i-jaj?-T'. -1 tLlitus sola ibSh)iK:flO Itogg. T s-ho, r rjiurttxr. ' tu.Mid up wil-d aettiu ouU. tbe Piazza tenr. a watrhia or tie? American Klaj waili from the liberty 1W and Urb.u off nreH-rarker now and Ibt-a-J O tnity rar! O tooteou peeee of cloth! Made ui- uf red and wit aud blue ctrivi, Aii -tao paint don btti able All b.de lirate Uar! W ben I abet Mi ixeanJ look, at yer, and Lbiuk aa when yr waa teeth-, aud not much ti'i'-r than a pt-ntr uf cloth. and Al'U-t aa teiiier aea abret of P-M-er, yu V i4 barn-d all thru the rT'4urbnn ,ry jr aud auta l uiea i.-n. H- i.l up yer head wuh dilhkulty. audi II. w ir-iu tgui, yn mis now, i fel a" it I i-hurt hurt and lb all round and waut I . gt-t off ibe f n-te, and ft abut, ( r -u'.t-l, "T bit on the bed with a alii.. tf -ud, ir .iuti, fur mi kuntry I'rotlijoa bannur ! Wouldn't I nmvle to M A n iMLUku t a final uttualchrriUzed I- irriH-r undcrtaik to -tiitl ya down ? II hi oau.au. 1 aou.d . Iniu, and kut ! b 'k-w, aiid .tareit oil iu trj uiSiib : 1:. iir 1 d fee -dit U-ar iu y--. or tl.e -ara l.ijif ti.ti.dr- a kulliuj yu up into botiit I'.'u-I. 1 .1 tua tu, b..k a.'iu a aul. (or H ' e. ur a i.-i.H-. or a bml. tl mite be,; Ai.it tie juJ -in k, and akraieh.and Ki'k,i.U'l bit , atid l:nr Uif kiOM-, I. z uit hl. wi em.l till u lur 1- and tt. i mi ami km-t tli- xiuiul uf Mi lik. mud muI Uo u atid 1 tip Ji.iu aul kuutimm llif i ulf I'T ll'ul r tlir .(i-ri rz uf au tour, ur uutill T rrific . mU. ai ' llo prowd yn ln..fc, Auil it.iii iy 'i w r- ui.d, ll-(i.u. t.d ..ia. kiu mui ckmi "i Lomm-; 1 -j. u- r a m--i i.uim' ! s - t iuln fit.- anti miihIhhIv. aii'l cLily in rr kr yltrudlp'kiLl'Il l Uu up bu:ba-buna. in(-11 I d.n"t know wirh mail- UK- fetl Ti.. uh p;iiut;k ju tr iHi t Jui; Yu iiut tu.ii toi tbr aiui kiui uf Mutl. altbo 1 u ait- alf ut lb'- r-iu ar. and air LuLb fu'ti'ut and Uribut lu cuutrtuplalt. I'.U' I uiunt k-e alid watr mi lat ad-;, l, , ffr trm t my ft-aliu it m I-, t.d tfit J -wu .-II i in- i-ui. fi-ralr-"i'ty tba Mi.irp ..ul ol Hi- pi- kit- - iri" t' k M :itm iuaik- uif krillJf auJ bnru -b"Utand Ti.r-ti. n l uir uii kliM.ud maik it;- hitler. Ve i-K-al jMoCbci'iau.1 .cr. It i ittrLu 4 Juhn. witU itia. Maivbil t Lawrtruor.aud.. Lark fc'ain ! I '-.' i-.rtA-... o iW vf yr 7 V It' Is-tttrimc l'Uilut4i'ftSuOtuU r-- 1 it I- Triumph uj tt Luton ami ye Olestrd ''utt'nt. tu 6-i u uofuwt uf ye l"irr- , ..." I. .r'jrr Yc (crruvr Sucks J'.t fVfft' Qtit S'-t'r Mood yf J V ir ana t mute ! Front lb l-a r-m U. raiJ t t Ireed. m J W'Ucu from our office wiuuuw on blessed FriJuj? of last trctk, we san distau coiiipv Lie of tlragoons praociug towarJs Law fence, Leadul by I1U Lxcclicn. Mbjor Wl Guv. U. J.Waikcr,wc iustintly felt a low of gcucrous pride, aDtl immediately dispatched a corps of prjing aud iuquUi five Importers to ote down everytUiug of iulcrtat or iDiportante that transpired. Id tLis way wc are enabled to present a full nccouut of our (jovcrners patiiotic doings. Kcfure giviug our reportri, however, it may Le us well to sute that the Union ifl all 0. K , and the dignity of the laws vindi cated. It id aho generally eurmised that tbe Comet was just about to suja&h m into chaos when hit? ciratic highue69 beard of AVaiktr, and plunged off into space at a moot astonUbing rate of speed. What do we uot now oe bin Excellency ? Ijuctrncf9 Saturday uiyht. Walker pale and thoughtful perspired freely all Light said 4d n" once iu my heariug. It created fearful excitemeut. Troops full of enthusiasm. Walker read bis proclama tion to them, and then got under the influ ence of beverage. Sunday wurning. The Governor had a restless night. Troubled with bad dreams. Lawreuce quiet. Troops expect an atuck from the citizens. 10 v clxht A. J No attack has been made Walker rode into the city took a fcherry coblcr, and called for a strawtook a little water and sugar with some whiskey in jt muttered something went out to the troups. Terrific excitemcut iu camp. Xu. Walker indalges in beverages frcquoutly. Crowd seen in tbc streets. Troops ordered to form. Crowd discover ,.1 ti. I.r- TM-rsons com ucfrom church. II is Excellency takes a little gin. j JV7.A. Whiskey working. Governor J ... . , aii tl ... 1 tichl. Troops grumuie. v aiser wauta tu"razi Lawrence. All go to bleep. Mjttday Leemimj. Walker Ui?patched 792 dragons this moruing to arrest an au ilaeiuua youngster who we Selling pea nuts in iolaiiuu of tbe Organic Act, and our liidnved conutitutioti. lii'V to be Hied . . - i e i; .1 1 iy coutt mariial for lugb tuasou. j 2'ufiufoy Kvt'ltiity. Walker fcail be d Vc g"l (lamed if be ever tweat so iu his; 1i4V- fcSjH lie Las 10 put ou a cu au suiiti tvoryuBV willing o mute uju wwiu i tor the peace of the cuntry and tbe I Vhiu. Little boy discharged. Govern or Walker imbibe too much. YdnJay Lcrminy. Troops damn the C neim.r, and tbe Governor damns troops. JJ.nh want to kuow what the devil to uo. j Weather awful. Governor thiuks that; Le wt-uldut like the army. l-g heaid : i rowiioi:. Company seui to arrest bim. 'The (foveruor three shceU trapes. in tbe wind. Thuruhiy Eccnitig. His EiCil!en"y 1 a tiicr bowel complaint. Takes pang-ir-ic. 'J'roops growl aud Governor swears I ke a trooper. The citizens don't niiud tliL presence of the army. Governor says 1 e tec Is blamed mean, and danged small. 0: t? tibt and cbliitiii. I rld.tu Kk Ins Excellency C't ; .: l.eadiibt fav c it been sola trunks le n,;t be the mxt JVnr-idcnt. Damns K- puo.i at.d Kaias. Troops laugh and mickiT whiskey shops do a having bu tiuess. 'ihe Governor tuy htV going Lome duu't think bit- mother knows Le's cut. All quiet. Walker inebriated. The last dispatch was received just be fore ging to presff and convinces us that the Governor has bad a most glorious and tucceaful campaign. The arresting of that peanut boy was a master stroke, and e very act of the Governor during this mo mentous crisisy was worthy the hero and the man. P. S. We stop the prces to announce that we understand three settlers in the Neosho country have referred the matter of a disputed claim to a committee of crmattera in vinluiiun of the Constitution 4. tf the United States. Such a Lich-Land- ... tvl auil lufniuaus nurnatiu0 of power trmiM .r..r til. I m,in mtn enlititAr. If .1. " l"'""-" " " ljwid to go unpunished aud nnrebuked, aud me Lopa that Governor Walker aill surcli an army down there without delay. . ... .. a.cnnipanying it Limself to prevent blood- c tu, ua scrTe the misirable fanaticf and RESOLUTIOH PROPOSING Au.?n.!iiicQtt in ilie Con; i sta tion of the Commonveclth. f tm mn uyi ' A Va.arfraNia U Cru ai AtfrmUy att, 1 list tho fcillviu2 aDM-Dilaar-ilH are priiK. U b ibu ? rl'tt uN of IK Iiuhocwi .tiUj, iu roounU a -:Ui tic lifutiusa of v b art ale t;.-.ivt Thetv hall he an al.hlicnai -irlirlctn ia.3 rca"t!Lalio, to b drpinatvd article clevra, a iullu; attrtru rr. dEcnns 1. Tbr liUU) may contrwt dftta, tn supply cauital dffiriui or tailurrv la riiiniur,rbi nttwtexw nwJ but utlin mf Jirovi-lril tor ; but th "trvtt paiunt nf auou iirij,i,rn i ou oimtinxnt, w-tMr cootracteU iy virtue ol un or aire act uf tbe icth ral ?t;il:, or at diQfrvDt pcrioUaof !ioia,fhaII ni-Tcrttxrwcd Ki-Trnk tndn-d aud ti.i) Ui.uid ditllnrfjuid Um aiou-y aii-iiJH fi-jm lh frralt'U of Mich dt-blr, fhmll be jiti; J to tli pirrfHe i"r bu b it a-mi (l.taiiwsl, ur o r.'iy Cie dbui w outractel, aii'l h no ulbt-r purM whaUtvi-r. Hlltiom i low! Iiit-.D u tit atOT( HmltM row r, the tatr way tuntrart df lu rt--l iDrainii,up,r.'ft incur-rrcii-jti. ilt-leud ib- oUtir m wwr.ortuitilvfu tb pnM-i.t ut"ta4idln injcl.tliir-i-a of tin i-lulr ; hut tn uir.nty arifiu Huai tlm ooatrm lioti of-u h Jt -.!, iliall Iti'fpll-.! tu ttits purfMtM tr nhki it wu rair-isl. or to r iay oucU d'l-tf. alia to nuoiDtr uihw fM' uii i-nt to i m tin- .,vniii ioi-rt u furh i . . ' an Dual U In n-luf Uw .rim-ipa tln.T.-ff tv a.-u!U n.-t 1-vs I tbaU ! hufH.r.d art-! ItlFv ttt.u--f1 ioi:ar-; w'-ib ni- k:i fund -huil rati-t of tin c t uul inn'ii ol ibc putii- ii'k. inui tinit: in lino osai-i ! tin--t.-M, nr tlm prtH-cnJ of lh. ab oi hr ricc or Mil it llttf, atat ibf itHToiiit or pro'-vodi of ui ov. m-1 by Uii; alat Ij -'' tbr viiliiiir.'un.ls.i.- tunii' 'it any la df-kinat'-d by la-. Tlw .' .id isuiuii .ut.l W;y bi iit-rfu.d. Ifim tniif to ttmr, l' ;ii-io'iU to it .itiy part of lltr U.n. -r ot!i.-r irvvnurii of thw l-. Mt n-uirt-d lor e Miuarj ad crrvut xpu'-i of (f..oTUu.'Ui; and unl-- in raiM f aar, inr-.: m.or in. urn.-' ti"u. no 1 part t-f tl naid iokin fun l obail la- 10 I or applM'd oilH-rwiM- tliaii in -xUnt:utifii-iic .i in puoic uvw uittii lit am. Kin t ol nuch d-ll U rtduoiii b-b-ar Um 'lui of tivr uiilinio- of doliar.4. iSmti.iv i. Tti--r'titol"thtuiinonaUhihIlT.oti attv niannrr or art ct.t la (-Usio J r loatitt Ui any inlivid-U-i.1. (nuiatiT. ro ixtutniii. or oial"'D ; nr -haU the muiuioiirMilb lorrail:. tK-iurf a joint oa ,.r or ftuarii b"ld r iu any aoi.inuy, aaon-rt -ti or r:.i-or-ll.-n. Sn iiox. Tl miiU'iiWi-i'ib laU uul uujf tit d bt,or any p-.rt thttrif.ofany cMUiitf .rily, Niroi,b r lowuflti...riIatiy oorin'ratiou or wiati.-n. i.nie.- !Ut-h dtbt ".111 Im .v -KD fXrULracU d to -nalle Uo- 'lat- :o n i-f 1 invitiou. Mipprtna doruti3 ..lyunrai'li-ju, .4-fi-tt-l i.aflf in t.)llt. ,,t vsr r Ut stxi-t Lh ; rtatt iu tbu dt ha:0 of aoy tfeell .,t .utl.nri.. ... ,.t aiy. city. I.r'-jjb, U.wusbip, or incori-raU: Jwni-t, i'V .rii:M. .ti.-a t-iili r (ilhr!.. Ui Wtit; .m,., ... HUy iMmuaatt.uorrtrM.raUou.(.r r loan itc crciut tu auy coriHiratiun, j 1,-jovUiUou, uijsUtuiit'u or party. ttbCuXD AHEXDMEXT. I There shall W an additional article to raid oonstitutlon. to be uua.iuiUl oa article .leien, ms follow; ARTf U XII. OF KKW On NTIK?. No county thalt b- diviib-d lv a liuernttlnr off over oa t-iuh o. i.n population. (ei'br to iiirai a n-r onuoty r oihr. i..r v. i,i..mt tbe jon-f arrvt-nt of nurh rounty, by a of (be cl.'.-uva Ibfrt-ot; nor fball any Rt-w lOJtitj U- tri UfiiUed,(-otitaiuiU k-at than fourbundred wfUars iu.L-3. TUlllIl AJtC'TDXb.XT. From tai-tira toof the firjt arth lc of Uia constitution. t.-ikc out tbe ord. to ci:j ' t'fwatlrlfthut an4 "f tn u cotnitjf --rc'itWy.-" (mn art.n fire, name article, trikt otil tbe w. i 1J, 'uj I'kibi'JHphm md tht. srrrnd . fMniuj ;" fr-:u W'Hion rr-n.Hame artirle,atrikeout the vorUr. nrithrr the rtty uf Jtulatirlfihta. -r any," and Inmirt In li-u iiereof tbeaoriJa tiJ mn f ami atrike out tetion lour, enur article, and in lie tbvreuf inm-rt the olloaiorf : M Siax'x 4. In tbe year one thousand el,it hundred and i -ty-lour, and iu vtry aertoth year thr'aftT, rtprt-i--uLAtitf . , to thr number of ette hyudml. ahall br j'oitiunei: eujiliitiribuusl pifctly LhrouuhoLt tbeatate I v diKtric ia.i pruporUou M tbe ntiula-rof taxable inhab itant. in the veral parla IU-rvI. ac-;.t that a oy county d'Dtaioint t Iraat three tbuuivad nw ht'nJred tasalde may "iarMoed a rvratf ivpranttton; but do more than three montie kImII be joined, and no county aball he itieidid. In tbe uiuaUon of a die-trirt. Any city eon tuiuinn a autfiti-ut number of taxable b entitle it to at leat to rt pn-MuUtiim aball have a ar parate nprr-n-Utfon aaicu J it, and aball l diidel Into eouveuient diptrirta of ixmiImx'u Umttry, of equal taxable popula t.uu aa B.nr may im, eacb af which district eball elect one rfpn n-titalifit." At tbe liJ of trtln-i arren, Mm artirb. loaert tb-ie worda. tktUyf iAuiaVki titaU or UrmJrd intnringl tr mttitiruil district, nf cttttigwiM UerrUmy as nwrlg igiI im uwUe papmJaiMm, at i ; but no icaid aAaU 6e tiiritint in Ihr firmaw then. In leinnlature, at iu a rat aeaafon after the adoption of tbia aneudutcnL kball divide tho city of i'biladelphta into f-Kuwtririai'iud tepreantativediatrirbtjn tbe manner above proviiitd; Mich ditdrlrU to remaia uurbanced until tbe apputti'.iitiii-nt in Cm year one thousand eight huudred aud siaty-fuar. ojaH raiaMOT. Tbre aball I aaaddilk.: al wtbn to the firat article ot iaii e.)aiatutiout abicb aball be numbvrud ani read aJ fellow ; To be &x-iaa Xxvi; Article u Th biriIbture aball bare tbe power to atVr, rerokenr annul any diartTof toeoriatrattou nerealureonMTri-d by or uuder any nt-ecial or ptnt-ral law, whenever iu tru ir opinion It nay W iujurioua to tb citiirtii of tbe rutn-ut'-uweaith ; in aucb an inner, bowaver, that no injustice aball be dune to Ibc our-uratora. ITT March a, :u.f ?r-o7rrrf , That this rt-aolntion p5ti tin the flrat amend menu yea naya 7. n Ua wmil aioDiuint, tfvaa nav n. Uu the third anit'uhti-nt. yt-aa , naya 4. Ou tb- fourlh aioroduivut. yeai nay tl. lx tract fruul tbe Journal : tirX). W. HAMKIEI.tV, (l&l; I.K llOt'ttM or ItrPRIXrXTATIVfci. I April 1h.iT .VanlWr.That tlti reiteltition pani. On the flrt aoi-n4-meot. yeaa T, iaa VI. In tbe aecond anifutluimt, yea 47. naya tin Um third awi-mtui -ut, yt-ar 7 nays aud u ttr f.-urlb afuendmeut, yiaa uy 7. l.xuact from Ibu Jouriial : JACOB Z I EC L til, Clerk. ExBrrKvN firrirr, FUed May Vti 7. A.fl PCKTIV. H.cn tary of Uie. torn mmweuUh. FrcsETiBT orncr. I HtRUISBtRO, Vaart'mm'tt. ..S'.- 1 U- eoitily tbt-t tbe at-ove anl fo reol np ba true and 1 nrr-r "'py of the original lteiwlutitiu relative to an ; Aineiiliu'iit of tbe CoiitituUun," as the same remain on tile iu tbia ullictt. I I In t-tuiny whereo". I haee hereooto mt my !L , l.hmutl HlM rMUM to mmard tbe flf ( jSijtaj-y ubii)tbtjJiiiandyearal-i-writU:n. &aeow-tv-wa.,;uVA. March 27, 1V.7. ( Jteaolutlon propoaln-; amenlment to tiiet'onr-titutiun of :he tj"iiimoueaitb, being uudi-r consideration. On the iiietioU, Will tb- .uatc a-jree to tbe Rrat amenduicnt? Tbe ya) auJ naya K?re taken agreeably ttlie provuv bma of tbe t'ountitutton. anl were a fullow, vie : Vtt M"irs Jtrrwrr Itnwne. O-ffrtf Ay A'rulM VrtttT H-uniim t'razrr l-yram Juifiom KUUnifrr Aw l,auitrh . Sift & krUi SrUtrs Shttmmn SUrlr .VroaO W'tUh , I tin Wrttjht aud Tijirt (Sf-aLrri 'H. N U't r. t.'raUiCftutceU t'utu y Gretfj Iliirris Va ror tifti Simltfr 7. So tbe iueittion aas determintd io the afflrmaUre. On tbc qufatimt, W ill ttte S-nHte airree to tbe aemnd amrndment t Tin- can ami tiy aetv Utrn aicrea-abiy to tbe protis-lon- of tbe ou.-tituti'in, ai.it were ai tU..w, vtx : Y.At .Vrrt tixirrr Hnumttr i'retitp'il My Enttu Frltrr FiHnry umittt itnrum Jo WON Amir linlmUt Incit Myr.SUrrs .Jmam Str Mrrlt Mraub WrUk Wilkin Wri'jM and T-irurt .. . ry'i. - J-r. iitfru f ra'A Fatter Qrrgg Harris A'tftn IMT JVr.e Md S :-.frl4 S. to the quimtiou w determined in tbc affirmative. On the qucsUon, W ill the rVoate aprce tn tbe third amendrm-nt ? Tbr ea- and uaya wt-re taken agreeably to Ibe Consti turi.n. and were a, fallow. t; 1 E ui St r.M.a-r Hro-mr t'rahh Cratwrfl F.1 Kntnt t it"ur Inar.iiH J-irdim Kttiitarr AiKtf LiuaicA MW)A ltll.IHI1,H( 2. .l M r i'-'ifF'fi W'ro't Harris and Varna- I. I be qufUou waa determined in tbe afBrmative. Ou the qmntion. W ill the Seiiate airrec to the ftmrth amendment! Th yeai. aud Bay, were taken apreeabie to tbe jirofi t-ion of tb t'on.otitutiofi.and were aa fiilkiw, Vit : V lai J' . Iir. vr Attwnr O.y L'rtssmrU ty Erani f"! nrntl.r t'rutir tujram Killing Knox LauluM Lrwis JVver .Si.lirhl Mlrrr S human batiker JSlxttc Strut IVdih tt.tkimtaud MVijW Z-t. tla 31 ttrs. 'riAt Fitutry J-,rian ami Vtrw I. So tbe qw etion Tae dch rmiued in tbe affirmative. I TOE IilHM Off RcntCHE-fTATTTI9, April JR. 1V.7. The rt-anutloo prnpoain amendmeuta to tbeCnnatito tfon of tfie Common wealth being under ODaMlcraUon On tbe qnerttion, W iiitiM lli-uw airree to tbe firat anendraentf Tbe yea aud nayn were takn agreeably to tbe provl aicno frf the Cwnatituttoo. and were aa follow, vis : V t Mrur. Anderson Artnur UteUtrmse hail Jhck Hi'? Hntorr Hrmm tkUmun iimplU tkasr O'tearerCram ford Vick.m Fnl FAr Famsold Fatrr Hdtbumrm f.idM ilamd Hirprr Hrtns IHltnud HiU Hittryil Ifrffmnn nf j tirrt.i imunc tun jjaiis f-iiru Junms JuMmmm Aonff afi AVrr kniyhi tumriitg LtmyalvT Lexttt Manear Uiw pi M i aa-Mi AT II rain MuotUad Hmmma Mmmiman cJJl AtckJs"n Awaenwacaer biraen FVert lUrUm J1a-r nail wrorii Famtep uf i1,iUdrlfJtn iiamsrgof l.-rt Rr mrr kd N'Jrts Kutm Sknm Moan 4miA nf tXtmbrim timith-f tytttrt AltrrHsnm Taktn Fotf ltnrM-ai I'Kerf ' "tfer Weubnmk HkmrUm w.uu H'uturw H , ,MMfrBaB ex, .ibrUK rf Mm ; utmtiim ttamack Hi" H:fmm .f LcUimm Lcb. Itnlhcrt Than Hunter ii determined Ut tbc affirmative. On the qweation. Will tbe lloaea-rae to the aaeond amandmentt Tbe yea and naya were taken agreeably to tbe provi faV-tie of Uh ConatitunVm. wra aa follow, via : (imp (krt Mm tia rur ev. Uiw.h I Urrrr Muu Hitdaad H Jlrf IJf man Ucrlt Umut- ! 'r ha,, jok.tm Kaufman, vd trwiau. avwi .Viroi. vr- ui Ki'I't Um, u I.U l.,r.' Hw iri,.I '.n i.-..mi. V t.ildra ll.tifl ihtrtr Jtn.il lli'lwm ... ii .................. y , ..... i..i,-.i t. of il,i-nr',-l.-.i. l-M hatr.tr ri, Ji u-cr.- j injimttn Krri:s H"timim . "". ' ''"'"' j J' DripvAV'eaknrsses, llislruction,Ser ret d. bt.a.Hi aiijr ad.Ju.,nal d. M r,Mrarlr,l a- ...r, d, tb.- I V--.-M. .Vai-iVrWi.Vi W.Wr , ol lb. s,.,,,., Or .,.,-, n.m rM,a .... ' r.;l- . . i. ,: . ; ... . i. ....ii i ,, , . i, , w r ! iiiit :iu:.J M.-IT tb lilad-lt-r. Ivi-liifV - or .vnml Uraiii. hr-lb.-r i-xi-tttijt LEAYISBURG CHRONICLE & Kats Mmtu Ariiitr Amjtutinf Barkut iUmt iUtk y Jlrotm t hm timer (VFtrorri Tyrfr 1iiUmrjf Hamilton .innrk H,'l Him. Hfimif UUtrnm Jr,4 k'rr L ift tilawiif Vmm ma Am UM n bartr in SaM .. CVft-rrft SrHtm Stntthen Thnrn Vanmm. A licirrj HiiyiwKiiCT Kiirwcr MiMnW h'.(;rMBiad H'rtxW-M. So the lUi Kiioa ww determined m Uk atBimatire. On th (iti-'ftiou.. V, ill the lloaar a?rr w tu tniro amenum-m r TKk vm iimI vtTii n tnk"B. nj wilkw. Til . (u-m J.fct llaiJtkmx Hill link liumat r.jti .... M. ri..4 II..H mtr rirtftM nimqw im n'nrv. m.wi -- . .1 tt.,nk,tiT imi.nr ir,ia ja.t M" . WW.Z.tXZ, i j.,.f wl W ;k.rfft i .!,.j v.ut-mtr it,,J Hryps'iiM & if " j rii.Vjs.-.r?(r.V'i4- r.J." luJ l.inrr I .- u:.. n.r n;ii,-,r,it H.Uufe H.fc.m WeX-immM-:; rr ' W,r...lrty,r Jb,Bi,Hi '" m It, .r.r ll,mr Il v.woan.i .'r.-.r bo (lie .!Ur.lko ilctt ruiUml in I Ur tll.rui.tiv. On tt.e .ju.-.tl..n, . ... WilllWllott.ntlfcelharlhanM..Iinriiir Tl y,-. .v " t-k. o, .:.J " V. .; , iri -. ' '-'' :"" '"' ... . . - .(..-. I'.. 1 ).:-,... !frr ti.i'lrr lt.irT ik't.l MVort-a iriu'i"i Uiy..ruitf iUtoMtrnMH uut j N... Mr'ttr. Ifl HjM'H'in Manor- .VraJVjl J7or So the tutlivU Mi'tfrrultiFd In th of nu.itire. riTtr?r.Tt Orti'-e. IlAJti;iaiiLk;t Juuc -'i, l'iT- nav "'. 1 -to ttTlity tlist tb- alaTP and I'.tn it.iins a tur and rfirr.-rl coy of tb- Yai" and "..s L.kfu tl.Aj t.faoioiloo propoil)C Anii'nunvuu u tor i iniMiiumu - tbc t'ouiaonai'aUb. ft tl'- .-atuo R;tpi:ari ou tto- .loumnld of the iuo IliiM.oti oi" tit ( Vn-ral Aml-iu bly uf lbi- Coin iuu."raltb fur tbo hHi;n of lv.T. i s-. i M uut'igi tu bttd iti-l tbe ial of rail fiffl.--, J l. a-VUiin tar.t)-M-(ind ity of June, ouo tbumuud ( j ei&btbundix-d aud tTity-a.-vcD. CA)m3 Ibrreftiryf Vie tHru.:wnlth James B. Hamlin, TTORNEY n LAW, 1. tlro.lice on Second St. wt?st side, 2na dotrf youth of Market. Z& IsbuiT 6tu".3: Umiiu 'o. Pa. DENTAL CARD. 'P1IE new metnoil of inserting arti-- X cial Teeth, lium, txc. Known as Allcn'N Continuous tiutn tVorli, is, without exception, the bfst iinprovrmeiit ever made in the ait of DentiMry. This ork, when properly constructed, is the most beauli ful.lhe cleanesl.conibines the greatest strenlh with durability, and adds more to a clear and distinct articulation, than any other kind of .rtkrTrrlnUtfhtt..r.tlt.- .ui.ur. Am but oulv llti. Icy . brautilnl tliM-nvrry in mmhinxti... with tl.i. rtvl. of wurk, w. rn cirr thr lure- itf n..l.,r I .rr.fr lon.witb.,uC.ln tlw I.-.M. inUTltrms itli i..c u. luineiw of thr Irtli in mvtirMlr.a. 1 wuli Ukr chi. rai'll.. nf informing tlio( lnten-.t. that I h. ,urrhJ tli. I'.trnt Uighl f..r lhi ln..blr ini.n.-uirot,..rthr Invrnlor. J.-I.P All.-o. I no. ..f N. . V.irk.t for this and Bcr.-ral lj..iiiinff cunli.-.. .nJ ih.t I m no. iiiainil-turii,? an arln-lr of T.-rlh mii.1 lium. that .ill r.inin-lav..r.l.ly .ilh anything in that .ine that h;a r.rr l-n uta.l.- iu tl,i. . any och.-r ,-ountry. I ak all. .njraprrially tluw that nrrd Irrlli lit th. y hare cngaj-cd then or Dot.) to rail, and rxaminr for thrnirt.lv. JOHN LOCkK, Lk.ai an. OtHrr and Rt.idrnr. on Third .irw-L ..-ar Market. Offlc in UiLl.y.ou llroaday,near.'adalla,lrr .r..rnrr West Branch Insurance Company, OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Detached Buildups, Stores, Merchandize, Farm Property, and other baildmo, ami their con tents, at moderate rates. Uoiiir business on bolhCash and Mutual plans. CapitalSUd.UUU. DIUKCTOIiS. Hon John J Tearce John D Hall Chas A Mayer ("has Crist Hon C C Harvey T T Abrams D J Jackmau W White ThnK Kitchen Teler Dickinson Hon. O. C. HARVBY. I'resident. T. T. AnilAMS, Vice l'res. TH0 8 KtTCHE.N, Ser'y. JAMES B. IIAMMN, Asent. 6271 l.ewishurs. t?nion Co. Pa. NOTICK. THE undersigned have this 2d day of Feb. A. D. 1857, entered into Co-partnership for the pvrpose of carrying on a General roundry ItUMlncMN at the Brick Foun dry in Market street. Lewisbnrg, under the name and firm of Frick & I.illey. WILLIAM FRICK, JOHN LILLEY. Lewisburg, Feb'y 2, 1857. A general assort ment of COOKING STOVES for coal or wood, Stone Coal Stoves, Wood Air Tight and Parlor Stoves, (Vein varie ty always kept on hand. CASTINGS of all kinds made to order- far.iK.V&: iJeatlitqQla; 1i)?!rqi)t'i Coiijp. K. W. CUR. IIOIM) AMI ALtLT 81 S, I IllLADiXiilU. C apital $1,230,000. Assets f4bs,l5l 13, invested in iimids, Mort gages and other goud securities. A RK YOU I.XSURKI) AGAINST LOSS 15V KIRK? There' are but few who' receire sympathy who incur loss by neglecting j this most nrcessury and hubxtantiul precaution. We often see ii announced that persons have j lost their stocks of Goods and Furniture, and results of years of industry swept from ihem by the devouring clement over which they have no control but by being insured. Insurance protects you troin the incendiary nelience of servants and the casualties oft vour D.-it;lit.tfa. tt will impart eoufKl.-a. t, vour rrrtl. it.m. ati.l ir. a rharm. trr pru4ncv .ml rwautiin to .11 your i.u.iuvii0 iraD.aitou.. It r.-,.iir.a l.ul a rr a to inurv in unn I ranitinn fr..m UKI b. 110.10, anil jrt hnwmany llirraan. , .h,.l.r no in.ura.r. u..Q li.md-. iurnunn-. or any- Ihin-.l.! If your Stock la uali, trill Ui. Lous to you : ni'lMIl In Arioua. H,i-On.,n iniurM tinr.ltlxtin HKKfllAXD HE, OOOi.s. M .'.V 77 UK tl.il ll.Kl: l unU. SIM A FltOM 100 Tt) 55001), at tbe bowl Hate nod upon the mont Liberal Terms, and I'MoXiT PArnutT on Hie adju(.tment of Loss. RECTORS. Hon Tho.B.Ftorenre I Jamea K Neall t Edw.R Ilelmbnld Oeo II .Armtronn; I Cba Diniree I t .t'arrol Hrewstt-r Cha A.ltuhineaui I Tb Macderfield I b.aai: Leech, Jr. Ueo. llelmlatld General Superintendent JOHN THOMAPOy. THO U II. KboltKaNCIrLPrtsident. ElrW'D K. IJEbMI:OLI. Se-reUrr. J. MKRRIM, MNN, Aent, 657 LEW 1SB0HG. I nion To. Pa Educational. EKEEBUEG ACADEMY AID NOItMAL. KCIIOOI, Frecbur;, Snyder County, Ia C..,wll-"'lrai:,"'""J'" ...... , Tr-.r. i, . ..( I,.., l.-..!,.,.o llr.,...t ' THE Third Scmi-Annual um of; '.,anu lf ;",'" you cheap souis' 1 this Institution will commence on JW ? " '" ask yo,,U toUy- , dV, Jut;, 21. and con.inue 2 week,, hi W e alry'',D ni l "'i c"s,"7" i..;aii..ni. iat. ..i ci;i. T,.,i: '! RL-mcmber the Mammoth Prug fctore ! location is pleasant and health)-. Buildings new and commodious, and Terms low: Ills the constant aim of the Teachers to impart sound instruction, and carefully dcvelope and direct the Mental, Moral and Physical ener eies of the students. The course of study will thorough:; prepare those pursuing it fur Col, lege, the ;".dy of a Profession or business pursuits. The ivor mil nr.rtitTMtT offer aupt-rior firititiea to Tear her. and thnae winbins; to heroine aoeh to & -julre the neeeft-nry qualiftrationa. The County Superintendent wiU fn-quently review eluie, and lecture on the practical duties of the rrbool room. Lecture- are alao delivered in connection with the aul ject of rtody, and every exertion made to qualify applicant fnr tbe Pr4Vseion. Arranrrinenta are beinc made with Iri recto re to pror are acbooln for tboee wbo obtain credita ble wrti&eatea. TKKMd. For Board. Tuition, Room, Ac, par aeukm, $02 to ro Tuition alone, per teaaion. a to $10 'j tot. GEO. F. MFARLANU, Princ.fitl WEST BRANCH FAllM James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn J. F. & J. M. LIXXp 4ffonieM at Law, LEWisDLia;, 674 Union Cmnty, Pcnn a. Pianos, and Music JOS. L. YODER, Asent for Meyers' .iii.l Voffht's celebrated 1'lailOHc has v,.,.! . ecei veil larse assortment ol .wrt ii' aim . - . ' x-u.,e.'..,. , jwweo. v1;? and Teachers supplied at the rubiiMiep. ins- count prices. Music published by uld,Lee ' . . ...... I'.. I.K.I, r .n aiker. ... , Ihe i:..i.ed States, turmshed at their prices j .. .. xIn..,.rs'an. Voehl S Pianos sold at less i : '"a" t;'"y prices. Lewisburg, Nov. 14 iSt-liubttid'ti Pennine I'rcyariilion Highly amcentrnliil Compound Ihud Extract uf n c i2t errs m-a "ajr in Mule or It'ciuaJe, Iruiu aiialcrer catute they may have ott;:ii.tsl. a iid no matter of how long standing, giving Ilvallb and v r to t tie frame, and Bloom to the p;ililI ebet-k. Jcy to the Afflicted! It rnreH NiTf i'i- rtri'l Pfbilitated Sufferer, and rcmoTea all toe M Mi'Tni.-t. anions wblcb may be lound Ind iMt-ition to er.erti'in. bwa f power, hva of memory, j iiliin.ull ol Ore.. tin o. reni-ral WfaKUi-aa. norn-r o; uia-e;i-.e:li ii.TVff.trfiitinii.jr.iliea.llul Imrror it .leath, liiirht ''.eatt. eoid feet, wnkefuhteaa, dtmta of i-i"ti, languor, utiiverpal lafHtu-b- of the raun cular m)I-iji. oltcn enoruioiia appetit with 1 h"-(l it i;. uit tu. ht batidn. Iluidiintr t the Uh. v. iirvi-ria f tbe akin, p-illitl e..un teuanee aii'l i-ruplitina ou tbe face, pain in tin .-ifk. Iieaviue of tbe eye-lid-i, tr.fUi-ntly blcrk pota Oyin-x lietore tbe uteri wilu t iu j Wary c ulfuflirU and In ot Mtit, want uf attention, treat u;ul,ility. aii'l resdeawm-a-t. with borror of aoeb'ty. A:tbtnir in more denirable to aueh prr)n than ("oli'ii'l"', and uolbintc tbey ni"re dread tor tear of theuii-elte ; no ri'poi of niannt-r. no enriteetueMt, uo p-rulatiu, but a burried traiirition from one que. linn to auotber. Tbeae ayutptomri. if allow-d 01 po on wbb-h tbia medt rine irita-Mbty reuioven noon followa Lirw or I"ar, hrmv, au r'piLt.fTic Kits iunneol wltb h tbe ptttit-ot may expire. W bo ran aay that tbeM exreM h are li-t fn(ieutly foliowt'd by tboee direful uWa- laniiy and O'nMimi'ti'.n lh rii-TiU of the lnrane Ayluma, anl tbe melanr-holy deatb. by 0n-umptiou? taar ample tfi-tiiuony to the truth of the axrtiona. Iu l.un iiie Af luiin the moat melam-h'ily exhibition a p-ara. Tbe 4-tiUUt unnre it a-tually Hoblen and niledeititnte nt i tber mirth or srii-f rvt-r viit it. Humid a sound of tbe Voice occur, it in rur-ly artirniate. Vith wot-ful unto. urra, wan despair Licw Milieu Mtutida bin friet b-tnilt d.n pettility ia most terriltle! auJ baa brought tbouMtvI uKili thouanda Ut untimely jravefi, tbua bittn Ibe ambition ol m-n n-bie outb. It r in be cured by tbe UM-oflbta IM M.I.Ittl.K HKMKItV. If vou are Miiierio! aith anv of the above ditn-K5init ailmt-nta. tbe Kl.l 111 EXi KAl T lltt IIL Mill cure jou. Try it uud la; routloci J of ila eflirm y. Iti.ir r.s or o.t tea Nnen8 ami H.u I Doctoi-s. wlio fabely Iroaxt f nbi'ltb-a and ref.-rt e a. Citixt-na knw and avoitl them, and nae luii nilt.-riiiff, tm -', and epneure. by at'iidiln: or caiiiu fur a bottle ttf this l't pular an.) .peritltr itfiiif-ty. It allaya all pniu aiid ttiMmtatlon, ta p-rf-ellv pleaattnt in it tafte and odor, but immt'diale iu itiuo-tiou. lIKMHOLlt'S EXTRACT LUCJIi' la prepared dir-ettv ai-rorlinr to the Raba of I'HAIi M I' V A SH t IIFVISTKl'. with tbe create aerurary and t'beiiiieal kiotait-tlir- and ran rirwUd in ita rouit. tiMtHn. Si I'rob-MKir Oeaeea' Valu.ible Worka on tbe J'r:rtire of I'bjPic, and luoet ut tbe late Standard Worka of UedK-iue. o o JL One Iliin!reI Ill:ir a ill W pail tany I'lir'ian who ran prove that lh Medinne ever injur, d a I'a'i.-nt : an-l the litinit-iiy of tbouamif rati b- pnxlure. to prove that it dot a irn-at icood. Cum-" of from one Win k to thiru-n year taii'lin buve lieen -tt. et). Tbtn Biam of Volun tary T ftttuiuny iu p-arainn of the Hroprii tor. vourbms it lirtitea and ru rati we MiKiTi. L-'lmmeiise. embraau liMiK-x Well kuoau to N IKNt t AMJ t AME. 100,000 &4tle um ft en and not a Mu-te iuctanre of a failure baa been reported ! lVraonalty appear! Itelore me an A Merman of the City .if I'bilaiJelpiiia. II. T. IIaoU, t'hemiat. who U inc duly aworn da ay. that bia pre-araliou eontaih no Nareotie. Mercury tr iniurinua briitr. but are purely Ve getable. H. T. HiMHOLn. Ste Mnitiilnftiirer. 1- r, ltv.4. V U. f. JIlltltAKtJ, Alderman. I'riee, -jl per Buttle, or Vx for 3 DtUvtrtd to tteeompanieil hv rehablealid reapniiaibb Certificate from 1'rofc-sattra of .Meiliral Colleea, Clergymen atot ntbt-ra. I'repared and Mild by II. T. IIKlitM. I'rirrti'rtrt and Analytical ("rmnd. Xu, &J 5r7tiM Tenth St.,brJvto lheUnut,A$tfif IH'lit,,s, tHII.AIie.Leill. en.r-ite had of Ifrvftfift and ftntrrs thrvuhout titt 1'Htii.U JStotrt. fhn.ito4 and Itntuh Frtirinrrt. BEWARE Or C0UNTEKFEIT3. Jfk for Jitmfiotd'a 'Juke HtUer Cures V unratified. &M hu 6S0y CHUfST 4- CA LD ELL,Uwihurt; Important to Daguerreotypists.dartle Dealers and others. irOXUMENTAL DaRuemolvpc Ta- XlJ. ses. A method has Ion? been !uupht for to insert in a durable manner, Dasnerreotype Likenesses to Head Stones and Monmnents. I have been niJiiul'aeiurin lhe.se Cases for the last two years, anil can warrant Ihem to secure the picture for a Ions tiuinber of years. The outside case is made of Parian Marble, ; and the box which encloses ihe picture and keeps it in a stale uf threat preservation for a ' , , - " r . long number of years, is made ol brass a tmwuux. It makes a verv neat jon on a Iteau SSlone or Monument. They are used in (ireen wnod Cemetery, Mount Auburn, Laurel Hill, and many other Cemeteries in the 17. Slates. A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers and D.iKuerreoiypists. Trice from $'2.25 each la$D.5u. A circular of ensravings will be sent to anv addrtss, free, with price list. Ad dress, A. L. BALDWIN. Azent ! or Mausoleum l4s. Co., Z Ijruadwny, New York. -Gfillm:) new Firm and New Goods ! the Maiiiniolli Drup: & Ckciical Emporium of CHRIST & CALUVVtLL. I The undersigned having purchased the entire ' Maminoih Drug store formerly kept by l)r . 'liuiruUm 4 t'o.. are now ready to fill Orders '' and Prescriptions at a moment's notice, . , ..,..,. smrt of "ave a '!'... ..f., ... and pure IlKLliS, MLDll l.L Che til W e fresli pure iiklus, mli11 i.w.s, unemicais Dycsluil's, Oils, Taints, Olass. I'utty and DltLliUISl i ULASSVt AttLi, AU CiiiJs of Patent Muilivinrs, Fruit and Confectionery, TohaccOjSnuff.and Imported Cigars of the choicest brands, Fnnry Auliiinn anil Toilet Article', Fine Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of all kinds, llacstir.s tsu Conns or kvkht tarieti. ISook and Sfatioiiery, a general variety ol Literary and School Books Fine Oil, Lard and Fluid Lamps of every description; fresh Pine Oil and 1'atcut Burn ing Fluid alvavs on hand. PI'liH WIN US and LIQUORS of all kinds for Medicinal uses. Fire 1'riHif and Zinc Puintt. Preserving anil Pickling Jars, See nCustomers will find our stock complete, comprising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate, and all sold ai moderate prices Call and see us, one and ait, anil see our TIIEO. 8. CHRIST, F. !S. CALDWELL. Lewisbnrg, Union Co. Pa. H S1 A PURIFIER, or Concentrated Lye war ranted to make Soap without I. line, and with littlptroul.to. W ith oork.of l.ycan l four poon.l t-i, Kat. y..u -an make titlwu icalln guwl f.ft S.at. Hard toau call be maUo in the asm. way. For .ale hy CHillsT a CAI.I.V. ELL. TIAVES' W HITE UREASE, for Waggons, ) Bu, ierCsgagts, Omnibuses, Slages. etc a iurk,r artlrlo, fr aalo by ( IIKI.-T CALDWELL. GLASS Jars, for Pickling and Preserving Quarts and Half Gallons, for sale cheap by CIMIIST a CALIllVKLL. BOUNTY LAND WARRANT blanks lor all engaged in the service of the U. S in the War of lsH2 and for their Widows, at tht Jl7.ee of the Lewis.'jurj t aiontc.e. I ER j Market street, next dinr to Brown & Kitier'5 Sure I.K WlsUfKO, PA. William VanGezer, TTORNEY at Law, IV l.erlliirK, I'nion Co., Pa I tTOllice opposite Kline s Motel 5i 2S WITNESSES, THK if FORGER CONVICTED. , tj I(,x a y,.; i. A.uh .r. h.. t,. h.d in -.r. : J ',,,,,,, iunk i.a fui.ii.hi-r. i 'uihor 1 ... . ', ..ti..i l II.. H,..,.lm.,u ,.-.,.. w " -- - . ; , , ft;. h,., h. 'hr- ? r.T-i .... .... ... hl, I. .....u-r6-il-n. rl-ul- I th. ir fru.i.. n,l th nur.-.t nii'I !...rl.l nusui. I O .l.-t.-rtin tli.ui! Tl.r lt:.nk Not. Kirat-n. nil .y O tl,Mi h.- i. lh.- Kr-t.'.t Ju-Ir of Ti.t-r M(.li. lulng. u '...,. 4.1' tj, 1whI I'm. a hint i'.itIhliil!n-lCiiuiti-ifi!l ItinkXli-. iwribini: rr. r eeuuinr hill in riMnw. l 'ii"- t..(i..r.r . trlnnra every cuntertlt ill e rrillut; S Arrmined m. admirably, tbril reltTlie l- eai-y aod S'b t. cli-n iiia.atitalie-Mia. ... iu-b to es:.mine. No t. bunt up: Hut ao utmpHTiitl and arranjr-t. C that f ti lerrhant, banker and liu-iueca Man fail O atf tiff nt (I -I'avrrl w Kimlt-b. Kr. nen and tlt-rman. tbuj may earb read f5 tbe fame in bin ou native l"U'u. g M,$ti i f''t!itnk X"te IJttrrcrpMitlitd - AIo a li.-t of all tbe Fritrit- lUnker in A:nerier. A rci.mpleteauiiitnaryoftbe Miatireol Km p. au-1 Afner-ii-a will la- l.nl.ii-b. .1 in e:o b -liUoli t ii-Lbi-r a lib all ai the iuioortalit Nt-wanf tbe hay. AUo, I 1 A .-KKIKS Or TI.KS. i2 From an Old MunuM-ript f..nd iu tl.e Karf. It fur niahra tbe mi at CiHlilele bi-tory ol rit lit:it bite. 'e CtJ iribinif ibe m-ct i.-rplei t j-itinoa in abi.b tbe iin.1 ir-i.'eiiirn f tbrtt rount rv have lui'ii Hi J5 tit(.n d.,,,,,1. Them- tori. s will n.ntiiiu- tbr..tijb..ut 0,e ahuli year, and will prole tbe moat euteitaiutu T ever ofleti-d to tbe publii-. Q f n.Furni-b. ii Ve.-k:y to Snli-er i tie re only, at j 1 a tn yc.r. All letter, iudu ie n-i-irf .-n n JiUlN . hVK. IlroKrr. 1'uMiaher anil I'roprieUir. all M. Nt Yobk ISN'T IT SO! t Ue ARTHUH'S C b brated lell M-alniir t'tiio mo-I .'ara. ami 1ynu will have lret.b fruit all the jtar atuuimer priii-n. rutl dneetioii! tor puttinir up 'all kindxd r'ruit and Tomatom, arrt'iupany ttieae eaiitf and j.ira. i Tiny are, mi"b- of Fm. fJi. fatrHinarr. it mi F" and A'tit jinvtf .ST., nf H'.irt. lieai.eF) are Iroui pintu to trallona. TheM-eana antljarc are entirely pn at tbe itop.atid M -T. to aecure eC'iiouiy iu trauct-ortation. I for aale by St-irekeepera thro ioiit the t otted .iatea. t I'eeriptive rtreitlara aent on 'tpp Item inn. A: "Oi ier s Imui 'the trade -olM'ite'i. I aur-to a.-k fur Arthur'!. It ba rt-ro.l the teat ot tail ea--.n. bavtubeen u-i-l by bun Ired of tbou-and" offtiuilie-.hie Fresli Fiuit IN WINTER BETTI THAN tl ami U.ardin-r"ni.-e keee r. ' We are lo.ar makiu tbcm t--r the milii'in. Arthur, Burnhara & Gilroy, f : Maiiiif'artnrera under tbe patent. '. Sweetmeats. Sua. 117 Iltf. S. lVotb M. ir. tieor.M Imtbi I'UILAUbLl'UIA. ali'.xaxdek ki:i:i:, . .d lMI'tliiTtK and j WllllLEHALK DkALKR 19 : SALT, i :ti Miul Ii bai t es, t'iiilatit iitiiia. ASIiTO.N's F1F.. LIVLKI'MOL GROfND. TLUK'S l!L.D and DAIRY SALT, constantly on hand, and for sale in l"ts innit purchasers. April 3 lttoTmfi LVASS & HMTSOX, a.-e -JV"1- , I'hiiaileiphia Manu- HTt- I'l Salamander Safes ; Clt .X r lain it I'lilaii Ijilna. Truth is Mighty, anj Must Travail. oporto, ne . ..mmi.iee arpo.me,, o. super- intend the lturiiiii' ol Ihe Iron bafes. at i. T.-v lajt-r !Umo. March 4. The unjer-iirn it. memliera of the e- nimittie. tlo rea-jtH-ttoliy ri-pi'ft. that we the two aba originally a creed uinti by r arret' A Herring and bran A Wat plaet d i-i.le by aide in ft turnaee. tii: The afe in n- by i tbe PavuiaJder of tba Pbtlatb Iphia and Ueadin.' Kailroad . t'tini' any.in hianttireat Iteadiim. maimfnetuml by Far- I r-Lh k Hern Uif, nd tbe af.- in u-e l.y II. A. Laiitx. in ! bia itore.manof:irtiiret by Kvana A Watttun, and put in ! bix kaanii paper? pnittdy alike. j Tbe fire waa atartt-d at lt. o'elork. A. M.. and kept np t until fourrord- of itreen bukury, two cur b dry oak and i half che-tnut top wia-d were entirely ron-umetI. tbe h"le under tbe aiinrintendenee of tbe aubierita-ri, meniliera thrt'ninmitlee. The ,af.a were then etadi-t off with water, alier aim h they were i.penetl. and the hooka ami p.ie-r t-iken out by the t'ommittee mid taken to II. A. I.antx'a ature for publie examination. ab-r tbey Were tirat eXaUHIH-l an'l marked by the I ' nil ni ' t tee. The )i.k ami papers- taken froni tbe !ttfv manufactured br Kvans k W at-on wen but fti-'htly aff-eted by the inten-e beat, while tlne taken lrm tbe afe tnaniitccliired bv larnla Hetrin a ere, in tur ju.l-rin nt,'Uni;ti;i-d lull? Pfteeii per eeiiU more tbau tuure taken tri m tvaui k W at-onV f-nfe. ,,i- i" iree uirai.iir ntr nrn a lair aou impar.lOl uiai oi the re-ecuve nuaiiti. a of hith .-af.-. J At MB II. J -1 . K I; . HANIKI. .-. lirXTK.It. llnTlne r.-n aM.-nt .litruii: Kie huruilu. w fullv ro inn,le with th.1 at", -tat. tiirnt of Hi. rii,lition ! the yayvn anU b.k.. takru our ot the re.i,-ttTe sale. II. A. Mi ill.lA It II. Ml III.KM!Kl:5. JAMKS .MIi.IHll.LAMI. i:v:tlt. & fVnlsoil have now on hand 300.000 oiiiiIs"1 the above SM'Ks, wlttcii they oiler tor sale on beller terms than any oilier iiiaiiiifaciurer in the L'ntted Slates April U, 1N7 tiiiyl Joseph Fussell, Ol'r.ibrcIIa&l'iiraso! Manufacturer No. '2 North Fourth St. Si.W.coru.rof Mark.C I'llILAbKUMUA, Has now on hand an extensive assortment of Ilie newest ami most desirable kimls.iucluiliug many it'lT St) lex not heretofore to be had in this market. An examination ol ourstock is solicited before purchasing elsewhere. 3:M BLINDS AND SHADES ! ! I J. WILLIAMS, No. 12 Nonh JSiith St., . l'IIIAl)LLI'lllA,manufacturer..fVr- i I Ilia II ICIInilM. elvet and t. old bordered and Panned SlmtlrN, of heauiiful designs. BntT, and all other colors of Holland used for Shades. Fixtures, Trimmings, Ac, &c, wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash prices. Isf Store Shades painted to order.a-j B. J, V thanklul for pa-l paironace, res pectfully solicits the public to call and exam ine his new and large assortment, before pur chasing elsewhere. Iif We ituJy tu jileae." March 20, 1857. Front Street Mire Manufactory. WATSON, I'OX & CO., Sieve, Kiddle, Screen and Wire Cloth Manufacturers, No. 4G Aorih Front St. Corner of Coombs" Alley, between Market anj Mulberrv (Anhj itmlBrtllLAUKLl'MA. Manufacture superior quality of Brass and Iron Wire Sieves ol all kinds, Brass andCopper W ireL'lolh for Paper makers iC,C) linders and Dandy Rolls Covered in the best manner. Heavy twilled Wire for Spark catchers, Sieves lor Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safes. Traps. Dish Covers, Ctal and Sand Screeus, Fancy Wire Work of every description 3m671 Fishing Tackle, ND CUNS...T!ie subscribers invite 1 L aitention to their stock ol Fish Hooks and Tackle of every description Cane Uecd.s, Sea Grass, Trout Flies, Lines, ic. Also, fine Euglish and German Guns, Revolv ing Pistols, Percussion Cups, and Sporting Apparatus generally. For sale at lowest C'utA Price$, Wholesale and Retail. J MIN M. HEYCERGKR A BRO. IT N. Cva.l St., I hUaJ-lj hia HERRING'S SAFE. TU ACKOWl.BIMt V II A n I'lOX! THE KKCKN T TRIALS at Rfa diog ha ndornHl Ihr orrmt 'f .ablie opinion. aid eonbraNl the verdict of morr I baa arH-n-tal fli-proirolil3'tb bll-rriuic" i tb okv rara tuax VII L T tltk. i titraft from Xha i nmniii" Keport ou the Trial of Iron tfaf.i at Kca-Ho: . Od the' th of fhru-4rv all lh M in-1 nn- mitl mrt to -itli. I If !:.( atid oi.ka and pKr-, (i lawd in th-m) and w---- i-rf-rtly ililb-4 I U .1st 6.llwii.f,ll. t.uriiin-i Uh ,larr.HO-lr j tb.i"l-niil. l.nr I f. mmitl. '. A"tr ir In.unrti.l Kiirn,i,( Ihr b..ur. lh. .. .f Mw .., ,., .,.... K..uaiiT r, - ..Uf I. tu. . Jlr-.r r.rU Iteri- r,,nditi-n. f.i.,1 I... Hr innur." It.-nitiy. MiltcIi 'I isi.; II. V i VUX. ) p.N cm rMANVrC.mmith-e. A II. l'BA-tN'h.J And endorsed by oti r .'- ot tbe heat m- n-f Rea.bmr. Tbe ii' iive ..if ran be ili-r- t'tl nt '.A Walnut Mreet, where tbe public eanr.rtti.-fy ll.em-e'.vea ..f tl.e jreat hi-pr-ri'iritv "f the "Merrill 's f .tent t bam; i n." ov-rtlo dtleuted and nrd-rtj '-in-lib' lri't. Vfr Stclnmancb-r." KAKkU.S & Hr.Kia.., ;il W l'tiUt -ireef. P, I- Mfbla. ri'tr matters in this tHalr. -j ii rrtrnji Jitent Otam-pi'-n tiif'. The attempt made by M her r-irtlea to bi.tater np tbe rt'i'Ul.-it.i n f a fe a I i. b 'ir ;.. -i nal! y in " d-.' re. in Ptiilail-lp'ii.trrii.'efc.l Plaee,; l.y t. uT one out i.f wit aL-en'M -t'ire.iM. A. I-an'i. i mvl'- ii-" ' V-icI V . I'lHb r- Ul It -111 tl.o-. tl.ev "ell. - to -hum Up" one llTMi-tr .-, .half a Ihirk f met With it triM- re war l. Ilerrin,'' r.l- -' u-t V .urn. prfTio-jei.i.flii-fivi-lv t'uit tlo-on! V reliable :. in.w made i Hmij '.' ct wbi' h ovi r .'..ikhi are n.w in -ir'.iwl --' n-l more tlian i'.n I.:..- Itet-ri Tl jed Ity tire Kl.'fa-ft a til Js WOOD MOULDING KILL. 1 ON Willow St. aluive 'i'wrltih. Nrih ii if. Mutilflinss sntl:ihV f.r ;arpritrrs an i lioiMcrs, Cabinet and Fraiue Makers, always on tiaiiil. ; Any Patlern work'! fmm a T)ra win?. , tf-Asents wnntrtl in (hp various Towns in his fMirtion ol" ilieStaie.ttt whrtm opportunities' will he nl.Vieti fur large pr.t'it.torihpm.elves 2mIS ll. s K. W'KIK. j ista;, smit. ai rss ! WllOl.E.SA LE W'A KEJfOfSt;, lOI.NLK ot Tenih and Market S(. (Oii.ce n second Moiey.) J'hiindtfnfrin. We invite aliennon to our enlarged t ck ct Druirs. Paint, Oils Varnishes, &c, seiertt-! pxprosly for cur -.a!e. and rumprisiii? t-ne td lltt hnet assoetinents in the I". S., wlurh r otltT at low prices l.f rah or approved credit. IV K MAM KAITITK. very exten-ie! I'reiuium Pure White l.ea.l. i ie-t Kenin.-t"n Per- White bead, pearl ."noa W bile l-al. " V le! le M-nta.-tm-" In-m h ine,fheat.) Pure Mn w While AitM-ri-ati .in-, .-liver a Pl.i-tir Kire and Weather-proof l'aiut.-, Chrome ttn-ena. Velli.ac, aud cub.ra;.nvritily. AtiKNT. HK 1'i.rter'a Miierior Alkaline W imlnw tllafa. tlennine Jreti.-h Plate (.la"., i a rmn. d. I be New .ler-ey lite t miany Vpriahiet.Ti den and Nehew'a N . .arnii-lia, ( llrookhu iTemioin lore White I- .l. Ilarep-ieii Perma nent iir en-. Pure obio Cataa ba Itrau iv, A. I MP'iKTKI;. tK r reiich atid Kn-'Iif-h Plate Gla. Kretn b and Km-lb-h Cylinder ;ia, r..ti.nd and rnrift-l W in l.-w t.l;.--. I'n'iiern-t.lyi.e t;ia-. Hammered Plate f.-r rloors aud Mif-t-ii-h!. l-rn-s. t'liem eali. IVrliilut-r , Ac. M IU U.K. Abb HKAI.KI IN DriiL-.'i-t'.' Arti-iea t:eiieral!y. Paintera" Tiol 'Tall deaeripti.-na. IIdraulie j.n-1 i'i m tn t'-nu nt. fab iiod aud band Pia-t-r. I'.i.er "lak.-r s lav. tiu H bite. ac. HtKM II. CH IIAilP- ''.. Store, X. W ror. f r.-nih ami Market Str-ffa. Facb-ryJ unction lurk Arvnue.Crowuaiid Cali" i.dl 'b. PHinniirnHi. HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. riHls Hair live nteds only a trial to v.h.fy I all ol its prrfertion as a 'v. and the f' l lnwin tttiiiHtiial tr ni ilia' einineni analytic t hem sT, I'nd". lii-nth id (lie r..litit.will only r(ntirtn That thuusaud have previously borne te Milium' to : LLORATORT MB PRtcTCl rniWI-iTRT.") M e.l,rtl I'ta. e. Pliil idetpbia. 1-et.runry Kth. 1 T ) fnffwell rtiiaiiiT' d with the -iit-tain-e- mmi nit-g w.rr L-fivl Ha,r Itr, I am cali-ti d th tt by !o!l'W ini tbe -iuipb diri-ei"ii jfiven fur it- ue. it ;!J nt injure tbe Hair or kin, but will civ a n-durd and du.aUe wtur U U,e Jiutr. JAtor.p i . lo- TlI. Aaalytf nt. HOVER'S WRITING IX Ks, mclu iii." ihe J hirer's Fluid, and Hirer's lmfrltbtr Ink, are Inn well known and iniri'dtirffl to retjtitre any additional testiinomal ol their character. The ' ales have been increasing since their lirst ' intp'dtictioit, civin? evidence lhal the article. ; sss ,, jlllr,1(. m,r clallned at : ' .1 t . .L 11 " ,l,r,n py in" ."anuiat itirer. Onleti. addressed to the Manulacb-ry. No. 4SG RAi.'K street above Fourth. (id I No HI) I'biladelphia. will receive prompt attention by b?'Jy JOSEPH K. HOVKK, Manufacturer. i RISIKG SUM l.'cLJ iiririr t ll:ir!i,n nf Germaniown Rad. half au hours ride from the Exchange by Ouiuibus. SlutdcjFruit ami Ormtmmtirf Tnes9 Shrub y(fj.v, Jtnsi.ty iir. cultivated and for saie in quantities to suit dealers and other, including an extensive and varied assortment of all the desirable j varieties of the above, for sale Wholesale and Retail. Catalogues can be had on application, , gratis, . MAl'l'AV A- CO. j t j When addressed by mail direct to Ris ing Sun P.O., Philadelphia. Our Stands are in the Market, Market Mreet, below Smth. where orders are aUo received. rinitI7i Cheap Fruit and Confectionery, j 1)1 IIIXCAM A SKI.I.KRS, j j Wholesale Manufacturers and Pealers ia . CoiifW'tionory ol" all kiiitls, ! No. Third St, below Race, I'lULADEL. ; The atientijii of dealers is reqiiested to an examination of their stock, which ill he found equal to any in this phv. Fnreiirn Finits t.f aii kinds in season. N.H. Orders by Mad or ; otherwise promptly attended to 3mbi;t ; Pennsylvania Wire Works. "VTO. & AKL'll St. beiween 2.1 and 3d, .IN (opposite llroad St.) PIIILAPF.LI'HIA Sieves. Kiddles, Screens. Wiwen Wire of all mehe and widlhs,wilh all kinds of plain an. I fancy Wire Work. Heavy twilled Wire for spark cau hers.roal sand and gravel svr.'eiis. paper makers Wire, cylinder ami dandy K .lis covered in the best nianncr, Wire and Wir Fi'ticing. A very superior ari.cle of Heavy Founders Sieves. All kinds Iron (Ire Wires and Sieves. BAYI.lss, UARUV & LV.N.N. Hount Vernon House, VO. 95, North 2d St.,riiil;i.!olpliia.- X This old and well established house is ailmirably situated for persons visiting Ihe city on business or pleasure. The continued patronage of the public (and of West Branch Irien.ls in particular) is resperuiillv invited. I. L. UAKKKTT. Philad., March 1, 1S5C.. Proprietor. Kew Wall Faper Wateliouse. BlllTON' & LA.NLNG, Manufacturers and Importers, No. 1'24 Atch St, 2d door above ftb, Pnm., Where may be found the largest and best selected stock in the city. I if 'Country purchasers may here be accom modated, withoul the inconvenience of looking lurther, and may be assured that Ihey will ; receive the advantage of'their money BURTON At LANINO, 121 Arch Su 3mf76 above Smh, Vhitudeljihia Engraving and Seal Cutting OF all kinds, at 201, Chesnut Street, PHILAD. Visiting and other CARDS, Corporation and oiher SEALS and everything in our line of business, promptly attended to, in good style, and on reasonable terms. Or ders from City and Country solicited. S. H. FULTON, y . a. MASON. C. W. SCHAFFLE'S WHOLESALE and RETAIL Druy and Che mini I Emporium j Siatkvl Mitrvt Le t.ili.iL, Fa. mum AYER'S Cathartic Pills, (SUGAR COATED,) CLZAK8X THE BLOOD ABD CUBE TH1 SICK, lajwailltia. fnthwrn, Mwnjra, Pwralebaaa, ah.lln-atlirwaUta, rwnal Uialr ICATwCU, nmdi Ja af t la air Vlrta FOR TUB CTKK Of lleawaehe, Hick Hedfrl.e,Fo-IStoairc. Irraattu, P May 1, Da. J.CArrJl. Pb: I bave been f.petedly cured of tbe wor-t hataerMi any bo-ty nan hwve by a dnaa or two afyonr Piila. Jl anema tnajriaefruaialbal "twar h, wkvb they eh-anae at ome. If Ua-y will enra otbera aa tbey no nae, tba ta. t ia worth kte wioa, Ywura witb great ramecW TO- W- Wm.R, CUrk of SUamtr t lorvaa. . Billoua Disordera and lirer Complaiatt Pt4mirer or rai lTrtj.,a, i .?'!. D. 7 rb, f Mt : T hare tiaed yonr Pi.la fn my errieraJ and b..iral pnv tire i ut (.inra yta made them, and ranni't ti-atv u aay tbey are the Ut rathnrtir we etapb.e. Their rttn tatiiiir aVtion on the Hrr i qniek ami ik-rided. tttnaerpw-iit. Iy tliey are an lmiral4e remedy Ibr dnuementaof lb I oriran. In.bi-d. I have aeld-.m l- niel a eaee of nlum m aue ao obatinate tliat it -bd not reaibly yield to them. 4 f ratermUiy youra, ALN'ZO bAI.L. M D. Fhynctasi nftl M iTxnt HmpUA IysenterT, Relax, and Worms. Pit fiincr. If btlai. I.r. Co., Mim, !t i. I. 15$. He. jitu: Yimr P'iie r tbe perbi-bon of nurtir.ua. Tbey have d io- mv w:fe m"re (r""d than I ran fell yon. Fho'h.id l- ' n w. k at; I lantiiK away fttr montha. Went off to he red at irreat evpen, but pd no better. Phw then fLntin.-tir-.! takinr ytir t'la.wbih an mred her, byeipeUnn: Urf-e qn.uititi.-fl of worn a tdead) frm ber la-Iv. Tbey afterwiutla enre-t hr an! otir two rhibtren of bio-i!yih'aj ntery.' One iif oiir neij:hbOT haJ it tal.aml my wif- i-ored b"ti with tw iliaea of tr Pilla, wbilw otiiera aroumt its juud fim Ave to twenty d41ara doctorw bill-- a.id bt n.in b time. .ithout tieine rnrerj entirety een then. Mi h a me-by ifie aa yonra, wntcb in actuailjr a-jod and buutat, ui L- pr'ed here lit-). J. GKiFFIW bfraatulVr. 4 lodisestioa and Impurity of the IMood. fn,m tin. J. V. .ai, Pwtar of Admt rrck, Bostm. Da. Aittm: I haTe m-d yoor Pilla with extraonttnarw mrreaa in my family and &m'ntr thoae I am called towit rn du-tre-. T- re-nlate the tirana f 'tiiTeartvn ami ponfy tbe Mood ttiey are the eery he retwe-ly I bav arar known, and 1 can cnndently -recumm-ii4 them torn frienda, Ynnra, J. T. UIMEA. Wtuttt, Wfoxnro Co-, W. T- Oet 24, A. Put ?a : I am niitir nr ratliartie Ptlla In my pr. tire, and find them an excellent pnr)puiv to cicatiae Ltt atew and purify tbe fuutitaina of tl Mwv!. 3 ' JoUN O. MIvACHAM, M I. Eryaineln Srrofuta, KintrN Evil, Teller, Tumorw, nad HhU Rheum. From a pT r.hg nJtant f 9. iymta, r6. 1 lf. D. Arm- Yonr Il'la are tba paraonu of aft that is jrrent in me-lirine. They haTe cnr-l my little daiiphter af nlrenw aorea mon ber ban-H and fret that had pt-tverf inrtirtc f--r var. Her B"tlier baa been bmr enevim. Iy afHw-ted wiTh Mf ti'ht mid pimplea on bar akin and in rier liair. After onr child waa cured, abe a No tried ytajf l'Ula- and tbey bae cured ber. . AfA StUKGHilAiK. t KheumHtisni, ?ieural;ia and -ouU fltm Um Mrr. Ve. HiwltS. of the Mtthndtst Fjns. Churth. PruaKt Hir-i. H ataxy ft. Jan. K II fOKXtJ S'lB : 1 f Mid nmrrateful fr tlie relief yrai kill liaa bioniclil me if 1 did m-t rejrfTt my caee t... yt. A eiil'l --ttbd iu DiV liinM nl hnmi-bt on exrniriaticir near-da-, paina. abi'-h en. fed in rbronic rbeumatlein. h.tttbitintittr I bifl the het if plu-i- iana, the heaa a;rew worw aud wunr, until, by I lie ad-re. e ,tf yoar i-el-b nf av nt in l-altmi'-re. It. Ma.kente. 1 tried jotir Pi I la. Tlietr eflerta were Um. but an re. By IHUraeVeniig in UW nae of tliem 1 am U"W entirely well. 8tTr rH-wirra. Viw! Rnri. tv. ft IVclV.J. I1. Aim: 1 Itavr la-en entirely mred by yr PiU of r.tieouiatic UoUt a pwUUlul diara-e That bad afJli.-te-i m ftiryetua. Vl.Nt. tNT M.IDKLL. For Irropav, 1'lethorn. or kindred Com El a int a, re.auuiue an acuv puio, Uiey art an aactu nt ieme.lv. For ostirrnena or Constipation, and as a Dinner I'll I, tbey arwatfreeal.lt- and ertet-tiiai. Fit, Suppression, Varalyei. InflRmma Hon, and e.en DtalarM, and Partial Blind neai, have been cured by tbe alterative acUun ai tbeaa Piila. M.-t rf the pilto tn market rnntain Merrnrr, which, ab tb-rtiixh a valuable remedy m akiiful bamla. ia damrer.4U1 Iu a pubb. pill, frvta the dpadtul r..nae.U-ncea tbt tte qnentty f-tb-w Ita inotuti-u- ne. Tbeae cuntain no ntar eury or miueral tubatance abaterer. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL FOR TUB RAPID CTKK Ot COI01I,COl.DS,I10ARSE3iES,I?IFI.tw 1ZA, HROM H!T1, W1IOOP1BM lOltiH, CHOI P. ASTHMA I tlPIK.NT CO.St.HPTtU5, and for the relief of coMuniptive pattenta in anVaaotd Ue- of tlie diat aae. We need re epeak t tb pnWIe of IhJ -rt-TbtTurb..ut every town, and almo-t every hamlet of tn Ano nrttn Statea. ita wrib rfni enrea of pulm-iary com- tWota haw wale It alrea-ty known. ay. h-w are tm LUiiiit-K tn anv ci.Flired emntryoa thla o-n fmeot Without at nie peratmai ex.ertenre of its efleeta; ami fc-wer yet th awimuii.tkea anv a here whirb bare not amooR tb-ai m..- i,ri,. r..,.i. i.f it Ti.-tore over tbe anMIe and dan- Verona die.-aae of the throat and lam-a. While tt la th m-af r-werfiil antil'te yet kn-.wn to man r ihe nni dahle and danaen.na dawwaea of tbe pabnonary orrana, it alao tbe pleaaanteet and "a feat remedy that can he etn- Eli-ved Hr mbint and yonnK ptwoaa . Pareata anonld are it in atire acainat tlie iiimilena enemy that atrwla nprm them in prepared. We have alnnUnt frronnda tn b liere theCUEaaf PiT"at aavea more bvea by the o rompriona it preeenta than thnae U rurea. Keep It ty To. and core vnr cihi while tiiey are cnrable, nor nf Jeef them until no hnman akill can asaater the im-i.rrai la ranker ttiat. taatene.1 .-n the vitala. eata yonr lite away. All know the nvadfnt fatality of hrne diir,lefB. and aa they know too the virtue of thin remedy, we need re do more titan to aaaare tbem il aUll made tbe beat it ran be. We are no cat. no rare, no t4l fc prixbice it the moat perfert p-atait-le, ami thna alTort thoae who rely oa it tbe beat aeeut which onr skill can turn tab tor thecr earn. . PREPARED BY DR. J. C. IYER, Practical and Analytical Chtmiit, Lowell, AND SOLD BY C. w. S.-H .rn e. a...i ' .;i x . ui,.li Lrwt.tor. Mil. ...: if. M ffii,ilurff J l'.l'i'l". Milt. rriIE MilitriiitT ton- .1 iinues lo rarrv on the -ae-rT Mi t-ry I'lixiiies at M f the I'M Mahit on it,-aBg Third strei-t, r,ear Market, ai d re,pecltu!!) s,.T5oils i!.e patroiace t friends and tht put. lie v rnllv. t H.AIil.LS F. HKSS. I.ewisbiirj. Mav Is-'U LLWIELURG TCtKERY. cribers. thankful for i,i. ace. utd infrrm "IFM u... ..... .... --.- vJihe public that tbry cortinne to .'.VA' "i manufartiire ai! kinds v( MILL t . V. KI.; nnd other ("astinrs. Thrashin; . . . i .l. .t..l .... A ... .!.. ..ia( lllll.'s ailU tlliei iinir. j itjainu ... . bct manner. Ca-tinjrs .arranied to tt t ri od material, at;,' at fr-ces that ran not tai io please. .:I)llr;, MAKMI & IO. i-bur, Ft'b. C t'KivI.Nli SStovt'st. tl" yarifus anern ami size, for Coal or tV oo , for sale .,,K. l.i.uilt.if. Kimn.lrv h. Ofdde.. Marsh cV Co. STIHF.S I'urlor. Wood, and Coal tstnvrs. various patti-ms, for .alr al ihe I.cwi-r,i;rp Focmlry. Oedde?. Maih A' Co. "ttMAUb'i I'liU-nt tlanu Plow, a supe- nor article, fur snl at the Lr-wisliurg Foundry by lirdde.. Maisb A Cu. GRAIN nr Jeed Drills Ross' Pattnt rlt'coU'dlv liie Acil and most durable Orain Hi ill now in use. for -air at Ihe Lrm-turj Foundry hy OeiMe-, M a.sh A t'i. liustey's Grain Reaper, foi c nltinp: both Grain and Gra-s - I AM FAt Tl l!El and for sale at it ill Lewisbur'' Founlrv I v OEHliEst.'.VAIJsH A ' AjOTIi'E. Ilavini: Iren airir.tfd it 1 SEXTON to the Lewisbura Crmrtery the subscril .r wou'd slate thai be is pr. fare,, to perform all dimes c. nr.t c;.i! with the bun:' of the dead.on short nonce. Also thai he will attend lolhe re-intern-.cn! t l ikceased j erst ro under the dirrclii n rl ihfir snrvivn g inen. - Residence in the l.oi'-e at li el aie rl the Cemetery. CKtUMIU LONACHi. Lewisbnrg. Mav :!i. I"?'! irck: ir.cw!! ikcii::: 9 ilk I jNt Mi-rived at ( Vi4 HARDWARE SIOKK of SlCT'll XtFAHHJiX. Faimers and Fl.,r smiths, call and see the forgr.f end s, rlment of Iron ever offered rn the Branch. Having the crriWr' control ol H relebraleJ Vumin't Ceulre county Iron he is enabled In vnrrvnt every bar. A sizes Tire, Scollop, Round and Square; H,rf Shoe, Nail R.ol'. Ac. at Ctsa prices to ' Call and see the Hardware Sn re of JOS. M FADDt Lewisbur;, May 10, lsoa. R.GREEN S AROMATIC sAP.a cr.a' D cure for Dtsp.psia aud tiisrasc ... itrv " ;'; h i. of. .r riiiA Al.ii r - i t r i y nf