JU 4 f! jti ii? -l twirl FT Hippy all Around! EverrWy is hiippy, now that Election it over. Happy '''at conducted with ao much general order, and I cm pcr- anal tjnarrels thu common. The ladiei re bppy because thej c:o now have more atteoti'in ti) themselves from the gentle men, and Folly Ticks will not engross so mneK The children are delighted to hare l.imclliinir ii; w to talk about. The old li'lie of both sexes are again able to sloep o' niglit,'eau the "Uniou" is all "saved" again. J'riutcrs are happy In have same rex, aud . untitling rise than I'residcot to harp" upon. The Kremonlers are over joyed to get over a Million of Voters at the first tug, and becau.-e tbey have carried 11 of the Whitest Slates, certain, and are second best in 4 more. The Filliuourncrs aie 'appy 'cause they have licked the Tope iu the most Catholic State of Maryland, and are not ''ekunkt d" as they ought to be. And the Bucliatiiers are glad fur hav ing another pull at the spuils, and all the Black States but one. The Republicans r. joice over their free Eastern, Northern, aud Western States. The Americans ex ult that thoy carried Maryland, sure. The Pcmocracy rob their hand with glee that they have j.ot gobs and gobs of niggers. No party men rejoice that the fonlieh ex citement is all over. Finally, everybody is 'appy. Aiu't we a 'appy beeples ? Origin of "Getting the Sack." A coteirporary gives the following as the origin of a phrase now convenient to the lips "giving the sack." It may or may not be the true origin of the phrase of that, our readers will please judge fjr themselves : Two gentlemen, the one a Spaniard and the other a German, who were recommen ded, by their birth and services, to the Emperor Maximillian II, both coveted his daughter, tho fair Ilelcua Scharfquinn, in marriage. The Emperor, after a loog de lay, one day informed them that esteem ing them rqu illy, aud not being able to s'mw a preference, he should leave it to the f iree aud address of the claimants to decide tie question. lie did not mean, h twevcr, to n.-k the life of eitlier,au J con-'.-qucutly would D it permit weapons to be used, but had ordered a long bag to be produced. It was his decree, that which ever succeeded in putting his rival iu this lag, should obtain the hand of his daugh ter. The contest lasted fur more than an iour, when the Spa-iiard yielded, and the German, Klcrhard Von Talbert, planting Lis rival in the bag, very gallantly laid it at the feet of his mistress, whom he espou bcJ the next d.iy. i Our i?i'Diil.lipau frieud, Joe F., (every-! body knows J.e) got off a pretty good thing tho other djy, iu a Western town, at the expense of the " uuterriGed" of lloosierdimi. A drove of hoga was pass ing through the street, when a son of Erin, who cuimts himself among the Uuiun sa ve is, feeling exultant over the liuck's election, and thinking to make a hit, turned and remarked to Joe, standing at his side Au" by the Lowly St. Patrick, the swine are about as thick, in the strate, as the bhsrd Dimycrats iu Iudyany." ' Yes," retorted Joe, "aud very much like the ' Indyany Diniycrala in another respect all still ful." The gentleman from Erin felt Lis dan el. ruing, and sloped ! A Hoop Catastrophe Sam : " Bab, what makes jcu limp so?" Bui : " Limp, I guess you'd limp if you Lad walked between two rows of barrel Lonpa as long as I have. Why, the out side of my legs are as raw as a piece of betf ; but I have got an invention to cure that difficulty. I'm going to take t lit in military pauts of mine, and run a piece of bar steel right down through the stripes, and then if auy hooped female, or walking cooper's shop, invius me out, I sha n't ' Lave my leg sawed off. fcayTbe following from one of our ex changes, ought to be printed iu the largest kind uf letters, and hung up in every edi torial Smctutn . "Two minutes is the extent that any one should trespass npon aa editor's time, during business hours, unless he is upon buniuess of importance. Remember this ye fr queutcrs of the editorial room." A fiw Story. Tbe Niagara Falls (N. T.) Gazette says . 44 Tho eastward bound train, when passing Miller's Corner, on Friday fteraoco, at the rata of thirty Cve miles per hour, caught a cow, setting her up in front of the engine. The traiu was stopped as soon ss possible, and the cow assisted to alight, when she started off n run." One of the certificates of death, written by a 41 physician of largo practice," re ceived at the X. Y. city inspector's office, reads as follows : " Mrs. Karolyne John sons daughter aged five mouths and ate days dies with dcficensj of life to day un der my attendance." Epitaph. Here lira the remains of SaKaH Wills, Who died from takiug too many pills. And just below, Lies James Cbow, Who died of love Of the one above. A Scli.neetady editor, describing the effect of a squall npon canal boat, says : " When the gale was at its highest the nofortuuate craft keeled to larboard, and the captain and another cask of wbis "J aolU. iT.rhoard." Th. e.niem, , ofU!II in of fo ? " . Mew-oh bis pie u now otuiUcd , . . " a boiler minofaeinrj - r-.iii aainlosuieut Agricultural. Chester Coanty OXE anl Two Jlorse Endless Chain POWER. The undersigned bring con vinced by practical eipenenr.e of the superi ority of Vand'rtlicc't Tread Power over the or dinary fire horse power now in use in the West liraiir.h country .for threshing out grain, have purchased the patterns and right to mate them. We are now making and have on hand a large nrnnber, which we propose to introduce on the plan if they don't answer to the leiterof the guarantee given with each of them, the machine will be taken back and the money refunded, if paid. They are now almost llie only entire Threonine Machines in u-e in Chester. Montgomery. Berks and Delaware counties. Their advantages are that ihey will do ahnoM double the work, ac cording tu the number of horses used, than the old machine-' will do: i Vthey will save at leant two hands and Threshing can all be done snugly clo-ed up in the bams, iu wet davs when the hands wotld h? otherwise unemployed. T. CHl'HCH CO. H irttel.m. '.'ninn Co., Pa. Apply to Th entrant. Hartletnn, or or Dr I,. KmiKn. 1,'nion Furnace. vfi!5 IIiiiir Iter' CUM Ell Ill l.l.CIt. T THE subscribers still continue to maniifac tore the above Machine, and as ihere are over 500 of them now in ne in Um and adjd.ning counties, we deem any further rernntinenitaiinn unnecessary. The machines are all warranted not only to do good work, but belter work than any other kind of machine now in ue. T. t .'Hl'KCH A t 'O. Hartleton, Pa. Apply to Tno's CMi'm, Hartletnn, or I.. Rimikk, Union Fornace. Iy65 Caution, and Wotite. Knowall men by Uiese pres- g.: ents. That A.U. - a-fftt"-" ' 'wvT?'. V H 'Ch and John a :s1& l;er.bam.of W. ar4-f.v.t?V C..Pa.ha ave ilns 'Mnh lav of June, 1856, pnr- chaNeuiherniirr rtrjht, title, and interest to mao- oufacture and sell the PLATFORM BEE HIVE invented and patented by Sylvester Davis, of Clare mont, X.tii in the following J ownsnips and Boroughs in t'nion countv, vtZ- White Deer, Kelly. Bnffaloe, West Btifaloe, Mifflin bur?, Hartley, Limestone, Jat kson. and New Berlin. All per-ons are therefore cautioned a?amt manufacturing or purchasins said Br-Hive unless duly authorized br said Hizh and Oer&ham. Riphts to make and use the above Hives in the foregoing Townships and Boroughs, for sale on reasouable terms. A single riht for $ V H. A D. e.Thix IIiT Iim tiken th flmt premium at tb Stat ami I'ouatjr Fain ta Vu, N. 11., Msuu lotL, awl Otiio, in Ui- Kll of ltd. W ith thin Hire, anr ont mar k with per aalVt and aarcmwi, riacm all duBcultjr an4 uucwrtaiatj an culirvly rrtn-fKl. Th- HiNuamv bematl: to iirtrm from on or mrwhWtx. or mx? b rDrtdart-tl ij(o rtT numtxT of hi' ttlui iwrmitif, ait'l mill ti a tU 'tpp'if nJ (Juf-mn. Tb IW are- nliivly prUntM Jrttm ffce- lr j.t'h and otltr inMw'ln wljii h kiiuoy aal ruin tin lift. Tbi w-trrant. t mannci-d areordm to tlie direcUVm wliH-h ar rvveo in ttw lok. In Uwc'iirfnc. tint llrf haTnii oppnrtunitr to?nrH' nJ -tfr lh! 6 Ui from Uiur uifea. w.Uiuut djinj wut to ilw nn th ftunw. Thr filth ran le at anr tine remote-d front Uia hivea wit but (titirhinx thr lUt. Tbt IhftrmH be irans-frm a ofV-n nn nevtoary, to jiwr thftn o-w oontb, aud without killing tnni. It (trunu all ptkMirMiity of rinnns. wnit iN-uin. It in tht.rmijbly wntilatt throtibout letsuVdrawart, Th- work and pn-irn - f the Iters ma; an in the hiT-, h'tttrT-lfixit and fefdilrawsT. ntt Hassey's American Reaper b Slower I 'OR 1S5G This Machine was put I in succeslul operation in I8:t3, anil con tinued lo be the only Kaper and Mowing Ma chine in the World of any pratical value up lo 1815 twelve years alter its introduction. Oilier Reapers are now offered with glowm: Advertisements and Certificates of Gold and Silver Medals. Uut the Farmer, in search ol the bt Reaper, and not posted in the matter, had betier see a lntle further. One of the other Reapers took Ihesreal medal in England, at the premature trial in 1851; befureihe close of the harvest of the tarn year, however il was totally braten by a HLSSEY REAPER. which received the uiawriinu award ot an impartial Jury of twelve English farmers. The fact is that Husey s machine is achieving a series nf triumphs in England. and rapidly ob. taining that pre-eminent position there.which it ha already secured in Ihe land id its origin If there is any value in 23 years' experience in building Reapers, and UMiig them in the harvest field, OUED Hl'SSEY, the Father of Reapers, can claim it. All who arc satisfied with the liEaT REAPER AN It MOWEKxan I e suplird by sending their orders early in the season, as the crops indicate a large demand, and we can not have over VWi Keapers ready for the vast harvest of I8S6- We would refer to ihe following gentlemen. who have used Husspy $ machines for several years, and will testiTy to their snpenority: UNION AND SNYIlKIt COUNTY. Te V.rrr, R'-Tijiniin Llir. Jnha Mnrh. PamiM raillia J "tin X-lWf. .!"! ItilM-fc, Jarob Hhl. J. I). f:n,wu. Atr-iin Ainnd. ThnmaM t'limran. ior-- Kl-4k li'T. tT.l Kl-rkn -r. Wm. Kirkn.r.i"rff- Slr. John Ciut.riv. Samn-t K-llrrn, JiHefih Muiwr. William Wiln. A liram H'nir. v. U ll-rni'il. Clmn-a Kuhl.limriff K iiKrl.-l'ihn ljnr. Aliram turlrj . Rinanii-1 enntiu., llfD rv Mull. Cyru llniwn. Win. 0. Mnf.-r John ChaniUvrliD, MllNfl L.nn, lohn Van HuitlLirK, rlarrl itinera. NdRTIIUMKKRLANU COUNTY. Pmn.l M'tlahlD. John M'Mahln. William O-lphin Jamib M'ffii:in iHirzv Kmerick. Uvnrr tlnwiua. I jwnrire liaul. J'liu H. Ilellpr. William amm.K. m illiani llmiM-l. Il-n Firi.rii-k. Tho' HlrawbrMav. tnliiTn Walt-ra. Jam,-. NmImi. Jwn M. Nr.lit. A. K. Ikapp. J. K. t'rk.! ly. Thnma. JnhnnUu. John A Wm. llamor,Kohi-rt Turry. Jan. II Kul, Amoa Vatini. J. H. A l. Uur-h. laa.ir I'ampi. ll. Jaron llr.4. slllr A Shunian. Anthnnv A Wu. n)ili-r, John Cooper, Jeaaa C. llt,rtoa,tieo. Conrad. MONTOUR COUNTY. Japob Phulti. Mnyhprry Grarhart. Daviit Clark. Jamb 5--ll-r, Jr. U'iiaon Kiirrnan. IVIr H riKbCSam. Yorka, William M.n.h. Il..lrt' A ltih-l. J.roh Sny l-r. A V. K11--.I.S. H CaM. J.roU Svblar, fr. m.Yraa, t. 11dm bach, to rn. Jr'oreamao. CIll.LMIlIA COUNTY. P. t-r Millar. John llill.H m. N. Brown. D. A. Bowman. (.-o. A. Ilowman. J W-ly Bowman, liillart I'owlrr. su pbrn Titomaa. Ilory Doak. John Koheruion. thiwMl Srl hart, Vlrsan.lrr Crrvlinc. Andrvw Crralin;. Vtonrw Orva line, J"hn MiMta. Jarob Ililt. THomaa Oanrt. John Con oT. IVU-r AiMik-man. Kliaa lhitra-k, Jamaa Lrmmon. Joa-pb II. llirka. MilVr A llirka. iimw llalli-r, Jtpw-ph P h. Samnrl kk, Wm Hoffman. An4rvw rrioa. Wm. Vn. Hon. II. Frh. WraUf frl-a. ftataVI Friwa. frauklio Kvana. John ttirliie.Cbariea aotl tieorga Low, Joha Sry ban, Jobn Wolf. LTCOMINO COUNTY. Oanrto Crl.t, Iliram T. Gray. Banjaaiia Boar, fatar flt-ilman, Vn-drrirlt App. Haniarl Guatlrum, lleary Hhiomkr, Prtrr Rntr. Thomas UaTia, rha. Taltmaa. Mina-I Kaar. John II. Tool, Cbarko Lloyd. It. W. ton aDr Robert Gibava. CLINTOW COOMrY Wm DaBa. Jaawa Wrlaks Robart WOoraiiek, Jaaaaa CaxakadJen, Juarpk Hanaa, Robert Uolmoa. CKNTER COUNTY. Wm. Vt Farl.iMj. In Boat, W. A. Johaatsa, Joaaph aWtuor, Wm. DiraC 1aTkf Roaa, Joftph Myers, Jaftobllar ler. John Uoy, Jr. Wat. Foster, JaJaar Baar. The tubschbers have the exclusive rightin (he following counties: Union, Snyder. Nor thumberlanj, Montour, Colombia. Imxerne, Perry. Milflin, Centre, Clintnn, and f-ycommc. All orders thankful Iv received and promptly lo. GEDIIEK. M ARSH & Cr. f.ewiahnrr. T'nion Co. Pa April 24, 1866. NOVELTY IRON WORKS. THR sub'cnber would respectfully inform the citizen of Union eoontv and all in want of wsmmI Slarhlarrw, that be is aow prepared to manufacture Steam Zngine of anv required power Blast Farnaee, Rolling. Grist, and Saw Mill Machinery Powrps.Coal Breakers and Winding Drams for Mming purposes Castings of every description neatly executed to order. With a very extensive vannvof Patterns and great facil ities for doing work, he flatters himsWf that he can compete with ana etaMt.hmnt fn the ooontrr both la prioa wadiaalftTnf work. rVraoa. ia waat of Wa-hinerr. will fan tt lo their aSeantaoj w rl hiai a a ill. The heilHiea frr ahinmenta to duTeraail asfta of the eoaatry. avast ha feuailiar la alL fa R. JOEa W-raaawar; 7aa 'aaa am j Lewisburg Chronicle & William VanGaxer, A TTORNEY at Law, 1Y Lewltiburs;, rnion Co., I Oriice on South Second St.. receotly by H.C Hickok. Esq. 574 ducational. UNIVERSITY SCHOOLS ! THE Winter Session of all the Schools X of the University will open wiih a full corps of Teachers, on Thursday, Sep tember , imSwi Theological Department Tuition Free. Collegiate " 30 per annum. Academic " Classical -i0 Enelish I5 " Female Iustitute " R-giilar cour-e $30 " " Primary $J0 " Sqtt. 9, IS56 LEVViSSURS ACADEMY. 'TJIK Academic year of ihis Instiiu- J tion, will hereaf'er be divided lino 3 ses sions, the Sen a an. Pall and Wistis. sessions, of 13 weeks each. The r'i.i ssiow will commence on Mo. nr. Sept. SSd, IN-"6. to be imin-diately sue eeeded by ihe Win'cr session, with a short vacation during the Holidays. All branches calculated to fit Youths for college or for practical lile arelaughi; and the dhle is a text book in the school A class of Yiu'io Laitifcs is secured. The interior of Ihe Aeadeinr has uiidergone thorough repairs, and the Principal h is spared no espense in make it everything thai a school room shmi Id be, lor heahh and cheerluluess. TUITION per session of 13 weeks. PRIM KV j HVado.-. Uril.ac. IKSner, Arillimi-tif. limie . liram. aow t S. tliaury.l ..... .$150 Al AM'KIl KGLI.-H , ail not iorlujnl atane. boil LVMtt'A'IKs, !. CONTINUKSr F.fKXSKS rr a.a.ioal . . . - Jjll A'o di-tlucUuua axceul lr l-t r.rlr.l -rkof JOHN KAN'DOLPII. Sept. 5. I85fi. Principal FREEBUKG ACADEMY rilHK Princinal and Friends of this liisiuu 1 tinn, ihaukful for and encournged by the liberal patronage heretofore be. towed upon H. are determined ibat no eienion on their part shall be spared to render it still more worthy of encouragement and suppon. The course of instnii-tioii embraces all the branches of an English. Classical and Mathematical education and is accompanied by frequent Lectures and Illustrations. The Languages are taught br the Rev C. (1. Erlenmyer. a ihoron?h and accomplished Linguist. A TEACHERS' De parlinrni will be established for ihe benefit of those wishing to prepare for the profession of Teaching. The Academic vear is divided into two e sinns of 42 weeks each. The first commences on the last Monday ol July; ihe sccond,on the first Mondav of January. Titans Tuition, per quarter of II weeks, $;.S0 to $t. Board etc. $1.50 to $3 pr week. For Circulars Ac. address GEO. F. M'FARUND, Principal Philadelphia. EvAXSifc WATsos,Xo.20,.S.Fonrtli Sr., Pl, . hatr had .k mr( tl C till t T3 (OH lit ihe follow, n Certiliraies that their mannfar- lure cf Salamander Sales has at length fully warranted ihe represeniations which have been made of them, as rnderin; an undoubted security agaioM the terrific element : PmnnrLrin.. Airfi 12, t&in MwM KvK A Wsturt; ifntn: Il afford un ttw Itikthv-rt atifaptMHi ii state to you. ttiat owluif U lltr v ry (.rot- rtive- quatilien of twtt of th" 8:ilaiiiNii'lT S.if- w wni'-h we piirrh.tfat-i i.r iu n- n ntftnih) mnr, we aavt-d a lare (Mtrlinn uf our Jewrlty. lHtnk. I'aj-nr-. Ar . exi-fe-l ti th- :lamitit fire ia l.aDritt-ad od the tnormnir f lli 11th int- hen wr n Herl that th 9af w-r eat I In the fntirlh -t.trjr t.f the hull-iin; weorruHrd and ht they ft 1 1 uKe(uiiitly iti a h-tt uf bo ruin ru.ic,li re th VhkI rftn cent rat Hn nf h'.nl r-i.a-esl the Ihhm flxteii tu Ot.-It. We raiinnt hut reft rd the prrwrTat mn i f the Valu Hhlti erntenta aa Bt-l cnnriuciDjC uruof of lliit great atecu ritv alf'ird'-d hy ynr Snfe.. UVa-liKi) takaaiot'h tleatnr In ivcnmmondinjt them Iu torn uf biuiuera aa a nre reliaiK-r -nriii-l fire. 4.KOHUK W ?1MoN- A BRO. l'fiiLAi.LlRi. April VI, l-6. MntSBS. F.VK'n k Wtcx I hate t. nfTer vou mr U-a- timmiy in favor .f the (treat M-rurlty ff r.l- d in tny eiv fiir rtfM-k f jwwelry. lionk!. paper-t. e , durii tlie re cent diaactmuK muf:i:ri.tl'n in Hanteal plu'-e. fmtn thr fart that ihe nn wer mntained in twouf the la Diat der Pfe tnnntilacturfd hy vnu. II m vine fallen fnun the fifth Ptory nf th Arttian ItuiM t..tt. -Iiof. t were (Tetti'-u-ly pinreil anb expn-el to a Nft hat for a Inner time, the prrwrfatioii of the valua ble dehitti seemed In every onewbttwitneiMeil tbenen in and interior CKamioaUoD, a matter of inf.uod a-b'ni-hmt'tit. To all who idmt require a p. rf -et proterttno fmm th ravatleia nf flre. I hifl not heaftat- to rerniHniend the u nf jonrrafen.au 1 conMder tbey haennw unlersin (be moettrjing terL N. K MOKU IN. Pnn..DKtPHti, April 14. 1H.. Wuffts Frw A WtTfln tie-oil men Vo dnuit ynn will he deeply gratified to learn thai rl mnliti..n in whirh I di-ro?. red my bonk, j-ttiii y nf inttram-e. rertifl eaten nf tnrk, and othea r-tluahln dnrutneiit. when oo t ri-lay laxt I tpened the nafe tnaie hy ynnr brm. With my knowleds of itfrr at exposure, tanih to the InU-o-ity of the heat fri-tn m h'H a tire an that whi h d Mrnyi i ttie Arii-an Ituiidmi. at alnn frntn th fnrre o the fall from itx former eevtel intuition in the third tory. I emild enfertain but ndr hope print to itn in tefinr in-i-ei-tino, that the rot.tntli whb-h I nnna an liijChlv prtzel w..uid eer b- of uny wrrire to me. hut a thew fear" are now happily ivmnred. I teel it nt.Iy due tny to you. ttmt 1 ran henceforth rw-oiiiai!.-) the nae f your Bute tn all who may ih to feel a mnfidenre in the perfect areurity wbl.b aucb meaoa protidea afpuust ao friicbtful an element. bliWARD 04SKII.L, Bookbinder. CtCnnwtanily on hand. Talent Pnwdr and Thief PrcMif Lockfor Banks.Sloresetc. !yB25 Engraving and Seal Cutting OF all kinds, at 201, rhesnut Street, PHIMD. Visi.ina and other CARDS, Corporation and other 8KAI.S and evervthiui in our line of business, promptly aiiended to. in g.iod slvle, iind on reaonahl terms. Or ders from City and Country solicited. H. FL'l.TON. VV. G. MASON. Herring's Safe again the Champion!! The only Safe iohirh,in every int wee, preterit? their entire ctmtcnU in ike lite Extensive Fire 4 T the burning of ihe x. Amzan Bmldinzs, on the lOihof April, and in the GRET FIRE in Market Street, May 1st, 1856. the genome H.aaina Sara pre served the Jewelry of Geo. I v. aimon at oro. ; book. Papers, Ac, of Fisher A. Dro.and Edward Srmans A. Co., after remainine ripoed in ihe burning roina for nearly FORTY HOURS, and proving conclusively what we have alwaya claimed for them, their great superiority over all aecn rities now known. In these fires, the Herring's Safe, tandmir aide by side with those advertised as warranted lo stand 10 per cent, more fire than Herring's." came forth the acknowledged vtftor. iwrf ealy aiBnlaa thwr ennt-ata la esa-tlevl ar ar. but balnn tbf maclar. in a etmaitioa to ao thmarh aolb-r antral, ahllr the hnaeteit - RalanaB.lera" nf oth er aaaki-ra aere badly aw d an la evry Inauaoa. a 4 i. ome eaaaa lhir calire eoatenta eoaiplatela dVetmyei!. To tba aablia would atmplv aay. Uial. dun ax the fcanVrt. aeara th llerrina'a Safa haa an or for- Ibeia. arar than two haadraa h pana throacb aacidaaUl trea allnnat the orearmaa or a aincie inaa. Wa would, tharafna, rantioo ean-flaerra acalaat the aiiarrareaentoUoB of intere-ted paniva. Thw llrrrinr'a falent ia th oaly Fire-ppnmf gab aaaoe ia Ulia eity whin la aiMartea by a faMl Krot. and w. will awaraa'e it t raiat nor Ibaa aoatat tb aatonat of Beat of aay Maw Sail now know a. ' Farrela a nerrlaff, Sot aanofatair.ia thin Maia of Herring', fal,Ht Champion Safes," 31 Walnut 8t PHilA-DAv B. Evans & Wafsoai Improved Sal amanders." Ol iver Evan's," J. CJayler's," and - 8corTa Asbeshw." Iron Chests, (a lane assortment banring been taken in pari payment tuf Herring-,,-) w,j k MM M low nes. ion , IMtyl wfttX lil BdiS' TlieSalamand- ajS delphia. against ihe West Branch Farmer Pennsylvania Wire Works. TVr- 6 ARCH St. between 2d and 3d, Xv (opposite Broad St.) PHILADELPHIA Sieves, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of all me-.hes and widihs.with all kinds of plain and fancy Wire Work. Havy twilled Wire for spark eaichera.eoal sand and (travel 8 Teens, paper makers Wire, cylinder and dandy R lis covered in the best manner, Wire aod Wir Fencing. A very superior ari.de of Heavy Founders Sieves. All kinds Ir -n Ore Wires and Sieves. DAY LIS8. DAKUV A I.Y.VN. Mount Vernon House, T0. 95, North 2d SUriiiladelpbia,- L This old and well esiablished house is admirably siiuaied for persons visiting the city on business or pleasure. The continued patronage of the public (and of West Branch Iriends in particular) is respeclfuHv inviled. 1. 1.. BARRETT. Philad, March 1, 1856. Proprietor. Fishing Tackle, ND GUNS-The subscribers invite Jt attention lo their stock of Fish Hooks and Tackle of every descnpiion Caue KccJ-i, irea Grass, Trout Flics, Lition. Ac. Also, line English and Oerman Guns. Revolv ing Pistols, Percussion Cups, and Sporting Apparatus generally. Fr sale at lowest Cm Price; Wholesale and Retail. JOHN M HEYBKRC.ER A BRO. 621 No. Jr N. Second Hi.. I'hilitdrphia Free of Charge! TWO SpIenJiil Parlor Knsravins, en- JL IHtnt -Bo hn Abbey in ihe Olden Times." a M'lrniiitl Ntcel ensrvii.; from iht celebrated paifiiinp ty Landseer, ami the Departure of the Israelites from tffvpt, a larse and hrau til'ul enpravinc from a painting by U-Robert. 1 lit- i Uii tr' ot tli -" i-B-raTlt X4 V F"r eol'Jr but Will bf FOt .Kit, t.f CHAR.k n fraUivWe.: Th nulMrrtr i- hxwi frttMhlip-bml a IhioK Ao' J-iT Id rtnlitii' l lii, nt will fur lh nnjr hfw.tt r iiuhicaittnn t tlif rwrmiJ prlrv 4 wwr wf lto $-J MatfMitm. iteh liar-p.r.OMl- 'i. rutuuiV. limt.atia'H. Krttiik t'pb ki.. .. will rri-...r th mg xi-p ff ,r nd a m. uf viih r it th h.v b- au'iful wjmiin: frw o. rhe.u. or if -ubtrilMiiK In n and n $1. MatftaZinfj wh n Vv-rw'. nd rhJlii's &tt't Curutua An-i.a-il. thev will rr-i tth m&iiiD.-s nl rupj uf cilbr-r of lire- alw riiaCrMV.nx. K.tt Jvarriptiin uf ftivrat inr on wood mrcuU-d with tiitiw mwi li-mti'h. Ufrwi. nf Rtiililinem Nt-wjitmptr l(rl nit. View itf lai-hiiir. Uok Illatrmtln. Untur Oriilif-tilvsi, liumnma Canlm Ac. A:l urdwr wnt bv m.il pr-nitly ltfndnl o. ?to witiin iWk of their htiiMiiiff rnatratrd can Mnd a Daunxityp or ketcb of tit luili.iiic inail or xiti. fenamta at a li-tane bavin r ra!abla artiltMi would find it tn tbrir advantaitp tt addr-a ! tautx-eiibaim, at w would art aa iftod for the anlt f th f .mr. HVHAM A I'lEKCK. 60. ftocTa Thi SrarfT. Pmiumeiphk, P. " The Go3d Time Coining." BY T. S. Arthur...Those who wish t.) hear something of that long-expected day, should read this hook. il is having an immense sale; 5,000 copies were ordered in advance of iiuhlieation. We send a copy by mail, post-paid, on the receipt of ihe piire. $1. J. W. BRADLEY. Publisher, 48 North Fourth Jt. Fhiladriphia. Pa. N.B. Asents wanted to sell this and oiher popular boons in all parts of the United Slates, vnd for our Lit and Terms lo Agents. Trusse3Trns83s Trusses ! -gg C. II. NEEDLES, Ti.Ls AND BRACE ESTABLISHMENT, 8.W. Cor. of Twelfih and Race Sis I'llll. ADKLI'HIA, Impurters of fine Tasnra "l araais, combining extreme lighln'u. ease, and durability, wiih correct ronsirunmn. Hernial or Kuptnred patients ran be suited by rerottiiiia amount, aa brlow : SVnding nutnorr ot inrhra around tl- bit-a. and auitinB .Ide a!T,-etd. I o.t -f finale Tru.. Si. a. 4. a. Hntil.iv ,5. S. S. 10. In.trueliona a to am. and how to affect a care, when poaaibl, Paul aitb tbe Truae. Alro for aale, in great variety, Dr, Banning! Improved Patent Body Brace, for the enre or Prolap.na L'trri : aleo Spinal froiui and 9iipinrli: Patent shouldi-r Braera, i:h-al fcipan-U-ra and Km lir Ilrre., adal'teil to all with Sttiop tioiildra aod Wrah l.unx-: Kimlob Klatic Ateluoiinal bVita, tfuapan .orira ; e, ringi-a. male and f. male. LaJlca' Koobw, with Lady attandanta. ljI90 WOOD'S ORNAMENTAL Iron Works, Ri-lge Avenue, Pai taoaLrHi a. The a'lentioii of the public is invited to ihe enensive Manu factory and VV .ire room of the subscriber, who is prepared lo furnib, at the shortest nonce. Iron R illing of every description for Cemeia ries, Public and Private Buildings, also Ver andahs, Balconies, Fountains, Sritees. Chairs. Lions, Dogs, Ac and other ornamental Iron Work of a decorative character, all of which is eiecuted wiih ihe express view of pleasing the tasie, while thet combine all the requi sites of beauty and substantial construction. Purchasers may rely on having all articles carefully boxed and shipped to their place ol destinaiion. A book of designs will be sent to those who wish to make a selection. ROBERT ODD. Ridge Avenue below r-print Garden Mi. Phila George Stnrges, SOLE Manufacturer of the Improve; Spiral Mprinx 9iatrehtieti,No.9-2 Waluui Si. Philadelphia. FIVE SILVER MEDALS awarded, viz. Two by the Ann-riean In.titute. New York, Oct. 18M do r'ruiialin ln-litut-, Philad.-lphia.Nov. and One at the Maryland lnatitute, Baltimore. Aiov.J IS-'. The peculiar improvement in the construc tion of this Matress is, ihat all the clumy und Anry wttdrn frmt wtrk is entirely dispensed with, and its place supplied hy a Itchier and murh more durable frame, Ihe springs are all eonnee.ied by harness leaihrr hinges, securely riveted, rente ing it impossible for a single spring to fdll down or get out of r lace, and making a Bed so elastic that any part may be raised or bent up. and is thus admirably fined to the wants of ihe sick or asthmatic who may require a sitting posttire.having the Inxurious soilness of the hesl Feaiher Bed with ihe light ness and facility of handling of the common H r.Mnress. These unproved Spring Beds are invariably made of Ihe best materials, and will last many years without repairs. Persons having Hair Matrasses, can have them altered into Spring Beds. These Beds are well adapted forHotelj.berlhs of Hhips. S eamboats and Hospitals. Spring Seats forChairs.Carriages orChnreh Pews and Hair and Husk Mali esses made to order. Also an extensive assortment of highly ornamented (in enamel) and plain finished CA S T IRON FURNITURE, eonsisting ii. part of Bedsteads. Hat and Coat Ra ks. Cane and Umbrella Stands. Garden Chain. Settees. Ac tie. Philadelphia. April SO, 1859 ly&75 Expreta Oltteei Th undersigned have been appointed Agents for HOWARD A CO.'S EXPRESS LINE, and are now prepared to forward, daily. Packages, Specie, Bauk Notes Ac lo Philadelphia. New York, Boston, Al bany. Baltimore, and intermediate points, also to ihe other Northern and Eastern cities. The public are respectfully invited to pat ronize the above line.aa it ia the quickest and safest method of transportation between tbe cities and Lewisbnrg. Packages received v or before IAN. will arrive Philadelphia the same day, and be delivered early in the following morning. neeeiprs given lor rime ana price. PkiMelpkim Office 4 1 A 43. Sooth Third St Oei. . CHRIST A CALDWELL. 'CHOOL OKDEK8 neatly printed and for J aafa at the Clnmtm OA J November 21, Jgofr UAltlUSBUlK. BINDliUY J. J. Clyde ft, r. I- Haller, Aaoetaiorit W. O. iidol a C: BOOK. DlNDKHS AND STATIOSKB", AHD 11I.A.NIS. BOOK MANUrACTliKEB, Unrrinliunj, I'll. MOST respectfully inform theirfriends that they are engaged in the above business tip directly opposite ilcrr's Hotel. Tbey flatter themselves, by careful attention to their business, to receive a coulinuance of the pat ronage so liberally enjoyed by the old firm. BLANK BOOKS for Banks. Coanty Offices, Merchants, and private individuals, and every variety of foil and half-bound constantly on hand. Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Books, Periodicals, Magazines, Law Books, Newspa pers, Bibles. Music, works issued in Nos., Ac bound in any stvle, plain or extra. All work warranted, and done cheaply. Please give us a call. C. A H. ti" Books Ac. to be bound may be left with he Editor of the Chronicle. 509 IR3!tf! IRON!! IRON!!! 93 ilk IBS. just recrived at Hie 4,0,-IU Haidware so.re of REYN OLDS 4- McFADDEfi. Farmers and Black smiths, call and see Ihe lnrrt und test as sortment of Iron ever offered on the West Branch. Having the exchtsire control of the celebrated Viuiikf'i Centre county Iron, we are enabled to ipnrrant every bar. AH sizes Tue. Scollop, Round and Square; Horse Shoe, Nail Rods, Ac, ai Cs prices to all. Call and see the Hardware more of JOS. M FADDEN. Lrwisburg, May 10, 1865. NOTICE. 7E beg leave to introlure onrselves V to the citizens of LEWISBL'RU and vicinity, as extensive Miners and Shippers of Willie A t.li Anlhraa He loal. At Lancaster L'uU'ery, Xitrthumbeitand Co. Pa. where we have exiensive improvements, and are prepared to oiler to the public a very supe rior arncle. particularly suiird to the manufac ture ol Iron and making Steam. Our sizes ol Coal are I.I'.MP ).for Smelting purposes. STEAMBOAT J-lor do. and Steamboats. BKOKt j Ktilj i for Family Use and Steam, STOVE Ni;r j PEA for Limeburnsrs and Steam. O.ir Point of Shipping is SUNBl'RT, where arrangements are made to load Boais without any delay. ' COCHRAN. PEALE A CO. J.J Coeaaas. Lanrater. I Br.sj. Kmshoib. Lanraeter. C. W. Pkali. ebanioain. II. B.caoant.a do fwOrders addressed toshamukinor nnbury will receive prompt attention. ly5H5 Lew-lnburic iavingn Inalllullon, IS now open and ready to da business. Tbe regular Discount days are Wednesdays. The following named persons are the Director J&x. Joassos Wills. Mr. Bvsss Aamoss. Mr. Jtwii M'CaeiaaT. Mr. Tdoaas Harts. Mr. Willi Faica. Mr J II. L. Shisoil. Mr Jis. Mmtv.ll. Orrictaa WILLI A M FRICK, President. DAVID KEBER, Treasurer. Four percent, per annum will be allowed on all deposits over six months ; and three per cent, less than six and nverihree monihs. DAVID REBER, Treasurer. Lewisburg.Sept. Itf, 1852 W infield Woolen Factory, tear llartlvlon, t'nion County. ' 1 establishment is now in the best order. I The machinery being nearly all uew, and none bin the best of workmen employed, the subscriber feels sale in saying ihat his work shall not De surpass.) by any establish ment in this or the alj"iniiig counties. His waggons will be around as usual, and those wishing to patronize his establishment will please avail themselves of that opportu nitv. IV I have also on hand, and intend keep ing a choice assortment of .ood. such as CLdh. Stitinrttt, Cathmerei, Tweed. Blanket Yarn., dr.. m hirh I will sell low for cash, or exchange for Wool and Coonirv Produce gen erally. MARK HALFPENNY, liartleton, April 22, 1833 tf Lithographic Printing, fcc. KARL YOLK MAR is now located on North Fourth street, near D. Phillips' Blacksroiih Shop, where LITHOGRAPHIC Views. Maps Ac are made to order. PICTURES for Framing, and for Drawing Teachers. The German and French Languages. Draw ing, Painting and Draughting, tautrht by Mr Volkmar. Lewisburg. Apiil, 1855 Improvement in Daguerreotyping! CPYKER & IIAWN announce to the O public that they have newly fined up and greatly improved their Rooms and Apparatus, and are prepared to ake L.lkeueM- sup erior to any in ihis place hereinlore. Pictures copied, or taken fiom life, and inserted in M dallions, Breastpins, Fingerruigs, Watrhsrals. Ac, and warranted true. We annex a list of our superior Cases : Papier Mache,Sonvenir. Jennv Lind, Jewel, I'nion, Soniag,Oval, Velvet and Shell. Pictures taken ai $1 and upwards. Rooms at the old siand over Dr. Thornton A Co.'s Drug store, opposite the Telegraph office. Lewisburg, Feb. 25, 1855 FOR SALE A first-rate Outfit, ail complete and ready for ue, which we will sell to anv person, with full instructions in the business, tor less man nrt cost. New Firm and New Goods! AT the Mammoth Drug & Chemical Emporium of CHRIST t CALDWELL. The undersigned having purchased the entire Mammoih Drug Siore formerly kept by Dr Thornton Co., are now ready to fill Orders and Prescriptions at a moment's notice. We have a large and well selected stuck of fresk and pure DRUGS, MEDICINES, Chemicals Dyesiulfs, Oils, Paints, Glass. Puttv and DRCUG1STS' GLASSWARE, All kinds uf Patent JUaticiuet, Fruit and Confectionery, Tobacco,SBnfr,and Imported Cigars of the choicest brands. Fancy Kotwn and Toilet Articles, Fine Toilet Soaps A Perfumery of all kinds, Bananas Combs or svsar vaaisvv. Booh and Stationer, a general variety of Literary and School Books Pine Oil. Lard and Fluid Lamps of every description ; fresh Pine Oil and Patent Burn ing Fluid alwavs an hand. PURE WINES and LIQUORS of all kinds for Medicinal ases. Fire I'm- ami Zinc Paints. Preserving and Pickling Jam, Ac tyCusiomerswill 6nd nor stock complete, comprising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate and all sold at moderate prices Call and see ns, one and all, and see onr stock ; and if we can't sell you cheap goods, we will not ask yon to buy. We are always on hand la wait on enstnmers. Semember the Mammoth Drug Store THEO. 8. CHRIST, T. 8. CALDWELL. Lewisburg. Union Co. Pa. 68 BOUNTY LAND WARRANT blanks lor all engaged in the service of the V. 8 in the War nf 1fll ..J r..il....u-:j the Office of the Letria'acrg Chieaie'e. ' fTMIF oihsfrilmr -ntt LJKC XJlaa HHIWOI.H v,. tinues to tarry on the ! Ihe Old Stand on inritiiiii Third street, near Market, and respecifull) ioticils Ihe paironace ol Lis fnet ds and thi ....I ...ii- riialM.s.M F IIKM3. p II i u j i. . i i ' - - - - - . Lewisburg, May 22. IB5U LEWISBURG FCUEIKY. i -H-l "ri" subscribers, -Jev, aaraai past pairooare. thankful foi 'ould inforn yitjtsib t he public that they continue ti SSii'2ji""'i2 all kinds of Ml I.I tit.. M.I. Mi and nih.r Castings Thrashinr Machines and other Machinery repaired in thi best manner. I'astincs uairantcd to be ol good material, and at prices ihat ran not fail iu please. GKDl'tS, MAKbH A CO. Lewisburg, Feb. 1061 COOKIM! titoirs, of venous atirrns and sizes, for Coal or Woo , for salt at the Lawiaburg Foundry by Geddrs. Marsh A Co. fjTOV I ves. various pHtietns, for eaie at the Leai.hbig Foundry. tinldea. Msh A Co. "IWIAKIl'S I'nii nt Lung Flow, a stipe I V ri" arncle, for eaie at ihe Lew ia.hu r Foundry by Grildra Msiak A Co. GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Patent rtecirledlv the best and most durable Grain Drill nowin use for sale at the Lewiaburf Fuui dr l.y lie.lile-. Mari-b A Co. Hussey's Grain Reaper. for ciiltiii' boll) Grain ulcJ Gras M ANI FACTI KED and for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry by :KIH)Es. MARSH - I t Lihtnin; ttods. i FTLR many y. a' close insesligation and oumerona experiment. Ihe Patenter lake r-oarure in inliiiming Ihe puhlic Ibat be baa aiirard at the t ur principle ol p oirciing laniilirs. dwellii,gs and fr. eri) from thedealruclive inHu eoce ol LIGHTNING. The calamine, ihat eaery (Mt , Ti.au, illae and Country tails iciim to annually, ihio' tbe groaa negL-enre at ita inbai itai ia, i. briorid ralrulation. especially a hen the remedy ia so to obtain Ibis i. found ia ABMITAGE't Patent iltagnctit iijtjtning Bobs, nil in thia alone This Rod baa txeo ei amines by tbs moat arirnnfic f. nib-men in tba world I'roti-aaor, M'Muruir, Juhn,uii,V allor and man libera that have examined them, teromn.enil am epiakol Ihein in thr lnahe.1 leimsot approbatinii and har (.roi.otiiirriJ ibem the only aale rode ii uae in ibiaor any other counny for thr p-oiecti ol l.nraand Propr.ly. On. ailai lte tela diaiil. andibrow hack aparlol ihe el. c rie fluid haro.L. o theelonda ; in lin e ol a stroke Ihis enables Ihe rod to conduct thai portion ol fluid that belong to Ihe earth awtlmui the eh(bir-t danger of lea irg the conductor. 1 bi. rod haa many oihei .dai.l -g.a ovet Ihe eld on. Thr only yUct ot a-iaiiu'artuiine ie in l ine 47 3 duor, abort ltA Philadelphia. a hi re all ptrrutia are re.peillull, invited to cil andeismine lor thrmaela.s For aale h.-leaalt urKeiailby TIID'S A R MIT AG E. Otdera promptly atiended to. Teia.cab. Theae rode have been purchased and succes ull uaed by the lolloeina indiaidual. chi.anie nd cotporaiioue. whoa names are cbearlulU uhtnitied : In aaa- a.r r'ooi.f,,,. A. t f R. Wrt. a,-. ..inrt.Jul(, t,.u.i.r. .',,. ,... j. Mu,.. Jul... Il.anp. . .tl..t-,.J !.,.,. ..r., Iiiu.lb m,.tk.., ,,!,, ad.r.,.uai)ri;lJ.r. .','V " " tuin. Th.- u.,er. tat. 1 lo. li.. A. K.al.. U. S....U . ... n o.. , a ., ''" " '.... Il.n.,hr... .j I1 J. ru,Boe,G IT, i r. Mr M.ariuaaa. Jlr. Martin, S. u. rlj rv. J km..!,, Mr lia.i.01,. lir. I'aul.s. II I , 4 Co., J. V. .aepeaa's II. Millar, th lira M.ua il .M. ,h, t.a. A.-waal il". S-r.l; Oardrn Coniouwloner.' IImII. ' -N' J-r.ru -Orornr Criapia Judj l tall Judar li.jt. n. Joi n .etni.o, Ur. U. il llmu. Brlij.lluberla. air. J . Ill atoutf. ' o 1 mo. i ,r. rr vf'r":JrM'.Tl "l:l."o j f".ter.Jt.hIla.-.a .Vi. l.ael frtera. Jr..l. e,,., ., j ,,,., K.11U.1 OeatR hl,rlner. ..a y,tourt ncu. .nd l..nin.ia-i. Der. .Blre i.iai.,f.e lp J,n K.lar ,' Ur-lharle. Wilaou. Ma,..,,, ra -Jobt KuatlMokut.. J,.-lLu.iK. Hkil. Uttr If. ilichaal lloOaiaa. BE CO MMESDA rO.V.V. fnnaia.. Ant IS. 1847. contlucUirtolljaait.BiioBol oaseraol l u.i.lmr II. JICSI L KTRIE. ell altf. d tv, th, JtairB-tlc l.i,thtninf Kad uridl j Mr. Th. maa Arnntaire. 01 I htla.lelphia I Ihat 1 1, aaer bi ea Bia l. I haae .p.nt ee.rrai . Mr.ML KTRIE am well manufarti.: t. ,1.- v . a i. 1 'l'r,r"-' Biraet v o. .luiii.iB it, .avina mat tlieee Kisl, ar. oo.lru. t, u uion th. .ml, ,rii r. e.fi.I.l Iheel.ctrii .fa..-, ia recrneil anil d..f-i..d I j il.e uminrt at tl e t l the rial, and it auul.1 be lu.pi-.aihte. a n.rdina to tb. I.aa of attiartir.B and repu .inn. f. r a I uild rit to b. ti.jur.d l.j a ,tr,.ke liitbioia. ab-D proteried l.v one o theeeroil.. 1 hare Wd ar.tiia ntd atih Mr.Armit.er roraeerl ar.. ai d l-.re l ecBinienred the Bianufe lure of lhe.e rsl, 1 eaapjir.,! th. prinei( Iron ah'rl. Ihe are eB.tru, t.d. and f. it cniinred that their anpti anuld he att. B.led with n.n.p t,. euro a. Theiarrea.ini demand for theae m.i..and tl.e eat. n. 11. all a in .11 paru of the enuDtr,ia ample roa Bir.'ati 1. .! it.eir ntililvaod auperiantT. THAI V :. w A LLkH, M " II Kl.ini Sua. Philad Co., Ainl 10. l5i. tys.C. WILT and e-AMI EL HOOVER. Jlarlleton. I'nion Co. Pa ate Agents for I'nion sod I'joii.n a t'nontirs ml will lumi.b Ihe hod nn the ame terms and in the same manner ss ihe I'ropneior. Opposition is the Life of Business ! NEW L1VEHY exchangTstable. I'brsuhaeribrr wuultl reM.ectlull lulonu th cilirrnrol Lewi.hori and ihe tiaselma commun it) generally, that he baa opened anew Livery nil tirhanae Mslde on I Ol R I H ettrei ball square South ol ri arkel, and baa provided a gootf lot 01 Huraea. with enlnelv new goud and lab onsniei arrtages, buira.tsleigbs. Ae.aberea wi.hihl antilm a in hi line mil be acrommod atrd on tbe aburlrei nonce and rrn sl reaaonablt teima. He will pay every alien ion 10 th. antaof bi cutomets. ano hopes by ao doint to n.erii and receive a liberal .hare of pubis pauonage Wll.l.IAM MOOhE. .ewi-bnrt Dee 30. I8M NOTIi'E. !la in-r (Men appninird ibr SEXTON in Ihe l earivhoro I the suhsrriber would state thai k. i. ne. .....i to perform all duties connected wiih the burii I wir oran.on snon notlre. Also thai he will attend tothe re-interment of deceased persons, uiuicr tne oirection ol their surviving friends. Residence in the Loi'ge ai the Gate of th Cemetery. GEORGE DONACHY. Lewisbnrg, May 30, 1854 A Retired Physician, WHOSE sands of life have nearly run out. discovered while living in the East Indies, a certain care forconsumprton.hron chttis. conghs. colds, and grueiat iMbtiiiy. Wishing lo do as iroch go. d as possible, he will send in snch of his afflicted fellow beit-gs as request it, ihis recipe, I with liilf and expl cil d recnons for making it I I "'" "vrrsMuny u'ing ir. Mf requires each annlirant In anrln. k.M. .l.ii I r - .. i iir eiinjinK ; I three cents in be returned as postage on he ' recipe, and ihe remainder to be applied lo the payment nf this advertisement. Address D. H.JAMES. Jersev f?o V 1 rEWELRV of the latest pattern ofallqoal 1 itiea or sale at the iottsi Citv prices by J. L. VODER. T K... .11. . ... .. I cbloin, ai.h n. aad i, d. x. r-u d 1., lr .WMllrl,,M jt , ih.t , a . I b.ar e.er a..,, ,., tl .t it the CBl, o. I . , .leT'Ti. "' "' ' arienlil cpnoei plea. It ia a.thniuih r. ea.ure th.t 1 . t. C lOOK and other STOVES just reeeived by AYEfVS CHERRY PECTORAL, WOK TUB fcAPID CURS OV Cold, toagbi, mn4k lloancnMn, Btwhil, Mam., Tnh De n J C.Arsa: I iln twl tMaMtat Iam lh bet rwmcd I Im r (womI (ur (VHCtia. lltaVMUCM, InQaMllaaV iUtti U Cauii I'ict-aal. I to ei-ii.tii t ha tm I to orHMtanC la-tw ia f turntiy ihf lh Imc U U piNMI mpt fWi trrment of Umm 14 S K.MUHT, M l. my prartK ud my ria-vr irttti fur lh 4eaDlinU. KHKN K.MUHT, H. It. A. m MOKTLKV. r-fef ln,J,T , writ, mmI yvnr Pctb.U. mytcif ia my Uut.ly " J jam in-wnte-d It. V4 b-li-Tj it ttw brf nvntuitu, 1 purpuaw -r put wit. With bvl i I tkh ptxy twnt- dlivr ft bwtLi tlin do m.ibonx itT tk may oUkt wwdy 9 Croup, W hoopla Cooeb, Infloi-nia. inu.raisi.b. Mi., r, . ; ttJi Biumira ATM: I will chmrlnlly rmruly f-wr p.r-r)t.t. b th lH rwU pwsM tor th enr gf VrJZ Obimgn. Cro-p. Mid lt eh- hmr of ctrurlr.0 7if Puur frtrmty ia th ihmih afprvctue jo . IIIKAM COVKUX, M D AMOS LITE. Fjiq., Mowrarr. I ,wHr. Srf j.n.... - i had txliuw InflwnM, whirl filnd m- in ,m. m wefcs; tootc mny PkwdiruM wittunt rwM. &,.. nsH w.Hir Pec-tohaL by the rniu ,f oar cWrrnHt Tti flrC Amm relieved tb mtttntm. ) my tbr.m It in -n; than one kalf tii butti mavfW me ctr.-V., , eil. Ttmr Brrlicieia mr Um rlvmt m w-ll m Ov mm w caa bny. aod wt rmttmm vow. tlocuir, mn4 juxir ra met, m the poor aiaii'a fHad-" Asthma or Phthisic, mud Rroarhiti Vf-HT Man P i-t, 4 Kv Sm: TnorCnTMt Piorofcit la p-r-ninr mhr:, Cfirwa in thia ax-toon. It hm riwi nU iv-m w-b. tfiff irrRipfviw nC ronaa.ptiin. aiMl la now ranng m who fwia iatwrejd aodar an rWto of tt htng tur laat fart; ytan. HKNIlT L. PARKS, Maaat A. A. RAMSKT. M IV. Autr. Moimoa To, arn tM. R-Bt. . 16S : " Dnrina air prattkw of mar) 1 haa ftmod nothtnir a)al Iu your Cum Pier.; , pnaf aVivi relW ia uaaoBspUra aalWala. ur ct aach at an carabk." We niiebt add vol' aa of awirlaaca, hwl tha m - wiBdnK pruofof tha vtrtuas af thia ramady ia fcuad.14 allacla upon UiaL Cootmoiptioow prohably mom rssmwl hn evr bwn knevwa cvr-d eo vaay and tuch davfowa nwi aa Om ma ao hntuaa aid can rach ; btrt rn la tboea Um Chiui PscroaaL fcff'irda ralirf nd comfort. AT iloc-B. Nt T -hi Cttt. Mar-1. S. 1-S4 TKvrroa ATia. Lownx: 1M H duty aad a TeWnr to iDform ym wliat "oair rli V ict mi l Lm my wife, free had tD fl monthi 1ahorii,K nu-trr Uta danrernna ayatpt.ine of Cinaaintta. fr-tm hi b i ajj are could promr ra marh rU. ?ha w tmh.y fatUnK. nnu Strrmc- fl ".. whara $t.r advira, rKnaBunidrd a trial uf yar n4n-M. V M-a hilnndD-ai. aa wa do yar akill. lf h b r,. a red fr'iu that day. Hhm m sol yt aa frwif s M a4 to ba. but ia frea fr'rm h-T covfh. and call turaelf afc eura with frtt'-id and rvcard, UKLANlx tfHELBV, ft ftrturnui. Ommmptim, do not dVapair till yoa hava td Ami CfTiftRf PfcToaAU It ia anvle by tmrof tha hm nmcrtu ciimtft in flie world, and iu cnr- all anna'4 w lha bi&h mania of it -irtaaa.-- Jmiadtiiiktm LtMgtr. Ayer's Cathartic Fills. Til K ahrv-aa of Chetniatry aod Mvdicina hata Sana taxed their atmoat o pradua thi beat, tmnmt pr-lvt pargatiaa wh ti kncrwD ta aiaa. laarinHTa&lr prx. ara shown that theat PlUJ hara trtn- hKh fnriM j scatlanca tha ordinary awli-). aw! tual thy win u praradeatadly apon tba mirfT cf all neo. Tliey mr mh and pieaaaat lo taka. bnt powerful to rora. TW traUag pnipertiea atuaulala tha rital artiribea tb- baly, lamove the tdtnictiuaa of iu organi. ptirify V f-, aad expat diiaaae. Tbe purge oat the Vm hnman aim braed and jrrow dlatemper, Mitanlat iluwiah ar dt- 4ered orirana Into tbair aat aral action, and ttapart hraltay tcaa with Mrentrth to tba wboia ayten. ut on a they care tha aary-day eomplalola of arery body. Kt ahn frraudabla aod daax-Tooa tto-am that h-a tmXH tha beat of huaiao akilL Whila thy pmdnre pceffd afff-rta. they ara at the amine ttnie, la diBimmbcd (Kara. H aafeat and beat phytic that can ba employed tor duidrca. Beta iwticar-eoaied, th-y are plaaaaat to take ; aod Wf porety ijp4arle, ara trea from any rial, of hara. Cvw hare beea made whirh aarpaaa belief were tlwy not a atantiatrd by men of each exalted poettkin and eharacv aa to (orlnd tha aaspkiua of nnsnith. Many amaaaa: clrirnieB and phyalt iana have nt thrir namat tr mt fj to tha public tha rebebi.it uf aiy r-aiedi-c while 'D era have tent me the aaeurai.ee of tliir t-iDvirtion ita my Prfarttooa enntnbata ieiDMUri (a (ha rifa af my artlfi- d, suffering feliuw-Maa. Ttie Jlxnt bek.w named ta pleased U. ftirtti gratis w.y Amrriran Almanaf , roBt-tinin dirvctloos fur their nss sitd Certinatt- of t!ieir cur-a. of Ilia followiiig eunpUirta r-!ivein-ea. Bi'iioiia 0-ni-4unta. K heumatiaaB. IV-w, Rrartt.iirn. Hea-tarhe anmnc frn a ft-al sara. h. a-a. IitrliiceaiteOD. Murltti ltuM.taa l the mimmmmmjA I'm aii-Hnif tht refi' iu. Httiien.-y. l-a Arprue. ai: Vim ous and I'utaue-us bria whw h ri'iti aa esraau MvsJji-iiie. .T-iftiia or Kmt's Kvtl. Tlu !. r-y ptinr--inx the I!nI arxl lituaiacmK the ayMrna, rur airy Cxinplmiiire which it WiaiUl t-t auirwe. th- rvr.4 rvmcti. siKh as refiie. Cartial BUiMaa, Nauraipa and l.rTm ImtHfulity. I ranicenviila ot the Li-rravi-l KiV itf . i Mi I. and dl.r-r kioalred amlaiH'a arMtift tnAB k'W stte of the biwjy or o4.triK-lu of its fum-tn'in. Do n.rt be put off by unprincipled deah-re wiih vai rrber pill th.y mik more profit on. Ask r Aim rnu, aod take notliiuf else. No other they can ra yoa comarw i:h tlita in ita intriaac 'aJue or rant- powers. T'ae . k want tha beat aid there is IU tkta. and they ehould hare it. Prepared by Dr. J- C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Km Faica '4$ Cra. rxa Box. Fitx Boxu 10a f 1. SOLD BY C. Vtrtrria. and t uci-T A Cirwr.ttlw-ba?'l', Sliuia A l.-r.i ntnr. !V:flm I ut ; J Ft-t Mi to: A FRESH SUPPLY 0 F Dris, Medicines, Books, XotiVns Varieties. Manonr rv. Ac. furclia-ed ia Xew York arid Philail. niaia'ets. has jnsi beta ree'd at ihe OM Marmri ih I rng Sine of t HIIKST A -ALDEl.l..Lewbnri. GLA-S Jars, for Pirklir.; and Preervir. ( ljuarls and Half Calli ns. for ?a!e chri l rnri-T a raumti-t. fK I.RKtX AROMATIC HAP.acerM f cure fi r lyppsia and rlt&eases ar'p t. "in aa iBi Bre aiatt -f th. atr.Bia. ti M a .are a ,.nlie nl r AI LK jtiit Attt't- prire 'i eta. per aau.a nr.i. tT nil. 1st a rai.iwi.LL SATOKIFIEK. or Conrentraied l.re var ranted tu made Soap without Lime, iri aitb little trt uble. W itli i ne eakef f I e aril four feusda mmr tml. ai.u -n Biake Iflrea r!!tB. f fd ar.ft eoap. llald M.ap caB t BiaJa iu tbe et-Bie m. r. r ralr tj iiii t . nnaiii IjAi tS' V. Hi l h (.KhAML I.r VXaefions. ) bu. Cgaets. Omnil usea. fiat's, f t .uierwr atta-lr. h r aale b, IIK1.-T 1 CAI I al.L Still Onward! SUCCESS UX PARALLELED 111 DEEP, A Tale of the Ortat Jjumul Stmtnp. Bj IIAKK11T BKEl'lltlR eTli B. :,ou.Uj I '1 Certain polmciaiis. imetetrd 10 ilieMippot 'of the "peculiar inUtutititi,' have eniiravirri to peruaile tbe public that Mr. fioae'i work ia ariiMieally a failure, and that it " rradDred r.a utd itrtjreeeiea oa eilber.ajt af irr aiianlie. I.ut tbe riibli.brr. are bp.t tp atate. ttal lb Biaar bat dr.il t.f ABM neaa Butirra hirb tl .r l IwiHrt. tl.e at Blajvrila bare l.B ilrrij.j.v b... riM. Bioeteftb. ai ratl.u.t. at e. aVafAiid Ibe -ale .bu. t' baa exivedetl thai of aa atb ul Brbaa e.rr aul.iaM. th. ;j Jl-.7l7rr l'HulSAM art, of tao ralaa. earh. Iii k m. ia ra. ra .an ard. Ibr aere.a ba beea evea BKirt woadeefal Tbe ireea anb tat a I i.e!l.n, arfcaoaeJe, lb icrMiaa and ewer o4tb ull.r.a i tuaiaef ab atij .mar. autaot aiiabt W . ad aM.iuna tb ) uaaauvteeiliriir lt kaLltratt... a b.r ifia MX1V TIKilrANB Haiti war aeld. lie uai,.ral awes ol uu-rarj ea.ava' place Mr, etuae aOMiaa th Fort most uiliors of the Age, and n 1 1 In r paitiaaaabip aor aa aa-ter. raltaaia t-'l1 eaa eaer depn.e her of II lamal. .b ti' carard. t'lilLUIS,t.iJiM.. a II"."'1- rtauea.aa. aiTuV. I Hhal can Hoataa " rpHIS long eipeeted book I j T-S.ARTHI K. J ia now ready for jxent and Cat.aera. li is bavin? an iaimease ale,nit i conn:rri i one uf his beM eflorts. In 11 will be lo ani Arthur's views n ihe tried quei a ol MAXs hlGHIX, and what he ta d Sister, W ile. and Muiher bpecin ea rtfi" sent by nail on receipt of ihe price. J VV. BRADLEY, Publi.-her, 48 N. iih St. Philadelphia. P N. B. We publish all Mr. Arthur" If Books. Send fur our List and Term to Ag'"1 IT in want Baa 0 aay subject whaierer. cheaper tM yon can purcha.. elehrre In" rountt il vrnt want Siaiionerv at i ,0"es,, .....: a. -i .. .v.-.b hae.eall fn.... t aii.iniii: ei.v IM tile of - at the new and rhrap Bi oktore of KEV11S A CO, MarkftSt. LewnbartsT; I 1)LA1EK at BEAVER atKCMTII" ItMVtK A fi Kb ME II i in