Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 10, 1857, Image 2

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    Tfiuisknra Qroniflc. !
Tw ffivsfsrr.e .veVev. The LrwiSDrM Cnwo"ir.
uMm'.i on ihr ch Mntm. has ib. i.rro-t ud hri t
ftrnlilMKiIinT Newspaper hat uLm Countv.
Frefiom, national; Slavery, Sectional!
ne appeal jmmift jive tn-e-natamg ,prr,n-.
Court Judgcta the I lorn or rtvii!
For Governor,
Canal Commlsttioncr,
Fur Jmla of tlie Supreme Court,
j.imi:s vki: ii. ori'ajrHc to.
JO!t.I'U J. IS,ol CUcsler Co.
I'ulon County JV'omlnallons.
Kcpracntative THOMAS UAYES,of
Uuioo county.
K. fitter f- Recorder GEOUGE MEli
RILL, of Xcw Kerlin.
Cummitsioncr RICHARD V. 15. LIN
COLN, of Hartley.
Treasurer HUGH P. SIIELLER, of
Auditor JOHN KESSLER, or New
S.n-ydkh Cou.srv. We see the follow
ing named persons proposed for offices by
the Wbig, American and Republican
Union :
Assembly Str Middlcswarfh and Dr. II.
iioutz of Snyder Co. Thomas Hayes of
Union Co.
Cummusionrr Isaac D. Boyer, Juhn L.
Renninger, and Henry Musser.
TrtatMtr Andrew J. J'elers.
"l'tttar," a correspondent of tbe Yulkt
freuml, warmly r commends Middles
wartu and Hayes for tbe Assembly tick
et two Members. (We would as soon
figbt under "Old Ste." again, as any-
The corner stone of a new house of i
worship for the Lutheran and Reformed
Churches will be laid in Middlccrcek Tp.,
Sunday lGtb August.
Henry Smith of Beaver Springs found
a very large hen's egg, which on being
broken was found to have within it not
only a yolk but another sound-shelled egg.
Political Coinage.
Tho influence cf coins upon the people, fenortly atter brcaktast n complained ot a
is well understood by all government. ' Plin in nis siJe n1 walked to the office
The smaller pieces of money especially, j of pbjsician, but not finding him in, he
circulating among the least informed clas- returned to his room at tbe hotel. The
"s, and seen and counted dily, have a j doctor came in a few minutes after, and on
ailent but powerful effect, as the history j Eoing to Mr- Marcy's room found hito ly
of coinage iu the world abundantly testifies, j "S "Pon ,nc with an Pen book uPon
Coins and ballads are more potent than j
laws or learning, upon large numbers of
men and women.
The matter of vitiating the United Stales
coin so as not to offend Slavery tide our
iruwi Ul HUKkI null 1 9 Vlttlll'lli
.. if .,. B ... - W" I arafr
ofl hft
the tublic attention, not less by tbe sly.
insidious manner in which it has wrought, !
than bv the fact itself. We sa it tlated
that "the South" buy and circulate the 1
Actc ccnte-"Libcrty" erased whereas it is :
well known that the old "Liberty" cent ;
was prosoribed or never used there ! Ano
thcr fact worthy of attention, is, that the
top piece of the female bead on the latest
gold dollars as much resembles a crown as
a liberty cap 1
A gentleman of Sclinsgrove who heard
Judge K's remarks, informed us, that a
fiw years ago he saw in the U. S. Mint at
I'biladclpbia, a well stuffjd aud well pre
served specimen of a Fislt llauk, whicb,in
opposition to his protest that it was not an
Kaglc, those in charge declared was an
Eigle ! aud probably from that "model"
the new bird on tho new cent owes his
origin. As the controllers of the Mint are
not required to be Ornithologists or Nu
mismatics, but only "faithful" Tarty Poli
ticians, aud may not know "a hawk from
hand-saw," it is no wonder they cherish
cd a Fish hawk for an Eagle, and the ab
sence of the word "Liberty" may be excu
sed in them. Probably "progressive" De
mocracy will next substitute "Slavcry"for
"Liberty," and let the Fish hawk proclaim
it for the I'hilad. Suuthcm M-jnitor claims
that "Slavery is national, and not section
al," and a number of our Pennsylvania
Democratic exchanges endorse and approve
tho Hunitor.
We say, keep the "old Reds" the
"Liberty" coppers and call on Govern
ment to RESTORE (he word "Liberty"
the Liberty cap and the American Eagle
t all our coin." Let the amalgamation
'Nickels" (and the "Nickers"J already
coined go "down South, (and stay there,)
but n vcr issue another bastard coin In
the mean time let all false coin and false
doctrine be "nailed to the counter," and
amalgamation whether of coin or color
le confined, as "peculiar institutions," to
the South.
Bloody Riot in New York. The
city of New York was the scene of terrible
riots commencing on the fourth of July
and continuing all through Sunday. The
disturbances originated in an old fend be
tween two parties of rowdies known as the
"Dead Rabbiu'' and the "Bowery Boys."
The. disturbances became so great that
three regiments of the Stato troops were
called out to suppress them. Several of
tbe streets were barricaded, and fire arms
used freely. Seven persons were killed
aud forty or fifty wounded, many of them j
supposed to be mortally. A six pound
howitzer was taken from one of the gangs
ly the polieo and military. It is said to
Lave been charged with grape shot and
ready for use.
SaP" We are indebted to one of the
teachera ft a catalogue of the Dickinson
oeoimary, WiUi.nu.port, f,.r the
Tear. 1 here
The Religious Element
rrression and
more deteloped
. n,.l .... ..-i.
, 1 , v y-i r
j 'Le last No. of toe Jl' thtxiut Quarterly
: , - .. , v:-
ftci-icro contains most able and searching
'article against slavery, from the pens of
j its editor, Dr.Whcdon, and Abel Stevens.
n Cheever
1UV UlklUlb VAui "
frnm his church in New York city, for the
crime of preaching against the sin of Slav
ery, was an utter failure.
TlicOld School Presbyterians have been
regarded as the most " conservative " on
the slavery question of all orthodox deno
minations at the North. Rut the dcoision
of the Roman Catholic Chief Justice, that
the cohrctl race hat no rijhU tchuh tchitct
are bound to respect, is abhorrent to the
moral bcuso of the followers of Calvin, of
Knox, of Withcrspoon, and the Prcsbycr
ian worthies ministers and laymen who
took such a conspicuous stand for Liberty
in oar great Revolution The Richland
Presbytery, on the lGth ult., adopted the
following resolution, unanimously :
'K?owrf,That we consider the testimony of
the General Assembly (U. 8.) on the suDject
of slavery, from the beginning of thai body in
1K'J, up lo the present, as one and uniform,
(when rightly understood) against the tlave
mtfatrm a.a beins; of Divine right and of perpet
ual continuance; or thai those professing god-
Mr. ess should voluntarily avail themselves of
the privileges of the slave laws lor their own
profit or indulgence, and against the ceasing
of desire and efTort for the complete deliver
ance of the church and the world from the
system and its effects ; and inasmuch as
there appears to be an increasing disposition
manifested in Southern authors, presses, and
speakers, la and out of the Church, not only
to jostifr slaveholding in certain circumstan
ces, but the slave laws which authorize them
to hold them ; we wish, it, therefore, to be un
derstood wherever our testimony may go, that
we will not tolerate any retrocession of prin
ciple from that heretofore promulged by the
ucncrai Asscmoiy, irom ume 10 lime, on un
I anhioef . thai initrnd of tkl Ckttrrk reirarlinir
b tlrp, llit ,ut,ject, she ought to be, with
more earneslnets, expecting llie consummation oj
the period, when erery yoke thalt be broken, and
the outcasts of every nation shall rejoice in all
the privilege., civil and religious, which it is the
design of the Gospel to procure."
Death of Hon, Win. L. Harcy.
Hon. William L. Marcy, late Secretary
of State, died very suddenly at Ralston,
N. Y-, at noon on the fourth of July.
013 breast
Judge Marcy was in his 71st year, hav
ing been born Dec. 12, 17S5, in Stow
bridge, Worcester county, Massachusetts.
After completing his aeademie coarse in
bis native town he entered J3rown a,i,yyrj
ln vat,DZ tue "r re
uia in 1812 a?d 1814. Mr- l3 scrTed
a a volunteer in tuo ueience oi nis ataie.
Ue w" in lb U' s- Senato Ic!S th, tw0
JMr?i wboB L tJigned,being elected Gov-
cruur 01 iew io- e was twice
re-eiectca, viz : in icji ana 1000 , ouion
fourth nomination, in 1838, he shared in
the defeat of the democratic party, and
William II Seward was elected over him.
After retiring from tbe executive chair Mr.
Marcy principally devoted bis attention to
bis private business,until Mr. Polk became
President in 1345. IIj was then offered
and accepted the office of Secretary of War,
and was considered through the four years
of his service one of tbe most influential
members of Mr. Polk's cabinet. Iu the
death of Gov. Marcy we have lost one of
our ablest statesmen. The Tribune says :
"1 bat he never approved nor couuto
nanccd tho violation of the Missouri Com.
pact, is beyond doubt ; and this is all tbe
foundation there ever was for the South
em report that he was about to join the
Black .Republicans. Had ho yielded
r 1.1a M.!..l IntMnlaAa In lCtl ! J
to his natural impulses in 1851. resicucd
his seat in the Cabinet, and placed himself
at tuo head of the opposition to Douglas s
Nebraska policy, he might, perhaps, have
died President of the United States. But
Gov. Marcy was trained in that mistaken
political school which holds it better to be
wrong in the Democratic party than right
out ot it, and be lived and died in confor
mity with that error."
lie was buried on Wednesday from the
r i o. it . i t. ....
i cart ci. iaptist conrcn to which bo was
attached, the ceremony being attended by
the highest officers in the nation and an
immense concourse of mourning people.
' The opponents of the French Govern
ment have only elected half a dozen mem
bers of the Legislature.
The British Minister at Madrid has
again strenuonsly protested against tbe
Cuban slave trade.
The Ministerial journals are highly ela
ted at the result of the elections.
New elections are ordered in eases where,
by an absolute majority, either candidate
was not obtained. Ooneral Cavaignac stood
in this predicament in Paris.
A despatch from Trieste announces ano
ther victory of the Circassians over tbe
Russians in which the latter lost 1000 men.
Letters from Madrid speak doubtfully of
a peaceful settlement of the Spanish Mex
ican question
Tha mutiDT in tbe BannI arm? had
spread in a most alarmine manner. ,
Great diatrcM prerailed in CLiua on to
conot of tbe scareitj of food.
Breadstuff Some circulars qnote flour
as firm and quiet. ' Wheat steady, Corn
tery dull, a declining of Is. el. 6d. Tbe
weather had been faroratle for the crop.
St. Johns, X. F., Juljr 7. Her fda
jestj's Survejiog Steamer Cvclops, tailed
westerdav fr Iniln. k.i.;..
oVJLo0Z '
degradation, is becoming mi
OoropnoJttae of th Lewisburg CbfOile J
A Lewisburger in Illinois.
June 28,. 1857. The charges from St.
Louis to Council Bluff. were i5 fare and
$2.50 per hundred for freight, and from
there to my contemplated destination
125 miles further we should have to get
as we best could. Nut being well, and not
belonging to that portion of God's creation
who the Supremo Court pronounce mere
"freight' I changed my course here.
or 700 acres of wheat in one cnclosuro,
waving in the breeze, without a bare spot!
Corn is somewhat backward, but farmers
talk about its being as high as their heads
in two weeks : if that proves true, there
will be some awful stretching in the corn
fields. But there is no doubt that all
crops will be good.
The fun loving havo had somo amuse
ment here recently. Since "Long John"
Wentworth left the Democracy, they had
suit brought against hiiu for some canvas
bags retained by him, in which ho had
sent home some " Pub. Doc." away back
when he was a "good Democrat" Member
of Congress. Tho "pure" Democracy said
he had "stolen mail bags!" Wontworth
thcrenpon found out that Judge Douglass
had more such bags than he had, and had
like suit instituted against him : whercu
npon the Democracy were glad to drop it,
and decided that those "bags" were not
mail bags " arter all !" (It is amusing,
by the way, to see the "little Giant" and
his Administration twisting and screwing
to maintain their favorite doctrine of
"squatter sovreignty." It will not work
to their satisfaction. The Utah Mormons
have got what the lawyers call a " snap
judgment" on them, and they kcow not
what to do.)
IIow are you getting along under the
lead of the noble Wilmot 1 My prayer is
that you may succeed in maintaining tho
rights of all men, but if you should be
defeated it is a consolation to the upright
to know that it is better to be defeated
with the right than to succeed with the
wrong. Certain it is, that if right does
fail for a time, it will eventually triumph.
. -. t , . .
uutxageuus acquittal oi a iiiuruerer.
e learn from the Lawrence li'jmbli
can of late date that the murderer Chirks
Ivjitt, was on trial in Leavenworth City
for the murder of IIopps. The murderer,
it Will Le recollected, tliade a Let of a
... . . i m
pair of boots with a friend that be would
i .. i. .i. t ii
Kill an avoauoDisi Dciore 10c sun suouiu
set. To make good bid word be left town
shortly afterwards in pursuit of an inno-
the place on his way to the interior of the
territory. lie overtook the unsuspecting
traveler, shot Lioi duwn in cold blood,
without a word of provocation, scalped him
and galloped back to town, brandishing
the bloody trophy, as an evidence of the
execution of bis contract, and claimed the
boots which he had wagered.
The Scalper Acquitted. Fogitt, the
wretch who last summer murdered and
scalped the cripple IIopps, on the Law
rence road near Leavenworth, has been
tried before Judge Lccompte and acquit
ted. The Jury was packed by the Bogus
Sheriff, who pui on it eleven ruffians and
one Free State man. The latter held out
against tho eleven for 24 hours, and then
gave in, for fear that his house might be
burned by the Ruffians, out of revenge.
There is no law for a Frco State man,
dead or living, in Kansas, while the "Na
tional Democracy" bear rule. But there
is "a good time coming, wait a little long
er." Tho day will shortly bo when the
Free State people will laugh at the calam
ity of tbe cut throats, and mock when
their fear comcth. Chicwjo Trib.
Departuri! of Gen. Walker. The
arch filibuster Walker left town on
Wednesday night for Nashville, to sec his
father, and thenco for New Orleans, to
batch new schemes of piracy against Cen
tral America. Tbe presence of so many
of the miserable deluded followers here,
and the fear that they would make him
smart for the sufferings which he brought
upon them, probably hastened his depar
ture. Nxw Yoek, July 7- The barquo Tan
chita, arrived at this port to-day. in charge
of a British officer, from the river Congo,
where she was seized as a slaver by tbe
English vessel of war Sappho.
MECCA and Mohammed. rUT
JNAM & CO. have published and now
ready for sale. Burton Pilgrimage to Mecca
and the tomb of the Prophet, with introduction
by B ata an Tatlo. vol. 12 mo, wilh IU
lustrations.- $1,50.
1 he history of this curious book is as fuU
lows :
Burton, an officer of the East India Compa
ny .having in a lung residence in Upper India
acquired a perfect knowledge ef the Oriental
language and customs, protected a visiL un.
der the auspices of the Royal Geographical
Society, to the Holy City of Mecca and the
Tomb of the Prophet at Mecina, places rarely
if ever before visited bv anv Englishman.
This he successfully accomplished in 1 fell 3
4, disguised as a Mohammedan Dervish. The
historv nf thf Pilrrimatrt. i nnt
I interest and originality by any book of travel
I7er PBblishe1 embracing hit residence at
Sk! .'iJ.
across the desert with the treat annual cara
van of pilgrims; the visit to the tomb ef Mo
hammed the discovery that the sacred black
stone of Mecca is an areolae; the annu
al sermon preached at Mecca to an audience
of 156,000 pilgrims gathered from all parts of j
inei.ios.en. wonu ; nis narrow escape from
detection; and the only accurate account of
the Mosselnsan faith. t
To the religions community, this work far
nuhes information never made public, re
specting the ceremonial laws of a large por.
tion pf the eastern world ; while, for general
interest, Burton's narrative will compare fa
vorably with either Eothem or Crescent and
e ros. W. P. PL Tit AM A Co.. -
Illinois IS tho best adapted to tanning 01 j fu,.,j, l)U,dintau.il.(1tim, t1i,Ki rroiitwtv.l ly j 'y'";lm,;ei,",'r j ir,',. i;Jri:inhn .'ti''..-rt ami business l.iraimiis in the villas.
.n .ANni.g T Aver flaw I do love to mlo """" 01 ""T 5 m","lu s"" ' '"""y. ' .., i,; ;. .ru.,.1 .,,,... .v., r i-...-, i.rt -j-revi-rtnn is desim'J to erow v. ry
any Country 1 ever Saw. mil iuhwihh dillltrriitorfi'.lw"t-'"lMin'.l . l,,-Smk..f'rtvnumWmi: r.n..-nw.-I..t-I ' ., braJrlri'ilhu-elu
' . :P:n ori milc wide and SCO GOO wid4fl5U.ou..d.Ml.r...i.dtli.iaoy.riMn1?rrih..-, i;.,w.,vr iir-w.,,. w.t:.tr-j . last, and !ia jiiwi; thf r aJ.ai.i. , imi c u
OVCr Prairie inllCS WIUO, UUU BCO u f.,i, .Mil. J,ll mmilJ totlii-i.un)-l .r ..' I,.. '-, ' . I,.. ,..r v lr.,m 1 ,:r rn.Tin lelloll ul lC N.iril'.-
IROrOhlXG Amendments to the Const. tu-
turn of the Commonwealth. j
That ilie lullowim; jm. uUinnlji hp prpotsi tntlm a-n- '
Ftitutiou of ttirCVmiiimNulUi, in Ncoruauce wiui uiu
pruvitluu ul llie Wutli article ttrtf"f.
T1ierehill IV; an i.J litioual rtrti. l.- to x roDit;tu;ln,
to bm JuPi6DtcJ Bb urttcle letfUt us tolluwd:
' ' A'tTlLU XI.
1 OF ft MAO DEBT..
i-FCTin 1. Th tnt Oinjf ronfmrl i-Ma, to tupp!y j
CMUJHii Ueficits or failure in rcTlucfcr lu tui-ilf.peum
which it tu f.liUirosl. or to r.T-iy Che dcl.U no coiitr,n-Uslf i
an4 in no otlH-r iniri-ow vllRlnvur.
gecrtox tt. Id Mitioii tu ill aliTC limited powrr, tti
ffate niayriintractdi'liLstins'in-1 int:ul'n,u!;.ri' iueiir-rts-Iion,
il-fi-ii'l I'll- i-titi" in war, or V. rislis-m tti- invent
cutnttltiilii) tndi-liti-llii! of tli Flute; tint 111 innni-y
arising Imin tlie nnitrwti'inof tarti l-bt. shall In; nilii-d
to tlut iiuriHHui tr wliU'U it wan ruiMut, ur to repay .ui-li
di-liU, anil to no otln-r purim: w hL nr.
en-riox a. Ktci-I'I tin- il.'lit. al..Ti- .i.s-tftit in sortim
one anil two or thin article. noil.-bt whatuycr uliall be cri-a-tisi
bv or on U'tlRll ot ttte state.
BtcTlo 4. To ,.rovi'lii f-r tho payrannt of tlii pn-si-nt
itiil.t. anil any a.l.Jitional il. bt r..nLrm-ti-il Haf-in iiai.t,th'i
Irninlattlre 5hall, at It lirst m-fntoii afti-r tho a-lnpli'-n ot
thin anii-nilawnt. crnate a aiiikmo- fuml, which shall lm
sullicieiit tu poy thu accruing iuum t on iuch ile!-t, and
annually turvlui-elhuiiriiii-ipal thcri-i.f byanumin't b-fl
tlitin two hunili-iij anil lifty tli.iussuil dullam: w hich sin
king fuml shall cnit or the m-t annunl incouu- oi me
public works, from time to time owurnl by llie ulnti-, or
the proceeds of the sale of tbe same or any i-arl lhifr..if, :
and of the income or iruis-i; In of sale of sbii-krt own.-il by
the state. tu?i-t her with other fnn.ls or n-sourc s tlmt but .
Is, designated by law. The said sinking fund may be
increased, from lime to time, by asiuiiin to it any .art
of the tales, or oIIkt revenues of the state, not n-.uir.-d .
liir the ordinary and current expeuNis of fforernmciit :
and unless in case of war. invasion, or insurrection, no !
art of the said sinkiiii; fund shall be used or ulii' 1 ;
olherwise than in extinstiislmti-nt of the public debt
until the amount of such debt is reduced below tha sum j
Of five million of dollars.
tieCTIos. 5. Tlie credit of the commonwealth lihall not in i
any manner ortfvent be phstip-d or loaned to any imlivi.I- ,
ual, company, corporation, or association; oor shall tlie
commonwealth hereaft-r become a joint owner or stock- j
hold'-r in any comitany, association or eorioratlon. i
HixTM.v 0. Tlie eumraonwealth sliall not assume the
d.-bt, or any part tltereof, of any county, city, borough or
town.bip. or of uy corporation or association, unless su.-h i
d.-ht shall have been contracted to enable the state to n- l
invasion, suppress domestic insurrection, def-nd ilself iu ;
lime of war, or to assist tbe state in the discharge of any I
fsirtion of its present tn-lebtedness. !
Ssi Tlo.v 7. The legislature shall not authorise any ;
eountv. citv. borouch. township, or incorporate.! distri. I. .
by virtue of a Tote of its rilisens or otherwise, to become a
stockholder in any eoniiany.assouialionor corporation. or j
to obtain money lor ur loan Its creoil ui any eorporauoui
assouiatkiuttnstilution orpartr.
. f.KOX IMsTDKCtr.
There shall lie an al.litimal article to said constitution,
Ui be desigoaU-d as article eleven, as follows: j
No county sliall bo di.id.-d hy s line cultins off over
one tenth of it population, (el. her to liirm a new county
or otherwise.) without the express assent of such county,
by a vote of the electors ttereof: nor shall any new
county be established, containing leaf than lour hundred :
suuare milee.
From section two of the first article of the constitution.
mary retpetfireln from section Bve, same article
eo.-a cowmw
Mrik. rat Oa -mrta. " 1'.
mutitift; 'from Bction c.il. uits riiciB. iri-. 'u. ijmt
iDnert in lieu tlit-reof i..e worlit "iiM ni tri!tv ..
m-ction lour. Mtme aruue, nu in iku iuctcui mwrt .c
"Sr.TH'M I. In Oi year ne thouj.nf u'Iit hun-lrixj
ttiNl fixtr four. n.l In rrcry fT.nth y.nr theroHtt-r,
i ;I;p,,rli.,m.j.u,iui-tri!.ui.-ii-iiivii,ro.K-i.,.utti..;.tt.
hV districts, tn proportion m the numUrof taial.b- inhah -
it si tits id tlie fsTfcrnl rutlHtr-f.rx-ptt..;itaiiyouTity :
cutiiuinic at l.twt tbne th.mfand fit hun-lrH taxnUs I
umy b fnrKt.ii.fvtviitation; but no morel
than thrc rxunti- "hall be joiDJ, mud tut rouuU h:i.l
1m (Itvitlv J, fn the f.innation -f a ai-trift. Any tity con- ; 'iie Sclio... House Will also be ioM, SCpa
triininaiinffl -Witnilinberof taxal.lri. to tntit! it U tit : . ,
. . ....ut..tiwa .K.ll ti.-. awnsnis. P.ir.p.xaan. rait ITOlU I DC I.'H.
! u..jo aiiruwl it, auJ hU lm dtfiW n.u. r..i..-!ii-nt
i iiiitr.cUofcontiiriK.utwritirr.cflu. tsitabl popultv
j t.nuiwn.araiinybl,c
ou n-riwritatiTr.
A.. rirrtitiitatiTf.
At tu nil (M i-ti'"'n WTPii, rami anine. inurr int-wr (
words. rtfjr f i'hiiatUipma ahnit -V dtrvJfd tn. twjl ,
motor ial dtstrictt. of amtiguout Urritnry at n-i'r'.v '
in UtxnMf popul,ttum as jtntsiM ; but no ward gtttiit be ;
dirvfed in th formation twf.n j
The UtriMlature. at it flm w.-tf! after thjkmtfrTTrir
mmHTMiaiim i'i,w' iiiatTTTT-'irint i..iu iiif nianiit-r m
! bmridvtl; ruch district la rrtniri nnrliatiiaxl uniil tti
ainrtii-uim'nt in Ut year ou uiousaiiu. eiut nuiiam.
aiis. tuiij lour.
VOntTn AMF?fT5l tXT.
ThT nhs.il ht anaditkma! amnion tnthf ftrnt nrtidf
of 'aid ronaiitutioot wlatcb ftbali tje numtxTJ ani roJ
as luUuwi :
To 1e frrtlon xm, Jrtitfe i.
The Vartfliltnrt hl. harf the rowr tn alter. rcTf.l; ur
annul anyehartt-rof inrorpnration hniftrr couf- rr. -l .y
or ondrr auy ril or fn-uerai law, wien-vr in th. ir
rtpininn it may b itjuriout to tin oitixt-us uf t.i onu
ni"iiTa1th: in avh iwnnr, however, that no injii.tiu
hLuII be duue to lb corporators.
Wnu-h ltc.7.
ftftoJri,7httt thin romlut ion prun ti th firt ainentl
rocnt. yen 21. uhv? 7- on tin" xtou.I aim-mlniiriiL
n)s . on the thirl amv n'tmcnt, ti-m J4, nys 4.
On tin- Jbiirth amondinent. jea nays 4.
Lxtract Uoiu thu Juurnnl:
Ut'J. W. IIAMF.R.SI.ET, (Jerk.
April , 1S..7 1
Kf$oTr'J,Tht thin rt-solution paM. On the tlrt amctnl-tn-'nt,
yvnn Tn ua k On tho :uconl m.-iiian nl. -a
i7, nayn On tlm thfnl im-'Dilmt'tit, yea T un)s .H;
anl n tu furth ain,nlmeQt, u S3, nays 7.
Extract from the Journal :
SccBrrKT, Ornnt,
1 ik4 Ma 2, 1'
a. o.crnTiv.
S.crrUay of Ute tomm'mwtaHh.
RicwztKTXs Omct I
rjAnuMtLEu, Judc 107. 1
I lr eortiff that th ntiTC aixl frtrffoinsT i a true nn.l
4irrTt ropy of the original lli'luti(iQ rflativt t. an
Ainonlrat nt of the Oin-titution,v w tho amo n maiiu
on file in thin oflkfi.
In tcitimony wnprpor, I harr ht-rcunto ft mv
!t&nl anl rmiMl to he afflxctt Hit M-al f the
Secretary's Office, the day and year n)rT writU-n.
A. lil I.",
Secretary of Vie thmm"HtctuUh.
Ix Pbiti, )
Mari h -Si, 1-..T. (
Hr51nt!n prrvfwtTicr aniradmpntA to theCuustitutiun
of the Cuniinmw4Itht hciog under eonii(tratkin.
On the fjueftion,
Wilt the Senate apre to the flint atnen1ment ?
Tlie yiui ani ny were taken aftretah!y ti tlie trOTU-lf.n-
of Uie I'oontitutinn. and were a tftll'-w. t(h :
Yt M'r$. Brewr ttntwne Chffrif Ely Krant Frllrr
FUnniln trovr Jnffrnm Jordan HiiUnqtr A nor Lant-h
Iswu Hfyfr SnJieUi SeUert S human Strtle istraub W'Uti
Wtlkiitt WriaMand Tuyart ( SfiraX'r)'
fi wurMttrt. Crabb VrtttwtU rnwy lirryg Harris iVn
roje and SuuUur 7. 4
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the filiation,
Will lit ttonate apree to the serond unemlment F
The yeas and nay were takbn agreeably tu the (iruvis
lont of the Constitution, and were an follow, Tix :
XtkStrrrs.ftmir Hrown Orttnrrll Ely Knxnt Fetter
Finney Fimniken Ingram Jordan Annx Lautxtch Lewis
Jtfycr&liert Mmman &Jur Steele iXraub H'tUb Hilkins
IVrijht and Twiart (."Jwii-") 23.
Navs Af'-wi. of'tf Cratfi Fraser Gregg Harris Killin
ger I titrate and Scofald 8.
o the question was determined in the ailtWuatiTe.
On the question.
Will the tfenate airree to the third amendment ?
The yeas and naytt were taken agreeably to the Consti
tntinn, and were a follow, ix :
KsNstrt.itrm9er Hrmvne Crnhb CrfJtweJl Fty F' -mn
Htstnik-m lYiwr In rctm Jordnn Kiilinger Knox LauUich
Jsiris Jtyer field Hellrrs Shumam Soulier iiUtlt Straub
Wbh IVtllinsand Wright '2A.
Nats Af. 'y TtW NrrrUanA Thtrote t.
So the qoeftioB was doteratincd in tbe aJUnuatii-e.
On the question
Will tbe Senate mcrt-e to the finrth amendment?
The yena and nays were taken atpremble to the proTl-
nona oi uie loaB.tiuuon.aou wra ma iumuw, .
Vat Jf-fif-u lirrwtritnwn'G'fr.vCresswcttEigFrani'
M.i .V.,-, lumta KiUinn Knox Laubach Iswis
Afyer &yfi'M Sriiere situman AmiAsr meat xiruo man
ntimnsana nrifw
KxM irrM. ( ratrb Finney Jordan and Fnrose 4.
8o the quetUon vat deteirmiiwd in tbe afflrmatiTe.
April 26, f
Thf itnlntiofi fffmporinc amendment to theConaUto
tlon vTUte Comnwawcalta. buiog andcr ootUwdtrrattoa,
On the qaevtion,
Wilt the Houw atrtYe to the firtt amendment?
The yens and najs were taken agreeably' to tho provi
ioneof theOoftrtitutioo, awl were tw follow, viz:
Yauw-Jf&jMrf. Anderson Arthur haclthouf Hall Ick
Jtiihtm Homer Brown ClilAou (umpfxU Onast O'Uatxr Craw
ford Dirieev Ent Evtter Fnusoid Foster Hibbmey fiitden
ttamti ttarptr llexns hmimm situ iiuuyuM tiuymun
jwrKM rmvrte sirnes juvrvM "rnni i..... -
vtmn Kerr Knight IAsenritt9 Lonpottr LovtU Alanmr JW
aU iTiWmtmt ATllrain Moothead iummta Afusselman M-
chots Xiehtuvn JVummaeher Itarwm 1 iters frtril-en W
nali J'Urcelt Jtamuy of Ifxiladelphia Ramsey ef Fork tit
tner Rd HnbtrU Hupp Shaw Sloan Smieh of Osmbrtu
Smith of Ontrs aVerenson Tnlan Vail Vanroorhis Vi-L ers
irphity H'alUr Hnthrook WkMitm Wdiu WUherow
Wriyht Zimmerman and &ts (fyeaker) 7a.
KaTS JUVstrt. HkI-m Bmm D.jck Jtnmdton IJanmck
Bint Hoffman of Lebanon Ltbu Mruthers Thorn Warner
Md mrhrod-lX
8o thenelMtn was deiorailnedlA tLe aiAnaatiTe.
On the question,
Will the Bcmifm to tlateeef aendmentf
The yeas and nmj were taken aimeably to the proTi
sjotis of the OnnMItuUnn, ware as tVllow,
Yaas Atessn. Audnmn inienhnmm Bnll Vecie Ifrneer
Uxtrrr ll-w Mesfuwat llttlegnt Httfmn of Herbs Httm-
kntir httbrit at John, Jokm thmfimut,
i keetttr
a .isr s.inr,.o ...
.v'srii.c-jrin. rvair"' w 'Tt .
.V.. rhcvi JtK&i r.r a A. .Vi-..oi4vft A "a i.eiAir I V
EA1I3I Eli J U LY 10, 18.17
smJ'rl t'-tctlen .,im 1'urrrll H lin.'-j lttil"l 'fihit
i:n.-i i; tfr i:-J-.rt i: 1,17. s, - 7V.ni
Xws- M.. j nr A"- '?- v iun n
pr(nr:l ( v,i..'( 'ntvy h. i t. f-'ui -y H mult.
.' Ji n- K tf,na
...t VuHnt.i It.., i :,,
t S'lUf'i'is T'-tH I ( 'i 1 ''..(
mil tin l C'xtr.
4 IVoyinseiltr
W-''in--ti .11 hu.i !( icnu.iif 1 iu 1 lit- nirmalirc.
V. til U.-- linn-.- n 'P . c. tli.' t!.:r I nniT.-l-n'-nt
Til-- an. I li:if HTvl.ik", aii'l w r a- t !!'.-.r.
Vi:- M- 'ta. An.Urt a Ji.irkJ,i, II ti ' h
,.i .
11,.... it.. ., , ..1 n. r 11 v.. ... if , ;:.,.. , f :.-, a II n
j.inn ii-HL-r Im'hri- Ihhh J.r.A J-.lt -i J
Kaufman k-rr
fhyt tl , millet ilw .I.' ."''" 1 "
.W mi" . v;t 'v,;i i.'..'; 'm.i : -is Xtrutixr.
iWit ll:t.r lV:rn.c ir'wi "..- ILii-'i'-i.-
? j thu ii'Kliuli U3 ai U ruii:u'l In till.' u'iluinuvc
On llni iUlf
Will tl.i- llou.'.' n.-r-f liMli fiilrtti nnv-n Imrnt ?
Tim yi-Bi in I iuivi. wi-rii talum, fttrt wciu n ..!..iv. ir :
Vtn-.in. Ai,'l-rrn Aitl-ur ll...n" !::!, a, II
re'. J;. u,-..ii Hi If. !;' r flrt.wn :ll.m riiii; '-.' i-.'y
i;i.ei:it ".r ,:,wl',...l i't.Kr i . t-rt'.r ;;i-7 t'-f'-r
;.t,'w i) ti.UI.-t II, H-ieyr II int llt.d.m-1 lli'l IhV,.
Jt.ti;.ltt.-r h-rl.i IJ-'' ftu ! l.-lti,-ut II n-ir-l-e lmt.rc
I ,,. I -.bl :J,-..;.J- l.i.S Ja'.U - H li-i ' '' i.l- I. f'tr I..'.,
lsi-'nrit ls.n-i'tlt. r l.-vtl M tnrnr Mtwilr V fnli.iui.1
M'Htyi-it M-:ti--,i Miti-'lntunX.- it '.'' f'i r
JVlin p.lrrt r.'r.i.n f niU l'u,;.V li,.,a.-i: Ph. la-17-Ai.l
K ,m-l-'f i-.' l.- II- ""- r II - -I It It l.t;.t
,;..,-if .V-ii( i .- t 'i-itUt-t Sim'l, -i 'Wif.v .v., . ,i :.ii W.i.i
r.,i! i
(i.l: (.S).
'(f.vi.!.' ..-.'.or,
li ft. .rl-,u II i .1
ti. i' ll.i II trvr
' Si niit: r.uuit u: i
ul'r, SJ.
.V It-ek llmilltM .
ll'iii'r."i'i ll...''.r-7
iirti.Tliliiit'a in tun ktiruiatiTia.
Sr. TiTint'a orn.-r.
II OIUU1.LU., June lb.
I !.
'm..'M-TNl.f. .v.s'.-
I I .ii-.ri't. II .t t!i.'
Ili Mjluti.'ii .r. ; o-in AiiitfU'tini'iiOi ti. Ilii- r.inl.f uti"ii "f
till- l'iiiiui..ii. uilli. ;i liii- sini' k.I-'iir ..ii It.- .I..urnn!
f-r III.- t.i III -u . i-f tin- li iii ral A.'-uiV.y i.f tlnd Coiu-Dmiw.-Milli
t-.r tlie ...i?.ioii of ls,'.7.
. I itn.-s ill jr lian.l nnil tlie -al of HUM olTte.?.
J l I. -tbi. tw.-iii;-sii. .Ir.y of JiiDi. i.nu lUou.-ii'i
t )
gjomi fT.iinj of tht (inmrnnicalth
J ......... i J. -
Heal Estate.
Superior House ana Lot
;t'l)!l SAI.B The subscriber tlh rs at
' -. ...
iiil'nvatc bale liis rciaence on sjiimrroiu
street, l.ewisburr;. b-tween the old 1'resbyter-
ian church buildings and the residence of
Thomas Haves. The house is a double bnck
two-aiid-a-hall storev building, wall suilalde
two-aml-a-half storey buiidin?, wall suilalde
OotbuiMinas, Slubbcry, &c. ail in Boo.!-,
order, an I well adapted for a comfnrtablelif
home. For furiiier particulars jdease call oil
July 6, ISM.
1'. 1J. MA Kit.
170S. SALE. The Tms!0CS Of the
i J1 Lewis!. nrj Presbyterian Consregation
i -ill otr..r , Snl,. ,,n llie nremiNrs. Con-
. '
,.... . . x-
- - .t .
1 TWO T OTS Xo's 311 anJ l", sit-
, x v-' jvx .?9
'. uaufi on th? corner "f Front an I St. I.ouis
recU, on which are the l'revterian ehnrci,
; Liiil.lin tiirmorly useil, and the fcs-ion House
both, JJ rick Tltiilslins, in c -od
- . - uir;.
, ,l B'"1 -." 7' t n'
U'lliCU IS erected a Cnuoi JliU-.P.
ft btrert, on
j Terms nia'l Unown at alr.
WIM.IAM MaSUM, Pre i lent.
w . , , !v ;, v,,.
i j J
T;0R S L1:i Tlie i;n - r - nrJ - ir -
vd-t J vivin narlner of the linn - f J. Ii. A V.
li.ili Lix., uiu-rs tor sale ali taai ..hi.i:.?
rr'petty sit u.. fr. . on th" S-itilh sn!-' vl'
iSusquchaTitia UiVr, G miles fr-n Vi!!i;t!:i'--port,
and a milts from the line if the ni.t.ii
ry tt Erie Iljiln.ad. The lVnriy4va.iia I 'ar.a
parses utt t'uc npj' .vile si..e of tlie river. T.i
tract contains ;(jO t l'!". vuh fi p- r cm!.
aUowance. ,00 acres are cleared, aud in a
zoimI ..tatt' of cu!iivati.n. Tin-re is a iaie
ainuiuit of valuaMe TlMISEi. -n the pirnii
w "j-v se;; a rood stream of Water, and
4 i V. a SAW IILI" The Mill is nexv,
ytf-'-i). ins built in l-5il.
atw'' The other imrnvemcnTs consist
of Five t.Ol.O D KI.I.I.Nt; HUl.ES,
wFih Out ll'.il-lin; t'uereto. Two lareji
BAH.s, one ot which is firt class, wilh a
laree Siied aitachcil. i
The above property will he oilVred at Public
Sale .it the Court House, in V,l!iampoit, en
Weil:M"cI:iy, I.3I2I ot Ailusf
next, at 1 o'clock P. M.
A Tsi.rri.in uf tli ntirriincp manri in fkili.
mic uamm - iu.itc -aj, hi iiiivic.. aiu tij-
proved security
Terras ma le known on i!ay of Sale.
Kurtlier particulars can hr oi.tained v a.!
dressing WILLIAM li lU LIMJ.
FnniviiiK I'.iilnir. f J li. A . II. Ill l.INi!
Wiiliampi'rr, l'a., June i'o, l.'r.'.
4 CiKICK AIlI.Y to an onlcr of the Orphans'
Court of l.'nion county, ill be eiposcJ
to public sale, on the premises on
Silurtliii, the l.f Juir.f Aityiist nrst,
all tlial messuage ami tract of lanj situate iu
White Oerr township. 1'ninn county.ailji'inin
lands uf David Itainsey, Joseph Spotts, Adam
Iieck, and David .Moyur, contamitir
sw'A VClClS perches,
more or less. The Improvements are a small
-J frame House and Stable, and the laud
jUjliiniler cultivation.
Also a piece of Woodland situated ?3,
in Hull. line township. adjoininc lands CyiyJW
of John Bennase, Francis Wilson fcvHl
and others, containing four acrcsswW .
more or less.
Accoidtn; to the decree of the Court, the
premises will be sold at private before the
public sale, if a sufficient price is offered.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M., when
terms of sale will be made known by
Executors of Jacod Sntci.deceaseJ
By the Court:
SiMitt Kocsh, Clerk May II, 1837
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of a writ of Veml. Ex. is
sued out of the Conrt of ('mntnnn PlenR
nr i'n;,.n .nj i ma A. I I ...;u
' "UU.J ,
-.- . l..i.t: Cl i .1... II..UI:-
. r . ,x . , . , . .-
hnuse Pf David Herr.lll Lcwisburs.on Fuidjt,
July nun ikj7, commencing at iu o clock-, a.
M., of said day, the following properly ,to wit:
A certain tract of land, situate in I'nicm
township, I'mon county, adjoining on the
north and cast, lands of Mary Jenkins ; on the
west, lands of John flumps j afld on the south,
lands of Juhn Phillips, Juhn Younzman. and
Jesse M. Walter. Containing SEVENTY
ACRES, more or less.with the appurtenances.
The above tract of land contains a large
quantity of IRON ORE the improve
ments lor taking out the ore are made, the
veins opened, and everything arranged lor
' ' . ' " . b "
tnimnir purposes.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
Ihe property of Horatio G. Taggnrl, Josiah 11.
Furman, and Eli-'htt C liartnn.
DANIEL D.Gl'LDIX, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Lewisbarg, June 9, 1857
011 RENT!
E large and commodious ROOM
heretofore occupied bv F. M. Zicaaca I
in priming the Vmun Argus, in Frick's Build-
corner of Third and Market
pnetsimi eivs.o imsneilifel
Ir- rorsession giv en immeiiiareiy. i
pp:v f j'.'n. n. i.i...., '
fi.: V.I, 1-57. .'V.iuiurv .-r U"w KuiiK
sjn.ii:r, wiini . - , , . ...,1.,.. ctmp n, I If" l.'SI C 11 1 Tin'.'
iTBi.11: sale or !.. Bl 'V rt
J Trei-..rt.n. the sliipp.n? pi.fl of tl.e I re-
the terminus of the TREVOKTO.N KAIL-
koau, and jn..ii..n wuii
crossing the Nii.'riflnuiia to llie prci.t terini-
nus of the .irUu-r tVnlral K.
The naiJ lots Will le ollerta lor iaic au on
Trcvcrton on
Kitiirihiy, t?v: 2.').'. .', IS"'",
: rrn Central li.ii'r T-1, an I its rmneeiiun w.in
the l:.n!r..a !..! i!e' Trevi.rtmi t'.'al and Kail
jroa! fiimpativ I.-;, I:' r t." tlieir rxi.-r.sive
mine?, which will make it one of the lar.'Ot
I coal shipping p.. ain.vc t!e Junction. It l.a
aKo the imsiii'ss -.rowing out of I'ne ('anal
: and li.m'n. .Ti l i!i- ISr ! .e acn-s theSosijUt
; lianna ; llie lln.le n!V-rin the only ficilitn-i
: !or nuli s up anil down t lie river for forward.
in conniry pro dure to .Sinitlurn and Kasieru
' markets l.v lilr.a 1- I'ort Trevortniijias the
' fiiriher advantaie ..f being snstame 1 by a ru b
j ;n, 1 extt-n-ive ;,-iiciiltuial country in the
. vieinity.
'I'tKMs or Sii.r.. Pinelnsers will pay
rier cent, ca-n.'.ri': ti uanee in once uii.uu.c.i
ai on.', tw.., ami ltn -e year, w.iii inioie.-l au-
nuaily ..n tin. aii....u.H i.ra..l ; improvemeiiu
Villili'i! Jit In .) tinn treil llnliara in w
eari, i, i within bn J
olpurcl,a-p. .I.OI!..l. -MOU lO.bupt.
. -I' .. I . 1-1 l'.7
, ... r. Tt , , , ;,, t
Ho! I armors lliancc lor a Jjanr.ahi!
IOIt S If jI'. "''ar Iwisbur.a Tract .f
alinuM KMt 'rt'sl of good Farming
I .an.l Inn. '-ti.in: M.il. It will he sulJ on rcai-
on.-il.ie terms at nnv
ate sale fi.r Cah. Imiuire
at the OHice of th-? Chronicle. June 1,
v 4 t tt t i.r i.v iti.t T T.-i-'T TI.-
VALiU.H.l-l'i l,rj.Ui ii.n.wo,
i oi: sai.i;.
I r-v,jjf;s,sd;!jfronVr3roraehisr;e5Hli.Tier
on the wen side of South Mecnil Mreel ,
,ho l!nr.,ohof Lrwisburtr. between Market,
lol .....iL s..n. jin.i.f npsr 3 L am
wu ......... . -..
hall ot grouml.makinira frunlotu'Jleeton said
second sirre t, an. i in i nKi.i m .... . ....... -.
The improvements aie a commodins three
r-t.ney I'KH h. ) I'.IJ.IN'i
i r-t.ney I Ml h. 1 hl,l,I .
Ji&l I I"S 1 of rresscd hriek. IV feet
frm.l bv ' Uenleep well tiiushe ! wiiu a
mari.le base, tusrble sil!s and lands ir. If on
: a fire-proof mi wuii a lung r.o.ae.ie 1
i... ij feet an i tut Kitchen a Well i f ex-
i: lrt:
s.aUe-anlce ltousc-a..d other necessary
ow-buildiuss. J here are awo on ai.i
Frmt Trees and t'.iru'.din
l.-.ra'ii.n is a desiral!- ono either !. r a
, private n'-.!T.r( T ftililiC bu-iriC:
I: i ; on
the must e'rtaii'il part ot the lioroush, r.ear
the C.mrl Uouse.and but a shoruiistance Ircin
Market :re'-t. Terms Will be made easv.
June D, (i. F. ViI.I.r.11.
VVV.IAC sali:. i
T)TK C i hervl piven i't.a; the unJcr-
nc.!.Tr-:i-es, will sell :.t autrlii-n, :u
purs mi; an I r-y viriup vi ait .ri i i a
seiiiMy arrr .vt! the Hih thiy of . pnl, A. V.
1 .. tu 1 1' i' ii ! a i ihe lMl. dav i't July. A. 1. 1
i't. .1! tin: ; rcii.,'f' ia lUe Uurfii?h i f
I!'ri i;, tv.p .I.i. !. loiirt Hoiiie an-.i all o:'. r '
Xul.!ic Hii. Mn t's aii I I-an.i. ..;ua:e it; .i. !
B'Toutri. bfloMT.r, l the ri-ui.Ty f li:cu
rrnT tt ni- dvn f t :h nw ri":'iiv c-i
.,.! initixt, tH'urnin am cp?cr:r'r l ; ; .'
: a.-
on ih' vt-t I y X mv
each other, an-? b tir
lte't, r:t I'V t .r.-A -:r-t t r.n ! smrh t v an
A'.!y, whereon it; t'ulirt SSoue ;ii:!
C iaitly Oi:. - are erected.
ANuacerta.u l-t adjciiun i'lnntb street
on the eat, Market Mret-t on tiie Siu;h. of
J, ha Seei.-!ds i-n ilie wet an-.l an Alley un
the nir:h. wher'-R t': ,1s M i er.'er 1.
,a:d Kns tw il 1 h? vuid separate, iccetli-r u-.:;h '
the appurteiian.t"5.
Sale Ui cun.ii -nee at 10 oeTt-ck A. V.,
aid day. wh-ri and uin-re the t'r:ns and con
ditions of s..!e will re made ktT'wn 1 v ih itn
deienr,!. di!v prrnintfd hv aid Art f" r tlial
purpo.e. ' Skill M.UDF. UnWARIH,
HKMiV V. EV Ell,
June 3, is:.7. JOii.N V.UAUUUlt.
.1 Farm tcithui tie roivh "ft very Mm.
Tilt! IincWAY F.rl OiMrANThai.TnI.'nrn.i
ni'-nt- l-y ir.''h all d sire K-tLl- cr urch in-
h- iii'-' fi-ii 1"
Th? Farniv rnij.-t r f th h-'tt timf-t- n.- rj! tli" nti?
,ut., h , t. n-h imratu a i- V r- mrinj. If,
! i ro.crtv i.-l",T4t-l in Kik (' .imtv. I't-ntiMvlvinin. in Hi
I nii.l.-t"t n thrivin-p. j Tilatjcn f .-.m- l'lu-n, Tl;t-- iiui:ite
' is 1',-riri'tiy hiltlty. an 1 tli t'Tri' t-u.jii-- of id. v.-t.
f.-.-r. is iitwmrt a It a i-n h:t tn n' al'tMi.i ot t he ie-t
! .ji.n'ii y . 1 . i tl ;ii , Ir n. 'I he - i,,- in l t:v it r:. i-f.-.u
j I to J i "r 'T-'. v.i !.! ly in-tti!irr- ui-: n- I --i ' -1
! a: t!.i- t::.ie t u"t !...i. ir, cr u c: :irt.ii j tu-ref citliiiiiij
i lo !...-it.-tl I't "".iiav.niV i'.y-rm i.!!ior !.',
! ni -t s 'iiynt-I.' 1 j-r liionth. Di.-.'ouiit f- r rfrrr um i f
' LV,;''vr;.,-i ",V" :;s.:;:.t::i;."V':A;-::
la c- r.-i i. rini tu aUvantiij.- ot eiuiraLu,; tu this
-u t "ij-.f 'I V oil is . ri-n hin. -t'-ne. capslilf rf nininr
tli- luvi.-t err,owi!u ti which Oils :tUciil-iit h-w-
att-iined it- rriv.nt r. ,n r-r-ritv.
I It i Lite rrl.tre ( f liii- crjt Vnrth Wr.t fml
f'vin. ami i h ;in -i -o- n to boroni. oin- of ihei;riatt - . -
lmMn'K-.iU-esin thit:ito. It iH mirly the er.-t Lske
market. (a- iturJiiii to u.a.tion ton tniwl tl. irretcst
in ti..- fn. .n.. it i: is t;..- ..rkahie t.-tae f the bt
i;i:ti:oii.o;i '.il. MTii-uiiiiii; in tho aircreiraW to orcr
.in.!, i!..,...- Lu.fal ui. J- r cai-1 acre.
lhl Will l.riK.'tl.e lu,i of iiii'rimst'le T:iluv.
The fini tii-tii ft.aUi i;.t.. .!irt, I'r. tliMH- T. J..ckina of
aG-ton. h:. ma.Ie t,...I,.tt.tl Mir.v -f the IniiO, an.l
anaiyHi t1(.i.va. lia ir, n or. an.l the linir-toDe. This
ra-t-rt t..w...th,.r a i!h ntnii will Ih lr..M.l m i.,nir.r.,
,lM;,TUr.-iTaiir.:id! are tal out thn-iuh thiapro.
ivrty. The funoury trie KailriKi.l us a mario t
i..r our coal to the iak. it run-s from Kri to rhiiaiTa.
A tarw i.art of Uii- r-Hol h;ihe.'a i.nih.fl. and is now in
runmi.-orhr. A h-'avy fore i now work ins; tium V.rt
towards our lanj in tii.-.wtrn direction, thr m.-ans lor
tn. fi-mptf'inn ot wnuit tin in raiatHi it will tvn b
fiiiih.J. The AU-'gh.-tiT Valli-y Kailroadivnn.Tti.uji wilh
Nt-w York, ...-ton and 1 itu-buriC- Th Arnan Koad
Cf'nnecta un with tht- V
Th.-ro are a.r. ly irr-od Turnj-ikf VnAn ninniri? thro
this prrp-Tty, riou othr ro.is have f-, n opent to
aToitin.od).u the emigration and settlement wlacit htu
already taton p..i.e.
There in no opportunity cqim to it now offered to the
man who wants ;o j-r.ivi.ir hinu-otf a h-.-me in an etwy w.it.
and mnke awttU-mt nt lere lii-csn lire in rrooeriiv
ati-i liuvjfiitit oie m afuti,lertsi. ll.Tt lltALXUY.
No csu-e of ftTvr e-r hating hwn known to oreur
ot tin Wet, mr.$ prhaj-a Intolerant pt-ofle. whtre
lherii tin uiri.'tv. r h ,jt a..l,.lu .t..... ,K .,.
miss an.l aoin. a... I - rha ruins his bi'alth anil lhat ur
litUu i ;. Hut hi re is a thriving- si-.ci. uii-nt having
tlirve t.wns. rontainin rnurrhr. srhmK h. tls.stnr.
saw null, crwt nnils. auil evrntliinis iiiiml. Tilers is
aniFh niarc t at han l. Tin. "liinil.-r tra l,- lat vi-ar
(H.uiiiru wuin 1.0 iiumirv.i minion ii-. di lum'sT.
Uirt linn', owiiik lo the wal, it will rnnio .nil
niorevania as a numrmr nt irnu works act m.inutae-
' tidies will soim be si.irti-,1: the. are at Jirevnt startinc
tllrm exten.ivelv Rt WaIT-n. Ktim fir ihfse ho ilo n..t
wisn lo ci thi-re. the f.avments are surh thit thiy ran
easily tuy a lariu to save their rising familivs rroni want
take place in :lie value, if lan.N. Bv an outlay soarrvly
mi.e,l.asiil-unlial provi,K.noan he aiadf.
IVrson. should make early a..lleati..n, a, tIt or write
to K. Jelh ries, S-rel.iry. No. lrfi Walnut Mn-et, brkivr
lifth, Philadelphia. Letu-rs cartfully auawnU giviuj;
hill Intbrroalion.
haresor tracl. of I.n.1 can he bnn;ht or .Mwu.-vd. hy
Mler enrksineth.- rlrt insialmint i.f flvo di.llars.whvn
the suhsrrilM-r w,ll Ik. furnishej with hn..ll, maps.
arramee Deeiis tivcu. 1'etMiiucaa also tpurthase from
our Aleuts.
Route fnim Phflailelphla to Tyrone on the Pmnsylvi
! ?',Lmn;' I'.Tf1' ""1 "'rJZ sSr ? u,u1'
, This la a ilelivhllnl season lo vi.lt St. Msrv's Ihe hrst
iiuMnacrnuiui.siAis nisailiiraeu. a.uiuirv ur S.U si-units,
,-, .... y.ui.j ......i.irj s. .iui-c
TT'OU S iLE. One lot on Snnth Third !
street, a square and a half from Market.
i on Somh Fourth strret nnlv two snuares from
IV'The above are level Lots, well located
and adapted to bin ding purposes.
u.- 11 a utrpivr-
u. H. AKMrROM,,
Art rc 1: r r! m. Ar n'.rc:i". !tc .i
I.twifl-mi-, M-inii I'.'. !-!'
at eleven o'clck... M..t'. the liishct bn! !.-r.
Dr. I. Brngser Dr.J.F.Hiney
T 1 0:I(i:OJATIIIC TLvsit ians.
J J M Marke, s,.b.tn Hih45.
LEHisnvin:. r
j Dissolution.
' r;'iii: c. p:inucrhip h-retrr, stn
; ier lh .ime pf Z'iun 4 .Sterner ' ,
,,,!VtJ t.y niuiua: cun.rr.t. tu't w '"
;, ,eit .11 the tii-use 01 .-.ir. .ellrrs. A.
1 sjui win jua ra.i an.t
j f-'t"'-"
I liAM is Zr;i.t.Wr'
l.rwii.'iir7, July 1, lhi7.
I ., Tin- II j i l.rririj Luiiae?j n ,; beCarKf!j
i-n as uiiril at the -iM Siarid (:n S.nt Tt,!.
itii.ii. -Mjiktl oiurniob Tue- Jav a p."
.!.iy. I-H.STKK.m2r."
i.AisTi moi: i: 7a7Ti7
I.T! S1I.T:
v, r i; , ::. r f. r srtV
I J.l Klil'OOI. K1"E SALT.
!'. ti. A. do.
I". DAIKV ilu.
('- ui. try Merrlianti v lm wiil' sen ! us ii,.r
i.rl' i N in a ivanre, w..!i i i triiri.ir.ni, to ih
v l;-'n v. e have a car'.'-, avoat; ran se--.
Fino ur ti. A. Salt at live cuts per va,.
i li ilic ilnp. than it can It su-.; icl ,,; ;
Mull-. mi r, .i .f (0
' OraJn ai.d .USiU .' ' I: i l- r. l r.- .
j . tpiai'; Whalf, Itsl.rtltl
I I, 1 .oi., J li or, n.u. ii-ii
t . . , , K, , H:amr.rr! ' ' t.
Jet COOdS . fciaCf. J.amOnOS . . Lc.
t.ttriy, tutu .-w.-r iw ju nri, :
I 'Villi snIfriliiT is roi.am! lo firniM
, J nines the verr Leat COAL (if rtr
(t?-,cn( ;inti, limn itkut-liarre ar.it rM.
'mi km hum - He has ! hand an art:e!
vi ry .uperi.rqnaiitv.sncha. is sci,i,.ni.0r
i,, u,is market. which he will dispose ot atth
; Iowf.t ea.-h prices Cal weishf J. anit r-
i mea-nre uarraiilnl. Ib Coai rici.anzM :
mi rthaiitatile Louiilry 1 roi.uce ot ursta.iii
' a - well as tor ca-n.
! Cml Ynrl atThn's Neibil. LumlerT;
' i. ii South Wairr street.
,Bj.6 - R.l.NtSB'T
' -
; . liciMltiriil Ill'Utl uf
t, , f v ft v tt t t B
V. I U !..
COM PLfcTaLl ruslRim
, ,..,.....
,i,'t M tli-it i rmy wuM r.ct hawe it tvmr,r.i; '..
m r ifif-r: ir r.M, but rnulJ bm lh-kin tii r t-
r tt1 u' lt-U m'.b Uu-irtslf itl il hiDjl but u.i hw ;
r-ti.... "I. or tri uT.Ied if h r'T fu'a. n a!J be,i. cr
i-rui ti'iQ. hut woul.1 curt 'i. jT with h k tvi
t :..-n;,s':,'i:i but wn:-i fin J. It will ul-- rra . :
piin;1 lrm th f.i"- it1 lAin. 1'rt'f W'-mJ't Htr .
As iitric F.. Nnffml-T -I'r'
f. J. W' -f-'iv 1 mr r : 1 h-e IvpI tutirfa
(.':;. -..Tit ri'.ii "t" y nr Hair lirur; tit-. :
1 -i rt f.tt.-n rl;-it t ty 'iiw-ftTy n4 ,;.-
i:-:. .: ui!i-. L:r i -. . 1 -'Jit it'n-s-ti lo f.tvr j
; t ..'iv.- :n I . - iit.- -rt-ry with th-- tin- tr
ii '.' . ! vtriiin; t-ti-I iitat'k rrmlif. until I n-t
in I. v n ii fr r-'Ulitr fov.i ti.i.TxUn Mitt--. i U ' : -i
. - . h :..-r:i!it-" Iiilut'. l th t;::l ot y ti'
t .. ,n I--T i.tti M -1 i-L- J . D.y wil-. wfw t.
i rf.iltll t'P"!! ft I'f-r. atld l.Sfcl h.
iluiasicl snry ui &n. aud Dtirr,.
- ' ii- :t. i.ot -no; iy l- -.
- if. i.i i:i ll.f Lair. I'Ut litcim
: lij ' n ...c l-ifl sfi Bi:r: 1- ''L
: ii i - ti ns -:T l.r-t; rat-..
t. ai.i
!.: r: -i'T-nrij Ta.'.ie are
.V. n-' t -r'iP ai-! r '
.. vf lynil-rho wotiiii h -
-'-ri'.t l v rfCM.lt !
r nti-i l--.tt:tr. -ii't ly aii
- -.r l.arr ! -.iut.ti.l JiiJ
a:.- -ral. failv t ur-.
"irwtt..MvN 5!
; w - ' -imp nfer I fv y.
: .t :u- tnue ( f i:t'tnratif :"t :
. r - u i-i.i iu Lh In :t r:.J
: i t y it ii Ir. Xarn hi-
. -.1 i-.
ii- -i t. -t -I ii-
i v r" r. It .'rut a. n a . ir.
. si) 1 r.-.t.t-rm . f BIT fn ' i
-i t- ii'Vli, 9Tf HOW (Mivf.
.. j i iilititil U Hie
Aniit. lurv rt.--i- lUu.ky anJ tr'y. y nrt.
t ii l-Y't III... June '. .
... r..i Pn f. O . H i. - Hair h-.-rr-.-.-.
mi ( 'I- i mil i fi.l :;evt. ii hnir . r-
1 ti. u.;.:. ; r-ci.l'iij. ... nT, t :L- .
-:'irl;if i i 1- n-tiiTid Hi orifrrna. r ' ?
T !
I i..
li-r L
uu d'.it. t (- ruiiir M'
? lilllE. ex-?ti.; r. I'
. .T. u-. N. . I: u n t.tAUi.-hni. u:
...i - - ; : -jo-'J I'mtrci'--.
T4 i: Hi:t
I l.a i. pe;. ; a irw K e I'n aiii ij.'
i't'iii etUn'iit i v, ai.tl wishes to see fa
r i:i.
; QH UGEOVS Sermon
O Waylands Pnncip!.
es and Prac:.c
KruiiimacherV Martvr Lamb.
j Iir. Kane's Secunil Arctic Kipedifin. r
; oilier new wuii'i of iniere.it, consu:.'
I Iiec. 5. IS5t.
T received at the old es:ai.:s
store o! tlie subscriber, en Market strf-
wisburg. a large and new assortment if
comprising every uecriruion OI Wora I-
1 tmv t tMi"
'. ill.. Ji.Vl'ir.. .
1 litlVS M ISSK
V '
t I 1 1 1 IjL'1. f,JN.
j 'j-he stork is Selt'CteJ With Care Zr.i
, . I , T
: artlej at reasonaMe prices.
C'fl!IOIll OI'jW attended ! a- KU :
J ?ay 8 JOll.N liH l.U'i'O
' " ,
jfl I T)TATT,rIl Wr 11 P TAiiV
I i I I l 11 I V ill I i UfJ.
I Villilillil " ilVV
j "VflflTTT h In-i'f Till !i!i-u..r
l il" Oirttl- lUTM4--
i ll most repectfu!!v intorms tht cit:5
? e.;sr,,11-1, an(l vicinitv that he ha m '
I 1c'SDr-; ar.il VlCin l, mar nr na
, anJ or a cheap lot Ol t I K.vlia
; lor Ihe r'pnniT tratle. comprtMr:
T i - . I
i IrC?51Il ailll L 0D1I11011 1
uroatis. r
rctarii-3 ami Hook Ca.-o;". v-cn:'
Card ami Tier 'I'alilos, Pinin?
i;rcakla.t laidof. ciiin'oarti.vi i
tau'c ami other Uedsteads,
Sola?, ami Chairs
f ii i-ul,U
; 11 "";-
COFFINS made'0"'1 ,
) The rut-Uc ar Coraia.iV inVltetl to 'Xa-
. .. .II K O. 'I
"' W"r ' ,!"" l"'
fifd With Ills ilrci ul are. aim Fr '
j SOLOMON 01 v
I , .;cv,lr i -, is'iR
I I-'WIfbOTg, ept. !. l-'0
1 "HlVC VOU Sefin SAIS
. 1 V
Tt ri'AK til ) 1 IjnAvljlin ancS '
O ah
linn-i evervbodv : bnt we inanirf.
rr '.IT. J'Vm
iiilK " rrn Vie JAM si' "7
' with their SUfpIv f
. XCW ItOOtSl, MlO, faUllf
; Th suhsrribers havin" assiiCUt'-'"
Tf 1 1 ne SUOsrrioers naviu
fL' selves into a t oparlnernip '
. now otrcr to the public, at tnt' 1
i - .. . c, -Iiech'!
f i"t'". Ulln fct'
(for 'ahl and lest lot vt
, vr.,, , I T inF.
J.UO J a ' "W
! for Men and Boys, erer offered in Lew'
i A,5 3 a" V1 . jr.t!
nrtl SHf'FS fur ljlthe- and d"
. n vji in, ! - ..in. i ......
I kins. Slipper'1 c- '""r l-a,lirs and ,
I auo i htidn s shoes of ii" i"
I styles and sizes ; ckc- At-.
Work made to order Men.linc M
, i ... ii'..t.M.. have tr
QIIUI anil llie iiviaiuiu i;
sstisfartion heretofore, we trust we !' t
a full hare of public patronage. l
continue to he un baud as formerly.
tJ ,ve general "
I.ewisbnrg, Feh. it. t.5
Tu ltsla:.r-i"-. ii" re'uin
.at fi:e I t nM Vie-
Hlt.Vk al