Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 24, 1857, Image 2

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T Wln'iim .W'.-Th Liviscm Csionax.
ruhliahoa. oa the Ca.h f-vaioTji. baa tho larpcat and best
rlrruUUm of ao Nowa-iar? la Uoiol Cauntr.
Freedom, national ; Slavery, Sectional! ,
... , , ... 7T, ,.. 1
W e appeal from the fir .Vaw-IWrfmir Supreme
Court Judgttto the PiorLi or Pitiva!ii!
For Governor,
Canal Commissioner,
or vhiladelpuia.
For Judges of tlie Supreme Court,
J OIEH Va.Kll". or Fsj-tle Co.
JUM:1II J. laKWIS.o! Chester Co.
In ion County Xominatlon".
Representative THOMAS HAYES,of
Union county.
Register il Rcconler G EORG E MER-
RILL, of Xew lrhn. j
u""T I
CO..N, of Hartley.
' - ntinr v- v-i
Treasurer UtUU 1. Bllf.i.u.n, oi .
Auditor JOHN KESSLER, of New
More War upon Kanoas ! sudden sickness, making tne intra ne nas
The Free State party in Kansas have lost in this way within about a year. Last
peaceably proceeded in taking a Census, week John Ludwig lost a valuable horse
by which it appears there are between by some similar sudden disease ; and Peter
0,000 and 30,000 voters, instead of the Billmcyer was equally unfortunate a few
less than 2,000 who voted at the bogus nights after in the almost sudden death of
election. Marius J. l'arrott is nominated a fine and spirited animal which was re
far Delegate to Congress. The Topeka eently brought here from New York, and
Constitution is to be re submiued to the in this market would have been held to be
people in August, and it is said "General worth 8200. Bloomsburtj Star.
Line it authorised to oryanize the people The Borough of Danville pays near thir
thorowjh'y to d.end the ballolJioxet." ty thousand dollars annually in Taxes.
Foiled in every attempt to coax or drive On the afternoon of the 3d inst. the cah-
the people of Kansas into subjection to inct shop of Jacob Miller, of Selinsgrove,
the Border Ruffian usurpation, Walker was consumed by fire, with all its contonts,
7iai issued another 'Proclamation' against and the bedding and clothing of the work-
the Free Suite men. Ik says lite majority ! men. Loss 81500, coveted by an insur-
mutt obey his bastard L'wlature. or he anee of $900. It is supposed it was set
will let slip die dogs of war upon them, as
Gov. Shannon did.
It will be remembered that U.S. troops
have been concentrating in Kansas, for tho
pretended purpose of putting down modern
democracy in Utah. It is now believed the
real design is to procure U. S. sMicrs in
tujjicicnt numbers to force through and to
inaugurate tlie S'ave S'ate Government
without submitting it to the people. Ano
ther sacking of Lawrence, is part of this
programme. " On the l'th, Goo. Walker
tru encamped outside of that town rcithvJ "",u, FT" -
OOXS. The citizens have determined not tha8h not mor,e ,,haB sis or .,eMn Jears
to negate with him. II, has warrants j 'n d ,bont1 ,8 Vf'?"7
for the arrest of the Vi'u Offers and other I 5'000 , ouli be able to
cititccs of Lawrence."
Minnesota. The Convention to form
a Constitution has 102 members, of whom
to xKpntHicans, and 43 Democrats
but seme seats oontcsted. The Democrats
however claimed to bring in nine others
half breeds and Chippewas from Pembi
na, outside of the boundaries of the pro
posed State ! of course, bogus : a Regular
border ruffian proceeding. A strife for
tho organization ensued, iu which (13th
inst.) the 5G Republicans present obtained j
possession of the Hall, elected our young
friend, T. J. Galbraith, Tresident, "pro
tern, and llcpublicr-n officers throughout.
They have a quorum, and at our latest
accounts were proceeding wilh their busi
ness. The Democrats (and their Indians)
remained aloof, the Government Officials j
(with Col. Orr of S. C, there, counseling
them and threatening to drive from the
Hall the llepsblicanSjas their brethren did
at Tnpoka 1 There are slave owners and
slave advocates in Jiiunesota.who will not i
yield even thai frozen clime without some
struck, or intrigue at least.
Xew Time Tabic.
TheSu5queb.nn. lUilroad being now
iu running order up to rort lNrati
passengers take the packet only to North-j
.fit . o i.. . r. v.-..
limDcrianu. wuero too ouuuurv o. one
n-v r , .;i
cars are in waiting. The txpress or mail
. . t - i rn., .
train passes Lewieburg Depot as follows :
a..w,vn .n,:Tr.7 3(1 A.M.
MOVI.Nd KOttTU 6.30, P.M.
w , . .. '
This is great improvement. Unless
connections are missed, by this route we
can go to or come from Philadelphia or
Baltimore by daylight ; reach llarrisburg,
spend an Lour and a half, and be back the
same day ; or reach Pittsburg by 10 o'c'k
at night after an early breaktast in Jjcw-
burg. The first trains have passed here
with two passenger cars fully load. With
tue itauroaa iDK compiewa iron, xrevor-
Valley of the Sushue hanna must become
illll V MVIHUIUVVIiaUH wuw uaaa-
one of onr greatest tnorougbtares.
The down river mails now close at 8 in
the evening, instead of 6. The Philada.
roots via Cattawissa ia unaltered.
3-We learn from Washington that the
President has remitted tbs fine of $1000
imposed on Capt Smith, convicted of be
ing engaged in the African Slave Trade.
We believe there is not an instance on our
records of the infliction of the penalty for .
slave trading. There were two convio -
lions in Mr. Tolk's time, and in both c -
sea the pardons were out almost before the
Judire'i aiffnatures to the sentences were
Jrj. ' Now, reader, peruse the followiog
" The Circuit Court of Durcheitcr county,
MJ , hat sentenced a free black, named fain
Green, to ten years' imprisonment, for having
in hit possession the incendiary book called
Uncle Tom's Cabin.' The Elktoo Democrat
remarks ihat.a number uf respectable citizens
are liable the late of (arera. There is talk of
prosecating the subscribers Co the Trieune."
No "pardon" bere may be expected.
Mr. IWiianau's ijtrpathiei are all witb
the oppressor.
We ace it stated tbat Mr. Buchanan
will interpose no obstacle to batcher
Walker's e&rta to mt bit piratical and
uiarJcrous assault apon Central America
Xtms Jlrms front lljcr Connlics.
Ssyde County. The barn of Daniel
Gaugler, of Monroe- Tp. wat struck by
lightning, and consumed, on Monday eve
ning laet Alleochwenlc,near Middle-
bnrg, bad bis nose badly fractured, by an
1Ccideutal stroke from a hay fork ; a small
bone was extracted from the wound
The barn of John A. Schoch, above Mid-
dlebunr. was struck bv liuhtoioc. on eun-
i j : a . i umIaiI tin I
i day evemug iasi, idu iwu
the buildim? was not fired. It bad no
lightning rod A lad named Jas. Smith
raised out of Middlccrcek, in his fish net,an
animal which the Tribune calls an alliga
tor, 18 inches long Lewis King as-
; saulted a colored man named Thomas
! Brown, fracturing his skull, breaking his
! shoulder blade, and scvaral ribs. King
j was bonnd over to Court in the sum of
$1000. Crown it is thought will recover.
(So it seems they still think, down there,
,hat a human bc;Dgg have rigutSjif Judge
Taney does not.)
There all of fivt cases on the Montour
. , f. , . . .
oAiinrv Trial I. lot tnd nnlil i.l.i Oft thA
- j
.Luzerne county jjist.
It is but a week or two ago that Dr. J.
B. M'Kelvy lost a valuable horse by some
on fire by a child playing with matches
Mr. Brower, of tho Mmtour American,
has opened an Intelligence Office at Dan
ville. The Fallon (louse, in Lock Haven has
I been taken by Jacob Lebo, former propri
etor of the Commercial House in i'htlada.
The Old Fort post office, Centre Co.,
ha been revived, and Wm. Wolf appoint
ed Post Master.
The Miners' Gazeteer is the title of a
paper just started in the town of Ashland,
i r ir 4 1 ' I -1 rpi :
support journal.
A Warning. John Eogard, of Phila.,
la?t week pleaded guilty to a charge of
Dock streets. He was sentenced to one
year's imprisonment.
SsArrisu Crowd. The mud bosses,
Supervisors and Lock-tenders along the
Main Line are as snappish as a bear with
a sore head, on account of tho sale of the
Canal. There will be no more houses
built, or potatoes cultivated, at the expense
of Ibe State. S7c transit gloria Jliul bos-
if rum Canalibus.
Dead. Jerry Isaacs, the canal boatman
who was shot at Duncan's Island. His
remains passed through our city last eve
ning en route for Baiobridge, his late res
idence. Walters, who committed the
deed, still remains in our county prison, j
no effort having been made to liberate Lim
on bail. llarritburg Telegraph.
Struck by Lightniko.-A honse near.
the Wilkes-Uarre Coal Company's mines,
wag shattered by lightning Sunday nigbt.
A Mr. and Mrs. Riley, who occupied it,
were both slightly injured.
Since "Democracy" has become trium-
, , . , ., , , , . .. .
nhant in I'ntladclnhia. it ia no nnenmmnn
i r r . .!
' ,h.fvL.,.n;i i iLri.
' ' .
to punish the thieveg and forgers of nat-
i ... , 7 ,
' uralization papers, seem almost useless,
, ,
I A bright light was seen on Sunday cve-
. ......
I mD8- bUt ,Cn 0 C,0ck m iU ll
1 . t H-:il T T. ; . . 1 . .
wc ui ii ii.c-jjairo. ii is reported ip
have been the barn of Mr. Athcrholt,
; burned by lightning.
A Bear, weighing 400 lbs. and measur-
ing G ft. 6 inches in length, was killed
in Green's valley, Walker Tp. Centro Co.,
on Thnrsday night, the 7th inst., by Jas.
Fulton and Jas. R. Batburst. This bear
j bad been ranging the mountains in that
' vicinity, for a number of years, and com-
.. numerons deprcdation. but haJ al.
ways escaped pursuit notwithstanding ho
had been several times wonnded. At the
; time bo was killed two bullets were taken
: from the under skin of his neck.
The Odd Fellows of FenosjlTama re
port 47,374 membcrf . Amount of receipts
past jear $237,836; paid out for relief,
burials, widows, &c, $118,202.
A young man named Goodman, of Mill
Creek Furnace, Cambria county, met
witb a singular accident recently. Whilst
j of tying mule to the fence, the
! P w """"i crusning mm
! g'nst the fence, breaking a couple of
01 wnisKey woicu ne nan id his
trowsers pockets, thereby Miiooajy if not
dangerously wounding bim about tbe
Tbe bouse occupied by Samuel Fowler,
abort distance above Berwick, was
struck by lightning on Tuesday afternoon
of last week. The electrie fluid passed
down the lightning rod, and under tbe
bouse, tearing up Ihe floor of room occu
pied at tbe tim by same of the family,
but happily without injuring any person.
There are oyer 500 men employed, by
the "Pennsylvania Railroad Company t
their shops in AUoona," " "
The Pen jup'a i'n is down on Forney
., . , . -,.v
thousand of brit,
and Schuabol like two
and Kornev and ac una Del return mo ai-
. . ,
.! ITl : I J Iniik. I
ing out of this family quarrel, which may
be a blessing to the country.
Q. Nelson Smith, of Cambria oounty.
one of the eleven Democrats who bolted
Forney's nomination, is re-nominated for j
the Legislature. Now 1
ther the Forneycaters can
they threatened to do ?
Rev John Dixon Lone, a respectable ;
' i
minister of the Philadelphia Conference, a
native of Maryland, being in ill health and ;
unable to preach has written and published
.. . f . oi U . .1 I
his views in opposition to Slavery, but the
Methodist Depository in that city will not j
sell the book. The, do sell, however, the
work of "Parson Brownlow" in which he
argues in favor of Slavery.
is respectable and cortcous,
just as John Wade, .bo Slavery ; i
nts work can not vo leit uu ania m-
low's work is vulgar and abusive, and can
be left on sale at a Methodist book estab
lishment in Philadelphia.
The " hog cholera" has mado its ap
pearance among the swine in Mifflin coun
ty. The Messrs. Locke of that county
have lost about 50 hogs from this singular
It is evident that our farmers have
"dead loads" of bay this season. It sticks
out of their mows and stacks too visibly to
be denied, even by themselves.
- T, ,
Somo of the country papers of rennsy 1-
vania are giving the Philadelphia mer
chants to understand that if tbey choose
to lick the dirt of Slavery for slaveholders'
custom, they may lose much more free
white custom than tbey gain of unpaid
bills from negro drivers.
Over 1300 of the members of the Com
mon Schools of Lancaster held a "Com
mencement" at Fulton Hall,-last week.
Gov. Pollock and Supt Hickok addressed
them, and they had a "happy time" all
The Harrisburc Patriot A Union, allu-
ding to the disreputable and alleged cor
ruptible character of State Legislators ar
gue truly that "the personal and private
character of the representative is the sure
gague of his political integrity. A corrupt
tree will bring forth corrupt fruit."
The Commencement of the College at
Lancaster occurs on the 29th inst. when i
. , . ... I
la IS C&pcULUU Dl&iccu luuui; IUCU Tl lii I
, .
The Chops. Although the weevil has
somewhat injured the wheat crop in this
neighborhood, and in some of the adjoin
ing counties, still we Lave reason to be
lieve that the injury is not as serious nor
as extensive as was .imagined by some.
Belb fonle hig.
ra i r i ,t fr i ii.m. i. , r -i.. l-
ry I'ublic for the borough of Lock Haven.
loca trinn fitA .Tnnll enTl.Tpnn areftt
ibittcn by a single mad dog in Philadelphia
last week. In New York several fatal
cases of hydrophobia have occurred. Also
in various other parts of the country.
Intense beat, it is believed, dcvolops, if it
does not originate, this disease amongst
the canine race. How important, there
fore, is it to be careful. Dogs should be
kept either muzzled or col fined.
Accounts from Washington say that the
emigrant trains were no: robbed by Indi-
' ans, but by South Carolinians and tho
Col. Buford banditti, who were employed
to keep order in Kansas.
Zcnus ISarnum, Esq , of Baltimore, has
bc. Pres:j,nt of the xor.hcrn
Central Raiiroad ;n p:aco of IIon. joLn
P. Kennedy, resigned.
The Xew York Tribune states that Col.
Fremont is now in good health.
Quebec, July 17. The Coroner's jury
have returned a verdict of manslaughter,
! ipiMt Iba fr of Ibe steamer Montrc-
al the i
B1 lDe 1
captain, the pilot, the mate. They
also strongly censure Mr. Wilson, Sr., the
contracting agent. They recommend the
strongest enforcement of the steamboat
law. The parties implicated will be tried.
Horace Greely has discontinued Lis li
bel snit against the Iowa Gazette, the edi
tor of that sheet having been candid
u 4t, r.t. ...i..,,.
enough to retract the fiilse
which he originated. The other Jocofoco
papers which gave currency to the lie, aro
not expected to be magnanimous enough
to follow bis example
"A short horse is soon curried," and so
the General Assembly of Rhode-Island ad
journed at Newport on Friday evening, af
ter a short session of four days, aud will
meet next in Providence on tbe third
Monday in January.
Grasshoppers are committing terrible
devastations in Maine.
Closed Tbe Zimmerman Bank, Elgin,
Canada Dyo's Detector says it was con
ceived in sin and died of its own poison.
A telegraphic cable has been laid across
the river from Detroit.
It is stated that out of fifty of the largest
manufacturing establishments in New
England, the stock of only six companies
will at the present time sell above par.
There are thirty-three places in New
York, receptacles of stolen goods. Stolen
clothing sold there, is soon ripped up and
so changed that tbe former owner never
could identify it Silrcr spoons or other
plate are melted at onee.
The woods in tbe lower lections of New
Jersey, are literally filled witb whortleber
ries; many of them are beginning to ripen.
These berries, daring plentiful seasons,
formquite a marketable production, and
bundredafcarry on a luorative butinrs in
flinging them U Philadelphia.
TiROrO.SIXG Amendments In the Conslitu-:
I J of ... Commonwealth, i
. --
p-kfv.vii.ifiirf '(r'i''i''!'''' '
mlll' ' jn,. . -; -
muUnn of Ihf l-niuioowe:iUh. In .coroac situ uio
(rorbioiu of (ha teutta article UieraoL
""""" - I
licU tOMidrouiUtuUou,;
n,ufcltow.: ;
Tttrra liall U n Kl iltioual arlicU'
aKi,r,,i, n
r r " n, VVMJB DKHTP. r
dilfrMlHi'UMti.v'l"w,n, T'
.n.l ftftvthitnieiria.a'MlirrM.-nna ufph ........ .
Ti.of.iu-J..iir,u,.iiaii '"i;1 XIl' '
hirb ft wa.,r.htlnisl, or tor. pay tue dobwioconlrK-t.il,
ud w ii.-r uiuir """; nItol TCr, th. j
-r-XrorU" I
ouuo' iinn ind.i)dD- ot um .te ; but ii mn.ijr
rlrir.elronitlwc..iitrHt-ti"noturh'bbtii.H' .i-plil ,
' tbfparf,. rnr wbi.-b it . r-a-.-a. or to wpy uch
CrESTi." ;
j M-h-'"(11U'';r'
---j .
putiik worn., ir bm io inn. "j , ,i7rii..r I
a ortheinconw or .r:.tof "teof n.ii.y
... . i. n ManitiwA that m V
! af.tiiirvithotliiTfunilaorivourn'M that may
j..twi hw !. Tint mul ninkinir fowl may t
tnrrMuktl. tVon tlia In tiuis lT MKntnK to M Miy part
of tfe Uio. r other rwenm-M of tbe Ute, not ivquin-.! ;
for th. orJ,n.rTE-l current Sr"" !
. lanMon, or wm-.-,
i ...7.i.m.- of th. nuMie delit
::T.., :.;k .l.ht blyl bcio. Ui. wm
hiim, -
Hu-rl-.i a. The credit of th eommniiwealth nhall not in
anv manner or .rent r plnlRnl or loannl loan, in.lui.l
ual, cowpartT, earporatkin, or aatoclation; nor ball th.
mminouwealtli hrearter h.-eome a joint owuer or atotlt-hoMt-r
in any eom(ianr, anoriatloD or wirporaUnn.
A Tl.. .,iitiinnw.4lLli uliall not aHsuno- tli.
debt. or aor nart Uiern.f, ! aoy ccmnty,rity,lioriurh or 1
lowD-liip,orcifncuri..rallonoraMniiatiiin.anlrii'urh ;
.lrl.t -lull hare b-erl eontraeted to enable the matetoretiel
invani'-n. r-uppreaa domuiitic innurrwtion. defnJ it-l( iq .
lime OI war. iir u i"i- .
p,,rti..n or iu pn-wut iDih-bteumu.
Sr., 7.llelri,W.lJI5trT
wunty, city, ooriiuirii, wwnMii, or ioKwrj"w '' j
tockholdf r in auy eomjiiy.aiioeiati.ororp..ratiOD,or
to ohtuin lunuoy fr r loap it credit to any curjwrallou,
i.y wirtuufa.tt.ritjrtiijnioroinrrwiiw.io
atntuciaUun. ituutuuon or iarty.
Thare ha11 1 an atlditional artktf t mul fOBBtitution.
to be dnijguatrd as article eleven, as 11om:
aRTICLX xti.
No comity shall h- diTi-hd by a lin- cnttinc rlt owr
ou t-nth of it population, (eitlwr to form a n-w oounty
or oth-TwisK.'t without the rspntiw ant of mioli county,
ly a it 'f th rlwtoni thrrof; nor fhall any new
county hi- p-uhliahwi, cuutaiDiu leas than four hundred
miuare mika.
tpw. aviiMi tmn of th Unit article of tV conHittition.
Ttt'i J'r - ,
tnrh C"un.v rMiK-cfirWy.-' Irnm avrtioa Ave, aani- arti.-l
jredon four, wm. utieto, awl ia tin. thereofiDKrt tl,. j
""tlrenoV 4. In tlie rear one thoimin elsht Tinnn-l
and r.itT-f..ur, aiKl iu wry arrenlh jar thtrraatler,
K-Drf.-ntatlTi-i, to the number of one nttalM, ijiall tie
t. Jitrirl,in.rO-..rti..ntotlienunil-roftaiil-U-iiilib. :
ItantnintUeiiereral Drt thw.f.:ierit that an, rtiiinty '
mar ti altc.Ml a Mryarate ieirenutti.n ; but no more
he.iirkie.i. intiiortiiii.m.iadi-.iri-t. AMim.mn-
tainhijr a etitti.-i.-nt number ef taxal.lM toentitle it to at
two ri-pwentallTi., pliall oa. a m-oraM eprwi
t.iK'D anniiinnl it. anj r-liall he Uiridn. !
dii.tri-tanf.-ontliriiouaterrllorT.ofeiiial taxable popula-
tion an near aa ma; be, each al which dutrictb ahallelrct
one rrraentative.,
At the euJ f ne.ton verrn. aarna article, tnat-rt tiirfle j
wnnl. tft eityf I'httntMphia thttll h dirutrd inVri?iU
armitoriut dutrid. ofamUguiml tcrtitarf at nearlf m.it
i t'lTtthle wmuf.itiim as jiih1f ; but ho ward tltall bt
ttinn amiiirnrd it. anj aliall ne uiriuau luio coiiTuirat
drn'Wl ii ui yoratOMOW werrj.
The leirislatura. at lt flrrt n-iirion aft-
IJES&'.E: 1
U.la amendranL r-hall divide the eity nf
RDnnWWllTIIWPlliriii.ur.ni-"..- ..--...
ururalvtl ; imrn uiainria u remain uurnanaiu tiutu ,
KiM-rtaiumnt in the jear one LUouaaud eijslit hun-Jrvd
. t m In niM.t StHMtS.-fl ' - ...... ...... in. v... v.i...f . . .
l., " lot nlli-rwiw pr.,.ll lor: nui lira .si.Ti""- ',i.r Mr..n 7n in" iw'iiu- .It.
cruun OU" !lMwtfwiramMi,rkiiiM.;! V,;;f,WiM-..'-T. and bu.-:.
I : .....i. . i. I, .im.rt umi RtiniiiiiP . ,iirniv. j t- iiAonMiie nmwM i m hw w
Una .mrii luii-nt. errata pinkinp: Iun.1. wrilcri ili.i oe v.,,,.
. but he thinks ,t.ijfti.i iuTM :.'T-::l'r. : ..u i-:,.,tnr..,r.,ivi,
' i ii-..k. ..ii..nntu.iiA tnMMiinv.ruuiu. i.b - ' .
aitd auty-tuur. 1 waqnennnna mver.o nines ir.'tu ooani.s-
:; ,'J.'.,' 1 . ,.,,,.,.' port, anil 3 miles from the line of the fnnbti-Ttii-re
alia.l 1 anadditional wtioB totlie flritt article ; . , . , , , .
ofi.lc,n.cliuiioo,.Ui,hhllbo nunberad aud read ry& Erie Railroad. Ihe Pennsylvania Canal
aa fulla: I passes on the opposite sn'.e of the river. Tuis
fto.&ertaitxm.rlirfi. tractcontains iiO tries, vith fi fr-r cenl.
TbeleeWature .ball hare the power to alW.rerfeor "nil arre are ele-ire.l ami in a
annul nrel.art-rofineorporatlonhereafu.reonrcrr..l!.y aUonanee. -IH acres arc c'earen, and in a
or under anv aicial or evueral law, wb.ner in tiH-ir Pood state of cultivation. 1 here IS a lare
opinion ft n.a he rojiirinllff to the ritirena of tlm i-otn-
mnt-tt)i ; iu nurh nuiuMr, huwevcr, tbat no iojuUc
thai, ix Uuuo to the corportora.
Iw PtmTK.
Marrh -T. lh,".7. j
Jttstrfrfj. Thll thU iMolntlnn pnw n Hw" lirrt ni-n
mfiit. yem a, nnya 7. 0 tli pitiJ miufn.lmriit, jti-mji
2-i, v ft. On th thirl m-D.lniait, y9 -4, unyt 1.
On tin- (uiirth arjifodiivnt, Jvna itt. nny 4.
4 tract from the Journal :
April -?. 1H.'.; I
m-nt. lea 7S. oa ti n Ihe inl aiwiiiliin-nt, yeaa .
67. najaal. llo the third amendmrat, y.a iA n. al;
prtrirerl, TTist thic rpsolotimi fmsM. On the I1rt inunl
and nn tlie fourth anM-nilment, caa oars
ti tract from im Jonnuu :
JACOB Zl1LKIt, C.trk.
SEO.rT.RT'3, Ornr.
l ilnl Mar i, !So7.
A. a. critTiy.
Ss.crt.iari of tint Cum attm totalLh.
8KBETnt' Orrift. I
llAMtiiDCEG. June 1 lt57. 1
Prpnfytrfrm'ay SSi
! d- wrtify iht tli hnTi tl fnrpnirff . tme Kml
rtnTfCt copy of tite orirtnl "RettolntioB rt-lative l an
AuiDiim-nt of Ihe Con itu tion," u th tumi rcniaiu
on file in thin otti-e.
t ri triinonv wTirf, I har tirfuntn -t tny
4 L. .'hanJ and cautied to be affix! the M-al f the
I k SccrtrUrv s ulnce, tlie Uaraiiil year ah.Te written.
v ' A.U.4TKTIN,
Secretary of Uu VutumfHtctsillh.
Is Smatb,
March i7, 1K57. (
Feaolutfon propnulnfF amen.lmntu to thM institution
Aftlia nnmmnnwMlth. btin7 UDllttr OODHilitTmUoD.
on thefution.
Will th rwnaw w mr nni am-n'inn-Hi r
Tlie Tsunami navwrc tak-n ajrrefoMy to the proTia
Vbah M ttrt. lirrwrr limttme o:.rfji A'jf Arum FrflVr
Mvu.-m ir, m'i Taaaart ( SnriUcrryn.
Naitii M,'vri. iTtM&unMriuutturtvg llfirrit ft-
So tl.. qu.lion tu d.UminKl la Ui. afflrmaUre.
fin IhA tillifltlOn.
wm the s nateaffrtnthrvrond nnrimnt ?
Th- vouaiul nava were takfO arebly to the pro? is-
Finn') yimuiir humim JorHou Aam itiith im
j r xZm m the
o thuHon.
Will tne Swraie IIT W IIW Ulini irarnuurni t
The yM anl nayi w re take ngreeablj to tne Constl-
tnf inn. anil Wfrt- aa ttnllow. viz :
Yr 9 Mr-tr$.Hr'mr Browne Crnbb Crawutt Ely Emnx
Hntnir-'n Fn&r Ingram Jrdm Atllintjer h'mrx L iu(u-h :
LtktU Vvrr sHoffUtd S-ltrt auawM Souther tUtU Mrautt (
lirhh Wilkituand nrt'iMZl.
Sun JO. Off! Ifregv Harrit mud Inmsti.
So the question wat uetemined in Uk afflrmatire.
On thr uptkn,
Will tne 9Hnatr sree to the fourth amendnieut?
Tbe yean and nay were takm agreeable to the pro.
tAnti f liiM W)nnLitutino.and were aa follow, vis :
rkmmnntrtmtnm Kmm 1M leMit
".'. "
H JHsitnd Wriokt 2.L
$i wMrsrri. Health Rnnstf Jordan aud Frnrntt.
to tlie iucaiiun wu d ruined in tbe Btnraaatif.
April 2&, f
Tit- rraolotinn propoinr amentiwH-nu to thOonntita.
tiun of tlie Conitnoowualth being under conaKleraUva.
On thf? tjnfftlon.
Tba yea and nas were tafcpa axreeai-ly lo tb proTl
tlonaut th Conetitution. and wr aa follow,
..rj uiri't Km Kgitrr iu.jj itrr liMimrf vd.it
Jlimtl Hirprr l.Ha Wirrtnart HiU HVIraat frfman f
111 (IM llOHara IPT w MW uo. siBai-niwiireoi
pU jrtilmni.VIlrain Muothtati Stumma Mwtelmian .V.'.
chrix Kidttium Xurnmaalirr Vrrr.-Wm VtnWa w
Mlt J-umU kamutf Itrilamelplri. ifauuryr lort iia
aatr Awd .rrt. 7lwpr Snai Nona .lair it Orailma
.S.t (XU MimM ratal. WI liiaraora.1 lcir.
Wrgktr) H-iUer Writhrttnk WltarVm tfMis HilVraw
WnaH i'urw aiai (Xa Speaker)
Nars 3Sam. Baclcui Bctutm Zl-Ht HamrHon IJaitcKk
tn. Hofmmu L4tKMtm Lab UnUkcrt Aara Itanier
owl T,.ilr.fc It
Do ibraaanloa waaditerrafaiedin tha aflmatirc
Ob tha qnMtkn, - "
Will tha liana arrva to Cbr aamarl amrTrtmrjt r
Tba yaaa Mul aaj war. tmhrm acrmlj lo Iba prorr
atniia of thr Ooaatltu..an, war aa Mlow. all :
Vl.a- fi r-t Awmentm JkullumM MtiU Berk Bmer
fhifoui. Ctiatti&rU thrta Bid tautvtit fatter Cildra ITimrl
Umrfer Uaiu Walamd HUlttm H.fnan,JHtrkl tknae
keeper Imltrie aa. Jmkin Jtituu JafutmA Ki'r.iTman.
knulll LtiMmiaa idmnaJttrLoma ManevrJUauffle M tlraim
3loorfeid Jtueulman XicMa Xier-ateu Xunei'hrr itotr.
am lUnltrOm tomml 1 ureeU Ummteu onwiaaV'aais
X.w. nf V..rl- I..I ur ;.,Vvrr. V.mi XAni. XIiiom Trirria
TailTaeahUt WjH-r HrKtraul; Kurt-.a imaiaraiaa aa4
, tW.l.aUr-4i. .
"w.r. Arthur Amtu.tne AVeAw. ilmtan Itith .
Brm f..nrrW.r.r"n. rt.fr '''' ... .
ra,;,,,1,,.i,...mrftria rt-(.vn(r
s,ruti,.r, T.n r,? fV"f
ia..... ir.Hrr.y. 1I7!irW "" rrrwi 1.
v ,..ii,.n.diU!riainediiitii:fflnntire.
- ,,.,
Yr.a--.'r. Jf. ..!,-.;.. Mt l llmm
J 4 frmMM. Umlrrr
uJ-ml mi ll.g'ftt Um,rfn,hit'vmf
Jf.ri.i ymm .Vi. A! .W'i
Ni W". Arthur iwtma t "". j
r v ""
utUrr ir.rner II
. .. ,2,:a, h im tim llamrtrr tti'ir Fw-.t --
Vi'MiiA' -VritfAcrt I
tmrtim 'ttd Wimtnui'-i.
t .in tioo m
ilttU-raiinerf ui the affirmative.
Oil ih.iiu.-iiom l,....iv...iI...
Wlll 111' Iloii nemi wi mr ii.i. .. i....-
Theyeiin.tBywiUh,D.anilwi-rtaiitoll".Tli: '
Vroi .Vr. Atalnrm Ailhur lltrl-hmttr llicl.t,. r.M
ZZJ'":Z :
lUfrliiild llumrlllirptrH'iJli''ntHxllh. -
M HvatH .M'immi MHswfmmyv-htchisl$,mytmhrr
J'r.tfrn Ittr rtJrtkfu i'-wnaU ffirvtl i.awi'rt
" O-MiT .Vr' 7faiJ
frturllrr Wa'tmr H.iwf
(.itAMr tKiMrKtman and
S ay! ... ifiMittom liincocl: itrwhcri Iwm
Wmmuni w,f,t
u Um que5Uj wuri detnalntMl in the a&rmaUTe.
. . c
II.UUU;UIR'J, June 22, Jj7-
Jr.Z"Z V-V'.'iJ -Z .ni n",,.-" t.k.n . tl,- '
. t t - .
,;....'.-,... .. , ,.,,.,.,. r
the kimiD..n.ltn. u ni-; .Pi.r- i... ....
tlie t... II....... ..r IV li. ii.-ral 4Muwjr OI una t-oul
uoawealth r-.r til iM-B-ioii t 111..7.
1 Witiitf bit band ami thft at-nl of ail offint.
J.L. s. y-tltin IwfiitT-iMtu'l tiny of Juu, one tbounauJ 1
I ) ubt buutf ml atad liftrWren. I
Real Estate.
Cimaplnv T-TnOCO OTtrl T.lt
" i, T ...k,;k ..ir.e. i
rwiv oinu. t nc .-u - - i
jm r,vate yae his resulenre on bnuth r roii 1
Mrtel, J.ewishurz. between llie ulJ rresbyter
inu church buildings and ihe rMtience of
Thomas Hayes. The hnue is adoub'e brick ,
iwo-aml-a-half slorey buiUiin?. with suiiable
Ouilmildings, tSlirubbery. &.C. all in gooilgCft
onler, an! well Btlapied ftr a cotnftirtablt .X
home. For further particular pleaNCcall uu
July 6, 157 i. MAKIi.
170 U SALE. Tlie Trustees uf the ,
. I.eu-isbiir? Presbyterian Cungregatiun ;
will otft r at i'ublic Sale, on the premises, cum-
meZ l 2 cl"ck w ,be a"""00"
Tuesday, July 4S, 1.7,
TWO LOTS, X"- 3U ami U13, sit-
un Ue (f Front .nJ , (,uis
streets, on which are the I,rebterian church
buil'lin" fnrnierlv l.seil.a.ld the Session Uuuse
. ,, , 1." i i 1
b.Hh, Ilr.ck Uutl.Ii.iKs, ! J..... repair.
jVls.1 l.ot ,U. -I , on .Market Mrct t, on
vaicn js rrPcteil a Nchiiol H.mse.
. .
rate l'rum Ihe Lot.
Terms nia!e in. n at sale.
T. H. Wilms, Secretary. tJu'.v '57-
,.ar WILUA31SFOKT, Tu.,
-non SALE! The unilersiirnoJ.siir-
I1 vivin, partner of the firm t.f J. U. & W.
' , 1 1 . U V I ,.1 I .
pri.perlv siuiatei! on ibe. South vJe "
u. iivi-ih, inicia o-i am- ...n. - -
amount of valuable TIMBER on the preilll-
a stooit stream ot aier, ana
T'T& .sltWMMI.. 'I'l,. Mill is neur
The.'th1! improvements ccns-it
with Otu.Buihlins'i thereto. J wo larneJLJaL
BARN'S, one of which is first class, wilh a
larse'Shed atlached.
The above property will be offercil al Public
Sale at the Court House, in Williamsport, on
WcdllCSflil J-, lIlO I!)lllOf AllgUKt
Bexf aI o'clock P. M. -
H-A.tr!" HiUuton
A porlinn of the purchase money in Cash, I farm vuutn me rc.nn vj rcjr .utti.
the balance made easy, wall interest, and ap-! TUK riixiway i akm roMrNA"hsmaJearrai:sr
proved security. ' ' " ""u '' 7''ul' M Lu J"irv !" "'"'" " I""1""-
t , -. , c , h.-iii.- -u Ul w.
rerms mane anown on nay oi raie
Further particulars can he obtain, hy ni-
dressing ''I V i X n . irn v,-
FarviTintr Partner of I. U. w.B.HLU.U.
Williamsport, Ta JuneUO, ISo'l.
AMHy ft itWn tifol V
V.;UEE.D1.Y to an order of the Orphans'
Court of Union county, will bo exposed
lo public sale, on liie promises on
Saturday, the 1st day if Aug mt next,
all lhat messuage and tract of land situate in I
While Der township, Vnion county .adjoinim; ;
i i rli. i ly . ln.-.,nu n...... .rl-in,
-o-M'" rr'"
I lieck, a ml David Moyer, cuniainius
m m ailti -VZ
tJ- yPIl.
rm: vv a perches,
more or less. The Improvements are a small
: fme House ami Stable, and llie ianJ
' iiAunder cuitivaiinn.
Also a niece of Woodland situated fffS??,?
j '"' townsiiip. aujuuuiia wm
! nf John rtcrnapp. r rnnrtis W i son V
I ' .
and others, containing futtr acres
: mnrn nr ).:.
! Accrdtne to th. decree of the Curt, the
! premises will be sold at privale hefnre the
I Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M., when
' luring .f din tuill Ha ins. la tmin-n V.V
Executors of Jacob Srxrti, deceased
By the Court:
Siscti Rorn. Clerk, May 21.1S57
BY virtue of sandry writs nf Vend. Ex. is
sued oat of the Court tf Common Fleas
of L'liioii County and to me directed, will be
. . rui: .....i. !.. !..!.
exposed to Public Sale, or outcry, at the I ub-
lie House ol JtiJAS riSHRa, at vnite lreer
i Mills on frldajr, AUgl J I,
; commencing at i o'clock, A. M., of laid da,
Several I raCIS OI I. and, lO Tit :
Ko. 1. A Tract of Land situate ia the town-
, ii...,. i. ... e i
ship ot W hue Deer, and county of tnion.
bounded east by lands of the heirs of Daniel
LudwiR, dee'd, Saranel High and others.north
I . . . .
Ka. I.n.laa f ll,. WU.. n'..al.l I nnn ,Acl
by lands of Dr. Lichtenlhaler. and south by
VJ vm tim vuwuciu iuu swiaUJ,
I . , . . . m -.. i. a . r T
j lanus CI Jacoo l.siani aim neirs oi tsaac
Kanck.dec'd.containin 85 Acres.more or less,
i whereon are erected a Urick Mansion House,
I I rame Barn.and other Outbuildings witb the
No. 2. A Tract of Land situate in the town-
ship and county aforesaid, bounded east by
lands of Samuel Baker, south by lands of
Georfte Ranck, Joseph K. Moyer and Others,
west by lands of Jacob
parley, and north by
the Sugar Valley & White Leer Turnpike
Road and lands of Jacob Farley .containing 75
Acres, more or less, wiib the appurtenances.
No. 4. A Tract of Land situate in the town
ship and county aforesaid, bounded east.nonli,
west and south by lands of tlx Sheffield Iron
Company, containing 14 Acres, more or less,
wilh the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in ere cminn and to be sold as
the property of HENRY HIGH deceased. -
N. II. The above Lands mav be sold in
pieces or tocelher, as to suit purchasers.
there is a first rate MILL sEAT on the
i premises.
D. UGI LDIN', .Sheriff.
, 1857." I
Sheriff's Office, Lowisbarg, July
ta i
a-ITBUC Sale f Tar.i torn ai l-.il
ft .1... -I.: ..rinrM. l'll.
rartoa Coat .v It. I. Company, ni--
the iprmimiM of the TUtVoKTO-N KAll.-j
l;i)AU, anJ junction wim
XIII' N tiNV t ,
crossin Susnm- halina U. tile pi l.tt.rim-
UU irf Ue (Vt.I Uit rn C-CUlJ-ai U. aa.
The saij lou will be oU'cteJ i-t'E
ock. A. M .tn the hi-heM hi.'.Vr.
embrace uric ol the bct builoit-g
ticaiious in tho viu;ij;e.
I'lirt Trevwrluti is destined to prrw v ry
(ast. and hns ainnp; other advanta je,-
;hop fo
be ilerived from the completion of the North
ern Ontral liailroa !, ani its connection with
the ItailrvadiM" th Trevortoa Coal aad Katl-
. , ...
ro.1'1 tolilpany leaj:n to tlntr exl' llsl.e
nijlC wi:c, u j make it one of the ljr:l
coal shippin, port, above the Jtiiietton. It ha
aUo the buSlfiv1 s c m win? out of n l.ar.iil
fur mill s uu .m.J ilium the rivir ti f ! i amm
in; country pro-luce to Southern an I Ea-i-rri
a pirm
markets t.j- It iilnja.1. Port Treviirtn ha tli?
further advantage of betas sutaine-t bv a rich h i l'
aii'l exfnsivc ancultuial country iu the i:,
viciiiltr. . " ,''
TV or Sua. Purchai-rs wi'.I pay teu ,'.
per cent. cali,lh balance in three instalments w. -.
atone, two, am! three years, with inieret an
nuallvon theamounts iinpaol ; improvements
,'utue.l ut l-jrn lulniireil u-,lliir-t 10 -m
,,r.h lot within eighteen n.ol.llis f,o,u the .lay
,,-tiim -,.
oi purcnase. iiLiinuii.,'j"i".'i--r" -Port
Trevortou, June 137 i
Ho! Farmers Chance for a Bargain!
T70R S i nar I.ewilur,a Trnrl if
almost IOO Arm K,,,,l Farming
Land, hniotone sil. It iH be M nn r-as-onableti-rmsat
private sale for Ca-h. Iiujmre
al the Ollice of llie Chronicle. Jun;
ion s.u.r.
HEsul scriberoiK-r f..r sale hi-: Kesid-nce
I nil li e ue-l M-ie ill b nilll f iCOli.t Ml' i t
i the Mrt.uph ( Uvisbure, U-tvteu Ma. Uvi
aii.lSt.l...ui bir.:ei.-,C(inMMini:ul near a L.I an.t .
Secfiiu street, and in tenuin i.x ieei, in. n-.
Tii" iinprovenien's are a enmninilinns three
rr-sirey LliH K 1 Vi:i ,I.IN
jfcii-I IOTTSI!. "f prei-M'il brick, IV teet
friuit l)V 3li Ket dreji well Iiiiimu J wttli a
marble ba-e, inri-le sil'. ami l.ntels ii. Ir-mt
a fire-r.roof rom wiib a Win? attache 1
s by i icet-an out K.tchen-a wu ..f
cclle.it water, Willi a I'uinp in, uu.b r twl-a
large CiMcru
tr r.'nl a larue new
Stable an Ice H nise ami other necessary
i u t-bu il-: 1 1 . ir -. There arc also on sai 'n,
Lo. choice I'liiil Trees an l .Siru! b.-ry ZZ
The location is a i!eiraWe one either !. r a
private resiilei-ee or public biisn.ess. I: is mi
the tiii't elevatej part t.f the li.-rnuli. r.ear
the C utl Huu.e. ami but a short dt.ince ir. in
Market street. Terms will be ma le eav.
June a, l?'iV. t!- F. .M1I.LLK.
Adjourned Sale.
VOTil'K is hereby t;iven lhat ihe inulrr
J sisne.I.Trustees. will sell at atictn-ii, in
pursuance lo ami by virtue of an Act of As
sembly approve J the ISth ilay of April, A. L".
Is57, on MiiMiiat the lOrh u'av of tJctob' r.A I).
1S57, at the prerni-es iu the Uornazii of Nfti'
lierlin, the Jail, Court llouae anil all other
Public Uuilditigs and LamK situate in sai l
Borough, LeloiiEii.J to !!ie County of I'lin'ii
prior lo the erection I ihe new county out oi
part of l.u:o.i, buunUti au-i ilcscrii-ej as tul-
, i vr. .
i r ive lot aj.'tnin each riir. nn. I
on the west by ine sheet, north bv .Market
slreel, easl by i'l nub street an. I j-ou h by an
A'.Iev. viiercon the ( t.illl House and
Coilllly OfliCC Breereelerl.-
Abo a ce.taio lot aiijo.uins I'luuib strei l
on the eaL. Market str. -t on tlu- mhiiIi, l-.t i f
John Seebiibi's on the vret ami an Alley .-n
Ihe norlh, whereon the Jail i erecie.l.
tfaui lots will be soiii separate, logellier Willi
the appuitenatices.
Sale to commence at 1.) o'clock A. V.. of
said Jay. when ami win re the terms an. I i .-n-ilitions
of sale w ill be mauc known by .he 110
deTMinr.l, Julv appoint.-. I I v .tM Aci for -hai
purpose. " -EU MIUUI.EsWAIM Jl,
July 2?, i-.7 joii.n v. n.i;iii:i;.
' tq XllOSI M IIO W t XT I'm II MS
, , .
lh,. iiMa. , .ui rrti-.-h.-t i:ino-t-n- ilr-rth.-ni..t
niTi'ir cmiitv i-.rt.iriuiiiij.ni mtnyi ay imj .mii 4pin-f,
.ro,rttvwW,tr hn K.k u.mty. mni. in th
J,, ,,j n .,,ri, itl. M,pilUfil ,n( f .ni. lo.o-... Tl wnau
j t Mri;iUy iValt!.?. and Ihe trriM- ji-Of .ftr..-t.
I fivaT. ir unknown itt!t'l .v uu :it.iiT-.i.tinv t l :h l-r--t
i i-ilily .ir.-ai and Iron. The tri.-,- t.. .,iV it out t ir-m
ii-tiiir-Ttt-. t-. t- 1 - iit. d
t thf tim." nl .(in-hr.Mif.-. r
li:nif S. ai'rrfntitiin
Lit- i- r r ta nili-.r
at.- tli. f..m'- I t
nrreit j.nTnt'M f pT i:Kn:u. l':.oi.ut I' r fT.rv rr.ni il
nii'liT.'j'iii'i in iatiiv. k .iiso-unt i-f -' )-r -iii.
Will W all""' d. and f T I'ttlfli"! d i -. lint "f I" ,-rr rmt.
In rt.fiPi.iTiii adniit:t--! i f ruiiBtuttu to ihis
loraiity ttif fi.li"w:i:j r.- ,n-riitt I :
rt Tlie m:1 ! a rit-h liro.i'-ii'. :iM of rti-in:
the ht-avift T";. wine t wlii li this MrttK-mfUt bu
altninnl itj t.rc.i'l't crnt l-rr.iT.-rlt-.-
. " N,J,,j ,,,,,, (xh..M North W.-at C.n.1
R.iin. iiml i .left hit-1 )Hin to IvrN .m otv of Unsrrfntt
Inl:-. '! , l:lt't'. iti tti' tiilf. It h ill fup.iv tilt -jri at In kit
mnrkft. (aiTttrtlinj t ptulatitn un l trim. lli rr-tj-!t
in the I'uion It L:m tivi- vrrrk.it!t Tt iiir f th- l't
Hititniinttii! Ca.. ani"ntitin - in th ar-rrat t'Ti-r '11
ft- t. which niaktis ..jt tfiiis t.f f. ai uu it r ta. U aure.
ThM wil! mnfcithf !nn. nf :M'-t:in-T.;- Titlu-.
Thai t-tuiuont Unit Kvt.Itif:i-t. Itr. t lui. T. JrirKn.ii uf
tEivtoti. h ia ma'lf a tftt u. a Mirrfy 'f tli lan.l. mi l
iiuuIvmnI tliv nm. lli inn urr aint tli- lJB.'it-.Ofj. Hi in
ti i 'Tt t'C'tlit-r with iii:ii will fw furui-ln i tt ir.riir.-r.
fourth 'f hive railnaitt ax Uitl out tlirUi thii pro
pTty. 'lht' Min'-urv r.ritf Kaur ci.l jf" m
for oirr coal to the lake it run fn in Krit u 1'hi
A lurffv part tf UiU nnul hv hf u linij-lil, arvl in n
ruuiiins ortlt-r. A oi'aTV lorot it, mw
: :
towards our Un-1 in th.-ltrt ru dir
fiui.-h'-l. Tht AU.-tit-D ailry Kaiir n.ironnci u? wiiit
w York. B .rt-n an.f I'uul-ur-. The Unaugo KoaJ
con Drta tut with the ttt-et.
Th.-re are aw i-oo-i Turnpilt Ro.! runnln,- thro-
tUi pnprt, variom other ruaiN hawe bfn oeiii-d to
a'tfrniu.-lntf On rtuicralioa aul fc.-tti.iutat vUhIi La.
alreatly t:.kro pUe.
Th. rc i no ot ivrtunitT vqiia! to it now otTt-rrfl ti thf
an.tm.iWa-t-ttlt-iuf.it wli.rrhfrtn tiTf in c-l'"ritV
ii.lind-fBdt-nc-ir.arliinatPi'KUKElTL. IIKALTIlV.
No rasM' yf tb fevpr i'Tf r ha is-.' In-n ku-n to wvur
m thu rtwtUcav-Bt. It unfit like yMn ta the ltarBwno.li
of the YVrt, aittoD (wrha liitclfrant -oph', whi r
thn.rt n !wn-tft. fliHTrh'" or frhoolw, whtfn tl f.rn''
I "f 'ri tiiph. au.l iiorr rj.r .mrjnt. aiti-r iKincu-.i
t to thr hraltliit-jit rlilnatr in tlif worl.l.lia tr. rnrlorr rt.-k-
1 mn puD luJ h rujM hl, L,lh , lUM f
- M. family. Hut her is a thriTiit!: ri-itli-mrnt li:irln-4
j tkra. t..wi. eantwaue ehurr-w srh-uU. hlrla.Wi.a,
; ?Z22l2X Z "Z !
nnif tint- .t tovtr to hun.in J nnllton ftft ot lumWr. !
In h .rt time, uwin t th. coal, it will bco ,un (
' wore Talnahlf, as a numtscr nf inu woika anl nisnubf-
. tarit ..n o.,n h t,rr.i. t .nt atartimr :
, tiu-m exa-n.it-iT at Warn-n. fr i..o.in jon-1 '
j n ntiif. Ol paympnta .m .u. h that tb-y d
! ataailar l.llv B TsiFtsi til Hla (llailp riatini la(iaila-l Ir. .11 Mint
7" " ' 1 ' - '' " "
I m thr lutnr, r t rain a compsjfc-nc hy th ri-w wbtrh
takr .larr in tlir Talur of lanj. lly an outlay scarcvly
iui.4i..l. a itulrtMiitial prriVt'tun nn he madi.
1'i.r.Diut .huuU ui.k.. ui.rl. annllratiuu. ar.nlr Or rita
to B.J. IT-rlr. 5n rrtarr. o. IX, Walnut Mrrrt. N-lnw oaW llnilll. Slinrt e;aitrr. C
lifth, rhila.M.Ua. ln.ra caxtfaily auara gmui . MOOIH, MIOt "
ran tnlonnation.
nof Ian.1 ran ha hoaitht or f-nml by
hr fir-t irwialmmtorSro J..llam..h. a
. . i . t ...
tharea or trarta c
Warranlrr Itetii tirtn. IVrHius can aluu rur.haw: flora
i'u i .rrsi
f.oula 1'ri.m rtiilarlt-liihia tr TTronr nn the rrnn'Tlra-
! niaCV-alral aiJIr.J, and thrna b Si-ot to tho Ural.
, huim.wmiationtaif.nir,i. K.iirVirir'aciM-hoiu,
Ji.-., tha A pent for the propertj at Pl.Marja. ouu
1?OK S.iLE. One lot on Soulh Third
. street, a square and a half from Market.
u iiu j j
on South Fourth street only two squares from
i . , .
1 if i ne aoore are level Lots, wen loca-cu
' and adapted to buildine purposes.
i .. '. II. A K MATRON ti.
Lewfsbur? March H, tS7
or Mr Kiuljr,
HIS am.) ibr'tfct Htitl3e liral dian,.r.
tfW'W,! ' ... ft' --SIo-ji ywrli.on IVrfW pr
oo.r. J t ur. 'si. v kiti i ! W walaiM. ha tl.
, L. ar.tlior. salt
! .,,. mi-! li. i K p. rf..riii.il,f'ti'"'.n, w-ll tltp.,.. ,. (
tl..- -'. ' ii wr fw'l 4TI"I'I ti'lovll tai almr..t
n.rr( it iuifltMt.il. Wivti thttiat'-m
roi.-iB"if'f!i orrm U. batit-tr f- i t..
il.. i: Jut. J"r the .ten- " Ut urii, if nir.
ur -.fi- ttK" hw mmdw il h kMmlj, Is a ttuitm oi aior
I MH t " l:V -: r, to fi'-i -W rvtll-lV Wr;tj, t
CO.II.t-t;.rt li'lMI TnnWi OWl.fa It I ll.nl,.
ij.-.l ti if r- ml) u t U"t 'biuvt. tot p,. D
tr- .i.. -t w ti. tvit-r ni;-i-'it in any r ,u f n,,,.
A . ..tMi'.nt.rt h.-f Imtu ff.rnwi JlMli&K urn. a-Mf
i trj" ! i.i liut p irt M i.f u e-.lt.i.ir for laci.tp
tu- oi th'- n ;t' mi'. Th-- torn r-nt'-''- tl Bitwt ,,r
i mutt-r Ir. in th- .-rtt-ii.ruup!yirif la tknr
Ci- rl' w -,r' l.i't, li '-'.r-tiii)f lii- MMtn-U nturi,'
f. .1 ti -(i. '-t .II. Borif h i th bi?it t"r at i
I, -;:!, i.. w 1-w ry. f-ujvin.' th f ..
ti:- )! .. ir. i . ti.- lit. ratli'! run witA Ut my -f
it..- ii- r -. b. - nllf ! ff fcT Hrn CtltsOprl yf
:.;... ui I-okM., that are utwMj tonl k.
: tl r..w:a rr.:tv 'lit? Ufj nflt-r.
T ill
. -IV -.-tl-
.n trlUtW thtsj .awti.ii a rur ! -f
I .l.t.r J. .-!' fc lir 'I.- Ill :. I-r-irJ DV Tt,--
'j u i nnil ?nfc n a a ih miwk .
Tt.-' rut'T tt f tn "ttre our totnarJ r tli
, r.-r: Tii-'iI iittr at
. atta.H- i. 11 I'-i-V !. ! rhr' n-
r-n. 1 ,-iif a- it i tTtrv. i nrwrt troo i-
I.. .: takf th- Itii?OT5itir.
x-;-,-iit J uij-iH'-, a-li.ii.f m tfca kiwwi
l- luil r .it- - 'iwk.y tliw InTl-ira-r
irn.Ttf all ji-Hori a.e.- anil ttiiftaturml aalar Ir u
a 1om lm$ w rtiria-rr and A u
VHrut tio it t a sfr aol uro remly,
- . at: tfth- .!?.
:ir. rir.t i i t whereth InwiiTf.raTor hfr-tlj
-.ir j U sir t
to a tc m tir-.
ft jpiit knoan fhntalt U. a dia r
f U't1 hv 'l.rn''l l irrT. m.J tfi atul tfrTJl IH-lr
l.i . rit i.i.-'l. tn : it hi ." irml p-r. r Wf -
,!, . . v r-l tla.t nl rtir- ail iih-t-aa- U. itr". iv,
rni'.T . t.' .;ift:u' - r wh.-i my hf tli-ir t.rru.
1 i.r- rtiV- mc.li'-iiia.l f itttir- x'T tl fim Or- aTUak
Mt' li .i l' h ! in." t'j till wtr- their rl-
f . l' r n "fi- eai 11 thw cii:cin it trria
Ur-i.1it. It ai-t a ;-t. V (aThrtifr,tfl I.oiV
l- tnk-II H mll1e'h ht .MiMlttlIr k. t (Jf m tV MB 1ft- I)-!.
s:. i.t . y. 'i If h. -' v f !nkt it i u t11' tl" m-JT--na-ii,
il,- n..-ii'ti. th. ti i.tk- nif waff int nwalio h- u
t " :hr. In tl.if- w-r th- itt'-ii'-.o- will nl. hr t
U i ' SAM','l;i4 0Sl,irWW"r.
?..!! f!f CUIUS I C.U.iv. l.ii,.inrUrur.
" a.'.-iuill liil Head
fj J j GlO -jS V t.nfft,
r.iPLtrLLt muturti
ro 77io grfaifxt aof.
ni. r "
,r thnt i :riv w-utl nnt ltw il rtl4to V
, ; ii l . t, but W-Ul'l Xlf -H-tliir-l-.sl,
. ,'i :li -.11. ir i tt :i!'J htm t-i.t wi-Ui'i hii it
tl -,r rr "; t-cr-Tuln, -tjti tii-awl, ur tlUi
I-1 . H.jl'fnir-U il III !:.. .-it-,
n' t lit o.i -i rtira-U. Il wili ali rTlV.Tr all
l-I- lull. t; t.-i .-fcilt. ."ret HiiT i-stj-
f w u. -i jii lii-!- " '"itfulr tl' Ii'lliwiri
An.i llAt.v i. .N-'finU r a, IS.,
.f o. J. V-.-! I;tr Mr: 1 t h-rl mwh i
u, rn.l i tl.-i'. f t-ur II .ir KtMtimt:i-. fc.it
. i n .'i -: t.-i i-y uu,'rT7 u' i1"'
j. r i -) '1 t- tii-fr v ,.r
I : l !' ;. Mlil-' al' rf : n tti- ' f ' ' -"'J
y :n.i .1 i-tl -i ti. i ni--'c . ur.ni I tr. l u
.lll,ri fi..i: l) M Lit- n.Olllllr. 111. 'P. t" J Ii'-
ni 1.
I.,.- . 1. :--: . . B.!i.;.;.'. !U liliil' . J' ' " '
:t .ii n:v i ic' v f-i:r )v Di wliow lm.it
i n l 1 ii'- ' r . ' ll.iii ; u i fiitir-M Ut.-.n
, i ;tt. I : i .. ' 1 1 r .:' 1.'.'- . Vr Lair wv r ti t
..1 i, r . ti it. hi t autif..t IT" u n-.t'r.iii.Jtin.in ,i-ij.4
;, 1-...I... J-M.: -i y ui...i.ar. I . Et.r-lv ..tcr
It., t.'-t'' -i I'l'ikii' ' i; "'t inii'ly Iraue'f
(1,lfa.ili!tM: iLil h;.- the- L .ir. tut 1-oum- ..I in
t r. i i i:i r tn -n tl i : ti-i niiti'i. tir- - f
mf fnini' v mul In- r- ucin.' tiwr tt-jtvrtir. tt
ti -1 i, . ." -t ( ' "' ' !'' uni u
ii ' r- r-Ve-'i- i-.i.f'i'.t'T '... r rnttrr'y r
iv.it.J- I "- ct'fliai U'i ewiirjii'tt-
l -it, . 1. 1 i t f. I i.-t- i i-: 1 ln i'ull tli' if
1-nir rV.t..roi 1m 'in Vtu- -r crav . ly iw-B "f M-kn. -r
i.aj.-.' t" . Ti; it..! t ! d l-.tu;, :H'i ll JOUlli f
L" I. ' ' "M'r -- t - "
ixu-i sriaUluiJy "-
cOlj:o.N 51 ANN.
., N- r ' l' w - n ! i l- trm iift-r I nw t.'U t
v l.i' -'
r..i f.-.i ,.
r ki x.-ui t iti ivtri'it-mul wi.. u
-: i tr r n Mr. Xntt'i ban.
lrr. It I u-rn- " J
. r nt fmitIT ar
tri i !- h i i ur -.il it r
r.-f ii.m r id k. A- ii-t- tt. otl.tT.-
cU1. rre im.w aetnr, ai.-t
vutitlrvl tv Ibebifcl'
,. i -ilt-M-.i. ""1 rVi'W T-r t
AiaiU. .-.J awl u..J t?W.
t v.:lt:i, l:t Jtt-. lii
T ! rTf cm I P..f J Wiwif- Hitir ll tfiratie. aal
' li.f fi in1 i""J it- r 1. rful fnertft. My hir wa Ut.tn
jt.. i t! ii.:.:. ; r ni..:;ifiv ltT T tUt" u ''f
I i i :r-..r-'i.- n'ti n-uiind iti .rijctaal cfkr, an!
h..e no Ui i tu-i. nti
r- et-Srntort T. .
rt W "-r Jk C V ri- r- r. "I? Hrwtway. X. V,
t ii Lin :r.M V . v ;-f I.t-i.-iii Lt.td.:nu-nt-and IU
.: ... t r..l- t 1 'I
A tu! .t.i.i I. if .ill .wl Imeit
.w..4 -i t. f ii4 t.l i t Al.t'WELl.
lia -ptri.etl a new Icr L it am saln ovtt
his r.-iilei lu-iti'i v, J v.iht"i tu st-e his nu
iiu ruus cu-iunu t liiere.
new books:
Sri'IM.r.O.V.' Sermon,
WaylanJ's I'rinciplfs artJ Practices vi
Kniminarhfr's Martyr I.arrtb
lr. Kjnt" St'Ct'iiii An:tc xpeiliticn. ar.i
t-llifr new woii.s of i:.iTe-T, c..iitant!y rn
hat;., ty MlVlftf 1 CO., Lewislorg
-T r. reived a! theoM establihe
more ! llie MiUrriber.cn Markri street. L
a isburr:. a laixe and ajsoriment of
couipriMDg every description of work teqii.r
ed lor
The stock is selected with care, ani will '
atiorded ai reax.r.able prices.
'i:llll 1 ork alien. led to as nMial.
May 8. l JOHN lltH liH'I O.N
ATOKTIl 4tli Street. The suusfnwr
IN mo,l respeetiiiliy informs the eitaeas ,t
lat'WlsUUr ailil Vitinnv, mat "
and tt-r Niiie a clir.ip Ut of TI HITl Bt,
' . . ,.,
for the nxi? tra.ie, cumpnsin?
f)iCS?iTV RUll C'OTtllllOH lillTCfln?. k
p . i ai , 4-intr
TCtariO? am! IVOK itDK.,
; nTMl Vwr Tnlilo Pinin"' t1-'
1 Rr iai",? 1 , t
' lVril;'lt Tillilo' ('rpboartl.. '
1,1,,a . " ' . 1 , conil
: tilCTO HU'l Ot IlOT I0UtCa; " luu
Hofa.-t. and Chairs
of all kinds. COFFINS miie 10 "
short notice.
The public are eonl.ailv invited to
his work, as be is sure that they will be sil '
lied with his Hock of Ware, and P';-'-;- .
muomon eiu
I.ewisburrr, Sept. 15. lt-.)6
"Have you seen SABl?"
OEEMS to be a Question fcM 1'!
O almost evcrytiody ; but we irintrr,.
Atte you seen the Late lirnt,
with their sapply
oPi The su'jsi Titers baviur; asiciair'"'
l I . rorarir.erhip m b"n.c-
fV eHi H.to at opariner. ii- ,
I .. .... n:.. I., .ha MiMir- nl llie
. . I .li.ia-
,,r s .V t. Si im. on .Market St. the cbee
(for Cash) and best lot of
1JOOTS J siioks,
for Men and Boys, ever ollered in LewiP-'
Also a new and splendid assortment ol
MM SHOES fur UdUs mnd VtntUmen,
A variety of Gaiters, Half Gaiters, Ties, Ba
kins, Slippers ie. for Ladies and Misa,
also Cbil.iren's Shoes of the latest
styles and sizes ; Ac. Ac. e.
Work made to order Mending dor.'"
i ...-. rendered
' u-iial and as ihe Workmen Bare rr
satisfaction heretofore, we trost we snan
! ... .l,?.r nil r.:MM. SA
i tun mi.ic w r.-- hi res
i eouttnue to be on hana as ii.rinr.., - - .
l rive general aatifaeti..B !L'U'!',' v
i Lewi-bair, r-h. '--. 'S