Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 05, 1857, Image 3

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    Leirisbitrff, Ma.
Fkidat Morning, June 5, 1857.
ADVEKTl.r. mnannuren. -irrenams. ..ir-iia,.m ; nii-ins oui-iii,Mi auu ! wa - - -PuMie
tlflleein in t'itv an.i Country. l-iiblisbers i a it vimeertsary and extraeoouitl snule of
II who wish to buy or fell wolil.l Jo w,-ll to employ the , ;i;V 's aourjr. M AN V . Lewisbur. May W,
e.lumns of the teieiXiurs; rreitc, which hue a iarfe -.. m.-etinit Isealledu Ammonsllell.tliisevening,
and Inereasin- etreulstlnn In a ouinmunity tx.ntainiut s of tax payers of Lewisbun; owMctl hi the iltttruclvm of
larae proportion of artive. lYeut producers, connulncrs prirau property ami waU vf public mwKy itttolctrf t'ncer
and dealers as any in the St ite. I euBnt "imprmrmmU;
The above are copies of a posted till, and
SJ See Kewr ttlycrtlscuical . f a notlce in ,he ast chronicle, hich brought
MTU if- ''love's labor lost" to send
anonvmous communications to Editors,
tssWork on the Northern Central
Railroad, was resumed two miles below
j5Sevcral valuable pieces of land in
White Deer, and oue in llartlcy, arc ad
vertised to-day.
tt3i,AVill the llarristurg Daily Until
please notice that tbc Union county nom
inee for Assembly is not a "Dr."
B3B,TI)C North rirancli canal is badly
brokeu, near Danville. It will require
several days' work to repair the breach.
aWlhe tale ofXhairs, lables, c, by
tre Cotaaiistiotiera cf Union county was
"T .-, n- i i , in. i
rtpoiitd ut.til Wednesday nest, (10th.)
''.).'.; ;:t l,i'ri,.."kii It is anoouueed,
tuar, by sn err r iu figuring, the expected
t'ouiet in Juii" :i :ud not be expected until
Juue or so of UiX'yar.
B"aTlie biik "Inji:iuk Within," we
judge from personal kuowledge aud from
coteniporary notices tj be well north the
money asked for it.
tjs,Our young friend J. LuiYn Smith,
we observe Las Incited in Omaha, Ne
bruska Territory, as a general Land Ageut,
purveyor, &e., for Iowa, Nebraska, and
s?"The Democratic Slate Convention
of Pennsylvania is to re assemble, at liar
riiburg, on Tuesday of next week.to nom
inate two candidates for Judges of tbc Su
preme Court.
JeJ-Shall we have a street sprinkler in
Lewisburg, this summer? It is always
convenient, and saves health, goods, and
furniture, to :duwn with the dust" on
Market s'reet.
teefWc hope to attend the proposed
Printt-r'ri Ciilivt-titioii at I.invile. I..-t tlip
, 1 ii- i i ii open the University avenue, and their neglect
t,,o there name the educsday and the i ; lln,rove sald Avenue, do not manifesta.de
uaee. (liur eau printers uffirl auother i sire for the good of the public.
..-.lid ty so so.,,, aft.-r the 4tl. as the 8th ?) ! ,:""''- 'l ha' "r Tson desiring to im-
' I prove a lot, and applying for the grade of its
ar 'A',- observe some of the editorial ' s,rcet or "walk. should have it given him.
. . ,, j and any alteration of the same after being im-
lialeiuity 'thanking (ru n 's fur "a I prTej should be at the expense of the Uoro',
ceui ." It is too bad to become so reduc- ' ""d any damage caused by such alteration
ed as to be "gratefui" for a penny, if it . j Zl
a new one.
The Danville
TBAiiEiiv. Monday
last, (be- pliioiaod iotinJ that neMnw i
was found in the stomachs of Mrs. Clark
and of Mr. Twiggs. Proof was given
that Mr. Clark and Mrs. Twiggs
bought arsenic.
They were therefore both j
coicuiiltcJ to Jail for trial (wc s ippose) at
Sept. Term.
g"8V,Sincu our first page was worked off,
we have learned that SETII KlNMAN left
Union county for the west iu 1S30. We
have on band for next week a ekctch of
the man and of the I"lk horns (not buck
horns) presentation ceremony, which tbc
lSuffaloe and Shamokin mountain hunters
as well as readers generally will find very
Mr Kiumin was at the Merchants' Ho
tel, Philad., Wednesday perhaps on bis
way to his native county.
The lHarderer.
William Walker, the Nicaragua Cllibus
ter, has returned to New Orleans utterly
defeated, but, it is said, intending to get
up another army, and renew bis piratical
efforts to exlend slavery. 'National"
Democrats and "National" Americans
opeuly applaud this most notorious free
booter, who it is believed has caused the
dearh of jive thoutwtd younj men from (he
L'nihJ Jita'et, who died from starvation
i i neglect, and who has committed every
. . :ble ou'nge upon the lives, liberties,
- :u md pr iperty of a distant people!
ii tne uno kills one man is deserving
ot tiu gallows. wuat should be his fate who
occasioned the death of thousands?
What will our vigilant Administration do
with him ? Nothing !
Two men were run over on the Rail
road, below Harrisburg, on Thursday
mnrning last, by the Kxpress moving
west. Several robberies were committed
at Middletown on Wednesday night, and
it is supposed the two men killed had
something to d ) with them.
Subsequent developements show that
they were members of a gang uf counter
feiters, in Harrisburg, numbering scores,
.,..AJ .u p. , '
aud scattered over the L uion. A woman
claiming to be the wife of one of the men
iiiuu ;
killed, savs her name was Williams, from i
Turbutvillo: she r-ot off hv the ee. '
l'hiladephila, and is missing
... J -
A aerious riot occured at the election
id Washington city on Monday six per-' out any sort of hindrance or interruption; the '
I -II J i .- 'In j rs , ,. . . , .. ,1
sons were killed, and over thirty wounded ' Burgess and Council would doubtless attend j
-some fatal-. The Democrats carried j and hear bolh sides' nd ,hcn a" int",ed j
the city, and charge that a gang of Know
Nothing bullies from Baltimore, called the
1'lug Uglies, commenced the riot. The
America us blame tbe Democrats.
Dued Scott, bis wife, and two daugh
ters having passed into the nominal own
ership of the wife of Dr. Chaffee, a Mem
ber of Congress from Massachusetts, she
has ordered their liberation from Slavery,
by emancipation. His daughters freed
tUerosclvci by "tall walking" a year or
two ago.
We have more cheering reports, from
every quarter, of the wheat crop generally
nd all kiads of crops aro "ooiniDs on" I
Itorougli Aflalm.
Prsllc MEtnw. A meeting of the eitlaeue uJ tax
payers of the borough of Lewishurs; will be held nt Am
muns' Hall, on Friday evening next at early rendlelight,
f ur the aurpnae of riiriinj thrir wn In reeard to the
nolk-v of the Town Council relative to certain improve.
t.'gc.her a large crowd at the time and place
Chairman. The following preamble and res
olutions were offered by O. N. VVorden :
Whereas, the branty and prosperity of our
: Borough is and should be a matter of interest
I to all its citizens ; and whereas there has been
! in force for some years past a system of gra
inz streets which has elicited much contro
versy and displeasure, and seems now to
I threaten ottr peace as well as to imposchere
! ajier, unnecessary burdens ; therefore we.cit
izens of Lewisburg, in Town Meeting assent
I bled, do
j Heroine, That the cutting down of ordinary
elevations in the profile of a street where it
i leaves houses hieh in air. inconvenient, and
j unsishily, and makosdeep gorges, or where
low places are tilled up, burying houses and
gardens so that proper drainage is costly or
impossible is destructive alike to ;he beautv.
I neaitiiiuiness, ana progress 01 tne town.
I AVWerrf, That the imposition of expenses
j consequent upon such excavations or filling
up, alter improvements have been built on
established grades in good faith, trees planted,
and sidewalks constructed, at great expense,
i is an outrage on private rights that may be
resisted by injured property holders to the ex
tremity of the law.
llrmlmi. That common sense and common
interest dictate that our Council should ex
pend such sums as may be deemed right and
not oppressive to the tax-payers, annuaHv, in
making convenient, by graveling aud other
wise improving, the streets in common use,
and not leave those in bad condition while
less traveled portions of the Borough are con
suming our revenues.
ICemlred, That in strict justice property
has a right to be represented on all questions
of domestic expenditure, and as there are ma
ny widows and other property holders in this
Uorough, not voters, who pay taxes, but are
not usually consulted, we protest against taxing
them without their assent.
Resolved, That we are opposed to being tax
ed for opening any streets in this Borough in
any direction merely to advance the pecuniary
interests ot any individuals.
li'snlrcd. That we request the Council to
rescind all action made for altering North
Second street, which was improved at a heavy
expense less than a year ago, and that we pro
test against any further cutting down of South
Second street.
A'rWrrrf, That the attempt to make and im
prove a third opening from the south into
S onh Third street, is unnecessary, and if car
ried on must result in a squandering of the
public money upon a third Bridge.
ll'tulrcd. That the refusal of Council to
throw a bridge over Brown's millracesoas to
Jiegohed. That sidewalks should be propor
tioned unitormly to the width ot streets, and
that ten feet on each side of a fifty feet street
U sutlicient in all veni on Second street from
iere tne eieaier
travel may demand more room, l-ots not
built upon, four feet pavements. We there
fore ask the Council to repeal the regulation
fivinir eleven feel a the wiltlh of navempn!-
on Siorih Second street, and establish the
same at ten feet as prayed for by the great
majority of its properly holders.
Revitced. That in view of the existing Court
House, University and Church debts resting
nn.n nr eitivonc manv n f wknm have enn-
Irlh,,ied liberally and to the utmost extent of
their ability to all public improvements we
advise our Council to abstain from any further
heavy expenditures until all such indebted
ness is discharged.
Rfunleed, That a committee of be ap
pointed to circulate these resolutions among
the property holders and renters of this Bor
ough, and to lay the same, with all the signa
tures appended, before the Burgess and
The question then arose whether the meet
ing was for those on both sides ol the ques
tions involved, or for one side only. Some
contended that the Handbill invited all of ev
ery shade o opinion. We had told the gen
tleman who wrote aDd had the bill printed,
that it was not so specific as to avoid possi
ble misunderstanding ; still, we believed the
portions of the Handbill we have put in ital
ics (as well as the Notice) clearly indicated
that the meeting was for "expressing the
views" of those who thought the so-called
" improvements" were " unnecessary, and an
extravagant expenditure of the people's mo
ney." Those who called it, however, agreed
to waive any advantage of the kind, and
avowed themselves for a " free fight," in
which we chose to be 'counted out.' A long,
acrimonious, rambling debate extending to
New York, Philadelphia, and Allentown fol
lowed. Col. Slifer oll'ered an amendment to
the first resolution, to the effect that We
' have siolire enntiitenee in nnr Town Cntmrtl.
and recommend them to practice a wise and
economical expenditure of the borough funds."
A vote was taken on this "amendment,'' when
about a quarter of the crowd said Yes," and
another quarter No" probably not half of
those present voting either way. The Chair
man thought the Yeas had it, but the Nays de
manded a division of the house, which the
Yeas battled off, and (in some confusion) the
meeting was declared adjourned until Monday
Monday evening, the Hall was preoccu
pied, and we are not aware that any meeting
was nem uotit parties, ve uuuui uut, uciug
now satisfied mat oil sucn a question iwnere ,
, . , , j . .,.,,
c,uzens ,ee' S0 y "ay !
, . . i. , u..ali; , .. t.-V." ,c 3e nee. :
-"'"""" s
lpss as to try to mingle oil and water. The ;
. : I. .. . .1.
best plan is for each side to meet, give their
views ana argue tneir cause, in men ou
, - . . i- - s -.i '
war. fas we do in relizion and politics) with- :
present their opinion to the proper authority
! i .... .
by memorial or petition, as we understand it
being done to some extent-
Lewisburg, July 4, 1857.
At a meeting of Mechanics held in Amnions
Hall on Thursday evening of last week the j
following were appointed a Committee to re-
,. r . . .
port at a future meeting relative to a general j
Celebration of the approaching anniversary
of National Independence :
Griges Marsh. James P. Ross, Lewis Pal
mer, A.M. Lawshe, R. G. Orwig, Thomas
Graham, J. A. Kremer, Wm. Frick, O. N.
VVorden, Joseph M'Fadden.
The Committee will report on Saturday
(TO-MORROW) evening at Amnions' Hall,
and desire a general attendance, of the Me-eh5-iic
cf a'l d'-'-rriptiens especially.
Tbo cold rains this spring have caused
great loss of seeds and labor. One man on
Long Island bag not one hill left alive oat
of eight acres of cucumbers planted.
Ripe water melons are among the luxu
ries at Savannah, Ga.
HaTiIenry Hess is again High Consta
ble of Lewisburg, as the Deputy of Mr.
flT Several answers to enigmas, weather
table, etc., crowded out.
IVThe Regular Monthly Meeting of the
"Society lor Inquiry into the Moral and Relig
ious Condition of the World," will Le held
next Sabbath at 2J o'clock. A Report on the
necessity of a Missionary Spirit in the Chris
tian Church, will be read by Mr. Elisha Rit
tenhouse. J. I). Court, See.
nritev. M. B. Patterson of White Deer
Valley will preach for the Presbyterians in
Lewisburg Sunday next, at the usual hours,
10, A. M. and 7i V. M. (The bell being re
moved, the congregation will not wait fur it.)
The new house of worship erected by the
the Presbyterian congregation of Lewisburg,
will be opened on Sunday, 14th June inst.
Itev. Dr. Nevin of Lancaster will preach in
the morning, and other distinguished preach
ers are expected for the afternoon and eve
ning. The public are respectfully invited to
attend. TRUSTEES.
rThe new Union Church at Forest Hill,
will be dedicated on Sunday the 14th day of
June next, commencing at 10, A. M. Several
preachers may be expected, and the public
generally are invited to attend.
t7"President ('liuiit, of Franklin A
Marshall College, Lancaster, will address the
Literary Society of the Union Seminary, New
Berlin, on the evening of Tuesday, 16th mat.
nt'Clll', ta preparad directly according to the rule of
rhariuacy aud Chemistry, and ie the beat and moet actife
preparation which can be made for the cure of l'laeaae of
the Bladder, Kidueya. urarel, Droppy, Weakneaaea, Ac.
Head the ailrertixcinent in another column, headed
Wlelnibold'a Ueuuine rrepaiation.'
IIouaway's Pius, hi apiteof the prtjudteMi of medical
martinets hare found their way into the leading hoapitala
and diapenanriea of Kurope, and are now the established
family medicine of all daaea in the United States. L'poo,
thcetomaeh and lirer, which prepare and temper the
blwtsl, upon the organs which eitaliae it in the processor
respiration, and upon the earratory reaaela. which dir
charge from the hyatem discharge from the system the
residum not required for the purpoaee of nutrition, these
pills operate in almost miraculous manner, regulating,
rli-ansing, and fortifying the whole physique. In bilious
disorders, dispepsia. aelhma. diarrhea, dysentery, airs,
headache, constipation, genemi debility, and complajuta
peculiar to females, their elteet is astonUbing.
Corrected Weekly
Wheat... 1.C5 to 1.70 Eggs 9 10
Ityc 75 Tallow 12
Corn 75 Lard 12
Oats 45 Hacon 10
Flaxseed 1,25 Ham 12
Dried Apples. 1,25 Cloverseed C,00
Butter 18
On the 24th inst by M I. Shindel.Rsq . JACOB ePLEV,
of Is-wisliurg, and Miss LVDIA DKCCKKM1LLKR, of
on Hi- sth nit., bv Rev. . Crelittiton, JOnN 8. PTIT
7.KI:. of M'Allistersvllle. Juniata On, and Mlsa KI.1ZA
1IKTII, daughter of Wm.llassenplufc. of Mifllinbnra;.
un the Slst nit., hy Ua .el SJrkwenk. JoUN IBY slid
Miss MARY LONO, tsith of Snyder county.
In White Deer, on the 20th ult. JOSEPH 8 POTTS, la
bis 731 rear.
In Washinirton township, Lyer-minn eonnty, lOOl nit
&vmyrjyt&Mirxw -.
vrars protiaMv theoMvst person In that recion. On the
Client JOVATII4N IIAKP. aeed about &S venrs.
In Spring township. Center county. d Hit, aired .0
years. WILLIAM ITRKV, late Treasurer of the county.
When Treasurer, Mr. Furey was robbed of several hun
dred dollars, at Uarristiurit. while on his way to deposit :
it in the Treasury . and it was only laat mouth that he
succeeded in obtaining from the Legislature a release
of the amount which be toat.
In Wilkes l!arre.2th U.juredMyeai,CATriARINB,
wile of Hon. Warren J. Woodward, President Judjce of
the Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming district.
In Catuwissa. ttlb ult.. BENJAMIN 81IARPLR8?,la
his 93d year. The deceased waa thought to be the oldest
man in Columbia Co. at the time of his death. Una of tne
first ai-ttlers of Catuwissa, be saw the rise and the mil
ortheguaki-rcAnaragntlon. Theirmodest little meeting
bouse baa fallen, and with him has gone the old line of
iiatrlarehs who founded the oldest town in the county.
In Freeburg. Sny.ler Co. 2th nit, after a threa days'
illness, JACOB K. ST ROUP, from Dear Lewistown. aged
U years. Mr. gtroup was a student of the f reeburg
Academy, and a candidate tor the Ministry. The high
esteem in which his talents and virtues were beld, was
evinced by a large meeUng of students and citiwns, who
paid a heart felt tribute of respect to his memory.
In Buffaloe Tp, 11th nit, SARAH JANK daughter of
Daniel and Catharine Birkrl.in ber 9tb year.
In Hartley. 2sth ult. JULIA ANN, daughter of Wm.
and Caroline Boyer, aged I yr. mos. and it days.
Notice to Collectors.
THE Collectors of Union County will pro
ceed lo collect and pay over the taxes for
l!i.r7. The abatement of five per cent, will be
allowed on STATE TAX up to July 9ih.
Treasurer of Union County.
THE Stockholders of the Lewisburg Sav
ings Institution are requested to meet at
the office of said Institution, on Satcboat the
27th of June, where, between the hours of 9
and 3 o'clock, an election will be held for
thirteen Directors for the Lewisburg Bank, to
serve until the regular annual time for the
holding of elections for Bank Directors.
Lewisburg, May 27, 1857
TOS. L. YODER, Practical Watchma-
ej ker and dealer in Clocks, Watches, Jewel
ry, Silver Ware, Pianos, Melodeons and Sheet
All kinds of Clocks and Watches repaired
and warranted for one year.
Spectacles to suit any eyes for sale, and
new glasses inserted in old frames.
Lewisburg, June 4, 1857.
Volume .' .' Quintcttence
Tba tills or this wonderful bonk is
vsor Anything ?ou want to r.now;or.oveve..ueaeie
r tor uJ i-eooii. rioth oat- Priee One Dollar, a-ki
p.p,.. inquire within uon.rf th,-.t im twl
. I r. nl.imee ever tireeented to tbe American
publie. and embodies nearly FourThousaod ru,intb.
mort , whkh ,nr p,D uvinjwili Bod instruction and
ennmrnt. prlwof OM Mlmr
and yet u remains .m iMtKes w. n-rw.j
and is handsomely and strongly bound. It isn Doetov.
" J S!i....e . n.sHn. Master, an Artist.
a Naturalist, Modeler, a Cook, Lawyer, a Sorswm.a
Chess Player, a Chemist, Cosmetician, a Brewer, an
Accountant, an Architect, "itter-wntar,"n"rioye,"
ail this information and we have, not moat to tin an
idea er a hundredth part of it It eonuins ao many ral-
n,b). lDj ,fo, Rpts, that an enumeration of them
requires Seventy-Two Columns of nna type torus iuu.
Isjwim itniV is Do collection of ancient sayings
and Receipts, but the wbole is fresh nod suited to the
present times. As n book tc keep In tba family w refer
ence it is unequaled, comprising as U dons all kinds of
Buoks of information In a single volume- Published by
fcr ky . tJ5&iZZ?'
w-Copavs of tba above book seat by mail on receipt
of fl. to any address free of postage,
j-Rvliaoie Agents wanted to canvass "Inquire
Within." Bend Cash orders to tne rwoilsnars.
NEW GOODS ! Ladies' and Gentle
men's Summer DRESS GOODS-
new supply cheapest in town just ree d by
tyOEcc in 'he University Building CM
easseKaajaawCat the new establishment, east
sasliU seats end of the Bridge.) manufacture
to order or have on hand ready
worked Flooring.Sidine. Shelving
and all kind of Dreamed eLuniber for
Carpenters' and Builders' use. We are also
prepared lo PLAKE an! HE-SAW Boards,
Planks, Joists Ac. Scroll Sawing to order
also Shutters, Blinds, Sash.Window and Door
Frames, Cornice Moulds, Brackets and Moul
dings of every description. A superior article
of Joint Shingles on hand, and we intend to
keep a good supply of Joists, Studding, Shing
ling and Plastering Lath Ac. for outside and
inside building purposes generally.
J. D. lKrKENDKKrKK, Vfir
I. L. l.ll'IITKNTIIALEK,; etors
CIIA'S S. WET7.KI.L, XperintWlnU. May 27, 1847
Administrator's Notice.
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration to
theestate of CATHARINE BAKER Sr.
late of Butfaloe Tp, Union county, deceased,
have been granted to the subscriber, all pers
ons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same will present them
duly authenticated for settlement lo
DAVID H. KELLY, Administrator
Kelly Tp, May 1J, 1857
r.MvrnsiT at i.ewisbtim;.
TOTICE. Subscribers to the Building
r und are respectfully informed that the
Second Instalment on the subscriptions is now
due and payable. J. A. MKKTZ, Esq., is
appointed Collector, and authorized to receive
and receipt for the same. A. K. BELL,
General Agent and Treasurer
Lewisburg, May 1, 1857
TO all persons interested. I have sold mr
entire stock of goods to P. GOODMAN
(whom I recommend to public patronage,)
and am not only desirous, but determined, to
settle up my accounts, withoutdelay. Hence,
all persons knowing themselves to be indebt
ed to me, will please call at the old stand, or
in my absence at Ww. Jur.. Esq, office, for
settlement. As I intend leaving Lewisburg.
I am compelled to urge immediate action.
I.ewisbnrg, May 5, 1857 w3.
Good News ! Sew Cioodx ! !
JSthreyer & Son have received their
i second supply of Spring and Summer
Goods. Thev invite the attention of the La
dies, in particular to thrir assortment of
May 8. 1857.
New Clothing Store,
at the old tttand.
PHILIP GOODMAN having purchased the
Goods, Ac, of A. Singer, at the well
known Store room, opposite Klines' Hoiel, and
having made large additions to his stock from
Philadelphia, respectfully offers to the old
friends and patrons of the establishment, and
to the trading community in general,
the Largest, Cheapest, and best assortment,
(for cash,)
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,
ever offered in the West Branch country.
Coats, Vests, Pants, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Draw
ers, Umbrellas, Valices, Carpet Bags, Hand
kerchiefs. Ac,
and everything usually sought for in a Cloth
ing Store. Call and give us a fair triai.
Lewisburg, May 6, 1857.
Great Excitement ! ,
XT is now universally conceded that the pur-
l chasing of any article of Goods for private
or family use, and the paying thereon more
than a fair pnofit, is "money lost ;" ihe under
signed, therefore, has just opened, in his
on the corner of fourth and Market Streets,
Lewisburg, a splendid assortment of
for Ladies as well Gentlemen, consisting, in
part, of the various styles of Dress Silks,
Berege De Laines, Bereges, Poplins, Lawns,
Brilliants, Tissues, Embroideries, Collars,
Undersleeves, Handkerchiefs, Trimmings,
Gloves, Milts, together with
A Flue Lot of Domestic Good,
Prints, Muslins, &c. Also, Heady-Made Clo
Vestings, Hats, Cravats, Linens, and a fine
fresh selection of
Teas, Cocoa, Cheese, in large or small
quantities. FISH by the quarter,
half, or whole barrel. SALT by
the sack or bushel,
and, in short, almost everything usually kept
in our stores, can be found at this corner, and
all of which will be sold at the
or exchanged for Country Produce. All he
asks, is a Fair Trial; tejuic k Sales Small
Profits and Prompt Payment
of a superior quality, from the Hartley Mills,
not ground any closer than the mills furnish
in this region, and quite as good, if not supe
rior, which can be tested by ositbial, sold in
large or small quantities.
Lewisburg, Pa, May 2, '57.
Executor's notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters Tes
tamentary on the last will and testament
of Mrs. NANCY VANVALZAH, late of
Mifflinburg, Union Co, deceased, have been
granted to the unc'ersiRned, by the Register of
Union county, in due form of law ; therefore
all persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having just claims against
the same are also requested to present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
8. S. BARBER, Executor.
Near Mifflinburg, May S, 1857
John B. Linn,
Block, North 3d St, near Market.
678 IsewlNburst, Pa.
NEW and Magnilicent Stock of
EICHOLTZ A WAC.NER have elegantly
refilled the Storeroom formerly occupied by
C. Mensch, on Market Ki. near Third, where
they will keep on hand for sale the very best
of Confectioneries. Toys, Fruit, Notions, Ac
Call and See .' Lewisburg, April 9, 1867
SUBSCRIBE for Harper's Magazine,
the Knickerbocker, Graham's and other
Magazines, at tbe Publishers' rates, at
SUBSCRIBE tor the New York Ledger,
Ballou's Pictorial, Harper's Illustrated,
or any other Newspaper, at Publishers' rates,
at P. NEVICS fc CO'8.
OF Drags, Medicines, Books, Notions,
Varieties, Stationery, Ac, purchased in
New York and Philad. markets, has just been
ree'd at the Old Mammoth Drag Store of
CHRIST fc CALDWELL, Lewisburg.
Dr. LBrngger Dr.XF.Hamy
south tide Market St, between AtbckSth
THE Flaee to buy Goods, cheap !
i Beg leave to announce to the public that they
i have opened a large and complete stock of
embracing every variety of Ladies' and Gent's
Summer wear soeh as Cloths, t.assnneres
I.inen uoous, vesting. s.,ingnams, i,aiico, Ffmale complaints, as Prolapsus Ltcr., (.taii
Silks, Berages, Berage Delaines, Shalleys, ing oflne wmh,) and all other complaints of
Lawns, Muslins, a large assortment oi r.--
BROIDERIES of all kinds,
Bimnrtt, ILitt, ami Cop,
also a large assortment of CARPETS,
SALT, FISH, Ac, always on hand.
Farmers and Housekeepers
are respectfully ineited In examine nnr assortment
H'AttK, Ac-, anj e are etietl that you will Bud everything-,
of the beat .junlity, yon may uVeire. at the most
moderate rett-a.
Our tjoods were selected with unusual rare, anl we
believe will tie (bund of the rery heat, a ml i for tlie.Ulitr)
ne cheap as they can reasonably he ollcreil at auy uther
elore on the West Hranch.
We respectfully inrite our old customers to call and
,u,r shK-k. an.l we are sure we can meet tour want
aud tastes. thOltnE taaon aa nual C.tXIl nerer j
Lewlahure. April, 1SS7
Goodman & fliauiberlin
HAVE received their regular supply of
which they offer to the trade at the lowest pos
sible prices. The slock includes every article
usually found in their line
SALT, FISH, &c. Ac.
They invite atlention to their assortment,
and will endeavor to satisfy customers, in
quality and price. Lewisburg, April 2S
ACKEREL in whole, half, quarter and ;
eighth bbls. Shad, Herring andLodhsh
tor sale by Hood man A t hameTiin.
SUGARS Crushed, White, Brown, Ac,
Kvrup and Molasses. Colfee, Java and
.torxJman M t'hambcrlin.
) LACK Tea, a superior articletlso. Young
J Hyson and Imperial green teas, ny
liondman t Cbamherlin.
BliASS and porcelain Kettles, Stew pans,
Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes, Rakes,
S-y ths and Sneaths, Ac, by Goodman A Chamberlin-
CsEDAK Churns, Tubs, Pails, Waler Cans,
Washboards, &c, by
tiooilinan A Chanibcylin.
lLOTHS, Cassuneres and Vestings, Hats,
Caps, &c , a fine assortment at
tjoodiuau A Chamlierlin.
HAVING just returned from the f ity
with an unusally large Stock and well
selected, and am now prepared to sell goods
lower than can be bought elsewhere on this
side of Philadelphia.
Hardware ! Hardware ! ! Hardware ! ! I
Sails XailS Locks, Lalches, Hinges,
Screws, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oil in tact,
everything you may want to bnildyour-
self a first-rate house or barn twenty per '
cent, lower thaa ever before. TAt ivuy .' ;
7'Aif way t f
CARPENTERS, here yoo can get the cele
brated Greenfield Planes, Spear & JacksVs :
hand, tenon and rip Saws, Butcher's, Beatty's
and Brady's Chisels and Plane Irons, patent j
and common Braces, Brace Bitts, Augers, i
Squares, Guages, Iron Screws, Compass Saws, j
Hamond's Hammers, dec. '
Blacksmiths' Iron j0A IRON" ALL
KIX1IS Bar, Scollop, Tyre, Oval, Round and
Square Cast Steel, Spring and English Sieel, '
: . .. i i ull. w 1I -. sis i
ITOIJSEKEEPERS! Table Knives and
Forks, Carvera, tdpoonn, Kttlco, a-e.ss.y',
dlesUVks, Coffee Stills. Oilcloths. Hats, Pans. Howls, Ae.
Il.ltt HAVER Von will Und all the above with
great manv more at the iliuw.Ks and laos stork of
in the old ClUHui Stand. LKW1MBI Ku, Pa.
HURSII & VORSE havinsT received
their lira) I Goods lor '57,
would invite the al'enlion of both 1 own ana
Country to Iheir carefully selected stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, be. &c.
of the latest styles and best qualities, adapted
to the season and to the wants of the commu
nity and of ihe times.
ryCall and see for yourselves and be ;
convinced lhal their Store is the place for :
Bargains! They take much pleasure in show
ing their goods, but more in pleasing their
customers by giving good trade. j
Lewisburg, April, 1857 j
THE "old Mammoth" ahead! Not-
L withstanding the cold winter aud the late
J. &, J. WALLS
have received and are now opening an unus
ually large and well selected stock of
Consisting partly of Cloths of every grade,
plain, black and fancyCassimeres.a beautiful
variety of Vesting. Italian Cloths, Jeans, Tweeds aud
Summer wear, also
Ladien Dregs Good,
such as Wlks, Tissues, Delaine. Bereges, Prints. White
Gnods.liinichams. Emt ..oideries. Kilils.n. Hosiery .Gloves,
bleached and brown Muslins, Irish Liuen crawls, and
of every variety and style also a 4u selection of
Hardware, Queexswarb,
Cedar and Willowware,
I ) . . . f . r.
v I-.r; W o,
WU1VATU M U fcaW va a,uv e--e-" " , AX
11 of which thev offer to their eus
Ac.e. all of which they offer to their customers at !
usually kiw prices, el rain and other Country fro. lore , i
Uken io f..r Good. LewUburg, April. 17. j
Sunday School Teachers,
Sl'PERISTENDEXTS, Ac, notice, that at
the People's New ami Cheap Book, Sta
tionery and Periodical Store, a general supply
of tlie undar School Union Pnlilications will be constant
ly kept on Kami, anil sold at the catalogue prices, just
what you have to pay in r-bilailelphia fir them, and then
h.ve to nav the freight aililitinual. Gettiu? tbem from
ua yon save the freight, and ran make the selectens to
suit yourselves. We will alsosupnly the American Tract j
Society's PuMicalions, and many others.at tlie sauii- rates, i
All in want of good Itelixiou- llooksof any style or van- '
ety, at the most reasonable rates, give ua a call ; we have !
many on hand, and a number of catalogues to eelcet j
from; such as we might not bare, we would secure with
tlie utmost ilispatfh. The attention the eneern hairiv- I
en li.r years to the Til LOLtMlCAL HKI'AKl JMXT
has secured it ample facilities to supply tbe Clergy with ;
any thing they might want, and at fair rates. We hope .
tle-se bint may be respon-led to by an extending of pat-
ronage from tbuse who would buy at low rates, and won'.d
have a cheap and valuable Book tftorr flourish in Lewis- .
burg. Iroyl i.; P NEVlUd CO. I
Sear Ilartleton, Union Co Pa.
IE. THE subscriber, thankful
for past patronage, would inform
his friends and the public in gene
ral, that he continues to manufac
ture all kinds of Woolen GoodH, such as
Cloths, Cassiraeres. Tweeds, Satlinelts, Jeans,
Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and
Stocking? Yarns. Mis machinery being of the
. . , J.' " J al. I KIT WID sill WUO IIT Pll'nV OI Ut niilUil UIW
Pest kind in nse, and having employed the tID,-s4jy, and teat it troucbiy. and any wh-re not ben
best of workmen, he feels sale in savine efiti?d bv its nse w nld like to hear frrm. a we have
that hi. work shall not be surpassed by
ny establishment in the country. A good SUp-
ply of the above goods kept constantly on hand I
fnr aalp or to evrhanoe fur wool at rjrires I
lor sate or to eicnange r wool, prices
that Can not fail to please. WOOL Will be
Carded in the best manner and on the shortest !
notice. Terms for cardinc. cash on the de-I
livery of the rolls. MARK HALrrEivA s.
Winfield Mills, March 30, 1857.
VOR SALE 4 Ko. 1 Whita's Cooking t-tovn, nrarty an
a good as new. Jumrs at tl.is fitn.-e.
Apri! ; "
MH.DERSIIAM, M.D.. PraetLsins
Physician and Surgeon. will also pay
particular attention to Chronic diseases, snch
at Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis.
Throat Diseasr, Consumption when not to
far advanced. Asthma, Piles, Rhenmatisni,
Scrofula. White Swelling, Dropsy.S.ck Head
ache. St. Vitus' Dance, Fits, Sore Eyes, Can-
i-e-rs. Tnmors. 1,'lcers. EruDtions. Ac, al"
the sex 0f every name and form. Most ol tne
! aore Ion? st.-indine; di-eae, are cun.le,and none more
j so then tho-e of lenulrs. rWllos eiestvlenl mat oe.ru
ail of the latt- r can posiurely be rurrl. harmK cured
! some of ten a.i l lilt-en years' s:.o lin-.ilhosenotciiral.le
! can be relieved, and eau eyuerally te- taken ou the lit
j erivl tino -if not cured or relieved, no cvmensstlon M
; di-metid' d." .... . ., ,
' Dr. PKItS II IM -rad-iated at the Kcleetlc Veil, el r..!
,f leee f.fCincinuat'. having fnt stiidi.-d the old or Alio
y , w1I.m: system in Pl,:lad-l-hi. alt-rwsrd- the R-f.-rroe l
or l-hL-ti- st. ni or ue-dcti"n T.r. ayti m u.-e a.i
the m-.liein.:s or ih r. -juiar er A'lopatt.le sr-tem ev-. pt
Calomel, Ar-enir. Aotim..n7. and l::elinr. 'safrr and
better events hario; I--.-H di..-ovr-l ') h it it a!HO em
braces the many valuable medirinesof the tlotanii- a.-hd
not kn-wii b- anv other system ; at th-' linyroveioeot-i
of the llTdroi atl.ii-. llemroimtlile so l T1iouioii m s
tern.. Tine eertamlv is an age of ir-STes. U,J tlie XuW
Vllied m"es With I lie ae.
N.U. iilll.e m . TlllnllSt. - - - lEWL-BUBbi.
'ViiL Mi!cri!ter "fli-r fur salt', at the
1 Lewisbtir? I . lit :, in large or small
ltxi.ool) i- ' !.- Hemlock J.i. Scantling,
an I Hank, a' !'J per thou-and.
511,0011 shingles, at ?'M per thousand.
S.i! '0 feet sm.ill B-uidins Timber.
Also a I d of Pine and Hemlock BOARDS.
It u!s and Teuce Boards, on acroinmmUung
term-.. C.".lil)i:s. MAKSH 6l CO.
Lewisbnr,-, May 15, 11.7
TAKE NOTICE ! The undersigned are
appointed Agents for the sale of
Doorst, Hlinds A. Wliidotv Sasli
of all sizes, made of the best material. All
work warranted, tir 'Made by L.U.SPROUT,
Hughesville, Pa. and for sale bv
679 CHRIST & CALDWELL, Lewisb'g
lit A.VMOXS' BLOCK, Lcwuburg.
E. I JIOWKY, .trtit.
A MBROTYPES and Melainotypes made
in the most beautiful style, of the art.
The Melainutvpe is a new process, taken
on a prepared Sheet Iron Plate, and for bril
liancy and vigor of tone is unsurpassed by
any other known process.
Step into the Callcry, examine specimens,
and judge for ycurselve".
Prices to suit the times Satisfaction guar
anteed. Room in Amnions' Block, second storey,
entrance on Market street April 17
Rich and Rare
T3 the large and choice assortment of new
Spring and Summer .ool
now arrmrig at the well known Corner Store
Call and see ! Lewisburg, April l
THE subscribers are now receiving a large
and well selected stock of
Spring & Summer Goods,
embracing everything usually called for in a
t., .Un large assortment of W all
Paper which are ollered cheaper than ever
C-m y 11 e-l ...i.W M
the 'Xchange Store of
Lewisburg, April 17, IS57
TTiink not that wt- f b.-hinJ the time?.
Or if yu do. jiit iv-J th- lio:
Wn'ir CrUVTHINO tlic -ttt Umt to be fotintl,
All wanmnted jri-ll-iud, ehvAp, ftoJ JK)UDdI
; ttavi"g cr
Ll - L 'n ''elTI
concluded to continue business
sburg, the subscribers have
therefore laid in a fine and large assortment
of Ready Made Clothing and Gent's Furnish
ing Goods, which we intend lo sell
riir.lPCR TlltX EVER!
Our stock consists of fine black, blue and ,
brown cloth Frock and Dress Coats, Cassimer j
i Coats of all decriptiins Pants and Vests of ;
everv kind vou can think ot .I I-N AM) ,
I CAPS, Shirt "Collars, I'ockel and .Neck H lkfs.
I Trunk, Citrpt I'-i'jt, Vmhrett, fc. j
at the lowest City prices. C5"AU in want of
i anvthim in our bne will please to give us a 1
! call, and we will try lo suit you. !
i 'sr' Clothing made toonler with neatness and
! desVa'ch- J. ;iI.I..tlTil A BUO S. !
Lewtbiirg, April, Mi'si j
New Arrangements New Goods! j
i TUSEI'H 1.. liAWX bavins taken the j
v I well U.-.own SP VA"fi HA I STORE, has ;
rttitfit H, and tilled in an extensive variety of
' Also a larse arJ sp! n.!i ! stock of CLOTHS .
i fAsl.VEREf.A- which he will iimAc up to
order, p. : t.'. "ontinues the Tailoring Bust-
ne. lie i- i.;'areil to execute all work:
! entrusted to his care, to the satisfaction of the .
' customer.
.V B. Cuttlr; and Kepairinc done to
order. (I. visburg. April 10. 1S57 I
or Uir Itemed),
I,,., r.eiiolaints. unli-ss the muel deseerate ef rases.
when the SK OS! hettle will, with searre n -uiffle failure, i
restore the patient to h-allli and viiPT. We wish to rail
tbe attention m hi is ii.ese .cos ip.i ...e ... -
ComPi'Unaeu oy B piiy-ieien "in- uie ... -
ti.- fcr the pnat twutJr yttmn. wub . wcm i
VI KUUIM. a?" U1- aua-sn is tir sin ... .-. -
br firmed whn it i known on bottle of th lnii:orlor
eootnin muebntn-nth so- i.ne bumlivj Xjes uf Caio
mel without uy of iu Jeli-terious t-ffi-ctd.
One bottle it th nur-.t ihim- ltnown to rarry way
tb bad ftkrt' vl mmcrul r"i.-Hn of any kind.
Only orrf bottle b) nei(fd to thrtw out of tbp y;'teni
lb rif..Tti of me-lictneiiftt r m It-n; icklr9.
One bottl- Ukt-n fr JauuJirr rvmoTi S all ycllownv!
or uruiantuntl rolorfroni tin sk:o.
On dee utter entitle..-, uufflciet.t torelieetht'tfmafh
and piw-nt tb ftoi from rilne nd -uurinc.
Only one Ioje Uken beta ire rvlirinit i.refnt.- ni-htinarc
One tlntae Uk at night liKwni tb- bowels peuilj.ao J
ure ctftttiveDesie.
Oue tloeee taken fter rwh menl will rare Py-pep..
One dm) of two U--IKxtOSlui wilt alwayi rrlh-vv irk
Oue bttl taken for ffffirilc obstruct Inn removes tbc
eaue of tbe diseat-, and mkrs a -rlrt cure.
Ony one don, itnmeiJltrly reliei fholie whil
One dAe often repratt-d In a un-cure turCbolvraMor
but, and a stir pre ?et tire of t'bolera.
Itne -Jose taKeu oityn win pn-T'-n. m- re-rirTi'nrs 01
billoutt attarku, wbilr it relieTep all painful Wlio. I
.Oieor two dots? taken nreKnonally iei oue tf Uia
beiti remedial, for a culd ever known.
Thouranda of case of tutiamation and weakness of the
luncs haTf ten e.ured by the lnvip'rator.
One do?e taken a abort time U-t'tre evilng, givea vigor
to the appetite, and m.-.kei lod dinrt well.
On do.e often rej-eated eurrf t'hruntc Iharrh-ea in It.
wra fornix, while xucimer and bowel cum plaint) yield
almost to tbe nnrt dose.
one or two d eft cur attack rimed by Worm, while
for worms in rhildren.there is no suirafer andep edkr
ren-eily tn tne world, an it nevr fails.
Tber is no cxaceration In th-! tnteTaent. ; they are
pl.iina'id sober fact, that we can Rife ertdnrt-1- pr)Ve,
while all who use it aregiring their uoauim-'Ua iotimouy
in its favor.
We wixh all who are (rirk and d. btlUtd to try this
astonishing medicinal virtues in it. that all ns matter
how long they bare been aSc. ted.if theirc mplaintansea
hx" deranged liter, will l-e hrwnle.1. if nut eultrely
tMrrf g an to, rrepriet..rs
.-.I6 Broadway, New YorH.
Sold by CHRIST d) CA LD WELL. Lewiiur.
v n. jit.i,ni.Ah-ent.
T70R SALE CHEAP A good second
hand TOP BftifiEY Inouire rf
H. D. VAI.KFE, N r'h i .c
TTORXEY at Law, Miillinlnrir,
j V Union Co. Pa. USAll PrO'r "i'-nal bn
sine entroied to his care, will be punctually
and faithfully attended to. June I, '53 yl
ExccutDr'3 TTotlca.
"Vr-fVriCE is hereby given, that Letters Tes-t;.m--ritary
on Ihe I-il w ill and testament
of JIE.NKY IIICH, late of White Dter
township, deceased, hnve been rranled lo tl,e
undersigned, bv the Register of Union county,
in due lurm of law ; therefore, all persona
knowing themselves itidebtt-d lo said estate,
at renuested to in.il.e immediate payment,
and those having justcianus aeatnst thesamtt
an also requested lo preseut them properly
autheiiliealed for ei:Irtiient.
JOHN F. K1CHAKT, Executor.
White Deer, April P, H57
I)E.EWE1) warning is hereby eiven. to
all persons who were noitlini Ions aeo.
lhal as the Books and les have now l:iler
into my hands all persrne knowing lliem
elves inoVhtod, either by .Note of Boole Acrt.
lo . 4 IV. Mi;, or Wm. llijfh, drci aisd.w.'l
eonler a favor by paying the same imme .!.
atilv and if net do!ie. it will be a'lendedo
according lo law. JOHN F RICH AKT,
Executor of Wt. llioa. deceased
White D.ier Tp, April fi, l--".7
fT Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
, -, qpJ fk'inii-ii'-J Villi's".
The subscriber has just rcc-ived a splendid
collection of Fruit and Ornamental T11KF..--?,
Irotn the celebrated Nnrseries of E!ltraitt;tr &,
Barry. R.ieheM-r. N. V'. embracing the very
best vaneti-s of Apples, Pears,I'eaches,PInms.
t.'herrtes. Apricots. .VriririiieSjtirape .Goose
berries, R.ip!jerri s, Currants, StrawLerries,
Large H irse Chestnut. European Mountain
Ash, American Mountain Ash, SSugar Maple
for street planting. Ever-blooming Koe, and
a splendid collection of Bulbous and other
Flowering Plants.
fiT Xursery Grounds on the farm rf Ja's
F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within half .1
mile of Lewisburg. All orders addressed to
will receive strict attention. Ttrm invariably
CASH. Lewisburg. Aprl . 1857
New Firm Notice.
Rcnrrr & lirtmrr have associate I
wiih them in a General Mercantile Business
at Lewisburg. Mr. JAMES C. M CI. I KE, and
the Firm will hereafter Le known Ly the name
of li'nr'r, h'rrmfr 4 irCurc.
I v The Books and Accounts of the former
Firms of Beaver, kremer it Moore, and of
Beaver A Kremer, are at the old stand. Their
immediate seitlement is particularly desired.
Lewisburg, .March I, 1Sj7
"MIE subscriber has rented for a terra
years ihe commodious rooms first below
Kline's Hotel, where he carries on Ilakillg;
Ilrcatl. Cake, Tans, Ac. and hopes to be
able to render entire satisfaction and receive
a liberal support. He alio tilers
of every kin I and qnalitv. at Wloktale and
Retail. "ICE CREAM for the public and for
parties, in large or small quantities.
Cash paid for Butter anJ Eggs.
tVXuts, Toys, Spices, ic. always on hand.
Orders at home or abroa 1 promptly attend
Lewisburg, Jan. 7, 1S57
Choose bi'lvieeii liciu.
Th-Wood fnrn i-bes th ran t- rial ol every Voe. mns
rle. ir 1 aDd and filre in the bu trail frame. W h a pure.
U -erurrs health to every or-an; vhen eorrvpt it neee
farily prodUL-o ditiea.. HrLtuwis IMliji operate dirert
lv upon the elem,ntn of the tTv.tm of lit, neutralizin
the prinriple f di-eafe. air I thu. radH-jDy curtu tit
niHlHlT. whether lomtd tn the- n-rreit, the ntvaia-h th
liver. .Im lowrK the mu. 1 , .bc skid, the brain, or an
other part of the system.
i sf.o Tiint;rt"iT tut world t
II'iLU'WA .'ft I'll t- ar- r-iTiolty efErarfc.ua in ernipTaints
eomnKn to tbe wh'-tf buuian rare, und is disorders pe
culiar to certain dimst" and K-ralitit-".
A T.. H VtyC PTsnrtDiTRX
lT.peprt. and d -nntr-Biect "I thf iitT. th sonm rf
Intirrnity and su.Trrib!. and the cause ft inuwraii
dt-Mths. vi-:d to th-e curn.tii-?, in all rase, however a;
ffr:Tatd, a-tinir as Riild portative, alts rat. ve and tii
w: they r l.rv.- th. ti.w U, purify the Utnd-. aud inviAf.
orate the yftetii and the cuu.-tifut.on at the same tiiui
hrXEKAL iV.AKf LKl-ors COMrtAtXTS,
When all inv.iUnr ful. tU renovatin; and hraiintc
pri'pertie -l these I. lit. eive Srmriin to the shakin,;
nrrves and eufetbit-d uiu- ic t,i the victim ol gt'ntral Jv
All irretcnlnritit-i and aiinvnu ineitit nt to the deKrat
an 1 (H-iinitive nr;:'n i f ihe m-x are renniv-r D.ev.-i.t
hvafw dfi-t t f thfie mild, hut inrl!i' Ie aifterat:e-,
.V m -titer lm n-jrl.- h-r nr her rl.iidxen's beaiili
should tail l- have th iu wttliin her rarh.
Th" Iev.nd.tn l.,i,ii.- t." tin- Le-O'lon Mdiral ReVt'-w,"
and the mcttt min.-ttt f the t:.t-ulty in t.n-t Britian,
Fmnee and -ttru.au v, UuTt- ju'i urd the and thr
IMimy's PiUt arr thr f,I rrmftty know
in the vcvrhfjttr the J'Ahicimj Dt .i&ti :
A'thma Tirrli In iitrestinn
Raw el O.roplaint.i l-r-py Inr!ueuza
C- n:li!i I'el-il:ty lul1tntn..;ion
O- Is r'ewraml Arrue Inward H'tnkr;eiV
t.!.- st lte!vs F m:tle 'impiaintt LiTer f'.R:Dl-int-t
p -liveiM-s- llea-Iuchus fiOwnwnf pirjttt
Iy-.pei.ia Tile V. nerta! ArTertto&a
i-n.- acd iJraTfl, Pt-rs n.lfiry ?ymp's Worms of all kinds
Sf-M at the Mar;if i-t..ri-'sof rtV-wr llollowsj.
0 M.iid n l-tne. N w ..rk, and JH Strar.d. Lf-ndtu, and
I y all re-jm t:.I Te lira-TLri'ti. nud iJealers i.f Meiieinrt
tr'iroubv'Ut the Lntei tt. a, and the rivlluej world, in
i te-, ard --"t rert-. o ut, attd Jtl earh.
XUere is a eonci dora bit- .-avin by taking the laryr si
Xe. B. Iirtinns fbr the init.nee of patients In eTfrf
d-rder are athvl to earh Jan. 9, l"i7
thankful fr past faror
w.uil.l stite that he has re
reiveil the Fall and Winter
Fahmn, and is prepared to
Cirr, MAKE, and REPAIR
r.irments as usual. He will
enilravor, as heretofore, to
execute his work satisfacto
rily to all. I.ewisbur?, Sept. 4, 1856.
7ocal and Instrumental Music.
M1I1E sulcriber having located himself in
I,rwi-bur;. is reaiiy to teach Iiistrnmen
lal Music in all Us branches, viz. Piano, .Vel
deon, liuitar; Vu.lin, Violinccllo, Flute, and
all Virass InsirumeD!.
He trill alsu teach Voral Music.
Having b .n taught in the best School ia
tiermany, he deems himself quahlled to ren
der satisfaction.
He will aNo tune Piano?, ar.d put them ia
repair if uesired.
Kcsiilenre fnr the present at HerrN Hotel.
Jan. 19, 157. l'..r. P. HELD.
William Jonea,
TTOUAEY at Law. ( tillrctinns
nr.iniollv illteil.I. .1 In. I'llu e .'11 M'Uia
Second St.. recer'ly by II C Ifirk. k.
590 l.LWISBLR'i,r
IiORrviloat I!aillsat :, ( arprn
' ter, to work in lh Boat Yard at l.e
ir.rc. li"ud wi;t an 1 con-lam empley
m.nt will be qiven.
Nutr. 14, '56. FRICrC. 5UFIn A CO.
"rOI'SU- ,,n" Hiiss KKV enquire
, .1... f ,..,' i.:;V."
1 '