Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 24, 1857, Image 4

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The Old Pod-Augur Dayi.
SI JuilAI D. C!l.
I ii aa aged man al work,
He turned an augur round.
And ever and anon he'd pause,
And meditate profound.
Good morning, friend," qunih I to him,
Art thinking when to raise 1
O, no," said he, I'm thinking on
The old pod-augur days.
True, by the hardest then we wrought,
With little extra aid:
On honur were the thing we bought,
Oa honor those we made ;
But now, invention stalks abroad,
Deception dogs ourway-. ;
Things different are from what they were
In old pod-augur djys.
"Then, homely was the fare we ate.
And homespun what we wore.
Then scarce a niggard pulled the string
Inside his cabin door;
Then, humbugs didn't fly so thick
As hall the world to haze ;
That sort of sea was scarcely known
In old pod augur days.
"The men were strong, and women fair
Were hearty as the doe ;
And few so dreadful -feeb!e"were
They couldn'tknit and sow.
Then, girls could sing.and they could work,
And ihurub gridiron lavs
That sort of music took the palm
In old pod augur days.
Then, men were patriots rare, indeed.
As Arnold or a Burr,
Ther loved their country, and in turn
Were loved and blessed hy her.
Then Franklin, Sherman, Kittenhouse,
Earned well the natiou's praise
We've not ihe Congress that we had
In old pod-augur days.
"Then, 'slow and certain' was the word,
Now, 'de'il the hindmost take ;
Then, buyers rattled down the tiv.
Now, words must payment make;
Then, murder-doing villains soon
Were decked in hempen bays
We didn't murder in our sleep
In old pod-augur days.
So wags the world. Tis well enough
If wisdom went hy steam.
But in my day she usd to drive
A plain, old fashioned team;
And Justice, with her bandage off.
Can now see choice in ways
She used to sit blindfold and stern
In old pod-augur days.
Taking the Census, in Kansas.
We were not a little amused at the ac
count given o by gentleman of this city
who has josl returned frem Leavenworth
citv, (Kansas) of the marnicr in which
an officer appointed for the purpose by the
late "legislature" proceds to take the ccn
tua under the Dew law. Our informant
fonfted the acquaintance of the somewhat
jovial official, who was dressed out in full
regalia, consisting of red shirt, jean pants,
a huge blue capvd overcoat such as are
worn by the U. S. dragoons, a belt with I
revolvers, and bowie knife. This individ-1
Dal (whom we will call Drown) carries J
with him book of some four quires fools- j
cap, to which is attached a lead pencil by j
a long string. lie has lodgings at the
Plasters' Ilouse.wliere no professed "abo
litionist" dare show his Lead. Thither
flock "the sons of the South." and
stands Brown, making up his list of "chi
tons" who are to be voters under the new j
law. If advised to divide his time between i
the above named hotel and that where for
Ihe most part the "abolitionist' frequent,
the answer is that thry "want nobody from
that hole." lSiown of course has to
take, in the course of transacting his offi
cial dutios,very frequeot friendly rummers
of whiskey punch, whiskey raw, whiskey
warm, whiskey cold, whiskey and water,
whiskey with tugar,whiskey without sugar,
&C-, and sometimes doubtless the various j
drinks are so "mutually proxiinitu" that
by about dinner time, or at latest by the
time bog aud hominy como on for uppr,
bis writiug becomes slightly hieroglyphital ;
and the names mixed aud iuterspcrsud with i
ejaculations against alolitioub's to such a !
degree, that oue might think, in glancing
over his roll, that the greater number of j
voters were "abolitionists" with christian I
names all of them remarkably similar and j
somewhat profane. These are written,
moreover, with the peneil which hang to I
the book, so as to facilitate the process of'
erasure if necessary. The law is not very
stringent in its requirements about the
spelling of tho names of men found at the ;
"Planters' House," or as to what sort of .
au -instrument may be used in entering
them upon the list j
It may be inferred from the above gen
era statements, that mistakes and miahaps
sometimes occur, by which a vast amount
of Brown's valuable labor is lost to the
community in which ho lives and to tho
world in general. A ease in point occured j
while uur informant remained in Kansas.
The unfortunate Brown had been pressed
with official business in an unusual degree
one day, and in consequeuce the tally of
whiskey had become quite full, and 51 r.
Brown also. By the time night set in,the
Irsva official Lad become what is some
times termed "blazing drunk." The "Ab
alitioiists," the future fato of Kansas, the
vision of the polls stocked with Yankees,
and the dignity of bis office, all pressed
upon him, which, with the wcighlaof bad
liquor, completely overcame him. In
eburt, Brown was drunk,and at a late hour
was borne reeking to his quarters, "a son
of the South'' prottiate, shorn of his glory,
nd auconscious of the position to which
be bad been reduced. Daring the night,
Le slept off a good part of the l'umcs of his i
debauch. JlorniDg came, and with it
lirowo the official, trying his legs up a,
flight of stairs from the cellar, curding as ,
be climbtd all abolitiondom for having
stolen that precious four quires of paper, 1
ttring, pencil and all. 1 bus was lest the 1
labor of many dj)s. All the name's of,
I .r.oos he Lad enrolled bad vanished into ;
thin air; more than two quires of them ;
Unfranchised at a blow, l'oor Biown ! I
Siu-h it the nuthod of census taking in I
Aitn.i .' Out nf thit U'ok irere to cutne
' prvnt if citizenship, and to be entered j
theieio was to enjoy in "Movd-bought
Km oi a inenieu tu bis suCrsne !" A
K'c.t country Kansas under tLe rule of j
, ""0,).1 1 '"i'wraey" aoJ the nun roll
Racine & Mississippi R. R, Company
TEX per Cent. Farm Mortjrase Bonds.
I We invite the attention of all who desire
a perfectly safe and certain Ttx Pea ('est
investment, to the Farm Mortgaje Bonds of
this Road, which we offer for sale. These
Bon is are secured by mort;a?e on farms in i
ihe immediate viciniiy of th- road, as well as j
by the Uond of the Railroad Company. They I
are redeemable, and wiil be paid, in May "61. i
The luterest Coupons will be paid in May and j
Nov. of each year, at our office.
The roal is 136 miles long, and 06 miles are
now finished and in operation. The remaining j
50 miles are progressing rapidly to completion
and it is confidently expected that the whole i
of the roa l will be opened in the course of the !
present year. The business on that part!
wnien is now comp:eieu nas proveo mucn
greater than was aniiripated, and there can
be no doubt the whole road when open will be
a handsomely remunerative enterprise.
The road is advantageously situated as will
be seen by the Map, and its connections are
such as to insure it an immense amount of
both freight and passenger business. The fin
ancial condition of the road is as follows :
Stock Ch Pu-wripii-m
Tn ant Ouiiiy Subscription
3,-00 IM0
Bonded Indebtedness $10,000 per mile
fl.ii O.oi)0
The nett earnings for the year 166 were in
round numbers $119.1100. The rost of that
part nf the road that is in asewa $1,300,000.
It thereiore earned over a per cr nt , ann mat
on an unfinished road. As soon as it is com
pleted to Kreeport. 101 miles.ihe business will
be vastly increased bv the connection which ii
there makes with the Illinois Central and
Ualna & Chicago Railroads.
We have personally eiamined this road and
the properties which are morttrared, and we
offel the Bonds in the full confidence that thev
are perfectly secure and reliable investments.
The Bonds are in amounts of from 100 to
$15,000. We will be happv to fornish any
desired information about Hie affairs of the
road to thne who mav applv al nnr office, by
letter or o'herwise. Keen &. Taj lor,
No. lot Walnut t , bW.iw tourtll, i'lltLAD' A.
A number of the above bonds are in the
hands of the undersigned, for sali in I.ewis
burg. mh 27,"5 A. K. BELL.
West Branch Insurance Company,
OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Detached
Buildings, Stores, Merchandize, Farm
Property, and other buildings, and their con
tents, at moderate rates. Doing business on
bothCash and Mutual plans. Capital,$ )00,000.
Hon John J Pearce
Hon G C Harvey
John B Hall
Chas A Mayer
Cha Crist
Peter Dickinson
Hon. O. C.
T. T.
T T Ahrams
D J In-km an
W White
Thos Kitchen
HARVEY, President.
ABRAMS, Vice Pres.
637 Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa.
xqf iii:"s' & yc:i)i)i:' fi)?i!'qn;j isip.
C apital 1.250.000.
Assets $l(W,15t 14, invested in Bnds, Mort
pass and oilier good securities.
BV FIRE! There are bet few who
receive sympathy who incur loss by neglecting
thii most necewury and aubtimtir.l precaution.
Wit t ten i aM-w4 Ww jtk t Tint hnvv
lost their stocks of Goods and Furniture, and
results of years of inluxti-y swept fi..m them
by the devouring element over which thy
have no control but by bring injured.
Insurance protects von from the incendiary,
nesjlisence of servanN and the casualties of
Tour tn-iet'h'irj. t will impart fufi.lrni-.- to T"iir wd
iun. anil Tiff fliHrm-t- r 01 pru-if uw aud pif caution to
all vr.ur burto trao?t-t.iou.
It Tenure liut a vt-rv tun t innrv W fnmn
tnnsntu I'ri-ui J.10U to $100. and y-t bow hki:i t!-re wre
h liT tin iti'uranrr u;xu ? n1s. i-hi rt lnr. or any
thing If your tock if "tuall. e'ill li:r Losd to you
m iv it tf si-trui.
This r-mtii ttv inniv Bnr.DrxCX. Vf RrrfAXD
UL, iiOOhS VCKSIiVIW. Jtf.lf 7rViV.'lPaiul SfULK
From 100 to SoOnrt,
at t)i Tywt Rat. an'l iifxm th mr.t Lib- rat Terms,
and 1'ftuMPT Pa'XE5t on th? niljutlmeut of L b.
rtn Th" B Pln-nee j .latino K NVall TAw.1t U'mho1&
tiro II Armtron5 n:', llinw. I F.i:arrl Bivwt?r
I h- A KiiMiir.iiii lb Mr.nUerfi.jld L-uk Leech, Jr.
Otneril ouperinti-nlnt .rntIV TH 1M AS-IX.
TIIO'.S II Fl.ollKSa:, Pn-Nilent.
EDWD B. UELMUol.l). mjtiuij.
J. MERRILL I IX. Asrent,
657 i ISBCKO. Union Co. Pa
Rt-v. H. MALfOM. D.D., President.
THE Summer Session w ill open April
and continue 14 weeks.
COLLEG Tnitn.n. per session, $10
charges, eicluive of rooms, $1 SO.
T'lftl 'ietit Ihpnrl mmt free.
ACADEMY H. I). Wuiu, A M., Princi
pal M. W. Cn4MivH, Assistant. Tuition ,ier
session Classical. $7, charges 45cts; Eng
lish. $'5. charges 4-' ris.
FEMALE I SS Tl TL'TEW iss A.T.tun,
Principal. Tuition per session R2iitar
course ? 10, Preparatory .$7. Music $10. Draw
ing S3, French $3 33. charees SO els.
A.K.BELL, General Ajent
April 1, 1857 and Treasurer
rriIE Summer Sosion of tbiS Instiiu-
I tion will commence on MonT, 27th of
ln.ll ICS? n n I Ann.ni,. 'Y u.ulr.
All Brancnes caicui.tieu to ni xouins ior
college or for general business are taught;
and the Bible is in daily use in the school.
A class of Yol-ko Lami.s is secured.
TUITION per session of 13 weeks.
TRIM RV IVJinr. Writing. I). Hour, Arili.m. t e.
Oo!.-. lirMin. mid U. S. II iMl.Mrv.l $i Ml
ADVArn KXfiLIfU .mil DoHnclnJwl it.1 600
CoXIlNUL.xr EXI'ENSKS ;t..r .si.-n . ... JO
Jio dt-ductious K0ept for rr .rrjieti-.l .irV...
April 3, 1857 Principal
xomrAi! SCHOOL.
r 111! IS lnstitulinn is located in the quiet,
J beautiful and healthy villageof Treeburs,
Snyder Co Pa. It will commence the second
(Spring) quarter of its second session cm the
23d of Match. Encouraged by the very lib
eral patronage it has heretofore received. and
in view of the great want of the proper in
struction for Teachers in this and neighbor
ing counties, a Nniiiii Dlhhtjiht, for the
special training of Teachers, and those wish
ing to become such, will hereafter be connect
ted with this Institution. And the Principal
having secured the services of that justly pup
Teacher, Lecturer, and Author, Prof. J F.
SmnnAnn, for a limited time, hopes that the
d litirnl in thti incarmt will at l't rrmti-r thif
Intttttiti' u lunrv wt-rthy ot putn nat.. Prcf Cto.1lKrd
will Midnvor. t.y Lwluri. and '.tlwr m'-ani. to r.pmrv
T-rhr fi.r th ttetivt aati.t tif Ote &--hrl-rtn ; rJ
Ihow wbornj-;l bi inMrm-tiona at the Ut T.--tiri
luctituO.. know tinw able hi ill to do thi. It in bnptd
T -artier will avail themMlTel of hi wrviot-a white in
th. Qiiinlr.
An aduitionat F.mala Teacher hai b.fn addtsl to th
Titular rria of Tmtroera, axraufft-'mvnui nado to meet
the want ofrtudmU.
IKl: IS o,ihir .T.bl. inTarlatilT in AttTanre.)
Fr lloard. itooot and Tuition r aeM.uf J. WW. IMItASS
Tuiii.n omt. pr Quar. of U ki - - ..! to S.i'O
Inntrwetkiti oa th Piano and uae of Iaftrament 9,00
1 iitkI-v .1, 20
Waahine atid Mfwdioc. 48 rt. p.r .toe
rrivate Hwardior hi towa.l,&o to $ i pet wt.
i'or further inri.rmaiion.nrcircniari a.vlress
tiEO. F. M FARLAN1), Princij.al.
Lewlsburs; Sarins; Imtlllullon
18 now open and ready to do business. The
regular Discount days are Wednesdays.
The following named persons are the
Dirrctnrt WILLIAM FRICK. President.
i. G. L. Bhindel
John Walls.
Joseph Meixel
A. B. Warford
Gideon Biehl
J. D. Cameron.
F.nir nr cent, or annum will be allowed on
all deposits over six months ; and three pr
cent, less than six and over three months.
DAVID REBER, Treasurer.
Lewisburg. Sept. 19, 1853
James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn.
F. & J. M. LINN,
Attorneys at Law,
574 Union County, Penn'a.
Chester County
ONE ami Two Horse Endless Chain
POWER. The undersigned being con
vinced bv practical experience of Ihe snperi-
j ority of Va'idrlicc's Tread Puttier over the or
! dinary five horse power now in use in the
West Branch coumry.for threshins out grain,
have purchased the patterns and rieht to
make them. We are now making and have
on hand a larse number, which we propose
to introduce on the plan if they don't answer
to the Iciierof Ihe guarantee given with each
of them, the machine will be taken bark and
the money refunded, if paid. They are now
; almost the only entire Threshing Machines
in ue in Chester, Montffomerv, uerks ana
Delaware counties. Their advantages are
ihat ihey will do almost double the work, ac
cording to the number of horses used, than
the old machine-' will do; fthey will save
at least two hands and Threshing can
a tie done snnsly closed up in the barns, in
wet days, when the hands would he otherwise
unemployed. T. CHURCH & CO.
Hartleton. Union Co., Pa.
Apply In Tun's CnmrM. Harlleton.or
or Dr L. Khokk. Union Furnace. y645
IIuilNt ckf r'K ILOI ER III Xl.:it.
riHK subscribers still continue to manufac
I tore ihe above Machines, and as there
are over 500 of thrm now in use in Union
aud adjoining counties, we deem any further
recommendation unnecessary.
The machines are all warranted not only to
do good work, but better work than any other
kind of machine now in use.
T. CHURCH & CO. Hartleton. Pa.
Apply to Thu'h CumcM, Hartleton,
or L. linoat. Union Furuace. Iy652
Hussey's American Reaper b Slower.
L'OB l856....This Machine was put
L in succesful operation in 1833, and con.
tinued to be the only Reaper and Mowing Ma
chine in the World of any pratical value up
to 1845 twelve years alter us introduction.
Oilier Reapers are now o He red with glowing
Advertisements and Certificates of Gold and
Silver M -rials. But the Farmer, in search of
the best Reaper, and not posted in the matter,
hail hrtter see a liule further. One of the
other Reapers look the great medal in England,
in the premature trial in 18-l; before the close
of the harvest of the same vear. however it
was totally beaten by a 111 bSKV REAPER,
which received the ununimtm award of an
impartial Jury of twelve English farmers. The
lad is that Hussey's machine is achieving a
seues of triumphs in E:i land, and rapidly ub
laimng that pre - ninent position there, which
il has already se-ur.t l.a u riKw.
. i. a.. -ur value ir. 23 yetrs' experience
in building Reapers, atu. using litem in the
harvest field, OBEI) HUSSEY, the Father . I
Ri'apTS, can claim it. All who are satisfied
with the IlEsT REAPER AND MOWER.can
be suplied by -sending theirorders early in the
season, as the crops indicate a large demand,
and we can not have over 20O Reapers ready
for ihe vast harvest of I85G-
We wnLld refer to the following fentlemen.
who have used Hussey's machines fur several
years, and will testify to their stipeiiohty:
Ittaae Kvre, IWnjiniio Lolir. John Menrh, ?amol
Piulinf. John Zrllt t. .Inrob Uilt l-h. Jacob Itubl. J. O.
Iln.wii. Al.mm Aurar.d. Thomna Ctmican. llmrit. Klk
ut-r, I'atid Kl-rkm-r, Win. Kltv)tn.r.irorKa slcitr. John
(iiindy, Smnui'l Z.l.rs, Joh Mufr, Uilii.ui WDmou,
Almm W olf. IV. U Hrrrnl.l. Ch.crl.n Huhl.Un.rse Kcp.
hart. John llror. Ahram Farley. Kminu-I I'ontiu. llfD-
i ry Mull. Cyrus Brown, Wm. Moyr.Joun ChumberliD,
tiilaou L.ud, John Van iiuakirk. FUrl iloigan.
! Simn.l M'Unhin. John M'Mahin, Vilii:im D-'lphin.
I Jmv-b ll'.tlinan liwiri Kmrkk. liwiir-:- ItrociiiM, lluorpt
j tiaul. Jotm II. Htllcr. William Sniwk. U'llliNiu llou!,
Ilorec Fnsl.-rii k. Tlio' ijtriiwbridir., loin.m Wa!b-ra.
; Jam.. N..ilt. Joi.b M Nel.it. A. K. Ka.p, J. K. I'rMKt
' !y. 1 linnia J.'hnhton. John A Wm. Ilimi' r.llolwrt Curry.
j;nv it Bur.. 1, AmK Vaatin., J. Ij. it l. ilur.b. lajir
Cnioi h.1, Jaron Bn.d. M.lt.r t Sliuoian. Anthony .
ui. Sndi;r, John CuOp.r, Jae C. UorUiDtUeo. Courad.
Jaroh Phultz. Miylvrry O. arhart. IlaTid Clark. Jacob
Volii.r, Jr. Ui'son Foieymn. IVter tVrttilit. Satu. Yorka,
il ium M.-io h. lloli.ru lliah.l, Jini. tfny l.r. A. F.
BunMit.S. 1 C.i. J,cotacrhltfr, Sr. Mm-Yorka, f-ilvim-hach,
U m. Foreamau.
P t-r Miller. John Hill. Wm. N Brown. D. A. Bowman,
0.o. A. Bowman. J. WVttly Bowman. Oilliert Fowl.r. St.
.h n ihomas. Il.nry u.mk. John itotortano. lanil et
hart. AVxiin.ltrr Crevlinr Andn-w C'reylloit. Moor. Crey
linir. John .M.rtK. Jamb Hill. Tlioma. O.nner. John Cnn
nr. Ivti-r Aiu.l.man. K-in. li.itri' k, Jnm.n Lenimon.
J..M, h II. Uickp. .Miller t 1. i.-kw. lieoru. lleidler, Joseph
INk-Ii. .Samuel E-k. Wm. IlofTmaa. Andrew Frie, Mm.
Friee. ft. o II. Frien, W.aiey Frws, Sam'l Kriai, Frauklio
Kvhiik. John Kicliit-,tbarieit and Gooriw Low, John Ney.
Iwrt, John Wolf.
Oeorce Crlt. Iliram T Grey. Benjamin Bear. Peter
He ilman, Frederick App. atnoel Uuo.trum. Henry
stKvuiiker, I'eter Kentz. Thomaa Havia. Cha'.. TalloiaD,
Uainel Hear. John II. tool, Cliwrlea Llojd, D. W Forea
man, Kobert Uibeon.
Wm Punn. Jam. UVIp b, Rore-rt M"Cormick, James
CakudJen, Jiepb llanna, Bobert Holmes.
Wm. M'FarNnd. U rn Boal. W. A Johnrton, Jmph
Bitner. Wm. lilret. llnvi-l ll.eta, J,M..ph Mvera, Jacob Uar
ter. John Hoy. Jr. Wm. Foelar, Adam Bear.
I The subscribers have the exclusive rightin
the f.illowing counties: Union. Snyder. Nor
thumberland, Montour, Columbia. Luzerne.
Perry. Mirllin. Centre, Clin'nn.and Lycoming.
All orders thankful I v received and promptly
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa., April 24, 1856.
New Firm and new Goods!
AT (lie Mammoth Drug & I'hrnucal
Emporium of
The undersigned having purchased the entire
.wammoin Drug store lormerly kept by Dr
Tluirnton ir Co., are now ready to fill Orders
aud Prescriptions at a moment's notice. We
have a large and well selected stock of fresk
and pure DRUGS, MEDICiyES, Chemicals
UyestuiVs, Oils, Paints, Glass. Putty and
AU kintli of Patent Meilicina,
Fruit and Confectionery,
Tobacco.SnofT.and Imported Cigars of the
choicest brands,
Fancy Kottom and Toilet Articles,
Fine Toilet Soaps A Perfumery of all kinds,
B .can is tug Comas or irnr nutri.
Hooka and Stationery,
a general variety of Literary and School Books
Pine Oil, Lard and Fluid Lamps of every
description ; fresh Pine Oil and Patent Burn
ing Flnid alwavs ou hand.
PURE WINES and LIQUORS of all kinds
for Medicinal uses.
Fire Proof anil Zinr. Paints.
Preserving and Pickling Jars, &o.
ryCustomers will find our stock complete,
comprising many articles ilis impossible here
to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices
Call and see us, one and all, and see our
stock ; and if we can't sell jrou cheap goods,
we wilt not ask you to buy.
We are always on hand to wait on customers.
Remember the Mammoth Drug Smre !
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. t8
Howard Express!
rpHE undersigned are AGESTS for the
X above Company, and are now ready to
receive and forward
Goods, Money, &c.
from Lewisbur? to Philadelphia and all points
on the line of the Williainsport & Ulmira,
Catiawissa.Williamsporl & Erie, and Philad.
and Reading Railroads connecting; with res
ponsible Express companies to all parts of
ihe world.
Gcncrnl Oflire9i Chesnut St. Philadelphia
April 1, 1857m3 Lewisburg, Pa
Srtj? Wholisaii Diamk i
3H South Wharves, Pblladelpbla.
constantly on hand, and for sale in lots to sun
purchasers. April 3 I857m6
fSsaSi-V hiladeiphia .Manu-
Salamander Safes
36 S. Fourth St.,
Truth is Mighty, and Must l'ravail.
Report of the lommitiee appointed to super
intend the II urn in? of the Iron Safes, at
Beadii.g, February 27, 1857.
REri!a. Mnrch 4.
Th undiT-.-rn-'!. mmberi of th" ci-mmitte, do rtf
rTtlul'y report, thut - mw thm two f"ifts oritrinalljr
ii;''r-it upon hy KurrvU k ll'-mnji anl Kvitnis A Wntt-on.
piart-d nidr by . in n ftirii.'. : Thr Sjifc in by
tlit- wU-trr t-t tlit r.iiladt'Ihia mud Kciulmz Hnilroml
t'mr"T. in hi ofVtv st Kr.in,nmntifnrturcd by Kar
n In t llerrmir, ami th Baffin dm...? II. A lauts. in
hi (itorc.mnniif iciurt-d 1y Ktri.ii k Uatsoo, aud put in
bMki and rajivTS invt-twly alike.
Tli fire wn ittjrtnl at o'clock. A. M.. and kopt an
nntil four cordt of grn-n hickory. twocriUdry onkand
b-if ihtftntit lop wkJ rr t-ntirely conumJ. tl
.hnlt under tt nurriDten.Vrjc t.f the lubcribtT-.
tnrmlvrfi t ihcCommitl. The ?af-a wrr then cnnl.
off with watt-r. afti-r nhirh they were Openr-d, and the
hook and apr tktn out by the Commftttw and lakm
to II. A. La n liV tnre for pitMif exaimnnlton. aftT th-y
wi-rv firit e-XMiuini. and tnarktKt hy ihf Cotnmitta. The
bonk" and iNtr taken from the Sufi manufat'tiirvd br
Kvnns k Wat-on wcr hut -iihtly all' rttl ty the tnt-n
heat, whtl ihoe tken from thm SnIV tnanuf.tctnrrd bv
Farrrlti k IleTiOj; were, in our judgment, rianiHirtad full?
fifteen pvr rent, mora than tho? taken fri m CTana k
Vitton Safe.
UV tviirve theahoTfl to bare ben a fiihr and impartial
trial of the resirectife qualities of tvth sre.
IIT.nf been absent durin; the burning, we fully co
incide with the atNiTe etatemt-nt ff Ihe condition of the
papera and hooka tJ.n our of the rwn-t,e afes.
O A. Mroi.M.
H I! ML'lll-KNPr-ltO.
rvanft Si. ITaf Hon have now on hand
300,000 pound -! the above S.FEs,
which they oiler for sale on better terms than
aov other mannfacturpr in the United States
April 3, 1857 67. yl
Joseph Fussell,
Umbrella&Parasol Manufacturer
Xn. a North Feurth St.
N IT. corner i f Market, 1'IIIL APFI-PHIA,
Has now on hand an extensive assortment of
the newest and most desirable kinds.incltiitiii
many ?v iStylett not hen tolore to be had
tn this market. An examination of our stock
is solicited before purchasing elsewhere 3:M
t? f ' XEW HTYLLS.jri
rt J. WILLIAMS, Xo. IS Xonh'sixlh St.,
. nilAUKI.FHIA.manuracliirrr.if Ve
il il hi II Illillds, Velvet anj Cold Bordered
and Painird MlUdCt, of lirauliftil designs.
BurT, and all mlirr colors of Midland aseil for
shades. Fixtures, Trimmings, Ac, &c.,
hnlea!e and retail, at ihe lowest cash prices,
t"? Store Shades painted to order.jvj
B. J. thankful for pa-l patronage, res
pectfully solicits the public to call and exam
ine his new and large assortment, before pur
chasing elsewhere, a-ir"" We study to pleate."
March 10, 1857.
Front Street Wire Manufactory.
1 I Sieve. Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth
Manufacturers, No. 46 Xorih Front St.
Corner of Coombs' lltey. between Market and Mulberry
(Arch) etreela PHILADELPHIA.
Mamif.iciuie superior quality of Brass and
Iron Wire Sieves ot all kind,Bras and Copper
W ireCloih for Paper maWeriic. Cylinders and
Dandy Rolls covered in the hest manner.
Heavy twilled Wire for Spark catchers,
Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen
Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish
Covers, Ct al and Sand Screens, Fancy Wire
Work of every description 3mG74
New Wall Paper Warehouse.
Manufacturers and Importers,
124 Arch St, 2d door above 6th, Pant.,
Where may be found the largest and best
selected stock in the city.
f.Tf'Country purchasers may here be accom
modated, without the inconvenience of looking
further, and may be assured that they will
receive the advantage their money.
BURTON & LAXING. 124 Arch St.
3m67fi above Sixth, Philadelphia
Herring's Safe again Ihe Champion!!
The miy Safe which, in erery imtance, preserved
their entire contents in the Lite Extensive Firet.
AT the burning of the
Artizan Buildings, on
the I Oth of April, and in the
GREAT FIKE in Market
Street, May 1st, 1856. the
genuine Hr.naiito Sari pre
served the Jewelry of Geo.
iVV. bnnons dr. tiro.; Hooks,
Papers, itc, of Fisher A
Bro,and Edward Semans &
Co., after remaininz exposed in the burning
ruins for nearly FORTY HOURS, and proving
conclusively what we have always claimed
for them, their great superiority over all secu
rities now known.
In these fires, the Herring's Safe,
standing side by side with those advertised as
warranted to stand 10 per cent, more fire
than Herring's," came forth the acknowledged
Tietor. net noly preaerrlnx iher eont.-nta in eieellent or
der, but being tbemarWea In a rondillon to go thmnteb
annlber nnleal. while the donated Meaiaman.lera'orrtb.
er maker were badly ueed up In every inatanew, and ia
artne eaaea their lira con tan ta completely deatroyad.
To tb nnblte wa would mmplv any, that, during tba
friurteet year tha Hrrhng'a jafa baa hern before tbem,
mora than two hundred have paed through arc dental
Srea without tha oreurrenoe of a aingle Iom.
Wa would. thareSim, caution nurrbasera aainat tb
nlarepreeantation of Intepe-ted parttra. The Herring'
Patent ta the only Fira-pmof cafe made tn thia city which
ta protected by a Patent Right, and wa will gtiarantue it
tn reMt-t more than doable the amount of heat of any
other Safe nnw known.
Farrela k. Herrlns;,
cola Manunctnrer! ia thi Stat of
Herring' Patent Champion Snfes,"
34 Walnut St.. PHILADA.
N. B. " Evans 4 Watson's Improved Sal
amanders." "Oliver Evan's," C J.Gayler's,"
and "Scott's Asbestos," Iron Chests, (a large
assortment having been taken in part payment
for " Herrine's,") will be sold at low prices.
June . 18Sfiyl
Engraving and Seal Catting
OF al! kinds, at 204, fhesnut Street,
PHILAD. Visiting and other CARDS,
Corporation and other SEALS.and everything
in onr line nf business, promptly attended to,
in good stvle, and on reasonable terms. Or
ders from Citv and Ci untiv solicited.
s!M3 ' m&
S2-K1P23 xo.
wnwwl n-anwl mW i" MM"- " "
OX Willow St. above Twelfth, North side.
Mouldings suitable for t arpenters and
Builders, Cabinet and Frame Makers, always
on hand.
Any Pattern worked from a Drawing.
CtTAeents wanted in the various Towns in
his portion of theState.to whom opportunities
will be offered for large profits for themselves.
fyn.673 SILAS E. WEIR.
DRIU, lAlvr, A.M .LASS
CORNER of Tenth and Market Sis. (Office
in second storey,) Philad, lihia.
We invite attention to our enlarced stock of
Drugs. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, itc, selected
expressly for our sales, and comprising one of
the tinest assoetments in the U. S., uhii h we
olfer at low prices lor cash or approved credit.
WE MAM'KAirrrllK. erv enten-lTely
premium Pure W hite l.-a.l. Ibe.t.) Knlne!on Pure
White Lead, Pearl Soow W illie le-h.l,"Vleile Mon!a?ne"
French 7.m(beaL Pure Sni.w White American Zinc,
ftlv.-r Plnftic fire and Weatherproof Paints, Chrome
Greco. Vellow, and colore g'-neraliy.
Porter' au.erior Alaalioe Window 0!aa, Genv.in
Freix-h Plant lll,ea. Iarrut.-d.l The NVw .l.-rrey Zinr
lonii-anyV LrodU'-le.Ti den ai.d Ni-iihew's N.Y.Variii.hea,
BnejkUo Pcmium Pure White U-ad. Uampdau Parma
n.-lit lireen. Pure Ohio Cltaaua Krea,l, es-.
IMPOIlTtllS lie
French and F.ngli,h Plate Olana. Frenrb and Enciiah
Cylinder Ulaea, Colored and Ent;r.treJ Win.low Ijlan.
Iaguerreotye lilaxe. lUoimere.1 Piute fr Floor auJ
Miv-I.ij:hi. Ilru-'a. Chemi.-eN, perfumery, Ac.
llrutriri.te' Anirlea generally. pHint-ra" Tool of all
deaeriptiona. Hydraulic aud Human CVm'-nt. ralein.nl
and Laud Pla"U-r. P;.-er Ma'-r'- I'lay. atiu White, 4c.
Store, N. W. or. ol Tenth and Market Streete.
Factory .Junction York Avenue.C'rowo and Callnwhill ?ta.
THIS Hair lye n-f mly a trial to satisfy
all of us perfection as a Dye, and the M
lowinsr testimonial frmtliai emiiietil analytic
chpiii si, I'rof Booth of the I. S. Mint, will onlv
confirm what thousands have previously borne
testimony to :
" Labor AToRt r.a PRAmcAt Chiwistrt.)
M N-ihi. I'.'..
P)iil(1t tii. I-Vt.ruary lTth. 1.T.)
'UVinWfll arpiiuiit' J wiih tte su'-ftaiiif""- nuni n-n.g
IltKiwr's Liquid Mutr by, 1 ntu -Mi-fii ii llmt tv fUw-
ins; the siuii.ii-liiffctniim pi-n f-.r iw uie. it
ll.JU.f till
Hair or Skiu,
but '
ill Cirv m n.'tur-tl und
du- aidt toivr to Vie Jfatr.
J A.MKS 1. IKh-TH.
HOVER'S WRITING IXKS, including ihe
yrrtr' Fluid, and Jbicer's Indelible Inki, are
loo well known and introduced to require any
additional testimonial ol their character. The
ales have been increasing since iheir first
introduction, givinz evidence that the nrncles
truly possess ihat intrinsic merit claimed at
first lor them by the Manufacturer.
Orders. atMrevsed to the M.murart"rv, No.
4I RCE street above Fi.unh. ( Id .No 144)
1'hiladelphia. will receive prompt attention by
679y JOSEPH E. HOVER. Manufacturer.
3 Nurseries & Garden,
eswawaaw ttermantown K 'ad, halt an Uwui a ;
ride from the Eichange by Omnibus.
ShaJe,Fruit nnd Oi unmentnl Trea,Shrul j
Flouts, A'.wtn, ir. j
cultivated and for sale in quantities to suit
dealers and others, including an extensive !
and varied assortment of aJ the desirable !
varieties of the above, for sate Wholesale and i
l.'erail. Catalogues can be hqd nn .ippliration, j
grans, S. MM PAY i CO ,
tlr When addressed bv mail direct to Ris- f
ing Sun P.O., Philadelphia. O.ir ttand are j
in the Market, .Market street, below Sixth, i
where orderare aKn received. 6nii76 i
Cheap Fruit and Confectionery.
Wholesale Manuiacturers ar.d Dealers in
Coiifi-'ctitmcry of nil kind-i.
113 Xo. Third St. bcl.iw Race, PIIII.ADEL.
The attention of dealers is requested to an
examination ol theiriock,uh:cli tt'ill befound
equal to any in this citv. Foreign Fruits of
all kinds m season. i.B. Orders by Mail or
otherwise promptly attended to 3m673
Pennsylvania Wire Works.
""0. 3G ARCH St. between 2i and 3d,
X i (opposite Brrad St.)
PHILADELPHIA Sieves, Riddles, Screens,
Woven Wire ol all inches and widths, with all
kinds of plain and fancy Wire Work. I
Heavy twilled Wire for spark catchers. coal i
sand and gravel Screens, paper makers Wire, i
cylinder and dandy R 'lis covered in the best j
manner, Wire and Wire Fencing.
A very superior art,c'e of Heavy Founders
Sieves. All kinds Iron Ore Wires and Sieves.
" The Good Time Coming."
BY T. S.Arthur...Those who wish to
hear someihing of that long-expected
day, should read this hook.
It is having an Immense sale; 5,000 copies
were rrnereu in advance ol publication.
vt e send a c
'e send a copy bv mail, post-paid, on the
iptoflhe pnce.Stl. j
J W llltvniFV PnMitb.e
.a - u t. , .; u,t'l,sn'r
48 North Fourth t. Philtidtlph'a. Pa.
tf.B. Agent wanted to sell this and other
popu'ar books in all parts of Ihe United States.
Send for our List and Terms to Agents.
mount Vernon House,
MO. 95, North 2d St., Philadelphia.--
a. v i nis oia ana wen established house is:
admirably situated for person visiting ihe '
city on business or pleasure. The continued
patronage of the public (and of West Branch
friends in particular) is respectfully inviled.
Philad., March 1, IS56. Proprietor.
Fishing Tackle,
A ND GUXS...Tlie subscribers invite
XL attention to their stock of Fh Hooks
and Tackle of every description
Cane ReeJi, Fea Grass, Trout Flies,
Lines. tc.
Also, fine English and German Guns. Revolv
ing Pistols, Percussion Cups, and Sporting
Apparatus generally.
For sale at lowest Cash Prieei, Wholesale
and Retail.
6J41 Jin. A? X. Second St.. Vhibidrlnhm
' i
ADVltirVTll T vrr i t,.,
I IKaAMLiMAL Iron WorKS, Ridge1
Avenue, i uiuimrHii. The alteniion I
of ihe public is inviled to Ihe extensive Mam..
factory and Wareroom of ihe subscriber, who
is prepared lo furnish, al the shi nes! notice.
Iron Railing of every description fur Cemeia
ries, Public and Private Buildings, also Ver
andahs, Balconies, Fountains, (Settees. Chairs,
Lions, Dugs, Ac, and oiher ornamental Iron
Work of a decorative character, all ot which
is executed with Ihe express view of pleasing
the taste, while thev combine all the renin
sites of beauty and substantial construction.
Purchasers may rely on having all articles
carefully boxed and shipped to their place of
A book of designs will be sent to those who
wish to make a selection.
Ridge Avenue below Spring Garden 8t. Phila
Wliat can Woman dot
THIS long expected book by T-S.ARTHCR,
is now ready for Agents and Canvassers.
Ii is having aa immense sale,and is considered
one of Jus best efforts. In ii will be funnd Mr
Arthnr's views on the vexed question of WO
MAXS RIGHTS, and what sbe can do as
Sister, Wife, and Mother. Specimen cop it
aent by mail on receipt of ihe price, Sl.OO.
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher,
48 N. 4ih 61. Philadelphia, Pa
.N. H. He onhliah all Mr. Arthur New
, Booas. St nd for our List and Terms to Agents
rriIE subscnlier con-
I tinues to carry on the
Livery Bailn at
11 J U.A nn Milllthl
Third street, near Market, and respectful
solicits the patronage w n irVa
public generally. CHARLES T. HEbS.
Lewisburg, May , 1850
The subscribers, than.iui tor
past patronage, would miorm
he public that they conlinue to
, iiwrKi manuf acture all kinds ol .il.l.
Ill.tlllMi and other Uastmgs. 1 nrasning
Machines and other Machinery repaired in the
best manner. Castings warranted to be of
wood material, and at prices that can not fail
To please. UEDDES, MARSH CO.
Lewisburg, Feb. IH51
COOKING Stoves, of vurirus atterns
and sizes, for Coal or Woo , fur sale
at the Lewiabuig Foundry by
(irdilea. Mareli & Co.
MTOVliS Purlor. WovrJ. and Coal
j Stoves, various piitiprns, fur enie at the
Lewisburg Foundry, iirddea, Math A. Co,
WIAKD'S Pnttnl tiuri)! Flow, a supe
rior article, for salr-at the Li' ishurj!
Fouudry by Ciedde. Marab & Co.
MAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Patent
nYcidedly the best and most durable
O'ain Drillnowin use, for aaleat the Lewieburt
Foundry by Geilile. Mafeh & Co.
Hussey's Grain Reaper,
for cntling both Grain and Grass
ANl'FACTI.'KED and for sale at the
Lewisburg Founrirv by
Lightning Hods.
F I'Lli many jnu' time incelif;atiun anil
iiuineroua eiperiiiieiit. the Patentee lake
i'aaure in informing the public, tbat Le ha,
arnved at the true principle ul pioiectiog taniilirs
dwi lln. cm and pri'ieny lioin tbedeetiuctite mtiu
ence ol LIGHTNING. The calamine,
ill at eeery City , Tnvn, illae and Countiy falls
victim to annually, thro' the gro nettli;eiice ol
ite liihjl'lteitt, la beyond calculation. eeprcialU
hen the remedy ia ao easy to obuili this ir
found in
Patent fttagiictic ligljlning Hobs,
and in this alone, 'i'bis Rod haa bi rn exanuned
I') the o o-t i-iieiiiific geotlemen in the wotl.1
Proteaaore M'Munrie, Johneon,V aliur Bnd man
"llieia that hae eiamined them. recoiiinrud aiu
apeak of them in the hie.he.-i leima ol approbation
and have pronounced ibt-m the only aaie rod ii
ue in thiaor any other cciunl y fur the pioteeti
ol l.iea and Prnpeity. Oor adiantatte ie to diid,
and lhn. back part ul 'br tlicnc fluid harn.l. at
hi the cb'uda ; in nn.e ot a stroke this rr ablea the
rod to rondurl thai portion ol fluid that belong
to the earth without the slighte-t danger of lea
ving the conductor. 1 hi rod has many othei
itdvtint.'gt a over the old one. The only place oi
maiiulat tuiing ia in
line St 3 i;n oiore ISA, Phi'adtlphia.
here all perton are reepectiu;lv inviletl to (si
and examine for themaelvia. For eale hi'lmaie
or Retail by THO'S A KM HAG E.
Ouleia prompilv atier.iied to. 'I em cah.
These rodj have been purchased and succes
ullj used by the loilimim; indi iiluai. c.'in ame
nd rorpiiraliona. whoae names are cheerlull)
uboiiiled :
In and nrdr PhiUUfJnm A. A . Roberta, uwe
Sullier. Jude kUTier. Ju-lee I'nnn.l J Mi,tf.,r,l
j J'.lin l!oie. t . C. Clalilcy. J.UT. aner. U. OuM.i , Cutiru
. J"Kerl, ll.e Hi, i k.e; A.iaLu-e. Ai.u, r. u A Droit.. r
li,. J. L. i. rant Jolin .Soiiuan, Tl,... uioier, ttr a
; II, . .i,.., A K.oiliaera. II Mri.imii, 1 1 r,.. ,,; t 1 I u . 11 r
K.uir.ir. J. F.ureer, J. V. . V. ao-on, f. llurut hr. j. J
1 l.iuey a (, J. Njuian. R. faren. J. uei:,fci:e, u l'e
fer. Mr. !hari,'es. Mr. Marnn, S. D. rl,.e. J. Lrlukle,
Mr I.aii.on. llr. 1'aul. s. II. loaere A to. j. Vln.ueiin)
j II. Milier, tbe K.d llask U,.tel. tlie 1. Araenal, tb,
1 l-nnc Ijartlen CeulnisU'De:' iiall.
( Jn l'ie HtuU r.f Aw Jfrteu. (iefrire CrLiln Jn.ls
M'tall. Judne I' .rt. ii, Joha Netm.n, Dr. 11. VUurlie
fieuj.Kol'erta, Mr. J ILaoiutf.
y.v i corxrr.
Harllry Tp. Mark llelti-ui.j. V. ru tve.ier.jnhr Ilaaa,
Ml-t.ael I'eler. Jaecl, tiuilh, Iia.J pi.ti'.n. Heilheti
.M.n. li. UeiTtte Kiecaoer. Are htrltn tojrt lluuae,
ant 1. nimu i,,oer. olhoe. Limt.Ui.t If John Keher.
''" Tp . Ur. Charier. Wilaeu. IU.,,,(, a Jp Jvhv
Kudu, r-inii.n Kuatt. l-nn Tp. Isaac Cu.aroo. Wltm
Oerr Tp. Michael liufliuaa.
, . PniLi.a., au 1S.1S47.
I Bar thi dv can-fully ineted a eondiieter r
I.intituiniE Kid, wlib vane and u.dea. ere, ted ty Mr.
'llK'Oiae AiniitnKe, on Belle, ue Itfuae. lili.urecter. atd
liee no heauatiou in fir,e that lll.oclouly ihe beat
1 have eer eeeu, tut tLat it ia tha only one I bare yet
examined that la eontrurted on atnetiy arientifie (.rinri
plea. Ilia withniurh pleaaur that I recommend hi
conductor to ihe aiuutioB ot ewneraot t'n'ldniire.
U. M.MlliTBtE.
I an well .atlatled that the Mag-netic Lit.htnin Hod
manufactoml hy Mr. Ih, ma Armitaie.ot Fhiladeipbia
i th beat that ha ever b, en made. 1 he apent wearal
yeare iu the tiK'y ol the law ot elertriritt aod marnet
ii.ni, and have no beaitalinn in ravine that theee Kod, ar
coutrut U anon the only nrineiple r aafete Th, .l.,ir,.
1 ah'H-k i receive.) and di-reed by the magnet at th top
j of the rod, and it would be inipoeftil.le. evroedior. to the
lav ' attraction aod repui!.i"n. f,.r a buiidmic to be
injured by a alroke nriitcblninic when proteeted by ore o
tbeaeroda. 1 bare been acjuanted with Mr. rn,ll..
f..rieeralyear.andtKf Tehec..ninienvedlben.anufc
, .... .- ... - i.npi, on W O'CIl ,11
j are eenatrueted. and f.-lt eoneinced that their aduf.ti.'-e
would oe arien.iea wnu eompiele aucc, ae. Tbelncreaatnn
demand for tbeae r,He,and theexteneiviaalea in all parte
of the country, if. ample ccmmen,taiion ef their utility and
urerloritv. TKACV C. WALLKK.SI.D.
HUinySun. Philad Co., April 10,1152.
Hartleton. I n ion Co. Pa
aie A tent for Union and adjoining Couniiea
nd will furnieb tha Rod nn Ihe eame terms and
in the same manner a Ihe Proprietor.
NOTICE. Having been appointed the
SEXTON to the Lewisbursr Cemetery
the subsrriber would state that he is prepared
to perform all duties connected with the burial
of the dead.on short nonce. Also that he will
attend to the re-interment of deceased persons,
under the direction of their surviving friends.
Residence in ihe Lmlre at ihe fiate of ths
I.ewishure, Mar 30. I854
23 478 LBS- JIISt received at the
' w Hardware Store of KEYS
OLDS St McFADDES. Farmers and Black
smiths, call and see the largest and tct as
sortment of Iron ever offered on the West
n- Having Ihe exclusive control of the
celebrated Yams
ti' Centre ennntv Iron.
we are enabled to warrant every bar. All
'I . Q " o i i c
' nuuiiu aim 041101 r; nurse
Sh.,Nail Rods, Ac. atCa prices to all.
ait ana see me Hardware store of
Lewisburg, Mar 10, 1855.
Pianos, and Husic.
JOS. L.Y0DER, Agent for Meyers'
rand Voght's celebrated Planoi, has
'just received a laree assortment at Sheet
Mutte. fmnnt, and MrMeon Books. Seminary
and Teachers supplied at the Publishers' dis
eonnt prices. Music published bvGouldXee
& Walker, 8.L. Walker, or any Publishers in
the United Slates, furnished at their prices.
N.B. Meyers' and Voght's Pianos sold at less
than City retail prices. Lewisburg, Nov. 14
$10 Reward---Notice.
THE above reward will be paid (or the re
turn to the subscriber of Bounty Land
Warrant No. 34.758, for 80 acres, in favor of
Jesse B. Worden, late of Susqnehanna Co,
Pa- and by him assigned to O. N. Worden, of
Lewisburg, Union Co, Pa. The above War
rant having been lost or mislaid, TICE is
hereby given that if not discovered within six
weeks, application will be made to the proper
authorities for a renewal of ihe said Warrant.
O. K. WORDfiN.
Lewisburg, Jan. H, 1857.
' TLAXK Contract with TsatWs ad Or
i I) irs on Treasurer at Wirouia'.i Ortioc
Cold, Coffh4, umd
Bunmrti. SMh D ,
Vw-J C.ATFi: I V wot Kw'tf' y
the tmt rtwiy I ht fcad fcr
Coufth. H r-nm, Inflwinjw, ai th
e-mroBiiTnI rm,Ujnf 014. - your
CuEMf lrT"at. Iwron-t-wit m in
my TncUr tid my rknuly fat tin ImK
D ytmim tiM bIkiwa tt U immm Mip
rtyr irtiH lor tli (rrtvttiM-ftt of lb
Mtnuleunu. KB EN KNltillT, M D
A. . MORTLBY. rN..''l'Tir...V.r, writ:
wd joiir P.cro!. my-if -.n't in my Uimly vr mtm
.m iuuttl it, bH' l b"t oitli' ifi rf l4
urpoM cvwr pat oat. With tmd c,M I b ,ald rnnam
pmy twenty fi lUri Vx buttl tUo iui4Jut it,
t&r tmy otiir ioM-jy-"
Croup, Whooping CoukIi, Inflaeaxa.
niMniLu, Mid-, Vb 7, lift
Bbothfk Arm: I will h-rf'iily Tutr ., IHcr.t
y th b-tt fny W9 fur tl cure? a Wym
Omjh. C"p. "i cbt til-won" 'if chil.trfn. W rj
our frttmty in th Sonlli fcj-prwmi juiir akuU, 4vt4
AMOS hr.T.. . MoTtT. M-eWnt. Jn,. 1:
I h!kd a tr-iivtt Infiiwiu. whkh ft-r.fi.-ml m iU duon
all wwlm; uk B.ny rop-licii without relief: au.j
fcrte. ytir Pn.foftL I'T of our cUrnua
T!o first 'I"-" r-ir -i th mTnem 10 m ti t u4
limtcn; I-- ttiu on li'f ' ! mle ine cmij.triy
vll. Y- ir m-lKifi tb ch---.t w wt-!! u Um
v co to.y. we t-m you, htor, mad Jm r
4xa, m thu x mi'w f' n,u-l."
Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronrfciti.
WtJlT MaSi HUTU, P- ktb. i, lA.
git: Ytir rifmT pK'TORAt i p-.rft.riift inmiTcils
cure in tls ftectioo. It lu reli-.l wvttrtd tv-ax mnv
n nyinpt -ni nf c"tmimiU"n, and 1 rwtw C'inu a nu
who b-tx UieMrl DtiUor an !TtctHeU f tit Inn fir tu
last furty yari. HENKV L. PAKKS, MeicUut.
A. A. RAVSKY. M. Aijnm, Moni Co- Iyw,
writ. a-l't 1 : lui"H uiy practi-- of many en
! hc fm.". nuiltin e-nw-I v. your ntwi Parr-jtii fcr
nit. W alt'l rll-f tO CUtaaUUtl MUaCUtit, wr curu
rich aa axe curmbi "
V9 mirilit msUi .oIuum of evi leora, bnt the? miat coa
iocitig prt-.f f tli -irtura of Lbia Ttmiy in fctnul ia tm
ettvet Vioa butJ.
Probol !t no ot.e reia-'iy i. w own known b.sA
Cur.l iuny aiiJ ch dauiruiis m thia.
nobuniAD tu-l ran r. b: but eren to tboM th Cuiut
FicToiu. alT'iril rrllff and fjrafott.
Aron rf'jr. Ntw Y't Citt. Marrb I, 19M
Jpvtrrw ATta. Iwill: ! tVe1 it a duty ai:d a rm-.v
o i nit Tin y u what yir t"Hi- Ptcrint hM dun f-r
n,T( wil. "fin bi Iwn fiTtf nj'HHli laNirifii.- 'iiiJ- r Xf.a
UAiifi "''" vm;'t ' ni- .,.nni.ri..i!, !r w -b:t fi no , J
w nuuld pntrnn br nnwh rbef th mm -ruuiLy
(ml in at. until W. Stf-nir. -tf tbut -itT. tae-re- hae.n
for u(lrice rc'mro-iiird a tiial of y-ur mdit iu.
blew hi. kitidnxM. aa do jour ak.il. 1t h Lm rcov
rcJ fr- :n (bat hv ia ivt yt aa mms aa -fa oaatft
to lw. bur i tir iK-m b -r couh.atil calia beramll wlL
Yiura witb arrstitude and rfRard.
uI;LAM if HKLI.Y, ft SnnJTTlU.1-
ffruumpHt; do not d--; air nil you ha 1d Am i
Chukx Pi.i kL. It i Ui-vie by one ul th b4 Iftwllfal
cb-inl ii. tlt w..t Id. and it U an-und n ilL
tb biftb niviu of tu ii tuwtv. Jt.iAAuiflfftxa Xuyo.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
IHE atienc at Chn;;ry and MediUn La l-mu
. tai.d ib- ir Btn.ft to produce tbi bt. nist ritct
pargaur whw h i known to man. Innumerabl prouft
ar abt-wn tbat tb-- Pitxs bav Tirtuea wbich aurjaa m
c!lenc tb ordiuary me-li- inea. and tbat tby wiq oa
prcedntp.l!y upon tb -atnt of ail mfiJ. Tif ; ar wd
and p:aact to tan, but pt wulnl to cur. Their pa.
tratlnK pnirtii tioviUte tb al act!' itie of tb i-y.f.
1 ivmoT the obtrurtiuua of its ornana. pnnfy tb L.ood,
! and cufe-el dmwua Tbt purjee jnl tbe foul b imor wbxb
i breed and grow uiairtu-.-r, ninuUt ilti-h cr
1 derrd urgaua int.- tbr natural action. ai:d mipurt bultl-y
! ton with atranjeta to tb whsJa yattm. Not oniy da
I tby cure lb iy-tUy eutuplatnto of w kol.bttt
alao fruiibi and dauirvca diawra that La. baffied
tb bt of hoaaui akilL W bile tbey produce powerful
affect, tbey ar at tb aam time, tn d4miniiv"l do, tba
aafttt and beat pbyaic that can b ni,Uytd fur children.
Bin 9iiirr-c..at-d. tbrjr ar k-..i.t to U--; aua V"taf
' jurety ,5,table. an 1W fn-m any nk of harm. Cwa
i ba br-fu Boad wbi-jb aurj--- Ubf were tby not nb
t auntiat-d ty men of :ich ealud p-vition and character
aa to forbid tb up.-run of untruth. ?laij eminaot
elfrmrn and phjuciaiia have lnt th-ir tuum-a t eertt-
I fy to "the publK tb reliability of my reawdi, whil oth-
era bate eout cue tb aanunnre of rhir outi.iclloo that
J my Prri-trmttouM roatxibate iina9ea!y M tbe nlnat mf
af.'ctfd, utTmott tllow men.
I T-e Ap r.t l i..w rmmed u i1mJ tn fnmie (Tatbl ae
American Almana. oifcuiai g directioua tor tbeix na an4
j eruficata of tbir cure, of tb tWlowina; complaiiita
! rtflvTH. Bi!na C-mrla'". Khenmatirtn. DrrT,
! 11-ardmrn. H-a ! he arteir.. h-i-m a foul toinath. a
' era. Iu-i -'Ti..n. Morbtd 1 nw lKn f the rV'w-in and Pn
j aiiiuir uif.fftvm. Hatukncy. Uai of Appente. all I irer-
i o-u and Cutanev u I'i-ai wbich rHiiire an e-aruanl
Mediviof. S-r-fn!a or Kiiif'- Evil. They a.e. by pnnfy
tna; tbe 1-lot-d arid antnulNting the y4rui. cure ajany
avmpliunu wbi.h it mould not 1- euppoe! tby teuUJ
wh at lnfiiPm. Partial Bhndnew. fnia:na and
Norvi-Ufe Iriiteif il tv, IT:iriiic-iuet.t f the Lmr unJ Khlr
aeva. ti.xtt. and othr kindred cinpUint ari;r)t from
kw elate of lit U-dy or obtrut'ti'D A it fur.i t. 't.
Do d-'I tf put off by nnprlncipled drJr with rBtt
ctbrr pill tbey mak.e niore pruJit on. Aak P.r Arc.'!
Pills, and take nothing !. No fthr they can
yon ronparp with this ia It intrinsic value or rjrattea
Bxwtr. The eirk want tb beat aid then w tot thefla,
at4 they abonld hare it.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER,
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell. Mast,
fua 23 Cn. ru t?z. Tm Boxxa m $ I.
80 LD BY
C. W. Jrmmr. ard rniij.T k ratrwrii lewttttorej
MiLLia A bothnr. Mifliiiit urir ; J .Csli w. Milton
F Dross, Medicines Books, Xolinns,
tannic. Hationcrr, Ac. riurcbasrd ia
yew York and 1'1'ila.l. n-aikt's. has jnst Item.
ree'd m the Old Mamnirih 1'nip tfre of
CHIilST 4 t'ALLW ELL, Lfisbnrg.
LASS Jar, for Pickln p and Prrrriti;
, M Qaaris and Half Oalu ns, fcr salr chrap
j br rilBlyT CAH'trt 1 1..
cure for Dvprpsia and diseases arising
from an imrnre elate of the artmaeA alro a rore rw
I teotiveof tLLH AXD ACI rri'V TS ele. rer t'.lll,
SAUKIFIEK, or Conreniratrd 1, Ve war
ranted tu make Soap without Lime, and
with little tn ntle. itb rnerkkerf lye and four rounds
k.d Fat. y'-u ran make fflra eailon coed autt ip.
I Hard oap can be made in tbe nnn. way. Pt by
HHIT CM ! FI !..
BAi tS' V HITE OKKAS-E. lur Waggur.s,
Bu. lerCpapts, Omnibuses, Siaees. e:c
a .uperior arliele. f . r wle be CHRIST 4 CAUJK ELL.
Still Onward!
A Tale nf the Gieut DUmal Stctmp.
Certain poliucians.iiiterested in tl.esuj-jwt
of the ' peculiar institution," have fnJfarcrrd
lo persuade ihe public that Mrs. tiwes last
woik is artistically a failure, ami thai it has
prixlucvd no r-rrliur.il impres.ien on either -le ef tfc
Allan!!.-, lint ihe I'liMiflteri. ar b.pps to Mate, that ft
the BiNI', hut ilretl i f Ann riran oeti.-ee whirl. t:..eh'
recenert. the aet WJ.ijiTilr hate len deeideu.y f' nV e,
moet of Ihi-n ebtl ui..i"t:c. I-Jlrl the ie lt:U r
ha elf -rden that of an work el firt on ever ; uMtt).
the SlXirhtoMH iWjlSAXV el, ef to cinili
each, heii now in tret.
In hu atid, the i-ncee,a baa het neeen rour e..n3rrfol.
Th nre.a there, with tut a fcw eacefls c-. ackaolr
the yeniua atl power of Ihe auil.or.aoil in ,imef l .
nj livittiE aullur njiuht le nn4 andJnrro.; Uwi
dasaurtetuire il .l.tiratie.n. ro !,' r 'ban
blSIT lllulsAM) ll'l-IH
were told li e u.ieil oi. at literary , DOW
place Mm- Stow anionic th
Foremost AuiLors of the Age,
and neither fartisanehip nor an au-ter re!ium bigotry
ean ef leIIe her of II lai-.eis ,be h 'O BOOIJ
earned. IU1LU1 i, jAlls0V A lOVI ANT.
I'lKilamr. Wn-TO
Important to Dagnerrectypists.tlaible
ueaiers and otners.
OXUMEMAL Dasueneotype Ca-
111. ses. A method has ling been suught fat
to insert in a durable manner, DaeuerreotTT
Likenesses to Head Stones and Monuments.
I have been manufacturing these Cases for the
last two years, and can warrant ihein to stcur
Ihe picture for a long number of years.
The outside ease is made of Parian Marble,
and the bos wbich encloses the picture and
keeps it in a slale of great preservation for a
long number of years, is made of brass
urewbux. It makes a verr neat job on a Head
Stone or Monument. They are nstdia Green
wood Cemetery, Mount Auburn. Laurel HiiU
and many other Cemeteries in tha U. States.
A liberal discount marie to Marble Dealers
and Daguerreotypists. Price from $2.2S each
to $9.50. A circular of eneravings will be
sent to any address, free, with price list. Ad
dress. A. !. MLlin l.-s. AS"
of Sfaarrla Ptc '