JjCicis&itrff, ima. j Friday Morning, Atkil 21, 1S-j7 ; 1V"KT17.K! Manufacturer. Vf. -reliant.. Median' . , V I'uMtr officers in Cily and CVuntry. I'uili-ler. j ell who wib to luy or haU uM 'lo well t emrloy ir, ewluinne of the Lu-itlurg r?.r:.nirfe, which l.e a lar.-e , aul loerewintf cireulalioa iu a onimnnitj oouUui.ium lr.-e proportion of active, e-.lieut jir-jUueere, coueuiuerr- , end dealer, a. any iu tlie riute. jj- See Sew AdvcrUsioineutB. j 6?A tract of Ore Land in Lewis Tp, j and some Taluablc Timber Lan J in Snyder J county, are offered at pullie sale among our N'cw Advertisements, to-day. j t&"The Governor Las signed the bill ( for the sale of the County liuikUiigs, &o., ot New Berlin, (dividing tlic rucceds be tween the counties of Union and Snjdtr ) The Summer session of the University commenced y ester biy with a lintidiotne ac-; cession of new students iu the uiIjus IV' rirtmeuts. I Tho AcAliEMV, re opens on Monday ' nest. .... j We reprot to be furceJ t announce , that Derations on tin upper sections of. the Northern Centra! Kuilroad, which wo Stated hat week a? g"itig ahead without delay, hare been counteiniand' d for the present. It is confidently asserted by those interested, that a few wcelis will fee the work frou Fanlury south going ahead ! actively. It has not yet been determined ; at what pnint the Northern Central Kail- ' rial will cnUr tho towu. When it in , once determined, contributions should le ready to provide, at a convenient loeation, i the Fitc for the depot and machine (-hops, j Sunhury Gtztt-: j Trouble is Kansas. A difficult ha occurred in TopeVa. A bogus shcrilF at- ; tempted to arrest a Free f-'oiler on a jvjlit-: tea! chary, but was driren olT by a uum- j ber of citizens. lie went away to soma other town, procured a posse, and return- j cd to (ate his prisoner. Again, however, ; the citizens interfered, and prevented tho j urrest. Thereupon the idieriff sent a rues- j age to acting governor Woodson, at Le- ! compton. The result had not trau.-pircd ; at tho latest dates. OThc bill to separate the tflice of. Sop. of Common Schools from that cf Se- ! crctary of the C"nimouwealih,has passed j both Houses. Wc can not doubt so wiso j a measure will meet the Governor's prompt approval, and public cpiniou points ua- . miatakeably to the present l)cputy, Henry ! ('. liickok, as the proper person to con tinue iu the charge of the Vr.artmcut at the present important period in its history. llcv. Mr. Kailoeh's tiial iu Kit-ton hav- j ttg resulted in a disagreement of the jury j Lis congregation has passed a resolution i stressing un diminished cenfiJnce in : him, and re-piestii: him to resume his, pastoral chirge. The; also contribute oi.c j thousand dollars to defray the txpen- Eos rendered by his per-ecu'i n. j The Kansas Census in its true eharao j ter, and the election to be held uuder it, j coatinu to be the staple topic of vaiiuus i letters published iu our cxehipjes. They J all agree that the ccn.-os takers have wade no pretence of accuracy, havo itudiouily j . . . - -. i . 1 avowed tne iree souers, ana couuu-j tome three thousand bogus voters from Missouri, j The late Cashier of the Newcastle 5ink Is io jail, on charge of taking money from the liank without the leave of the direc tors. Speculation and " fast living" in bis case, and carelessness on the part of the President and Directors, have wasted much money, and given much alarm to the public. Judge Uupcrt, Ex-Sheriff Iillmyer,and Dr. I'amsey, of I51oon;tburg, Lave been robbed of hams, shoulders, meat, and "sU thers of eatables." The "local" 'of the Democrat thinks "such conduct i disgrace ful." Decidedly improper. Ought to bo ashamed of themselves. Saturday April IS. Mr. Rower, oo leavo given, read in place a bill to permit the Court of Union county to scutence Samuel Kleekner and Lewis lieuncr to the Houso of Refuge; which was ta ken up and passed Cnally. " Trie States" i the namcofa new Democratic paper in Washington City, published by John P. lleiss. What is in tho wind, that requires another 'organ' for Democracy ? I. II. Marcy, of Tunkhanoock, lumber man, died cu the 10th inst., at Shainokia Dam after 21 hours illness. Eating too much when indisposed brought on a cramp from which he died. At Now Orleans, on tho C9th ult , tho editors of the l'icayunc partook of straw berries grown in the r pen air. Mosqui toes have appeared in Wilmington, N. C- in good condition. By the destructive Cre in Baltimore on Tuesday night a week, fifteen persons were killed. They were buried in the falling ruins. Legal investigation has proved the al leged marriage between Dr. Uurdell and Mrs. Cunningham to have taken place. Robert J. Walker is in New York city, indulging Lis case and drawing his salary as " Governor of Kansas." Samuel W. Black of Pittsburg, has got an office at last Chief Justice of Nebras ka Territory. Uobert StoJart has started the Tyrone tinlj at Tyrone City, Pa. Independent. The new Uuion Church at Turbutville u h le dedicated on Tuesday next AsfiUv. V.. Kincaid will nreach for 'he Milton Baptist church on Sunday , laoruicg next, and at l.ewisbnrg the eve-, rjnc of lamo dav, (April 200 nrw Goofis .t ,1 u. wall?. A eottinporary announced ia the last : number of his papers with a dryness of' humor not generally appreciated, tbut ho I had ovorconie most of tho difficulties iuui-1 dent to his enterprise. This twice con-1 t'ession reminded one of the man who bousted he had learned his horse to live J without eating " only," he added, "just j us fie had almott provod the fact, the old thing tip and died !" To make Republicans send Democrats to Kansas. They come back all right on ; the question of Freedom. There has been soma rafting on tho j N-irth and West brandies. ! Si: i: ef U)i d ijci'Micloclji- :i Jleb'ij'"h!, MARCH, 18S7. l.-t 1 2 pm. 17 :j s --.a '-7 a II PM. T'Y 7 i v. ti o it t s v I is at U I J 4:: !i .11.7 2ii !) a.i.2 1 aao n o i ji ij.ii 2p. 47 'J M'l m : 4SS S-M 4:,.4 .'.CI 4i a 4 1 4 ; s 4" t I2.-! .-!5 2 ' : i ' 41 n i 47 'I n7.s i :;! 2'iu -:i7.H -MS -II J - 7 1 -1 k 4"0 4-2.3 4 1.0 i 7 .-: :a.4 Jl- T.3 M"iittth'intMn4 ur.iJ 4 1- Th nn -in t'Rifertilitrf of Ir!. tv 33 i7. 1 -inif 1.4t' r 'ttr t'i hi 1' 'Si-airy. C J- FKRKItf with Uimv- of t Wn-1 1.T. Kvlin-T, tii:inl. Drtp:y. WvTiktir, Ti'aJ tile ;iJwrti--IlU lit ! 1:1 ati'-tlH-r '-olutan, In H'id "JleitiliuU'ri jinuiu 1'ri-j'nr- j jtit'ii" H (.:. Pai.-'.--Titc c-ve t f Mr. ('. W. IiitoD f . y n. r-a Cri -'n, Md., hITt If r rvHi:irklN' ?vi'i"tni "f tint ; fill' :. y --f it. .- i His it l'illiotif Iiiirl--M. Mr. I'liimu r.-i-S- - ni lit.- uiouth i.f tli.- rr.-k, n-.tr tiif Lilt If IMIh . ot tli" ' UTiac. in tin mitUt f rt listri t to nln Altl.y. j tli t in !! iiftilliS of Au rusf. S.-;.t-iul-T, ntnl h-t.-l-r, 1 in.ir -li f itinn nr.- k ut UHinu Tftnitt nt f. vrr. In i-t'i-r hl. Mr. I. ira. iironounrl y tin i-!ii-m wh.it lot hu family, ti b' al M,tl1,!t iVr." Ciiln li 1 itn-l iuiumi', th ".it.M'it" if the fitfully in Uctt r-i:i n, ti. -1 U't-n Rlmtni-t'rvil in vuin. An a 'Itynur Y :it, a' th inatunrv uf a tru-nj, Iih ilct.Titiini1 t try li.-ll wnV riilr. Iu thrr" C!f col-1 i-Hr'-xfiui f I. tti a w-h Uf n mt-ut th; lioe, atil iu vue inontli aUr-1' mtti-nd U lui-iincff- CO II t-; THAT KAKIXY tVElt 1'AII.i T't XK I A (Ml. It. nw, wj.ilc wiiitiT. with iU tmrUno tA C'yl-N aii'l Ci.u-.-li-, - uitli ii. wc think a ruivly t lint i!t r' li-Vf f.U'1. viitntinii hhulI lt liiiflily irin J, itnl till ho kn-'W thtr Ki-rtli iI tli rvnieily will 0 a w d I'ri..- it 'Inut'ly. T:tk' a d'Mil.le ilottv ! Jr. Sanf"'ril In-i-.rr it"r. aii-1 it will fixr prfatr ri-li -f than auy otl:.-r iii.lu-in- w; v.t triti, fr we linro ran-ly tn rf)-t tht J.m- t--1 "iitiri-Iy tnt? Iroru rcu-rh. ami a a tin- .unnn li!i'- tim-1 thn-wolT tin- cill.-i-tfil tuntti r tin1 run- is " (niij-l.-t-. A a fomiiy tn.lk'iu. f .rthocuri'of Itowl j (w-.-.U iri-i. P'r:mcuu'nt tif the ?ttUJrh ao J l.iTi-r, Vfi-nn T""nnuH'iiil it knowiit-y. Ku2.llc .VaK'S utfvtrlistd at Chronicle Ojjicc. 21 April, Fri. Jnc.-h Sypher's, While brer rti Levi Sp;n;Ifr, HartU'tnn 30 April. Thnrs. S. M'Cltillcn's est., ButT.iloc ! I May, Mon. James Houghton's, Lewishg 12 Mav, Tiip. Wm Wilson's farm, Kelly Ui .May. Sat. Francis Walker's, Wh. lk'er C6 May Tuns. Aurami' est., MiMlebnrg. 2 Jytie Tues. do du Hartlcton. Vcn!llO of OS at !he ChrnnicU OTice Corrtc'n! Weekly Wheat... 1.20 to l:M Kft's S 12 llye - f.2 Tallow 12 Corn 60 I.aH 12 Oata 35 Huron 10 1,25 lUm 12 Dried Angles. 1,25 Clovoiaced. Huttcr IS ' ...C,50 MAKIUKI), Ttr ftvv . Ki'-lir. Ktb u.t. f-MXuul to M11 anl rtizli'Mi K.--T. b- Ih D-ar Sl.ttittil.ur. n tho Mil lilt. 5-ruii ii-l i. M. er ttiiJ t'.iiitiui fctrOuil uf M:fl,i!,iorc. Mia Par!i 1 I.UPh,:i ? No: tl.utulr.aul. f In Mi't- n. VtU luot, ! y UvV C '"ullrr, Sima"! ?l.utt f if Vvi -it- ut M.i . ;.liia A UrLiuu f UiUt D. or. On t! i:-!i ult. Kf S l 'T. I!fi.r rrous.1 of . Nir:l;"i ui.-l Mi.-- Sf.J.ia lUrl-hfr of Moan ' In Biri!iiTt;l1aiii..'ft,lli uit.l j ! J N atfler, Jc0 M ?t'.'irart cf ' iii' inu:ti aa.l Mi-.-" Mary M 'Urk. Outhfllilt ult, It lUTMrlKvi. LO au Ala pf lunvi'l- ai.l Mif. V Am-li V iu.it of PUIadt-Iphifc. ! (n th- ith ult hy Ht-v J A Ja.ni. a Ntit Jr. uJ Mii.fi Ann t irrv- "'th of 1'oilit'i'l'. In u!i'. nrr, 1. ih lust. t-T Rot K C Mnow. Il-r flmW i Sf.i?t( m-r . fW ;.rsaw. N V a-iJ Mi-, tiatuor S Laiarn. Hv R-v A i U- l-,lTth u!,IauWl Koch, f Ljoii.Iow. nnd'lIiM TiTiila Krnmni of Mil ton. On Tb- t). in-t.tiMi. . F uclics of LutfriiC cr-uiitj ara Misa Marr!vrot E Mcrlx . of Milton. In Siaiihut-T. I .'tlj VrR-TTTnTbUt, Matthias X TiTili'Tii at.j it.-l.wa I'ntffr. I in tL- il-l u 't. .y lUv V J Sl -xeT, Jacb Turcfl auil 1 Vi.. V..U-1 it. i,. - li it I. nf Point Tn. I On tli- - J TI, K II Wsrinp. ?itnn Irfifo- of T 'Wan-la nt ii Mnrv.:inr!itr of .Saiul Wolf ' f hni.U. tin lb- 4ti Brijjiiiiu Ifuinmd -f Ltwisburf and MtM Sal.iilri M C-k fif Fort ivnn. By K. t r r roller, MJi tilt, Martin nnweran1 Mim Hannali Hrfdif. Ulh of N-Ttlmnal-riand Co. Al. Jai.l Y Tro'l of H,riiii.WiT. and Mist Kllun Fous! of Turhnt. In Nuncv, 4fh ult. -T Kpt ti V nrnk. Ilt nry J Brum tningi Kw- rf Ma.ti-.n Iowa. anl Miwt Annif V R--th. DttO, On tin Tt1. inst. nr MiMitit ur, J hn ITftrman. ioo of .fflin Iibiif. 1 Jfiirs ai4 s uiuuth. In MifJiDburi. if tli in-t, .Tnc-li Cl.'iiieiif, rn of Henry b-L'nMwr, air. J - v.-rrn,7 tu.-ntltn and 2 In Ch:!ir4-iimkr, 13ih inrt, Tcry UVdlt'iily, Mr. Dt-niil Hunv. nt un i"l":Lncpi '-'. ln'MlUr-u. llt'i ult, Mry K Purnmnn. in li-r . th yr. 21th ult, bfn "f AW m.J Mary Kliawn, je-(l t-ut 1 jr. In Munrv, 10th Jn. in hT 43th Tfr. lid'-h'-l F. wife of Jhn r Mmi villi nn1 tUiifihUr of DftTiJ Iyf rtrt't In Lowr Ant'tiFta Tr, 13tb iuft, of farulyMs, John Y"rdv. fl. ! attut ftt yeTfl. At'Ch-Jlnfky, o!t. ItoV-rt M. eon of K'tbrt Jpnny Vinifiit, w& 3 Jhth. In Ufll- fi.nt.-, 17i!i ult, of JldoaW) of the ti-art, Ocorgw Weleli, ati"i about yfara. 11 KMC SALE OF VALl lltLE Real Estate! TIIIE nndersisr.rd will offer for sale, at the I'nblic home lately kept bv i'apt. Wm. Eilctt, in Hartlclon, Ilanley Tp, l.'nion (.'o. on Tur-uluy, June 2d, lSSI, the follow ing described Til ACT OF LAND situate in Lewis township, l'nin county; ad joining lands of Heirs of K.C II. Hayes.nVc'd, lands of Jacob Schraclt, lands of Anthony Le fever, (formerly part of this tract) and others, containing SIXTY ACHES, or thereabonts. The whole tract is well timbered, with Oak, Chestnut, and other valuable timber. There is also believed to be a valuable body of IRON ORE upon this land. tAlso at the same time and place he will offer for sale the reserved IRON OllE INTEKEST in the part of the tract srld to Anthony Lefever ALSO he will offer for sale, at the public house of Mr Elizabeih Smith, in Middleburg, Snyder county, on TueiJay the 2Grfi Jay of May next, the following described tracts of land. Xo iA Tract of land, situate in Frank lin township.county aforesaid ; adjoininplands of Middleswarth, Kerns & Co lands of Sam uel Uowersox, lands of Dubois, and others, and containing about 400 Acres. If O. a A Tract of Land, situate in the aforesaid township and county; adjoining lands of Middlewarlh, Kern 4; Co, lands ot Decker.Gift and others, tract No.l above described, and others, and containing FIFTV ACKE8, more or le. The above lands are well Umbered with white and yellow Pine, Oak and other valua ble limber. , . , The undersigned offers the one undivided half of the above described lands for sale as Admimsiraior of H A ;. dec d, by virtue of a power granted him for that purpose by a special act of Assembly, aPPro"d,i 36th div of March, A. D., 1SS7, and the other half in his own right, as Co-tenant with tn said Henry, now ectasd. Rale to commence at 10 o clock A.M.. or each of the above mentioned days, when the conditions, which will be liberal, will be made ktw'wa by the subscriber Mi l l' '! 'rr , I'a pn! 'f7- LEWISBUIiG CHRONICLE F..!l Sll.B- A V. 1 IVlrt-'a fixlin Stum, ll-arlr '4uilf Ii.qutro at ibis Ottl-f. AirliJ4. i;oil SALK (HEAP A goal second L bai.d TO!' Bl liliEV-Inquire of tf JI. U. WAI.KE.R, .North 3d St. (S-vtrS) IOl us, WatrhcM, f& Jiirf v4v and Je ilr y, door io aVfi-r-aiiPtjihtf Post Oil'ice (.'heap for Cash. A. K. UENOK.MANDIl, A(j't. j Lewisburg, April lit, bol. j DISSOI.I'TIOW The C'o-I'artnership heretofore existing bcttreen "lltturk iifjfcudtrfer"m the Cabiiietiiiaiiin, han been ilissolveil by mutual consent, this ISih day of April s57. The bu .ks have been been left in the ban. Is of Andrew llauck for collectioi . All persons having unsettled accuunta wi.l confer a lavor by aiirndiiit: t our wauls. A.il;nV IIAI.CK, U'.vp .tt)i:i. K. UIEFKEMiEKFER. I jr"Tlie fiibiiieiiiiakins HiiMiiess will h-.r Continuii at (he &u!criben old stand iu Iluf faloe township, who is thankful for past fa vors, anj hopes by slrict attention to business to receive a fair share of public pa'ronaee. AMlKEVY IIAI LK. T V) ihc fcvliuols Directors of Union County: We leMiecifuilv rt'C'inmeiiil for vour consuli-rati'iii, a'i-erinteii!!eiit of 1'oiiinion ! ffeliuols, .Mr. II. I). W.l.KV.l. Mr. Wallicr j w.ts eiliit-aied in the t'ltinmoii SL-iiotl.-. vi Mas-, srtehas'-tis. rej'tit.'i! i!i- 1-cm in ill': I'nioTi) ; ra-'.uate'l at l!ioun l'i:iversity - aiol lir.s fr i nearly twenty years I.-een teachimr iti-h Scliools an. I Aca S-inies ::i J'i nnsvlvania. He is now Ti incipal of tlic Acuileiutc Ue..irtinetit of tli!t t'liivrrsity at i.ewi-lmr?, lint wuulil ! acee.t Hie olHce name,!, u tctolenM hitn witu a suilieieiit salary. II lias shown a peculiar ttriess tor coioiuetinp Aoriuai cnoois, ana it ; electe,! wonlil make that a particurar ot ject 1 This recoiiiiatndatiou is wrmen without Ins I kliowledt;e. l'lMiHhS. To t!:c- l';irtti(-rH ! I HAWWVS C0HBIMED REAPING 1N1 f MOWINO lACIIIXK, tviii) HJooDs lifljjiViV'I.JOflj. TIlIE UBdersigneil harinji; been appointtd Agent for lite &ale uf ihee Keapiiif; & Mowing Machines in Union and Snyder own lies, oilers them to the public, believing them to be th Ji''s( CumLinttl M.H-hiiir. in IV. These Machines hive been in successful operation, and have rendered general satisfac tion. They are of lasy draft, ea-ily managed. and do the u-orn m a workmaiilixe manner. : Mautiy'a received a Silver Medal at our State Fair, last fall, and drew the first premium at in,- ,ouni a., ., m. -I ........ v. . - tre, HuiiUiiKatui, olC watre u was rxiiihited. Persons in want of a Heaping & Mowing I Machiite. H ilo well to rail before parchas- ing. Fur further particulars, and mfurmatton i plt-ase call upon the bubcnber who always i takes pleasure in exhibiting this Machine. N. U. Kaily orders are soliciti-il, in order j V have the Machines on hand in season, as I Hie number received from llie Manufactor will j eorresptrnd Willi lUc Jeinan.l. cvnrs DRCISBACH. I Lewiiburs, April 10, l.r7. CsuroJ . UcIiubold': Genuine l'l r paratlon Highly evnctntral. d C.impuunii Fl:iiJ Extract uf j bbejcbbwj, i IOR Disease of Ulad.W. Kidneys, Cravtl, j Drouv.WcaUnessei,OLlriictions,Secrt Diseases Female Complaint. and all diseases if II- -. i,il irtiu i.riiii ln.m .jcm.iTf and in.j rua- j ,;,'!:. m l,fe. and rwm. v. M 1W Iif.l,arp,S frnm th Hlu l l r ai,ln"or S-iual ,ntul".wlloulrreIlUOR , MJ., r F.mile, fr,,Bi Lal.v cu Ihej mujr Lata : in jnt, ' ' and no mntter ot now long staniun,,, ffivintf IlealUi and Viffyr to the frame, aaJ ll!'um to ill ; e A ... .1,1.1 1. Ir Joy to tho Afflicted ! It rores SerToii anJ Dct.ilitat, d ;uff-ren., and removes all thx S IMl-T'JMS. among abirli ninj fouoi In Iioition to if rtioii, Iom or powur. Ion cf mnrj, diiO'-ultyef bmthini;, fwrul wakn. horror oldia ,tfl. weak n,Tve,trcn,blltig, dreadful liorrorolj.-atli, Kila .-atf, col-l fr.-t, aak-rulne,', Jirane ot Ti-i,'ii, languor. ,miTer.-:il las-ilu 1 , f the mus rttbir ayMein, nft eDoruious a;-j'vlilo aitU 0v.-.ti .jni-tflii.s b.'t ImiiO-S Itufluu of ih , b,ly,ary,ref of t:, skin, pnlli.1 c un tnUHiice aua crl.tious on U.e r.rfe. 1-ain In lack. h-,, iu, ' the , yr -lit--", t'rt-u.nitv I. M.k p,.u nvinit iMsloro tlie oy--l "lib l,.-inirry puliuriou und 1...H of UUU ftal't ' attri,lio5 irn-at mobility. ku I rMtli-a-tn-an. wit'" borror of foeietv. K-tlilme ii mure d,irWe to tu.-li i.r.ii- Urn" fcolitu-t,-, ai'J notLiu tl-y m-.-re ,lf,-a-l f,r f,-,.r of th. uiM-lvcs ; uu rt-j-?e of maim-r, no rarnt-ntiu-n.. n eu:ati..n, but a Lurri'-d trau.-,ition from onu iue!,U"n to anotli.-r. Thw.- aymrtinw, if ailow.il t , eo on ubirh tl,', in,di eine invartoblv renjov.--i-onn follow I. M or IVWaa, Fati ITT, AM, Fni.rl'TK- Fita inoin-ol a hn-b tlie palienl neiyeii ire. VSba can my tl.at tl,,- eeica arpB.it fn.,wntl llo-,.l 1 y U.oi Ji.-- ful Jis.-as.-a I-aniiy BiiUMnuijin'-u. - --- - au l the in, 1-ii.choly .l. ntb. b Cunauinpladl, Nv,r ample t. ftiuionv to th,- truth of tl.. se .isM-rti, ns. In Laoatie A-ylunih'tlic most nuianih.ly ealnbiliou a pi-am". Tua count, ii .pce 1 a, lunlly W. n anu quite rtitul, Bro ther mirth or cra-f it, r tisits it. tuou: I a fouud of the Toice oeiur, it in rw, ly articulate. -With woeful iu,-x-.ur,-!S an ,t,-pair sulb-u coun,t. his ci k'l b-- -uii.-.l.' P.ilitv is mo-'-t b rrit.le! aii'l bin brought thouan-!fl ' upon thouali,l to untimely itrnvi j, tliua blantins tho aiul-ition of man nol.lo joint. It r.n l t una by tbo BM-eftbia INKAIXIlll.i; KEMEl'V. II ,.u are f ufferii, v.ith any ot tl,.. alwe mstr.-5fln ailm-nu. tha Kl.lilll EXTKAl T HUCIIU will cure you. Try it and be eoiiTlnetil of ila elllca,-y. IlLW K OT ll ArK NSTHCUS ASD QCACK I0CToRS, w ho falavly boast of abilities and rf,-rnn-a. lltitona know and avoid tle-ru, and save Ions ruuVritur, Diony, and wur, by w ndini or calling bottle of tllia popular au l SpecilBr Itrun-ly. It allaya all pain and intlamntion.ui perfrftly ploant tn it twle and odor, but immediate in iln action. UEMliOLD'S EXTRACT HL'CUU I? prepared dirwttv areorlins to tha Ituba of l'llAR Mt V AXIt CIMV1STM with tho criubwt accuracy and CbciuUal kn ,l.t and care d. Tob-d in it. combi nation. S PtiIKkv bvweus' Valuable Work nn the frartiee of I'h) sk, and uioat of tho lato atauOimt Work ot Meuiirluo. t3T ,H 1 O O JX. Onellunlred Illara will be paM u.any 1'hysl Ian who ran provn ,at the Medicine cr injur, d a I'atleut ; and thr iftimony of thou.-audscan b.- produ.a-1 1 prove that It do". Rreat ood. Case of from one w-k to thirteen veara' tanl:ug have been cll.cted. The qm of volun tary Tcjtiuiuny In r'ion of the l-ropnetor, vouchinK itvirtu. ai,d curative .,K.-r. i immini-. emuracuHj una well known to SCIKNCK ANU tAMH. 100,000 Bottht " S-M, anil not a single instance of a failure has b.n reported ! rvreonally appeared mt n A'd'" J City of fhilideipbia, II. T. llrjuiau., Chemiat, who being duly aoru doei say. that hi. ,,r, par.u,.n confuns no Nareotic. Mercury or injurious brute, but are pur. ly ve cetable II. T. HrBUOin, !,le M.nutaeturer. tjworu and fubscribed hef jr me this 33d day of Novem ber, lMl. WM- ' lUliliAR". AldennmB. J'rtce, $1 per Bottle, or fix fur 3 DeUtered to any Adjirat, accompanied by rcliableand rponrille CertlfiCBtojftom l-rof-ii,, of Medical Ollefiea, Clergymen and otheni - oU "yr a-Z. .vo. s; south nth a-A'-"- MAU7S. twTl, , MflnftM n,d Pylrrt tknuykout VniUU lut". tlcu,i..i u,o Uruuh ivorunu. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. A.k for Hembold-s-Toke no Other-Cure, Guarantied. f? - k f,80vl CHRIST CALDWELI..Uuuhurg "rVTOTICE. The Fartnersnip nereioiure l jiMing between Fria Heck, in West Buflaloe Tp.Union Co, Pa,as Unsolved on the 1st of this momli. The bocks are in the hands of Jo., DEr,hov.llctne aM the i IBM vi JOHN KEl'K fiil'Mt A !ma!l Pra's KUV- , ,.e Ci-(.r,lf i'tfi-f. eifjuire & WEST BRANCH FAlLMEii APIIUj 21, 1857. HOUSE BUILDERS, rp.KE NOTICE ! The untlersipnrd ar; I appointed Agrnts for th sale of Doors, Ullnda & Window sash of all sizas, made of the best material. All work warrauted. C?Mad by L.U.SI'KOL'T, Iluchesville, I'a. and for salr by ?!) t'HItlST & CAI.DWEI.I.. f.ewib'g Hew PHOTOGRAPHIC ART Gallery i.i AMMOXS' BLOCK, Uwuburg. AMBKOTYPES MELAINOTYrKS ! K. I,. NOWRV, Artist. VMBKOTYPES and Melainotypes made in the most beautiful style, of the art. The Melainotype is a new process, taken on a prepared Mheet Iron 1'late, and for bril liancy and vigor of lone is unsurpassed by any other known process. iep into the Gallery, examine speciinena, anil judne for yourselves. I'l ices to suit the times Satisfaction guar anteed. Uoom in Ammons' Iilock, second storey, over Amnions' (Store. April 17, 'SVwS Rich and Rare a the lirze and do.icc aswrtmiiit of new X SriiiK and Shiiiiiut UimmN now arriving al tin- uvll known Corner Store BEAVER, KREMER & TI CLURE. Call ami si-e ! I.t-n isli;i'-, AjtiI 17 JUST OPENING. rmlu: g.enbers are now receiving a large I nli, veH se,,c,c,i stuci 0f Spring & Summer Good, cinl'racin? cverythint; nstially calle'i for in a Town iStore also a larse assortment ot Wall Taper which are nd'ernt cheaper than ever for cash or country I'roduce. Lju" LooU iu at the 'Xchaire ?toie of UROWN &. KITTKIt. l.ewisbnrg, April 17, 1S67 Dissolution. rillli; Partnership heretofore existing te-' f twoen Wm. M'Kelvy and Win. Meal, under the Firm of "Wm. M'Kelvy & Co," in the manufacture of 1'aper al Catawissa Mills, was dissolved tiy mutual consent cu the first ' day of April, A.l. 1H07. The business of the late Firm will be settled by C.W. M'Kelvy & Co. at Catawissa Mills. WM. M'KELVY & CO. , GTTlie undersigned havin purchased ihe j interest of the late Firm of Wm. M'Kelvy 6l j Co. at Caiawissa Mills, will coniiuue the ma nufacture of i'aper and purchase of K.igs as heretofore. c. w. m'km.vi, 3 C.W. M'KELVY & CO. 1. S. M SlStll. Catawissa, Apiil, IS57 T7xi:crToits' .OTIC'i:.-N,'tire is hereby Kiven. that the undersigned have been appointed Executors of the estate of JACOH Sl'EECE. laie of White Deer town ship, I nion county, deceased. All persons in,!t.b,r(1 , ga estate are requested to make imraedia,e pavineut, and those having claim aajns, tl Wlii'present them properly authcu- t,caIeJ fl)r selil-mcnt. CONRAD SVVAUTZLEN.NER, l'x Ainl 17. IW57W6 ELECTION. Office of the Union County Mut. Fire Ins. Cotnu. I.ewisburp, April 14, 1H57. A General Meeting of the Members ot lhi i Company will be helil at their Oilice in this , liuroiieh on Moimr th ih day of May nt-ii. I fruni 1 to 4 o'clock, 1'. M., to choose thirteen Directors for llie ensuinc year. J. A. MEKTZ, Secretary. OXLY OX HOT TIE oy DR. SAWFORD'S ITJVIG0RAT0R, OP , cr IlCIUCdy. i ? ItKOUtUKU TO t'L'KK ANY ONE TKofiiLKD WITH 1 i.,,r O iupiaiuu. uu:vs the moet j., rtofci., i l.-n the t,i, bottlr ,ll. ilh arara a tlna-la lailun-. r.M.n- ihe (.ati.ul u, h-allh l (!"' " "J"b ' ' , in' aiurniu o vt ... m .,.. r - v-, -.- cW b- a i hj.iciaii .to la u J it lu Li. pr t, fr ll.e past lwutv years, arithasureai." luitera- ( f f . ( u. lho-Jtn.UJlh u gum, Uly 5. forulwl when it is known on bottle of the lutiiroratur - 1. .,. .... hn..:W .J ,' J.. fdutrviim n much ettviiKtU w "ne biiiin.'J doe. iI I'olw niel witliout ny of iti aIutrious vtTucU. On v bnttlv ia tli flurwt thing known to oury wy the iiuU-ilvct-'i of wiuerat poim-u of any (tiad. Only oi.v !otiIc is nwlttl to tbrow ut of tbo pyU'iu tlit t llr'tn of mt-rlicine aft r a lonj irkottw. Oue iK.ttlu ULeu f'T Juudir rfiuoT- al! yellttwnt- or uiiii&turn! rolurfroai llie xkin. Unt- .1-m nfLt-r .atiUari.'.-u:ieott.ivli.-otheftuciavh. tiJ r. fi-iit the ft.io.1 trow ri-lnr;nid UTin-. Mil one ilor l.tkn l Ute rt'tirimr prvt-iit. nik-htmatrc iju;'dJ! Uki-n at uigl.l Ioomtu." tiiv bowcL Stilly. uutl cun a r"ttir nfii. Uuc Ukfn nfter farh Dil will curtj DjvisU. out Just; of two Uailj oi.ajtul will alwayt rlu to a.i:k II.:iamlio. Mif imttlo t;tk -n f.r P male oh-tra--ti'n n-moTt i the eaue of lh di an. . aiid inak. a rb ft run1. Only out) dose iiiiiu- dlnlvly rlices i U-lie while Unt d-si tlu r. t'J U a cur curt' fur Cholera Mi-r-.iib. il,l mire t.t--fiitiitive rt lln lera- onn .ina taken ften will preTt nt thf reeurn nc- of I ult,--.. hit it n-hevetf all Hiiioiul fvc liliu'it- 1 -J, One or two J-je tnken .rca.sinually is ouo of th best rt'iiifli' foracolil fer kuoun. l lioup tu is ol of intUiimtion awl aeabnessof the lunss h;.e been fure-1 by tin- In? i"rtr. do- takvu a xbort liiuv b. Ji-re fjthuT, tVKJ Tigor to th arKlit- "'! inakp." t""d ditrert well. Ouc .butt ol'ieu t d cure- riinmic l)iril.ta iu lb" w..it frmn, while miimn.r ami bowel cutiii'lit.t, yWhl aJuiust In the first d-no. tint? or to li ve rare attark Tiue-l by tt.inri. wbili for ..ims in ibil lr. iulh'T'-i-s furi r,":)!.!' and vuviitr i --...1,1 if n,.cr r...)4. There ix no c xas-vr:iti n in the st:ttement?i : they ari I jd.tin and t-olter foftn. that wc ran :i'ti f hltntv to frovc, . while un wuouc iiare jiii't;iu'ir mi.iiiuvur,t.,ll.v.,j , in f;ior. H e wi-,1, all who re sb k and d -l-itit.ile-1 to try this rem-lv. and leal It thoroughly, and auy whoarem-t Im-u-etiled i y its u.- we i-houid Ua to heat from, a? we hal e v, t to hear from tile first peVMjn who has used abottleof inih'or,t,,r BillMHit r.Teiiinh- la Befit, for tie re are su, h ast, ni.-hin medicinal virtues in it, that all no matter b,,w loiipr they have been afTm te.l.if their complaint arises Iroiu a dcrauaed liier. will 1h b,-uelit,sl, il u--t entirely cured. tiANfllllll A CO, t'r -prletors, 345 Broa-lway, New York. SId. CHRIST 4r CALb WELL. Uwisburg. ;,) W. R. MKIttVIN. Agent. "VTOTICE. AH rersons knowinc them selves in.lebtcl to the estate of I'HILIP HEN"E;OFF, Jec'd, will please pay to the sbuscrtbeT ; and those having claims against it, present them for settlement. ' J. MKKRIM. LIXJf, Administrator wilh Will anncicd l.ewisbnrg, March 81. HST MESSRS. E0ITOK8 We bes; leave to propose ihrouph your columns, the name of Ur. WILLIAM LElsEK in connec tion with the approaching selection of Super intendent of Common Schools for the county of Union. We who know him long and well, think him abundantly qualified ; and no one can doubt his worthiness of character, or his devotion lo the great cause of equal universal duration. We therefore propose him. April 2, 1857 KEt-I'Y- NOTICE. To the S hool Director, of Union County : GENTLEMEN : In pursuance of the 43d section of ihe Act of 8th May,! 854, yon are hereby notified to meet in Convention at the new School House, south side room, sec ond storey, in Second street, Lewisburg, on the first Monday in May. 157, (being Ihe 4th day of the month,) at cne o'clock in ihe after noon, and select, rim rort.by a majority ot Ihe whole numberof Directors present.one person of literary and scientific attainments, and of skill an, experience in the art of Teachmg.as Cocbtt ScriniBTEBDitwT, for the three suc ceeding years, determine the amount of com pensation for the same, and certify the result to the State Superintendent atHarnsbtirg as required by the 3th and 40ih sections of said act. D. HECKENDORX, County Superintendent of Union and Snyder ernri't'" Ne.e Peril., Al-r,! 7. I' S-V WALL PAPER - "every quality juat rec'J j by niKHVN 6l KITTEit. Dr. I. Brngger Dr. J. F. Harvey HOMEOPATHIC riiysiclans, south side Market St. between 4ih A Slh lyMO LWI8HVRO, VA Itroko Out In ii !' Ilarc ! fiilE undersiuett kavini; tak:mure com- up- puMte Houhtoii' Mine ttir lia a.ltUl lo hit iiM-k some K1V 0OlS m.U -i-! lu the srason, whirh hr will te happy t huw. If vUl cuktciuera anU aUu f rivr. Jfr- p iu ami see. A. MK.NSC'U, Aeou I.eiulniri, April 8, 1337 REMOVAL. YEW and Ma-nilicr-nt Slock of i ow'r."i ioe:kii: ! KICIIOI.TZ ek VVAliNEK have tl,-i;antly refilled the Storeroom formerly occupied by C. M-.-ii.-cli, on Market St. near Thitd, where tliey will keep on hand f. r sab; the very h'st of Cnfei.iioucric, Toys, Fruit. Noti,.n, r. Cull and Xie .' Lcwisburg, April V, 1' CLOTJHtNG ! Think n.,t ll.at w-'r ! (un ! 1!, tlnirj, Or ii x l. j,i l r.:i,l It- -- 1,11 . ,.' I l."l IllV'i li..' I. -I llnl'r. ! f Min i, All MHiruU J will U...-K, kh, u;. aid iuni: H AVISO c.nelu l .1 to c iiiihiie l,usin?is in I.t isbtir;-, the -ubsciibeis have ihei ;fore laid in a line and laitfe a..ittne!it of Ready M.t.'.e Clothing and (itnl's Ftirnish 1!,' ;,,.ls, wliieh we intend to ell tii;ti i:it Tiii.v i:h:k: Oar sick consi.-ls of line blaek, bine and brown e.loih Frock and Diess C.ai. Cas.-imer Coals o! all descriptions Pauls and Vests ,-f every kind v.,u can think of-.17.s' ASIt C.4i'',S)iiii Collars, Pocket and Se. k II Ikf.-, Trunk, I'urpr-t Ittyi, t'mhrtlln, at the lowest Uitv pricei. IVAI1 in waul of anvihinz in our line will please to give ui a call, and we will try to sun you. I z Clolhing made toorder with neatness and despatch- J. (iKI.DSMITlI fc UK0 8. l.ewisbnrg, A f.nl. IV New Arrangements---Mew Goods! 10SEPH L inWN having taken the tl well known Sl'YKKlt .!' S'1'UU1. has refitted it, and filled tn an extensive variety of Il-lti, li'J'i, Cell 'illlfu't Ctuthiiig, ate. Alio a large and splendid stock of CLOTHS C'ASrtlMEKES, fir. which he will imkt up l, ordtr, as he sull continues the Tailoring Busi ness. He is prepared to execute all work entrusted lo his care, to the satisfaction of the customer. S. II. Cutting and Repairin? jr done to order. Lewisburg, April 10, 157 Executor's notice. "XTOTICE is hereby civen, thai Letters Tes- laiuentarv on the last will and testament of HENRY HICill, late .f White Deer I township, deceased, have beeD cranted to the nnderMgned, by the Register of t'nion county, in due form of law ; therefore, all persons : knowin? themselves indebted to said estate, ! are requested lo make immediate payment, and those havin? justclaims airainst thesanie are also requested to present ihein properly aulhenticaied for settlement. i JulIN E. U1CHART, Gzecntar. j White Deer, April , lib? LAST NOTICE! r RENEWED warning is hereby eiven, to all persons who were notified lonir that as the Ilooks and Notes have now (alien into mv hands all persons knowing them selves Jnnehtea, eitner ny of jj..jj Acct, to 1'- or Wm. High, d-ceaa-,l,m confer a favor by paying the same immedi ately and ii net done, it will be alt -..let to accurJing to law. JOHX K RICIIART. Executor of Wm. IIiuii, deceased White Deer Tp, April 6. 157 Fruit and Ornamental Trees, The subscriber has just received a splendid , collection of Fruit and Ornamental TBKES, j from the celebrated ."urenes of lAiu-anger ur Hurry. Rochester, N. Y. embracing the very beat varieties of Apples.fears.i'eacnes, Cherries, Apricots, Nectarines, lirapes berries, Raspberries, Curraius, Straulierne: also . . . ... . . . 1 T ......... j i.arge tiorsc Lne-iiiun. i.tironca.. i..,, for street plant.!.;. Ever blooming Rse, and a splendid collection of Buibous and other; Flowering riants. ! nr, ie. siv i:r,.ui,.U nn the farm rf Ja S F. I. inn Esq. on the Turnpike, within half a mile of Lewishurg. All orders a.l Irerse.l i,v HENRY II NOLL",AgtfoT J.MEUKII.L LINN, will receive strirt attention. Term inraruilty CASH. Lewisburg, AprlU, l57 Cash Business. TtflT, THI'. sul..ri'.ers reyneet- X'tVj VfaSfiillv "iv e nonce llint from tliis--'' diite thev will only a tTah biivine.-s in llie Itntiliflinir line will l'A Y CASH tor all we buy, an, I require ii wskklt ion , m rat iiiimiin or bouu-lit at otirhi.ps. We will sell Cir;i fir Cusli. on thi plnn. Cive , us a Ur trial. FRANCIS ZEI.I.EKS, j WM. STAN NEK I". ! Lewisburg, April J, l'",7 pd Dissolution --Notice. i MIE Co-l'artner-hip heretofore existing be tween the su'oeril,ers was dissolve-l on 1 the lt inst., by mutual consent. Imm,-,!iate settlement of all outstanding accounts is de sired. WM tvr.WNERT. j JOHN STAN NEK I". j Lewisburg, April 3. l-" pd ; New Firm Notice. j Itcsavrr &. lirciiK-r have associated I Willi tlu-111 in a General Mercantile Business j at Lewisburg. Mr. JAMES C. M Cl.l 'HE. an 1 i the Firm will hereafter be known tylhe name . of Hmrer, tiremtr 4 M'Clure. , t?"The Books and Accounts of the former : Firms of I'eavcr, Kreiuer Si Moore, and of Beaver & Kremer.are at the old stand. Their immediate settlement is particularly desired, l.ewisbor?. March 1, 1K57 i TJcw Goods at thD Cheap Store! FIJiST Al JII VAT j ! rpiIE substribers having rp-!itttl ami a. unproved inc Morerooni ol ii r c-neuer formerly occupied by Krera,T & Co, would respectiully announce to the trading comnni- nity that ihey are just opening a LAlUiE AND fPLE.NUlD STOCK of I I SriUNG & SUMMER GOODS, j description' from the Wi!kcs-Barre and !ha botiht in New York and Philadelphia, i m kin mines. He has on hand an article of adapted" to the wants of all, and comprising , verv superior n,tiality, such as is seldom bro't 1 . . . . . . - .1 i ' . i : .. U.-l. 1.- ,11 .lirn,. nf a I tK the qsual variety kept at Stores in the larger Towns. HTCALL AXU J.Srhrryer k Son Lewisbnre, May IB. 1H57 gSK II. bbEKIIART, DF.XTIST. ftfyeSS Market street, next door to 1rown & "Kittcr's Store LEWISBI;RO, TA. "ITfAlX P.4PKR A large and hand- f some assortment just ree'd in Lewis burg at the Hardware Store of JOrl. MTAPWV SL'RSrRIBG f"f Harper's Magazine, the Knickerbocker, Oraham's and other Magazines, at the Publishers' ratce., at 5 V. NEVll'3 CP'S. SUBSCRIBE for the New York Ledger. Ballou's Pictorial, Harper's Illusiratrd, or anv ether Nes vparer. at Publisher' rates, , IV SF.VIl'3 A CO J. II. 0. KAHCZ, TT0RNEY at Law, UflUabinc. i L'nii'n Co.. V. tTTAIl profioel ti iilui rniriiaied to hit c..i, will be piirictuitllv ud faithfully atwni.l w. Ja I. ' jl LEWIS2URQ BAKERY. ' rplIR urscribr hat rvtilel for Win vf t Khnr's Il-U 1, whrrr i.tj carri o lluklUU jri.U(, V, Tam, A:c. anU hop u U atiie ij ret, ter eMite satiaiiiCtion ana rccaiv a libeial aui'p. rl. He also wlt n com- i : rr ioxehiks, of every kind an t quality, til VthrUtnis ani lUt.iU. ICE CUE AM fr'ibe public and for parties, in large or aiui.ll t,uaiililis. Ca-sh i.iid fur Ii utter and Ejjsj r?".tt, Tuji. Spices, Ac. a!way ou hand. Orders at home n abr.n t pronit.liv attend ad to. .-AMI EL HOFFMAN. Lewisl.nr, Jan. 7, 1h.'7 111 I I. II O I U I IIKI.K will be a n. ling i f ihe frirnJa . f the U ulr. t al tt.r .ig:. . f ll.e Hu! Anvt ui ibe IMtttSlU HH HAHU WAliE iTOUt. 'I'm: (Jreat Dr.i'-T for Ikon! i ist received, a new lot of iron larger lain eral the Hardware tit, re of J is. M'FAUDES. Executor's Kotlca. IS O l Il'E is hef.bv i-iv-ii, thai I.cluraTaa- tniren'rirv on the last i!l and lestaiuehi ol MR II tl. IIEIIEKLIAU, late nt tfl liud. iloe Tp, t'ni', 11 Cy, decea.-e,l. havi been ttai. cd I,, the un Vr -it: net, by Ihe Revisler of t.'niou r.iunly, iu due b,rui of law ; theref T all persolia knoWlliif tbelLaelve indebted lo sai l ts'.ate are rtiiutste l to miike liuuiediaU p.iyinenr,.icd t!i,,.,c havinir jutclain.a aaifcal the same are al. rrquetej I" pruseut lliela properv aiuloTtiCat, d f,T (.etlleiuant. SUI.DMU.N II I'.r.KIll.I.N'li. Executor. West Buiraioe. Maieh 1, 1"57 f '1 NOTICE, rilllil underaiene.l have lliu 2d day of Eeh. J A. 1). Ini7, entered into Co-Partnership t'.ir the pvrp ise of ci.ru:,; on a GIi'rul I'ouiHli ) KuoilU'iiS at 'he brick 1 ouu dry in Market street. I.ewisl.urif, Buder Un naiue and r.nn of r'rick V Lilley. WILLIAM FKICK, JOHN' LILLEY. Lawiilurt:. Fab'y . 157. A peneril aasort-n-ent of COOKI3U STOVES fercul or wood, Steiac Coal M,e. Woud Air Tiht and Parlor Stov, dte.in. varie ty alwaya kt vo hand. CAPTINC8 of all kinds mad to crdar- CENTAL CARD. 'JIIE r.cw ruethoJ of inseriiag artlfl- .L cialTVetb, Gum, Ac , kn,,n a Allt'ti'M ( uullauuus Guru M'ork, is, without el :eptioB, the Lest iuiprovemejil ever ma la in Ihe art of Dentiktry. Tun work, when properly constructed, n the moat beauti ful. the clcanest.eombmes the creates! s-.reogth uh durability, and aida more to a cUar and distinct articulation, than any other kind of work eTer brought bef- re the pulMk.. Aa4 jS nul only 11.1-.. by a bauurul dtwfery iu (xitiat io.itlro with this fctji vt work, we run tfltf thi U It OntlfU -sprM- 1 ,o, w i th. -tit, iu Uto mut, iuVrf.rlii; HiU. ll uofuiawM uf 'I--1 it iu intitlJAii'in. I ouil tih tiiif mt-thwi of lut( rrnlnj thofm tnWfMtwl tUl I Lai f mrcLai-i te fi,t-iit lUafM f -r tM mlusblw sr.. vl VV.. . - . 9 I.,- irk, i h't tLU kii-t rJ :iiiof " unUtf, Mut tbt am dow niMi'i'aJ"t urinif nn MXtiolv ol Tf th Mid ium thwt iti rom urt- ft rt-ty witb ny thiu in t)il llu tbl b eT-r t-u oiaJ- tn tMx or 1117 othT t-ouatry. I vk mil fctiJ rL-v tft.J tlK-Tf tLtkt Uci ti-rtb (tf tUtty hkIT tagv4 th-ui ur WA.) Ui ctil, mud flliuluf t tlicmntlTm. JtMlN LO KK, Lwiam w. 4 MU)IfAL BElOMTIOSt :KS l i J tjJiilJ-ili-SUi EOLLOWAY'S CITITI!IEI.T. k.u ft-l.vw:.- ikkitaxt! t The virus or.li.ease otl,li niak--s its wy t tl? Intor- tiel organs tl,n-ujbti.ep.,r.-eef tlkin. Tl,ls;--nelri tlu Oi'itiio nt. n,.-ltH,tf un ier tl.,- l,i,,l as It b riiMj.-d In. b, torb,-d tbrou'h the same cbaiineia. aud. n-ah-in; 'be s".t "f inlljiuiii'.t. -o. pr-'iuplly ai: I invariably eubdups it. a hetre-r luCaUd In th kUinea, the li.wr, the luo.-s, or sliv other imporLint onfall- it p.'lo'tratM the iiirfac- U' lite interior, through lliecouutiea tubee lot e lillliulii. ate uitb th- ekin n .uninier rain -us,-e u,lu It t. v-rud earth, diliui.,: its m,&1 ai.d r,-. nt rating tu- V tl. Tl'- K i U th. trv K. d.-.d.. i;.tt: -t.ef.v jyn nr. axdvi ak .sner.r.Txn. y .Teei. of ,Ar-i r irr.tali-, is qui kiy r.due.-d ami u.u.iu,ii.t, r. Dillon i tbi.-ce tui-. tt. Au- I eo -. . U' 1, t. S I T Klltl V. Kitill'.Lt-. T. Ttl.B, K4. s. li llh.e. N.nta kASU.a.biu (. r lutil oul. to return i... iti-jre, eo-ltr Its al l licalion. i all part- ol tlie wori.l pror.-e Ita 1 tl.ukiu, ti.eniu:.-les,thej',iule liit.tllit il.tj iii.ii- all.! till- L'lI,Isl. i .- ..'. S"j;XX. AM Tt'MOESZ T f.'-t i-f tin- unr:vI.tl t-xt'-rnnl r. n.o'y OjX'ii S-roruln. mid fli- r virul i.t ul'i-r- .nd M-trt in .n.r rmr.-u."-i-t. It tit .li,-. h-n:. s the pui-ou hu li vrodu cw Ml', 1-tsri.ti. a ill ! 1 Mi l tl.tJ th .uivs wtii li i;- iM-a'tii' ( r-i'iiti.-j utter ird ca-nii -U- iulw K.H ft. H U. I",lllinm'l:t. U4,i .t Mil !SLS. mi: XX jyp sr.UDS. Ill c;if ? I tli-- tuio id th lf-n f. il'.'Ui .' chUm1 h rt am N;di. si 1.5. IH:: Itcts. lnifi.N Kiii wat m.MiF vi.J.r 111c J'Ut.-", Mud c -utructijii ! tin sru . it .'in; I..vi tl nil', warmly r. c-'UHU' ii-l 1 l-T ilif ii i!t . Tlii- inar'v, u- Tt-m- Jv b-u- .- n in'ri-lu J h it nii nt.-r ir. r-n ii.l .l tbt I i.lifn: lli-itiiii- 'f Kn- HUd B ITItit.- lM -'hoUl F.I.MI1... IA- lUl'U. 11. f . i'l SIM. LE TksriMv. r. T!m Mci.iral Statf cf the trincb iuX tUarM-b Armtt'S in tli- r nn bllii:III-'mthirs.J'',' 1 l.,iv0 f'hitiu- it. rnuJ tl..- iu.-t iflnbi .Ir.aiui: t l.r. r'u'. htuVf. mi J iritfi h"t uiris. It tskiM tt.-. Itoth tht Oiuimrttt and Vills should te wJ in the fvlltwini etuea . IIiirnM l't,p,sl ll-iii te i li, Hun. .t-i,i. lltiuematlFm llii'v-worul ruli ULeuui t. a. 1- h-re llreot r,,-re ll.-e.le fore Hi r,-afa t' r, - 'Tall kind li rti.a i.oiot'tro .-'.ill .1, ,.u 'l.'tl.r I ;..rs V. n,,,, ,.re- Vounl- of all klr. It , .' -ool al tl,. liiui:., t. ri-aor riof. ! r II ttowiv, ' ti) Mael.n l.an, . ef York. ei.J -II .-trun-l. U- c-lon, l-y i all r.-Ket l.l.'llru.-u-teo.l Ileal, r-in M.-.li- ine torouph- out t!..; I'mV-l taleei.,l th ei.ilu.-l aot.J, in I-,, at - e-itt;i. OL'1, j ,-eutl.. aol 1 - n-'h I 14. 'lberu L- cuueideraUlu taviiig bv faking rbe larg er -i...... N. II. T,ir ttrtnt f-r tSe cnl-tanro of patient tn every di-oroer are alTtaoU to rneh l-'t- I.lZITISIsl'RCi OAIt T.1IID. f pt? s;iihsf rilior i nrinnnl) In flimish I " v . , . j --- - - - ----- l. ai a'l tunes ihe verv best COAL of every to ihis inarket.which he will dispose ol at the lowet cafh prices Coal weighed, and pood measure warranted. US Coal exchanged for merehantable Country Produce of most kinds a well ss for cash. Coal Yard at Tho's Nesbit's Lumber Yard on Sonth Water street. Nor. 1!, 1S85 tf R. I. NESBIT. WANTED ! IioRTYRnti t lsuildrr annc arpen trr, lo work in ihe Host Yard at l.ew nturi. (lood wages and constant employ ment will be given. Nov. U. 'ft. I' RICK, "I.IKEK A CP. C. W. SCHAFFLE'S WHOLESALE and KETAIL n and Cl.tmitoi Tmymfn I Iw-.'Lmg. 15. i;-t t:et' - 1 I John B. Linn, TTORAEY AT tlH'-i Frickt Bl. cki, North 3d St. nr Maiket. A 74 LcMlaiburr, I "a. WINFIELD FACTORY! iVcur IIartltOU, t'Hton Co., i'a. THE subscriber, thankful for pbi paironaK, would ibfirfra hu frianda and lu public m gne- raj, thitt h eouiiuuw u aauulso lure all kinia nf l ool.'U ;o1b, tuck as Cluthe, C&atiii.rreia '1'wtetU, tSalt.iiada, Jeana, IllankaW nnj FUnnelai aleo. Carpet and feU'Cking Yum. Hi mathtnery Lcin' of lh beat Hid iu um, and hdviu j employ, d llio toil of workmen, he fee la afe in nyin; 11. al bi work ahall aot bo urpaa'-rd by any estitbliahmant in the coaulry. A food eop pl uf lb above goode kept cu&atant!y i-a hand for tale or lo cxctianc,e for wool, at prices that can not fail to plea. WOOL will b Carded in ihe beat manner and oa the ab-oilret lU'tice. Taroia ft-r eat(ttnr, eaah oa li e dc luervif 'her-1!. MA UK HALFPE.NSk'. WinScld MilU, MarcU 30. 157. NEW B00K8! SI'LKOEON'f. 8erm, ri,J Wayland'a rriucipl and Pnauaes ol liaf'titta, KromiiiRchr's Kariyr Lamb, Jjr. Kune'i fecund Arctic Expedition, anj other new werka of inieleit, cuiwMunily to bat dl v .NLYlL'd A CO., L.Bi.Ouig Xtc.'3. James B. Hamlin, TTOKNEY at LAW, 'l OtSce ou riacund St- waat aija.tna or aouth ot Market, lAtvrtthUM g, tai Luton lu. T, AdoilDlstratar's Notice. "I r IIKKKAS, Letter of Administration V to ihe esute of HEAKV UEAUES. late of New lierlin UoroUi;b, L'nion couuly, deecibid, have been granted to tlie aubacriber; all persons indebted to said estate are request ed t'j make payment, and those having claim against the same will preseut tlicul duly authenticated f- r nettletnent, to JOHN M. BENKER, Administrator. New berlin. March 16, 1857 CABINET WARE ROOM VUKTH ih Street. The subseriutf 11 most r-s?vrtfu!ly iuforrus lb itutes at Lewislurf and vicinity, that b baa oa Laal and fur -. a cheap lot of l l UM'KIla. fur the hprmg trade, comprising DreiriuK aud Common liurt&ui, S Tbtaries and Book Cuat-e, C'enWr. Card and Tier Tabli'g, DiniDj ani Breakfurit Tables. Cupboard-, Cot tue and other Iiedttudi, Standi, Sofiw, and Chairs of all kinds, c O F F I N S mada to ordai aa short notice. The pablic are ci rdially invited to lamia his work, as be is sure that they will ba sals tied with his slock of Ware, and prices. SOLOMON YOl'NO Lewiabnrf;. Ppt. 13. ItJSS To the Oitlzens of Unloa County. 17KOM the very favorabla raprwaatasj . wade to ua by th citizens of this avaDSf a, a the subscribers intend making an aaa au handsome and ornamental MAP f aha) C oontjr, provided a sufficient subscription list it obtained. It will ba from original aw veys, embracing all the roads, streams, moat) tuna, u,na, village, churcbea. hole la, poet nfllaaa. BM aebool aoueea ae. with therv aaBies ale Ibe BBBjee ef aA the prwperte holoera la tbelr place iBroug noa. tM.eeejea To lbeureaueeet tbe sutwaribera will n.ek wVeaarvae. iuT iaaojfu SVScUaai abalaeea a4 aaavwraBsa The Mav will be SU by 40 inwbee, aaadsosaarj Uwssm. rirhed. ctort.1 and m- aovd on rollera slaiUa aa Wwi atap of M-rrev Oo. J .goUmB Bpkv Be la law; aelieasaf lo saaawriBafsaaly al tS e B'Pr payable oa eUvetf lio's u Fsai HAta JlXHi SK1LT rhOaaVlebla. BOOTS tl SHOES. JUST received at the old estabtuh tore of the subscriber, on Market straet. La wist uraT. a large and new aaorlmnt of BOOTS AND SHOES. ompnsiujf vary desaripUuB of work fwsjaat Wllfuf MEN, LADIEg, 1)019, MtSaiKS, CHILDREN. Tha itoak it selected with cura, and, will h Sorded al reasonable pnres. Caatom Work attendrd m as asaaj. May M, loifl JOHN HOlUHTON "Have 703 seen EAU?" CEEMS to be a Questlun alti bj O almost vcrybudy; but w inituira. Hat you srrw the Lute Firm, with their supply af 3few IIoofK, Miotn, Culteri, &- mThe subac sibers bavin; asxiated thee selves into a Copartnership in busmssi now i tfer to tbe public, at tha Old ftaa4 of 8. dc 1. Sliisb, ou Maiket Sl tba cheap (for CabhJ and best lot of HOOTS and SHOES. for Men and l!u J. ever eticieJ in Lewi.bu.f Also a new and .-pl.ndid assortment of CUM SHOES fur Lujiet and GmtUmem, A vanty of 'jailer. Half (Jailers. Tisa, Baa kins, Slippers &c. tor Ladies and Misses, also I'liildren's Shoes of the latest styles and sues ; Ac. 4c. c. Work made to order Mending don a usual and as the Workmen have renderaa satisfaction heretofore, we trust we shall have a lull share of public patronega. SAM will coutmue to be ou hand as 1,-rioerly, and hopaa to give general satisfaction to all customer. pLIFEK & MFAIPIIf. 'I Lewisburg, Feb. S, lf nERCHANT TAILOR! TOnN II. ISEALE, Laving enlarj.il J and improved his Shop, on Market Suraal, next to Hayes' store, has uow opened a lar, and select st -ck of 4'lotli, CuNNlruerrsi, atlnga and Trlriiiiilofiri of all lindn. also tlENTI.E VI EN S FI RMII. I l.Mi tlOOD.such as Shirt., liloves, Hosier Collars, Ac. Ac. He will also carry oa Cutting and Making in all their branches, with despatch, accordia ti, orler, without tchlc.givg, and on the m.-s reasonable terms. ReaOy-niadr Clolhlnff always on hand cheaper than the akeapesl Having a larse force of rxpericncHiand in my employ, 1 hope with all these faciliBea to (jive general satisfaction, and share liberally in public patronage. I respectfully invite ait wanting anything tn try line of business ia call and examine my stock of Goods. JOHN H. BCALE. Lewisburg, May 1ft, ISr.'. Dap of Union sr.d iyJer CoonUe VARKISIIED. wiih Vo.Ien Kellers 1 and on Musliu. rea.iy lo be kung ap will be sent by ihe snbseriber, postage paid : Township map. el red, t-i $1 n ;oloeical The Division Ime is drawn e lhi Wsp, ! ' Township lines, and a it couaias all ika principal Koads, and shows comparative die. t lances, it should b sludie l by aliv ho are la vole on ihe location of the f eat f Justice) The Geological Map show the strata cf lk wo Counties. a r or enenper ci j-.ri - --- K XOIAMbK j l.es tslura-, 3'ay la 1S.'i V i 10 1