Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 12, 1857, Image 2

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    inuistarj Cjjronitb.
Ym MttMr .Vm.-The Ltvmarao CBfcosiru.
put4tLl tn tba Oaah riyntrm, hw the UrceU aotl brl
t4ront-.tl"n ..fauv V-w.ppfT in I'nlnil romiTV.
Freedom, national ; Slavery, sectional!
We appeal from the fiet Slare-hMiw Supreme
Court JudgesXa the Pauen or 1'sxssilvaimi!
For Governor,
or BKADFORD cotTcrr.
Canal Commissioner,
For Judges of the Supreme Court,
JAMES Vi:i:C II. of Fayette Co.
JOSEPH J. EEWISjOft licsler Co.
I nlon County XoinluaUonx.
R-prtsentatice TIIOMAS HAYES,of
Union county.
R,vislerA- Recorder G EORG E MEM
BILL, of New Hcrlin.
Commissioner RICHARD V. B. LIN
COLN, of Hartley.
Treasurer HUG II P. S11ELLER, of
Auditor JOHN KESSLER, of New
Who wants to buy Land ?
Too will Cod all kind advertised to
cur paper, to-day Court House, Jail,
and Town Lota io New Berlin Ore
land in Dry Valley new Lumber, Coal
and Iron lands iu Elk county a splendid
mansion in Lewisburg and some superi
or Farming land in tbe heart of Buflaloe
Valley. Here, surely, is something to
suit every one. Nothiog like real estate
no way to sell or buy like advertising
and no better paper to advertiso in
than ("modesty forbids us to men
tion:)" and also in Handbills, which we
can print most handsomely at the Chroni
cle office.
Tbe County Ticket lwlsburg.
We are informed of a report in circula
tion in some parts of the county, that
" Col. Merrill would get no votes in
Lewisburg." We take this occasion to
warn our friends, everywhere, to beware
of all such reports, for tbey are ground
less. The Convention resolved, last year,
to drop all old di.'S;nsioos; and most of
the opposition, in this Borough as well as
elsewhere, did so. There were a few un
fortunately on both sides who had not ar
rived at such a happy frame of mind as to
entirely forget tbe evil of tbe past ; but
we know many such, who bolted last fall,
who will not again, but stnnd firmly resolv
TOP TO bottom. Having from 400 to
COO majority in the county on a fair trial,
if we do not allow tbe Sbamocracy to tri-
viog settled 'queVaons,' we can elect every
nominee dj mat vote, toe omy nope ot
tbe Shams is by fomenting division among
oar disappointed candidates. In Lewis
burg, we have spoken with many, all of
whom are resolved to stanl Co their.prin
ciples. We all should have preferred for
Register & Recorder, either of our own
candidates; but Lewisburg is not entitled
to and can not have all the offices ; Col.
Merrill was fairly nominated ; he is a re
spectable man, a good penman, of gener
al acquaintance, and there is no reason
why he should not receive the full vote.
He is the first candidate for an important
office that New Berlin has obtained since
she lost the scat of justice, and that fact
appeals to every just and generous mind
to evince their sympathy auJ respect for
their candidate and his town, by giving
Lira every Whig, American, and Republi
can vote in the county.
As far as we know and believe, Lewis
burg will do her duty towards clcctiug
every man on the Ticket.
tSOo Tuesday last, 131 delegates to
the Democratic State Convention re-assembled
at Harrisburg, and nominated two
candidates for Judges of the Supreme
Court by the following votes :
1st 2d 3.1 Jth Jlh 6th 7 th 8th 0th
O Sharswood, rblla. 47 it H U il E i7
V fu Mronjr. Ikerka 3 TS
Ju Thompson, Erie at S3 32 39 4 U M l
m A .-L.kos All-. '- IT
H Hepburn do . SO 26 S3 31 i 42 II 1
llrptmra, Cumb 12
I J Miannon. Alie 14 IT S
TbosS fevil, t'brster IS 10 A 3
A S Wilson, Mifflin IV 6 4
O I'harrh.CraaM 6 4
Jo'haa Howf II 7
C W Hiprtn.. Sen. S
l loan, I'Mla 2
Mr. Stboko is in many respects a cred
itable selection. Mr. Thompson is ob
noxious to public censure for his active
participation iu the Erie riots, and for bis
strong support of the Fugitive Slave Law.
Both are ultra party men, who will do
whatever Party may demand.
Tho first Resolution adopted, is compli
mentary to Judges Black and Lewis. 2d
and 3d Approve of Mr. Buchanan's
course thus far. 4th. Complimentary to
Messrs. Strong and Thompson. 5th. Ap
proves of the decision of tbe U. S. Su
preme Court in the Drcd Scott case.
6th. Condemns the Bank chartering of
the late Legislature. 7th. Condemns
the bill for the sale of tbe Main Line.
Mr. Scott of Huntingdon, offered a res
olution declaring that the resolution dis
approving of the sale of iho Main Line on
the terms of the law, shall not be constru- '
ed into an expression of the Convention j
against the policy of its sale. j
Tbe resolution was discussed by Messrs. j
Weidman, Wright, Porter, Scbnabel, io j
opposition, and Mr. Scott in favor. j
Mr. SchnaU-1, (Gen. Packer's favorite) j
was revere on the I'cnnsyh-anian, from
wLicb paper he read several paragraphs.
He denounced the article in tbe Pennsyl
vauian of Monday, in favor of the bill for
the sale of the Main Line.
TLe r olition was posfnovd indefinite
ly, kc' CbTtBto vn.ti 1
Snyder County, waking up !
The inactivity and supineness of tbe
opposition in Snyder County last Fall,
caused a loss of say 200 votes. We are
glad to learn that they do not intend to
be caught in that way again. The Mid
dleburg Tribune of last week says :
"It is surely high time that the opponents of
Slavery-Extension, Locofocoism, and the Ad
ministration generally, in this county, should
rouse up, roll up their sleeves, and go lo work
in earnest. Our enemies are in the field, bu
cy, always on the alert, and watching for eve
ry chance of success ; while we are resting
supinely at our ease, waiting for our own, or
our neighbors' spirit to move us. This is all
wrung decidedly wiong. The most impor
tant issues are ai stakes every man every
frrewian is most deeply interested in the
final result of the coming contest; and, al
though many may think that county offices
are of very little importance, be assured this
is not the case by any means. Much depends
on the men that are selected for these offices,
and much more on the manner in which they
are supported after they are selected ; and the
sus of the candidates fur the Plate office
is materially affected one way or another by
the success of these same County officers.
Snyder county is undoubtedly American Re
publican, and will give Whisht at least 600
majorily she should give 800. But this re
sult can not be brought about but by work
work. Let us be active, then work with the
determination of men resolved lo do or die, i
and we will teach the waning onam-ocracy oi
little Snyder a lesson.th recollection of which
they will carry lo their graves."
taTSamucl Wcirick, Esq., is recom
mended for Assembly by a correspondent
of the Middlcburg Tribune. The Selins
grove Demokrat makes a sweeping and
telling attack upon Mr. Weiriok for bis
action as Commissioners' Council in rela
tion to the Judgment of $550 obtained
by the Union couty Prothonotary against
Snyder County.
Xcros Items from tDtljcr Connlieo.
jCrops in Northumberland and Ly
coming counties, which a few weeks ago
looked like failures, bavc since revived and
improved wonderfully. We bear the same
from every quarter.
The bouse of tbe late Moses Fclmlce,
doe'd., at the foot of Nittany Mountain,
in Potter township, Centre county, was
destroyed by fire on Sunday last. The
fire originated from a stove pipe which
passed through the roof.
There are "lots" of Democrats who are
willing nay, anxious to be Sheriff or
Prothonotary of Northumberland county,
and some even are willing to be Commis
sioner !
It is said that the comet "struck,"
somewhere over in Silver Lake township,
Susquehanna county, a few nights since,
and an Irishman knocked its tail off with
a " Buchanan Club." The wiser sort of
people think the crisis is past, and " the
Union is safe" for the present thanks to
that shillaly.
The body of young Streetsingcr was
nf T.nirlnMr nrnnV. Ka ttiA ft,! IVm
the place where he was drowned. On
Sunday evening the body of Michael
Carney was found about a quarter of a
mile below the scence of tbe accident
Mr. Clark and Mrs. Twiggs, in Jail at
Danville on suspicion of poisoning their
companions, are both members of the Se-
ceder church, and bad hitherto borne good
reputations. Clark is 23 years old, and
Mrs. Twiggs is 27.
Tbe ninth annual examination of Diet
inson Seminary commences next Saturday
and closes on Wednesday following.
The Juniata Iron Company, Mifflin
county, has made an assignment to D. W
Woods, E;q.
The stockholders of tbe Tyrone & Belle
fonte Railroad are required to pay $5 per
j share on their stock taken, before the 26th
inst. Tbe work is to be made from Tyrone
to Milcsburg(and Bellefonte) immediately.
Last Saturday, Charles R. Buckalcw
ct al. applied to the Supreme Court for an
injunction, to prevent the Penn'a R. R.
Company from bidding for tbe Main Line.
A hearing will be had at Harrisburg, 12th
cc,tuu Bwauowea
o i .1 :i i i i i ,i
ma, .asl piavming, me new cent some
almost choked thereby, and others being
badly poisoned in tbe stomach by the metal.
A little child of Mr. Liningcr, of Jersey
Shore, one day last week accidentally spilt
a cup of hot coffee from a table into its bo
som, and although apparently not much
injured, it died the day following.
A little girl aged about twelve years,
daughter of Wm. Jennings, at Port Penn,
near Muncy, was burnt to death on Satur
day, 2nd ult., by her clothes taking fire.
Wm. F. Nagle bas tbe contract for crec-
j ting a passenger depot for tbe Sunbury &
Erie road on Broadway, Milton.
Some utterly reckless scamp robbed the
Milton Journal man of bis last chicken,
one Saturday night, lately. Tbe wretch
got in at a "side door."
The Philadelphia &un,tne oldest Ameri
can paper in the country,commcnced on the
first of Jane to print and circulate 50,000
copies weekly, to aid the cause of Davij
Tasey t BubnsiDe. Juilje Taney's
Decision set aside ly a Democratic Judge I
At the late term of onr County Court,
John Boyer, a negro, applied for license
to sell groceries, ic, which was granted
by Judge Burnstde. The law of tbe State
forbids the granting of license to persons
wbo are not citizens. Judge Taney ,in his
late decision in the Drcd Scott case,decided
thatnegros and mulattoes were not citizens,
but chattels, thiog?, property, ic, and
outside of the pale of the law. Judge
Burnsidc, by this act, has decided other
wise. Which is correct, Burnside or
Taney ? As they are both Demosrats,will
some of our professed democrats be kind
enough to inform usT Loch Haven Watch- J
Hard Times What shall be done?
In city and country, where labor is the
great source of livelihood, the cry of op
pressite hard timet ascends. Labor is but
little, if any, better rewarded than it was
years sgo. On tho contrary, the price of
nearly every article of food has risen by
appalling degrees within the past five
years. It now takes nearly a week's
work to buy a barrel of flour, and a day's
work to bny a bushel of potatoes. It
takes half a year's wages to pay the rent
of a dwelling house, and a moiety of the
other half to buy fuel. Half of a single
man's wages is required to pay his board.
These dreary facts render it almost im
possible that laboring men should ever
gain an independent competence, or even
"lay by something for a rainy day." And
where is a prospect of better times? J"he
new countries that used to furniso the
markets with abundance at low prices, are
exhausted to supply their own new set
tlers with food till they can raise food for
Whether there arc too many people, or
too little to eat, seems to be the only
question. Malthas theory or too little
supply for the earths population, does not
seem to be so ootiroly destitute of sense as
it did when flour was three dollars a bar
rel, and potatoes a shilling a busbcl. He
raised tbe question whether the increasing
number of the human race must not lead at
length to cannibalism or starvation. These
dreadful alternatives are already indicated
by short rations and famine prices. Econ
omy, Industry, no useless expenditures,
low taxes, more planting and less spend
ing for luxuries, are the only remedies we
can recommend.
Triumfii or TnuTn. Great complaint
having been made by the friends of Liber
ty that in some of the publications of the
American Tract Socioty,sentiments against
Slavery had been carefully expunged, a
committee was appointed on the subject,
consisting of Theodore Felinghuyscn,
Judge Jessup, Rev. Dr. Win. R. Williams
and other eminent men. At the annual
meeting on the 13th tflt, tbe committee
reported, in substance, as follows : That
the political aspect of slavery lies entirely
without the proper sphere of this Society,
and can not be discussed in its publics
cations ; but that these moral duties which
grow out of the existence of slavery, as
well as the moral evils and vices which it'is
known to promote, and which are condemn
ed in Scripture, and so much deplored by
evangelical Christians, undoubtedly do
fall within tbe province of this Society,
and can and ought to be discussed in a
fraternal and Christian spirit. Also that
no book should hereafter be published, in
6e suppressedV toef snotf fabr flHift&rki
the author should desire, or not at all.
This report was satisfactory to tbe oppo
nents of Slavery, and adopted without op
position. So the " neutrality" or rather
knuckling of the American Tract Society
to Slavery is rebuked, and will no longer
be tolerated.
WTke "straight," "side door,"
Cowboy Convention at Lancaster last
week, was the greatest " fizzle" of the age.
After all their boasts and efforts, only 9
or ten counties wero represented by 51
delegates and they disagreed as to the
policy of making nominations. Quarrels
ensued, and some withdrew. The nomi
nees are tolerable fair men, but nobody
supposes they will come within 100,000
votes of an election. The leaden of this
rump will doubtless vote for Packer
"straight," but will get all the honest
Americans tbey can to throw away their
votes on llaztehurst. This is the pro-1
pram me between Packer and the Fillmore
e ucwwtjcu ttc.w iiuu mi. riiiuiurc
! lea3cr8 by nicn tue bope to defeat
i.et not tne people oe misled,
r r
" ' - -
ALFRED NlSVlX. Pastor Of the
Second Presbvterian Church, bavin it n.
; nounccd ftom the puipit bis jcsire for the
j congregation to concur with bitn in a re.
quest to the Presbytery to dissolve his
pastoial relations with that church, the
congregation held a meeting on the 1st
instant, at which a series of resolutions
passed, expressing tbe surprise and sorrow
of the congregation at tbe request, also
sincerely urging bim to remain with them,
if a proper regard for bis own interests and
sense of duty will permit. During the
four years that Mr. Nevin bas maintained
pastoral relations with this church it has
greatly prospered, and he bas been regar
ded as one of onr most useful citizens. lie
has been fearless in tbe rebuke of wrong
and in defence of the right, and the com
munity in genera would regret his re
moval to another field of labor. Lancas
ter Express, Oth inst.
The funeral of Benjamin Leeman, of
East Lampeter township, who died on
Tuesday last and was buried on Thursday,
was one of the largest that ever took
place in the neighborhood. More than
300 carriages were in attendence, some of
them from a great distance, and between
500 and 600 persons took dinner at the
house. The deceased was aged 70 years,
member of tbe Mennoniat society, and
one of tbe wealthiest of their number
owning several valuable plantations. He
left ten children-nine sons and a
daughter. Ibid.
The Pennsyleanian is half inclined to fa
vor the sale of the Main Line of the Pub
lie Works, notwithstanding tbe howls and
"shrieks" of the hundreds who have fat-'
tened upon them for twenty years. The
reason it nrges, is, that for the Democratic
party to oppose the Sale will "sweep it in-1
1 to m'BPrity at the r(t rcE.cst "
Real Estate.
Ho! Farmers Chance for a Bargain!
IOR SAI.C, near Lewisburg, a TracWif
1 almost IOO Acres of good Farming
La'nd, limestune soil. It will be sold on reas
onable terms at private sale for Cash. Inquire
al the Office of the Chronicle. June IO, '57
THE subscriber offers for sale his Residence
on the west side of South Second street
in the Borough of Lewisburg, between Market
and Sl.Louis streels.eonsistingof near a lot and
a halfot ground.makinga frontof 99 feet on said
Second street, and in length 157 feet, 6 inches.
The imnriivemenls are a commodious three
storey liKH iv J J W llljirN Kt ;
1 ..... -r T-v--t ?
irTTrr' of Dressed brick, 47 leet .
front by J6 feel deep well finished with a ;
marble base, marble sills and lintels in front
a lire-proof roof with a Wing attached oi
23 by 19 feet an Out Kitchen a Well of ex
cellent water, with a I'uinp in, under roof a
Urge Cistern also under roof a large new
Stable an Ice House and other necessary
out-building. There are alo on saidgjg
Lot choice Fruit Trees and Shrubbery ZtZ
The location is a desirable one either for a
private residence or public business. It is on
the most elevated par. of the Borough, near
the Court House, and but a short distance from
Market street. Terms will be made easy.
June 9, 1857. G. F. MILLER.
NOTICE is hereby givenhal the under
signed.Trustees, will sell a. auction, in
pursuance lo andby virtue of an Act of As
sembly approved tl isih day of April, A. D.
1857, on SiTL Bu.r the 18th day of July, A. D
1857, at the premises in the Borough of New
Berlin, the Jail, Court House and all other
Public Buildings and Lands, situate in said
Borough, belonging to the County of I nion
prior to the erection of the new county out of
part of Union, bounded and described as fol
lows, viz :
Five lots adjoining each other, and bounded
on the west by Vine street, north by Market
street, east by Plumb street and south by an
Alley, whereon ihe Court IIOUNe and
County Otncen are erected.
Also a certain lot adjoining Plumb street
on the east, Market street on the souih, lot of
John Secbold's on the west and an Alley on
the north, whereon the Jail is erected.
Said lots will be sold separate, together wilh
the appurtenances.
8ale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M-, of
said day, when and where the terms and con
ditions of sale will be made known by the un
dersigned, duly appointed by said Act for that
June 3, 1657. JOHN V. BARBER.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex. Is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Union county and lo me directed, I will
expose lo Public Sale or outcry, at the Public
house of David Herr.in Lewisburg,on Fainiv,
July 10th 1857, commencing at 10 o'clock, A.
M., of said day, the following property ,10 wit:
A certain tract of land, situate in Union
township. Union county, adjoining on the
norlh and east, lands of Mary Jenkins ; on the
west, lands of John Phillips ; and on the south,
lands of John Phillips, John Youneman, and
Jesse M. Walter. Containing SEVENTY
ACRE, more or less.wiih the appurlenances.
The above tract of land con.ains a large
quantity of IRON ORE-the improve
ments for taking out Ihe ore are made, the
veins opened, and everything arranged for
Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold a
the property of Horatio fS. Taggart, Josiah H.
Furman, and Bluha C. Barton.
Sheriff's Office, Lewisburg, June 9, 1857
A Farm within the reach of every Man.
menu tT wbicta all mho draire to leUle or purciuuv a
home ran do ao.
Tb F arson rotiMt of the bent limefftonft floll of the most
tuprior quality for larmiDK.in a rapid improving i laro,
into which mn tiU-nsite emigration i now pounu. Tho
property i located in Klk County, PennnvlTania, in tho
mid.it of a thri'iiiK population of ffine 10.00. Tkerlimate
in perfectly healthy, and tha terrihla plaint of the wet,
fever, U unknown It alvohas an abundance of the beat
quality of Coal and Iron. The price to buy it out in from
$3 to $3) per acre, payable by innUImant, lo be located
at tbe time of purchasing, or a fbareef 26 acre entitling
to locate the name for $-M, payable $fi per month or
acred payable 4 per month. Diaconnt for every rum of
$lu0and nadfr, paid in advanc, a discount of 5 percent,
will be allowed, and for over JlOO discount of 10 per cent.
In considering the advantage of emigrating to tblf
locality the ftVd lowing are prtienfad :
i'trtf The noil it a rich limestone, capable of raiting
the heaviest crops owing to which tbla fettlemeut baa
attained ita present great prosperity.
Sctrnd It is the centre of the great North West Coal
Basin, and is destined sona to become one of the greatest
business planes in the State. It willsurndy the great Lake
market, (according to population and travel tbe greatest
In the Union.) It has fire workable veine of the best
Bituminous Coal, mounting in the aggregate to over 2
feet, which makes 22.000 tmsofcoal under earn acre.
This will make the land of inestimable value.
The i minent state geologist, lr. Chss. T. Jackson of
Boston, has made a geologueal nrver of the land, and
; n1f,d thoai, tho iron ore and the limestone. This
n-port together with mane will be furni-hed to inqniwrs.
roum i nm ruinu u. i.id out tnroiub tbu pro-
nertv. The Sunhurr A kn. Rail rn.it n.H u. a m.rl.l
i ,ur our fo" 10 la i.1- nm mm to rmiad'a.
i A large part of Urn mad hwbMa flDinbed. and i now in
j ..... nr.l,.r A hMV fhrr. L nrka avrkrlcima hmia Vrim
: ard. ourlandinth..wmt.radirffUon, themnfnr
i ,1.. anmntatinn nf arttir h haa kaa M. ... i : l.
finifth.l. Th-AUrRhnr Vall.j KailmadeoanvclJus wilh
New York, Boston and litteburg. The Venango Road
eonn-rUt UR with the Weft
There ar. already good Turnpike Roaibt ru aninjr. thro'
thi property, .ariout other roads haye been opened to
areommodAt the emigration and ettlement which baa
already taken place.
There la no opportunity equal to It now offered to tha
man wno wanw 10 proriae mmnell a Home to an eaey way,
and make a pettlement where he ran live In pm-perity
and ind prndenee in a climate PKItt'ECTLV IIKALTII V.
No rale of the fever ever having been known to oecnr
In this eettlement. It b not like going to the backwoode
of the West, among perhapa Intolerant people, where
there il no aoelety. rhumbi or school, where the price
of land in hich. and where the emigrant, after being urea
to the healtlitelit climate In the world, haa to radar, tick
nee and pain, and perhapa ruin hi health and that of
hi tamlly. uul ncr 1 a thriving eettlement having
three towns, eontai ning ehurrheii, school, hotel. tora.
saw mm, grist mm, ana everything desired, 'mere I
a cash market at hand. The lumber trade last year
amounted to over two nunnrea million leet oi lumtwr.
In a short time, owing to the coal, it will become still
more valuable, a a numbar of Iron work and manufac
tories will anon be started; tbey are at prearnt starting
them extensively at Warren. Even for those who do not
wish to go there, the payment are each that they can
easily buy a farm to save their rising families from want
in the future, or to gain a competence hy the rise wliirh
take place in tbe value nf land. By an outlay scarcely
missed, a suosinnuai provision can oe maae.
Person should make early application, apply or write
to E. JeAeriea, Secretary, No. 1.15 Walnut Street, below
fifth, Philadelphia. Letter carefully answered giving
iuii information.
Phare or tract of land can be bonzlit or secured by
letter enclosing the first instalment of five dollar, when
the subscriber will be furnished with hook, map, e.
Warrantee Uvea given. 1'srsonj can also purchase from
our Arot.
Route from Philadelphia to Tyrone on tbe Pennsylva
nia Central Railroad, and thence by Stage to tha land.
This ia a delightful feasor, to visit 8t Mary's tbe best
hotel accommodation i afforded. Kno,aire for K C Scbults,
Esq., the Agent far the property at StJIary'a, 3mW7
BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Ex. is
sued out of Ihe Court cf Common Pleas
of Vh ion County and to me directed, will be
exposed lo Public Sale, or outcry, at the Pub
lic House of Joxas Fiiaia, at White Deer
Mills on Tfedneftday, July i, 185T,
commencing at 9 o'clock, A. M., of said day,
several Tracts of Land, to wit :
No. 1 A Tract of Land situate in the town
ship of White Deer, and county of Union,
bounded east by lands of the heirs of Daniel
Ludwig, dee'd, Samnel High and others.north
by lands of the Sheffield Iron Company, west
by lands of Dr. Lichlenthaler, and south by
lands cf Jacob T. Stahl and heirs of Isaac
Ranck,dec'd,containiog 85 Acres,more or less,
whereon are erected a Brick Mansion House,
Frame Barn, and other Outbuildings with the
No. 3. A Tract of Land situate in the town
ship and county afresaid, bouuded east by
lands of Samuel Baker, south by lands of
Oeorre Ranck, Joseph K. Meyer and othera,
wtsi by ian.is ct Jjcto ra:!pj, arc r.crii i)
ihe Sugar Valley & White Deer Turnpike
Road and lands of Jacob Farley,containing 75
Acres, more or less wilh the appurtenances.
No. 3. A Tract of Land situate in the town
ship and county aforeoaid, bounded cast by
lands of Jacob Farley, north by lands of Ja
cob Farley and Daniel Fnlmer, west and
south by lands ofS. L. Beck and Thomas Ke
ber, containing 160 Acres, all Timber land,
with the appurlenances.
No. 4. A Tract of Land situate in the town
ship and county aforesaid, bounded east,norih,
west and south by lands of the Sheffield Iron
Company, containing 14 Acres, more or less,
wilh the appurtenances.
Nos 6audG. A Tract of Land situate in
the township and county aforesaid, bounded
south by lauds of David Stenninger, east by
public roads, north by lot No. 4, west by ar
alley, containing half an acre, more or less,
wilh the appurtenances.
No. 7. Six Lois situate in the township and
...... ..t.. nr..Pac;.i H.ntwlfl east bv lands cf
.,,.,-. u:. rth In lands of Jonat
pjer, west by public roads and south by
, 1.. " 1 ,):,.! ..ni,inin li Aeres. '
11HU3 VI rfdMICS IJlUln , ,.,( .4 1
more or less, with the appurlenances.
No. 8. A Lol of Uround situate in the town
ship and county aforesaid, bounded souih by
lands of John Beaver, east by the West
Branch of Ihe Susquehanna river, north by
lands of Stenninger, Ranck and John Beaver,
containing Three-Fourihs of an Acre, more
or less, Willi the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in exee.ulion and to be sold as
the property of HENRY HIGH deceased.
N. U. The above Lands may be sold in
pieces or together, as lo suit purchasers.
There is a first rate MILL SEAT on the
ALSO. At H.aTiETos, at the House of
David Moyer, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on Mon
day, June 9, 1T a certain Tract of
Land situate in Hartley tewnship, and conn,
ty of Union, bounded east bv a kchoul huuse
lot, west by lands of Jacob Bineaman, north
by public road?, and south by Penns creek,
containing TWO ACRES, more or Iess.wlere
on are erected a two storey LOU HOCSE
and a small Stabli, with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in eierution and to be sld
as the property of (JEORGE SJIOEMAKBR.
D. D. GULDIN, Sheriff.
Sheriff's OITIce, Lewisburg, May 30, 1MS7.
THE large and commodious ROOM
heretofore occupied by F. M. Zirocn
in printing the fawn Argu, in Frick's Build
ing, near the corner of Third and Market
streets. Possession given immediately.
Apply to JOHN B. LINN,
April 29, 1857. Attorney for W. Frick
OR SALE. One lot oa South Third
street, a square and a half from Market.
on Souih Fourth street only two squares from
rVThe above are level Lots, well located
and adapted to building purposes.
Acting Ex'r of Wm. Armstrong, dee'd
Lewisburg, March 12, 1857
A lleautiful Head of
men GLOSSY Hfun,
And who that is gray would not have it restored to for
mer color; or bald, but would have the growth restored,
or troubled with dandruff and itching but would have it
removed, or troubled with scrofula, scald bead, or other
eruptions, but would be cured, or with sick bead arbr,
(neuralgia) but would be cured. It will also remove all
pimples frm tbe face and skin. Prof. Wood's Hair Ki-fl-torative
a ill do all this, see circular and tbe follow inc.
A ."I! HarhoB, November 5, 1-oti.
Prof. O.J. Wood IVar Pir: 1 have heard much said
of the wonderful eflVcta of your Hair Keetorative, but
1. .i iss, as r .tM bf-t-A-mFOMfJ. ?3rV'youY
Kestorative iu the name category with tbe thousand and
one loudly trumpeted quack remedies, until 1 met you
in Lawn-nee county some months since, hen you gave
me surb assurance as ind ueed the trial of your Kesto na
tive in my family first by my good wife, whose hair
bad become very thin and entirely white, and before
exhausting one of your large bottles, her hair was restor
ed to its original beautiful brown color,and bad thickened
and become beautiful and glossy upon, and rnttrelvover
the head : she continues to use it, not "imply because nf
its neauinyioff enecia upon we nair, nut because or its
healthful innunce upon the head and mind. Others of
my family and friends are using your Hcfturative, with
the happiest i-nVcts ; therefore ,my sk-ptirinma and doubts
in reference to its character and value are entirely re
moved; and I can and do most cordially and confiden
tially recommend its use by all who would have their
hair restored from white or gray (by reason of sickness or
ge,) to original color and beauty, and by all young per
una wbo would have their hair beautiful and glossy.
Very truly and gratefully yours,
Friiivd Wood ; It was a long time after I taw you at
BlissfieM b. fi re I got the bottle of Restorative for which
you gave me an order on your agent in Detroit .and when
I got it we concluded to try it on sirs. Mann's hair, as
the surest test of its power. It has done all that you
assured me it would do; and others of my family and
friends, having witnessed its effects, are now u.ing and
recommending its use to others as entitled to the highest
eouaiUuration you claim for it-
Again, very respectfully and truly, your.
C4RLTU, Tit.., Jone 28, 1f2.
I hare nsed Prof. 0. J. Wood's Hair Kestorative, and
have admired it wonderful efiects, Mv hair was becom
ing, as 1 thought, prematurely gray, but by the use of
his Kestorative it has resumed its original color, and
have no doubt permanently so. i
g. KKES5E.ex-SfD.tor, U 5.
U. J. WOOD n., PeoprtetOrS,3IJ Broadway, S. v., (
iiu iut ivmi .1. I . mrv itauuig SBtauUMiUW:Utj antl 14
M . .w t ... a, i ...... v..
! csi And nld by llpxyl Dniceits.
T 1ST Of Tenders of Merchandize
1 i subject to License within ihe county of
WIUJ, lor the year 1437.
lliifialoe TownsJup.
rm."- ucusr.. CLASS-urnesi
STCrrigbt k llauck l:lu.ot Martin Rudy 13lu.oO
Host jurialoe.
A.It.Luti II .I..""-"
Tan II IlassenplugM I0.UO1T. O. Or wig
Wolf Barber 1:1 10 00 1) II Miller
j n a n.at l.i in on j r iiiiihe.
14 7.00
11 3M
Young A Mnnteliu 1:1 lo.oojllaeaenpg Vear!rkl4
Bogar A Mulder 13 HMKlMenidoreSrhware 14
J A J Xouug 13 lC.Ool
Hartley Township.
tl B Kirst 14 7 Omjol K Dreiibach
Weideusaul Co 14 7.00
9 Spigetmyer 13 10 00 R V Glover
Alva B Cummmgs 14 7 UOi
Aew Berlin.
14 7.00
14 7.00
Edward Wilson 13 10.00 V K Stauffar 14 3 SO
John O Bocar 11 I" Oo E W Maize 14 3.M
il hlerkner 13 M.0U llavid Mitchell 14 3.50
r.ole-rt Swinefora II 7.oo David Mauck 14 7.00
v ii Kousn 14 t imi
Beaver Oeddea Marsh Tnun?manStockerl3 ln.nO
iu ii lo.oo m il Taggart
Kelly Township.
J B Datronao 13 10.00, Ate Flick
White Deer Township.
Kaufman k Rober 12 12 60 R L Hatfield 14 7 00
llavid Simpler 14 7.00'Wm. Neneh 14 7.U0
J A J Wall 10 20.00lBeavcr Kremer k
(ondmanArbamVnlS VIM .M'Clure
11 SO.0O
1J lZM
Brown A Hitter 1.1 lO.OOIddiDgaA Wetiel
llursh A Vorse 1.1 Iti.oO J Scbreyer A Son
William Wolfe 14 7 00 Alex Amnion
A M U.she 14 7 001 J Baker A To
J Goldsmith A Bros 14 7 eofllfer A M'Paildia
13 10.00
13 10.00
14 7 .00
14 7.00
14 7.00
14 7.00
14 T.00
14 7.00
14 7.0O
14 7.00
14 7.00
14 3.60
14 1;0
14 ao
i L Ynder 14 7 00 C W ?ehaffle
Thomas Nesbit 14 7 .00 1 Joseph M'fadden
B.Goodman 14 7.00 .1 II Bcate
P Nevius A Co 14 7.00 Thomas Have
J V Kleholts A Co 14 3 50 C Mench
John Houghton 14 7.001 Beyer Ammoo
Christ A Caldwell 14 7.001 Wm T Heilmrer
J h Ilawn 14 7.00 Samuel Hoffman
A K IvNonnandie 14 3..ViSnmuel Dietrich
llWCroUer 14 SJSOi Millet Jonee
Reish St Brothers, West BulTaloe, 3d el $50
Rudy & Flick, Buftaloe 3d cl SO
An Al"l"i,AL will be held at the Commis
sioners' Office in Lewisburg on MONDAY the
Kith .day ot June, 1857, when and where all
those who may feel themselves aggrieved by
the above Classification may attend if they
think proper. P. NEVIUS,
Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes
THE Copartnership heretofore existing be
tween ihe subscribers under Ihe name of
'EichoUsit Wagner" was thisdav disolved bv
mutual consent consent Richolts ft Co. to
settle all accounts. H. EICHOLTZ.
FTThe business will tecos'.iuucd fry J. F.
f.'c j,..;; t'o.
Hussey's American Reaper & Mower, fcr cutting loth Grain and Grau!
Great Improvement fur 187
rnHI8 Machine was put in succeiful orcrau..n in 1h:)3, and continued to be the only
I Reaper and Mowing Machine in the World of any pratical value up to 1845-t.elve
vears after its intrmluc.ion. Other Reapers are now offered with glow.ng Adyert,menls
and Cert7fici"s of Gold and S.lrer Medals. But the Farmer , .n search of the t,, Re.pe,,
and not posted in ih. mailer, had beuer see a Imle fur.her One of he o.h- Reapers ico
Z reatmeda. Kng.and... .he prema.ure tr.
he ame rear however itwas totally beaten by a HI bbY Kt.rt.li, wnica received the
lSTri.r? impartia! Jury of iwelve Eusluh Jr, The faet-.ua. H,-.
machine is achieving a series of triumphs in England.and rapidly obtaining thai
position there.which it has already secured in the land ot its origin.
WW Wvfefe $$2')$ ' V C'':. a -VVY.. .."'51
This cut rrprrsenti tie 7?- fwr.J
If there is any value in 23 yetrs' experience in building Iteapers. and using them in the
harvest field OHEl HI'SSEV. the Father of Reaper, can claim it. All who are satisfied
with the BEST REAPER AND MOWEUxan be supplied by sending their orders early in ihe
season, as ihe crops indicate a large demand, and we can not have over 30U Reapers ready
for the vast harvest of 1857.
IThii cat rcpretentt the Jvirer.;
During the last f.mr years, the subscribers have sold between AOO and 600 of thee
Machines, lo Ihe best and most saccessful Farmers in Union and the neighboring Counties,
(whose names are loo numerous to insen) to whom we respectfully refer.
The subscribers have the exclusive right in the following counties: tnion, Snyder. ."or
thumberland, Montour. Columbia, Luzerne, Perry. Millhn, Centre, Clinton, and Lycominj.
All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to . -
GLDDhS, MAKfelt &-LU.
Lewisbnnr, I'nion Co. Pa.. Mav 20, 157
Ihe Greatest Work of the Day!
A riititiail Ih.tr r), ,ThiMiii3 l" Ao'r. Orvnil, on.l
Jracttcal OwihIkmi ttf tvnittlutumal ttTrnmmt Hi li"
l aital Stat" ; Hit lw am IT -jru nf fnrtw. unit
the m iuiif uuW Slaltrnsn am '(U'Stiimt of flr
a,,l wmr.fif JUicy; Kiih Jifnh j. 'mlamti.Q
CiplaKOtar .V.M, .Murulicol ln f,.rmahtm. and of.r
uJfat natUr. i.j AIH ". Y ,lu, .li(iirr.Sn
nter -t Gmmmrfl." -Vut LrfUM m i"l Cwrw
mtnt,'"Caist't MuHuat- O-x-MmnitiinU tau;" J.
ThI. !'.- !.. wkal. n - - J of
of our Uoveruiueniai m-iory, commencing
with the brief "compact" drawn up by the
"Pilgrim Fathers" before their landing,
and terminating with the legislation of
1S54. It contains a description of the
governments of the several colonies while
subjects of Great Britain, of the govern
ment of the old Confederation adopted du
ring the War, and the Debates and Pro
ceedings of the Convention which formed
the Constitution of the United States.
te$,This liook is for sale only by sub
scription. Messrs. Bower & Richard
son are the authorized agents for I'nion,
Centre, Clinton and Lycoming, and wiil
commence canvassing the same immedi
ately. N. B. Tlicy also receive subscriptions
for any of the Standard Works published
in the I'nited States May 21, 1857.
Fifth Annual Report
OF the Union County Mutual Insur
ance Company.
Abstract of the Filth Annual Report r.f the
Board of Directors of Ihe I'nion County
Mutual Insurance Company, ma.le at iheir
annual meeting on the first Monday of May
A.D. 157.
Amount of property injured up to May 6. '50 f.'
do poiR-ie fturreuucreu tne past ar ii
Total amount of property insured May 1,
1 14,.7
Amt of premium note in forde May 5.'i5 l.is.,ki
do do surrendered past year, .7$'..ol
Total amt do in force May 4, -57 lii,l:.ta
Numberof policiea in force May 7,'Ofi 17S
do do surrendered the paet year t"J
Total do in force May 4, '57 e9
Statement of the Operations of tho
Company Juri
irinjr the past rcar.viz:
Losses and Expenditures.
Amount of claims for louse
do comnensation to Pirectora
do do Treasurer
do Exoneration on Assessment Xo. 4
do Kapense colieetini; do do
do Incidental expense for printing, Ac.
do Office rent
do .'resident's salary
do makiug out Assessment Vo. 4, Ae.
do Intere-t paid Wm. M. Schoch
do balance paid do
Amount Assessment No. 4 ehsrard to Treasurer 3,7:t4.3ft
do doe of Assessments No.s J and 3 ti0.69
do rc-'d the past year on premium notes 'JO -4
do due ot AtujcKinent o. , May '6 2i4.7S
4.04 1 05
Amount of Af sets over Liabilities, May 4, 57
Actual Slate of the Fumis.
Amt nnpaM I'laim for whk-h Ordc.-s are issued 867.15
do Treasurer's account looo?
do due of Assessment So. 4 lOo '.-O l.l.W 03
Am't of Assets over Liabilitiea, May 4, '57
Statement nf Losses.
J. It. App A Co.
400 on
Klias Hoy
Jacob Detkert
John A Mertz I Daniel Wumer
Isaac Eyer I Thomas Hayes
Hugh P Sheller W F Wasonseller
John Gundy I John Datesman
James Marshall - I Abraham 8choch
John Wilt I J D Chamberlin
Wm M Schoch.
JOHN OUXDV President
ISAAC EYER Vice President
J. A-MEKTZ Secretary
H. P. SHELLER Treasurer.
Attest J. A. MERTZ, Sec.
Lewisborg, May 14, 1857
If you want Books
ON any subject whatever, cheaper than
you can purchase elsewhere in the
county if you want Stationery at the lowest
prices or anything else in the Bonk line.cal
at the new and cheap Bookstore of
NEVIUS tt CO, Mark-t
l.riurr. I'a
JOMtll KI.M.V, Auctioneer,
SOLICIT.' the paironaee of the public.
Residence on South Kifih street, Lewis
burg, Pa. December ft, 18S6.
has opened a new Ice Cream Saloon over
his Cofectinrrv, and wishes to see his nu
merous customers there.
20 liriclvlayers
r A. I EI1, in
f inquire ol"
Lewiihure. next season
Lcwlnburg Saving Institution
IS now open and ready to do business. The
rezular Discount days are Wednesdays
Tne following named persons are lh
Dirretort W ILLI A M FR1CK. Prendent.
J. (J. L. Shindtl John Walls.
Joseph Meuel tiideon Biehl
A. II. Warlord J. D. Cameron.
Four pr cent, pr annum will be allowed on
all deposits over six months ; and three pr
cent, less than six and over three months.
DAVID REBER, Treasurer.
Lewisburg. Sept. 19, 1853
NEW books:
SPl'RKEON'S Sermons,
Wayland's Principles and Practices cl
Krammachers Martyr Lamb,
Dr. Kane's Second Arctic Expedition, anJ
other new works of interest, constantly on
hand by NEVIL'S ft CO, Lewisburg
Dec. 5, lS.ifi.
T received at the old estaHi'-he
siore ot the subscriber, on Market street. Le
wisburg, a large and new assortmtnt of
cum prising every description of work requir
ed lor
The stock is selected with care, andwi!l be
allonled at reasonable prices.
4 Uttoit. )rk attended to as nnal.
.May 8, 1-56 JOHN HOl tiHTO.N
n TtJXW V A T V PfiHAf
vynjJi.iiUJ. H illlXi liuwt
"VTORTH 4th Street. The subscriber
i. 1 most respectfully informs the citizens ol
Lewisburs and vicinity, that he has on hand
and for sale a cheap lot of Ft R.ITl R,
for the Spring trade, comprising
Pressing and Common Bureau?. Sec
retaries ami I5iok Cases, Center,
Card and Tier Tables, Pinin? and
Breakfast Tables, Cupboards. Cot
tasre and other Bedsteads, Stands,
Solas, and Chairs
of all kinds. COFFINS made to order or
short notice.
The public are coplially invited to examine
his work, as he is snre that they will be su"i
tied with his stock of Ware, and prices.
L"wisburg, Sept. IS. 1856
"Have you seen SAH?"
CEEUS to be a Question asked
O almost everybody j but we inquire,
llatt you uen the Jtte firm,
with their supply of
Xcw Roots, Shoes, Gaiters, c
wFj The subscribers having associated ihrm
fj selves into a Copartnership in business
nov ofler to the public, at the Old Stand
of S. A D. Stivr., on Market St. the cheap'J
(for Cash) and best lot of
for Men and Boys, evev offered in Lewisburg
Also a new and spleadid assortment of
GUM SHOES for Ladies and Genlhmm,
A variety of Gaiters, Half Gaiters, Ties, Bas
kins, Slippers Ac. for Ladies and Misses,
also Children's Shoes of the latest
styles and sizes ; Ac. Ac. c
Work made to order Mending done a
usual and as the Workmen have render
satisfaction heretofore, we trust we shall have
a full share of public patronage. SAM
continue to be on hand as formerly, and hop"
to give general satisfaction to all euiwi'r5
Lewiburg, Feb. S4, 155
To !'ou"jnl-,9 "'"'! ri r
H-sm "c.i t ti ' 1 .. f '?.'.