JLetvisbtirff, ia. FRIDAT MoBSIXQ, JCXE 19.1857. -.-r.-. - : . . A BVERTIZK: M.r.ul.it-lurcr, swrcnanu, si-cnamcs Vahlut Offlot-rs in Citv and Country, Puhlinhff- all who wlun to dot or wii would au wfii u employ u. r,lumDt of U Lwiiturg CAnwitJc, wlm-fa bu ft Urge ad mcrfm utrruiauou iu coairauiiujr wuii-n - lmTg proportion wl acme, anlvoui pis-dutxra, cvusuuiets J dMll, - ny ID the SUM. 03" See Sew Advertisement. Bt3r"Buildiug Associations" uest week. ; The 4th, We are notable to announce to-day our Orators for the 4th, but cope to do so next week. Messrs. Chairmen ! ere your Committees at work J BIlcad the advertisement of the Sale uno heretofore to witness so large an au nf Town Lots in Snyder countv fPort diuuce rtmuiu 60 l"'1 durillo lbc livery Trprorton.' Pi T.,ts there ard much more safe nd sure than in 9 out of 10 of the " cities" at the West. Port Trevorton connects by Railroad with the Trevorton coil mines, ouly 15 miles distant. Fkix Through. Tho ltridgc over the . Canal at the cast end of tho Lewisburg . jiver bridgc,gave way on Wednesday night : lait.aud fell into the lock chamber. Boat- I itig had been stopped in conscience of; the break in the canal ; and the falling v! the Midge has stopped travel aown mo river what other. calamity awaits the un fortunate cross cut, wo ou't toll ju.t jet. jtaTOa Wtducsday afternoon last, Ma ry, daughter of A. K. Bell of this Uor- ough, while visiting at the Female Iusti- : during the day, amounted to ubout two stuto Building, fell through the timbers . thousand dollars. True, this has been cx froin the third storey to the first, receiv- cceded in Lcwisburg, but, considering the ing severe but it is hoped not dangerous - injuries about the head. - - - --- -, , , i ,, . ,i CAITION. no see it staUd that the ikp uf soda in neutralizing the aeiditv of nooslet Z ' o tdan to b al-h ! gooberrtcs, io. , i dangerous to bcal.h . there being already far too much pcarlash i &.C. used in cooking. A recommendation of soda on tho last comer of our first page i to-day ; we copy this to "neutralize" its i oil influence. S3TTho copious rains, in connection t:th the warm weather which has set iu . .... , i iiiirirrkr.i,l n t.n.:ir:iTO'.. ItiTit tii'olj tlmt had been looking very blue, Love turned to a brilliant green, aud promise abun dant harvests. The hay crops will be im mense in Bufialoo Valley. layThe Whig, American and Republi can committee of Snyder county organized by appointing Cha's G. Vernon, Chairman, ' church preached iu the morning, and Dr. aud S. K. Hi rrol.l, Jr., Secretary. They : Malcom of the Baptist church in the aftcr Lavc called the County Convention, Mon-' noon. Rev. Messrs. Orwig of the Evan- oav, iuiu .n z ; ueieeate .Meetings oaiut- : . ' r r. I day previous, ire-m 1 to o, I .M. j - k.r (.1 t ,r I ci,..-, , arh. bhoemukcr, sou of Juo bhoema- V.r af ,. rl- i.nrndiln T i-e.irniiK, i Co . Tho li ft that nlaeu lateK. w'as acolt ' ' r flontallv alo.t in tlir lpir in Totct. liu the .-..j . --o 1 J 1 discharge of a gun iu the hands of a com- ! pinion. It is feared he will lo a cripple for life. aajrWhat baa got wrong with the peacu trees ; ine.r leaves are snriveieu 1 .11 1 J I . . 1 11! t. an-t-v I ' ll' ana rouea up ana nave commeucea railing ; off, and the fruit, we fear, will follow them ; before it comas to maturity. Can any- j LdJj tell us Low to prevent this calamity? ! ASTOur enterprising young friend, W. II. Armstrong, Esq., is home on a visit loots robust, hardy, aud singularly pleas-1 ant the latter phenomenon is explained by three lines of nonpareil in our tuatri monial department to-day. i John M. Laird aud Wm. J. Camp- lell have bought of A. J. Greer the Ju- , mat Sentinel, which looks and reads well Greer was a good printer but an awful ! .... . .,? . , ,, , , i politician. We wish all bands (vtrt iiiessing. i . rSTThe attempt of Gen. Packer's po-' , . ' litical friends to prevent a sale of the ...... '. . , """" i"UBi ui " '"juueuou, is now oe- , fore tho Supreme Court, at Philadelphia, j uenry s. Mott. Canal ComDiUsioncr, ' ' makes the application. ' jjjj rcctivcu. a tie miter part or uer in- . j a i i e. aS-Tbe prettiest piece of glass work in ; ..c.,. she wa3 unMa t0 atlend to the do- Jet Gds BIC Diamnd3 ! , &c this region is the front door light of the ; mestic affairs of her family, or even to ! '''"! h"rl'J a"d are our " 7",fJ" " , new Presbyterian church edifice. It was take care of herself. It required two : rI,IIE SllhscrihlT is prrharn! to flirili.sll designed and made by John Gibson, Phil adelphia. Cincinnati, June 13. This morning, i as four U. S. Dcnutv Marshals were ar-! resting fugitive slavo and bis wife, tho i , . ,. j ., T r, ,-. .. slave stabbed Mr. J. C. Llliott, one of the I deputies, with a long sword knife ; upon which another Deputy Marshall shot the slavo in tbe abdomen four times. The negroes were then taken in custody. The j Marshal's wound is of dangerous char-1 actor. The ncgrou's is thought to bo i mortal. The affray occurred in room ! nn Tin. ilrul no,.. lV.o Psa ..(T,n I s . V .UW BOVbtf us... . . a IMI VWLV. .UtlC the negroes were secreted. Cpi.iMi.rs, O., June 15. W. II. Gib- r on, the State Treasurer, has resigned his ( office, a deficit of over half a million of i dollars having been discovered in the trea sury. Mr. Gibson says the deficiency ex isted when lie lock the office, having been caused by the defalcation of John G. Rre tiin, former State Treasurer. Tho Gov ernor Las appointed a committee of inves tigation. The July interest will be paid, notwithstanding tbe deficit. New Hampshire. W. V. Eastman has been chosen, by the Legislature, War am of the State Prison: Peter Sanborn. Treasurer; and Georg-o G. Forcr. State I 1'r'mkr all, Republicans. tJL fire occurred in Syracuse V. Y. J tn tha li'h ina ,i.:.k a . i 1 " me a n IDst, which destroyed proper- j tj to the amount nf S.m fifii. f J Seth Kinman has been visitins Lvcom Z county. whe Lb Ua rtudii ttfere ' to j Dedication of the Presly'n Church, AcnorJinir to nrcviuua notice, llie new and Magnificent Presbyterian louse of j .. . .1- , t ... .ti.. I worship, m this t.lace. was formally c ' , .... , . u'&te.i last Sabbath. Long before ; , i i gCTVlCl'S COBlinCOCeu. tbe peWS, ttlalt'd, gal . . .. , 1 ... iL'rjr ttuu vuawuui'j niic uiau iu utu uf j . rtori, '. .a rn ani-ftr ... tii'ino h-tia finm Into otofa ri)1i(vn.1 it rontulti . . , , . ,, . , outside, being unable to gun admittance. llev. N. Murray, I. 1)., of Klizabcth - , t0ffn v. j preached a most tlooueut . SCrmon worthy and characteristic of Kirwau" after which he read the dedi- catory formula. It has not been our for- '. "f a sermon, as ou the prcscut occasion, ' wLicU was VK'"'S rr'liP!'!ly to the effect- ivc course, and partly to the exceeding - ly comfortable aud well arranged pews. At 3 o'clock, P. M., llev. Alfred Xovin, ! D. of Lancaster, preached an iustruo- I tive sermon ; nud at hlf past seven, llev. S. S. ShtdJcu, of llahway, X. J., preached a sermon to the young men. I The ministers present, in addition to ! .. . mclltiouej. wcre Kc i)r. j Watson, of Milton, llev. Howard Malcotn, D D., Rev. Prof. T. . Curtis, llev. Prof. George It. Bliss aud Bev. It. A. Pink, of Low'mLurg, all of whom, with a single ex ception, took part in the ceremonies. The subscriptions aud collections taken vast amount of money that has lately been subscribed toward other churches, aud to .1 . .IT I -, , the Court it. )use, L uiversity buildings aud . . ?. -"""j j--, - v- diJ remarkably well, and they have sincere q ii)U u tbdr j nlit v We were plvascJ lo sec present manv 1 1 ' familiar fact s frttia tlo iuterior of the . , w . .... ; cuuuty, ana ubO irum tua nciuboring counties. j Dedication at Forest Hill. j On Sunday last, a new and very neat house of worship was dedicated to the wor . ship of Almighty God, at a somewhat pnp- uloUS part of West Buffjloe township, in ! this county, ten miles west from Lcwisburg. It has been built by the united effort of the people iu that vic'uity, and is to be free to all denominations of Christians, llev. Mr. Kieffer of the German Reformed , cclical Association, and Creinuton ol the b ' ,, , . Methodist church also addressed the assent- i i I r 1 i- 1 1 bly, the former in the German laosuase. I ? t o ihecrowo in attendance was very large, ' - ' '. i.i ... i r 11 1: ' u.iuuwu v wutf.u bu w. uitaiui j j occasions. A neat fence encloses the yard, aud a beautiful open grove in front fur-j nisbes a convenient place to fasten the horses. The building committee Rev. Peter Heiss, Amon II. Lutz, aud S. Ileb- ' y Lave thowo ,od tast Bnd ccon. O C ' T)je WiQ COat Js about Ono TUou C0M. ffa?"Dr. A. Myers, formerly of Union ! couuty, is acquiring quite a celebrity, at Lojiansport, Indiana. We extract the following frutn the Ligansport rhntos, of; the 3d inst, which shows the efficacy of ; lr. M's recently invented tape worm trap: j " Mrs. E. II van. of Fort Wayne, about n- e I 1 1. ill:.,.l years oi age, nau uueu oeveieij uiiin.tt.-ti for 4 yrs with a sensatiou in the stomach as ! though there was some reptile moving in i """g ,uat llme sho was treated lor " various diseases by numerous Physicians I of skill, 'oil by several lor tape worm. n...:. ,.f n. .,' e..J... t,.ii,. i icimjui oi.i-.jto. u " I'ltot-cit .v, vo rcmoval cf parasite from the human stom-1 i ...... . v , 1 ac" Mr- K' canl ,0 thls 1'laeed 1 herself under his charr?e Within two 1 , -uargc. w liuin iwo weeks, I'r.M. removed from her stomach : . .-... ,.., ... fl,. ., ani i , ,,. , ; diameter, and relieved her of 'all her sufTerii). iu.stcad of a:ravating it as Itad . . . ' . - cc been tho result ot previous treatment she 1 i Lours to nrcnarc lor retiriu? at meat: I and after bciug assisted into bed, an equal I length of time transpired before she could lie down aud often she was deprived of sleeps for nights together. Frequently . fbe oulJ w,a'k tu fl'-'0' until d, because unable to lay down without the . - .- at n most excruciating pain. Mrs. Ryan s own W0rj3 arC) th;it ,ier EnfTorings were eoeh that she often prayed for death to relieve them." Mrs. R. supposed she swallowed the snake, which was apparent- ly of the water species, while drinking from a spring in the evening at her for mer residence west of Fort Wayne. She left the care of Dr. M. for homo, feeling as though she was saved from worse than death." lay-A Cincinnati editor has been compa- ring notes in regard to the lateness of the present season, nntl the following table shows the result of bis observation : Avtrage Peach in blossom, April 8 Currants flowering ' 15 Lilaeh iu full flower, " 18 Apple Tree, 20 Dogwood, " 20 He observes also that iu 1857. May 1 " 15 " 20 " 15 " 25 strawberries, wnich wcre only in blossom on tho 25th ult , were, in some seasons, nearly over at that period. Such is the case in Ohio, and the result in this State is nearly the Mn,e Boston, Juno M. The Kansas cor- rcfP0Doenl 01 lue "oun,al l0" lUB Itco state men ol Lawrence, at a conven . , , , , , ,, ' , . , receLtly held, boldly refused to b( v. ' Oe i assessed under the bogus laws of the sham T.eltt.iar. .ml Fan. the Marsha! rnr 1 Lrrislature. and Fane, the Marshal, sent 1 make the atsesfmtLt?, was ordered to j LEWISBURG CHRONICLE j A Dm.uok in the Staim. Our latest ' celestial iutcllijiencc, says au exchange, is . , ... . ... , . .. , i th9 I""-' ! hy a (leiuirc. ana the wicked n J. fa ' ., ., UC VI-llCU iuhaliitauta ' CUl OH even as llie ".SOD3 01 Oai earth" were cat off iti the Jays of Noah. The telescope tells us that the third ring, which in fluiil, - 11 . - ,1 I T . nf l . . 1 apm. v ucjiiu iuu giuuc ui mc j-iauui.. V'A k.l nlu.lo.l L.tt T.i.vt.liv fift.ivnrif-in f tut. Ssrttiiei.'o ...tii!.! rinrr r.r t ., ' V , , V ... J some other exceedingly "damp institution, ! was about to envelope our planet. For ' the space of ten or lifleeu niiuutes.the raiu descended iu torrents that surprised the "oldest inhabitants" the thunder appear cd heavy enough to knock the bottom out j of the clouds, and by the way the rain , came down, who doubts but such was the ' esse? The new "improvement' bridge ! j over Cherry alley, at N. 2d street. ! found to be ouly half large enough for the occasion one halt ol the water got thro it, the other half got around nheievtr it COUld. j t-jrls Litk. Johu M. Hess, a d:iy ; or two ago found a pocket-book coutuiu- i ing some five hundred dollars, which a , gentleman, in the amplitude of his bencvo- j lencc, or for some other reason, had do- j posited in .'Ir. Its coach. 1 ho owner was telegraphed, aud no doubt showered blessings in abundance upou honest coach- tliou, (olograph!, ct ot. JfcjyGov. Walker, the wholesale butch er of Nicaragua, is tramping through the ! Southern States, where he is lionized as ! thouoli he were the greatest benefactor of I the a.'e. lllooJ and carnage annear to be I ,il(.n4-.ui;!.r(lti!.l1tof Southern cLivalrvf! i . - j ' H 'Ll.'Wvri !'!!! t'hrotlir IIW r'tl Ctirril . AlIU-Di; , ii,.. iriiini iioi iiii ..ii ieriiii ui. ji.iiic..ivrr.iiiiriii.-.i i .,....-. iu,..!...u,i..-hi.j..:..-irii.i.i!.e i.,u,..h u i .,t i!l0 i..t r.m.rk:.i,:... t.,i;vur.i .-i,in.in, .2,-a i, lt n.u.. I 1,1 P,'trirtiJi tit 1 1 1 - - ut Utr t-t-'tti h. n if a ronl wer I I.. inL.lrnMli t. 'Mlv Nrniin.1 if He u fmif in it ,.11 v in . ,,f wt uvun -n i. iiy iiirtri ss, m.i. to : ii-,. Lis nn,.Ti.rc-i..n III.-tt ,.i Us-ntn.. irks.niiM In him - in tii montu f !. iuti-ri.t-t in -nium. u-.-a tnium I HuiI.twvV Tilii. Within thr.- wrrk- tl r.-.tftt.T all Hie wii-tm-i ij T.n.i i. j. n-i.i .nr j I M-. iirri u. Hii'l In- lii ri"W a- rnlm.t anil aruiv m any man ! lii-Ti-iim III all Mnrvbii'l. F.ir .li-.ir.l- r.-"I llu- .-I. ma- u livrr anj uiiwt'!-, thr i'.lls art- 111-- only rt-liahlf rt-uit-ily .n vsi.lrn.-i. ! It has bt-mue an r.-L-tl-lili-J f.ti-t that Ir. Satifirt'9 tin iiiorator aillriirr Lit.-rr-.iiiilnint..lauiiii-r anjtl.-n-I i-ral Wlility. .Many h-oiI- ri.T.-.iiiall.v ktx-wu to ns.wn. j w.ir-i c-ttiuol Im- Jt.ul.Tol. have irivi-ii lli.-ir i-rlili--ali-rt to 1 1-niTe tlii-.all-l a illi m:i-Ii a lllal i-t i-l- tii-. a Iioran.lou'it. I It id trnlv tilt- imi.li.1. tri..o.l n.l a OI n-li.-t u h.. n't othrr rtui.'-lii- f-ol au l in soiul. in-l:mi-.-a thai have riiiu.-iinjerouri locrvatiiiu ilM-t ini J lli-ni.-aU0ol .-ual-h Ini; iln Ti'-liin frmn lh" eravo, km wi-li all our n-aili-ni mho liv-itl unslii-iue would try one bt.ttlc.lor it wiilsur.-ly iriTM rt-li.-f. -TIti-re are l.-t.ty of yoim trentlemen ad well an I I'h lily of oM i-nen, h .ie l ear-ls are tiiruini; eray.a liii h civen the f- mi -r a irrettt deal ol uiiea-iiii -s.aiiil i K.oeii the age of the lall.r. To avoi l lhee lillle ieri.letities we a-lviiie nui-h of our rca-ier-to une I'r.if. W-ti-1'a Hair 1 lletoralive, ahieh wi!l, in Ihe eour.ie of a few Weeks, i ehaiii;,- the hair t- itii natural eolor. It ilno. notilye the I hair like tint uuot of lour reetoratjve.a, hut proilue'-. a ' Taltl:il rhane i-reolor from the roots tif the hair to tho hual en-1. anit itires it a line and nlos.-v a-p.-arane. We liirnu..ii I...HV ,u.,-u.i.. ul... I.... it Kii...M.r.,tir I'mntmncei u m iiviuveiniouaiiii niia-ictiineup to th. ir idea of a -t-ur.-f. i irray lieats." Wecommeced "-i"-' it nt-mt io m-mtiis .iu-e, ami if we arear.y jmiee ofaeaud lieautv. it lots ma le ua at lea.t ten year. ymrer : in t-t re k.-Simiiis t-i t. qutu- ioi M ?-r? ntrh lltr-tuutg , yum TlH( i-han- is nnrau!oii. and it ..um i-a. -iittiruii totini ftWfcoW-niklTOtW KV'.rSf.r1nW j Rom? youns wulnw-i, whon." it.fk- an- jut tnrioiiinz to njj.yu. H nxrv hue. aul who havn In--.. t-ilk.int; mti "l V;,.-!; e advise them i l.'Mit Herald. ViTi Sii;.7i'.is iumm in v. 11 1 .ta -r..(-aran nirerlly ar-or-jins lo the rule, ot i i'haruiiicv- ainlt lo-tiii-irv.anl is th-- te-t aii-1 ni- -t artive r-rejeiratioii a hVhrun mnile f .r tln-rore i-f Ivsenses "f th- IliaiMer. Ki lney.t. (iravel, lir-ip-y, W .-akn--.--., Ae. I1--H.1 the ailrerti-.-iiient in au.-iii.-r column, beaded llelmhol I'. (Jetitline I'rej.atatioli C'urrerttd Wcrlilq Wheat... 1.70 to 1.75 r..js... 3 10 Rye Corn Oats Flaxseed 85 SO 50 Tallow Lard Racon Ham Shoulder... ll 15 .10 1,25 Dried Apples, lluttcr 125 IS Cloverseed C,00 M VI. I IT FI on Tn.f iaT m irnim.-. l.tn inst., i v n . Pr. Wataon, IiAMKl. 1.. lll.l.l.ll.of Winona, tliniiesota li-r. aim K, JZA N ..daiiihter of It 11 l-aird, of Lotvi.l.iirn.r.. v.-rr many oi d wishes aicmnany the amiable bride 't" mnd .Mi8,sAiiAii wi tmkk. i-.th . t vn Trevert..u. ',tJon ami iin wka i.. innsr.v.of ti e r mi. ri ia.e. m the i.-u, iu-t .i it. v. n. a ymk. j.hixwknskl, Jr..an-iMi.-s MAI.ii i;Kr 111. Ill), all t l-ewi-l-iirir- ! r.t iter. s. ci i-hton. Tth in.t. .ik.-.-k milliams and Miss sAKAll ItiyKtLall of this eourtv. iw i: -v. s M,y si.u. w. in. ki: nt M,-- l.v in A zkkn. jun- 4ih. hknkv iium-kmiach and t.A1., Kl.,u;il .,,,.. t mmmlmmmmtmmmamimmm DtrU, cathann Hitter,' in ins ytii v-ar. t.. at -r.. Ii.'i.p.irinin til.Mfl, mr 1,1 ' "' T'1, ' "mcs we vny wmoo.ii. m eveiy description, from the W iikes-Barre and Sha-! mnkin mines. He has on hand an article of i very superior quality, such as is seldom brn't I to this market.which he will dispose of at the j lowest cash prices Coal weighed, and good measure warranted. sr I. oat exchanged Inr merchantable Country Produce of most kinds as well as for cash. Coal Yard at Tho's N'esbit's Lumber Yard on South Water street. Nov. 1!, 1S5U tf It. I. N'ESBIT. ISN'T IT SO! ARTHUR'S C M.rat.! .fll tir.ilmi Caita anl Jarx. an. I yi'it will havi- fresh fmit all Uia j--ar at SuuimiT firiivit. Full liinTtk.ii- for ruttinp up Fre6h Fruit lall kmjof Kruit anj Totnatowa. 'ai-f'iniiany thpw catiw and jara. j Tlit-y are nia-le of Tin, Maf$, jut nrwnr. trnU Ftre ariW Acid 'ijn' M-nr H'-irr. Tb ei-i are ; from .intu to pillnns. T.i.- cau antl jarn nrp entirely open at tli tniH'.aod T!T. to Bvcure cccuuniy m tr.iii-.'orUtlion. j l-'or x' ly i'tiTi"-! thro' !mit thf LiuUd Slate. I Iv-ritie rtrcolara cnt on j.ippli.-ation. -rd.rfl from thv trlf M.lkittl. ( tfuritoiink forArthtiT." lt ha" stood the test of two a lilrinl of th'u."aod9 of familial-. tio b'l and bcardiuc hous. k-ixm. t Wt ar uw uukiuK tbvm for ; tin milii.'n. lArthur, Bitrnhara & Oilroy, ! .Iatiuf.rtnrer. un lerthe patrnt, jSuS. 117 k 113, Ji.Ti.ntbijl.Aror. t.i-ors,,. !.'mf.fis Fill T.ATKTrtl I A . IN WINTER BETTER THAN Sweetmeats. Executors' Notice. "TOTIf'E is hereby given, lhat Letters Tes tamentary on the last will ana testament oi JOSEPH STOTTS. late oi iveny township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, by ihe Register of Union county, in due form of law ; therefore, all persons knowing themselves indebted lo said estate. arc requesicu to mawe lmmruiaic i.-uicu., .. . .. I...,;.. i.,ri.l,imt geointl th can. I Bllll IHOSI lldVllif, jiwivm.'.iJ " are also requested to present them properly authentica'ed for settlement. MMTKL is POTTS, SAMl'L! PI'KF.L & WEST BIIANCII FAUMEJWUNE 19, 1857. tMPftDVKIw.&.VrS.' TN coiiseuuenceol the terrestrial revolutions I .. - :.. I M .l... ........ l!lt II. 1 K'MUK Oil (II 1IIHCI .11. unci aiiK.-,, v. - .... . SMITH BRO. are Compelled to the youiigMammoihUinhing Emporium up to it'll ilour below Walls' old Mammoth Store where, with better accommodations, we are preparedly sell CHKAPHK THAN EVER. Call and see. June B, 1S57. ' ' A I i ! r nil E Stockholders ol the Lewisburs Sav- j jngs nslilutlim are reiuested to meet at ! the olliceof saidlustiiuiioii, on sti ua the Jili nl June, w here, between the hours ol !t and :i o'clock, an election will be held for thirteen Directors for the Lewisburg Bank, t serve until the reiiil.ir annual time li.r the holilin? of elections for Bank Directors. I.ewuburg, May 27, 1S07 OS. L. YODKU.l'niPlit'alWiittlima- rv. Silver Ware, 1'ianos, .Melodeous and bheet Mu-ic. ' All kinds of Clocks and Watches repaired and warranted for one iear. j Se't;HlfS to suit any eyes for sale, and n-e 'las .es inserted in old frames. I.ewisbur;, June 4, 157. LEWISBURG PLANING MILLS, i u i i ( it the new establishment, east ,i.'f.mi-&ie!!il of the Bridge.) manufacture .(BSSt-Sio order or have on hand rea-!y-tUnslKxi worked FlooriniJ .Siding. Sholvin:; and all kinds of HrfSM.'ll I.llllllXT tor Carpenters' and Builders' use. Ue are also prepared to I' I. AM-: and K l'. SA W Boards, 1'lanks, Joists Ac. Scroll Sawinc to order also shutters. Blinds, SashAV'indow and Door Frames, Cornice Moulds, Brackets and Moul dings of every description. A superior article rf Joint shingles on band, and we intend to keep a good supply of Joists, Stud line, Shin?- ! 11112; and rlastfring Lath Ac. lor ontsi le ana inside building purposes penerally. J. II. llli:tKKllKi:KKK. 1 JV pri ll. I.. I.ll UI KM II.M.tK. , tl- is ril A'S WKTZKt.l., Huihal, n,l. lit. May J7, is:,7 i ivi:itsin at m:m ishi ru. "VJ'Orit'E. Subscriben to llie Buililme X l Fund are respectfully informed that the Second Instalment on the subscriptions is now tlue and pavable. J. A. MKUTZ, Ksq., is appointed Collector, and aulhorizftl to ron-ive and receipt for the same. A. K. BK1.L, ieneral A;ent and Treasurer I.ewisbur, May 1, ltf."7 faoud .cns! (.outl!! T Sfhrever & Stm have rm-ivoil their tl t second supply of Spring and Summer Woods. They invite the attention of the La dies, in particular to their assortment of SPJ.KNDID DKBSS GOODS. New Clothing Store, at I lie old it and. I-JIIII.IP GOODMAN having purchased the Goods, Ac, of A. Siiiiier, at the well known Store room, opposite Klines' Hotel. and having made large additions to his stock from Philadelphia, respectfully offers to the old friends and patrons of the establishment, and to the trading community in general, ihe Largest, Cheapest, and best asuortmer.t, (for cash.) ULutiioa w. . K . .ua.s0 ever ofTered in the West Branch countiv. ; at4 ve,ts panis. Hats. Caps. Shirts. Draw- . . , . . . . t- - , t. II,.! TS, l niuitriltlbf idiitci, "atj'u uapJ, noun- keichirfs. Ac, BOYS' CLOTHING. and everything usually sought fur in a l lofli- iig Store. Call and give us a fair trial. Lcwisburg, May 6, 1nj7. Great Excitement ! MONEY LOST! T is now universally conceded that the pur chasing ol any article o: Goods tor private or familv use. and the paving thereon more ihan a fair pnolil. is money lost ;" the under signed, therefore, has just opened, iu his AX II -1-YZ) COMMODIOUS HOUSE, on the corner of Fourth and Market Streets, Lcwisburg. a splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, for Ladies as well Gentlemen, consisting, in part, of the various styles of Dress Silks, lierege De Laiues, Bereges, Poplins, Lawns, Brilliants, Tissues, Kinbroideries, Collars, l.'iiderslecves. Handkerchiefs, Trimmings, Gloves, Mitts, together with A fine l.wt of Domestic (.ooits, Prints, Muslins, Ac. Also, Iteady-Madc Clo thing, CLOTHS, CASHMERES. Vesiings, Hats, Cravats, Linens, and a line fresh selection of sl um;, vofff.e, molasses. Tea., Cocoa, Cheese, in large or small quantities. FISH by the quarter, half,or whole barrel. SALT by the sack or bnshel, and, in short, almost everything ttr.nallv kept in our Mores, can be found at this corner, and all of which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICE or exchanged for Country Produce. Ail he asks, is a Fair Trial; Quick Sales Small Profits and Prompt Payment, B'BBajIK of a Pwr Ul fr(,n the arl MlI,s not priMiiu! any closer than the mills furnish in tins region, and quile as goo., if m.l supe rior, which ran be tested by osbtiuj..,, sold hi large or small quantities. ALEX. AMMONS. Lewisburg, Pa .May 2, '57. Executor's Notice. "aJ"OTICE is hereby given, that Letters Tcs Jl tamentary on the last will and testainrnt of Mrs. NANCY VANVAL7.AH, late of Milllinburg, Union Co, deceased, have been granted to the unt'ersigncd, by the Register of Union county, in due form of law ; therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment,and those having just claims against the same are also requested lo present them properly authenticated for settlement. S. s. BAKUKR, Executor. Near Mifllinbnrg, May 5, 1H07 Notice to Collectors. riHE Collectors of Union County will pro- cced to collect and pay over the taxes for iri;')7. The abatement of five per cent, will be allowed on STATE TAX op tn Julv 9th. R. II. LAIRD, Treasurer of Union County. CLOCKS. Wsilrlion, and Jewelry, next door lo iragriPrathc Post Oiliee Cheap for Cash. A. E. DENOR.MANDIE, Ag't. Lcwisburg, April "I, 1851. DRESS GOODS ! Plain Black and Fancy Dress Silks, Tissues. Berages, Shallys, Robes, Lawns, Brilliants, Granadines, Ac. Also a lot of Parasols, (rxtra Black) and Fancy colors, just ree'd and for sale by May SI. Goodman At Chamberhn Dr. I. Brugger Dr. J. F. Harvey TT CMfTOrATHIC Physicians, J 1 re.irh Md' M i'k S'.he'i-err! i:h & f' I EWF-prf o, F.' , NEW GOODS! fpjTl.' IM.if... in hii.- (iotiik. I'llMll ' : I a .-oo . ..... , . ! ,,, ,,ave tf amu,ice ,o the public that .hey , comi.lele stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, e mbraring every variety of Ladies' and (ient's Summer wear such as Chiths, Cassimeres, I. men Goods, Vestinqs, tiinhams. Calicoes, Silks, B.-raftes, Berajse Delaines, Sballeys, I au-ns, Mii-lius, a l.ir?e assortiuent of EM BKOIDIOKIKS of all kinds, JJuunuls, lilts, and Cups, also a Iare assortment of CARPETS, SALT, FISH, 1-, ly on hand. Farmers and Housekeepers ar- ri'.i-r.-iri.ltv inTila to .x-imii rnr aaortni-nt of t.i;vi;t.KlkS.'t:iitt;kLliY. im.-im.k. v' tux HAh t, a.- , au.l are .ali-ti- I tl at you mil m-J rvltiine. of ihe best ijualily, you may tl.-jire, at tho uut no.li rate rate.. Mir tiih..d were aeleele.l with unusual rare, are! we Uli. v.- will Ih- fouii.lol 'the very tl, an.li l-r tlieiiinlitv I an fU;i a- llo-y ean r-aollalily lie oll.treil at any other store on llie W. -t llran- ll. We ri--i-ettully iuvite our o!-l cuf-t.imers to call an l ai-e nur 1-lu. k. ami e are ure we call meet vonr wantit anil ta.-ti. I KUULLt Lakeu aa mual- ' ..I sV never rr.,..., LKW IS IHIiIN'.- le-ai-t.urir. April. 1V.T AAl.oN K.WfclKI.. ;ouIiii:iii j, ( lianilifiliti HAVE received tlit-ir rejular supply of SrWNQ AND SUMMER GOODS, which theyillrr to the trade at the lowest pos sible prices. The Mock includes every article usually found in their line iuiy cooks, c Ron: R ik?, QUEENS WA'lK, HARDWARE, SALT, FISH, Ac. Ac. They invite af.entiou to their assortment, and will endeavor lo saiisly customers, iu quality and price. I.ewisburg. April ACKEREI. in whole, half, quarter and eighth bids, Shad. Herring andCodtisli ,Ih l.v ;.K-!iuan v I liam'ierlin. 8 l'J Alts Crushed, While, Brown, &c. Syrup and Molasses. Coffee, Java and Km, hy toM.linaii A I hamU-rlin. " 1.ACK Tea, a superior aiticle,also, Voung J Hyson and Imperial preen teas, by lirMvimim & rhatnleTltn. "I ) KASS and p ircelain Kettles, Slew pans, J Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hi-es, Itakes, . lli nntl Sin-atliii, e., 1-v Oilman .1 't.:itnl. rl:n. CllDAK Churns, Tubs, Pails, Wa'.er Cans, Washboards, Ac, by (l-o.linan & C!,:.niberlin. 1I.O I lls, Cassimeres and Vtsiihss Hals, ap s, tVc, a hue assortment at UixntmanA 1 ham!ierl:n. LOOK THIS Wtl! j xotici:.' notice:: sotwi:::: HAVI.Nfi just returni'd from tlic Cily : with an unusally large Slock and well seb cte.l, and am now prepared to sell goods lower than can be bought elsewhere ou tins i side of Philadelphia. ilardware ! Hardware ! ! Hardware ! ' ! .i!ll Xalls Locks, Latches, Hingca, Screws, Glass, Puny, Paints, Oil in fact, riri) f hint! you may want to build your self a lirst-rate house or barn twentv per I . I I nr lln-i MCf lll'fiirt.. 'IfllS li.V7t. ' 7 'A i i tcti tiAKI'UNTHI.S.here yon can r't the cele brated Greenfield Planes, Spear A J ieksoti's hand, tenon and rip Saws, Butcher's, Beatty's ! and Bra !v's Chisels and Plane Irons, patent - and common Braces. Brace Bats, Augers, t s piares, Guagos, Irtin Screws, Compass Saws, ILttnond's llainiucrs, Ac. Isiai'ksiniths'f roil MOS lliO ALL ! KINDS -Bar, Sco!lp, Tyre, Oval, Koun.l and 1 Siiuare Cast Steel, Spring anJ Knplish St. el. i-cs. Anvils, Hollows, St rew nates, etc. A , 3 Forks, Carvers, Spoons, Kettles, Lamps, l an dle.ti.-k.. -,,:r. e ililiii. iiil.-l.-ll... Mai-.. Pan., luwln. tc. MM. I. l:rtl: ton will rj-nl all the above with a irrtut many dure ml the UaKl.it m asn ln-'S Sr-.i of Jo.-Kl lt M l AliI.KN. In Ihe old Or.illt.M ilar.l. l.f'lVl.-IU IUi. T. THIS li ll! IMS tt.tJ-' LATEST SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES ! j nlKSII & OH.se iiavins recmed their lil si C.OOlI lor 51, ; would invite the at'entmn of both Town and . Country to Iheir carefully selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. &c. of ihe latest styles and best qualities, adapted I tn the season and to the wants of the coinmu tntv and of the times. I t"s? Call and see for yourselves and be convinced ihat their Store is the place for Bargains! They take much pleasure in show ing Iheir poods, but more in pleasing iheir customers by giving good trade. Lcwisburg, April, I'-M THE LEE-HIVE! THE "oM Mammoth" ahead .Not- -L withstanding the cold winter and the late spring, J. & J. WALLS have received and arc now opening an unus ually large and well selected stock ol" SPUING & SUMMKIl GOODS, Consisting partly of Cloths of every grade, plain, black and fancy Cissuneres. a beautiful T:iri.-ty of Vf3tiii:s-. llaiiau Uutliff, Jvaua, TweeUa aud ruiuliitT w.-ar, also Ladles' Dress Goods, .tii-h an Silk. Tissitf.. ltt-lainx. Horr... I'rinl.. Whit lo-ls.iiini;iiaiim. I uil.roi.li-ri. rf. l:.liU-u., llu!it.r.v.i;ii'vvt, M.-at-lit-tl an-1 1-rowu Xtolinit. Irish Lint-ii Slmala, ainl STKAW GOODS of eTt-ry vari-.-ly aiol style also a tint tt-lt-t-ticn of jJaudwake, Qukexswap.b, Cedar and Willowwake, Ukooms, Ac. Ac. tuitui to alt the want? of the fs-o'le a sui-cib lot of Jlr. Ap.s all t hich th-y c-lTt'r to thf ir ruitoin'r at unii.iUMlly It'tr riricf.. 4inin and othi-r Country I'mhi tak'-n iu excliiiu-: for Uuodn. Leah-turn, Ajiril, 1-v 7. Sunday School Teachers. SI PKKLN'TKNDENTS, Ac, noiice, lhat at the People's Aew and Cheap Book, sta tionery and Periodical trUore.a general supply rf 1 1j' anday tfi-bot'l t'nittn l'u' l;-att'ns itl hr mn-itant ly kfptuu band, and dd at the ratai-ue iri-. j.-t hat yi u Im.f t" p'-v In I'liilad- lphia f r them. and then h:T to pay the frti-ht ailditional. t.i'ttiii the in frt-ut Ui ytiu cart' tlio fu iht. and ran make the -telff li-na to tuit nurHd.fi1. will ulw supply the Anierk-au Trart aS.i-if'lvV Pn-'lit-alit'ii. and uunv ctli. r.at thf fain.' rait. All iuHtit d a-w-d lifliiriou Hook of any atyie . r :ix ety. at tht most n aonahlr rat.-t civ.- u" a rail ; w. li nn ninny on hand, and a numl-r td eataloeaca tn t lrct tr -ni : surb a? we mi-rtit not haTe. wr would ?.fiiri' a ith, the utoiotdispalrlt. The attention the o nfem h-fitf-en fi-r years t the Ttl h"l.O':ifAL J'El'AX! T ha." tieeurt-rt it ample fariliti. 9 tn npp'T tit Clfr-'r m ilh an thin.- Ib-y miht want, and at fair raU'. VVf 1. pj th.'tic hint may b.- ni"ptlidt"d b by an esh-ndin ot p;tt r.'tt.i 'v tr"m ttfu-e who would hity at low ratt-s.anl wru.d ha.e'a cbfi aut vain ihle Botk fbre tlourifh in vitr burg. ituyl'71 1' A 0. WINFIELD FACTORY ! .oir Ilai'lletOII, t:nioa Co., Fa. THE subscriber, thankful gfi for past patronage, would inform his friends and the public in gene ral, that he continues to manufac ture all kinds of Woolm Goods, such as Cloths, Cassimeres. Tweeds, Sattinelts, Jeans, Blankets and Flannels ; also. Carpet and Slocking Varus. His machinery being of the best kind in use, and having employed the r n,km.n It. f,lc c.ifp in Ra 1' in " 1 .. . , . . i,. -,rnct..l .u that his work shall not be surpassed by j any establishment m the country. A good sup-1 nlv of the above Eoods kent constantly on hand e 3 . , ' . t - . .... for sale or lo exchange for wool, at prices ; that can not fail to please. WOOL will be j Carded in the best manner and on the shortest ' notice. Terms for card-ngr, cash en the de- j In ery of the mils. MARa HALM't..Mf. Winfield Mills. M-rch 30, !57. OR SALE - a 1 Wc:ti' Cr-C"t-1 ai Ti.; im a:. 'ui. 1 :-t t. Bar-t aa M KDIt'A I. HKKOIl-M. MII.IKKSMM, Prai-!Wnsi rhy icuii un i Sur'iti.tt'illaN'i p.iy pRrii.-ul.ir atir-iit;,ii ti CUnMiic lieisfa, such ; as i.iit-r C'fipl.i'ut, lyppia, i!r..n liiii-, i 'i'hroat lI:tr. T'oiiuinptn-u wht.-n nol lo . f.ir aivam:fi, AstLiili. 1'iles. Khurnari tn. 1 Scrot'u!.!, While Sw.-:;iii7.li"i'y.S:ck ilra.l- ;cht St. Xiwn Dtn. t-, r";l.S.i.e Kys, Cau I cers. Tumors Llcm, Kftiption, A.r.t aNo ' Female ctnnplaints, a-; jrro:ipsiu I tT. (.faM- ; , ing ol "lh? womb.) atij all i. titer complamls uf . the sel offtfrrv naraeauJ fwnu. Mirslol ihr atrtjttf l- n' !ni..liii u urn'-l-, iI nt-iw uv to IM. v.tTt tln-." f Iriiuil'- K-rIinu C"tit;..--iit that i.t Iv Bllc-ftli" lalDT un Vir? ! tfnrml. 'hutin cu-t I 91, ut- -f ten ')! filtn tc.r' utan'.inflti.'-i ml'ur:t-!if ran b'- r. Iit-I. nJ r-oi i."-ni l Ty b- l-ifti uu th lit, j it.. t.-rTii '-if cot curnl kt r ii- vr J, u'j Cvtu. u-atiun U j ilfiu:tn( tl.' j lr. b..l;.'iIIAMraJiilr! tl.- r.-!-tV M-li.l r..t Ifje ol t ill. i mi at , li.-iTiit ' fii.-t "'n.lf l old (.r All-. ( mitl.tf -v-t.-m in riii!.-l h! i. nft.rv. anls fhf :rrtiii"l or 1I -Pt-ni n;--I rati ii lh-. -t-m u-'-f ml the iu 'ii- im a t.t tit- f ii..r vr A : I- athir ft'-Hi.i-inri-t ; C:il'm I, Arnfrfi:-. Atitii-ionv, an l I::-lin?. ttr ( t. tti-r :.j.-m.- ha.inr l--ii l "-r -i hut it a"., - in . hrw.H- ih. in Hit trilu iht.- iin-tUi in rtfrf th.- I'-tani'- --li'- ! li-t kl--.ii t- .t::v ..tiit-r -vulfiii : tli- t(iipr-..-m :t l " t!tf llv.iro.,.lli;i-. H u.i-.:t.ii.,.- an I Tl.--iiiH,iii:.ti .a- 1 t. llM. 1 ItlS tVft.ll.i! i- itll (l ,ti ejii-.-i, aui tiio Nfw j S.v,l uii.i.- with tlf '. 1 .n il uiCviD N. iimu.-'L - - - i.t.ttisBU;J. ; j ryllV. miIutIImts oilt-r fur s;tli', at 1 lit .1. l.-ewisburg FnunJry, iu laree or small ' iJilatititjoN. ( loo.oiKi feet dry llnnlork Joists. Sca.-itliu;-, . and riatik, at ej per tht.usnnd. fid. ooo S!iin'.'le. at n,;.n per thousand. D.oou ft-ot small B:iil l:ne 'i'niitier. ! Also a lot of I'm- and Hemlock BOARDS, l.'.uls and Fence ll-iar-is, on accommodating , terms. f.'KDDKS. MAKSH 4 CO. ; Lewisburi;, .May 1", ltV HOUSE BUILDERS, rilAKE .i)TICE '. The iiinl.-rsifn.-d ar. I appointed Agents for the sale of Hours, i:i.nls .V WIimIuiv -;:.li of all sizes, ma le of the best material. .Ml work warranted. rV'Made l,y L.B.SI'HOL I', lluliesvil!e, I'a. and f. r sale bv bill (TlKISTtV CAI.DVVEl.UI.ewisb'i; Wew PHOTOGRAPHIC ART Gallery li .ItJ'i.V.V lll.ofK, Uu-Ulurg. i AMIiHOT.TES MKLAIXOTYPPIS! i:. I MOHKV, illl-l. VMBKOTVPL'S and Melamotypes Dial 111 the most beautiful stylo, ol the art. Trie Melainotvpe is a new process, taken on a prepared Sheet Iron Plate, and for bril liancy and vigor of tone is unsurpassed by any oilier known process. S'.cp into the GalN-iy, examine specimens, and jud.-e lor yt-tir -elves. ( Prices to sun liic Uines Satisfaction guar antetd. I Km m in Amnions' Block, srcon l stor-v, eniraio e on Market street. April 17 i Rich ami Rare ' r S the larire anJ choire asvortinrut of new Sprin? ami Siuhiiht 4oo! now arr.wiig at the well kuurtu Corner Sut.c : 1 BEAVER, KREMER & TI'CLURE. Call and see ! I.ewisburg, Apr.l 1- , JUST OPEFwIfiG. ! r"piin snWiihers are now receiving a Inre i I ar.d well selected slock t l Spring & Sumiiier Goods, j embracing every thins usually ca'i.J for it I Town Store also a laree assortment of 'a!l j Pattr wh.oi. ai otfy. ' ci.upcr LUaa iter , T.r r;ls:i iTt'hiiT, IT . o c. ;j a.-,ioa 111 ai the 'Nehane store -t' BKOWN" & KITTLR. Lewisburz. April 17, 1": CLOTHJNG ! Thinfe not that we 're bthinJ the time. tr if Jim il". ju-t n -:d the- I n : VV e t. l.yiHI.M.. the lost tl.al'e 1- Y- f un I, All wiirriUlt-sl uia-h. v.h. aj', auJ juuJ '. tt -I L AVINfi cncuJeJ to continue buihfs Leu isburir, the Miieribtrs have ihrrcfor laid iu a tine aiid lare asurinnMit ol R"a.!y Made t'loihiiii and tienfs rurna in liuods, whit-h we intend to s!l cin:ri:K nii i:i:ri j Our M,ck cpuists oi tine l iack, blue and '. 1 brown cloth Truck and Iross I'oats.t'aissiincr ; Coats of all descriptions Pants and Vests of, I everv kind you can think of JfA'I'x CMi'.N.bhirt i'oliars. Puckc! and eck H ikfs, j Trunk, Caryl JSuys, t wfmt'f.ts, .. at the lowest Cuv pn-'e-:. T 2 All in want of anihm in our line n iil rleaL to give us a rait, and we will try lo suit you. j E Vt'lolhing made lonrdor with neatness and ; Lewisbur?. April, 1S.V j Wew ArrAn2ements---jNew Goods! I 1 OSEni L. II having takon Hit' J well known SFYKLU T s'fDlLF.. has 1 I refitted it, and filled in an extensive variety of J' ttf, (I'mttmii u's Cluthimj, tW. : Also a large and splendid stock of CLOTHS j : CASSIMERES, Ac. which he will mjUe up In ! : orikr.as he still continues the Tailoring Bust- ; i ness. He is prepared to cxecu.e all woik i J enliust-'d I-1 his care, lo the saliataetit'ii of tho j - eu'tt'iiior. . X. B. Cutting and Repairing. 3 j done to : i order. Lo''otirg. Apul to, is.Vi . r 1- ) - r- i.y,-"7ff-' I C'AAl CL h hUl I I.h j "K DR. SANFORD'S irjVIGORATOR ,; B- t Ol' Uvrr llllly, t! proTMHKl TM I KK ANV VK THtt V-t.V.V 1VITII i 1 l.i-r t't'iiiplaiiit-. titii.-w U f ml ilfp-nttf (let-,, hii tht su-osi' lyottlf fill, with M-ar.f a .imj;i f,tiiur-, r- -t.-r- ih-- i-ftlii-ut t.- h- Uth and wi-'-T. WV lh to .-..II thf attfi-tion "f -it! N. fiw f.."t. thi.l tf tr-vi-..nt- r t rlii-"U:ita it I-ny-H't.iu ri" iu u--.i 1- id nn pr;i t..r tlf i-.-i-t leiy t :ir, w ith a iiir-'f j . ul (!.. aud that it in rntirfiy .itvt.hh. 1-nn: r"iiii4 ) -'f-zui!i5. 'm ldi-a tlK' ftrfna:lli - I .li. -.- u'liiH-t n. t bf f. ;ni. .l hfn it if k .,. n "ii.. I ttl-- f thf lm i,-or:.t..r ! dntntii miifh :r. nvth nf li'ifTlrt d d-cji t-f t'al,.. ' Uit'l ith- ut any tl lU dt h If rtou.i ttf-xt.-. ! OnM !! i-stl.f Fur-t thin tri'wn to rarry n:iy I j tin' I ndftvrts f uiirfnl pH.Hot! of any kind. " ' ! t'nly one 1 tt: i t.f!-l ihr" ut f the ay.tin i I thf f.h'ct 'd UHtlii inr nit. r a t'-n,; :ckn.ft.s. 4ui hotth- takt-n f r .tauiidl''1 rfinoi-.s ail jvlT-iwns J j cr HnnntuMl ri.h.r fr'-m th.- k u. : i t,tw d- aft-rfatitvi iit iricnt trcii-tr tcels mat h, j and prvTi ot the ton-i iim ri-tn and .uiji ,:. ! Only oncdo-f Ukfii I'-fie rf tirin- prr1( ,it- riL-!nRr' I tm"do-H- t;.k.-n at uighi ltx--fn! Ihf giully,ud : eurcsjoiM'tivt ur!'. I Out dof ink. n aftr t-arh moal t!l rur.- Iypp -1. d-i; vi tu Ifa .".-"jiwlui will ti'. iji r-Ii.tn- .-.tJ. I II.-a.la.-h-. ! l-.lt! t.il.-n f T f.-mIf f b-trn--li.n r.-ninTi Hi- ' t-iu-f if Ihf ti-vN. and makf a pt-rf. f t cur. niy fiiv dtH imni'diatfly rt'lu-' t.h.i whil? i Oii il.'ftf .dtt-n ii pfnlt-d N --inTiirf fiTl'h h raI' r 1 luia. anil 1 siir' prctfiitatiw't ot t'hf-Iria. I h d'si- t.ikn mlfii t-.it! ptffnt llw Ttfirfvnff cf til.-us attw ki. wbllf it tfiif -. all pi'iiitiii r flings. t v , On-vr two d""-tk-n x-u-t niij i.-- i i.e ft tli b t r-m'lia r n r.Id r-r known. Th"ii!.itid "f oiu-t f infamatinn and trt:.kn--f th Inn.;; U.it Un cut bv lb- ln:z-Tal'r. on' d ' Kt n h-r ttm h. t r- yivth i--r b the apprtitf. anil m ik'- f fxl diirf-t "l Hnr do.se idtt n rfp-Mbd rur.- hr- un; l'i;in h t-a in tt -..rt form?-', whiie ftirntncr and lowcl corujijiutK if I.J anft If thv fir.-t dj. tn- or two d"-r .-un at tv k filled bv Wortn. whM f.r wornic iu childrfn.lhfr- i u. urfr,alvr ait-I -i-f ih r r iif-ly in tut world, a it n-'-r Uil?. Th.rt if nn t'Xnj:stratiiu in thff staff tiKnt ; t!i.-v art plain ad M.h-r f"t. thit we ran nivf f . i-h n u pr- Tf. whikall who use itan. nmnslhfir uuauiinou U -mm uy I in lira ftttror. ( W wich all afinar airk and (Mwlitatfd to trtr tin r nwsly. Mifl lS- It thoroiizi;jy.an'l an u- ' u .fill .! i-T itii ll-r w. li. -Ill 1 like to h.ar fr. ID. . t to ttrar tr.-m Ih" first -.r-on wl.o ha tts.l a l.o(l!.i t Jmii,.,,,T wjlhul ,.,.D..,;t . ,ir. .r. ..kI. ai. ai bin; ni.ili-.inal in. . n. it. that all m- tu;it:. r lorgtu.j bav. bmii.-.-trj.if tiwir.i-mrtaiut.r.- Iroiu a tlerauttl Utr, will U- trn- Ct.t.l. it n .t n.tirtit curMl u sNy,.Kii a ro., rrrri-tw. ' a I. itn:ay, Nrw V..it. So!d by CHRIST 4 CALDWELL. ..:.' w. R-Mt-iwix. . FOB SALE CHEAPA cJ ."road X ha il IOP Hl.'0Ei' Ip.i;uir-of tf HP '"ALKEF, Ntih - i ' C. RAHCK, at law, Milflinbur?, AT, tti'Km:v n C.i.. Pa. ti' Ail professional bi sine - rnrri isied to hi rare, will b punetuallf ah t taitlilullv attended tj. June 1, "5 yl REMOVAL. LW itnl Musniliipnt Slu-k of 4 l i: I lOYHRIL t tH HDl.TZ & WACNEK hare elegaiitlr rei'oeil Hie si.-n-room formerly oceopied by '. Meii.-h, on Market St. Lear Third. whr they will ke. p on hand for sale th very bwsl of Cont'-etniiienes. Ttiy, Fruit, iotiona. A i unJ .Vre .' Lewist-ure. April 9. ISM John B. Linn, V'! -row ' i;:..ck, lOltMl. T l.tW-in Frick'i .Nt-nh ad Si, near Maikei, l.-Vt Isltllt;. 11. EH. KELLIKG'S ail4-r lllslilulr, for the Treatment cl ar.n is. I'um.irs, Wens. I'lrfrs. Scrofula, or any timu th t r Sore. Chrome Diseases pene rail) can be cured (if curable) without surgical op": alii n or pi i'on. For all particular writ, Mate di eases plainly, and euclose K4 cu for advice; Letters must have a postage stamp ehcl.'sed to pav answer. M.-diciiie ent any distance. A Vress C I. KFLI.ING. M D. M'-elinruesbur?. Cnmt-erland Co, Fa. MerlianI-.-l.urp i- S mil-, lrtim llarri- uri.n IbeC.V. ltailn.a I. aixl a re-Fti-ie Ir-jlu all I-arta f the Laloa. i! 1 iii.-l ti uf,-. --f r anti rieh. t-titte alt we will ijo yo ir To tl. m- tlthet.-l who ean not Ti.it ma perjf i..iliv. 1 aiil -,-ioi, i. r uool.r n ret-i.t of f.S only. awll to i.fe. itr.. Me.lL.-n.e t.lih full ltirecliou f. r u-e. Ac BUM all particular.. Aiarvi. as atxtve i.i:vis iviumw, RCIIITECT anJ BUILDER, I LEMSHVliC PA. '7 Olllce in the I'niversity Building 683 '!. ITrTilt anrl flrnamnta1 TrpM. The snbseriber has just received a splendid Collection of Fruit and Ornamental TREES, fr.im the rolebrated Nurseries of Llhcangcr $ Hurry. U-iehester, '. V. embracinsr the very best i ariom-s of Apples. Pears, Peachei.Pluma, t'herries. ADrieots. Nectarines. tiranes.Gooi.- j lemes, Kaspternes. Currants, s,fawberr.e. Large Horse Chestnut, Eurnpan Mountain A-h, Auierieau M-.untain Ash, Sugar Maple firstn-tt plai.tiii". Lver blooming Rose, and a splendid colleciiou of Bulbous and other Flftrorjog Kants. VsT Nursery Gri un-K on the farm of JV F. Linn Hbq. on the T.irnpike, wnhin half a mile of Lewistiiirg. All orders ad-tressed 10 HENKV K Nl i.L,A'l tor J.M11KHILL LINN", w ill r-eeive strict attention. 'I nmt invariably '.l7. l.rwisbur?. Aprl , 1857 LEWISBURG BAKERY. T HC subscriber has rented for a term vears the commodious rooms first below Kline's 11 itt l. win-re he carries on UuklDlT ltr-:il. Cake, Tarts, Ac. and hopes lo b able to render entire satisfaction and receive a l,bi-ral support. He also olfers (J O X 1 ' 1 : C T ION i: HIES. of everv kind an 1 qii-ilttv. at HAo.Vjot and iirlatt. It'Hl'lim.M fir ihe public aai for parties, iu l.iroe or small quantit.es. Cash paid for JJutter and Eggs. IV'Nuts, Toys. Spices, Ac. always on hand. Oi '.ers at home or t-r.-i-t promptly atteod. el r.-. SAM I "EL HOFFMAN. Lcri-VtirT, Jan. 7. Js:7 lli:.I.TII OK SICKE(S1 liooie belren bem. L HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. M.10 1 ri-ri-h .s tf" iT!-(tfr!l "1 T.ry Kn. mn Ir, Initd ftft't tt r in th hiiurnn fracjf . n h- a pun. ' 11 MTuri'- h-alth u-pT'-r 'r.-aT': h.-n tirrpt. It nwcra-M-r:;j i roilui i- .ti--.i. H tL"Wi I'ill op-rato duvet J 1 v nj. -n lh cl rrie-uL- ot thf -tr--:im of Inc. noutrslnttoa; t't!j j rtin-iv'1" 1 1 di.-4aje. aud thtu radis-iliy curiae tha ! pi-1a.:v. wlit-tli.T livatfl In tin itffve. tha t- macb that ' Jtv. r. thv U-w. . th rtiUMrks, tbt- ikiu.the bralu. ox Vkf othT part of the ntL-ui. rxtft TttRntWHT TUT WOlflPt II' un-a.'- ar-'t qually ricark'itf in ennplalnU i p- nm.fTi (t th- l -1! human raiv. and lu dtauzdtri jr ul:ar tt- ct-rtin cliroiitt'a i:J liTaliti.. Jt r.A ; V!.C '('".' A Wspt-pjla. an I d.-rnu-ji-ni'Tit if tht lupr, lh aourre off iMf r'tuty (.!)! FO!TTin. and tt cau-t if tnuiorraM d ..:n-. i.-:d l" t li i'U"NtivtA. in ail ta-c. horrr Bit-cri-vit- J. a- lii." a- n duM i-nri:-itiTi'. aitmtitr and t.'n 1. : th-v r--li''- tl purify the fluid, and invig. irate tht-y iii and th? coDi.tution al ib tmme utu oryt ; . 1 r. vi:a k t:ssy rors cvmpl aj.xts. W hi n ail ft.muiiint' til. the ivDOTntiOjC and braritif prci riu-s of lii.-f Vn'. k it? f.iuiu- lo th altakiiig ii.tv and tiif'tb.d uium U-S of the TiCUOl ot antral tl U..". All irrn: iruip- an t auui. ut id- i-t.-nt 10 id 'ieiir-M an 1 s- nMti.. iTi-.-ti- : tl..- - -i arf ri-n.""--"! or pr-r?nttrdl l y :i t w don-? . t thfs- ould, hut tiilali-lf altt-ratiff. No ut (ti-r ! rt :;r i hr n r bt-r rhi.dtili'a healUl huuid tail to Is .Tt tlu ui w itbin bt-r r-ai'h. Th rJon I..1U t." th.- lti'!on -Mfhral FeTiVw, and tin tin ft fiititt. tit -f The f.x-iiltv In -In at Pritafi t rAi.. t aud btruuii", La ukfei.d the 1'iUd aud lbir Invfntor. JfWictTis Wit art fltr ?:J rem eJy known in die rs'jt 'il f'fr th t'Mvwimj Di$eat$ : Atl;na t't-nulu liarrhie In liitioB I'r -f Inrturnia N-hilirr luflnmmatitm t"h't r.Sfa'i V.iuitf t'''milsintjy I.:r t'"mplainU r.t-.t.n. llvad-ht .mtstVmlm I';--f.-irt I'rif Vi Di-ritAlAnWtion - ."si r.tonIa.-T?ymr'.Won.-oflUDa. '.!. lnt the MMnuf i 't..rii (1 Trv-friwor HntUnrarr, v.-h n NfW Y.rk. and J.4 Strand, l.ondon.an-4 py ail r. -Ik vrahl- IiU---i..ls nnl IV-iiV r f M-..hrinr ! tl.i.inhxut thf I nit d 'tat-, and thf eiHifd worki. Id It. 1, Hii-i i- ni.-, n..-, ' . f. iil. lind A ; f.vh. hruhlf" satiu by ukiDg tb lartjar at- i Tl.fie 1- ruldaneooff p.itint! In tr-f d - ' - r i-r arc ullin-d to frt. b liV'i, Jru. y, ls7 TAILORING. JOHN B. MILLER thankful for pa.l favors would st!e that he haa re ceived the Tall and Winter Fashions, nnd is prepared i I I T, MAKE, and KEPAIR garments as usual, lie will endeavor, as heretofore, to erectile his work satisfacto' nlv ti l ovti-biirc, Sept. 4, IRS. Vucal and Instrumental PIuslc. IHE subscriber having located himself in Lcw isburg. is ready to teach Instrumen tal Musi.-, in all us brunches. viz. Piano, Melo .!.. n, IJiiiir, Violin. Violincello, Flute, an) all Itr.i Instrnint nts. He will also toach Vocal Vnstr. H iving been taught in 1'ie best School., in li'iinanv. he deems hiuisc't iiualififd lo rru di r saiisractiou. 11- will also tune Pianos, and put them in repair if desired. Kfsolence tor the present at llerr's Hotel. Jan. t'.l. t. P. P. HELP. William Jones, ATI lY pi TTORNLY at Law. lollcclions promp-lv atttiii.d lo. Oilier en South n.l "st t ' bv M I lllt-aeli. t.-q. ' LEWISBIKO.FA. VAN'IT.n ! It. i; I A Hunt iiniltlT!iane.carpf n ' ! vl to work in the boat Yard at Lew. , .i m(. v"-d wi"es and castant ernrloy- m. nt wi!l be given. N . . 1 4 . '.'f . FKTCK, $I..TER l CO. v-." s-i.l S.-ass KEY n5Uai J. M, M i all. giicg lst leave the city foithwith, bteb hi did 1.I - 1-f ,0 1 rx ?esc .