!v i If! A Capital Story. Some years since, in ecceotric old ge nius, whom for covcnieuce we will call Barnes, was employed by ft farmer, living iu i Iowa tome six or seven miles wester ly from the Penobscot river, to dig a welt. The toil and substratum being mostly sand, old Barnes, after having progreanl downward about forty feet, found one morning, upon going out early to Lis work, that the well bad essentially caved in, anl was full nearly to tbc top. So, Laving that desire, wbicb some men bavr, of knowing wLat will be said of tbcm af ter they are dead, and no one being yet astir, be concealed himself in ft rank growth of burdocks by the side of ft board fence near the mouth of the well, having first lift Lis bat and frock upon the wind lass over the well. At length, breakfast being ready," ft boy was dispatched to call Lim to Lis tucal, when lq ! it was seen that Barnes was buried in the grave un consciously dug by his own bands ! The alarm being given, and the family assem bled, it was decided first to eat breakfast, and then send for the coroner, the minis ter, and Lis wife and children. Such apa thy did not flatter Barnes' self-esteem a bit, but be waited patiently, determined to bear what was to be said, and see what was to be men. Presently, all parties arrived, and began "prospecting" the scene of the catastrophe, as people usually do in snch cases. At length, they drew together, to exchange opinions as to what should be done. The Aliuistcr at once gave up his opinion that they had better level up the well, and let Barnes remain : " for," said he, "he is now bejotd the temptation to sin ; and in (be dj of judgment, it will make no difference whether be is buiied five feet under the ground, or fifty, for he is bound to come forth in either case." Tbc Coro ner likewise agreed that "it would be a needless expense to his family or the town to disinter bim, when be was so effectually buried," and therefore entirely coincided with the Minister. 11 is wife thought that as "he Lad left Lis Lat and frock, it would be hardly worth while to dig him out for the rest of his clothes ;" and so it was settled to let bim remain. But poor old Barnes, who had no break fast, aDd was not at all pleased with the result of the inquest, laid quiet until the shades of evening stole over the landscape; then be quietly decamped to parts un known. After remaining incognito for about three years, one moruing Le sudden ly appeared (hatlcss and frotklesa as be went) at the door of the farmer for whom Le Lad agreed to dig the unfortunate wc'.I. To say that an avalanche of questions were mued upon Lim as to Lis mysterious re WlaWOf ii rWfe1meWTycn"B'is-o6tft-ly presence created." But the old man bore it all quietly, and at length inform ed tbcm, that, on finding himself buried, Le waited for them to dig Lim out, until Lis patience was exLaustcd, and then Le act to work to dig himself out, and only the day before bad succeeded; for, bis ideas being confused by the pressure of the earth at the time Le was buried, be had dug very much at random, and, instead of coming directly to the suiface, he came oat in the town of IlMen, tix milcm eait f the I'tnobtcot river ! No further explanations were sought. The Rev. A 31. Filch has been appoin ted Indian Agent for the Indians of Nor thern Michigan. TLe M. E. Conference of that State, last Fall, passed resolutions, with only one dissenting vote, condemning the buying and selling of men, as being anti-scriptural and unchristian. The one dissenter was the Rev. Mr. Fitch. 0 course, the DenuKra.lt have a horror of "po litical partont !" Dicition among the Democracy. It ap pears that the "brethren" in Utah have serious dissensions among themselves, threatening ft Soft and ft Hard Shell war. Our Democratic friends in "nnauiinoosly-lumocratie-Uuh" must stick together, or the Union will be in danger." " Why, Charley," said Yankee to ft negro preacher, "yon can't even tell who made the monkey." " Oh yea I can, massa." "Well, who made the monkey ?" " Why, massa, the same one made the monkey that made you '." J A friend attended one of the New York uptown fashionable churches last Sunday. We bave since learned from bim that the text was, " lie that Lath ears to Lear, let bim Lear," which was rendered, ; "lie that Lath yaLs to yah,let Lim yah!" Justice Purdy, of Detroit, recently mar ried a youthful couple wLo Lad attained the ages of eighty-seven and eighty-eight. Tb bride was bashful, and requested that the office door be closed to keep out spec tator! during the performance of the cere monies. 'Many," aays Newton, "have puziled themselves about the origin of evil. I ob serve there is evil, and that there is a way to escape it ; and with this I begin and end." " By their fruits ye shall know them," as the gvrdener said to the school teacher when be traced bis stolen pippin to the pockets of the truant boys. Why are troubles like babies 7 Because they grow bigger by careful nursing. Mr. Dubois is so skeptical that be wont Itlieve even the report of a cannon. Tbc raan wbj" tiliup,"W ' v;-, Lis crier.-' a Sic;b James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn. TF.i J. M. LINN, J Attorneys at Law, LEWISBUKU, 674 Union Cunty, Penn'a. Pianos, and Music. JOS. L.Y0DER, Agent for Meyers' fcttj VKU'S celebrated PlanOM, has Vr- J Jst leceived a large assortment of Shot Musir. I'ianns, and Melodeon Books. Seminary and Teachers supplied at the Publishers' dis count prices. Music published byUnuld.Lee & Walker, S. L. Walker, or any Publishers in the l.'nited Slates, furnished at their prices. N.B. Meyers' and Voght's Pianos sold at less than City retail prices. Lewisburg, Nov. 14 Ilclinbold'tt Genuine Preparation or Highly concentrated Compound Fluid Extract of I OR Diseases of Bladder. Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weaknesses,Obstructions,Secret Diseases, Female Complaints, and all diseases of the sexual I Irsana amine mun nmnrp find ioipnid enrlf in lift, and removing all Imimmier Iiitrharin from thr lllatM,T. Kidoey or Sexual Oriran,wh..thrrexUting in Ualeor Female, from whatever cauae tLej nut hate uugiuaw-,, and do matter of how lung standing. giving ilraltk and Vigor tn the frame, and Bloom to the pallia cfu-eK. Joy to the Afflicted ! It can XrTo htM ibilitt"d uff.rers, n4 rsmoTe an uie fiiauriuus, among wiucb may be fbuDd Indisposition to exertion, lot of power, loop of memory, dim ulty f brvatliti.fr, ertu-ral W4-aknf. horror of di eai.wNikorirf,tr-mbiinff.drt!j.lulborrtjrofdcMth, nirht sweats, cold feet, wakeful net. tiimni'M of viFhin, languor, uutTerssJ lawitudr of the mus cular svnum, oftrn enormous appetite with i)rifM.tie symptoms, hot hand, (.iiftiing of tt body, lryaMa of ate akin, pallid coua tauaiiee and eruption on the fttcr, paia in Ui bark. baarineit of tlie rye-Hd, frequently black spots fly Inn before the eve with temporary r-utTution snd Inns of ripht, want of ath-ntion. prvat aioUlit J. and tvfUecenwv, with horror of WH-U-ty. Nothing is more dtMrat.! to su'-h pern than solitudf. and nothing they more dread for fear of tbml;os ; no rrpoae of manner, no earueatne&a, no i peculation, but a hurried traiiaiUito from one question to another. These symptoms, if allowed to pro on which this medi cine invarialtiT reiucTes noon follow Low or (V.wm, Fatiht. ad KriupTic Fits in one of which the patient nay exjdre. Who can say that thes are it frequently folio wi-d hf thuae din-ful diaeaats Inanity aod CouhumptinnT llie record f the inane AvIuuia, aud the melancholy duathf by ronfuniplton, lar ample teetimony to the truth of tb-e asrrtiona. Iu Lunatic Aylumit the most melanch ly eihil itioii aip-ars. The rouutt uance i actually Maiden and quite dUttite nei ther mirth or prief cvr rimu ft. fhuuld a sound of the voice occur, it in rarely articulate. With woeful m-nrci, wan despair Low sullen sound his griet b-'gruilwl." Debility is mort terril'Ie! and has brought thonaandfi upn tbuuxaud to untimely gravea, thus blanting the ami -it ion ol usriT noble Youth. It cm be cured by the uic of thin INFALLIBLE ltRMi:iV. If ytu are fuerirt, ith but of tin a bore dintreMinx ailments, the FU IU EXTRACT HLCUU will cure you. Try it and be convinced of its t ffiracy. ltlWAKE OF Q ACK NfSTEt'VS AND QCACI DoCTOIES, who talccly boat of aMIitice and refi'renrea. Cftixcni know and axoid th. m. and nve lorip tit7r-rior. money, and eipoaure. by i ndine; or calling for a bottle of Uii J'opuinr aud Sxcifc Keuieiiy. It allaja all paiu and ii fljimton.lrrf',1tly pleasant in it tate and odor, but immediate iu it a tiou. IIEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BCCIIU I prepared din-ctlr sceordinr to the Rules of THAR MU YAXD CHEMISTRY with the civatet accuracy and Cheuiicl siHiledf: and care devoted in its combi nation. See I'rolesor Itewee' Valuuble Work on the Fracti.-e of t'hj tk, aud most of the late Jsuudard Works Of LI edict ue. Siooj One Hundred Doll urn will be paid to any Phyrtrlxn who can prove that the Medicine ever injund a Patient ; and the testimony of thousand can be produced to prove that it dnf ftreat zood. Cae of from one w- k to tl:iitvn er -undinR have been rnVrtcd. The mvs of Volun tary Trstiraouy in pot,on of the Proi-rietT, vouch lag its virtue ai.d eurative oweni. i immenia. vmbraciug namc at-U known to SClKNt'E A-N U FAME. 100,000 nutlet Have i&rn MM, and not a -incle Instance cf a tailor has been re ported I I'eraonally appean-d before me an Alderman of the City of f ttilad-lphia, II. T. HtWS 'Ln. Cbemirt. who being duly tiworn does say, that bis preparation contain no Narcotic. Mercury orjrirtioiia Prue, but are lurlj( Ve ler, 1WL " U U. Prill iFb A Kt, A ! ilennanT" trice, $1 per Bottle, or Six far $5 Dtlivcrtd to any Addrein, accompanied by retiableand recpotiiMcCerticates from rrof. i-jtui of ledical Colleges. Clergymen and other. Prepared and sold by U. '. IIKMrUlLII. Vncti an.' Jnatvttcai LlnuL Xo. i- South Tenth Slbeloto UtatniU,Assniy BuiMingt, I'HILADLLPIIIA. r he had of Dmgpitti tttMf Daltrt thnmykuut Vtt cm, h oum, .Lnaaif una annul I -formers. BEV7ABE OF COUNTERFriTSL Ask fttr Hfm0od'$ Tuke no Other Cure Ottarantisff. Sold by 680y CHRIST CALDWELL,UtoUburg Important to Daguerreotyplsts.EIaible Dealers ana outers. 0XUMENTAL Daguerreotype Ca- A method has lung been sought for to insert in a durable manner, Daguerreotype Likenesses to Head Stones and Monuments. I hare been manufacturing these Cabes for the last two years, and can warrant them to ttcurc the picture for a lone number of years. The outside case iamade of Parian Marble, and the box which encloses the picture and keeps it in a state of great preservation for a long number of years, is made of brass a icrtw box. It makes a very neat job on a Head stone or Monument. lhey are used in Green wood Cemetery, Mount Auburn, Laurel Hill, ana many other Cemeteries in the U. States. A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers and Daeuerreotrpisu. Price from $2.2S each to -$9.50. A circular of eneravings will be sent toany address, free, wuh price list. Ad dress, A. L. BALDWIN, Asent of Mausoleum Pag. Co., &m llroadwaj, Ninv York. C60m3 New Firm and Slew Goods! A the Mammoth Drug & Chemical Emporium of CHRIST & CALDWELL. The undersigned having purchased the entire Mammoth Drag Store formerly kept by Dr Thornton 4; Co., are now ready to fill Orders and Prescriptions at a moment's notice. We hat-e a large and well selected stock, of fresh and pure DRUGS, ME1JICIES, Chemicals Dycatnns, Oils, Paints, Glass, Putty and DRLGGISTS' GLASSWARE, All kinds of Patent JUalicinet, Fruit and Confectionery, Tobacco.Snuff.and Imported Cigars of the choicest brands. Fancy Kutions and Toilet Article, Fine Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of all kinds, Butriiu Ana Con as or araar tiiiitt. ' Books and Stationery, a peneral variety of Literary and School Books Pine Oil. Lard anil Fl.n.i r . . ' - - " i"1 "i every description; fresh Pine pa and Patent Burn ing Fluid always ou hand. IM RE M IXES and LlyUORS of all kinds lor .Tiruiuiuai uses. Fire Proof and Zinc Paintt. Preserving and Pickling Jars, io' CT'Customers will fin1 nnrtti. . i fc . " - -...l . vunijiinc, comprising many articles it is impossible here iu ruumumt, auu u sola ai moderate prices Call and see n. nn mnA .n , stock ; and if we can't sell you cheap goods, i uu iu u uy . We are always on hand to wait on coslomers Remember the Mammoth Drug8tore' THEO. 8. CHRIST, F. 8. CALDWELL. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 8 CJAPORIFIEILor Concentrated Lye war- railtsa4 tn maba fiAn :.( . T: with little trouble, i th one caae of Lye and four poands ii . ' kwxhius guoa sun Dumb. Uard scai can be twuie la the same way. For sale by T-AYES' U'lllTK nuptfip r. i AJ Bd, iefCsgapta, Omnibuses, 8 wees, etc a SUDerior arlleW mLa tw aIl i(lar a. ra -. ' - a VHMVW aL.t4. GLASS Jars, for Pickling and Preserving Quarts and Half Gallons, for sale cheap W CURIsT CALDWELL. BOUNTT LAND WAKRAKT blanks tor all engaged m the service of tht U. S in the War of 1813. and for their Widow, ai the OJk of th Lcwiiar; fhiouiclt. LEWISBUKG CimOMCLE Executors' Notice. -jTOTICE is hereby given, that Letters Tes 1 tamentary on the last will and testament of JOSEPH 8POTTS. late of Kelly township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Uuion county, in due form of law ; therefore, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having just claims against the same are also requested to present them properly authenticated for settlement. SAMI'EI. BICKEL,iElfCUlorS Kelly. Jane 13, 1H57 pdfiw NOTICE. hare this 2d day of Feb I A. D. 1857, entered into Co-Paftnerslnp for the pvrpose of carrying on a CJ moral Koundrjr mistiness at the Brick Foun dry in Market street. Le'isburg, uuder the name and urui of Fnck & I.iMey. WILLIAM FRICK, JOHN LILLEY. Lewiiburg, Feb'y 2, 157. A general assort ment of COOKING STOVES for coal or wood. Stone Coal Stoves, Wood Air Tight and Parlor Stoves, Ac. in varie ty always kept on hand. CASTINGS of all kinds made to order. DENTAL CARD. THE new method of inserting artifi cial Teeth, Gum, 4c, known as Alien Continuous Gum Work, is, without exception, the best improvement ever made in the art of Dentistry. This work, when properly constructed, is the most beauti ful.the cleanest.eombines the greatest strength with durability, and adds more to a clear and distinct articulation, than any other kind of worK Droujcni lHn" I'uuin:. not only thi. iw a iK-aulilul di-roTrry ' a.nn llir fut It natural xprt-att- ion. without. in tlielnut. iuUrfering Willi Ike uotulueaa of tlic t4lh in tfimtirmtiun. I would takr t!ii BiiMhod of infomiinl tho IntwrtM thnt havo purrhaarJ the Patent Kiplit fur thin vatiuHe imiTuTmrnt, of th iuentor. Jhn Allfn,(now of NVw York.) for ttiif and f rcrai adjoining rownlir. aod that I am now niannfarturinK an articlr of Tr-th and Uumtliat will ofiinpatv Caorably witb anylliiOR in that line thnt baa rWfT br-n mad in tin or any otlo-r country. 1 aftk all, and wporlally tbow that ncrd Utb i if tlu'y liae rnfagrd tbm or not.) to call, and -iaiiiin f-ir ili-m..lan. JOHN LOI'KK, Ltwi"!" KC, Offtr. and Uwld'-nre on Third rtn-t, n'-nr Market. Ofltco in JllU"ii,oB Broady,niirCaaaMaTcoriier West Branch Insurance Company, OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Detached Buildings, Stores, Merchandize, Farm Property, and other buildings, and their con tents, at moderate rates. Doing business on bothCash aud Mutual plans. Capttal,i:lOO,000, DIRECTORS. Hon John J Pearce John Ii Hall Chas A Mayer Chas Crist Hon G C Harvey T T Abrams D J Jackman W White Thos Kitchen Peter Dickinson Hon. U. C HAKVEV, President. T. T. AUKAMS, Vice Pres. THO'S KITCHEN. See'y. JAMES D. HAMLIN, Arent, 627 Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. fitrl!Krs'& JficdmivS Twiilriinec CoIdJ). .W. CO - BKCO.HD ASft ValjrVT 8TS, miLADELrUU. Capital $l,3.-0,000. Assets $408,151 13, invested iu Bonds, Mort gages and other good securities. BE VOL' INSURED AGAINST LOSS . J.yify Irnffttictrrrwra Wufwrecnh" this most nccestary and mbtlantiai precaution. We olten see it announced that persons have lost their stocks of Goods and Furniture, and results of years of industry swept from them by the devouring element over which they bave no control but by being insured. Insurance protects you from the incendiary, negligence of servants and the casualties of your nriKbltora. It will impart coufidinN to yonr rrrd iturfi, aud give a character oi prudenuo aud precaution to all your tunine tranxaetiou. It rcqniiea tint a very tmull ram to InForr tn puma retiring from $100 to $1000, and yet how many there are who hava no ineuranre uinn (load. 7urnitur. or any thing cine! If yoar Stock is femall, still the LoM to job nitirnt be serioua. Thia O mpany lnni nni.DIXHS. MF.RCfTA AT- ize, Boob ri-j.wri KK. macuixek l and srui x From f 100 to 5000, at the Lowest Ratea and upon thft moat Liberal Terms, aod raoxi-T FATUtaT on the adjuatment of Luaa. . PIltECTOnS. Hon Tho.B.F1orem I Jamen R.Neall I TMw.R.neTmbnli G-n 11 Armelrong I Cba Diufteo I K.l'arrol lireweter rhi.A.liubincau I Th llanderueld I banc Leech, Jr. Geo.llelmbold I Ueneral Soparintendent-TOtlN THOMAPOX. THO'S B. lJlKKNCt,rrcaidet. EDWD E. IIELMllcjLK.Seereury. J. MERRILL I, INN, Agent, 657 LE W1SBURG, Union Co. Pa Educational, UNIVERSITY SCHOOLS ! Rev. H. MALCOM, D.D., President. THE Summer Session will open April "id, and continue 11 weeks. COLLEGE Tuition, per session, $10 charges, exclusive of rooms, $1 20. Theohqical Department free. ACADEMY 11. l).Vmt., A.M., Princi pal; M.W. Crakes., Assistant. Tuilion per sessmnClaociral .47 pliirMi A. .1. Vn ' lish. ?5, charges 45 ets. FEMALE IKSTITUTEWss A.Tatlob, Principal. Tuition per session Regular course $10, Preparatory $7, Music '?10,"Draw ing $5, French $3 33, charges 20 cts. A. K. BELL, General Agent April 1, 1857 and Treasurer LEYViSBUEG ACADEMY. THE Summer Session of this Inslilu- L tion will commence on Mosdat, 27th of April, 1857, and continue 13 weeks. All Branches calculated to fit Youths for college or for general business are taught; and Ihe Bible is in daily use in the school. A class of Yocira Ladies is secured. TUITION per session of 13 weeks. PRIMARY lloadlnir. Writing D. fioer, Arithmetic, leoe. Oram, and II. 8. Ilirtorv.l - - - - - .$150 ADVA NCKti KNULlfll (all not Included ahore, 6.00 HNIHTAliE?, - - 7fc, CONTINfiKMEXPRX?ES-prieilonl - - . - M No deduction! except for protracted aieknea. JOHN RANDOLPH, April 3, 1857 Principal EEEEBURGACADEMY NORMAL SCHOOL. rpHIS Institution is located in the quiet, J beautiful and healthy village of Freeburg, Snyder Co., Pa, It will commence the second (Spring) quarter of its second session on the 23d of Maich. Encouraged by the very lib eral patronage it has heretofore received, and in view of the great want of the proper in struction for Teachers in this and neighbor ing counties, a Koihal Depart. toy, for tht special training of Teachers, and those wish ing to become such, will hereafter be connec ted with this Institution. Ai additional Female Teacher fcu beta added to the r-rit lar corpa of Tear he ra, arraarementa made to meet the wmnta ofgtodeata. l tKM&-( one-half payable InTarlabtr hi Adranee.) For Board. Boom .nl Tuition pr Ma.ofiiz wka,$M to 56 Tellio.oiai,mrQua. of 11 waa - - t,bu to S f a.trurtJo. on th, riano 4 uai of Initmineut 9,m Incidenule - 2i Waihine and Mending. 4$ eta. ear doe. ,r Jrwlnx in town 1.M to $i per week. For further information.orcireulars addr" GEO. F. M FARLAND, Principtt JOSIAn KELLT, Auctioneer, SOLICITS the patronage of the public. Residence on South Fifth street, Lewis ur Pa. IDecember S, 185a. & WEST BEMCll FAEMER. JULY 10, 1S")7. James B. Hamlin, A TT0RNEY at LAW, l. nruffice on 8econd St. west side.Sna door ftii" of Market, Lew Inburfr, 6m593 Union Co. Pa. Agricultural. To the runner t HA5IWYS COMBINED REAPING ' MOWING- MAC1IINK, (ritif Hinds' 1inpi-o('ih);i)i. rTMIE undersigned having been appointed Agent for Ihe sale of ihese Heaping & Muwins Machines in L'liinn and Snydercoun ties, oilers them to the public, believing them to be the Jiett Combined Marhine in Use. These Machines have been in successful operation, and have rendered general satisfac tion. They are of easy draft, easily managed, and do the work in a workmanlike manner. Manny's received a Silver Medal at onr Slate -Fair, laM fall, and drew the first premium at the County Fairs of York, Cumberland, Cen tre, Huntingdon, Ac. where it was exhibited. Persons in want of a Reaping & Mowing Machine, will do well to call before purchas ing. Fur further particulars, and information please can npnn the subscriber who always takes pleasure in exhibiting this Machine. N. U. Early orders are solicited, iu order to have the Machines on hand in season, as the number received from theManufactor will correspond with the demand. CYRUS DREISBACH. I.ewi5bur, April 10, IR57. 6b0m3 Chester County ONE and Two Horse Endless Chain POWER. The undersigned being con vinced by practical experience of the superi ority of Vundrrslicc't Tread Power over the or dinary fiye hor.se power now in use in the WesiBranch country .for threshing out grain, have purchased the patterns and right to make ihem. We are now making and have on hand a large number, which we propose to introduce on the plan if they don't answer to the letter of the guarantee given with each of them, the machine will be taken back and the money refunded, if paid. They are now almost the only entire Threshing Machines in ue in Chester, Montgomery, Berks and Delaware counties. Their" advantages are that they will do almost double the work, ac cording to the number of horses used, than the old machines will do; IV'they will save at least two hands and Threshing can all be done snuely closed up in the barns, in wet days, when the hands would be otherwise unemployed. T. CHURCH & CO. Hartlrton. Union Co, Pa. Apply to Tno'a Cwencit. Hartleton.or or Dr. L. Koort, Union Furnace. yC15 IlnnNecker'a CLOVER IiriXF.R. r"MlE subscribers still continue to manufac- ture ihe above Machines, and as there i.t.rrj.s.fHVV"frTesrwr er any further recommendation unnecessary. The machines are all warranted not only to do good work, but belter work than any other kind of marhine now in use. T. CHURCH & CO, Hartleton, Pa. Apply to Tini'a ('hi hch, Hartleton, or L. Hook i. Union Furnace. Iy652 Ilickok'H Patent Portable KEYST0HE CIDER ft WINE KILL, fatenti-a Nov. lHi,b. t" .This in oot the Mill wIJ in 152. It xct-Is all mill in tne niarkft in Uie evi and spwl with which it fcrtnil, and in the ((.natt puwr of the preu. Manufactured at the Eagle Works, HarrUburg. PLEASE TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE ! fllHAT this is entrely new mill no ex- pense has been spared in its manufacture all the in ale rials are the very best, and are used unsparingly. The Cylinders are almost twice the length of the former ones,atid all.in- clutlin? the top Cylinder. mde of Iron. The wrw is two iticlvn in dianiftr-r, with ft hfmvy V thrrnd rut ou it. Tbj Wnm of (h I'r-in cakt im iu.xU a.l of woo-I if mil vuti nicwr, and tW tlnvnd of th nut rut fr hm a iurhfn through it. The power of the Frewt in very much iitt T''nt-d.and cannot be broken hy nny fnir nn-.m. The arransenw-iitMf ttf TiiKru.d nthiT :irlhot the I'row. b ?ery pTtrt. Ti.e mid llop,'T an- all iot:til- r.n t(t;i-l)ier ; the Ji umalu run in itrharinj;!; aod lant ly.thti wrkmaii'liic ehnH not I vxreiird Iy an marhine of the kind whatev-T. Terlettion beinc the aim, both in the arrangement and the merhnniral department. AH jHThons he hern obliged to Ufr the old fjh ioned nut Mill, are aware how iuronvt-nient it ia, and rperially th h have ntt lrn quuntitiea of apples. Ily havinc thm .Mill on your piantaUon or fariu.you ran, at any tiuie.in a f-w nnnub-amake a few pillonx ofnwet cider for pre, ut U5'; or yon can wery txp diUoonly niakt up a f-'W barrel . The Machine, welt worked, in c pitle of makinz H t 1- harrelc of cider a day, with eae. The mm-hine iiniidUrun by horse.fteam or hand pow er, and a lien the epplos are ground, a mn!l hy of fnur teeo yearaof aire can pre the omace with all eaae. The following may be abduced as Ihe docld. d aUvautagea of Uiif mill. Kirft It will make more Ckler than any other Pr, with a given quantity of apples in a given tiaie,and witb niiirh Iffi l;iUir and rxj-eiiMi. Ferond It a.ll wake cleaner and tweeter cider than any other .Mill. Third You ran make the rider a you want it, and when you want it; and in quantities from one gallon to barrel. Fourth With it you ran press your Cumnk,Cherries, Berrien, fheese. flutter. Lard and Tallow. ifth With its use you can at all times have fresh and Sweet rider. With all the adrantatrcs retultins: from the pojnn and use ot u-h a Machine at a pnee o low that it is within tbe reach of all can it be that any intelligent laruier would do without it ? SECOM.VFXDA 770X& jACaTrw!f, June 15th, W. O. ninoK : Pr I have one ot your Improved t'ider Mill; 1 Ufed the Mill latOetotr, andou trial I s;nuud tiny buibe)D uf apple per hour. 1 keep the ground apples twrlve hours, and 1 can press out two barrels of eider per hour with two meo. Iran recommend your improved Cider Mill to all fruit pmwerw, for rpeed and a saviu of lattftr. 1 ran make thirty -five ralhns of rider from nine and one-hall butdit-la ot inmn applae. The cider ran be pn-wd from the pomar without tttdngwater now. Cider will keep uue year when water is not used at the pre. JOHN M'CUM1.K. Pt. Loria. July S9, Ma. W.O. HtCKrtE : Tour Mills Kt here, and we have sold them and telegraphed for twelve more. Ah they are a much better ma-ie and better looking- Mill than the other kind, we know they will sell quickly alongside uf thm at Mtprii-e of the other $35. m have six of tli other kiud, but, a we said before, people won't I -ok at thrui alongside of vours. Vour., Very Kesperttully, W M. M. 1'LANT ft Co. Ycnwol(A9BTOw?t, June 16, 1&3. sift. W. O. ITtct 'C: Umia ?ia It gives me great plea sure to knd my ft-ebla influenre in recommmdMtion o your invaluable i'att nt Cider Mill. Any person who has made elder by the old process will quickly perreirebould they procure one of your new the utility and econ omy of your invention. I regard it as one of the beitt in VtnUoni now in use. Although 1 have bad it but one year, it has amply repaid me for what it eot. Cider ex pressed throutrh one of your machines is less liable to fer mentation, and can be preserved sweet longer than that produced through Uie old fasbiotHid Mill. I rum the very fact that it is more free from pommel, which alwnys has a tendency to acidit, and auflts it in many invtancesfor domestic nee. Your, respectfully. W.QUlt.LhY. This is to certify, that I purchased of I. Land re th. In October, lb&2. one of Uirkuk s Patent Cider Mill-, and bare had it in nse ever si ore. Perferily gall '(Ted with it myself, I have no hesitation in pronoanrtas: it a very nse ful and indispnnsable Machine so the farmwr. H Uh it, one man and two boyi can make from five to six barrels of good cider per day, easy. Many of my neighbors bave purchased similar Marhine. The MiU has been irreatiy improved id nee 1 bonh vine. W.e.WAkD. May 11, 184. KWley, Delewar County, Pa. I hereby eertify that I have need W. a Ilickok's Im proved PorUble Cider Mill, and consider It a valuable in vention in the economy of tiaae. The cider iecUaaer and better than that made in the nsnal way. Iam wallpleaix d with it, and aheold be unwilling to part with It Cur quite a prrmiumon tbcadTanoed eosL JOHN g. UALK. July l,lboi. Portland, Ct X.Mon than one hundred Silver Medals and Diplomas havj been given to my Mill within the last lour jeara. 49-This Mill occupies about 24 feet by S feet, and Is 4 fret high, weighing 17 v Ins, to every ay portable and etmvwJ. id (--. 1PBU It ddnas, W. 0. U1CK0K, Agent Eagle Works Itarrtaburg. Pn Tot tale by J0SLTU U'fAIDuV, Lcnisbutf . e 3V II. ia:KIIAHT, aVK.V77.NX (TfTrV rvl Mjiiii I street, next dour t Brown A. LCDZ7 Killer's Slure LEWisBUWi, PA. William VanGezer, A TTORSEY at Law, J ibiirp, I nion Co., Pa. IVOifice opposilr Kline's Hotel 574 2 SVVlTftSSSES, i 2 Ult, Til V. FORGER CONVICTED. S JOHN 9. 1'YK w the Author, who h ha-1 1 years iiierienn n a ItauW-r and PuMi'her, an i author S f A S rtfi ,f Lf tnrtt nt C' Tohrrmtct, ),,. fr ID FtliHitiTe nights otvr "-Hilt PeopV S'L're-ted him with routfU t-f npi-liiu'e. while lie c.M r5 Mri-d !!! manner in wi.i'h -.unl-rfi'ifr ex-cute lfj.-ir frati'K an t th- snr.--t and rtiortc.- uu-inis of Odct-ctin tl.'lii' The H-nik Note Kupraert kI! ay O that h if tht pr.ate?t Ju'r cf I'.ij.er Wm-y l:i!ng. Q- (Jt'eatt JjtLoc ry uf th IWm iiI t ' n o hm forlhfcithi'jCuuit'i rfrtt . Docribir.j cTt-ry (ffiiuine hill in cxiten'V. 1 M hiiiuic at a nUii'e e.t-ry c unt. rf. it in c rfa.ji.uul S Arranrd so almirahl, ih:Lt rd-r.-u.-r n.,y a. I Qd.-t'ctiin ins. anUUei Mist. Nr, ju 1. x to ex;uiine. No tririn ti hunt up: I'.ut so siuip:iiid anl arrang-l, rtliit the 11m hfiiil, liaukcr auJ hu-iucfS Mmu tau O m. fill tt it iilnnnt! H Kii)ilt-li. rrcnrh anl tiermnn, inns may eucn rt-uu ci Uie fame iu his own u Alive tuii-ue. P. Must rn rf'ct 11 1 u le Xntr List rrrrpuhfi shf Al.-o a lit of all the I'ri.atv ltaiiK-rw in America. A rj niuipletesiitti'imry ut the l.nanc-ol Kurt.p -anil Amer ica will he piitli-lied in w h -'iitinn. t jiaht;r with all Z the iuiiirttut Ncwetof the l-'ay. AImi, a A frKUl Kr K Tl.i:S From an OM Manu--rij.t f.-n.-l in ti e Kit. It fur- bih-ii the iu..i.t r.iiiipl' tc Iji-t": y .ifilri.-iit.il Life, tle J m-ril.iiix tin- in' t pi-rplfin pil'.i.n in whHi the ta hi.iiet at.il ji'-iitteuicn tf tht .nuiiiry hT h-en rt oft.-n fonti.t. Th-- (.ti.ri'c c-iiiine t!.rmh.ut ; the whole er. nnl will mvt' the uiott euHtainiuj; 3 e. r oir.-re.1 to Hie pn'iiie. Q JFtirniih'd W.-. k!y h ?nWri--r only, at ;1 a m year. All UtU r luu.-t I- ! IresM-.l Ut 2 JOHN S. VMU ItfoK'.R. O PuMi-her and I'r'.priel-.r, T-' Wail M- Xi:w York Philadelphia. 'T IT SO! r.- ARTHUR'S C'lehrmtetl Sell S-aln.,: nu .ntui Jar", ai:J you will huie ff-h fruil all the year t ."ninmer pnci-n. Kull lirt-ciioiis fir putting up kiml-of Kiuit and Tnmntorn, )cc-uipitiy tln e caiid mn-1 j ri. j They are ni .'le (if l,n, l,Ij., uevnnoare. -lift .; and Arid p iim.i S!-n U'ir. . 1 ,. if- sre from pint.- tn irnlhin. Then- c.tna Mid jar are entirely npeu at the Uip-i.anil xT. to rV i urt eomoniy iio teanxiorL-itiiiu. I K.r D.iifhv ?t r.-k""pi-rs thro'- 'titit the Cn i ted Jati-s. i lecri!'tiro circular sent on in p; ie.it i' jfiJl'diTS trout tide trade oiicired. t He nuret-. aik f-.r "Arthur'a." It ha.- .-toi-l the tr-t of two a- .nnn. h.niii bevu u-t-.J ty hun dred ot thui!Ht l of I'Hmi.ies.h - P'l aud txMtrd.u.-h-iii-a kef,i"rs. i We ar now inukiug tbciu tiT the million. Arthur, Burnhnra & GUroy, J MaDuf-icturcr m. 'er the j.at.-ut. No. 117 1 ii. ft.'i'uuih it. cor- ieOr'e. I leimChSj I'illLADKU'UIA. EJ WIUTER BETTER THAN Sweetmeats. AI.KXANJJEIi KTHilJ, anil HOLESALE iUlvALV.il 19 3HSou.li miare97rhi!alelplila ASHTON's FINE, TURK'S ISLAND and HAIRY SALT, constantly on hand, and for sale in lots to suit purchasers. April 3 ls;7mC P-SfP5 "acinfcTd A. titt S. Fourth '., Philadelphia, Truth is Mighty, and Must I'ravaiL Rrpon uf ihe -ommittee appointed lo super intend ihe Uurnin? of the Iron Safes, at Keadihg, Tcbruary 7, 157. Kkkixi, Mirrh 4. The nnilerflirned. members of the c-niiiiittee. ln res pectlul'y report, that we enw the two Safes originally ai;rel nix id by Karrvls k Uerrinjc and Cvann k Uaun, placed aiJc hy ai'ie in a furnace, tix: The nic in life hy the l'atmft!ti-r of the f'hiladelphia and lEeM.lin lUilroad Company, iu his othce at Keatlinir, uiuDUtnctnre.1 tv Kar reln 4c Herri np, and the tafe in u.e l.y ti. A. hatits, in bis storw. manulaclun-d hy Kraus A Walun, anil put in hooka snd paper precisely alike. The ftre was started at o'clock. A. M.. and kept ap until fourconU of nren hnk.-ry, twucortUUry oak and half chestnut tp v.mkI were entirely cnutuiued, the a hole under the sup'rintnul.Tiiv of the suh-rthers, Uieuihfrs of thi('ouinntle. The .-ifs a ere thcit r..iltt otf with Witter, alter which they acre ) in U. and the honkit and p:tt-rH taken out hy the I mi in it l and taken to II. A. Lants's (ftnre for pnldie exaniiu:itinn. after thry w.-rc lirt exsiniAeisnd marked ly the lummittee. The r-.ks and papers taken from the afe timiiulitrtnre by Krans Wat -on were hut flii'htly iir.-cte-i by the inten-e heat, while thn r.iken from the Sj.fe ntatiiifuctiired by Farnda A ilerrine were, in our juil.:iiifnt. damaged full btteeu p r ceoL. more thau tho.e taken Uuiu Lvaa-; k WhIhhi'i Safe. We tfiiefe theaters tn have x s f:;ir and Impartial trial uf th resibcUve qualities of l S;ifi-4. JAOB II. HV-IIKR. DAMKl. S. IUM KIE. IlaTinff been absent dtirmir the burninc, we fully co incide with the alu'Te ttetui nt ot the c lit ion o! the papers aud book tai.cn our of tb re.perfite SafLs. ti A. NU ipM.-!. it ii. Mi in,r:Rrna JA.MK5 JitUluLLAND. I'vans & M'a.KOtl have now on hand 300,000 pounds f the above SU'Es, which lhey oiler for saie on better terms than any other manufacturer in ihe United States April 3. ltt&7 67.yl Joseph Fassell, Umbrella & Parasol Manufacturer fto. 2 North Fourth St. N.W. corner of Market, I'lltL AUKLI'lIlA. Has now on hand an extensive assortment of ihe newest and most desirable kinds.including manyXcw MylCH noi heretofore to be had in this market. An examination of our slock is solicited before purchasing elseuhere 3:M BLINDS AND SHADES ! IT OF AtV STYLES, jrj Bi. WILLIAMS. No. 12 orih Sixth St., . rHIAI)ELPHIA,man.ifacturerof'e. nllian Illlnds. Velvet and Gold Bordered and Fainted Mialcs, of beautiful designs. Buff, and all other colors of Holland used for Shades. Fixtures, Trimmings, Ac, &e., wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash prices. ll Store Shades painted to order.jj B. J, WM thankful for past patronage, res pectfully solicits the public to call and exam ine his new and large assortment, before pur chasing elsewhere. LlT" He ,tudu to plcujc." March 20, 1857. r Front Street Wire Xanuracfory. WATSON, COX & CO., Sietre.Kiddle.Screen and Wire Cloth Manufacturers, No. 46 North Front St. Corner of (Wmhe' Alter, betwn Maritot and Mulberrr (Arch) nntVtruiLAUELPlllA. Manufacture superior quality of Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds.Brass and Copper Vt ireCloth for Paper makers&c,Cy Iinders and Dandy Rolls covered in the best manner. Heavy twilled Wire for Spark catchers, Sieves lor Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire. Window Wire. Rafo. T,, v. Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, Fancy Wire " ui ui every ueacripuon 3mG74 Fishing Tackle, A ND GUKS-Tto subscribers invite 11. attention tn thpir afolr nt p;Ek M..l. -. - v. . aoa. uww and Tackle of every description Cane liceds, Sea Grass, Trout Flies, Linos X'n Also, fine English and German Guns, Revolv ing risiois, rercussion Cups, and Sporting Apparatus generally. For sale at lowest fr.A P.'.. wki...i. and Retail. ' JOHN M. HEYBERfiER & BRO. 24 No. 47 N. Second St., rtiladcyhia ISM Fresh Fruit ar?rr ssss- KERIUKG'S SAFE. thk irtiwunr.to II A HI V I O .! lilt. Ut hNT Till ALi at Ii. -dii K have endurscct the rarrent .f .'.'Stal.V VP A" J Wf. RrVS w-ruirt f more than W acciden mm tal hrcs, proving rtmnuwu ii iohv llerrinii s is Ibe SAra iu j am. Hut H Rf. I! x tract irom tre i Mnmm- s t Kepftrt on the TrhU ot Iron Sal at Keadms: . On the Uf.th of IVbruury all li- meniberyor th" i om- , Biitlee met to illie!i). the Safe ai d U-kS rnd paf-ere. .laccd in tb. m ai.d were f-rl ' tly tit;ed that -l riht. Thedat f-Hon in, the buroiOK Uk plare.it uder the gnperiuleiiUrDcft of lh t'onimitu e. After a fxir and impnitinl 1 U'ninjjj lor Iith h.ure. thu .wi.f- f Me--. f.vaiis 4 Wat-r-n hr-t o .-n- d. the S:.te t.-i'.ir "u r-. in-i I' , and the e-afcti?t p;ir illv consumed, abile ti,.- ' Clit' titi. H. tl e S:.fe Ot M. i-r. Karrels A liiTIin' Were ill jMd condit.ou. nii-t no bie iti.-ide.'' It. Mii.ru;, Marcu l ' WuvJ,) It. Y. FKt.TT. ) , 1 h " p. , I'iH.I'.M A. ' O tiin ittec. A. II -h h.) And endorsed i f x-r " ! ti.- l-t in o f RV.rg. The e Srtf - c.i li le in-. - ted ;it --i W. limit t. ; where Ibe pultlie e;,n (..ili-fv f I.eitim-Wea of the f-it uri' rity tli- "llernnz I'-tei.t i hattipixD." over the ( d-lete.J aui srd-ui -ir.-.l- I too I'-.r .-.i iaumudi r." i-AKKLi.s v ni:Ri;i.., ::l V:t:nut Str-t. I'h hidelt l la. f)n'y "jf,'rt in t'.U .Vu? lltrtvj's i'a.'enl C.tam- ri'in &tf". .t.-a-t..T.t...nn1 ( Uie tmt-mw niS'ie ny oir;i-r ir:i' 10 ikmhh j rep. iij.fi. .u (,f a ...t.- wi i h J-:d - -i.-naliy in 1 d ttt 'l hr- in i'hihidelpl.ih, i :ne?d Place.; bv tki..j 1 r-n rut t-f an ht.-re. i II . A. I.mt. nt el- i-u' '- ! thirl.'-; (-lilf. r. in IV in I! t; th.-y e.l.. to -burn up" i one of II-rl!tL'. ' i-n it.Kk I ha. Suet Willi it." trtie re- ' war-1. ll'-rrii:;K.-.l K i ,. urrt'. j r- iu jr .i.'lu- I Pivt lv that theon'V re.iabie .-:iV ?.r.W i;imt-1 ' H'T-'ii.'! -. tif wbi h ovi-r 1 '.'oo.ir-t.oii- ii. tM-tu:il uje.MTid tuor-ll.;iu j J;0 have l-'t-u tried by t:re vthtmt -I ur.'j!. V J. ( ll.i!;tI I;hi;t WOOD ISOULDIeWG HILL. ! ON Willow S?. ahve Twelfth, Xrth side. Mouldings .suitable for iarpeiiirrs ar.d ! liuilders, Cabinet and Krarue Makers, aluav ! on hand. I Any Pattern worleJ from a lrnwinr ' IV Act fits wanted in th various Tnwns in I his porliMti of ihe Siate.fi) w hum cpptTlur.itn'S ; will be o tit.' red for!arre profits fur themselvfS '- 2mfi SI...S K. YAW. DKK., E'tivr. AXU r.riss ' wholesale ir.i ::( fisE, i C10KNKK of Tenth and Market Sis. (Office : in second stoiey,) J'nLdtfJnii. We invite ntten'ion tu our eular'-d st..eli i f Drug's Iaint, Oils Varnivhe. Vc, se!rei"d expressly for cur sales and c-nnpriMi.2 one of the Imesi as"oetinenis m ihe I". which we oiler at low prices l,r ra-h or approved credit. : W K M AM FAiTtlfEK. rery exten-lrely Hreuuuui nre Hhite Lead, i i e-t. i h.'nin't'.n I'd-" White I m.. I'. nrl .... Wl.lf" l..-al.-ieile M-uta. u-"' Kr. U' h .:ii'-, . If l. i Pure r-tmw li.te A mer: nii '. w. iiv.-r I'i .-i-,r I- ire ai I .-:t'br-proof 1 aiul, K i.r uil tin-eti, Vfiinw.. ani t.'dor. -ucraiiy. ALKM S I'uli 1'orter's f it f trior AlVa'-ne Win b.w fiU-n. r.ennin 1-renrh l'l.it lildi". . arrani t. - 1 he . w .ter-cv .in t '. tnpany j : hi. t-.Ti den I ; hew .V. m !.!!. p. trxtalii I'r.iu UDI I'tiff ULtte L.-;.d. HamiMieU uiit-n-nt irecn. Pure Ohio C-ituwla l.rainly. ic. IM. UUThU.S of Irei.f h snd l.i-i.i Ii Plate OTr-?.. Fren. h and Enjl -h ri-iid.-r t.l. i : .;. I :-i.d Kiinne-l Winb-w '!i--l:ti;'i.-rr. '-ty; e .--. UniiTiii r- 1 l!:it f T V'hm To u.id kv hi.'ht.. Iirn-.'s. i'i em,.-1!, 1'criuiueiy, Ac. il : .l- A LK ir..M.hi.. 1 lru.'-i-t Arli l.- ct-n.-n.l'y. p.int T- T-.f-l rf iN def-enpf i"ti-. i ir;i!i!i-' Mil ii. inui i in-nt. t'ii-:i".i aud hau l l'iii't. r. I' .' er V:t';' r' t Itt. Sitin W Lite, A..-. fi.K.N. II. Llt'llAi:.!.- A ', Ptor. N. W. cor. ot T- nth ar. I Mark. f tre-dw. Fach.r .JLuctiuu Vork AVi-uu-A'ruwii an : ( :.! tn!t -t.. rii.ii..Li':m. HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. riMli.S Ha.r Dye mr Js cmly a trial tu sulitly l all uf us perlVctiiin as a !" a"J '' l.'winir teUmi-nial (Y that emirinl anal v.ic chemist, I'r.'f. Booth uf the L'.W.Mint.will only coDtinn .vliat iluuatidt have jircviiiti!y tun.c testimony !. : .t...,e..-. I'lar.-. -rtiitMpti1ii. K.-lTuar t:-.b. lh- 7 I 'B' :ir.(.i;aijt.d will: tli.'Ui t;iti.r- reunion irwi 'i t""ul I'.J: I am .ti-f. . tliat I y I. !! - tojt tl.e moijiN- dirti 'I: citi-u fr iu u.. if n t tnjurp th lliir i.r Skiu, but .til ciTe a r..-h.r.i " i .-i.'f f HOVr.R'S WRiTINfi INKS, inrlu f.nt: !h Hover's FiuiJ, and Hover a IitJt Jtbf Inks, are too well kuowu and introduced to require any additional testimonial oi Iheirch.-trarter. The sales have been increasin;; since their first introduction, ivin? evidence that the ariiclrs truly iossess that intrinsic merit claimed at first for thein by the Manufacturer. Orders, addressed lo the .M.iiiulact rv, .No. -Ill; HACK street above rLuith.(ol I .No 1 1 1) l'hiladflihia.wil! rereive pninipt a't-'ntion 1 v 6?ay JOM:i e. 1IOVEK, Mmufarlurtr. ' RISING SON $j?:t 4P'.urscrif.s i li;irilt'n.r,-ja.. eeew (iermantown Koad, hall an iioui s rule from the Lxchauge by Oiniubus. ShadCfFruit and Urnami ntnl Trtcs,s'irtd,s Pfnnts, IV. cultivated and for sale in quantities tn suit dealers and others, including an extensive and varied assortment cf a l the desirable varieties of the above, for sale Wholesale an I detail. Catalogues can be hud on application, gratis, S. MAI I'AY At TO. IV When addressed by n.ail direct lo Ris ing Sun P.O., Philadelphia. Our Stands are in the Market, .Market street, below S.jth. where orders are also received. 6mlliti Cheap Fruit and Confectionery. 1l IflNC'AM & SELLERS, , Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectionery of all kintl?, 113 Xo. Third St, below Race, P1IILADEL. i The attention of dealers is requested lo an j cjamination of theirsiock.whicli will be found ; equal to any in this citv. Foreign Fruits of ail kinds in season. .Vll. Orders by Mail cr otherwise promptly attended to ;!mti;U Pennsylvania Wire Works. ""0. 5U AKI'H St. between 2d and 3d, ll (opposite Broad St.) I'MLADELl'lilA. Sieves, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of all mealies and idths.with all kinds of plain ami fancy Wire Work. Heavy twilled Wire lor spark catchers. coal sand and gravel Screens, paper makers Wire, cylinder and dandy R dls covered in the best manner, Wire and Wir Fencin;. A very superior article of Heavy Fonnders Sieves. All kinds Ir m Ore Wires and Sieves BAYLISS, DARBY & LYNN." Elount Vernon House, VO. 1 95, North 2d Philadelphia.-- J. 1 This old and well established house is admirably situated for persons visiting the city on business or pleasure. The continued patronage of the public (and of West Branch friends iu particular) is respectfully inviled. I. L. BAKKETT, Fhilad., March 1, 1856. Proprietor. New Wall Taper Warehouse. BURTON & LAXLMf, Manufacturers and Importers, No. Arch St, 2d door above Ctb, Fiiilj., Where may be found the largest aud best (-elected stock in the city. t Country purchasers may herebeaecom modaled,without the inconvenience of looking further, aud may be assured that lhey will receive the advantage of their money. BURTON & LANINU, 124 Arch St. 3m676 above Sixth, Vhtladilphia Engraving and Seal Catting OF all kinds, at 204, Chesnut Street, PI III, AD. Visiting and other CARDS, Corporation and other SEALS.and everything' in our line of business, promptly attended to, in good style, and on reasonable terms. Or ders from City and Country solicited S. H. FCLTON. J. W. G. MASON. C. W. SCHAFFLE'S WHOLESALE ami UFTAIT a-MtlllJj Dtun and Chemical Market Sliest ... Lewijburg, Tt. AVER'S ' CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR TUB RAPID CCU Of ColtlH, Coughs and IlourrHC Bamniti.. Mass.. anth le-, Im. J O. Am: 1 .lonol heattatatoaay th 1-b4 n-nvly I ha ser found f"T Onufhs, II arrites, liifl-iens. a.l th ..1... ....tMiii vrnnturas' at." ah ymr Ciicnsr I'eiTdbU- Ita cnwtaiit uae tu my r. l i f ul " family t-r tht laat .JJ ten ye.ua haa sir-a U b p.-- ue- nor :inis fr th- tr'm-nt 4 tif J'Ar A H M'KTI.KV, Kof 1'nct.lV. wrfta: I Iut rtett -'ir I'i -T'.aL in If an i in my family ver sme y.rti iiti :ttl it, ari-l h-! it ! ht DuptieJn jt ita With a t.a.1 rM I htuil .(-.liars I raU'ttle than th withwut it, ot j.y otlier r-tiifity. Croup9 Whooping C'out;h, Influenza. .-rlji.r:uis Iti. 7, lnWt. ItaoTHSB Aira: I will .terfiiUy rrufy yowr Ptat t tin l-ttt r'-ui'-'y w V t the rure of Whtyyuq liitit'i. (?r'M. ait'l the tltet 'Iti-wtnf uf ctuMrea. VWW yt.u'r frntruity in th .-'ti'li ;iprei wto juur akill, an4 ounuutuJ yiur Oi"h- iuv Ij ir , t'lt. II1KAM CONKLTV, Jf D. AM'iS I.EK. KiQ.. Mottiret. I., writ-. .It Ja.AWt: l.it a t-'li"ii Iijfl.it-nii, win- h rntii.eJ tn io dt-ira in wfkw; tok iiiUfiy m-Ii' hhi without t-iw-f; fiaally tri"l yur I'S'-rrtRiL y the -iTie t oar rlrryaiaA. I he first j.-M' r-hef"l h- treo-s In my Uirtjat d4 hinir; h- thn '.ne hlf th U.ltle Mhi Be comWtely well. V'tir n.h. int ro lh ti.pet m w-H as U Ims tf nn l.i:y. aiitl r wTe-iii yon, iXfCtur, autl jMI rans a the lrjT Uiaii H frV-l.tl.' Aslbma or Phthisic, nod Bronchitis. Is urt Mnv unfii. P tb. 4. 8;a: Yonr Onraat Pi'T 'fct m i-rf -i mine marTell-nn enivo in thii w-. ti.-n. It hM r--ii.-r-J tvvrrxi fna alansk Inx ivmpf-'ini f coniuiit.e-n. u n- w mnitK a nwa p hw U'ttrreti OIiil'T n:i fT,-ien ut the lnui' ft ths) kwtarty yan. Ilk.NKV L. FAltKd, Merchaat. A. A- kiMKT. V I). Aut.!, Moroi Co-, Iowa, wnM. Ji't V.l-.f.'r " hmiiiK my raftit tf many years 1 Iimvc f"nit ii'itJ.inif e.(ni u y-'iiri Hivasr Pct-jal far IPmuk Mew m " n li-'f Ut cuO-tuiLptive patients, or curing E.,-4- M gat-n CinHjle. We wiiArt n-ll -.nines ot exi h-nee, bat the saost eoa Tinritift pmvf uf the virtues uf. this remedy Mi twd Ml tfj etl-jcts uV"n UiaL Conanmption pr,tU,1y bo one remly ha eer Len known arhlch curt "o many and ta- h drter-ii" caws as this, flutaa no l.uiuan ai l can tvu b ; but erea to thjaa th CUUI facru&AL aff 'r.lf r Iief and fi-saf rt. A-T" flT-a. Nrw Totil Crrr. Marrb 1 1 Dorroa A via. lmtix: I ft-l it a dnty and a pleejmr inform nu what ymr t'iliriRT PsefSAL has don far fiT Vh hvi l--n Ave mnths Uti.rinjc under th (UnirtT'-n" ivni t'm-f roit-umprie-n. from which no aisl we c.rtiM pf-fiire iruve hr mil' h r-iirf She wa mteadily fHtlitiir. until Ir. itrmf. of thm city, where we haToia f. r ati:ee. rw.mnifii ied a trial of y-ur medi-ine. Ws h:ees hi kui'liit-M. an iU yonr akill. fr he has rtco rt fri'in that thiv. Mif i yet aa ti n: as ah 4 to he. t"it ii fr- from tier rnnrh. and cails bersallwaU. Vt-urj with irmtiti an i r-inrd, UKUMM .IIKI.hV, n? gUTUTTOOB. O-nntrnptits, do n-t .h--air t.il ymi have tf Arim't r-irv-T liuroa.i h it uuah- hy -Hieof the het medical . ,....,...tm in tl,f a.irl.i. mi l it cur- all nr und '. the high menu iu utuea. JtiUaJrijAnt Ledge Ayer's Cathartic Pills. rpilE srien'-ea of f'hem sTy anl Metlicina haTa heew 1 Uxil :h'-ir utaiuet tn pri-luce this bt, mont pervKt 1'nrative whi- li v kn-nn to man. Innnmerabla prooot aie pIhjwd that th e Pats have Tirtoea whit h sorpasa im excell-nre Uie frJjnary me ln int and that they win on pree,!enteflly upon the st-em of all men. They ar saSB ai-1 j Irawnt to talve. but powerful to cura. Their pene trariiifi i.i-erties i.tini'iUte the vita! w tiritiesof thehody, reiiiue th oUtrn- t- -n of iu ergaua. innlj tha hloo4, m:i ex, -el ihi. purtfrout tUef -nl humors which breed ai.d ip-w tlinT.mj-T, stiinnlate slug, ar dwar-dert-d organs into their nantnit arte-n. and impart healthy ne with streiijith to the wno.e s-teni. Not nly da they cure th eveiy-day r.iiplAiuta of ewery ho.ly, hat ali f rmid.i! and inr:erou iuw that haa baffled the heat of huaian skill. fVLile they pnalner powarfnj flfcta, they are at the name time, in diminished ke. th aafrrt and tv?t -tiyic that ran he employed for children. Ueinx snptr-toate.t. they are pleaeant lo take; and bain purely Teg-eta !. are free from any ri-k of harm. Car hare heen made which snrts belief were they not nW tetatiale! hy mett ut om h txalted p"ilion and charartor ai to f-Thid the so 'pi I" n of un""1"- Many afuuent clergymen and phy-.it iap have lent tlieir name to certi fy the public the reliability of try remedies, while oth 9i hava tent me the arwurauce of their rouirthm that my rrirat:.'iis contribute uuBwusely to the relief of y amtcted. snff-rinc fc II-.w m-n. The ALur N-: u.-nii i p!ea'd ti- ftrmih cratis sf American Alminoe. c nt.i:ni :i tlirf ti.n!Pr their naan4 eertim-at4-?i -4 their rui-t. ot the t-l lowing complaints: CuwtiTeueoo. liiU-tim'. mt.Uitito. r.h-umatiom. TrrTS, Hearttrnrn. lleaUat-be an-it:t from a ft ml M-nnach, !fas a. a. Iirlit;eNtioii. l.-rl-l litatti.'ii .-fthe B. a -4 and Pam ari-Miic therefrom. 'i-itulrni-y. L.of Appetite, all Lkee oiisai.d Csitaiiea.ua li-neet wtiih rijMii an cTaniana Mrtltcine. Si-oiula or Kinr'a Mil. Th-y eUo. hy pnnfy li the Mood and TinuilHtiiiS tle nyttrin, ran many cimpiaints whi. h it Houl-I not b otippted they auoid reMh. sti' h a- I it :..--, Partial Blindneta, NVurifm and lSerror.o Irrit.il-iiiiv. Wrsujeutents of the Liver and Kid ney. tiut. and iti;. i kt;.-ire.t -oinpiainta arvin from iw otate of the btwiy or ol-trn'tion of its funcOoua. lo ir he put otf ty unprincipled dealers with sobm pther pill tl.t-y male m re profit on. Ar-k fnr Am'n Pills, and take nothii.tf vIm. No other they can pr yoa compares with this in it Intrinsic Taloe or cnrausn piwers. The si k wut tht beat aid there is lor theaa, aud tliey should hae it. Prepareil by Dr. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Cbemist, Lowell, 1faa 1 sics Hi Cts. ru Box. Fits Bcxu rot. J 1. cHjLD BY r. W. fti rri r. ai 'l '::. i-t ,v ;"ti.r wrtOTwiol-Brj M;lis t lhx.i..Lii'. M'lhml urt: J r'.t'ai.i-. SI i ten scri!-rr con- 1 linucs in c carrv rn ihe t I. it t ry KtisiiiCNH at the Oid :and on routl,Sfi Third s-reet, rear Market, ar.d ret-pecifnllj so'ieits the patronage of his friends and tht pul.lic f:ei rally. CIlAKI.ES F. HESS, l.eu-isljiir. May 22, Im'iO IXWISBURG F0UKDR7. Ir-'1'lie subscribers, thankful for jfsl.!.i past patronatre, would inform 'i?:riiTihe public that they conlinne to jMiJUfi. ZZ manufacture all kinds rf MILL (.i: klti and oilier Castings. Thrashing Machines arid other Machiriery repaired in the best manner. CaMTps warranted to be rf good material, and at prices that ran not fa.l to please. (.EIHES, MARSH 4 CO. Lewi-hnrc. Feb. 1851 COOKING Cloves, nf various a! erru and sizes, for Coal or Woo , for sale at the LewUburg Foundry by CieJdes. Marsh & Co. O TO V KS I'urrur, "V t-od. and Coal O Stoves, various palicms. for sale at ibe Lcwi.-burg Foundry. CedJes. Msieh A Co. llIAUD'S rutin; liang I'low, a supe- V rior article, fur faleal the Lewisburg Foundry by Ceddra. Mireh & Co. GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross PnlerN drcidcdly the bet and niost dirablt Grain Drill nowin mo. for tale at tht Ltm"bur Foundry by Gedde, Mar; h A. t'o. Hussey's Grain Rearer, for cutting both Grain and Gr as MAN I FACT! RED Lewisburg Foun and for sa'.r at lit idrv bv HKDDE.s.'.MARSH & Ct AjOTIfE. Having been appointed tW X SEXTON lo the Lewishurg Cemetery the subscriber would state that he is prepared lo perform all duties connected with the burial of the dead.on short nonce. Also that he will attend lotlie re-iutermem of deceased persons, under the direction of their surviving friends. Residence in the Lodge at the Cate of ths Cemetery. UEOKUE UONACHY. Lewisburg, May SO, 1SS4 IRON! IROWrt IRCW.'!! 03 17S IBS. just receirrd at the ' HARDWARE STORE of JO SEPH McFADDEX. Farmers and Black smiths, call and see the largest and lf as sortment of Iron ever offered oa the West Branch. Having the occlusive control of the celebrated Vtuiimii Centre county Iron, he is enabled to warrant every bar. All sizes Tire, Scollop, Round and Square; Horsa Shoe, Nail Rails, Stc. at Cma prices 10 all. Call and see the Hardware store of JOS. M'FADDEN. Lewisburg, May 10, 1855. DR. GREEN'S AROMATIC SAP.a certain enre for Dyspepsia and diseases arising froe an Imrurr aute nf Ibe etoia'a alM, ft Hire rf" rmltreol H ' Lit A'l f prif. t S rn r'1"1'! ,1 e.k ly (.AJLVWIi. Ca?V M 0 c u in t