Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, August 07, 1857, Image 2

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    ITfiuiobnra C-ljraiiirlf.
(.lit li :.i U. fa .1 .-jMewi. !.;! t!io Uiv-l uud U.t
rir if 'Hi. tmur N-i .iir in 4 nn 'iitv.
rrooJoin, naiional ; Slavery, sectional! '
V.V .,W , l!,r fire
W(T:;.0-',. tlie 1'i.i.ri.a or P.sx. l nsn!
I'ur (oietiioi',
or muDiuuu coisn:
( anal oiimiivion-r,
r.F titJ.mr.Lrus..
For .... v f lUc Huvrme Court,
JtMI I'.l i lS.Att' l"avot(c fa.
j. :',oit i.ntri io.
1 niort County Xoii!n:itloni.
..-V-r.t'.'. r.lrr CEOKGE MKH
j;lU-, of -New li.riin.
I I 11 V ir,.rf !a-V
7V.-;r.r-UloU 1'. ol
' . - . . . . . .... .
lilui JOHN KKSSLKII, of New.
" I
Packer backs Ollt ! t
In the ccvci.tion which nominated 1
u .ivj v.v...-
n,.n l'ntr t lias Leon Stated that hO
declared In VjvI-I 'i '"' J Ins opponent, .
-il t i- 1 .
hoover he migl.l be. iu Lis -pcceU as rc- .
isoJ iu the Williarcrport C'j-itte of JSth ;
March la,t, the same thing is implied iu !
' 1 :
111 v re reserved tirirs', as f j.mws : ;
l.r urn mm nart.'ui assuminc: ihe posilion
assigned ui by vour pirtialny, I prumint ym, t
thaf.of.ir u, I hue, Mill,. Vic tampan hatt
b"i sa contlu'liJ us ut iti. In rrjhct 110 dtscreutt 1
upon tins Couvciluuu er upoii the L'euiocralic j
party." !
The same C,c has several clumns ;
full of eouipliiiieiitary extract?, of which :
the following are specimens :
"It matters not who llie mongrel opposition
may select, what his attaininenis. or oratorical
powers may lie, hit it?..' find il den. i'ai fcr a
lueman Woidiy of hi sue!." l'iula. Argus.
"He is one of ihe most sl."fu! debaters in
the State, an 1 his Ion, experience iu its poli-
Iina nll'iirsi h:i rPic.bV.l hurt In hcr'ITTlr lilMv I
.... j 5011 uouri n iiiciu mill arc uouuti, 1:1c ciijn,Pi , . i it 1 i
inlormed in regard to all its varied ii.t;resis. ,lt)erly lhose lhat ille brllised, and llie i last season, we shill soon havo chcap su-,
'J'lie iiianugeir.ei.t of the c.invass coul l not j reachingof deliverance to the captivcs.bt loiig ! gar as well as cheap bread. " '
have been entrusted In abler hands. Ih, fri;.h, 1(lie miuistrv of the Christian church : jti.k ,,.. pr. nn 1 instsavs- 1
stump hr i.J,il!i, aliie lo o;,C mlh the ierf on.- eUteh can (K, ,,,at ,.ork we. ,, ' ue , J ,S-
ion ot lue ipposilio:!.'" finunihniiiuii. , Wllu j uc a j5asirous shame to her to leave it ! e &vc 10 t0-J:J s I rcsa the proceedings
Oar can.li J.ue l. r Governor, Uen. V iu. F. ! m this laud to be acci uiplishcd by either Mai s i iu detail of the American and Kepublican '
Packer, uf LyiMiuiug county, is a sentieinan ; or Mammon. If our moral cowardice lead us ; p . . , ,1 , 1 ,,. .rpr
of fine personal appearance,a ready and fiuent , t0 av.id our duly in this as well as other de- county -icttiu,,. 11 kj m. lanj h tur
debaior, pirficfli) emiijn tmt to mat un tUr. puii- panni.its f action, the very class of men ; asfcmlLU at lleaJiug, aud ita action of.
f,. a! Iitirlm-x am) man ihe oppo-iiion can bung that now try to alaiin our fears, aud lo sup- ' SUCJ, a character as will affect the onward ;
against him." It'o Clitsltr 1! publican. , press ihe potential Voice ot the church in ihe ! , . . ,, ,, '
-He is ati excellent pyemic debater; in-! cause of inercy to the slave, wi:l rr tlv progress of the fchamoeracy most vitally. .
d.-e l, we may sav wiih great irnh, lie is an 1 join in making her a hissing and a lyc word j 'bW 1'oUK, August 4. Mrs. Cuu
.i.u..rint!ie n iiesi -cnse of ihe i. rin.iiia-inucli ; 10 ihe world. As we believe that a man who ; nju,alB wbD has been reudorcd so noto-1
as he does not only speals well, but always , has not religion enough to save lum froia mo, , . c ' . , j
right to the point at issue, and by his earnest . has n at cnou.-h K. save him from hell ; so we ; nous by her connection with the murder
Manner and llowing stvle, su right to ihe ! firmly believe lhat a church which has not . 0f yr JJarJeUj was arrested to-day on the j
hearts of h.s tvarers. II, is the vmj man to , humaniiy, uioralily, and piety enough lo extir- , , f , C0IllJcctei! tne n0.
lr-.it thr. l'wcr.,t;c ctumn n xl rutunw, and pale slavery Iroin her own pale, has not gen- , Coarge 01 Iclotiy, COUUCCtca W11U ine 110 ,
tve ci'iigramlate the Convention in llie setec- I nine Gospei Christianity enough to save her titious" birth of an heir to luO Burdell 1
lion tuev have made." il.irru.iu) " hi yitaue.
J "
v . . . . . i
0 miht quot . columns to the same j
prosed to .peak the views i
r, laughed at the idea of j
in" to meet Packer, an 1
. ' I
other papers supposed
of Geu. Packer,
:clarcd that Packer would auuihilate Wil-
inot. Tbc (Jazctlc of April tsih has the fol-'
lowing bravado :
We are glad t" hear lhat heWi'm.itl con-
leiuplates a careful canvass of the S:aic.
livery speech he makes, cutsi le of the Great
African Desert, is just so much done lor llie
Democratic party, and if he shouU visit ail
llie counties, it will save us a srrat de al of
trouble. Tne Democracy want ihe peop.e to .
Lear Mr. iliaol lor llieiuseives, so luai uiey
ran not doubt ihe truth of what has been said
of him liv the Democratic, press. If Mr. Wil-
taot will ouly do as the -urii American say s ;
he intends to, Geu. Packer n il! be elected by :
such a majority as has not been hes.rJofsir.ee
the last Jackson campaijn. Could ntarr mac-
JuJt'0 Wilmot did nut intend to com-
.ncneeUio canvass until Angus,, when he
thouid Uavc rcsigncJ Lis Juilgcahip. l'ri- j
or t doing so, he accepted the challenge
virtually wade by Packer in his speech,
and by all his journals, and invited this ,
T i . i r i '
(JoliaU of Loeofocoism to meet lum (tlie .
modern David) in view of both hosts and j
. . ti i' ir .: T,, ) m W;i
contest the biood.ess actan. Ju Igo V I-,
xuot's letter we published last wcilc. Ihe
rumor wc then Published, also turns out
... s. , lf.
to be correct: racscr-asncuincuouiiuu-;
tec," and Mr. Duck .kw for the Committee
alvi-cd hiin not to accept the challenge,
' c ! i
deeming it an improper mode of political j
jroccdure; and in so doing necessarily
, ', r,. , , fl
condemns the course cfOov. bigkr and of
Vice Pres. Ureckinridge, both of whom ,
etu-iiped Pcuusylvauii ! ;
' lL . ,, ' t ir i i.- '
This is the most ietuar.iab. baling
, , . i r ,t '
down showing "the white feather WO
t .-. i ,J .nor dtM-.l .,.,', Iac '
haven tie, in our polu. al auua. . lac-,
Lcr and ail his peers boasting vociferously
,.r l,U oratorio,! oowers on the siuinn
, . , . , c .i i
tr.u t.tif ll.n milt f.tr hit nhflt
" i - . " .
and daring and defying the Opposition
a. t..:nM f .ra.nr.1 m ..bant.iinn .hot. US i
.! tiling IJtnaia j.. - . . .......
soon as a contender for the truth (armed The stockholders of the Pennsylvania
, , i-i i -, , , .
with his humble weapons like his name- Railroad Company held an election in
, , ... ... ,. .:',,,,, ' . on i. t .t
sake of old.) appears, the boasting giant :s , Philadelphia on the 20 ult., for lhe pur-1
i.r ipi ,i iii-. , t .- .i I
missing, and puts forward Charley IsucLa- Jose of accepting or rejecting the purchaso
lew to shield him with lawyer-like quib- j of lhe Maiu Lino of Public Works. Each
b'es' share was entitled to oue vote. This vote
Well, noble Wilmot has done his duty, ' stood as follows :
and wo hope niil lit W g) forth to proclaim
bis principle?, regrrdlcss of the taunts or
pretences of a foe, who have shown them-.
telves as cowardly in their warfare as they !
l ave been and p.rhaps will be falso in ;
their accusations. Packer wc suppose w;.l
Mrcss meetings at crossroads where he
has no opposition, and be v-ry valiant and
i.a. " 1 i 1 J
rmr like a lion nhilc "sivirg the I nioii
and "repealing the higher law;" but let
. . . ,.,
the boy cry out "i.tnot is coming I
ml Le will be most likely to inquire of of this year is not to vote. Gov. Walker
Charley lfuckalcw if it is not best to have turned over the office of making appoint
nothing to do with that pesky Wiluiot ' ' ments to the President and Speaker of tbc
tin ,,. r,-,r77 ...rA-r., Jodlned 1 Brst bo8n3 Legislature. :
J'ldge V ilmot's challenge of the 1 1th ul'.
W. . rs . . ,
' ce thai (jen. l ucKcr is announced to
aitlres tK. n r fSi -
sue liein-erjev of Clarion eonntv.
"ri'-ur? xi-x the vaViant Oeu.ril U
to be permitted by Lis friends to talk Pe-1
mocracv.-.when Wilmot isn't about 1)
Who struck Billy l'atteriour-OM
, . . ,, I
Modern Answcr-'-PAVT V ilmot.
.nciuouisi iiiun n . .-! tj-.
The Wyoming M. K. Conference at its
6 Alington, 1',., iu Ma, lart,
adopted the following expression ol Views ,
i relative to Slavcrv. The Conference is lo-:
e, Wyoming, Wayne, and 1
uiitie:., principally, and its
i catctl ia Luzerne,
'csi.rcssion will Lave n abiding influence
t .
I ti:iOitX 0 iLIVDKV. ,
j During the present generation, ihe Disci-
! pline ha steadily rung in our cars the great .
' moral ouestion, -What shall be done lor Ihe '
urPa..oa er.l of slavery ! This fact
.' implies that, as a church, we regard slavery
aic nuniau uiai mc iuuilu sutui a.
lis removal; nJ that ii.-r agency is p-ru- ,
are exciting ant aniiculi, is atimiuei. el i
this slu uid never cau.e a Christian hero to
i'juil r hesitate. Tl.e sii.pos..l peruuiary
interest of i iir couiilrviiit n in-ihc sujiport ami
extension of Shivery ihe lust vt pnJe an.l ,
;ro, - belu.J,n llieKurth anJ 0ie'ffoulBu,8e.
nor - . - tn .1 n..udt tli Iml'l Jit tlfillllffll
hollers, rer.iler this one ot the most JiUicuit j
subjects of moral refonnaiion ever investiga-
te t c.r sonht to be accomplished. Yet, with
all its dHiieulties, the extirpation of Slavery is :
dfe,meJ Peeily practicable. It is sintul; (
nl ii is the business ol the Church so to nrc-I
,, ,ho (;st,.l ll.a. n an mil. be save.l i
oy " rom nis sins, e.icn auu hi. hi nn.iuis
as well as doctrines, the Church is the pillar
anJ gr,)lni d of ,,, tini the lighi of ihe world
the salt of the carih. She is relied upon to
kv "'f whoIe c"anf 1 "r(J"J- , h?
must nut shun ihe cross, r.or betray hi r trust,
oll so momenious a su! jcet as human slavery.
Coder this cowerins course of policy, slavery
has grown bold and rampant, it has loomed 1
up also 111 the political hoirizon in such terri- j
lying pioportious, and advanced with Mich
ftrariul sirides, as to call for ihe most decided ;
action. Slavery must no! advance.but recede, j
JiXryielho '
Episcopal Church must furniMi, by her unn-
. istry, tit r literature, and her discipline, the 1
necessary moral power fvr such work. God1
, requires it, ihe world expects it, and l.er own j
, integrity and faithfulness to the past, demand l
j it. The glory of the Church should never be ;
I eclipsed by assigning her proper work to any .
niber i.rw.r ur n i nioii.-i pr. Tlie liii.-r-'
ation u( ,ue oppressed, the opeuing of ihe pri j
.1 . 1 .1. - -. . '
from the just charge ol denying me lailli and
1 - . .1 :...!..! 1.. -1..
ill uecouillig worse man uiiiuri. line ia- 1
verv ls ln ,h(. church ,hereis disastrous force j
'h ??" ot er-verhe teaches and enjoins I
Pbvsieian, heal thyself." She seems, while i
leaching others, not to have been taught her-!
self. But we are as much as ever convinced
, sen. iui we arc as iiiucu t-o
the church, and moral suasion for those with- j
lll.ll UlSCipilll JI J lllLJUlca ml mi..
( C.r til ,t 1. (.il.:.. :
cut, are ootn irgmmaie means oi iii diiuS .
. l. . II l'A ri.ini I.. l.a.'A .
lilt: until mi vi cidirit. ......iu ... ...
the requisite light, the love, the courage, the (
fiieii purpose, ami the power 10 do this work ;
1-uT, in mis, "ine oefii 01 an is, .oti is miu .
..' We snurn no en-laborers, or auxiliarv '
means or motives ; but we principally trust to :
our own fn id swords, our own right arms,
r : .. .
anJ jn llie (j0(j vt tallies for victory
..,, r.,i.,fii,. ,..1,...:... that mam-in. :
cidental evils will attend the cci.flict, wc re-
memtter mat tne"tne rniitunes are upon us, .
aDlj wc jiave choice left us.
We must met t
,ie et,emy and measure swords with him. If
Te on ,his field, we are overcome and . jn Xirpenose Valley, last mouth, between;
snrH'u & ourselves in every other encounter.1, . . a, a t , ,,. .
The heathen of . U:in11'1 "Wi Am- '"T-i anJ " m- A-
Slavery may rage, and imagine vain thintjs
The follovi-in- resolutions are respectfully
''ThaMheWyoming Anua, SrVnce
never lL.iaCid Slavery with so much abhorence
as now.
' That we recrinize no class of ht.man
i,e-nKJt in oor ova or aliy 0,ir; whose
civil rights, co-extensive and sacred as our
own, we are not bound by every claim wc
(o virme or deee a re5Vc..
y. pilat -he Wyoinins Confercnre are re
' joicc l at the general waking up of the public
iiiini to a correct iipiirt'nrnMun ana inrrt-ia-
Df human riL-hts: and we herebv rle.lce
ourselves to resist with zeal, in every proper
way, an me encroaenments oi niavery. aim to
plead more earnestly than ever for .he educa-
ii f,e;!om,andevaiigcliiialioaol everyclass
f our fell,w beings
4. That we, as aCr.nference.also.here and
now p:ei,RC 0!lrsrves IO lhe ,riends of ihe
slave, in the Church and the state, on the bor-
lcr a'"' distant from it, both North and suth,
to the religious, literary and political world,
lhal we are bound to stand by the slave till his
v. , i c ii i . t f
shackles fall ami he enjoys ihe boon of free-
dom as fullv as ourselves.
T..a, we hitthly approve the course of
,jle Kddnrof the Northern Christian Advocate,
in giving that paper a d-citled and earnest
' anti-slavery character, and
.J .. .
' anti-slavery character, and will give him our
; suy ana corUial VP'-
it. k. i i.ai.m;.
! I or accepting, 101,212 I
Against, h Oi l i
Majority for, 103,503
Lvwhence, K.T., July 31. A Birtft
iiiuitous apportionment for the October
iniquitous apportionment for the October
territorial bogus election has been made. ,
Nineteen counties have three representa- i
tivcs, and fourteen counties have 30.
' Troops are to be detailed to guard the bo-
. , . , . ,.
gns officers at the election. The emigration
i John 3. Miller, Lsa., of Juniata county, I
t i . T I
nas, made an assignment of his property to
: a o ii a .I i r '
.Tames JI. Selh ri. CsTi . for lhe. LmiiQt of ;
his ccd'tots.
Washis'-tox, July 27. John C. O'-!
Neat, of Pennsylvania, has been appoint-,
. .1 c:,.. . r;.,..i,.. nt nf Indian affairs iu tie
T , .... 1
An official despatch just received from
.. . rf , j
rut uiluouluu will bo quictc-i uiiuuu.
-,.r V " . .
-u ..-. -" "j " -
ciutiy,wnu very icw Ha,.u,B- ,
gatlcrcJ and the harvest bas turned out
au abutidaut one. Tbo oats arc ripening
rnr'. ioi a,s0 r"a LcaT7 croP-!
c . l: .1. .....;.., .1,.. !
wau l"ruf "u,l;u. ".''-;:, j
unfavorable weather early in the season, j
as rooked up amazingly, auj now Wis 1
- . . . . - -i
" flourishing as H ever was at a Similar
period. R-jaJutj DaJjf Guzttl;. j
friends of tliu Lcwi.-.bur?, Ct
utrc i
"' ejiuw '" u,
mg a laectiug at .'lU.ueun on lues.layi
nr . . i . . .1: !
on the part of sumo of the Stockholders tn
c,anfc tho route 60 as to pass arouud tbo
c . .
C"d of dittany luouutaiu from LuaUburg, ,
aud intersect with tbo jyronc road at:
v..ti..r ...... 7' ;;.. .. irr. :. !
A fire oceurrcd at Johustown, Pa., last :
Saturday cveniu", whieh destriycd prop.
, . , ' . . . A, . . . i
crly.to the amouut of O'JO, principally
insured. The extensive Iron Works aud (
i. .it- Mill ,.f M......H f- '
"""'B .. .w.ui
tained the grcatett loss. The damage to ,
tbc works it is thought cau be repaired iu
timo to re-commence operations iu Sep-'
tembcr. j
Buffalo, August 3. A piece of rock, :
! of about a hundred tons weight, fell from
a precipice on Goat Island, Niagara, yes-!
,aJ u ,uujica f(!ct below the Brit- '
' 11,:
lb ialls. Ihrco persons underneath
wcr0 badly hurt. Mr. G. W. Parsons, of
Cleveland, it b feared, received fatal inju-1
rics. ,
gtCAn. The sugar Fpeeulation has
. , , . , '
reached its culminating point, and price
are now on the decline. The probabili-'
t;cg orc ,,iat wjth tLo vast jroduct tllis 1
1 . I
vcar from the su"ar cane, the maple tree .
anJ the sorghum, with the stock unsold of '.
C '
New Ouleans, August 4. Alviccs re-
flow Vcm. mlmr .U.fc 1 1 tl. Tfc... j
j j v g gcna,ot from that State, !
coruiuitt. d suicide at his residence on the
o'dl, uf.t by shooting Limsclf through j
. -: : ...
,1... ,.,.T .;,, . -;fl, v .,-
HIV .11-UV. 1..LU U atu.. A1WSUU-U .ui
cd for the act. I
John Jjcct, lato Ot Marion tOWBstlip, ;
' 1 ' :
centre county, uas inci wim an unumciy .
death in Kausa?, whither ho went some '
. (.
six or tiiiht weeks ago. We are not in ,
..... r .1 . r I
pos-iiaion Ol uieiuii particulars conceruing
i.;s Je;,th. but learn that he was shot in an
- ... .c T..t ti- - i
nuray on iuu iiu oi ouiy. a ins is sail in
telligenco to his friends in this county.
. , 717
A Political I'iscussion was advertised
Tiidge, l)etn. Dan was on haad.but IliJgo !
did Dot L H?- "
SCCIU3 "iollowa 1 acker in couragc.J ,
j f .f tl.e. M.W l"rS 7,
frennd states in his last i.,uc, that bo (
Ytrta f, iitt nnm o(nl.ii In liu rrnnlnn iti-.ti fif
Uuir .v. i. . q. ui. u, u !
thetn measuring 1'2 feet, or together 48
feet and having 11 cars. Pretty well for :
an editor !
New York, Aug. 4. The U. S. steam
. frigate Roanoke arrived here from Apin-
I on- alKut 8 men' . J-Wcnty-scven were ,
seni to tuc no.-puai immcuiaieiy on mcir ,
; ... , , 10lI ,
! Tberc will l a sale on lU 1 3t Aog. ;
, at Albany, 1.. of 21U0 articles of bat-!
n e the accumulation of five cars t all '
,,n' accun'u " l0 0 V'ar9" i
, l"0 fctations of the iNew i. ork Central
j railroad. A-cood chance for speculators. ;
, . m, nrl, . iVili;... V..,. , 1
i A man named Vi iliiatu latigu was ar-.
j . I
; rested in Chester Co. Pa. for abusing a'
co!orcd Da inflicted a horrible.
- "f"" a-
! cers, and attacked the other officer, who
8uut Bauirh dead in self defoneo.
The people can not sleep o' nights in
t 1 1 .1 t
j Pces, because the growing crops ,
make so much noise !
! . . , , .1
I 1 uilauelpiiia, July 31. The wife of
i cx-Postmastcr GeLcral Canipbcll died hero ;
1 . moruinrr
; 13 U10rBJD.l j
' We publish as a great curiosity the follow-j
I tT11tSl!lZ !
bet chiif, or the nstirpirg Emperor of China, 1
m acknowledgement lor quantities of his i
(.'itKr PiiCTtiaxi. and CaTuanTic ln.xs, the
rc? rrnl '"mas a PaiLadia' Wreull,, ,
Tu Dr.. Aim io Atnertra I
77. prral cnr.nn lir1 tJ.ian r f the cif?iilr country ; (
j.,,,,,.,,,', ,,.., f,,ii.i,a,iv.e,,"i.rruiii,ttnii,Tc.f
r-'.ri'rtBMrrfHwiTiiiit.aBitrri woa,
lliu Crriiral li. wt-ry I.hu.I. He direttril tna itt.rrt'rt'ttl
manna.li.. to civ lucm to tha lii k armnltinrto vhat tlitj
iiiter;irf.u.ra rea-l trout your urititeil iaera. i. rt i
: .o.iiy haj., o luVuii.n ; for i Yni.Mti-T.iii
inaitl it.ur iiirins an-ds arel eet euriiij itrtti s wrra
I riim to tiie ri. k in i.i. arm, of th w ininat sw-m, and
hnftr mdr them well. He profoundlT huoDV wbilt; oa
llrefiT thi U known t tlir Mifity Kmptrnr of Cbinn, f
bo uppruri your nkilL, jv-Taiit you to h dJ mum '
of rour curln meJIdort fbrht fierce snui-aof mjruiit j
of rm-ia. j
Tb y my piTn to Cbianp Liu. Chlvf Mnn!rln of !
thr Butt. t bangfaaif who will rrpttjr yom with Teaor j
kwwixise, ur.rai. n otiwr .reisi.er,n.iia..,iriuit
''"lial llu-.hvi.iaL-.lr,m of r.ttr healiuj tcadiera. wlio
Biak. ,... n.s that mreii.tantijr. Miu-siaritoi.ear:
r in rrrmblitii: trrrnr fcelV.r.rrrrT MiirbtT Emparar.
.i..., k. v..- . J1..t.i. i. ...r... .L 1
" -rr- -- 1 ST; -jW-
THIS sterling machine has- within U10 past year bfrn pot t" severe actn.n tests, run
been very much improved by the addition of a Si inch lly wherl, new jeannr. joint holt?,
and other minor improvement", and is now i lUrnl to the public irnh ihe certainty that His
ma le in the very best manner, and that it will grind and press easier and faster than ai.y
other Mill in the maikeL Dealers and others supplied on libera! terms.
I-Jvfiti;,! V. O. ItllhUH, i.i!!K worn., imrrimiirir. 1 a.
ttailroad Mcelini?.
V. I.ewisburg, Centre & Spruce Creek
1.. .1 n.l ....... " n.lll ha kal.i fit llietinile
..( K . 11 Ir In l , 1 1 1. 1-. ..1 nn'lVlIlllI
. .m.w.... ..... - - -
August II, at I ocIock r. M. ine oijeci oi,
ihe meeting is to take into consideration the
propriety of an immediate lettins of the Hoad.
A full anendance ol the stockholders is very:
I if The Hoard of Directors will meet at the
same place on the same dav in ihe morning at
10 o'clock. Uy order of llie Board:
July SI, I8.-.7. . Cl.l SLirEK, l'res'l.
I'liionC'oiinlj Court I'rociaiiialioii
District of Pennsylvania, composed of the
counties of Union, Milllin and Snyder, and
Piime JtcitLaiirj-Y..WSiMSTuxhs,s,.Vsso-
ciale Judges in Union county, have issued i, r
precept, bearing date the day of May.
IT17, and to me directed, for the holding el an
Orphans' Court, Court of Common Pleas, Oyer
and Terminer, and General (Quarter Sessions.
at LE WISUL'KG, for the county of C.Mi)N.
on the second MONDAY of SErTKMBf.li.
(being the 1 ltlt day) 1S57, and to continue
one week, i
.Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor-
oner. Justices of ihe Peace and Constables in
and for the county of I'mon, to appear in their1
own proper persons with their records. iniui-
sitions, examinations and other remembrances
to do lhose thiiijs which 01 tneir omces ami in,
their behalf appertain lo be done ; and all Wit-'
nesses and other persons prosecuting in behaltt
of the Commonwealth against any person or
nersons. are reouired to be lln-n and ihere
attending and m.i depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to be pnncmal in
their attendance at the appointed time agreea-.
Give,. 'under my hand and seal at the tjher-
ill's Ollice in I.ewisbnrg.the 7th day of An-
eicht hundred and fiflv-seren, and the eiehty
111 lilC Itai . I'UI iil'iu vt.y.
..i. .i.- ijnn.nan. ..f iu,. 1 :,,,i. ,l
Stales of America. i.ml save the t oinmon-
wealth !
Ismic I-!!, Srpt. Term, 1H37
Matthias Wilson v David Herr
John Roebuck vs A J Oino
Henrv W Snvder vs Saml Ewint;
Com sus. M Chamlterlin vi Huffman A II.l.l
Wm i llerrold vs Smith U 'i'huiiipsoa
Chas II Cook vs Thos Penny
David Herr vs W H White with notice tn g
Sprout, Burrows i Co vs M A Slock ct at
same vs same
Mary Jane Flint Are vs Charles D Kline
Lafayette Albright vs John Datesman
Nell' for Kurst vs Richard Dougherty
Christian Dershain vs Joseph Geyer ct a!
Daniel l.aycock vs William Moore
Daniel Kangler jr vs Geortje ll.iusel et al
J din Wenzel vs lackson MT.aughlin
John M 11 -nler vs David "spi'ler with notice
Porter lor M LShnner vs C II Slimier wuh no
Samuel IJaker vs John Datesman
Elizabeth Vartz vs David Grove
Bank of Danville vs Lorenzo 1" Teed
Mary A Davis vs William Davis
George Wehr vs Ceorge Faust
Daniel Kangler vs Basliau Teifel, with no
Win Hitler vs Charles Drcishach
W T Ltnn vs P B Marr
Daniel Williams vs Kaofrnan A- Reber
Win M'Cleary vs Win M VauVaizali
Seth P M'Corniiek vs George J Swartz
Mary Fishbauch vs Danl D Guldiu ct al
Yotinsman Ac Walter vs Noah Walter
Thornton Sc VanValzah vs John Murphy
Israel Knetlel vs James Mauclc
David Herbst vs Daniel Uengler
David liaertges vs Alfred Kneass
Peter Hummel and Wile vs Daniel flendcr
J I) Sorver A: Co vs Saml and Jos W Shrtuen
John DeLon" vs Jos G M'Call
James M Smith vs Robert Chambers
Charles II Cook vs Byers & Kttter
Ann Thomas vs Peler Beaver et al
T Church A; Co vs Solomon Mayer
Knnck A: Roland vs Lambert Batick
M Geyer s Arlm rs lor Jn Kanck vs A C High exposed ii Public Sale, or outcry, at lhe Pub
Geo Lippiticotl V Co vs Ranck & Uolaiid IC Huse of J..vis Fisiii u, al liite Deer
C Rosenberg & Co vs same ..Mills (.n rritlay, At.mist 1 1, is T,
Brooke A- Fuller vs same 'commencing at 'J o'clock, A. M., of said day,
I. B Christ for W Cameron vs Peter Mcixel 'several Tracts of Land, to wit :
Harriet Jenkins vs Mcrrit Chappel et al Nc 1. A Tract of Land situate in the town
Beck A: Reber vs John Zimmerman Snp (,f White Deer, and county of Union.
same vs David Zimmerman 1 bounded east by lands of the heirs of Daniel
Charles Hartzel vs State Milt Fire &c Comp l.udu ig. dec.'d, Samuel Hish and othcrs.north
David Fisher vs Jonathan Diellentlerfer
Hunsr-cker for Church vs Jos D Forrcy
Thos Church vs same
Fred'k Bolender vs Thos Church & Co
Chas 11 Slimier vs Win Rule j
U nion County vs Henry Solomon
Sam 'I S Barton vs Joseph Meixell !
Yonngman & WaltervsTaggart Furman&B
John Mover vs Fred'k Worman
Michael Warner vs Fred'k Bolender
Taylor for Youngi Montclitis vs J WShriner
Charles Cawley vs John Youngman et al
; ' TTT
Traverse Jurors Srptember Term, WSI.
R N"W-,ob" N"rton,I.ewisAer, more or less wilh the appurtenances-
Ildings, William v tlson, Daniel Schraek.) No. 4. A 'I ract of Land situate in the town-j
Peter llursh, Huh P Shcller, Henry W Fries,, hip and county aforesaid, bounded east, north, ,
. .... c i.. Tl:l l.-..l--. Ts. ..:!' .... t ...v e .. . ... ... ii :
ui;iisius oi....B.ii..... aau.ci '""'. ' ,
o nit-uit-i. i.ir ii'ijjtivK joint areneis, v.iu-
eon Itiehl, Jacob Sliler, Samuel Noll, Abraham
F.ede ick, Michael Brown. Buffilne Joseph,
DieHeiiilerfer, John Cornelius, Daniel Miller,
Jac H Reedy, Wm L Irwin, Jn Haurk, Jas Wj
Simonton, George Slear. West liuffiilie An -
drew Foster, John V Barber, Joseph Klecknt r.
Daniel lkgenrief, William Taylor. Wiiite
Deer John Dersham, Jerome PrincenholT, L'r-t
banus Ranck. Mijlinlmrg John Winter.
Jfe-lhilip Gemberiing. Vtirrry-Samuel
Curl, Robert Forsler, John VV ill. bolomon
Miller. Geortre Riehl. Samuel Olewine, Benja-
nun Menschi Georce Glover,Geort?e Kleckner.
Jr. Limestone Frederick Bolender. Jink
on Philip Gross. Xew Merlin George Mer-,
rill. Union Isaac Eyer, Sr.
f:,nnJ JurimSrnlrmher Term. 18.17.
Isteiybiirp Elisha C Marsh, George Reed
OA Friclc, Darid Slifer, John Mnsser, Samuel
S Barton. East liuffuloe Wilson. I Linn,
Nicholas Groover. Huffutoe Jackson Wolf.
Michael Dunk el. Wat iittJfaotJn h Heaver,
T V Harbeson. AV Samuel S Spoils, Da
vid Gmve, Jacob Heinly. White Veer Am
brose Henderson, Isaac High. Adam Smith, h
F Albrij-ht, Martin Keifrr. NfftinhurS W
Snodjjrass. Ar!t7 Berlin Jacob Mauclc hurt
yaSauiael lUruiian, Daniel Long.
To ConllabloCoHrt Cetnmt and other
tHi.iii sjnhi al lb Chrtmifle ttt'ir. 1
'Mi 2
'Heal Estate
1 'I J J HA (. J
,... C .V.. I.ln.' C.nrl
i 1 1 a , mi. us ..i... . .... ..
I ) of I'mon county, I will expose to sa.e
on the premises, on
Tuoday. 1-11 11 Scplomlwr nef,
coinmeuoii.s at ten o clock in the lorenuon,
the iollowin- Keal Ksintr, viz :
Til K "MANSION' FA RM of lliU
Lite Win. Wilson Jr., of Kelly Tp. 1'nion Co. ,
pa., adjoining lands of Davit! Heinley.V. illiam
Drown. Mrs. M't'lure, Joseph Musser and the j
West Ijranch of the Susrjuelianna, containing ,
117 Acres and Hi Perches.!
The Farm is of the FIKST li;ALirY of
suj. anJ nmer g,M,llitt,,,roVeniCui.,aalomelv '
,(jeate( 01l ,he K1Vlr road about half a mile!
from Kewisburg. The Improvements are ai
- ,,,, ., . v . !
r lN r JL.A i I j JA i li.VIi.N
nearly new, a two-sti r y frame Dwelling A A
House, a Corn House, a Wayn ShtdJL.
an,i other necessary Outbuil linrs a never
,in:, spring of Water in ihe Cel'nr Kitchen 1
and a Well wuh Pump 111 the Barnyard and
- - .a thriving young Apple Orchard. Water
:'can be bad iu mosi of the fields. 1
Terms will r ma 'e known at sal",
, persons wishing to view the pfmises are
requested to call on the Administrator, or on
Juserh Musser, ntar Ihe premises.
Administrator of Wj. Wilso.s Jr.
July :J1, 1S.-.7.
r.IE sh,crjt)Crs wj! offer at Public Sa!
I OD lhe pr,mivM .
Satur.'oi the -Mi Awmf,
commencing at lb o'clock', A. M. a number
Lots ot Wd.an.!, con aini.ig I ro m . to 1
White Oak, and a few P.
lnrs, a private 1
The property is in
road leading tn each lot.
Co., adjoiiiiir.' lands of
John and
Jonathan Coulter, and I . and r.
Terms reasonable, and will I r made
riiii.ip i;rnr. i:.
l.'.7p1 DAVID HEIlll-T.
it sale.
Julv :
faiifi Ana niLL rRrjFKRTir
Arur wiLi.i.iUsrmn;
lOrv SALE! The unJcr.-ij;nc;l,snr:
A vivir.g partner f the tit 1 11 ol J. 11 V W.
K. IIi LiNo, oilers for sale all tli.it Valuable
Propei ty situitfil on the South si of the
Susquehanna Hivcr.fi miles In m Williams
port, and :! miles lroin the line (if the Sonbti
ry &. Erie Railroad. The Pennsylvania Canal
passes on Ihe opposite side of the river. This
tract contaius (i:U tlKS, viih f percent.
aUowaiice. Stltl acres aie cl-ared, aud in a
'good state of cultivation. There is a larj
amount of valuable TIMBhlt on tiie prcnn
ses; a tod stream of Water, and
a SAW MILL. The? Mill is new,
f-fm-i's, tabling builtin laoli.
tlier imprttvements consist
w ith On! Buildings thereto. Two larjei i 3
BAIiNf, one of which is first class, with a
larse Shed attnchetl.
'The above property will be offered al Public
Sale at the Court House, iu Willianispert, on
AVcilrirsitiiy, Itio 15)1 3j or Aui-ut
next, at 1 o'clock P. M.
j A portion of the purchase money in Cash,
the balance made easy, with interest, and ap
proved security.
j Terms ma le known on day of fv.Ie
I Further particulars ran be obtained by ad
dressing WILLIAM It lit LI.Mi.
Forriiinir Paitn.r of .1. II. k W.U.IILLIM1.
Williainsport, Pa., June at), 1357.
IyY virtue uf suti.lrv writs vi Vend. Fx. is
J suetlnul uf ihe Court ti Common Pirns
lot Union County anJ to me directed, will be
by lamls of Ihe Sheffield Iron Company, wesl
by lands of Dr. I.ichtenthaler, and south by
Hands f Jacob T. stahl and heirs of Isaac
Uanck.dec'd,containiug 85 Acres, moreor less,
whereon are erected a Brick .Mansion House,
Frame Barn, and other Outbuildings wilh lhe
No. 3. A I ract of Land situate in the town-
ship and cunntv aforesaid, fcounded east bv
lands of Samuel Halter, south ttv lands of
George Kanck, Joseph K. Moyer and others,
'west t,y an,s f jdcob Farley, and north by
the Suar Valley & White Deer Turnpike
in,.,., 'a ,,.u .r t..i,r,rl roniair,in 75
wesi anil souin oy lanus ol lue cue mem iron i
company, containing i i Acres, more or less,
with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and tribe soid as
ihe properly of HENRY HIGH deceased.
N. li. The above Lands may be sold in
pieces or toarther, as lo suit purchasers,
There is a first rate MILL SE AT on the
premise. 1). D. Gl'LDIN, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, Lewisburg, July 8, 1857.
. ;
--,,. . , . , ..... .
l?OIt SALE. One lot on Sou.h 1 htrd
J- slree'' 'l"are and a half from Mail";U
;ou Suuih Fuurili street ouly two squares from
t'wTht" above are Wcl Lots, well located
and adapted to building purposes.
Acting Exr of Win. Aruu.trong, dee'd
Lcwisbur?, March 12, 1857
TIIE large ami commodious ROOM
heretofore occupied by F. M. Zuttirti
in prinlins the 1'nrr.rl .legm, in Prick's Build
in, near the corner of Thirl, ant) Market
streets. Possession given immediately.
Apply to JOHN n l.l.W,
April 5t, 13T. At. ri.. v f.-r IV. Ftti a
- 37
ioi: sai.i
er.-UefSraV.: ne-:.:-r.re
i.l,r -l i l l ulli Clll!'l i
i'.. t. n,r.,ii"h ..f !. ib'4.-. l-iu-eca M., rl.' 1
anjM.I.in Mr. ev.r m .ti ; . : -t i.-ar a 1. 1
li:tl(ol gn.nn-l n.aU.r-i" '"'; 1 ' ' fr')-"
. coi.J lr-et, a:. ! in 1 i- t -''i ! 1 t. - '.t
Tu iiuiucnint ace a eiinuJi-u i.irte .
r.st.-r-y IWiK J)Vi:i-LINi
jt-. I l 'Si ', "l f"v:l tri-.U. 1i ttel
li.n.l iv 1 :l !"! w-il fiin-ll'- I "il a
u.url.l.- Ia-e, n.ai'ule :i t l.iiU-,5 n. H""t
a liie-pft'l' r'"l w.iii a V.'ni? m-!.- t . f
ti by la le'l an Out Kiichen a Well i l ei
r.jiicn! na-rr, w..u a l'u:u,i m. u:.J- r nl a
Uigt ;i-t r.id-o ui.aer root -a Ui" ' t
lal.Ic a:i Ice Ituuu auJ i:iicr W i'-ry
mi:-! ul'Unri'. 'J .ii'ie ai-; al-o v aa
Lui cii. a e I'rtnl 'J'ires ami ?i.rul.i-t Iti
' lie K i-i.iuu is a Ji !..rali- .;;vr !or a
pr.viii.- rt.-Um1 tr i-:it ! (' L:i--i.c-s. i; i n
ihff most cli'vnrfl part f it" " ,r 1 fT
iu- t'ourl llniise.aud l-ji s s!cri i'." 'a: c in. in
.Market sin ' I eiiu .H t e in: k i-v.
June n, i-.v. c. r. m:i.m:i:.
VOl'H'i: is Ji-rebv ci v
KK -
t!..n mi
signed Tin";-, w 'i f'A at : netit n. in
pursuance lo ui.it i v v.r'ue of an At:t o! As
sembly approvtd the Imi. day 1 A; i-.A- l.
Is.'ri.in Mi mux ihe I!m.i dav f Oci.d.-r. .D.
IH5V, at ihe premises in I'.e l!or..t.vh . f .N'W
Beiiiu, ine Jail. Cum 1 iiot se and ai! oluer
Public Buildn-gs an I l.and, s:lua:e in s,i:d
Eorousli. bcloriL-in? to the Co'in'y of I'tiion
prior to the erection ol the new county out ct
pail of l.'uion, LjundcJ ai.d dese: iL.c.1 as tol
lows, v'ir. :
Five lots a!j"inin?each 1 tlier. nn.l v.nn.'d
on the wesl by V ine sueet, noiiu by Market
stuet, east by Plan.!. in t and sou 11 by an
A!b v, vher'i.n i!i t'fitirl I3mc anil
'oti:ily ;Slt--M are erected.
Also a cet
lot a.'i .iiiiiig PIui..b
on the east, Mari-ei s:
Ji.hn Serbolti's on lb
ihe nt.nii, whf reou tl,
Said lots will be so!
jr.! I li ;he s..iro. lot i !
nr-l and an A tl- y on
.Sail is elected,
st i'.il .ile, tc.i til r u iiii
the appurtenance.
Sale to commence "t H o'elt ck A
said dav. whi n and where the v-nns a:
M., of
I ,:on-
ditious uf sale will ni.i ' known t.y the nti
dersignrd, dulf arr"intf! 1 e saM Act f..r 'hat
JutyS?, 1B".7
li km: v c. v. 1:1:.
j(iii. v. i: ::ui:i;.
ii .7.e rtioi iift i.-1 1, Miii.
a UK 1.: :';'
irt tit-1 1 1 i'I.
a . u.-: n.r. .
Tl... lrin. t
V I Al.'I ' iMt'A. hn- lui.-t - ..rri.ii.-..-t;
nil !.. a ."ir..- lit ttlll: ir ;uil.i-es
t . fit. 1- -t PinIt.'
ttii!ri..r .iii.J.li l-.r
i,.!., V'l.i il 1111 ni t
.r.. . r.jr i.- If.
;.t -.1 .
. Yi.lii i in lm
n:s.-l .-I .i ii.ro
U ptfi 1--1 IT li-iili Hi . mi
I, , r..- uiit.-.t .a 1:
utirtf ttr t ; I'. at ii. A In
. 1
iM':.ii.l uti-ttr. t..un if it. .u
I,- 11 I I. itifi 1 r 1.-1 : i
In fon-i-i. riii-- tie. i-lv.-.nt-.;-to.
atit lit-" 1- if fi.'t tr.' i-r- '
i.(-Hif fell i ' it ri'll Ion
lue h-aUf.-t cr. j-. on. 11- ti
'h !h.- et'ul til 1.
.r, t N. rft. li.-t I'f t!
alt ut- .1 it. j r. -t i l vis r- I ri
.Sc. "J- It i- 111- tin: :r . 1 r 1. :
Ill 'I L. 1 - IB. I . I! I I. '
Llui.. 'l..i-iu li.. SI..I-. I- !
ni.i-i.. 1. r. i" 1.. ; : .of' t
In :Lo I uiou 1 lit.- tit- tt-.il
. r. iutt ol tl." L- -
I 1, tilui:.. 11 - t .'I. :
f.--t, uliith i-iiit.r
1 1 . 11-t.f 111I t.l.i, r .-iieL 1
li ;- ,:i ma.-lb- !lt!l
11 -1..
r-r. 0
.ntiufi. ' t-i ti
. 1'.
., !, 1. 111 -I. u .
r. -r wl. tli- is
t.r.rKiTii'i. u '.
.-'! s f I -I'll "
.ur, 1 1
r..r t.-r r- ii' 1. It'-
A isiir-j ;.n . : ll..- n . 1 :m:
r inn. : r.f. t. A 1. ...i '"
l ivun:- .jrl .ut in ri.- .f
tl. ..si.;.:, 'i I. I -.1. '.
flni-littl. 'lii-Allfiilnn. .:
.-. V- rV. 1: -t ii lo.il I in
ronm'ftit uii ailli tL .-I
la ar B.r- i l v ; h. 1 'is
tlii- r- .-rrv. :ir...t.- . iti-r
. r.' e. ii. i. Hi.
inm g, ..., I
..II- tl..
i I.O.S
IT f'r t
l i. r.
i, i
TO -t It . 1. t
ki.a UiaKe
t-at. ut
. t
t: TI. III I
ii k in ti I-.
. 13
i f. If r ti.i t .
in 1
I.-, li
or tt..- le.-t. inn hi: i rl
tt.vi.-ls ., : ti..! .-.i
l.f iuit-t i.hi.-b rli.J irti r
t.. til-' If t' I- -t ' i si"
: rr-.- i'-ii'l t ain. ait. I ; ili-i
11- t..i ny. fit li ' it
tltl.. t'i its. r iitMinii.tf r
ml' Itiiii.-t, iiri t tittll. an.
ni.-r nt. nil. r Up.,: o
i L:. brnllli iiii-i :Lii
rl... I. It. If . -I.
, . .,-ir. I. l .f
1 f r n I." la t
... t. i : i : i in
it v.. ' l. is.
a. i . ..tt i . k
t n ."trti msrl-ft ut h-intl.
' .-HI .tititt .1 lit i.ur t i. L:
I.l n lis-t ttiii... pwii s t.
u.1 - I.iuaijie, us it ujin
. ii - it i.l F. fti 1. ' -t-.rt. .
TL- If
o.di.-l I
litem exlfnitil ..I n at is n. hi
tl ;-!l t.i i-.. 11.- f -. tt.f .:iill..-
eari.l v l ur a farm lu piii- their r.
i II. .1 I! -v o.
irnilit , Irt.tu a nut
i . t:..- ii- - i. i 1,
in tli
take ftaev in tlir. Titltif i lm..l-. li- i.B tirnlay .eaiivlv
Uii.-i ii. a ,-nt -t iiiTnil r. t i i n f. t- t nn.1.-.
l'f..tl. t-ht.ti.il uiaUr our v ii.ii. -tiliim. a" ttT or write
tt. K. Jrl! r tail . .N... . .. W .ton Mr- .M.I
li'tli. I i.il:..'.. ij l .a. i..'turi .-nr. t'uily antttwri il irnitv
tn!l ii.I. rm il mil.
Shine.-or tni. t-of I'irt trin l'e ImriJ.: or nr. J ly
I-tti-r rr.r!. t.:etli.. ! I -r ii.---.T!:i t. . I :: 1 ar-.wi. ti
tin. ul.-. liti. r aiil 'r ijrn -i.f ! a.lii l.-.t- , e-ni-s '-'
Warniiil.-r l'n ls jlv. II. f. r-oli- tun a '-- i -ir- ll.ii f. ill
uiir Aiii'iilit.
II uti- Ir. m t liil ..!. T j I-i i t-T.'r i"' n I' e IVr r-i'v i
iii 'i t. utr.-l lijilr..ail, a. I lb nv.- I v .-til".-" to tt e i,.ial.
71. is i. a .t.-li.te iiii -.-..-..it to it i: .-':- II .ri '-- i:..- i
h-.tt iam..ain-l.:i )ii i. at? nit J. I 'n-jj r f .r 1) C M'bitttt.
t:-.l-. Il..t Aj-'iil lor lliL- j r ot iiy :it sl.M.oi . e n' (
fo! Farmers ( !i;i!ct fur a !ari;in!!
T70II S ll.I'. near I.ewiinig.a Tract of ,
almost IOO A TOS of goo 1 Fanning
Land, limestone soil. It will be sold on reas
onable terms at private sale for Ca h. Loprre
at lite Ollice of the Chr-.iii.l . June lo. !i
A Ca1 li Farmers.
ltr:nrrtt tiro-) innr ii,nh pwi?r. ft litttr
Toul this, ami relit el!!
NEW and scientific manuring systf'n.
for the cultivation ami increase of all
kinds of cr.iin, grasses, fodder and pastute.
upon all kinds of soil, prove ! by actual expe
riments and based upon evident truths, desig
ned to improve 'jgnt-ulture in all its branches ;
represented by upwards of one imtiilrr.i and
fifty engravings of Ihe most valuable cras-rs
and plants connected with thf .system, by DU.
C. G UEl.M10i.Drof Bualslurg, Centre Co,
Pen a a.
lom to niuki-.n.. tint ai i u. i t:.n tor rt: i.is:at..ii.r,.i
im-renr.. is Hria. -i.ierutl iM-iur".. Ti.ii.ietrii.f.,
s laii.lit t'V 11. i lu.nnir!tiir. nil i r.-l i. r, an 1 ra-lur- tul-
Uruioll sy.trm. ,. r:,ti,mal.e;,ar ana ..i.le.it, aarl -
giTt an itu;Tvit:iui'iit in tt.r ra ! nt KjTicuIlmv tii t;i-ru
uokDt'n to i'ur furmcrn. auj nhk-h. if tHtoj.ttil. fci.it
C-.TfllUly J.liM-l!.--.! t-:m tl-tt t;;j IO a .:l!li-' In- 1' t' Tf-lvt
of tbv f-trBiiite MnmtmlrT. Sur-h a work tint n'rnm h
wiintfil, a il b.U h. lii-li has loi 1'itt lolt. tiat
which th.-n h.i. huhrto bren n- ntt-'in t ti "prTT
And l..rni uf Ct-nlre .mj lluiitiuJt a t iiunli.-a we
r-i-r.ininti.J the work tni-,-ry fiirm.-r, u th- y will Tp
Uie rrut-l pii.-mu.c Uulit iruu IU
t.ri-ti;.n I'-tL-.l-i-tir -e IUii-)i:tnan 1:::i:p1 M- n. r,O.Tr:'e
Boal, Ja.-dh Mi r, Irrjini. Ah ia,nit r. J.hn Knilv. .UAm
clH oii,.niiiuil l)urtf;tn. John ll"ll -r. Jon.i. 1 W il.i ius
JA') M--vr. .M.rir t.uT-T.Jr II. trT r. Ji-t.n C .r-l-t-r.
?:iuiin l -iUii-ui-I, .1. tin lln- tt. .. J n it, .miducI
Vil..t,Min llt-rmnn. .W.W-k. fhiilfr- M.v-r. .A!n t
For pale in Le isburg by Dn. I. UKL'GliElw
Ailininistrators' Notice.
WIIFRE AS, Letters of Administration to
the estate of SAMI F.L WALTFR,
late of 1'nion township, deceased, have
been granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate
are reip.testeil to make immediate payment,
and those having claims upon it will present
them for settlement on the 5ih day of Septem
ber next, at Uie late residence of said deceased.
J. M. VV ALTER, ) ....
DAVID GROSS. Ahn'""strali.rs.
, July 31, l;7.
JOS. VII Ki:i.3.T, Au .iouccr,
i.lolTvt lhe rtntroiiat-e of the rublir.
Rtt,tdeiree ell Sbntli Fuih streci, l..;,vis.
Inti, Pa. : December .', I.'....
ur IJier ItrntrOy,
T'lll- Mr . ' !. .- t .'l-Mf'- M-41 .Krtt, r
i - r . . . . .i.i !:' . w. . i-m 4 t ..
1 rr--f i. t-i i- li t. . r
mu '- - . t r.-4- il. , . i l- - fc. t
tlir..t li r ..r- ' . .v k.. I ' L"r '' o M .t. t . i, n
I J.UI. . l"t- ; I i ' r' U.llt' . ItrkU ' ft,
Of ! :Jv I' .- Alt .lr.iJ.MU A. W.
-i.-i -
.r.i. r :l:u r. . I im bur.
. .. i-r. it '. i. :: !, ....,..
. lit- . ly r tt"" f'- 1 -''If iV . 1 lb. I : . r I r
f i ., : ! .1 I. ... I .... ii-n IL. .1 rr. . fj
i-'.t S l! !!-' " - ' I " w -I. m -t-r? ,. r,
rnr - c - ' I.I.-b. til ph .
,!.,.!..' v I ' (' ' ' -' ' f I'- '.'-'i. - Li- ..; t.
K I. p.".. I" . ir.ri..- )1t p.
. :.l -. I-. 1 1 .1 " Vf I' 1T1..I. -.-.1. 1:
I... .... -I 11-f l.fUl .tli It Ii.l,
: - r : i i. ft :.-l at., i- .
1 I '
I . I.
r. , il. y ' 1 .' 1 !U..,
1 ' : 1 : - fi T. . ti r,--t t 1.
it. i.. 1. I r- it - rm- A 1 .li--..S .ri -jum.. t I
'i . . 1 -1 .!: lltl.Mr 1,:.
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r iu II. f n.l. Hi. tti: 'lyi. - .1 I'.'ti .ir .
. . ! . , ' . . ; ..' !..' It. ' l. ." il r .... ..
,.;!. .1-11. I' . Cif'ltl-n
I. i....- 1 i..i." rj. rtiwr sii.ir ii. t.i,... . :
.. . . . .... .1 ... I. .''tl 1.1 1.1,, t
,, ,.1.1 ...:r. ;t t.-'t bv vint: Cm. bkI or
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.1. .- :f n v'-.Maii l.-r.if"l i. Ir
j : .. . , i.-ii.r L a.- : u aa iLf atUi i.
'.. r rf .' t'- . tirtr our rO nisrli r ti.
. - j. r1 ". r 'tr.-.
a:... k. m. 1 1 r. i" til- t" 'tf Ole am '"ttf-n-.
, t t-. ...it.-, i. u.i.-r trtul i.:-
M . . I ji, 11 - (l.l !' .l.T .
,. . . .':. ! -. t- t: in r in Tlit I v in
- .1 Tiili. .i . or. . ,u i; .1. rt.y m. It r liilii'r. -1
.... . .... y all i Ul.t.HtUI CO.or If U
M M: r.-. Ink a i .-u '.'1" re rtllrioir, au-1 il U
,.,11. 1 ti,-;r ,m linn it i-..ir.- uni riire rmtilj,
l.r 1
.1 1
t t t- r. It. tie. i..I :tnr L- frirtj
t-i..i,klt.Ui '.
II EWt '
eu '1 l.y a
I.". !l. I
n ti; .full tl .'-r iTe ..T tliaf. tr
. - 1 l..t r. a; 1 I., ii.re tl.rtu m-:
; i:r ! 'h-il ii -.r". n.-r l--fr.
. r- .!. ! L r .,, . i.l - lil li-. Hr-d I tl r Lil'r, D,
,..:: - - ";. . . r w1 i-1 tn -V 1" th-ir f rtu .
til - ui...ii' i: '1 lirti .ttap:"l irr.m tticcuDi.
. 1..
1 I
i ; - t .i ll il l:--. ut.-i .li'.tilil .i..m
it. i.ii i .. t'.i.i i f..t.'i,n ill. t.
. i. i..- it i- ii. t. : itw Di.ii.
n .if .utr ati.l I..1..W b ti
.- ir- : r i- i i -ri!r.-!. ! . iif.
r.l...l' C... !'r pri.tr-.
I I .1. r;, !..,t, wr V rk.
iu 11.. 11.. ..lb. th
I. , :1. r. Ii. i! ..
0 I.
.', ' f.7..7-- T Jt Ct 1 H t'7.7 h u-Murs.
I --., W. k. JllIliWIN. AjuiI.
1 ir-:tit;:t'u! EJ-ail of
I ItJll'U f t. L X Pk:LllTI.O
! to 'iiii: uluaikst agi;.
jn I v.' -"t w. -.. ' i-: l.-r :t r- r-I" r
in- r r: im.i . : j u -1 i:te llf tert-u it: r -t..r i.
. r ; i' t. ' 1 ! t . ' 1 " 1- ' ti''- l.a'
ffiinr-l. t lra!'S .! filli ptfrrtulii. m.l ...!. r f.Oi.r
t :u; : tt . ! ' cL.r -I. ,r " 1 1 t r.- i.-d - ,
1 t W . ' " "lt ' 'I- 1 T '! I I J l-.fr i BH'TC i :
rint - ! ti : - -o. I'i' i Ilir k.n-
i i . . .... i.. r sift t r f.-u-tt.!r.
Mm: -!'. N"V tu't r i. .
rr r '..'. V r -I- .r .r: I La.- li-.tr.i m..--U i
' . , . . . .,... f -7 H :r !-:r.t:.-. I t
..tt 11
I I:
1 .. :
t i fit J I V i.u:uli-rT ai'.'i -Ua ii
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-'.,f. .-.rr w. t:i !. !! -:ti-'l r.r. t
S t.'K I-'lUii'lS a...-.' I lo' l
' - Ti' i :i:- -ll''V. I.' TI
a ,.I l:ri J :tii.l -.I . ur liu-l. r .-
v i . m i.iv ; i i iv, ! 1' f
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v- ti r i .. tt. Ii r .".r ft' ?
t -.l at. -1 ' r
u' a - -'. -I? u - ' 'I- --ittil iy ittTiH.r t
:'.',;. . ..; ii i. :;. : ut Idi.t.- .t-
I f.iJU vii i - ii t- u, v. M c 1 a : Mi-t n..n f- trlitT'-
j, .! . T I i 'ratJi-.
.t',. : , '- i , '-l.r. i, .-..!' ic.rt f i t
1 1'- i I iv, . . t.-i:. t. . .i: 1 rtr n.t.rtlyir-
( ; - ' -x. . . -: r ; I sr.'l ll.P''
l. t.11. i .i l:t v - t.y I .! h-tlor
- . t i .r .,r, i I, . "tv. u .1 i 'i Tfir;.- ( . r
.... . i.. ?. r i . -j . r :.-.llil.:ti) ahd ij.wrj.
" "! ' " '..':'N MANN.
n- . r ; . . . s :;,.- I W t- O
; 1 - . i ,.,;..:;:. i:tim h'T I - "
t. . '.' r I' . ,..Mml...r..t...a.:..a
:. i r . p tr. Vi.n;i t-s:r :..
I ; r :
li... - nr.
1 II 1. ... ... & .'. tl-.-1 J J
. .. .1 , . f. n.i i i.. 1
I, , , i . , . i it - . 1 -. r.- e. u -i nit t a.
...... I . ...m.i :Mlu ll.tli.feif.-l
i.. r t
A. .in is:j.!. i-.tu.ir ui.'l trittr. yt ura.
r t. MA.N.
I ' .. : r. 1 : .. .t..f 1 " J
v. ... - - ' r. ' :.!; o.ti - i 1
...I'tOll l t-. Ill 1'ltlr WM- l
Lm.- ..'in
i . r .
i. i-.v u . u .. t ,
o .1 w - It .
' ,i- I i: t .'i.-i'ia: t. . -. it I
i: -i nitir. r s
t: -: 1 r. :.l - H-rn latir. S V.
.. i . i: : i I. t.O li. i.ti. nt, ui.1 tl r
..; t.,- ut: a. t ttrtttr-r-rs.
. :.. ; ; t .t.'inr'.r.
hi; !. i'..'.:,: -A'.il L'l. HOFFMAN
.. : .t to ... ! Cr. .. tn s.i.'.ti ti i-v-r
is I i :.- t .. . a' tt w : .'s to so? his t;u-
1-1! I
r- loeit.
NEW books:
W.ivl.iiiil' Principles and Practices i t
Ki uiitiiiai In t s Marlvr rauib,
fr,. ne's Sffoit l Arctic Expedition, ar-!
i '.lo r to w , 'lis i f itrere-t. ri nstantly t ti
liiii.,! I v Nil. its A. CO., Ltwisbutg
Dec. .", i-."n;.
Ipti. JIT iieeivid at llie old establishc
. re ol liic sui st ril er. en M.nkel street, Lf
isl-ttr'.', a lur:" and new assortment of
lUipr.-iiUj; tny tlLjcniiuU vl work rtu-r
nr.s, la pie?,
i;ovs, JMSSES,
Thr 'i e'e is srlt c-f l .rt'h care, and will c
at:"!'1'-.! nf ,n''T,a!t, rum.
4'i!St'oiti il K attended to as nn.V.
M::y t. -UMl.N UtH'GHTO.N
VOiri'II -iih Street. The sulerilt-r
i. 1 most r. speetfullv informs the citizen t
Lev. isburt: and vieimiv, that he has on hand
aii 1 f. r sa'e a cheap lot of li llMil Ut.
f..r ihe Spring trade, comprising
DfiM.-intr aii.l Coiiimon Ilurcan-', ?ev
rclarlfs ami IVx.k Case, Center,
Ctinl nittl Tier TuMof, Jininjj anl
;itukr.it Titl.lt.'?. C'tiibiiiii'iJd. Ci
tajre and othor Hcdilcails, s?tami.
SufuH. and (Hiaira
..fall kinds. COFFINS made to or.'er.r
short nolire.
The public arc cordially invited loeiamne?
bis iv. ik.as he is sure thai ihey will be .-ai'5
lied with his steck of Ware, and prices.
StU.t)MO. VOlM
Lctrisbnr;, Sept. 13, IfiitS
"Have you seen SAM?"
C'I'EMS to be a Question aiskfJ h
O almost everybody ; but we inquire,
llitvc jon Jcr-n the Istte Urm,
n iih their supply of
.w I toot is, Miorsi, .aitrrM, S.c
rj-"'s The subsi ritei s having associated il" "'
t'Vi selves into a Copartnership in I" !"''
no crer lo lhe pitbl.c, at tiie Old
of S. A. I). Mirm, on Marvel au the clivJi"'5
(for Cash) aud best lot of
for Men and Boys, ever fl'ered in Lewttnr5
Also a new ami splciid.d assortment of
Cl'M XIIOES fur Liulies and CentUmm,
A varietv of Gaiters. Half Gaiters. Ties. Bu
kins, Slippers Ac. f. r Ladies and Mis'S
also Children's Shoes of lhe laiesl
styles and sizes ; Ac. Ac irr.
Work made to order .Mending drre
nsii.il ami as the Workmen have '',n';.f
satisfaction heretofore, we trust we haii 1 ,
a full share ot public pair, n-tje. '
continue to be on hand as it rmerly, and n
lo give seueial .atisia.'.i. u lo all i''
si. 11 KK A M t41l"-'
1 'tl...'-'-
' VI K T i t U