Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, May 15, 1857, Image 4

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    Hoopi vs. Goateei.
Talk ant to hi about oar bnopt.
Or of oar skirts, nor what of loopi.
We'll wear just what we please.
For every lady now doth need
Protection from the wooljr breed!
If the regards her ease.
Was ever earth more crushed with trash
Than you who grow the rile nvoaslacbe,
And, with no sparing hand.
Deal out to us in endless rhyme
That wearing "hoops" is all crime,!
But this we understand.
There's some of you look quite feline,
While others look somewhat eamne.
And some seem both combined
Just as it seems to suit the taste
Of would-be hi ia hottest haste,
Jf they but had a mind.
Then, too, in this progressive age,
A wooly face is all the rage,
A human head to mask :
Which makes one look so eery prim.
Like every other wooly-jtm.
But here just let me ask.
Is there a hole about your head
In which to put your daily bread 1
If so, where i's the place !
For, I declare, no one can see
Where such a spot ran fairly be.
About your wooly face.
And if you have, it in use,
And filled with vile tobacco juice,
All ready for a squirt
Upon tome lady's fancy dress.
Or in the face of loveliness
What don't fall on your shirt.
To smoke, and chew, and raise a crop
Of ri-i wont, and act the fop.
With time and money spent.
Just fills your cup of ree.rri.w.ss.
While, too, you are to fithlines
A walking monument.
And at yon walk the streets about.
Like some great awkward, lazy lout,
Wnh a long nine to puff.
You :hink yourself most wondrous wise.
And like the n quite large in size
But hold, I've said enough.
(The above it sent in to-theCAio title Office
by a Young Lady. We think " Hoops" are
now "a little ahead" of "Hairymugs" in ibis
war of words.
Wanted his Land Warrant
In the Creek war, portion of those
Indian! were friendly to tbe whites, and
have received Bounty Land Warrants for
their services; but occasionally one on
tbe wrong side of tbe question puts in bis
claim, most ignorantly, bat with great
faith in getting it
A short time since, a renowned fiajo of
the Creek nation requested the services of
one of tbe attorneys while traveling in tbe
Indian couutry, in procuring bis Land
Warrant from the Department. Tbe law
yer was delighted at tbe prospect of a
goed fee, the Indian promising bin balf
tbe worth of tbe warrant, in tbe event of
its being obtained. The lawyer wished to
know of his employer tbe services he bad
'Don't talk like this," said the Indian.
"Well, whom did yon fight nnder V as
ked tbe lawyer.
"Me fight nuder log," skid Hajo.
"Xo, bat who Was yoof Captain ?" the
lawyer inquired.
"Me big man, me Captain too," answer
ed the Indian.
"I wan't to know where yon fought,"
aaid tbe lawyer, "at what battle !"'
"Me fight beap, me shoot 'bind tree,me
shoot undur bank river, shoot gun beap,"
aaid the Indian.
- "Well, what did yon shoot at?" asked
tbe lawyer, thinking he would defer fur
ther questions till an interpreter could be
"Methoot at General Jaektan,three, four
timet," replied the warrant wanter.
Woman. An exchange says,that "God
intended all women to be beautiful, as
much as be did tbe roses and the morning
glories ; and what he intended tbey should
become, tbey would, if tboy should obey
bis laws, and cut indolence and corset,
strings, and indulge in freedom and fresh
air. For a girl to expect to be handsome
with tbe aetion of her lungs dependent on
tbe expansive nature f a cent's worth of
tape, is as absurd a to look fur tulips iu a
soowbabk, or a full grown oak in a flower
pot." Lick. A friend, late on a Saturday
afternoon, bailed an Englishman as be was
skilfully essaying the wily fisherman's art
for trout with
"Halloa, there 1 Got anything V
"Got anything ! of eonrse not I only
came here last Wednesday !" was tbe re
ply as tbe patient angler onee more east
bis patent fly.
An eloquent Catholic priest, in attempt
ing to persuade his flock to avoid tbe ball
rrom on St Patrick's day in the evening,
used this perfectly conclusive, and (to an
Irishman) knock down and drag out argu
ment: "The Irishman who goes to that
ball, ia no better than a Dutchman !'' No
anathema eould add to tbe force of that
Captain Nebuchadnezzar Knoebnekle '
bad a maguificcnt tin dinner plate presen
ted to bioi in honor of bis patriotic offer
to bis friends to risk bis life, character and
Lonesty, in a run for Congress. If he does
run he'll get beat ; and if he don't run, be
won't get elected ; consequently, it isn't
much difference wbicb party he "jines,"
so be says. 1
Mr. Pescator, keeps a tavern in Otsego.
Visitors have only one objection to Pesca
tor be is too clean. liefore he cuts you
a piece of stake be always licks the Loife,
ao as it may not have any tuste of bam
and them 'tr eggs.
A neighbor of ours wants to know if
II ill .Vol is not a relative of Henry S.Mott,
who was elected Canal Commissioner three
rears agg. Tbe same he'll go in, too, by
a "loud" majority. j
Difference between singular and plural: '
When William, Prince of Orange, landed
in England, be said to tbe people whom I
i.r fast met : "I come for your good, for J
Lfl yior Q-&t" j
James F. Linn. J. Berrill Linn.
T F. fc J. M. LINN,
J Attorneys at Law,
74 Union dnnty, Penn'a.
Pianos, and music.
JOS. L.YODER, Agent for Meyers'
aua t ognrs celebrated piano, hat
iust leceived a laree assortment of Sheet
music, fianus, and Mclodan Books. Seminary
and Teachers supplied at the Publishers' dis
count prices. Music published byGouldXee
A Walker, 8. L. Walker, or any Publishers in
the United States, furnished at their prices.
N.B. Meyers' and Voght's Pianos sold at less
than City retail prices. Lewisburg, Nov. 14
Uelmbold's Genuine Preparation
Highly concentrated Compound Fluid Extract of.
TOR Diseases of Bladder. Kidneys, Gravel,
W Dropsy, Weaknesses,Obstruetions,Secret
Diseases, Female Complainls.and all diseases
oT the Sexual Oreens arista from niwrn and imprml
eoeiei ia life, and reeaoviae; all Improper Diseharfres from
the Blad.ler. Kidneve or Seiaal Oraaus.whetbrr existing
in aiaieor remaie, iron waateeer eaoae wry mar nave
and no matter of how long standing,
gtTing Health ami Vigor to the frame, and Bloom to the
pallid cheek.
Joy to the Afflicted!
It ran Krrvon an-. sVUIltaUd ?uffr"T". antf rtmoTM
all the. 8VMiTOM8,ituoDK which may be found
Iiri if rtiM to 'xrrtroB, lorn of power, Iom of memory,
difti. nit of breath itifr;, gn-ral wenknen, horror of iis
aw.weak Orrrr,trviTiblltlf. dlTaHfal horror of drth,
night ffwnalm cold lVt, wakefulness dinneas of
too, languor, nnivcrMl laitul of the mus
cular HTKtfU. often enortDout appetite with
dyftpeptin ymptnn.a, hot hsnda, flubbing of
tbe body, drrne of the kin. pallid coun
tenance and eruption otj the face, pain
in the hark, oavioe of tbe eye-litla,
frtqtseatly blark apota tying before
the eye with tetupomry nuffuMon and
Iom of (ricl.t. Want of attention, great
mortality, and lVfUtwneaM, with horror of
ociety. Nothing is more desirable to uch
pertains than solitude, and nothing thry more
dread tr fear of thenvelTen ; no repoee of
manner, no earnestness, bo speculation, hut n
lrarritfd transition from one question to another.
These rrymptom. If allowed to go on whVb this medi
cine invariahiy nunoTes soon follows Lxw or lowin,
Patcitt, aD KPtUPTic Fits in one of wbicb the patient
may expire. Who can say that these eireefc are not
frequently fallowed by those direful diseases Inanity
and Constimrtion? The reeords of the Insane Asylums,
anl the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample
testimony to the truth of these aNSertions. In Lunatic
Axylums the most melancholy exhibition a, pars. The
ennntenanee is actually eodden and o,oite destitute nei
ther mirth or grief erer visits it. $btiu.tl a sound of the
voice occur, it is rarely nrtMutaio.
"With woeful meararen, wan despair
Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled."
fVhiUty Is most terriMe! and has brought thousands
Upon tbouxnnds to nntimelv graves, thus blasting the
ambition ofmanv noble rouths. It eta be cured by the
If you are milTr-rifir with any of tbe ahore distressing :
aiitni-ntit, tDe t li u lm kait bllhu will cure yon. ,
Try it and be convinced of its efficacy. j
Blwau or Qcacs KosTarsrs ax Quack Jfctmt
who wisely hoast of abilities and rvf ivnoe). Citizens I
know and avoid them, and save loco mtQvriog, money,
and exposure, by shading or calaug for a buttle of this
Tonuiar and tpecifllc Kemedy.
It allays all pain and iiflamation,isperfe(ily pkaaant
in Its taste and odor, but immediate in its action.
Is prepared direct It according to the Rules of FNAR
M UVAMt t'HEMISTKV. with the greatest accuracy
and Chemical kn reriir and care devoted in its combi
nation. See Professor Ieeee' Valuable Works on the
Practice of Physic, and most of the late Standard Works
of Medicine.
One Hundred Dollam will be paid to any Physician who
can prove that the U ,! ne ever Injured a Patient ; and
the tetitinjouy of thouandsran be produced to prove that
it does great good. Cases of from one week to thirteen
years' slanging have been effected. Tbe ma of Volun
tary Tet.tin.ony in poM,njou of the Proprietor. voOclitng
Its virtues nd curative powers. Is immense, embracing
namas.weU known to bClKNCrJ ANU v AMK.
100,000 Rttto Hare Been aVW.
and not a single Inntanor of a (allure has been reported !
Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the
Cfty of Philadelphia, II. T. Uuuoia. Chemist, who Wing
duly sworn doc say. that his preparation coo tains no
Nerentie. Merrury or injurfoQt frug. but are pnrely Ve
tratalile. U T tlw.. a..v- m-...
bworn and lubscribed befure me this -S-l ttav of Novm
ber, UM. WSJ P. 11 lit HARD, Alderman.
trice, $1 per Bottle, sr to for 5 DeJ.rercd to ,
any Addrert,
aeconrpanied he reliablestid rcpofiKtMeCertifloatc. from
Professors of Medical Colleges, Clergvmrn and others.
Prepared aant sold by II T IIKMIlot.D.
Vocficoi nvf Analytical i 1 'm,iU
y. 62 South fcaf a.Jxiow (Mttnut,Aarmbtm ffauWtsas,
aj Tb ht hud of Dryopirtt and Dtalm throughout the
ffetb-o! Aa'ee. Gonadal and Hritiih fmrinaft.
Ask fur Hembold't Take no Other Curet
Guarantied. &dd by
Important to Daguerreotyplst8,narble
Dealers and others.
MONUMENTAL Daguerreotype Ca
ses. A method has long been sought for
to insert in a durable manner, Daeuerreotype
Likenesses to Head Stones and Munumeuts.
I have been manufacturing these Cases for the
last two years, and can warrant lhetn to tecure
ihe picture for a long number of years.
The outside ease is made of Parian Marble,
and the box which encloses the picture and
keeps it in a state of great preservation fur a
long number of years, is made of brass a
screw box- It makes a verv neat job on a Head
Stone or Monument They are nsedin Green
wood Cemetery, Mount Auburn, Laurel Hill, i
and many other Cemeteries in the V. States.
A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers
and Daguerreotypists. Price from $2.25 each
to $9.50. A circular of engravings will be
sent to any address, free, with price list. Ad
dress A. L. BALDWIN. A;ent
of Msasoieom JHf - Co-, S3S Broadway, Mew York.
TVTniar rtn anil T7atzt flnnrie 1
T tbe Mammoth Drug & Chemical
Emporium of
The nndersigned having purchased the entire
Mammoth Drug Store formerly kept by Dr
Thornton df Co., are now ready to fill Orders
and Prescriptions at a moment's notice. We
have a large and well 'elected stock of fresh
and pure DRUGS, MEDICIXES, Chemicals
Dyestufls, Oils, Paints, Glass, Pnttv and
All kindt of Patent Medicinet,
Fruit and Confectionery,
Tobaeeol8nnfT,and Imported Cigars of the
choicest brands.
Fancy Notions and Toilet Article;
Fine Toilet Soaps 4. Perfumery of all kinds,
BaranES is. Coins or kvkkt vabixts.
Hook and Stationery,
a general variety of Literary and School Books
Fine Oil, Lard and Fluid Lamps of every
description ; fresh Pine Oil aud Patent Burn
ing Fluid alwavs on hand.
PURE WINES and LIQUORS of all kinds
for Medicinal uses.
Fire Proof and Zinc Paint.
Preserving and Pickling Jars, Le
rTTustomer. will find our stock complete,
comprising many articles it is impossible here
to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices
Call and see us, one and all, and see our
stock ; and if we can't sell you cheap goods,
we will not ask yon to buy.
We are always on hand to wait on customers.
Remember the Mammoth Drag Store
I.ewlbnrg, Union Co. Pa. J8
SAPOR1FIER.or Concentrated Lye war
ranted to make Soap wilhont Lime, and
with tittle truabla. With oaeeakeof l.yeand rnorpooud.
soap Fat, yon ma make fifteen ration. fpo& soft "oan.
Hard aoaa caa be amde la the same way. For sale by
B AYES' WHITE GREAME. for Waggons,
Bu. irrCsgsgta, Omnibuses, Sinses. etc
a superior arttrle. for sale hy C1IKIST k CALIlWKLL.
GLAf8 Jars, for Pickling and Preserving
Quarts and Half Gallons, for sale cheap
all engaged in the service of the IT. 8'
in the War of 1013, and for their Widows, at
ttn nflVff of tbe Lewntror; Cbioaicla.
THE undersigned have this 2d day of Feb.
A. D. 1857, entered into Co-Partnership
for the pvrpose of carrying on a General
Fouadry Business at the Brick- KounJ
dry in Market street, Lewisburg, under the
name and firm of Trick & Lilley.
Lewisburg, Feb'y 2. 1857.
A general assort
ment of COOKING
STOVES for coal or
wood, Stone Coal
Stoves, Wood Air
Tight and Parlor
Stoves, dec in varie
ty always kept on
C ASTINGS of all
S kinds made to ordrr.
TIIE new method of inserting artifi
cial Teelh, Gum, &c., known as
Allen's Continuous Gum Work,
is, without exception, the best improvement
ever made in the art of Dentistry. This work,
when nronerlv constructed, is the most beauti-
ful.lhe cleanesl.eombines the greatest strength I
with durability, and adds more lo a clear and !
distinct articulation, than any oihrr kind of
work erer Drought btrf rc thf r-uhllr. And
not only tbin. lly a beautiful dinrovtry
in eoaihinatmn witn tins style oi wora,
we can aire tbe lace its natural express-
sion. without, In the leant, iuterfrrins with the uwfulne...
of the teeth iu maNtiratiou.
1 would take thin method of informing those interested
that 1 hare purchased tbe I'stcnt fight fur this valnuMr
improrement, of the inventor. John All. n. i now ol Nt-w
vA.S s ,1.1. mrtA h...hI .ItAiitin counties, snrl lliAt 1
am now manulaoturinR an article of f.-eth emltlum that
willcoatnarefanirahly with anything in tliat line iliat baa
ever beeu niaite in tills or any other country. I ask all,
and especially tnoee Ulst neeu teem III iney nBeeeugagru
them or not.) to call, and examine for themselves.
Office and Re&idcnce on Third street, near Market.
Offlce in MlLTos.on Broadway, nearCadaallader'scoruer
TIIE subscriber is prepared to furnish
at all times the very best COAL of every
flescription, from the Wilkes-Barre and Sha
mokin mines. He has on hand an article of
very superior quality, such as is seldom bro't
to this market,which he will dispose of at the
lowest cash prices Coal weighed, and good j
measure warranted. rP'Coal exchanged for j
merchantable Country Produce of most kinds i
as well as for cash. '
Coal Yard al Tho's Nesbil's Lumber Yard j
on riouth Water street.
Nov. 19, 1856 tf R. I. XESBIT.
West Branch Insurance Company,
OF lock Haven, Pa., insure Detached
Buildings, Stores, Merchandize, Farm
Property, and other buildings, and their con
tents, at moderate rates. Do;ng business on j
cein Cash and Mutual plans. Caiutal,$WO,000.
Hon John J Pearce Hon G C Harvey
John B Hall T T Abrams
Chas A Mavcr D J Jackman
Chas Crist' W White
Peter Dickinson Thos Kitchen
Hoh. G. C. HARVEY, President.
T. T. A DRAMS, Vice Pres.
627 Lewisburg, I'nion Co. Pa.
JVhKrs'tfc ?)Jet'i)Qi)ij3' iii?qh")n:e CohiJ).
s.w. con. sccojd aan walsct sts, rHiupELruia.
Capital $1,230,000.
Assets 108,141 13, invested in Bonds, Mort
gages and other good securities.
f BY FIRE 'There are but fee. -k. i
neelectin 1
,Mw,..,fisr.lH.imim heaa I'V
tins most neceiuarg and uuhntanlial precaution
" k 'Vre
results of years of industry swept from them
by the devouring element over which they
have no control but hy being insured. !
Insurance protects you from the incendiary, t
I- i .i J e
niiKr.n.c ... a.m .. c lrtA1u . , j
your Bi-Ncni-niT. l will lmp-n mum to your fml-;
itor, mnd gt hnra'rr m prudence aud preeanti'm to
all your hurtio? trannartionet.
It mfnirTri but a very tmult mm in lnnre in mm
ranrioit from $1UU to $l0(-0, and y-t bowmnoy there are
whoba no ionuranre upon fiondf, ?orotture, or any
thing rim I If your Stock la email, mill tbe Losd to you
might br- Srrionn.
Thla Onnpanr .nwiiTi Rrtt.fiiyGS. MFRCffAXD
From $100 to $.5000,
at the Lowt Rates and upon the most Liberal Terms,
and f RoMrr Patxist on tbe adjustment of Loss.
tton Tho It Florence 1 Jsmes K.N'eall I Edw.R Itelmbo'd
Geo 11. Armstrong Cha's llineee I V.l'arrol Hrewster
I'ha S.ltulsncam I 111 Undcrfleld Isaac Leech, Jr.
Geo. lielmbold
General Suporiotendcnt TOIIS TIIOMASOX.
EbW'D E. UELMBiiLD. eecreury.
J. MF.RKIIX I.I.N.V, Agent.
657 LEWISBURG, t:nton Co. Pa
Rev. H. MALCOM, D.D., President.
'PIIE Summer SeSblOIl Will Open April i
L 23d, and continue U weeks. j
COLLEGE Tuition, per session, $10
charges, exclusive of rooms, $1 80. '
Thentvieal Department tree.
ACADEMY II. U.WLit, A.M., Princi-
nal, M W I'..... Aaitant. Tnitinn rtee 1
session Classical. $7, charges 45 cts : Eng- i
lish, ip'S, charges 45 cts.
e rTS
Principal. Tuition per session Reeutar ! for the vast harvest or 185fi
course $10, Preparatory iiT.Music 10, Draw- j we would refer to the following gentlemen,
ins $5, French 3 33, charges 20 cts. " ' who have used Husscy'a machines for several
A. K. BELLeGeneral A?ent !
April I, 1R57
and Treasurer I
rVllE Summer Session of this Instiiu-
JL lion will commence on Mosnu, 27th or
April, IS57,and continue 13 weeks.
All Branches calculated to fit Youths for
college or for general business are taught ;
and the Bible is in daily nse in the school.
A class of YotrffQ Lauies is secured.
TUITION per session of 13 weeks.
PRIMARY- Heading. Writing, le finer, Arithmetic,
tleog., tlram. and V. 8. Ilistory.l $1 SO
ALVANCKIl KNULlfH ail not included above, 6 00
I.AMll'AliKJ", 7 5o
tXINTlNOKNT EXPKNSKs per seasioal .... jo
io deUuction. except for protracted sicVne-s.
April 3. 1857 Princ i pal
f I MUS Institution is located in the nniet
I beautiful and healthy village of Freeburo '
t i i. i , ' K " ,rcuurg,
Snyder Co, Pa. It will commence the second
(Sprint) quarter of its second session on the
23d of Match. Encouraged by the very lib
eral patronage it has heretofore received, and
in view of the great want of the proper in
struction for Teachers in this and neighbor
ing counties, a Noawit t)r.raBTWKT, for the
special training of Teachers, and those wish
ing to become inch, will hereafter be connec
ted with this Institution.
Aa additional Female Teacher has been added tn the
rcfuler oorps of Tsechers, arrangements made to meat
the wants of Students.
TERMS onediair payable trrvarlsMy la Advance.)
For Board, Room and Tuition pr aeeaof a wkmtMJtoM
TuitB oitLT, pr liner, of 11 wka - - liu lo s.MI
Iu.tnirtlon on the Piano and use of Instrument ,no
Tnctdentala - 2S
Washing and at ending. 4 eta. per dea.
'rieete Boarding in lown.l.0 u kl per wsek.
For further information, or circulars address
C.EO. F. M'FA RLAND. Principal.
Drug and dtemiral Emporium
Market Street
e isewisDarg, r.
LewlKburs; Savings Inntilulion
IS now open and ready lodo business. The
regular Discount days are Wednesdays.
Tbe following named persons are the
Director WILLIAM FRICK. PruidetU.
J. G. L. Pbindel I J bn Walls.
Joseph Meixel I . Gii)in Birhl
A. B. Warford J- D. Cameron.
Four pr cent pr annum will be allowed on
all deposits over six months ; and three pr
cent, less than i and over three months.
DAVID KEBEK, Treasurer.
Lewisburg. Sept. 10. lHft:i
To Ine Farmers I
3 -Ilnfii-.il'.'lii.'ttt.
riHE undersigned having been appointed
Agent lor the sale of these Reaping dc
Mowine Machines in Lmon and anyuercoun.
; lies, oilers them to tbe public, believing thein
; ,n . A .i,.
to be the
licit Comhineil Machine in Utr.
These Machines have been in successful
operation, and have rendered general satisfac
tion. They are of easy draft, easily managed, j
and do the work in a workmanlike manner.
Manny s received a Mtver sieaai at our otaie
ran, isM lull, UIIU mew lire him j.iiriiiiiiii, a.
the County Fairs of York, Cumberland, Cen
tre, Huntingdon, &e. where it was exhibited.
Persons in want of a Reaping & Mowing
Machine, will do well toalI before purchas
ing. For further pariiculars, and information
please till upon the subscriber who always
takes pleasure in exhibiting this Machine.
K. B. Early orders are solicited, in order
lo have the Machines on hand in season, as
the number received from the Manufactor will
correspond with the demand.
I.ewisbnrz, April 10, ldo7. 80m3
Chester County
ONE and Two Horse Endless Chain
POWER. The undersigned being con
vinced by practical experience of the stipen-
rnv u Yundersliect Tread t'uwer over the or
dinarv five horse power now in use in the
West Branch country ,for threshing out grain.
have purchased Ihe patterns and right In
make them. We are now making and have j
on hand a large nnmt.er, which we propose
: to introduce on the plan if they don t answer
to ihe letter of the guarantee given with each
of them, the machine will be taken back and i
' the money refunded, if paid. They are now j
almost the only entire Threshing Machines j
in use in Chester, Montgomery, uerics ana
Delaware counties. Their advantages are
that they will do almost double Ihe work, ac
cording to the number of horses used, lhan
Ihe old machines will do: CVlhey will save
at least two hands ; j and Threshing can i
all be done snnzly closed up in the barns, in
wet days, when the hands wonld be otherwise
unemployed. T. CHURCH & CO. j
ILirtlelnn. Union Cn- Pa.
PP'' T""" Cni-acn, Ilartlelon.or j
or isr. I., iinea,. union r ornace. yo'i.i :
IlnnNCCker' CLOVER III M.i:it.
rilHE subscribers still continue to manufac-
rBU" "",c"".'"' ana 5 'nKT
are1OT,er 500 of lhrm now !n nse ,n rl '"n
aud adjoining connties. we deem any further
recfunmpnilation unnecessary.
ma.hin(. arm n, wllP;nntt,,i nnt nnl,- I
- , " " V '. .
ao gnou worK, oui oeuer worn man aay omcr
kiud of machine now in Use. !
T. CUl'RCH & CO, Hartleton, Pa. !
Apply to I BO fl UllCII, Hartleton, ;
or L. uokk,UdioD Furnace. Iy652 :
Hussey s American neaper s xiower. ;
1856....This Machine was put j
in succesftil operation in 1833, and con- i
tinned to be the only Reaper and Mowing Ma
chine in the World of any pratical value up
to 1815 twelve years alter its introduction.
Other Reapers arc now offered with glowing
Advertisements and Certificates of Gold and
Silver Medals. But the Farmer, in search of
the best Reaper, and not posted in the matter,
had better see a little further. One of the
other Reapers took thegreat medal in England,
j at the premature trial in 1851; before the close '
I of the harvest of the same year, however it
was totally bealen by a HLSsEi REAPER,
which received the unanimous award of an I
: impartial Jury of twelve English farmers. The ;
j fact is that Hussey 's machine is achieving a
series of triumohs in Bneland.and ranidlvob. 1
taming hal prc-ninent position there.which ;
has already secured io tbe landof us origin. !
,f lhere 'san value " 23 yes' experience j
in building Reapers, and using them in the ,
harvest ne:a, vac u n i. ooi. , tuc r amer . i i
Reapers, can claim it.
All who are satisfied '
With the UtM Kt, A f b It A.' U 1U t, It.Can
be suplied by sending theirorders early in the
j season, as the crops indicate a large demand,
and we can not have over zoo Reapers ready
yra". w tes,ifr lo lheir "npeiiority:
Isaac Erre, Benjamin Lohr, John Meneb, Samnel
Panting, John Tellers, Jacob Hilbl.h, Jacob Kohl. J. II.
Brown, Ahram Anraad. Thomas Clingan. George Klerk
ner, Iiavid Kleekner, Kb. Kleekaer.isenrge Mear, John
llundy, liamncl Zetlers, Joseph Mnsaer, Willisa. Wilson,
Ahram Wolf, W. li Herrotd. Charles Knhl. George Kep.
hart. John Grove. Ahram Farley, Emanuel Pontius, liea
rv Mull, Cyrus Brown, Wat. C. Moyer,Joha ChamberliD,
Wilson Una, John Van Busfclrk, Flaeel Clingaa.
Pamnel M'Mahin, John M'Mahia, William Selphin.
Jacob Hoffman. George Kmerick, George Kroeitu, Oeorge
Gaul, John B. Heller, William gmeelt, William II ue-1,
George Frederick, Tho's gtrawbridge, liolomon Walters,
Jame Neshit, Joseph M. Neshit, A. K. Kapp. J. K. Priest
ly, Thomas Johnston, John k Vm. llamor,Rohert Curry,
James it. Itusael, Amos Vastine, J. a. k l. iiursh. Isaae
1'amphell, Jacob Beed, Meller k human, Anthony A
Via. sayder, Joba Cooper. Jesse C. IIorton,Qeo. Conrad.
Jacob Shnlts, Hayberry Gearhart, Parid Clark. Jacob
rVchler, Jr. Wilson Foreeinan. Peter Wright, 8am. York.,
William Meucu, Roberts k Bishet, Jacob Snyder, A. t.
Kussel.S. P. Usee, Jsoob Se.JUtr,fr. WavYorka, P. lieim
bach, Wm. Foresman.
Peter Miller. John Mill, Win. N. Brown, D. A. Bowman,
Geo. A. Bowman. J. Westy Bowman, Gilbert Fowler, Ste
phen Thomas. Henry Iloak, John Robertson, llaniel eel-
brt- A,""'1" cvv"!! ;"1I?W CKlin- "J j
, j,.bn Mertr, Jacob Hill, Thomas Conner. John Coa-
ner, Peter Aopleman, Ellas Ivitrick. James Lemmoa, i
Jnaeoh II. Hicks. Miller k Hicks. George lieidler. Joseph
Poeh, Hamuel Krk, Wm. Holfmaa, Andrew Fries, fa.
Fries. Geo. II. Fries, Wesley Fries, Sam'l Flaw, Franklin
Evans. John Birhie,Chariea and George Low, Joba Ney
hart, John Wolf.
Omrre Crist, Hiram T. Grey, Benjamin Bear, Peter
lleitman, Frederick Apr, camuel Gundrum, Uenry
Shoemaker, Peter Rents, Thomas Davis, Cba's Tallmaa,
Dsnlel Bear, Joha U. Tool, Charles Lloyd, . W. Fore,
man, Robert Gibson.
Wm. Down, James Welsh, Robert MTJormlek, Jame.
Carskaddaa, Joseph Haana, Robert Holmes.
Wat. M'Ferhmd. Wat. aoel, ay. A. Johnstow, Joseph
Bitner, Wm. Uirat, David Rosa, Joseph Hyan, Jacob I tar
ter, Joba Hoy, Jr. Wat. Foster, Adam Bear.
The subscribers have the exclusive right in
the following counties : Union, Snyder, Nor
thumberland, Montour, Columbia, Luzerne.
Perry, Mifflin, Centre, Clinton, and Lycoming.
All orders thankfully received and promptly
Lewisburg. Union Co. Pa, April 24, 1856.
LANK Contract with Teachers and Or
der on Tftasrrerat Chronicle Office.
aw.,svj .jsjv - war i
Market street, next door to Brown &
Rater's Store I.EWI9BL RG, PA.
William VanGezer,
il I.ewlsbure:, 1 nlon Co., Pa,
tir Otfice opposite Kline s jioiei
JOHN S. DVK U the Autb'.r, who b bail 19 yea r.
w experience mm a i.an ... mmm - -
9 of A frna llmtt el like. Broaawnf tahrrmtdt,
"5 whru for 1U eiK-onire aiflit oer fiMUa I'eople I
B'cre-le.l him with rf.oud of ep'leue. while he rilil
U oiled Ibe manner in which r. unlerfeitere el.rule
llir frauds, and the mml and snorlert mean., of
O JetMline them: Tbe Bank Note Infnmi all nay i
C3 ih.i h. t. Hie en atect Ju lio of I'aner MonrT lirlnn.
1 l),n,ierii nf the 1'reseiil Cen-
- Uii.ji'". - j j - i
o luryforDtteetlw CunnUrfnit BaitkXotrt. j
lie-rtbinn eyery -""" bi" eilrn,and eshl
k. bitiuxat a glance every oountera-it in circulation !
Arranxed mo admirably, llmt refert-nce ia eay and j
O dvteetion Innlautaueom. So iodel lo eaaoine. .No I
nacre to hunt up: Vut ao eimplined and erraugi-d, '
S3 that the Merchant, liankrr and lluaiueai Mau can 1
I u. All at n iftamrtt
3 Kile Hsh, French and German, thus may each read
C0 the same In his own native tongue.
g Xf'itt prrfrcl Hank Xote List eeer puUIshal
- Also a lit of all the I'rivate Bankers in America. A
3 complete summary of the flnanceof Europe and Amer
iea will be publixhed in each eiiition, together with all
lZ the important News of the llay. Also,
a? From an Old Manuscript found in tl.e East. It fur
e nishrs ttie most complete bintory of Oriental Life, de
er; scribing the mint perplexin positions in wliii-h the
. ladies and geulleuieu of that country have been
eel often (ound. These stories will eootiniie thpiuanout
f the whole year, and will prova tbe nuat euu-rlauuus;
3 ever ollered to the public.
O S J.Furuishcd Weekly to Subscriber, only, at $1 a
m year. Ail letters niuat be adtres.ed to
q JOHN X. HYK. Bsoirs.
O Publisher aud rroprielor, I Wall i-t. Ntw 1'oRS
wj 1 and 1 vnrnce "
IIU (11 U C'o.'ti lySS
i r-1HE umt,r.jgned are AGESTS for the
J above Company, and are now ready to
receive aud forward
Goods. Money, &..
from Lewisburg to Philadelphia and all points
on the line of the Williamsport & Elmira,
Canawissa, Williamsport & Erie, and Philad.
and Reading Railroads connecting with res
ponsible Express companies to all parts of
the world.
General flffii-r92 Chesnut St. Philadelphia
April 1, 1857m3 Lewisburg, Pa
1K nd
WnoLEsan Deals i
ft ATT
'&35&&&&i&fm jj..m -a.
38 Soul li Wharveti, Pblladelpbla.
constantly on hand, and for sale in lots to suit j
April 3 1857mG
Philadelphia Manu
factured Salamander Safes
Au. '26 S. Fourth St
Truth is Mighty, and Mast Pravail.
Report of the Committee appointed to super
intend tbe burning of the iron Safes, at
lioadn.g, February 27. IHS7.
Rrnro. March 4.
The underfrned. member, of the ecmmlltee. do res
pe'itnlly report, that we 'iw the ISO cafes ori-'inally
agreed upon hy Farrels k Herrioir and Kvaos k Waton,
la.-cd side hy side in a furnace, lis: The Safe in use hy
the Paymaster of the rhilsdelihia and Itesdiror Railroad
I'ompany, iu hisoff.ee at Kesdins, manufactured hy r'ar
eele A llerrinjr, nnd the Safe io ue hy II. A. Laota. ill
hi. ,tore. imtiufiictured by Krans k Watson, and put ia
bn a ar.l papers precisely alike.
The hrr vl. started st i1 o'clock. A. M.. and kept up
timil four ord, of irr,. h.."kory. tn etT.s drT ok and
h-f rfafntnut top wood w.-rf ontir. lv cna-nnit-d. th
wtwle nnvr thm iipt.rintndn f th fubrifc-r-,
ir.e.tnb-r f th otDHiitJe. Th iStvlVs wen tlien ennlrd I
lth which tw7 wre oocd. .nd the j
lnkB nnd r uprrft tnkt-o out hv tb Committa Dd Uko !
( A. unUv on for puMie Tumlnation. allr th-y !
w-r tirnl -wriminesiiirid me.rktf) hy th Oitiinittfwcv. Tri !
1-ockj mail .trft Ukm fnm tb" ?ul rne.uufrturd by
whtit th. tnkv-n rmm th .- nu.nHf.rtnrd hy .
I r ii it" in nciruiffwriT, iq tiur JUUpine'ui.oajnitCt miir ;
trrn prr ruu m'JW Lhao til or lAkeD from Ltmm m
atonV Safe.
bHieve the nrf to tin e bevn fair and Unpartial
trial of the respective qualities of hnth Ssfes.
JAi'OB II. ItrsllKR.
Ilsvine been absent dunnir the baruintf, we fully co
incide with the above statement of the condition of the
paper, and book, tlfcen our of the reoeetire Safes.
Evnntl & Wat lon hare now on hand ,
300,000 ponndM of the above S .FES, I
which they oiler fur sale on better terms than
any other manufacturer in the United States
April 3, 1857 67? yl
Joseph Fussell,
ZS!- Inilirella &Parasol Manufactnrer
No. a North Fourth St.
1 N W cornerof Market, I'lllLAliKLI'llIA,
Has now on hand an extensive assortment of:
ihe newest and most desirable kinds, including
many ew St Ties not heretofore to be had j
in this market. An examination of oar stock I
is solicited before purchasing elsewhere 3:M
BJ. WILLIAMS, No. IS North Sixth St.,
. l'HIADEI.l'HlA, manufacturer of we.
nltian lllintlN. Velvet and Gold Uordered
and Painted tibadeN, of beautiful designs.
Bun, and all other colors of Holland used for
Shades. Fixtures, Trimmings, dec, dec,
wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash prices.
CSSiore Shades painted to order.gj
B. J, W, thankful for past patronage, res
pectfully solicits the public to call and exam
ine his new and large assortment, before pur
chasing elsewhere. EST" We study to please."
March 20, 1857.
Front Street Wire Manufactory-.
Sieve. Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth
Manufacturers, No. 46 North Front St.
Corner of Coombs' Alley, between Market and Mulberry
Manufacture superior quality of Brass and
Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds.Bra.s aadCopper
W ireCloth for Paper makersdtc,Cylinderi and
Dandy Rolls covered in the best manner.
Heavy twilled Wire for Spark catchers,
Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen
Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish
Covers, C,al and Sand Screeus, Fancy Wire
a;,i, f o.-,.
Work of every description 3m674
New Wall Paper Warehouse.
Manufacturers and Importers,
No. 124 Arch St, 2d door above 6th, Pan..,
Where may be found the largest and best
selected stock in the city.
I tr"Conntry purchasers may here be aeeom
modated, without tbe inconvenience of looking
further, and may be assured that they will
receive the advantage of their money.
BURTON & LANING, 124 Arch St.
3m676 above Sixth, Philadelphia
Engraving and Seal Catting
OF al! kinds, at 204, Chesnut Street,
PHILAD. Visiting and other CARDS,
Corporation and other SEALS,and everything
in our liae of business, promptly attended to,
in good style, and on reasonable terms. Or
ders from Cut and Country solicited.
0 Willow St. above Twelfth. North side.
Mouldings sniuMe for C arpenters and
Builders, Cabinet and Frame Makers, always
on hand. .
AnvaPattern woiked from a Drawing.
IW Agents wanted in the various Towns in
his portion of iheState.io whom opportunities
will be onered for large profits for themselves.
2m678 SII.A8 E. WEIR.
CORNER of Tenth and Market Sis, (Otfice
in second storey,) fhUiidrljihui.
We invite attention to our enlarged slock of
Drngs. Faints, Oils. Varnishes, Ate, selected
expressly for our sales, and comprising one of
the finest assoetments in ihe li. S., which we
offer al low prices fof cash or approved credit.
WK MANtJFACTl'RH, very aitenslvely
Premium Pure Vl bite Lead. fbeet. Kensington Pnee
White Lead, Fearl f now White lad.-Vielle wontaxne"
French Zinc, (best. Pure Snow White American .inc.
diver's Plastic Fira and W eather proof I'aiuU, Chroma
Ureens, Yellows, and colors geot-ra-ly.
Porter's superior Alkaline Window mass, uenuine
I Fri'lieh Plate lilass. (warranted.) The .New Jer-ey Zinc
Company's produ.-t,Tiiden and Nephew's .y aroi.ues,
Hrookltu Premium Pure White Lead. liamed'O ferma
nent Greens, Pure ubip Catawba Kraulyf Ac.
French ;iad English Plata Glasa, Frenrh and Cogtish
Cylinder Glass, I'olored and engrave.1 Win-l-w lile-s.
Daguerreotype Ola.-a. Ilammere.1 Plata tor Floors and
r-kv-Llghu,' lruss. Chemicals, Perfumery, Ac.
ll.ll.l-Al.K DKALKRK IN
Uruguiste' Artlclea generally. Pslnters' Tools of all
descriptions, llydraulie and Komsn Cement. Calcine.1
aud Land Planter, Paper Maker's Clay. Sutiu White, Ac.
Ptore. N. W cor. of Tenth end Market Streets.
FacUry el unction York ATenue.Crown and Callow hill Sta.
rilHIS Hair Dye needs only a trial to satisfy
I all of its perfection as a Dye, and the f"l
lowine testimonial from thai eminent analytic
chemist, Prof. Booth of the U.S.Mint.will onlf
confirm vhat thousands have previously borne
testimony to :
LABOaarosr ros PsArncAL CHnu.erar,)
ft. Htephea's l-lsee.
Philadelphia. Fehruar; lith, IU7 )
"BelnewelJ acquainted with the sulwtaoces eompo.inf
7o.er's Lufuiit fair Opt, 1 am satisfied that bj ,llow.
ioit the simple directions jriven f.r its use, it will not
injure tbe Hair or fain, but will aire a natural and
durMt color lo Utt Jltiir. JAM K5 C. Ill s iTII,
Anulytic Itirmitt.
HOVER'S WRITING INKS, including the
ffurer'i fluid, and Iltirer't Indelible Inks, are
too well known ajid introduced to require any
additional teslimonial ol their character. The
sales have been increasing since their first
introduction, giving evidence that the articles
truly possess that intrinsic merit claimed at
first for them by the Manufacturer.
Orders, addressed to the Manufactory, No.
416 RACE street above Fourth, (old No 144)
Philadelphia. will receive prompt attention by
6V9y JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer.
Nurseries & Garden,
Germantown Road, half au liuur s
ride from the Exchange by Omnibus.
ShaJc,Fruit and Ornamental Trecs,Shruli
Plants, Rotes, de.
cultivated and for sale in quantities, to suit
dealers and others, including an extensive
and varied assortment of all the desirable i
varieties of the above, for sale Wholesale and .
Retail. Catalogues can be had on application, ,
gratis, ' S. MAIPAY dt CO. j
.-"When addressed by mail direct lo Ris- :
ing Sun P.O., Philadelphia. Our Xtands are ;
in the Market, Market street, below Sixth.
where orders are also received. 6 111 07 6
Cheap Fruit and Confectionery. !
j Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in
Confectionery of all kiml-.
113 No. Third St, below Race, PHII.ADEL.
The attention of dealers is requested 10 an
examination of their Mock, which will be found i
equal to any in this citv. Foreign Fruils of !
all kinds in season. N.B. Orders by Mail or '
otherwise promptly attended lo Jmb'i 'J
Pennsylvania Wire Works.
"VTO. 5tt ARCH St. between U and 3d. j
(opposite Broad St.)
PHILADELPHIA. Sieves, Riddles, Screens.
Woven Wire of all meshes and widths, with all ,
kinds of plain and fancy Wire Work. '
Heavy twilled Wire for spark catchers, coal
sand and gravel Screens, paper makers Wire,
cylinder and dandy R ills covered in ihe best :
manner, Wire and Wire Fencing. - I
A very superior article of Heavy Founders
tsieves. All Kinds iron Ore Wires anil Sueves.
" The Good Time Coming."
BY T. S. Arthur...Those w ho wish to :
hear something of that long-expected
day, should read this book.
it is having an immense sale; 5,000 copies
were ordered in advance of publication.
M e send a copy by mail, post-paid, on the ;
receipt of the price, $ I- j
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher, I
49 North Fourth St. Philadelphia, Pa. j
N.B. Agents wanted to sell this and other 1
popular books in all parts of the Lntted Slates.
Send for our List and Terms lo Agents.
Mount Vernon House,
NO. 95, North 2d St., Philadelphia.--This
old and well established house is
admirably situated for persons visiting the '
city on business or pleasure. The continued
patronage of the public (and of West Branch
friends in particular) is respectfully inviled.
Philad., March I, 1856. Proprietor.
Fishing Tackle,
AND GUNS.-The subscribers invite I
attention to their stock of Fish Hooks '
and Tackle of every description j
Cane Rced3, Sea Grass, Trout Flies, !
Lines, tc. j
Also, line English and German Guns, Revolv
ing Pistols, Percussion Cups, and Spotting
Apparatus generally. I
tor sale at lowest Cash Prices, wholesale
and Retail.
624 No. 4T N. Second Su Philudeljhia
ORNAMENTAL Iron Works, Eitlsc ,
Avenue, PaiLASaTrniA. The attention
of the public is inviled to the eitensive Manu
factory and Wareroom of Ihe subscriber, who ;
is prepared to furnish, at the shortest notice,
Iron Railing of every description for Cemela-,
ries, Public and Private Buildings, also Ver- :
andahs. Balconies, Fountains, Settees. Chairs, !
Lions, Dogs, Ac, and other ornamental Iron '
Work of a decorative character, all oi which :
is executed with the express view of pleasing
the taste, while they combine all the renni-1
sites of beauty and substantial construction.
Purchasers may rely on having all articles
carefully boxed and shipped to their place ol
A book of designs will be sent to those who
wish to make a selection.
Ridge A venae below Spring Garden St. Phil
What caa Woman do f
mHIS long expected book by T-S.ARTHl'R,
I is now ready for Agents and Canvassers.
Itis having an immense sale.and is considered
one of his best efforts. In it will be found Mr
Arthur's views on the vexed question of WXs
MAN'S RIGHTS, and what she can do as
Sister, Wife, and Mother. Specimen copies
sent by mail on receipt of the price, $1.00,
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher.
48 N.4th St. Philadelphia, Pa
N. B. We publish all Mr. Arthur's New
Books. Send for pur List and Terms to Agents
to iuc apid ecu or
Col.. CeaglM, mm
aerwrreu. MuS, th Dee, Mil
InL J.CAiaa: 1 do not he tat. to say
the aat renwly 1 have ever fcund 1
Owcha. Hoaissasaa, Inweaaaa. east ton
BBCsnitonl mjmmvmvamatntMd.myrou'
Cntaar Pact-!- liecnnetaot una isj
say practice and say family tie tka saw
ten years has shown M to possess enee
rwr sirto-e t the Ir-ernvat of theaa
..,ldu. KBKt K.MUHT, M V.
A. B. MORTUIT, Iso-of Vivm, H. T, wrftas: "I h,,.
sawad yoar PfCToeaL mvseif aiel In see vstoily ever siaca
eon InveiUed it. and believe it the beat nwsUdae fte its
njrnwe ever put out- V ith a last odd I ehooid Wioeee
pav twenty H,. dijuaw vor boola thaa da wuhont n, nt
lake any other remedy.'
Croap, Wbaopi'C Coagk, Iadaeaxa.
oesjeonstji, Mlas., p-h. 7, lsos.
Kaornsa Ana I will cbeerfully certify y.ar Psrrsut
S, the beet renvedy we pissiess 1 the ears of Wfmmnt
Omgh, Omup. and Ibe cheat diisaaia ef cmldren. Vi of
your fraternity in the eVth appreciate Jour salu, and
ausamend vour medicine 10 our people.
uiKAii co.vEurr, at. a
AMOS LFft, Eaq., Momaar. U, wrltea. 3d Jan., I its :
T hsii a ledione Infloensa. which ennboed aie ia dieee
Bia weeks; took many uediclpea wilhoat retMf, flaaily
tried your PacroaAl. by the advkw of our clerevmaa.
The lot d's rehevsrt the eeaea la say Uikai aud
hihs; leea than one half the bottle made me eosapl.tsly
well. Your medlHnea are Ihe cheapest aa well as the Uat
we can buy, aud we esteem yoo, Doctor, and yon rat.
shea, aa tbe pour man's frieod."
Awtbrna or Phthieic, Hrmeaitie.
Wswt Mas. isaru. Pa, few. 4. leas,
antr TonrCeraaf Pacroast ia performinK vaarvelVsw
enree in this sect!. It has relieved several from alarm
Iftft eympl'ina "t cneumption, and la now enrine a saaa
wh.1 bse lahi.ned nnder an affectloa of the Inns In tka
st fcrty years. UaNEK L. PAkki, .Merchaat.
A. A. RAM.FT, M. Ataiow, Mo-fmot Co, Iowa,
wrltea, Seat. A. lau: Daring my practice of many yearn
1 have G-nnd notliina; eoal to yjnr CaaaaT pBcToaat for
irlvloK ease aa-t relief to eomsampdra paurata, sr ewruaj
such as are curable."
We miKbt add volnme. of avidence, hat the moat eoae
eindnit proof of the virtues of thm remedy la Itssaslaamy
easels upon tried.
Frobably no one remedy ha. ever been lwraa waiefc
eared so many and such danjeeroue caass aa thav 800a
ao human aid can reach ; but even to those tns Canal
'aCTOBAl affords relief and enBsfoet.
AsToa iloc-ia. New Yom Crrr. March (, ISM
Dorrom Ana, lyiwiu: I feel II a duty aad a pleasure
to inform yn what yonr Cutamr PBCToaat baa done
my wile. Me had been five Bfrrmtha UlMirinfi under the
oanKepms symptoeasof Coneumpteiti. from which no aid
we could procure rave her winch relief, "lis waa steadily
failing, uuul Or. ntron. of thm city, where we have come
(or ad rice, recommended a trial of yesrr medicine. We
bleas hisk1n.ioess.as s.do yoeir skUl, lor she has recov
ered fnen that day. She is not yet as srronr as she astel
to he. but b free from ber eongh. and calls borssiX weij.
Yonrs with rraUtnde and reaard,
0HLA.MK1 ellKLBY, of Biman-au.
flsteesiphra. do not despair till yon have BTted Ana'a
Chbbsv PfccnAl. It is made hv oneof the beat medical
chemists la the world, and its cures all aroand na tswaaaa
the hih merits of Ms virtues. 1 uad' ftaa LoifJ.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
A used thir atmrc to prodne tbi brMt. nt perfcet
parg-tllrt; which i knWD to m-vn. InnamerabU proofii
it ahova that thctt Pills bav rixtom which niwa ia
ucelleoc tb uriitiavi7 metftima, and tbat tbey win asv
IsnMdanttMlly npon tbe eum of all men. They an mlm
and pi naw nl to take, but powerfal to cmr. Tbir peae
tratiiig pnrtlwai ntimuUte the vital actiTitiei of tb Mj,
remfeTe tbe oi-itmcti of it wjpuM, pvnl tb Men4.
and cip". diaKWM. Tbo; ponce out tbe foul btuaon wbica
breel and (trow dlftteniper. ftiiDuUte f.iig(eh ar dior
Amd onc-vne into thru wuaral acUoa, and inpart Iwaitbj
lone with Mrenclb Id the whole evstem. 5ot only do
titty cure the every-dmy txmplaiata of rrry body, bwt
tvtaio lrmadable and tianrotM duraae tbat bare baffl4
the beet of human tkUL While tbey pfvtinet poeNrfnl
ffrt. they are at the auue time, in rlimuttflbMl ik-M-V tba
aiVst and best f..T-c that can l employtMl tor children.
Beint. n&mJ.ti, tbey are pleaMnt to toka ; and being
partly Ttgftaiir, are free fmm any riak of barm. Cox-
bar been made which snrfa rw-lief were they not ate
iemDUatd t-y men of twfh taalted po-tTioB and character
a to forbid the ra-ptcion f untnith. Many aminent
rlerft-Taifn and f hyKian. hae lnt tbfir naniee lo certi
fy to the public the reliaWlity of my troeiliee, while otb
ere bae nrat me the awwraiice of their tnictinn that
my I'lvparafion eoi.tnMite immenerly to the relief of my
arnWed, entferinr lVlkw-nn.
The Agent bUw nauied m pUntti to fiirnfch ipraltt my
itainfi-wii l.mnfa.-. rontaUnlrm; 'tirf-friw Wj: rhr iim a4i
e-rtiBt-ates of their cure, of the ftkwitif. complaint :
C.mtweaem, Kiliona 0miUint, llhftimaliena. trwpey1
Hitrtlmm. H.-vUvrlM armrtc from a H al Mnnck, !--iva.
llu-etH'n. M rt..l lntrttu of the Boweto and Pmn
arr-i..c tt-r-fr'-m. VMalency. Vnm f Appatite, ail Cker
Miatid C'utkPevits ln-s-n,t. wUnh require an wacnant
VMt.-ine. S-p.f.iU or Klrz Ui. They also, by porify
iug the Itlouti nd ii!iiiilariRg te mynUm, cure many
f nijii't whi'h it .nM tt.rt he nippoeed they could
- it, 1 1 0 m uum. reriiat ruiwima. .eiiiiai aira
-rv..u IrritatilifT. P-raMfmente of tbe UvrTand Kd-n-e.
Ooot, and othrr kiMrvU cotnplainu -vmina; from n
l-w (! of the tMy r oia-trtfti'-n of ite functuua.
T.- n -t lxpnt off by nofiincipted oVnlen with wtmm
eth-r I.) tbT mke mere profit on. Ak tuc Atu.
riuji, and take rc-fliinc ele. I- other they can givn
yn cotnparva with this ia it iotrinetr valnt or enratif
i--rs. Hie M k wnnt the bft4 aid there m tor them,
and they ehooid bae it.
Prv-parrd by Dr. J. C. AVER,
Fraetical and Analytical Chemist, Low.ll, Ilaaa,
IUls 35 Cn. m Box. Prvi Boxzt roa $ 1.
sold BT
C. W. n,m. snd fi'iusT k Oirwru, Twishurj
Millsi: A l".na ir. litn nl.iirr J V Cu-w, Slilton
rriIE subscriber con-
L tinues to carry on the ,
I.lvery HrjMlHeisN at
the Old Stand on South!
Third street, near Market, and re.peclfull)
solicits Ihe patronage of his friends and th
public generallv. CHARLES F. HESS.
Lewisburg, May SS, 1850
The subscribers, thankful for
aleajavaaaipast paironaee, would inform
the public that they continue to
iawmanufaclure all kinds of MILL
l.tAUIMi and other Castings. Thrashing
Machines and other Machinery repaired in the
best manner. Catting warranted to be of
good material, and at prices that ran not fail
to please. GEDDES, MARSH A CO.
Lewisburg, Feb. 1851
COOKING Stoves, of various atterns
and sizes, for Coal or Woo , for sals
alt he Lewiabnrg Foundry by
Geddas. Marah A Co.
OTOVESTarlor. Wood, and Coal
O Stoves, various patterns, for sale atthe
Lewisburg Foundry. Geddei, Marsh A Co.
WIAKD'S Pulent liang Plow, a supe
rior article, for saleal ihe Lewisburg
Foundry by Ged Jca, Marah A Co.
GRA IN orSeed Drills Boss Patent
decidedly the belt and most durable
Grain Drill now in use, for sale st tbe Lewiabarg
Foundry by Grddes, Marah A Co.
Hussey's Gtain Reaper,
for cutting both Grain and Grass
MANUFACTURED and for saleal the
Lewisburg Foundry by
lUOTIfE. Having beeu appointed the
1 SEXTON to the Lewisburg Cemetery
the subscriber would state that he is prepared
to perform all duties connected with the burial
of the dead.on short notice. Also that he will
attend lotbe re-intermeut of deceased persons,
under the direction of their surviving friends.
Residence in the Loif-e at the Gate of ths
Lewisburg, May 30, 1854
23 i78 IBS. just received it the
Hardware Store of REYN
OLDS 4- McFADDEN. Farmers and Black
smiths, call and see ihe largest and best as
sortment of Iron ever offered on the West
Branch. Having the exclusive control of the
celebrated Vsiuthe's Centre county Iron,
we are enabled to warrant every bar. All
sizes Tire, Scollop, Round and Square; Horse
Shoe, Nail Rmls, Ac. at Casb prices to all.
Call and see ihe Hardware Store of
Lewisburg, May 10, 1865.
cure for Dvapepsia and diseases arising
a hnrvrre stale of the stewiaev) alsa a sare rre-
eralieeef iri.JJ AMI At,':r rr-ea . rls.jeer eei"e,
f.r 1.1. by CUMM CAirwitl