Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 12, 1857, Image 3

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jjCivlshurff, M(i
Friday Morning, June 12,1 So".
A DVF.RTIZt' Manufacturer. Merchant. Mechanics
A publico1- in City and Country, Publisher
all who wish to buy or sell would do wen to empmy tin
.nd iaereaeinz circulation iu a community ciilitainii
Lore proportion of active, snlveut prnduoers, eon;.umers .
and dealers, as any in the state.
X? See Kew Advert ixoiuents.
tVA Six Months' Sucker answers tne
dozen dozen" Query correctly, in add.tiun to
those given on our first page
tOn Saturday morning oi mis weeK, ai
. . . . - hnA an aitinrnil
rj o ClOCKjJUage " u" l -
Court in Lewisburg, for hearing Arguments
in cenain cases.
E5The Jersey Slmre Republican is flourish
ing with a new dress of type, and will hereaf
ter publish on the Cs Sistex. Sensible at
last. '-Printing for glory" don't pay. j
t5?An excellent tract of land, nearly all
improved, within sight of Lewisburg, is of -
fered at private sale. The owner desires to
use his money in another business.
rys. H. Taiioii, nearly forty years a prin
ter, has disposed of his interest in the Maueh
Chunk Gazette to E. W. Raich, and designs
to have some rest by farming it iu Susquehan
na county.
urO'ir cotemporaries knowing any person
desiring one of the most eligible dwelling
houses in Lewisburg, will please direct them
to the advertisement of (Icorgo P. Miller, F.so..,
in to-day's Chronicle.
i j- r " i i .i. ,
hv i'y uir iiuuiui'in lei juur, wr irmii itmi
on the last of March, Rev. Benjamin Bausman
was visiting near Mount Sinai, in Arabia.
We understand he is expected back bv his
... . . .,
congregaiton in j.ewisuur?, next utoiiin.
ri?The old County Property at New Berlin
is up at Auction. It comprises five or six Lots,
with buildings and shade trees on some of
them and is al(ogclher a very valuable pro-j
perty, and worth a good price.
- -
CFWe ate indebtet to an unknown hand
for a Catalogue of Dickinson College
fir the '
current year. It reports 8 Teachers, 135 Col
legiates, and 58 in the Preparatory Depart
ment l'JS pupils n all.
r?'It takes off a little of the romance of
the Union county F.Ik Hunter's arm chair, to
read that Pres. Buchanan has appointed him
to be an Assistant in some kind of removing-the-Indians
work with a salary of $1800 per
ry The Direcuirs of (he Lewisburg, Cen(er
& Spruce Creek R. R. Company meet, to-day,
at Millheim The second, thorough surveys,
we suppose will be completed, and more defi
nite estimates may be made of lengths and
"Situsrt!"-The Deputy High Constable
of Lewisb'g orders all persons to remove ob
structions ol every name and nature from the
sidewalks, gutters and streets belonging to
their premises, on pain of the penalty in such
case made and provided.
rF"One day last week, as Mr. James Har
ris, of Lewisburg. with some of his family
and inenus, was ruling wwrf the hum
his son-in-law, S. W. Snodgrass, near Milllin
burg, his horse ran away going down a steep
hill, throwing out the inmates, and bruising
several of them. Mr. Harris has not yet been
able to reach his home.
fF"Last week, Sheriff Uuldin look young
Kleckner (convic(ed at May Term) to the
House of Refuge, Philad. The youth kep( a
bold front until compelled to doff his usual
clothes and don the "uniforms" of the House,
which did not suit his inclination.
Young Benner has been pardoned by (he
(iov-ernor, and is released a wiser boy.
ITTAn old-Ume devil, Liwd II. Fcsk of
Milton, with H. W.PaELrs have commenced a
neat and well conducted and spirited sheet
The Rockton Gazette in Ihe flourishing (own
of Rockton, on Rock river, (near Roekfurd) in
Winnebago Co. III. on the Cash system.
Among such rocky names we suppose our
young friend will soon be able to pick up ''a
pocket full of rockt."
New School Law. Among (he recent acts j
ot the Legislature is the following important
one which goes into operation immediately :
Sectiow S. Tha( hereafter (he Tax imposed
by secuon thirty of the Act, approved May
eighth, one (housand eight hundred and fifty
four, for the regulation and continuance of a
system of education by Common Schools, on
trades, professions and occupations or on sin
gle freemen, shall in no case be less than one
dollar. Approved, May 21, 1857.
ry Pior. James has furnished us (see first
page) with a statement of the amount of rain
(including snow) which has fallen in Lewis
burg this year up to ihe 1st inst. more hav-
ing fallen in May than in (he four months
preceding. In June, np to yesterday morning.
there had fallen 3.273 inches a very large
amount. Two years ago, also, was a very
wet month, followed by a long dry summer
and autumn. The West Branch rose rapidly
yesterday, and.is very high.
Almost a Cbasi. Last Monday night, was
very damp" in (his region, and (he claps of
thunder were loud enough to awaken the con
science of a Border Ruffian (if he had one.)
Tuesday morning, the three storey dwelling
of Dr. drier, on Market St., Lewisburg, was
found with a grievous gap in the east or gable
end the central portion of it having sunk
somewhat- Mr. Criswell tad removed the
former building to make way for a new one,
aad dug the cellar deeper. The walls are now
propped np, and perhaps secure. The jar
caused by the thunder was probably the imme
diate cause of the depression, of which Ihe
family were not aware at the time, but have
since vacated the premises. Goldsmiths'
have also removed their Clothing Store along
side of Walls'.
"Removed- Lecomp(e has been removed
from the office of Chief Justice of Kansas,
and Joseph Williams, Esq., appointed in his
place." Telegraphic Dispatch.
"It is rumored that the office of Associate
Jusiice of Kansas has been (endered (o George
A. Erick, Esq., of Lewisburg, but be has not
yet determined whether to accept or not,"
Milton Journal.
Another dispatch reads
AFroiwTHr.;T.Joseph Williams, Esq., of
Iowa, to be an Associate Justice of Kansas in
place of Thomas Cunningham, Esq., of Pa.,
Which is correct, we cannot tell. Why Le
eompte should be turned ou(, now unless to
humbug Walker as they did Geary it is diff
icult to conceive. It may also be to cajole
tne Free Staters into voting. Cunningham it i
is stated, had some notions nf doinv ne-htlv I
d reir.ir.v,,rmg n.s ,, m.(j.ch , ry,,-,,,, i
j The Presbyterian Church Edifice,
To be opened for the worship of Almighty"
God on Sunday next, in Lewisburg, is one of) The meeting at Amnions' ball, Sarur
the best planned and most comfortable in j j ..:. n..lJ(! nrn..:?:nn f.
Central Pennsylvania. Located in the centre
of two lots on lower Market slreeuis graceful
, spire rises 103 feet from the ground. The ed
ifice is tfii by .r6. standing 20 feet back from
! the street. It is built of brick, ornamented on I
the sides wiih pilasters, and painted a drab ;
! color. The main front entrance is between '
ninars. ,., iarffe door homo surmounted
fcy stajneJ A of ;
haU from vlM) afe Ju0rs nj in(0 ,he I
mice aisies main auuiencc room, two uoors to
. flio oatlrir at fli ,,nth t,m knna
j - uvu, .u
, two other doors leading to the basement.
Th aitilinN r..nm l 9 f.t h.lA, r.A
72 feet long, exclusive of a singers' gallery Vi
feet deep. There are 117 slips, so curved
. . , , , , ,
that every one faces the speaker; their doors
are low, and numbered with porcelain door
plates. The seats are uniformly cushioned,
: stuffed at the back, and covered on both sides
1 by crimson damask. The pulpit, located at the
( back end of a moderate elevation, is after
the Ionic style ; within a recess, it receives
lijjht from surill windows on each side, and
has a closet on one hand, and on the other a
fight of stairs leading to a pastor's room in the
basement, where it communicates with the
Sunday school room, and with the street by a
door on the west. There are four windows
on each tide of the main room, and another
' sett in the gallery, made of painted glass, cir-
; cular at the top.
j In the basement is a hall, reached by two
outer and two inner doors, Irom v. hirn is en-
i tt red a session or conference ronm, and be -
yond that the Sunday school room, with cireu -
lar seats and a library built in the wall. Each
- : .. i . .. f i .: -u i i-i.. . ..
I , , . . . , , ,
j . ,
: . . 6 ' . ,
' ---w.j. .....,
Under the basement, is a heating appara-
J tus. There are some ventilators provided.
i The whole cost of building, furnishing, &c,
I is probably $12 to $14,0(10.
Messrs. Johtih Nibbit and Josrra M.
Ilm sti, are the builders, and it is generally
admitted have done their work well and sub-
nisiiiiig oi uie nouse, as
mignt De aniicipatea irom tne ability and taste
of the congregation, is upon (he most liberal
Bohwill have accomplished their promised
Map of (his Borough, as originally laid out.
, wan ine various additions. It is a very dim-:
i cult matter for strangers to get correclly five
I or six hundred names,and the sins of amission
and commission are not more than commonly
, occur in first attempts of this kind. Mr."Hos-
den" don't like to have two errors in half of
his surname; "Seminary" should be Univer
i sity Avenue; there are 6 churches here inslead
of 5; and there are several other errors in
but, barrin these, (he Map will be i
' 'I
found an Ornamenl (O any house, as WCll as a j
. r., i - u -.-
great convenience for business. Many cm-
zens as well as sirangers will know more than I
(hey did before of our Borough, especially (he !
. . '. , , ,.l
names ot the cross Streets, to Which Should :
have been added (he names of (he Alleys The I
University and Female Institute the Baptist,
... .. . . ,. . , n . A
Christian, Lutheran, Methodist and Prcsbyte-;
rian houses of worabio and the residences I
. n , . . . . .. .... ... . I
oi i'res.Maicoin, iir.ocname, ana 1,01. onier, '
, . v.-i .u r- j
are given in separate pla(es, while the Oerman
Reformed and Court House edifices are not
, ;
thus displayed. (Since Col. Siller S fine and
laslv house has become about the anex of '
tasty nouse nas Decome aooui tne apex oi ,
Second street, it seems by this Map that his
rather spare person has loomed up in more
magnificent proportions !)
Any person desiring a copy of this Map.will
address Messrs. M Kiimey & Bonwill, at Scran
ton, Pa. Price, I.
Terjurer Sentenced. On Saturday
last in the criminal Court of Philadelphia,
John Cochran, an Irish Democrat, was
sentenced to tlie Penitentiary for three
years, for perjury. At the general elec
tion, October last, be swore that the nat
uralization papers of another person of the
same name as his own, belonged to him,
and thereby obtained his vote. There are
a large number of other cases in Philadel-
. , . . I
phia for fraudulent voting, more than the
entire Democratic majority last fall. If
all the cases are tried, another penitentia
ry will have to be built.
(Another Philadelphia alien Democrat
has since been convicted of same crime.)
NOT ONE ! We sec it stated that
there ib not a "straight" Fillmore Aineri.
can yet elected to the lower House of Con
gress, North or South.
Virginia had one
last year, but he is lost, although a Distri
bution Democrat is elected in another dis
trict. The South want a man who is for
or against Slavery, and not a "cow boy"
who will be this side or that as be can get
the most money. And the North want
the same thing.
laT Judge Gricr and Supremo Conrt at
Williamsport, Monday of next week. We
see upon the the catalogue of Jurors
the names of Messrs. Fries, Crotzcr, and
Wolfe.Lewinburg, Davis,Eycr,Can.mins,
and Gutelius, Selinsgrove ; "Jarly Puck
aloo," and a full list of similar old politi
cians, not excepting William Wilkins of
Pittsburg, who is over 80 years of age.
Going down South. The next Dem
ocratic National Convention, is to meet in
Charleston, S C. The next Old School
Presbyterian General Assembly, at New
Orleans, La. 5rThc next New School
General Assembly, at Cleveland, 0.
The Democrats of Minnesota in their
organization announce themselves in favor
of the admission of Kansas ai a Free State
and the perpetual cxlusiou of negro slavery
from Minnesota. They have to yield to
the spirit of Liberty, there.
A serious, threatening conflict between
the U. S. Marshals and the State authori
ties, arising out of the abhorred Fugitive
Slave Law, has occurred in Ohio. Tho
State authorities have maintained their
ground, thus far.
That Comet which was to approach so j
near the earth on the 13th of June next,
arrived at its nearest point on the 8th
inst. and is now fast going into infinite '
space apain.
1 ... . V .V . BCI 1
Tne V ick&rjurg papers acny mat a ;,
000 donation to Preeideut Pierce has been
Lewisburg, July 1, 1S57.
C ' i
appointment cf Committees, a follows :
General Committee Lewis Palmer, (Chair-
man.) tieo. A. r rick, J. I". Ross, Win. Prick, '
M. Fiiluhorn, Phillip liillniyer, H. W. Pries J
Thos. Haves, O. N. Worden, James Gibson, '
1!. G. Orwig, (Secretary.) j
Financial Committee C W Schalfle, Jos Y i
Ilerr, Jos I, Voder, Dennis Phillips, J Hertz,)
Wm Moore, J II Brown, John K Eicholtz, R I I
iscbl'li, n M i.auglilui, U t llcss, j IS l.i n ii,
John M'Fad.iin. tieo J U,,1,I..,.H I IIIM.I.rll
, j v Miriner.
i 7..: , . i -.. . . . r.
( incmuwn i innfniurc Jolin llotltitnn, J S
j Marsh, (t K Miller, Eli Slifer, ti K Uliss.Juhn
' HdllUOl on. in IMinertill T. 1 A 11 I llttlliloil. '
JaC I-0,in. Adam Beaver. Bd A Stark. j
I v.C.om- f -,r"''V'-'i5' T !
I ilson, Jos U Koss, Jos .M Paddiu, J 11 liood-,
lnani , s s,erncr. Win Leiser. D Sl,:ifer,Jesse
, Srhreyer, John J Palmer, J C Dull, I. II Root.
1 " Miller, Owen Murtv, Wui Lilly, Lewis E
i Jones, Chas S Ciite:
I Frneeyts'wn Committee A M Lawshe, Ceo A '
Friek.J A Kreanier. Thomas tiraham, Theo '
! M'Faddcn.L I! Christ, II W Crolzer, Alex:
: Amnions, Wm H Chainberliii, F A Uonachv,
W Hutehinnstm. Samuel G Man.. Rob'!
Hiinlap, FA lionehower. j
Marie Committee Theo S Christ, John '
MTadden, A li Vorse, Jos L Voder, Wm Jones, j
J I! Cornelius, Win C Painter, Joel KellvJ M j
House, II U .Noll, Miller Jones, Solomou.Uiticr :
John Pross. S D Munson. j
JVrf,r,-F S Caldwell. Jas Houghton,
... . ... ..... ' .... 't-"""
Kvans. J W Penninetnn. t'hs S Wetzel, J Mcr-
.. " '".J I'
a ."vuir x-nrever. j i; i r nm I u.mncnn
ril Linn, Lewis Ashenfelter, (ieo Keed. I
B5ult is desired that :hc Chairman of
, etch Comtuitlee call a meeting of itg mem
' bcrs on or before
tn.tnr.rrnw evenln tn
fill enl.,niiN nr.,1 m-..;,,, f. w,nel- TI.- !
1 c
j prospect i.i niont hopeful. Arranpenicnts
.,. . , .
will be announced as they are matured.
" " are matureu.
The new house of worship erected by the
the Presbyterian congregation of Lewisburg,
will be opened on Sunday, 14th June insl.
Kev. A. .evin, I). 1)., of Lancaster City. Key.
M. Murray, D. D., ("Knwan ) id Jersey
and Rev. j. Watson, D. D., of Milton, are ex
pected to be present.
i'uLlic services al 10 o clock A. M., 3 I. M,
and at 7 P. M.
The public are respectfully invited to attend,
EV'The new Union Church at Fores! Hill,
will be dedicated on Sunday (he 14th day of
June next, commencing at III, A. M. Several
preachers may be expected, and the public
generally are invited to attend.
ryPresulent (iiaiiiKT, of Franklin &.
, Marshall College, Lancaster, will address the
Literary Society of Ihe Union Seminary, New
Berlin, on ihe evening of Tuesday, Kith inst.
It has hee..me an r.tal.li.hed f.o-t that tlr. Paiifurd'a
; lnlinrator will cure Liver t,nnlaiiit,.iuu.liee and'ien
eral llebilitr. Many people pernoually known to UH.whnna
I word eanoot la- doubted, have given ttieir eertiticateii to
P" v t hir.an.i w,ii,.u hamaf,.reTH.-i,cei.oe.nd..uW.
It in trulv Hie invalidi, Tri.-iiiL.iiil will i.iri. e..liMf hK-h
all other remedies fail,anj in nie instances that have
come undeniurobservnlion itreemedtlieuieanaol suati-h.
ln ito Tictim from tlw e wi,u , our d.
o nwmedidna would try one boitie.for it wilUurdy
J-Th.re are plenty of youni; (cnttemen aa well aa
plenty nfnld me, ahi ae tieanla are turn,nK- eray.whhh
fiJ"lb',':'?a?r deal of u,a.ine,.nd eipo.w.
the age of the latUr. To avoid thew little perplexities
adviae uch of our re.-uir. to ne i rof. Wood iiaj
Heatorative, which will, in ihe roume of a few weeka.
ehanne the hair to it natural color, it doea D..tdye the
",e mft of hair rectoraiive... but pniuee a
.i iilml iJi.m. aiL. fnin ik. nnl. ,1m Kate
flnni end, ami lovir a mTF-.na Ri....y apn.-aranee. yva
liavo aei-n niauv persona who nave u-i 11 suei-aaaiuiiy,
,nJ 1,rnn1il,u0i,iT,.nU.h,ehhMeomeup
t,lr'r idea of a -cur. f.r sruy head." Uecommeced
u.ing it about two months sinco, and ifwe areany judire
of a-e and beauty, it has ma le u at least ten years
J""""' in re beKinnirB to look (uiu youn-,
M(I M Tl!ry murh bkr g.,... m yunir if. Th,
change is llat-ulou and it would t. a.-! dimcuit to mid
of the Dukeorimrkioiiham. We know several old maids
and some youinc widows, w lioso loi-ks are just hes-inuintr
to assume a silvery hue. and who have been talking seri
ously almut resorting to this remedy. and we advi.se them
not to delay any longer, it never fail.--St.Ljuis ierald.
IIollowav'8 Ois-TMrsr amdI'ills. External injuries, as
well as external diseases, may lie truly said tn have lost
half their terrors since tlie ititmdui-tion of lliillnway's
Ointment. The wortt liruifes, burns, and scalds, the
severest flesh wounds, aud tlie most dangerous fractures,
are treated iireessfjlly with this ointment in the hospi
tals of London and Paris. The first dressing aobdui-a
intlamation and releives pain, and. these symptoms re
moved, the priK-esa of restoration is rapid almost beyond
credibility- Krupti'ms of ail kinds, asthma, mumps,
croup, and sores and ulcers of every kind.muy tie prompt
ly relieved by the action of this uncounted remedy. The
Pills are Ihe standard specific for diseases of the stomach,
liver, and bowels, throughout Europe and America.
Itl.'CllL', is preparad directly according lo the rules of
1'hannacy and Chemistry, and is the bestand must active
preparation whirhi-an lie made for tlie cure of liseases of
the bladder, Kidneys, llravcl, Imp.y, Weaknesses. Ac.
n'-nu me wiii-nisi-iuciii 111 aiiioio-r ooiuuiu, ueaueu
- iKJinioi i s c.-nume preparation.-
actotslmrs iHarUtt.
Corrcclid Wtekhj
Wheat... 1.70 to 1.75 Kgfrs.'. S 10
Rye 85 Tallow 12
Corn SO Lard 12
Oats 50 Uacon 11
Flaxseed 1,25 Ham 15
Dried Apples. 1,25 Shoulder 10
Uutter IS Clovcrseed 0,00
- " -
On the "d int. bv John Milter Kan. 7. M. TtiU'GEX.
DOIILKK and KI.IHA A. W KlIiNKII, all of Mlllou.
Iiv Iter. (Ml. Krli nmyer, ad ult.. AI.KX. KKKIIS and
KM7.AIIKTII TIIUIlSliV.liOlhofChai.manTp. Sthult.
UIISII1 , tioth of Chapman Tp.
FKANKI.IN ltiltVand.SAI.OMK KnhLKY.hnth of Ivnna.
On Pabriath mrvrnin-, Jun 7, J APrtT. YOrXO. Ruff
alro T. Mr-Y. wm lorn -rt. .1, 177. In IStniKl'iirjr, lin
ratT 0, At nn early tin It-, hit faOittr rvmowed to what
is now call'-tl Ilall'd I-'lnml.at thf mouth of P. nnsCre. k,
nrl from thfiv to Itlai klink Vatly, lyioruinir Co. He
Diarrit'il in ITwiV, ninett which time he li n'iJel on hU
he n'taini'il the piM'tnion of all his facuttiea until tlin
end of hit lif h inir of an nnwmirmnly rhwrful and
hiaW'T t-'mpfraUK'nl. his micicty ad-iplci plcaxurc to all
who knt-w him, and hit log will tie d.-eplr frit not only
l.yhii-own family, hut ly the entire nfieMnrh-eOd. In
hid last momeDtf he waa iuivtaini.il by the hope of the
Chrbtinn. H
In F.Tiru.n Tp. Vntr Co. v!t. W. PAMl'KL
nit YSON. aifd li)Ut Itiyi'an a l)rothTof late K-t. Jno
ttryson.who di.d in Cuillifrioa'tue not long e.uce,ata Mill
more advanced an.
!n Franklin Tp.SnTd.-rCo.C7th nltAXDUEW TAUL
NECK KK, fn ajf about 'A v.r.
In FriM-l-unr. M nit., COM. AD VAT,TRR,nonof Wafli
iliinjrton M KXfiKS, aRtnl 4 yvan and 1 daya.
Iu Norttiuinrtfrlaud. -Tth uli, LAV I N A, aged about Z2
yiar. wif of JluoUr Newherry.
TN consequence o( the terrestrial revolutions
going on in lower Market street, GOLD- j
SMITH & BRO. are compelled to remove '
. ... . . . .
the young: Mammomuinining tmponum up to
next door below Wells' old Mammoth Store
where, wi(h beuer accommoda(ions, we are
prepared lo sell CHEAPER THAN EVER.
Call and see. June 9, 1857.
OR S i I.I". A good SPKISG WAG
1 O.V, with Shafts and Tongue.
May 15, H57tf H. W. FRIES.
I.OC HS. Wntrtien,
and Jew elrj, next door to
the Post twice neap lor
Cash. A. E. DENORM ANDIE, Ag't.
Lewisburg, April St. I S5 1.
rfw-ts r;,v-11tt I Plnin IllaeV and Fanew
Dress Silks, Tissues, Berages, Shallys,
Hobes. Lawns. Brilliants, Granadines, Ac.
Also a lot of Parasols, (ej-fra Black) and
Fancy colors, just ree'd and for sale by
May 21. Goodman & Chamberlin
Dr. I. Brngger Dr. J. F. Harvey
nOMr.orATIIIO .Physicians,
south side Market St. bet ween 4th V th
riMIE Stallholders of the Lewisburg far
requested to meet at
n, no Sitvidu ihe'
I ings Institution are
he ollice of said Institution, on 8atid ihe
9?ltl nf Iiin wkon htu.en ,V, tl,,n r ..ft.
' - , .........v.. .........
T ... - ,. .
inirieen l.irectors lor tne t-cwisuurg .,,
,U. 1 .. - - 1 t . ..... I, - ,Ua 1
snic until inc icmai niiuiiNi imij u ,it
noiaing oi eiecnons lor iiani uireciurs.
Lewisburg, May 27, 1S57
; t.
j I
OS. L. YODER, Practical Watclima-
Lerand dealer in Clocks, Watches. J
ry. Silver Ware, Pianos, Melodeons and Sheet
Music. I
All kinds of Clocks and Watches repaired i
and warranted for one year.
SprCtsM'lP to suit any eyes for sale, and
new glasses inserted in old frames.
Lewisburg, June 4, 1S5V. '
(at the new establishment, east
end of the Bridue. manufacture
Jl''Sefesio order or have on hand ready- j
fme-'-ftg worked Floorin,Siding Shelving
and all kinds of Itri'NNfd I.linilttT lor
prepared to l"..IAf: anJ UF-SAW Boards,!
Planks, Joists &c. Scroll Sawing to order j
also Shutters, Blinds, Sash.Window and Door
V .cornice ...oums. iracKe,s Bu ...o, -
din?s ofererv descrintioti. A sunenor article
- r . .
of joint Shingles on hand, and we intend to
. of a nl Kh nn-lj.a nn h
keep a good supply of Joists, Studding, Siting.
tins and Plasteriu: Lath Ac. for outside and
i inside building purposes generally.
1. I.. I.K HTKNTIIA1.KB. , 'l"rt.
! C,,A'3 S- WCT.KI.L, ,,(. Weat Way 27, 1SS7
anie.lal.le.lael. RTnttoa
j nuiuiiiiaiiaiui 9 uvwbai
! "1TTHERE AS, Letters of Administration to
the pslnti. of I III W I r. K A K r. It Sr. I
- T" uJio- " decea;eili
have been granted lo the subscriber, all pers- i
Oll llliiriiieti ill dlu csi.iic iiic ieiii7.st..u m
matte immediate payment, anu tnose naving
1 claims against the same will present them
' duly authenticated for settlement to
I) Will H. KF.I.I.V, Administrator
Kelly Tp, May 12, 11S57
i .MVi:n.siTt at LK.visnriif..
TOTICE. Subscribers to ihe Building
Fund arc respectfully informed that (he
Second Itistalmeiu on (hesuhscripdons is now
due and payable. J. A. Ml.lt I A, Esq., is
appoinled Collector, and authorized tn receive
and receipt for the same. A. K. DELL,
(iencral Agent and Treasurer
Lewisburg, May 1, l".r)7
C.ood em! Cioods!!
TSchreyer & Son have received their
second supply of Spring and Summer
(ioods. They invite the attention of the La
dies, in particular to iheir assortment of
.May 8, 1857.
New Clothing Store,
at the old gland.
I)HILIP GOODMAN having purchased the
Goods, &c, of A. Singer, at the well
known Store room, opposite Klines' Hotel, and
having made large additions lo bis stock from
Philadelphia, respectfully offers to the old
friends and patrons of the establishment, and
to the trailing community in general,
the Largest, Cheapest, and best assortment,
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,
ever one red iu the West Branch country.
Coats, Vests, Pants, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Draw
ers, l.'inbrellas, Valices, Carpet Bags, Hand
kerchiefs. &c,
and everything usually sought for in a Cloth
ing Store. Call and give us a fair triai.
Lewisburg, May 6, 1857.
Great Excitement !
TT is now universally conceded tha( the pur-
X c
hasing of any article of Goods for pnvaie I
r family use, and the paving thereon more
than a fair pnofit, is "money lost ;" the under
signed, therefore, has just opened, in bis
on the corner of Fourth and Market Streets,
Lewisburg, a splendid assortment of
for Ladies as well Gentlemen, consisting, in
part, of (he various s(yles of Dress Silks,
llerege De Laines, Berepes, Poplins, Lawns,
Brilliants, Tissues, Embroideries, Collars,
I'nderslceves, Handkerchiefs, Trimmings,
Gloves, Milts, together with 1
A Fine I.OI of Domestic Goods
Prints, Muslins, dec. Also, Ready-Made Clo-
Vesting, Hats, Cravats, Liner.s, and a line
- '
fresh selec(ion of
Teas, Cocoa, Cheese, in large or small
quantises. Flslf by Ihe quarter,
half, or whole barrel. SALT by
(he sack or bushel,
and, in short, almost everything usually kept
in our stores, can be found at this corner, and
all of which will be sold at the
or exchanged for Country Produce. All he
asks, is a Fair Trial; Quick Sales Small
Profils and Prompt Payment.
.m. j mm. 9
of a superior quality, irom tne Hartley Mills, j
not ground any closer man tne mnis lurnisn
in this region, and quite as good, if not supe
rior, which can be tested by osetiiai, sold in
large or small quantities.
Lewisburg, Pa, May 2, '57.
Executor's Notice.
TyrOTiCE is hereby given, that Let(ersTes
l tamentaryon the last will and testament
of Mrs. NANCY VAN VALZAH, laic of
Miftlinburg, Union Co, deceased, have been
granled (o (he undersigned, by (he Regis(er of
Union connly, in due torra of law ; (herefore
all nersnns knowing themselves indebted to
said esta(e are requested to make immediate i
Paymen.,and (hose having just claims against .
the same arc also requested to present them
properly authenticated for settlement,
ii ii ii i.
S. S. BARBER, Executor.
Near Miftlinburg, May 5, 1857
John B. Linn,
ATTORNEY -4T E.1W in Frick's
Block, North l Si, near Market.
78 Ie w Itdiuru, la.
lUUluUV Al
ATEW and Masniliff nt Stock of ,V Js o wr ""L ' -r,.'taum,.u: . '
s nvr r f Tlfl I'HIF ' 'loths,tasstmeres.Tweeds,8attinetu, Jeans, pi.(B and .her facta, that we en (riv.vei.-ee t..rr"v-.
It -t,'1 ! Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and whiieall whoujaitaresivinEthcuuuaniinouju-Mtui.aka
.1 1 5., r.rfc His machinery being of .he j '- who , d,.kiliuurt trr ,hJ
refitted Ihe Storeroom fiirmerly occupied by , htn kind jn n!ie, and having employed the ! remedv. .d teat it tiKimn.hty, and.n.hoan- noth,n
C. Mensch, on Market St. near 1 nird, wnere bej cf wor,men, he feel safe in saying ! nued by itaua. we should like to bear from, as we have
they 'will keep on hand 1 fo. -.le th T? ' lihil his work shall not be surpassed by ; T rIh;,,;b:r;.re, :
of Confectioneries, i oys, r mm motions. c
Call and Set ! Lewisburg, April 9, 1857
Notice to Collectors.
THE Collectors of Union County will pro
ceed to collect and pav over the taxes for
tna7. The abatement of five per cent, will be
allowed on STATE TAX up lo July 9th.
Treasurer of Union County.
'PIIE Place tO III)' Goods, ( lieap !
fl- I.,.. ..,.. . ,ha nnl.lii. that tkitt
r r
CBR I P ll fl P UUCD Pnnn?
rn in mivmi .niiwiiii c n n I u v -
embracing every variety of Ladies' and Gent's
i summer wear sucn as i.iotns, i,assimeres,
, l.inen t.oods, Vestings, Uinghams, calicoes,
! Silks, Berages, lierage Delaines, Shalleys,
i Lawns, Muslins, a larze assortment of LM -
UKUiut.iiir.9 oi an Kinus,
Ihnnrtt, Hutu, ami Cup;
also a large assortment of CARPETS,
SALT, t'ISll. -., alwayi on hand.
Farmers and Housekeepers
I HMU,r.,nv ini-.l I. .,.nl,. mi, atanrtmnt
i:l:,,rf Hltl CKulKEUr. IIAHDWAKH. OI 't.V
ll'.l UK Ac. and wt arr aatiKni-d that you nil! nod v
rytbinic, uf the bent quality, you may dt-aira, at Uwj mo-t
UK-li-rat rati-a.
iur ilfMilf, were rrlctod with unu'ual rare, and w
tmli.Te will lie found of ihe ry bet, and Ifor thequalilyj
as cheap an they can reasonably be ottered at any other
More, on Die Wet Hran-h.
tVe rejijK-rtlully invite our old cutomera to ealt and
aee our itUiik. and we are ure we can meet your aaiilit
and tii-U-a. l liOOL'tt: taken a umial VASII neir
r,f.ike,l. I.KWIH IHHIMiS. I
LewW.urir, April, 1S57 AAKUN K.WKlitKL.
.ooiIman & C'lisimbi-rllii
TT AVE received Iheir regular supply of
which they offer to the trade at ihe lowest pus-;
f Kihle- nnres. The slock includes everv article
usually lounit in tneir line
, SALT, F1S1I. Vf. A:C.
1 "'""i
i Thiinv.te attention to their assortment.
I1I1U Will CUUCtlVUI IU alinaj -'-'- '
quality and price. Lewisburg, April 28
ACKEREL in whole, half, quarter ami
eighth bbls, Shad. Herring and Codas!.
SUGARS Crushed, White, Brown,
fSyrnp and Mulasses Cutfee, Java aud
in.s ty
T I.ACK Tea, a superior aiticle.also, Young
1J) II) son and Imperial green teas, Dy
(loodman 1 rhanttierlin.
I ak' A.N.s and norcelain Kettles. Stew pans.
1 I n CI al.. W.IA.. V..eL- K.w.o M-,L-..
Snratbs, Ac. Iv (MNlman A ('limhf rtin.
EDA It Churns, Tubs, Tails, Water Cans,
Washboards, by
;ie0.lmnii k rTimbrlin.
, Cassiineres and Vestings, Hals,
Ac, a fine assortment at
Ooi.lman A Chamherltn. 1
THIS If ti! I
HAYING just returned from the City I
with an unusally large Stuck and well j
selected, and am now prepared (o sell goods
lower lhan can be bought elsewhere on this !
side of Philadelphia. j
Hardware ! Hardware ! ! Hardware ! ! ! j
.Vj ,H ISt U ISI l.ui , naiiur.-s, uiugea.
Screws, Glass, Putty, Pain(s, Oil in fac(.
e errtliine you may wanuo build your-1
self a firs(-ra(e house or barn twenty per i
cent, lower lhaa ever before. Thit way ! ,
brated Greenfield Planes, Spear & Jackson's j
hand,(enon and rip Saws, Butcher's, Beatty's
and Brady's Chisels and Plane Irons, patent !
land common Braces Brace Bills, Ansers, j
sa,v5,as6t.,.. .
Hamme s &c I
ithsTroii-wo.viRON-ALL ;
ar. Scollop, Tyre, Oval. Round and
Square CastSieel, Spring and English S'.eel, j
Vises, Anvils, Bellows, Screw Plates, etc.
HOUSEKEEPERS! Table Knives and
WALL VAI'KK Yon will Hod all the above ith a
great many more at the liRBKi ,SD tan ,"T"i;l of
In the old Ceabax Maud, LKH ISHLKu, Pa.
HURSII & VORSE having received
their lirst Goods Tor '5T,
would invite the attention of both Town and
Country to Iheir carefully selected stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. &c.
of the latest styles and best qualitias, adapted
to the season and to the wants of the commu
nity and of (he times.
CSCall and see for yourselves and be
convinced that their Store is th place for
Bargains! They take much pleasure in show
ing their goods, bn( more in pleasing their j
customers by giving good trade
Lewisburg, April, 1857
THE "old Mammoth" ahead! Not-
X withstanding the cold winter and the late
have received and are now opening an nntts
' ualiy large and well selected stock of
consisting partly oi i-.uu tn every graur,
kl.nl .,! rs,AifLCi inarae 1 Mil nil till ' l
j I'ldlll, UialA-1 dUU IeIIIV. VO-t'lun il-'i o moisimsi ,
Tariety of Vestinirs, Italian Cloths, Jeans, Tweeds and
t'uiuoii-r wear.aleo I
.faailsva; flrevu ti nnila. :
snrh as Silks, Tissue., IVlains. Bereses, Printe. White i
01MiiDffhiimi, Kmbmitierie, Itihb-.n. llofHTT.lilnTi-s,
bU-achtti ajiJ liruwn MukIius, iritb idnen Miawis, ana
of every variety and stjrle also s Una selection of
Hardware, Qceexsware,
Cedar and Willowware,
Brooms, ic. fcc.
suited to all the wants of lha people a superb lot of
unutunlly k.w prieeti. r.miD and otte Country 1'ro.lum 1
Sunday School Teachers, I
OUPERINTENDENTS, Ac, notice, that at
l.a Pflnnls's NVw and f'henn Book. Sta- i
nn 1 I..rin.1ieal Store a ireneral snnnlv
tionery and I enodtcal S(ore,a general supply
of the.sun,layl!.hoolL'ne.nPal'licationwillbeeonstnt- I
ly kept on hand, and sold at the ratalncue prices, just
a hat you have to pay in Philadelphia for tliem.snd then
have to pay tlie freiilht additional, tietliuir them fr
us you save the freiitht, aud can make the seleetmns to
suit vnum-lvi-s. We will alsosupply Uie American 1 ract
Socrety's Publications, and many othersjvt the same rates.
All in want of Rood Ketisious Uuoksof any style or vari- ;
ety. at the most reasonable rates, nive us a call ; we have
many on hawL aud a number of eataloRUes tn select j
from: such as we might not have, we would secure with
the utmost dispatch. The attention the concern hasirie. ,
en for years to the theolduival iKl'AKHit:t
these hints may be rcspondi-l lo n, an eileoillna ol pat-
ronaire from those who would buy at low 'rates nod wou.d
have a cheap and valuable Hook More nourish in Lewis. ,
burg. ImyloJ r I'M IL OJ. ;
" I
hem hiati may be renponilc-. to bj an eitentllntt of
Aear HartletOD, Lmon C, l a.
ffitr i M iVn.l.r.l
bUUM ni'tT. lUdUKIUl
for past patrunare, would inform ;
1. ! ..r '
9AW-w ra at be COntinacs to manuflC- ,
any establishmentin the Country- A good sup-
nl nf the ihnvr wood a kerat Constant! V 00 hand
f. e .al ne tn ..rhnn.e foe wool at nrices '
- - . 1 . n - - - '
that can not fail to please. WOOL will be
Carded in the best manner and on the shortest
notice. Terms for carding, cash on (he de-,
livery of ihe rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. 1
Winfield Mills. Maroh 30, 1857. j
FOR SALE.-A Ko. I Wbitr'i Cooktr.f Stove, near'y as '
rilllir In ;utl. ai t his C(. At rli It- j
1 f II. DERSIIA.U. M.D., Pradisin j
1V Physician and Snrceon. will also pay
particular attention to Chronic diseases, such
, ; (1
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Ironchms,
i ' uroat iise-isr. Consumption
rhen not to
far adiranre.I A.thm-. 1'ilea. Khenmatism.
' Scrofula, White Kwelliog, Dnpsy. Sick Head-1
f.che, St. Vitus Dince, Kits, Sore Eye, Can
; crrj Tunu,rs fleers. F.runtions. Ac, also
Keraale complaints, a Prolapsus I teri, (fall-
jn f (he womb nfl a c0(np!aln of
, lk? ' ,. r rm ..' ., f lh,
very i
lnv Inns xtandlnc ar mrnlt. an.) wine mora
o than Uiow of frtnal.-a. t'lio:r cnfrlrnt that ItmrlT
allofth laltrr ran piwitifrly bv run!, i nam rurr-l ,
aooi of ton ani nu-n tnr,' atan-lintf.tli'iM- ut rural ! ,
cn t r,llv-l, aul rnn f nrally be lakvn on th- It h i
t rial iw' "if not currU or ts-lKnl, no cwmiM-u--alion ia :
dt lnan'kl.,
lr UFK-'IIAWrrailiiati-.l st it Ti-lnrtle Wi--l !-
f ' lva of C n.-iui ati. havinz firA ft'ntlid tb old or alio- ,
aatlur .lm ,n H,ila.l-li.lia. afrroanl. tl l'-ru..-l
or Kt'lfrtk "b iD of tnctlicriti' n. TLi nyt,m u-th a 1
lh' mciliriaep rf ih- r'TH'r or A ntl.i trtn,-?'pt
ral.jinfl, Arfiiir, Aittiiii'.nv. mni It I 1 1 n tc. ami
tw-Lt-r nriit- l.min t. ji tl.'ft.vrivil :) but it Ii ni- (
Krnr' (hv many vnlnxhlf t.r-ti--in'?"'il thr H"fii'' wli'l i
ix.t r.awn In mv dt(i-r -) tt-iu ; I If nui.'wiii'iijt
of tiie i.Mirot :itliii IIcitMtH)tliic hi. I Thoiuw ihmii -t'ifi.
Tb tii crt!iinlT u .10 aw ot i r reej, ami tb i
NrliTa-.l HMT-i with th tl-f. 1
.n u. utfl.f iu .N.'iuiuDSt. . . - M:niM Ka.
rpiIE subcribiTS o!fr fur sale, at t!ie
I Lewisburg Foundry, in large or small
liMt.dipii feet dry Hemlock Joi.ts, Scantling,
and Plank, ai SsM per tliousand.
Sil.lMitt Shingles, at i6,5u per thousand.
i.otMJ feet small Building Timber. j
Also a lol of Pine and Hemlock BOARDS, .
Rails and Fence Boards, on accommodating
terms. GEDDES, MARSH & CO.
Lewisburg, May IS, 17 I
rilAKE .MITU E ! The nndcrsined are
I J appointed Agents for the sale of
' Uoors, Uliiirls &, lViiidotv Sali
I of all sizes, made of the best matenah All
' work warranted. :"3Mde by L.B.Sl'ROLT,
j Hughesville, Pa. and for sale bv
In AMMOMf BL'CK, Uwubtirg.
i:. I MOW It 1', Aril..
VMUKOTYPE-S and Melainotvpes made
in the most beautiful style, of the art.
'J he Me!ainotvne is a new process, taken
on , nPn,r,A si,,.-, Ir PU,,. and for hi ll-
"aucy and vigor li (one is uusurpasseu uy
any oilier known process
Step into the Gallery, examine specimens,
and judge for yourselves.
Prices to suit the times Satisfaction guar
anteed. Room in Amnions' Block, second storey,
entrance on Market s(ree(. April 17
Rich and Rare
TS (he large and choice assor(ment of new
J Spriiiir and Summer liooN
naw arriving at the well kuown Corner Store
Call and see ! Lewisburg, April 17
rilHE .nbscribew are now receiving a large
. anJ wel se,,KI.d stock of
and well selected mock oi
Snrin"" it Slimmer Goods.
lnluO """"l uuu,u)
embracins? evervlhim usually called for in a j
Town Store also a large assortment of Wail
Paper which are offered cheaper lhan ever j
for cash or country Produce. tVLook ia at '
Lewisburg, April 17, 1S57
Think not that we're behind the times'.
Or if you do, jut read these lines :
We've CUVTllINi) the best that's to be found.
All warranted, well-made, cueai, aud Hiuodl
AVING concluded to continue business
in Lewisburg, the subscribers have
therefore laid in a fine and large assortment
of Ready Made Clothing and Gem's Furnish
ing Goods, which we intend to sell
Our stock consists of fine black, blue and
brown cloih Frock ami Press Coats. ('assimer f
Coats of all descriptions Pants and Vests of) TiixwirorT tht would t
. ind you can think of-M7-S AMJ . , h .,. t,., iB distrder. o-
CM'.SShirt Collars, Pockel and NeckH!kfs,i ruliar to certain climates and loealiti-.s.
Trunk. CariKt lli'i. Uml.r, Hem, Ax. AlAKMSC msokdfrx
... , .... . so - - . c Pv-spepsia, and d.r:iuj. men! of the liver, the source or
at the lowest City prices, t ? All in want of infirn, a .uBenn;.. ,n.( u.. cans, of .numer.M.
anything in our line Will please to give US a deaths, vield to thee runitiii-, in all caae. however an
call, and we will try (o SUK you. I Itraveted. actinr as a mild purrative, alierati.e and ten-
JL .... . , . . ' iei thev r, lleve the bnwi-ls. ruritv tlie ttuids, aud invnr.
I t I lolhing made toorder with neatness and orntt jn. STfttlu D.i ihe constitution at the same time
despatch- J. UUI.DS.M1 1 11 & Bli( :
Lewisburg, April, 1S57
New Arrangements--New Goods!
70SEPII L. IIAWN having taken the i
well known SfYKLR II A I STORE, has
refitted it, and filled in an extensive variety of
7itfs, dipt, Genth nien't Clothimj, Cv.
Also a large and splendid stock of CLOTHS
ASSiMLRhS. &c which he will make unto
(VuYr.aS he still continues tne 1 ailorinz rj'JSt-
ness. He is prepared lo execute ail worn ,
enirusted to his care, to the satisfaction of the !
Cutting and Repairing j., done to ,
N. B.
Lewisburg. April Itl, Is.'iT ;
OF ' '
aaa- I liar Rrmeilv . Sol.l at the Slinuract. nes uf rn.fesor H hIow.t.
Or lllir IU Ilia UJ, ' 80 Mb iiLane. Nt-w i..rk.andiUlrand, Uiiidon.and
IS RKul'IRKDTOl't'KEANVONETKlllBI.KDWITII , ,., all re-i-ctal le llru.vi-ts and Healer, .f Jle.li.-r.-a
A Liver t'omplaints. unU-sn the mo-t ilesperate of mm , tiiroujtn-ut the ( utted stall s. and the rivilixed woiM, lis
whrn tlie sri-osn bottle will, with scarce a -incle failure. . 11..V.-S. ai;d '-."i rents. t'i''' j eciits. and X 1 i-acli.
restore the patient to h-allh and vi-nr. Vi e suh to cail 1 There is a considerable saving by taking the larger I
the attention of all lo these lael.s, that the lloi-oran-r la ; ics.
mwM y l'hyin who Im Ufj it in uu
ulnae, and that it is entirely vegetable. U init couiim,-,!
otniims. Snnie uleno- tne strenin oi ni. se irums may i
bi- formed when it is known one bottlei-f the lt:Tii'nr.br
contains as much strength as one hundred dines i-f I'aio- I
mel without any ot its deleterious etfects. ,
,1n bottle Is th surest thin- known to carry away
tlll. h, ,.,IrrW r mitrai pmsonofaoy kind.
ontr one letil. is nee.le.1 to throw nut of the system
,.,,, OI medicine afl-r a lone sickness.
, uk, ,t j,andiee rfmo.- all yellowness
m linnWllrml color fmm tlie skin.
lhw J(, flrr ,,,,,. .niri,itn retlevetlie..t.ma' b.
BrrT.Bt the from rislna and sourinc.
,,nlT nlH. ,(wr uk,D bebireietirinir prev. nl. nkhtmirre
lhu,-j. Uke at night Jo.n the bwel teully.and
furv n,,.,.
llwr , Al , wh m,, ,m rnr, p,.,,.,..!,
,, ,, j , te, ,nUnaai .Ul always nlieva .-ick
j ihie I- -ttle taken T 6-male nn-trnctinn remores the
ean-e of the disease, ami makes a perfect cure.
IHi!, mwiliiH. IBmelisli ll rrlli'lM rho:e white
,- nft,a r-peatW Is a sure cure forlb-dera M"I-
w j , ,ure prrvenlaliv. of Cholera,
nr tok,n oft,D W1 ..pt Ihe recurrence of 1
B!)inas attacks, while It rehevns all painfot S-elin-a i
ftwlhienr two doses takea nrcaamnally la one of tha i
SJJSiTSLV-S-i ,ia-..k !
'rjTrorVlirTo,. '
to the a petite. an4 Bake fnvi diCfrt well. ,
oe .hc ofteH rei-e.il -urv t hrouir lnnlv
m"r b.re umir atd kutd coB.iwnt ?
a!mt ialbe r ioaf.
r.r w.rni In chiWren.lher i oo iitivrlerajndtiet-uirr
astnnishinc meilieinal virtues in it.that all no metier
how kiui they have been .lie, ted.it their complain
fr"" deranged liver, will be benefited, if not entirely
BANfORIt A t tt. I'reprietors.
Zin BroadwaT, .sew lurk.
Sold by CHRIST 4- CALO WELL. ItcifurS.
sgov ,W. H. MKKWIN. A.-nr.
OR SALE CHEAP A cood secoml
hand TOP Bl'GGEV Inquire of
H D. W.ALKEK, North ?i!
j. n. C. RAXCX,
ATTORNEY at Law, Milliinkr?,
! 1,'nion C Pa. t'jf Ail professional bu
. 1 1,'nion Co.. Pa. fjf Ail
j sines entrusted to hi ; care, will be punctually
and faithfully attended to. June I, M y 1
COAL! ttni.
C'OAL ! The Enilersfencil wunlil rrs
I pecMullv inform the citizens ol Lewisburg
pectlulty inlorin Ihe ciiizcns ol l.ewisiiurs;
! and vicinity, as well as ,,rf iis in aborning
town., that he keeps constantly on hand a
i Mipnlv of S1IAMOK1S emH WlI.KS-UAkKE
Co.l., forS'.ove and other rurpofes, of every
aariet and ize,a'l wilt rt. lirrr IV al t" per""n- ile'lrin
it. an lie ha. a tm f.r tbnt .oip . liattMc eretl a
p.ir of c.l Will. II m.-Al.r-i. he nn at" .re .r
purehai.iu Coal that lht ai.i Kri u;l wvuiLt, aad ll.ua
jar i.nle t.r aba! lle-v reie
4'i.al em, 1 had at tin- !',- ,i r.h priees at Lit Yard,
a .-.. rr-i- fr- 111 Mr. Ueei. e.e,.l'. (,..
H A At.' ail kiudj will te a:t.., a lii- Ci-al
Vr.l. lil.11,,,1: Bvl.bltl.N.
Iwi-htrrir, Maa W 1s:i
i' Alsu Dlaekmith's Coal.
f'nnrrr IiihHuI "r the.Treatmeni ot
'ancers, Tum-rs, Wens, l.'Icers, Scrolulu. f-r
any (.rowlh i r Sre. C'hrnnic Dise-a-f s pfin
rally can be cured (ifrnraMe) with. ml ure.r
operation or poison. For alt particulars v rr.r,
state i. peases plaiiily, and fUcUe .a cts Ur
advice; Ltt( rs nmt have a posinire siamp
enclosed to pav answer. Medirrrte eI.t any
dibtancr. Address V L KKLIJNG. M I).
Mccliauicsburg. C'uin!.rrliind Co, la.
VtH-rmnie -Inirr i M miA Irom llarri'iarz. on 11kC V.
Hilru U suil iM'ttM-! tic from ait iartr of tint L'uion.
D1J Trnr-tr. r-r-tr ni ri-h. fm- all wi- will do yon
'J. Mo T titj-4f ftffli''t-J who not vi.-lt me p. r--fifclly.
1 will ivl, pr m.-ijl,.--! nn-ii l -f f? nlr. a K.-oif
to rrprr MwHiirtiia-.th.th tult hir-ctioD fr-r o-. to. btet
all fMrriruliiira). A'lilrrM a .).. tm' V
i.e:uis imuilu,
t VO.Tiee in the I
"nivers ly Building
! HfSgj Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
;iii) iofir.'ii(y i'li)i?.
j The subscriber has just received a splendid
. Collection of Fruit and Ornamental TKEES.
from (he eelebra(ed Nurseries v( Fllwanger u
iitirry. Krjches(er, N. . embracing (he very
j be varie(ies of Apples, Pears,Peaches.Plum,
Cherries. Apricp(s, ec(arii.es,Grapes,Goose
berries. Raspberries, Currai,(s, Strawberries.
j Large llirse Chestnu(, European Mountain
' A-h, American Mountain A-h, Sugar Maple
for street planting, Ever-blooiuing Kose, and
a splendid collection of Bulbous aad other
' Flovf-ri:ig Plaiits.
! 'VNursery Grounds on the farm tf Ja's
j F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within hall a
' mile of Lewisburg. All orders addressed In
will receive jlnctat.t mion. Terms inrariutly
I C.tslf. Lewisburg. Aprl 9.
rr'HE subscriber has rented for a term
i f years the commodious rooms first below
! Kline's Hotel, where he carries on Baking
1 If read, Cake, Tar(s, Arc. and hopes to be
! able to render entire satisfaction and receive
a liberal support. He also oners
. of every kind and quality, at Wholesale and
Retail. ICE CREAM for the public and for
parties, in large or small quantities-
Cash paid for Butter and Eggs.
r? Nuts, Toys, Spices, Ac. always oo hand.
Orders at home or abroad promptly a'.ten J-
Lewisburg, Jan. 7, 1857
Choose between lieni.
Tb t'.ood fumihhfl the mmteriftl nl fTer; bon. mn
rlf. c!nil an-J til.r in th hutxaa frm. Vh-n piir
it rfi uiw hrttlth to eYerr orjvn; when mrrut, it ncr
wriiy irclu-f Ji--ae. IIuLL'-k x'a rui op nt- Jir--t .
It nj"0 the vlf-nrnti of tb ntntm of lift-, neutral Ii in ic
the vrincipl of dieiutf. ami tbu. rudinllT curing iIm
tri tvy. wlietlnr !ocstl in tlie nr--, the Mm. h tlw
liv. r. llw lMwrlt. the mutcKS lot skin, ue Drun, or any
tiw i-urt cf tb um.
f. tXFRM i tv .v x-i-a ei: vo i s ro . v 7. a ix r.s;
liu nil -(tipiulaut- Ut. tii n-noTtine nl hrat-in
jiff jve-rtif!. ff tht-e 11 tl ciTr frmiirw to the tttkinic
iierTi s and cofi'vblt'l tuia-M.lv.- iff the vi tim of fDeraldc
Alt irraaewiilsiril ik ami AiiiiMkntat ini ul.-nt rn the ilelitlttA
t itrt l vi.itif iTsTTin if sh x mrv rfinoTii nr j-t'T -nl-l
I'T I f- dofM-ji t.f thfse mild, tut iiitiilli-sle all. rititD.
N" iin-tli'T v.. rfvi.rti.-t b r t.n or Iht -.iiidrt-tt'e Lvaltb
shi'uld tiil t hT thftn within lirr rt-afh.
Th- ln'l.'U 'l-lnt., tlf l ii)n -.Mi-Jiril ReTtw,
uJ tlie Di-'st er.:in. ot of Uie fctcuitr in tin-at Kritian,
Knti1 nl.it ii rn::.ny, tiaTc rfiil- Lt-i tLi- l i'.li hud tlinr
it v 4
Piih are th? nmafu Iwirti
. M . 1 f , a I . 1 - la' - -
. S"' tSST
Olnhs la-t-ility lnnatuai.fion
r.il ls lev. r and .n.e IiiwhoI t .-ulinesa
t'hest lliwasea rVmatefimplaiut Liver t'onipleinta
l -'.-t.veiv ss Ib-a-lacl.ts l' nisnf.-p:r:t.
SrwlTild ;raaei, twn-ury ?bP- Veof i'und!
N. B. Directions for the uidaneeor patients In every
dsonler are attl-vi-l to each li i. Jan. 1. 1-7
thankful for past favors
would state (hat he has re
ceived (he Fall and Winter
Fashions, and is pr pared in
carments as usual. He mil
eudeavor. as heretofore, to
execute bis work salisfaclo-
rily (o ail. Lewisburg, Sept. 4. 1x56.
Vccal and Instrumental Haste.
riHE subscriber having located himself in
I Lewisburg. is ready to leach Instrument
l.ii .Music in all n branches, viz. Piano, Meio
denn, (iuitar. Violin. Violmcello, Flute, aud
all Brass Instruments.
He will also ts-ach Vocal Music.
Having been taught in the best Srhra ls in
Jiermany, he deems himse'f qualified to ren-
tier sai!IaC11tn.
, lfi mm 11 .kn tntit riantit. ami imL thrill IU
- .1
rrpdir ii ursiirti.
Residence for the present at Herr's Hotel.
Jan. 19, 1S57. P"- P. HKI.I.
William Jones,
TTORNEY at Law. ollections
nrnmnllv attended to. Olhce on South
SecondS! rerer'ly by H C.Hickok. Esq.
- iortv Boat Stullders anot nrpen-
I' Icrs.to work in the Boat lata ai '-
i mriii'will be given.
' .. r enii-L- i trrc a rn.
.nr. I I, on. V rn m. . -
rot U A smal Brass KEV enqtur
ar '.he Cic::ici'- OiLcv.