LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER MARCH 6, 1857 JjCirtslwrff, i'a. Fnio.vr MoaxixG, Mak. C, 1S57. Zj- See cw id.crUseiaaeutai. Tttor. Cuktis will preach far the M.E. Church, Lewisburg, ou Sunday next teirlleurj 51. lfarni, sonic time iu the University at Lewisburg. wis oniaiued preacher, at Warren, Bradford Co. 3Mr. Harvey, ac able 51. K. preacher iu Luzerne Co, who embraced the Spirit rapping delusion, having ccn his error, lias renounced it. Col. L 51. Uithanan aud corps ate now at work taking the level of the pro posed Spruce Creek Railroad from Lewis- Liir ' to the summit. I Thomas K. Fkaxklis is urged by the T. .neater Wkh as the VeuW' candidate for Governor. The ''Old tiuard" has the President, why not have the. (jovernor : j !., , .I,- l.n.i.. of MrCI.ir.ml on K. 2d St-ewisburg, one day rtcc-t.y f.r.,1 r. t in AfM. i-HlV hill dim? at lUMVIl.tf J o yesterday. Until were happily extin guished without uiueb damage. ! Ji-riic Report before the Society of Iupuiry tt the Luivvrsity at Lewishurg, on Sunday last, was preseuted by Thomas CbauiU'jrliu. Subject Systematic llcuu Toleoco. CSTThose whj have read the acaount of 51rs. PattoS on our first page, will be glad to learn that she lias reached ISostou with her still helpless huabaud. 51ay he yet be restored to her iu health. Bf.Thcre was much plowing doue this ear iu the mouth of February, on both the North aud West Urauches. There has also been some rafting on both branches of the Susquehanna. Egi-Our sprightly exchange at Americus in Georgia, ha just adopted the Hnck'il "HcpuUicitn" html we have yet seen. It seems hardly probable that the conserva tive South would tolerate it ! BG.V week from to-morrow is named ; rThe OlHcers of the Union County Agri fir Ik-legate Kleetions by the Oppnnitiou cultural Society are requested to meet at my to tho Catholic Slavery party, iu Uui iu Odice at 1 P.M. of Saturday, 21st March, lo county. (S-e notice, 1st col , 'Jd page ) Circulate the information net out a tiij vote and sec lair j.lay ! Si" report was in towu, yesterday, , that the suppised murderer of Norcross ' had been chased into the ('hilli-ipiaipie marsh. Tne reward of 000 ilT.Tcd for him lias caused some trouble to innocent men already, aud may causi more. ' SiNci'f.AR KrniEMic. Several reeent j JoJaftr e t oam ttf tbu niu.1 ftofttaJae Wnl- j ingtnn lintels, Lava been suffering with 1 greater or less severity, from a strange . cause. It is said that dead rats, killed by arseuic, had falleti into the water vats, ' from which the house was supplied, and 1 the guests who drank from it were all la ken sick. Mr. Kl.nkkl was among the number, and he has suffered much inrnn- j venicuce from it, but has now fortunately recovered. l'res. UltuanaN was also severely afflicted by the same accident, aud was obliged to rsturu to Lancastei to recruit. John L. Iawshx it was feared was ' fatally poisoned. Uat soup appears to be i worse than "mulu soup." Stj-Tuose whne ofiice-oUed binges of e the kuec bow obseriaioua t.j the setting as to ibe rising uu, boast an an unpreceden ted fact that during Tierce's adtniiiistratiou no cLanje occurred iu tbc Cabinet. l!ut llSVC tLcy forgOttCU tiiat their bet Ulan, ... i f I I i KINO, was called awaj t.elore be liaii ever , 1 ,1 1, 1 , 1 - 9 Tt. ' reaeueu luu ilc a ilsiuwui d euaii ; luiiro is a famous epigram -11-aT.n tak-s thw B'M (frtn-l n arth to atay; llut Larva U. baa 1 ba.1 lo laat awajl'' Milton describes those who ''linu concord hold men only disagree." With the blood of the murdered fres State men of Kansas iueffjeeably staiuiug the garmcuts of Pierce and his Cabinet, none of (fiem are united to stay Enrollment Tax. The Secretary of the ComiuoDwealth has transmitted to the .Legislature a list of the several acts of Assembly, remaining ia his ollice, which will he repealed on the 2'2d of April uex IU uuauit u iuku. yi luo cmuumtud tax. Very nearly 825,000 is due the State for these purpose. I - SThc new coinage bill provides that the Spauigh and Mexican cilvcr coins shall Ic received at the United States .Mint for ! the iP.ce of two vears, at their full nomi- j , , ' , tial value, in exehango for the new cents, j the coinage of which is authoriacd by the ! Act. The first party of New York emigrants for Kansas, will leave Bennett's Hotel, j IullaIo, on the 0th of March. The fare i from liuffxlo to Kansas city, including board, will be $25. Mr. Slough, a Lico Member of the Ohio Legi.lature, from Cincinnati, has been ex pelled for striking a brother Member while the LfgL-1 aturc was in session. Mr. Hosea, li-.-p., was elected to fill the vacancy. eaJ-Inanguratien Day was damp, and co.d and dreary almost as bad as Tierce's. There was . large crowd of hungry office nuuters at ashington also pickpockets ! aud lookers oc iu abundance. We are ! foree.1 i . . - -.1 , i I lorccd to go to prcs without particulars, j if we delayed, some of our subscribers' ; T-IDera mrn..l.l t . i ... I 1-wticulw, 0f U closirjg Kentl Cpn fre. can be mote correctly given hj wait (or full reports. ''nJLAP , March 5-1 o'clock P. M ihe new Cabinet is D0t yet officially an "ounced, aud there are still doubts about s.ieof the arpi..iu,ments. ., . . . 'l New Hkki.in. Oq Sunday uight lust, the DnnF 8 torn of C. D. ltuusb was cn- tered by a couple of young men, and robbed of a small amount of money and articles. Suspicion rests upon Sam uel K. Kleckner and Lewis Henner, who hare been arrested ttud committed in de fault cf bail A protracted meeting has been in progress at the United llrtliren j j Church fur mine weeks past, and the sue I cess hasbeeu such that it is continued. Pattern CuLntv. Every dollar of S'aie and County Tax assessed upon Sus- iiuehauiia eouuty for ISjfi (amounting to 17,0110,) is collected or exonerated all the unsettled duplicate being for a militia r i -ii i UX of ISaO. J hat . the way they do up . things there pay their taxes promptly, without los or delay, aud votd the lit pub- lic.u ticket. j ,,. , . i 4. Kii.cix.-u iu viicuiaio ! oDe telling us how to go to California, and the other how lo tro to'Kausas. We dou't intend to f to either, but anv one who ; doc. i. !e a to the information placed j IU Our uauu. JssiyA man mine not known was run over by au extra freight train between Milton and Dauville, yesterday, and was iustantly killed. i;fk cf i FEU. Hi7. I iai 7 x. 1m. am. ;i ;,, ' Day 125 :to 2:( l.lJii 55 210 1H 111 i m r,7 3 -IS I! It 17 f I 55 418 :i3 32 18 13 r,0 ' ft 33 . 38 1955 47 j 68 47 3 20 S5 31 744 62 52 2135 43 ! (550 61 at 2233 38 22 27 22 23 3i SS 1 10-20 2J 3 1432 02 j 11 3 20 17 1556 r.i I 12 8 27 27 2K-34. 38 1331 3J 32 87 211 3(1 J 142(1 48 42 2833 40 M.n.ttity Mkaik 3d it 41,4-j ) r x. 41 43 48 37 33 37 33 The mean temperature of Feb. 'SB was 20.U4 do do Uo '57 35.13 Difference 15.d; This diflreiice is greater than that between Ihe means at 7 a.m. and at 2 r.n. C.S.J. make out Premium List.&c. A full attendance is desired. J. A. M ERTZ, Sec. I'llbllC Sill OS adctrtistd at Cinmiclr OJJirt. 11 March, Wed. Tho s Howard's, Kellv 12 March, Thurs.- -John iivler Jr. linll'.ilo To IS March, Wed. John Wolfe, East Butlaloe 19 Mar. Tours. (ien.Hausr's est-.Chili.squake 20 Mar. Fri Jos. Meixell, lot, Lewi: buiit 21 .Mar. Sat. U. Shoemaker's est., Deckatd's do Mis. It. Phillips, Lewisbnr 2.1 March.Mon. WA ..l.alir's.Cniilisquaque 3(i April, Thurs. S. M'Clelleu's est., Buli'aloe ! VcndUC .Yol' al the Chronicle Ollice atwna vf the flesh, bruises anil tracture.oeca-Mi-ii cutnparauvely iaiie pain vr inconvi-tii-ence when repularly lubricated or dressed with Hollowav's Dintment, In ihe nurserv it u invaluable as a cooling application tor I the rashes excoriations, and scabious sores to which children are liable, and mothers will find it the best preparation for alleviating the tnrtuie of a brokeu breast." As a remedy fur cutaneous disrates cenerallv, as well as far ulcurs, sore, boils, tumors, and all semf- : uiotis erupuons, ii is incomparably superior to every other external remedy. The 1'illi have a reputation for the cure of dyspepsia, liver complaints, and disoiders of the boweN, co-extenive with the raiit-ot civilization, j Wonderful, but True. A few days Mine, Mr Jas. II. Ileadl e, .,f Iluntsville, Alabama, ealle.l on us and pave s permisMon to p.,bl,h lor ihe benefit o suf- i r . ferini? humanity, Ihe astoiii.hinf; cure which had been ellected in Ihe ease of his wife by the use of Dr. Dance's Vegetable Epileptic I'iIIi. He informed us, lhat at (he nine his wife commenced usinj; the medicine, hr sys tem was soentirelv nrostrnted. hr iti n..ml.rr of -.on h had undrrp.rj.. a f rnlu.-.- hr wiirht I4 l.V 1-. Sim- Im- ha lu takloir lUr plllt ph lia- t- t.riv k--t or u..- ..am an.i i.,ai.,.-.i o, .,,.1 '""I'ly If-allh. ?-li. U'iw aul.a at lat 'Ml 11., ana le- flam h t" in bttfr fDj--miit of heltb than ever t fr in htr life. Mr. llwttdlV m r lat d llie f Mr. Ilttrrivtm l.itchtfuot f the muir town, who hna wrn u- tir-!y enrttd of the w.rt firm nf r fil-iT by tli.( am j pill. Mr. l.iphtf'Mit ntscwifiiNi bvl that he DfTrr i.as- -i a wfk without Imvins an a!U-lt. -ften falilnp down iu the Rtrift. lit: huh not had an attack fir mrt than a y-ar. Mr. I.ad1 Unokn th tt if thf illatTir f.i.l in f urin? a rw, it ia for lh? rnl n a prti(fr )wT rarr nn thr part of thf pwrnoti in tnkiii th in. af ) ff In aurrd fmm observation in thr phut of hi wif. tltl if ttier are taken for a tufflrii-nt l-ntjlh of time, they will cur any rane. Sent U any part ut the country by mail, n the receipt nr. remittanr-e. AMr sum s. iusuc, 108 lljiliimore ntret, baltiiuore, Md. I'riee, oott box, $d; ; two, f.'-; twu-e, $24. j nillKKRS, BE A Kl) & MUSTACHOIS Forced to trnw in six weeks hy 1)11 LAKOXTS CAPILLARY CO.MPO! ND.war ranted not to stain or injure the nkin. Price ' $l,fl per Package, or 3 for $2.50. I nent tn any part ol the country, hy mail, on receipt of a remittance. Address SV EET- 7 r 11 t. 4-t it - fin t.... 111C i.: Maryland. EtttJWllUrfl JHaCfett. Cnrrrcird Wetkltl Wheat...l.35tol.40 Kgrs Hje C2 Tallow (-'orn . fi? La,1 2? .' , "CD Flaxseed 1,25 Ham Uricd A Ic, Clovcrscc1.. linttnr 18 --IZl"" . ; 12 12 12 j 10 j ..6,50 mariui:i. f M.ddlecreek Tp and 1 Miss Mi'n Asa Pw- u 01 I "-nna I p, Jan. IDth, by Her. Thomas C. Trotttr, Rev. Enw.fi.TATLoa and Miss Asie L. daughter of Elijah Mitchell Eq. all of Philad. In Springfw-ld, Ma--s, 4th ult, bv Rev.Dr.G. B. Ide, Rev. Ch'( H. Malcoih of Newport R.I. and Miss Mr.aiT Mackit, adopted daugh ter of the oflir.iator. DttlT, In I.ewisborc, Sgth alt, aeed abt fi months. Mini V. daughter of Andrew and Sarah Cor nelius. In Jackson Tp, 1st inM, Jons Gcim.aged Wmbarf, S7,h u... Mrs. , wife of Dr. Isaac Roihrock. ,n Lnck Haven' "A inst' of l,illi"" cholic, San M'CoaMira, Esq, aged about 55 yrs. ,n Ljrnt.stone t0wnshiP; on the 32d ult..Mrs. C.TaumsE Wauia, aged 18 years and 19 davs. At the residence of her daughter, Shaver s I creelc, Huntingdon Co.Sth ult, Mrs.MaET I Na.it. aped 10'i vears. In Wellsboro,' Tioga Co, ra, 7in Jan. last, r.anaua M'Liob. Eo.. aired 63 vears. In Abington. Luzerne Co, Pa, I9ih nit, of dropsy. Eld. Jo Millrb, aged 83 years. In l.ewibburg. 3d inst, aced SO years, Mrs. MaT4.for 67 years the faithful and beloved -ife t-f Jhn Lewis. I ACuiLD Drownkb. Ou Monday 10th ' ult., a gon of David Measerman, r.f Carroll townhip, I'erry Co. aged 4 years, in at tempting to get water from the spring uear tha bouss, fell iu aud was drowned. We are informed that when found the body was iu a perpendicular position, the head being downwards. It i truly a mournful I ermany. he Jeeina hiimelf qualified lo reu i der satisfaction. I He will also time Pianos, and put them in accident. True" Nobility. A MIlMENTnl S ii:i:i.sion. "All work, eveu cotton sipiining is no ble. Work is aloue noble. l!e tha. here said and asserted ouce more," so Carlylo says. Jiut we must remember that there aro degress iu uobiiity. The highest no- ' bility u the nobility of beneficence. An , ; honest man says the poet, u the noblest woikoftlod. We have U'J hesitation in - txtwKuK e BpotnPglB. Tle Mert j i W lfk of if ,uc miiu who is not only 1 uouest, but doe the greate.-t good. The j j greatest of all temporal b!esios is Health. I Ami, as the mental conuit.un is CJiitruiea j y,y ,,,, pLj-.iril, the effect ot lluulili can hardlv be regarded as icriuiuating with a i mere temporal bent-lit. Then who is the greatest of all human : rated, aud to preserve Health that is good. The secret of restoring and preserving Health h is been the p,reai aim i-f ihe modem philanthropist as it a the philosopher's : .tone ef the ancient ali lieinisi.i The secret has been discovered, iudiscov- ever proving himself thereby not only the preatesl philosopher but the j;ratest philan thropist the world ever saw. The question, Who is heV has been asked by millions and answered to ihein : amflhev have reioir- eed. I'nfntur II ' ..e.i( has conferred mere . hlcci...r or. h it itiMri tf v than have all the 'soi- ' disant" social retorniers, and psendo-philan- ' ihropists ih" world ever saw. The fame of ; hi Pills and Ointment has penetrated to the remotest routines of the earth, and their use ; has ililfosrd health and all the happiness that j follows hea'th over countless thousands. ' From the ire h"iind rapes of Lapland to the 1 sunny shores of the Mt-dtterraneaii, Irom the - hoary summit of die t'ral Mountains to the j eastern shores of the Atlantic, thre is not a ruv, town, or village of any note in which they are not met with. The missionary lakes littie else tn his medicine rhest ; Ihe sailor never needs a more varied supply for his. They are peculiarly adapied to the diseases inciifriital lo the American climate. 1 hev have never failed here urrlrwhre. Friends we in.lulce in no exar"eraiion ; we ib-lv con tra, iiction, because we state what we know to be true. If von are ill try these Medicines and then say w hether our statements are base less. We are rotiti.leiit of your decision. A"'r Orttamt i'lrriine. Care for Kad Dog Bites. DR. C. FA UN EsTOCK'S (of Millerstown, Lphauon Co.) speedy and infallible cure h-r If vdn.phobia. or bile of toad ib-ss on sale at l ptrdoe bv DAVID SC1IRACK, 4wf3 E.tt Butlaloe, near Hiehl's hotel Joseph Fassell, !?l'mlirt'lla&P.irasol Manufacturer " io. a North Fourth St. N.W rormr.ii Market. fllIl.AlKLPIII A, Has now nn han! an exteiiMVp assDrtmeni of ihe neuesi ami nust tlf.sira.-le kinds, nirhnlinR many c' St y Wn ih-i ht-n-n-l.-re to be hail in this market. An examination of ourxtork i .tul.ciied heftife nurt liaainn eiic where 13;M Cheap Fruit and Confectionery. I"I1INCAM A. SEI.I.KI.'S, R W holesale Mauiilacturcrs and Dealers in Confectionery of all kiruls. I I.t No. Third St, below Race, PI 1 1 1. A DEI.. The attention of dealers is requested to an examination of their slock, w hich will he found equal to any in this citv. Foreign Fruits of all kinds in season. N.ll. Orders by Mail or otherwise pn.mptly attended to 3mr.7.1 PBEEBURG ACADE3IY X ll IjXj U U IIVT il XJIXlfUJl 1 ! and t NOIIAIAIj SCIIOOIj. lnMitutiMii is located in the quiet, ; beautiful and healihv villuce of Freeburs, 1 t Snyder Vo I'a. It will commence Ihe second ; IT", qT V T V .-i,i nf l-,.h. F.nronrnoed bv Ihe verv liti. . i eral paironaee it has heretofore received, and ! in view of ihe great want of llie proper in struction lor leacners in in.- "u iirti....i- , ! inR r-ount.es, a. Normal I)F.p.raT, lr the j ! special training of Teachers and thoe wish- j i iue to become such, will hereafter beconnec- ted with this Institution. And the Trincipa) : , having secured the services of that justly pop i Teacher, Lecturer, and .Author, I'rof. J K. ! KrfiiiiARii, for a limited lime, hopes that tin dditiotiai ef-n! tiiix irmrn-d ill at h t render this i Institution nt-Tt worthy t.f iintr-'imtr". l"rf tnildartl mil) end-avr. h rtiir-' and oth.-r meant, tn prepare. 1 TVnchfr for th uctiv utn$ of th. AwJ-rooia ; and tho-te vim 'tijiyrd hi inrurtlMi at Ibe tate Tee-'hers ; lu-li'titf. know how aM he i tn do thin. It i hopt-d True I it-tp will avail tlieuiMiveM of bu ftvrti. hil IU j tl.e nmnlT. An fuidilioDal Femaln Tearlier liat b.-eit added to the ( rejfnlnr ei.rpK f TeHi'hera, arraiiKf tuDta tnade to inert tlo wnnti ol student)". , fr Til T t K Ml i on. -half paraM inrariabW in Adranae.) board, l.otnn and Tuition pr Msn.td wan. 0 toJ'.i i liti-m olt. pr Otiar. d 11 wki - - 2.60 ti , hi-tnicOon ud the 1'iano aud, un if Inrtrument 9.'K i I nridt-ulalii - - - Ud, Waehinz and Vendinr, 4 rtP. per dnu. j 1'rivate hoardi qk la lwn $l,fH to $2 per week. , For further in formation, or circulars address j (iEO. F. M'FAKLANU, Principal. T ki.li I4I'i:il A larS- and hanl- sump assortment just rec'J in Lewis- burg at the Hardware siitc nf JOS. MTADDI.V. St ItX'RIlii: fT Harper's MaRazir.e, the Knicl-erb-ieker, (Iraliain's and other Magazines, at the iil!iher' rates, at P. N EVIL'S k CO'S. OL'BSCKIHE lor the New Yorlf l.edeer, k5 Halloa's Pictorial, Harper's Illustrated, or any other Kewspaper, at Publishers' rales, at P. N EVILS A. CO S. Administrator's Notice. INSTATE of WM. (iUTELIL'S, deceased. Letters of Administratinn on Ihe estate ot Wn. (Iiitelius, late of Mifllinbnrg, Union Co, dee'd, have been c ran ted hy the Register of I'nion county to James W. Sands. All persons having claims against said estate are requested lo present them without delay, and all indebted to make pavmenl forthwith lo J. V. SANDS. Administrator. Mifflinbnrg. Feb. 26, IS57 pd JOS14II KELLY, .4ii-f lonerr, SOLICITS the patninase of the public. Residence on South Fifth street, Lwi bur. Pa. December 5, 1 8S. OL'NTY LAND WARRANT blanks lor all engaged in the service of the IT. S in the War of lfllt. and for their Widows, at the Oil of the Lewislnrj ChionteU. TAILORING. JOHN I?. MILLER thankful for past favors would state that he has re ceived the Fall and Winter Fashions, and is prepared to CUT, MAKE, and REPAIR garments as usual. He will endeavor, as heretofore, to execute his work satisfacto rily to all. Lewisburg, Sept. 4. 1056. White Oali lONt for sale. Inquire of WMsLONGBY. J.awitbnrg, Nov. l"!W I Vocal and Instrumental music , fl'IIE subscriber having located himself in I Leui.sbur'', is ready Iu leach Instruinen taljMusic in all il.t branches, viz. l'mno, Melo demi, liuiiar. Violin, Violiucello, Flute, and all Brass Instruments. He will also teach Vocal Music. Having been taught in the best Schools in repair if desired. K.-sidenrc for the present al Ilorr's Hotel. Jan. r.. I '"if. I'aur. I'. II til. I). $10 Reward---Notice. rilHE above reward will be paid for the rc I lurn to the subscriber of ii unity Land Warrant .No. :t1.75s, for HO acres, in favor ! Jesse B. Worden, late of Musiiuehanna Co.. I'a., and by him assigned to t. N. Wnrden, id Lewisburir, I iiin Co.. I'a. The above War rant having been lost or mislaid, NOTICE is hereby given lhat if mt discovered within siv weeks, apphVanon will be made to the proper authorities for a renewal of Ihe said Warrant. O. N. WOliHEN. Lewisburp, Jan. 12, 1S57. ; ALTIMOI5 K CA11D. C'.overseed, Flour and Crain. " I TITHE undersigned are prepared to receive ' Consignments of CI.OVEK SEED, j I.KAIN, Vr., shipped by Itiltoad, and which they wilt make iib.sai. Cash advances as ' soon as received if desired. CAKK, (ilEsE A CO. General Camiiiission Merebaiits. 21 Spear's Wharf, BAl.TiMOUL Mt:tc ti. ki;vom TI ! rm KOiitl. tsA-sis-.t s ? nOLLOWAT'S 0IWTPIEKT. tut: hhka t roryrrn iitt:ii A. r : Tin Tinin i if ltfamt ntTtMi nmVf itf wn l" tin inter nal uiu throiieh tli- pormof (lw kiu. Tiimpfin-lrn-tiufz i tintiiit-iit, niflliiii uimIst the hami u it i ruMfil io, io li?H)rr (1 tfrftui:h the i-amv rtmnnsrlB, au-1. rcat h w tin M-tit ttt liitiMtuuiMiitn, prumi'tlT mm I itiariabl (abjuita it. h-ti. r lifMlt-d In tltv hi'ltu-yp. thf r. tht Iu ((, or any thtr iutrtaiil ortan- It (M'tiittratft tht i Mirtarf ft tti interior, through tlit-rftint r. rtititt that ', rxiiiiiiuiiK'iitts with ttif fkin iu Mimmer ruin m into t ,,. 1r rtnl rartli, iliUuiug it c-tn-l aud rrriierattutc in .na v :. i.st? axp f;r..iXirr.AR sn f:Li.i.'..i I KfTjr eii-it i ut wxtfti r irritntion i ijui'-kiT r-'hn-') l.y lh-aiiti-iiitiniiiiiiMti ry a-t:n nf thm tfiutiui-nf. Au prr Km nt"-, m.-h a. st.r Kiulm, KHTniPCU.s( TTrtR, Kis jWokk. ai u Hj:sP. NiriL. Ka-ii, c Atitn r lien Ac. out, to return nn uturtt, rnnlt-r ltd ai'lK(ini. Hi Mj-itnl v-xprriftnf iu alt jiartft nf tht wmrM jtro iia intnltitiihtv iiK.iM-MMfi.ot (iikui,thrmuMM,tli.'jini. '. anil the Undi. j I J.i t Kfi. SORE AXD TrMoRS. Tlit cfTtn't nf th it iinri it( extf-riiMl rwUic-Ij nn P. roruU, nn-i otht-r Tiruis-nt utrcrw ami oorfet, ia a)tn-t niiracuhiuit. It hrnt ilwiar;v iti- piD wiit'-h rirtlti- iutiMtrntnni ami .r"'l ti'h. and thus the rurrs wln-b il hialiut; (ri'i'wrlirs jafit-rwMru i-ru,-.tftc an- catc w Wi.l an MrmAitiiI. ! H tti XO Hftl'ttSKS, iiriSXX. AXl SCAl.h. I ii ritrtr .f tit liiu'turvul tht irijurirt. C4Um ; hv fXram f.lsiciotirsf KkI'Isikii. Kva'c, Scalp, Kiki iiH.l-Tirrkw or thk .1mt, aul rotrnrtin if thv rin : t-wi. it i- i ii-iiy.J aiil wanti y f i-i-..mui'C'iiiJ Uj ilit-I.n-j u!t. 1 tiit uiatrvfUxiH rvin dv lti bru uitrntliKf-d 1 ita j intrntor in into ail th- Ixadint; H'itaU nf Ku- rt'i1, anil DUriTal4 ruin ho id xtioalrl bt- witbuut it. Xi'KXAHLK lt.SitM"M'. The MmHral Stat! t the Kru-h and fciifli-b Armlr-a j In th rr'nifa, lia-oftirialij unil thirapti(l -d 1I1- hirii'ii diiituifot. and th- uiuxt rvhabl ircirnijc ht fa t.rr t ii it. rt.il.rt. an.) ctt h-t wuudi. It walco uvd bv ; the niircwun "f itiv Aiiu-d Nmirn. Both Ihe Ointmetii and VitU ffntuld be u$rd in tht iiiii'w;' r'v Mf i curia) Kruf tiona ?rll'i1 '.lands I' Sir l-r halt khrum Srt 1 hraf. N'NdN , i-rvs ! ail kindu tkin li.4ai- rj ritia Tetter Llcri Hnumia of nil kin! l-tirita J n.iT.l'lTn" t.out Ltimt-ap liff .lointa Veiieral or5 th- Manufnitoii. f Profar IItl'VT. M .Maiden lane, rw Yt.rk. add 2il .-trnud, lnd.ni, Lj all r-'i-er-ii.ie orui't:it and ifealr-iii .lii ine ttinuli (iit tlm I n Ued MNieoatid the t-itiliztd rid, in p'ta, at 2. enilit. ri!1 7 centn. rd 1 ai h c - ibtrrr U a toniderabltt MTiDg hy taking ihr larg er -Wia. N. H. I'irrrtion fur the riii lance of patient in t?Trry diMrler are altixed U wach p"t. .out ! LOST! OXEV has been LOST, bv not b.jrtnff 1 J your Hardware, Stov-s, Nails. I-,rks, I, niches. Hinges, Screws, lilass. Taint, Oil, Putty in short, anything yon want, lower than ever, at the Hardware and Iron Stun- of JOS. M'FAbbEX, Lewishurc, Ta Iron ' Iron ! OTZINAtMlSOX, OK Tit, History of th9 West Branch Valley. i . , f Ht Undersized IlilS IltTH appointed -L Asent for the sale ot ihi btnik minion County, and iIlnominence canvassing imtne- diatety. It is ihe most elegantly printel work 5iied from the press for some lime tune, and is intensely interevtin to the people general Iv. In a word, it is the fullest, most reliable, and best connected history evei written about this section ol the Mate. I rice, bound in em bossed muslin, "jti.OO; Turkey morocco, full Cilt, JfSOO. It contains MS paces with 16 fine ensravinss. A. CLMMLNUS, Ag't. December 5, lft."6. LKWIMU lt. (Oil. V AitU. ' PllE subscriber is prepared lo furnish 1 at all times the very beat COAL of every description, frum the Wilkes-Harre and Wha mukin mines. He has on hand an article of very superior quality, such as is seiduiu bro't lo mis inarket.which he will dispose ol at the lowest cash pnr.es C'"al weighed, and gord measure warranted. tCnal exchanc'il for merchantable ( ountry Produce of must kinds as well as for cash. Coal Yard at Tho's Nesbit's Lumber Yard on South Waier street. Nov. 19, 1S50 if R. I. NESB1T. WANTMT) ! IOR I'VIIout IliillI-ran arp-n-tcr N, to work in the llnat Vaid at Lew istiurg. tiood waes and constant employ ment will he eiven. Nov. I t. '56. FRICK, SI.IFER & CO. II. EIIII.4I1T, SVHGEOS GfQfSfPEXTIST, having returned from his western excursion, has resumed his operations. Office, next door to Brown & Ruter's Store. Marke. street, Lewisburg. Nov. 14, IS56. J. St-Iarryrr & Son HAVE received their !KW GOODS also a nice assortment of LAU1ES' CLOTH COATS, new stvle. Lewisburg, Oct. 9, 1S56 ATEW GOODS! 1 itr.At i:r & KRCMCR Have just received a handsome assortment nf FALL COOil.S, bonhl on most favorable terms, and for sale on the same platform. Lewisburg. 8ept.SU. 1856 The First of the Season ! OPEX1XG OF THE CAMPAIGN.'.' NEW Fall Goods! at Goodman & Chamberlin's. Rich new styles all wool striped De Laines. Also, Mouslin de Laines, new stvles, in endless variety just opened. NEW FALL CHINTZES ISO pieces new Fall Calicoes of the latest styles fast colors. RICH, GLOSSY BLACK 6ILK8 opened this dav. NEW FALL SHAWLS ! new styles Stel la, Broche.Thihel.Cashmere and Cloth Shawls just opened at GOODMAN & CHAMBERLIN'S, Lewisburg. Spf. 25, lK.Vi. LEWISBURG BAKERY. j riHE subscriber has rented fur a term of. years ihe roinmodious rooms first brlow t Kline's II .tel. where he carries on lisikillK , Itrt-Utl, Cake, Tarts, Ac. and hopes to be : able to render entire sausfaclion and receive a liberal support. He also offers 1 ; o x v i : j t i ox i: hies,' of every kind ,-ii.d tt.i! it y, nt WM'tafe mtJ , Krlml. ICE CIJEAM b-r the public and for ' parties, in large or .small quantities. j Cash paid for Butter and Ks ; IfNiits. Tors. Spires, Ac. always ou haul. Oi iters at boiue or abroad proinnilv altend ,d to. SAMI'EI. HOFFMAN. ; l.ewisbiirjr, Jan. 7, IX.'.7 William Jones, TT0Ii.M:Y at Law. Collt't'tinns : V promptly attended to. O.liee opposite Kline s Hotel, 5tf0 . K W lSllt liC. I'A It 4 I L It O A II ! rpllKUi: will be a ineeiins of the frnds of 1 the Railroad al Ihe sign of the Kg Anvil ai Ihe LKWISHCJU HAIil) WAHK SToKK, The ( Jkkat Dkpot for Iito. ! Just received, a new lot of iron larger than ever at the Hardware So re of JOS. M'FAPDF.N. 1 II.ACKsi.MITHS cunie gel your money 1) back in first-rate Iron, every bar war- riiif l. I T re. Il.r Nilr'sl, wi.re. r..ui.J .-e..l(i:i' wit'l etritl.int'. Heili.tf-.. Anvil-. V:. .-1-rt.w l-lMte. SlH.ljr. Strl r'llit. in -lixrt. ll T..H want, al lii llnr l.nre .-tor,, of .1. l AOIll S. Iw.t.ur jtl ll.DKKS and others You can ?ei i Nails. Locks, Latches, Illumes, Screws, 'U, white l,iul. .Urt. I'uttT. TiirM-nltue. I'-iris llreu, rn-h.4i-. m the larwwl.urir lUraw- stoie Vltl'K.NTKRS I can supply you with Ihe celebrated tireenlield Planes, Hunt's llfttrt)t, Axep. A'll.-. t'htiel. S.pire. S-iir A Jwl- ( s..n S. I'IMio ll.tt, ( hirelii. I'.sh will Ul" tl.'in l..wer than en r. t all and are fur yourMilt.a at IUu oM llraham tan.l, 1-wt-l.urx- 10ACH-MAKERS will fin.l Ehptic Sprinss. Axles, Hubs, Hands, relloi-a, Oil Moth. leather. l.imiiL' atit Triiuuiiuca of all kiuila at the Imw- lahurg llanlware Store. ll.'TI.ERY Knives, Forks, Shears. Scia- sor-, pen and pocket Knives, Ka.-rs, Ci.ir.-ni' Stiel all erery .urMrn mii;it want, h i aal at Ji.a. M'laiitl-n . 1AKMKKS! tiial spkotliil lt of Sf-ythes. Kurks. Kakrs. llarne. Trace and Uuil iiain. Haitrs. and awry other knxl. a with a. lot ol Ch-Uti I'uini-a. ha couif V Hardware pir". HUE-MAKKRS LaMS I.eathpr. Thra1, Awl-, Wax, IVrs BriMlrs, TihiN of alt aimiw rail aud it, aj now it tti timf. at th llordwam t-tur of J-i. M KAl'l-i..1., Iea ifcl-'urg- " Industry must Tlxrlve." ryiY. "iilil Mammoth" ahead ! Xnt- l withsiauding the cold winter and the late spring, J. & J. WALLS have received and are now openiii; an unus ually br;e and well selected stock of FALL AMI WINTER GOOD.-. " consisting partly of Cloths of every grade. plain. bla'-U and lanry I 'assimeres, a f.eaiiiiiui irH f Watinc. ItaliaD ClotLl, Jnl TJa anil Suaiuirr war. aino Ludirs' Dress .ooc!s, aurh a Pl!tt, Tii-a, IVlaina. Birprn. PrinU. Vfhite ti.rw1a.liiiiiliaiiia. I mhrdi-l rira. Ribb.na. It'.siar'rAllof.'a, bUwrliwl aD.I browu Mu.lloa, Iriah Linn l!a.:a,aa-i sthaw coons or.arr fari.ty anil atjl. atao a fine at-lwrtioti of 1 1 A P.DW A I! E, QU EKXS W A RE, Cedar and Willowwaue, JIkooms, Jtc. tc. . i. - - "- ' kIu a auarb lot cf CAnPETITSlilj, Ar. s.11 of which thr offr tt trwir -utirTii at umiDi.-tlly low pri'. ..rnin knit 'lhtr ('otinlry rro.lr IntK-B in VxcliBiig'-' f.r t.tittl.-. ix'wwburg, KKt. 1. NEW GOODS ! Lute FA LL Arriral at the Vhnip Store nf 1JR0WN & KITTED who have just 1 received and opened a large assortment ol' desirable Fall and Wixtek Goods, such as Silks, Uarcpes, Biirp deLaines.Ca! icors, (Iinhains, Lawns, Muslins, .c. Alu a fine as&urtmenl of consisting ol Collars.Chvmiseus.L'iidersleeves, Ac. Willi a great variety of MUX'S WKAli, sirh as Cloths, Cassimeres, Linen Goods, Hats, Vc. Also all kinds of Qtuenstcare, Grorrrift, Hint ami Cellar ll'ire, lironmt, 0r. Countrv Prodiire taken in exehange for (roods at Cash prices. Lewinbucu, Oct. 'S6 NEW GOODS! T Monst h's Variety Store. J received, a splendid lot of FAL Just and V l.M EK rons. sting ot i'laids, Linen (oods,(iinshams. Calicoes, etc., a large and varied assortment of l.;idls' Collars. Chemisetis. Einbroide. ries, Lnilersleeves, Handkej-chiels, Hosiery. (Slnvea, Laces, Threads, Silks in short, a general assortment of Trimming an other articles sold at --Notion" houses. Lewisburg.Oct. lS.'.tl C. ME.NSCII. The War Terminated ! PEACE declared ! bv L nt ksii &. t oRsr, ho have just received and expect another lot ol FANCY DRY GOODS, of every variety and shade, which they oiler at remar kably low prices. Also a line assortment of GUOCEIF.S, yUJiEXSWAlaK. HARDWARE, Ac. Which they are quite sure will compare very favorably with any offered in this section of the country, and a- prices that can not bui prove satisfactory to purchasers. Please call and examine our Mock. Lewisburg, Oct .'SK. Economy is Wealth! V HE Place to buy Goods, cheap ! IDItltGM & HKTZn. Ileg leave to announce to the public that Ihey have opened a large and complete stock of full qi)3 sUKijkr- tuvCs-, embracing every variety of Ladies and Gent s Winter wear such as loths, t assi meres, Linen Goods, Vestings, Ginghams, Calicoes Silks, Berages, lierage Delaines, Shaltey, I. awns. Muslins, a large assortment of EM BROIDERIES of all kinds. Bonnet', Iittt, ami Cops, also a large assortment of CARTETS, 8 ALT, riU, ., alwava od haml. Farmers and Housekeepers are frapM-tf'ilty triTttfd tn examin r-nr aaaortmont f (iRIH.'r'KIES, I.KIN Aen. tlAni'nAnr.. V' e.r...s- WAHE, --. aod wa ar. paliFflM tliat yen will tiirfl r? thioc,f thr baat quality, you may ducira, al lh Dioal Biodrrate rata, iinr llMMla mm awleetcd with nnuanal ear, and tMliTe will be found ot tho ry bel. and (for the quality ) as idieap aa they ran reawmably be ota-rd at any othwr UAH ai. Oi. Want Branch. We reieeUully imlie our old rnnmer U ll and aea onr atork, and w. am aure wa ean meat your wanta .nd laalua. MODCIE tnien a u-nal CASH n-Ye! rtfiu,. treIK ll-l.tN-!!". LawUburn, Oft. lh;. AAKoX K K'tECI.. Dr. I. Brng6er," HOMEOPATHIC rhysician, corner of .Market and Foiinh streets. fmfilO LKWISBfKG. FA J. M. C. RAKCK, TTOIl.NEY at Law, IMiillinhor; A I'nion t'tH Pa. lurWil r(r(s-i.n;i. bi- aincR t niniNt". to hi rare, wtil piinrttiiii'r antt failhtuUv AttftuVil tt. Juuc l,'5.f l LAST HOTICE! IYERY person indebted to llie ente f J Jarna Siriira, derease.l, lale of White e.-r t.twnhip whether by Vendor .Vers i r I otherwise and every person bavn.z claims ' at;ain-t sanl estate are hi r-t.y not.tie.l to meet the undersigned A-biiini.-ti aiors u! aid estate at the lute re-odenre ,.f the ii. rease-t on : Monday an I Tue.lav. IneSolh and 3II dvs ; ! of March next. and arranr a'l a. rooms. Anv not paviup al that i.i',wi I foot l!ieir rnaMeis ' le!t woh Aaron Smith E'-q. lor trfiTiie.tiale I eollerii.-n. AIIR MfAM S S PHKR. Feb. to, is.-.r cii.vsiKiTi:.NSTi:iv : v, , PI III.H Sil.i:. ! 'LaII Will be soll at the resioenre of : jYj I'he subrri'jers, i n Wn Cum' r n' , ! faun in Chilliso'iaqne township a mile above the l.evvisbtir? limine iai Jvo'i, March CO, 1 i conimencuiaT al in o'cioc ! Colls, Ii Cows and other I oilier Il es. Wa-ons, S'.eds, llufzv, llarne ! Thrashint Marh.neand If.r-e Fi wer, flows ' and other Farinnr' utensii-. I'orn in ear an. ! Cram in ground, Carpen'er's T .l 'io Ci.'i r Press, Potatoes, Carpelim; and a b.t ol H use hold anil Kitchen Furniture loo numcton to mention. V If not all so! I Mondnv. " w.ll be i finished Tuesdav. W. A .. I. Ml I'. I not i ci-:. i T "HE un lers.geJ have ibis -'av f I eb. ' A. I. Xj7, enu red into Co-l'-irtnership lor ttie pvrp.-r ol carrying on a i.s-ii. i . I'OIIIMlry i;uiSln-si! at the I(.i. Foiin ! dry in Ala'rkei Mieei, Lev i- ur,-, iii.cler the name and firm of Fuck .V l.iPev. ; WILLIAM FRICK. JOHN LI I LL V. Lewisburg, Feb'y 5. lo.'.. j A peneral as.rt- ' me--i of COOKING M'oVUs fi.rcoal r wood. Stone Coal . Sti.vi s. Wood A r- ; Rtfft?3j . Stoves. Ar. in rarte- 1 Ir.V-t-fcia iv uni t ket t oil . I 1 I.s VI 5 lin ! matte tn orler. Exocctor's Kotice. n. iha! Letters Tes- ' OTICE is herel y given taineninrv on the last will ar,.l lpstumerit .f JOHN FISIIF.K. lale it Uhne Deer towtlu;i, I'nion roiir-tv-.-iec-a'- ti. have r- ii eranltcl lo toe uti-'ersigned, by :i.e K'-ci'ter ot l.'inon county, in due b rm ot l.i-r : tberefore all persons knowing idemst-lvs ini!lird to said rsl.Tle are reiinest'.'.l lo in..!:-- imno'-llate payment, and ihoe hnvm- ;-i-t ciam.s : ' i -ri t llie same are ilso requested ' - present liiein proper'y au'l'entien-rd for s..-Teri?ent. JOHN F. R1CIIAKT, Executor. White Peer, Oct. S2, IS IIIHIKS-HOOKS : The in.. dersieiied bt Illg tll'siro'is of c!os- ing out their Stork of Books, otr-r their extensive lot at FIlisT COST anil car riage. They have a lare lot of S.-hool n.i-1 Miscellaneous Books. A large variety f STATDNEHV kept constantly on hand. Iir uieuiber the Mamtiioth Drue More. CHRIST CALUW ELI . I.ewisl urg. DENTAL CARD. ' I TITl lit" imtl' tai-iiwatnue rlili. X. cial Teeth, Gum, Ac, known as Allen' oij!inuou Gum Work. is, without exi-epiion. llie best improvement ever made in the art of Dentistry. This work. when properly cciistrncteil. is the most heanti ful.lbe cleaiiest.rombmes the grea est s-rength with durabilitv. and adds more to a clear an-1 distinct articulation, than any other kind of i work eT.-r brmi.'lil t lere Ibe ullf-. AD I l.ol enlv li t-. I t a tau;i:ui iii'-.nery in is.hiIiiimI Inn w-tb lln .lie vt w -rh. we can Cie lb'- t'S il- i-tirl e- j re aion. without, in thelea.r. niU-rlvitii with Uit ua luin.aa wf lb u-t-th in tua.-tieatti.n. I would take Ihi metlied of ii-frmlnc r!ne intervr-e-t thMt I have Mirt-loied ihe I'ali lit l::slit f r this Taluab.e imi-roTi-ment, of the inventor. J-.t n Ail.n. ' nr.. ef New V.trk.i for lliic and aeveral ielj-.ll'il.f roi;,in. an-t th 1 am How mannfU'-turinir :,n arli-le "I I'etl. n-l tliirn. Il -il will eoo!.irel.irat'ly Willi ar.y thing in tht ine out loi. erer le. II liiw-K in tl.'i. or anv olii.-i roiintr. 1 ali all and eitH-iaily lli-e tlnil n.-eii I.etli it lie l.aeenha.-d tlieui or n.L) h call, and .siHT' I r it iii-elea. JOHN I.i l. hh. I. .:-! io. Offlee and K-.i l nr. i n l i ir I .-r. ei. n .,r Market. Otueain MiLTus.on Umadway . near l-adaai:a-ler is ri.ar New Goods at tie IIcw Store ! I !!'' M!l!IV M ' T UK Mibcrikrs Imiwz re-lilird and iormerlv .'ccupifil by Kremrr V would respecilullv announce to the Ira linr romruii niiv thai rv .irr jr iu'niny a l..K(E AM) MM.KMlle MOCK t i" fciLTaXG & .SUMMKi: GOODS, bought in .New York and rinlailelphia, adapted to the wants of a'l, and comprising llie usual variety kept at Stores in tne lary.-r Towns. EVr-lLi. AM SI F. J.Mlirrjt-r k. Son. Lewisburg, April l. t-'itt T IO Til K I.AD!ES.J. Sciirr-j-r .V X.n are aril it. c od' a lre lot of Dress i;,.o.ls. ll-ireses. Itr.ie del.ames. t liallies. Brilliant Lawns and tiimjiiams CI"at reduced prices. CAUI'KTS. A very laritand well selertfd lot id cotton and alt wool Cat pets, from U; cts. to I-"-' per yard. A portion of these Carpets were bought at auction, others direct from the matiul'ai tors. at prices that we can sjll them very low. Those in want of Carpet we invrte localise! cot: before buvmr else where. -I- SCHHEVER ,v SOX. VLAKliE and desirable sti ck of Ladies' ilress lioods, of cverv kind, for sale cheap by J. MCHKEVLK .V ft'X. VLAKt.n lot of Ladies' srnnianl sum mer Shawls, for sale verv low. bv April I. !:. J. SCllKEYF.Ii - S0. c j e;ir. lor sale riv-aper nnn ever rv Apnl I.IH.'.H J. SCHhUYEK V ."'.. Pianos, and Kusic. JOS. LYODKR, Aprt for Merors VU-and Voght's reVelirate.l i'iaiio. bas jnst received a lar-re assortment ot Sh'tt .liiJie. fi'irmu. ami M I it ton (oo'.-t. Prminarv and Teachers supplied at the Publisher-' dis count prices. M-isir pnbh.hr, J ! y; mi!('. Eee A Walker. S. I.. Walker, or any I'ul.'ishers in the I'liiteil Ma-es. fm nisbed at their prices. Ji.B. Meyers' and v o-lit's l'i.irios so! 1 ai !' han City retail prices. Lewisbuis. Nov. 11 KOVELTY WOFkKS. rriHK subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Tinon county and all in want of ;uod .1I:. lllnvr) . that he is now prepared to manufaenre ieam Enf-nes of any required power-Blast Furnaee. Kolline. firtst. and faw Mill Machinery Tumps. CVa! Breakers and Windint; IVmns for Minitij; purposes Castinirs of everydeacription neatly executed to order. With a veiv rtenive van.tvnf Patterns andsreai facilities fordoing work.'he flatters himself lhat he can rompale with an. eataMihnient tn 111. country, both in piiae aiel .,iial of work, p.rwn. in wnn' of .-l.ln.r. will fndit KHheiradantair. to-t. hmiall Tl. taeitlnea r ihtrmenia to diltrrMit ..rta el tl.e wui.iry, ou-l he faaailiar tteall. J. R. JO.CS. IIer.t-w-r. Jnne !. isa ou E LANK Con'racta with Teaahers an ir- l.rj, on 1 ra-rerat Clin nit ! 'mcr. hew books: Sl'l IHiSdS'S Sermons. W ..jl.ind'.s Principles and Practices of Rjotif-., Km n-narher's Marter l.amb. Iir. Kane'. heco,. I Arctic Vxy !ifn. aed rt, r new oi'- 't in eref, curoMi t'y on harder DEVIL'S A ( wisbr. I ler s.-.i. James Ii. Hamlin. TTOSNKY at LAW, 1 1 t r'Oll'iee n.i SeeoioJ .! id ,aTS ofouihol .Maiaei. Ull.l III p. fmSl.t I.n.on C. i'a Administrator's f-oticf. w II.FREAS, I.e'f-r . f Adn.ii.'ST. 'i n tf the e-tateot S-AMCLI. ttMUI.'iA I .New 11 rl'M In.rf.', rniuti r n n: V, 'i' reae J. have I.e. n lat.tt I 'o the ub-rr .er, I jer oi.s n .lel ttd lo sai I es'.ite a:e n-iju'su-' ! make iiiirned'aie pa; n.eni, and :t.oe bavir-; rlain-s asan.st the- s ite wnl pre-ent them ilu.v auil.et.lieated for settlement o jonN m. Bf:r?. .New rr:m. D'- 11. Aiimmis'ia" r ' CABINET AVAIIE I.00JI L'l ViMiTH -Hh Mn e;. '1 1 e subsril ar ir.-si respectlufv mf- rant llie nil. in. wf l.rw-oi te a d vir iT'.v. :hat be pm s Maa mi l t. r sa;e a rl 'ir-1-1 of 11 'K I1 I R , lor llie Siring traoe, compria i.; l'fO.-sil.o; U II i CnllilliOIl 15iirKni, S4r- rotara-s an 1 LVok C uac-i-. tut,r. V.avl and 1'iiT i'iuii-K mJ Li-f-kia.-t T:i! k. Ci-i-lfi-rtio. t'o- tuvri- and oiii r lv.-i..-.ii'uu H'.r.i. aiiI ('l.tiirs or ail no's. COFFINS " slioi l M tice. Tlie pa'oirc i-.r-: cordla'S invited to espiniae his wi.r.;. a he sure that ll.ev will h a:a Ced nh Ins .stock i t V ire. aid pr ras. cIOVO.N VOL-NG. Lewisburg, Sept. 13, If-IB Tliis Way fjr CC2.FECTICHSF.iEs r J'JIE cniVrsifrncu hasn sple!i!i'l si.uk L f n band, rr-.t i.-n i.ui.ily nctunslroa vupn'ies, of ( u;t'!i-tl ot cv.rr wrr.fr, CAKES. CR i h! ;:. HfL'SE. I -RANGE ot tie verv tet. i.' mons, f gs, J-ite Af f f, liai-anss, Nuis of everr vanetr. Frutta, AIm a rew, t-ertti'iiii! and well asortd ot of lilt.hH i:s Toys a K.r.e .. Finder and Ear Iiitigs mil other JriTrlry. Sewing Thre.-.l. Nee.!!es,a inr-e t iT.nnle'? t.'uodvars Cum Combs, Tort MuDLamn ol evetv i'--rr;piion. ere. etc. SV Call m llie Hue fi. r.t, Crat dorr wt aj the I'ost OH'ce ilou't mtsiske lie p'. St. p -n ore. yr nol fp ! t rain, in J.m 1. le uep t" nil .tea-". HAKRILT KICLOLT, Lew ibnrg. l!ay 1 To the Citizens of UlIqxi Couaty. II.UM tiit. very favorable rnnei. made to n bvtnr cilizptit vt tlvset slit tf the subrril its mrtn.i irinktrp an r- te hand, ine and rn.iT'i,n,3( ?3.4I Ol Hi 4'Olin?3 proi'idpd a suLlf nt sbbscn; u u list is trairtMi. It vrifl te f iu c riminal ar fHibramrtiT ail th roa1. sirama. rn t in. t m ti-, i.it. r-t-rrh". lrr,i. ft tt 1t j. mU.4 rh'i 1 li-'H1-" . with t''.T fm- mh i Twritwt t aVav. ib-fT..H r hoitir id tl ic l i..iujf u i Mm m rntf 1 r iimn'r-u u .s, tt 1,11 h-r i .! r i.t Oii.kc the Vkfr in. y t-iii i-.ih pit-lKtl LiiTQkn uti lknM Is.l.tf nt:it...iui. it:.i-;. will b V) bv it) inhwi, kftnrJarik?T LaltvW rfhtj. rxlor-. ariil nj ui.c-d -u rtirt mmir &m M.tt M- .'-r Co. S.J. fr'Uvn u( bv Ik ; itT' t to 9utFat-ribTubtji mi - r sftt 0B Mft Tll'ifftii. LA JAMU Rkll f bJC-- boots& "shoes. pfcs. JI'ST received at theold wtb!ihwa store ot the suf scriber. on Market street. La wishurs. a large and new assortment of BOOTS AND SIIOEH. rompn.Mi.; every daaoripuon oi work raajbaT J lor ex, lame?. CHILPBKN. The 'ock ia selected with ear, aradjwill aTordeit at reas,,r,flhP prices. C UwfoiSI It oris attet rlej to a. unaj. May . IfSfi J"H. HOl't.HTO.s. "Have you seen SAE?' SEKMS to re a Qiif-stiin asW j almosi everjbi dy ; but we inquire. 1'fXtt yon e.n thr Jjtitr firm, with their sppp'y of Iloots., eiiotn, (.uifrrs. &.. wf-- 1 be sobsi rlbers hn-inr; asiK-iaten -.bat pise res mm a Vparnrrslup ir: I ti Ltt. now o Tor to the public, at the Old S:ia of S. A I. SLiriu, on .Market St. ibe ckva (for Cash) and best lot of JiOOTS "J SIIOI.S. for Men ai.d B. . eve r c-fl -red m Lewu'uaig A'so a new an.! spleud.d asi rtmem f t.VM SHOES liUrt end tnt.'tm-,. A var.etv of 'jailers. K.-ilf Oaiiers. Tie. X.j kins. Slipper- Ac. lor Ladies and .V.si.a, Ciiiloien's Shoes of ihe laiatt styles and s.es ; Ac. Ac. -c. Work made to ot.ier Meiii-'n, dire 9 usual and as li e V. I'.n-cn have rrndar satisfa'-rn-n heretofore, ice 'inst we shall have a lull share of pul lie pi'.rOPuse. SAM w)!I : coiiiiiiue -o o- on oiinu as i'-rrr.er y. anil ni to give general satisiac-ii n to all cos-rr.w. I M.1EER At r'AI.DI.N. j Leu isl-iir?, Feb. -t!. r j ntRCEAOT TAI1CR! ! TOIIN If. EI-'ALE. tiavin- nhrfti I al and iriiprt ved his She p, on .Market M-.i9 ! neit to Have" store, has now cprt.ad a lar j 1 and select stock of j 1 Iwllas). Cassi:itcrr. VcjllMgi and '1 1 Jnr;tliizs I of a!! Sin.'., also CE.NTI.EMPX"? nUMtk IMiCtlOHit.surh as PliirTs. Ocves. lloaia i 1 liars, Ac. sc. I.e will also rarrv ua t ctlisi :tn.l llaklrip in all tl.i-ir orrtiit-l.es, u iih despatch, ateorifca to cr '1 r. v. i-! r:;i a.biig:t-, i.n4 on ti. m reasi-nnl-ie terms. i:t-siI.v-ir.a! lofl:ln; alwavs on hat:-! i-hii-per tbii ibe ahespaafl li.11 ii ? a lari;e 1. ret 1 f experienced hai.ja in my employ. 1 In p i;h all fitse faeilika. to tive oener;.l sat.siac'ein, and share liberally in public pn-ri na.-e. I re.rectfiilly ivviie a'l wanm-v. anttli.na- in my line ol' rusinva.. m call and ii.u,i:ie n.y 911 ck r f (io -'.. JOHN II. bEAl . Lewisbnrc. Vav IR. ISJ5. 113? cf UTi:?n and Sayer Ca.stltt V AILMSIIKD. Vt'. ocon Vblliii anil on Mtishii, tra v 10 be bi.ua wp will be ent by llie subscriber, postaje pa fi : Township map, eoli red, fw. ?! ar' tleolrcitil I 7 The lhviion line is drawn rn lb: Map. s'i' Township lines, ai.d s ! ton airs all tb principal Ko-u!s, an I sli-s ei it ; rralire d tances. it should i .studied aliwao are lo vo'e on the location of -l-.c jf i f JHat The Croli-cical M.-.p shows the strata of aV wo Connties. For tnerrcr cop es of lb Msr- nJA'rjm K YOiaXM. I.twlnnj. Mav 1 le Jonathan ctt3, I ARnr.K basement of li. ' block Market ?,inan resk cetlully aolicMw siiare of the public rn'trfes' Tot'onssa!I'!--Co-.ii;r.etTiri.a -.nd . ULaSkS l M at flat Crai C'fl!r. l.-f . K as