Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 19, 1857, Image 2

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    Xriuir.burg Cljronir!i
"M' itH0iraw '- Tin Ll.ni3i.ltii ClIRiJMClX.
11 -lift on the C-li tm. Iimp Lite lr-t and l-at
Freedom, national ; Slavery, sectional!
Me rppral from the fire S!are-hMin Supreme
Cmirt JudgttUt the I'mirta or raxxaiiVASia!
I'or Uoirruor,
Canal ComniiKMloiirr,
For Jiuhjtt of the Supreme Court,
J iMi:i Vl.l If. nl I nvcllo o.
JOM:iII J. I.tM ., " ..cMci t o.
I nlou County Nomination.
U.prcttn tative Til O.MAS II A Y ES,of
I'nion county.
leister A- AVonVr GEORGE MER
RILL, of New Berlin.
( m m issioner RICHARD V. B. LIN'
t'OLN, of Hartley.
Treasurer H UG II IV SIIELLER, of
Auditor JOHN KESSLL'K, of New
Ncms items from (Dll)cr Counties.
Tho Lawrence County (1'a ) Court Las
directed proceedings against the bail of
Julia X. Wagonscller, the defaulting cash
ier of the New Castlo Rank.
lJollefuute and Snowshoo Railroad cd
terj'riae is said to be j rogrc?sing.
An English gardener iu WilliatuFport
Las half an acre iu Strawberries.
By the advice of tho Council, the citi
zens of Sunbury are making an cffjrt to
buy a lot of ground in the old Borough '
limits to present to tho Northern Central j
Itailway Company, provided tucy will lo
cate their Machine Shop upon it.
Jodgo Vondersmith is out on bail, and
Las returned to Lancaster.
Mr. Getz is abont to try tho experi
ment again of publishing a daily paper at
Geo. IJeatty, of Altoona, in company
with some other.", went Cubing on Satur
day evening a week, and after walking
some miles went into the water while per
spiring, chilling his systein so that he died
on the following day.
A suit against W'm. Bigler and others
fur an infringement on 1'arker's patent
water wheel was decided in 1'ittsburg, a
few weeks ago, iu favor of the patentee.
A quarrel occurred between two boat
tnon, on different boat, while pacing
fieh other near Middlctowu, I)anpLiu
county, lait week, during which one of tho
men was struck with a pole, fi ll between
U ti'.j til w.a .lcloel tn j
John I'.irl, an employee on (he railroad, i
was killed at Altoona last week by falling j
under the cars while attemptii.g to get on
a train when in motion.
An important surgical operation was
performed a few days ago oa Mrs. I). Fich
thoro, iu the removal of a turner from her
breast. She was put under the influence
of chloroform, or that &ud ether, and is
now doing well. The operation wa3 per
formed by Dr. Van Yaluli, in presence of
all the other physicians of Lewistown.
There are now 230 patients in the State
Lunalio Hospital at Uairialurg.
Moke Gas. Tho borough of Hunting-
Son Las contracted with Col. Butd to erect
Cas Works, for the sum of $11,500.
A convention of county superintendents
cf commom schools is called, at Reading,
on the '24 of July, by the State Superin
tendent. They Lave a "world renowned marble
artist" in Jersey Shore, (alias a tombstone
cutter,) and also a gentlemen who sells
'high-toned books !"
Got a New Rollfr. The Middlc
burg Journal it used to take about two
pair of eyes to read it, but the last Xo.
can be read by one pair, without specta
cles. Accident. Mr. Anthony Spacht, who
lias for some time been engaged in run
ning the saw mill of Thomas Bower, Esq.
af this place, in attempting to clean away
a lot of rubbish that had collected be
tween ono of tho circular saws and the
elide while in full motion, had the first
fiDger cf his left Land completely cut off.
Midilklurj Journal.
Fatal Accident. On Friday, a lad
named Crissman, about IS years of age,
was killed at the upper end of Williams
port. He Lad ascended a tree fur the pur
peso of getting a bird's nest, when the
limb broke and be fell upon sotno saw
logs and from there into the river, lie was
taken out of tho water in a few minutes,
but a post mortem examination showed
that Lis back Lad been broken.
Tho officers of the Liquor Dealer' asso-1
ciations of Philadelphia are a strange mcd
ley of Gcinian and Irish names.
The llarrisburg Patriot f- futon has ,
read the Ftnnsyhanian out of the party
for advocating a sale of the Main Line.
Narrow EscaI'E. The dwelling on '
the " Strawbridge farm," in Chillisquaquc '
township, occupied by Jesse Smith, caught
Cre on Monday night a week, and came :
near being consumed. It was discovered '
ly come person passing, who gave the .
alarm and routed tho inmates in time to
rave the building. The fire was caused '
by placing Lot s.bes in the washhonse. '
The farm of J. B. Davis, adjoining ,
Milton, was sold for ?150 an acre, to a 1
f ntl-man of Northampton county. This ;
i. one of tLe finest fat-ma in th'f section of
tiuLtry. j
exTAll the Officers of the Lew., Ccn.
& Spruce Creek R.R. were at the Millbeim
meeting, last Friday. The 2d Report of
the Engineers is much more favorable tban
the first. No grade exceeds CO feet, aud
the cost of tunnels, bridges &c. is conside
rably less than first estimated. The l'rcsi-
dent was directed to appoint Committees
to obtain tho right of way, aud also to call
a general meeting of the Stockholders at
the proper time. .We regret to be obliged
to add, that quito a number of the first
instalments remain unpaid, and money is
needed to meet the preliminary expenses.
Wft-Oa looking over the list of Grand
and Traverse Jurors now in scstion in U. !
S. Circuit Court, WilliMwport, we can not
1 a f ' T" 1 1 : T
cypber out four Americans or Republicans!
all black Democrats of the most luky
Luc Maj. Cuiumingg and Harry tbeTau-
ner-v.uas. 11. auriucr aim ju.igo Aoram
Jit IT lit- .
b. iiibon, ana a long im o nmvrmuv, ,
hi.pelcss I.ok.-js just like them ! A per-
feet political itachine met at Uncle
Sam's expense to concoct schemes to usej
L neie sain aiorcsaiu lor me Deneui 01 mh
hopeful SOU iillly 1 acker I l C WOUldu t
like to he accountable for all the political
rascality they will hatch up this week.
(I. S. Court has adjourned only one
unsettled cml case, and that was contm--
ucd ; ouly one criminal case, and on trying
that tho Doft was acquitted 1)
Editorial Correspondence of Lewisburg Chronicle.
New L'ermx, Juno It!, 1S'7.
A ride through lry Valley, brings to
view many new dwellings and other im
provements of tho very best character, not
y below Lewisburg, but in Winlield, ! a lkU sM auJ ncarly CTCrJ acr0 cuItiva-
J eI ''it. t. t r- .r.et.i-
n. i ;.n .. v..m Tni; irrra
.L.:.tt .,n n in...e.,,'lr olrh.,'
,,meu h .t l .ter iln ,! I-Vni't al.n
USUal. Fruit alsO
promises abunduutly. Vc;
-etation looks
equally well over in Snyder connty.
Saw a man. m.on the bunks of tho Sua
nufhantia. lolling on a rock, and bobbin
for fish that seemed to show uo disposition ;
to accommodate him. If I do not mistake, j
he is always grumbling about bard times,
and run ly liiidi a spare dime in his pocket.
Just think of it a hale, able bodied man
in the prime of life, with hands made fur
work, loafing away a working day ia sum
mer, in tho hope of catching a fish or two, j
aod tbcn-eomrlaininrf of the "strineencv !
of the money nnrhet !" Why.wbat claim j Jati4 mountain to tbe westward cans
Las he upon the money market ? Passed 1 1US an uuujual of "in in dry
I . . 1.1 I II.. T ' .
ou a little fuither, and saw, at sunset, tho
largest farmer in the Valley faithfully at
work in his cornfield, sure of having salt
fish or fresh (if to be had) as he might
desire-, and proving the text that "the
band of the diligent maketh rich."
Stopped at Kleckncr's old home-stand,
and found it full of life as usual (outside
t n t.. ,r .i J.r. mi. .
is beautiful in its wide streets and shade
trees, in this most charming season of the
year. The students aud teachers keep up
the list of inhabitants well. There is not
much building going on. The United
Brethren, however, havo on the ground
the materials for erecting a house of wor
ship. The Steam Saw-mill enterprise is
still under consideration.
Union Seminary is attracting to town
the very best kind of population, and the
educational cntcrpriso is certainly cnoour
agiug. The location is pleasant and com
manding ; the large campus, on which is
already erected a good four storey building,
has bocn well planted with shade trees,and
has room fur additional buildings. There
havo been the past year, I was told, 175
students, under mo charge oi rresiuent
Orwig, 1W. Mr. Hendricks, Professors
Whit a.aD.IIofiTman audSassamaD.anrJ Miss !
Amanda Evans an array of Iustructors
most satisfactory, and capable of teaching I
u uiucu laiei reuuui. aia iuitui;ui.a vau j
i. i - ,i.i i. :..n..
Dut be salutary in every reject. An cn-
dowmcnt is contemplated, and will be
found necessary to plant tho Institution :
upon the high and commanding position I
contemplated. The growing Evangelical
Association have the ability,and apparent- j
ly have the will, to finish up the work so ;
... . 1 i hm . t : i
auspiciously begun. The next Term in
connection with a Normal School Depart
ment commences in six weeks.
This evening, the first anniversary of tho
Excelsior Literary Society occurred. The
Society made quite a show in numbers,
(comprising male members of every age)
as they escorted their speaker to the stand.
Tho Chapel of the Institution will contain
about 500 persons, and was filled to over
flowing. After some singing by a large
Choir of male and female pupils, led by
Mr.Dcehart, and prayer by llev.Mr. Hen
dricks, Rev. E. V. Geriiart, 1'rcsidcnt
of the Frauklin & Marshall College. Lan-'
caster, addressed the Society. LTe is a
gentleman of medium size, in the prime of ,
life, with a full, strong voice, and the least j
possible show of German origin. (I heard
a rumor that he is native of this region of
country.) His suljcct was The Ajr, and
the Man adapted to the Aye a wide field,
which he occupied for an hour by plain,
praetical, connuon sense hints, well worthy
of remembrance and observance. A boy I
i a boy, and he hoped the race would not
become extinct. The age demanded not
a boyish man, nor a womanly man, nor a
manly woman, but a manly mas a gen
tleman, and a Christian. The address was
well delivered, and heard by a fit and ap
preciative audience from the town aud
A srmll Museum has been commenced,
embracing quite a variety cf minerals,
tones, petrifaction", and also a Menage
rie of stuffed animals. The foremost in ap
pearance ia the large Panther shot in the
lower end of Centre county last Spring
tl.e m.st fircuou. looking fpocimcri of tl
kind Irccollcct to Lave seen a Wild Cat,
an Otter, a Weasel, a Rattlesnake, a Wild
Goose, &e. &c. This collection is interes
ting and promising.
New Iter! in is noted for its quietness
and morality, but to-night I have an in
distinct notion of a lot of "fullers" per
' Lap3 from Lewisburg, where I was wont
J to Lear some similar noises declaring
' with strained, cracked voices, away in the
j small Lours of the night, that they didn't
: trust, but charged "One tholar a Shave
tholar a Shave, and various other state.
mcnts of a similar character.wbicu seemed .
. ' . ,
fntirplv Kunnriitinuq. aa there was nobouv
; ' . . an, Tm,,,, ,.. w ,sn,M !
that the "fellers" were "half shaved"
j thomse, or tbe woulJ not Lavo
1 J
tcd their sweetness on the desert air" of
the NewBcrlia square to nobody but them
selves ou a dark, muddy night. But pcr-
. j h j h BigLiniare, and the discor-
Jaut notc3 wcrJ only ualako b tLe
jrjnfC. "
Wednesday, June 17.
rpu;3 ,eing anniversary of tho bat-
: te 0f uUDker Hill, and of Fremont's nora-1
j juatian tWO glorious Cras iu Our history :
I awoko perhaps a littlo earlier than
common, and finding it cool, Mich'l and
uis lare uouscuoiu cnioyin- luemseivra
;n rcp0sc, and the birds having an extra
g00j time in singing, I concluded to dis-
turb nobody, but to just step over to Mif-
flinburg for an early brcakfut.
Limestone Township (through which
r i r. t. c i. '
l wr .lv uui umc njipcu u . ,
one of tho best in the countv for arricul-!
one oi tuo ucsi m ine county ior agricui-
tural nurnos beiui? well watered with ,
0 l,e '
I oie. Keuioracesa iair portion oi uotn
! I'm uni liuffaloe Vallics, which are :
1 lost in each other around the southern .
' OlUCr arOUUU lUU SUUlueru .
' sl"Pe of the "auokin ridge. Ihe carli-;
t survey of land I have seen in this ,
. ; county was dated if I remember rightly,
i in 170. somewhere near the White Spring .
ia thii township. The inhabitants are
...... ,1
nearly all substautial but not very weal-;
. Z ... . . , t
thy fairtners. Did not learn that ceta '
KiDUian (since he got his ollice) has bceu j
to visit his old neighbors yet. j
Somcofthc farmers here and in tbe j
upper end oi jacKson claim they Lave
fewer failures of crops than others the
Sbauiokia mountains to the eastward, and
seasons, (some laud-lubber Lieut. Maury
should investigate this.) It is
not iui-1
probable that clouds loaded with rain may
be attracted by those mountains, or be di
rected by tho winds agaiust them, tosomo
extent ; for, from some cause, they " drop
down fatness" along hero to a peculiar de
gree. Very tantalizing to an unaccustomed
peoe-imn, in pursuit oi an early break
fast though tho mud (and the dense fog
also, which equalled anything I ever saw
on tho river) are the finger-boards from
" tbe ancient capital" to " the moro an
cient capital." The magnificent concert
of early birds whieh attended every step,
made mo somewhat oblivious at first, but
after a while appetite suggested some idea
of distances in front and rear. Tbe first
signpost I noticed stated that it was 21
miles to New Berlin, IJ to MifBinburg
4 miles in all very good, almost there ! ,
J o 7
Tk ,i i R,:i. tr, v t-i: i
mile to Mifllinburg 5 milcB in all 1 j
mile more somewhat provoking! The !
i . .i. r . r . . -,,
ncxt, at the foot of a steep hill, aud Mif-1
! Qinburg not even in sight, said 5 miles to j
New Berlin (particularly alarming !)
thug stretching the whole distance from
i m;ic, inrl,.finiiW awav hevond S ! Tim
lonc.t named distance was tho oldest
boarij. I'ersevcrcd however and "arrived
6afL." before 7, A. M.
MlFFMNBLItO, I 6hould judge, is UuU-
SUally lively this season. The Lutheran
anj German lieformed congregations arc
cacU gCuiDg up anew Lousa of worship;
alJ j both may finj (ag tllpy diJ ; Lcwis.
burg) tult th ;g living apt incrca!!CS
tm.ir pe:ice anj r.rosper;tv, and that bv
nui,cJ cfforts cach can 80 ort thcm3ClVC3
. . . . . .
independently without a burden to either
"Mine host" Leekard I " found miss
ing," ho having gone to Btorekceping in
M'Allistcrstown, Juniata county. The
reputation of Lis table is however well
kept up by Wm. InhofF, formerly of New
Berlin The MifBinburg Academy clos
ed its Summer Session yesterday, giving
the boys a chance to rest, hunt, fish, make
hay, cut grain, &e. until " brown Aug-
ust" calls them together again Major
Tbos. T. Baker is superintending the erec
tion of a largo three storey brick building,
designed by Lewis I'almcr, for John &
James Young, to be erected at the lower
end of Market street, and probably to be
a little superior in style and conveniences
to any Luilding in town Young Jr. &
Montelius have engaged for the erection
of a Steam Grist Mill, towards the creek
J. &J. Young have remodeled the
Stitzcr store room, and pnt in a fresh sup
p'y of Goods Thos. & Geo. II. Has-
senplug havo erected a superior Storeroom
just above the old Cummincs house, and
also tilled it with Goods The widow of
A. Cumuiing" is about to put up a bon.se
on the site of the burned tavern and
we noticed other preparations fur build
ing, by whom we did not learn.
At tbe old lleber, or Bichl's, (now
Lindenmuth's) Bcffaloe Hotel, we
found the additional convenience of a
weigh scale, and hereafter may give some
account of the number of cattle and sheep
which are annually driven to market
along the Turnpike. A Register of cat
tle is also kept there, making it still
more emphatically a Irovcrs' Hotel.
C rniponJenee of tbe LfttUburg Chronic..
anion Seminary.
On last Weduesday morning and eve
ning, very interesting and creditable exhi
bitions of this school were made. There
was a large turn out of the friends of edu
cation from this and adjoining counties.
The Chapel of the Seminary building was
densely crowded and many were turned
away. The order of exercises (interspersed
with Music) was as follows :
Female Department. Mtrninj.
ritATER. y Kef. J. B. Adntns.
The Taut, rr.Mt.-itt, anj Future-I-ou sa Aurauii.
troBu-iuiie c. ' , .
Twilight H.mnt ."rh J Horlmcher.
formation if t hrctT Mr orwig.
The S-lHMt! filrl Ht?ll w UDderucn.
The Kurth Mry It. LoU.
Mufic Mitnn tqb.
Victim t .VVnif And tU-IlioD KtwwiurftTd.
lttU Aniit U- Lt-tz.
Male Department. Kixnuuj,
rRAYKIt.t.y K. F. P'ttuvr.
The Min i David ti. l.hart, New Berlin.
Tli St"fl-iiU II. V .w. ntr. U Muldlcbur.
Kuii'mUoii M. I..S-liorli, N.-w 11. rim.
hifliiMire of h Un-t Jtwe rornelius,w iVrlin.
l'utiw nf Aiuermu Citiii-ns S O. M 'Curdy, Ijaiirelt-.n.
1rmvUtliij of Youth Irwiu ymith, llcaver tft'rilfl
The i'it'M-W m. 11. 1(oIin, Nt w ISt-riiu.
IVrMfTcnr (ieo. It. .pip-linyrr, HartIeUn.
The I'rouliv Institution Tb(. Kleckm r, Xi Ikrlin.
v.. uv, i..i..rr
)l?lzl" llrJL' ' ."'vn.r n-...rt-n
Valedietury AlJnaMiw. B. O-'chart, Bctryhburu-
rpr oraiora
acquitted themselves in a
L;L, crcii;Uuie manner. The Seminary
. n i....!. increased
the present year.
J a a -
'COMINUOUS llAlLWAY.' The Iron .
Horse now pursues his way without stop ;
or important deviation u a u.rcci line ,
irom iiangor, matne, io ticiiursnu tuj, i
Missouri, a distance of a littlo over seven-;
from Banfor. Maine, to Jcfforson City, I
- o . ' ' :
Missouri, a distance of a littlo over seven- j
j , ., , , , ;
tccn hundred miles lialt as tar as i.ona- :
' on in three uavs
xamei vmm, iiu-uuuimu,
Chester is elected U. S. Senator from Now
Hampshire in place of James Bell, deceas-
nampmii. ;iu piao u. ------ ,
ed. Mr. Clark was a n nig until ciatery .
divided that party. I
The .ollision between Mayor Wood of
New York and tho State authorities, con
tinues, and threatens foarful results. The '
,,, . ,, !
rcsiatauco of ood to the law practically j
. . , .
legalizes an immcnso amount of erimo.
xha Rev. William II. Millburn, the
ate bliiid Chaplain of tho House of Kep-
reseutativos, i3 in Kugland.
Real Estate,
i 4 TLULIC Sale of tali-iblk lots at Port
j Trevorton, the shipping port of IheTre-
vurion Coal & R. K. Company, aiu
the terminus of the TREVOKIU.N KAIL
KOAD, and junction with
crossins the Susquehanna to the present termi
nus of the .orllicrn Central R. R.
The said lots will be offered for szle at Tort
Trevorlon on
Saturday, the 25di ofjuh, 185'
at rievvit u block, a. m.. w itie niVrrrst c
t oinner.
The Lots embrace some of Ihe best building
and business locations iu the village.
Port Trcvorton is destined to grow very
last, and has among other advantages those to
be derived from the completion of the North
ern Central Kailroad, and its connection with
Ihe Uailrnadof Ihe Trevortoa Coal and Rail
road Company leading to their extensive
mines, which will make it one of the largest
coal shinning ports above the Junction. It has
also the business growing out of the Canal I
and Basin. and the Bridge across theSusquc-!
Iianna-.the Uridge offering the only facilities:
for miles up and down Ihe river for forward-
ing country produce to Southern and Eastern j
markets by Railroad. Port Trevorton has the i
further advantage of being sustained by a rich
r c.
ana exiensive ajrncuuurai couniry in we
Thums of Svle. Purchasers will pay ten
Vr cen'- cash.the balance in three instalments
at one, two, and three years, with interest au-
. on lhe amounts unpaid : imorovements
valued at two hundred dollars to be put on
earn lot within eighteen months irom ine aay
of purchase. GEORGE MOWTON.Sup'U
Port Trevorton, June 13, 1957
Ho! Farmers Chance for a Bargain!
IOIt SA 1.12, near Lewisburg, a Tract of,
. almost lOO Acres of good Farming i
Land, limestone soil. It will be sold on reas- '
onable terms at privale sale for Cash. Inquire '
at the Office of Ihe Chronicle. June 10, '57
TI1HE subscriber offers for sale his Residence
on the west side of South Second street
in the Iiurough of Lewisburg, between Market
and St. Louis sirccts.consistingof near a lot and
a half of ground.makinga front of 99 feet on said
Second s'trect,and in length 157 fect,6 inches.
The improvements are a commodious three
jiiL j OTJSTC, f pressed brick, 47 feet
front by 36 feet deep well finished with a
marble base, marble sills and lintels in front
a fire-proof roof with a Wing attached of
S3 bv 19 feet an Out Kitchen a Well of ex
cellent water, with a Pump in, under roof a
large Cistern also under roof a large new
Stable an Ice House and other necessary
out-buildings. There are also on said
Lot choice Fruit Trees and Shrubbery.
The location is a desirable one either for a
private residence or public business. It is on
t the most elevated part of Ihe Borough, near
the Court House, and but a short distance irom
Market street. Terms will be made easy.
June 9, 1SS7. G. F. MILLER.
Sheriff's Sale.
"D Y virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex. is-
J) sued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Union county and to me directed, I will
expose to Public Sale or outcry, at the Public
house of David Herr.in Lewisburg.on Fatnir,
July 10th 1857, commencing at 10 o clock-, A.
M., of said day, the following property,to wit:
A certain tract of land, situate in I'nion
township. Union eounty, adjoining on the
north and east, lands of Mary Jenkins ; on the
west, lands of John Phillips; and on the south,
lands of John Phillips, John Youncman. and
Jesse M. Waller. Containing SEVENTY
ACRES, more or less.with the appurtenances.
The above tract of land contains a large
quantity of I RON ORE 'he improve
ments for taking out the ore are made, the
veins opened, and everything arranged for
mining purposes.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Horatio G. Taggart, Josiuh 11.
Furman, and Elihn V. Barton.
Sheriff's Office, Lewisburg, June 9, 1857
THE large and commodious ROOM
heretofore occupied by F. M. Znaica
in printing the I'nion Argu, in Frick's Build
ins, near the corner of Third and Market
streets. Possession given immediately.
Apply to JOHN B. LINN,
Apul Z0, 1(357. Attorney I'jI Va. Fans
FAUMER-JME 10, 1857
-VTOTICE is hereby Riven that the un.K-r-
si?nr,i.Trtistee.s. will sell at auction, in
pursuance to and by virtue of an Act of As-,
sembly approved ihe ltftli day of April, A. l.
18f7, on Stcii the lsth day of July, A. U. j
1867, at the premises 10 the Borouch of New !
Berlin, ihe Jail, Court House anil all other j
Public Buildings aud Lauds, situate in said j
Borough, beloncing to the bounty of L'uioii I
prior to the erection of the new county out of
part of l.'nion, bounded and described as tul-.
lows, viz :
Five lots adjoining each other, and bounded !
on the west by Vine street, north by Market
street, east by I'luiub street and south by an j
Alley, whereon the Court Home audi
County OUKTH are erected.
Aim a certnin lot a.Iioiuine I'lumb street ;
on the east. Market street on the south, lot of
John Seebold's on the west and an Alley on
the north, whereon the Jail is erected.
Said lots will be sold separate, together with
the appurtenances.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of
said day, when and where the terms and con
ditions of sale will be made known by the un
dersigned, duly appointed !v said Act for that
purpose. NKIl MIDDLESWAR 111,
June 3,1857. JOHN V.BARBKU.
-4 Farm within, the reath nf ictrg Man. j
THK RUNWAY FA KM foilPANYhsK umje jirrmue- ,
m.-iila by winch all who Uc&ire tu bellle or j.uichw 1
Lom eitn tl.i n. I
'ibe I'arms ronit of the be ft limontooe m.il of tbe mn?t ;
Kiifiirior .niklitv f..r rniinif.iu rni.i.W iini.n.viiii; .I.-e, j
into Hlii.'h n extensive i-uii-rktiou i n.w H.uriuK. Xliu
orooertv In lorat.-d io Klk 1'outitv. Pflnnv Imioa. id llir
niiJ-tef tliririniriK.iiulation.ifi.nirlO.o.jO. lhcclim.t
ia wrfectlj hllliT, ml the trril.l pl.irue ..f Hie we.-t,
fr.Vr.i. unknown It i.hii t.ui..inr of ihe u.ft
quality of 01 aud lna. The prut to buy it outi.-fn ui
f .i Ul - per mrW, IIMVBDH- tij IUll Ul.1 II is, hi ur uiairj
ere pyWe H per m
to locate the 9W I'T pHOI JT nttnuiur i-:., ;
iDunlh. uisrtuni mr Trry rum i
Il'rriX, !
t. esP,,,t.. ,.f r.i-in
the h.iit eron,.winz tn
wbi.'h thU KtttemeDt hMri
,IUin-a it pren-nt re.l fn-K-ritr.
.V.:.m.H th-tetre . t Kn t North w...t Cosi
nin, ,d i, .,m o.,ntoWe..iii.:oie..itheirr. i.rt
bu,incs, ,n ihest.te. itiii.upMytiitrrti.ake
market, (arcurilin j to population kn.l trarrl the irreht. st :
in tin: I nion.) it lum live workable riue oi ine w ;
IlituuiinoUft Coal, amounting iu Hie at'Kn-).-ale to over ;
lit-t, whieh niak.i 'J-.'-Xi ton of ,..,.al un.l. r earn acre. ,
Thin will make the laiel of ioe'timnt.le value.
Th.. clnioeut ftate jEeol-i;i-t, lr. Cliaa T. Jarkw.n of t
Boston, ban made a cetjioyui al mtrvey of the lanj, tin-l '
allav,.j ,h, mul. the in.n oreaul Ihe lim.-t.ne. Tin...
-'r;.,. V ,.,;, ,hrou,h ti,. .
rVt?.a u'JiZ
J.t": I
towards our lan I in tti1. western dirvctioti. llic nifann Tur
. .-..mnlofii.n .if nhich hn 1m-iii rutHt 'l it Will men 1h '
snihej. ti.k Aii.vh.ny viiry uauroajvoniK-rtiu with ;
Nw York. B.Mit..u hi1 I'UUburn- Ihe .vuaugo Koi j
enmwx-u us witii ti.fU.ft t
ThcrartroJy goo.1 Turnpik-Rowlf runnitifS thro )
tiiiiiriwrtr,Taruu!.otb.T rua-m h bw otn.-a to ;
. aiiiuiui"iiH, wrwei,vV - -
Ir.-ii'ly tHkn jilsre.
j Tht-re m no opportunity r-jiiul to it now r.ff-'r.'! t tlie '
! miin ho want topr..i.lf l.intM-.l it ht.ni in au u'y wny,
1 nl miike wttlfntnt wWr It mn in i rff-rrity :
i an t iuJ-n.-nre in a climate I'KKFK' TI.V HhALTIIY.
j No L-arie of the frr.-r i-Ti-r having lnN?n knwn in t-rur ;
in t!iia NL-ttl.-mt-nt. It u not likf iroiiic t- thf li.v.-kwteO-U
ofth Weot, nmontf (n rhapd Int'.lT.nnt people, wht-re
ihrp in n society, rhurlirf t-r who-ils wht-r.- the price ;
f.f Hn'l ii- hi jh. an-t wIcth tlt mir.int, aft r b.-i n Ufii
to the lica!thif.-t cltuirv'c iu the world. ItA t'.fiiduri w--k-n-!
nti'l pain, an ! pcrhtipii riuim his hc.-tltli anl th:it (-f (
hi fimiiy. But here it a. thrtTtun m-ttletneut huvtn j
tlirt'e ti-wnn. mntai niti-T churchei, h-Ikx-Ih. !i- t lit. nt.rrn. ,
iaw nulls irri-t miiN, n 1 .vcry'hins ilesirt-J. There la j
a ca?h market t han-1. The 'lnniVr trade la-t Tear
rnu .uduJ to over two hundred miilK'D feet of lumtx-r. ;
In a !hort tirue, owlnj? to the rial, it will becrae stilt j
more valuable, mn & numtwr of iron wtrkn and nianuUc- ;
t-'rie will no.n be utartet ; th. v are at piv-. nl startinj
them eite naively at IVarn-n. Kren f-r tlioe who don't
wifli to (jo there, the payment are uch th;it they can j
easily buy a farm to nave their riinz fctroiltct from want j
in the future, or to pain a comitiicu by the rif wliii h j
take rlaw in tlie value .f land. Ky an outlay ecareely J
tnirtiM-d, a publ.intial provikn can be made. f
TiTHon nhouid make early application, apply or write
tn K. JcH.-ried, Sreretary, No. I '.'A Walnut Street, leIow
riftb. 1'hila.lelpliia. Letters carilully auswertd tfirin .
"Uniii T f land can be iwitm or aerviret ly
letter enclotttntt the tir-t intIm"fit "ff live dollars wh.-n
the nui'MTil-er will W furnt-licl with hoi-ks maps 1
Warrantee Deed? giveu. IVreons can aleopurchano from 1
our Aentn. I
Koute fr"tn Philadelpbha to Tyrone on the IVnn-ylTa-niaO-ntral
Kailrimd, and tlienre ( y Magi to the hnd.
Thia i a delightful wun to vi-it tft. Mary' the bent I
h'fIarcrmmolati)n ia allorded. tn'jaire for K C Sfhultz. j
K-., the A -eut f.it the pr-i-t-rty at St.Mar. 3m '7 .
ill virtue oi sunurv wrns vi i cuu. iv
l suedout of the Court cf Common Pleas
ot I'nion Countv and to me directed, will be
exposed to Public fale.or outcry, at the Pub-
lie House of Jonas Fuma. at White Deer
Mills on W cdiirsilay, JUIJ' 1, 17,
commencing at o'clock, A. M., of said day,
several Tracts of Land, to wit :
' .,Irac' l1 Land situate in we own-
cl.in ... Win I.r anil i-r.nnfv nf f nifn
r r I " , ,
bounded east by lands of the heirs of Daniel .
Ludwii. dee'd, Samuel Hish and olhers.north i
by lands of the Slietlield Iron Company, west !
by lands of lr. Lichienthaler, and south bv
lands c( Jacob T. ssiahl and heirs of Isaac '
Ranck.dec'd,contaiiiing S5 Acres, moreor less,
whereun are erected a Hrirk Mansion House, i
Frame Barn, and other Outbuildings with the ,
Xo. 2. A Tract of Land situate in thrtown-1
ship and county afresaiJ, bounded east by
lands ol Samuel uaKer, soum oy lanus oi
George Ranck, Joseph K. Mover and others,
west by lands of Jacob Farley, and north by
ihe Suear Vallev A. White Deer Turnpike
Road and lands of Jacob Farley .containing o
.Aercs, more or less, wiih the appurtenances
No. 3. A Tract ot Land situate in the town
ship and county aforesaid, hounded eas by
lands of Jacob Farley, north by lands of Ja
cob Farley and Daniel Fulmer. west; and
south by lands of S. L. Beck and Thomas I!e
ber. containing 100 Acres, all Timber land,
with the appurtenances.
Xo. 4. A Tract of Land situate in the town
ship and county aforesaid, bounded east.nonh,
west and south by lands of the Sheffield Iron
Company, containing 14 Acres, more or less,
wiih the appurtenances.
Nos. 5 and . A Tract of Land situate in
the township and county aforesaid, bounded
souih by lands of David Stenuinger, east by
public roads, north by lot Xo. 4, west by ar. !
1 .. ... . . i
alley, containing half an acre, more or less, j
With the appurtenances. ;
lao. . l.ots Sliuaie in ine luwusiiiu auu
county aforesaid, bounded east by lands of
William Ileiney, north by lands ol Jonas
Fisher, west by public roads and south by
lands of James Black, containing ij Acres,
more or less, wiih ihe appurtenances.
No. el. A Lot of (iround situate in the town,
ship and county aforesaid, bounded south by
lands of John Iteaver, east by the Vest
Branch of the Susquehanna river, north by :
lands of Stenninger, Kanrk and John Beaver,
Tl.... r.,r.l,c f on A . rA n,.,r !
ItlllliailllllK .1 1 . . 1 v 1. 1 . 1. J mi ....as., ..... . i
or less, with the appurtenances I
f-eized, taken in execution and to be sold as i
the property of HENRY HIGH deceased.
A. 11. 1 he above Lands mav De so a in
pieces or together, as to suit purchasers.
There is a first rate MILL SEAT on the
ALSO. At HiRTLtTow, at the House of
David Mnyer, at 1 o'clock, P. on .Mon
day, June 2!, a certain Tract of
Land situate in Hartley township, and coun
ty of Union, bounded east by a school honse
lot, west by lands of Jacob Bingaman, north
by public roads, and south by Penns creek,
containingTWO ACRES, more orless.where
on are erected a two storey LOO HOUSE
and a small SiabW, with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the properly of GEORGE SHOEMAKER.
" D. D.GULDIN, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Lewisburg, May 30, 1867.
T70R SALE. One lot on South Third
street, a square and a half from Market
on South Fourth street only two squares from
fCTThe above are level Lots, well loeated
and adapted to building pnrposrs.
Aeling Ex'r of Win. Armstrong, dee d
Leaiitin-, Maieh 12,
Hussey's American Reaper & Flower, for cutting ooth Grain and Grata!
Great Inijirimnuuti for :1 !
rillllS Machine was put in successful operation in and continned to be the only
I Keanerand .Vowing Machine in the World of any pratical value up to iimo twelve
vears after its introduction. Other Keaprrs
' . .. . .. . - . e i'. i i
and certificates oi ioiu aim .iimi ... '..-
and not posted in the matter, had better see
. e f i 1 w.l . &f...t-.lc
"reatmedal in England, at the premature trial in 1x51 ; befor- the ciose.of the harvest of
same year, however uwas totally beaten by a III SSEV KKAI'EK, which 'e.vd the
n.,.ij award of an impartial Jury of twelve English farmers. I he fact is hat Hussey'a
niai lnne is achieving a series of triumphs iu Ei.glan.l.and rapidly obtaining that pre-.tnln,M
position there, which it has already secured iu the laud of its ongm.
v-i.'rsr-1 oafs - - ffa .
Tht't eut represents tie Rmju-r.'
vears' experience in butl'lio? lieaper
Y. the Father of
. . , It K ACE It ASH MDV Elt.can
"n luc uf-' .-...
season, as the crops imlirate a lar;;e demand,
' uf tie vas JjarveM of lto7.
f77ni cut rrprefrnti th- M
During the bst four venrs the sul'scrit'ers nave 'd t.e'wivn 500 and GOO of theie
Mar-hints, to the bc-t and most successful Farmers in t'nion and ihe neighboring Countiea,
(whose names arc t..o numerous to infer ) to uli"in we re peeiluJy refer.
The anbscribers have the exclusive right in the ti-tl.-wir i- r.,iniiie : I'nion. Snyder. ,or
thumbcrland, Montour. Columbia, Luzerne, IVrrv, M : rll : n. Centre, Clinton, and Lycoming.
All orders thankfully received and rruiiiftly atu r. led t...
Ihe Great-st 'o!; fthc Doy '.
A PlitHvl I'f-ry. 7'.i'-.ro..7 tt itlurr. nn.n. ar.'i
J'r.t'tf 'iOf! lti"H ' O'. '. n li rrrrnt 114
I'mt'ii St'it" : t!,' lif U-..1 'r;r.a. i.J 7'arii.l; eu.i
the ri'Wt . .iil.e.To.'..' .I'Iiie-H nn ';U':ivmt -f r
ri.. and t'otifstic I Xift : v.fi ;a ApprtvU r, cnnunniitj
ijnUnmt.,rt .Vl.l, .V. Utf-tl w-iti-n, e.i..(',-r
m1trr. K)imH. Y lu, .Ir'iere'-xi-tm
r.f ;-ir'rini'it. 7...J. ill in inl tv.i- rn-
wBl,",-t Vi.-r u't Mmu'll ' -fo.i- itid Laic.1' Je.
of our fJovcrnmeutafni.-tory, commencing
with the brief "compact'' drawn up by tho
"l'ilgrim Fathers" bif. re their lauding,
and terminating with the legis'atiou of
1851. It contains a description of tho
governments of tie several colonies while
subjects of (Jreat llritain, of the govern
ment of the old toiiteucration adopted du-
... . . ,. , - ,
! ring the ar, and the Debates and 1 ro
ceedings of the totiventi in wlne.i lormed
J the Constitution of the I'nited States.
jcThis l.'iok is f-rsile only by sub
scription. Mesi-rs. linwta iV IiKHARU
sos are the authorized acents Lr I'nion,
Centre, Clinton aud Lycoming, and wiil
commence canvassing the sjmo immedi
ately. C Tliey al.-o receive subscriptions
for any cf the Standard Works published
in theYuited States May 21, l".
t llrauliliil Ilt ad ol'
roMettTtiT riiroiivrn
An I
miT .
.r tr.-n
if.t I -Tv ar
or : e.r bal.l. bill -.1.
.1 a ;ttl .!;ir.tlr;:tf
I. ..r tr. til-:.-.i aith
n ! ii 1 nr. 11 r. -tr-'! P r
! ! Ii.oo f . .-r Tli r.--t.-r..J,
at.! it.!. in- ! tt w -u: 1 li.iv.- i:
-cr..fali. v i 1 :1. ..r ulh.
tTuj'ti' nn. Hit w i u 1 1 1 '"' rur.-.t. or :ui
i n.-ura'i:i."o l.ut aoul.l be cur. J.. II :i
. t:-...n it-..- f-v.-.- an 1 skin. Pri.f. W-
k Ih .i.1 nch...
n ro -Te nil
1- llir l;, a-
toralivt- wiil do t.11 Ihif. -ee ' IP ul:r imi I tli1
AS J 1 VI. u 11. Ni.ve!nl..T J, lj.
j Tref -T. W.viT T.-.r-ir : 1 loive 1:. -ir ! mnTi vit-l
! r.rihu ..n.. rlul ell .-u el' J..ur 11 .ir K.it..rati... l.ut
' liavinc N n m. .lt.'0 rhrat-1 by m:,rk.-ry an. I .pia.-k
! nostrum, hair .l.-., 4r, 1 was Jl-i-l b. plar "ur
; Kert'.ritlive iu Hie name rat.-:;' ry w:lti tli-- tli.-usai .1 iin 1
i ne J- udtv lrumi.. t.U .(Hack r. iii.sli.n, until 1 nu-i y..u
: in lwr. niv femuty iwinie mnll.s sin.-e. wli.-n ynu t-i,ve
me au.-h a-uranre'a in-1 uceil Ihe trial of your K...-t..ra-
tive id uiy famiiv 1-rj.l by my ir--l wtf... aliow lmr
haa lierenie very' Ihin an t entirely white, an.l b..f..ru
i exhau-linirent. ..f your larj:.. U.HIe her liiir war. rster
i e.l to itri original beatitir'ul bnwu c.'.or.aml haa lhi.'ki-nr.l
j au.l Iwme b. autitul au.l lospy ni on. an'l i-ntirety iv.T
the head : she centinue tu ude it. not simply berauae of
its U-aul!I'vin; i lti-ctji upen the hair, l.ut tN-tau- i-f it.
: healthful inltuen. upon Ihe head and mind, othi-r. of
t mv family and friends are u.-uni: your lie-Utrative. with
I thehai'i-ieatelffets ; th.'refiire.my akvptirisma and doubt.
moved: and I can and do m. corUially and eonli len
. 1 ... i.,,ilKlu wniil.1 lia. thru
iu refertnee to lie rbararter and value are entirely re-
f mjonal color and b.-.u'lv, anil 1t all youne 'er-
aoos way w..iu i nnrii-n ii.ii .uu (..s-o.-j.
Wrv trulr and cratefull fours.
Fr.ir-in Woeo ; It vaa a linx tint after I aw you at
ltli..liel, h. foro 1 pot the tattle of i:...t..ratl.-for whirl!
you sarerne an order on vouraieiit iu Oetrt.it.afJ wln-D
I it roiirln led to try it , n Mr. Maun hair, a
tlie surest te-t ot it: ;owit. It ha. d..ne all tlint yml
aured me it would do : and other, i t my family au.
friends hainp tlneMd its eftei-t.. are ii..w ii-ioj and
reeommeli'liec it u- to other, as entitled lo the hiliet
conderatii.ii )..ii rla.iu for it.
Aaiu. TtTT rct-lJeelfully aud tTiilv. y-nr.
.,. .MV a",,
h. ,Jmir,a it. wonderful jh t.air was be. om-
a l th. u-i,t. j r. maturely uraj, i.ut ! the ue -t
iM"rn. u. ... v..,.
S. llllK?fE,es Senator, V. S.
O. .T.WOOD r". reor.rletor.l 9r..a4w.y. Y.,
(in the great X. Y. Wire lulling tatabli.-hmeut; and 111
Market Hurt. 1-otii. Mo.
6S4J And sold by all pood Drufni.1.
TI1HE Copartnership heretofore existing be
l tween the subscribers under the name of
Eicholtt Wagner" was this day disolved by
mutual consent consent Einholts & Co. to
settle all accounts. II. EICHOLTZ.
p?"The business will be continued by J. F.
Eicholwc & Co.
Administrator's Notice.
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration to
theestate ol CATHARINE BAKERSr.
late of BulTaloe Tp, Union county, deceased,
have been granted to the subscriber, all pers
ons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same will present ihcia
duly authenticated for settlement to
1AV1L H. KELLY, Administrator
Kelly Tp, May 12, 1857
I. '1 v.. no il.ml.t t.rni.ii. mix n.
1 7011 siLr..
good spmso w.v;.
I1 its. with Shafts and Toncti
May 15, IP5,:f H. '
are now ftrrrd with glowing Auvtmsruieats
But the Fanner, in search of the bMt Reaper,
a little lurincr. une oi ine oiner nraprrjioo
ar.r! nsing them in lh
Reapers, can c
can elatin it. All uh are satisfied1
be supplied bv
11 -
and e can hu
1 by sending their orders early in iha
t have over 'Ml) Keapera rad
joMtll hl Ll.l, .4utioneer,
S .' I . I " 1 I S the pa'ronace of the public.
U '-ib nce i n Mouth Filth street, Lewi
bur. Pa. tl)eciubtr 5, 1856.
op. ri .l a new Ice Cream Saloon over
Ins Ci.n:Vi-::...ery, and wisnes to see bta nu
merous customers there.
20 HrieKIajcrs
. . i. ... ......,. itrxi season
(iKOKi 'E liEAO, or
I.ewlsliuiT aving Inntltutlon
1 S now open and ready to do business. Th
1 regular li.M iuir.t days are Wednesday
The foliowinir named persons are the
Direct,. WILLIAM FR1CK. Preiidmt.
L. M:
ell Me
J hn Walls,
liideen Biehl
J. V. Cameron.
Fi,:tr jr cent, pr annum til be allowed on
a'! d.'p. -''s evt-r six months ; and thrtt pr
cen'.. ie- liian v.v and over three momhs.
I'W II) KKBKR, Treasurer.
Le-risburir. fept. 1!, lt."3
n e w books:
SPI'KliEOX'.S Sermons,
ayUnd'i. Principles and Practicej of
Kruminaeh"r's Martyr Lamb,
Ir. Kane's Second Arctic Expedition, and
ether new works of iitieret. constantly on
li.:i,.l bv X EVIL'S &. CO., Lewi.burg
Lee. S, lSii.
"lrC"n -
T received at the old establisha
i t tlie subfi-nber, on Market street, L9
wis! in.-, a Sarve and new assortment of
comprising every description of work requir
ed fur
mi:n', ladies,
luvs, missus,
The slock is selected with care, and will It
afforded at reasonable nces.
Custom Murk attended to as usual.
May f, l-oii JOHN HOll.HTON
!V01tTII lih Street. The subscriber
X. 1 most respectfully informs the citizert ot
Lewisburg and vicinity, that he has on hani
and for sale a cheap lot of t'l IIMTI KE,
for the Spring trade, comprising
Irwsig and Common Bureau?, ?CO
rotancs ami Look Case?, tenter,
Cnrd ami l'icr TaMc?, Pinin? and
lli-eaklat 'J'uLIcs. Cuiilioardr, C'ot-1:i-re
ami otlu'r llodstcads, tuntls,
Stil'a!. ami ('hairs
of all kinds. COFFINS made to order or
short notire.
The public are cordially invited to examine
his work, as he is sure that they will be sai'
lied with his stock of Ware, and prices.
Lewisburg, Sept. 15, lri56
"Have you seen SA2I?"
CEEMS to be a QueMion a.kcJ by
O almost everybody ; but we inquire,,
7itce yon srrn the Late Firm,
with their supply of
Now Hoot. SIiocm, (.ailcTM, ir-e-jf.
The subscribers having associated them
pVi selves into a Copartnership in business
now offer to the public, at the Old Stand
of S. & I). Sliff., on Market St. the cheap
(.for Cali) aud best lot of
for Men and Boys, ever offered in Lewisborf
Also a new and splendid assortment of
r.l'.l t-HOF.S for La diet and Crntlrmrn,
A varietv of 'iaiters. Half Gaiters. Tics, Bus
kins, Slippers &c. for Ladies and Misses,
also Children's Shoes of the latest
stvles and sizes t Ac. Ac. "e
Work made to order Mending done at
usual and as the Workmen have render
sattM'aetion heretofore, we trust we shall b'T
a full share of public patronage. SAM will
continue to be on hand as fermer'y.and bef
to give general satisfaction to all cuternr.
l ewisburg, Feb. S2. ''55 r
Tot rvla!lr C uir Ket.irns aed ciil
llt.sis l l ai rr- iVomilk t'fPte.