Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, March 06, 1857, Image 2

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Tnuisluirg Clpnirlc.
Ym ttnmtmrBm .Vf . Ttw LrwifitrM Ohiuimcik,
fvMmlteJ on tlie t'ta ytva. hat the Urvntt aDtl b-rt
rin-ulatiua ltiT NwtpMtr iu I'uU.n lViilr-
The citizens of Pennsylvania who are op
pos. ii in the extension of Slavery anil lo the
other equally obnoxious principles of the in
comm.; National Administration, as an
nounced in (be Cincinnati platform who are j
tppoei to me union cu Church ani riaie,
the exclusion of the bible from our Common
Schools, and in favor of protecting the I'al lot
box from the corrupt influence by which the
will of the people was defeated in the recent
State and Presidential elections are request
ed to elect delegates, equal in number, to the
present representation in the. Senate and
ilou.e of Representatives, to meet in Conven
tion in the Hail of the House of Kepresenta
tives, at Harrtsbur;, on Wednesday, the -alh
day of March next, at 12 o'clock M., to uom
iimte candidates lor Governor, Judge ol the
Supreme Court and Canal Commissioner, to
be supported at the ensuinc October election.
liavid Taesart,
Fr. Jordan,
John H. Harris,
James J. Lewis,
l)e Lor ma fmbrie,
Paxson Yickcrs,
W. Warner.
John H. VVintrode,
A. V. Crawford,
A. Hine,
C. S. Kauffman,
John C. Hloan,
Jonas Augustine,
C S. Evster.
Joseph Brown,
Jos. 1). I'owtiall,
S. P. M'Calmont,
E. V. Dickey.
C. E. Hoirman,
(J. P. Shaw,
Isaac Rens.m,
John t. Vanvoorhii,
K. B. Moorhead,
T. 8:ruihers,
Hiram Cleaver,
J. C shuman,
John Musselman,
T. J. Coffey,
Andrew (sregir,
L. Iteed.
John T. Peters,
Jas. K. Ilackhouse,
Nicholas Vueghtly Jr. P. W. Housekeeper,
James I'Pnroae, Win. A. Crabb.
John Purcell, (ileum W. Mcofield,
James M. tellers, E. 1). (i.izzain.
Johu Witherow, C J. B ill,
("has. B. Penrose, W. K Frazer,
Geo. T. Thorn, J. Dock.
W. U. Chase, Samuel Kerr,
David Mumma, Ji , S. S. Bishop,
John M. (Jibbuny, John A. Hiestand,
Henrv Souther, John Wright.
W. E. Siefenson, John W. Killinger.
Wn Hamilton D A Finney
HiniiLBo, Feb. 3:), 1&7.
Lawisivas, March 4, 18-17.
At a called meeting of the Standing Com
mittee of the Whigs and others of L'nion
county opposed to the National Administra
tion, held this day, Jons Hows was elected
a member of the Committee, he residing in
the new Township of Lewis.
Jtesolved, That it be hereby recommended
to the citizens of the several Election Districts
of this county to hold
Delegate Meetings
at the proper election houses from the hours
of t to 5 P.M. on SATU RDAY, March Hth,
inst., and choose two from each District to
meet in
County Convention
at Amnions' Hall, Lewisburg, on MONDAY,
March 16th, inst-, to provide for Delegates to
the Stale Convention on the J5lh inst., and to
transact suh other business as may be tlio't
advisable. It. M. ML'SSEU, Ch'n.
James Wimow, Sec
StfThc Democratic S'ute Convention
mot at Harriaburg on Monday last, and
by banging on until after midnight made
up the Ticket a arranged previous); by
the leaden, as follows :
Ballots fur Gorernor.
ht Hub. 20th
Tecitr SO 49
Witts 2!) o'J
8. W. Black 25 44
Koattcrine 47 1
(Jan. Wm. F. Tackier nominated.
Ballots fur Jutly.
Eilia Lewis 43
William Strong 37
Famucl Hepburn 20
Scattering 30
lion. Kli.is Lewis re-nominated.
Balluti fur Canal Commissioner.
Nimrod Strictland 52
l'avil Laurj 29
Joseph Clark 12
Scatlerinz G
Kim hod Strickland nominated.
Tuesday morning, Kceolutions were
adopted, aud the Couvcntiou adjourned to
attend the Inauguration.
Witte is hopping mad, and the West
growl savagely because they have not one
of the candidate.
Gen. l'ackcr is personally a popular and
capable man, but politically all wrong as
be can be. His life-long connection with
the Canal j ibbers, will both strengthen
and weaken him.
The candidates are all Printers poor
fellows ! but, like Tray, their "company"
condemns them.
A constitutional question here arises :
As Gen. Packer is a citizen of the "Slate
of Williauisport," is he eligible to the
elite of Governor of Pennsylvania 1
Icnn) Ivania legislature.
Feb. 20. The Governor signed an act
to legitimate IIcMy C'-Iiiiua.IIcnrj, Charles
and Lavina llartman.
Mr. Sellers called up Senate bill No.
210, relative to public roads in L'uiou
county. Passed its several readings. ( e
are not informed of its provisions.)
The Speaker of the House complained
that a Reporter was trying to bribe, and
a committee was appointed to investigate
the charges.
Feb. 27. Mr. Lewis reported a bill to
supply the boro' of Lewisburg with water.
Mr. Ileitis reported a bill relative to
public roads in Union county.
Kill to incorporate the Wiufield Coal
and Iron Company, was taken up and
passed the House finally. Yeas 42, nays 24.
The Legislature adjourned on Thursday
last to meet again ou the I'tli of March.
Simon Green', convicted of the murder
of Michael Kelly, a brother Irishman on
the Public Works, in August last, and
condemned to be bung at llarrisburg on
Friday last, was reprieved from that day
to 27th March. New witncses are faid to
bve beeu produced, who on another trial
it is thought will prove the crime to have
been only manslaughter.
News from other Counties.
Sullivan The store of Henry Sha
fer, at Hcadleyville, was totally destroyed
bv Sre on the 22.1 ult. Partially insured.
A shawl accidentally caught fire, and in 1
the endeavor to quench it,a fluid lamp burst.
The dwelling house of J. H- Little,
of Laporte, narrowly escaped conflagration
on the 19th ult. The fire was eotnmuni
cated by sparks alighting upon the roof.
Dut little damage was done William
Meylert has been elected Justice of the
Peace for Laporte Borough.
Sntdsb. Concerts of sacred music
were giveu at Adamsburg and lieavertown
at the close of their winter bioging terms,
on the 22d ult., under the direction of
Wm.Moyer. Exercises opened with prayer
by Rcv.W.G.Hackman ; able remarks were
made by the teacher and J. R. Stroup, of
Lewistowu ; closed by the Moyer family
performing, in an admirable manner, sev
eral select pieces. (Seo first page for
Court proceedings ale o sea new adv't for
Frecburg Academy and Normal School.)
Cevrm. Alf. Brady, a eolored man,
was arrested, on the 20th ult., charged
with au attempt to commit a rape. A
rope was placed about bis neck, and he
underwent tho formula preparatory to
hanging, but no revelations in regard to
the deed could be ooazed or frightened out
of him. He was discharged, aud subse
quently a man named Jake Harding was
arrested, and the lady swears that Jake
is the chap A company has bought a
large amount of coal land in Snow Shoe
township. It is believed they intend to
build a railroad from their lands to lielle
fuute, having purchased Hays & liro.'s old
Tannery as a site for a depot The gas
works of Bellefonte work to the entire
satisfaction of all concerned A bill
has been reported in the Legislature al
lowing the County Commissioners to erect
a Poor house. It is advocated by a major
ity of the citizens The Farmers' High
School meets with considerable opposition,
and three remonstrances have been sent to
the Legislature praying that no State ap-
1 propriation may be made toward it
The Borough election of Bellefonte resul
ted in the clectiou of the entire Opposition
ticket, by about 70 majority.
HaT".V run was reccutly made upon the
Montgomery County Bank, at Norristbwn,
but after paying out nearly Sixty Thou
sand Dollars in specie, its solvency was
deemed sufficiently proved, and the panic
IMore Border iMianism.
St. Loiis, Feb. 20. The Jefferson
enrrf cponi4t " r o.
learns by a passenger from Kansas to-night
that a difficulty bad occurred between Gov.
Geary and a man named Sherrsd, growing
out of the former refusing to appoint the
latter to the office of Sheriff, as desired by
the Legislature, aud which bad a fatal ter
mination. Sberrad bad avowed the purpose
of killing Gov. Geary, and, meeting him in
the street spat in his face. Gov. Geary
did nut resent the insult, but his friends
got up an indication meeting ou Thurs
day the 19th. Sheriff Jontt, Sherrad,and
others, attempted to interrupt the meeting,
aud in the affray Sberrad shot Mr. Sbep
pard, one of Gov. Geary's friends, four
times, aud wounded two others. Mr.
Jones, Gov. Geary's Secretary, thereupon
shot Sberrad through the head, killing
him instantly. Great excitement prevail
ed at Lecompton, and a general fight was
anticipated that night. Gov. Geary's resi
dence was guarded by Unit ed States Troops.
Sr. Louis, Feb. 20. The Wm.Sherrad
killed was the man appointed by the
Court to fill the vacancy occasioned by
Sheriff Jones' resignation, to whom Gov.
Geary refused the commission on the
ground of being a perpetual drunkard.
The West port correspondent of tho Repub
lican says that Sberrad did not spit in the
Governor's face, but called him a liar,
eoward, and scoundrel.
St. Louis, Feb. 21. A letter publish
ed in the ?fmorrar,dated Lecompton, Feb
ruary 17th, announces that Hichardson,
the Major General of the Kansas Militia,
died at that place on the 14th.
The U. S. Deputy Marshall arrested
Cap. Walker a few days since. Lie was
examined before Judge Cato, and beld to
bail in the sum of $13,000 to answer the
charges pending aaginst him.
A Bill bas passed the Legislature.giving
the County Judges jurisdiction fur the
trial of criminal cases, and authorizing the
trial of persons before these petty tribunals
without a jury or att indictment.
St. Loiis, Feb. 27. Mr. Sheppard,
who was shot by Sberrad, is not dead, tlio'
he has three bullet wounds in his body.
Young Jones was arrested by a bogus Sher
iff. Gov. Geary called out the ttoops and
prevented Jones from being Lynched, and
also orgaoizsd a Compauy for his own de
fence. The Legislature has passed the
election law.
Sr. Louis, Feb. 28. Late advices re
ceived from Kansas do not differ materi
ally from the first account of the recant
affray. The Council, denounced Sherrad
in a resolution, condemning the assault
upon Gov. Geary, but the Jlonte iuttained
him by a small majority. Sherrad was
not killed, as was first reported. Jones
was arrested and beld to bail in $5,000.
He is not the Governor's Secretary, and
was lately a citizen of Ilarrisburg, Pa.
The bill repealing the test oaths which
had passod tho Council, wrs rejected in the
Huutc by an almost unanimous vote.
The Legislature has passed a law decla-
ing raittance to the territorial laws, punish
able with dcuth.
A man named Forner, living near Mil-
tonburg, Ohio, on the 15lh ult., bet a dol
lar tlat he eould walk home, a distance ot
five miles, barefooted. Ho won bis bet
and lost both bis feet, which were so badly
frozen as to require amputation.
The New Orleans ( La.) Crescent says
that the free colored population of that I
city are possessed of property to tho am ut
of 84,0O0,OC0.
John R.Thomnson ("Democrat) has been
re-elected to the Uuited States Senate from
New Jersey.
Account of Old Union County, for '56.
Orders issued by the Commissioners of I'n
iou county, on the Treasurer of said county,
for debts due by the old county of l'nion, and
for which the present county of Snyder is li
able for the one hall.
Lsinl Howard. Nor Mi 'Lller.wnrth.anrt other Amlltori f.T
makingrountr iwtUt-uirnt Inr .6 incluiliitr; claa. $& .VI
ltavid Swindle, Conctable ir Franklin U)wu?lni atfc-n.i-
Ing election for OctolNT ls.'ii 1 "
Isaac Hubler eot iu cane r Com'weallh Imac Ever
anil Jnlm llun. at Hcemter S.-ftfiniia U VS
la!ii-l Plinth Supervisor of I'enna towufhiu for eravel-
lin liri-lKit auJ hauliln: cravel '10
Johu Seetiolil for load wood for jail in 'SS 1 ou
gem Scnncti for arliTi nng 1 1 ; tuiu coal to jail '55 6 Do
Samuel Wolf:, CoUKlable of Luion Wwnsnip Com'wealtli
eitU. Coslev.S. Lou; ami 1. llo.lE'-riie.l. ?er. 6 'i 41
O. lUiml'arb. Com'wi'altU en lurael lliiteliua l'J 22
B. Shall Cooi'wth r. I. liuteliu". Joint llunde an.l I. Kv-
er arrTinir Su-naa luiieage Ac. tt iiliainajiwrt Court,
Urn-. wanMin 1. f 5U
Noah Benn'-t, Com. T OiH). !todkvr and Sol. Long Sept
sewions oa
1 04
lismrl Viaher. Com. ws.lasoh Stock. Pent session '55 1 67
l'eter Wisraud J. ftim-bach wllnees-rs incase ol Cow'wtu
s Jacob lock Septemlicr peseions '55 3 34
Km. Ctintvoi witneea before J. Swineturd KJ. Cf m'wth
es I. byeraud Jn. llumly, Feb. lilh '54 1 22'
A . UutelluK vs Jacob ttock bept. scsslonH '55 02
A.Wcidcn.aul I'oui.v I.titileliu. J 'iuudy A J Eyer 10 61
Win. Van to'S'-r Uepl'y Atl'y lien'i his 1'itl of Irei. for Feb.
May and Sept. aesnions '55 or all that was at present al
lowed him, by the Cuinmtoiouers. 24 00
1. Irwin Aesor, Uulfaloe Tp attending: fall eler. '55 1 01
J.tOear.Com.TsCroely.lxiiiS'SudRo.iKersS-pt.S.'Aj 1 67
A Kiniple Com. 8 Jacob SUx k riepl. eeai"U '55 1 67
Thomas llower for runninir division line between L'uion
and Snyder counties. 3 oo
Michael Brown Com. ts Israel frutelius 5 34
C. Millhouae, serviug subpwuas Cum. vs J Slock Septem
Ksr session '55 1 76
S llutelius pub'ue ShcrifTs Procl'n July Mill '55 6 01
A J Ivtersfor pub'ni; An. connly stateut-ut '55 lo 00
litD llauck Com. vs Jacob Slock slept. einns55 :t 34
I'hiltpUroet, KfMpl'om. TS I. (jutelius, Jobuleuudy snd 1.
Fver rV.t. sessions 4 I 0
J. MlrnianlVrai. vk Jacob Stork Sept. ses-on '55 1 '-7
W. Bower, Com. TS Crosley, lAitg A Koiiers fe.t. 55 2 OS
1. rasnarht, do do do do do 2 O'.l
I. Fasnat-ht. do W. Uaplner Feb. sessions 1MU 3 111
K. M. Hunter late Constable of Lewisburg serTing notices
Acinl44 4 40
P.itross.r5vj. issninewar'tsCom.Ts II 1. It'Mlearmel 1 02
Orders No. 14t. 153. 157. 1H3, 1S5. 100. 1'6, 2is. amounting
to $16. 00i vis rbarged in coutested ectiou suit lie
tween l'nion and Snyder counties 16 Vil
Worilen A Coriieliiii. priut'g An.co. etatement for'55 2 5o
J. K. -siler Ks Sheriil 4 tons coal for Jail in 154 11 no
J. A J. Thomson Com. TS J. Stick Sept. set, s 55 3 22
II Cochran Com. V" 4'roclev.lrfini A UifiersMav '55 1 161 j
J. Hosier F.i-Sh'l! bill of c.-tti.r years "54 s 77; j
J. I'rice Com. TS J. Cliapiel Sept. session '55 3 35
David tteber and nthers for Itcail Itamages 3V1 no
Moses Baker and others f-r Fox stljm 4 37
Henry MoaU and otliers riewing Itoads 30 bo
James F. I.lnn and others Tiewiug Itoads 5 00
II . Pardn K-q. Jus. Costs Com. ra J. Cbap-el 67
Johnson Walls for Itoad damages 225 0-1
Ab. fiyor witness Com. ts Uutelius, Cundy A I. Eyer 4 60
10.C Sljj
Drlinquent Collertore.
IH'trlet. Collectors' Names. Year.
West tturtsloe Hayes per Vi. Kula 153
I'errr I'etar Tn.up do
SUte. County
37 7
52 Ml
22 00
267 ..13
Vt hiu- Deer Joel Rank
Centre Henry Musser
vA'a-hington lleury Summers
Franklint Israel fiailrhnian
Beaver Beubt-n KlowJ
West Beaver Simon kvcrststter
Center llaniel Showers
Chapman Christian Kerstetter
Mldillecreek Joel Bilxer
tVnns-Jacoh F.rdlevt.
Ferry John Krebbst
Selinsgrove Jeremish Crouse
t'uion Joseph Knele
Vt's"htngton l.udwiif Artels
While beer- r --
VMM f !..!
Marked thus have paid in part since settlement,
do t do State in full,
do X do do in part.
Am't hro't forward total Am't Orders issued 117 .SVl
Orders No. It, 49. 51, amounting to 255,00
remain oiittatiding and unpaid, making total
amount of orders paid TS-Jl1
Account iri'ti the Tovnshipe for lioad,
School nnd Pwjr tundt.
Road. School. Toor
Wast Buffalo! 4.6:1
Uartlay 4 41
Perr l.i'S S
Beaver 33 1 "5 bi
Iranklia 1.63
.33 12,77 ,t
The ahnT amount of Taxes was received by R. II.
Laird, Treasurer.
Vie the undersigned Commissioners of the
county of Union hereby submit the foregoing
account of the receipts and expenditures of
the old county of l'nion lor the year A p.S.rfi
as correal and true, (iiren under our hands
at the Commissioners' office in the borough
of l.evrisburs the Hth dav of January A. 1'.
1857. RICH U V. H. I.IXCOLN,
WM. KTLB, CiHumisnionrrs.
Atlest: AiKtw Kimmr, Clerk.
Trciisuror'H Account.
Kebnrt H. Ijiird, -., Treasurer, in aeenunt
with old Uniim county, 1K.
To cash ree'd from II. Solomon, late Treasurer f 9.17
do delinquent Coll. '55 and oreT. yrs 2USH,02
To amt of Tax entered in t'nm're' office: against
Tariou ersf,ns ion real property! 56.57
To cab for ground rent at New Berlin 4.O0
do for Jury hoes from J. Kca.-ler, Ex-Sheriff 12.00
(Balaaee due County for '55 and previous Tears, 215,06)
By smnnnt of fn1rt lttai1 by the Commisnionerti
durinn thr y-nr ISi. nrj jmul 7S2.1
BftAU( due Pou'.ty hy Trtiuurf-r 1377
By Cumtiiuiiuii ou $7tii,t)l at 1'4 per cent S,7(
We the umlersipned A ml i tors of the county
of Union having carefully examined ami aud
ited the forefrning accounts of the Commissio
ners and Treasurer of said county, PO find
and rep on the said account of receipts and
expenditures and Treasurer's account fur old
Union county for the year lR5fi true and cor
rect as stated. In witness whereof, we the
said Auditors have hereunto set our hands at
the Commissioners OlHce in the boronph of
Lewisburg this th day of Jannarv A-D. 1357,
J. P. BOG A K, Auditors.
Atlest: A. Kr.!i.nT, Clerk.
E - i Siai - S : ' -
r- n
I sal
o 2 2 c
a t-wJ
3 - -
i;rj - - -4.C;
ir i a-e7s'3"a't,Ti fOsL 2
- VS
I ' i a -ze Z S "S S 2j
2 1
c 2
- c
6) m
2 C - I? ..
u So ok a
SI il " -30
a. p g
S p j .12 till
SS 2 5?sj
I Mfcrkcd thu ba paid in jwrt inr rttUmmt.
t I'siiJia lull fiucvjrttlcutnt.
i 3?i STjS rf A. n f
5 ' -X .
jr. . ?
Aiteuurs' J'ay forlSW.
Inmin tor llmir .Trior la awkiDg l
mmia rviiiiC Huucw Jie. Trieunial
AftMMsmcnt A&bb lr,7 304
lo SKf gi-ptennlal Assessment 60
Election Erptn$e.
Sprint Elertloo bald in March ISStf 174 57
ltu-rl Klwtu " October .' W
r-rrfclutil Noeewb. " lfl
S-nMimj Court Iluute and Cum re i jfn e.
Iln ra Amnion scrubbing Court llouw 15 To
Mrs. llarv Laf u do I'ow'ra cllU-e
16 00
.'I'lVvnry's Fret.
John it. Linn. Kku.. salary an Coni'rs Attorney
P rotluinotary' t office.
Samuel Itottfu'a f-es for 1S56
Court Espentee.
100 38
Jurors' Pay and Mileaire, els :
Grand Juror, February term
Traver-e do do
Adjourned Court do
117 74
Sin oil
Si oil
tlrand Jurors, May Term
Traverse do do
tirend Jumrs, Seotember Term
Trarera do do
Grand Jurors, December Term
Traversa do do
ivi s;
-.H.5 S7
In 6:
-409 50;
H7 l!i
12 lid
14 V)
12 01)
12 Oil
12 VII
t2 00
Court Cryer's wage for February Term
do do Adj. Court do
do do Mil do
do do Beptembrr do
do do llevcinber do
Tlpsures or Constables for attending Court,
February Term 40 00
May Term 'J2 50
Seutrmber Term a2 50
liecember Term 2J 5V
-107 50
Constablas milcao and snaking returns :
Ft bruary Term 7 OS
May Term 3
eptemlier Term b 50
DeoLmber Term 8 56
Ro'vl ortftrt ixsuol by tlis. Court.
Wilton J. Luid uj cttiirs during Uic year 8!
Fox S( (x.
Thos. Huff ail other fur tuX cld Hi I
SVac Costs.
Costa pU in fww of Con. moii w-M lib against
the ttlloi-iiig pvrsoua :
Iantl Fbher aud uthm vs. Jmcob Sttuk 19 02'
Com. J f- Linn aud utlieri b
do JiwiaU Ifakvr 1 m
ttin and Uriel. 8 77'
J. KenMer K Sheriff, 0tn, . uu-I, Cual. Ac. 4 UU
CcUirnun wealth v Mar);. lKn-rhy 7 hti
d Aun aar-auian H 00
do va A. inTe and S. Fwinpr 3 Hi
UJ A. lirt)r aud li. Kwiuff 4 7S
Rent for OjHs.
Tru-tIpt.Ohurchf(rrent,Rntr)fflce 00
Jefite aSchrvyer do Com rs office is irt)
4S 00
Jioad Damages.
Joaejth R. Ketler fr road damatrr 40 00
Vcrr Jtri?;rs and repiirs of old ones.
David Maurk tillioif up liride at New lUrtio 1 i
J. Luti n't-airiujiat-'UiuieatjTwe run lirnjacu 4 VI
iuilli 4 Wfarj tr ivn'DK hridt at Turtle Cr
Fruk.Miftjr 4 Co. lumber torvi-air Xur.Cr. br.tf M
17 to
SkrritjT s Ft.
Dun.! I. GuMin for dehtrtintr rrmmn!nr amt
drawiiij Jurur for Ihm. Term 175. A1m fur
rVhrunry, May, &epU-nilT and Docemtier
Terms Iftot. 113 00
Public Ruildhi'jx.
Cbc. Yoder wnrk at offl'-en and Court mom 3 00
Iurh nnl Kai-ly '.-2 Ton Cai deliverid at
( urt It.. m aiidiom'riioflieM 12 00
I-avid Uinu-r work at Court ruon and ma-
ltinr ttrvei 7 '25
J. ll'-itim in wherlinft lawp journals Jtc. Ar. 1 (tO
Chi. 9. Cril- wnrk at I'rothuuolary and !
curdft'e. .lHcts. 2 00
f. tt-hrvk. I'Ultine up. repairintr rtoTes Ac 3 U
KytTi" AmitH'D, lunirerAIVr rpairintT nlflstes
and (Vurt rtmni, making tire, huding coal
and attending ht-atrr 21
I. ri.ilii lor work at lr-tthnrtotary nfflw 40
K. pkcr col. Lye. 31 u. Iu. Co. AMesfUieut
No. Won putlic huilditiii; Jtf ST
B Ammoo tr Cual aud atiendic heat. Dee. T. H ,r2
W. My ert-, tranhp'u beaterit Ac. fur Ourl 11. lo v'1 ?s
u'j sr.; -
Coroner fs Itiaucxts.
a. VoiinKmsn, Kq. holdiotc an im)uert on the body
ol J.Ziuimeruiau iu Liuit stone ly. r-b. 14, 'to 11 lf
Commissioner s Ojfu'c.
f,mTsi St-hoch. late Cominituiioner "0
,lnrfh Ilnmmrt 111 M
iiliau Kule :i3 ou
Charius IVnuy anl J. Miller Cord pine wool 2 .SO
Keam aud C- liarnes tor sawing A piling w. 2 4-T j
Wilitan V. Miller, Cah-udar furomw 1 00
Hnvrlxp", l.--Uire. Ac '1 M
John Corurlius hii bottle Ink
J. A. Mt-ru. K-q , (ualifyinc Sheriff and Com-
iuikDTrn fir drawini: .lumrt XX2
WiliiMUi Fairrl f.-r 4 n.u of Coal 1 7i
A. kennetiy turn u tumiuL'sitmerf
i'M 26'. 4
J. TT. ppnninirton for r.for'liiiir lonJ mnd eer-
lirifKteor-lT-tt'.iinf U- II. Ijiinl, Trrn. 4 :-0
Muss IVrrital Jt Masn, rml auU pmn, torCnm-
mifPhiiifrtfollitf lit 50
1 W. (V-rnflius tnHk'ffll ftff'n hoirnP.W. Ijcw'k 3 4.1
j intrr-E i-l i"T. lu.on n--ti-tf '.fforWdmyn 4 TO
vi iiiviv-ii as V.UI iST-ttu vute uutr ymyrw aun
trmi-i-TUti iD 8 40
J. W. IVuninKt.to for bofit tn park up iioDtii
lo riij's Kv-pifOr'n ottir fnm . ItsTliu 2 W
J. iklirrter im1 son bill of DierchaniiiM 10 lit
County Printing.
Wnr.lfn A fmliu printing eairvi Mcnk
4.r.l rn ir. i -K
7-ii.rvi h A Linn for puh'niiTrifii'l AwmdidI &
. 1. ilrli (irintinjc Tunmi Mauku lti UO
Wurden 4 f'Tneliuiw rintin An. itat?mnt,
Klf-rilf'i. Pilmtinn ittiil O-urt ot Aji.li f8 1
Wor.it-n A Ornliu printing Mnnkt. hfrifTii
I'ruclmutaliunii, Uf u. aud i'rreiil'l Klwc'u 3 03
Contented Flection.
0a. J. RortlnlConrTtebl, wrrintr no' tn rapt
uf (Vim. Tt J.rtmilh rnnts-btetl t-lec u forCou'r 6 -It
Mark lUlfptuuy witneaa i 91
T)fpvfy Attorney General Fees.
Wm. n lirwr ifp. ah y uvn. ic ror lw. 1.
18, and May Term 1H
16 50
I Total amount of Orders issued $,0tH a' 4
We the undersigned Commissioners of the
; county of Union hereby submit the foregoing
account of the receipts and ejpenditures of,
tlie saio county tor tne year n. . . tB as
i correct and true, f.ivcn under our hands at .
I the Commissioners' office in the borouch of;
Lewisburg the sixth day of January 1957,
KIC1I U V. U. MAt'lLS,
WM. Kl'I.I", Commissioners.
Attest : A. KiatvinT, Clerk.
Treasurer' Arrount, 1S5G.
Robert H. Laird, , 'i'reiirer, in account
with Union county, XI la.
To Cash rsr'd of Cpllwt'ors for 1R56 434.t,l.'
Tasss anttrl in Com'rs' iitfir. on real Ttronsrty 7:1
Cash ree'd of S. Kousb, I'rotb'T, fines and Jur; fees 49.ito
lSSC.Jar..". Balaner.lurhTCollrtnraoris5S
Ualance due by R. II. Laird, Treasurer X43,4
Ualanec due Countr, Jan. 6, 1S57 WoH,U
Br amount of Orders issued bv ComDisaloners
dtirins: the year IsM and paid 4(109,36
Am i or i ommisMun at I'. pr el on iw,.fn rsl
to Treas. dsnnr 'SH alir.wrd aa oompensauoo
Balance due Cuuuty bjr Ireasurar
We the undersigned Auditors of the county
of Union having carefully examined and aud
ited the foregoing accounts of the Commissio
ners and Treasurer of said county, DO find
and report the said accounts of receipts and
expenditures and Treasurer's account for aid
county for the year 1856 true and correct as
stated. In witness whereof, we the said Aud
itors have hereunto set our hands at the Com
missioners' office in the borouch of Lewisburg
this sixth day of January 1HA7.
J. D. BOGAR, Auditors.
Attest : A. Kr.wwi.riv. Clerk.
Executrix' Notice.
"VfOTICE is hereby given, that Letters Tes
J tameniarv on the last will and testament
of AUNKK KOBliiNS, late of White Deer
township, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned, by the Register of Union county,
in due form of law ; therefore, all persons
knowing themselves indebted lo said estate,
are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having justclaims against the same
are also requested to present them properly
authenticated for settlement
JEMIMA ROBBIN'8, Executrix.
While Deer, Feb. 7, 1857 pd
ALL. persons knowing themselves indebted
to J. Schreyer, either by Note or Book
Acconnt, will confer a particular favor by
paying tbe same on or before the 1st day of
April next. j 3. SCHREVLK.
Lf-wi-lur-.Feb. 50 1S37
military Fund of Union Co. for 1855.
BulTaloe nl-w Hanck t5I..J
K. liuif II. Win-ar.leu 2S.'"'
W. Hurt. 'r Klersncr 4l."d
llartb-y i h. M.ik-Ii .V.f.u
Kelly Jac. K.i..r l'V'O
limestone Jac. .shieely I'o.od
Lwo.bii.N W. A Kenn.dv4MW
do. .-.W. Tamere-n i.,.'.il
Mifttint.ur VV. iiou-liu 4-o
New lv.-r-ln t'h'n Winter o.'el
Jackson Jac l-iby .'
tnk u-Ja. . ."t-kcr 1MU
U lilel'r J.honb.ut.ader7'i,u
Itecl Com. r.im. True
1. 0 6.il
it.ni 7.;.
2,77 ll.:.o
Vi l.inl
i 111
1 1
.1 ;s
ii 5,00
2. -id
?,.. I
4oi50 21.40 7."'.
T1i"M. rorke.l with a star niioe .iol.
Itrttii''irrtl t'ullrct.irs uf Militury Vines.
8,1 1
l ante itte Junuury l , ina.
j W.Biiir W.Ktile' per K.U. Hayes IS.Vt
. l'errv reter 1 roup
ent'-r Henry Musser
r'ranlilin ftitnon Snyder
Washiustiin Henry Summers
Heaver Keuben Klose
Wot Beaver Simon Kerstetter
Center Daniel Shower
Chapman Christian Kerstetter
I'erry John Krebbs
Welinsisrove Jeremiah ' 'rouse
Wailiuigiun I.udwig Arbogast
a 1.5,91
Militortf Orders paid fir 1S55 and !8.rC.
PJ llntrade Iiisnecior for services reu-
U'red in 153 ?
" " f(r the following items,
for IHAC, viz :
Inspecting Centreville Uifle J'ompany
Organizing Shade Mountain Kaners
Insp'njt Tnion Independent Buttalion
InspTn? F.tnmitt and Pollock Uuards
1 day cullecrt cartridge bxs fur flk Gds
Organizing Kreeburs Ouards
A J. C'rotzerA A. J. Peters for printing
orders and bills for a.m?
Postage for returns and letters per John
KurMer, P. M.
CPrey repairs done to artillery waL'on
B Bell conveying arms from Lewisbiirs
lo Bo"ar'a laveru
lii.ou :
15 ;
5,00 j
0,00 i
' :
Citimrs an.l Clk forsrves inmlirybsns
l'rinlers fr pblishnc statement ir l5i
Assessors fr furiiisliin!? list ol'rleliimuut
military nien at S cents earli
PJ State Treasurer as per receipt
fiii.05 '
Total amt of orders in cash paiJ S'-fi.xS
TKKAM'BEIi Ati 'll NT.
Uotierl II. Liurtl, 'I'remurer, in or eon tit with the
Military 1'undnf L'nitm County. fur 1K5G.
To amt of fines uncollected for 1S55
anil previous years !s.)0,n5
To amount of .ai.l tines assesseil for
lHoti, as per book in winch taid tines
arc entered by the County C'oinm'rs I"i2.5u
Uy amount of said fines outstanding for
lHMtaml previous years tinofi.i'l
By amt of said lines outstanding fr '"'"' i'J.T I
Exonerations allowed collectors fr lsu'i
and previous years
CommissUin allowed collectors fr l.r.6
at 5 per cent.
Orders paid as per annexed account
Treasurer's commission uu $ 100,8 1 at
1 per cent. 4 'ir'
By balance due ("ominotiwealth 235.:t:i
11 1 !,!.'
I'siui Cocsitt ss :
I, R ihrrt H. f.aird. Treasurer of
l'nion County, do hereby submit the f. regiMTi;
account of the Military Fund of said County
as correct and true, lor lb.- lear l.'ii;. Jiven
under my hand at the Treasurer's OtHce in
llie Uoroush of I.ew-isbiin;. the 17th .lay of
Feb., A. 1). I "57. KOliEKT II. LAInU.
We the underpinned. Auditors of the Cmifitv
of l'nion, having caretuMy examined an-l au
dited the foreniiie account of Robert II. I.aird.
Treasurr tf L'nion County, do find and le
iort the same true and coirect as stair. 1. In
witness whereof we. the said Auditors, have
hereunto set our hands at the Commissioners'
Office, in the Borough of I.ewisburj;, llie 17lh
day of February, A. D. 157.
Jl .h iiKAt'h, f
. Ke.nsliit. Clrk.
A. TIlnMA",
J. h. IM'.AK.
fllllE underst'ened bein? determined toclose
I business in this town.wiii dispese of their
: present eitensive stock of First Kate Clothing
at posmeiy.a-l per c olli, less than it nas
ever before been ottered in this town or neigh
borhood! Come hither, all ye seedy, shiver
ing bodies, and be ye nicely, warmly clothed !
,-' can-t
be satiMitit wnh our prices ami
,s neTf r can be. Here you can get
. .
toat?, 1 ants, C5t?, Mints, IlrawCl'S
well, anything that a gentleman oucht to be
possessed of (except perhaps a wife) for
your money, no matter how small your ptie
may be. Don't think we are joking when we
say that we onVr them so low, but just come
and see for yourselves.
NOTICE ! A" persons indebted to the
Finn of J. Goldsmith &. llro. are earnestly
requested to call soon and square up ; and
j those haviug claims, will please present their
Lewisburg, Ta. Feb. 6, 1807
OAL ! The nndcrstirni'd Wnillll TPS-
I J n.nirniiwir.rnrm ik. niii-.e, r I ,i.i,..
and vicinity, as well as persons in adjoining
towns, that he keen, constantly- on hand a
: .i rvi4 Viikix ii it vsLfi j ittrv
C(.4L,forStove and other purposes, of every
Tart!.tT and sue. and will delirer Ooal In persons desiring
it. as he has a team fr Hint purr-ias. Ilavinit eri-eied a
pair of ftiiod WKHill SCALES, he ran assure persons
purrhssine fttal thai they will get full weight, and thus
pay only for what they reoeive.
:oal can be had at the lowest Cash priees at his Vard,
, few ranis from Mr. Weidetisaura UoteL
.7G7y;. u all kinds will be attended to at his Poai
Lewisburg, May 13, 1S56
""Also Blacksmith's Coal.
Cancer Inifitute, for the Treatment of
Cancers, Tumors, Wens, Ulcers, Scrofula, or
any Growth or Sore. Chrouic Diseases gene
rallycanbecured(ifcurable) without surgical
operation or poison. For all particulars write.
stale diseases plainly, and euclose 25 cts for
advice; Letters must have a postage stamp
encioseu to pay answer, nieuicine sent any
distance. Address C L KELLING, M D, j
MechanicsbuTg. Cumberland Co, Pa. ;
Merhanleshnrs; is H miles from llarrishurfir.on theC.V.
Railroad, and arocMible from all parts of the t Dion. !
Old and young, poor and rich, come all we will do you '
af-od. eTer-To thoea afflirted who ran not Tisit me perso- .
nally, 1 will send, par mail, on receipt of f& only, a keeipe i
to nratian. Mejliein. with full Hi.i.A.. ' .
,11 patrltenlara. Address as shore emblo
BARBER and Hair Dresser,
Office in Amnions' block, Market street, 3d
door above the Store Oct. 23. ISSB
f ADIES DRESS GOODS new and hand-
J j some just rec,'d bv
Dec. 2.'.
n. H. Dershara, II D.,
nAVIN; iTninnt-ntly located in U
u.,al.i.r . re-sTiT.tli.I!V teiul-irs hl
Professional Hervircs lo ilie ciiizen of ibis j
town and . u niUv. hopin-r. by piompt u'ten'.. n ,
to the duties of ins prolesMi-n to merit a shnr
of tbeir pa'rotmt:-. A'tention will ah be j a:- 1
tn Chronic Piseases of every i.ame,and tie-t' l
with uiipar;i!!"!f'l sueces!. ;
n.. nri.'SH 1 pra.!'iar! ;it th" rrnownd
I American Klertie. M...He:tH:ollr-.CinCiiinjti .
! havin- firNt Mu.iied the Old or Aiinpathic y-
tem of medicine, and atte,..!.-., I
: ot the Old School Me.tict;!
elphia; but h-commi: ci.-.inre
! ioniy of theNewor Am'Tiean K
he commenced its study, a u!
courses of Lectures in the U l
riran Kelectic Medical C. :
City ofih' UV't. Thi-s l iiiti
yt in tt! intniH y. "r" r ' "
I vin;i-t) Hun-...:., inire.-ii. : i.'
!.-.iir-Hl L.'ih ' 1 C-.nnu i :ti -. i"
j.hj-i. miir. 1" ..il j art oi ..iir
A.-., th-v wiM u ui-.n; Ui-M.-ruij
c!;i.E- ot Vliv-i.
; 'Ihf i-rinni-iil -1 :' ren'1-- l.ffw'"" '
, K.-b-.-li.-.ai.a II.;- Allo.Ji "-V'-t""'
:r v.- .''iliiiil i.-- no n. -li i'-.l f.'
w .y iijuri' H I-. ih- lii. r..'tui.
of I'liila.l-
' t.ie o;"-r-
1 iw.
n. a ! ili
i .. ll,ll.:
, ha ol I..U-
! mil (.M-.'jf'iT" ' '.i-i
i Cf'!II'l,'tw fUl'-ttllil' '' 1"1
; I'-i.ifl. 4tf.:i t r- v
..f It..
ii in.- 1 1
i i
A!l"i't ir
.n all Hie
tn- II- Hi-. ,
. ii: . n
tit.itiwi- si"! ' '"
niAti-u. Ii.-l. i
M-. .,.. .1 ll.iu. . t.
'Ill' N- rri..
11,.. m-il,.n,l t
riiui'-al lf'.i I-' lt
t tu-
t.-ii.-lli- r
is ..Hi -
'I'm. i-
Nrw .-h'-i
- t
r ,1.
aj, ..I I r..-i' -a :
.i ujf ii
hv .l
n. I Ii K i
-l-t --t.
iirlwiU's I'silrn! !' t :t!'-
..it. i.'.. t N-v. - :--.
tri.Tlii is n-1 ).- Mill -.4 in It ! i: r.!!'.
iu Uu- 11...1K.1 ii, il.- .a-.- i.i. i - --I v.io n it
tin.!-, i-i.'l ""' l--"'"r ' : '""'
Vunuf-eturul ut Ih: Eale ,.ri:, tlarrubttrg.
I'l.KASi: TAKE l'AltTI. I I.Alt M'TK'K.
THAT tins is enl rt lv ii"v mi!' m ex-
n-iie Was V
lie! in ft- iiiMiitrcture
ail the material" an
u-el un-p;iriii;,!y. '
twice :h Ienith i.f th lVr:
c'.u.l:i: tlif l"i- yiio t. r. u.i.'l'
v i v Me- T.
...... ar :
a! ni" i
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' n-i a iiflK-j- ll.r uh it- 'J
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vnliini m tt.-- i ' li :i
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Willi it. aii l -!'i.ii. i 1 ' '.'
a ) ri niii-in - -n t!,.- S'lvn:. t ( -
Ju:j 1,1-. I.
M..r.'th.in"n.'' n-i s'
h:ivt- li.-. Q civcli t" my M..i w.t:
-rt.i- M; 1 li; - ..' "HI
4 f .1 li. li. vt..ni:::;" In-, is
cuuvi-ui-iii. a
AJin-.-j, W .0. HlrK'Hi,
ForssVlT J is.-fll VT.f
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I III. I .
Aint !.. r W. rs..
II it n.-Liur,;, I'a.
". t.. :-l'ur
Tlus Way, Laiies and Gentlemen!
for good, durable, c'ir.ip irol !, :ut-ful Frt'tnt.
Amlirol) ! Likenesses of a very supe
rior quaiity on a new and iiiiji'nvi plan, lar
surpassing the Daiuerreotyp.-. Tliey am not
reversed, but show cvervtiiinir in its true p, s:.
tu n are without the itlare o the Daguerreo
type, and hence may be seen m any view ;
tiiey are taken in one fifth of the time of a
Daguerreotype, and therefore hetterfortaking
small Children, which require tut a second in
hriphi lo-lit. and ou dark or iamv davs are
taken as quick as D.iu.-rreotyp -s in the clea-
' te davs; thev are lar more durable than any
picture ever made bv lightbems taken ou jilale
S1 ' ul,ltl' another plate ot t.ie same is
hermeticallv sealed wi'.h an in.ltiinictibie
' cement, by which llie pictuie retains its bril-
lianey lor a'ts; and it will u ! corrjJe Ly
acids, nor br in;ureil by vceaiiicr or climate.
('opies ol Daguerreotypes, Oii Pamtinirs,
i Engravings, or any other object whatevtr,are
; made by this process finer than by any oilier
known. i-i?'lYrtra;ts set inelegant ftatnes i f
j morocco, or fancy cases, gold lurkcis, breast
I pins, fintrer rings, &e- Ac. at short notice.
IAIs,.. ;rrii ri t l pt'H hn h for true
and faithful lite likenesses are not surpassed.
Of cilherof the above mentioned species
of Portraits, the value is undeniable. They
lighten the sorrows of absence or death, iy
; granting us to behold a beb.vcd relative or
. prized friend aimost as distinctly as if present.
.Mother! fathei ! sisters! brothers! friend.!
what would you not irive it the faces of tlo
' lost might still and ever smile upon you as
in lite ! Then procure Portraits ere too lau
Charges moderate, arid Likenesses warran
ted to please. Dasuerre, tvpes, PainTincs,
Drawings Ac. copied. Out-door Views and
Miniatures of Deceased Persons t.iki p at the
shortest notice. "cKemember the place
Room in Beaver's building, next the Telegraph
oflice.Lewisbnrg. M 'I'ARTY. Artist.
ew wter Itrslaiiiuitl !
HE subsenber has opened a Saloon in the
basement ot the Washington House, (en
trance on 2d St, 1st door rforth of Market,an.l
is prepared to serve up OYs'l -.'AS, all sort.
of VIES, and almost everything in the Kating
line, at any time of day, and evenings, lie
I asks a share of the public patronage,
i J.-in. oV, ;s57ih3 DVVIU HERR.
Heal S state.
lil:i:KAl;I.V U an pider (,f ihr Orphir.'
Cimr! 1. 1' L'i.iiii ci.uiity, will ,e ei,,,
in yM.e ;t!-. .m the premiss known a,
Mri!.:s...ii i .iun" i I SAMI Kl. M CLKI f.f'v
Jei;p.irit. .:lna!.. in Kiilfaloe? Invnhip. I,r,,
tutu. . l'a-.cv.iiini.-iicii.'.' at 10 o'ciucii A.l , .'
J", nrsd. i;: the. VAhU ..y if .vr,l ni
p!t t'r.nt i-ief-.u;'."" ar.-l :r.;ri of l.ar..; v ,.
hi l.iii-tl-f i..iihtp a!..r.ai I. c' ,
1;.i.i!a .1 lifirs i f Joiili Menr.i ilir'.i. "
i. . ... .te.--.i. . f H.ii.i. k....,.v .v-M.a!... ;a, :;
1. 1 V'.'.n. S.i' an I baii'l I.u-Vuai '.t, r.'an. .
Ill Acres
i !i ;lif jti-;.r i.ai-ci.-. f: ,. a:: .,-.,.; ;
'J."?,- in a r ( .t:i'.' cf rni'ii r:.,j '.
-V'w jii.i.s'iir'Ti,- ure ;i rv... -:. i. ., -'i
v ..! V. ..t--r. m il a lar' fg. "iil.'Il AKil
ttiin all fcii..!.i i I I'tuit. itf
'J iiis va!i:;.: it.' t" I . J" I I" l " ' ' ! as a .
i-r ii: il -' ii. 1. 1 l-.ts a- nii.y u:r fuitha-rr;
li.ri.i- in i '' J-.i' '.vii at '' t'V
;:!. m i i.ki r. i.n. Kx.cr. r
m.m:v a. m i i.i.i.i.KN. ):.. ,
I'l l), ".j, r ..i i'i ! if oi .n
i, rors i;:;.vr-A vsi..b:e mk.?
-...:..:.: I- r ri .';:if. enter
Cooper, A:;
li. -I 'i.ri.i... it' I lii.ce.
I.ew..i.iii.'. Feb. -:', l--'.'.ll'
ji i; 1 1. 1 i x v i.o i
for cJe.
f I MS AT vrrv .::! " I'I I.I. LOT. fi r. -
:b- ii.-m ('. r: lfi.:i-e tn l.fir.-t ::';.
II..- uii.-easl c loer ol ."Secoiol ari't St. 1. j.
- i i in o! ! I., i-e up. n it ) i ei laifii;.
ot' t!,.- t.i . r beautiful and ixcel! nt b.jiiil.
to. :;i to'rf'ii.
Ii i.ot ,. p ixn! i.r at Private Sale by Fi;
DAV i!. .th ol M.i rrh neit. il will ih-.
tillered at I'uiii.c Sale, at 1 o'clock. P V
the premises. Jn.-KPH MEIXL'LI.
!. iv, -bur-'. F.-'i. 1 1, l"il
Vih'i wants a gaol Hose?
li-vr. well-lnnsli. ! i,;u lin-e.'.
ii. .'. . . tl i-i! lov.ea-ar,' , .'.... .lilies,
,i . : jt 'e i. a:l :a c m; i r '- r
'e ' i-i .-.v t'.i uirile:... I 'll, n Ci r.i'.iv-- .
: ,'or s;i t,v' tilt- sub.cri'.-r. ven-.-: r.
. is:.;,, i :.v J. II. Ki.Tl.Li;.
i .
Or-phms' Court Sale.
Y t'?n nr.NT of tl.fHriL:i:'
l) f .ut.! I tiion c. ui.ty, u'l! te , i
lor .1! til'' ! 'l!-::!'. h'Hte i t J.C .1, llrf...
;.: ! . . r.l. : :.r. at 1 o'cloek p. M. ,,i
S...i:t :;t3 . !;.t' V!Is! .Hun'i iu-l,
. I. A Ti .i ! Land -:!u.i'- ! li.-f..
t, j . r. -'-.. l'::i, ii c m.'v. ih-
MuielT.r.rtCr, l.'',-'d, CI f.tiiii. ' z "
,'t t ri :; -. u. : e i r !e -a :. .i
..v ! i o.i i i. ;i:e , i-t : - . :
; J. r,:: I.ti.i.rr i ti tl.e ei.-', arv
i l ii'r iai.ds ol sai.i ilrc- as. !. a
e ;,,,,!. s-: ai ri s . f .t Tin.ter La:
i, ii.. ni..:. r a,l tioo'-r t 1 nn: r,.v-
T' r r ! i f I. M:d si'tia'r 1 ,;i I..:;.i
i.i-"-. o v ;.: i re-aid. c -r. '
iii.-i .'.-. j t :. i.es. m, re or !-.: 1
. i u..ie. .-rioi m.iker. t i,sr . t'
h , e .. , , r. I;, ; j.UiIil 1 ii .':
!' -. r m. ! o:Krr. all I.ir.,- -'
..: i:.. : V. . ii!;;r. at.d liie reii.n
bv ..ii
t'i- IV
I. . -'
ill 1 t
II ''I,'.
X -
I s ... ,
Acljiiui' n'U
C-rLar.-,' Co.ut Sale
Ol' V U.11.1IX P.1ML IIM III.
1Y vlr.ri' i.f an iV-Vrof llie hv.
I ) Cr!:: i.;' NiT'!i::!:iI'rr!aiitt ('t.ui.i;-. . .
be twp-'-ti i" p'if iic a' f n
.Tt !i " I':.::..- H f'f 'J hrnias S'arin. :-
i ' .r- ;ru :.-!i i!.e iV.l'cWii.g d?e.:c I t
K-.-,. IN'.. -. ... v.:r:
A r : : n 'ir.lt'T 'F I.A.D mIiis"- : 5
!i' i-. rip.x,c Tp. N..r:hunJ rrUuiH tir .
n -h r rii', ;iu.l in nil l y IinK o( ih he;r.f
J' '.r.i K' --T. t!r c'ti. u lht wet ly t!,e I'-: '
- :. ;i ar.il en the uiiiii ty
t '!.i..ti ;e ( 'it- tk. cr main irg- "
nan' ir !", wj'li the apf urtei:ari rr. in
I:;ipri . uj'Ti-. .ir a Tvvk-Mi rry Frame 3
i wi'.i.i.iN; i r i ? i-:.
with a KITCHEN attach. .i. -
a: ' a Weil of Water at the door ; a'ao. a
.cv rniiiic Store Kocni,
I't :imk 11 1 tl. anl other necwarv
t.j.i as.. I a ham her of FKtlTgj'
'1 ,v!li".?i -all. iWe eMa:e f tikuitt.1 ,
Ha . .ixca' ti.
I ? 'I h'1 aim"e e-MHihmcnt is sitnater? "
ilif Tnfinl Uailr. n-4. The S'crer-'om Yr-
h're:t re tirtM. iTci.pie.l a surh. There . ,
an eve:V!.t Ur:t Mui a lew ivs tV, bur : ,
t(re u nliiti liir-'e iniit-s. urroutM'.t'il 1 . .
prt"-pcn us Kamnn? communiiy it ia' -
t-iluT an excf I'.t-iii place lor the Mercai.:. 9
(:i:er iu-ir:t s.
Sale to c. !im nce .it 1 1 o'clock. A.M. cf .!
dav. Tt'rtn ma ie known at sale t v
JOHN A. MKKJ Z. A-.imi:u:ra:cr.
IJv r nt tht. -nrt: C Uotu Pi Lt. (
K.iruarv 157
"O TH'l" is hereby nven to the : n-
ders of the Uelletorite. Aari t:,.',i
uutiuiiiiisioun 'J'uriipike Head I'.n :
t!:iit an Election will be he at the h, :.
Atiraham Fredericks, in Aarnnsi i'
Tuesdav the loth day of March nex:. ::
the hours of III and - o'clock, to e tv:
Hireetors to manace the concerns :
Company for the ensuini: venr.
l'ETLK W II.MI.N. rrfs .i't
Spring M.Us, Feb. I, 157 r'
i 4
$1,200 a Year".
t,-l : 'el.- "''"
tilul work, '! In MiHii aill
OKI Vi oi l.i anil till- ' '" lvu F
ing a View of the p.es. i.t :: :;' "
of the oIld. th-.r mant!. rs. . .:-: r
peciiiianues, and li'.cir political. r-" "'j''-'"
and in du-trial coti.litioii. it.Hi;,r"'!
lXt:ri,;,t S.'.--f.- ar..! -I:-;1' '
ISl- U'lium lessen;, illllie r of t:- " '
of Kntiand, Ure.-cc :.'. I K.-we. Kn---revised
and em! 'i-.e 1 dh several t.u;.
Engravtnss f...n ,iciai.oi 'r.-me.l.ve:i
and other .!i:u,l?.i l nr'!-s. lti,"l
illustrated with I beatit.lui'vc.A.r.-- r-1'
with costumes cf varu us Ration-. ''
I j'.'1
Agents selling tins work have c.eai'
a montl). LSend lor a -pfciu:. a ' ' : V "..
prosper tus.w ht.'h .ire set.! bv mai. T' "; I "
receipt of s:. with particulars ot a-"'' ."
J. W. HKAKI.EY. Publisher.
41 North Fourth St. i'.'ii..." ',"
VB. In addition to the usual p.-r '''- ''-'
we make an extra inducetceut to A '
wav of rUKMll'Mf. J.n
irv 'l.'KS-all k""1 ''f ""!,,t
ft V:'-h.'ur Uiass fl.ck-.and r.'" l.
taVtime-pieces. Itra.-s s i.iv 'l. cs
bra 3n-hourcl-ks as low a- '.'u
warranted for one vear at J-1- 111 V
Wimi KSUK ar..'. ittV .
L'ruj aud CLt.iiS.! L,nf"'
M-..ti ttrec: - - - Lew.o'S-"