Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 12, 1857, Image 4

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    it: 4
frTbc ncvcrc wiutcr having exhausted
the food of cattle, many died last season
of puro starratiuD. The backwardness of
Sj-riug haa rather aggravated the want
All of which is fully expressed iu the fol
lowing "luit" of reprimand, lory melody
manufactured by a "Western pokt."
a oi)E to srmcs.
W !l. nTWff. jouv cum t tmt iw ja:
1 he jH.it m s riii .in a citttn to old U inter's
I .up. Vnr aint you l..tiu4 of youri-lfi
1 m, tli" old t llr' bin buMU you.
I fliould Oiink he hctfrm your brrttth
b-in' 'U tut that', tu -rj tlicm
Via ti Hers ht ? uuia.
ViVll, I u ntin,
Y'uv cum nt Ut, with ) i;n- -bliny
l'ruili" blow in' froai ill- Ntrtut
UtimcUtutor NfW!r.-ky 1 f
,itv Kuutrit fur bam, 1 rtfcLiuI
Now tout rum, wrQ
F.Tcr. i , f-.lr, o horn. n things
lkV rn.il inn fed out! Now luk at
Our Kriltrtf, will yr! our Km til
On t it IIIL, a h- Yin to h Mud-iicd Ly
Tl.ur tl.i whin they pits upm moruiug!
J.uk at i ur ho.-kifl Wats all ivjuio!
1t fkilt-iunf a wm-pia otr a troft
A hull tn.fi full rf kb.
A bull trfl full ot bitter rck.alrk.4iu us.
I.uk at thru. ("ln'fH--n in
Tin fvtiit koraur a wait-n for grass!
. i ! an tbyT btu a watiu .iuiu ot
Tln-m l-.r wts : An f tlu-y wiont
- I'u'.i 1 th'-yi bin "Mlt;tkin'lhfir lx
At yii. ait sc.. L Uuu it." .Tbatthur
1? Ir.ui iUiultt. won ov ?haksum ')
A aiK'th -r h.,i m-z "(Iras dillutvd makx
'J in- htimiuL aJ" h Mhw nln-i il
N.vcr -u their im. onto grasugtn Nu!
r oLt-'tiniur.
Now luk at them Imp", a l.;u bin
A fl.crin tin in Katlf wal bar biu
I-tufl on bn! toe fm, will ye, a crfin
Koun as if tbayn ttrh.-d with Korun
I.uk at tbur vrvfi will yc bitter than
Kuny Cabbitcb left. them .-.mat.
A b-nin nnlo tbe f- to f.jiielr !
I.uk at them ere- a han.:iii
Mill t-irh little Inc bundrii
liu-l ?hnati r-juiOMj duwu Uiila
Kiru bfkutfu(I
Yi'm that tburs ol ver dInc, U
Tirdy. loiti-rin taring ! a baiiin bvk
As 30UT biu a doio.
Itut now your rum!
Wr flry-rrlertn iTwnz when we
Hit rt'uudouto tbt- nuth nJi fthf lam;
W b-ar tli bi:n a kakliu wbrn tli. je
..-iii a v'. W- thr ltorsi-rtkbh
A Ptartin up a htiir Mde the prliDg
K-nx. Tin wimin i Inkin into
Tlx'old l"rt, arWr (arden aedr!
All tb- lluag make me Uiink jou'v cum.
Kf no tie f riU-d
V". (Tin j. a tbowin up ofyrr ohnrt ruminA,
J, m it down to huvin a it' lin.
I ilio 1 liAint taken mum out yit, 1 Tow tu )
A tuif-takenquotatioo. Th true reading in,
JJom, 0 ferred. Bakes tlh fa-art sick.
Stubbs Seeks Revenge.
" Poppy, old Smith's grey cult ha
broken into oar cabbage patch again."
" He has, lis be T Well, just you load
my rifle, uiy sou, aud we will sec if an
ounce of lead will not load Mr. Smith's
cult to reform bis habits."
This soliloquy paiscd between Mr. and
Master Stubbs. Mr. Stubbs take bis rifle,
marches over toward old Smith's farm,
und when within about thirty rods of old
Smith's barn, bo raised the "deadly
tube," took aim pulled the trigger, and
dropped "one of tbo best looking grey
colts in the country."
Stubbs having fulfilled his mi.?ion, re
turned Lome, went to bed, and tlept with
a lighter conscience than be had enjoyed
daring the last eight months. The next
Burning, while seated at breakfast, who
should be seen striding towards the domi
cilii of Mr SfnbK.. kn M M. c-,:.!.
Smith entered the bouse Smith was exci
ted, and fur a moment lacked words to ex
press himself.
" Mr. Stubbs, I'vo come over to tell
you that a horse was shot near my barn
last night."
" Sorry to hear it, Mr. Smith, although
not at all surprised, fur that grey colt of
yours was not calculated to make friends."
" liut it wasn't my colt that got shot !"
" Wasu't your grey colt ? Well, which
horse was it 1"
" It wasn't mine at all; but one of yours
that grey colt you purchased last week
of Widow Dubois. Ho broko into my
pasture, last evening ; I intended to send
bim home this morning, but it's no use
now his brains lay scattered around the
Mr. Stubbs was thunderstruck. The
idea tbat be bad killed the wrong horse,
drove bim to desperation, and caused bim
tj seek relief in a direction that rather as-toni.-cJ
his household. The last seen of
Stubbs, be was chasing his oldest boy,
Jim, down the Turnpike with an eight foo
A Telling Anecdote.
The most cloijueut of all Southerners
New Kugland born and bred as I think,
was Sauuext 8. Tbentiss. Once, he
was addressing a crowd of some thousands
in defence of the Tariff, and, in th course
af an eloquent period which rose gradually ,
to some beautiful climax, be paiuted the '
thiift, the energy, the comfort, the wealth, ;
the civilization of the North, in glowing
colors, when there rode np to the vision
of the assembly, in the open air, a horse
man of magnificent proportions ; aud, just
at the moment of husband attcntion,when
the voice of Prentiss had ceased, and the
applause was about to break forth, the
horseman exclaimed " D n the North !"
The curse was so much in unison with the
habitual feeling of a Mississippi audience, I
that it fiucnchcd their enthusiasm, and i
nothing but their respect for the speaker
kept the crowd fiom applauding the horse
man. I'rcntiss turned bis lame foot
around, and said, " Maj. Moody, will you
rein in that steed a moment ?'' lie as
tented. Said be, " Major, the horse on
which yoa sit, came from Upper Missou
ri; the saddle that surmounts him, came
frcm Trenton, N. J; the hat on your
Lead, was made in Danbury, Conn. ; the
boots you now wear, camo from Lynn,
Mass.; tbe linen of your shirt is Irish,
and Uoston made it up; your broadcloth
coat is of Lowell manufacture, and was
... I
CUt 10 BW lork: and lf.'tO-dlv. von
surrender what job ow.e "h.
would sit stark naked." rLauchtcr and !
long applause. WenJM Phillips.
It is said tbat bleeding a partially blind
burse at tbe nose, will restore bim to
right ; so much for the horse. To open a
tuun s eyes, yju must
bleed him at the
James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn.
T F. & J. M. LIXX,
J . 4Uoru?yn at Law,
Utiittn C unity, Pcnn'a.
Pianos, and Music.
s(l JOS. L.Y0DER, Ascnt for Meyers'
i'KVT.wil Vochl's celebrated li:lllOM. has
-j!just icceived a lare assortment of SAiei
Muair, I'mnos, and Jltludcun Jloukt. Seminary
and Teachers supplied at the Publishers' dis
count prices. Music published bj-(Jtmld.Lee
A Walker, S. L. Walker, or any Publishers in
the United States, furnished at their prices.
y.li. Meyers' and Vcglit's Pianos sold at less
than City retail prices. Lewisburg, Nov. 14
llclmbold's Pennine Preparation
Highly concentrated Compound fluid l'xtract af
TOR Diseases of Bla lder, Kidneys, Cravel,
1 I)ropy,Weaknesses,Obstrucuons,Secret
Diseases. Female Conplaints,and all diseases
f thf sexual Orc&iin Hti.'in troln rXtiFire and lin;rutl'
enci. s in lif mid rvnovin all hni rrtrxT li liuri-w fn-iu
Ihr r.U'l-lrr. Kidiifvn or Si-tuul Or:ilis,wli-lli,T fxiidin;
in Ml or Fuiuult', fivui wunti-vcr caiuti Uiry may uaT
and no mutter of how long standing.
gi ia lkilh aud Vi r to lltw frame, mid lllooin to tlic
Joy to the Afflicted !
It eurv" NYrvom nnd Di liilitat; I nfTi tit, and rimoyt8
all tbe tVMl'i'oM.S.ainons wbioh uiay be fouud
In'1inT-of?ti"n t ex-rtion, lo of pwT, o.s of memory,
dilh' Ult v ot brvaitiintr, iren ral i-tikm-r;t. bo mr ot'dia-cu.M-.wi'Ak
nvrvi-Ktrviubliti.drea'Iful brnrtl'Ut alb,
l.ijhl sur.-ats, erild f-rt, wakffiiim'ri. ilnuin' of
vi-i n. lnturunr. unirt'ial lassitude td the muff
4ui;r m ft.-.ii. oft'U fuormoun aftil witb
d-lfi tic t-yuiptoiu-. Ii-t baui.", lliliiu of
tb luKly.drvit. 'n of tli hkin, pallid coun
(. luiiii! ait.1 ruit .) on tbe fv. Min
in the bark. b'ainM of tl. i-yn-UU,
fpsfui ully b1:u-k fpol tlyin- betore
tin- -' with b'iu!-rry sullu.'in atid
I.-ci of filit. want of atb-nlion. prat
luoijlity. au l rfstb'K.in r. with horror of
MK-n ty. Nolbinr if more dt-irable to nU' h
It'-ii- than Mlitub', and nothing tb y more
Irfail fr tVaf of thim,M,lTif ; no t'l'O of
biannt-r. no f rnnt n no ntVul alien, lut a
Lurrtd trau?iii u from tmo qutUin to anotbir.
Thep M'tuptotns if allowed b p on whkh tttts nxili
rine invariably nun ooon follow Litfi or f'trwsm.
r'Ttm, nu Krti.it'Tir Kir? iii one of hHkL ib putwut
m e.irr. Wbo ran My that tbew esoe are n-d
froiio-iitty t tl w il by tltoee din ful dtucainn l-nit
and t'-n-uDi; trn ! TTt r'-nrl of tb lnane Avluoi
and tbe nu lan-b ly d.ntb- by Onuoii U"U, li-nr ample
ttimony to tln truth d ib-5e aKNTtioOfi. In Lunatn
Asylutun lit mot m- UnrhMy exhibiUno ar- ar. Ttw
runt n:iti.v b. m-iuaily oml-lt-n and iutfd ilitut nd
titer ntirtb or cri--f Tr-r ti-iU it. boutda aouud of tbe
oire oo ur. it ta rarely axtiouiate.
With wof ful uiivure. wan depir
Iw sulb a tound. bix Rtiel bf-puilf-d.
Ib-bilityi noft terrible! and tia hmuirht t1ronand
upon thouandii to unttmly prarm, Uius l.tatiiir tin-auiMli-xi
4.f ui mY n ! y-utb-. It rn be run-d by tbv
u-M- o ti.i i.m alliih.k i;i.ir.ut .
It iu rr mflirin; ith rot f tlie alofe di'tr-intT
ailiu-t.t-. tb- H.l H' E VTIt M'T bl t lit U1 rure you.
Try ;t and U eonTin-ed of iu elii- a-y.
):iir.c or ir i Xosnvs ii K Pottom,
who fal-Hy l-nat of alilttM at. I n-f- ri-non. ("itiifn.
knw and poid th m. and mt b nc Mifl. riir, mnty.
aiHl ftp- UIv. by ndiu? or ratlin- f-r a b--ttle of this
I'xpular and rpi-rlfflf Itfirt'-Iy.
It alUv all pain and iif1nuihtion.lii perf-etly ptea5ant
in its tate and odor, but iiuuit-dute iu itc action.
! prpard iHrvetty aeer rJinf to tbe Rub of J'ffAK
M I' I" AM fllhUtlSTHW with tbe irreatext aeruraey
and t bmiral knledr aol rre dcoted in iU ronild-ntK-n.
S Tr-'ti'S'ir lK'we-f" VjiluiMe Workn on tlie
I'mrUee .4 riiyMc. aiid nioct of Ibe late Standard Horkfl
ol Mt-diriue.
One llundn-d lMllamwillbeaid tany rbrifrian who
ran prove that tbe Medh-ine ever injun-d a l'atbnt ; and
tb- t -iini"ny of tbouandnean b-pn-ducvd to prove that
it dmn civnt iml. Cawn of from on wm-k to tbiru-en
yearn ttxnliuc hare lwn effit!. Tbe muff of Volun
tary Tvntinwttiy in ponmion ot tlie I'roprieUtr, rourbin
It virtmn and ruratire powtTK. is iuiujcnw, embracing
nams wvU known to ANI FAMK.
100,000 tittles Have Jkm SJt?9
nd not a Fin:l iatan(r of m feilure bax burn ivportal !
rTnilj apppKr.il tMfore mo an AlaVrman of th
fityot 1'liil.viflcriim, II. T. IIcvbold, Cb-mii.t, vbobrin
duly porn di! twy, tlmt hi preparation contain no
Narr-otie, Mercury or injurionii llruir. lut are purely Ve
""Wihrli km mirWiocU it-rr mr tritilrIA itnTcY!orenl
Ur, ls l. '. I'. IIHlllAKIl, Alderman.
I'ricr, !1 per llnttle, or Six far ij.i Delivered to
any Addren,
acpompaniM Ity rc1iabtcaB.il rcfpnniliIi'Crtificati'5 from
1'nif.nHiili of Medical Odleyes Clergi men and others.
ITcpared and sold by II. T. MUllUiLU,
rrficltiil ani Analytical Cl.emitt
.Yfl. W South Ttuth S.,brlvw islli(,.l'nW llttil'Hn-jt,
tn.T U hud of Itni.yi't titt'l l"il'rt thnwjiout Oif
i'HU:d Mal'S. lUtv'tlas at Jtritih i'rnritwt.
Ak for Ihuiliold'sTuke no Other Cures
(iuarantifd. &Jd ly
Sny C II HIST it CALDWEl.L.Uu-i-liuri;
Important to Daguerreotypists.EIarble
Dealers and others.
MONUMENTAL Dagnencotj-pe fa
ses. A method has long been sought for
to insert in a durable manner, Dnsnerrcotype
Likenesses to Head Stones and Monuments.
I have been manufacturing these Cases for the
last two years, and can warrant them to secure
the picture for a long number of years.
The outside case is made of Parian Marble,
and the box which encloses the picture and
keeps it in a state of great preservation for a
long number of years, is made of brass a
screw box. It makes a very neat job on a Head
Stone or Monument. They are rmd in Green
wood Cemetery, Mount Auburn, Laurel Hill,
and many other Cemeteries in the IT. States.
A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers
and Daguerreotvpists. Price from 2.25 eaeh
to'J.rn). A circular of engravings will be
sent to any address, free, wuh price list. Ad
dress, A. I.. BALDWIN. Acent
of Mausoleum Co., Gi Proadwav, New York.
New Firm and New Goods !
K 1 he Mammoth Dm;; & Chemical
J.X. Emporium of
The undersigned having purchased the entire
Mammoth Drug Stole formerly kept by llr
Thornton v Co-., are now ready to Jill Orders
and Prescriptions at a moment's notice. We
have a lame and well selected stock of fresh
and pure DliCdS, Mi:iIClXi:s, Chemicals
Dyestntrs, Oils, Paints, Glass, Puttv and
All Ihuls uf Patent Medicines,
Fruit and Confectionery,
Tobacco,SnufT,and Imported Cigars of the
choicest brands.
Fancy Motions and Toitct Artieft,
Fine Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of all kinds,
UarsNES Ao Cogns or etebt tariett
Hooks and Mationrrv.
a general variety of Literary and School Books
Pine Oil I ir.l an. I Fl.,,.l 1 an,. r
description ; fresh Pine Oil and Patent IJurn-
ing " always on hand,
I KE WINES and LIuUORS of all kinds
for Medicinal uses.
Fire Proof anil Zinc Paints.
Trcscrvinp and Tickling Jars, ic'
rSCustomerswill find our stock complete,
comprising many articles it is impossible here
to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices
Call aud see ns, one and all, and see our
stock ; and if we can't sell you cheap goods,
we will not ask you to buv.
We are always on hand to wait on customers.
Remember the Mammoth Drug Store !
Lewisburg, I'nion Co. Pa. 608
j CJAPORIFIER, or Concentrated Lye war-
; I. ran
ranted to make Soap without Lime, and
with littletrouM. With on. cake of Lye and four pound
I ' . . ..... -h ilUI MF BONO.
Hard soap can be made in Ui. nnway. For ante by
I ltu. ierCsracls. Omnibuses. Sta .
a, .uperior article, for Hale by C11KIPT A CAMIWELL.
GLASS Jars, for Pickling and Preserving
Quarts and Half Gallons, for sal cheap
I J n engaged in the service of the U. S
in the War .if anJ for their Widows, al
:lic Oiliet . I the Ltwisurs I'lucuiclc.
rriHE nmlersigned have this 2d day or r ep.
A. D. 157, entered into C'o-I'artnership
for the pvrpose of carrying on a General
' . n. V.a ltrii.tr Fnlin
twuiar) nuMura -
.1.. in M .ri ei street. Lewisburs. under tlie
name and firm of Frick & I.illey. .
wii.i.ia.m r
Lcwisburg, Feb'y 2, l7.
A renpr:il assort
ment of COOKlN'U
STOVES for coal or
wood, Stone Coal
Stoves, Wood Air
Tight and Parlor
Stoves, Ac. in varie
ty always kept on
CASTIXtJS of ail
kinds made to order.
THE new mctlioil of inserting artiti-
X cial Teeth, Gum, &c, known as
Allen's Continuous tiuni Work,
is without exception, the best improvement
ever made in the art of Dentistry. This work,
when propcrlv constructed, is the most beauti
ful.the eleanesi,combincs the greatest strength
...:.u .i i in- .ind adds more lo a clear and
distinct articulation, than any other kind of
work ever brought bef .n-tlie public. And )
Ci5cE5b uot onlv thi.. lly a l- nuliful dieovery j
l7tT ' coiuli'lnlion itb tliin ft) Ic of "rk, I
41XlLXf we ran cite tin- face iu natural rpmw I
slon. without. In the le:.nl, interfering ilh the U8.1ulnc-J ,
of tlie teelh iu manti.MlK'ii.
1 w,.uld take tlii method of infornilne tlione iuteret.-l
tbat 1 bntc purelias.! ibe falrnt lliilit for tli:- alu;.l.le )
iinproTcment, of tbe inventor. Ji lin Allen, mow of New ,
Voik.) fof tbin and seyrraJ ailj-'inm- couutien. and that 1 j
am now uialiufactiiritii; au artu le o! TWlh andiium" that i
,ii r..e- am aw j w itb any tbiue in mat nue n..i nan
ever bwn Diade in lUin or an other rounlrv. 1 a.k all. j
andenBeclalty tho- thatueed li-elhiil Hoy hare engaged i
them or U'4.) U call, and exniitine f-T theuiM-lirep.
JulIX Lot KE, UlBian.
OBce and Iti i-H-nee on Third elm t. near Market.
Ofliee iu Murox,ou Uroadway, nearCadwailaderVcorner
i.i:wism uc; oi. viitu.
THE subscriber is prepared to furnish
L at all limes the very best COAL of every
description, from the Wilkcs-Barre and Sha
mokin mines. He lias on hand an article of
very superior quality, such as is seldom bro'l
lo this market, hich he will dispose of al the
I . I. r;- r..l areichrd. anel rued
measure warranteiL ( v Coal eichantred fir
merchantable Country Produce of mosi kinds
as well as for cah.
Coal Yard at Thu s Ncsbits Lumber lard
on South Water street.
Nov. 19, 1.16 If R. I. NESBIT.
West Branch Insurance Company,
OF Lock Haven, I'a., insure Detached
Buildings, stores. Merchandize, Farm
Property, and ether buildings, and their con
tents, at moderate rates. Doing business on
bolhCash and Mutual plans. Capnal,:)tXi,iH)0.
lion John J Pearce
John U Hall
Chas A Mayer
Chas Crist
Hon G C Harvey
T T Abrams
D J .lark in an
W White
Thos Kitchen
Peter Dickinson
Hun. G.
HARVEY, President.
T. T. ABRAMS, Vice Pres.
627 Lewisburg, Cnion Co. Pa.
r:Hi)cl's'& yjoftqiju's' i)?itl-qn:j Coliip.
I'apilai s.l.50.000.
Assets $10(,I51 13, invested in Bonds, Mort
gages and other good securities.
BY FIRE ! There are but few who
. . j r j .. . -j ..if.....lti
this most necessary and subftantial precaution.
We ofteu see il announced that persons have
lost their stocks of Goods and Furniture, and
results of years of industry swept from them
by the devouring element over which they
have no control but by being insured.
Insurance protects you from the incendiary,
negligence of servants and the casualties of
your nciKh!nr(. It will impart confidence to your cred
it. rm aud ive a character 01 prudence and precmntiou to
all your huinoM transactions.
It retinue but a very small rum to insure in sums
rancinp from $lul) to junto, and yt how many there are
v. Iio have uo innurajice uis.n lioads, eumiture. ur any
thitii; else! If your Stt-k is small, :ill the Loss to you
mii:ht lie serious.
This Company insures lirif.lHSnX. UKRrllAyn-
UK, aooiis. t t ii.m nf:. hm-iiixer rand srot a
From 100 to 'om),
at the T-owcl Hat.- and upon the meet l.its-ral Terms,
and rfioMi-r IMvxexTou the adjustment ot Loc.
Hon Tho.n.Florcnce I James E..N"eall I E lw.R.IIelmbol.l
ci.o 11. Armstrong I C'ha's linL'ee I K.rarn.1 Itrewsh-r
I'hs.A.Kul'incani I Tb Mauderlield Isaac l.eecb,.lr.
lie,,- II. :ml"M I
G. nrral Superintendent JOIIX TIIOM ASON.
Tllo s II. I IslKENCE, I'rwidcaL
tliVT D n. UKI.MlloU), Secretary.
C57J Li:VlHlllKO; Union Co. Pa
Rev. II. MALCOM, D.D., President.
riiTiii c c ..ii . i i
' i Jit, summer iessiun niii open a nni i
L 2nd, and continue H weeks.
COLLEGE Tuition, per session, .I10
charges, exclusive of rooms, $1 20.
Throli!f'c.il Itepnrtnicnt free.
ACADEMY il. D.W alulu, A.M., Princi
pal ; M. W. Cramer, Assistant. Tuition per
session Classical, S7, charges 4rcts; Eng
lish, SiS, charges 45 cts.
ELM ALL ISSTlTVTEyihs. A.Tatlor,
Principal. Tuition per session Regntar
course 10, Preparatory ij7, Music sJloDraw
ing SiJ, French '3 33, charges 2(1 cts.
A. K.BELL, General Agent
April I, 1S57 and Treasurer
' THE Summer Session of this Institu-
L tion will commence on Muriiat, 27th of
April, ISS7,and continue : weeks.
All Branches calculated to fit Youths for
college or for general business are taught;
and the Bible is in daily use in the school.
A class of Yot so Laiiies is secured.
TUITION per session of 13 weeks.
rniMAItY (Kradinir, Writini:, D, finer, Arithmetic,
leou-. Oram, and I', f . History. M.S0
AbVANCEIi ENULlf II all not included above, 6H0
Lxi;i'Ar.i:?, ;.s
COXTIXUENT ILXI'ENSES (peraevionl .... Jo
Aio deduction escept for protracted aicknc.
April 3, 1857 Principal
rilHIS Institution is located in the quiet,
1 beautiful and healihy villagcof Frecburg,
Snyder Co., Pa. It will commence the second
(Spring) quarter of its second session on the
23d of Match. Encouraged by Ihe very lib
eral patronage it has heretofore received, and
in view of the great wan! of the proper in
struction for Teachers in this and neighbor
ing counties, a Normal Depart .-ct, for the
special training of Teachers, and those wish
ing to become such, will hereafter be connec
ted with this Institution.
An additional Female Teacher ha been added lo the
rejular corps of Teachers, arrangement made to meet
tbe wants of -Undents.
ThllMs-fone-h.ir parable invariably in Advance.)
For Board, doom and Tuition pr ecu. of 22 wkmftoOtn 55
Tuition osli, pryuar. of 11 oka - - t.40 lo ,O0
Instruction on tbe 1'iaao and use of Instrument ,iiO
Incidental - -- -- .. gs
Washing and Mrndiof. 48 el, per dot.
Fricate ltoardins: In iowb410 to f 2 per week.
F or further information, orcirculars addr""
GEO. F. M FARLAND, Principt'
Drui and Chemical Emvoriv.m
Maihet strett . - Learisburj, Pa.
& WEST MiAXCll FAliMHIi.-.H 12. ls"7.
James B. Hamlin,
1Y tVOIficf on Second St. west side,2uu
door south of Market, Lew lblll ff,
Cm593 Union Co. Pa.
Iniil, $hti$' Opi'OK'iilClll.
rpiIE undersigned having been appointed
I xoeiit fnr the sale of these Reaping V
Slowing Machines in Union and Snyder Coun
ties, oilers ihem lo the public, believing them
to be the . . -
JJ- st Cimhinril Midline In I sc.
These Machines have been in successful
operation, and have rendered general satisfac
tion. Thev are of easy draft, easily managed,
and do the' work in a workmanlike manner.
Manny received 4ilwwe Medal at our State
Faie, last fall, and drew the first premium at
the County Fairs of York, Cumberland, Cen
tre, lluiitiiisdon, cVc. where il was exhibited.
Persons in want of a Reaping & Mowing
Machine, will do well to call before purchas
ing. For further particulars, and inlormation
please call upon the subscriber who always
takes pleasure m ekhibiting this Machine.
v it l!:irli.' nr.lers are solicited, in order
to have the Machines on hand in season, as
Ihe number received from the ManutacU.r will
correspond with the demand.
Lewisbure, April 10, l-.r7. Im:l
Chester County
ONE and Two Horse Endless ("bain
POWER. The undersigned being con
vinced by practical experience of the superi
ority of iamUrslirt't Tread Veneer over the or
dinary five horse power now in use in the
West Branch conntry.for threshing out grain,
have purchased the patterns and right lo
make Ihem. We are now making and have
on hand a large number, which we propose
to introduce on the plan if they don't answer
lo Ihe letter of the guarantee given with each
of them, the machine will be taken back and
the money refunded, if paid. They are now
almost the only entire Threshing Machines
in use in Chester, Montgomery, Berks and
Delaware counties. Their advantages are
that they will do almost double the work, ac
cording to the number of horses used, than
the old machines will do; v they will save
at least two hands rfir and Threshing can
all be done snugly closed up in the barns, in
wet days, when the hands would be otherwise
unemployed. T. CHURCH Ax CO.
Hartleton. Union Co., Pa.
Apply to Tito's Chock, Hartleton, or
or Dr. L. Roosx.Union Furnace, yfilft
llunstccker'ii CLOVER III LLER.
TITHE subscribers still continue to manufae
I tore the above Machines, and as there
nee. necr C,U1 ,,f ,K.rn now in ' '
and adjoining counties, we deem any further
recommendation unnecessary.
The machines are all warranted not only to
do good work, but better work than any other
kind of machine now in nse.
T. CHURCH & CO, Hartleton, Pa.
Apply to Tno's Cni-arii, Hartleton,
or L. Rooke, Union Furnace. (Ij-fi.VJ
Ilirkok'N Palrnl rortablc
ut'nUd Nor. 1W. IKitS.
.Tlii Is nt the Mill wM in Is.VJ. It ewls all mill.
in the tunrket iti the ruM nJ speeJ with whiiU it
KriDxL-, ami in the tfivat power of the r.ruw.
Manufactured at the Eagtt 'orht9 Harrhburg.
rilHAT this is cnUrely new mill no ex-
pense has beca spared in its manufacture
all the materials arc the very best, and are
used unsparingly. The Cylinders are almost
twice the length of the former ones, a ml all.in.
rluilitipC tlie top Cylinder, naJf cf Iron. The larn-w i
vxa im:lin in lianu-tT, mith heavy i V thval cut on
it. The hvnni ot the io rst iRos itiBt-ai of ww-d
it mmlv vtur iinvy, auJ the thrritt of the nut cut fur
folk inchi-n through it. The power of the I're&v in xery
much inrn ased.iinil rafftiot broken hy any fair meanp.
The arrau'imut of the Tuliind oth;r jiarUof the 1'rerus
id Tery tnTt- i t. The lioxcs ami lloiiin-r are all ixt-itil-kd
toj-i thtT : the .li uriialx run iuh-niilrearius; and Intt
v.theworknianhi'fhallnot l-e i-xcellt-tl hy any uiahttie
-'t thf kiud hrt.-v.T. 1'erfection tieinK the aim, both in
the arrnniux-nt uud the uchatiial departtm-nt.
All ponNW who hate been obliged to ueth r.lj fih-i'-ij'd
unt Mill, arc aware how inconrentent itU, and
epcially thom; who have nut lartfe quantitiel of apple?.
Ity liSTiiu this Mill on your plantation or f.inu.jou can,
at any timi.in a few n.inutt'tmaki;a few pilon ol Mw.rt
cider f"T presi-nt utw; oryou can Trryexi-ftJitiuuidy make
up a f-w barrels. Ihe Machine, well worked, in cipablc
of making to 1J barn-li of eid r a day, with ease.
1 he machine is made to run by horsHvt,Ti or hand pow
er, and win ii the npiiler: are ground, a nmnll hoy of Mir
tci-n veamof ae can pre-" the ioinace with all eate. The
f..ll'.im; may be abduced act the decided advantages of
thi. mill-
Firt It will make more Cider than any other Pre.,
with a (riven quantity of applet, in a given litue,and with
much Irt labor and t-xi-eure.
Second It will make cleaner and pweeter cider than
anv other Mill.
Third You can make the cider as you want it, and
h n you want it ; and in uautitieti froin one gallon to
fourth With it yon run pres your Currant-.Cherrie?.
Btrries C heei-e. ItulbT. Lard and Tallow.
tilth WitUit ujwjou can at all times hare frcnh and
BWv-et indr.
With all tlie a.lTnntaire resultirttr from the potwfifion
and iim ot iu-h a Machine at a price bo low that it in
within the-rem h of all can it be that any intelligent
Farmer would do without it ?
J.uSTi.wa, June 15th, 1S"4.
W. O- HlCKftl : Sir I have one ot your Improved Cider
Mi Hp; I um.-d the Mill lat Uvtuher. and on trial I ground
fifty bui-heli" of apple per hour. I keep the (round apples
twelve hour, and 1 can pretw out two barrels ol ciderper
hour with two men. lean recommend your improved
t'ider Mill to all fruit prowern, fr ppeed and a faintr of
ImImt. I enn make thirty-five trallu of cider from nine
and one-half hiudiehi common apples. The eider ran be
preM-d from the pomaee without u?inpwftter now. Cider
will keep oue year when water In not upH at the press.
jous m comi;k.
Pt. Lot'19, July 29, 1K53.
Mr. W.O. TIiciok: Your lilb ot here, and we have
sold them and telegraphed fiir twelve more. Aa they are
amueh better made and better looking Mill than the
other kiud, we know they will rell quickly alongside of
them at $00 price of the other $'t5.
We have nix of tlie other kind, but, ua we said before,
people won't look at them alongside of yours.
Yours, Very Itettpcrttully, VM. M. PLANT k Co.
Yovst.womakstowji, June 16, 153.
Mr. W. O. llintoc: Dear Sia It gives me great plea
sure to h nd my feeble influence in recommendation o
your invaluable Patent Cider Mill. Any pem-o whohas
made rider by the old proceM will uickly pereeiTehould
they procure one of your new Mil us the utility andeeon
omv of your inrention. 1 rejrard it at one of the beit in
Tentionfa now in use. Alllioujih I have had it but one
year, it has amply repaid me lor what it cost. Cider ex
preftted through one of your machine n is less liable to fer
mentation, and can be preserved nweet longer than that
priwliiccd through the ohl-fashinndd Mill, from the very
fact that it is more free from pommel, which always has
teudenry to acidity, and unfit it in many instance! for
donletic Ur. Yours ret-pecUully, V. QUltiLEY.
Thl? is to certify, that I pmrhased of D. Landreth. in
October, lvi'i, one of Uickok's Patent Cider Mills, and
have had it in one ever since. Perfectly sati-alTed with it
myself. I hare no hesitation in pronouncing it avery Q)e
ful and ind! spendable Machine tn the farmer. With it,
oneman and two bys can make from five to six barrels
of pood cider per day, eay. Many of my neighbors have
purchased similar Machines. The Mill ha been greatly
improved elnce 1 bough mine. W. ti. WAKi.
May 11, lt4. KidJey, Deleware County, Pa.
1 hereby eertify that I have used W. O. Ilkkok'i Im
proved Portable Cider Mill, and eonrider it a valuable in
vention in tbe economy of time. Tbe cider is cleaner and
better than that made in tbe usual way. I am well pleaw-d
with it, and should be unwilling to part with it for quite
a premium on the advanced ooeU JOHN 8. UAI.B.
July l,bU. PorUand.CL
9 VMore than one hundred Silver Medals and Diplomas
have been given to my Mill within tbe last four years.
VTbis Mill orrupies about '2)4 feet by 3 feet, and is
4 feet hii;h, weighing 370 lbs. it every way portable and
eouvenient.fc PKICK $10.
Addrve-, W. 0. DICKOK, Agent Eale W rk?,
lUrrisburg, Ta.
Frrsalc by JttTU M'FAMUM, UwLturg.
To tlic Fanners!
s II. CEKII4UT, f wisi,
I Market street, next door lo Hrown
hitter's Store LEWISULItG, PA.
William VanGeier,
TT0RNEY -at Law,
11 Lew isbui p, I'nlon Co., Va
tiTOUicc opposite Kline s iioiri
5 lOIIN S. UVE i Hie Autlmr. who ban bad lu yi-M
J .jperionce . a Hanker and I'ubli.her, and author
S of A -Vri'J 4 U'tmts at the liiMlx.ni iUnudf,
when l"t M eu eiefM.e nii;lit. oyer MfM I'eople
ET-.-reeted hnu will" rolluu.. ., i.pi.i. ,
bit"l tlie manlier in which counterfeiterii rnruln
tln.tr fraud, and the fiireht and eliorlerl mean, of
Odetei tin-i th. m: Mi. Bauk Ni le Kn-.-ra.rr. all y
O tbat he is tlie r.r.et Jodge of Taper Money living.
- Greatest IHseowry of the 1 resent I en
o fury forDikctinj Counterfeit fianl.-Xotv.
pi-eribiU'. every Reuuinc bill in existeuc-, and ell.i
(UtiWIt a B'a'i-e every counterfeit in c.leuiation
S Amin -d fo admirably, that rel. ren. e b. ea.-y alii
S detection in"LintanroUH. No index to ex me. .No
pairen to bunt up! Ilut fo niuiplilo d and arraie.-e.!,
C3 that the Merchant, liauk.r nud lioctneM Man tau
o aei. all ,it a -zUius!
KuUli. I'reiieli aiol ilerinen, thus may each re;.d
ea tlie eaiue in Ilia own uauve ijiiuue.
"5 M.jst frrfrtlUuk Xte Listcrerpulllslifl
n Also a list "I all tlie i rirave tians.-. in ...ii.-i..
tacom-.lete summary ol the finance. .f rlnr js-and Aiuer- j
ha will bcpul,ii-h. d in eneti e.li:i.,n. together wnh all j
ai the iuij-.rUnl News of the liay. Abo, I
,2 From an Old Manuscript t--uiil in tl.e East. It fur- i
nude- the m- st r..uipl.-t,- bu-U.ry ol Oriental l.il. de.
ftj scnl.in lie-most s ri lein.T e.sili.i? in wl.i !i the
la, lie. and c.-nll'-tn.-n of Ihst rounlrv have Is eti so
crt "It.-u l.-und. -Ih -is-sls.ri. s will c. ulniu.-tbr-u.-hout
the whole year, cud wiil prove the UijsI cut. rtaimo I
O ever olh red to Ibe public.
O v Furnished VV.-. kl ti. Sul.scril.-rs only, a'. Jl a .
ea year. All klUrs mfct Is- ad ln--s.si to
S J.IIIS ,i. Mi; frr".
q fubli-licr and rr-iriet. r, 7d Wall st. iw Vots
Howard ,"!. Express!
rilllE und.rtigued are AKEXTS for the
1 above Company, and arc now ready l
receive ana icrwaru
;ooN, Money, fvc.
from Lewisburg to Philadelphia and al! pointa
on the line of the Williainsport & Elmira,
fattawissa, Williamsporl V Erie, and Plulad.
and Reading Railroads connecting with res
ponsible Express companies lo all parts of
the world.
t.encral Office VI Chesnut St. Philadelphia
April 1, ll.'iTmU Lewisburg, Pa
. i JtEvV WlllllMAia DtAlIB l"I
3S Soul It Wuar . cm, IMilIadt'lpula.
constantly on hand, and for sale in lots to suit
purchasers. April 3 Iss57ni(
Philadelphia Manu
factured Salamander Safes
A". 26 & ftiurM A.,
Truth is Mighty, and Must Pravail.
Report of the Committee appointed to super
intend the llurning ol ine iron caics, at
KE.MNfJ. Marrh 4.
The undi-r.-dimeil. memWr of tlie emmitue. do ret,
pectlully report, that we naw the two atrg ort .'innlly
agreed u-tn by Farrels h llerrinir and Kvnns 4c Watson,
placed fide by fide in a furnace, viz: The Safe in ue by
the Pa; mart r of the Philadelphia and Keadinz Kail road
Company, in his ortireat Healing,manulartured by Far
r U Jk Herring, and the ufc in use by II. A. Lantz. in
his store, man u fact un-l by Kvans it Vat5on, and put in
bo"ki and parn t preri.-ly alike.
The hre wa.- started at , o'clock, A. M.. and kept up
until four cordn of green hickory, two cords dry oak an 1
hall rhe.-tnut top wood were entirely rnnj-unie.l. the
whole under the superintendence of the sub.eri1er!),
memWrs of tlet'-mmitl-e. Tlie iSafes were th.-n coolii
olf with water, after which they were opened, and the
books and papers takun out by the Committee and taken
to II. A. Lanu'ri store for puMic examination, alter thfy
were fir.it examined and marked hy the Commit tc. The
books and papers taken from the Safe manufacture.! by
Kvans X )it-ou were but cli-rhtly atrected by the iut' ti-c
heat, while tlio taken fn-m the Safe mauul:icturid by
Farrels llcrrinwtre, in our judgment,damai:ed fully
fifteen per rent, more than those taken tri m Lvan.q A
Watson'i Safe.
W e Ix lieve the above to hare been a fair and impartial
trial Of the respective qualities of both Safe.
Il.iTin; been al'iit during the buruintr, we fully co
incide with the aUve ftatement of the condition ot Uic
paivrs and ItiAa taken our ot tlie re-lrt-etive Safes.
ti. A. NICOLI.
livnns & Wafsoil have now on hand
300.000 puuiKNof the above SAFE?-,
w hich they oiler for sale on better terms than
any other manufacturer in the United States
April :t, s.ri7 (VHyl
Joseph Fussell,
-ermlirella&ParasoI Manufacturer
" No. North Fourth St.
N.W. corner cf Market, PIULAL-KLI'IIIA,
Has now on hand an extensive assortment of
the newest and most desirable kinds.includin;
many AcV St J tCH not heretofore to be had
in this market. An examination of our stock
is solicited before purchasing else where.::M
I J. WILLIAMS, No. 13 North Sixth St.,
. PHI A Dia.PHIA, manufacturer of Ve
IlilKtU IilllMlM, Velvet and Gold Uordered
and Painted Miailes, of beautiful designs.
IiutT, and all other colors of Holland used for
Shades. Fixtures, Trimmings, ic, &c.,
wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash prices.
Store Shades painted to order. jr
B. J, W, thankful for past patronage, res
pectfully solicits the public to call and exam
ine his new and large assortment, before pur
chasing elsewhere. tjr" Me study to phase"
March SO, I57.
Front Street Wire Manufactory.
Sieve, Kiddle, Screen and Wire Cloth
Manufacturers, IS'o. 46 North Front St.
Corner of Coombs' Alley, between Market and Mulberry
(Arcli) stKl-J-ltILAll.riJIA.
Manufacture superior quality of Brass and
Iron Wire Sieves of all kmds.Brass andCopper
W ireClolh for Paper makersic,Cj'linders and
Dandy Rolls covered in the best manner.
Heavy twilled Wire for Spark catchers,
Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen
Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish
Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, Fancy Wire
Work of every description Umi'.Tl.
New Wall Paper Warehouse.
Manufacturers and Importers,
No. l'f 1 Arch St, 2d door above Cth, Phil..,
Where may be found the largest and best
selected stock in Ihe city.
I ("Country purchasers may here be accom
modated, without the inconvenience of looking
further, and may be assured that Ihey will
receive the advantage of their money.
BURTON & LANINCJ, 121 Arch St.
3mfi7G above Sisth, l'hilmlilphia
Engraving and Seal Cutting
OF all kinds, at 204, Chesnut Street,
PHILAD. Visitint; and other CARDS,
Corporation and other SEALS.and everything
in our line of business, promptly attended to,
in good style, and on reasonable terms. Or
ders from Citv and Country solicited.
THE irtowttnr.t
v ii i n i i xr
T1IK Kk!hM' TlilAhSat Rea-diiii-
hnaradoiaed the current ' f
, ublic opinion, and confirmed the
verdict of more thou 3l accl.len
tat lire, provmit ,nclu.-i. ly tftat
llerrint-V l the ostl piri IliM
will sot bvrs. ...
t? I
Extract mm me . . u...-
Kport ou the IibJ ol "
at Iteauin
In.ide .Bj'thO e.ntl.t parll.illy c.lif,ueied,v.h:ie the
Si": the .'.fe o, M.Wr,. r.ml. i H. nln, were .a
,-o.i condition, i.n. uo lire inside.
I.mii!. M .'V-'n i"-- f-" ..... .
Keauinir, lact-u
11 T. FEI.IT. 1
1-. N. fOI.EMAS, V C rouillt
A. II. TE.V .K'K.)
'.i!i:i:i.K At 111 .RUING
1 Walnut Street, I'h K iel, hta.
On') makers imtl.it &' ' U-ttwjt r"m i
''Sfa'ue'uijtmn.b-tv.iber rarti.. to 1. in. r np l!.- ,
r, -putati-n . I a sat,- wl.i. I. ." .yLU" si -ua ... in
AnJal ercf in Fbibid. !.l ia,(l:an.-t.-al f-ac.) ' '
on- cut of an .t-te.tll. A. Lant.'.) ma de .!
(f,ic' '. ( li.:. r. "it irom t: . - t!i y I -buru u;
on-ol llerrit.s's.lhalf asti... k) I.e. met .!. IU true i -ward.
Il. rrin .--s c .1- ,. . .' .. I I. Un.!.t--.- ,:.
Si.elv tb:.t theouly reliable K' w ra.b ...
of wl.i h ov. r 1 ...s, areie-w innetual u- .ai-. l I...U ,
2.-0 hale t" . n tried 1 J Lie ".'Wt .1 '
IIiilacl Ipliia '
ON Willow St. aU.ve Twrliih, North i ' . j
M u! liii- sn.ub'.e I t arpeiiti r sn 1
D uller-, CaLni'-t an.', flame Makers, alay.i
on hau !.
Any I'attern worked fr..m a Drnv.inrr. .
I "7 a:i ins w.inie.l in the various 1 owns in
his portion ol the Stale.tn Mlu m opj.. rtun.'.ics
..-.11 In. r.tf. red l..r l.ir o' n t'.l 1"T '.Uerns. l (
4 Mb.is r.. vi 1,1...
CV'KNLK of Texith nu 1 Market Sis, (Dil.c: !
in second storey.) i'hitaiitlphia. j
We invite attention to our cn!ar;-i stock i f
l)rus. Taints, Oils, Varnihcs, Ac, .selected
rxpressly for cur saieand comprisintr one of j
the finest arssoctmrnts in the L'. S whirh we
oirerat low pnees fi f ca-h ur approved credit. ;
WK MAMFAiTrUK.Tcry rtrniv. ly
Pnmium pur While L al.(i.rt. K.nnjton Pure ;
vt hiU- l ad. Pearl snw White I l- ile Montar ' i
Freu'-h 7.1H-, rbt'rtt.) Pure nw White Aine:ian itiu--.
Silver s PliwticFirr and Weather proof I'unti, tlip m"
Greens, Yellows, ani color.4 K' UL rally. i
A' if: NTS FoU I
Porter's su;eri'T Alkalire Window Gla.-, fl--C"fne ;
Fr-n.li Plate 4, lass, (warrant, l.ilhe New Jersey Z:nr
t . mpany VprolurLi.Tii b-n and Nephew's S.V.Vrui--ts.
lirooklD Premium Pure W liitv- Ld, Uampditt Persia- j
nent (in-eni. Pure Ohio C.tawba Krandy, Ac.
I.Ml'Oiil KUS OF
Frein h and Ki. ;ll-h I'late C!.i-, French and Fnh-h j
Cylinder (ila.s, Cl- r. I an I Kn-Tv.-1 W indow (.tin.", j
I'tiirucrreotype l.in--, llaiam- r-.l Plte f - r F.ori anl ,
.liy-l.iL-hts. lru:".C!:fniicai!, iVrfuuiery, ic.
W lliLhAl.fc. UKALLK IN j
lrur-irtV Arti les evueraliy. Pdii.t. rs TrU f nil j
deseripLion", Hydraulic at. 1 f.' man C m- nt. Slein-l
aud Lnd PlaetT, Ptr-r Maker's Clny, S.-tin White, it. ;
fKLNLlI. i;ii'lIAlDS & CU, I
ltore, N. W". ror. ot T- nth and -Market Street--. t
Factryluucti'& Vurk Aveuue.Cri-'WnaudL'.illttwhil ?U-
FIIIUS Hair Dye needs only a trial to satisfy
I all of its perfection as ait?,and the fol
lowing testimonial from that eminent analytic
chemist, Prof. ISooth of ihe U.S.Mint,wiU only
confirm vhat thousands have previously borne
testimony to :
LDOEAOBT rOE PfTirt Cirnfl3TRT.'
tt. J-h phen n Plare, V
Philadelphia. F-l runry 17th, 17.)
B.'inp well aerjuain ted with the sut.r-ta.neei. cnmrOfint:
'rtvr Li'i'-i-i Hair I urn xati-h d that l y hdloa
in the Pimple din-cti-mn piven f-r itn uw. it will not
injure the lluir or thin, tut ''Jj an'
Analytic C'stnnut.
HOVKR'S WKiTlMi INKS, including the
Jlovcr's l-'luiiL and Ihrver'a Indelible inks, are
too well known and introduced lo require any
additional testimonial ol their character. The
sales have been increasing since their first
introduction, friving evidence that the articles
truly possess that intrinsic merit claimed at
first for them by the Manufacturer.
Orders, addressed to the Manufactory. No.
116 RACK street above Fourth, (old No.l l I)
Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention ly
C.-.'.'y J( ISEPII E. HOVKK, Manufacturer.
snv.c -t r .1. ...c.
Wteva'AurseriiSJ. tiardi'D,cj
jnfiiar. -fifrmantown Knad, halt an h
ride from the Uxchanu'e by Umnil us.
SIuitlCjFmlt andOmummtitl Tr,cs,Shruls
Plants, Eofcs, Ac.
cultivated and for sale in quantities to sni:
dealers and others, including an extensive
and varied assortment of ail the desirable
varieties of the above, f.rsale Wholesale and
Retail. Catalogues can be had on application,
gratis, " S. MAI PAY & CO.
When addressed by mail direct to Ris
ing Sun P.O., Philadelphia. Our Stands are
in the Market, Market street, bilow Sixth,
where orders arc also received. (onf.76
Cheap Fruit and Confectionery.
Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in
Confectionery of all kiml.--, !
113 No. Third SI, below Race, PIIILADEL. I
The attention of dealers is requested to an '
examination of their stock.which will be found ;
equal to any in this city. Foreign Fruits cl
all kinds in season. N.B. Or.'.crs by Mail rr
otherwise promptly attended to
,1ml.". ;l
Pennsylvania Wire Works.
VTO. 5 AKCII St. between 2d and nd,
X (opposite Eroad St.)
PHILADELPHIA. sieves, Uiddles, Screens,
Woven Wire of all meshes and widths.wiih all
kinds of plain and fancy Wire Work.
Heavy twilled Wire for spark catchers, coal
sand and gravel Screens, paper makers Wire,
cylinder and dandy Rolls covered in the best
manner, Wire and Wir Fencing.
A very superior article of Heavy Founders
Sieves. All kinds Iron Ore Wires an.l Sieves.
UTount Vernon House,
MO. 9-3, North 2d SUPhiladclphla.
i. 1 This old and well established house is
admirably situated for persons visitint; the
city on business or pleasure. The continue.!
patronage of the public (and of West Branch
friends in particular) is respectfully inviled.
Philad., March 1, lt-56. Proprietor.
Fishing Tackle,
AND Cl'NS...The subscribers invite
attention to their stock of Fish Hooks
and Tackle of every description
Cane Jxccdi, Pea Grass, Trout Flies,
Lines, &c.
Also, fine English and Gorman Guns, Revolv
ing Pistols, Percussion Cups, and Sporting
Apparatus generally.
For sale at lowest Cash Prices, Wholesale
and Retail.
(52 1 No. .11 N. Second St., l'hiludu'phia
" The Good Time Coming."
BY T. S. Ariliur...Tlise who wish to
hear something of fhat long-expected
day, should read this book.
It is having an immense sale ; 5,000 copies
were ordered in advance of publication.
We send a copy by mail, post-paid, on the
receipt of the price, 1.
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher,
43 North Fourth St. fliilud.lphia, i'a.
N.B. Agents wanted to sell this and other
popular booiis in all parts of the U nited States.
Send fr cur Lit and TVriuj to Al-. h'i.
"On the 2' U. of February nil the rr..ml cnof the C- m
ciitteemet to .itne.. the Safe. ...d
(idaexdin Uietu) and wen- perleelly Jati.-hed " ;
rieht. The dav fdlowine-. !.' buro.ni! t It place.un ! r
the .ure rintenden.-o nl the C .muitlee. After ah. ir Mil
.. .... (... tn.ur. iiie r.tf "i ji
And endorsed by Over W of the la-Hoc. '- ' ' ';-. I
Ibe above M.I-- ran bo oxl - .!
Where tbe public call nali-ly tl.eili'e'vef of lb-Cre .t 1
lri.Tilyc.ftho -llerrin- I' tent I ham;,- n.' o.er tl.
.. eat. ,1 and .'-; -m-el iron 1" or s, ..maiel. r.
C I IE Kit Y
Cold, roiiRhs, and
Btrxnrtn, Msr, li'th Dee., Itt5.
InuJ.U.Av: IdunUbiuUtoi"T
the best nw-ly I bv ev IouimI I t
C-'UKbA lk.ir-rn. Iuti"ieiiti, aud the
r. .. cut t,t Mjii-tim- i-f a Oil'L is y -nr
CUCMT Pt-JT-aiU IWtt-Ult to v
my pr.x ti. ar.d my fuudy .r l!e l-t
trn ve:ir l.v -N 'Wn it t- pi- ip TJ
ri-T virttiea f r th- ti.-.itr-.-nt ot llie "lw
OJlpUllt4. BvllbA " 1,
A. B. Mnl.TLfcY, Fj-j.-f t nr. N T. wrlM: Ifcv,
ward y-nr Pzrtoiui. nivm If and in my family w-r iu
j .u Invent' d it, and b- ! " it tle I- -t ni- i.4e f r
p iqiorv v r pot out. With a ttd yM I -iJr-fiV.1
pty tweiitv Ut J-'lUr f ( a ttllu Uwta do Mttituul U,t
Lk any Jiiu-r rtIliely.',
iioup Hhooi in? C'oah, Inilaenia.
.-, R;...FTrir, Mi- . Kb. 7. Wei
Parvrrra Ate: 1 w;:i t .eitifv jur P&aei
h ti:-" I -t r ntfif i t t ftif eiu I Whnffmmm
l,wjh. 1-h-rn; mid t!:- t'e -t .U-Tm .ff ctitl-lrvn. J
y .ur fr .tcii.iry ia the r- uUi a;.re.tto aaAU, aad
AM'? M' F. .V'TTrAiT. I, writer, 3d Ja l:
IL ti a t- u tl li.t!.i 1 c-'ofi:.-! o.t, iu-k-
a:i w. r, ; T K r i: V tn 'it. - r. !i f ; in i
tn,J yn.f l.rni ly t!. 'mt tUrrmma
T!e fti -t " "" ay Uti'l ai.4
li.Ti'"" 1 I" iti f ll -:tl ma.t m (; I--?
11 "Y':IU- t..ri i i-e tit" cI,-;-t -il lltat-
e tan buv. aud - ui v-u, ltor, and jwur
4rX,s ti..: Ht--n n fiit-nd."
A-tbma or I htiii-ir, nnd nrnarlhiiia
,t M.. iivrtAa. I t , !;.
rtU' e jm I
It I.X ft 1
1 rl ff-m
f .
nrlCfT a i
aU I " 1
U-c t--it
a A kin
b-i t I
. r '' :. a If pifvf the
( iM.I L tKhKS Mt tvut
:. ALM". M'acw C-. a,
" I- 1 1 ; a i If bia'i j-mstrn
j . d i t ur t cikitf Pacr! fce
i t v tuui,'Uo i Urau, ut jmtm
Vltrir.j p
v. A tias n BMty Ii tuawd as nt
Pr I ' 'v ! u!J- I' - . 1) 1. '- I vv.
cur.-l .s1 But.y i. t !i tlir.Ar"n cm, m tiua- P.
.ohoon -l aa r.ti: t-it wen tu tl.". Uw Cmaji
.'tt'aJLL 5 'Oi" f 'i'l act c ! ?.
A t a II ' i. Nrw V Crcf. Tar-fc I. 1M
IW-rmi na. Is ...il: I " H . ilv mad a (lsa.
ibl- rni a .1-. '-r a. - I'Lf ri hw J . f
..1. 'lu. 1.1 Is-n It's Bas.c.'t., 1.Im4 ra4r IN.
a.'tl-. r.fli. .vn.isl-ni.-slO rs.:iiii. n. fra tu b a" 4
mv ."-sal-t rr s'c nw he, rnnca rcLrf. Isb. atrt-U;,
tulinr. ui-"l I"- we."' "'" k.v.c..
sr a.U!.. r.csim il"l l"l ' or M1 ucs. t.
U, losk.ii'iu.s., m a. yrmr aki.l. tt sb.
.1- I Ir- tu O. .1 il.y. M.c " D-.t yet a. T",n a. rts. bm4
to Is-, tct is 1'. ft- mh-r c..ai;ti, ail cask Wmlf O.
V. ur. tll -' .'.0..1. ar. I r. .-..-I.
i,i.LM .-Ilr.i l.i", of !inrnw
n.W.M A l t ! - ' I'll J"Q c-" trH Aral
C.lir-v lV. cacl. It r. n.i l y cue. I the l4aMd-al
di. na-ts in t'.r rl.l. an l lis cor.-, all .remd u !a
tbu bi.U Iu- nla - I in cutuc. lmdau-.'iut Ijlger.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
Til C ari n-c. t f Clicmuitry and Jt.slidn. hav. km
tavsl tl. ir D1U1..I to tticluc Uiia be!, moat crS
puriraurc l.i' 1: i- kii-.trn I" man. Innumerabi. proA
mobIijwii lL.it t!i c Tnxs liave virt'ic hi.h aorpaaaro
.xccllcDC the orilinary nMsliiiuc. anl tbasl tbe, win M
j..receckDtc !!' ujs,n tlic esttciu of all men. Tbeyareaaia
aii.1 flrMi nt l.tsic.lut .wrful to curct Their pea,
tratiii.- .r..i.rtictiiuiilate the vital actiitie.i tlnbocll,
remove tLo ul.tructi. uvl it orgaun, pmrir, Iti. blusl,
auJ cjkI Jl..a-o. Tli 5 .nr-out the t .at humor wbkfc
trccsl anl eru" Ji-fmsr. siliunl-Ue tuesa tt dMor
d. red ..risau iui..lli. ir naiur.il tun, auJ impart blfh
toaevtilb rtMitli to tbe vm-le sjstcm. 'o only do
tt:?y care ti.e cvcrrl.y cvici Uiut of every body, b.t
aLs. (. niisUl.;.: ai. 1 iuiccroiis iliscasca thiK hav. bamc4
t!.e best ol biouioi s-ilL lole they .mince powerful
effisrl. tb. y arc at the s-mio titac. la ihciituishcl dcM, tb.
afest and Is-st physic tliot en be employed i chlblren.
Rlra nui-ars.clti, tin y ar.j i.l.-asicut to Lie; and kabng
j ur. ly v. . ul l , ar-- lice tr. ui any risk ol bans. Cwnw
have ts-'U ma.le which snri, belief were they Wat an
(tuntliitisl by men of .ucb exalted poMtion and cbnracwaT
w to forbid tho Bu.i i. u-u of untrulb. Mac, ejnlnert
cl- rrynxn aa.l physi- i.cn havx lent their name, to cert,
fy to tbe public tl.e r. liability ol my rcmclW white otav
mkvc cr.tnic Ih.- awnrancrof the ir conviction that
ray I'n-pirati ria cs-ntrK.nl. imracnaely lo the rearfof my
aii.1- 1. m:S- r:n? R lk-w-mc-n.
T',L- nt t- l-w liann-l is r!ca"esl lo furni H"
HciTtcan Altn.-cnac, rt'iitUiilnl! .lirrrteina it their naM
ccrtlB. iiti of their core, of the f. Ikwtl.g rompUfnm:
i.sti-.-.-ii ss. l-.iltcjiis t'-nil-lsi'its, Klu-nm.-uiswi, Urcw,
II. nrl' nrn, lb .kirh. nrl-in? frcm a foul H-imarh,
a.-. ltslU'esth :i. M. tl .1 li.a.li toc.f the Dowel BAd taul
arislii2 tli- r. fn-m. MiiOiK-ii.-y, I.e. of Aiic-tite, all llosr.
ocm and Cutiuus.u. Ucs.-:is.. which require an ewiMkaS
M.sll- in.-. S r fula or hi. It's Ecil. Tb-y also, by purify.
l:jjr the t l.-.l ai..l sTiiiinliitiii; the imsm, cur, many
o-iiil-Wilts which it . .i.l'l not I n.rsd they coo id
riwrh. su. h as Ik if.u --s. I'tftial Kindurwc Neuralgia and
ti. rc-iis lmu!-.:i:v. Is i.in--- m.-nt. f llie Liver and Rid-n-
y., O.-iit. ar-.l ..ll.-T kiifii,.! cxmoliciuts orisliut from ft
low stall' ot the l-sly oL.triK-U.-u ol It. fuuctl.a.
IV, net U-put o:f ty uuirin:i.Usl dealn with tmm
ctlir Jill tb- y nistt" irv-r prc-fit on. Ask frr Arm,
Tills, and tike noltiin else. Xo other they can glv.
y -il comi -u-. IIU Iliu in its inlrinJc value or ccuwtiv.
p-w.m. Tlie si-k want the Ivrt aid there al for them,
anl tt..-y should have It.
Frepnrcd by Dr. J. C. AVER.
Practical and Aaalytical Ciemiat, Lowell, Masav
TiUci a J era. n B -i. F:v Bona torn $ I.
C. W. S -ncrrLr. an.l C:-msT A Ccu-wrm Isewlsbnrg
Milus i Ic. cm. ji.Miiliibtur J. I'.Cco-w, Milton
rPIiE su'ciscribiT con
J ttnues to carry on i!i
l itci v IlusliiCMS at
iK.. Ill,) Sinml rn Stint hi
Third street, near Market, and respectful 1
i.rt.... tl. i r. , i no t.t liic tVii-iiiU anil lh
public "rcr.i-r;i'l!v. 11IAKI.ES F. MESS.
Lcwisbur?. .May 22, li".u
r- --The subscribers, thankful fer
:i.-zc; past patntaee. would inform
vi3tlie pumc mat iney conunne to
f-' ' ' .nmmiLictiire all kinds of MILL
lsEAKI.;"aiui other Castines. Thrashin
.Machines an-.l t.tlic r Machinery repaired in tbe
best m;i-.i:u r. L'astincs warranted to be oi
coo.', material, ai d at prices that can not fail
to p!ea?c. liEDDES, MARijH & CO.
Lrwi-bnriy, Feb. I.rl
COOKINC1 Stoves, of various alierna
and sizes, for Coal or Woo , for sale
at the Lewisburg Foundry by
Ucddc. Marsh 4 Co.
STOVKS I'arlur, Wood, and Coai
Stoves, various patterns, for sale at ike
Lcvri.-t-iirf; Foundry, (.eddes. Marsh A Co.
YlflAUD'fe' Tatcut Uang Plow, a supe-
V rior article, for f alcat the Lewisburg
Foundry l y GedJe.Mrsh Co.
GRAIN or Seed Drills IW PatcDt
decidedly the but and most durablt
(rain Dtill now in use, for sale at tbe Lrwisbiri
Foundry by Cfddc. Marh A Co.
Hussey's Grain Reaper,
for cutting both Grain and Gra
MANUFACTURED an.l for sale at lh
Jsewisburu Foundry by
ATOTIfE. Ilavin? been appointed tbf
IN SEXTON lo the Lewisbm;: Cemetery
the subscriber would state that he is preparcJ
to perform all duties connected with the bunaj
of the dead, on short notice. Also that he w".
attend rothc re-iiiternieni of deceased perseB.,
under the direction of their survivine frirns.
Residence in the l.o.'re at the Gate cf ttir
Lewisburg, May 30, 1K51
iron: iron:.' iron:::
9 17,Q LBS. just meiieJ at the
SLl'Il McFADPEX. Farmers and Vat
smiths, call and see the Lirgrst and
sortment of Iron ever olicred on the
Branch. Having ihe excluiicf control ot ine
celebrated Vitunst i Centre county Won.
he is enabled lo trarrant eterr bar.
sizes Tire, 8collop, Round and Square I nor
Shoe, Nail Rods, Ac., at C.sii prices l "
Call and see the Hardware Store of
JOt. M'F..DPEJr'
Lewisburg, May 10. If5.
cine l.-r Dvspepsia nml diseases ansirx
t.on, an imiwrc state ;.. tb fi.SZU
mi. a i if i