I8S4
. 1ECW! IKCW.'! 1RCN:!
9 I TS. just received t the
SHPII .VrFADItEX. Faimers and Black
smiths, call and see the urge and tet as
sortment of Ir.m rier ofiercd on the West
Branch. Having the ixelutire control of the
celebrated V.listim s Centre connty Iron,
he is enali'ed lo vorranl every tar. All
sizes Tire. Krrnlop. Round and Square; Horse
Sin e, Nail RiK Ac, aiC.su prices to all.
Call and see the ilurJware store of
Le-isbnrr, Mav 10, lt55.
llt-liiilftrlirs Li nuine I'reituraliasi
'i''"y ei;nrentratd Compound Fluid Extract of
HOC - M a- wLJs
T'OR Diseases of lilad.ier. Kidneys, Gravel,
Drt'psv. Weak-lies ses,Obstrucnons,Seeret
Diseases. Female Cnniplaint.and all diseases
r.f the s..x,i.,l t irnit. aii-.iu,; tn.m eaceire ami impmd
r,i in lit.-.nnil rem. rin- all Improper Dieharire from
Ihe K'a..er. hi Iney. or Seaunl Oram..wbetfter .al.ling
in Mit'eor f'eui.ue. fr.fti whatever cause tbey ftuty kftv.
ami no matter of how long standing,
giving Ilealth and Yiiror to the frame, and Bloom to the
pallid cheek.
Joy to tee Afflicted!
It cnrr! N-rvr-u- ami Ivt.ilitate'l ?iitVrer", as, wtawrtsja)
all tlM- MITo.aiiiieii- wl.u-b may be Ibnn4
Inli-i-oi:iou t-i e-ertin. lo-a of aowtr, losa of mmsmnrf'
tilth' U' Ot I rralMlitr. L''te ral weakaVM bam r of
e.asv-.t-ak nt-rtfct rv Dil.in.tr. Jrvaillwl horror ef tieatb,
mht cvr.-atw. rotil te-t. wakeulnea, tttWinecW. ef
n-i -o. t:.tt,'uor, uoiTrr.-al laituie of tit aina
ruiar m-irai. oft'-n ennrmona appetit witla
ij-wr- i nc f jmrti h"t huitia, flujskies; of
tbr 1h!v. iirie j of tlie akin. fe,llki eonn
t-naiire ajstl cruptioiu an the t-ace.
in tb-b:trk. h'THin-'l of tbe eye-lidfl.
t-u-oilv l.iai-k opota fljinc befor
tb- r" w .lb tt-m; oraiy ulfu4ion and
Iokm of aieht, want vf attcntb-n, rreat
n'1 i!itv. rtn ( r-f iro n. with horror of
Wh it tv. NothiiiaT is more d"i'able to farfl
rr- ri' th.-ati so'itu b-, aod Botbinic tttj more
rli-'-ail f'r "T ef tbrnvM'lvr-a ; no repose of
manner, no t-nriit trh im, no jit cultioa, but n
, burri-tl tratn-iti.-n from one queetlon to aiwHber.
Thee Mini."a, if allowed tn fctt on wbirb this wwdi
cine inuti-i, T ri-mi-t-! t-oi-n fnllewa Loes oi Pt'Wta,
r'.tniTi. x r'eiLi.rTK Kit? iaonent wbirb tbe patient
niay e,Trv. Who no any tbt thee erwe are eot
frettit-ntly f.'llnwrii bv those 'iitvful tli.-atwf I-anMy
and 0'DMtaif iton f The reeonl of the Itidane ay
an I tl.f iticinnrlitily tit atl, t.y L'on-unjDtnD, hear amplw
t-'ftiu.ot.i t ulif truth 'f th.e ji-rtifnr. In Lunatic
Arytum ilo nnt nclaet b ty e.thiMtii. ai -ars. The
rount. ti.tnce im r.rtually m-oiIcq and tnite oV(.titut ai
thvr mirth or irrief w. r vi-ita it. phoulil a so and of tbe
voice vct ar, it i rarriy artit-eiate.
-Vitb woeful n-!iM.r'm wan depair
Low suIlf-Q auuriJ.4 bis f riet brirwletL1
Pebilitt is m.-t t-'rritli: au-1 has breufht thonsanrl
aptn thot.-.-iixN antinwlv frrav. thus blattiac the
ami ill. n .i 'nirni nohlc ri.iith. It rn be enrrd by Ine
Bsetfihi- INfALLIRLK lt.MKY.
If you nrv t: -riv 'ib anv of lle above ritftressing
ailment. tNe r'U'IP ET!.AT DM 111' will rare yoa.
Try :t ai.J h cot: , lucrtl of ity tlt.4ay.
Bwv:i or Qlack Ns-sTat 3 AND gi At-x IX'-TToaS,
who CalM-ly bot of abilities and rvfrraeHa. Cttierne
know and avoiil to m. ict ai h-rt: i.tvrior. rnoooy,
; and ewpo-ur. bv ?. littp or rafiiiijc fbr a bv4lle of tni
I roiulnr a i ut ." wvillic K. uiiHly.
It aiia! a'l pain and ti.nnation.Mrwrkt-llya4raMnB
Lu itf tawsitt an-i odor, but iiuntt-auie ia its acttoe.
m:Mi:ours lxthact blciic
Is r-r-p:ir-.1 ,Iittv aeeovlme to ib- Rubs of FttAR
ii HI A. IH'Hf. :-7.i, a if h ibe trrratepl afcurarw
and t hru-i.-a: ku.w U U-.- ao.l rare devtel in it maht
nauon. & i'ri.rt rr ia-weea' wainfcle W' rts on tbe
1'rHi-tuv . f 1'hjj.is, i d mtwt oi ilu- 1-Ur tawiani Worke
Of Midicine.
One nurclrtl P..!!ar. will If paid to any Phynician who
can proee Uiat lie- Melinite cli r nvue-d a Patient ; anil
the t, -l)ru..n v i f th..u-aiiJc:it. b, prt dm ed toprore that
it ilii-s (treat sotst- t seof fiom t wa we. k lothirleeal
eeaiV .titnthtiit hare bt-n elf et. d. TI e ma-, of Vutnn
"t:ir Ti-.titni.ny iu i-v-rion id the l'iwpnelt-r, Touchinic
rta rirfuea and curative p.. wee, ie imieteeee. embrsciiis
name, w.-ll ktioan lo M lh.M . AM I4MK.
100,000 lijtt.s llaer l'en SSJ,
SBd not .inlc ltr.lanee of a fallftre ha be n ieirted !
IVrw-nallr aideared helor. m. an Alderman of th.
fitt -l I'liil'..:. I. -a. II. T llewa -l-D. I b.miet. wbobems
duly .worn 0.M aa. h,l kia prepftrati... elsins n.
rr. lie, Mereuiy or .nioriow. Urni:. hut re pure!. Is
eetahl.. M. T. lUnssuk Stle Manufaeturer.
Sanrn and sutvt r.W I l re me thi. id day of Ncrcm
Ur, ISM. m. P. IliaUHtU. Aldermaw.
Price, $1 per Bottle, or ix for $3 VeUnred t
any Arftlrc.
...tmpewh-d be retrable'and Te.pnnMMr CertMleates from
l-ref e.in el Me-lical Oulliuea, tlurgymen an.1 olbera.
freparew " "' f II. T. Hl.l 1WILD.
y.ncf 'ctil end Jmilfltail tloaus.
.V. K Soolh Jf .'.,'' t ieitmiU, At-mhfy
I' !!- ellA-
,Toe W.f"rwf ' IVo'er. Iivn( 1
I'nUtU ili.'ra. fltftedtt. ad tirHvh Vaeift.
HrmMdTsTutc no KtirrCirt
Caarantitd. . "oiS .
0. e Z S e d