I It . 1; 3 f , 1 H'1 r ! A Yankee in a Pork-House. TVa-a-1, 1 eat eout West last Fall stopped at Cincinnattr tea) weak. Dre' ful nice place ; they dew business there ; beat all bow they go it on steamboats bu'st Un a day and build ii ! I went op to i be Pork haonsea. Fus thing yno meet if a string, 'heout mile long, of big and little critters, and bags and buckets full of scraps, tails, ensouls, ears and ribs of bugs. Fuller up this line aud jeou come to a mighty large beouse, lig as all aout door, and a feller steps up to me snd says be to me, "Yeou're a stranger, I s'pose V "Yeou due ?" says I. "Yea-a-e," said Le, "I s'pose so and I op and said I was. "Wal," said be, "if you want to go over the baoune, we'll aend a feller with ye." Fo I weut with tbe feller, and be took me war back daouwn stairs aout in a lot a a lid ererlasiin' sin t yenu should jis seen the hog couldn't oaount 'em in three weeks ! Sech squealin', kickin' and goiu' on ; sech cussiu' aud hollrrin', by the fellers pnkiii' 'em in at one eend of tbo lot and punchin' on 'em aout at t'other ! Sech a smell of hoj-s and fat, InWj snd hot water, I swan Uu pucker, I never did eal'iate on, af..re ! Wal, as fast as they dW 'em in by droves, tbe fellers ke.t a cranwdiu' 'em daowo towards the I'ork baouse ; there two fellers kept a shoot id' on 'em daown, and a hull gaiig uf tbe all firedest dirty, greasy-looking fellers aotif stuck 'ent, hauled 'em daown, and afi.te yeou could say Sam Patch ! them bogs were yauked aout of tbe lot killed scalded and scra ped. A feller with grease enough abaout bim to make a barrel of safi snap.eaid that when the? hurried 'em some they killed, scalded and scraped ten thousand bogs in a day ; and when they put on tbe steam, twenty thousand porkers were killed off and cut np in a aiugle dsy ! Wal, we went into tbe haouse, where they scalded tbe critters fast aa they brought 'em in. It was anuziu' bow the Brussels fl w ! Afore a hog knew what it waa all ahaout, he was bare as a puukiu ; a book and tacklo iu his euaut, aud up they snaked him on to tbe next floor. I snum, tbey kept a slidiu' and snakiu' 'cm np thro' tbe scuttles jest in oue stream ! ; "Let's go up and see 'em cut the bog"," .... fli ft.llar I Up we goes. Abaout a hundred greasy fellers were a back'n' on 'em up ; aud it was detb to particular people the way the fat and grease fiea ! Two whack fore j and aft, as Uucle Jcems used to say split the hog ; one whack, by a gr.y tel ler with an everUatiu' chunk uf sharpened iron, aud the hog was quartered grabbed and carried off to another block, and then j a set of savagernus-lookin' chaps Iayed to and cut aud skirted around ; hams and shoulders wet going one w.y, sides aud iiiidliuo auother waj ; wal, I'm acrewed if the bull roiuu didn't 'pear to be full of fi)iog P"Tk 'n baoia, aides, scraps and grtasy fellers rippiii' and a teariu' ! lhiowo in another place they were aaltin' and packiu' away, like sin ! Paown io the other place tbey were frying aout of the J everlastiu' biggest bilers yeou ever did see, I vow ! Now, I ssked tbe feller if such hurryiu' a hog through a course of sprouts i helped the pork auy, aud he said it didn't ' make any difference, be s'pected. He "eaid tbey were not hurrying then, but it 1 would come in aome day when "steam was np," he'd show me quick work in the pork business knock daown, drag aout, acrape, cut up and have tbe bog in tbe barrel be- jore he yi4 thmutjh tqueiilm ! trom tbe " amors uf Fulcnubridye," published by 1'trtRSOS, Pbilad J A lady who bad two fine pairs of twins remarked that the eradle was tbe proper engine of political power for woman to coulrol to which one of tbe "strong minded" playfully r-j -ioed : I really think " quoth Mrs. Cox, To cradle 's woman's ballot b.ii." In iliat case, I take leave to say, Voti. madam, do not show fair plar; You're much too apt (thn law it mocks) To put two ballots in the box ! Frentice ys. President Pierce, in a let ter to tbe New Hampshire Agricultural aocety, declares bia preference for a far mer's life. He will have a cbanco to go to raising potatoes after ihe 4th of' March, and, even though he may be as miserable at farmer as be is a President, we don't be lieve be will ever be able ta raise as small potatoe as himself. earThe following apology appear io a Republican paper: "The editor is absent from the State, wVtoh will account for the want of any editorial atteutinn this week, and tbe edi tor "a wife feels ao bad about the election uf Buchanan that we dare not aak ber as aistauce." Judge Butler raid io the Senate : "When Sontb Carolina makes np her mind, let me inform tbe Senator you will hear very lit tle fuss from ber." Whereupon Mr Wade replied : "Then she has not made up her mind lately." The candidates for the Legislature io a county of Wisconsin were J. M. Root, Democrat ; Knot. Hogg, Free Soil ; T. H. Pjn, Know Nothing. So it was "Root, Hogg, or Dye," with the voters, sure enough. Blarney said in reference to severs per sons all relations to each otber, but who happened to have no descendants, that it acetned to be hereditary io their family to have no children. Bully Brooks repudiates the doctrine of squatter .Sovereignty, and says thatunles the Democracy unite upon some fixed pol- " llT'i ' hm Son:. P"'J will b3 bsalcn Wi ' ' James F. Linn. J. Kerrill Linn. T F.tJ. M. LINN, J , MittTMeya at Law, LEWISUUKU, 74 Union donty. Penn'a. Agricultural. Chester County ONE ani Two Horse Endless Chain POWER. The undersigned being con vinced by practical experience of the superi ority of VanirnUct't Trrad Power over the or dinary five hone power now in use in the West Branch counlry.for threshing oui pram, have purchased the patterns and right to make them. We are now making and have on hand a laree number, which we propose to introduce on the plan if they don't answer to ihe letter uf the guarantee given with each of them, the machine will be taken back and the money refunded, if paid. They are now almost the only entire Threshing Machines in use in Chester. Montgomery. Berks and Delaware counties. Their advantages are hat they will do almost double the work, ac cording to the number of horses used, than the oM machine, will do; C7they will save at least two hands and Threshing can all be done snugly cl.t-ed up in the barns, in wet davs when the hands would he otherwise unemployed. T. CHChCH CO Hirtleton. Union Co., Pa. Apply to Tan's Cacacn. Hanleton.or or Dr L. Kt.oas. Union Furnace. y645 Ilunas ckf-r's) t LOVCR llt'l.LKR. rilHE subscribers still coutmueto manufac- tore the above Machines, and as there are over 500 of them now in use in Union and adjoining counties, we deem any further recommendation unnecessary. The machines are all warranted not only to do good work, but belter work than any other kind of machine now in use T. CHl'KCH it CO. Harileton. Pa. Apply to Tm' Cmvmch. Hanletnn, or L. Rimisa, Union Furnace. 1)652 Hussey's American Reaper & Slower. i, OR 1856....This Machine was pin L in succesful operation in 18 )3, and con tinued to be the only Reaper and Mowing Ma chine in the World of any pratical lalue up to 1015 twelve years alter its introduction Other Reapers are now offered with glowing Advertisements and Certiticaies of tiold and Silver Medals. But the Farmer, in search ol the best Reaper, and not posted in the matter, bad better see a Imle further. One of the oilier Reapers look ihegreat niedjl in England, at the premature inaliu lH.'.l; before the close of the harvest of the sam year, however it was totally beaten by a HI'SSEY REAPER, which received the unanimity. award of an impartial Jury of twelve English farmers. The lacl is that Hussey's machine is achieving a series of triumphs in England, and rapidly b taming that pre-einincn position there, which it has already secured it the land of its origin. If there is any value ii 33 years' experience in building Reapers, an., using them in the harvest field. OBED Hl'SSKY, the Father i Reapers, can claim it. All who are satisfied wuh the BET REAPER AM) MOW F.K.ean te supned by sending thetrcrders early in the season, as ihe crops indicate a large demand, and we can not have over Son Reapers ready for the vast harvest of 1856- We would refer to ihe follnwingeentlemcn. who have used Hussey's machines fr several years, and will testily to their supeiiuriiy: UNION AND SNYDUl COt NTY. liouv Bvre n.njtmin Iy.tir. John Mi-nrh. Samul PauilUt;. J bit Ziii-r. Jamb llilbtrii, Jkcob Until. J. Ii. brwu. Alir.ua Auri'd. Thum:iii t:linati. Ijnorifr Kl.ek nr. IlKTi-l Kl-cku-r. H m. KlM-kiir.Oiric Sltir. Jnbo Uiindy. itiui'l Z-lli-rs. Jim-1i MuM-r. U illima Wil.D. Ahratn Wnit, W . ti Urrolil. CbartM ltubl.l'-.riir Kep. brl. J..bu UroTi, Al.miu Karl.-y . Klnnii-1 Pontine, l.-n-ry Mull. I'jril Brown, V m. I.' Moyr John I :hmberliu, M ilacin L.110. John Vau Bunbirk, tlvl 1 lingim. MUt l Hi: MBKK I.AM) COL' NTT. SftinuH M'ttubin, John M'Uhin. Wllltuni Dlphtn. Jais.b H"fTtisn ifimriy Kiuirirk. tlisirie llrnciu.. UfMirtt Uul. J-'hn B llellir. Willinm Smis-k. WilliMm II nw.-l. ii. -..rttf Knslrii k. Tho'- strawlri'lir. sol'-min Waitrn, Jnir. N.h,l. J -.h M N-lit A. K Klp J K. HrV.t I) . laowai' J--bn.ti.o. John A Wui !lnfnir.Kbt-rt I'orry, Jwm-iill Kniw-1. Amitf V.lin. J. !. k l. Hur-b. Iw.c ('amb. II, J-on lliit. M.-ll-r S Shaman. Anthon k Vim. Snjuer, John t.Kinr. Jew- C llnrton,Ueu- Conratl. MiiN loUK COLNTY. Jacob Shnlta. MaySerry Oi-nrharl. David Clark. Jamh Si-i-bu-r, Jr. M'i'aon lormau. iviar Vrii(ht.ani. Yurka, Wliiiam Mni-b. UnlM-rta S Itiahl, Jarnt. Enyli-r. A. F. Kn.ssi H Caia. Jarub ae--bier, 6r. Wm-Yorks, P. iialm haf h. Wot. iuruaman. COLUMBIA COrNTY. Pelar Millrr. John Ilill.Wm. N Bmarn. D- A. Bowman, Om. a. Uovman. J W.-.ly bowman. lilhnrt Fowlir. it-pbi-n Tbtmiaa. livnry Uoak, John Kobarmoo. Ininlifl sl bart. Alvsiui'ter Cn-vlioff Andrew Crvlin. Motim Cri-v ling, John Mfrti. Jmrob Hill. Thomas Uonner- Jobn OJnn nir. Ptcr Apolfman. Rtiaa lh.tTr-k, Jam t-aimon. J.-'h II. Ilwk-. Milli-r a llii-ka. limrin- lli idlor, Jtnoph .npb, Samurl E-'k. Wa. HolTtuan. Aiidrvw frlo. Wm. 9w. Geo. U. Pnin. UValrv trw. ilam'l Krina. Kranklin Kvana, John Rlrhiir,Cbaxlea autl Ueor- Low, Job y hart. Jobs WolL I.YCOMINO COUNTY. Oaonre Cri.t, Hiram T Grfy. Urt.jaraio BVar. Peter Hilman, Frederick App. ramu-l liuo'lrnm, llaury rhia-m.ki.r, Petr Hcnu, Thomaa Havia. 1'haV Tallniaa, D.ov-I Knar. John II Tool, Cbnrtea Uojd, D. W. fores man, Uobrrt Uibson. CLINTON COUrTY Wm. Dann. Jwi Wlab, Robit M'ormick, James Oaraksddcii, Jmwb Uatina, hobert H -laaoa. CKNTKK COUNTY Wm. WFarUnd. Hm Baal, W. A. JohnatoB, Joasph Bitoor. Win Liirat. Daaia Itoas, Joaepb Myara, Jaoob liar tor. John Hoy. Jr Wa. Foahir, Adua Bi-'ar. The subscribers have the exclusive rightin the following counties: Union, Snyder. Nor thumberland, Montour, Columbia. Luzerne, Perry. Mifflin. Centre, Clinton, and Lycoming. All orders thanklullv received and promptly to. UE'DUEi. MARSH & Ul. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa April 24, 1856. Type Fonndty. TWO Premiums awarded at the late Chrvalal Palace exhibition in New Vork to the Oldest Type Foundry in die tuned blates. Established by Binuey & Konaldson in 17V6. on the base ol Sower's tieimantown Foundry of 1 The It ng experience of the several proprie tors of the Puil.ikliia Tin Foi anaf, en ables L. Johnson & Co., to oiler the largest variety of Priming Types, and all the appur tenances ol a Pruning (iriice to be found in any establishment ol the United (States, and of a quality, loo, which is deemed to be unrival led. The composition of the meial used is calculated to afl. rd the greaiest durability ; while the scrupulous care exercised in ihe fitting np of the type is such as to insure ac curacy and squareness of body, 4c. Our fa cilities are so extensive as to enable us to fill orders of any amount Estimates given in detail (with the cost) of all ihe materials re quired for a Newspaper otBc. Plain and Fancy Types, Music of unparalleled beauty, cast in this Foundry, also, Scrips, Flowers, Borders, Cuts, Brass or Metal Rules, Labor, saving Rules, Brass Braces, Brass Circles and O'als, &c. PhKSsES of all descriptions, and all sorts of Printing Materials, most of which are made by us, will be furnished at manufac turer's Prices. PKINTIMi INK of all Varieties and ol ors. Varnishes, Bronzes, Ac, of the moat cclehratrd American and English Manufac tures, which we sell at the lowest terms. STEREOTYPING or Elecirotyping of Books, Masic, Wood Cuts, Ac Tvpe used in S'erentyping for sale at reduced prices. Wood Cuts designed and engraved in the finest stvle of art. Our 'Minor Specimen Book (the first of its class in the country, and original in ita conception and getting np) will be sent to all printers that hive not received it, who will direct how it may be transmitted to them. ""Newspaper Printers who publish ibis advertisement entire, (inclnding this notice,; three times before September 1st, 1855, and send to us a c.pv of the paper containing it, will be allowed their bill on purchasing arti cles of oar manufacture m fonr times its amount. L JOHN'S') it CO. No. S. S.imson St. near the Hall of Inde pe p.denee, Phth !-'rh:a May 19, ts t.cttstittto PHRONTCLE William VanGezer, A TTORNEY at Law, Ii LewlMburK, I nlon Co., Pa. rSOrfice on South Second St.. recently by H C Hickok, Esq. Educational. UNIVERSITY SCHOOLS ! THE Winter Session of all the Schnols of the University will open with a full corps of Teachers, on Thursday, Sep tember a. 18&6. Theological Department Tuition Free Colleeiate - 30Der annum. Academic " Female Institute " c M &pi. 9, 1858. Classical i0 " English .$15 " R-guiar course $10" Primary $10 " LEWISDUT.G ACADEMY. r JIE Aculemic year of this Instim- d tion, will hereaf er be divided into 3 ses sions, the Som r.a,FaLL and WiaTsa sessions, of 13 weeks each. The Fsll stssio will commence ou Mo. Dar. SepL 23d, I8.'j6. Io be imin-dialely suc ceeded by the Winter session, with a short vacation during ihe Holidays. All Branches calculated to fit Youths for college or for practical lite are taught ; and the Bible is a text book in the school A class of Youxs Limn is secured. The interior of Ihe Academy has undergone thorough repairs, and the Principal has spared noexpensem make it everything thai a school room should be, for health and cheerfulness. TUITION per session of 13 weeks. PRIM KT (Kradtnt-. Writing. D.fluer, Arithmetic l-.. Oram, ami U S Hiat..ry. ..... . ft SO ADVANCKtl KULIH ;U not ineluJed atarn. 00 HSDL'A'iE.s, 7.6U CONTISOENT rXI'BNSKS flier a,lon) - - - M No deductions asceiil for rrotertisl rt no. JOH. RANDOLPH, Sept. ft, 1856. Principal FREEBUKG ACADEMY ritHE Principal and friends of this Institu- lion, thankful for and encouraeed by the liberal p.nronaze heretofore bestowed upon it. are determined ihat no exertion on their part shall be spared to render ii still more worthy of encouragement and support. Thecourseof instruction embraces all Ihe branches of an Fnglish.Classical and Mathematical education and is accompanied hy frequent Lectures and Illustrations. Tlie Lansuages are lau jhl ta ttle Rev C. f!. Erlenmver. a Ihoron-h and accomplished Linpuist. A TEACHERS' De panment will be established for ihe benefit of those wishing to prepare for the profession of Teaching. The Academic year is divi led into two ses sions of 42 weeks each. The first commences on Ihe last Monday ot July; ihe second.ou Ihe first Monday of January. TM Tuition, per quarter of II weeks, $2.50 to B.iard etc. $1.50 to $2 pr week. For Circulars Ac address GEO. F. M FARI.A.ND. Principal Philadelphia. EvansA: Watson. o.t!U.S. Fourth St., fh'lA'l.. have hud the sure-.i demonstration in ihe follow in 2 Certifira'ev, that ihetr mannrac ture nf Salamander Safe has at length fully warranted the representations which have been made nf them. a rendering an undoubted security against the terrific element : JHiLlrLf Hi . A.r.' 12, MiMIt KT?rt A Wtmo : i-ut: It )TarU un lh bUh-st tifarrii'ii to ctnts lo yon. lint owttic ti the m-ry rniMtii qtmlitiff rtfiwo ot th- StlMtiii-lr S.if- whi' b purchMmtl of you ntn- tvw month mnm. Mt-tl a laricf portion of our Ji-weliy. tt'k. I'ai-!, Ac. xiot Vi t(f rulfiinitniifi flre iq Kau-tt-ad Platr-. on the ni'rninjr rf ih llih inat. fnnrtb nt.-ry of tli bull-unit wwocrupml mud hat thry foil iuttvquiitly into n hfp of biruioc ruiit.-.Hh r tit nt rrmif ntmtion nf hunt r;tu-l th hr- ('a,tt to Di" t. f cannot tut rf .rd tb prswrtoo i.f th vli nhlF r.UsnT mm mi omriuciDit pr-of uf lhe jtreatt m-eu-nt aff'inlti hy your SfrK. Wf phall lake much ploaffurw In twrnnisti'llns tbem to men of biuintw u fur r-ltanf atftii"! tirm. UKOhUKW MMONS A BRO. PHILADf.LlH14. April tfiSfl. Mmnts. Etaxh A Watson I bavt- u pfTVr tnn my Wa t.tnony in favor f the frrtsat Mrurit aff'rij d to my n fiire flock of jtwflry. tiooka. pa'MTK. A- . daring th rt--o-nt dimntroua ronflcrAtion in Kanit-aI pU-v. from th fa-t that tbr Mam -rp yntaiud in iwoof tht- Sala mtdAr 8atv tnaDutatur-d hy you. llavitit; fallen frnm th fifth story of the A rtiaa n ItuiM- inir. ahefc thfy vert prtviul plar1 anh rxpo to a ..at heat fur a ln time, the prt-servation of th- valua ble dip.-it -rmi b r-ry ous who witnaHl th open ing aitd intriiir esamiualiou, a matter of prf uni aa- j tni-hm- ut. j To all who mav t-siqaire a p rf -rt prnti-rtlnn fnm the ravadea of fire, I ahall not biut- to reoo itmend the ue of youriSafffi. sa I eotutuVr tbey have now ao-lertne the most trying teat. N. K MOKO AN. Pnn.iinpm, April 14. IKaA, Mbssvs Rtats A Watson 4ientl. men Vo dour you will he deeply gratified to learn lb trod rnndttinn In which I diroTcred uit book, policy of tnuran. rertifl eateas of tork. and othea faluattla doeumeni. when on FrHay laat I opeiid the afe made hy your firm. With my knowledge of ita gr at exposure, itoth to the Intensity of the h.-ai from an hot a fir.- as that whi-h de troy. 1 th-ArtUan Building, aa also from tbe force tbe fall from it former elevated position iu the third atory. I could enfer'ain hut a)-od-r bopea prior to iu in terior ini-ertit.n. that the eontenta which 1 once bo highly prised w-uld eter he of anj aervice to me. Int M the- fswtra are now happily removrd. 1 teel it only dots toaay to vou. that I ran hen' efnrth re-nmmend the uae sif your Shi to all who may wiah to feel a confidence iu the perfect ecuritv whi. b eucb mean provide against to frightful as element. GO WARD GASKII.L, Bookbinder. ryConstantly on hand. Patent Powdr and Thief Proof Locks, lor Banks.Slores.etc. Iy635 Engraving and Seal Cutting OF all kinds, at 201,'hesnut street, PHIL4D. Visi.ing anrl other CARDS, Corporation and other 8KAI.S and evervthiin in our line of business, promptlv aitended to, in frood stvle, nd un reasonable lerms. Or ders from Citv and Country solicited. H. H. f'ULTO.N. y W. G. MASON. Herring's Safe again the Champion!! The ony Sufr which, in every iiut'tnce, preferred their entire contents in the bite Extensive Fire. T the burning of the x Artizan Buildings, on Ihe lOthof April, and in the GREAT FIRE in Market Street. May 1st, 1856. the gennine HaainB Sara pre served the Jewelry of Geo. W Simons & Bro. ; Books, Papers, Ac, of Fisher & llro, and Edward Semans & Co., after remaining exposed in the borning ruins for nearly FORTY HOURS, and proving conclusively what we have always claimed for them, their great superiority over all secu rities now known. In these fires, the Herrings Safe, standing side by side with those advertised as warranted In stand 10 ner rent. moe. fir. ' than Herring's." came forth the acknowledged ivietnr. not milv prTvinil th?r oont nta la .ae.,.,t frr dr but h.inK th"m.a in a conditio, lo ao llimaKh anftlh-r nnlral. liilr III. boaarei -SM.manlenin of oth i 0t mak.ra wrv iM.tly uiul db in every inHanna. and in ont. eaaM tl,ir .nli', ooDtolila romil.tely uralmvail. To th. cublie ar. woulti aimilT imy. that, during th. ' Sion.'!. tear. th. Htrrinr'a Safe ha. horn lielor.- tlt.ui, nor. lh.n two tia'ftrrd ha., paiwl thmtieb accidental IBrea iili.iuf th. m rurr.ne. of a magi loaa. w. would, th.n-fora. ran tion yarihaarra acainat tb. aiian.piiea.ntaliAii of iiitrr.tMl partira. Th. llHrrinz. : rat.ft i th. on. F're-pniof aS- mad. in this rila which j ia araterbsl hy a Patent Rt'ht. and w. will gtiaran.. it Sn raaiat mora than doubia tb. amount uf beat of an. Farrel a Ilrrrlnpr, Sol. Mannf.rlnr.-e. fa thia Star, of " Herring' Patent Chnmnirm &tfe." 31 Walnut 8u PHILADA. N. B. Evans Watson's Improved Sal- ' amander.'OiiverKvan's.""C J-Cinvler's." , and ' 8c.t"'s Asbestos," Iron Chests, (a laree ; assortment havini been tako in part payment fur " HerrinK's.) will be sold al low pricss. FIRE PROOFS! eSata Sir a Tlie Salaiuand lJ3if S5tei "r rt'l, ol I'tnla- f tfr Mm nripnia. agaiusi uie & WEST BRANCH FARMEB.-JANUABY2!j857 Pennsylvania Wire Works. "V"0. 6 ARCH St. between 2d aud 3d, ! (opposite Broad St ) PHILADELPHIA. Steves, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of all methes aud idihs,with all kinds of plain and f-mcy Wire Work. Heavy twilled Wire for spark catchers. coal sand and gravel S Teens, paper makers Wire, cylinder and dandv R lis covered in ihe best manner, Wire and vV.r Fencing. A very superior article .f Heavy Fonnders Sieves. All kind Ir n Oie Wires and Sieves. B WI.ISS. UARBV LYNN. mount Vernon House, T0. 95, North 2d St.,Phila lelphia.- 1 This old and well established house is admiraMv situated for persons visiting the city on business or pleasure. The continued patronage of the public, (and of West Branch Iriends in particular) is respeciiullv inviled. I. L. BARRETT. Philad., March 1, 185(1. Proprietor. Fishing Tackle, ND fiLTXS...The subscribe invite il Jiitrniion l ihcir -lock ol Fi-h Houks and Tacklr of every desrnpiiin Caue Recd.H, Sea Grar8, Trout Flies, Li net. Ac. Also, fine EneHh and (termini Gun. Re vol v itiK Pistols, Percassion Cups, and Sporting Apparatus eeneral'v. Kr sale at lowest Com ft Prieet, Wholesale and Retail. JOHN M HEYBFROER A BRO. 24 No. 47 N. Second Si Vhilmi'lphia Free of Charge ! rrW0 Splen lid Parlor Ensravin:s,cn- 1 titled Bo itui Abbey in the Old h Times. a splendid steel engraving frim ih" celebrated pamui.g by Landseer, and tbe -Dp ?rnire of the Kraeliies from Egypt," a I arse and beau tiful engraving from a paiMing by D. Roberts. The is-teii prler .f tlt mfmrinR in i t-t coj-y, but Will be (tent PRKh t.r CHARt.I M- f.tWfi: Th-fulMTlbsrie ej,lbl.h.-.l HOK Aarcr tn Tbilud iphik. mikI will fur ih iy bMk r iiut. tCe.lion t the reail prire sifxiiy ul th MxL'BSiDsTii. Riieh llur per'.Uajtfjr'ii. rutniDN. OrahNtnV. Frstik Le-I ' K"-h-itsiiM, .:.. will rw eife the m)C-lin-ti for yer and on-y nf t-'illf-r ot tb ataive b ttu'iful euitriaTinitis, free o. rlmrf'v. or if -ub-erittini; to w $2, anl m $1. Miunxinej wn aa Htertti'ii. and ('hllen' Lvilr'A ('t.riti.a An nul. they will reifit buth magumeg ami a rupy of tint-r f the aln euifrat-mit. k.wvTy tledrriptkn of mcri inr nn wnol tz-ruted with n-atnve Kti1 dipaU-h. . tewr ut Bui I ilium. Nfwiaper lledxl hfr. View f.f Mai b nery. Uok Illutriatln'. Ldire Certifii'Htfr-, UuKiue.4 t'arli., kc. Ail ortler- eeut bv mitil Drs-mMlr .ttteudt-d u. reraons wt-hlic u-w- f tin-ir builtlu.K brursl can eud a Uaxurt-utj p or eketcb of Hie t. nil., men .y uimi! or fKinii. r-r-rMtn at a .li-tanee having walabl arti N'a wouM find it to their auvauUu'e lo uildn s the hi lnnrnbsirs. aa a wuuU art agenu for th aale f the f -me. ItVIIAM k 1'iEKi K. 6t. P-m'tb Third Stkkt. 1hilai.ei ihiv. p. j. n. Biitaii. LluiJ rmrB. (t The Good Time Coming." L Y T. S. Artliar...Those who wish D ' hrar siuiieihing (if that long-expected day, should read ihis book. it is having an immense salf ; 5.0(10 copies were rdied in advance of fnihicatim. We send a copy by n.ail, post-paid, on the rece:pi of ihe pi ice. J. W. BRADI.EV. Publisher, 48 North Fourth 8t. I'hihd' phi. Pa. N.B. Agents wanted to sell thin and mher popu ar boukN in all parts of Ihe I'ntted States. Seiid fur our List and Terms tn Agents. Trusses Trusses ! C. II. NEEDLES, luL AND URU'E FS TAHLlHMEN P, S.W. Cr. -f Twelfth and Rjcc Sis. I'UtLADI-X.'HIA, Importers vf fine Fmi.si m Tiii'iiaf, combining tx' rente bfrhtn. ease, and durability, with correct rontrurtion. Hrrm.t! or Ruptured patients can be suited Yy reimttiiiic am.'UnU, aa Iwii.w : S-ndin number ol iiich- ti irfiiin1 th-- bi,.a, and at-itinK iUe alT rU-d. . o-t . f .-iimW Tru-a i. ;t. . h. iMuLlw 5. ft. R. 10. Irftrurtton a ( wear. nitl buw to aflect a cure, when pnnaibie. sent ilh the Trua. AIm f-r ale. to great varivtT, Dr. Banning Itnpmv'd Puttnt Hodif Bract 9 lr t h pur- it lroiatv-ui J l; atan Stiinl I'roj'e anil n.,ort; 1'iitcnt huli-r Itraees.. i'b--"l E pan 'era and Kr t r ltrnre-. -uljafted in all with y'to.ip -hould-rai and V.ak 1-unK-: Utilifb Elastic .bJntniDal Bella, tiuapan Mirira ; 6 rine-a. male and f- male. tUuhrs' liOsuii. with Laly attendatJ. lySW WOOD'S ORNAMENTAL Iron Works, RiJge Avenue. Pbii.dhhi Ihe a'leniion ul the jiuiilir is inviled lo Hie exiensive Manu factory nrl Wiirenxim ol ihe subscriber, who is prepared lo lurnish, al llie shnel m nce. In. ii R.ilinic of every ilescripli'-n lor Cemera ries, fublic anil Private Buildings, alao Ver anilalis, balconies, Fnunlains, Seilees. Chairs. I, ions, U'-gs, and oiher ornaineiiial Iron W .rli ol a decorative charaeter. all ot which is executed wuh the eipress view of pleasme the Lisle, while ihe combine all ihe reqiu sites ol beiulv anil substantial construction. Purchasers may rely ..n having all articles carefully bnxed anil shipped to tbeir place of destination. A honk of designs will be sent to those who wish to make a selection. ROBERT WOOD. Ridge Avenue below pr.nn Garden SI. Phila George Stnrges, OOLE Manufacturer of the Improved O Spiral spring Malresacs, No. 9 Walnut St. Philadelphia. FIVE SILVEK MEDALS awarded, vn. Two ty tb. Sni-rii-an Inatilute. Nr. Y'irk, lt. I do Franklin In.lilut-. l'hilailiibia.No. Valid Oo. at th. Mar; land luatitut.. Baltimore. Nov..) .i The peculiar improvement in the construc tion of this Matress is, thai all the t.y unit Axey winirn r ime work is entirely dispensed with, and its place supplied by a lighter and much more durable frame. Ihe springs are all connected by harness leather hinges, securely riveted, rende ing it impossible for a single spring to fall down or get out of place, and making a Bed so elastic ihat any part may be raised or bent op. and is thus admirably fined to the wants of the sick or asthmatic who may require a silting posture, having the Insurious softness of the best Feather Bed with the light ness and facility of handling of the common K rMHress. ese improved Spring Beds are invnriubli made of the best materials, and will last many years without repairs. Persons having Hair Malresses, can have them altered into Spring Beds. These Be Is are well adap'edfnrHotels, berths of Ships. Seamhnats and Hospitals. Spring Sats for Chairs.Carriages or Chnrch Pews an I Hair and Husk Mat esses made to order. A 'so an extensive assortment of highly ornamented (in enamel) and plain finished CA H T IR ON FURX1 TI RE, consisting it. part of Bedsteads. Hat and Coat Rai ks. Cane and Umbrella Stands. Garden Chairs. Settees. vc. Ac. Philadelphia. April 20, 1855 ly575 P.xprrsn Offirr! Tne undersigned have been appointed Agents for HOWARD & CO.'S EXPRESS I.I.N E, and are ow prepared to forward. nWy, Packages. Specie, Bank Moles &c. to Philadelphia. New York. Boston, Al bany, Baltimore, and intermediate points, also to ihe ol her irthern aud Eastern citis. Tbe public are respectfully invited to pat ronize the above line, as it is the quickest and safest nethod of transportation between the Cities and Lewishorg. Packages received bv or before 9 A M. will arrive in Philadelphia the same day, and be delivered early in Ihe following morning. Receipts given for time and price. PhiliMphitt OJirei I A 43. a.oih Third St Oct. Sit. HRIr It CAI.BWEI.L. S CHOOL ORDERS neatly printed and f.r sals at th Chronicle OBiCe lIAIlltlSBUIUi BIN UKKY J. J. Cljtte a, F. I.. Ilullcr, daceuioral. W O. HieM C. Book liiNutKn and Stationers, and Blank. Hok M an ii fact m KKitH, ILirritbunj, I'll. MOST respectfully inform their friends that ihey are engaged in the above businesa la directly opp-siie Herr's Hotel. They Bauer themselves, by careful attention to their business, to receive a continuance of the pat ronage so liberally enjoved by the old firm. BLANK BOOKS for Banks. County Offices. Merchants, an.l private individuals, and every variety of full and hall-bound constantly on hand. Paper ruled to anv pattern. Old Bonks, Periodicals, Magazines, Law Books, Newspa- m It.Kl.a l iteif urf.rke IVSIied in NlH.. &C bound in any stvle, plain or extra. All work warranted, and done cheaply. Please eive us a call. C. A H. I Books Ac. M be l.onnd may be lett with he Eililor ol Ihe Chronicle. 609 mi! I10W!! IRON!!! 9? 17K LBS. Just reoived he OLDS Mc FA I'D EX. Farmers and Black smiths, call and see the Vrjfe unit b"t as sortment of Iron ever offered on the West Branch. Having Ihe exelwire control of the celebrated Valis-tisVs Centre county Iron, we are enabled to warrant every bar. AH sizes Tire. Scollop. Round and Square; H' rse Shoe. Nail Rods, Ac. at C prices lo all. Call and see the Hardware Store of JOS. M'FADDEN. Lewisburg. May 10. 1855. NOTICE. WE be?; leave to Intro . nee onrselves V to ihe citizens of LKWISBI'RO and viciniiv, as eiteusive Miners ami Shippers of White Ash Anthracite Coal, At Lanranter CoUieri, KnrlhumberLmd Co. Pa. where we have exiensive improvements, and are prepared to oiler to the public a very supe rior arncle, particularly suited lo the manufac ture of Iron and making Steam. Our sizes ol Coal are LI'.VIP for Smelting purposes. STEA MBOAT -for do. and Steamboats. BKOKI.N i t.l.ii for Family L'se and Steam. STOVE ) m!.' f'T Limebnrnsrs and Steam. I r-A 0 ir Point of Shipping is SCXBIRV, where arrangements are made to load B ais without any delay. COCHRAN. PE ALE A CO. J.J CKnTc. Lanra-tfr Hk!j. Rmuhoi.d. Lancaster. Orders a-ldresseii inShaniokinnr anbury will receive prompt aliention !y5-S5 Iewlsibui g sintinsw lnlllullon, I 3 uow open and ready lo du business. The 1 regular Discount days are Wednesdays. The following named persons are the Virtctun Mr. Jimssn.v Wilis. Mr. Bvkrs A Mii.ua. Mr. JlSKH M-f'salOHT. Mr. Thu.ii Hari-s. Mr. William Fhick. .Mr J . L. !S usniL. Mr J M ki tkll Orrircas VII..IM FKK'K. President. liAVlD HEIiER. Treasurer. Fonr per cent, pi r annum wil I be atlou-ed on all deposits over six months ; and three per ceut. less than six and overthree monihs. UAVII) HKBBK, Treasurer. Lewisbur". Sept. l, 185a vVinlield Woolen ractory, Hear llai t li lun, t iilun C'uiiulj. i Ii IS estaiilisliiiient is now in the best order. The mar-hiiiery being nearly all uew, and mine bin the best ol workmeu emploved, the sutiscriber feels sate m saying that his work shall n I he surpass"! by any establish ment iu this or the aij- unrig counties. His waggons will be around as usual, and ihose wishing lo patronize his establishment, will please avail themselves of that opportu nity ' I have also on hand, and intend keep ing a choice assortment of CioodN, snch as Cm. Sntinett. Cashmeres, Tweed. Rlanket. Ynrn. ie.. which I will sell low for cssh. or exchange for Wool and Countrv Produce gen erally. MRK HM.FPE.N.NV. Hirtleton. April 2. 1853 if Li'hogriphic Printing, &c. KAIIL VtiLKM R is now located on N rth F-uith street, near I) Phillips' Blai-ksimth Shop, where LITHOGRAPHIC Views. Map- Ac are made lo order. PICT1 RES for Framing, and for Drawing Teachers. The German and Frem-h. Lanrnares. Draw inz, Painting and Drauehting, taught by Mr Volkmar. Lewisburg. April. 1655 Improvement in Daguerreotyping! (JPYKER & IIAWN announce to the O public that they have newly fined up and greatly improved their R Kims and Apparatus, and are prepared to lake l.lkrufases sup erior to any in ihis place heremlore. 'Pictures copied, or taken fiom lile. and inserted in Me dallions, Breasipins. Fingernngs. Wat hseals, Ac, and warranted true. We annex a list of our superior Cases : Papier Vache, Souvenir, Jennv Lind, Jeel. rnion,Sontag,0 al. Velvet and Shell. Pirttir-s taken ai $1 and upwards. Rooms al the old siand over Dr. Thornton A Go.'. Dmg store, opposite the Telegraph office. Lewisburg, Feb. 22, 1855 FOR SALE A first-rate Outfit, ail complete and ready for use, which we will sell to any person, with full instructions tn the business, for less than first cost. New Finn and New Goods ! AT the Manimoih Drug & (himical 1. Emporium of CHRIST & CALDWELL. The undersigned having purchased the entire Mammoth Drug Store formerly kept by Ur nutrition 4- Co., are now ready to fill Orders and Prescriptions at a moment's notice. We have a large and well selected slock of fresh and pure VRVOS, MEHICIXES, Chemicals llyesltins. Oils, Paints, Glass, Puttv and DIUGG1STS' GLASSWARE, All kind vf 1'u tent JUejlieine, Fruit and I'nnfectionery, Tobacco,Snuff,iid Imported Cigars of tbe choicest brands, Fancy Kotion and Toilet Article, Fine Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of all kinds, Bananas asn Coo as or avtat vaallvv. Books and Stationery, general variety ol Loerary and School Books Pine Oil. Lard and Fluid Lamps of every description; fresh Pine Oil and Patent Burn ing Fluid nlwats on hand. PI RE WINKS and LIQUORS of all kinds for Medicinal uses. , Fire l'n' f ami Zinc Pnintt. l'r. si rvinjr anrl I'li-klin? Jars, Ac riTdstomerswill find our stock complete, comprising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate and all sold at moderate prices I Call and see us, one and all. and see onr stock ; and if we can't sell you cheap goods. we win not asK you in nuy. We are always on hand to wait on customers. Remember the Mammoth Drnr Si. re ! THFO. S f HR'ST, F. 8. CALDWELL. Lewishnrg, Union Co. Pa. 68 TJOi'NTY LAND W ARRANT blanks lor I I sll erica?. d in Ihe sen-ice of the IT. S j in the War of 1812 and for iheir Widows, it the Offiee of llie Lewu'jure; Chtomelt. 'THE sutacribvr tou- I iinues to carry on ihe Livery Bualne at ine oiu s.'."" aru..j ..r..i near Market, and reapeellnllt solicits the patronage ol his f. lends and th public ge-erally. CHARLES F. HK8. Lewisburg. May ft. 1850 LEWISBURG FODKERY. The snbscribers, thankful foi past paironsee, would inform .k. nnhhr thai thev continue It- maniilacture all kinds of Mill (t-.A'il.NG and other Castings Thrashing Machines and i thrr Machinery repaired in the best manner. fanngs warranted to be ol eood material, and at pnce that can nut fail To please. GEl'UKS. MARSH A CO. Lewisburg. Feb. le&l c lOOKIN.' Sloves.nl rnii. at'em- anrl ize lor l,'il or Woo , lor sak alike Lswaal urs Foandra by Urtldea Msrih A Co. f'T'OXhS I'arior Wfi and Coal J Siiivcg vnrnms pmieins. fi r i-iii at 'lie Lel.tii.i Fouimry. Grdde.. Msi.h & Co. j PnDtt-ang I'luw a auie-i V I nor arm le, lor -al a 'be Lewishury foundry by ueuuea mum ol u. GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Paleiil j rippirledU the bet' and mi st dvruhie , Grail' Drill now in uae fnrsaleal the Leoi-buri Foui drs hy Gettde .Ma.b A t'o. Hussey's Grain Reajer. foi cutiinji iiotli Grain aiid Ctu MAM FACTI RED an Lewisburg Foundry AM FAC TI RED and fur sale at the by iKIl)E. M A Bs'H A : Lightning Rods. AF i.h m.U) a'.' cloar ineiii:atiun aui iiuniernu. ei pertinent., tht Putt me iake lla.urain iiitornuiig tbe puldic il.st be bar srriveii .1 thr I'U principle ol oirciing amitiea dwelliiica snd pr L-rri irooi ibrde.iiuciie iiitiu i ce ot LIGHTNING. '1 he calamine, ihat every il. I . u. illa.e si d I ountry lallt victim to annual!), uVo' lb. aro. nrelinenie u it. inha' ilant., i- bf-yond calculaiioi,. eapreiallt when the rented i. so ea.y to obtain Ihia it founu in ABMITAGE'S Patent lUagiulir. iijljining Uo5s, no in tin. alone '1 hi. hod h. b.en eiaimne. b) ibe mu.i .rientirir g.nilrm.n in the wurlu-rrui-Mr. M'Munrie, Ji.hit.on, V allor and man other, that bar eiamiiird ihrm. recuiumenu an sprak ol then, in the highe-! leiui. ut aprola'ion and have rnriouMrd ihtm llie onlv .ale rod. n uae in ibi.or an other couuty tor the pioiecti oi Liae.and Prope tv lint ad.aM.is. i.iotiivifi and ibrowback a part ul ik. el. c rir fluid haimUa. io ihe clouds ; in lin e ol a stroke ibn- enable. Il.t rod to onduci thai portion ol fluid thai helonc lolbe earth a illiuui tbe alichie-l danger "t lea vine the conductor. I bi- rod baa mint nil e .danl gt. ovei the eld one. '1 he only place o nianutartuiii-s is in Vine lit 3 door above 12th Philadelphia . hi re all perron, are repetHui. in.ilnl iocs ami raainilie Inr ihrmael" a For .alt h..e-al. or Keia.lby 1 Ho'st A R V IT AG b. Older, prnmpilt attendee tn Tem . ob. Tbtise rod. hav. n.eri pi.rchaae.1 and .utcei ullj uttil uy tn. lollo ma iniliMdnai. t uymt id eoip..ratioua. whoM uawra are ibreiluli bhllillted : It, una '- a A . K.h.rt. u.i.-, ....,.n...r Ju.1,;- H. u.1. r. Ju a-, mura i. J Mull. i. Ji'kli lli Oi.-. I. I .(.lt,,.j J.b,, nil(.r. ,, .oi.t.!., , , r, lt.l-.r,l, il. Ul. rki. a. a .,u ,. All,,, , ,. A .'i,,t. K. J. L t.r.l't Jul li otUiati Ti... i.. .. . i II. m i,.. A K. tubkt-r. Ii mii. a . i.r. 1 . u. Ni. t A I u il, I 1'a.an.f. J I J ou t. U aiifcr-i... I f ' " v 1 I 4., J. JB.:m b I u.i, J oa.i, aio.i. IV, ( .it. Nr. 1-1 art' ir. Aiar.iii, a. 1 rt. ty. J lrn kl j lr Itaaiaoli. lr. I'.ui. S. 11. i oa.i. 4I,,J W,i,p... i Ii. Mnirr ili- hid Baa. Ili bl. iltr t. e. ArtaJl. u ' Sr i,i l.ar.l.n I io. ni!..-!,.o.: . Hall. In thr .si.l. t-J Arw J.rttjf ttiijr. rriapip Juit-, . MTall Judv. Liat,u. Johu i.Liii..n. lr. U. ATjIiiiu. b.aj.hotrrla. Mi. J lii,biii. IS I M: l Ol .A TJ- HarlU) Tf. Mara llailinnj. Wat Kotli-r Joht Ha. I i,n..i I'.irn. Jao l eautl.. b.a.d na,an. K.i.i-i . lcnrb. lt-ori:. Klrl.n.r. 4nit-uml IU-u. .nil I I'Dio.ts 'lin.r olli.. ltme.tt.e Tp J,ln hrl n I f wim ; - Ur. ( karl.t. Wlln a. a. Ai.r. Ta Jol , : Ki.tn.Mauiia.iiu. Tf lMi. ua.dlvu. a) , . Ilert 7.3ilrb.et Ht.aaiaa i - j tECOMlllXliA Tiny.. 1 Klii. . an.. 1 Ifil I bav. thla da f.rvfuln n f.rt. d a ramlurnr Lijblaiai tod. lh a.n. .ail .ai.r.ti b, ur lli.ntai. Ain.il,,,. uu hrll.tu- lloaa-. baa. ..or arc tiair atf h.ailatir a in f.tii i lb. I u it n. I . oh iD. b,, I fc..t tan .., I ul H .1 u ,. n,. onli ot. I La.r y. .aamiriiMi ti i.r. n-t, u. ad oi at, i.,' T.Btiic i.rinrl pi.. It i a ill. n o. h ( l.aaur. ll,.t 1 r ..ruaiaad hi ronductt.rtf. lb. aifentioa ol aaa.rai.l bn diaat. U. Mr Ml KTKII. I an ..II aalia.d II al th. Mavni-tl. Lwhtaiaa Hau mai.i(.riUr.d Ij Mr. Th. a.a. Arn.it.f.. ol l'bilad..aki. la tli. Ival thai l a ... r b. an a a... lb... -p. ai t.r. J.art id thraia-'. m ih. I.w- ol .1-lri. i and m..Kari ani. and baa. a., b aitatii.B is -awot ibal iliat. li.-Jt ar. ron.tru. fu uioi, tl.. i.nl; .rii e.y .. ..a-ij Tb.l.ctrit abik i. r-e.iatai aad diviad Ij tb. atairnrt al II. a tni of th. rou. and it aould b. lata- -.ibl.. a-rrdiuir to th l.wa of attrarrloa and r.pu riot f. r a luilil.ni to k. Injur.d by a atrt.k.nriiirbiBia ib't r4mil l.t nit i th.M- roda. I ha. b.. acuua atd ailh Nr. AnDit.ii. for B...T.I ytm, ard b.for. 1 . n aim.nrad ih. aianular tar.of rhts rod. 1 .i.asiad th. ariaeipl. on whirl lb. ar. ..nalra. t-d. and f It emu tried Ihat lh.ir Mlopciop wonld be att.aild with is3Dip:eU' lurna Tb.iB.r.aaii t rt.m.ad for th.a riila..nd th..it. aaiat aal.a in alt art of It. onnalry.ia aaipl.roB.m.-B.!ati.r .f tb..r ntilir. and anrrloril. THAI V k. WALLCK. M." D. Rlalnv Sna. Philad Co.. A ril 10. ISa?. t&H V. WILT and "AMI LI. HOOVER. Hartlelon ii.ion Cu Pu aie Agtnla for I'mon and aitimiiii a i ouniiea and will turni-b the bini. on lli. -am. term, aw i in the same manner a the Proprietor. Ojipotition is the Life nf Bvtiueu I EV L1YL11Y L exchakgTstable. I bt aunaeriiiei aauuld te.tectlull inloiui tb ciiixrntot Leai.hara and tbe Iraaeltns enuimnn it) (eneralla.ibal he ha. ti,ei.ed a lie Livei) and bxch.nge tsiaM. on f Ol K I H -treei boll a quar. Month ol Vatket, and baa provided a gout loi oi H or tea taiib eniitely ne (nod and laati ionahlfi arriafea. Burgle.. Meiaha eac.aberra ai.bioa ansthirig to bi line nta be acconnii.d ated on the sborteai notice and nti.al reaaonablt letma Ha at ill pay eery alien ion to ibt ' a ant. ol bia cuatoojei ano hope by ao doini ' to n eri and rsceiv a liiwrai .hare ol publi J panonsse WILLIAM MOOkE. I.eati-hnri Dee 311 I Sn I I NUTI' K. Having bffn ajininii'dtht 8EXTON to the Lewisburg Cemetery the subscriber would state thai he is prepared to perform all duties connected with the bun. I of the dead.on short notice. Also that he will attend tothe re-interment of deceased persons, under the direction of their surviving friends. Residence in Ihe l.ot'ge al the Caie i f the Cemetery. OEIlKfiE DONACHY. i Lewisburg. May 30. 1854 A Retired Physician, enre tttrconsumplion.bron chilis, coughs, colds, and Wishing- to do as a urn gent I, miiiiiiv wnt.ii a. n.issihl. he will set d In snch of hi. r r ... s. w ... ..,,. ii i afflicted le!lt w ben gs as request il. ibis recipe, wi'h lull and explicit d reeiions fur making it up and successfully OMng ,i He requires, each applicant lo enclose bim one shilling;' three cent to he returned as postage on be reripe. and ihe remainder in he applied lo the payment of this advertisement. Address Pa. II. JAMES. Jersey City. Ji. J. .1m34 JEWELRY of the latest pattern of allqoal ities er sale at the lovest City prices hy i J. L VOI'EB COOK and other STOVFS just received by EE WEB 4 KRE.MER AYER'S Cathartic Pills, (SI OAK COATED,) CLXAHSZ TBI XIOOB CTTXK THE IICX lajvallda, Valkera, Haikara, Pkvalaaia. Pkllaailkraplaui, raaai lla.tr aUTaasa, . oa thi tx kb or BeaaMhe.ttirkHeaaMbe.FoalMavaMck. hntK. ra, lmj a, lata. Pa. J C.Araa. Mr: I aaa aaM ravMlari!. cand , ha marl kaailarha an. bodr can baa. by a 'VMaoat.. fvoarFillav II an an Tn aia" -ht a tbayelaanaaalaaca. If Ihtav wlU can otkara aa ikav aa aaa, Uva atrt Ht aroelk kaoanaf. loan with anal raapacl, ID. W. PlrBLI. CWkJinaia Clmnm. Bllloaa Oiaordera aaal liver Coaaplaiatj. DaraatauBrr oe vaa Is-mooa, 1 W aaai.utua. l. C, 7 r-.., lun. f tn: I kava aaad r" Pi'1 ' ' ,ri an-l k.(.ltal arartira me arara jtm aaa-at tlwaa, aad raoa.it baaiaiaia Bay tka. at. th. Nttrt calharrie ampioy. Tbair Naa. lalina arOna oa th. brer I. quirk aod a-riilad. aauqaw. Iy Ibay ara aa adtnlratila raotady for daraniPMamraarilial annua. I ndaad. I ban Moaa Sjaad a raa. uf 6dMaa aaa I ao obaunabt that it did aot nattily yt-ld lo uVax mwarDally yesua, ALtiNZO BI.U, M D, PSaaaaaaaalac Jfanaa n aji, Dysentery, Relai, Woraaa. roar Omca, HaaTuin, U. Ccs, Hica !o.. 16, m. Da. Araa: Tuor Wla an Iba perftcOua ta Btinua. Tti.y ban dona my ante naora giid than I tan Ml tob. Ph. bad bora airk and niniar away ttr aaaatha. W.ut af lo b. doclortd at rnavt .Ipooaa, bail at oMtor. Ska than oamnMinced lakltur your Pilla. whKb anh ronttl bar, bv .aa.lllnff aura, quanlitlaa of wonna idaad) fniei bar body. Ttwy aftararaHa enrad kor and oar two rklMraa of bloody 4ya.aUH-y. On. ofoar ntbltonbad M ta.1. aad By artta contd kua with two doaaa of yowr rttla, whila alvn arnaad aa uae! fntaa la to Iwmly dutlara dnetoia billa. aad luat a.usb tuoa. wilkoal oa ranrf antamy aMi Ihoa. isora a aatttiat a. yoara. wo aood aad hoaaat. wdl ba anard ana. GKO. J. tiBIFTIM, ladigeatiow ut lawpwrity of Iba Blood. JSna Ker.J T mr. Huur f Mrmt rawrea, aaataw. Da Araa- I ban aaad yoor Pllla wttb axtraordlnary wrroaln my familr H anion tana. I an rallad tarm m itlatma. To rtsruial. lb. iwintt. trf .liroartoa Badaanfy Clio bloo.1 th.y ar. th. ery boat raw n iby I hawa a. kauwa,and I caa r.S.w.tly raaawjJ J frasado. Yoara. J- v. BIN as. Waaaaw. WT'.wraa Oo . ! T . Oct. M. 1SU. Daaa Sia : 1 an aaina yonr Calharrtr villa la ait pnto. SVo. and Snd tbtw aa .aoalUant paraatiaa la doaaa. IL mjttem aad nunfy tbo aonudna of tb. band. JOHN O. MKACUAV1, M D. ErysipelHs, Serofnln, Kinc'a Evil, Tetter. Tumors, aad Salt Rheum. Frnm a rt.aidatty Merchant 9 aau.a. 6, 4, ISM. Da. Arm: Tonr eilla an Lha paraaoa of all that la rnsat la mtslbino. Th.y ban eared aiy llrtt. daiehrar af uiromoa aora. npon her bamla and awe that bad pnwf Incurabt. atr ra. Her avorhtT baa btHn lot.f ari.TQo. ry afltictad with Idotcbta and nuopttst oo bar akin aad .a kor kair. After oar child waa curd. aba ala. trwa . ar POla. and thy ba.a curad bat. iaSA MOKtiKIta.'iL Rkeamatura, Kearalgia, and GoaU ftom bit JU. De. Miaataa. afw JfettoJtjf f Churm. rrijujKi Hot al. Sa.assta. 0.. Jaa. S. tS6. HosoBUt Sia : I ahirttld b. onirratafui for tb. nlad fom skill ba. W. hi. 1.1 aj. if I did nut r.-ict aiy rat. lo tob. A coKlt.tt.ta in aiy liBiba and bmuiihl t.a .xcrucialiDa neuralirir ptuna. ahlt-b .nltsj la clinmar rli.omat.a.. h.3twitbtaiidinK I bad th. Itort of pbvatt uuta. lb. oifM. ntw won. aoil wotaa. onlit. by tbo adTlc. of yoar rant, ot art ni ib bwllaunr.. Or Markroiia. 1 triad yi.ni l iiia. Tlioir .Stet. w abiw. but aura. By panjeaariaf ra Iba an of tb.ni 1 am atiw .otireiy welL Stsara Chambeb. BaTtiS Rocs a. L S Dor.. ISsl. Da. Aran : I bar. br.n .ntif.ly enrtsj by y.ir r.lt Ibauauuar ttoat a aatalal diai-an tb.t bat afticbH dm fu, yrnra. 1IM IM M.11.I.1.L. For Dropsy, Plethora, ar kindred l ea. mlalatta, ftsumac aa acuta pu..., uWy ai. aaeaoai. trot mnctty. For C ootiveaeaa or roaaiipalioa, and as IMaaat Fill, tli ar. aicrtwaM. an-J .tttiiai. Fits, Mnppressioa, Paralai. Inflaaaana tlctm. and .t.a Lkpttlttr... ana Parllal Bllatd aicaa, bat. baen caiad by tbo alutiaut, olUhb ut Utaaa ruu. Mtart of tbo pill, la mark at ror 'ala "etarr. wbltk. al Ihotiicb a taluaM. rrmly in rfulful haaila. ia sUnc.rt.ra. Id a publb- pill, from tbo drowlful ronaatiuMiota that tra qu.otly fcillt.w lu mraulit.ua ua. Tlioa eoalaia ao met Cur j or aiinoral tube tarn a abatavar. AYER'S 1'HEBBY PECTORAL rOB THI RAPID Cl'H I Off COt4wHS.COI.D9. IIOABfKSKM.ISFI.C-F-A, BPOX H1T1J, MHUOPIW COrOH, CROt P, 131 ClPlfc-.T COfciM MPTIOX, ihI for ihe rrtM of ooij-mwiiUt pftwot ia m&vxtA tag f tb tWM. Wm momd mo mpmk to th public nf Ita tirtnev. Tr1mtltbsUt "jr- town. mni aJru.wK i-rwty hmmlrt of ttm AmerKati lU -...mirrftil fir, of VmIV7 pltwnft have ' it known. Ny. - r tb (mi.iIi in an atilitt-d twintiy oo ihieoortiiBt witboat M.mf rr.nJ txprtimew of in ffi-c: id fcw yrt th conn.uitin .v flwi mUtch o iwug thtm nin .iin)t in.er.hj of its ctrsry er Ihe ubtt mod -u-gtniii ArmFm of th thrntU and InttffS- bile il it tb bki 'Wfrful .ntfiotr yet hnw to rnmn Ux Um fonni fUM and dan'pHt dimri of lh polnronanr orcui. It to aiau tb 4MntMt aixl Jet rcineily that ran b nUntmi Hot infknis and jonna; lni. Partnt wtx oA bai tt ia at or agtunat th iiiauitou u-mj that ftaaia pun thev nnprrTi-vred. W ha abanriant pxonda beiM the CHkBHf PttTT-htm Kt kir ly the com-atiin-tion H prrTent than thnae it enm. Kfji II f Ton and can your colda while they are curabK BOT Bea kcl them antll no hnntan skill can -naeter the imfttwaUa ranker that, feeteti'-ri on the itale. eate yoor life away. All know th tlreaatlVil fctality of tunc db-ordrra. and tbey know too the irtiiee of thia mnedy. we need Bt da more thaa to amr tbeja it Mill Made tbe heat U ca b. He epar do nwc. no care, do t'41 lo pro.! are H tb biobt aerfrct p.wrnbte. aod ibna afford tb.te who rtly Ik tb bast agent whrrk our akill caa furnish for tbrir cum. PREPARED BY DE. J. C. IYER, rrsstieal and Analrtieal Cbsaist, Lowell, Xsaa AXD SOLD BY C W.Maarrit. a i ...will t. -tors. Mm a A I ... M .11 ft tt Imp ; J lioit " A FLESH t-UIFLY ( T Tru-is, aVIeiicine, Eooks,Notinn, ' ' V'ane'irs. i-tanontry. Ac. rnrrha-ed ia New York ar il Philatl. n a keis has just beta ree'd ai the Old .Marrrrn th I'm Mi re ot CHKIST 4 t ALDWELL.Leaisburg. G I.AS Jars, for Pickling and Preserving-. Quarts and Hall Gallons, lor sale chess riiM-T rsl iviut f vK I RI.tN f AROMATIC AP.acrr s J. cure ft r l-yspt psia and diseases ariMij fii-ai aa imi on at.t. t th. at.a.wh-lro a tar. rio ..aiivrol ilia AM Aitl J-prie. 74 cb. t.r lot :1a. lor .,1. by I Hl lsT I A1 1 U I O AI'tihlflKR. or Concentrated l.ve a-ar-ranted to make Soap wubi-ut Lime, aril with littutrt.ubla. Huht-o. eab.of 1 j. .no louriona.la a-ap rat. you -ao atak. tfiM-a all.-Bs rtd at ft ...a. Hard arap raa b. maiw ia th. aam. .ay. 1. r tt . tj F'iT 1.1'rrin LA.tS V liilLttKl A!-t. lot Vtaisun., bn I it,trts. On nil uses. iv's. etc a .aparior iill. lt. I. r tail. k ( 1IHI.-T A l At LXkLL. Still Onward! SUCCESS UM'ARA LLELED .' .' I1!LI. A Tale vf ihe Oitut Ijumol Sirof By HARHIkT BkEl HtR 81u K. 2 vol. K ' Certain politicians, inleirsied in thrsuppn of the .-peculiar insutution." ha.e emirimr(J to pep-uade the publie tl at Mrs. Sn ' )'' work ia artistically a failure, and ihat u ' irtsiurral Bo BrtSutti tB.brwaioa ca .nbtr ' ' Ailai.tar. tat Ik. I uble-b.t. an b.a) to tla t. Haiti tbt at.D) bur-drtd t t Aao raaa uon.t .L-irb n rta Trtmixm. th. t aa.'iorlty ha. 1..B Yri.l S) bn ral Bio.1 of thia .nibuai.-atie. aav-Aint lli. -. tta' ' ba. aarttoVtl Ibat t.f .oa aoik ul ftrtifD ...r rutiiaal Ihe AJ'll kiVUlU iUULZAM trl,.f la ao.aa" .arh. 1. ii a at.w ia r.Nt. . In tan at d. lb. -urtYt. ba. Br.Bt-.toBi.r.w. til'r Th. jri-s. tb.ra. Bllh but ill .crthl.s ar.i'ti.1' " Ih. intniua ai.4 t ih lbvaall4tr.ad ia ttia.tab ' any .laiua autbt r ati.Lt 1 .rt ad. Aaduurib latiaa. daya awcrtssHaa it, .t,l lamia a. ao b-tr .Laa elil a' TlltiLAM l I'l It. War. .old. IU oatttisal auioa ef Uu-tary awaaBow autrra Utr fclt.w. i aaoBa Ik. Foicuiosi Auihors of the ?e' aad at-iik.. laitisaaid.ib bur aa al.rr ",,o;"'lt'bi raa rtrr aVrntt b.r of tl taui.ir tbt- l" aaraoa. rblLUI .SAt-s,..N A rOVrsM. ft ai fc-a- as. btg-i' Ytbait tan Htnan . ft HIS loi.g ei ecled boob AK is now ready lor Agent- ami Cm li is having ah lo a rose saie,aiid iscinsn-j r one of his best etli rts. In it ill b ""' p. Ailhnr's views t n the vesed quesin n ol 3.AA hWhlS. and h.i she esn Sister, He, and Muihtf r"fll seul by mail oi reee-pi of the price. i W.BlUl LfcY. Publisher. 48 N.4ih Si. Philade'pbta. N. B. We publish ail Mr. Ari.'.ur s ' Bt ok s. Send lor out List aud Teinis !" ir)ou want fy any butjeet whatever. ""P' V J' "a purcnase eisv-.- - st rt t it yi n ani Siaiionerv '"' cl,j ttiees i r an thing else in ibe tt '"" I the ..tt and t heap Bt oksirre of NEVUS A CO, MarkrlStt LewtsborgT pLASTERa, J in