Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, August 28, 1857, Image 2

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    5 !
" oTiirwqKEEN & J. n. cohkelius.
, Tr ' YHkfircii .rfet.. The l.rwi.ireii'i Oi,ii.iri..
f I on tii I'a.ti Syrtrio. tn. tha lar.t aal UH
nr.-ui ttimi nfar.T S' wit l n l""n; 'ourtf.r. .
iv nnrml pom the 1m fhr-i.H'm; Supreme
Court Judrsxo ihe People op PasxsTTasr!
for Governor.
of vrjdfobp coixn:
Canal t'omnifesiouer.
for Judges nf tlie Supreme Court,
jmi;s Tiircii. rr-iif 'o.
JOsUl'II J. lXWIS,rChciil,ri:o.
In Ion Connty Xonilnallorn.
Representative TU01 A3 II AY ES.of
Union couDty.
Renter f- Recorder G EOUG E M EU
EILI,, of New Berlin.
t ..,;.,;...,i!Tnir nn v. u. LIN
COLN, of HartW.
Trritnrer HUGH P. SIlELLEIt, of
Auditor JVUX Ji.fc&SI.r.U, 01 .ew
I'nlon County Meeting, Icwlsb'ar. i
Al I. P. M, of 15 Sept next (second day of I
Court,) the citizens of I nu.n and adjoining ;
counties mav expect addresses from tim.- i
niivw (. Cirti and others.
lppoition candidates for State Officers.
' .-i -r t
e "nicer. 'r. ,
t.'urtin has promised to atiend, and we nope
to announce at least one more speaker, next j
'ek'.. preai !i'eorm"'m '' '
r.v Tilcnrrnnli for Ihci
' fhrOnk'Ic"
" . - . - i i r r i
PniLAP., Aug. 2G I o'clock, P. M
The Atlantic Submarine Telegraph Cablo !
parted when threa hundred and thirty
miles from tha Irish coast, and the fleet
returned to England. The Direotors were
going to hold a meeting to decide whether
they would undertake it this fall again, or
wait until next summer.
Tho great N. V. broker, George Little,
is reported to have failed.
Tho Warren County Bank ia thrown
out. The Farmers' Back, Wickford, R,.
I, Rhode Island Central Bank, Tiverton
Bank, R. I , failed. It is also reported
that more of the Eastern banks have gono
under. Brokers refuse tha Kanawha, Va.,
Hancock Bank, Me., and Farmers' Bank,
Juniata. The Union Convention of
. Juniata county met on Monday last, and
nominated II. T. M'AlMpTFR," of Fayetto
Tp., for Awembly, tnd full County
Ticket. Messrs. Wm. 8. Thompson,Rioh
rd Dnyla, and John Balsbach, were ap
pointed Conftfroes, to meet those from
Snjdcr and Union ooonties, at Beyer's
tavern, in Snjdar county, on Thursday,
tho Stb September next
Tne Ati.a stic TEi.tniiApn. The com
pany which has undertaken this great en
terprise h a eapitnl of 250,ono,(?l,73G,
000) whioh is divided into three hundred
and fifty shares of a thousand pounds
eseh. Cost of deep fr cable per mile
$435 ; total cost for 2500 miles, $1,212,-
600 ; 10 miles of steel envered wire fur
mid ocean connection, 14,.r00; 25 miles
of heavy shore ends, 831,250, making a
total cost of Sl,258,250 for the entire ca
ble ready for submersion.
. There are eight ftcamers engaged in
laying tbc cable. Prof. Morse is on board,
nd some COO or 700 men ia all are em
ployed. .
MSQni after another, every man in
Congress from the South who voted against
. tho Repeal cf ths Missouri Compromise,
(which has occasioned all tho war in Kan
sas and tho dangers yet to como to the
Union from the opening of that " Pando
ra's box of evil,") has been cut down by
the Slave Power, at the first chance. Ben
ton, Cullom, Milson, Puryear, were killed
eff, and cow the gallant Ktheridge, of
Tcnn., is defeated, by 127 mnj. Even
Texas forgets hrr Washington, and elects
Runnels over Houston by 12,000 majority.
Jehu Bell alone remains, but tho new
Tcnn. Legislature is against him. Slave
ry, like jealousy, is "cruel as the grave,"
and remorseless as Satan himself!
The Drcd Scott approvals and United
States Marshal arrests have most seriously
affected Democratic Supremo Judges of
Ohio. Judge Caldwell, and Judge Cor
win, late of that distinguished tribunal,
Lave in the fullest extent of indignant lan
guage and eloquent philipic, denounced
the proceedings had toward the freemen of
Ohio, and Judge R. B. Warden, quandam
of the same bench, has left the party alto
gether, and declares Lis purpose to vote
the RopuLUean ticket.
Thb Campaign Opened. A large and
very enthusiastic meeting of thcOpposition
was held at Bloomfield, Perry county, on
Cuurt weik. W. W. Dickinson presided,
assisted by Vice Presidents from every
election district in the county. Judge
Kclley of PLibid., and Bacr the Buckeye
JJlaek'initb, made long addresses, which
were well received. The meeting strongly
endorsed the whole Hurrisburg platform
and its nominees.
Two cjlored men, Edward Collins and
Wash ington Good, were burned so severe
ly by a canul boat taking fire at Harris
burg, lust Sunday morning about 3 o'clock,
that they died the aIue day, after suffering
the most excruciating agonies. Supposed
to have been intentioaaily fired.
Miss Elizibcth! Biukely fell in the canal
at Milcsburg, on Saturday night, and but
for the timely assistance of some persons
who hcird her cries for help, the would
Lve been drowned. The night being
v-ry duk tba mUsod the road aud fell
Tbc Election last Saturday il coniluJ
ted upon tie following IlesulutioD pro-pae-el
by the Board of Directors, (' ?ote be
ing given for each share of stock npai
whirfrone instalment had been paid:)-'
iti.- Resolved. That this meeting insirueUaeJ
; Hoard of Directors to comuionce the w
' and pot it nnder contract from Lewisburg
to 1'ioe urova Jitus, puovidid mere is a
libeial right of tcay secured along the line.
. worn IITTIHO. StXlSST.
Lewisburg, Vnion Co. , 173 . 97
Mifflinburg " '153 Mr
Hartley '" .217 St
Haines, Centre Co. : lflS 79
Miles " 3 : MT
Penn 206 al
Orrft? " S'8 96
Potter 76 4S4
Harris " 85 6S5
Ferguson " 36t 43
1710 1661 ,
Majority fr letting 5G.
There were also CI votes polled at War
riors Mark, Huntingdon Co., for the let
ting, but the return not being in the form
oid.red by the meeting of stock holders,
j held at Millheim, they havo not been
! counted, especially as they do not chaugo
the result.
Qny f of tte whol(J nnmber
of shares were voted for. The vote
a,jaist immediate letting, was cast princi
L . d f th k h( doultcd
I . ..... ., k
lueywo-y oi Biiuuug wnu ug em... cuu
I scription obtained. Tha large majority
. . ,. . .,
-o - J'"
the voto Of those Who leel interested in the
proposed Road from Lowistown to Snow-
,oe. Others, who 6tgned many months
agii now think thoy could do better with
.' '
We have heard the complaint made,
that some subscriptions were made with
the distinct understanding, expressed at a
meeting in Millheim, that the risk was
not to bo undertaken until $700,000 in
good subscriptions were surely obtained.
Tbc President of the Road informs ns
that this resolution war coupled with an
other condition, and that was that it
should not bo undertaken by tha Board
nnless 8700,000 were secured, or a voto
of the stock holders was bad authorizing
them to prococd.
All tho officers and Directors of tho
Board in Union connty worked strongly in
favor of the Letting, and, as far as wo
know, those ia Centro county also.
Only " a liberal right of way along the
line" is now requisite, to empower tho
Directors to contract for tho grading of tho
line from Lewisbnrg to Tincgrove. Our
farmer friends are called upon to oxcrclso
tha graco of liberality, before the smoke
wsgon gives tho finishing touch to the
buauty and attractiveness of Buffalo and
Penna vallies. (The Telegraph will im
mediately follow tho Engine.)
a rntm-rj tvt tmraii 7in.
The race of Judas, Arnold, Tyler, &e.,
ia not extinct. So long aa the human
heart is subjoct to the control of sordid
avariro or unprincipled ambition, so long
will men be found, who, regardless of
honor or decency, will, for a consideration
desert their friends and strike hands with
their bitterest, life-long foes.
K m. B. Reed, of Philad., it a specimen
of this kind of men in politics. A facility
of genius and unscrupulous tenacity, made
him a tolerable successful man,, except
when as a professed Whig, he sent money
to buy up Lehigh county, and penned tho
memorable words, "Lehigh must do bet
ter !" Twice was this "Reed shaken with
the wind" elected to office, as an an ti sla
very man, by a union of all the opponents
of Loeofoeoism. But when Slavery had
divided the Whig party, his aristocratio
instinct for the probable strong side led
bim into the support of the last old federal,
Buchanan, and the reward of his treachery
and vcnalily is his appointment as Com
missioner to China,wbere ho takes a letter
from Archbishop Hughes the very man
ho formerly so maligned !
Isaac Jlazhhunt is a similar example
of the baso ingratitude of some men. lie,
too, is a smooth-tongued Philadelphia
lawyer, born in the lap of plenty, and it
appears working for whatever will pay best.
Only three years ago, this man tmnjld ami
obtained the nomination for Solicitor from
I all the opponents of Loeofoeoism in Philad.
Then, thcro was no louder advocate for
"Fusion" and "Union," than this same
Ilazlenut ("may the d 1 crack him 1")
He was elected, the opposition being uni
ted and led by honest and sensible men.
Time passed on and Slavery broke up the
American party as it had the Whig party.
Where was this Ilazlenut, then ? Why,
among tho "straight" Fillmore leaders
doing his best to defeat the very Whig,
Republican, and true American union
which made him all he was ! This spring
be wanted to be Governor, and was propo
sed before the Harrisburg Union Conven
tion assembled, but fiuding his aid in elec
ting Buchanan last fall rendered him un
popular, Lis friends wisely abstained from
bringing him forward. The American
State Council, at Altoona,endorsc the Har
risburg Union nominations ; but delegates
(some of them self appointed) met at Lan
caster from nine counties only, and nomi
nated Ilazlenut ii Co. Now, neither this
Uazlcnut nor any of his clique (party he
has none) expect to elect him ; they only
hope to elect l'jcker,as they did Buchanan,
by dividing the Opposition. And what
is to be the reward of this man for his be
trayal of his former friends and the defeat
of his professed principles whether it is
cash in hand or an office (like Read) in
pospect the future only can reveal.
An explosion at the Brandywine Pow
der Mills 23d inst., killed Mr. Dupoot and
foar o'Lcr "n.
Mprc State Jlobbery.y
A plain Law palpal.-ly Violated
by Auditor General tk-Otate Trtwirerl
the public will bo astonished to lean
that the counsel employed by Henry S.
Jfott-,'in the'Case of hit apfliMtto& lrcfero
the Supreme Court for an iujquction o :
prevent the sale of the MaiurLuie'of tie
public works, have presented claims to the
accounting officers of the Commonwealth,
and that the Auditor General aotually al
lowed the claims, and the State Treasurer I
paid them ! ' The attornrys' bills were as
follows: r
. Win. M. Meredith $1,000
C. K. Uiickalew , 7.r0
Wm. I.. Hirst 750
James H. Walton ' 600
The Auditor General (Jacob Fry) at
first declined paying them, on the very
proper ground that they had not been em
ployed by the Commonwealth, and that
there was no appropriation for any such
I purpose. He wu induced, however, (by
tne Ucmocratic party leauer?,; to re-con-
case was between tho Pennsylvania Rail
road Company ,and Mr. Mott and Lis allies.
So far as tho Stato was concerned in the
matter, her interests were defended by tho
Auditor General, whoso compensation is
provided for by law. There is no provi
sion, anywhere, for the payment of such
claims as these attorneys presented ; but,
on tho contrary, they arc strictly prohibited
by the law passed at the last session of the
Legislaturo in relation to tho duties of tho
Attorney General. Undor tho old laws,
the Auditor General, Stato Treasurer, A.C.,
were authorised, in cases in which the
Commonwealth was a party, to employ
counsel todefend her or advocate her claims.
This privilego was greatly abused by pay
ing unreasonable and enormous fees. For
instance, last year the Commonwealth paid
to various lawyers for theso kind of servi
ces, 17,014 56, and in 1855 she paid f 10,
734 72. These abuse were carried to
such aa extent that tha last Legislature
saw the necessity of stopping the plunder
ing of tho Treasury in tbit way, and tying
the hands of the officers who wcro thus
abusing their trust. With this viow, Mr.
Jordan introduced a bill defining tho duties
and compensation of the Attorney General,
which was so eminently proper that it
passed both branches by unanimous assent,
and received tho approval of tho Governor.
From this law we anoto the following na
tions, as bearing on the report :
Fr.c. 6. That the salary of the Attorney Gen
eral shall be JjiSOOO per annum, pavable quar
terly, w hich salary shall be in full fur terrier
in all easts in Ihe Supreme Court tehrrtin Ihe
Commonwealth itaparty, for all lepal opinions
on questions of law submitted to him by the
Governor, the Auditor General, State Tresu
rer, Surveyor General, or Canal Commission
ers, and in full fir all fret nnrt prnfi&innal T
vites u-hnhoevtr to he paid by Ihe Commonwealth.
Sic. 9. That the tenth section of the act of
March 13. 1 Ml Land the first section of the act
of March 29, 1813, relatin?to the employment
and pay of attorneys by the State Treasurer
and Auditor Grneralnd all other acts or parts
nf acts inconsistent herewith, or which.by the
provisions of this act, are altered or supplied,
are hereby repealed.
These sections of the law are conclusive.
The object was to prevent the abuses which
had prevailed in cases like the prcscnt,and
it would do it, effectually, if the law was
regarded. The transaction is an outrageous
oue, and can not be justified. The parties
descrvo to bo held np to publio reproba
tion, and the Legislaturo next winter
should compel them to disgorge their ill
gotten plunder.
This is the latest specimen of Democra
tic plundering. Let the people reflect
upon it, before consenting to perpetuate
and approve such knavery by electing a
Legislature and a Governor who will white
wash this mean and dishonest transaction.
llarriiburg Tchyroph.
Walkerus. This great Mulatto can
didate for Kansas immortality has actually
flashed in the pan. Ho is one of Mr.
Buchanan's Puixhan guns, and Laving
been loaded with all the bard words in the
dictionary and brought to bear upon. Law
rence, he actually went off without doing
any damage !
Ves, Walkerus is a great man. He
went to Topeka, and espoused the cause
of the Freo State Settlers. He went
thence to Lecompton, and espoused Border-Ruffianism.
He assured the citizens
of Lawrence that the new Constitution
should be submitted to tho people. At
this, the South put np an angry bow).
Walkerus Leard and trembled. lie saw
that Walkerus had a mission to perform,
a Constitution and a Union to save. So
Walkerus straightway called out the troops
and marched them to Lawrence, sat tlicni
down before that rebellious city aud bullied
the inhabitants thereof. That rebellious
people turned their bak upon Walkerus
aud his army, and Walkerus, fiudiug that
tho " Nigger Question" had got Liin into
an awkward predicament, raised the doleful
cry of " Iujins I" in order to extricate
himself from an awkward predicament.
Walkerus departed, with tho Union, the
Constitution and Leaps of glory upon Lis
tdiouiders. Hail Columbia Diltnda est
Luwrcncius .' Tioga Agitator. J
BguFindiog no "Injins," the extin
guished Imbiber has given the Mormons
. f.,n 1.,,,:.... v,i. . a ..i
- '"6 .s.u6 uo.u r.agt ....
polygaaists bave free course, Walkerus is
concentrating Lis forces to impose all the
Border Ruffian code npon the peaceable
people of Kansas. Yes, Indian murders
and undisguised Mormon rebellion are to
be tolerated, bat the harmless Free State
people are to be "subdued" 'to the alien
tyrants by the U.S bayoneU aud ball I
siuer Lis decision, ana lie nnaliy auowa llrjjQjj t0UIll V (JOUIT AHilirS.1 LewUbur-l R .Whit,J..hn Norton. Lewis ' " ' '
the claims, and the State Treasurer prompt- v- Iddinsrs, William Wilson, Hano i Srhrark, -rL-'ir'nnu. o"n-it nrtj:rb.-mtmrf"- pr irrth- n.ort
. .... , iPeter llurh Hu-'h I fShcller.He.lirv W Kries, ,uirior.iialitl"rfriiiiui.iu.r.iJiiuiri.iiitfl;.. ;
lypaidthcm! REGISTER'S NOTICE. . , I, T, , U., I '..v!,,rl D-.e l i..lu.l.l.-h.nr-u..Te,mU-r.il..ol. p.urln.-. n-
J'. . . . ... ,. lYe.UABAXn.l UUliw. Augustus etou-liton, Daniel Ninlurl, Daniel rv !,,,,,,!, tlk ,-. r.iiMi.i, i "i"
This is one of tho mo3t nnjustihablc, -Trtrpi(.p hpri'hv p-!vm tft all mil- Kremer. lluJfaU John Zellers, t.id-' Mrti tiirioi.-i.ruiti. n..f- m.-1"'. Th.. -iini.tr t
glaringviolation,ofpublicdut,onthcprtJUc 5r,
of the Officers of the Commonwealth, we j have settled' their account, the Register's nXnMMr. VX'V,' !
have ever heard of The , r, not .lPre StttttttZZZ ,
brovglU ly the Commonu-eaM, and the at- UMioa anJ allowance a. jhe Orphans' Court e 1.! I
tomevs xeere not employed ly her. The to be held at LEWISBIRG, for the county of V, "7nr V w.niam Taylor. White tin I .u r"1"' "r.nrZl I
THIS Merlins machine has within the past year teen rut to severe actual les s, ana
been very much improved bv the addition of a 22 inch fly wheel, new geannp. joint bolts,
and other minor improvements, and is now cite red to the public with the certainty that ins
made in the very be.t manner, and that it will grind and press ea,ier and faster ihau any
other Mill in the market- Pealers and others supplied on liberal terms-.
P1 MM-
ft- O. lilt HOIt. .li'"ir l.ttie liJ, nnrrimmrs,
uc",s..' 7 . d i
. 1 Tneco0ntofIgn.UB
M""" " '
3 The account of Levi Ranck and
,d Fdwnrd
Id r.uwanl
it, late of
Ranck, Executors of Jonathan Kun,
"I1"6 I"'":.;;.' SZ.m ... r,..M'
1 j nc ttctt'uiit ui vtniis .'iti-i
ia - . jnMAcaj
4 The account of Solomon Heberlim;. Ex-! LetwAurir-hlisha . Marsh .. George Kent,
ecutor of Michael Hfbertw, late of West G A Frick, David Sliler, John Musser. Samuel
Buffaloe township, deceased. S Barton. i.W Buffake-W ilsoi. I Linn
6 The account of Josiah Kelly. Adminis-Nicholas Groover. Jii Jackson oil,
traior of Mary E. Shriner, late of Lewisburg, Mirhael Uunkel. W Jloffutorln 1. Heaver,
deceased l'r v Harbeon. Kelh, Samuel S Spoils. Da-
6 The account of Elias P. Walter, Admin- vid Grove. Jacob Hc-inlv. Whitr Hrer Am
istrator at Maru llnJTman,M of Lnion county.'brose Henderson, I,aac High. Adam Mmlh, L
deceased F Albright, Martin Keifer. M fllniburW
t Tkl Jobn F.nichar.l.Eiecn- SnodErass. AVir lirrlin Jacob Mauck. Jlart-
tor of milium High, late of White Deer town -
ship, deceased. i
8 The account of Mary E. Robinson, Ad-
ministrator of Solomon Itobinton, late of liufla-
loe township, ncceasea. I
9 Tne iinai accoani 01 jonmninn one ami a
feorc F- Miller, Administrators of Saauel
U '. late of Lcwisburir. deceased.
lrt The final account of George F. Miller, fpHE subscri!-T tHTs the Farm i n which
Administrator of baae C- Law$hct lale of. he now resides, situate in B-illalo Valley,
Lewisbuig, deceased. It'nion coti-,4 mtles from Mifllmburg aud S
J. w. I'riA.Mtj l u.n, jtrrr r.
lTeister'8 Office, Lewisbure, Aug. 17, lM7j
Inlotl Count J Court ITorlamallon
WHEREAS, tne Hon. AB'M 8.WH.S0X.
President Jude for the 20th Judicial
District of Pennsylv.a.a, composed of the
enunlies of I'd ion. Mifflin and Snyder, and
eiateJudtresinL'nioacounty.haveissued their passing throuttli it, and a never failing sptitis
precept, bearinp date the day of May, of limestone water at the door, and a pomp
157, and to me directed, for the holding of an in the barn-yatd. There is a tine UUCHAUU
Orphans' t'onrt, Court of Common Pleas, Hver ofcood Fruit.
..J T.n.i..r. mnA t:i.r.l Ud..r "-) The buMdinjs are new a larse don-jT
at LEWlsUl.'Kti. for the county of IMOX, ble Plank Jloiise, well finished, a large JLsJI.
on the second MONDAY of Is'EPTEMHEK.I It i.Mi Illlt.V,
(being the 14th day) 1857, and lo conlinue'a Wajiroa House, and all other 'neeesary
oneweek, jOntbuildins. CHRISTIAN KEIF.
Notice is therefore hereby given lo the Cor-t Aug. 13, IS.'.7
onrr. J in tiers of the Peace and Constables in, .. ,. , .
and for the county of I'nion, to appear in their VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, AT
own proper persons with their records, iniui- J 'lHI.K J S IjTI !
sitions,examinations and other remembrances; y a ,.llrius 0'r,lt.r of ,h; orphans Court
todothosethinwhichoftheirollieesandin.lj of l:nlun connlyt i wlU expose to sale
.r.. .ma.. - -
nesses and other persons prosecutuig in behalf
of the Commonwealth aja.nst any person
persons, are required to be then and there
rcfil. Jurors are requested to be punctual in!
iheir attendance at the appointed lime agreea -
ble to notice. .
t;,ven under mr hand and seal at the Micr-
ifl's tlfTice in Lewisburg. the 7th day of An -
enst. in the year of our Lord one Ihonsa
eieht hundred and fifty-seven, and the eichty
eth year of the Independence of the Unitedj
Plates of Amerira. God save the Common-
wealth !
Innuo I.ImI, Srpt. Term, 1S5T
Matthias Wilson v David Herr
John Roebuck vs A J Oino
Henry W Snvder vs Saiul Ewing i
Com sug. M Chamberlin vs Hoflinan Ax High
Wm G Herrold vs Smith B Thompson
Chas H Cook vs Thos Penny
David Jlerr vs W H While with notice to g
Sprout, llurrows & Co vs M A Slock ct al
same vs same
Mary Jane Flint cVc vs Charles D Kline
Lafayette Albright vs John Dalesman
Neff for Kurst vs Richard Dougherty
Christian Dersham vs Joseph Geyer et al
Daniel Laycock vs William Moore
Daniel Rangier jr vs Geortre House! et al
John Wenzel vs Jackson M'Langhlin
John M Benfer vs David Spitler with notice
Porter for M E Shrincr vs C H Shriner with no
Samuel Baker vs John Dalesman
Elizabeth Varir vs David Grove
Rank of Danville vs Lorenzo P Teed
Mary A Davis vs William Davis
George Wehr vs Ceorge Faust
Daniel Rangier vs Basliau Teifel, with no
Wm Ritter vs Charles Dreisbach
W T Linn vs P B Marr
Daniel Williams vs Kaufman & Reber
Win M'Cleary vs Wm M VanValzah
Seth P M"Cormick vs George J Swartz
Mary Fishhanch vs Danl D Guldin et al
Youngman & Waller vs Noah Waller
Thornton ft VanValzah vs John Murphy
Israel Knettel vs James Mauck
David llerbst vs Daniel Rengler
David Itaertges vs Alfred Kneass
Peter Hummel and Wife vs Daniel Rengler
J D Sorver Ac Co vs S.nnl and Jos W Shriner
John DeLi-ng vs Jos G M'Call
James M Smith vs Robert Chambers
Charles 11 Cook vs livers & Ritter
Ann Thomas vs Peler Reaver et al
T Church A Co vs Solomon Mayer
Ranck & Roland vs Lambert Ranck
M Gever's Adm'rs forJn Ranck vs AC High
i.eo j.ippiucoil ot Jo va Kanck & Kulanu
C Roseuberg At Co vs tame
Brooke A Fuller vs same
L H Christ for W Cameron vs Peier Meixel
Harriet Jenkins vs Merrit Chappel et at
Beck &. Reber vs John Zimmerman
same vs David Zimmerman
Charles Harlzel vs Slate Mm Fire &c Comp
Liaviu risncr vs Jonathan Uiellenilerter
Hunsecker for Church vs Jos D Forrey
Thus Church vs same
Fred'k Bolender vs Thos Church As Co
Chas H Shriner vs Wm Rule
Union County vs Henry Solomon
tsam'l S Barton vs Joseph Meixell
"'"." u,u.u.
". - I. l' 1. -I' . I.' .. T
jhn Mover Ts Fffd ij Wonnan
Michael Wagner vs Fred'k Bolender
Taylor for Young St Monteliui rs J W Shriner,
Charles tawley rs John louugman et al
Laws mr isvr
Xotice is hereby given that the Quota ot the
laws of the last Session of the Legislature have
owi rereivea ai uie rrotnnnoiary s ornce-otjitie must eievateil part ol the Unrough, tear
Union County for distribution io those enlitiedlthe Court House, and but a short distance from
lo Ihe same, SAMUEL ROl'NH
Irwisbnrf, Aug. IP,'57. Prcth'y.
FAJlMKIiAI.'fii.S is.
'baiius Kanrk. MtlUnbureJi hn int-r.
ueuJtUne. Wfr.-Samuel
,Corl, Robert Forster,
John Wilt, Solomon
Miller, George liiehL, Samuel Olewine, Benja-
' ... fr. KIpr'.M.r
mm Mensxh, Gcorze Glover.l eorge Mecknt r,
Jr. I.imcr,t"ie Frederick Ilolender. Jurk-
ck'ley and David'""-1 (ir"ss- "'"l-n-otge X
MteUey, late of,""- fc-Isaae Ever, Sr.
.A Grand Jurort Stultmber Term, 1S.i7.
- Pnilip r. "-' U-Oeorge Mer-
i f,' ran (I Jurors St uJt
' Samuel Hariman, Daniel I.on
"BD9 am!
.Evlp Clu
lor n;iIc.
mijcs IlOtu liarUCluD. coniair.jais auuui
175 ACliES,
of whi(.h abl,ui ins are cleared, and the rem-1
ainder is well timbered. Il is Limestone
SEfgravcl land, iu a good stale cf cultivation,
!he most of it havins been limed once, and
some uf it lhe fecund lime.
'I he Farm is well watered.a runnin? lram
., ,i,e premises, on
TMf,.. ,,, Srptrmtirr Iirxt,
cnmm, ncl, , o cuck ln ,he lutcnooi,
. . ., .... ..... i
.., i.w li i V I-1 T At ' T ilm '
i " . -,'A-N- U'-- ,, 01 V. !
'?le "' " 1 , : VA .. ',' '
Pa., adjoininr lanusof David Heinlev.H illiam
.. .. .-,. , u :
urown, -urs. ai viuie, j.isr,,.. ,..Usr,r.
"'est Branch of the M.s(1uchan
West Branch of the Susquehanna, containing i
Acres and 70 Perches.!
The Farm is of the FIRST yUALITV of
soil ami uuder coed improvement. handsomely
located on the River road about half a mile
jfrom Lewisburg. The Improvements are a
nearly new, a two-stort-y Irame Uwe
House, a Corn House, a Wagon Jshcd
and oilier necessary Outbuildings a never
failing Spring of Water in Ihe Cellar Kitchen 1
and a Well with Pump in the l.arnyanl and
j?sa thriving yoiniR Apple Orchard. Water
wETcan be had in most of the fields
Terms will be marte known at sale.
Persons wishing to view the premises are
requested to call on the A'tminiMrator, or on
Joseph Musser, near the premises.
lit Uit I . M.LLLMi
Administrator of M'm. Wjlsos Jr. dee'd.
July 31, isr7.
IHE subscribers will oiler at Public Sale,
Ihe premises on
Saturday the 207i Aniusf,
commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M.,a numberof
Lots of Woodland, coutaining from 3 to 15
acres each, u-ell covered with Chestnut,
While Oak, and a few Poplars, a private
road leading to each lot. The property is ill
Uullaloe 1 p. In :oii to, adjoining lauds ol
John and Jonathan Coulter, and 'P. and F.
Clingan. Terms reasonable, and will be made
al sale. Pllll.ll' Rl III.K.
July 25, lsr.Tpd DAVID HERBM".
Ktl l- tin. lot on SSoiilh Third
street, a square and a half from Market, j
' j
on South Fourth street only two squares from
ft?" The above are level Lots, well located
and adapted lo building purposes.
Acting Ex'r of Win. Armstrong, dee'd
Lewisburs, March 14, 1N57
roit salt:.
riMIE subscriber offers for sale his Residence
I on the west side of South Second street
in the Borough of Lewisburg, between Market
aud St. Louis streeis.ronsistingof near a lot and
a half ot ground. makinga frontof U'.l feet on said
Second slreet, and in length li7 feet, 6 inches.
The improvements are a commodious three
-storev r.Iill'K HWPf T TVP.
;Jll lOTJSTC. pf Pressed brick, 47 feet
tfront by M leel deep well finished with a
marble base, marble sills and lintels in front
a fire-proof roof with a Wing attached of
iJ. by 111 feel an Out Kitchen a Well of ex
cellent water, with a Pump in, under roof a
large Cistern also nnder roof a large new
Stable an Ice House and other necessary
uut-buihlings. There are also on saiilgnj
Lot choice Frnit Trees and Shrobbery.Sr
The location is a desirable one either lor a
private residence or public business. It is on
Market street Terms will be made easy.
Jitn , I.S57. . . U. t MlLLLK.
1S - 17
Adjourned Sale.
"T OTIC E is htreby given that the under
X sipned.TruMee,will eell at auction, in
pursuance lo an t by virtue of an Act of As
sembly approvtd the iHth day of April, A. V.
l-i:,7, on Muuc the I'Jth day of October.A.U.
1H57, at the premises in ihe Borough of Sew
Berlin, the Jail, Court House and alt other
Public Buildings and Lands, situate in said
Borough, bePonKili!; to the County of I'niou
prior to the erection of the new county oat of
part of Tnion, bounded and described as fol
low, viz :
Kive lots adjoining each other, and bonnae I
on the west by Vine street, north by Market
street, east by Plumb -treet and snu'h by an
Alley, whereon the Court House untl
Count) OltiS'fN areereeied.
AisiiacertA.il lot adjoining Plumb slreet
on the east. Market street on the sou:h, lot of
John Seebuld's cm the west and an Alley on
the north, whereon the Jail is erected.
Said lots will be sold separate, together with
the appurtenances.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of
said day, when and where the terms and con
ditions of sale will be ma le known by the un
dersigned, duly appointed bv said Aet for that
purpose. jKR M 1 1)1)1. Ks WAili JI,
11 F.N li V C. BY f-It.
July 22, 157 JOHN V. BAK1JER.
A I'arm vitltiu th: rcoth of every Hon.
THKKIIniWAV tAUM I'lMI" A S V h In)- "atn.
In r'.npi'li-riiirf Hn- .'iTanls'
lorahtv rhr t.llcwinc .n-p?rrnlnt:
r.r Tin- wil i. a n U lnn.-.unr. f:i..l-!r of no-ing
Ihr In avirt crt ;-. owiti f wl.t'-h lh! Btttlrnit-nt bs
tlLiut'd it- Ti-rut rr.t iT"-erilV.
.s.r.,,,,1- It i. tl n.lrr .1 lh. ;r.t N'.rth W-rt Co!
jt.,..,a u.u..i.i,.a ,o..n i.. b. our . i
!' " fli"" " li'-slt.-. Il in -ui'i..i : III. ss-.l I..I."
j nirk,L ,ni. , ,.,, ,. ,,, il- rr.t.M
, ,,,,, ini-n.i It lis. in ...rk.i inw "I tl i-'
liiLuniimiUrt ("twl. ant'iiifitniL' in Ihf aKtrr-vrab! U itt
t-.-t. whtrh mak-t JJ.it' t. n-"I ufliJiT rafli rv
Thv will Dixk-'thc Un.i of iti'tim i. I- thIu.
Ihr- tmiiient t-'l -i-t. W. lh:iN T. Jn?kja T
R.t.tn. hn mtsrii? a izt-t.ht'ucal nurTfT nf thf lanl.
J ar.Hlf 't thr oial. lh ir..u .n- au-i tb lini. -L.-u--. 1 hi
j rt-i'iirt t (T-'lh-T w itli nii will h fumi-h-Ti t" it r.
j tirurth Thru- ri.r-.J-i ar 1-tnl out tbruucb Hu. -r--j
p-rY. Tlr ?iunry X Kr:- Kiir--fi pir- us a niarnet
lor titir -ia! t" tht I:.k-i il ruus lt ui V.r- Ui I'bilai a.
; A irz- .rt i.f thi- r.! ha-l-n tiiti.-h--l. an-l 1 l" in
i running t r l r. A lway f'-rt-.- i- now wi.rkmi troin Knr
I fiwnrtls (mr tnml in th-.ft. rii tiirwiH-n. tb iiifiiiiri .r
th-nmi K li'-n "1 which ha- Un raj"l it will wn txs
Ptnhl. Th- AIlt-.-hrHv rxUry Kaitr"a'lcfnu-rt u- wiib
.New Vfrk. b.iftm anl t'ltt.-lurg. Tbf ruano KoaJ
COnilll'tl Up with Hit" Ul ft
Th-Tf ar- a.rvti.ly i-l Turtii Ri a l ninninir tbm
t)ii -rM-rt y. T;trnu- .th-r hawe b--u o.-l ti
a-ti'Dtmntl-itf thf rnti-r-itkiu auJ a- ttlf ui- ut wbicb has
ainuity tfki-n y',rr.
Th'-rf fc no njiport unity tiual U it mw rtff. ri-4 t- th
niun who want tf;n-v i-j.- htiu.-t-if a liulw ill au ay wy.
ami nmkf a M-ttlrDi. nt w h-rt-h-r m In- in ror-ritr
an 1 iul' rn-lmti-iii a rliin tfr I'fcKKKt Tl.. IIKAl-Til V.
.N t-a.-f "f I In- f vr ' r liitTinir n known I" t-iur
in thw rxjltirnit-iit. It t-f.ot lik irir; th- h:n-kwitI
f thf f-t, ntu' iij ..-r1i;i) bit- h rant wli.r.'
tbfrt- i! n ' wi-ly. -bun h f it rrl w.l-, wh-rv the ptifw
1 f lan. I i- ln-.'h. nr:t b'T- thf finur.tut, arVr Iwintf iwl
to thf b-aItltK-!.t r.imal.- 111 thf w.-ri.l. b:t- U-nlurf i k
nfM and pain, and N-rh.-inn ruio- hi.- h--:ilth aod that vf
bin fao.Uy. But b-r if a thrttinj; mttUmnt htTinii
tbrtf tfwne. nuiuiiiiti rhun-bf, hr U'l".fbrfn.
at mill, rri-t pi:1. anJ r. rviAinp Jfire-I. Thetr w
a nr b market at ban I himl-r tra If Iat ti-nr
ani'ttnt.'! ori r two bunIr-I nill: n f.--t tf lutut-r.
'"';:7'.V.r-.r.'''; fVrt7Zn''
tl Tir, ,in 00 t. .irir.i: th.-y in t rwnt .truoj
' tt,.m mm-itr!. t w..rr.n. t...n u ih..rti'. a -n t
i ZlnZrl!::
l0 thr ttr.arv. or t.. LMin a r.nitfiiff by in- fim whi. b
, t.a n. -bf tai .1. ..f h.rd-. by u uutiay acaneiy
'. r-n- .h"iii'l m:kffurl n j j..i.at I'-ii. i flyoraritt
tn K. J.flnifH. rrlarr. No. 1 W alnut Mrft-t. lhw
Huh. Pbiltvl'lihia. Ltu carvfuilj auawfnd giiu,;
lull iiifTiiiaiin.
.hr'- ir tiit-' 'f lnn-1 fan rx- tvi.ht or -ftir-.l t-y
b t'er tm ltitetht- fir-t in-film-rt of I'm .luliarn, w b. n
thf m! M-rihT wiil I furm.-hfl with btn.k-t. min, Ac
Wai rt n it f I'fftTft iTt-u. lv rn ran alw -urt haf trt-m
our Aiicntn.
lteutf tr m IMiilr Ii-Tr-hi Tyr. nf rn th Pf nn Wv
Pia l .-iitrMl i;.ii!r-itd. and th-n-- 1-v St--'- to Uit; laud.
Thi- if a .MV-hiTul -.-j.,. n t.. i-r St. l:tr" th tt
liotf amainii4iAtin n atWJt-d. r.ii-.irfur K t iwhuita.
K-; . the lit lui thf j-rrvrrty at M.Mitry'. L:;u,, "
Ho! Farmers Chance for a Bargain!
OR I.V.. near I.owi-t uig.a Tract cf
V all
linost lfM it rt'S ol ood t arming
Land, limestone soil. It will be sold, on reas
onable terms at private sale for (.'ash. Inquire
at the Otnce of the Chnmirh. June In. T7
New Clothing Store
at flic old Kland.
HII.IP GOODMAN havim pnrrhased the
s. Ac. of A. Singer, at the well
re room, opposite Klines' Hotel. and
having made large additions to his stock liom
Philadelphia, respectfully oilers to the old
friends and patrons of the establishment, and
to the trading comtnuui'y in eeneral,
the Largest, Cheapest, and best assortment,
(lor cash,)
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,
ever ottered in the est Humeri country.
Coats, Vest. Pants. Hats, Caps, Shirts. lraw-
em, I mlTiTla1, alices, larpet Hags, nana-keri-liK-ls,
and everything usually sought for in a Cloth
ing store. Call and give u a lair iriai.
Lewisburg. Vav 6, 1S."7.
A Call to Farmers.
Farme n, drop your tools pause a liltle
rtad thi.', ami rtltit'.'
1 JEW and scientific manuring system,
j for the cultivation and increase of all
kinds of grain, grasses, fodder and pastille,
upon all kinds of soil, proved by aetual expe
riments and based upon evident truths, desig
ned to improve agriculture in all its branches ;
represented by upwards of one hundred and
fif'y engravings id' the mosl valuable grasses
and plants connected with the system, by DR.
C. (I REINHOLD, of IW.sburg, Ceulre Co,
MCoHstr.xn.x rioy.
In thi tn-ati-if it will W mti tliut tlte ol jfrt haa Sn-ta
to pivc thf (arnifr tbut kilt-l ot in rmatH-n whifh f nat-lf
him fa ttiMke Tai-ti-al aj It- at too to tcrtiiizf lantlauj
inrn-an- hi iirnin. ftuhta-r ami ta.ttin'acf . Thf Jcf trinft.
"""'" :l" " '"'-' ""J f'"7
ti vat inn jUui, arc P:it:' nal, clfar and rvi.iiit, auI utr-
j-t id itu-rovni nt iu ttif uhnIv ol anrulturr hit In rto
unknoMu to our fur hot, ami uliirti. ir H'lol'tcJ, at.d
CttrrtuilT rar
t lull to wlT.nrr llir iiit.-rv.u
I'f tlir faruonir n'Uiniuiiity. Su h a work ha In-n nim-h
WJililr.1. it till. . .o.it wliirh hu U-.tf brrn frit, but
wtilrli thrn- h.u( liith rto bri-n du tl-mpt to .uW.
AnJ n. f.irni'r. of rmlrr nl lluiiUupti n tsmntii-s w
Tr'-ouiuii ii'l llir work to r.rry fnrnt,-r, a tb - mil reap
Ibr irrv;.u-.-t oo,.iMr U ni-tit from it.
ljt.ri.ti.-tn lHtf.i.ror;rr Hiii-h.ri.D. Panjt.i Momrr.Grorvr
Ito.1. Jw.1. MiMi-rr. Friinii. Alrxiui.liT. .lobn lUily. John
N ItlMin. S.iiuiit't IHim-itii. John llolfrr. Jona. M IV illiam.,
Jms-tt ili-ytr. lii ori;r (.unT.Jr , llrury Mryrr. John t'.T
rr. Sumurt lliliiiaiij, Jr.hn lta..vn. iirn.'jark. s.mui l
liil-on.John Herman, II. W. )lis k, 1't.ttti). l.-yrr. oturiv
For sale in Lewisburg by Dr. I. BKl'tiflER.
Administrators1 Notice.
REA?S, Letters .f Atlminitration to
estate of SAMl'KL WAIl'KR,
late of I'nion township, deceased, have
bet n granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment,
and thoe having claims upon it will present
them for settlement on the 5th day ol Septem
ber next, at Uie late resilience of said deceased.
J. M. WALTER, 3 . . - . .
DAVID li ROSS. $ Administrators,
JulyJH . 1857.
JO.HI 4.H KELaUV, Auctioneer .
SOLICITS the patron ape of the public.
Residence on South Filth street, Lewis
burg, Pa. December 5, !856.
has opened a new Ice Cream tSalnon over
f hi Confectionery, and wishes to see his nu
, mcrou cuMrtmers thf re.
I in COHfil'IiTHIH lit"- JS'ivaiii'f. aa.e.--s I
XI1K C1KKAT liC4lTiritR
jto una inft-tifck'n.u.f aovvirr,
iU mHcittasI 1'if, rvif sjratkiXltriaintly' tbtfbtilslh
rmw'v t( ih.iiJrun.li-hite hUmII rffaim. 4ti
mn4 l! mt.ii'-; aMk-) ih bur awf(, sWUbf u,
flat; fttft "lit pTvwrvv it to My imavkiaM
aaMitff, ajil i-T mwirtaU hlr.tvrirw r, ftoi Uj fa BM
enrv- ail f-uraj!i ma Brrrotn ht-wl acit. 8ecixcuJjf
aud Lhe fotiowiitg.
Ur-r. N !f..rh.2,!rU?
PRftf. J W-V.D Co fhtum: itbi rw dw, mjf
hy- tw-if Mini m-'iVr n4 rll f fp,t f j
U utxij Hair HVft"rtl;Tt thaU totl wm wrv routt,. j ..'
If Ks-ti.l U- tt.rf"tr.Mf.r a-iuaniity, ,th ..,. juuKrJu
d-d U "Mnsr' 14., wli.iV BiWlikoail. rafaubtity fr
u. ."-ry tVf M- Ajev wi wi 1; h-tr putts,!
Vtrte aw wrawi .hnra, awl Um 47prnbatMOa w
rfitia: it r-- frun Hi ant nutmuuiui ri wtrt',
t.seii oicur i'i"Hf, fuilj ouatioca tutiva it i atai'st
waluM-1 -! uuu.
tt ml um as r-m nn mJ bw on efw-ftftf .jj .
tl L U f - aix' , art r-li'-tj n muri ii-r . tru.v,
H.-kor Gfor. t rfcarlM Crt., tn . !C-.w 1. iyt
Pl.t fK. O.J Hi iVar Sir : Hotu tim- iat uanaa
e w -r- in.lu. 4 u, um aou.e ot vur iiaiv KMMTht,,
anJ it tl.-vt wr- mo wonijVifiil, Um;l it our utj
ji.u anJ ttV tP rti. Us r-("jrt it.
ur Jilt 1 mil's k' toi t-r nonn- tim hauj rVoa prfar-!
f..T--rt-l with n-r- ait-i oui ralird It jvaid ht-al. Th
li t:r nitnirrt rittiiclr rm off iu C"iMnuri, wi,n
ft fii'l. ii j- l-ia - nrf. riii.ri, axif ir-l u to j'-tr L.
t r!ifp, ms- -Ji-I -" Willi li' tl'- liojw t,f .life but. V fur
-uf in.'. ani ti.-U f all nor frn a-ic, a Ttrr IV t'pi;-,-ti.-:
rr-iiit.t ! tJ.r .i.-ajas- ruurvi;, aa-i a new and lusu
riajut f.-i-f. of hair flrt. J vut. aittl rHliu n tLl
u. ir I. y. Ln- i li r; tii aul itB iUAuriabtar v
fif huir ai an? oiiirr rhiM. We cao ttx-rvt r-, al 4
b-r i-y rfrnibi-ii't Tf.ur llmttTtiw, aa arctrt rVJJOr-1
lor ai: ti-jt -p. tt Uit: w aip and luir.
VVa n-. v 'ir r- . cilullr
ftartlin.-r. Mafist, Jure Tl. I"',3
VlmV.fi J- WiVtJt iK.ri; J liav k-d ttu loti,,,
ifl'r..t. W lt .nr ltt -t. raitive. au l .-an truly t it i.
tl..-rraf-t liciw.-rr ff t.f a if- fr rvorir(t ao. rhar.
iii; tta- Hair. B- xtmtnz it I was a aaa of wtrrti
Vy bair b?tsi n-.w ar!in-i its orijinI r.l..r. too
tw.tiiiu-ifl it t.. ihr ..r!l without th- imrt -ar. a mr
i- tUi- vtlhr w- rnt kiuJ. ura k. Mf-rtfuUr.
UAMKI. N. Ml K ' y
. J. k C . r--ArrtVir.ru, 1 Br-etw.T. S T,
fin tit- -r. ia N V W ti fuilmj tn.r4i(.hmrataM ui
M.-ii k-l ulrt-ft. t. IriiuiM. lo.
Ami i-.i.l i,f aiinod Drurrit3.
StM't tn L'wuh ir.j hy VII LIST CALDHEtL.
Great Excitement !
IT is mw universally conceded ihal ihr pur
chasing t-1 any art:cie of liiM-ti fur pr.va:
tr family u-o, and ihe pay iherein id rc
ban a lair priolit, is "ttnucy lost;" ihe uulto
sinf'l. tht-rehire, ha jut ttpnd, io bis
on the corner f Fourth and .Market Sirtrrii,
I.fUii.ui;, a sj.lfiiJid assortment of
srillXt: ANH SL'.M.MKK Goi.IS,
ft-r Lad;s a wr!l (emletnen, censistin;. in
of the vatit'us styles of lrr-, uV,
HTfe le I.aiiifs, liereges. Poplins I.awn,
Hnlliants, Tiu-s EmbrvKiVris, Collar.-,
l'iidfil-ivfs IIai.dl;erchn:;, Trimming-,
liluvi", Mi!i. tff ilipr with
.1 1'lnc l.ot of Doiue!ic' GouI,
rin;, Muius &-c. Alo, litraJy-Madtf ';i-
Vesiings. Hals 'ravat, Lir.ers, and a ii;,e
freh s!Tiitn of
TV.., r..coa, ('h-ee, m lare or nla!l
(;ti.ihtii:rs. FIJI bv the ijnaro-r,
half, oFwrht.de barrel. HALT by
the sa'k or bushel,
ard, in hort, alni..t evervthuii; usually trr:
in fiir s!rrfs, ran be found al this corner, a:.i
all ot w lm h will be sld at the
or f xi-h.-neti- for Country Pntduce. All he
a-k-, 1 a Fair Trial; ij'iick Sales Saia.i
tits and Pn nipt Payment.
- 0 m. & : j mm.
f a superior qa!nv. from the Hartler MilU,
rn t cri-und any cK'ser than the mills furnish
in thin ff srmn. atid qtnre a- good, if ntl Mipf
ricr. w Inch can bf tevipt by vxitihl, soid .a
lane or small quantities.
Lewisbnrs, Pa., May , M,
or l.ier Remedy,
a Tl!! i- f-tif f thftrr. jrwt f:fnf:fir oiflira) t;r
; - jr , r iijisV, hl t iiiW arrLir; curv alutt i
I er:it t" .!:-f It tU'i- n 1 ma if. rrM t'i a a
i U" r ..---Tf ;7 ei'ju. un.i ;.(.nt nir-rftnac onf tx ttlf it r
ijutT' -l in rurr aiw kti.ti of iirT r.-BiiiaifiL, fnna i:.-ti-
r-f Jain ..i-f i-r V -ia a rt tumuit bcaU at La, at
of lii I) aff thf ix-ftiit ota thsrattd Lirtr.
i Th !ifr invf rf tT J t rwjuIatT..f ttV i tivran
i I- ! .:-! w It ti it p.-rt tu.s iti-iui:rti- n- wrll ;lir ...
j th- ;trm an- ru.ly tl . i. Tin- f b in aln i
, rntirvl.v t.-f.-ftflrnt or t!. lit-nFTh Tr t f Ijvt:
a crffTi tTlfr nian-fs. fit in nr t V Urn ite ii.-ri,,-h
u al la nit. thf In.-; iirf.atil hf wl,o -Tt tn -ii(T-t. n
cii ,ti n- tf fDi rcii tha l.iir hat log fal i-
iU. itf ihitT. t.r tin- iii--a-jf ..f iliat crcan. tBf c1 lit
j r jrift:r h.-t- Bia-tf it (V arrdr. in a ;Tatirr rf awn
. Ilnn tw. rtr vr-, t. t-n.l c-m-r ni-lw hfr-,,r.
! rv tint r:ift thf nmnv il -rattcv-nr it tn hirh it I
j "J-.. ,,.n- il.;,t t!.i r nii-itv if at la-t i iniJ, act r &
' tn ul. -tl with LtTt-r t'omriairt in anv t ib trmi, Lm
but I. .try a l-.t'rf. uti'l r.-nii- ti .n ic rrU;n.
i A fomt-t-fii-l laj t-f-n f rn.fU h ?ijltirir eiiR, ri
ext. an ! i! tt.at I'rirt ulst.-h ;.i -..ltil.l. for lhe a'tir
tin ! tb tn.-!f it . 1 f.r-f zr.m n nPf all in"irN"i
j I i.-i iitf ;it Ir in thf st. ui. iiiFvirti io thfir fivw
j l.-: t!i. ..I l-tl-. litnir-ri.1 tJjf eOrja-h faille;
fH( to 'li.-'-! Wull. Uri;Iila; tlie l Unlf giVTDi; ti n s-i
In nilli -tin- wii'i!-nun-htn-rv. l tuo-i in j th- rauf? '
llif lO-fiiff, ati't tl-t tin a ra li-al rurr without anv
tlf .ii-:ir'-.-: I'lf atti-r atfi-t-t.-i, f.-lt hr u-in Caiuoic, .1
Mm. ral l't iM'ti, Uiat art uuail mor:d lo.
To aM ho will follow ihfiw .liTfftion a enr U
t'itAy --iKirntn ti. k lit i.uhe raD Im rurfd h
if i.f two ti a-i-iroonul takrn aa coon a Uie a.ta-i 4
Thf Itit.ji rator nrrr f n'U to ruir OUT ftomarll pt ti
t.nl tf.-i-t.- i vpi rit-nffti att-Ti titinii.
Til In us att.o k it Id r aliiv to one h- ttlf . an) Chr-1
Ir l)Hrrh-a. lirT'rult af it t rurf . ia nwYrr ttfu'.f
W inf to ttx-M who t:kf thf Tuviorat(r.
Kor I'v-jH-pfii vt JiiUfiiiiri-, thins tn th iwi
wnrlil a l m. full or rur- no ui. ai a the Irtisic-
t-T. It rt-moTo 'A j-lljwi.fft ami utiaatural Ci-iirlr a
tlif nk n.
or Ni-tit Maw. tnko a dosie betVi wtiheg, ani ii
a mn rs tt-ntntitf.
K'-r K.ntalf h?irintipn it in a aalV and sure FXDf'?-a-
it ifiiii'if thf raiiif f thf diix-ar.
t 'ti-n-.-f r:,nnit t-xit ahrrrlh- ItiTiin'-rator if ttf'
takf u, whilf ihoik k lti readily to a frw dofwa.
It nm-t !f rr.nr.wn th:f a!I thff aw ZiVfr dtwa, "
ru J hy a .lVniistil Lfr, and to eura them irn-i
l.ivia m-ih-utr; il has mtitii-in:U powrrn. itrtfNi
tli:fii r .l. it;at wilt ciitf all difi a-a f thf 1.. a
iitallr i'f hw liig Mundins vrvh.it oi.iy bf thfir frnr
The arlivs - uifliftiial Tjrtur extra-.-.! frm I hf cum
ur.i u Mirli a t. W atontfhinn to all wt-i we thfir
frets-, tor nittf ran iiftf thv mnlieina will.ctit rt''M
Wmfit. It att- ac act-Ltif 'alhart:c.anl -In ulJ .'
b.' tak-n in ulT.t i.-m ;iiaiit1nVri t .r-rnt. . n thf :
j Kvnlly. 1 b- b. t way u take it in te take thf Bf if""
in tl - mi ulh, th-n t;kf M ate wuter an-l fw.illtf N;l
t.-v't thft. Iu tblJ wuj the tnfihftnf will earof Ka
UiL ffAri'liP fit., rrt'i'rii I r,
345 Broadway. New 1ti.
SoJ ftf C1IKIST CALDWELL. fjiritv:
VOlTII 1th Street. The snWrffrt
-L 1 most respectfullv informs the citizens.
Lewisburg and vicinity, that he has on hnN
and lor sale a cheap lot of I I 11 1 Hi
for the Spring trade, coniprisihg
Drtssiii and C'omuioii bureaus,
retailer and l!iok Cases, Cent':,
Card and rier Tatdes, Hinins a:.l
Iri'akiust Tables, Cuiiboards.
1:vjo and other Uedslcails, tan
Sidas. and Chairs
of all kinds. COFFINS made to order-r
short notiee.
The public are cordially invited to eiat
his -..rlr as he is sure that theV Will be Si1'
! tied with his Mock of Ware, aud prices-
Lewisburg. Sept. 15, 1856
new books:
SITRUEO.VS Sermons, .
Wayland's Principles and Practice
Kruromaiher's Martyr Lamb, .1
Dr. Kane's Seroud Arctic Epe Iinoj
ether new works of interest, constant'' -hand
by X E ICS i CO, U -vi-t
Dec. 5, 1856.
and Jrwrlry, ''',,
lhe Post Orlire -I br'P '
Oh. A. K. DE.MiRM.V.M'lt. -S
L-.wburs, Ai'nl il, lbl.
"V J V