Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 31, 1857, Image 3

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if i
V BSnfarta .ffrtt. Th Lcwim:RO Ckhotucle,
ftiMi4vl on the On0 Mstetii, ha the largest mud best
firraUtina t.ri'T NvWHiapcr in Lniaa Couoty.
Freedom, national ; Slavery, sectional!
H app'nl from the fire Slave-hnldins; Supreme
Court JuJgcun the People or 1':ii.vasi aJ
For Governor,
of nr.ADFoKD covxrr.
Canal C'oiiiiiilsKloiior,
Fur Jwl'ji t nf line Supreme Court,
VI" I. til. orrayolle '.
JOSEPH J. r,s:n'IS,ort hcslcr Co.
tnlon Count y Xoniinallons.
n.rctaUalucTUOyiAS IlAYESjOf
Uoion county.
Rnjiet.-r .( Recorder G EORG K MER
111 LL, of New Berlin.
t5mmffliirr RICHARD V. 15. LIN
COLN, of Hartley.
TreatHrer I1UGII P. S HELLER, of
Auditor JOHN KESSLER, of New
The various l'ublio Examinations of the
College, Academy, and Female Institute,
comprising the Univcrsit" at Lcwieburg,
wero not attended by large numbers, bat
wo belicv those who perform that duty
aro increasing in number and interest
Commencing on Thursday aftcrnoon,the
reviews of studies taught in tha Institute
were varied by instrumental Music, and
by the reading of Essays, as follows :
Little at first, but mighty at last.
8iiu li. MK-xEtL, Lewisburg.
Stars. Mav . Jaxee, Ccatreville.
Thought of other Days.
Mm E. Kiicaib, Lewisburg.
The Tankee. Cuu E. Houn, Jersey Shore.
The Earth a Scene of Pleasure and Improve
merit. Asia E. Moaait, Lewisburg.
The Time is Short.
8. Silo LeFvee, Lewisburg.
Flowers. Kate Woiri, Lewisburg.
And Isaac went oat to meditate in the Field
at Eventide." AtC. Liss.Lewisburg.
Clouds of the Soul.
Aeeie E. HcsTio, Mu rieasant.
Wavside Gifts.
IIarbiit C. Mhos, Newton Centre, Mass.
Tha Perfect Fattern.
An kit Yolcxah, Lewisburg.
"A silver Thread of Goodness la the black
rrersecloth of Crime."
Mtav Attsi Dele, Sabbath Rest.
Life's Pictures.
8alus E. CmwiKELitt, Lewisburg.
Exodus from the Old Edifice ol the University
Female Institute.
Jisai M. Beaveh, Lewjfburg.
ScitnAT Aftirnoo!', the Annual Ser
mon bofore the Eoeiefy for Inqniry, wa
preacbed according to notice by Geo. W.
Anderson, lale Greek rrofcor in tbe
University. His them waa the euncrioritj
of lively end abiding sense of the " on
acarchablo riehce of Christ," above mere
lympathy or benevolence, as a motive
power In promoting the conversion of the
world. Looking at the physical and the
jncatal progress of man for tha last fifty
joars, the speaker did not think it impro
bable that the printed or the ppckca Word
of Troth should be made known to evory
nation and family upon earth before the
present conturj should clone. Two years'
pastoral labor havo imparled strength of
voice to Mr. Anderson, and his well com
posed effort receive! the best possible
In the evening, Rev. Charles A. Fox of
Laserne county delivered a discourse apon
the characteristics of "pastors after God's
own heart" a warm and faithful portrai
ture of tbe true Christian minister,whether
educated by the schools or by solf discip
line and instruction.
Mokpay Aftebnooh, the closing exer
cises of the Female Institute called in an
overflowing and much interested audience
at tho Baptist Louse, where Essajr, varied
with music, were read as follows :
The Imperif hable IS'ameT
A. tiEtza (.isniaas, 1'iltston
Lire to Learn.
Elizaiets. Avibs, Greenwich, N. J.
Immortality our Portion.
AroriTA B. Teres, Lewisburg.
The Enthusiasm of Genius.
Agbee E. Dal. Lewisburg.
Valedictory. AwASUAOeDES.Ureenwich.N J.
The President of the University mad
en tppropriato address to tho class, and
presented each ef them a richly engraved
Diploma certifying to their proficiency and
completion of the prescribed coarse.
Monday Evning, tbe Muney string
band furnished music at the College chapel
frr the Alumni celebration. Mr. Charles
2t. Dvita performed tbe painful duty of
announcing the first death which has oc
curred among the graduates of the L ni
eraity Rev. Ira Foster, aged 33 years
to whose character and memory a truthful
and high tribute was rendered. Rev. J.
Andcroon Kelly, of Sbirlcysburg, deliv
ered the address on the duties of tbe Ed
ucated Men of our Times and Country
eownd,wcll-digestcd thoughts,clcarly enun
ciated, and kecpiog tbe full audience in a
LcatoJ room, interested to the last. Tbe
pott, "Harry Clay," did not arrive.
IvLtOAX MoBNiNGjtLe Boards of Trus
tees and Curators met a more particular
notice of whose labors will be found in the
publication of the latter Board.
Tact Jay Afternoon, the Pcnn'a Baptist
Education Society convened, and in addi
tion to the Reports and election of Offi
cers were addressed on tbe general sub
ject of Ministerial Education by Mr.
Ja's &T. Dickcrson, Depositary of tbe Am.
lUp. Pub. Soc, I'hilad., and Rev. David
3. Yerkes, of Pittsburg. These addresses
were of a high order of excellence, both
Ju evangelical matter and impresaivencso
cf presentation.
2wsJ Xrtn-;., astw:tlstMir.Dg a
drizzling rain, the Chapel Hall was again
filled tooverfiowing. Gov. Pollock's was a
manly and earnest exhortation to tbe yonng
men of the Societies to perform well their
duties as citixens of our noble country.
We have beard it commended as tbe best
of the Governor's literary effort. Tbe
Poem, by Rev. C. Howard Malcom, was ;
purely classical "all Greek" to most of
bis audience, being reminiscence of Uly
ses, bis wife, and other characters of those
old days to which the scholar so fondly
loves to return and live bis college days
over again. It was too feebly delivered
to be generally beard, but, we are assured
by those who did hear, was elegant in dic
tion and well worthy of reading at leisure on
some cool day. Sloes' Silver Cornet band,
from Danville, was in service on this oc
occasion, as well as Commencement Day.
Wednesday Mouxrxa proved one of
tbe most pleasant of the season. The
clouds were thin enough to temper the
rayv of the sun, but not to cast a gloom;
while a cool north wind played among tho
trees forming an arbor over the speaking
stand erected in front of the West Wing
of tbe University edifice, and aided in con
veying the speakers' voices directly to the
large and attractive audience in front.
At 9 o'clock, the procession, marshaled
by Ex-Prof. Loomis of Lock Ilaven and
hi assistants, marched from the Baptist
house to the Grove, where, after Music
and prayer by Pres. Malcom, tbe Gradu
ates spoke as follows :
Science, the Image of Truth.
Hobfbt Chalfast, Lewisburg.
The True Aim of Philosophy.
Gioigi M'.Vai, Hartsville.
Piety, the Ruling Principle,
It. W. MiTcniLL, Damascus.
The Scroll of Destiny.
G. Albtabheh Ptirz, Philadelphia.
Mental Dynamics.
J. Q. Adams Roi, Rohrersville, Md.
Hope of the Future.
Juax A. SiLS, Montgomery Square.
Miracles as Evidences of Christianity.
II. B. Joassoa, England
Bearing cf Professional Culture upon the
Christian Ministry.
Co am O'ion, Westfield, N. J.
Valedictory. G. Atiiiicu Pelti, Philad.
Conferring of Degrees.
Baccalaureate (read by Prof. Bliss).
President Maicox.
Master's Oration.
Itev. KoaiaT Lowv, West Chester.
The Master's Oration was a "master
oration" in stirring matter and energetic
delivery. Alluding to the quadrennial
alarm abont subversion of our confedera
tion, the orator argued that the Statesmen
are too much inclined to sink into dema
gogues; the Rostrum was but tbe engine 1
of tbe blind partizan ; tho Press was divi- i
ded sgainst itself, and therefore too fee
ble ; the Pulpit unlike the days of '76
was now expeoted to be silent on every
subject labeled "politics;" in short, to Ed
troawa Mm tiro turce ana a nait mil
lions now in Schools must we look for
tha conservators of our constitution and of
our Union.
Messrs.-Johnson and Osborn graduate
from the Theological Department
Messrs. Chalfant, M'Nair, Mitchell,
Pellx, Rohrer, and Seizor, received the
degree of B.A. in course.
Messrs. Hay, Dcitz, Lung, Peters, and
Lowry received the degree of M. A. in course.
The honorary degree of M. A. was conferred
upon Rev. Joel Hendrick, of Condersport
Academy; on Jacob 8. Whitman, Teacher in
the Union Seminary, New Berlin and Rev.
George M. Spratt, of Lewisburg.
The honorary degree of Ph. D. upon Rev.
George W. Anderson, of New Brunswiek.N J.
Chancellor Yonng further announced that
the other members of the Faculty with the
Curators had conferred the degree of LL. D.
upon the Rer. Howard Malcom, D. D, for six
years the honored head of this University.
Mr. Wattson, Chairman of the Board of
Trustees, after some complimentary remarks,
presented the resolutions unanimously adopt
ed by that Board, expressing their regret that
the long declining health of Pres. Malcom had
compelled him to resign his post.
The usual party at Dr. Maloom's resi
dence closed the public and private festiv
ities of Conmcnccment Week. The atten
dance has been large indeed new friend
ships evidently forming, and old ones be
coming stronger the literary feasts were
generally of a superior character, and al
together very creditable to those most
concerned. Many long tried, faithful mem
bers of the two Boards, and liberal pat
rons, were present, evincing by their at
tendance from year to year their deep sea
ted and self sacrificing interest in the In
stitution; and there were also many new
visiters and officers, who we hope to see
again", as the means of speedy travel hith
er yearly increase, and as the University
extends wider the influence of its gradu
ates and of its temporary pupils.
The' Ifiiladelphia Tinm ask "why has
Mr. Lcipcr, a well known old banker Dem
ocrat, been in consultation with Mr. I.
Haxlehurst, for the last two weeks? Why
have those consultations been secret and
A writer in the New York JTcraU says
that, by next New Tear's, Flour will be
down to tbe good old price of $1 per bar
rel. About those days we'll sing "Hail
Columbia 1" .
A man, abont 19 year of age, named
Absalom Wind, committed suicide one day
last week by hanging himself. He was in
tie employ of Win. Miller, of Milford
township, Jnniata eonnty. No cause is
assigned for this rash act.
A lady in Boston bas been fined $5 for
wearing snch immense hoops as to obstruct
the sidewalks.
The new iron Railroad Bridge over tbe
Jordan in Lehigh Co., near Caiasaqua, is
1100 feet long and 90 feet bigb.
A History of the Evangelical Associa
tion (Geman Methodists) has bees issued
in tt Giiman lasreage. . .
roa nil irnsnuK cheowlb.
The Spruce Creek Railroad.
Jly Dear -Chronicle I have for some
time been a quiet looker on at what 60ne
mav have supposed the progress of the
Huilroad. but which I have :
come to the conclusion but the cold sup
port of a fete who prefer their own advance
ment in publio estimation to the prosperi
ty of that, or any other great enterprise,
in which tbe whole community have an in
terest. In this supposition I am confirm
ed by tho superficial view taken of the ad
vantages of tho road, by some of those
who seem to be tho most interested in the
growth of Lewisburg. The idea seems to
prevail that, now that the town is situated
at the bead oC rail road communication
with the eastern cities, it will be a border
depot, for tho vast demand for merchan
dise required between it and tho western
termination of tho road. This, I have no
doubt is quite reasonable and satisfactory
to those who look but half way into tho
subject, but nothing is further from the
real merits of the case.
To those acquainted with the country
through whioh the road is located, it is
not necessary to describe its beauties, its
agricultural fertility., or its" incxhanstiblo
mineral resources, but to those who aro
not, it may be well to say, that it is not
surpassed by any section of Pennsylva
nia. And by the peculiarity of the loca
tions of the different lines of Railroad,
this important section of our own State is,
in a great measure, isolated, and thus lost
sight of by the traveling community, or its
importance and the construction of the road
would not at this day, be found urging
their claims upon thoso whose interests
lay in the same direction.
But, Mr. Editor, you havo one gentle
man in your town, who is a sincere friend
of the road and who looks npon its con
struction as tin most important enterprise
ever presented to tho town and the sur
rounding conntry. That gentleman is
Geo. F.. Miller, Eq. He sees in the com
pletion of the road, Lewisburg, not only a
border town, discharging merchandise to
those who are compelled to drive their
uaoons to obtain articles of necessity, but
receiving the vast products of the whole.
western extent of the road. It is this re
ceiving and forwarding of agricultural pro
ducts in exchange for merchandise that
benefits and builds op tho town, to a
flourishing city. This is tho proper view
of tho aubjcot, and I only regret it is not
so looked upon by more of your substan
tial citizens. But much as bas been the
unconcern manifested by somo in yonr
eonnty, I hope ero long to find them
heartily co-operating with thoso who have
been active in forwarding the enterprise.
The above is merely intondod to call
mlnBily -rf hi prtWr whi E
licve an important subject, but if it meets
yonr approbation I will endeavor in an
other article, to givo the basis on which
may be calculated the business and profits
of tbe road, and thus the indirect benefit
to the public. ; In Out it tciU he teen the
road trill not only pay, but be a profitable
invcttnunL Chiliequaquc.
Tbe writer of the foregoing lives in
Chilisquaquo Tp. somo miles from Lew
isburg, and wo know not that he has any
private or pecuniary interest on this side
of the river. But he is a sincere friend
of our cou.ntbt's improvements, and as
snch we invite him to continue his sub
ject, with the one remark that the enter
prise has as many and as fast friends in
Lewisburg as in any other portion of tho
proposed route. EJt. Chronicle.
Attempted Escape. David S. M'-
Kim recently convicted of tho mnrdcr of
Samuel T. Norcross at Altooaa, and now
in jail at Hollidaysburg nndcr sentence of
death, camo near making bis escape on
Monday or Tuesday night of last week.
Although closely watched since his con
finement, yet he managed to get posses
sion of a case knife with which he sawed
through tbo manacles npon bis feet, and
bad it not been for its timely discovery
by the jailor, he would doubtless havo es
caped. In 1816, thero was frost in July, and no
corn was raised north of Mason and Dix
on's line. Better luck in 'f7 1
Trartrtc Jurort Scptr mbrr- Term, 1857.
Ltuiisbure; I R Nesliit.John Norton, Lewis
Iddmgs, William Wilson, Daniel Schraek,
Peter Hursh, Hush P Shcller, Henrv W Fries.
Augustus fc'loughton, Daniel Keyhart, Daniel
S Kremer. East Buffaloe John Zellers, Gid
eon Biehl. Jacob Slifer, Samuel Noll, Abraham
Frederick, Michael Brown, llujfaloe Joseph
DieAenderfer, John Cornelius, Daniel Miller,
Jac H Seedy, Vni I. Irwin, Jn Hanck, Jas W
Simonton, George Slear. ltrf Buffahe An
drew Foster, John V Barber, Joseph Kleckner,
Daniel Bogenrief, William Taylor. While
Deer John Dersham, Jerome Princenhofl", Ur
banns Ranck. Mifflinburg John Winter.
AWy Philip Gemberling. Hartley Samuel
CorT, Robert Forster, John Wilt, Solomon
Miller, George Riehl, Samuel Olewine, Benja-
min Menseh, George Glover.Georee Kleckner.
Jr. Limettnnt Frederick Bollender. Jark-
nn Philip Gross. Aew Berlin George Mer
rill. Union Isaac Eyer, Sr.
Grand Jurors September Term, 1857.
Leudsburg Elisha C Marsh, George Reed,
G A Frick, David Slifer, John Mussrr, Samuel
S Barton. East Buffahe Wilson I Linn,
Nicholas Groover. Huffalot Jackson Wolf,
Michael Dunkel. Wat Buffaloe In L Beaver,
T V Harbeson. KeV Samuel S Spoils, Da'
vid Grove. Jacob Heinly. White. Vfr Am
brose Henderson, Isaac High, Adam 8mith, L
F Albright, Martin Keifer. M' fflmlmrgS W
Snodgras. flew Berlin Jacob Mauck. Ifart
hy Samuel Uariman, Daniel Long.
Railroad Meeting,
A MEETING of the Stockholders of ihe
J. Lewisburg, Centre A Spruce Creek
Railroad Company," will be held at the house
of Samuel Hanpt, Jr., in Millheim, on Tcpstiat
August It, at 1 o'clock P. M. The object of
the meeting is to take into consideration the
propriety of an immediate letting of the Road.
A full attendance of the stockholders is very
desirable. ' : t --.
C?Tne Board of Directors will meet at the
same place on the same day tn the morning at
10 o'clock. Bv order of the Board:
J.tly24.ier?. ; ja.I f I.U ER, i'rri't.
PROPOSING Amendments to the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth.
Rtmlrl by Iht fmite nnr? Hum Brprruttlalivn ml Ihr
rammimwiult of lltnmnlcania w (.Ve.ol MtrmHf mt.
Tlit thi' following amt pJinrnU aw prop..! to th vn-
! tlitiitiou of Hi-C-ouimonwwiltb. In arconlioc wit We
psOTisfcmj at tlie tcutli article uereoi.
TlicRAhill bean additional article to mkt conitUaUon,
to be deiualel J article eleven, as lullowe:
- OF PUllf.10 DEBTS.
Frcnof 1. The Ute me contract ilehts, to rapply
eauital deficits or uulurtu inTeenne,orti nieetexprnM
not otherwiw prnritlrd tor; but the ar-gnte aJnuunt nf
auj-.li d.-bu.dirrrt and conMnffnt,whelht.-r contracted by
virtue of one or more acta of the gnaml awwnbljr, or at
ditfn-nt peri'dof time, eheU ne'er exca i-'Vrii
andhnythouii.dtlollarF,aiidtJje !
ann a tin ntlmr nurtiaii. vhatHwvr.
fecno. i lit ail-lilinn U U alOTe llnill power, th
fUte maTroDtrjrt &nht trrpl iBfaon.tupriia iaur
rition, jf fUil tin U ttr in war, or to redrrni the pn: nt
AMtNtAtt.tina- intlblnr-M of the lUU: but lh itvmr-y
to tha Tr.in.oM for whkb it wa ri-d. or to repay ueh j
ted I.t or on behalf of lb. .tote.
rrin 1. T.. i-rvvMe f. the payment of the preaent I
debt, and any a.Iditi..,,.l drU e....lr-led af..re,.ij, the ,
. ... i .. : n ai ..l....ii..ri .r
ltSkil.wrr.na.., mi iu nrat f..a, -.-ex ,
thii auifniliOftit. create a fifikinje fund,
iilHi-L-if in m ih uruieir intreevt on
Ewh ilSt. sb.1 l
miuiKtily to ft-iurr tin- jinnrij al inre.i oy i'udi
1 1 1:10 two hundnd ami fifty thousand dollar; which in
kini; fund Khali ennM-t of thi not nnual mmme of the
pul.Iic work, from tioM Co tine owned by thi nUt, or
the proceeds of the Mle of the fiame or any part thtrm'f,
and of the inontne or prow-dsi of na1e of uticks own.tl hy
lh- utiite. ttft Iht with other funda or rwounfi that may
U dcMtfrnnted hy law. The mid inn kin 2 fund may b
inrreaw d, from time to time, hy aacijeuinff to it any part
cr th taxc. or ntiw r rpvnue 01 tno raic. nm n -juirtu ,
lor the ordraary and current xpeUrv- of fTrerrtuient ; ,
and unlets In rane of wir, inTacion, or innurrection. no
part or the oaid pinking fund shall be Ofevl or appueu
otherwise than in extinsuhthment of the put.lic deht
antil the anwuDt of snch debt is reduced below the sura
otherwiM than In extincuiethm.-nt of the puMie ilfht i
of lWe mill ion of dollars.
tJKfTWw 6. Theenditof tbeeotomoowrealthphall notln
any ananrwr orerent h pledKd or loaned to any individ
ual, company, corporation, or aM)ciation; nor fhall the
conimonwealth h.rafttT Ijectinie a joint owner or atock
fatdder fn any coir pa ny, aamrlatinn or rorpnratlon.
SrtTiosr & The commonwealth shall not assume tbe
drnt,or any part thTMf,of any county, rity, borough or
town-hip. orol any corporation or a&wiation, unless such
di'Mhnll haTelMfn contracted to ennhle the 8tnttt repel
invaaion, suppres domestic insurrection, def-nd itmlf in
time of war, or to aprVt the state in the discharge of any
portion of iM present lntebtedBem
Sn-rioM 7. The kr?ii1ature shall not authnrtxo any
county, city, borough, township, or inranbniated district,
hy virtue of a rote of its citizens or otherMke,t' leeome a
stockholder in auy company, aiisociation or corporation, or
to ohtaln money for or loan iU credit to any corporation,
waociaiion, Instit ution or party.
There shall he an additional article to said ennstitution,
to be designated as article eleven, as follows:
Tfn conntrsT-.all h.' divided hy a line cuttlnff off orer
one tenth of its i-r-putatinn, (ei'.her to form a new county
or otherwise.) without the express a-sent of snch county,
by m rote of tbe elect ra thereof; nor shall any new
county he established, containing less than four hundred
equate miles.
Tintn AjeccDXtrrr.
Frvvin eetlon lwt of the first article of the pnntit niton,
strike out the word, uof th cify ' jy.i'mirtphfi, anri nf
rncheoMnt rrtpretTfty from flection fie. same article,
strike out the words, "0 I'ttiUidriJtia and f the sertral
Oiuiiti't from section seten. same article, strike out the
words. hiVAt Vie ofy " ittitadtifAia nor amy," and
insert in lieu thereof the words "and no;" and strike out
section four, nine article, and in LwU thereof insert the
- .. . .....
JD in Tear vnv i itiipi ri-inii nun'in-u
.n.1 ,tr-f.mr. ami in r-rerv senth Tear thrtvatter.
avprvsentatiws t" tha number of one hundri-d. shall br
apprlHned and dintrihttU-d fjually throughout thestat'
ly districts, in proportion to the number nf taxahlf Inhab
itant in thetH-veral ArtK thereoexceptttiatanyeoiiiity
enntnlmnir at least three thoasand tire hundrr-1 taxahlt-s
may be allowed a separate repivm-ntatioti ; hut no tuort
than three counties, shall be joincil. ami no county shall
N (Mvi.l.tl, in the lormaiion ni m ui-iri. Any city con-
least two renreseoutiT.s shall ha a separate reprenvn-
1st ion assipned It, and shall be difidl into convenient
distrtCW Of conutf onus irrnuiry, oi rquai wnir popBia
tlon as near as may be, each t)f which districts shail elect
one reprr-M-ntaUra."
At the end of section fTen. aam article. Iflwrt thcae
wonts, "th city of VhiUtdeJphim ihaU fte dirtdnl into rintjt'
trwtUrrinl hstrit-t$. of cnntigunuM ttrrilory at nurjr equal
in Mrttofe fnijmi-tin m$ ymtiti ; (mt no ward thai I bt
dtruted tn the formation inert.'
1 lie lepiPLviire, ei ,i-nrfc e-e ieD eiier me eiinpi eir .ii
this amendment, shall divide the c.ty of l-biladelpha into
The icptptaturr, at its nrst session aner me atinptmn or
proTHrU ; such distnou tAfvanaia UMnanafea nnul Uie
apporthtnment in Uie year one tlioosantl eight hundred
an aiatf-feajv. w
OfE.il .vmifw
There ahal! V an additional section to the first article
of catd const itutioo, which shall be nomU'rad and read
as follows t
To b Section xxru Artiett u
The lefflslntnre shall hTe the power to alter, reroke or
annnl any etiarter of incorporation brraftr eon f-rr-l l.y
ir under any special or p-ncral law, vhi-m wr in th ir
opinion it tnay le Injurious to the cstiiena of the com
mon wealth; In sucb manner, however, that no injustice
hall bt done to the corporaiora.
I Skvatk.
iawiTK. 1
Jlarch J7. 1h.1T. f
jV-rro7rviTbat this reeolnti'm pas On the flirt antond
Dietit, yeas li. nays 7. On Uie Fecund amendment, yt-as
Zi, nays tt. On the third amendment, yeas 21, nays 4.
On the fourth amcudment, yi-as Z nays a.
Extract Uom the Jonrnal :
UKO. W. 11 AMER5LEY, (tcrt.
13 Hotsi or RnmcsryTinvta, I
April 29, I
Jt'trirrd, That this resolution pass. On the tlrst aniend
ment. yeaa 7K, navs 12. On the seennd amendment, yeas
67, nays iU. On the third amendment, yeas Ti, nays W;
and on the fhurth amendment, yeas 83, nays 7.
Extract from the Journal ;
SccarrT Omnt. I
I'UcU Hay 1857.
a. o. critTry.
SLcrrtarjf of Ou Otmmonweullh.
Prntrr art's Ornrt, I
II vasiiiiitBo, J une 22, ls5. J
VnnryfpamVi, R?:
I dc tjnrtify I hat the ahnve and foren.njr Is a true and
enrrert copy of the original ltiuuni relative to an
Amendment of the Constitution' as the same remains
on file in this ofliee.
( I In tesrtnnnT whereo. I haTe hereanto set mv
Jl s.hand and eauai-d to be affixed tbe seal of the
( ) SvcxeUrysOfhce,thedayandyearal'nTewritten. !
A. li. I
Secretary of the tbm mm vrraLh.
Marrh 'J7, IV-.7.J
rtesolntina proposini aaienlmnts to the Constitution
of the Commonwealth, beiug under oonsideration.
On the nucstion.
Will the Senate afrrre to the first amendment t
The yeas and nays were taken apreeahly to the proTls
Ions of Uie Constitution, and wctv as fid low, vis i
r.kM'trt. Brtwrr Jtnoene. f'fey Etjf Erans Fttter
rnnikn Frti?r Iiyram Jtmitm hHinoer Jinor Lautnrh
Istcis Mtf'r S-nfi'M Mlers Slot man SUrle &raub Ifelsh
llYiinf Wright find T-ujfjirt iMpraktr) C4.
K t .V.Mrrt. Crabb CreuweU rinwjf tirtyg tturri ira
rme end Aliwfcr 7.
So the question was determined la the afflrmitire.
On the qnestion.
Will the Senate arree to the second amendment t
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provis
ions of the (V.nstitntion. and were as follow, viz :
YKA.V'ifT$ ltrwtr Jtraums IranotU Ely Erans Frtter
Vnnev Flrnnilvn Jnoram Jonfm Aim xtultarh iswi
fyrSrJtert Mnrnan S-Htler Steele Straub Hdtk Mttkint
Vntjhtand Titgrjnrt Spenker) 2J.
lxtM'Mrs. t ojrjt Crabb Fnufr Cregg JIarrit KtUinr
gr Irme and Scifi'ld .
So the question was determined la the affirmative.
On the qnostinn.
Will the Senate ajrree in Ihe third amendment t
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Confu
tation, and were as follow, via :
Y m8 N'ttrn.tirvKier lirowne Crnhb CretswS Ely grant
Henniken hYnzrr fnrm at Jortton KMinaer A' no Lmfiirh
Isvi fifyr Scnfifld StU'rt Stmman Souther .StVefc titnub
VMrh WiUt nt and Wryiht 24.
ATSJMrs.-y Gregg Utrrit aud ilwrnag t.
So the )nesUon was determined in the affirmative.
On the question.
win t lie senate afrree to the snartn amendment F
The imi and nava were taken . ...... hi an the nmwt.
ainne or the Conatitntion.anil were an follow, Tii :
Tl"i Jf-rrra. rrwr irnr rl r Vtr-er)7 A7V Vn I
rimUm frairr h,jrm Adhjw Ajww LcuthaiA Lnau 1
M err toilieM tWere Xhttman Zmther SlteU Strub lldth
n'l-tes anri HWaAf 113.
.Iatii Mrisrs. lrahl Tnnew Jordan emt Vrtmt I.
too the nucrlion waa determined in the sJBrniatlra;
IS THI' ItOCSE Of fUnttamTATtTEg, 1
April . Ih57. f
Tile reanlatloil propnelnrr amendmeots to tbnCottetitn
tion of the Commonwealth being nnder coaitkteraAtou,
On the nnr.tinn,
Will tbe HnuFe Eirree to tbe fir.t amenitment?
The yeaa and nay. warn take agreeably to the provi
aionaof theCnnntjtution, anil were an follow, ,1a:
Yew Messrs. Anderson Arthur Ane.AoiAM Hall Brrk
iKiA.fi Aneer Hrown Otlltovn f nmplirU I Hon 'TlnamrCrav
ford Dtrlcrt Kni Kwtrr SMwM Rntrr eViUnnr, 7i7.tr a
Himrl llirptr ll ms llirttani Hill HiWrrns Huffman of
Heii-t Imhrie fanu Jacobs Jmkins Johns Johnson Kavff.
man Krrr KniflU Ldsmeing lymrtai.tr Lortlt Aftinenr Aiiu
air Sf'almtmt JITItivin MooiAmd 3lumma Muwlman Xi.
ehiJs Atr-Jnilsim .VonratdrAer itorann liters Itriken Bnv.
nail I'urcrll Hamsry nf JftitaaVljAia Ramtrsuf fork Kra
mer Hrrd Huberts Jlnpp Shaw .Sla.ru Fmieh of IteWiriM
timith nf fVnrre .Slerenran Talan Vail Tanmnrhis IVlerj
Ynegldef WaUsr Wxtbrook Whartirn ll'iifat Wit&eTOU)
Wriyltt Zimmerman out! IJets ttyeakcr) 7.
Natb Afcarea, iinciwa neH Hack Htmeftrm B,meoek
ftine. HnfTman of Lebanon Ltbo Urulhers Thorn Hunter
a ad ll'.Wrede 11 . i .
c-o theqaeatioa waa determined in tha afflnmatire.
On the qneetloa, .
Will the llnnw arree tn the aemnil amendment!1
Tke yeae and nayi wee. take, airreeahly to tb rarl
alona of the Conetf tutlon, irereaa Cllow. ytx:
Via Jfcora. -Andmem Hackkatar am K.e Rmeee
OjIAouh (imphrlt tarry Rat rausald. IFnsbnr CUdta Unmet i
tlurner Mont Jtteaunil Utmrns Hoffman of Berts Hmst
keeper Imlrrie bines Jenlins Johns Johnson Ann If man,
knivM In-rnr l4mvoerleor Manerw Manrilr AT tema
Me.rl.ra.1 lliuielman -V Wi Xicl-ttan Xunrwuiehrr ier
Sa Urn hMrikm Vemn wwrarH hamte ofnOadelphin
.. .. , . .j . " . . ... .... i y i-irra. frrtnn -
Vail raraun waiter tf'Cdrwoe rPAarton zimmrrman .i.i 1
I t.rw(-.,, . v, ,
rArlMElj - JUm'
Nv M.urr. A,nr AhihiI-'"' ' '" "''' !'
Br-iwH Clmm l1MTVrmt:M Kl-lsr iM-nttl Himilbm
Hnnrik Hill Utnr lLffna " 'limit Junto K'rr 1st
ITOilmmit Ham,n Hatl .'. i:mbriaSmith"f Vtvn
Cerriwn stntihm Tlmm Yauvm'aU I iyif.Utr
H'arnrr HtnnoV WiUenB owl WiiM
So thotiuegti'm waa di'U'iuuiml Ui the aClrmatiTe. .
s On tbe queatlon,
ill tbe llouae ajrree to the third arniTidnvnt?
Tbe Tca and n;.v wero;tali. n. and weir a f..!i , via:
V .V-r.. Atflrrrm ftjciAnuw Kilt Uutm
ft-wcr Hrvn fitllm'lH dmplU Chat- lAettvrr I rrJorrl
Ddl tM Jifttrr f imM tmUr UiUxmtt OMel ll'irya
tliUH.lUgat U-ffman vtkriM Huffman j
iltint iimiv i
A-HutfM Am lkn mmfcr Lnntll
tt.m.jlr. Mfrrl.enl Mamma Mnttelmuin StrhUt AV4.i
Ait'icr JVirxm iVArrllMWe HunallfunrH him
!. JViri KnmrrUi'ii ItupflilM Sloan ."toil !
ti .fmir nf '.mfre Stimvm TtJ'tn Vail I'fwrooW.T. l.ct-
j ,ilra IUmiltl itlr.k itt JrtUins KvyU A-
go t!ic qucntioD waa ti.-trrmincU in th affiriuatiTe.
On tht?iaetloD.
u .ii n..ni. tnll.i. fonrth aTflfn lmfnl r
The yeiw aii-1 navn were tnk-n, and weru ns follow, li :
.3tfnrw. AutUwm Awlhmr lltrkhou' il.tr I m foil
H-V ''' ''.ji J.
llffma.f Krrl-. lhm,n..L, l'"'rm'
'" J" M.m " "' " Tjf"
r-J Z.Ufcr UU . yvar M ig I r U'u l,m.t
.Vlltam Vumm i A., w ""T
1',-slMntt 1'rtATt I flrikfM IiWtUlA I 'itlTHl ham VI - 1
, ... , ,V((K
Ht'Mtt Umith if iMakirrut Smith ff t'rMtrf. t9rrm:n Itmtn
W'$tTtk WltartuH HUluion niVitrow jinMermtn una
O't; Suiter) :t.
IhiKV-niVuiW WwiM
&o the qucstiifU was determined in the affirmative
Hn-RRTtnT)! Orri-!.
llAKlUaULaUi, JUU 1 S 07.
Pntwryfrftnitt. US:
I tlo certify that thf ahdVo ami forpjoinjt fn a tru an 1
rortvc1: copy of the? Y.aii arid Nay' takn n tin
Itfwslulion nmi ointr AmcnelnMuitw to the CVtiiftituti'nf
th- Commm.Wwulth a the me
ol tbe two Houses of the ijetwral AaKetuhly of this Com
monwealth fr the session of I.h .
I ) Witness my band and the seal of said office,
J l B. this twenty-aeeeonil day of June, one tnouauti
J aicht hundred and flfty-stf en.
6(0m3 tttrrttory of the OtmmmtoraUh
Real Estate.!
rilHE snbseribers will offer at Public Sale,
J on Ihe premises on
Hatur fny the 29tft Avjut,
enmmencing at 10 o'clock, A. M.,a number of
Lots of Woodland, eontainin frrm 3 to 15
acres each, well covered with tiheMnut, jttfj
White Oak, and a few Hollars, a private -i-rnad
leading to each lot. The property is in
Bulfaloe Tp. Union Co., adjoining lands of
John and Jonathan Coulter, and 1 . and r.
Clintian. Terms rcasonahle. and will l e made
at sale. P1III.II' RI HLK.
July 25, lS57pd DAVID HEltlioT.
T70II SALE! The nndersism'd.sur-
! JL viving partner of the firm of J. U. Ai W. i
i ti " ai r- -.t-.n ,L..v.u.kU
u. iiui,-h, utiria mi amt: an mat -. .
. r u c u ftf ,u
j . p A f ... ,.
Susquehanna River. 6 miles from Williams-
port and 3 miles from the line.of the Snnbn-
1 r 1 j .i t. it 1 1
ry5c Erie Rai road. J he Pennsylvania Lana!
3 , r ,i " f i .
tract coniains UGO Ari'CM v iih fJ per cent.
j a0wance
200 acres are cleared, and
Rood Slate of cullivatinn. there IS a large!
I on the premt-
m of Water, and
The M.ll is new.
; amount (.f valuable TIMBER
sc.; a eood stream
a SAW MILL. The Mill is new,
Iheing built in 1856.
The other improvements consii
with Ont Buildings thereto. Two largejLXA
...... t-i-e. t i
BAR.NS, one of which IS first CUtoS, With a
ian;e 5 ned auacnea.
The above nrorertv will be offered i Pnblie
rnie at tne ;ourt nonse, in williamsport, on
Wariaaall)', llto XOtli of August
next, at 1 o'clock P. M.
A portiun of the purchase money in Cash,
the balance made easy, with interest, and ap
proved security.
Terms made known on day of Sale
Further particulars can be obtained hv ad
dressing WILLIAM fl lirLIMi,
Enrrirlne Partner oT J It. W. B. UfLlNfl.
Williamsport, la, June 30, 1857.
amnios coonr sals.
AGREEABLY to an order of the Orphans'
Court of I'nion county, will be exposed
to public sale, on the premises on
Sitturihiy, the 1st Jay of August next,
all that messuage and tract of land situate in
White Deer township, I'nion eonntyjuljoinin;
lands of David Kamsey, Joseph r-'potts, Adam
Beck, and David Moyer, containing
24 Acres
more or less. The Improvements are a small
M frame House and Stable, and the land
under cultivation.
Also a piece of Woodland situated f
in Budaloe lownship, adjoining lands
of John Bennat;e, Francis Wilson '
and others, containing four acres
more or less.
According to the decree of the Court, the
premises will be sold at private before the
public sale, if a sufficient price is otl'ercd.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M when I
terms of sale will be made known by
Executors of Jacob Sritci, deceased
By the Court:
8.tHi-Ei Kocsh, Clerk. May 21, 1S57
BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Ex. is
suedout of the Court tf Common Pleas
of Union County and to me directed, will be
exposed to Public Sale, or outcry, at Ihe Pub
lic House of Josas Fisher, at White Deer
Mills on Friday, August 11.
commencing at 9 o'clock, A. M., of said day,
several i racts ot i.antl, to wit :
No. 1. A Tract of Land situate in the town
ship of White Deer, and eonnty of I'nion,
bounded east by lands of the heirs of Daniel
Ludwig. dee'd, Samuel High and others.north
by lands of the Shellield Iron Company, west
by lands of Dr. Lichtenthaler, and south ty
Iamb cf Jacob T. Stahl and heirs of Isaac
Ranck,dec'd,containing 85Acres,moreor less,
whereon are erected a Brick Mansion House,
Frame Barn, and other Outbuildings with the
No. 2. A Tract of Land situate in the town
ship and county aforesaid, oonnded east by
lands of Samuel Baker, South by lands of I
Genr"e Ranrk Josenh K Mnrer and other,
VC i , ' i , ' ,0Ver antt '''
west "T lands of Jacob Farley, and north by 1
Ihe ttneae Vattnn Jt- Al'kt. 1... t'.nnil.- 1
Road and lands of Jacob Farley .containing 75
Acres, more or less, with the appurtenances.
No. 4. A Tract of Land situate in the town
ship and county aforesaid, bonnded east.nnrth,
west and south by lands of Ihe Sheffield Iron
Company, containing 14 Acres, more or less,
with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in exeention and to be sold as
the property of HENRY HIGH deceased.
N. B. The above Lands may be sold in
pieces or together, as to snit purchasers.
There is a first rate MILL-SEAT on ihe
premises. . D. D.GULDIN, Sheriff. .
Sheriffs Ofllce, Lewisburg, July 8, 1857.
THE lartre and commodious ROOlf
heretofore occupied by F. M. Ziesacb
in priming the t'mnn Argus, in Frick' Build
in?, near the corner of Third and Market
streets. Possession given immediately.
Apply to JOHN B. LINX,
April 29, 1857. ' Attorney for Ww. Fbick
Ho!- Farmers Chance for a Bargain!
1?OR SALE, near Lewisburg, a Tract of
almost lOO Acres of good Farming
Land, limestone soil.. It will be sold on rcas-
- . . . -
onable term at pvivaw.sale for Cash.. luuuire
at .ne-.i.-.ice oi tne r iaii.". June lf, ;j
runi.ic saTaK!
f)T a Plunus order of the Orphan j
I r t'ni.m eountv. I will expose to sale,
T a Plunus order of the Orphans Cfiirt
M W " "
on the premises, on i
Tuesday, lMti September m-vf,
at t..n oVUu-L in tho ioreui.Gi),
a(e Win. WiUon Jr., of Keliv Tp. Union Co.
Davitl H-tnlry,V iiliam :
Brown, Mrs. M'Clurr, Joseph Mur anl the
West Branch of the Susquehanna, ennlaiiiing ,
117 Acres and 7( Perches. ;
The Farm is nf the FIRST QUA LIT V f
Soil and under pood improvement .handomly
locate ! on the River ruad a'jtut hail a n.: e
from Lewisburg. The Improvement are a
nearly new, a lu-fvsi.p-y frame Uuellinc -
Hote, a Corn Hotis-, a Va.:.'ii Mit J-X-J-.
anil oilier tncenry Oiiihuiii. a in r
failing N.rin of Walrr m ihe Ollar Ki; h a
anj a W:i with i'umpir. lh: i;arny:n !- a;. 1
(p'i Thriving voting Apple Orrhar!. Wait-r f
-EaCTcan be had in niosi ..(' Un fit '.-N.
'JVrms will t.e maiie known .it .'.!c.
Persons wishing t view ti.e pr'-mie-i are
r?iueste-! to oa.Il ni liit Atlmini-.iraiir, cr 11 .
i Joseph Must.r, n ar ti.p preini'-e
ii I'CwiT p. Mu:r.Lcn.
A'Iministrator of WW. Wilsu.h Jr. (!ccM.
July :u, I7.
I-n -aster Kxnminer enjy t.aand enJ bill (- thi- !e-.
''HK subcribtr otl'eri for sale his Ke.M.lrtire
on the et side of South second street
in the UoroUcb of LewUbum, between Market
and St. Limit streets. onM-tiiiL-nf near a lot and
I ahalfolground.makinBafroiiti.fWieetoiiMti I
Second street, and inlcnlu loi leet, t, inrMes.
The iinroveiiien:s are a commodious t.ir -e
storey tlllCK J )V 1 A . I N i
jii-il lOlISi:. "f preyed .rick.4' f--et
Iron! bv M left deep well finished with a
marble bae, marble sills and liuiels in trt.itt
a fire-proof roof with a W in; suae bt 1 ef
23 hy l'J feet an Oat Kitchen a Well of ex
cellent water, with a 1'iimp in, under rod a
large Cistern also un.ier root a laree new. ' -
Stable au Ice House and ether neee-sary j 4. Ilcnutirsil 1 1 rati of
oRt-biiildtn;... There are also on saiilrs I , ii f n t! V t & t n
Lot choice Fruit Trees and Shrubl.erv ,U!' fe. X i ,i 5 Et J (
The locaiiun is a desirable one tuber loi a
private resblctu-e i r public lus;i;fs. .'ii
lite most elevated pan of the liorcush, near
the Court House, and but a short distar.ee trem
Market street. Terms will be triple easv.
June !, 157. C. F. M1I.LKK.
Adioiirnctl Kale.
""OTIf'K i hereby given tliat the un ler
X signeJ.Trustees, will sell at a'uoti. n, in '
pursuance to an-l by virtue of an Act of A
semb'y approved t!te 16'h day r t" A pril. A.
1857, on Miisini the 19th day f October.A.D.
1H57, at the preu.ies id the lit rough of .New
, ,- tr .. i n .i
I iwmn, me Ja, uutiri nue ami an uinry .
uuuc j 'y " ."-c . .
Boron.h belonging t.. he our.ty r.f I r.iot, :
' prmr to lhf erect -.'n ol ihe- nw rnnnfv on! r,t
1 , , , . m , , , ,
part oi l.nioD, bounilea aoj described as loi
I Public lUllui:iS Uhu
ionrn. viz :
t Five lots ar';oinin earh nihrr, an-l brnn'!J
on the west hv Vine street, north hy Mnrl.t.1
! " l I ;1 "reel and sou h by an
i Alle'- he7"nI 0,1,1 "ouc
' "n 'f free,"i- .
Also a certain, lot aojoinin Plumb sip
on the eat. Market street on ihe sonMi. 1- i ',
John Seebold's on the west and an Alley on
the north, whereon the Jail erected.
Said lotswiM be sold separate, toother with
the appnrtennnce.
fcale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M- of
M tlay, when an.! where the terms ar.J ci-ll-
ditions of sale will be male known I v the un-
tierftisned, duly appointed bv said Art for that
purpose. rEli MIDHLEsWaKI 11,
July Si. If :.7 JOHN V. B AltUKR.
to Titosi: who WA.vr i iis
A Farm within the reach rf rcrri Jl 'in.
THK RttniWAY KAItM flMPAN V h matte nrranire.
menta ty which all who Afire ti 5ettle tt unW a
h"tn. run iln i"i.
The 1 artni nn-i-t ' f rLTt lini-.t.-ne -. it . rthenvct
nuperkr quality l..r frmii...in n rr i-il y tm; r.n ii.-1 1-.. -.
inu ht li an e.tii.ii-ive emigration ii. m.w . uriuir. i't.e
pmperfy I. !.rat-'.l in Kit; tv.iin'r. l'-nn.-ii. ni.i. in tt;e
nitaiitij . thririnif p..i.lalennf -m-ltt.O-el. It.. rlini'itL.
in rerlVett. healll.y. nn. the tirril le .laetie t.fti.e e-t.
fcrer. le nnknown 11 alen tiaa an ahunilan.-e ef i he ht
.lii.lityet.Val i..A-Ar..n. Tt,.- frl.e to I .it it ...i: i. fniii
$1 tn $-!o per arre, pnyable by tn-Uitiliint.. to L- l.mri.1
t tlietimeofpurrh.Hnr nr . hareor-.-.aere.enl.tliri,:
tn locate theaane .r $-. narbte ifipvr n..nth I-.1.
arree payai.itf t per muiiin. jiiM.unt l..r frrry -uui .-I
Sliai ami aniter. pail in mlvanre. a dt-eii'itif .'."r n.nt.
will he all.'Weil. r. f -r iititIiki diN.unt i.l I" fee .i-nt.
Jn ennetilerinir the a.lrantai;. nf emi??ralint; to thi..
loratity tlie f-.lli.winir are presente-l :
Firtl Ttie H.il is a ri. h lim.-i.rnn... r-irriMr rf rai-in;
the lu-arieet CTep-, i.win t.i which thui eeulenieut ha
attiiml ill. vrf.-nt irreat rn;..-rity. i
rrnif It 1. the centre of III- treat Orth Heft t V.it
It-oin. and i. dt-stine-i tv.n to Ircci-m. one i t th-arr-;it' t
bine-s (ln'e in the Strife. It will -iiir-rlv th irrv:t l.ak
market. (acCA'tilinc to Mulation snl trarel the trrwatt t
in the I'nion ) It Vis tiv. wira.ie T. im tf.t -t
Bituminous t'oal. am.'ianttn; in The SE'irrcuati to ot t -J
f-et, trhrell IIlke!i yj.i I 11 t"U- f U:i.lt C t:i h t Tc.
Thi will mafae the ls,. ff ii.a-: h:r. :n-.
Ibet mitietit state j- rd. cUf, It. C'h: T. Jnckvn cf
' Itin-tfTi. h tf Oiiile a p-ii( -u. .! Mi:rv-'V .f tli- i titj. iul
anaUwv.l the cnil. the irrn nn- aud th iir..fT' r-. This
I rej-'H-t ti-sfrt her will mi-ps will In- furi-i-i.-d to iri:iir T.
rtturr-i l i.ri-e niir ar" i.i .l '-ut i Un ;i;n li. j r.v
aertT. The funhury k I.rie liatlitjiul cirtn n- a m rkt
' l.-rourc- al tu the l:ik s it runs fim Krii- to I'hati'a.
I A larje f ;rt of Uin ru.ul hih"i u finish- ntnl t n-'W in
ruutiini ord- r. A h' Ty t..rce k- iit-w w-tr1- imt trom r.ne
tr.w;,rd-: our hind in tl- western directidu. tin Tin-aii: h-r
i the rtn:ple(ion of a liich hat ben m;i d it witl si n VV
fmi-diej. The Ail'vh nT Valley l.ailr.idriiBectsus with
.-w itr. h. --ion ami rutsi ur. Ihe v.dau) Jiud
rnumcts u. with the W'vt
'I'hfre are aireadv civnI Tompik" Rnads mnnir? tl;m"
thi prierty, Viiruu olht-r r'ia-lr have tx-t n o. em-d t
a'tiiiuflrttt' the cuiigraittiu an 1 sttUmDt wuicb ha.
aln-aW Uikcn tilare.
i Tin-re is no or,-orttmity cinal tr it new eftVml thi
' tnin who want to m. i-l- Imn-elf a hiue in un easy way,
' and make a settlement where he can live in r-ro-j'eiiiv
, and ind-iendenre in a cltn.it r I'KHKKt ThY 11KALTH Y.
lo case of the fcTrr i-Ti r hr.tiiiir heeu known to in-cut
i in this sctt!'mint. It Unct like cninir to the hat'kwol
tit the WnfU amonir perhaps Int- h mnt oeonle. wlit-re
! there i. n wkViv-. iimr. in
hotilH. wliert' the ine
of land is hih, and where the emiarrant. alter beinz ti-M
tu the hea.Uiivft ctiruatv in tins world, hns l.en.lurv fn k-
ness find pain. an. I x-rhnps r it inn hi health arti that of
Ms lam l it. But here w a tbrr
irinil ttleineiifcha,in
three tuwns. coutaininp rhurchrt.,
saw mm. tmt miii. and ert-rv
a cash market at baini The liimi-er trade It.- year
tautuntfd tootertwo hundred unllinn U-t of luui.fr.
In short time, owirff to the e:.l, it will bevm still
more valuable, as a umab-ir of in.n wt.rks anl mauut'te-torie-,
will soon be t:irt.-d; tliey are at prt"eot itrtin;
them extensively at Warren. Even Uiute who do not
wir-h to j;o there, tbe payments are sm li th:it they can
easily hny a farm to save their rirlnc ttmtlirs from nt
in the future, to train a coiutetence 1-y tbe rise whivh
take uhice in The viilue .f laiid-i. Hy an outlay tcarvwly
DiirV-tti, a substantial pr -vision can ho mwle.
j rersons should make eurly appiicatiou, apply or write
to E. Jeftw-ries. Swcretary. No. 1 Walnut ftnet, !!. w
f ",h Phi'lel.hix Latum ear, full uuraeml Kiitai
'")' 'ufi'rniati.n.
Share, or tr-e-te of lanrl can h- Nmrnt or eef.irr-t hj
letter enckvann the tirt instalment ef ,e ch.lar.,.h,n
the sul.eritier Will he furiiisliii With bonKH. muD. A
our Amenta.
Route from rtiiln.Mprita tn Tyrone en ttie Pennylea
nU Central Kaitrnad. ami thence be ctaire to tl.olaud.
Tbiii iaa delialittul season to i-it 51. Marr's the be,t
hotel aeeiitnmndftti.io ia atfnnled.
Keq., tha Aavat for the pn.perty
at M Sin s. .loo-si
Tim.. TT . TIT TH TftTT Wk.f.,. T Amr.
UbOUlilOAjAti JDU AJ-iAlil, tj AjU 13
TOIt S1I.I:. One lot on South Third
street, a square and a half from Market.
on South Fourth street only two squares from .
M.irWet. t
HTThe above are level Lots, well located
and adapted to building purposes.
Acting Ex'r of Wm. Armstrong, dee'd
Lewivhnre, March It, 1857
CanviisKerH Wanted.
A FEW competent agents wanted for the
A NO HISTORY AticfawT asd om, OF
THE WORLD ; by S. G. Goooaun, (Peter
Parley): handsomely brmnd and profnselv il
lustrated. JVice 43. Bold only by Agents,lo
whom rare inducements are offered.
Address, J. H. COLTON i Co,
Ko- H2 William Street, New York.
T C'oUNlabl? Court Return - and ctliel
Ut4Ks sM al the fhr.;nck Oj8te,
or Liter Remedy,
-1 ...
?. Ufn'- fit erf alt rVntiV cv liral .ft..,, r.
c ffrriti'j bfi -Jit. al'l i..!ni ni'Tr tb on l,ttU ,
tittl to rurr'ntv Hii'l ot L'fr Comlnii.t, f r m i ' -rr-(
J-in-'.u (jt I7rcL -in tva '''iTHTi'm Lciwl fcLe j
i an- xeeult t( vM.aa Ltrrr.
W-i ami win 11 i' i rf ruisitfoftcle.aswll tl,
tJ:'etem an fully -Vfjlop-d. The atoman-h 1 ii , t
entirely tl r- i't -u tle l.hl-T ati-n of th- 1,.,-f; r
a -rver ierl..riJ.;n.reof iU fuiirti'n When lb-j-t- ai, u
i at tauit.the U.w: areruifl Uie wholm y-t-oi -LtT-r-
em-"- re ft.n- ' rn tho !.ir bavin' .. t ,
ti:tr. t'uty. k- T ti di-.-af-- f t ti.st orniin. ot.. of IU
pirrri-tfir :: miie rt rs efu-lr. In a praetln. rrjKn.
ll. tn te.i! -r4. to Ui.d u n uil-iI -;r, ,,(
t3ri:nrer-rr j?.- t " d rru.? n.-nt. V alifl, it j. i;.,,,,.
T. prove fl :d ti.isr m- 'y 1 at liut ,t:i i,ni ,r. n"
tr.,:il.le-l uiri. I. ti r O tit; I-" t it. 1 ru.. 1
b it X- tr-- il :,V.r.r.r i: .;e'.i, tsre-.taia.
A rt.i ii ' tir f h t.f-r. f rmi tl Kr .'..-- !tir;' ff.rrn. a, 1
ejtra-: ni that p-rt wl.ich is rduble f.r t. ict.v ,;r
tu- tl.r n. if .i.e. l it'-,,- Kuiun r-niJ'- .,, .
i I ri t-r t 'fi T.e t'. in. ; ; ! ir. Yft x
liriiitl.vRnv nf lii.-, iii.:r.t l-: li.- r. .
f .-I!.,-1 - - 1 ;! . ,: I
herillh ll.'- ! i - f-siiiw ry. rein-. in; tl..- en ,.. .
ll . o.-e'-ft-. I tii" itn.' r.uit.-ai ' ure tii vi ,
:-..,( r .: r fell 1'V u : t I . tu.: . .
MmenJ l. :- a, thut are n.-nnliy resorted v.
.tfet'-tAn" a f-nrm, 1
. ll-v:
t U I tie v.
!'! Tn v'.-t' t- r v rr fii's to cure our avtumarb r
' ' ;f- : r T 1,n '' ",,r' atii---
l i'..: .o- -.ti... k - u Id a lily r h ttle, and (',,-.
i- l'.jErrl . i. it ir t . can-, la never lit-i.
-Hie t tlt'-e w! t. i; .e the ft X iv Or-; -'if .
..r in.-!- i-n .r J..ti.i.l,ce. l, tl.iuit in tb kn-1-
W- rl-l I- r ur - no -f.'i- kly as tl.
t r. It n move- l! jfcUowuenaa
ud uuoaturat col i:ti.
J..r Nifl.t V irr. t-.V lr
. f re rvtTrin;, ar. I it .
a "ore 1 1
a it rei-i-
-tl..if tt hM-vf-
I ture T a
e - f tl.s di--.s.
-1 I.t r- ihi Invirr-rator i- fit.
;i '.'I - r-- .-iilv to a few uutr.
( -'I
trUi., i !
t k
ii tti.t nil :t.- are ..'rT tlies;. -
' , , t..- .1,
tl.em n . ,
n. r i. :
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.1 tn
r of l..e
f.v ni
- wiieh
n; tanlinir lt:.t m:y I tf.ir f-.m
it :il tir'..."1 .'xli.t. J tr'nj ti..- -lu,
i. t." n-f'.T.i-hin f. .il i e ... t! .ir .
t . r-. .-r I. r-' i ! n:lin.- .ill., n: p.-n-i,ic.'
I. if i.t. It t it- a . . t .i-t..;ir..-.i.I.'i -t. i.l 1 a.. ,
! t:,!i-n in !v.f i inr ...im.iiit- t.. f.--' .T-.n tt,- t...- .
j-.ttiv. 1'..- Ih -t I.. t;.l... it i- l. i. k ti:.' n-i.
in ti " n.- n'lj. n i: " Sr : I. I swr.i;. w 1 :
t.-.-'ni-r. lu iLi. .. tl.. in-'i.-i. mi! .a.r.-n i-v.t-t,.l.
" JrAM'f !.! A Co.. t'r j.ri-t. r-.
S..!Jlu CHUlSTSc CAU'V.l.I l.. Um.Ur.:
IT.., ' . W. II. -MIUVWN, A.-.:,:.
Tin: ai;i:.n:sT agi:.
n ti!i n t L;Tf it rt'.ptlt
is.-wM !.;tv- tli-rr"i( - l,
3 and it-Uiujr hut "n.d rim- :
h "-. fti'a. M-r.J he-atl.nr -r-if-'i
it with -ir-lt h-nl :
,i.n d. It wi:! I-o rt bi-
1 I'r. f W - T- ll-.r :
ttj cir- Ulir an'l tl-e t'li' r;i ;
n II ai v."!', N- T. n.i'T ;
. tie urn.:.-. 1 ut .... u '
j j r.tri. -f- : M.. - -
f o. .T. W XT
Sir : I l.nTi- b' :ir ! mm ' - t
t f ji Air Iiair I.i-L...-:.:ii- . .
T. ly i(ua'a-iy an-l -
1 V.J d-S-ri 1 tft ' -
nl-.-rr wuli th tl ..i-.-jt .-l : -. :
a. k r'.ii.-.ti.--, nritil I r -: .
piont li- MCie, t hen -ii .i
ii. ..I ih. trial if yt-ur K--'
t rat.V'
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;:-!! V t Unit - I- 1
:iw r- no- cutity som
., j ;-i..tr:i !-'- a- it.
n ny t.ir-- t -
r v niv tr- d w:f .
.r llt:n ar.-l cut.r-ly wlut. auJ t,. :
(.n- "t'vi ii r l: r l-'lt.--. hr h:tirw.- - .
. ir.i. I l- nuf -f;t: lr-w!i c kT.ar.it ht lis m ; -
l ;. i:' i til M; i . f-X u( r.n. and t-litir .
f,,. ( . tit:::!--" t u-"' ii- i nt .init-.y
l1 -. t-- ut ii tl i.
. 1 u l-H-au".- :
... i n: . n l.-a-! iin-l Bii.i l. ott..
v: fri- I -I. r.- uini v"i.r l:i-lr.ntit. . .
t. n- : tti r-1. r.'.n. !!. Ftiii.coia ai.'l
t.ii'.fi- .r'. !crni.i fn'!! eie ii-f.-. v
tl.. 1: Ti
f.. r. :Vr. I-..' ' fe
n.' fi.l: eej I i-.n er
: t..i!i. r..-. ii i- r t :t
t hi.ir nt.-t..t t'. ei .1.
reet re'Bil i ae.l r. p: .-
' y a't . h wen I.t liat- :r - :
. -nv ! r ren.en if,t'"..:
. ..i.t . . i.r.l t V ail '.'.. r:
m'Mt ir 1 ...r ! ..ut:..l r.i !..--.
V.ry uu'v an'l ar.itefullv rnir.
VP W.i I. : tt w" a i.rj t'.ne arter I a.- n -t
i : . r - T i ::. t ti.vi- r.tiT.. : r -..v
.eme.n ,r' r ' n t.i;r nut-lit in IH tri..t... i t" -;
h.- . 'I. .... ...i if 'ii Jir. t, nn's ! h.: i.
I l.-.l I ii - It I...- il'.n- .'I ttl.t ' .
I n... it r, . I : en. I . tl.ere et tuy nmilly .
. ! . .in v. .i' .1 . i ITi'Tt i" ri rt"W B-ir.-
i.i..1..ii .1- i t'. ll:.-aii rutiliil to tbr bt--l
rut n ..ui'in.ui fr-r it
Aj.iiu. . 1 Ti. : y nr.! triiTr. t.i.-.
j '
i i.
S' "lAiilliA M.t.l.V
' r.-'trr. In... Jim--it. t-.
I Pr.r. iHJ. .-:. Hair I:, .luralnr
.f - rlu! -f ..-ti.. Mt Imir ... b.-
Jl.t. r m.ilurf! r cri.y. tint l.r tfc- u
1... T ? ii jt enjinai 1. r.
t fare u-.
l.i . : n i
I i. L".
I I..-
I 1 ttl.
. it- ut t rni-.i..
I (:
; '
. '
.;t:.-.-E.ex ?eeet. r. U
.. I', e: ri. :. r.-.:.!-- 'ti..lw..j. . '
I I; W'.i'Z l:-t-.t tini. ut mi l '.
M I.-, a! -t rT'iL-iri?
rj i j i in. ist J CAi.nnF!:
A i .i
.e .. n, L' .
" -----
' I . ,. k.
1 .1 bas ft ene.t a new Ire t ream J-altK-n . -
i hi t . nfccti.'nerv. andwishesto see h:s I:'.-
I merc tls etlt..ni. T there.
0 K S
SI'IT.l-EON'S Sermon,
Wayiun t o Ptinciples and Ftacl.ets .
Krtrnm.trlier's Mr.rtyr Larr.b,
Pr. K it.e's Seecn I Aretic Expeilitien. a"
rtlif r new wotl. ff t:iieret. ciintant!v
hand bv i.Wl.S CO., Ltwistur;
lc.'.i. 1S"i.
jp Jt'tfT rt teivt'ii at thcoM cMat! -r
st'rt' iht siiliM-i ihr, t n Mnrkt l Mr :, li
! I!t)l)TS AM) SllOi:s.
1 coinpriMOg every itescripticn ol ui-ik m i..r
ci lor
' MKX, LA PIE.-,
i liOYS, MIsKS,
I ruiLPrKx.
The s'nc!; is selected vi'h care, aml it i'.l
, atb'r.'eil at rea'-.-naMe prices.
1 ttstom tritl lt attended ro as nna'.
.Mat tt. JOHN HOI liH I tt.N
VORTIl -lili Street. The Mita-ril'd
i.1 nnt respectfully informs tb" ' " '
Lewisbur? and vicinilt. that he ba en .r'-
, an,l fnr eaP a cheap lot of I IRM K KF.
, Sprin- trade, eompnsmg
Jirossin?; and inmmon litroai;. " '
rotrtrips awl I!rok ('a?fs. t'er.!'".
Cartl ntnl Pior TaMo?, Jiiniuir:'"!
lircakf:it Talilc?. Cupboard, f ;
taire and other Ucdsteads, tar.1.
HdChs. and Chairs
nf all kinds. COFFINS made to er'rr "
short notice.
The public are cordially invited to etatn 'i
his wot o. as be is sure that they will I? a.'.
tied with his stock of Ware, ami pnce.
Lewisburg, Sept. 15, ie.16
"Have you seen SLW
QEEMS to k a Questi
f "i
. i J almost evprvhnrr-. t-nt w
linn akfil
tre inritiire.
1 J J
Have you ee 7ie I.nfe Hint,
with their snnnlv of
Xcw RnofM, Shots, '.alter. Af
Tr-', The subscribers havniL' a-'oeia:!1.!
plv selves into a Copartnership m b"'-''",
now otVer to the public, at the O1'! '"'
of .S. & D. !Lirti, on Market St. the cheaf
(for Cash) and best lot of
for Men and Roys, ever offered in I.en i-'u '
Also a new and splendid assortment of
6t7.ir SHOES ftr ladies und Venti '
A variety of Caiters. Half Gaiter?. Tie'. Bt'
kins, Slippers Ac. for Ladies and Misses
also Children' Shoes of the latest
styles and sizes : Ac. Ac. c-
Work made to order Alen lir.
....... I 1 ... . 1. . H'-.lm.. have f'r
salisUi tion heretofore, we trust we
a full share of public patronape. A '
l-liiliuilic III it on ii.'M t j mtlS
to zive ceneral satisfaction to all "!'...
i. .. i. - . -. i.irmer v. dm.
sLlFLIJ A M FAilA '-
Lewiflu, FcL. S3, l'S