si I II : hi J 3 1? ll'i I I: Ik Water! bright, beautiful Water ! Mr. Gougu, the famous tcmporaoce lecturer, as is well known, had a grand complimentary testimonial at the Phila delphia Academy of Music a few weeks since, when ha delivered one of his most stirring addresses to the largest crowd that ever assembled within tho walls of that beautiful building. We noticed this address at the time, and it may be re membered spoke of a beautiful apostrophe to water which it contained. A friend Las fumibhed us with the following copy of the passages which so much pleased uf, and we Uke pleasure in presenting tlictn to the readers of the Keict : WuUT ! oh, bright, beautiful water for me! Water! heaven-rifled, caith-blens-inj!, flower-loving water ! It was the driuk of A Jam in the purity of his KJen home; it mirrored back the beauty of Jive in her unblushing toilet; it wakens to life again the crushed and fading flower; it cools, ob! how gratefully, the parched tongue of the feverish invalid; it falls down to as in pleasant showers from its home with the glittering stars; it descends to us in feath ery storms of scow; it smiles in glittering dew drops at the glad birth of morning; it clusters in great tear drops at night over the graves of those we love; its name is wreathed ic strange bright colors by the sunset far away on the torrid field of bat tle; it paints old forts and turrets from a gorgeous easel upon your winter window ; it clings upon the branches of trees iu frost work of delicate beauty; it dwells in the icicle; it lives in the roountaiu glacier; it forms tho vapory ground work upon which God paints the rainbow; it gushes in pear ly streams from the gentle hillside; it makes glad the sunuy vales; it murmurs cheerful songs in the car of the humblo cottager; it answers back tho smiles of tho happy children; it kisses the pure cheek of the water-lilly; it wanders like a vein of molten silver away, away to the distant sea. Oh ! bright, beautiful, bcalth-inspi-ring,beart-gladdening water ! Everywhere around us dwclleth thy meek presence; twin angel sister of all that is good and precious here; in the wild forest, on tho grassy plain, slumbering in the bosom of the lonely mountain, sailing with viewless wings through the humid air, floating over us in curtaius of more than regal splendor; home of the healing angel when bis wings lend to the woes of this fallen world. "b, tiW fir njr, bri-ht wst-r for mr ! And wine fur the tremulous ik-baurhea 1" How to Use Fruits. To derive, from the employment of fruits and berries, all that healthful and nutritive effect which belongs to their na ture, we should First. Use fruits that are ripe, fresh, and perfect raw. Second. They should be nscd in their natural stato, without sugar, cream, milk, or any other item of food or drink. 77u2 Fruits have their best effects when used in the early part of the day ; licucc wc do im adrltm ttoetr rmptvynjeni at a later hour than the middle of the af ternoon ; not that, if perfect and ripe, they may not be eaten largely by them selves, within two hours of bedtime, with advantage ; but, if the sourness of decay should happen to taint them, or any liq uor should inadverdently be largely drank afterwards, even eold water, acidity of the whole mass may follow, resulting in a night of distress, if not actual or danger ous sickness. So it is better not to run the risk. To derive a more decided medicinal ef fect, fruits should be largely eaten soon after rising in the morning, and about nTidway between breakfast and dinner. An incalculable amount of sickness and suffering would be prevented every year if the whole class of desserts" were swept from our tables during summer, and frcsh,ripe, perfect fruits aud bcirics were substituted; while the amount of money that would be saved thereby, at the New York prices of fruits, would, in some families, amoDnt to many dollars, dollars enough to educate an orphau child, or support a colporteur a whole year, in some regions of our coun try. Hall's Journal of ITaalth. Da. Ross aoaisst Jeffersos. At the annual Meeting of the Presbyterian Church (New School) in Cleveland, the llev. Dr. Koss, of Tennessee, took issno with Jefferson in the following language : " Jefferson's Declaration says : " 1. That all men are created equal. I deny it. " 2. That all men have rights unaliena ble, save in their consent. I deny it. ' 3. That government is instituted sole ly in the content of the governed. I de ny it. " 4. That government may be abolished whenever the governed may choose to con. eent thereto. I deny it." We see that the Doctor denies the story, current in the papers, that bis mother was a slave. But the Cleveland Leader says that citizens of Tennessee, now in that city, declare that it is a well-known fact in their native State, and there it had never been denied. The New York In dependent also asserts the truth of the story. And it is this ton of a slave who is trying to get up a new Slavery-Defending l'robjlcrhn General Assembly !!! A Free Fight. The Penntihanuin, the organ of the Democracy, said, that if the 9th June Democratic Convention pass ed a resolution against the sale of the Pub lic Works, the Democratic ticket will be licked in October. They did pass suoh a resolution. Chas. M' Roberts, died recently in Buf faloe Tp. Washington Co. Pa., aged 8 1 years. He yoted for all the good Presi dential candidates, beginning with Wash ington and ending with Fremont. :'Saiubo, why don't you talk to massa, and tell uin to lay up his treasure in bco Len?" "What's dc use of his lavW nn hi trure dare, ware he neber see um l ' i u .' ' James P. Linn. J. Herrill Linn. T F. & J. M. LINN, J , Allornc at Law, LEWISISLKU, 674 Union County, Penn'a. Pianos, and music. w , JOS. L.Y0DER, Agent for Meyers' Vyaud Voght's celebrated Piano, has leceived a large assortment of Sheet Music, Pianos, and Metodeon Books. Seminary and Teachers supplied at the Publishers' dis count prices. Music published by A Walker, 8. L. Walker, or any Publishers in the Unite J States, furnished at their prices. N.B. Meyers' and Voght's Pianos sold at less than City retail prices. Lewisburg, Nov. 14 Ilelmbold's Genuine Preparation or Highly eoneentralid Compound Fluid Extract of TB SE LTr KM sU TOR Diseases of Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, .1 Dropsy, Weaknesses, Obstructions, Secret Diseases, female Complaints, and all diseases of the Srsunl Orrans ari-tn from exrrsre anil imprud-enri.-s in lire, aud n-mnTing all Improper Discharges from tlif Biwliler. Kijnvy. or Sexual OrKann,wlieUier existing Id M-tleor Femaitf, irum whaterrr cause they mar have origiuatt-,1, and no matter of how lung standing, .giving llraltb and Vigor to the frame, and nioom to Uje all:il cheek. Joy to the Afflicted! It fuivs NrTTOHfi And Drbilitatrd Sufferer, and Tmoreg &jl tin SYAilTOM&tunonjr which may be found I n-li lion to fwrtion. Inn of inwt r. low of metn'.ry, tlift.i-u.ty ol breathing, neutral wrakivfB. hnrmr of dia ea.weak ncrTvAtmiiMiu?.dnndfu horror of iltath, nff:ht nwi'ata, cold fret, unkft'iilneMt, dimnt'-) of Tifion. lannoor, tiuivMUfti laMitudt of the tniin ruUr fv-u-ni, oftva eiiormoiu appvtiti with dvrM'fltc f oii't' in.x. lif.t Itat.dx, tlu-hins .f hr bofty.dt- vtiexH or thir kl. pallid enuo tfDnncr and eruptions on tli fir, pnla iu the bftrk, hfav.n'$n of t)i "ye-l.ib( frc-iaently blsV-k fpot? flyir. iiefcirn ttte evtn with U mporary sulTiifioo and Iom of right, want of atti'iiti'iu. jirt-at mobility, and rwilefwrn-, with horror of MM-irty. -NoUiiuK is mure tltiraMe to u-h mtniiii than nolitudc, and nothing tltry more dmtil fr fVar of thruj-t'lv.- ; nn rvfiotM of ntviiniT. no rrnf-tncM, no rjtvulation, but hurried transition J'rom one qurrtiun to acotbrr. Tbexe ryniptmis if a towed to pro n which this Die-U-riue inTaiiabir rrmovet MHn follows Loss or Power. KiTt itt. ami KiHU-pnc tiTs iupoeof which the patient may e-ij -ire. Who ran Fay U.a't these exctizneh an- nd frciueutty f llnwt-d by those dirftil diwaaea Inanity and CnnMimptinn ? The rceordn of the lnaane Arylunm. tiv the niflaiM-h-tlT death? by ConnuuiitioDbear aninle ti'Btinipny to the truth ot thru assertion. In Lunatic Aylum! ihe most melaurhly enhihition at p-ar. The e-iuutt nnnce i actually twdden mod iiile destitute m-i-ther mirth or crief i-rer vinta it. Should a aouud of the Toice octur, it is rarely articulate. 'With woeful meaaureff, wan despair laow sullen sounds hi grief bn;ailed.n Pebility in moat terrible! aud hat. broiicht thousand upon thousand to untimely grmTea, thus blajting the am bit in of many tn .! youths. It em be cured by the ILf- if tl.i- IXKALLI1U.K KKMKDY. It vt'U are FitfTiTtn with Anv uf the nbore dt'trf-wdnt ailmpnu. the FU ID EXTJtAtT Bl CIlt will rare you. Try :t and l con v meed of iu vfflnuy. 1KWABE Of Ql ACK NOSTKIJU 1XD QHlE DOCTORS, who falwly bonst f abilities and refiTenees. Citisens know ;iud avuid them, and fare long sti fieri nc, money, and exprifure. by Nuding or calliug for a bottle of this I'opular and Sj-eeiffic i:emely. It allays all pain and intlamatlon, in perfretly pleasant in iU tte and odor, but iumediati- in it action. UEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU Jp prepared direct It according to the Rules of l'lfAH M.U V A,D rJitSlSTh'y, with the jnvatert accuracy and Chemical knowledge and rare devoted in its combi nation. ee l'r'letvr liewecV Valuable Works on the l'r;ictiee of i'li j sic, and must of the lat Standard Works of Medicine. One Hundred Dollars will be paid to any Phrsjcian who ran prove that the Medicine e?er injured a Tatient ; and the tcraiuiony t f thouanihrA.i be prtnlueed toprove Utat it does great grod. Oases of from one week to thirteen yearn' ftnmlnig hate been effectei. Th ia of Volun tary T.timony in paet-s;on of the Proprietid-. Touching its virtues and curatir powers, in immense, embracing names well known to SC1ENCK AN1 FAMK. 100,000 Bottles liar Rf SoM, od not a rinple instance of a fallnre has been reported ! rrraonatlr app'ared tielore ma an Aldermen of the City of I'laluJbJpuia, Jl. T. Ilritueijt. Chemist, who beinf duly rworn d-ea aay, that his preparation eontalnf no getatle.'" 'v'- n.VltlaiZr&lV$aiiufaeturrrr Attorn and aubfcribetl iH-f.-reme thie'J".! iluv of Norem. ber, liwi. M. 1'. I1I1IRAKU, Alderman. 1'rict, $1 per Bottle, or Fix. for $5 Delivered to ant Addrett, arenmpanied hy reliahleand repon.iUe Certiorates from l'r.'f-ea.ra of Mediral Colleges, ClurgJ men anl others. l'relnd and aold ly II. T. II KM in il.D. Fractiod anti AnalilKil Ormist. .Yd. 52 South Ten A Sl.,UUm .kutnut,AwmMi lluil'limji, lIIILAOELrilIA. t.7n fie hail Iff Prvogi4s am? Tbilm thnwjhuut Vie Vnud Statu, hltO'idi ttnd Itritiih jynrinriM. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Auk fur llimtiold's Take no Oilier Curet Guarantied. Sidd by 6SOy CHRIST It CALDWELL.Lcwitburg Important to Daguerreotyplts,Hartle Dealers and others. "MONUMENTAL Daguerreotype Ca- J.1-L ses. A method has lung been soupht fr to insert in a durable manner, Daguerreotype Likenesses to Head Stones and Monuments. I have been manufacturing these Cases for the last two years, and can warrant them to secure the picture for a long number of years. The outside is made of Parian .Marble, and the box which encloses the picture and keeps it in a stale of great preservation for a long number of years, is made of brass a mtcwuux. It makes avery neat job on a Head Stone or Monument They are used in Green wood Cemetery, Mount Auburn, Laurel Hill, and many other Cemeteries in the V. States. A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers and Da?uerreotypists. Price from $2.25 each to !jy.50. A circular of engravings will be sent to any address, free, with price list, Ad dress, A. L. BALDWIN, Agent of Manaolenm IH. Co., ltroadway, Xcmr York, 060m3 New Finn and New Goods! V, the Mammoth Drag & Chemical J.Y. Emporium of CHRIST & CALDWELL. The undersigned having purchased Ihe entire Mammoth Drug Store formerly kept by Vr Thornton It Co., are now ready to fill Orders and Prescriptions at a moment's notice. We have a large and well selected stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, MEDW1XES, Chemicals Dyestntls, Oils, Paints, CJlass, Pultv and DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE, All Limit of Patent M'tlicine. Fruit and Confectionery, i oDacco,snun,and imported Cigars of the choicest brands, Fancy Kotiont and Toilet Article. Fine Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of all kinds, brushes ixd Combs or iTgar tabhktt. Hooks and Stationers-. a general variety of Literary and School Books Pine Oil, Lard and Fluid Lamps of every descripuou , inrsa rinc i'u ana i atent iurn ing Fluid alvavs on hand. PURE WINES and LIQUORS of all kinds for Medicinal uses. Fire Proof and Zinc Paint t. Preserving and Pickling Jars, &c' CiCustomers will find our stock complete, comprising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices Call and see ns, one and all, and see onr stock ; and if we can't tejl you cheap goods, we win not asic you to nuy. We are always on hand to wait on customers Remember the Mammoih Drug Store THEO. 8. CHRIST, F. S. CALDWELL. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. ICS C1APORIFIER,or Concentrated Lve war- k3 ranted to make Soap without Lime, and with littletiunrda. WithoneeafceofLyaandnnrponiida aos Pat. you ran make fifteao fcmllona good aoft Soap. awv aoap can oc duum in ui aame way. for rale by CHKIaT k CAI.llW E1.U TAYEs; WHITE GREASE, for Waggons, uu, irrlsgagts. Omnibuses, Stages, etc - .-renwr aniew, lor ), by CHRIST CALDWELL. C' LAS8 Jars, for Pickling and Preserving I Quarts and Half Gallons, fur sale cheap CALDWELL. TlOUNTY LAVTl W aura vt i,i,i,. .... , ) all engaged in the service of the U. 8 , in the War of 1812, and far their Widows, at wit v;i.ce oi me L,ewii3urg riiionlcle. LEWISBURG CHRONICLE Executors' Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters Tes tamentary on the last will and testament of JOSEPH 8P0TT8, late of Kelly township, deceased, have been granted to the nadersigned, by the Register of Union county, in due form of law ; therefore, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, ran ,,m.,mr i. make immediate navmenL and those having justclaims against the same are also requested to present them properly authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL 8POTT8.5E..,utor. . 8AMUEI. BICKEL, J Kelly, June 13, 1857 pd6w NOTICE. THE undersigned have this 2d day of Feb. A. D. ISM, entered into Co-Partnership for the pvrpose of carrying on a General Foundry ltUNlnesg at the Brick Foun dry in Market street, Lewisburg, under the name and firm of Frick & Lilley. WILLIAM FRICK, JOHN LILLEY. Lewisburg, Feb'y 2, 1S57. A general assort ment of COOKING STOVES for coal or wood. Stone Coal Stoves, Wood Air Tight and Parlor Stoves, & varie ty always kept on hand. Si CASTINGS of all kinds made to order. DENTAL CARD. THE new method of inserting artifi cial Teeth, GMro, &c, known as Allen's Continuous Gum Work, is, without exception, the best improvement ever made in ihe art of Dentistry. This work, when properly constructed, is the most beauti ful the cleanest,combines the greatest strength n-irh ditrnhilitv. and adds more to a clear and distinct articulation, than any other kind of work ever brought before tne public. Ana jRJofrgf not only tliii. tly a beautiful diiworery TffLsbaM iu roml'ination with thia alyle of wort, --l T T T P we ran Rive the fare ita natural expreaa aion.without.ln tlielrart, interfering with the uaefulncM ol the ti-etb in maxtieation. 1 would take Ihlp method of informing tboae Interested that 1 have purchased the I'atent Bif ht for thia Taluable iml-rorement, of the inventor. John Allen, (now of New York.) for this and sereral adjoiuinc eouutis, and tliat 1 am now manufarturiiijs an arUele of Teeth andilums that will compare farorahly with anytltioR in that line that has evr beon made in thi. or any other country. 1 ask all, and especially those that need teeth (if they bare engaged them or not.) to call, aud examine for tbrmrelres. JOHN LOCKE, Liwisbi'M, Office and Residence on Third street, near Market. Office in MiI-tox,oo llroadway, nearCadwalladrreorner West Branch Insurance Company, OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Detached Buildings, Stores, Merchandize, Farm Property, and other buildings, and their con tents at moderate rates. Doing business on bothCash and Mutual plans. Capital,$3uu,000. DIRECTORS. Hon John J Pearce John 11 Hall ('has A Mayer ('has Crist Hon G C Harvey T T Abrams D J Jackman W White Thos Kitchen Peter Dickinson Hon. (!. C. T. T. HARVEY, President. ABUAMS, Vice Pres. THO S KITCHEN. Sec'y. JAMES B. HAMLIN, Aereni, 627 Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. iii'lflt'l's' & .iJtVliqniV TiWlhlM X. W. COR. SSCOXD AND WALMST 8TS, FHlLAMLriUA. Caplfill l1.250.000. Assets llte,l,rl 13, invested in Bonds, Mort gages and other good securities. ARE YOU INSfRKD AG.UXST LOSS ua .a lnL ! J nefe are 1M few who receive sympathy who incur loss rjy neglecting this most necetaary and substantial precaution. We often see it aunounced that persons have lost their stocks of Goods and Furniture, and results of years of industry swept from them by the devouring element over which they have no control but by being insured. Insurance protects you from the incendiary, negligence of servants and the casualties of your neishbors. It will impart eoulidcnee to your cred itors, and j:iTe a character oi prudence aud precaution to all your business transactions. It requires but a very matt sum to insure io sums ranjrini; from $100 to $1000, and yet how many there are who hare no insurance upon Goads, furniture, or any thinr else! If your Stock la small, still the Loss to yoa nii'-rht be serious. This Cmnpanr Insures BIllnTSnK MERCtTAXn UK, liOUU.l. tikXITCne, MACUISKR l and STUCK From 100 to 5000, at the Lowest Kates and upon tbe most Liberal Terms, and 1'kuAii'T Tamaest ou the adjustment of Loss. DirtECToris. Hon Tho-Tt.norence -lames K-N'eall Edw.R rfelmhold Geo II. Armstrong I Clia's Iintre I F.Carrol llrewster Chs.A.Kubineam Th Manderttcld I Isaac Leecb,Jr. Ceo. Il. Iml- l I I Umeral Superintendent-JOIIN TI10MAPO. TIIO'3 H- FLOliLNCL, President. tllW'D U. IIELMUULU, tecrelary. J. MERRILL LINN, Agent, 657 LEWISBURG, Union Co. Pa Educational, UNIVERSITY SCHOOLS ! Rev. H. MALCOM, D.D., President. THE Summer Session will open April L 3:ld, and continue 11 weeks. COLLEGE Tuition, per session, 10 charges, exclusive of rooms, !jl SO. Ttiroliijrical Department free. ACADEMY II. D. Walkeb, A.M, Princi pal ; M. W. Cramkii, Assistant. Tuition per session Classical, 5", charges 45 cts ; Eng lish, $5, charges 45 cts. FEMALE IKSnTU TE-Miss A.Tatiob, Principal. Tuition per ression Regutar course ij; 10, Preparatory !S7, Music 10,'Draw ing $5, French Y3 -33, charges 20 cts. A. K. HELL, General Agent April 1, 1857 and Treasurer LEWISBU..S ACADEMY. THE Summer Session of this Instilu- 1 tion will commence on Monuir, 27th of April, 1857, and continue 13 weeks. All Branches calculated to nt Youths for college or for general business are taught j and the Bible is in daily use in the school. A class of Yooks Ladisi is secured. TUITION per session of 13 weeks. PRTMARY-riteadinir, WrltlnK, ".-finer, Arithmetic, fleofr, Oram, and U. S. History,! ..... .$4 so ABVAXCKU KNUUJIl ;all not included above, 6.00 LANtilTAIiKS, - - - . - eo atXTlSUKNTEXfRXSIS-fpers,, . . . . M RO di'ductions except for protracted sickness. JOHN RANDOLPH, April 3, 1857 Principal FEEEBUEG ACADEMY AID NORMAL SCHOOL. rpHIS Institution is located in the quiet, J. beautiful and healthy village of Freeburg, Snyder Co, Pa. ft will commence the second (Spring) quarter or its second session on the S3d of Match. Enconraged by the very lib eral patronage it has heretofore received, and in view of the great want of ihe proper in struction for Teachers in this and neighbor ing counties, a Nohwal Defartiiikt, for the special training of Teachers, and those wish ing to become snch, will hereafter be connec ted with this Institution. An additional female Teacher has been added to th regular corps of Teachers, arragemtnta mads to meet the wants of Students. w-JSILIfT01"4"'" fT"0'' InwiuMy hi Adraner.) roe Hoard, Koom and Tuition pr seas, of 22 wks,$Sv to 65 7u'lM0.Iuar.ofllk. - - Woto 8,00 lustrurtlou ou the Fiauo and uaa of Injtrumeut ,oo Ineidvntall Washina- and Mending, 48 rts.perdoa. rrieate lloarding in townl.W to 2 per week. t or further information.orcirculars zidtrr -GEO. F. M'FAKLAND, Principt! r?T 0. W. SCHAFFLE'S WHOLESALE and RETAIL Drua and ("Lean ,, 7 ri,.'.. ait-ct Sirect . . . Lewisburg, P. i & WEST BRANCH FARMER. JULY 3, 1857. James B. Hamlin, TTORNEY at LAW, J tOlBce on Second SL west side ,2nd door south of Market, liewlttbnrir, 6mS93 Union Co. Pa. Agricultural. To tbe Farmers ! MANNY'S COMBINED REAPING MOWING MACHINE, toill, iHnch' tiJ)l-obeti)Ciit. rfHE undersigned having been appointed Agent for the sale of these Heaping & .Mowing Machines in Union and Snyder coun ties, oilers them to tbe public, believing them to be Ihe Best Combined Machine in Use. These Machines have been in successful operation, and have rendered general satisfac tion. They are of easy draft, easily managed, and do the work in a. worWmanliw manner. Manny's received a Silver Medal at onr State Fair, last fall, and drew the first premium at the County Fairs of York, Cumberland, Cen tre, Huntingdon, &c. where it was exhibited. Persons in want of a Reaping & Mowing Machine, will do well to call before purchas ing. For furthcrparliculars.andinformation please cail upon the subscriber who always takes pleasure in exhibiting this Machine. N. B. Early orders are solicited, in order lo have the Machines on hand in season, as the number received from the Manufactor will correspond with the demand. CYRUS DREISBACH. Lewisburg, April 10, 1857. 6W)m3 Chester County ONE and Two Horse Endless Chain POWER. The undersigned being con vinced by practical experience of the superi ority of Yandrrslice's Tread Vomer over the or dinary five horse power now in use in the West Branch country, for threshing out grain, have purchased Ihe patterns and right to make them. We are now making and have on baud a large number, which we propose to introduce on the plan if they don't answer to Ihe letter of the guarantee given with each of them, the machine will be taken back and the money refunded, if paid. They are now almost the only entire Threshing Machines in ue in Chester, Montgomery, Berks and Delaware counties. Their advantages are that they will do almost double ihe work, ac cording to the number of horses used, than the old machines will do; SVthey will save at least two hands isj and Threshing can all be done snugly closed up in the barns, in wet days when the hands would be otherwise unemployed. T. CHURCH & CO. Hartleton. Union Co, Pa. Apply to Tuo's 'uracil, Hartleton, or or Dr. L. KooKi.Union Furnace. y615 IIiinMcckcr's CLOVER III LLER. riHE subscribers still continue lo manufac I tore ihe above Machines, and as there . . .u...m uti in use iii union and adjoining connties, we deem any further recommendation unnecessary. The machines are all warranted not only to do good wo:k, but better work than any other kind of machine now in nse. T. CHURCH & CO, Hartleton, Pa. Apply to Tito's Cnracn, Hartleton, or L Hook i. Union Furnace, lyfi.12 IIIckok'H Fetfrnt Portable KEYSTONE CIDER & WINE DULL, patented Xot. SO, IMS. t -Ttii is not tho Mill told in ISi'J. It eiorls all mills in the market in the ea-w and speed with which it grinds, and in the great power of the press. Manufactured oi the Eagle Work, Harriaburg. PLEASE TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE ! THAT this is entirely new mill no ex pense has been spared in its manufacture all the materials are the very best, and are used unsparingly. The Cylinders are almost twice the length of the former ones,and cluding the top Cylinder, made of Iron. Tbe screw is two incln-B in diamet-r.wilh a heavy i V thread cut on it. Tlir ties in of the 1'ress is cast iftox Instead of wood is ma-le vckv iicavt, and the thread of the nut cut fir FolE liirh-s throuch it, The power of the Press is rery much Ineieexed-and cannot be broken by any fair means. The arraiiiucntof tbe Tutvuul other parUof the Press, is rery prrircL Xhe Boxes and Hopper are all oovtTAU ED together ; the Journals run in !onzbjrin;s; and last ly.llie workniaiudtip shall not be excelled by any maehina of file kind whatever. I'erfcction being the aim, botii in the arrangement aud the mechanical department. All persons who have been otIi?rd to use tbe old-fssh-loned uut Mill, are aware bow inconvenient it is, and especially th"e who bare not Inrp) quantities of apples, lly bavin-r this Mill on your plantation or fnrmou can, at any tlme.iu a few minutes make a few pillon.- of sweet cider for present use; or you can veryexptditiously make up a few barrels. The Machine, well worked, is eipabla of making ti to 1- barrels of rider a day, with ease. Themarhine is made to run by borseteamorhand pow er, and when the apples are ground, a small boy of fonr teen year of aice cau press the pomace with all ease. Tbe f Mowing may be abdueed as the decided advantages of this mili. First It will make more Cider than any other Pre.., with a given quantity of applea in a given lime,and with much lees labor and rxcnse. Beeond It will make cleaner and tweeter eider thaa any other MUI. Third You can make the eider as yon want it, and when you want it; and In quantities from ease gallon to barrels. Fohrth With it yoo can press your Currants,Cherries, Berries, Cheese. Butter, Lard and Tallow, fifth Vith its use yoa can at all timet hart fresh and tweet rider. With all the advantages resulting from the possession and nse ot sarh a Machine at a price so low that it la withia tbe rearh cf all can it be that any intelligent Farmer would do without it T BECOMXEXDA TTOXS. Jacxstows, June 15th, ISM. W. 0. ITlCTOI : Snt I have onfe of your Improved Cider Mills; I used the Mill last Oetuber, and on trial I ground fifty bushels of apples per hour. 1 keep the ground applea twelve hours, and I emn press out two barrela of rider per hour with two men. lean recommend your improved Cider Mill to all fruit growers, fir speed and a saving- of labor. I can make thirty-five gallons of eider from nine and one-half bushels eommva apples. Tha cider can be pressed from the pomace without using water now. Cider will keep one jear when water it not used at the press. JOHN M'l'OMItlL St. Lorn. July 29, 1SS3. Ms. W.O. TTickok : Tour Mills got here, aud we have told them and telegraphed for twelve mare. As they are a much better made and better looking Mill than the other kind, we know they will sejl quickly alongside ef them at $50 price of the other $u. We have atx of the other kind, hat, as we said before, people won't look at them alongside of youra. Yours, Very lteepcctfully, WM. M. PLANT A Co. YoTsr.woauysrow, June 16, 1SS3. Ma. W. 0. TTirsoa: Deau Six It gives me great plea sure to lend my freble rnfluenes iu recommendation o your invaluable Patent Cider Mill. Any person who baa made eider by theold process will quickly pcrccive,hould they procure one of your new Mills, the utility andecon omy of your invention. 1 regard it aa one of ihe best in venUons now tat nsa. Although I have had it but one year, it has amply repaid me for what H cost. Cider ex pressed throush one of jour machines it less liable to fer mentation, andean be preserved sweet longer than that produced through the old-faahiondd Mill, from tho very fast that it Is mora tree from ponuaei, which always has a teudeacy to acidity, aad unfits it in many instances for domestic use. Yours, respectfully, W.QUOLhY. This is to certify, that t purchased of 1. Landretb, In October, ISit ease of Hickok s Patent Cider Mills, and have had It in use aver since. Perfectly satisfied with it myseu; 1 have aa hesitation in pronouncing it avery use ful and indispensable Machine to the farmer. With it, one man and two boys oaa make fro as five to tlx barrela of good eider par day, away. Many of my aeighbora have purchased similar Machines. The Mill has been great! improved since 1 bough mine. W. G. WARD. Nay 11, ISM. Hklley, Deleware County, Pa. I hereby certify that I bare tued V. 0. Iliekok't lav proved Portable Cider MUI, and consider it a valuable in vention in the ceoaHtmyof thae. Tha cider tscleauerwnd better than that made in the asoal war. 1 am veil pleased with k, and should be unwilling to part with It for auite a premiumon tha advanced tort. JOHN 3. IIALC. July 1,1864. Portland, CW WMore thaa one hundred Mtear Medals andDipioaaat have bee given to asy Mill WAthia taa last four yeara. M-This BUI oeeapiea about 2 t-et by I feet, and Is 4 feet high, weighing WO lbs, la every way portable and convenient.- (I'BICB $10. Address, V. TJ. TJICK0K, A rent Esgte Works, -llarrfclnrrg, ra. rot aala by JOSErH OTAEDUf, Lenitburg. II. C.ERII.4RT, VESTKT, Market street, next door to Brown & Ritter's Store LEWISBURG, PA. William VanGezer, A TTORNEY at Law, lY LctvitJriirp,, I nion Co., Pa. Lff" Oliicer opposite Kline's Hotel 074 M OU, TUB FORGER CONVICTED. ( I0IIS 8. DYE to Ihe Auth -r. who hn bad 10 yra ciMTkort m a K&nker and 1'uUUher, and author S f A Sr-ri't UHurtM at th Hemvlwonit Ttbtnadt, gVrtN-t.M htm with nunl of r-1 while be T 1 iiiiru ouourr i"' -"...- " tlit-ir fnnidr anrl th unrest anJ thorlwt tuvarn of Od.'tflina: th. m Tha Rank Kte EBfttawm all nay O that the prratrM Ju'lj,- of Vr Mom-y living. Greatest Dmuvery of the 1'reseut Vcit o tury for Detecting Counterfeit BanlcXotcs. OrM-rribins ercry genuine hill In exlt4n. and Xbi hitniKat a glanw every rounurfi-it iu circulnlivn! S Arrant'td m aduiiralily, n-ti-rence is rany and O dftrtlD inn(antanmrJ. No lud1! tnexamlue. No vlie- to hunt up! Hut do simplirtinl and arrat'RKl, S3 that the Merchant, Buikfr aud liuiueu Uan can O m.i all nt a stance! 3 Knali.'li, Fivneh and Otrman, thua may each nud 3 the name in hu own native tnugue. g Most perfect Bank Xtite Lit ever pub? ts!tel Alo IIt of all the Privnt" Bunker in Amria. A r romplt'tpftiimmsry of the tinniir -f Kunipaud Atner ira will be pnblihil in af h 11 ti" in. t v thir wiLhail 1 the imjeorUiut Nwi of the lay. Aluo, J A PKItrF.3 OK TALKS, From an Old Manuirript found in t!.e Eart. It ftir- nldhfR the mft enniplt htory ct Orffntnl I.iff, de Cj facritiuz the ui'wt pt rplf xin po.itionn in witi'-h the aj litdii'H ami gnHnj'n of (lint wuntry liav ln-tn no OS "tVu lound. TtifSi itriiff will eittinu throughout 1 thd n liA'le yar, and will rove the muet ent'-rtaiuing 3 rvT oflfred to thr public. M t i-t urnir'hed W.i-kly to is.ibTibrrn only, at $1 a q year. All lettera must Iw fi.Mr;. to S JOHN H. ItVK. Hborfr. O ruUihr wUI Pf.i.ia, U-u w. Maww vjM Philadelphia. Howartl c"8 Express! rpHE nnJer.sipned are AGEXTS for the 1 above Company, and are now ready to receive and ffrward Clootie), Money, &.C. from Lewisburg to Philadelphia and all points on the line of the Williainsport & Ehnira, C'atta issa, Williamsporl & Erie, and Philad. and Heading ltailroads connecting with res ponsible Express companies to all parts of the world. General Office 92 Chesnut St. Philadelphia CHiilHT & CALDWELL, Agents, April I, 1807m:i Lewisburg, Pa ALEXANDER KERIi, 11 WllOLISALI L.'aLIR I! SALT. 3H South Wliarves7lhiladelpliia. ASHTON'8 FIE, UVERPOOT. GltOT'XD, TURK'S ISLND an J DAIRY SAI.T, constantly on hand, and for sale in lots to suit purchasers. April 3 lKSTmG EV lS & WAT.iOT, Philadelphia Manu factured f!. Salamander Safes iy o. rourin of., Vhitudtlphin. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prarail. Report of the Committee appointeJ to supcr Reading, February 27, 1807. RHXn. Miirrh 4. Tbe niw!er.-lFTird. irn-tiiberir of tin- coDimitttv, do r--portlul'y r'ntt. that w- nw th two pafa ort inally BKrv-ii 0un hy Farn-la at II erring ami Krann k Watson, lmr.'d pi.lp by fi lr In n fnrnn-, iz: Tin- in u(-; by the I'aymastf r ot Ihe riiilatl-l(hia an J Ktnlin- Comjiany, in hi oilier at J(,i. manul'ttrtar'-! ly Far r-la ii 1 1 erring, anl tli ltff in u-t )y II. A. Isanti, in hi rtorv, m&Diifartun-l hy Kvaim k WaUon, aiiJ j-ut iu tx tt-t anJ apTf prei-i.-l.y alikr. Ihe fire sUrOd at s'joVIock. A. M and kept up until four tN.rd of pnn bi kory, twowrJ-drv oakanl balf rhe.-tmit top wood wi-re rntiit-ly ron-umed. Uie hole under tlt nut?rinUiiJpnr. of th KUliMTilfru, nnmbTri of tbeComiuitl'f. The faft wer-- th-?n mr.Ii-I olf with water, aftv-r wbirh th-y wre o-n-d, and thv bxk aud t-itps-r taken out br the Committer and takn to II. A. Lantx xtore for puldie examinutiou. attur th.-y were firnt i-xamiDf-d and uv.rkfd ly the nnnnittee. Tlie books and pn)rrn tak-n from the SaaV manut'arturl by Krans k at-on were but nightly a)Tcted by the inten-e heat, while tboe taken from Uie iafe man u tact u red by Fan-vis at 1 1 erring were, in our jgdro. nt,dinai:t fuilr fifti-rn )-r rent, more thau tho-e taken frt ni Kvaus k Watson' Snft. We bflieTe t!ientoTe to bare been a fiir and impartial trial of the respective iualitt- of botV S.ifi ii. JACOB II. IYIIKR. DAM Kb 9. IIUXTKR. Ifavlnir been aboent durrnir the burninz, we fully co incide with the above ft-itvninit of the eonditton of the papers and boolu Ukcn our of the np rtire SaiVn. V.. A. MCOM.4. ii. ii. MriiLKxnKita JAMES JIILMoLLAND. Kvnns & Watson hare now on hand 300,000 oimWot the above S FEJ, which they olicr fur sale on better terms than any other manufacturer in the United States April 3, 1N57 GT.vl Joseph Fussell, -I'mbrclla&rarasol Mannfactnrer No. a North Fourth Si. J SW.rornrr Market, PIIILAHKLPIIIA, Has now on hand an extensive assortment of the newest and most desirable kinds.incliiiling many Xetv SI j Icm not heretofore to be had in this market. An examination of onr stock is solicited before purchasing elsehere.3:M BLINDS AND SHADES! VsTOF XEW STYLES. BJ. WILLIAMS, No. 12 North Sixih St., . PHIAllEl.l'HIA, manufacturer of c nilian Rlinds, Velvet and Gold Bordered and Painted Shade, of beautiful designs. Buff, and all other colors of Holland used for (Shades. Fixtures, Trimmings, &c, &c, wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash prices. lySlore Shades painted to order.jsj B. J, W., thankful for past patronage, res pectfully solicits the public to call and exam ine his new and large assortment, before pur chasing elsewhere. C3f'u We study to please" March 20, 1857. Front Street Wire Manufactory. WATSOxN, COX & CO., Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth Manufacturers, No. 46 North Front St. Corner of Coombs' allrv, bctwaon Market and HulDerry (Arch) slntOfUlLAVELl'UIA. Manufacture superior quality of Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds, Brass andCopper W ireCloth for Paper makers&c.Cylinders and Dandy Rolls covered in the best manner. Heavy twilled Wire for Spark catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, Fancy Wire Work of every description 3m671 New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON & LAKIKG, Manufacturers and Importers, No. 124 Arch St, 2d door above 6th, Peru, Where may be found, the largest and best selected stock in the city. C5"Uountry purchasers may here be accom modated, without the inconvenience of looking farther, and may be assured that they will receive the advantage of their money. BURTON A LAN ING, 124 Arch SL 3m676 above Sixth, Philadelphia Engraving and Seal Cutting OF all kinds, at 204, Chesnut Street, PHILAD. Visiting and other CARDS, Corporation and other SEALS.and everything in onr line of bnsiness, promptly attended to, in good style, and on reasonable terms. Or ders from City and Country solicited. S. II. VULTOX . w. U, MASON. HERRING'S SAFE. THE ICKSUW LKDOE D : II 4 M I I U ! Tim KKCK.Vr TKIALd at Hea ding kave eo'lorscl current f public opinion, and onflrtnifl Ilia verdict ol saore than 2uo art-Men tal tires, pivins; cinrlusively tltni "llerrlnK's'' is Hie 0-M.f sara Iswiu. or a. Ueimrt on tbs Trial of lroa Sat s U-ailh,--: nn tlie o,.th of frYhruarv all the meral-ers of tile Com- mitlea met to witness the Safes ami ls s and plrs, (i.larpd In them) and were perfectly mtiIie.l that all was rlirht. Tha day fcllowinr. the l.ui ning la.k i.lac.nnder tha superint,'ndenco of Uw Committee. Arter afcitr and impartial burainir for 6va hours. 111. fafe. of Messrs Ksans k W atn was'Br-t open, d, th" Psje m lira inshte, and Uie contents partially consumed, while tl.e content, in Ui. Safe of Messrs. rorrrls . lKriuiR were iu Cimn1 condition, and no fire iuMde.' Kca-lina;, March i, 1J-.-7. (SkBeiU II. V. Wl.lX. ) A. II. I' K.) And endowed hy over in ol ll.e best in. n. f lles lmi,'. llK al.ove rsfes call be in-! led st :;l Walnut Street, where tlie public e:iu mri.l v tliem-elves .f the Kr'at su periority of the --Herriii.-. ! t-ut I li;mi.i..u." ovrtlie defeated and tS"-op "iii..idi' In.n I'ei.r -'Tlnmander. FAKKELM & IIKRIilMi. :U IVnlmit .-Irert. I'li ln.lelplila. OjTy BaaAcri in tliis StaU . rrtu-jt fuitnt fwi pion Sufei. The attempt made hy other psrli.-s to holster up the reputation of a Hafe which Air uil.i so .i.-nally in acri. drntil lir-s in I'nilad. Ipbia, (llan.tcad I'lai-e,) by ukiiiK one oiit of an airent's -tnrc, ill. A. tsiats.) uiaule ,..n', tliici-nrrl, eiitfen-nt fr"m thoee they n-l,f u -Lurn up" one of llerritiK's.'lialf astl ick) hi. met with its true re ward. Ilerriun's Sife conht t, i U hamt, provini: eoDelu sively that the only relwlde Sale n-.w made is'-femsy ' of which ovi T l.lssi are now in aetunl use .and mori than 00 have been tried by hre touut a I'liilatlclplila WOOD MOULDING HILL, ON Willow St. above Twelfth, North side. Mouldings suitable for Uarpentors and Builders, Cabinet and Frame Makers, always on hand. Any Pattern worked from a Drawin;. Of 'Aients wanted in Ihe various 'Fnwns in his portion of theSlate.lo whom opportunities will be ottered for large profits fur themselves. 2m673 SILAS E. WF.IIt. DRI'G, rilT, A.I LUSS WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, COKNEK of Tenth and Market Sts, (Ollicc J in second storey,) J'hiludihihia. We invite attention to our enlarged stock of ; Drugs, Paints, Oils Varnishes, Ate, selected : expresi-ly for our sales, and comprising one of i the finest assoelinents in the L". S., which we oiler at low prices fur cash or approved credit, j WF MAMFACTL'KK.veryeiten.ively I'reiniuiu Pure White Lead, llie.-t.) Kensington Tore : White Lead, I'earl Snow While 1-a.l. -Vi.-lle M'.nta-ne" lrx-urh Zinc, (best.) I'ure Snow White American Zinc. . Silver's I'lnMic Fire and Weath-r-iToof 1'aiuU, Cbn-me tireeus, l'ellxws, aud colors generally. 1 A11KNT3 FOR ' Porter's superior Alkaline Window filass. fienuine French Plate lilsss. IwarThiited. i The New Jersey .ine j Cnn(iany'spro.lui-t,Ti:den and .Ne.liew's N.V. arni.lies. i BronsHn Premium Pun- Whit.' L-ad, Hanipdeu Perma nent llreens. Pure Ohio Cuts ha Itrandv, c. . l.MPOKTKKj lF ; French and Knlih Plate (Has.. French and English Cylinder (ii:is., O.lnre.1 and Ununited Window lila.s. . l'aguerrenlype lla.s. llammered Plate fer Floors aud . Skv-Lli-hts. Pru.-s. fhemiral., pert'uuierv. ic Wilil.aAI.IS l)K.I.Kl;S IN Druirji.ts' Articles '--encrally. 1'sint.Ts To"ls of all descriptions. lldraulic snd Pemnn I'.ment. Cnleiucd aud Land Pla.-t.-r. l-jipcr MaWcr'.-, Siitiu W hile, ic. i FKKNl ll. l:l( IIAKl A Or., i, N. W. ri.r. ol Teiiih slid .Market Street. ! Factoryluuclion Vurk Avcuuc,t'riwu.uLCil!"irl:ilI l'HiLtMLrin. i overTucuid hair dye.- ! rilHlS Hair Vye nt eds only a trial to satisfy j I all of its perfection as a ! and the f I- t luwing testimonial fnun thai eminent analytic chemist, Pruf. Hooth of the L.c.Mint,u iU only j confirm That ihou'-anjs have previously borne testimony lo : j L-UOU..T .nT F'-'at PHTirU rillHI?TRT.'i j t. i.1imi liar., rhiUUili'IiU. 1-Vl-runrv 17th. 1S67.) "l.-'in well acq nail, t tl with th -ut'rtaii'-t-s r.'ineO-io s IffTT i Lt',nid Jtltr Itjf, 1 am atifi. J -x ;..)lw I in- tin Mtni't'' dir.Ttj'.in i.:vfii f r its u-e, it mil n. t j . , t aa.ta wr MW, 4UC Will rtT It H iTfr-it OTI't '. UunU.'t: itivr 0, t'u JUir. JAMKS !'. l: HOVKK'S WKiTINti INKS, inclu lmg the i llnrtrs Fluid, ami llu'ir's Imlthblt Ink, are j too well known and introduced to require any additional testimonial ol their character. Tip ' sales have keen nicrc-asinc. sino- their first introduction, pivinsj evidenre that the articles : truly possess that intrinsic merit claimed at first fur them by the Manufacturer. j Orders, addressed to the M tnufacp rv. No. j 416 RACK street above Fourth, (old -No II!)! 1'hiladelpliia.wii: receive prompt aitention tv C7Uy JOSEPH E. HOVEK, .Vannurfurer. ' RISING SUN amWaawGermantown Koad, half an hours ride from the Exchange by Omnibus. Shadc,Fruit and Ornamental Trccs,Shrul$ Plants, Roses, Ax. cultivated and for sie in quantities to suit dealers and others, including an extensive and varied assortment of all the desirable varieties of the above, for sale Wholesale and Kctail. Catalogues can be had on application, gratis, , S. M.M'PAY & CO. I jr When addressed by mail direct to Ris ing Sun P.O., Philadelphia. Our Siands are in the Market, Market street, below Sixth, where orders are also received. 6m676 Cheap Fruit and Confectionery. T rmxcAM & sEi.i.Kns, y Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectioirory of all kimls, I 113 No- Third St, belovr Race, P1IJLADEI.. J The attention of dealers is requested to an examination of their stock, which will be found equal to any in this city. Foreign Fruits of all kinds in season. i.B. Orders by .Vail or otherwise promptly attended to 3m(i3 Pennsylvania Wife Works. NO. 56 A1ICH St. between 2d and 3d, (opposite Broad St.) PHILADELPHIA. Sieves, Riddles, Screens, Woren Wire of all mesbes and widths.with all kinds of plain and fancy Wire Work. Heavy twilled Wire for spark catchers, coal sand and gravel Screens, paper makers Wire, cylinder and dandy Rolls covered in the best manner, Wire and Wire Fencing. A very superior article of Heavy Founders Sieves. All kinds Iron Ore Wires and Sieres. 1IAVI.ISS, DARBY ic LY.NX. mount Vernon House, NO. 9-3, North 2d St.,Philadi'Ipliia. This old and well established house is admirably situated for persons visaing the city on business or pleasure. The continued j patronage of the public (and of West Branch friends in particular) is respectfully inviled. 1. L. BARRETT, Philad., March I, 1856. Proprietor. Fishing Tackle, AND GUNSThe subscribers invite attention to their stock of Fish Hooks and Tackle of every description Cane Reeds, Sea Gra?s, Trout Flies, Linen, Ac. Also, fine English and German Guns, Revolv ing Pistols, Pfrcnssion Cups, and Sporting Apparatus generally. For tale at lowest CojA Prices, Wholesale and Retail. JOHN M. HEYBERfJER A BRO. 624 No. 47 K. Second Su Philadelphia " The Good Time Coming." BY T. S. Arthnr...Thosc who wish to hear something of that long-expected day, should read this boob. It is having an immense sale ; 5,000 copies were ordered in advance of publication. We send a copy by mail, post-paid, on the receipt of the price, !$1. J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher, 43 North Fourth St. Philadelphia, Pa, If.B. Agents wanted to sell this and other popular boois in all pans of the United States. Send fur our List and Terms lo Agents. AYER'S ly CIIERIIY US PECTOltAXi, FOB Till. RAPID Ct'RX Of Colds Coughs, and Hoarseness. Bamntists Mm 3rth Ve 15. lB. J.C. Aim: I it nt tvniUtUttomy tb bnrt TMWJjf I IMIT" W JwOD4 CnllM. ll'WrW IV-, iDBlKrBXH, SIX I lb omrc-Kiiunt ayiiiiituinii ot m CW, it yrmr Cherkt Vict"U. l!conrtant w im my prarttce and my Umily fr U UU trn jnr tit arc-wa it ! iim up riur Tfrtu-. ti'-imnt of cnupUnU. K11KN KNU.HT, M.D. A H MoP.TI.rV. r!.. of t'TtcA.N.TWTiVti: bhi jmr 1'kctoraL myf'ir mni la my feint, y mw mam jm iunnUl it. mini b- ti-To it tbn br-t mo.bHna tor P'lrj-w r put nt. Willi a ti cM I altouid wuout any twDtj flr dtAltv f. a bottle than do without H, r tatite any vlhr iviim-'.j.'" Croup, Whoopinc Coach InflarBss. Si-ai.tGneLr., Misfi Kr-u. 7, iiml BROTncm Am: I will cherf-illy wufy juur Ftrmiut b tlm bmt renvly wo i-nmtn In the cors Whfymm Oityh, Grmtp. ami t.'n- cli-t UimtMra oi clrtldrvo. We.j y..ur fratrwty in .titri a..riia your kill.atMS tis-1 1. 1 ,ur uu'Aii.u.e to nor im. 1IJKAM CONKUX, H. . AMOS LFE, Ewj . MornxTT, I.t., writ, 3J Jan M hfvl a W.iMM Influt-nzii, bu.h cttiflri4 dw in tix wi-v-Wa; t'k mvliciuv withiwt nli.-T; ttaally lTi.-J yor 1'E'.tobl by the adrire of oar ckrirymaa. Tle fim tl'-ae llirv-t thrt ti-B In By thruat a&4 litnm; )-" than m half the b"ttle made am cooiU-t-J .41. Tur biIhib- are the clteaprat a !! at liMhaat we can buy. and we mtrrn yon, Uuetur, and yur n divti, as Um ruur man' frtrud." Asthma or rhthisic, and Bresckitis. T wit -M ascukctul P.W, rtk. 4, lUe. ftnt: TnrCnntRT rEf-roajj. t perfitiniBir tnaiHfc-taf tnirva in thin ti-fi. It ha nliTwl -rJ frxm mmm Inn Ttiipt'niK t ronmnnptinn. and is wjw rariDs; a man who luw i)thtrel uui.r an JT- tioo uf the lana tar tbm It, ff.rty y-an. JIENKV 1. PAKKS, Mmbaat A. A. KAMFY, M D-, Aimnx, Monoi 0a, Iova. writ-, Sf.'t. ft, 1"5: Iorinir my practice of maoyyvarw I haref'-un'! n-'Hiir .ual to ri:rCtintWT PlcTOEAL far ri-n mrw an-l rrU-i lo connuupave f iiiaaitB. eadaaj u h aa are curalrle.' We might avM Tftlnmi9 of eri-Wj, but tha meet eaay Tiuciuff proof of tbe t litoea of thia irmwly fuoad is Ma effocta uvoq trial. Conamptioiiw Pn?l'Iy no on n-im-dy b-ia e been k iwram rhlca eared so many ani mich Junrona rmaea aa thav Humm no hutnau ai-1 can iwh : but errn to tboaw tha Cuui PgCTOKAL afforda rvlief and eomfirjit. Astoe rt-u-ia, New Tone Crrr. Marrh 1, porroa Avnu lt-m: I IM it a dnty and phantv t lul-Tin you wlutt your Cueet Pect-w-U. has ar tr n:y wife bf hal t-n five months lafaurtntr and- Qim AmwT"n VDi,'t'ni9of Oifwnniption. fnfn which an aij we could ppVmr pnf hr marh reliv-r. ftwi atvwtilf failitiK. until In. iiron. of thia city, where we ha v cram f..r advit-e. rpctsmnicnded a trial nf ymr mediriiia. liUstf ln kiiKlut-wi, aa we do yonr skill. .b lue rtruv ert-vl fr-m that ttiv. Hie is not yet aa atninK as be aaat) to b. hut is fr.-.- frni br cooirh, and caiie henwlf weil. Vouxa with (rmtitrult- an) rnranl. ('iiLANl tfllKLbV, or SmxlTTTUA firum pHrr-t. do n.-t .b-apnir ti" y" Atib l'ri T"AL. It ia' by onrof the niediral chruiiMtst in the anrltt, anl ita cum all amiDd na! raafc the hib mentaof tU tirtu. IViulfk Lttiytr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. aiJIE ariv-iKea of Cbrmiatry and Mulirina have beesj , taxed their utmost to produce this bit, moat perfpet purpttie whub is known to man. Innumerable proof are iliowu tliat tbe Pi 1X5 hare Tirtues wbirh eorpasa tm excellence the ordinary nwlicin, and that they win tm pnwientlly nrn thf esteem of all men. Tbeyaraaafw and pleasant t take, but p.werfiil to cure. Their peua trutui pr.'ertioe fltimulate the rital actmtice of tbe body, remove Uie oUtrrKbona of ita orptna, punfy the blood, and expel dirdfe. Thj purrreont Uh; foul humors which, freed and etuw dixtemper, stimulate slucxiah ar -baoe deri-d orpuis into their natural action, and impart btwJthw tone with strenh to the wiiole system. Not only do they cure the eYery-day complaints of erery body, bat a Wo trmiiUMe and .Unrcrous di;aa that bar baffl tha best of huaian atulL w hile they produce powerful eff-ta. th'-y are at the mme time, in diminished d-. th afest and be-t phytic that can be employed fur thifctm. Bcin iigar-fat'U they are pleasant to take; and twin purely rep taMe. are free fnmn any rwk of harm. Cureu hare been m.. !e which mirpast belief were they not ab staiititpl ty men of nut b exalted ptwition and charactar as to frtid the BU'picion of untruth. Many eminent deiyymen an-1 physii ians have lent their names to rerta fy to the puWic the reliaUIity of my reme-liea, while oth ers have av nt me the aasnrance of tbetr conrctlon that my ITeparMti. iw cmrribute immensely to the relief of mf atficted, mff-riiii feilow-men. Tlie A,v nt N I-w uame-I to pleiwed to fhrnlfh EjaNs my Am-Tii-m Alniaitac. containing: dirtiton-f their aaaan4 eettitVates of th. ir cure, of the f Lowing complaint: r-tivene. H:M-iw C-mi'laint. Kietimatim. TiT3jwy, Ht-artt-iiTii. H. h arUiiiK fr.ioi a ts-ul niath. Nau sea. Imiie.nti.'n. M.rl'W luai tion of the B.rt4a and Pain ari-intr tli. r. (V-.iii. 1- lr-tul.-ncy. Lw of Appetite, all t'lrer oai nut! 'n;a:,i- us lit-s whi.'h rr-piire an evacnant Jltnli. r. i'ul.i t-r Knur Enl. They aluo, hy punfy- liiK the ! )--1 ar. 1 stimn latins; the vntem, cure many Cvcipliaiuf . miit- h it mt-nl-l n"t 1 tuppose.! they could rearh. nn. h ! ifnew. 1'artwl Hlintin-. Neuraiffia an4 NerT.'Hs li iit..l-i;itv. tn-nuiKemeUtn of the LiTer and Ka Bey, tout, ar.l teller kin-lntl complaints anwiMt from a L.w stale of tbe l-l or ot-tructku of its functiua. Do n-t I- put vtt ly unprincipled dealers with maw oth.T pill th-y make mre profit on. Ask fcr ArtE'S Puis, and take nothing else. No other they can sir you com, irve i:h this in its intrinw ralue er curatiT powers. Th fiirk want tbe best aid there is fcc Ukeaa, and tlMy ahould Uae it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Xua. tm 8 Crs. na Box. mt Bora rom $ 1. SOLD BY C. VT. ScnirTLi. and Tihtst k Caldwcu, Iswlsl.ars Millkb k UoirjiKF4r, MitniDbur)! J. F.Caijuiw, Milton V HUE subscriber con tinues to carrv on the , Livery ItusinexN at the Old Stand on South! Third street, near Market, and respectfnllj solicits the patronage of his friends and th public sen. -rally. CHARLES F. HESS. Lewisburg, May 22, 1SS0 LEWISBURG FOUNDRY. , The subscribers, thankful for past patronage, would inlorm . - -Vhe nnM-.c that thev continne to pa, mj.- -manufacture all kinds of MILL ti.Uil.ti and other fastings. Thrashing Machines and other Machinery repaired in the best manner. Castings warranted lo be of good material, and at prices that can noi fail to please. tiEDUES, MARSH & CO. Lewisburg, Feb. 1S51 COOKING Stoves, of various atlerna nnd sizes, for Coal or Woo , for sale atthe Lewisburg Foundry by licddea, Mar.h A Ca. OTOVES Parlor, Wood, and Coal O Stoves, various patterns, for sale at lbe Lewisburg Foundry. Geddea, Marsh A Co. lARt)'S Tatent Gang Plow, a supe rior article, for sale at ihe Lewisburg Foundry by Geddea, Maral) A Co. GRAIN or Seed DrillsRosa' Pateol decidedly the best and most itmhlt Grain Drill now io use, for sale at thaLewrabarg Foundry by Geddea, Marsh A Co. Hussey's Grain Reaper. for cutting both Grain and Gras MAM'FACTL'RED and for sale at tat Lewisburg Foundry by (EDDES. MARSH A C ' V0TirE. Havinji been appointed th 1 SEXTON to ihe Lewisburg Cemetery the subscriber wonld state that he is prepared to perform all duties connected with the burial of the dead.on short notice. Also that he will attend lothe re-interment of deceased persons, under the direction of their surviving friends. Residence in the Lodge at the Gate of lbs Cemetery. GEORGE DOXACHY. Lewisburg, May 30, 1854 IRON! ' IRON! ! IRON!!! 93 iR IBS. just received at the u HARDWARE STORE of JO SEPH McFADDEN. Farmers and Black smiths, call and see ihe largest and led as sortment of Iron ever oflered on the West Branch. Having ihe exclusive control of the celebrated Tiiisrisi'i Centre connty Iron, he is enabled to warrant every bar. All sizes Tire, Scollop, Ronnd and Suaare; Horse Shoe, Kail Rods, Ac, at Car prices to alL Call and see the Hardware Store of JOS. M'FADDEJI. Lewisburg, May 10, 1855. R.GREEN'S AROMATIC SAP, a certain enre tor uvspepsia anu ..- fruni aa ioipnrr stst of the sfrmarh alse a swr. rrs- ib inpHT. stsis ot The straiarh i e, was las j l.y CilKlsX- 4 WlBWtlX.