Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, November 28, 1856, Image 4

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Printer aad Paradoxes.
A priuter, says Oliver, it tha saost en
rious being living. lie ma Lave a 6j
ao! coins, end not worth m cent; have
mu corn, and Lave neither wife or chil
dren. Others may run taut, bat Le gets
aloog ewifter by truing fast. Ha may be
making impressions, without eloquence;
luay use the lye without offending, and be
telling the truth; while others can not
stand while they act, he can aef standing,
ad do both at tho sans time ; have to um
furniture, and yet have no dwelling ; may
make and put away pi, and never see a pie,
much lew eat it during hi whole life ; be
a human being and a rat at the aame time;
may pica a great deal and not ask a favor;
may handle a shooting iron, and know no
thing about a cannon, gun or pistol ; be
may move the lever that move the world,
and yet be aa far from the globe as a hog
under a tuuljhill ; he may lay hi form on
a bed, and yet be obliged to sleep on the
floor ; he may uae the dagger without shed
ding blood, aud from the earth he may
handle stars; he may be of a rolling dis
position, aud yet never desire to travel ; he
nuy have a slieep't fool, aud not be de
formed ; never without a aie, and know
nothing of law or physic; be always cor
recting bis error, aud be growing worse
every day; have em-braces, without ever
Laving tho arms of a lass thrown aruuud
him ; have his farm lucked up, and at the
same time be free from jail, watch-house
or any other coiifiucmcnt; his office may
Lara a hell in it, and not bo a bad place
after all ; be mey be plagued by a devil,
and be a Christian of the best kind ; and
what is stranger still, h to est or dishon
est, rich or poor, druuk or sober, indus
trious or lazy, be always stands up to his
faj:HW lo .h f rch)0i)i lh$.
Beneath thy skies, November !
Thy skies of clou J and rain.
Around oar blazing camj-nres
We close our ranks again.
Thea sound again the bugles.
Call the battle-rull anew.
If miimhs bav well-nigh won the field.
What may nut four years do !
Fur, God be praised ! New England
Takes again brr ancient place;
Again the Pilgrims' banuer
Leads the vanguard uf the race.
Thea sound again the bugles, &c
Along the lordlj- H'llsin
A shout of triumph breaks,
The Empire Slate is speaking
From the Oct an to the Lakes.
The Korihern bills are blazing.
The .Northern skin are bright ;
And the fair young West is mrninj
Hrr forehead to the light I
Push every outpost nearer,
rress nara me nnsuie towers T- 1
Another Balaklava,
And the Malakoff is ours!
Bat keep the same old banner.
For none can belter be :
Tas on the same old watchword
FasvoMT Asa Victomi !
11 no. 10, 1856. J.U. W. National Era.
Washington Republican Association.
Washington, Not. 16. At a meeting
of the Republican Association of this city,
bold last eveniog, aooolutious were unani
mously passed for the continuance of their
organization, oo the principles of tbeir
old platform, and those of the Philadel
phia Republican Convention.
A committee was appointed to draft an
address aud resolutions of a congratulatory
cuarseter, to lbs friends of Fremont and
Freedom, and urging upon tboin the im
portance of keeping up their local organi
zations. It appeared by the Secretary's report,
that the Washington Republican Associa
tion bad published and circulated about
four million documeuts during the cam
paign, comprising eighty different kinds.
Auioug them were 100,000 copies of Blair's
letter; about 300,000 of Mr. Seward's
spiicch; 213,000 of Mr. Sumner's Crime
agaiust Kausas ; 143,000 of Senator Wil
sou's speech, aud 146,000 of Mr. Colfax's
speech, together with 165,000 copies uf
the Kausas Investigation Committee s Re
port Pbcsioknct or tub Kiadinq Rail-
IOAD. At meeting ot tne Hoard ol
Managers of the Philadelphia & Reading
Railroad, held on the 5tb inst., the resig
nation of the President, John Tucker,Eq ,
was accepted, and R. D. Cullcn, Esq , was
unanimously elected President uf the Com
pany. We understand that Mr. Tucker
Las accepted tbe Presidency of the Lehigh
Valley Railroad Company.
Tub Tubes Wasububnes. Every one
of the three Wasbburoes (brothers, and
Republicans) is re-elected. Israel in
Maine, by 5000; Cadwallader C. in Wis
consin, by 3000 ; sod Klinu B. in Illinois,
by 11,551 majority. They are true men,
and tbeir constituents could not bate done
Tut Catholic Von Gen. Cadwalla
der, of Phila., in a speech made to the
Bogus Democracy of Cecil Co., Maryland,
a few days ago, frankly acknowledged to
bis hearers that the Catholic Vote was tbe
only thing that gave the Democratic party
any alreogth.
III Owns Up. The Lafayette, Ind.,
Journal says: "Gov. Willard, (Dem.) in
. a speech in Indianapolis tbe other night,
acknowledged Lis indebtedness to the
Know Nothings for bis election."
Monthlies, Nov. 19. The Vermont
L'gisltture adjourned this morning, after
passing a bill appropriating 120,000 to
supply some clothing to the poor in Kan-
Smoke slow. The other grace it
T koep yuur smoke from others' taees.
Pon't quarrel with everybody a pole
, for cxa ji; Ie let 'em be arrerely.
Chester Coantr
ANE and Two Horse Endless Chain
J POWER. The undersigned being con
vinced by practical experience of the superi
ority uf Yandrrslicc's Trrad Power over the or
dinary five horse power now in use in the
West Branch country, for threshing out grain,
have purchased tbe patterns and right to
make them. We are now making and have
on band a large number, which we propose
to introduce o the plan if they don't answer
to the letter or the guarantee given with each
of them, the machine will be taken back and
the money refunded, if paid. They are now
almost tbe only entire Threshing Machines
in use in Chester, Montgomery. UerUs and
Delaware counties. Their advantages are
that they will do almost double the work, ac
cording to the number of horses used, than
the old machines will do; Ga"they will save
at least two hands'; and Threshing can
all be done snugly cloaed up in the barns, in
wet days, when the hands would be otherwise
unemployed. T. CHURCH dt CO
Bartleton. Union Co Pa
Apply to Tan's Cuoaca. Hartleion.or
or Dr. L. Hooks, Union Furnace. y645
Hantiecker's CLOVER UCLLF.R.
fTlHE subscribers still continue to manofac
I tnre tbe above Machines, and as there
are over 500 of them now in use in Union
and adjoining counties, we deem any further
recommendation unnecessary.
The machines are all warranted not only to
do good work, but better work than any other
kind or machine now in use.
T. CHURCH dr. OO. Hartleaon, Pa.
Apply to Tao's Cucaca, Hanleion,
or L. Rooks, Union Furnace. Iy652
Caation, and Notice.
by these pres
ents, I hat A. V.
High and John
tlersham.of W,
Deer Tp, Union
CoJa, hare this
3tnh day of
June, 1856, pur-
right, title, and
interest to man
nufacture and sell the
invented and patented by Sylvester Davis, of
Ularemont, .N.H., in the following Townships
and Boroughs in Union county, vis. white
Deer, Kelly. Bnnaloe, West Buffaloe, Mifflin
burg, Hartley, Limestone, Jackson, and New
Berlin. All persons are therefore cautioned
against manufacturing or purchasing said
Bee-Hive unless duly authorized by said Hign
and Urrsham. Rights to make and use the
above Hives in tbe foregoing Townships and
Boroughs, for sale on reasonable terms. A
single right for $5. H. A D.
W.Tbia Hit has taken the Ann rreaalaaM at the Slate
ml County Faira in VL, Si. 11., Mast, lad, and Ohio, ia
Un- Fall of IS.,.
With thia Hits, amy on may keep In, with aerfee
mfely ami euccree, einca sit difficulty sad uncertainty
are entirely rvm'tved.
TIh Beea hut be made to ruurm from one or morehicea.
or may be condiu-ted iolo aoy aumhvr or bicee aniaeaf
imrara;, mod aiiil hace a Juti tnypiv Vuemr.
Tba Beea art entirely pracerled Jr. a. the ifce Mh and
other inaarta which annoy aud raio tha Beea. Tbia we
w-tmnt. it menaced aecoruine; to tho dinetaons wbich
axe given to the book.
In the Sarin, the Ilea, have an opportantty to exerelee
and dear the hllh from their hives, without dying oat to
die no the aunw.
The tltb can ho at any time raajoecd from tho kieaa
without disturbing th lleaa.
Tbe Bees can ba tranS.rred as ofteaj aa aaoaajarr. to
ftee them near cooih, and withoat billion tbeoi.
It arevonu an pnasionity oi mDoiog. woiio aniai.
It ia thieoilshty ventilaleilthroubout Seed-drawat,
aiTea. H"iey-iai ana t noun" I
Tbe work and proftiva- of SW Uees Bay be aeea in tbe
biaea. honey.brKt-a and feed -drawer. S3S
Hussey's American Reaper St Dower.
I70R 1836 This Machine was put
J? in succesful operation in 18:13. and con
tinued lo be the only Reaper and Mowing Ma
chine in the World of any pratical valoe op
to 1845 twelve years after its introduction.
Other Reapers are now olfered with glowing
Advertisements and Certificates of Gold and
Silver Medals. But the Farmer, in search of
the best Reaper, and not posted in the matter,
bad better see a little further. One of the
other Reapers look the great medal in England,
at the premature trial in 1851; before the close
of the harvest of the same year, however it
was totally beaten by a HIISSEV REAPER,
which received the unanimous award of an
impartial Jury of twelve English farmers. The
fact is that Hussey's machine is achieving a
series of triumphs in England, and rapidly ob
taining that pre-eminent position there, which
it ha already secured in the land of its origin.
If there is any value in S3 years' experience
in building Reapers, and using them in the
harvest field, OBED HUSSEY, the Father of
R-apers, can claim it. All who are satisfied
1 e suplied by sending their orders early in the
season, as the crops indicate a large demand,
and we can not have over 20" Reapers ready
for the vast harvest of 1856-
We wncld refer to the following gentlemen,
who have used Hussey's machines for several
years, and will testify to their snpeiiurily:
laaae Kym, Benjamin Lobr. Joho Meneh, Samuel
Pauliu, a-iaa Zrlu-ra. Jonb Ililbi-h, Jacob Itobl. J. O.
Hruwa. Abram Aarajid. Thomas Clinicaa. tieoricv Kleeh
ar, Uarid Kleekner. Wm. Kleckner.iAeorr- Slear. Joba
Oaady, Sanael Eellera, Joseph alnaaer, Vi iUiaaa Wilma.
Alm WulL W.ti llermld. Caarlea Mnhl.Oeorite Kep.
liart.John Oroya. Abeam Farley. Kmanuel Pnntiue, Hen
ry Mull. Cyrus Brown. Wm. O. Mnyer-Joha ChamberUn,
W iuoa Ltioa, Joaa V aa vaaku-a, I ia,ei magna.
aaanel STMahia. John M'Mahia. William Detrihln,
Jaoob Hoffman. Cenorae Kmeriek. Oonrae HrneiaF, Oeorre
Gaol. J-ma M. Heller. William emeek, William Houael,
Genera Frederick. Tbo' Vtrawbridre, Soloaaoa Waltera,
James Neabit. Juee,.h M Naebit. A. K. Sap p. J. K. I'rteet
ly. Thomas JnbnsUta, John a Wm. llamor.Kobert Carry.
Jam-e H ltuaa-1, Ara.x Vartioe, J S. S O. Unr-h. Isaae
fampla-U, Jaeob Keed. Meller a tbamaa, aatnony m
Wm. enjtier, Jobn Cvoper, Jeaae C. Uurtoa.Gaa. Conrad.
JmA av.i. M. .Kerry Oearhart. ttsvkl Clark. Jaeob
Reeliler, Jr. Hilana fr,eeman. I'etar Wrifbt, Sara. Yorks,
William M-oeb. Kta-rU a Kiabel, Jaom, enyocr, A. v.
Uaaaal. S. P. Caao. Jacob SeeJuar, 8c. Wm. Yoras, F. Ualm
bach, Was. Foroamaa.
fet-T Wilier, John Hill. Wm. N. Brown, D. 4. Bowman,
Oeo.'A. Bowmaa, J. Wealv Bowmaa. Gilbert Fowlee. Sia
phea Tbomaa. Henry Doa'k. Joha Kobertiajo. tlaaiel Sei
hart, Alcsaader Cravliair. Andrew CreTlinr.. Meaea Crt-y-lias,
Joha Marta. Jarob Hill. Thoaias Ooaaar. John Con
ner. Peter Applemaa, Kliaa Deilriek, Jamaa Lommoa.
Joaaph II. Uieka. Miller A llieka, Ueanta Ileidler, Jaeenh
Paaa, Samnal Era, Wm. Iloffmaa, Aadrww Fries, Warn,
rreaa, Geo. H. Frioa, Waaley Frtea. eam'l freja. franklin
Beaaa, Joha eUehie.CBariaa aoa uefsa saw, oaa Bey
aart,Juha Wolt
Oaaera Cetrt, Hiram T Orey, aeajamin Bear, Patar
HeUmaa, FnaSeeiok App, aamaol Oaadraat, Heary
Saoamakee, Pater Bents, Thorn aa Dayav Cba'a Tall man.
Oaaari Boar, aona H. iuoi, nmmnm uoya, at. w. aorea
man, Souart UiMaa.
Wm. Dana. Jamaa Wokm, aahert TOomjIcIt, Ji
Carakaddaa, Juaepb Haaaa, Bskart HoUaaS.
W M'Parl.ad. Wav BaaL W. A Johaata
Bitaar, Wm. I ret, David Roes, Joaaph Mysn, Jaoob llar-
tar. Joha Hay, Jr. Was. Foalar, Adam awar.
' The subscribers have the delusive rightin
the following counties t Uoioa, Snyder. Nor.
thnmberland, Montour, Columbia. Luzerne,
Perrv. Mifflin. Centre. Clinton, and Lycoming,
All orders thankfully received and promptly
to. UEDUEf, MAKSM at Ull.
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa April Z4, 185S.
fTTHE subscriber would respectfully inform
J the citizens or Unto county and all in
want of Kavard MatchlaerT. that he is now
prepared to manufacture 8teaa Engines of
any required power mast rurnsce. Rolling,
Grist, and 8aw Mill Machinery Pumps.Coal
Breakers and Winding Drums for Mining
purposes Castings of every description neatly
executed lo order. With a very extensive
varieiyof Patterns and great facilities fordoing
wnrk, be flatters himself that he can compete
with aar eotabliahaarnt ia the saaatry. both la prlee
and aualityof work. Panama la waat of aUrhiaary. will
laal it o their adyantaea la aisa him aaall. Tha tarinUas
ft ahiuaaaata a aulanmt parts af She aaaatrs, auat ha
famslmf iaau.
. Raertahari, yaa rs. ysN am
Lewisburg Chronicle &
William VuOexer,
it rjavlakner I'maasaa CaV. PaL.
lyoillce on South Second at- recently by
MJC Hickok, Esq. D
THE Winter Session of all tbe Schools
of tha University will open with a full
corps of Teachers, on TtaUratUkT, Sep
tember S3, 1856.
Theological Department Tuition Free.
Collegiate 30 per annum.
Academic " Classical "
English 916 -Female
Institute Regular course $30
u m u primary i0 "
Sept. , 18M.
'THE Academic year or this Instim
X lion, will hereafter be divided into 8 sei
sions, the Sonata, Fan aud Wistss sessions.
of 14 weeks each.
Tbe Fau ssssiaw will commence on Men,
sat, Sept. 82d, I806. to be immediately suc
ceeded by ibe Winter session, with a short
vacation during the Holidays.
All Branches calculaied to fit Youths for
college or for practical life are laugbi ; and
the Bible is a text book in the school.
A class of Yocss Lames is secured.
The interior of the Academy has undergone
thorough repairs, and the Principal has spared
oo expense to make it everything that a school
room hnnld be, for health aad cheerfulness.
TUITION per session of 13 weeks.
PRIMARY (Raadinr. Writlax. DrSnar. Arithmetic.
tiie.. Oram, and U. 8. Iliatory.l .. ....$! SO
ADVAMCKIi ENOUGH (all aot included aboye.J . o wl
UMiCAiiKS, 7 Ao
eXNTINUk'XT KXPBNSr.a (par aeaioo .... AO
ftio UudaetioBs oscapt ior protracted etcknaea.
8epL S, 1858. Principal
rpHE Principal and Friends of this Inslitu-
X lion, thankful for and encouraged by the
liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon it.
are determined that no exertion on their part
shall be spared to render it still more worthy
of encouragement and support. The course uf
instruction embraces all the branches of an
English.Classical and Mathematical education
and is accompanied by frequent Lectures and
Illustrations. The Languages are taught by
the Rev. C. G. Erlenmyer. a ihoroneh and
accomplished Linguist. A TEACHERS' De
pa rim en t will be established for the benefit of
those wishing to prepare for tbe profession of
The Academic year is divided into two sea.
sions of 22 weeks each. The first commences
on the last Monday of July; ihe sccond,ou the
first Monday of January.
Tiaws Tumon. per quarter of II weeks.
92.50 m $. Board etc. $1.50 to $2 pr week.
For Circulars c. address
GEO. F. M'FARLAKD. Principal
Tbe Salamand
er Safes, of Pnila-
nf delphia, against Ibe
World !
EvaS3 & VATSON,No.26.S.Fourth St.,
PhiU.i .u.wa k.H th- stirrt nrmnstrainn tn
the following Certificates, thai their mantuae
lure of Salamander Safes has at lensih fully
warranted the representations which have been
made of them, ait rendering an undoubted
security against the terrific element :
I'tlLA MLPal 1 A April 13, 1836.
MmM. Ft" k Watkow: Jvntg: It mffordi q the
hitfhet Katinfactioa to atat to yna. tht owIur tn tha
ry prolMtiTt quexlitim of two of the 8Uin-uilr
bk'b w puirbid of ytm mom fcw nnuihi ino, wm
MVri m rer portion of our Jewelry. Book, r'jf-rris. c
oxpororl to th cslamitntfii fir ia lUnitcod fUon. on tbe
momiDX of tb Uth intvt.
hen t r-Het that tbM 9rvftt wrp rnx a in tne
fnnrib tTy f the hulMinx weropird au4 hat ttt-y
Irll MuliMequentt into b'-ap of burning ruiM,wb'r th
ant mnceotnition of boat mud tht braiu plate to
melt, we cannot l-ut M-rd tbe preaerratvnn of tho valu
able eintaif ai moct or-nriociDK proof of tho great mm-
hit an-raea oy your soiea.
Wetthall takennjb piare It trcoinwwltnf; tbotB
to met. uf biuinesa aa a aure r-..aore aic.-int Are.
pBltvcLPina. April 13.
Mewms. Eta?t A Watho I have t ftftv-r ton my t--
tinony is frvr nf the irreat Mrwrity aff rll to my en
ftire etuck of jewHry. Uoka. prt. t-, tlQrit)r tits re
ef nt dtftaatrouH nouflNprr-tkn In Rannti-ad pi', from
the fact that the mine wrre mnuineal iu two of Um ala
Biaiider 9alea nanulartorstl by yoa.
llaTinic fallen frm t lie fifth atoryoftheArtim.il tluild
Intr. wh-re thy were prevlou-lw plaeett aob expoat-d to a
vaat bs-at fur a lone time, tbe i-rvaarrattoo of the valua
ble uYp.ai.ta aeenied t ewerr oue whooitoeaned the open
toranrt inurior exainaiioDt a matter of proftnd aa-
To ail who may rrqoire a prfMH pratrction from tbe
raTssdK of fire. I nball not he-iute to reeommevl the
wMt of your if' an I eonaiuVr tbey have now a iirlenroae
the moat trj ing test. N. K MuROAN.
Pamti-tapina, April 14. 1856.
Mnmi JCtam WaTflnic (ientlemen No dooi.t yoa
will he deeply eratifted to learn tha good condition in
which I dleovered my book, potiry of iaxuraace, ortift
eatea of "tonk, and otbea Tuloahle uNiennientti, when on
t riday laat 1 opened the aafe made by your nrm.
With my knowledge of it prr-at expoaure. both to tha
intrant r of the heat from ao hot a flre aa that whirb de-
rtroyt-d the Artlnao RuildinK. a also from the forre o
the tall mm tta isrmer eKTatel pnwuoaj in tne wiiru
atorr. I could entertain but alender hooes prior to tta in
terior lnvctin. that the rontenta whWi I onee to
highly pnxed would ever be of any enriea to me but a
thear fearx are now happily removed. I feci it only due
tnaay to yoa, that I can benrelurth recommend the use
of your 8fe to all who may wiab to feel a enofldeaee in
the perfeH aeeurity which such mcana proTitlva against
o frixbtful an element.
birn aiti' uasiuiaI, HOOKMOoer.
r7"Consuntly ou hand. Patent Powder and
Thief Proof Locks, fur Banks, Stores, etc. 1 y625
Engraving and Seal Cutting
OF all kinds, at 204, Chesnut Street,
PHILAD. Visi:ins an.l other CA US,
Corporation and other SEALS and everytliinc
in onr line of bnsiness, promptly attended to.
in good style, and on reasonable terms. Or
ders from City and Country solicited.
H. H. rULTIM. W. U. MA3U.X.
Herrlng'i Saf again the Champion!!
The any Safe wkieh, in evert; instance, piuuutd
their entire eontent in tne late Extensive Fires.
AT the burning of the
Annan Buildings, on
the lOthof April, and in the
GREAT FIRE in Market
Street. May 1st, 1856. the
genuine Haaaias Sara pre
served the jewelry of taeo.
W. Simons & Bro. ; Jiouks,
Papers, Ae, of Fisher a
Bro, aad Edward 8emans ft
after remaininr espoed in the buroinc
rain for nearly FORTY HOURS, and proving
conclusively what we hare always claimed
dr them, their great superiority over all secu
rities bow known.
In these fires, tha errleg'a Raft),
standing side by side with those advertised as
"warranted to stand 10 per cent, more fire
than Herring's," came forth the acknowledged
yfctar. aot only piuaii itae; taee ewata hi asae Ileal ee
aer, aat Mas tbemaeleas ia a aaadilieia to a thnrSh
aaather ordeal, while tbe boaalaS - galameaoara'' of Ota
ar ataketa mm badly aaeS aa hi aaery laataaea. mmd lm
aoaia rssea their ealire onUals oomalately aoatroymt.
an in paoiw vi voum aimpiy aay, taaa, aanny ta.
marteer. yeara tba Heeriera Safa aa. aaea aeloee them,
mora tbaa two bandreS aava aaaaaal theaaarh anrlSaaial
tree vithnat tha seearraaaa of a alarle loai
Wa aoa 14, tfcarehra. caatia .areaaaara aaaiaat tha
marrearaaaatalioa of lataraataal aarltaa Tha Herria
ralaat ia tha oaly rira-araof tmtt aaaaa fca this eaty vaeaa
b arotarteS ky a Para KiaaL aaS aill aaraajtaals
u eaaiat mara laaa aaahia ska imiaat a haat af aa.
aar aam aoa- aaova.
Farreia X nerrlnr.
Sola Maaabeureyy ia thia Stats of
" Herring's Patent Champion Safes,"
84 Walnut 8i, PHILADA.
N. Be1 Erana a Watson's Improved Sal
amanders," Oliver Evan's," C J. Gayler's,"
and Scott's Asbestos," Iron Chests, (a large
assortment having been taken ia part payment
for Herring's,") will be sold at law prices.
JOB V, !) 1
ar ia m
West Branch Farmer
Peaanrlvaala Wirt Work.
NO. SO ARCH St between td aad Id,
fonnoaile Broad SO
PHILADELPHIA. Sieves, Kiddle, Screens,
Woven Wire of all meshes aud widihs,wilh all
kinds or plain and rancy win wora.
t.... i.tlael Wire for a nara catchers, coal
sand and gravel Screeoa. paper makers Wire,
cylinder and dandy R lls covered ia the best
manner, Wire and Win rencing.
A very superior articl of Heavy Founders
Sieves. All kinds Iron Ore Wires and Sieves.
mount Tornon Hons.
0. 95, North 2d St, Philadelphia.-
Thia Alel anel avail aatahticharl house IS
admirably situated for persons visiting the
city on business or pleasure. The continued
patronage of the public (and of West Branch
friends to particular) is respectfully invited.
rbilad, March 1, 1656. Proprietor.
Fishing Tackle,
A ND GUNS-The subscribers invite
Ijl attention to their stock of Fish Hooks
and Tackle of every description
Cane Reeds, Sea Grass, Trout Flies,
Lines. fec.
Also, fine English aod German Guns. Revolv
ing Pistols, Percussion Cups, and Sporting
Apparatns generally.
For sale at lowest Cask Prices, Wholesale
aod Retail.
624 No. 4T N. Second St, Philadelphia
Free of Charge !
TWO Splendid Parlor Emrravin2S.en
J. tilled -Uo'ton Abbey in the Olden Times."
a splendid steel enrravtngfrom the celebrated
painting by Landseer, and the "Departure of
ine Israelites from fcgypt, a large and beau
tiful engraving from a painting by U.Roberts.
The retail ariee af Um above eageaviofs la ftS per copy,
oui wm o aeoi rac or caaaos a. follow.:
Tha auhaerihera have aetahtiehea a BoOB AOBSCT la
Philadelphia, aad will farniah any bra or paMieatioa at
the retail ariee of aay sfthefS Mae-asioea, .ueh a. Har
aera,,Ouay'a. rataam'a. Orabam'a, Fraak Loeiea'a raah
Mina, Sr., will reeeire the aMffaiine. for oaa year aad a
eop. of either ol tha above aeautlfal aiiffraviuaa. free a.
roarfe. or if euBaaliMas la a S-, aad a . Haaaaiaej
aaeh aa Paleraoa'a. aad Challea's Ladle's Chrlatiaa Aa-
naal. tftey will reeel.a both maiiaes and a ropy af
wen ot ine aaova aacimviaaa.
aery deaeripUoa of eaeraviaf oa wnod exeeatea with
Beatna. aad diapatrh. Wiaw. of Buildinca, Newapapar
llciaiea. View, nf tlaehiaerv. Book IlluatratloBK. lextcv
Certiftralaa, Baai aaea Carda, aa. ail acdaea aaat ky Bull
promptly .Headed to. Peraoaa wlebina viewa of their
buildiua eacravwd eaa aead a Oagareotypa ar sketch of
roe baiwiae by mail ereapraaa.
feeanaa at a tli.aaoe haviar aaalabla article, vmlil
fi ad it to their advaatara to addreaa tha .abaeribars, aa
wa wooia act as agent, air tne aaie 01 tne same.
o. battb Tana Stvxit. fBnasairau, Pa.
s. a. sraaH. 11SJ v. aav ruacs.
" The Good Time Coming."
J)Y T. S.Arthnr...Those who wish to
I ' hear anmething of that loue-ezpected
day, should read this book.
It is having an immense sale; 5,000 copies
were ordered in advance of publication.
We send a copy by mail, post-paid, on Ihe
receipt of the price. $1.
J. w. UKAULE i. Publisher,
48 North Fourth St. Philadelphia. Pa.
N.B. Agents wanted to sell this and other
popular books in all parts of the United States.
Send for our List and Terms to Agents.
TraseS Trusses Tnuse !
S.W. Cor. of Twelfih and Race 8is.
Importers Of tine raaaaaTaamaa,a.mlalaa
extreme lightness, ease, aod durability, with
correct construction.
Hernial or Ruptured patients eaa be suited
by remittios amount, aa below: Sendtaa number of
iiMfhe. around tile bipa, and etating aide affected.
I oat of i'loicle Tru-a SA 3, , S. Ooabla t , a, a. IB.
la'truetion. aa to woar.and bow to aneat a ears, whea
poaalble, aaat with the Traas.
Also for sale, in great variety,
Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body Brace,
for tha cure of Prolap.ua tTterl; also Spinal Prop, and
Supierte; Patent eboulder Braeea, Cheat Kpaader. aad
Kreettie Braeaa, adaplao la all witn etoop snouiavra aaa
Weak Lang-; Kneltta Klaatie Abdosuaal Baits, liaapen-
eorie. ; S ringea, mala and female.
aaLdiea' Boosaa, with Ladj atteadaata. lljiso
ORNAMENTAL Iron Works, Ridge
Avenue, Puiubslfbia. The attention
of the public is invfted to the extensive Manu
factory and Ware room ol tne suoscnoer, wno
is prepared lo furnish, at the shortest notice.
Iron Railing of every description forCemeia
rirs, Public and Private Buildings, also Ver
andahs, Balconies, Fountains, Settees. Chairs.
ions, Dozs, die-, and other ornamental Iron
Work of a decorative character, all ol which
s executed wiib the express view of pleasing
Ihe taste, while they combine all the requi
sites of beauty and substantial construction.
Purchasers may rely on having all articles
carefully boxed and shipped to tbeir place ol
A book of designs will be sent to those who
wish to make a selection.
Ridge Avenue be'ow 8pringGarden8u Phila
George Sturges,
SOLE Manufacturer of the Improved
Spiral Spring SlatreMes,No.92
Walnut Su Philadelphia.
FIVE SILVER MEDALS awarded, viz.
Two by tha American laetitnte. New York, Oct.) Hit
H Veanklia institute. Philadelahia.Nov. and
One at tba Maryland laalitata, Baltimore. Nov.) I&2
The oeeuliar improvement in the construc
tion of this Matresa is, that all the elaavy and
heavy wooden frame work is entirely dispensed
with, and iu place supplied by a lighter and
much more durable frame, the springs are all
connected by harness-leather hinges, securely
riveted, rendeiing it impossible for a single
spring to fall down or get out of place, and
making a Bed so elastic that any part may be
raised or bent op, and is thus admirably fitted
to the wants of the sick or asthmatic who may
require a silting posture.having the luxurious
softness of the best Feather Bed with the light
ness and facility of handling of Ihe common
H i test.
These improved Spring Beds are invariably
made of the best materials, and will last many
rears without repairs.
Persons having Hair Matresses, eaa have
them altered into Spring Beds.
These Beds are well adapted forHotels.berths
of Ships, Steamboats and Hospitals.
Spring Seats for Chairs.Carriages or Church
Pews and Hair and Husk Matiessei made to
order. Also aa extensive assortment of highly
ornamented (in enamel) and plain finished
consisting ia part of Bedsteads, Hat and Coat
Racks, Caae aod Umbrella Stands, Garden
Chairs, Settees, ate. axe
Philadelphia. April SO, 1655 ly576
Exprttt Ottleel
ii'lTIT Tba undersigned have been
appointed Ageats for HOWARD de CO.'S
EXPREM8 LINE, aad arc aow prepared to
forward, dailv. Packages. tlpecie. Bank Notes
die. to Philadelphia. New York, Boatoa, Al
bany .Baltimore, ana mtermeaiaie poiass.aiso
to tha other Hortnera aaa r. aster ciucs.
Tha Boblie are respectfully iaviied lo sat
roaixe Ihe above liae.as it ia tba quickest and
safest method of transportation between tha
citiea and Lewisbarg.
Packages received by or before 0 AM. will
arrive ia Philadelphia tbe aame day, aad be
deliverwd early m tha fbiiawiag aroraing.
Receipts givea for time and price.
Pkiladetpkim Office. I 43, 8outh Third St
iCHOOL ORDERS aeatlv artatea aad for
J sale at UM VavMie
November 28, 185G.
JT. J. Cljsle fc F. I Uailter,
imecustrswW.O.Bicksk Co.
Book Binders and Stationkm. and
Blamk Book MAiivrACTURus,
Harrisbura, Fa.
Tl f OST respectfully inform their friends that
1TJ they are engaged in me anovc ousmess
17 directly opposite Herr's Hotel. j& They
flatter themselves, by careful attention to their
business, to receive a continuance oi tne pat,
ronage so liberally enjoyed by the old firm.
BLANK BOOKS for Baoka, County Offices,
Merchants, and private individuals, and every
variety or lull and hair-bound constantly on
hand. Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Books,
Periodicals, Magazines, Law Books, Newspa
pers. Bibles. Music, works issued to I'los., etc
bound in any style, plain or extra. All work
warranted, and done cheaply.
Please give as a call. C. & H.
tsTBooks 4c. to be bound may be left with
be Editor of the Chronicle. 609
93 17R IBS. just received at the
-iUfiriU Hardware Siore of REYN
OLDS a MeFADDEN. Farmers and Black
smiths, call aod see the largest and best as
sortment of Iron ever offered on the West
Branch. Having the exclusive control of the
celebrated Vlsbtiss's Centre county Iron,
we are enabled to warrant every bar. AH
sizes Tire, Scollop, Round and Square; Horse
Shoe, Nail Rods, etc., at Cssa prices to all.
Call and see the Hardware Store of
Lewisburg, May 10, 1855.
E beg leave to introduce ourselves
to the citizens of LEWISBURG and
vicinity, as extensive Miners and Shippers of
White Aab Anthracite Coal,
At Lancaster Colliery, Northumberland Co. Pa.
where we have extensive improvements, and
are prepared to offer to tbe public a very supe
rior article, particularly suited to the manufac
ture of Iron and making Steam. Our sizes ol
Coal are
H'MP Vfor Smelting purposes,
STEAMBOAT J-for do. and Sleamboatj.
KUt; V for Family Use and Steam.
pg j for Limeburnsrs and Steam.
Our Point of Shipping is SUNBURY, where
arrangements are made to load Boats without
any delay.
i. J. Cocas, Laaeaater. I Btuj. KnaaoLa, Laneaeter.
C. W. fuu, Snamokia. II. Baoaaaaaaaa da
recorders addressed loShamokinor unbury
will receive prompt attention. Iy5ti5
Leewlaburg Saving Institution,
13 now open and ready to do business. The
regular Discount days are Wednesdays.
Tbe following named persons are tha
Directors Mr. Jobssob Wills.
Mr. Btbbs Ammohs.
Mr. J a bis M'Cb(isbi,
Mr. Taoass Hasaa.
Mr. William Fbick.
Mr. J. O. L. Suibbsi.
Mr Jie. Msixsll.
Omcsas WILLIAM FKICK, President.
DAVID KEBER, Treasurer.
Four per cent, per annum will be allowed oa
all deposits over six months ; and three per
cent, teas man six ana overinree months.
DAVID REBEtt, Treasurer.
Lewisburg. Sept. 19, 1853
Winfield Woolen Factory,
Near liartleton, Union Count.
'I1HIS establishment is now in the best order.
I The machinery being nearlv all new
and none but the best of workmen employed.
tne subscriber teeis sale in saying that his
work shall not be surpassed by any establish
ment in this or the adjoining counties.
His waggons will be around as usual, and
those wishing to patronize his establishment.
will please avail themselves of that opportu
17 I have also on hand, and intend keep
ing a choice assortment of Goodly such as
Vlittns, aalineiis, t asnmeres, Iwetits, Blankets,
Yarns, 4'.. which I will sell low for cash, or
exchange for Wool and Country Produce gen
1 1 . . aa . T , . nr.n
erauy. m.tan nAi.rrz.isiv. x .
Hartleton, April IS, 1853 tf
Lithographic Printing, be.
KAKL VOLKMAR is now located on
North Fourth street, near D. Phillips'
Blacksmith Shop, where LITHOGRAPHIC
Views, Maps Ac are made to order.
PICTURES for Framing, and for Drawing
The German and French Languages. Draw
ing, Painting and Draughting, laoEht by Mr
Volkmar. Lewisburg, April, 1855
Improvement In Daguerreoty ping !
SPYKER & IIAWN announce to the
public that they have newly fitted up and
greatly improved their Rooms and Apparatus,
and are prepared to take Likenesses sup
erior to any in this place heretofore. Pictnres
copied, or taken ftom life, and inserted in Me
dallions, Breastpins, Fingerrings, Watchseals,
dec, and warranted trne. We annex a list of
our superior Casea : Papier Mache, Souvenir,
Jenny Lind, Jewel, Union, Soniag,Oval,Velve!
and Shell. Pictures taken at 91 and upwards.
Rooms at the old stand over Dr. Thornton dc
Co.'s Drug store. opposite the Telegraph office.
Lewisburg, Feb. 22, 1855
FOR SALE A first-rate Outfit, all complete
and ready for use, which we will sell to any
person, with full instructions in the business,
for less than first cost.
New Firm and New Goods!
AT the Mammoth Drug & Chemical
Emporium of
The undersigned having purchased the entire
Mammoth Drug Store formerly kept by Dr
Thornton 4 Co., are now ready to fill Orders
and Prescriptions at a moment's notice. We
have a large and well selected stock of fresh
and pure DRUGS, MEDICINES, Chemicals
Dyestufls, Oils, Paints, Glass, Puttv and
All kind of Fatrnt Medicine,
Fruit and Confectionery,
Tobacco,Sa unhand Imported Cigars of the
choicest brands,
Fswey Notions and Toilet Articles,
Fiat Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of all kinds,
Baesass aaa Cob as or avsar vtairrr.
Books and Stationery,
s general variety of Literary and School Books
Pine Oil, Lard and Fluid Lamps of every
description ; fresh Pine Oil aad Pateat Bora,
ing Fluid always on hand.
PURE WINES aad LIQUORS of all kinds
for Medicinal uses.
tre Froof and Zinc Faint.
Preserving and Pickling Jars, ke
EyCostomerswill find oar stock complete,
comprising many articles it is impossible here
to enumerate, aad all sold at moderate prices
Call aad see as, one aad all, aad see oar
stock ; aad if wa caa't sell yoa cheap goods,
are will aot ask yoa to buy.
We are always on hand la wait oa customers.
Remember tha Mammoth Drug 8tnre !
Lewisbarg, Cnioa Co. Pa. 8
all engaged ia Ike service of tha U. 8
im tba War of lftl aaat fern Ikeie WiiUava nl
yths Office of tha LtwisSarg Chieaiale.
THE subscriber con
L tiaues to carry on the
Livery aMsisseM at
k tfhM Aland nat N.trlhl
TL.ml aear Market, and KSOectfulh
solicits the patronage ol his frieada and th
public generally. CHARLES F. HKS8.
Lewisburg, May 12, IS50
The subscribers, thankful fot
past patronage, would inforn
ihe public that they continue ti
manufacture all kinds of MILL
libAKIiNU and other Castings. Thrashinj
Machines and other Machinery repaired in tbe
best manner. Castings wsrranted to be ol
good material, and at prices that can not fail
to please. GEDLlES, MARSH ot CO.
Lewisburg, Feb. 1851
COOKING Stoves, of various atlerna
and sizes, for Coal or Woo , for sale
at the Lawisburg Foundry by
tieddes. Marsa at ts.
QTOVES Parlor. Wood, and Coal
O Stoves, various patterns, for sale at the
Lewisburg Foundry. Geddes, Maisb dt Co.
WIARD'3 Patent Gang Plow, a supe
rior article, for saleai the Lewisburg
Foundry by Geddes. Msrsh At Co.
GRAIN or Seed Drills Robs' Pslent
decidedly the best snd most durable
Grain Drill now in use. for sslesl tbe Lewisburg
Foundry hj Geddea, Msrsh & Co.
Hussey's Grain Reaper.
for cutting both Grain and Gras
,f ANI'FACTIRED and for sale at the
irj. Lewisburg Foundry by
Lightning it oils.
AFTER many years' close investigation aad
numerous experiments. Ihe Patentee lakes
pleasure in iuforming lbs public that he ha.
arrived si the trae principle of piolectiiig lamiliaa.
wOTviuMga aim pM.irwnv iron lueucotruciive innu
ance ol LIGHTNING. Tba calamine,
that every City. Town, illage and Country falls
-., .v uiivoiij, uiru inn groan negligence oi
ita Inhahiianta ia he.Anil e.!. w, ...!!
when the remedy is so easy to obtain thia it
f ,
Patent iUaqnrtit liahmina Bobs.
and in thia a Inn. Thia UnA k k.... ..
by the moat scientific gentlemen in the world
U.f 1, V, : L ...
iwiveevra sn inuririe, juiiosod, vv Bllor and msn
others thst hsve examined them mab.mJ
speak of them in ihe highest terms ot spprobatioo.
r'vnmiani .ucu. IU. ouij IB I C rOUS If
use in thisor sny other counliy for tbe protect!
ol Lives snd Propeity. One advantage iatodividv
iuuiuiuwdki a part oi ine electric bum! narmlea.
in the clouds : in lima ol a atrnka ihi. .n.klu .k.
. IM til,
rod to conduct thai portion of fluid that belong
to toe earin witnooi tne aiignieal danger of aa
ving the conductor. 1 hie tod has ansny othei
.uai."Bra u-vi tuv oiu una. A BC Oliiy place Ol
msnufsctuiing is in
Wne St 3 doors above 1 tth. Philadelphia.
here ail perrons are reapectlullt invited local
and eiauiine for themaelvea. For ui. vv k.ii.
or Retail by THO'S ARMITAGE.
Orders promptly attended to. Terms cssh.
These rods have been purchased and saeeess
iuIIj used by the folloaina individuals; companie.
nd corporations, whoss names arc chosrlullt
ubmilted s
In ana ee ruMrMm.a. A a. Botanta. Oeorr
Jot. Uoma-, C. t. CUnley. J. Brenr, u. .!.,. Cr.
laerjol U. Bloeklry A. a anon... Aaoenon A Krotnera
m .ynm- Tttoa. Uruver, Bate A
Uuon A. K. binkara. U. Mmmoaa, Itoa. Ikou A la, Mr
;?"" as., c. Hum(.hre;..J
Kiflej A to., J. Njai.a. b. Bariea. J. p.,Lir.. a fe.
per, Mr. soarvlaaa. Sir. atari la, . P..,bl.y, J. Brtakle
Mr. Ilavuo. lie. l-.al.s. u.fower. A Co, J. Wmepaaaj
II. ItllLr. Ik. U. U...-I . i. a, . r7..J
. ' v . o. aravaal, .Be
epribf tardea tanmiaaioaara' llall.
'? ,, "'"J nr. erare-ueorra Criapia. Jadg
M'tall. Jadm DaylvB, John nrtmea, Hr. at. M'MarU.
BeDj.Koberu.ilr J lK,o,o,. '
IS VMo vorxTT.
a,f?rt',J1,rl, "allneBny. m oeter.John Haas.
Michael Pelera, JaeoS tmilb, David riimaa, Kaabaa
7 . - 'ra, ann lusrt lloeae,
and (.omaiia-K'nera' uaieo. L,mt04 Tp Jcba Babar
V V. . auiayM J. J.ba
Kunis.&imon Knuu. Maa I.-InicC.llllni. Wku.
Ittr Tp. Micbaai ilonaiaxi.
. , ranaaa, Aaa 1S.1MT.
. , v V " "T cmwfJ iaeareied a eondaetor ar
Llgbtoin, Kod, wilk vane and index, ereetrn by Mr
Iboma. Armila.e, oa Bellevaa Hooae, Oloneeater. aad
have aa Keailatioa in N.i( that It ia aot oaly tba beat
1 have ever aean. but tbat it ia the eala m,. I v. ...
eiamined H at ia r,netraeted aa atnetly arieaUllr ariaet.
Slea. ltia witbainrk .Iraaur. that I rerommand hi.
, - . , ui, ......mib oi owner, or nai'dinra.
u. arsualin.
1 am well aatiaSed that the alaen.tla l.i.k.i.. i
maaofactured l,v Mr. Tlu.Biaa aeii. r ii.,i..i.i..i...
i ine beat that haa aver la aa made. 1 have aprnt aaveraj
year. In tha .taa-y ot the law. ot elartmity aod matraeV
iam, aad have mo beeitetioB ia eaviae that theea B.. .e.
eoaatracted at on the erlj rrii re .of aafety. Thaelrttrlv
aberfc ia received and dierped by Ihe mannet at the top
of tha rod. and it would be impoeeible. aeeordinir ta the
vi atiraruoa aaa repaiaioa. r a bailding to aa
injured by a atn.keoflichlnin. when protected by one a
theae rod.. 1 bare brea aequaiatrd with Mr. Armitaea
foraeveral yeara. and before he eommeneed tha aaaouf..
tnre of there rods I examined the principle on which the
are conatrortcd. and frit convinced that their adoptioe
would ho atteaded with eompieto aoeeeaa. Tha iaereaaiaa
demaad for theaa rml.-aod tbeexteaaivraale. ia all parte
vef toe enaalry, la axvplecoaimeadatioB of their atilitvand
.uperiarity. TKACT B. WALLkK.M. D.
Biains Baa. rbilad re., April 10, mil.
Hartleton. Union Co. Pa
aio Agents for Union and adjoining Counties
and will forni.h tho Roils on tbe earns terms and
in tbe same manner as the Proprietor.
Opposition is the Life of Business !
Thesubsciiber would reapeclfully inlotm th
eititeotof Lewisburg snd Ihe traveling contmua
ity generally, that ha has opened a new Livery
and Exchange Stable oa FOl'RTH street half a
square Booth of Market, and has provided s good
lot ol Horses, wiib entirely near good and lash
ionableC sni.ges, Buegies,ileighs, aVcwharea
wishing anything in bis line may ba accommod
aled on tbe shortest notice snd moat reasonable
terms. Ha wilt pay every attention ta the
wants of his customers, and hopea by so doins
lo merii and receive a liberal sbsre of publi
psttonsge WILLIAM MOORE.
I.ewtabura Use 30. 18r-
NOTU'E. Having been appointed tbe
8EXTON to the Lewisburg Cemetery,
the subscriber would state that he ia prepared
to perform all duties connected with the burisl
of the dead.on abort notice. Also thai he will
attend to the re-iniermeni of deceased persons.
unaer tne oireetioa oi tneir surviving friends.
Residence ia the Lodge at the Gale of tha
Lewisburg, May 30, ISM
A Retired Physician,
WHOSE aands of life
have nearly run oat.
discovered while living in
the East Indies, a certain
cure foreoosomption.broo
chilis, coughs, colds, snd
general debility. Wishing to do as much
good as possible, be will send lo soeh of his
afflicted fellow beings a request ii, this recipe,
with full and explicit directions for making it
ap and successfully asiag it He requires
each applicant to enclose him one shillmt
three cents lo be returned as postage on the
recipe, and the remainder to be applied to the
payment of thia advertisement. Address Pa.
H.JAME8. Jersey City. W. J. 3mS34
JEWELRY of tha latest pattern of allqaal
itiaa or sale at the lowest City prices by
COOK sad other STOVES just received by
SOS TBS Um CDU O tataa V
CMa, Cm
cits, mm 4 1
Da. J.CAraa: laoaothiailala waay
flaa aaat raaaady I aava avar amnd Sar
Coasha, lloaraanaaa, laaaaaxa, aad tha
anaoiaBllaat aymplomaof a Cold, m year
Oaaaav racroaal.
tea year, aaa aaowa at aa p-naaaa aaaa
rlor virtaaa lor tha treatment of theaa
SBBN BNHerrT, at. B.
Croma. WlbMndBC Caaaxh. Iaflaeaaa.
Srataaruma, Siiaa, Im r lmv
Saoraaa Ana: I will cha.rfaUy carufy ruar patvaaas
It tha aaat raaaedy wa aamam ha tba can af 7
Cbaoa, Oraay). and tha cheat tuamn of clnMraa. a. af
yoar frataraJty la rho Boats araaaraA. roar aun.aai
aim 'J -
aUSAM 00MKU9, at Si
AMOS LIB. BeaWoerraaxv, U,wrina, Sd JaaUMt
"I had a tadiooa InSa.ava, which eeeBaod ma m dams
ma weak.; took many aaediciaaa wlUwal fauaf; SaaUe
trtod yoar PacroaaL by tha ad etc uf ear clereyema.
Tha Ana dose lahavod tha anim la my maaat aat
In aaa. lam than oaa half tho bottle made am otaaplalaly
vnU. ToarmedicaMarathaoVaaaamaaaaUmUniaaS
wa aaa bay. and wa aoteam yoa, laaclar, aad roar ran
data, aa the poor maa'a frlaad.1
aathasa aw Phthisic, mmm Braaeliitrse
Wart Suaiama, re, lea. 4, Mrs.
Snt: Tear Casus Panomas la paiajeaMin annllim
amra. ia tliw aactioa. It haa raUaTOd aeavl bma aaam
loe aymptoaat of eoneampUea, aad k now cmriag a ana
who ha. latoorad aadae aa arfcctwa of tha mnca fee aa
hat SJCty yeara. HSSST L. PAKKS, Mardmat.
a. A. SAxUKT. M.D. AiatoB. woaaos oa, loat.
vmtaa. Sept. S, 1K6S:
renring my piactlea of many yens
I aava boad aothiaa equal to your Caaaas ncrcaai. ar
rour nnar racvcaai a.
aptlva aaHants, w eanaj
Biviaa eaaa and relief la oooal
mlaht add wlamaa af a
wtadng proof of Ska vtrtaes ot ami I im I ly Is raaad tm St
aared ra many and Bark
aohaman aid can raack; bat ena la taom fae Caaas
Pacroaal affueda rellaf and una awl.
Aeroa Soma. Rsw Toaa Ore. March S,VM
to laform yoa what yoar r.aaxr ParvoaaL haa doaa Be
u. hul taw. an MMiha lalariBa na. ei.
aor aanee. laimnaiaaipiii a w r" -
ared bom that day. She Is aot yet a. atroajt m aw wat
to he. bat ia free from bar eoufh. aad eaile bararif mm.
loan wi
till aoa have tend Avert
Cnxaat Pactoaal. It m mmOm by
aaeof tha beat an ileal
cheenart. in tba world, aad an
Ayer's Cathartic Fills.
TDK arameaa of Cboauatry aad Medidna aaea bam
taxed tbaer aoaoat ta produce thia beat, bm paract
parrativa which la knows la aata. Iaaaaaatabl. peaak
are abowa that thea. Puss have ihtan whirb mrpam la
azcalleaca tba ordinary miArlnm, aad that they wax aa
maualuoladly apoa tha aliia of all man. Theyanmm
and pliannl to take, bat powarfal ta cara. Taek paaa.
amttng peuearneaatimnlalalhe vttal aeovltlaiofUBaly,
tamiii. tha obatzuctiooa of Us araaaa, parify tha haad,
and axpH dla'aa,. Thev parraoat theSaal kamanwblml
. aad impart haahap
toaa with atranstk ta tba wwota rjilim Hot eaty da
Ikey eara the cry-day eomnlaialt af ovary body.axl
aeafcrmklabtoaoddajiarooa axamaas tbat aava taaVd
tba heat of ktunaa akitt. Wkila they produc. ouawnS
aSeete. they are at tba aame trae. In dlmlaaa-d doaa. aa)
sanM aad hart phyeie that aaa ba amployad fce rklldras.
Baiaa anvaruataa, tkay era plumat ta lake; and taaf
yarvry mattbla, are tr from aay riah at harm. Cara
Uatnued ay men of aocb axaJUd poaKloaaad caaiacae
aa s. fcrtM tba aaaptdea af aatrath. Many emraael
ataiajmaa aad phyaVSan. bava lent thatr name, la aaa
tf a tba pohUc tba reliability of my raraaaa wade a
anbava arnt ava the amuiaor. of thatr eoavtcUas aaa
my Teaararlon. coatribata Iraaaaaaalj to tba rabaf af aw
aarievad, enffertiar ft-llnw m.B
Tne Agent below namiil la pliann la terram siaSs sv
Ameriraa Alma
aartraeatatof Ihair carer, af the tMlearla. n mplliim:
Coatrroaem. Bilioua Complalaa, Bhe laaa Drraey,
aarthura. Headache artetaej trom a ami Olnmaih, See,
aaa. ladie-atkea. Morbid laartiaa of the Bowala aad Pmt
araaaa uWwfrom, riatalaary. Liaa of Apnarita, all Claaa.
ana and Cvtaaeoa. tlaiiaam wbicb require aa iveraaat
Madirlna, Scrofula or Kinc'a BvtL They aba. by panfy.
km Ihe blood aad mlmulannc the eyetvm, cara mmf
aompbuatt which it e.Tild aot ba aupauaat they aaaal
reach, earh aa Daafaeaa. Partial Blind neaa. Nearaeraiaad
nervosa Irritabiaty. Dacaim' m.ata ef tba laear aad S.V
Beva. Goat, aad other kiadred oaapmiam aranae Bern a
hrir ataia of the body ar otarractioB of ita fuocboaa.
Da not ba put oft by aaptlnclplad dealer, with eaaa.
other put tboy make mora proft aa. Aak ts Arart
Plus, aod take aothimj earn. No other they cat flva
aoa coaapana with thia ta aa larrlaalr value ar oaraSve
powera. Tba dek waat tba haat aid there B be Barn,
sad they ahould bava it.
P re-pare?, ky Dr. JT. C. AVXR,
rraeticai sad JutslTtioal Chamist. larwall, mses.
Pxica S5 Cxa. ran Box. Prrs Baxaa sea Is.
C W. Fmirn a. and t aai-v a CuxmsLutawMmra
SlrtuS A Bouisstir, MiCtintarf ;i I Castaw. MuHa
OF Truss, Medicine!!, Books, Notions,
Varieties. Haiionrrw. Ac. purchased IB
Xew York and Philad. markets, has just beea
ree'd at the Old Mamrroih "rng ftore of
GLAs-S Jars, for Pickling aad Preserviag,
Quarts and Half Gallons, for sale cheap
-n-N.!c ntPFYS ABflMATir MAP a eertaia
f tair li : l aT3fer,'9ia aiiM vwiM. " i - '"a
from aa hnpare etatr of the etomacb alee a ear. aw
vealive of A l Ai AXD AGVK priea 75 eta. pee Nula,
r sale by CtlKIST A CALDWSH.
SAPOKIFIER. or Concentrated Lye ear-
ranted to make Soap without Lime, ass
with If ttle trouble. W lib eae cake of Lye aad fear peeaav
anap Pat. yoa -aa make fifteen paUeae ftod eeft Soaa.
Hard eoap eaa be made ia tba aame way. Per eata er
Hfl-T a r.tll'BKIL
It A i La Vt Hilt UKr.AL. lor Vvaegeaa,
Bo. ierCsgsgts, annibsjes. pistes, eta
a .upartor article, fcraala by CHEIi-T k CAUWSU.
StUl Onward!
A Tale of the Great Dismal Stromp.
Certain politicians, interested in the support
of the "peculiar insiitutiun," have endrsrorrs'
lo persuade the public that Mrs. Stowe's latt
work is artisticallv a failure, and tbat a
produced o prefoand impeaeeaaa aa either aide ef e
AtlantMw Bat tbe rublLhera are bappy ta atala. Iral a
the many handreda i
d Aaaerkaa aoUeee abieb teeyaa"
received, the vaet aiajority Vsvo Keen dretdedlv aenaa
moat af them eathaabaua. Sead the -ale Utai t
haa exceeded that of aay aerk ol SrUea ever pablabav
tbe SUT1T-EH.HTH lUOlSASJf aa af tee velexut
each, bries aow ia arcta. ,
Ia kae;laod, tbe raecee. bat beea even rwreaeaaerftl.
The prea. there, with bat a few exeeptirea, aekaeee-dBV
tbe reataeaad power of Ibe aathor.aod ia termefeaaa
any mine author miabt be prd Aaddertat tartaaW
day. aaecacdinr ita aablieatioa. ao truer than
hllTY THUUnAND Oil Its
were anld. Tba aatvenal voaoe af literary SMB. saw
plaeea Mrs. Stawa tamni tha
foremost Authors of tho -Ag;
snd neither partraaaahip aor aa aeetere relvrieuf tivf
m wewina mrw oa aaa a.iw
...... . . . n,u,itT.
Piauaaiaa. SoeTOB.
What caa It mm
rpMIS long czpeeled book tj T-nRTBlSr
1 IS BOW ready for Agent.-and Canvassers,
ltia having aa im mease ssle,snd is coBtidrrra
one of his best enorta. Ia it will be (oaaij"
Arthur's views oa the veied questwa ol "J
MAN'S RIGHTS, and what she esa de a
8ister, Wife, aad Mai her 8peeimea ecpies
sent by mail on receipt of the price, $I.
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher.
48 N.Sih St. Philadelphia, rs
If. B. Wa pabiisb all Mr. Arthars V
Books. Send for oar List aad Terms to Age1"
If jTsms waat Barwka
ON any subject whatever, cheaper ta"
you can purchase elsewhere t
county if yon waat Stationery at "
prices or aaythiog le in tbe Boot Uaa, aa
at the new aad cheap Bookstore of
IT u.elral St,
A. S. MDSTLSr, Kail., of CrirA,. rewrites: aIaraa
aaad yoar rarroaas myaalf aad ia my marily avar aam
yoa lavaajtad It, aad halleea r law ami madiena aTZ
LmpaMvearaatawa. vVich a tad com I axoakt Maw
aay tvaaatya lae. ear a tala Dma da witauat a,
aaa aay ataar nmaiiy