Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, March 13, 1857, Image 1

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Ax In'dkpen'dext Family and News Journal.
At $1,50 Per Tear, always i.h Advance.
Kmm ttii IUrribunt '-lugra.'k.
i r ii i:.
To'!! till ! the hell, with a mournful knell,
Fur tlir- hrr. jmt departed,
The noble Kik ! long live his name!
The gentle, linn-hearied.
Emblazm his name on the walls of fame.
Speak it in hall an. I cot.
His deeds reheare, in glowing rerse,
la every pleasant spot.
Let a n uion weep and its vicils keep
O'er the dnt of the honored K,
From the icy North let a wail come forth.
For the one thus early slain
Who p-rile.l life 'raid the ansry strife
Oi' I'olar storms and snfiws,
To seek for one, who, alas ! had sone
To his loiij, Ions;, last repose.
Let Scince m .urn for him now home
To Ihe dark, deep, lonely tomb.
Who'll no in ire weave with -tho'is that breathe'
Strange lore from land-, unknown.
But, his race here rim. the coal he has won.
Earth's laurels cast meekly a-ide,
With lI-aren'sbrihtlhrongheMiisancirsang
To Hmi the onre Crucified.
llARRisitrHw, March 4, lsn7. F.
Be Kind to Tour Wife.
Be kiud to your wife. Th'uk bow, in
the first blu-h of maiden beauty, she turn
ed aside from the haunts of pleasure, aud
the caress of fond parents, and brothers,
aud sisters, to follow your fortunes thro'
the world ! Think with what blended hope
an l agony you followed her from place to
place, watching her every look and pou
deriug the meiuiii of her most careless
tones, until, wou by your imp rlutiity,siio
placed her hand t-o trust fully iu yours,
auJ said, "I am all your own Think of
the cares, and anxieties aud physical suf
ferings she has iucurrd f.r you ! and do
not desett her now, wheu her clietk is fa
ded, her step has lost its elasticity, and she
its an uuc itnpiainin watcher over your
best interests, a self-incarcerated prisoner
iu her owu home.
Merrily the music sounds, ynung feet
trip lightly in the nnzy dioce, and joyous
laughter ri'igs along the walls; but is not
there. The curtaiu rises, and the far
famed artiste eomes forth to charm the
listeniug crofd with her melodious son"
but she is not there. The orator arises
before his rapt audience, hi rich, deep
tooes of eloquence floating away along tho
crowded passages, and curling upwards as
a voice of incense to the vaulted roof but
she is not there. Art opens her new stores
and displays her wonderful creations eti
the glowing canvas and in the speaking
bust your wife is a lover of the chaste
and beautiful, but she is not there. Lit
erature presents new leaves, from the fas
cinating pens of genius the wife aud mo
ther has but little tiuii to retd.
No! there she lingers at horns, a God
commissi u'd watcher over helpless child
ren ; singing the babe to sleep, bendiug to
catch the lisping voice of those dear ones
who havo a thousaud imaginary wauts, en
couraging tho quiet, and aoothiug the fret
ful. She is wnary, but does not complain;
her tettples thrub, but she does not heed
their throbbing, as ever and anon she turns
a wishful glance towards the door, fur she
expects her husbaud.
She exprcts ju ; and her whole world
of bappiuess will be there when you arrive.
ill you enter that room with a cold
indifference? Will you utter a hasty word
in r,r......... vr;ii :. i
.. .. 11 in iuu eit uun u wuu
a frown on your countenace, or complain of
the burdens you are called to bear ? Will
you thoughtlessly remind her of her faded
beauty, or mauifest surprise at her ienor-
ance of many thines now passin" in the
creat world from which she has been ex- '
eluded by her peculiar duties ? Will vou
suffer the recollection of any more youth-
ful. or more beautiful, to haunt vou in
. , . t. . . . . ;
uome shallowed preeincts.or cross the white j
leaf of eonjuoal Wicity with one unhallow-
ei thouirbt 9 Oh f romomhpr vnur parlv
love, your carl, promise. ; think bow faith- ,
o J J
fllllo ftha Il:is lfpfit liprs Intra ir flu n
ought, and she is still b.autiful-beaatiful .
, .r . . ..
.aorificL d.vo.inn , J "l-ll" T'.
she is all vour own that thro,,ho,,t Z
sue an your owu, mat, throughout the
wuie world, you a, sure o but one heart ,
whoie every chorJ u IiuteJ invifliblj to a '
counterpart in yours ; realize that upon
,., . i
her bosom alone you may weep out your
sorrows in the day of trial, without the
fear of being mocked.
Hatband, l.ve ynur icif, .' Gather her to
your heart of hearts, as if in her were all
your topes of happiness combined ; bless
htr daily forherpatience aud truth ; stand
up like a man between her and tbe rude,
r wv.ivccu u.i aiiii iuv rude
cold world.and teach your children to bono ;
ber, that G ad may honor ou I 11 h
relations of lif- l JU' , ' .
"'"jtnere tomej a lKirtma hour! i
and we beseecb'ToiTsolul'il! 'l'"3 .""!: !
i .. ... "u " " Should
I 16 your lot to kiss her clay Id r i
1 lay her away in the crave 7
1 Ur cvri VOU
' J0U
miv lav vnur hnn.1 h ..,..! -.
.id.wcd bsart and say-l'bave n'Z I "
wronged you I Olive Branch.
The Executive Committee of tbe Penn
sylvania State Agricultural Sooicty, have
6id upon the 29th and 30th day. of Sep.
, . Lt and 2d days of Octo-
t . " ua ui vcto- !
Mri ISOi.Mth.t; .ft..l.i.i: -.i ;,
o .- ioi uu.uiug me lsxi ;
A. Coi
mmittee, of which the
Han. David T
g?rt is Chsirm.n h..
-ppouted to reoeive proposal. tnat to.Bi
"ties, who,, dutyi, will be, if nee...
J' ' Proced to such places as they
jr dm advisable, and to aeeept the
Propositi,,, which the, shall think tot.
j FillltT, MilK II IS, Yfc.'VT. j
i Mr. Buchanan's Inaugural, i
FillltT, !1 1R!I 1SV IXJVT.
Since the laic Franklin Pierce declared, lavc reCauted these recorded em ictious
: so long and so loud, that he would never ; of bi, bctttr ja-s if his Presidential aspi-
L..m.;t th,. ?1 iv..rroii(.ition to 1 r.. . npnn.l I - . . , -
permit the Sla cryjuesfon to be re-opened, ,,, baJ nt rcqulreJ ,t ?
j and then forthwith went toworktora.se, Mr Bachlin!la boldly denie. to the
i the greatest and worst. Slavery agitation ,, la of Kans any power t0 ill!liblt
this Union ever saw. the IWie baveci..' ;t .1...,. ....."it. . ... r.
learned to " put not their trust iu 1'iiuccs,'
. . . . :. . ..
- I' istilenls. Still, it is no more thau
fair to let every President state his position
:.. 1.: . 1. . 1 I .1 1
iu uis uu wuiu.s, auu wc maa.in
copied our new President's first promulga -
tiou, iu full, on this and 4th page of the
i umiMtxr, ana mine 10 11 tue rarciui
attention of every reader. We may often
CuitOMCLR, and invite to it the tarcful
refer to it, the four years to come.
We agree with the Tribune, that Mr.
liiichanau makes one plcdgo which we are
bure will be hailed with very general ap
proval that he will not be a candidate
for a secoud term.
We trusi that the good
out nig principle,, mat no i resmeni suau
be re-elected while wielding the patronage
of the Feleral Cuief Magistracy, has at
length received that stamp of public ap -
probation which it merited.
We do not feel so sure, however, that a
President who declines a re election can
nttve U' iiiaucciuf ui 10 go asiraj. cuunp
puy, committals to un.ouua principles anu
iniquitous measures are often found or
deemed requisite to secure a first as well
as a second electiou ; aud many a mail has
got into a high station for the first time
under a load of original sin which has '
1 . t . . . - T . 1 ... I
Weighed him down throughout his ollicial
career. 1 e tear this is the case with our
1 resident. Besides, Mr. Buehanac i
ltr.vnil. I...-, Btll.P l.Qt if
ttiU Gov.
llrowu last summer that it
' settle the Kansas att.iir,
he could
" gt Cuba, he should be willing to
.....t.l ..n iI.a 1... ot,,l ..11..1 th ul.m ..f
yield up the ghost aud give the ship of
cruta t.- Mi- KrA..l!nriili VniD wlluti.F
c " "
he prostitutes tho powers of Government
for the success of himself, Breck.nr. Jge,
or any cue else, tn ISI',0, makes Im.e dif-
feretice. If-as J. y. Adams did he
administers his power in accordance with
oatI1. w"" ""7 design 10 aiu auy
" '"w" ho will do well aud ri:ht. ,
Mr. Buehanau glorifies the ready and
implicit submission of the minority iu the
late contest to tue ueciarua win oi iuc
People, expressed through the forms of
the Constitution. Does he not know that
the praise he so justly bestows on the
A. publicans involves the deepest reproach
to his oif j,'irtiinK, who so frequently
and widely proclaimed in the late cauvass
that they wuu!d not submit if defeated
that Fremont's election would be the sig- :
nal for resistance and disunion ? Does he
not kuow that he owes thousands of his
votes to the fears of couvulsion aud dis
ruption thus shamefully excited in the
breasts uf the timid aud selfish ?
Having cites! his own election as a proof
that the People are fit for self-government,
Mr. Buchanan proceeds to deduce there- ;
from that every community should decide
for it.elf whether to legalize or forbid
Human Slavery. e do uot perceive the
lcititiiuacy of tUis conclusion. If it be
jost and sale to let the whole community
vote on qiestion gravely attectiug its
meMe d have tbs fairly PresseJ Wl11 .
of u!ljur',y prevail, then it must be
wr0DS t0 feUur anJ SdS a portion of that
o""uu"J. as 10 a"ow " no VU1LC "
a11 m lDe acelslon 01 ques.ionsvuauy ai-
luting its own well-being. Just loot, at
tue " of ,ue clsc : lue qutll" t0 oe
, .... ,,,,, - I
jitooioii t-ii:i I n nnrrion nr cue neui
r -
of Kan8i,s anJ 0,her Territories be slaves
or "reemen : uo are luieresica in mis
: - ...! i . f 1 - :
,4SU0 D01 u,0,e wuom " ProPOSBU i
Hold in tiondiee : lei me .orasia-1
, c i
KanM 1111 "pressly excludes these from .
in. vnien or vnm in the nfemises ! It is
democratic, we are told, to let the People .
Jido for themselves; but the Blacks are i
of the", own frwdo or '
Hut-dlloa 01 . ,
! t u ,1 l:, A.ir- : '
'' '".'. '
pU from Brit sh aristocracy or Veu tian
! ,M'"n aristocracy or euman
Ullai v at j
A ,i,:.i.,ritv mav indeed hava thn nou-er
- -j . j -j i .
to declare that a part of the community ;
shall be the life-long slaves of another j
part; but we most earnestly deny their .
Jo nn.tl.inir nf th nrt. Tho !
. '. v " ' J O
people of New York city inii-ht vote that
-.ii. .ij-
,hC itcI f, la"dlBS ,
' Prt victims of any
citizen's unrestrained lust ; but a popular
. . . n t
. .. ,. ...,j-'
e of ten to one could never make that
.... , ,1.,, kihf.st sctisel lawful.
.;ht ,! the hi,hcSt sense, lawful.
Dor (-ln "'gnsi scuscj lawiui.
Majori,ici can do mui:ui Lut uo majoritJ '
i AArnnl mr tM,'tnh lira !
can overrule that eternal law.which says,
just and equal :" " Thou sbalt love thy
neighbor as thyself."
Mr. Buchanan tells us that Congress is
not to exclude Slavery from aDy Territory.
Mr. Jefferson told us the contrary of this;
Washington, Roger Sherman, Rufus King,
asnineton, noeer ouermau, uumt "."s,
j i ti .v, ...
jiioridge uerry, auu ueariy b"
men of tho Revolutionary era, coincided
ith Jefferson : Marshall. Jefferson, Mad-
ison, Monroe, Adams, Jackson, Van Burcn,
Polk, and Taylor, all believed iu tbe pow
er or policy of preventing tbe spread of
slavery, by Congressional interference.
Mr. Buchanan himself did tbe mo ia ,
1810, and be professed to approve and
uphold the Missouri Compromise, which
djj tbis vcrv tbiiiL'.dowu to a very recent
j day certainly to within ten yearn. Is
, there a man living who believes he would
1 . '"-j
state onstiiuiion. nen, mr, inose poo-
a. . . 1 . - . . ii 11 .1
pie have formed a State Cistituion, and
1 ,r .......::..
1 1 1 1 1 1' u t kl . 'ii-lt;.- I'll u'lllllsiluil UIIULI II,
. .... . . -
jlC ie0))e-3 I5raticti of Congress voted for
, ,i.:r a,l,u;s.i,m :,.. ,hft Sist,.i !m,l of
statcs. tut they were purncd from the
r- i,jtol siumlv because that Constitution
Capitol simply because that Constitution
forbiJli Savery. Ve know all about the
pretexts for this rejection ; but they are
just such as you aud your present suppor-
tcrs contemnea auu set asuitf in tue aumis-
siou of Michigan. Had the Topeka Con-
stitution legalized Slavery, three fourths
j uf iu (jougressioua'. opponents would have
fc ju Wiirilest .-hampions.
jat le tjlue wIlBn lbe ,.copl(! of a Ter.
, ritory ghil,, d(.ciJJ ,be Slavery .juestion
. f Jr themselves i, happily, a matter of
j but ,ittli practical iporuncc," says the
; neif 1rusi j,. Ab Mr. I.chanu, it it
of importance creat important-. With
our Supreme ( uurl rcwly to irrnlr, as
,,, luass of your partv as1Tt) ,bat , 9,avc.
l,0;jer has the same right to tAe his slaves
iu, any Territory and bold them there as
9iaV0S( aud demand the protection of the
,.IW iu Sl) dl)ln,,t as a frL.eman ba!) t0 , lkc
bili Lrse or ox ,ber(1( tb) ,im(. wl,cu tb(J
'eople may exclude Slavery settles the
hole question. The slaveholder plauts
bims,f ou their soil in defi iuee of Squat-
. I It . I - I 1 ' . r . I
ttr Sovereignty the inhabitants of ibc
Territory may be ten to one hostile to
slavery, but they must submit to see it
!: . rii. 1 .1. . . -.1 ...
its folds around them without a
t f ' . It ... 1 i: 1
oiiow oi resistance, n e3iaoi,...s uii
wb,rever it will; the Territory is a Slave
Territory in spite of itself; its laws are
perforce slave laws; its iustitutiotis are
irresistibly moulded and shaped by the
gcniu4 0f Slavery ; how is it to escape
frjul ,hc slltuv ieaI. cp of the serpent
,bug ,il0tlv wiudiux around il? Do vou ,
think the earnest advocates of Freedom in
the Territories pie fools? You may
" cheerfully submit of course you will
10 whatever the tier $1., n.hol,ler and one
0T two JUUyhfire on the bnuh of the Su-
rme Courf may be ready to utter ou this
gubjtfct; but not one miu who really d.e-
gires the triumph of Freedom over Slavery
jn ,bc Territories will do so. We may be
cn,traiiied to obey as law whatever that
. , . , . , . , .,
tribunal shall put forth; but, happily, this
ia . cimntrv jn whieh the 7 W make both
laws and .--,. and they will try their
strength on the issue here presented.
Mr. Buchanan promises to protect the
People of Kansas iu the enjoyment of
i popular Sovereignty."
W shall be
very giad.to see this promise fulfilled.
The innocence with which our new
Chief Magistrate felicitates himself on the
prospect of a speedy eud of all agitation
respecting Slavery, is refreshing. The
overthrow of the Missouri Restriction, the
subjUga,lun of the People of Kansas to.
the despotic rule of the Missouri oligarchs !
by such gentle means as the fraudulent !
lCetioa of the bogus Legislature, the sack i
of Lawrence and the murder of many
Free-State men, having brought us so near
the Milleuuiuin, wc shall see how speedily
itg inner fanctUary is attained. Let us
watch aud wait.
But let us whisper in i
. . -..
. ,.. ai ii...i..-. 1 1 1
", ncsiucui, iua nun inn ,
foi0ws Justice, aud can not be secured by j
lhe rafst elaborate varuishes ut Icgnlized .
. uuoijiiiu ih-i ui ira-it
blessings of the Union, and the atrocity j
of calculates its value, which we trust i
the chronic disunionists (nine-tenth, of ;
whom voted for him) will take to heart, j
Tho r,.np-. 1
eou th SJpU Z re '
F .. 1 ' ' . .
wfofi ovnn(1iiir.a annrnvp tha rnihintinn ;
-br . .r
just effected in the Tariff, condemn appro-1
j ,
lii iLabiu(.o sua uuviuu u.iiiidf) ivvo km
..J . : v.... i.:i. , :
lUCUtl UU IUW tiiSO v uiA va I niiiLU w-
trUst will not be made), aud rather ginger-
apologitincly, aud depreeatiugly, aud ,
Jet we are glad to sec surely, reoommeud i
.1. r . i;i;... is. ...l ,n .!,, i
pnifi,,b which wa trust he means a !
. ...
Ua'Iroad, though be is very shy of saying !
it. He avows himself opposed to meddliug
tbe domestic eoncerus of other nations, i
. .... , , .. ,.
J. ... ...
txcqil tuch addling shall be essential toour
L. a. .,..1 . .V,;l, !
' .:. ....I ikinlr
mcn ,0y-tan ominous aud, we think,
needless exoeption. He would have us j
. ii i i 1 .,!,
tr..t oil rnlmn. humanely aud iustlv
that is as be explains it, do worse than we ' stimulated the market for humau flesh, that the power of Congress to make all . j,(l) ,be orsan 0f the Southern Petuoo
treatcd Mexico in ateali'o- Texas and ma-' and lbllt "lave now brin ' h"eT "'cc ; nceJfuI reSuIations respecting territory, i rMJ S3JS there w;n ncccarily be an
king her seU us California b, mean, of a ! ,han eT" befor ! ' . . , . . M was not' ,as aj"ty of tte Court ev organi2ed opposition in Congress from tho
.luteh on her throat and a pistol at her ear. I -Nu "J! " ntby ! pressed, limited to territory belonging to cotumcncelneut of Buchanans Adminis
Wo'lbink hi. illustrations will bo held by S?" . yy'cr KFi"lOS 1 ,.h ff. ,0 "J lfcat J'ffe""
'n powers to weaken tbe force of bis 1
ri.. iv;..h Pl.iCrm asif. II t-r. 1 1
peclof lite next administration to insure our as soon as Buchanan and Breckinridge . slavery from tbe Territories, having estab-1 ready.
ascendancy in th GulfoJ Mexico." Take "e"! installed hastened to auDounce the : lihuil eight Territorial Governments witb- j Printers' Asylum The Typograph
this iu connection with the robber-arcu- result of the next secretly plauoed move- out it, aud recognized slavery in six, from ' ical Society of Philadelphia has taken pre-
tnent for Cuba put forth by Mr. Bucbauau
in bis Ostend Manifesto witb the slavery
extension operations of Walker and others,
vtiiiked sf f j our Government with the
I pending
' offer of Forsythc, of Ga., to loan
J 000 to distracted Mexico, as a
....nl more Slave Torritorv-aud
1 ?13,U00,000
' i,ro-.rf to cizo more Slave Territory and
1 you will see reasonable tears mat me sou -
; thern Disunion plots are on the fair road
for trial by the new Administration.
I Mr. Buchanan expresses an ardent de-
.. . !
s,ra fut , lhe .! rrtyvn
I Ubrrtg throvjhout tie W," with much
; more t0 the same effect. Now let us sec
I .... 1.. ..It HO ..,! ,t.mdin- lib.
Trie dissouri co.uTromisa,
1 :u A ..1. 1. ... tA nn n..f f.r
; eriy
e will not a-k uiin to co out 01
the L tilted States. It lie Kit mak-. hA.-
! VllV.K. i, ; . ,. even if he
. - ' - - - - - -1 --,
. .... . - i i
leaves tue worm unimproved. 11 ue
will prevent the extension of Slavery by
: keeping down the Filibuster expeditions
' toenslave Mexico, Central America, Cuba,
IXC, UB Will mi nun. II mo unti irmi. ui
1 these, but aids iu strengthening the Slave
f ; ur Jst UuBwil, prve liim.ef
a cieat, a coward, and worthy of the fatna
01 tne man no succeem. nc uop ue
; may disappoint the South, now, as much
is much
as ho oisappuintcd the North from 13U
to 1 8 IS 1 j operate ot itscll to conler treedom or cm- j ,f nothing touching the public interest wae
Hut our article is too long. While zeuship within the Northwest Territory,on : in order on this solemn occasion ? (Bursts
our fears we coufess, greatly exceed our negroes not citizens by the Constitution, i of Laughter.) Mr. XUiot a.ked if it would
hope., we shall be glad whenever Mr. Third-That the provision of the act of be in order for th American party to with
. . . . , . . two.. 1 11 j .t ! draw Mr. rillmore. flprorious mern
Buchanan docs right, and trust he way 1S20, eouiinonly called the Missouri Com-j Mf Whitner wished to inquire
meet with no factious opposition. And promise, in so far as it undertook to seclude wb tbo lub)i0 Building luvostigating
may that God who rules the hearts of all, uegro slavery from, and communicate free- j Committee was not till alive. Mr. Let
be merciful to our lam in the future, as dom aud citizenship to negroes iu the nor- : cber propoed, as a compromise, a eom-
He has been iu the past, and save us from
the fate of those Nations which oppressed
their fellows, forg U Him, and did wicked
ness iu His sight !
Tlevr Cabinet Officers.
These confidential adviers of the Pre3
idnt,and heads of thescveral departments
of Government, are of the first importance ;
but tb tiaiiility and irresolution displayed
b j,r Kut.hjinarjl in tbeir seUctio, is a
pnr indication of his executive sagacity
. .
anj ,elf reliance. The South forbade bis
,!,: t..i, u" V,.rn..- r..m. fro.l
i.nvnif V....U . . , . j
j (;! Jones; and it was not until
. .
i.vi,l, Usl that he finished his Cabinet.
. .
by tbe cboice of Judge Black, of I'enn.,
fr Attorney GtnCKlL The Judge is not
niuob of a poiificiini aDj we fear may be
a, Southern as his comrades in his views ;
by the choice of Judge Biauk, of 1 enn.,
but he is an eminent Jurist, a man of rare
taontij auJ 0Q t!l0 whIa perhaps the best
,.,;. m...i.. The followintr comnri-
u-. u;.k . ,aA ,,l,.i .m-
position, and all of whom on Monday took
their respective stations :
I'm Stntn.
Lewis Cass, of Mich..
J'rntn Sfarr SftittM.
H .well C.itib. i t t.a..
ecrriary in .iaie.
Sec yot the I rens y
Isaac Tiuicv. of t't..
John U.Floyd of V.i.,
sicc'v of lhe Navv.
Jcr'hS. Black, of I'a.
Attorney General.
t-cretnry nt Mar.
AaronV.Urown.nl Tc
I'nstniasterlieiif r.il.
Sec'vol the Interior.
The Free S'ntes, with mrc than two-
thir'h f t1"' V"ters, are in the minority in
th" ' '"'"'"' ' -nd two of the three from the
Nortl.(Cas and Touey) arc avowedly with
,ue auul" an' TP"'"" IU I'"e:p.e .o me
St:l,e3 which thy represent. Black liny
rvc laun.ui .o .reeo,,,.,, out ue . to
Dt;IrieJ- -W-ineiouri'epanmenis-uieo
adniiuistcr the diW'tir affairs uf theciua-
try, are all in the hanus of the most ultra
slaveholders They arc men of only :
" fair to middling" calibre, but we believe
were Done of them prominent Nullifiers.
Whole Vote Free States 2.9;"i3,f:2
Slave States 1,137,723
. lM i J0
a three to one 'i'n'the"orth
The Supreme Court
from tree Mates.
From Slave State
Itoger B. Tauey, j
of Marylaud
James M. Wayue.
of Georgia
John Catron,
of Tennessee
of Ohio
B..,...1 V.lr.
'( v v,i.
. . .
uenj. 11. Curtis,
of Massachusetts
liobt. U. Orwr,
Peter V. Daniel,
of Pennsylvania
of Vir"inia :
John A. Campbell
of Alabama
Here, again, we see two-thirds of the
Voters are in the minority in that Court, '
" &uprcmeit.e only appeal trom
which is to the People, whose servants
the Judge, 1-and one of the four
from the North (tjr er) Southern in Iiu
views ! j
X0TICE.-The U. S. Senate, the Pre.-1
ident's Cabinet, aud the Supreme Court,
..... - .
- -
are completely id the mtcrest ot the Slave
Ol'garchy And the I resident, not only
"1 -s"p-
form, but in bis selection of a C
' lut"
- - i 'f 1 . . , -
W" .' n'0" '
uaa au.wi uhh.-ii
tbe bau Js of tbe j,
0f Human Bondag
wonder '
. .
has shown himself a laeiie insrruiueui iu
a facile instrument iu
b devotees of the da.k i ol Chief Justice Taney, and gave bis Miss Harriet S. Lane and Miss Hetty Par
lage . i . , . .. ...i i t -it - i
i i i i .(T. , !
siave Traders, the Kidnappers, and every
si, Sm l,,n iv-nt for Hoehauau '
SI... Sa l t .,.. ... fur Buchanan !
Slave Mate but i
They know biin.
Vn trnnrlp
M.No wonder Buchanan S election ha.
, " ; , " ,
he Slaveholders of tne supreme uoun
nicnt opou tbe rights ol tne states ana oi ,
the People. They by a sectional, party
vote, have declared that the founders of
the Constitution, the former Judges of the
Supreme Court, and the earlier Statesmen
I ad Presidents, were all knaves or fools '.
These fourth-rate Slaveryspreadic.; Judge,
, These fourth-rate Slavery -spreading Judge
1 "p uciu., -u.v
gresscan not prouioit toe epreaa". sucu bu
i enormous evil as Slavery, anywhere ! and
"at Slaveholder may carry Slaver, into
I ree Mates, and thus insult their sovreign-
. jrri(atu
fiiDJ 0f llieir citizens, with perfect im -
nit? i r
, ' V V
, .. . .. . -
W A.sillNtSTO. March to. Ihe ooitnon
rif .l. sj..,.,.,.,.. Court . in th rase f.f Dred
. ' jt; 1 ,1a.. u i-uf .t.
. 1 1 1 . ' , " u.ai.bbv. . " "1 , 1 . -. . w u.
..... m . r ii " l . i 1.
nee ja.m. 11 was a iuii aui iiaooraic
statemeut of the views of the Court. They
have decided the following points :
: first inai negroes, wueiner biaves or
uci, m i, v. "tn. ...w
ut citizens of tho United States by the
Con5(Uu,ioD Second That the ordinance
i of j.y, taJ no independent constitutional
",IKa ur KUMi '
adoption oi the constitution, ana couio noi
tbern part of the Louisiana cession, was a
)t the Louisiana CCSSIOO, Was a
act exceeding the powers of
d "void," and of no legal effect
Congress and '
to that eud. In decidins these main points
- 1
the Supreme Court determined the follow-;
ing incidental points : First The expres-'
sion "Tenitorj and other propcrty"of the
Union in theConstitution,applies 'in terms'
0UiVi to ,ucb territory as the Union pos-
se,;eJ ut the time of the adoption of the
Constitution. S-cond-The
izens of the United States, emigrating into '
l- i 1 t :. ....i .1 t
auy r e'lurai aerriior, auu lue power oi
,bo Federal Government there, depend on
,i, .,,,l ,,.;.;,. f .u. n.,
hich defines in this, as in all other re-'
which defines in this, as in all
fpeetS( the powers of Congress,
As Confess does not possess Po
l0 make enactments relative to tl
possess power itself
..Lititr tn tloi niNAnB
or property of citizens of the United States
j reJeral territory, other than such as the
COUSlllUUOU COUltIS, -,,,4 j
;"""y delegate any such powers to a ;
Territorial Government organized by it
under the Constitution. Fourth-Tbe le-
gal condition of a slave in the State of
Missouri is not affected by the temporary
sojourn of such slave in any other State,
t . i- ..,. t,;. n,i:.:.n ..:t A...
pends on the laws of Missouri, aud there-'
fore as he could not sue in the Courts of the
I n.ted States, the suit must be dismissed
for waut of jurisdiction. I
. .
Justice Nelson stated the merits of the
, ... , ,
ens the question being whether or not
, , , ...
!.. ...... n..i ..f c.ii r. i ..!.
Clllldl Oi -'.lll IIOUI tfllSSUUll WllU
Lig tQ II;iuoi) whll a vicw of ,em.
resijeneC)Worfct!d his emancipation.
nc ma;u,a-mej tbat the question depended
sMy 0 x
the law of Missouri, aud for that
reason the judgment of tho Court below
6bou j bo affirmed. !
Justice Catron believed the Supreme
Court has jurisdiction to decide the merits
of the case. He argued that Congress academy of music, and a gallery of paint
could not do directly what it could not do ing and sculpture. Also he makes provi
indirectly. If it could exclude one species sioa for yearly prizs to the most mento
of property it could another. With regard rions graduates of tbe public schools. The
to the Territories ceded, Congress could sum of moniy is 000,000.
j govern tiieni only with tbe restrictions of
States which ceded them,and the Missouri
Act of 1S20, violated the leading features
of the Constitution, and was therefore void.
He coueurred with his brother Judges hat
Scott is a slave, and was so wheu the suit
was brought.
Wasiiimiton, March 7. Iu the U. S.
Supreme Court, this morning, Justice M'-
Lean delivered his views, arguing that
slavery is limited to tbe range of the State
wbcre established by mere municipal law.
If Congress deems slaves or free colored
pprsoI18 injurious ,0 th, ,erritory,they have
tlie puwfr t0 probibit tbem from bccillIlins
..i,.,, therein. The nower to acuire
territory, carries witb it the power to- i
:t Th . ntMr ,i t
rm it. I at; muster does not carrv WltU 1
,. , T r ,,, nf ,.' ...
hnu to the lerntory, tho law of the Mate ,
from wbieb be removes-henco the Mis- '
s01ir: Compromise is constitutional, and
I -
tl,c presumption is iu favor of the freedom
of urej Scott aud his family, who were j
free under decisions for the last twenty-
ci"ht years.
Justice Clutis dissented from the opin-
,,;.:, f ,1,. I'nnrt . loi; -T
reaaoos for dissenting- Ht maintained
iuul nuiivc uoni coiorea persona can ne
citizens of the Mate, and ol th. United
States ; that Dred Scott aud his family
ere tree wueu iuey reiurueu iu .uissuuri;
""u ul UD viuuu.u, " j-
piied ,0 five subsequent acquisitions of ;
lands : that (loncress has Dower to exclude
tho days of Washington to Johu (juincy
These opinions occupied five hours in j
delivery. Justices Wayne, Gricr, Camp-1
bell, and Daniel, bad papers expressing
1 their vie on certain points of the rpiuiou
of tl.e Court, but dtd not read tliem
The Court then adjourned until the
, tme glcJ . jaw
i - . "
: bCene In C32J.reSS.
The two houses of Cotig.e. met Feb'y
Hth in the House of Itcpresentativts.aud,
' t .. ; r i- V .
; and lh" ?uU for 1 '-'nt and
j ice President. 1 he correspondent of the
t. ir . n . .1 t -I :
.r.i... 1: .
... . '. . . .
1 UaTe LaJ 008 01 ,''
1 '
ami interesting aay a proeeeainjj evr
known in the American Congress. Under
the requirement of the constitution, and a
: r.revinii4. ioinL reK.ilotioil. tiia SobatH u.
; K,,,,re,cntalivc hail a little after
uoou, preeeuen vy luc A ivaiuvui yivirm
who wa? eeorlcd to a seat ou the right of
' the Speaker. Before the Senate came in
', 'luite 8Pirit " luerri!n' ut prevailed. A
numoer oi pruposuious wra suoiun-
,,.,l lu,l nv.r.uled. .Mr. Maishal of Kv..
ro) at)j W1,h reat m gravity inquired
nm-ee to mane a yosi moro-m riauuuanuu.
Tu ca,ktr ru'e,J eomproinw.. especially
0Ut of mJJlU&teT:
"ttee to make a post mortem examination.
j Tut Latest Fual'O. We informed
our readers months ago that Mr. Strickler,
a Democratic Collector of Tolls on the
State Bailrord wis a defaulter to the am'ut
of !.5,000. He took it to speculate with,
in conjunction with Jol
Democratic State Trea
hn M. Birkel, late
easurer. tie was a
re appointed ly the Democratic Canai
i..j .j 1 1 it;. k.:i :.i
,.uiu, uuu okm-i iuii ii.. i.o iuii iia
820,000 of the 855,000,aDd now the Dem-
' 1 '
passed a law mleasing bis bail from the
payment of 835,000 the balance. The
taxpayers will see bow the Democracy are
nnvIfii r.ff thi tnfA D.'bt ! Tina In r.itw
ber dlmocracv, and it will always Le so
until the Public Works are tM.-1'crru
i.SAClJCRATioS Coat. The Lancaster
pappr, aruh ,u importaDt in.elligellc,
,ha, tbe coa, worn by )If Buc!iau4n ou
be occ.dslna of his inalIgUrati0-wal mlde
. h , . , , ,h . ,h ,
, j ih b, k anJ furtbermore.
that, ";bc stitching in the lining aforesaid,
repref9nt$ lhe tbirtJ.0Ilc StatMf in
witb ,be Keystone in the centre." If
,;lis coat dua.t iaye be Vm toi,p,fre
. . . . .- , .,
can t do it. lhe Sew lork Inbunea
, . , , , ,
concerned to kuow, whether, among the
. ,. .
extraordinay virtues of this coat it will do
to 'turn.
GxORug Pf-AiioiiY, a native of Massa
chusetts, now a London Banker, has s;;.ven
t0 tbe cltJ of "'timire an institute for
tte inrrovemc-t of tD mr ' J intel-
lectual culture of the inhabitants thereof,
which institute is to include a library, free
lectures on science, art au 1 literature, an
Washington, Feb. 2S. David Hume,
of Airgiuia, proceeded ti the Pension
office, this morning, to demand a retraction
of a charge by D. C. L:e, clerk iu that
office, that be (Hume) had picked L-e's
pocket at the President's reception last
night. Lee declined to retract, when Hutae
struck him with a stick. Lee thereupon
shot him dead with a pistol, and soon after
delivered himself to the tifTicers. Great
excitement prevails, particularly in the
west end cf the Governmcutdcpartuientn.
Child stealing, the New York papers
say, is practised to a great extent in that
city. Probably, on an average. twochilJ-
- '
wh e p av ng on th sidewa b, ani are de-
tained until the afflicted parents offer a re-
, , , .
ben ,he ! lrmS
....... VI 1 1
,,,eir . viotiins to light and receive the
n. i-ir. o tt I r
They ought to receive a place iu
. : . ,,
Tue President's IIoiseiiolp Mr.
Buchanan was accompanied to Washing
ton by his uephew and private Secretary,
R,...k,n,r. IU
kr. Iiss Line will remain at Waahinr-
con to uo tna nonors oi ine lit re xiou.se,
out .u. . arK.r wn. return o taae cn.rg.
of Wheatland after the inauguration.
('KUSHERS ABOUT. The New Urleans
iiavis, (a democratic onate,; u iu. very
man ,0 crusb a baj Administration."
Hurra f.r tha hemooraev hehtin?. al-
lim'marv measures for the establishment
0f , Mjum for superannuated printers
and the widows and orphans cf d.oessed
Prcsid't Buchanan's
FlLI-ow C'itizkxs: I appear Ijetureyoil
this day to take lbe soiiuu oitth ' thai I
will liiilhfully exeeiite th.- nthee of I're-i-dent
of the L'nit'i Suite, and will to thn
best of my al.ility, preserve. prot-t and
defend the Coiistiiutiou of the Coiled
st:ites.'? In literinr upon thii prat ot
tiee, 1 mont hotnhly invoke the iioj ot'o ir
f-'at hers for wisdom and firmness to ex---cute
its hirh and responsible djt: -3 in
such a manner as to restore h;-monv
ancient friendship a;uo!..; the peo; ! 01'
the several Stutes, and to prx-s.i"v or
trev ii.stittitiotis throughout ruunv genera
tions. Convinced luil 1 olvr my eieetiun
to the inherent lovi fur the Constitution
and the t uion, which still aiiiiui.tes tht
hearia of the American people, let me eui -nestiy
ask their lowertui support in kus
tiuning all juat uieaeUrA calculated l
ierK;luau. these, the richest iiiical oiess
lii's which Heaven hateter tieslowed o.
o any nation, llaviu' ueuo mined not to
become a candidate ti.r re elecliou, 1 shall
have uo Luolr.e to intiueuee my conduct
iu administering the Goverumeut, except
the desire, ably aud faithla! to serve tuy
country, and to live in the ratetul tnctuo
ry of my countrymen. We have r ecently
passed through a Presidential contest iu
which the pao.ioi.s of our te.low citizens
were excited to the highest decree by
questiiitis of deep and vital iuipurtai.i:e.
J4-.1 when the peojde proclaiuid iheir
will, the tempest at ouce stihuided, and all
was calm. The voice of the majority,
speaking in the manner prescribed by tlie
Constitution, was heard, uud instant sub
mission followed. Our own country could
alone have exhibited so grand aud sinking
a spectacle of the capacity of man for self,
troverumeitt. hat a happy conception,
then, was it for Congress to apply this
rule, " that the will of the majority sh.iil
govern," to the settlement ut tlie question
of domestic slavery iu the territories.
Congress is neither to legislate sl iv. ry
into uny territory, nor to exeiuue il :ucre
lrom,' but to leave the jopie th.-rc d per
fect! tree to form and regulate l!.ir .1 j
meslic institutions iu their own wav, auh
jeel only to the Constitution ol the L luted
States. As a natural cons ioe.ee, Con
gress Las also prescribed that wh n tie;
Territory ot Kansas shall be admitted as a
Slate il shall be received into the L uiou
Milk or without slavery, as their own Con
stitution may prescribe at the tiiueut tiieir
admission. A didVrent opinion Las aris-a
in regard to the poiut ot time when tlie
peopie of a territory slialf decide the ques
lion lor themselves. This is happily a mat
ter of but little practical importance ; b;
sides, il is a judicial question, which le
g.t.mitely be.ungs to the Supreme Court uf
lhe I uiled Slates, before hom it is Duw
ieiiding, and will, it is understood, be
speedily and finally settled. To their dt
cision, iu commou with all good cituurus,
- . - . . . .
may be, though it has ever been niv indi
vidual opinion that, under the Nebraska
Kansas act, the appropriate period will be
when the number ot actual reaidenu iu
the Territory shall justify tbe formation of
a constitution with a view to its admission
as a S: ate into the I'nion. Be this as it
may, it is the imperative and indispensa
ble duty of the dovernment of the I i.it.d
States, to secure to tvery resideut intiaot
taul the free and independent expression
of his opinion by his vote. The sacred
right of each individual must be preserved.
r his being accomplished, nothing caa bo
hurer than to leave the people of a Terri
tory flee from all foreign iulederence. W
decile their owu destiny for iheuiseiv rs ,
sal.jecl only to lhe Coustitutiou of tl.e
Utiited Mates. The whole TerTit..ri:.l
question bein. thus settled upon the pi-ia-iiple
ot p ipuiar sovereignly a priaeile
as ancient as free government itseii ev
erything of a practical nature has b. -ti
decided. No ether question remains fur
adjuslmeut, because all agree that, under
the Constitution, slavery iu the Stales is
bevond the reach of any human power ex
cept that of the respective Males themselves
wherein it exists. May we not, then, hop,
inat the long agilatinu on this suhjeet is
approaching its end, and that the gro-gi-apLieal
parties to which it has given
birth so much dreaded by the Father uf
bis country will speedily becc n.e e.xtii.i
Most happy will it be for the country when
the pubhe mind shall be diverted tuna
th:s .Uestioti to others of more presi.;
and pract.eal importance. Throughout
the whjle progress ot this agitation, vihieli
has scarcely known any intermission for
mure than twenty years, whilst it has been
productive of uo positive good to any hu
man being, it has bceu the prolific source
of great evils to the master, to the slave,
and to the whole country. It has allieiia
ted and estranged lhe people of sister
Stall's trom each other, aud has even seri
ously endangered the very existence ot th.
I" i. it. n. Nor has the danger yet entirely
ceased. Under our system there is a rem.
cdv tor all mere political ev lis in the sound
j sense and sober judgemenNoi the p-epie.
Tune is a great corrects e. I'oiitieal
subjects whieh hut a few years ago, ex. i-
ted and exasperated the puO:ic uiliid, hav.,
! passed avay and are now ueariy forguttei".
l.ut the ipitstion ot domeslic Slavery is i."
I far greater importance than of ar.y ua-re
j political iniesiioti. betait-H. slrfiull lhe a,;i-
Uition c ii.tiii.ie, tl may eventuaKy endnn
g. r lhe personal safety of a lare p'Tlimi
of our c ountrymen w here the institution
1 exist. In lluit event no form of Hoveru
( nieut, however adin.rable iu itaelf, however
prinluelive ot mater:..! benetits, can cin
peiisate ter the loss of peace and domestic
; security around the family alur. Let
everv V. nion-loviug man. theretore eeit
: his best influence to suppress this agi'a-
lion, hieh since lhe recent legislation of
j Congress is withoi.t any legitimate uhje
It is an evil onieu of the times that me i
j Late undertaken to calculate the m -r;
material value of lhe l uion. Keasoiic l
estimates have been presented of the peeu
! niarv prohts and local advantages which
! would result to ditl'ereut Stat, sand actions
I from its dissolution, and o! the compara
I five injuries which such an event would
inflict on other States and section. t-vcn
! d.'seeudini to this low and narrow view of
the tuightv cjiiction. all such calculations
are at tiiuit the bare reference to a singlo
cousideration will bo conclusive on this
point. V.'e at pn sent enjoy a free trail.)
throughout our extensive and expanding
oouniry such s the world uever witnessed.
This trade is conductive on railroads and
canals, on troMe rivers and arms of tho
sea. which bind together the North and
ti e Si.uth, tbe Hast and the West of ui.r
Confederacy. Annihilate this trade, ai-r.-t
its free progre-s by the geographical
lines of jealous and tWile States, and yon
destrov the prosperity and onward mure h
uf the whole and every part, aud iuvoive
ail in one common ruin. Bat such coii
sideiati 'iis, iui"rtai!t as they ar- in
themselves sink into insigniGieance. wheu
1 f0PV MMJcl.