Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 11, 1857, Image 2

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Xkisharg Clpnirlc.
"f mmmtMW M m. The L.:wtsiu "inw".
fS.Hli.he! on lh.Ch Sislein. hsslh. lerte-t Mi b-t
ere.latte of nv New.peper in Union Camay.
Freedom, national ; Slavery, sectional !
n( appeal from the fict StatrJmMln Supreme
Court Judffu the Pwrii or PesssLVsta!
For .ovrnor,
or BnAPFOiiD enryrr.
Canal C'omtnlHNionrr.
for JuJj't of the Supreme Court,
JINKS tr-r.CH. of Favellc Co.
JOSEPH J.tEWlSorCbcitlerCo.
Faloa County dominations.
Union county.
ItnjUlrr ( RecorJer G EOUG E M KR
RILL. of Now Herlin.
Commissioner U 10 H A RD V. B. LIN
COLN, of Hartley.
,- Tftmurer UUGII i SlIELLLR, of
fl.ee am owe florin- fcmT out
t prm Ihr brrtir wr lAnnc."-
' A rteneral Meeting of the Frirnflt o( WIL
VEKCH will be held at
ISST (sc-eond day of r"nn fmll"n
eiag at 1 ..'dock. P. M, which .LL-frm
mnA .dicinin? cnunlies. Ladies and
Isentlemen, "line and win. 01 an panics u'i , e(j 8ach counsel has been given very Iree
noparties are invited to attend and hear for : . sone ha(fe wuh cnlraclerislic liberality
the Member of Congress from Wilmot's Dis
trict (!t fall elecied for the third lime.) has
b'en invited and has prmni'rd to address the
.;n Intimaielv ahd personally aeqiain-
-.l .l. -ii v..nehin, Kansas and Slave i
f ontroversyas'hi',i,''','i,, Washingten, his j
remarks will he well w.rth hearine. j
nr Urt.irro.TR. an j
of Harrisburg. have also been invited, and it is j
hnped one or both will he present. Theexer-
will e neia in uie -
lightful (OlJJ tii: CiltOTE.
As'this is the first gathering of the kind
f.r th. ranpaign, it is hoped some pains will
be taken lo secure a general attendance.
Lewisburg, September 10, 1857.
tsr k r,w rears since we knew Mr. Uaow .
as a youth who varied his labor as lumberman j
Tonkhannoek creek, with hard study-had
chance at Amherst College studied Law
with JudgeWilmot and has been thrice elec
ted (hy tnerssing majorities) to Congress, la
which he has won a high po&iiion.thnngh one
of its yonngest mempers. Min'ring iii ...c
National lintel disease, he recruited during
foe Summer, by bunting buffaloes in Northern
Minnesota, and wil! now devote what strength
rt has gained to the good cans, personified in
last fall "extinguished" by Sehnabel!
Another Effort for I'care.
In reading the annals of the War of 1778,
one's blood sometimes rises, impatient lhal
' -V 1 .n.lre.l the wrnn?S tVl-V I
. , u x r..i,,...
did, and that they so often begged for aenange
, , .... ...,: i
of policyso often altered their tactics yet ,
1 ... , , e
never surrendered thai gre-nrf prmetfe or op-
.,. t.,.j '
Trositinn to oppression. Much as they loved
F""' e. !
Liberty, they exhausted every mransoiaccom-.
i.iurnj.ii.c, ... s ..re-,e.
modation (save ahj-c,
pealing .o arms and t, the fd of host,
The aggress ons of F.ngtand upon her C.lo-1
nie were in no wse so grievous, or so eon-
me., were in no w. a,
Irary to the gen us of her institutions, as are
. . ,.r
most oi inc ' . -
Kansas at this day. The history of the pnliti-
eal and social wrongs reaching unto murder.
and the murderers ihe recipients of F.xecutive
favors will read strangely in the eves of the
. . ,
ex, generation, nnless the Slave Power In- 1
ph.. and ..T.iheny" becomes a Pror,oe
word in America as it is in Poland ! in ,
Unain. Yet Ihe pecple of Kansas have never :
' . . ', ' . .. ....koei.. .1
re.is.ed. nnlawful'v. the I.. S. authority, al-,
though Ihey have defied and combated the bo-
gas rnle of the Mi'sonn mob.
K . ,,, pi,. 1
A meeting was held last week, al C.rasshop-,
. j ronon fm ,ii
per Fa Is, composed or 300 Pelegaies from all
. r . fmnsilr '
porUons and parties of and in kansas (mostly ,
' '
v ei..,- ... - .s in aehich after an ammaiea
" .1
and full discussion, lhe majority
anreerl 0
nai try Pres. Buchanan and Gov. Walker,
and see if they would enure unr Men, me nj, ,
,romiJfir efo, which is all ihey want to j
aettle their troubles and insure the triumph of .
..... a :
the Right- The following were the resolves
WAerra it is of lhe most vital importance j
lo the people of Kansas that the i erruoriai ,
I.iverr.ment should he controlled by the bona
fide citizens thereof, and trierem-.. Governor
Walker has repeatedly pledged himself that
the penpfc of nonso. rhmld nave n Jull ana Jutr
rote tffare impirrtiat judz'i, at I'ie election to
be held on lhe first Monday in October next,
for delegate to Congress, and members of the
Terri.orial Legislature and other officers;
Itrererore . I
Resolved, That we the people of Kansas, in j
mass Convention assembled, agree to par.ici-:
pate in said election.
Resolved. That i tho acting we rely npon
the faithful fulhlment of the pledge nf Governor ;
Wn'tker. and thai we, as heretofore, protest j
against Ihe enactments forced npon ns by the I
votes of ihe people of Missouri.
Retolved, That the mass Convention pro.
ce.l to appoint a cimmittee to wait upon the I
Territorial auihoriticand urgently insist upon
t rcvi-im and correction of the wicked appnr- j
fommr.i, endeavoring to be f.irced npon the
people of Kansa,, i govern the selection of j
members of ihe Territorial legislature.
Resolved, 1'hat General James II. Lane be
nthorixed andreqnesiedtotendeno Governor j
Wa!ker .he force organixed by him .
resolution pasted bv the Convention held at
Topeka, on the ISth of July last, to be used oeen, out inue, any, iuipru.vn.vu. ... r,,ct
fisr the prolection of the ballot box. I Penns or the western end of Nittany Vallies
Restdveit, That ihis mass Convention ex- J within the last forty years, nor can there be
press their unalterable determination lo adhere , lnT JO ong tJ ne j,,,,,,,, continues lo be
to Ihe T.peka ConstUutionand GorrrMt A I frpra ,hf h .
thai all our action shall be appointed toward r ti. i .!,.
setting that government in motion, in a legit- ays of business and travel. But hy lhe op
nn.ie manner, at an early day. eration of Ihe railroad, the vast extent of fer
eIt will be seea that the Border Ruffian J tile land, bow uncultivated, will be sold at
a nhofity is nowhere acknowledged, bat the 1 double or nearly so Iheir present value.' This
Tupeka constitution is reeognixed as the ! will insure population, greatly extend Iheir
choice of the real setilers of Kansas. j agricultural products and thns furnish addi-
iler. is another opportunity for Buchanan ! tinnal tonnage la the road. Land, like every
and Wa'ker to settle the difTicnlty amicably, i other transferable commodity, is valuable in
hv reoi'iviug er.ry uulawfiil impediment out ' proportion to lhe demand for it, and Ihe de-
..f lhe way, and giviug a r.ia LrrTio. Will
i..ey do it I or will tVy again tremble at the
r ar t.f ihe 81a Pawer. and carry out the
r;in.! d.ge, r,f r-n'.irt Kansas n flare
iteateve haz.ni: We .lull .ve!
S.NYDKR Counts'. Tbe Wbigs, Aineri
caoa and Republicans hold a county meoU
ing on Tuesday, 22d Sept. (Court Week,)
Stephens and Kcnkel tie expected as
JSrBrokeu banks continue to multiply.
Tbe best rule is to take no foreign notes,
utiles you can pay them out immediately.
voa nil Lewianciio maojirt.
I observe that ' Ciiuihpiwi," like a se
cond Kir V Wikkls, has suddenly waked
np to Ihe importance of building the Spruce
Creek Road, and w ith the zeal of a new con
vert, he would put on the back seat or unseat
altogether, the original friends of Ihe project.
Had he read the Chronicle and other papers
from this and Centre counties, he would have
learned lhat the new light he has just discov
ert, is not to new to others. From the drift of
his articles, he is evidently, not aware, that,
for three or four years past, the building of
that road has been the absorbing question with
hosts of the people of Union and Centre coun
ties. Newspapers have discussed it, gentle
men from New York, Philadelphia, the valley
of the Schuylkill, and from points west of the
terminus of the road, have united with those
residing along the line in addressing meetings,
in laying before the people Ihe advantages
that would accrue to them and to their child
ren by the building of this road ; and scarcely
a school house along the line bas been with
out its Railroad meeting. The masses have
been fully waked up. The result is, a belter
local subscription to the road than any other
road I now can think of passing through a
country so entirely agricultural as the one
through which this is proposed to be located.
The failure thus far to build the road, has not
been pecause the people do not "rtn" on the
subject, but because loo many imagine that
"to feel an interest in the construction of the
road is worth more than the money subscKb-
charged nothing for knowing where those who
hare given their lime aud money have been
at fault; they have been willing to bespatter
with unmeaning praise, or deal in wholesale
"flings." as either ambition or feeling may
have dictated. Talk to them about "substan-
tial aid," nd ihey will lell you promptly il
- requires more than money," and they prefer
to furnish the W while they leave others
to furnish the money. If our rich men (and I
am glad to believe "Chillisqnaque" lo be one
pr nnr wealthiest) would ail do snmething.and
finJ ,esJ fail,t (hpy mi;,h( frfay .rne;ihen
the hands of those who have immediate charge
of the work and thus hasten its early com
mencement. Chillisq taque can not have known what
efforts have been made in the last four years
lo enlighten public senlimenton this question
If he did, he is not very eomplimen lary to the
many gentlemen who for years have written
and talked on the snbjct. for he says, "the
enierpnse is one with which Ihe people are
not well acquainted," and lhal "il can not be
ei peeled lhat ihe people will go blindly into
Ihe matter" It might -be well for our aged
friend lo revisit Centre county. He will find
it net quite "the mmtmitvxn forty years agn."
The extensive forests, Ihe lumber of which he
disappeared, and the granl-chilrtrea of Ihe
men of "forty years ago" now want a road, not
because of the abundance but beranse of ihe
scarcity of limber. One of Iheir chief argu
ments in lavor of the road is lhal Iheir wood
s failing, and they want coal for mannfactur-
. ,.
ing, for fcul and for lime burning. Lumber
6 . 5
suitable for building purposes is now higher
.1 -. . . ? ,
on the line of this road than it is at the head
of the market. Its importation would be a
source of revenue to the road,
,f Chillisquaque will goamong the farmers
, , . t
booked up on railroad questions. To give
. .. ,
,hem a new I(jrl on lhe ,uhject may not be
as easily done as he imagines. He will find
! them not so far "mitntripprd hy the entrrprUe
' and pubh'e spirit nj other ttetianf as lo be igno
rant of the advantages of railroad improve
ments. Al a late meeting in lhat county, a
..... .000 uini.L 011 suiiiiiauir o.a.i.ia.
-nla.nM .l : 1. 1 ...,:.,: t
agricaltllr;, in miu-
roanufa;illrin;. the co oflhJ
. .. ,. ' - a.
road and lhe eertainy of its remunerating those
' k:. u. k.
win. in.v.ini .u i. a lie sanie a; iisu .10, i
iln.a ee. nfl.. tk. .Ill, 1 1. m r n k ,TT k i-h 1
. . , Ji , , ,
real y covered the whole ground) an old far-
, s. '
mergot up and said lhat he had heard that
s i
speech so often that it was no longer new to
k,m e.e 1. ili.i, n.iml. ft e.c nhf.t ...re. 1
i..j -. J .11 k.t:....j :. T. k.
wi 'o v a.ii.i, eiiiu .iij wil ucuc.oi 11. i.c
understood that it cost money to build rail-
Mail, .nd h. wmiimI tc usaw wfa.rs it urns to
. -
come from. The money appeared to bother
old man ; he had already subscribed about
one tenth or what he was worth, and still he
thought il was more money that was needed.
v.niiiisquar,iie couio nave stnuu at ...e .....
logy s eioow, anu wnisperea inio ina car ..it.
tn make lhe peoole r.vi an interest in the
construction of the road, was worth more than
Ihe money subscribed." the old man s fears
would have subsided, because he had lhe evi
dence of deep feeling all around him, and if
feeling could bnild Railroads, then was the
Spruce Crsek road sure of an early comple-
tinn. for there has been a vast deal of feeling
on the subject. If ChilliMinaqne.witn a nasn
or lwn f his pen can do what others by years
of patient toil hae failed to accomplish, I
.rott he may have free swing in the columns
f ,he Chrrmirh. notwithstanding his "flings al
,ne gOCK pe0pe 0f Lewisburg."
- -
MTrr.tweST.ocsiw.irTX ::
a ne pruce CrctH l4ail-MOi.ii. ,
Mr Rraa Cii.o.iclx. I will now proceed j
to establish my position in regard to the ad-'
lo be itri A h the Ie of ,he
... . , '
Western end of the road. To do this we must :
suppose Ihe road in nperalion, and compare
what mutt be its effects with the present condi- j
ioB aflairJ jn ,ha, parlicnar section of:
h bee thown na, here has
. . 1
j mand wil! ever be in proportion to lhe value ,
j of ils products. This then being an admitted '
fact, il will require bill li.ll reflection on the j
'' par. of lhe landholders of Cen.re eonnly, to
' disc, i er ihri'.l.y m rtiTeilment uf ten p-rcenL
on Ihe valuation of their property, ihey may
add fifty per cent, to its market value. Dot,
still more, those owning four hundred acres
of good land, after selling one half at or near
the present value of the whole, will by ihe ad
vantages afforded by Ihe road, be able to rea
lise more profit lhan, without these facilities,
they could on the entire farm of four hundred
acres. This I am aware, will appear singu
lar, and perhaps extravagant but the history
of railroads has abundantly established its
correctness. The increased value of ihe land
;. ih. ITeei i.r ihe facilities lo market, and
consequen.ly tbe increased value of its pro-
ducts. And to show that i.o hundred acre,
.fprnd lilable land, with .he advantages of a j
speedy and cheap conveyance lo market, is
mire nrnfiiable than four hundred without
them, it is only necessary to remind Ihe intel
ligent farmer of the fact, lhat how many acres
of his farm remain idle because he is preven
ted from cultivating many articles that will,
not bear transportation in the old fashioned
mx horse wagon. But, in addition, every far
mer knows lhat a comparatively small farm
can be cultivated at much less expense in pro
portion, than a large one.
But Ihe great advantage to be derived by the
farmer, will be in the decreased amount ol
slock required, and consequently the less cap
ital, as no more horses or wagons will be wan
ted than those neaessary lo perform the work
of Ihe farm. Business of every description
ill multiply, and thus will a home market be j
erecled for many articles lhat are now not j
New Xork or Pbiladalphia markets, and the i
money returned to the owner! This will be
not only a great convenience to farmers of
small capital, but In those of larger means, it
will add lo Ihe price nf Iheir articles some
four or Gve months interest on lhe amount of 1
none? received. To merchants and others i
engaged in busiuess the advantages will be
equally great, Less than half the amount of j
capital will be required, as goods can be or
dered and received within a few hours from
any of the eastern cities. In this way more
than double the amount of business will be
done on nail tne capital, 10 say noining oi oe-
. . .... .t - . .
ing cumbered with roods that, if not perisha-
ciatin-in valne.
. , .v .
The. rp somp nf ihe manr rearn thnt '
might be urged in favor of the construction j
of this road, and I hope they will revive Ihe j
attention of .hose whose interests are identifi-1
ed with it. For myself, I have none beyond 1
.u . . , c .1 e
the interest I feel in the prosperity or a sec-
lion of country I have known so long, and ad-
' t1
mired so much, as well as entertaining the'
highest regard for the intelligence and ho.pi-!
lality of its people. But while we are urging '
. , , . , , " 1
upon lhe people along the mute of Ihe road
generally, .he importance of aiding in its con- J
StmClion, we mnst not forget the important :
... ' I
laci.tnat tne Jiiuin ur wa must ne on- ,
- '
ever been an important consideration In con-
ncclion wi.h railroads. Where several local. !
ities are practicable, much will depend on the !
feelinga or those having the power of granting
Ihe right of way. If the proper spirit is man
ifested, little difficulty will exist in making the
best location that the character of lhe country
will admit or; but if obstinacy and a disposi
tion to extort, shenld prevail to any extent.the
entire project mar fail. The importance of
the rich! of wav is dotihlv ma ni feet from Ih. '
. .
action ol Ihe board of Directors, at their meet-
ing in.Lewisburg las, Friday, when they de-
lermined lhat it shall first be ascertained on
. . -. , ,.e
- ... .v. ..v j... , .Tiwir sg.rt- j
ing thai lhe rood shall be put under contract. 1
, , ... .
IT the landholders will lake into consideration
the advamage, to be derived, and ac. in a j
taint cf s.l.rs.ic. ..... . I,. e II . .. Ik....
. . ,' . , . " !
rear but the road even with its present sub. ;
scription, will be commenced, and that its j
means will increase with i.s progress even to '
'." . I
Completion. lo establish this position It IS
only necessary to refer to nearly all Ihe rail-
13 3 i
roads of lhe country. But few of Ihem com-
. Lite, ..
menced operations with half thecap.tal requi- ;
red, yet ihey struzled on, and Ihe result, in :
every instance, has been triumphant success. '
a,M,.. r..rl ,.J p.e...o.eOo ... ,k. ....... I
H..u ..(.iio; u ...t I...UUI.V
thro which they piss. Chilli. q.iio.rR. I
- -- l
n , . ., . .
GEiNERAL LLLCTION 'roclamalion. I
KKKAS, in and by an Act or the!
eneral lii,mhlr ..fihic iiite. .mlil...l '
enerai Assembly ol this Mate.entitlcd ,
An Actio regulate the general elections of
ihis Commonwealth," enacted on the 2d day of
Jillv. 183'J.it is eninined on n,e to cee r.bl I
notice of such election to be held, and to
euu.er..c .r noMce wnat onieersare to !
ne ciecleu, I, JJA I. IJ.l.Ul.mA,H!gh Mieriff;
of the county of Union, do therefore hereby
.l.. . . J .:... .u:. ...ui:. .-.:.. ..
"' r ";' cc:u, neeteriors
! . . . c?un,)ro1 union,lhaiaOt,AJ.,i.11,!
ciivbiiva win oe netti in said countyon the i
S frown Trxsn.T or OrToa.a nix r (being Ihe '
13th day of the said month.) at the several
Districts composed of the following townships .
and boroughs, viz: j
I dis.rict, at the late Commissioners" office '
in and for New Merlin borough. I
II district, at the house of Henry Gibson, '
in ann lor t:nion townsnip.
III district, at the bouse of James Adams, i
in and lor White Deer township. I
IV district at the house of James I.awson,
in and for Kelly township. " t
V district, at the house of George Wolfe. I
in and for Ba! Iluffjloe township. I
VI dis.rict.at the honse of James M'Creight,
in and for Buffaloe township. j
vll district, at the house of V m Inhoft, in
Mifflinburg, ft.r W esl Iinffiitoe township. !
Vlii a: ...v. ii. t. a.
dls.ncf, at the public school house in
anu lor norm ward in L,ewisnurg Donuign.
IX district a. Ihe house of Jonathan Spyker
in and for South Ward in Lewisburg borough.
X district at the house of Charles Crotzer,
in aod for MilHinburg borough.
XI district, at the house of David Moyer, in
and for Hartley township.
XII district, at the house of Peter Wehr, in
and for Limestone township.
XIII district, at the school house, on lot No.
19. in New lierlm.in and for Jackson township.
XIV District, at the house of John Keith in
and for Lrwis township
At which time and places there will be
elected by ballot
Two Persons as Judges of the Supreme
Court of this Commonwealth j
One Person as Governor of ihis Common
wealth; i n . c I r : : e
viic a riaiiu urn v.uaii ayuuiu.is.iuncr Ol mis
Commonwealth; -' 1 ; 1
Two Persons as Representatives of Union.
Snyder and Juniata t-oumics in lhe General
Assembly of this Commonwealth ;
I'liinu county ;
I One Person a. Conniy Treasurer;
One pers.en as County Cornr.isiin
le s-roB a IW uaiy An-luor. .
..k lb. ier.nll nf eiiltivalinn. while everv l-ancaater, YctIc, rrenlm,l..iriaw.u,. , . ust -N-aa 11f1fts,
w - . ' Brlf .id and trie, from and ancr in- pai:e - J VI r J-i i J V ir' i 1 .J Jr. xlJU 1 J. e-Vr-Ji inn Wednesday BiEIH. a !. ; l". '"'
article requiring transportation can be taken Kt. to vol. s.rati th. candidates sir tn ranoua : " ' ' , "i U yj.,1! nil nreiiv old vellow and ! o j wi.r r...iei.i, ,..:.r tr..,..,, s .
. .. . 7 . .' , ,,, to b. tilled .t any .lectio. n on. .Hp or t.. ket : irow-, -it, , be opened for the accommodation ; .,- V, Ij sma.l and preiiv oio, en w : v R lr, bii-bBct .uj 1.4
to the nearest depot, and shipped to market, Tll, lrwnirh e.ndi.t. i....t.d ur.- nf ,he lravein public on j wuiie spotted, face white, and while alongibe ,K
and the proceeds returned without anv more al.all b. doicnated, as reiired ii? tl.ce.1et.i. '"". ' back. Information of hr rhereabnms earn- And .. Id by iu-o,d Urutsi-t.
.rouble ,0 the producer. This, ,00, i, wil. be l,.'; Sr rW .r. ' E' " l!'
eeenlleete.1 wlV he an everv dav business .. .imll.r fran... .r. directed tn l , This Honse directly opposite the new t ourt Kew ij,.rl,n, Aug. 27, 157 -
recollected wil. be an every day onsiness. filBirM h) lucrxMl In., of tin. uommonacaith. House. . It has beeu tilled up al considerable : . . Great Excitement !
There wii. be no more houseing of .he pro. mCZ , r-se. -h ''Z i Arthur's Self-Sealing Fruit Jars. MoX K Y I. O S T !
ducts ol Ihe farm to be taken to market months Art f;,rYnr, no eflort w-ill he spared lo ac Cs f fi j j(, oof stn,. TT lt,w UIllversalIy conceded il.a. th-
afier ihev have been gathered. In three or pro..il : That th. Act p.-. u p.-' re. b. Cnrnm,date its patrons. Ihe House is large, , rMIL.-t. are 01 lire anu 1 . Jin "-w u iuersa.i c. me ic 11 .11 , ...
arier Ihey have been gaineren. in tnree or M f ;, ,,h..r,z.n, ien an'd i.ohtfuiiy located.ai.d has 1 we. and of lhoro..h!v anneale.. glass, , rl,all2 , aIiy arc,. : llo,,5 ,,T pri,a ,
four days from the time of loading goods on a the oiiaii8dt.e of A.im.odmhero..tie to rot. conn nieuuy oi." . ir .' u;,rranied 1.1 .stand hot water. Thry are the i . rmmiv use. and lhe raving therei n in. 1.
ear near Potter. Fur., ihev will be taken lo I 'u Of'?- Me0 new'-' . "'ZIK vr itr.1 r. i be,i in the market, and ike only ones M be ,,lan , fa,r ,.,. ls .-money lost ih- ui.
" That every orrsnn. e.rrptl.e Justice, of Hie fVace, i
wh anall hold an. "' or px-iutBvnt r f-m or
trt.lt wi'lrr the loilrd Mates, or of this Mate, or any
cite w in.-orouret.-4 ill.lrlrt. whether eumiui.in.-4
otftmrer oUierwiee, . sitior.linate oftVvr or msrnt, ho
U "r I fl.lor.l UO'ler till! l.-i-l.tl.-. .-1-onti'o,
or iaJi. ir druarburul th' UI ur of llw tt
Stutef. or "f nr lnrorrtrJ di-lrirt : n.l ! tint '
fen mmbrr of I oaTi- inn "i
..i-.in,r or.n. ioromoreK-d dwlricL i. ! I ini
. . . .nn wtimrll OI !. FIIT. W t'OVT
HireK-d dKlrlcl, I. I.J ! ini j.Tii,.n Th.-r.ro.r..rll.eiui"-oi. .rniiiinii'
vmx t ti,th.uui..irMri4OTw.hbiirtUi-i-
ee. iunt..r or clerk of .nj Hrc- ti, u, u., .., ..I Hie r..uulj- 1 1 "lo.
klih..u.tllit n..in.;.-fc.r.;ii.li:e. s ,.iin. r.rl:,im ' q.i.'lt..-! rlw tor-..I -nid
blcoT lioldiuir. ur imowii
or njiomntmriit or jwlite.
or.n, ont t .U.taeiioo .n.U l.l.s.bte u u U.a ,
rotrd for. ,. :, '
And the sakl Ae.t ol AsseniDijr, eniinea- Af or .irr.iiiMi. a d. i-o..i.T n- p-n" --
An Act retail.; t elections of .his Cm- l"--:jr FiU ,, .dioiningearh other, and !. n.Ied
mouweallh. passed July ui'. 10.)J, luriuer .
provide, ;as follows o. wiu
lober, .nd cn ol M.i"1""'" . .
u.. Z-irl'. ' " !
jT, " , j.; r tleriion. the. the iwii lio '
f jud t .t lh ncjt pmnliiiir .1 tion, .h.ll l in-
,?JZ"i f'll P.'l i t-r-; '' ,
h,.o or.inl the hh.-.t Bumbrr of rolw fr m.-. l-.r !
I ,h.ll ,t.tb-n.l. In-r-r.nel-l.-.tju1.-e.hll p.l .
j.i.lie .hall not attend, tlien the in.pertor who re.rire.1 , , ,,.), Am. n.lra. iit-, or anr of Itiem. ir.4y
ItM'hkkeat momhn of ohnll wot" judj. m i tba.r op.ili..n b, .ulioseaob oiMy ..pi.ri.u wr, tie.
idaee; or il ,j raen. y .h.ll eoo.il... It. Ik-l"od 1 or print. .1 ballot, or tirtel. ...otni.itn- on tit. ia.-lje
om hour .Iter Ibe Ome 1 law a ted for the openiuii of Oiere. Uhe .or.N, -Asamst Ui. Ai.-.'d.uej.l. .
th- elretLW tbe ,,,1,M.,I .oter. of the t.wnb.p, ward Aj fril,er. I do h-n-by jtlve nll.. dir ct and pro-
or di.tri -t for widen au. h officer eball bar. I". elecl., cMm. tliat ll,.-.l.:tion u tie- 1 prop. ied A..eudiT-ul., ,
pre.ent at the pi-, of election, nli elect on. of tLcir : .ball and c!-,-d t ihe aame lini.-. an.) I111 all
number to till .U nrue." , . i re.pert. bo i.luct-t, . the ueneral .le.l.on. rd ah .. !
I also herehv make known and give notice l omotuownilll. are now eood.u t.-.l. w. Il a.re-iei-u.e
1 also hereoy maKe KnoH u b o ,,.H,.t...n. of , ..tee., in. u.- anl r. .nn. r ot k,
lhat the following Act of Assembly as l(lrnil ln ,., rtic.Hiu-.. tuven u..d r u.y ,
passed by the general Assembly of this Com- ,,,, ,a mt t,.Wifi.e... ihta 4ih r A. u. .
m.inwealth on the i!7lh of February, A !.,. yxstV.WUls,turML ,
194H, to wit:
- An art rplallM TolInR st fTrrtlonn hi the pounti-n
of Adm-. U.i.i in, York, Lutlr. Wnunuu, vuui-
bcrb.iiii.rcnicr.iirc.-oe, l'r,'"r'' ""' E;!h ,,wlu .r j
ih.iifii ,terof themimiieaof A im, tupbiii,
r or tne iniormaiion 01 ik rm-iim m uin.-n
couniv, I publish lhe following, being .he 4h
section of Ihe act of the General Assembly j
of ihe session of ISM. eiitnled "An Act lo
provide for the election of Judges ot .hesev-:
eral courts of this Commonwealth, and to
regulate certain Judicial districts
f -. 4. That Ihe election for Jndi-. mall ! nei. ana
oonductcd in Hie several .lection diaTrku, in the iwni
tares ate or .h.ll be held a ret conducted, nd by the
manner and m all reaped.. . election, ror r-prei.
A-t rda'in. to the election. ..r tM nmonwrajtn. ao- ;
prmed th. aeeoo.l day of J.' 1:. and tU reral Blip- !
tleaieiila .'d all other like law., a. fur a the aaiiie
al.all be I. fore and .pp.leable.hall bedeemed od taken .
,0 .i...l ,.. fk el.-etioiia for Ju.lirc!
i-X'efsipre':: j
;0aViVrrtM -bar. f.r Ju thm im.v- t
l ourt on a wparate piece of pap. r, and f. .11 other .
Judie re.nire.i tot te.rn.il in tb. law, on suotiuT
Il will thus be srpn that the electors or
Union countv are renin red to vote lor Jooctrs
,;',,a t,,u,n.' a,c rijiinrw
Comrn,i4ioncr, Assembly, and all County of.
f,crrSi n one piece of paper, or the voter 1
mar cast his ballot for each office separately, .
if he prefers it.
Ml .hall be ihe doty ed" tbe aereral AasMianr. rcapccl-
,.,ly , ,pn4 p, ,4 hot.ii,,,. ,,ery general,
t-'.'hip .lectio., d.irinr th. wb.u , iim .id
I. i-t .... .,r the OtirD.-,. of .'VIPK illlorttllle
.too t- tt.- lo.neetor, ami iodia. whe. raited c, hi tela
.YcZ 1
the ..n,.c.t f eoter. w th. -aid m-pctor. . rftbet t
of thcmah.il from tiajc to urae raqoire.
-. person .hail be penrnTied to te at any e'eetvm
Sl.le at least one year, aod in tbe.leclio.dl.trtet bf. i
he offers t'. rote .t le.ist ten days immediately receding ,
..h.iriif,n..nd within tw. ynr -.id .iUAi.orMae
heror-tni eieWraAVn'Sriri.T'nite.i Wat..
.ho ha. prei..a.ly been a .,.iliite,l .oter of tbi. Stale.
J"J ,e?l,',,,,h.''rnT ""l' '"' '"J-1
shall be entitled t. .ot. ana. retn, in this tt.t n
. citirens of
tweiitr two rear.. end hs? r re-i.ted in tiw election di.
trw .fore-aid ten day-, ahail b. entitled to vote,
.lino..... u, o... o... ,
not contained in th. lial of uii.Wcinh.HtanUfnniihed j
Tlo ncrson snail ne oerni.. ir i . ...,e - . n.m-
i.t tne . fnniia.ioncrs. nn-cee, r,r.i. - pn.i"- - - m-
for the psrm.nl wilhi. two year. of s tl.leor cou.it lax
asse-M-d aerceablv to the Constitution, .nd elee sati.fae. (
tory ertdcDce either on his own oath or affirmation or
tax. or on failure to .rodo. . rec-ipt shall m.ke .ajlb I
the oath or affirmation of another that he has paid .n-n
to the rai ment thereof, or Second if herbom . n.ht lo
Tot by he.o. aa elector between the mat or twr.ty4n.
Z7r V'r'Z
hefor. his application .nd make such proof of residence
in ine.n.irici as rs reoniren 07 10m ...e. .. " t
eerily telierefroriilheaeeoantsffifrnntmtri.1 ne wniuie
"-;nJ'ir' '"nZirZmZt
by thisart. .hcreunna ihe uame of tnerson so admit-
t.d to ..ie sb.-ti he inserted in ihe ati hbetb.i list by
k-a.ee n id t e. or the word n.ie if he .hall b. admitted
to eote b rein of such .-e."shll he elle.1 out lo Ih. j
clerks wtao shall mak. th. lux. note. inibaUaUuf otra j
k?iZl,'ZZ, whm ,h. nameT tr-pem cl.imin, I
to rote is (mod on the list fumi.hed t.y tii c.ninn..ion-:
era and assessor, oe his rich, to . wnethwr fo.nd '
th.rce.o or not i. .hjc-le.1 to by any qualified ettiien. it
'" "T""?' ,te,??T".rif'taimrt.
son on oath a. to his qualihi-.t.ons. .nd if be claims to
ha. resided within the 9tto for on. year or more hi.
oath shall be sufflient proof thercot but h. shall make
iy .tl iVtiH--- wiM -h.n i .
h hnU tiro himir wmr tint tii bona frir tv iacac
la piirsu.nc. of his lawful eslltnT l wtll tu th. di.lrirt, I
,. . ,.., n.t eeoMiee int. aud distract Mr the i-uriMiso i
of rot.nii therein.
Kr.-ry person qtulifiel as .'oreeaid .nd who shall
make diie proor if r.-iuired of bi. re-iden. and p..y-
T.'iff .. IT
'If an. peraon shall prrentor.ltcmpttoprienHnT
Oolc r of any election under Ihh. act from hol.li.iR e.rh .
.Mk,,..'.,, thn-atcn anr .i.dence m an. anchor-1
election cr iv or thn-atcn any violence in any snen or-i
SWr. er .mil lu-rrn,-i.r iiuroe-ri j io-r.e,D . .o una
in the ekeenrion Of his duty, or shall block lip the win- :
'h-w or ..e., 10 .uy window wber. in. ..... may n.
k.l.ll.. Ho.n.,.1. .11.1., el. Hie neaee .o.-ll elect..
io. or
sllaJI use or practice- any intimid .tinu tbrcata, forcw
T' '"Z -,;Ztor.l
f,jm of choice, sud. per.n on roneim -b.ll be
fined in any .urn not eie.ei.inx fire hundred dallm-. and
lmtiriMM.,1 for ane time not 1.-.. than three nor more
7". - h ... ,,,.-. p. ,,wn u, lh.
curt .ben. the trial of such og.nse.ahitii..d.th.iih j
-T-nn t-ofTi'nf1.ic watn mrdttfflhef'itr,wH.ili-trir-t
or t"wnhiy vhrrn the kl .Hncr ciiiiu.iim4
ani n.A entltlr-d In vt't thwin. tbrn on tonrlfti-.t. lin
fliall Ih ftrnUoct d In pay a fine of not ti- titan nnt
iMf ht in-
arrfl imr limps, man om tnuiinii uouant ami ne; n
onrd tvil Irm than six monUt 'T mnn Uisn two
If any 4ri-i-ii or itcrnonn liall niaki- any Ivt or waurr j
upon t)Hresultf y rlrtinn in thiOfroraoiiwra!th4r j
ttliall nJTiT U itiMk' any iuvh l-'t or warfr. fithir ly r- t
t..l nserM-lsataatlrMi thtwiwif ivr h mi writti'n ur criotrrt
avIvfrU-rms-nt or challi-nira or inTilr any ptmd m make
itrh Wt or wcrr, upn -onirliii UwrH-f nr they
'hall forfeit and pay three times the .mount so bet r
-Tan, ie-Ieon not by l.- ,nli,d shall fraudulently
.nte at any election in tbl Comm.inwc.lth. or beinit
oth.-rwi.. qualifl.-d shall vole out l.f hi. pivper district,
T"T.'V III! " .ilr.r,olu.1;"
con.ieii. n .bail be fined in an. sun. not c,.-e,-.io two
hssirs4 sMbir. ami to iwdwiassMxt say trtsa as
TISS, rot, mt me-, u. owe .hvHioa
di.irietor otherwise fr.u.iuienfiy rote more than once
- " my.w.tall fr.wleDtry k .nd dellre.
tothe n-fecu.r two ticket, toerlher with Ihe intent ille-
,., t t r a.l,i d pmeur. another to do, be
r Ihey soofTendin. .hall or conie-lion he fine,! in any
run. not leas than rtrtv no. more t..n nee nimarea o...
wealth. .-reeahlT ' lo law. (e.eej.l th. son. of i,.slioed
elUsfBs.) sli.il apt., .t any pi.c of eieetioq ih. i
Mirpose of iesulnif tickets or of i.flnenetos the rttixens 1
J!.,!!. to .ie, h. shl on eon.icUon. f. rfeit mni .,
o. sum rot esceedMi on. hunaree) dollars ror eery
J"' uoitu? ta"t"i0"1 furUT Ur" """"i
" AgreeaWy ""w the provisions ol the stxly-i
first section of said act "every Ceneral and ,
..,! .iiioo h.tl he onene.l heitreen the '
1 f any j-e-r-v-n lint qtmvt to ot in idi t ommti- l
hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and
shall continue until seven 'clock in theeven-
lntl. Wlirn IIIC I'l'IO ? Il It . V HUotU.
Th. R....r.. Jndr-es of ihe several districts
. i.. u..... .i i .i.K.
U. aic..,a " ' "
.t-- .l.:.J J... .k u.i:n .nm rri
te.i. .rn.i;wisil,. .nd s.r.
form those duties enjoined on them by raw.'
The Return Judges of Union, Snyder ann
Juniaia counties are required lo meet at the
Court H-mse in Ihe boron gh of Lewisburg
f on Monday the 19ih of October, to make ont
I retnras for Ihe member, of Assembly., i -
i Datfd at th. ShenfTs 0!fic. Mwisburg.lhis
I 0.h dyof September A.D. one thousand eight
hundred aad Sftv-a-vea.
i . . . . O. mtm$, Sheriff .
Amendments to the Coastitnticx
ruoci-AM.iri'vr. n
ri.n.CtutHUi. Mist mur mneuinenlr. ... ! ii-n,
.t.-ll ..Hti-,1 m ine nP.Oir IT ll '. i.""".'
i.J,. Th.-r. ro.r..rll.ei ui"'Ol. . otUIi.iitc lli'wrn..
,.iy.i n e'rMi.. will b m f -
.l.ir.nrn.llliiclll.rr.Hit.nlh..' MJ 'II r. -
. mwi ,i,iai th U i I
1 si
TtrilKRK"! 1 luire tM dir tnl l.y the OtmrwT tt I A
fitr n..!lrut. J"im R.iit.. .if-.K err- J y -J sigtird,l rupees, w:il ril at aaciion, in
tria Am-D.inM. b ..u.tuuii... -r ti.to c ..- r .Dce , j,, bv viriu nf an Act ol Av-
iu"ST.ur?f i... u .. tm, ,u. srmUy approved the -lay Apr I. A. .
j... tk. .. mid tlml r..fcl t. II.. .oc-j - M.if the dav i.f Kclob-r.A.U.
Vxf e-tby Plurnh s,r-t a... o0h ty an
iTnr.. ..,u.,f : All.-v. where..- ,he Court SJoue uti.1
'"' :L
'.r,","i'"', I.k. :.au. ik.on.lt U..m iu bo or
.blchtlrk,t..i..ll b.r,rru...,
0l-id', -fir't Amn.dui.ol. -rVnii.l Ain-ioloo-iil.
.lo. .rr fumU. b. id Amrn liie ul.r nr
them, r r.r, '''"'"J
,r,Us written or prmlnl. or portly ri U-n r prini a
ne, or lirlirtn. ront.ininir m in. !. ' u1"
a n r. v
1). D. SltBULB
In EoCwlKburg, l'a.
I.ewisburg, Aug-
al Estate-
Chiace for a Bargain! . i
A newly-erected I.AKIil- BRICK
HOl'SK, in I.ewisburg, advamageoiisly
located, is olft red tor sale on very rea-onable .
t,rms ani possession of one ball of il eiven
..--l-"-ly- Inquire at the VkwicU UUlce !
v,,..,. i,
lil'ljrilt CTV
i ij UlilKj OAUri.
WTlLh be o.lcr.,1 a. Public Kale on Sat-
f III'I:IT, I IJC !itl I Bf lSatT) at .
((.dj j.. j coiuuienctng near John JJon-1
( cny .
N half lots situate on Brown street
1 lot " " "
3 lots on Sixth street, (opposite the new
2 lots on Tenth street
!l tots on I'niversily Avenne
1 House and lot (old Boarding House
Persons wishing 10 purchase Lois, will do
well to examine Ihe above property. The terms
wiii be easy. A. K. BKLI.,
lieneral Agent nf University al I.ewisburg.
I.ewisburg, Aug. S, 157.
J) A Li Al
for sale.
pHI subscriber idlers lhe Farm on w hich
1 he now resides, siiuale in Itiitt.ilu v alley,
1 Union couniv, 4 miles from MilHinburg and S
miles fioni ilartieton, ctiniauiiag about
17-5 ACRES,
of which about 135 are cleared, and the rem.
' r.ainder is well limbered. It is Limestone
. ra,, ., : ., e
, - - - ,
I land, in a ffiin.l --
lhe most of il having been limed once, and!
tome of it the second time.
The Farm is well watered, a running stream
passing Ihrough if, and a never failing spring
of limestone water at the door, and a pomp
in the bara-ya.d. There is a fine ORCHARD
of good Fnuu
The buildings are new a large don
ble Plank House, well finished, a large JlaA
Is A . Mi. II A It ,
j a ag"on House, and all oinrr necessary
Ontbtiil.hngs. CHK1STIA. REIF. 1
. . i
I Aug. 18, l.7 ' 1
I VJlleUJlBl.ll. AXlAJj J-iOlAlti, ill
TV a Plurius order of the Orphan Courl
B. 'A7
ITThe premises, on j -L at all times lhe very best ( OAL of every
Turs!1T, lAlh SenlemtH-r nwt, desenpnon. frorn the ,ik es-Barre and .ha
comrrrrncitg at ten o'clock in lhe lurenuuu,! D1"kl" m,n."- " hand an ann rle of
....,,,.... verv superior qnali.v, such as is seldom bro .
the lollowing Real hstaie, viz: ,n) , , , .
nmp t.f vamv V Tr ,.r ' la,s market.which hewill dispose of at the
. J.UL l r V.'C . lowest cash prices-Coal weighed, and cord
late Wni. Wilson Jr., of helly Tp. I nion t o. I nieavure warri(n1ed. rtf'Coal exchanged lor
Paadj.mnnglaotiseflavidHeii,ley.Villiam merchaniable :ouniry Produce of most kinds
Ilruwn. Mrs. .M'Clure, Joseph .Musscr and the as wt. as ,lir cx.y,,
W'esl Branch of the Susquehanna, containing . ,. . y , , Th'0-, jinVn'a Lumber Yard
117 Acres and 7G' Perches.
The Farm is of lhe FlliST QL ALITV of
cuil nml miller .ii.ul imnri.ee.t.etit b.itidsonielt-
located On the River road"abont half a mile'
mefits are a
' lMl'V
r. .-w,...
The Improvemen
nearly new. a iwo-storey frame Dwelling a.!, j
f House, a Corn House, a Wagon Mied Jk- -jix .
-.i .....i...:i.i:.. ..,.!
l other necessary ly.itbuildings-a never'
failing Soring of Water in .lie Cellar Kitchen
I j '"well with I'umDin Ihe liariivard and
; r -
ilinvmg young A Pole I i . hard.
liSTcan be had in most of the fields.
Terms will be made known at sale.
Persons wishing to view ihe premises arc
i rrqiiested lo call on the Administrator, or on
1 Juseph MuM&er. near the nrt iui.ett.
Utlill P. SMI EL LET?,
1 Admin. sthttor of W. Wilsov Jr. ee'd.
July 31. 1857. .
If OJ SI.i:. One lot on South Third
street, a square and a half from Market.
; on Snuih Fourth streel only two squares from
i Market . -. - -
lrhe nhove are level lots, well located
and adapted to building purposes.
Acting ExV of Wm. Andstrong. dee'd
clin.n fel. 1 " I W -.'7
I Lewisburg, .March 1, 1N07
' X' J L lA 'jr..
yilHE snbscriher often forsale his Hesidence
I , ,
I n (he west side of Snath Second streel
in the Borough of Lewisburg, between Market
andstUuis sireeis,c.insisiuig of neara lotand
Krcond siren, and in length 157 fee., 6 inches,
he improvements are a commodious three
J-ilHUSF.. f pressed brick, 47 feet
- ' ... , , .
: je - s.t. ' w.ll UllllllH - ..
t marble base, marble sills and Unlets in front
i iTiHii u .u icct, utcpweu .nni!nea vim
i fire-nr.Hif roof wn'h u'i.e .,.h.,l .,f
- r- -
. 9.1 hv l fHi! an Out Kiis-hssn ,.r r.
n . ..... ,. . i . . r . .
f eellent water.' wltri a1 Pnmn In ro.. er,f
I large iisiern also wider roof a large new I
r-iauie an ice tJuus-antl chef ;tieeeary
, oui-buildings. There are also on said.
Lot choice r'ruit Trees anrt Shrnbherv
IheJocaiion is a desirable one either lor a, '
private residence or public business. Il is on ,
the mbsl elerated narr of the" Burhneh.' nesrl
' the Ikiurt House.aUit but a short diMancc Irons
- 1 Market Mreet. Trrnur will ler made ea-v. .
JaneS, leif. " C. F. MILLER,
3tUijoirncd Sale.
T()TI'K i hereby given that the undrrv ;
THWi auhe iireiiiis1. m trte llnroueh M .f
Ill-run, me J ...
.. . ,...,
Biirougn. bt lull. "1
Berlin, the Jail, i -'irt noi se ami v miiri
st end I. arms, situate m sain
u ihe County of t.ni.m
prior U. ihe erecii.-n of the new ro inrv nuie
( ()f ynlul , Ujundcd aud UescriLtd a lul
roiinrv om of
,h hir Vine street, north !v Market
f nunlv IIIU'w'M arrereciril.
Also a certain lol ailj.iining PlumS slreert
on Ihe east. Market slreel on ihe souih. Id of ,
John Seebold's on Ihe west and an Alley on j
the north, whereon the Jail is erecled.
Said lots will be sold separate, together wilh j
the appurtenances.
Male to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of,
said day, w hen and where the lei ins and con- '
diiions 'iif snle will he made known It th" un
dersigned, duly appointed bv said Ai l for that
purpose. M:R MIHUI-KsWAUI II, j
JnlyS, !S7 JOHN V. BAKIlKlt.
Ho! Farmers-
-Hiance for a Bargain
"'Oil S4I.K. near l.ewibnrg. a i raci in
itv'ar Lpwibiuff. a Tract ol
1 almost IOO Arrf! of g.wnl Farming
I.an.l. Iimotone son. it win o.-
t.nable tenns at private sale (or Cash. liio,iijre
al tbe Ollire t.f Ihe Chrunictr. June HI. 'S7
. r ...I .,.
romine prciiiic..i . .1" ...........
i entirely relied upon. For sale ly tluvdnuin V
' r.l-. !' t .. :. I......
Chambrrlln, Lewisbur:
T.NIJIA Kl'BUER Belting of all sizes stipe
oior ll.iklan I.ea'ber Belting Mill, Cir
cular and Cross-rnt StK S and eveiv .le
enmion of HARDWARE Wholesale and
lietail by LEWIM M'DOWKI.I..
Williatnsp'nl, Pa
Orders by Eyciress or other i-e .r. rr.pily
attended UvTEUMS CASH rr,,r;!ipd
thankful for past favors
Would s'ale lhal be has re
ceived lhe Kail and Wimcr
Fashions, and is prepaied i
CIT, MAKE, and KEi'AiR
garnienis as usual. Jle nl
endeavor, as heretofore, 10
execute his wrr salislatio-
rily to all. I.ewisburg, Aog. U',18 7
...111? tr.i.,,..;!. Ttn.tness
will be enntin-
I ed at lhe well kuown stand "' ":"
Killer un.ier ine i:rui oi
I ronage. and will sell cheap for Cash or Coun- j
i try Produce.
Call aud see lhe new firm.
J. 11. liKOWN.
Aug. 15
1857. bTEKAEIL
! Dissolution. i
j -ss-eoTICr; is he'el.y given, that the firm of ;
IN ' ''f MFadJiH, was dissolved by
i mutual consent on Ihe 1st day of July last and
! that the botiksof said firm,are left with lue for
! collection, wuh whom all persons owing said j
i Arm will vi.lciucm. I
... wiltlTI. SMFFB. i
urohf nut . ...- . "
ei- J
Ji:tK II. nih.K. naving
m -g t.lh'n Iilf PSiaTisisninrni iccrnnv tat u-
pie' by Mrn. n.t'rmandn". adjuinin
the Chronicle and Telrirraph vtfirv. he is
prrpareii in .see hi t'J-1 and new frf,n'. and
liirin-h theinwiih all l;iri.! t.f ( OyFFrTlO
MCKWS of the hnii-rst varieties.. IT- has
refuted lhe olallihiiifnl, and crrtain nf
p villi! aiisfactitu Ij nil. Ice Cream iervt-d
up evoryevemn;. l-uiic
. -I . . i i .1
Jet Goods ! Black Diamonds ! ! &c.
sJVuy Eury, and Sere your Voney .' f
r,y suljscrilrr is prCIiareJ II) fumihll
er street.
5fi tf
.tiol chs! Jen Goods!!
T k S0" haVf
second supply of Spring and i-umme
I (Soods. They invite the attention of the La
roirivtii ilieir
nuricti.ar u tlietr
ortmenl of
pi.kxuiu uraiss good.
! TVtT.s.-s UlHllM !
-riain Itlack and Fancy
Drt'ss Silks, Tiuues. Berates, S,hally;,
Kotes, Lawns, brilliants, t.ranadines,c.
Also a U.l ot 1'arasuU. ejetra Muck) and
Fancy c.ur, just ree'd and tor sale hy
May -1. (iuotlmau & Chambetlin
New Clothing Store,
nt the old ufand.
I)HIMP GOODMAN having purchased the
(Mtods, -Vc of A. Sinscr, at the well
known iSture room, opposite K.iaes, Hotel. and
having made larj-'e additiuns t' hit. su ck lrtm
I'hiladelphia, repecilully oilers lu the old
friends and palruu of the rstaulishnieut. and
to the trading community in general,
the Largest. Cheapest, and besl assortment,
(for cash.) ;
Gentlemen's FurnisLing Goods.
tvvt vftrvi in the Wet Branch eonn'rv.
cs VeM. Pants, Hals.Caps.Shirts. Iraw-
, . 1
ers, I mbrellas, aiices, Carjet Bags, Iland
kerchiefs. &c,
and everything usually sough, for in a Cloth
ing More. Call and give u a lair uiai.
Lewisburg, Vay 6, 1mo7.
Administrators' Notice.
"ITTTirRK.ts l.eiier-c i,f Administration to
V the estate nf SAML'EI. WALTER,;
cf I'utun township, deceaseil, have
I "' n graoled to lhe ui.ticr.iKi.ca.au persons ;
i Lnnu'iiio ihftmsp.rett indebted to said estate
-"-" . .. ,
. , I
. are requested lo make immediate payment,
and those having claims npon it will present
, , , ,
iiirii. lor sciirciucii. iitc uii. w. .---i 'iciir-
' nif I
I ber nest.at .he lale residence of said deceased.
f. s v'r3 I Administrators.
Jnlv 31. t67.-'
V Ion. ofltlia;. .
Notice ia hereby given thai the Quota ol the
l.tor ih lasttivsMon id lhe Legislature bave
hee.. rereive.l .t ihe P,.,iiiounijr's office f(
I I no.u Coiimw lor Jijlrihiilie.il in ihnse entitled
to the same. KAMCEL K"l:ill.
j Lewisbui,;, Au?. U'aU - Pioih'y. !
uo f iwruf RotciiT,
ilorl-Mi."le... . r..vrrTlMri.il t.. I...li,,
IMo.l .!rt.l:'it' l:7 .11 M-rol'ila. s)..
W ! H r..( o. : Btt.1' tl. " ft. h- Uj,
'..m imritMU i.. r
oif, n. i if I. Dt--... rtl I'O I. b. . f.oo, lb. h-r .),
rtirrmll f" h t- iRiiu
ftodtbtf fflluwin.
Ii'.ret N U.l'.r..
I'liuF. J W.K.n 1 r. II.nl.: Ulllnl..;,,,',,
V..i M'iit or4. r- r.nl ral:, f, r r((t, j
W..ojr llwir lt.rtt'.., Ib.l l.df er. r,
to w i.-l to B--" " f " t".i'n:iT. nti.o i. n i.- : r. jr.
dd mil Utn w-!d.) wbil. r iilitor.l.-r auaoiil, ir. m
."Ju,. ,-.u.K .tam..
urei .ali'
Hefd u m. a.ajia. he oaje eroe. of 1 1 aa((B(
6, wa jirue; .ret beliete w. your, i-rt trai..
tani) VA.MtL LAIIIokPlO..
lliekf.rGrw. SI. Chrtm Oi . M.s.. ?Cn in,
I rKtP.. J WtiaJ- lr Sir: J"n iiin ini tHjmd1sa
, wr sjinr iit'ii.r-l U u wmir ;( yt-tr llir hh tui,
in I il- ftt-ri ' "i'rfil, w !vi it 'mit duT fj
jou n1 ti tAf---rlr.
! our li'l' tw "F ! I'h hl trf.T- y
n,vrt wi'b rr. J ooi' r.lJ il as i sW.J.
tmir n'lBt s-i .rfr-.lv mill- t,fT in f..tar :ieti v, wtt .
. t-rtiv. w-fji-t ith liiti- "f'"'. tut.u. ir
! rTuriri-s ttrt't fit-it ftf all r fri i.-Ic. .-rv a; t ,. v
I ti..f r-m... .1 tl-.ii- s-ntirs-i. i.lan i-vi.
rt-nrr.f r..nr t"i out. aivl rnn r.s w it.
)..r m h i: 111. IM'.-" (MIMl T ;
..tt.p .l.t'.l. We r-ittt tln-H f rr. atl'i .:
f hi-rrrrr-Hti mM r-or Ke-w r fif', iert:t ru:
Cur ali AiM.'w nf hr saratn anal bvtr.
-- -...,.,; K w im.:i:ixpotih'T
j cakaii a. uit-'ilXbuliiAH.
Oardio-r. M.ne. Jne .i
rr.nr. n l .mum iar r-ir: I ui t. : -,
rfl r.f ...'. ll ,irlCe.tor.ie. ..-I e. troly ,ay r. i.
' U:' r' 'li-coa. rr cf the are for real.wior W"l '-..
, IV- lUir. U. t.re n.ink- II I a aw of :..
I Vi 1 .ir I..- r... llsi..e.l il- ..ricieal c.li r. V.
re., non.o.l it t" l-worH wilho.I e-t f-ar. ,- aiy
, u rae i , be w. m ku.d. Y...er. Be,reett,: ...
' signed, ih. reloie, has just opened, ir. L
I ...... . . . - .. ...
-V: -!.7 CfKVMOIHOI S llol .sr
on ihe corner of r'oorlh and Market suee:,
I Lewisburg, a splendid assor.n.etu of
for I.a-lies as weil Gentlemen, eon:-!!!." -.
pari, of 'he vnriou. styles of lres :-.
I Iterege l'c Laities, ISercges. Poplins. I. an : ,
Hriiliants, Tissues, Embroideries. C'r"ar-,
I'tideevleeve. 1 landkerchieis, Trimuori:,,
, Cloves, Milts, together with
! A Tine I.f of Domrsific .onT.
Punts, Musiuis, Ac. Also, Beady-Made '. -
Vesimgs. Hals, Cravats, Linei.s, and a :'
freh .'l.'cio.n of
i fv.ir, ctiFFir., voi.Assr.it.
Tea. C'-cia, Cbee.e, in lare or sna'i
; qu.inniies. FIMl by the uuarer,
i half, or whole barrel. SALT by
lhe sack rr rnshel,
and, in short, plni..t everything niua'ly '.r..
in rur o.tc?. cn be found at .his corner, i :
i -..,o,, p-.j,,.. a
aks, is a rair J rial ; tuicu rait--
: Profits an I Prompt ravrcei.i.
nf a .nprri"r t;u.ility, from the Hartley M.
ih t crtmii'l any cl ser ihau the nails fun. 1.
in iJi's n -smum ard qinie a ?int. it net
ri.r. hit h ran be tet(. by oktbiai, s ;
i a fire ur Mi.uit t:un,ntilies.
AI.F..K. AMO..
I.t-u i-bur-. PaM May 2, V7.
or l.lter Rrmfdyv
Tiri? i one nf tilt rr-ntt tw-Vrtifti ns-!iral iur -
i. r niaulr. ftitl ti ilaitv wt rkinc rniM '.,
re-ai i tw! If rare- it M iniicir, T' '.:
in fnrirt If flit, ami M-Itlom iti-ftrr triasi t til. n I
l-i.TisJ In rurr t kind f Lrr !'. pi. int. fn-o
(.r-t J-iui. ir.-' sr P --r-i i. a n, itk h h awi uL. a..
1 1 I. ar- rr-ull f a Ihrairti Lttrr.
Tl !i..-r i.- ntf nf thfirtnrif ttl r"i:ttlatrr rf tt'- t.e
I a. n ' l n ir ... if 'ni iU-luiir'i- n il.- y -th-
t- m art- fii ly -,irt--.l Thf tti n-. h i
ri.titvl .;. - ti-t. nt on M ) -ail.y as-lv r . tl- l. "
a I ft t t rri. rniiii r-t f il luiiri i. b-n ' i
i at r.iifr. ftf l,..t-! nr .ifi'l h l.i-if vitn !'
ipii.1i.iMeiffiBe (.rrn th l.iTrr h.i rt-
ill. it- .tt.ty, ,.r 1 1... ii.rarv-ii i f U nt rrtut t -
I r i ri t t l.at outlr it ti; rtii(. in a t ri"" : i
tJinTl Iwt lttr .if., to fill! I BirMTnlf t I iT "
n " lit. I n't tbrn whnnv sft-ranrfiifti t l- a I:ith it i '
, 1 " preM i hi I tii- Tm-s! al liwt 'vuiu!.
tr- ti' :.-t nit I..,t l'i ,-l-Hst in ny I" it- It rn.".
but t.itrv a I'-flr. i:J r.nir(i.-n ft rt-rtain.
A rH-niM'uiis. h- bf. n t.nnwl fcy dtnett.lt ire cr-m r
: rxtras t Wt lltatt hwit tf f-lt-l-'f. .r the at -I:-tit
it tin- null, ii e. Tl.'- ir is in, fini ip s1 n. r
rj.1. m .tf.-r fr. m thi t-l- ni. "tiri'lirj; in ih'ir mt'
li.-j.nliv f;. w i.t hiw. in tv. rmtinir ibf clmieh ri.t.
tie, , t il:-r-t rril . HUT til Itisatii. fXltlRt; t at
ii ml! Il It. I Ur M lif-Ir- ii 1)1 II ft. I-mfitt I hf ralie
ttit iM'tw. an. I , ffTtintr a rmliml rtir willv nt f.
th di-'str-tat.c a;tr atWtf. ilt ny .-itc t ateBa. t j
.Minrral fi-iM-u, that ar UPUaJl; nrleii Utw
T-. all t Vrw th rfirr'titMt'i a rnrr r y
t'ti-l ciiar:inli-tl. tm Mr nr. c:m l rnnJ
i- t-I two le;v-)-uo-utui take it tvn ffi-iia. aa Use -lb l J
Tti InTi.'"rritor nrrr .'' to mrt our .-tcnMutt f-r f
T a-l ffi-t t 3ps-rrTnl tvttrtat'nc.
t Unit al t;u-k- vh id trauily tn -ur l"t:lr. at.U t"v
'w hiesrih . -i. it rt!. "i)!t K it i f" rufv. is T tru.
; fpnif tit-f wliii tnri lh 1iiTii,r'asr.
t't'T V -,"! vt Jaiiriilicr. n ti tnjE in th- "
j w..r:l a. t- tull . .-r run m Mii. k!y l li.'t. 1
t-T. It rviut t all tilvlif.-?iliit unoaturaJ t-
ll.f A n.
Kit Nivlit Man, tako liW Wk tv rrtinn. tw'1
a -nr.- t r. m Tit il.r.-.
f r K. iinsX'r -tru.'tn" it t a unfr and sure i-
a it n tm th-- rail- f ih
; ( ii'oi -N- i-unnaii t-l.t wri. rr tb lnit.rtpr ?
takcD, nhiit: '-J-ut jit.Ua rca-iiljf lo a ft-w tlor-c?.
It nnt 1m knnn thutall ths-tnri 1Jwr di
! riii J l.y a li r:iri .itvr. n to mn lha n-
' 1.!ib nii-sli' iur-; it b.. mi-drttial ifowi-ns, n trr u
t ill . . t-fit. bt wiM rur all Ut---i rt tlf .'""
nal. r "! In w I.-mr tttamlinc or hat mov hr iMr fr
TI.fni tiTr-nx-.ti. ii.al irtiis-et s-xfr U-d from
i Ii. tl i- -vrh Ic- a.t"nit:inn In all o m- I "r '
f. ciM. fur lion ran th mrttirina wi'h.-nt f"'1
Txti.fit. It art an ap i t rathartif.ati'l )khI4 '
b.- tnk. n tn fnP-.-te'i.t 4uajitl,iii to oarat- i N"
j ftet-Vy. 1 h.. j-t tw lait, it ti till, l- 1
in trr BK'ti'h fhvn t:ir iTin w-lrf nml -wn ""
top I her. Iu li.t5 way th mr.lt- in, trill m-sttv.
j 45 Bruajiway.
ORTII Jill Street. Ho
-Ll most respertiuliv informs the ciii""'
j Lewisburg and vicinity, that he has " f
and It r sale a cheap lo. of ft'I'llil'Itll'
j for the Spring irade, comprising
' res.-in ami C'ornnion IJiircan?.
! rrtarics anil Dfok Casn?. Cet
Curd aud Pier Tallies, Diuiu? ;
rcaklast Tabloft. Cupboard.
Itiu'C and other Ueditoad,
nf:i3 nnil Phoira
,.f ..II Mn4. A e p r- . .1 c en.te tn CT 'r I
v.. .... ,..,.,. vurriii. -
short notice.
The public are cordially invited to fe ,
lii u.irL- a he iu viirp th:.l ihev W:ll CC -
u. .,:, l...- .t..,.' ..rwee prices.
Lewisburg, Sept. 15, ICS6
I I.Ot KS. Uatr""
oZfr-f ..! len-.irf. mil
jfa2Ss?.tU Pom ortice-chwf..'-Cash.
Lewisburz. April t. 1S.M.
JOS! IIX KHLleV, AuctioBr:
' e..e ... . . ..f e P'u
ui. li lin mr ...iiiuii.,-
a , . t. . .. ...i.K .ireet. 1
lUCUCC UU (Miiui . ..... ...p.
I w . .. K l'.ih sll
bura. Pa.
JDeceuirxr ',
Iti: i
has .'i
. r a- a il S AMUEL
na --- v.!...
!- new ice. ream
his Cule. iroiierv, anil ui.-iio i '
lU'.ruUS Cla.lua.lla tiitl...
0 ,? s A e j
A . cs