Lewisburg Chronicle & West Branch" Farnicr Tveiiiber 2!ri8r0. . 1iIM ( IMI..Y VMil .ltt, ...f f.rri'stitn?.f'tin ... ! Fril.i i T! i j.jij 1 r I '.ir l,( ui.-orl.-. ' . hut ii ix pi -nth". I t . V i .I.Li - .. ! ' ' l" r, S ft P!ii-tit it ntii i f; , i iu . : lntu. or hank ui't - V Tl , lure, .'h-l Win -is I'ri'Juiv r- ti"' ' l.W Leu tt,.- Urn-: ir- f r wli: !. a ' " r i' wi- haw rmiuin,' 4v,.uni a : vrr ti-hi . l.-i't-t- 'ini'ii- f.uUii-)i r .in- -k, -:'fr in-t-r nth f mm. 1- t. r nr. I .t (-. I' ll ii,.n.. .''It i- 1" ! fu iui il.l. 1 , th- mi.. fl.itil .V v. I .. . !( C. f V W .,.. ..i il,.- Hi tlii...T...l a tl. o , 1. . .1 I )Ii 1h:KT1H j. ;..'-J -- i il Ii in I - ' ' ..Cnu-it lv.-r.i-m-i.l- t- I i ! i.r w !i. n l.nnt.-i i-i .i-.l. li ..m a !:cn a.-io--- !. , ih Ii'li..ii U.u- t - ui.r:!ii.!.:. .'tfi.; r aUne tlie l'u-l iilii.e. Vui:!ii:n- A- Cuirvri irs. Fi; A l'VK.1 ri.l-: Miiiiti.-tiirer. Verrlia.it.. Vi.-I an-.-, I'.il i it?i .-.-ri- in l it an I I i.i.iitiy. I ut..i-.ii-r- .il w!i.. wi-h l.i t..iv or ..11 ..u! l .1.. w- il !- . niliii.v lh -vtii-nii- i-t tl.i A-ir,.iir I "ir. 1,4 u Ir.-h inri;.. I iin'tTnon,: i-i. .Mil ii.-u in il I. 1:1. in r-.l.t.iiniii; . mieu ; f(i-ii lion .f a. nil-. vfiil j r Ki.;rpr-i, c. ii-i.u:. r. ncj.i ii 11. ri, li iii m 'Ul. 'f-si'v rw trttcrllM'iiicn!. "AtiRKi'l..' shall appear in ' ur next. ts'l be ar-uuil i br !;- u t r tin: Lew S -ttiiiiary and I uivi.r-i:y liuiMiti al J..n;.-!'t;rr'. Paj-Tlie new liousi' i.f Wui'sliip for tin MeilMdist ehnre'll in N.iflliiiiiibtrlaiid,wi!l lo dcd'.eatcd . u .Sllllda) LeXt, ilist. -The L- ck Haven I! itnmutn and t.)tt .l.'-or.! urge tj , iinnn Cam- ais ci ju as L .S Set.at ir fr i:i lh Mate. tn-'l lie A-'i.o ..... by Cko.W. I!!;.. lis, lias re api-iarcd at Laurence in Kansas, afier six tii'ititbs' .i.!npage fioui liorder Ruiriauis ui. Lonir may it speak! Thomas J- l't.WhP., of fieaver cuiity. Lai reroived frotu (lur. I'l'lb ek, the i-fliee f Adjutant fii neial of 1'eiiiisy Ivauia, in j'aeo of Geo. W. IJt'wnian, of Iiedfjrd, v ii ..se term lias expired. r-3-Tl.e ,ptnns advertised fur tlie Con ceit in l.etti.-burg, t u M.itiduy evening, next, are of go.'d aud slablisbcd n ;.uta ti'ir, and their singing we doubt not wiii wi.ll repay tbe tiuio aud uiuuiy ruj'iiied tj bear it. R-Oil Friday morning !:it, tlie door f the llrug .Store of J. JJaki-r & Co. of Lewi.-burg, was forced open by breaking the bolt of the lock by main strength, but tlio noise having arou.-id .Mr. cife, the , i."'.ir retreated without eutering, leaving ' working tools behind biiu. jThc County Comiutssiouert-Mefrs. Line ilu, Huinuii 1 and Uulil are in town, ; l.i-iliing nut the extra List of Taxable.-, i which ii furnished once iu seveu years, t rior ti) the iMate Appertiouineut for Hep litsentatives and Senators. Our tiiniis- siontira are uianaeiiiiz cuunty alTaits iu I i. most t'couotuii-al manlier. XSj?A desirable j r. pi rty in Mlfi'.ia c-.uiitv also nu 1' gaiit residence in L -ivibtng are (ffered for sale in our advertising columns M-Jay. NiXt Thursday, oeeurs the sale of f?u j trior Cattle, ii, of tl.e late Win. U ilsuu , Jr. dte'd. ' tgi,The Leaisburg U. publican Associ- j atiou, at its tneuling laot Tti-uy evening. adopted the Constitution and Kep Tt to be 1 f .uud on the first page of this paper, and ' resolved to bave a meeting ou Tuesday . evening ot every regular ( nurt A ijour nod to TUI.S LYVSl.XG, ot Amm;,u' 11 wKu Officers are to be eleeled, by ballot, for the eusuing year. B"Our X ortuumberland county cotetn- j oraries speak with mucll approbation of; the Mart of AWimteuio Vvuiila, just i-sucd by K.YoLKAIAli, of Lewisburg. It ! txhibits a mailed imprrivt ineiit in litho graphy lias cost the worthy publisher I large expenditure of time and labor and i on this account, as well as f"! its intrinsic luerits and utility, should be well palrou- iited by the citizen- of that eountj. jp,T'ue Canal CorauiissitiUcrj Lave made the following among other appoint ments : S'lirn isors Lower Juniata Pistrict,!). Kiscuiiise ; West Ilraocb, Thos-W-Llud ; North Lraucii, lieu. W. t-eaieb. Cltn-tf.rs Newport, John Harwell : Uwistow,,, a. (i. Harvey ; WiUiaiusport, ' J. Piatt ; N iituiubcrl ind, J. -5 .vinelurd ; , Ieaen ll.ivun, J. S. tulltuer; Atbens, VI. j II. Overton ttriyhtiftstm Hcach Haven, liridc, Jt. S. llaecu. Bank Directors. The following gentlemen bavc been this month elected Directors of the Institutions named, for one year : LcKifhvry San'njs Institution. Win. 1 Trick, J. G. L. Shiudel, Jos. Mciiell, A. I 11. Warford, John Walls, Giieoo Biebl, J. 1. Cameron. ii'm of Dim itlcY.. II. Kiddy, C. II. Trick, 1'. K. Maus, J. C. llhodcs, Vm. Neal, IVttr Beaver, IJcnj "ebuch, J. V. 'on Lander, Thus. Wmids, J. M. bnop, G. J. Piper, M. C. (irier, V. r. Hurley. iV-mfr uf Xirtltitmlirrlrinil Wm. Cam. f.m, G. l Miller, II. C K)cr,Wiu. Wap r'.m, A. E. Kapp, Daniel llrautigatl, J. 0. Norton., J. 15. Packer, 0. A. Paxton, E'd "A o-simi, J. t. irowa !.aul Milter p. Pollock. , Sr. Lm is Nov. 17. We Iia.e advices from Lawn n-e to the 10th inst., slating "it on the Saturday previous, twenty pris oners lake at Hickory l'oiut.werc found gully of manslaughter, and sentenced to firo Jews imprisonnieut at barl labor. J uni !)' sacral! . i ll. .1 ! liumlrcil, bjl it i r I'n.-i.lciit M l-iiL.iauau Las -100 to 1 (:(M) ni ij iriiy, iu 1 't-inivl v;itiih, ovit all. I Tliis mu-t l e a m .t (injrl if it.g l.n't to the . " favmit ... t t" litinily a linj-aiiy iu , i.wu l riu t;i!i-, anil rliciti liy tlie almost lUi iiiiiiiniis vulu i.l tlie " oi'uimii" uf tin; I'ni. ii uiiicb !.n tl.e i.i r Slavt-ry tu Lit bo.-i'iii, aii-1 m ilii's it l.cr l-li.l ! j T l;t- trr :i.-li.ry auJ frau.l the sale and 0 -i i . i jj t ivii r'.i'iuui;; liy wliicL in our iS'uto i llijlUl'J iif tin; ( );-.isitiu:i Vntc wa.s tlirowu j awjy, i. lj;i!ii.iiig tu lie fairly a.jirvviat.'tl 1 y tiif li'iurat Alil'-ricallr', but tint late fur j tlits cainj-'titi. II . r.. if'cr it way Mu-fit tb.ln. 'J'ii..u-;iinU uf jrilLtiJiJ 1'iiluiure in. u ulluiui"! all tbe vtf lliev fuuiil fori I'-.iui.ire 1 1 n in uii'ii wln U'utilJ lint, vote t ' ! Ii'.lfl.Jll ill, lllliii.. tl.lV ll.l'IllireiVi-S VotcJ lii.oiiv f ir KiiL-iiaiian, uud gave b:iu I. is iiiiij inly '. U e iiuce bcui.i that Kiiuber t inr biiusi if : lie bead au l In art ef AluelicaliiMli vulid direct fur iil:liauan. I be t fleet of lbi was Iiot only to l jfe eiimili vntes directly Ui give tlie Slate tu Iiuchuiiaii, but uImj to Jiseitur.'ie our side aiid clicuuragt: tkeirs a fact, u hlcli gained jiuriiutiau tbouvaiids uf vuti.. Saii Hkaiii. The dead body of Mr. ; J'iII.N MAsTtltS, of M.tdisoll towu-llip, t'aluitibia county, was f und in the woods on Saturday last, the !)lU instant. It ap pears that the deceased bad lei! bis lo.iiie some two weeks since, and wandered about j four utiles tutu the woods, belonging to ilium Houghton of I'ltie township, and crishtd. John K. Fouler, F.n-, sum mimed a Jury Lo held au iuijuesl ou the body of the Slid Masters, and reported that the deceased who was partially de ranged catue to Lis death by eolj aud sUrvatiou. NoitTin-RN Cpntrai, Raiuvat. We Icatu that tl.e 1 'resilient of this Company, accompanied by a committee of the l!oard of Lhrtctors, ou Thursday last passed over that nrti in of ihe line between Millers burg aud Dauphin, iu a special tram ol eirs provided for the purpose. Tins sec tioti is complected and ready for u.-e. We regret to learn tbat ex-sberiff Hay itianif Columbia county, was tbrowu from bis borse and killed, ou night of 4th iust., whilst carrying the election returns of Or ange township to liloouiaburg. 1'uT vkhsi s Kki i i.e. The New York pipers are berating lialtimore on aeeouut ol Us riots, murders and s!i outing cases. I'lipfctiTirnsinr. It may luterest our bre thren of the pres to know that 1". J.C.Aii.b ol Lowell, (Cherry Pectoral an! Cithartic Pilis.) has assoetated with him. his timthir Kreeenci; Aver.Ksq .loniaiiil fairorahlr known I : lH;i,fn,.r niriOi.i.il ..1 tl... VV'm.i 1 r t I u :(; roiiilael lite wrlely extended husines' f thr linn, u inrn now reaches to the rummer- i eiai nations ol both hemispheres. Inle the Honor w ill device himself to his scientific iu vesications and pursuits. l.nwtll l'ujier. Fits ! Why Prominent. For a lo'i lime there was a paragraph ma-kin- us resular weekly appearance in our C 'Iuiiiiis. with me brief, bui emphatic words Fi's ! Fiis :" always at the head, lo some an ollecsive citpiioii. tint not so to the fenevolenl and htiin .n". who emild sympathize in thesor rnivs of o'ihers. Some persons areshoekedal at y il ut'-atli-o ot il s-M..Mtia nr. iv.t INrown in tl.-rTi ui ! f M i:uiii.-i,t u u n 1IIU...IIII' . li.rni ur h s.:!i:o. Sit Ii :ire ' I.. 1 .ih.J. rtr Pln-uiil no.il'. utriv.- tu li.-k itji.-a-atij ' ni-ti il- Mill in tin- f in. wuli r;iliitm. atnl i..it-il!v t;ik. I iT- ry .-i-i.rliiiiil !..r nii.-t iititii: ili-.-a r. Vn-w. il in tin. ! !..'i.t. ll.r Mitv.-rti-mi lit.-ut s. s. Il.tue.-.nt Ins ll.inini.r i 'rp.t. li.i.iini. rr. Ml. I..-..-., a r-rt-iin int. n-i. ai.il tiiii f wlf kir.. an otii tHitiii ; fr.nii I- I.-V.Sni.til-, ei t L- utioi .ri.U'i.ii f.-i-l it :i iira-iip. Ini-iit out i.n n-1-Trti-i ui- n i . . -i in ...mi- i.tlirr mv -MiJ m.l to Hit. .ffl r 0.1 .f 'Uu rr.il t.lui. ..I li.i. rfUilirn Tliy fun Ih-- nt t ti. .in ..i t ui tlir- I '.uulrv l.v uiinl. Ii lis-. :i .r tmx. ! 1 ... i. Ta. -v- t - J HIs-KEIIS. BEAM) A Jil si .K hil.s Fi.re.ed to en.w in six week's hv lilt. I l.Aril.M'sc.MMLI.AIi'V COM Pol XII. war ranted not i0 sunn or injure the skin. Puce -I.(KI per Package, tr 3 lor -V-i ill. nt lo any part of ihe country, by mail, on receipt f a remm.ince. Address S EET ZEK A CO, Iix 73U Psl OHice, Ballimore, Mai viand. iidutouura lU.trUct. rrrrrt,a Vtrklu WLeat...l.40tol.;ii) live i'.il Kggs Tallow .. .812 . 1 . 1J . 10 . I'd ,.C,00 i'TD f,0 flits 23 Flaxseed 1,5 Lard llacoD I J ii in Uried Apples. 1,00 Cloverseed. liiittir 'M By Rev. J. (i Anspach. 30ih ti It., Thomas Hunlintiin and Miss Sarah Jine lietnberlinp. both ol Kellv Tn. On Ihe Hlh trist.. J..el K.n-. er and Miss Sophia Hoer, both of Mililuibuig. aMaatata In Danville. 18th inst. aged 9 years. Ji. son uf Evan Fistier, formerly of Lewisburg. In W lute DeerTp, 1st lasU, MliuaiL Ntss, in his COili year. In Delaware Tp.,30th u!tnGiiimi W.tsok, in Ins 74ih rear. liCV) IMsl Kt. COAL 1AUU. rnj j.; M1hSf rihor is nrrnaii'd in furni.sh a, um,s lh, VPry ,,e, C0AL 0f eVery description, from the Wilkes-Barre and Sha- mi kin mines. He has ou hand an article of to mis mark-ct.wnich he will dispose ol at Ihe i i lowest cash prices Coal weighed, and gord I i measure warranted. Lir Coal eaci hanged for merchantable Country Produce of most kinds as well as for cash. Coal V'ard al Tho's Nesbit's Lumber Tard on south Water street. Nov. 19, IS56 tf R. I. NESBIT. PROF. A. N. JOHOTSOIff t Tispectfully gives notice that he will give his second ' t anil laiit GRAND CONCERT u .4(om' JI'dl, on .Umilajf Eoeniuy, X,w. 24. 1KS0. assisted by Miss 8. E WHITEHOL'SE, Miss E. E. R A 0", and Prof. E. H. FROST. PART I. will consist of Sones. Dnetts, Trios. Ac. of a hiRh and classical description. PAST II. will consist of chaste and beauti ful, but highly interesting Humorous, Comic and Popular pieces. Tickets Si cts.; for sale alMr.J. L. Vonaa's, and at Ihe door. To commence at 7J o'clock. ryProf. J. take the liberty to say.that Miss Vhitiiii n is one of the best treble singers, and Prof. Fsost one of ibe best tenor singers in the country. The pieces to be sung bave in tne conn ry. l ne pieces to oe suns uavc been carefuliV prepared for Musical Conven- lions, and it is ve.y seldom such a perform- I J '. Nor. 31. : ancc can be beard anywhere. C:i!i iC!s f -r sale. Inquire' I.ettisb'.iU', Xi. WANT!-'. I ! 70i:i'VUo:tl ISnilcl--.s ati'.C'iiripn ll'I'N. in wot ii iu Hit- tiual Yard ia J.eu- 11. 111. li....l U3;r5 allU Ci Uldlll euiJiKiV- iiieitl uiil be rii'eli. .l.v. 1 !, '."J. FRM'K, fl.lKKR CI1. . ii. t:v,nti xuv, ti t:ci:0. J-J,, .'.. 77, n.it'iii: rriutpidi Iri m 1 lii ui'tTft oxi-tirnin, !ki r'nninl 1 his opi'ra:i-.ii. OifiL-e, nexi tliur in lii-nvi-n Sc -li.tii'i. S-.-ti", .Marke s!i-eT, l.ewistjnig. ' ...v. 1 1, IM.'iti. I A. W. i ul. ' L ' 1' tL.li 1 II. I ilj.-UlilaU Avfls U -.i.l i'-i, iiivttfd 111 linin'.s, Mort s ;i!nl t'tii'T i'tiJ .itrcui llifs. UK Ol INSt Kl.l) AliAlXsT LOSS lV i'llij; f--l lifrr aie tun Ii w wiio (.- r?. v m;'.i:hy wn incur lus-s hy n- jilccuiti? this ii.'i-L n t.-.ury anJ ulttunlfj prrvwUnnx. j Wr ttiifti ce ii aiiinnini f.i thai h-iis have , lu-t liit-a- -ttick-i tl iimt ami Fuiuihuc, anil rrI ! i't r-;!i" t( i ntuMty V-I It i 'III tflfiil ! liv tii- ii v 1 1 n (vi?r u hich they ! have in cuiittui (ul ly lieitif: uiNtiied. ' lusiiiaiift' pretvrts vt'ti Ifin Uir incciiJiary, t iir!t ''iir' "I -rrva'i.s ai'i i!e -a-tiaiiif s ur ih iIiIn.i n. 't h ill nil) I' .un.li ii.- Ull' Ul.1- HI.' to v-ur iTi-il-l rri.-!.uliuii ti. hiim- 1. 1 llil l I. Ill I i!.li. II .lliM It' ii-1 I i-- I. lit f r t.iikiii. Ii. lit l.n. In II tv . lo liiMir. in I.UQIB ' 1 li t !.. iii.hi lli.-rv rr 1 ili'l..ii.' ii-- ii..-.ui.iiii'- upiu i.....a, 1 ..i n.t an', or Mill- ; 11. i 1m.; Il ii. ut- St. t .itia-l. r. ' ill tin I. tu iu uiuio l.i . r.i.i. Tl.i- I iiii,..i . oi-,ir. . Ul l! lil.Mi.l VUll llAM) A..t oooi's. ti li.Mil li t.. MA' 11 J. t. .' 1 ..ua UlA i Fli"M MOtl TO .)IUI, I nt tti- t.-iwi--t l.i. mi I ii)i ti tin iiut I. it- rul Titdiii, I Ul.'l l'i..Ali'l i'AIM.St oil till' iilljllSlUilrUl Of tU hh. I'lUL'-luUS. II. n TI.- II I I. r, u... : .i..iii.i; Kiw i: Itc-:ml.iM . II r -O- I'. ilu - n. 1 .i mi r .1 llirw-t. r likM- lii-cll, Jr. I l: X. !;iil ii..-ui j lb Muuiirtli '111 1 Siir.i;i int :.t. i.t .'OIIN TIloMASOV. l-i.ol.ri.N. 1, la laautit. lllos IIKLVliol.li. .-t- i,l..i j. J. MEKIill.I. I lX. Aiteiit. .t il 1UCJ:C L'uiuu Co. Pa t;:,7 A CAIM). the ( 'itt'z'jts iJ Lnri.-if,urt. To cil-j- rt i.l' this C'ar-I is lo call vnur attftiiH'ii In the lad th it ymi can buy yt'iir IJiioUn and Malnuifty rhr;tt'T. aiift have i a i.ttcr stirck atul vut iL'iy v seitct Iroin at ; than any oiiit-r place in this town. W'c wish you i. c.ill ami vr fur y'lirpivN anil thtT' by j he rouv tii-'tril. Il' vhi were in cciinlt your own iiiti re"t.you uotihl i;ivi'ilii elabli?hiiit nt y ur liberal rucouracemeiit. W e desire t, ' taste for reatlinir snw up. and lo fur- tlier tins we place cood anil uselul works at mi rli low rates as to ui: wuhiii the reach of ail. Vuuii rneu desirous ol 'iuiprmi I heir mmdi sh..u!d embrace this t -pprt utnty of furnishing thciiiscvt'N with U-oks of Travel, llistriiv, Biopraplu, Narrative, Science and Art, winch we fitT-r at low prices. llarprr'.H 3I:i:.ziiic4 Xuv h fir I'ltur t t Subscribe. We furnish this popular M.i:iz:i;e ft,r t YtAK at $-,7". p.ivabJe in advance, t'all ai-d subscribe the next V'dume coinmeticcs iu Di'ceniber. t"t!iiL'sci ipinms taken b r any of the P"pu!ar M-itftizi't' "" J'uprrs. NEYH'S CO, lcuisburfr. REMOVAL. e Nnrnbinilie's Clock, Watch and Jcwelrv "Store is i in i on 2-1 storey. B'tjoinin ihe Chronicle" nflices. Ite- Teleeraph and IKliriltttr done as usual, and terms. 01 reasonable Sept. h, 'Mm-l ! IK' SMI! II, IV -AIIUEU and Hair Presser. LEWI IIIiI!';.Pa. Oifice in Amnions hiouk, Market street, 3d door above the Store Oct. 22. isfili J. icliiejir San nAVE received t .eir ;W .lirS s a nice ass r incut of LALiEs Cl.oTll COATS, new style. I.e is. u g, Oct U. Is.'iii TAILORirJGJ- InllV T AT1T T V ! thankful lor past favors wool . -trite i at he has re reived ihe Fall an I A liter Fashions, and is prepared to CI T, MAKE, and UEI'AIR garments as usual. He will en ii a 1 1 r,j as heretofore, to execute his work satisfactu- Lrwisburp, Sept. 4, lHoo. KliiVliR & Rltr.irlFR Have iust rereived a handsome assortment of FA I.I. flOOOS, boiiehl on most favorable terms, and for sale on Ihe same platform. J.ewisburz, Sept. in, 1SS6 The First of the Season ! OI'EMSG OF Till: CAMI'AICS! ! TEW 1 Ch EW Fall Con-Is! at d'omlraan & hamberlin's. Rich new styles all wool striped lie Luines. Also. MoUslin e Lames, new slides, in endless variety just opened. NEW FALL CHINTZES 1311 pieces new Fall Calicoes of the latest styles fast colors. RICH, GLOSSY BLACK SILKS opened this day. NEW FALL SHAWLS! new styles Stel la. HiocheThibci, Cashmere and ClothShawls just opened at OoomiAN k CHAMBER LI N'S. Lewishur"., Sept. 25, IHofi. Dr. I I ragger, HOMEOPATHIC Physician, corner of Market and Fourth streets, (imlilll LEWlxHUKi:, I' A A New Music Book. rpHE KEYSTONE COLLECTION o I Church Music, and Physiological System ! ol Vocal Music, a new work by A. AJmniiti", I .1. i ...il.... iu.l ii.hli.lh.it h, llt'KKAV. .,.,,,', T principles ,.r rural tiiosie e..uinM in tl.i. b... k r. n l.tiiH- it th. erj l.e?t that ran b. us-sl UJ lea diT. nt i-b.nr. an.l t4-.n-li. rs ntaiiii;iiiK atlMwia. Call I caaluiue. I'ri.-r Ti' rtii i -nl prritnx. 1.1 1' K OF JOHN C. FIIKMOXT. LIKB OK JAMKS ItlVliaN M. All fur sale at lh. new and rhuap Uouk.lnr. nf St.l II S t I U. Mark.- .tna-t. La.iaburit, l'i rpo THE LADIES. J. Skhrryer tt .t irre I sellin? oir a laree lot of lres Ooods. Uareges, Braze deLaine. Challies, Brtllianl Lawns and Ginghams UTxt reduced prices. COAL! COAtt COAL ! The undersigned would res pectfully inform thecitizensof Lewishurj; and vicinity, as well as persons in adjoining towns, that he keeps constantly- on hand a supply of SllAMOKlS and WILKS-BAKRE CtM,for Stove and other purposes, of every variety ami rise, aud ill drltrrrl oal Ui prrwioi'ile.irlng it, aa h. ha a tram nir Itiat pitrpnar. llanit errrtt-l a pair nf pl W Kill II tCll.KS, he rau armire parsou Jiurrhanini- foal that tbrjr ill getfuU eiebt, aad lt.ua pav onlv fT what thi'T rrerire. il ran I hud at thr low-rt Cash price at hto Yard, . f- .nl. Iimi Mr. WataVBannl'. MoteL WhjCUiyV J1 kiuda .ill be atlmrtl to al hin PoalJ y.in UKUKUE HULSTLl.. 'iK-wUhnrc. Mr 1 1W. I VAIso Blacksmith's Coal. Jonathan Betts, . , , ,, . , . T) AKBEP.-basement rfJT b A I MrWet Square-respectfully wltcits .l.i. .rih. mil, nitrnn-ir.. 1 thare of the public patronage. VMti' f rily In all. J. H err ill Linn- : 1 T.& J. M I.INN, M I .ttir'ic3 at I.a, l.EWlsui KU. !ul i; lic.n C . uiil v. I'enn'a. )iiy wlicre urn can Uuy lfe C'Ikmik-.s! ! st iv ki:i:y ji st hf.ceiveik w T I-' wiitii-f r:i!l atffiiti'n in ntir !tneaHort- .t of (Vf-.h snn.hij an.t liiin-y Sla-1 liuiirrr. eniisiiti!i m pan i.f I.KCAL PAI'KR A spl.n.tid Brtne lo ivl.irh re inviti- ih- atint i i ri i.t l.auvfrs. rOill.sCAl', POS T an.l XDTE Paprfi. of cvi-rv ()ii;ilny and prire, a tiiree lot plain, ru!.' I. timeit an-i euifxissvj iuie p ip-.-M. K VKiif II'KS a ff'iii'l .I'-nrTini-tii a'lhesive envr!.ip, IMairi an.i Einl.i'sH. all sizi'. IIOOVKIisl.SKS anil VVWTINO FI.IMHS '!ark-. blni", ri'ii, e.irminr, anil mii,lihf in bnltles i.f all iz -s. th l-ci in market. Also l.lai k Wliri'lXti S.l). I'll.NS Murray V sti.i unrnuali'i! pen. Itl.AXK HOOK'S i. a'l km N. ' (live ns a cull ami fo l r Viinr-.olve. elates, Prncils., lYiiliuMirs Ac. to lie lia.l at .MA M S A CO S. Market Hi. I I i Jacob tahl'3 Estate. OTU'K is hfrcby iven '.hat Letters ls- latnt'iitarv on tin la. will and ttrMaiurul of Jacoh Ntuil, late ol Kciiy tonhip. Cniofi f iiiuiVi'lfftafJf were rratitt il by the K imt ol' I mot) county, ou lite 15. h I'pirmber.l rt5(, lo l he Mihtcrtbt-TS, the Kjiecut"'! s name 1 in &aid will. All I'eiMnis ouni sail et tie, will make rmnrtliate jui n;ciil ; and all perstiiis hav ing claims acttiit ai-lesiaie will pretri.t their claims pri'prrlv a'liheiit.cated lor beiilciuciiU JArOUSTAIIL, Jr. jOii.X .Vl AHL, DAM HI STAHI., Ei'r?. TI v Townsh ip. S-pl. ls.'iC. Admiiiistratcr's TJotice. W 7 III'KC .s, J.etters ol' A'tiiiiniNtratittn to 1? the eitaie of JOHN KIElil.. late of: Bullaluc tlwnlllp, coitmyot liiuoii, deceased, I have been granted to the Mibicriber, all pers- ons indel'i'.'d t.i said estate are r'iiursld ti t make immediate payment, and those having ; claims against the same will present Ihem duly auilieuticaU.d fur settlement to JUKI lilKHIa, I.at BulTalor. Aug.i3,lH5fi. Admtnisirator Information Vanted. rrE JIIar.s I'rwanl is oflhed for i such inlitrmatiou as will enable the und erined to find r.nt whre a boy is br the name ol" l UAM'lS llOli'l'MAS, sou "uf A. Ii. Hortman, Kxj , who leit bis home at M n loursville, Lycoming coontv, tn June last. Slid boy is 13 vears ot ae ha1 dark hair ai d nw fwrr.head. with a d-rp dimple on lus chin Jhe above reuanlwtll be paid anvpTn tbat may inform Mrs.ManbalbilTman.Kowlersv'Hp, ; Col. Co., or Juhu llortinan, Montoursviile, (by letter iir otherwise.) r.nerrtiin-; his wherea-J Inmts. MAUTii A HOKTMA.X. ' Oct. 4. isr.r, :(W 1 Administrator Notice. MOTICi: is lifrt'lys:ven,lhat Ldlors i 1 of Adininisiratton on tlie Ksta.e of Mrs. .MARY K.MIUI.NUU.late of latwisburff.l'nioii county, det'eastd, Udve been granted to the umWsiued by the Kctii-ter of I'uioti county in due f..rm of iaw ; therefore, all persons in debted o said rotate are requested to make inunediate paymeui,and those having any just claims aie also requested to pr" -ent them le gally aiiihenttcated for settlement. JDMAII KKI.KY, Administrator. Lewisbnnr, Oct. H. H.rG lli-!tK's I'afnit PotlaMc EEYSTOUE CIDER & WINE HILL, pntfiif.-.l Nov. Jit, IHi.i. Il Tl.i in nrt ttn Mill J-I in 2. It ftr nil mill iu inn timrka't m t? u icriua. aud m Hjc rt at po i Manuftcturrd at the Eiti;te i.t tipi-tsl-witli .hull it ul ill.' i.r.-.. Wurk-y Httrrishrirtf. M.KASE TAKE PAKTirt'LAtt NOTICK ! fllllAT tins is cnt.relv nev mill no rx- pene has been spared in its manufacture all the materials are the very beM, and are Used unsparingly. The Cylinders are almost twice th- length of the former ones.and all.in- CtUitiiifZ ttm tup O'linil'T, mi'J" i.f Iron. Tl.i -r- w iw.j if. h-n in di;ittii't -r. fth a ! 't V tlire.nl t ut ou it. 'I Uc ivui ol llie i'rv.-f it t T ik-i iut-Ml of witRl 1- uia.h' .ri.t i r v. mi'l tlit tliri'.nt if tin- nut rut fir rLK inrh.- llnouzi. it, Tlif Hef (.f tn- I'r-r-.- i.t i-ry tniU'tl liirrras li.aii't i h! not b- lr"l.eii ty anr l.tir i. ;tn-. Tin- arnmi tui'lit tli.- Tiil..;inl .-tlHT i;irL-ol tl..- 1'n-ss., Trrv iH-rtt-ct. Tn Hoi--, uud llnpi-T nrv 11 i-tsti!- i.u tiw thT ; tli. J-.urija'H run iu N.nv;-;iriiic-; ami )nst- Ir-tlM-a -rkueiti.tiit. sliiillnnt Sr rx.vllisl 1-anr miii'lime 1 ilf Hit- knl wlinitf.'-r- k't-rtri-iiou i-nix ih m-m. rjoth iu , Ui- arraiimiin'iil au-t lliu ini'ljini.''ul lt-j.nrtm.-ut. AO .fix in w Im hat l-.-n ('lijid to u lb-I t f ;-h-' iftii--l mil Mill. nr wiw how iiicin. oinl it i. and i .'-pi'C'iMllr ttiXM wliu l.avi1 Hot lMre 'luaiititieat of .pl. 4. l, lmib' th'.tt Mill uu your planLatioU or t.iriu.oii c.u, ' at nut lime.iu a f.-w nunutt-s m;tl:- it f.-w rnlli.n- .lw.,-t fid.-r lor .r'it.-tit Uf; t-ryou run t-tj i-( daioUfl v umiVe j uii m f.-w Iwrn-lS- M-i-Iihi--. 'H nrk.I, ii c.i.ul.m ol it.ak.iuv: i I" 1- 'arrt-ip ol ruler a ly, with 1tv inarliiuw i"ni:tf tomnln horM..-tt-nrii t.r hatit pow er, au l h n the wl nr.- irnu.l. a iu;ill l.r of tour le. 11 M'r..f Can ire- lh' Htnat-e wiiii all ita. Thr (..it.. nine; uia he at-JuCfd mi- iLv dmiutil aii autnes of : tlii- mill ).rt It wilt m:ike more Cider than anr other lrfn, with a ftiwu qiiHiiiiiy if aiiolev tu a givtrli liluv.auil witU -Uiui-h If-n la'--r and XiH-iic. j I inv Mher Mill. , Tliiol louanniaKr tin nucr mn yu want 11. nuj win n )"u waut il ; mud iu quautitw-s from one nMoa to hnrn-- ftoiirth H ith it too can nrTOurCi.rrant,C!iiTk'i Bt-rrie-. l liei'M. Uuitt-r, Lani and Tallow. ft ilih - W it hits u.t-jou can al ail liui-B have fresh an 1 twirl i-nl-r. V ith all tin a.lT:intfi(r"' nultinr frniu the r.i..H.Q and n-tf ol u.h a Ma- lim.' at a jncw m low that it is walun thf r.-ai'h of all 'n it U: Hut auy iaulii.at l'atiurr would do without it T Ja KsTiw. June 15tb. 1'4. W. 0. IIicK"K: Sir. I havt- uiir ot your Imororevl Tid-r j Mil!; 1 UM-it tlie Mill last o. t..tH-r. nnrt on lri.il I jtmun l tfiy hulifu of apple ht hour. 1 keep the nmuint appieF twt lr hour-i. and I fan n-" mit t wo barrel of ri-it-r f r hour with two men. 1 eau recoiumi-iid jour improve i.ler Mill to all Iruit jr-w.-r. for -;fl and a w.tinr' ol lahor. I ran !!.. ttiirty -"i v .'itloils of ruler from nine aud on'-hall" hioth-'lH enimoii applen. The eid-r ci-.n be pr.-hi.ed tntin tlie poRi' wuuoui u.inz water now. cider will kecb ouc ttfaj wheu Wali T is uol u-id tt th- .ics. ; John M-nrit-K. fr. lirts.Juijr 'Jj. l-.v:. I Tlt. W.O. Hkkok : Toor MMU pt t Ii- ta ami w- uv I w.lil them and ulv.'raflnl f r tw.-lte uion-. Ac tn. j are mm ). iM-tti-r uinde am. t'tnr l-.'kiiii Mill tb.in th olt.er kind, we know they will tiuickljr alongside of th- ni at $o prire ot the th-r a... U e hate a.a ol tlie other kind. hut. a wi- naitl Wfure, K-l pie wuli't li-k nt llifiii ai-.Mit'I' '"" luur, Vrry ItmrrrthillT, MM M I LXT0o. Y.iFsi.w.imsaTiiw. June te, ls.vt. Mn. W. o. lltcK.-ii o.ia wu It iie tue Krrt plra j n. ... 1. r .1 ntv frrl'lr iiitlm-nr- ill rm.uitnri..liilii yuiir itiv.liiablr l al. iit i Llir Mill. Any 1-1 ...n I,., has uia.lr cSler b theiild nr.iera. will it.ii-llly pens-ivr.h,iuld lh..y procure tu iil yiwir u... Mill.-, il.r utility Miidrrou i.l vnur inrriitiuu. 1 mrard it aa t.llr ot tin- liml iu vi-iiti.ms now in "sr. Sltliniiiili I hate bail il l.ut one I Tear, tt ha. atn.ly rrpaid mr for hal it rout. Oi Irr ra- pn-siasl tliroui; ii .mr i.l uur uiariouea is lus liable tu fcr- turlitatliiD, ana cm ir .ri-,-i,. .--.s- . ..rislnri-d through the old fa.htr.niM Mill, from tlie wry l n-t that it ii UK re free from evmoit-1. which always haa a ti tidriiry Ui aridtlv. aud uuBla il ui many iu. t.lir- . fir amnestic use. Yeurs, rc-p . tfully, HI IliLr.Y. This is to certify, that I purrlia d of I. loin-treth. in Ik-tot-ar, lSa'2, one of HirRuk'a Palrnt 1'i.lrr Mill., an.1 he li.id it In uar eviir hb. Perlrrtly aaUsff.-d with il nivit I have mi h-'ritalii-n in priinni.u.-iiii; H ar-ry fn't and in-lislienaahli. Warhlnr lo the fWrnier. Wiih H. oeliian and two bi'JB rau m.ke from lire lo ai barrel, of i!i.l eid r per day. eaay. Many ft' my neiBhl.,rt bar. pun lHiaiHj .unilar ilwhntea. lue alill ha. been tir-atijr in..r....-diiir..ltK.ush none. W n. W.IKD. Jltiy II, Isol. ItRlley, Deteatare County. Pa. I lier. br errlifv that I have r.l W. O lllrkok'. Im pn.ri d I'. riaUe Cater 51UI, anil coimi ler It a raloal.le in- .n.linn inlle-rr..n ..I time. 1 he Cl-I. r isrleanrr an.l Letter il a tha aaadaan lur uual ay. lam well pleased ith il. ai! shoitl'l tie unailliPi to part with It fur Q.utUf a preuiiuinen lueadyonccd CwaU JOHNS HAI.fc;. July l.uai. ri.rtiand.i t. y Mnr- than one hnndre.1 Sitwr Mnla! and Diplomas have"kera Rirrn to air Mill within th. lain .ur years. rS-Tlii. Mill nrrn1.lr. about t'4 tstt by 5 flrt. and ia 4 f.l hiiih. ei,ihls ' I"". "rI ','" i'.'1; ""I1 eou?eoient.- . . Addrc.s, W. 0. ItlCKOK, AfiMit tsle Wrk.. llarriabunj, ra. or aala by JOSENI M' ADDIS, Lewisburg. PUBLIC SALE. ON SATURDAY, lth NOV. at 1 o'clock P. M.f will be sohi at the lale residence of Mrs- Msbt E. 8ania,deceased,on North Third St, Lewisburs, a quantity of lloUNt hold Fliraitore, embracing a Bed aud i, i ....i . 1- Slin... Parlor i'oal 8love. ChairsrVables, Wood and Coal, and other) articles. Terms made known at sale by JOeiAU KELLY, Adaiinistrator. James F. Linn. William Jones, t TTOUNKY at Law. ('ollcrtions ' JV pri'in 'ily attended to. Oiliee oppesil Kutie's lintel, j .','jo LEWISnCRG.P.t. : SALT ! SALT j I IREIT ImportatiuD 1 J Athlon. Marjialr, aa and Fine Salt. i;riun.l Alum but. Dairy a1t. a laiye stock, cotist.inilv oti hand anil fur tale Ly (.' UU, (IIESR A CO. I'rodace CninmiNMon Merrhant SI S,-r's Wtiail, llullinwre C?"M'MI I'LArtTKK always ou hand. i: All.- It .1 O ! rMHUUt: will be a inrrtin'4 if the friends of j I the Kiilri.i'l at the Man f the Uig Ant I ., ai ihe l.iAU.sttl llG tlAUll WMtEXTUIiH, The (Ikeat Dki-otkor Ip.os! J ust reecivril, a in w li t i f irna larger than evi-r at the Hardware Sn.re of Jon. M'KAUUEN. 1l.ArKirniS-Ci.ine gel y.ur muney ba-k iti tirNt-r ite lrm. rrerv har war- hav Trf. Il'irn -.h.'t. Sailnt, rjii(r-.f'ui.J 1' nit-., .-'i-.;.-., m. . I I-1 1.-, iii h-.rl. !1 jot. aut, at U. t;.nl a ir.- -I..-.- ..I J. M r tlKN. lwMiiirg J( Il.UKUs ant o NjiIs, Locks, I-at il, VVhii.- I,r-j,.. l'ufly, ,ii rti; ii. Ac til ilif l.wt'uir. thers You can j;el atches, II lilies, bcreu , l'uriy. Turp uLint. I-n (rru, (J lAUI'K.N TKKs I can supply you wtththe celebrated Oi eenlield Planes. Hunts Il:ilf, rt. Aill.-n. i lii-'i. Siiirt-. Mt-r 4 J--- wn'M .ro-. I'lmn H'ttr. Clii-fl. Vn will tnk- ttifin I Ii -r than r-r. fall al lr Jiurs:lt st Ihm I Oritt.atu nlati'l, L-iil'Ur(. C1UACH MAKERS will find Kliptic Spnncs. Ails, hnbs, HanJ.-i. Felloes Oil Uuiu, lo.nth.-r. I.tiiiiic au l Tlimtiiiti oJ ail kmOJ M tlt UfW-l.-(.ur! Ilamttari: lr.r;. ('il.TI.EKY Knives J'orUs. fhear-, Scis J sors, pen an I pocket Knives, Kazrst ..tvi-rs' . U all t-ry i-raou mil.t wact, f r aalv at .i'ii..i-iri.. 1 A R I K lis ! that splenrtnl I.. I of S. vihes. IS..r . lt.Lu. 11 .ruiiku 'IViii-i. ntnl l'.nlt ' ..I... n.it... ....i .,..,.., k,.i .i.itk l..t tireiiinti I'ltnii ii. !i.- turn i (lit Ilarilwwri- rft..r. 47mE-MAKr:Rs-Last I.caiher. Thread, Awls. Wax. iYz. Britks, Tools of all It ii,. I rail Q(I i-f, im nw id tli t'm. uf thf lUnlwan! Mite of J..-i. W ft AJL1,N, U mi burg. "Industry must Thrive." THE "oIJ Mammoth" ahc.nl ! Not- J withstanding the cold turner and the late spring, J. & J. WALLS have received and are now op-nine an untn nally larje and well selected stock of isiMim; and sr.MMKH noon?, 1 CoiiMstini; partly of Cloths of every exade, ; plain, black and fancy Cassuneres, a oeauulul ' rit.ty ,f V.'tii.-s, Jtahu Cl-.tLji, Jvaii TwccUn ami StumiJHT wi-ar. aln la.KlleN' I1TS fOOflN, I wh a- Silh.-. THt-iK". Ik-Uiu-s. ItrrriM. 1'rtntf,' Whit tice.rtJ.Oliij;litiin. 'ut'roMi-rieit. Kilil i. lli.rrj.Oluu. tilearliisi 4txl lrowi Mu.ilitii. Irish Linro almwlj, aud STliAW GOODS i,f rTrry Taxil and irtyle also a floe MiecliuB of 11ai:iiwai:e, Oieenswarb, Cedau axo Wii.i.owwaue, Huodms, AiC. JL o. anitud to all tlie wants of the people m euprrb tot cf Ar. .t- all uf .link tlwv tilfrr lo their eiictitiner. at tinu.iiitUv li.w ir!rr. Ilmin ami utbvr TAUnlrv I'mltir. tak"U iu rsi4iiilig s ltr Gim4i. Ov.is.uri;, May, IsOA. NEW GOODS ! Ldte A.r.'uy til Ihr. Xk.iy ffijn " pitOWN & rilTTEU, Mho have just I y received and opened a large absoriment of desirable Sl'IUNG AND Sl'MMER C(OT?? Mirh as fiilks, Uarees, Barege deLatnes, (Cal icoes, (imghams, Lawns, Muslins, &.C. Alo a tine assurmieut uf ePitaPiOtOEav. consisting ol Collars.Cnemisetls.tndersleeves, &c, wan a preat variety of Mi'.N S WKAlt, s tch as Cloths, Cassimeres, Ltnea Goods, Hats, Ac. Also all kinds of (Jitifiifiriirr, Groceries, Jltinl ami Ceiltir Il'.r, Jlrnoms, tv. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods ai Cash prices. Lewisburg, April 32 NEW (IOODS! A T 3Iensch"s Variety Store.- -Just j l received, a spleudid loi of SPUING and SUMMER cons sting of Lawns, Linen Goods,Gingharas, Calicoes, etc., a large and varied assortment of l.:i (tics' Collars. Chetnisetis. Embroide ries, Linlersleeves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves. Laces, Threads. Silks in short, a general assonment of Trimmings an other articles sold at Notion" houses. Lewisburg, Apul, 1S5C. C. MENSC1L The Var Terminated ! "DF.U'E declared! by 1 in itsii k torsi:, tVho have just received and expect another lot ol FANCY DRY GOODS, ofeverv vatiety and shade, which ihey orter al remar kably low prices. Also a 6ne assortment of GKOL'EKIES, til'KliXSWARE, HAltDWAEE, Ac, Which they are qniie sore will compare very favorably wuh any olTered in this section of the country, and at prices that can noi bui prove satisfactory lo purchasers. Please call and examine our stock. Lewisburg, April 2S, '56 Economy .3 Wealth 1 THE I'lace to buy Goods, cheap ! 1 ioii(.s &. vn-Tzni. lle leave to announce lo the public thai Ihey have opened a lartre and complete stocn ot embracing every variety of Ladies' and Cent Summer wear such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Linen Goods, Vesting, Ginzhams, Calicoes, 8ilks, Berages, BeraKC Delaines, Shalleys, Lawns, Muslins, a laree assonment of EM 11R0HJEIUE8 of all kinds, Jionmts, If'ttti, anil Gp, also a large assortment of CARPETS, . SALT, FIS U, c, al.avaon banil. Farmers and Housekeepers are Tr.;rtfiltT inriti if t rxnmine rnr ai.rtm-lit f fcroi Hiit..'t.nw KEnr. iiAuttnuKK, ii kk.yx- II a A t, tm, u.l ar. aat0r4 that ili w rvlhlup.i.l tlie heal qualllj, Ja majr doira, al lb aiiart ii.irrat.i ratr?. Our iiM.ia ares, wtrrtxi aiih anoanal rats, aad w. brlirra.ill K.asondolKrTtjrlH,ailiror lli.qin.lity) a? cheap aa lh.-y eaa rraMWaabiy ba oOtnd at any ulliar clur. ua Ilia Vivrt Uriinca- W rrai-wllullr iuiiu .or old curtomera to rail and ire our stu k, aud we are aute rau meet yi.ur nauU atel ti-t.-a. I KODICE lak.n aa u.asl CASH Buyer tvfnrrd. ! tatiuTK, April, 18.0. LKUisi HiMMiS. AAKO.N K.U KTZKL. At the Old Stand on market St. C PYKER'R Hat, fap, and Variety U Store. The subscriber has i jst received t ie largest and best assortment of lluta and 4iOP ever breaght lo Lewisbarp, which he will sell at price to anil purchasers. He has also a well selected and fine slock of - Clothing, I Handkerchief, I Glores, Cloths, , I Trimmings, ' I flocks. r Hosiery. . I Cassimere.. ": - H.. saally kept at Gentlemen's farnishing cub- lishmeDts- Drum tn .' r. SPYKEH. . Ltwisburf Arnl, 184 J. Dl. C. RANCK, TTOriMiY at Law, MiiliaJ-urg, it Lniim Co , I'a. C-fAll prolei- ional nif riiiruf.rd i i tit , t are, wiil Le piiwtualiir anJ tailh:'uil iitlruded In. June I. 'ii I i Executor's Notice. TOI'ICE m l ertrliy piven, that Letters T. lanieMivon the fast wiil ai.t K'Sium i I Jnll N 11.11 t.K. i..le .1 Uhitr llr i.ititiip. i.nti.n eiMiiitv.i-.ecra-ru, nave eeeu tranted to toe untieririirii, i-v Hie ni-in r of l iuun roun:v. in tin Imui ot law ; itirreiure i all p.roti hniiwiu? tneinselves :iileiitej d saitl otate ar reiiurtcil Iu make luiuirdiate paynieiii,arnl ihmt having u-l cl.uii.s aua-nsi -111" same are also reijoested lo pn'cnt Ihtiin prnperiy autltentirateii l'"r seitlemi-nt. JiH. K. IlK'HAkT, tx. tutor. While IliT-r. Out. Z'i, IS I Look to yonr Interest ! V' CI.OTEIIVCl! I W'e wuiilj resoecifsiHy int- riii il.e i iiiens j of Lewisl.urs ami nc.uity that we have now j in nut Store the largest assortment of lleaily j Ma.le l ull and inter lolltltm-. j also tietilli-iiieu's le:iiishll;ge;,il, ever I uii'ii ; Ci-uniy C'tuM boast of. Our s,MI ' are iiia-!e ' un ler our o n supervision, sn.l tor that we i can olfer Letter ina.le rlotlnnir .nut at lower i prices than anr other establis hint lit of itiekitnl. ! Vou will liml at our store. Sack and ll.uiciip Overcoats of Ulaek, Ifhie, lirey Mi l lin.wu, j Cloth. CasMttet anil Cassnnere lltess au.t Kr..rk (oa's ofeverv variety, also Panta and I Vests loo numerous u u en i. n. Hats it Caps, rnderelothes, 1'intirella, Trunk and Carpet Iiags, will Le sold lo "Qin'i . .Vres ci- SmuU I'.' ii i," ntir nio tin. an J we shall strictly adhere lo il. onte and see no charge made lor sh.iwint? our sti.ck. J. GOLDSMITH A. Ell1''.. I.ewisburr. Wept. Isiii. HOOKS 13'" )Rsi! The on- m: ue - beinij desirous ol clos out their Si.'ck or' Hooks, offer 1 their rx'ensii-e l,,t at FlliS'l COS I an! car- riau'e. 1 hey have a are lot of School I and ;tr of j Miscellaneous rooks. A larce vane ' ST ATI J.N'EKY ! epi constanlly on hand. Re member ih- Vainin Ih llrntrKtoie. I'Hiil T A CALDW ELL.L wisl.nra-. MARIA J. GRFER, H. D , A GRADL'AIT of the Tina JTedical J.Y l.'inversity. of Phi'ada., t ilers her profes sional services to the people of Lewisburg and vicinity. Oihce at her father's residence. (Pr. J. F j Crier's,) one door below J.L. Voder's Jewelry Store. April lfi, Bank notice. A1 PPI.ICATION will be mad n ihe nrn Leialature to change the name of Ihe I.ewisbure Savings Institution," located at Lewisburg, in the countv of I'mon, to -THE LEW ISULKG BASK." wuh One Hundred Thonsaml Iollars additional capital, and i auniorilv In tsue liieir owu notes lor cireuia- linn; subject to the provisions of the general bauking laws of this Commonwealth. DAVID REBER. Treasurer. Lewisburg, Pa. June II, lHitt Fainphl6t Laws. VOTICE is hereby jriven that the L tj'iot; ta of the Pamphlet Laws . f the last Session of the Legislature have teen received j at the Prethor.otary's ollice of 1'nion County I for distribution lo those entitled In the same. SA ML LI. ROL'SH. Frothy, i T) .1 a I ..I 1 R ' AdmiDistratrix' Notice. w ""llLKEAs. Letters of Administration to J ine estate n i iinna luiBissn-., iaie ot tlie ton Usui i ot uutiaioe. county oi i uion. j deceased, have been jranied to the . subscriber, , all persons indebted to said estate are request- ed to i. ake payment i n or before the bin day of Si ptembet next, ai d those having chum J airai .st Ihe same will present them duly autb'iitieated for selilt menl. at the laie resid- ence J h.on is R .l.i son. dec d. MARV E. KOU1NS1 IN, Administratrix llullaloe, Autr. IB, IffiO pd s.Last Notice. A" 8 we wish to have the aceonnti of J. Hayes iV Co. closer! up. all person knowing Ihetnselves indebted lo the above Firm, will please call and settle, as the arct's I will shortly be placed tn the bands of a proper I olliccr tor collection. Julv 1. J. HAYEK CO DFWTAT. CART). V HE new methol of inMrlin? ariiti- cial Teeth, Guin, &C-, known as tllen'H Continuous (.um Work, is, truhmit exception, the best i:iiprtven,etit ever made in the art uf Dentistry. This uurk, when properly constructed, is the moc-t beauti ful. the cleanest,cnml'iis the greatest 5renj;ih wuh durability, and adds mere to a clear and distinct articulation, than any other kind v( work t-Tt-r brruh; l f .r tli puh.i.-. AnJ not on It thK, Jiv a t-auufnl di-coft-ry in o.tift'inatHin with thi im of wurk, we emu eitt- the fare itn natural rLrt-f- irk. without, in the l.-a.-t, iuUrftiinjf with the Uii fumeMt of the te-th in maturation. 1 woulil take tb,i mthd of informinc thom lntereitetl that I have purrliaxnl the Taunt lii!it for thii tulunfoie improvement, of th- inventor. J'-l.n Allen, (now of N-w Vnrk. i fur rliif. nml wfrril .fiiiitiin inutitl.-fi. Mini that I I am now mat:o!a-tnrlnf; an arucl-of Tth andtiom) that ! will nun par.' (iTi.rtl.ly withi ai.ythii.itia that Hu- that ha erer 'et-n ui.vt.' th thi. or anY oih-r muntrv. 1 ak all anj ef sectalty thtae tbat need teeth il tbe baweeuaxetl thi-m or not-) to call, aud exainine for themMlTrii. JOHN UMhUm-ufi, Ortre anl Rtncidene on Third ntre.-t, aw-ar Markat. Offire in MiLiod.ou Broad waT. oearCaJwailair eurner Kevr Good! at the lTew Store! I'll 1ST AltlUVAIa! TIIE suhseriliers having re-litled and improved the Storeroom of 11 P s-heller formerly occupied by Kremer & Co, would respeciiully announce lo the tradinc cotnmu nitv that ihey are just opening a LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK of SlTiING & SU AIM Kit GOODS, bought in New York and Philadelphia, adapted to the wants of all, and comprising the usual variety kept at Stores in the larger Towns. Ur CALL Aiu J. Sclireyer & Son. Lewisburir, April 1, lih' A R PET!. Avery larjeand well selected lot of cotton anil all wool Carpets, from ISA cts. lo I '-6 per yard. A portion of ibese Carpets were boucht at auction, others direct froia ihe manufactors. al prices that we can sail them very low. Those in want of Carpel we invite to call and ook before buying else where. , J. SCHREYER & SOX. V LARGE and desirable stock of Ladies' Dress Goods, or every kind, for sale cheap by J. SCHREYER & SOX. A LARGE lot of l-adies' spring and son tner Hhawls. for sale very low. by April 1.1056) J. SCHREYER 4 iOA". CLOTHS, Cassimeres.Tweeds and Summer Wenr, for sale cheaper than ever by April 1,1851 J. SCHREYER SOX Pianos, and Music. 5-, JOS. L.YODER, A-reM for Meyors' TiVaud Voeht's celebraled Pianos', has ,i?just teceived a lartre assortment of SArtt Mutir, Piatua, and M'Lulton Bimlit. Seminary and Teachers supplied at the Publishers' dis count prices. Music published by Gould, Lee Walker, S.L.W alkrr. or any I ubhshers in the United Stales, furnished at their prices. X.B. Meyers' and VoRht's Pianos sold at less han City retail prices. Lewu-Dtirg, Aov. l 1LANK Contracts with Teachers, o p- der on Trcaarn r.at Chrouich.Oince, t I IXy itttr Jimes B. Haial.ii, . TT0K.Y at LAW, ta, 1 U Oilier ua Secuii.1 Ki- wtil siJe.'itiJ nr ?"ui)i u: Maiktl. 1IUI p. I CniStf J l.'uion to. Pa. -t : VORTH l:h Sine'. The SLbsnityr' er I , ,5I r,.s ,, .1(ll;iv tmt the citizen uf' i ).,, burs ar.l i ,nn thai he has m haif j (l r a c cap li tot I IKAIIlKt. lor tor Sprin trade, couiprising I'lossing- ii n ' I (.'oniinitu CureuQs, See rctaiiis and Iltmk Cases, Ceuter, Ciinl Mid I' icr Tubli.-s, llininir nt iJiTtikfii-t 1 ablf. Cnpliomtls. Co( Ihw ami other HeU-teadi. tfiundii, Solas, and Chair of all I mil. COFFINS Biaile lo nlJrr ea short iiutice. The pulilic tre cordially invited to rianfn his n,ii, lir is sure thai they will bo sal liej wtih his sti.ck ol Ware, and prices. sol.ovio iOLXC. I.ewishnrir. ept. 15, li.t .TLis Way fjr COWIECTimEllLES 'VliL utilmlmi ta.sa .sjileailid stock -1 i n han-l.ai.d nci nstantly itctiinj;trel supplies, i f uu.llev of everv varieir. CAKErt. I IIACKKlis, I llEliSE. URAXOta. it the voybesu Lemons, fij.., Pine Applet Lananas, Xu's of every vanety, PruiU, ic A Uti a neie. Kennritl -'! I r. .....a tA j ,,f l ltlLlJhh.s 1Vilx. ,..A ..i.... j Kinper and Ear Kings aad other Jewttlrjr, .-cmiiik . iitrait. .teenier. a iar(;e assvnnieLl t (ioilyear- (iuiii Comtx, Port Moanatei a eveiy ilekcripimn, etc. etc. ITit 'Ciiil at the blue Irwit, first Juor wast ol the Post Office don't mistake the plact. Snip id our., j o.'ll ut flml it vaia, 1 ur vua il 1.- .urv u, rail aga-ia. HARRIET EICH0LT1 I.ewisbur;;. -May Sis, loitj To the Citizens of Union Countv. j IROM the very favorable represtuiauon ! X ma'' I" ns by the ciiiz-a, f thiscoanty we the subscribers intend malting an accural uauiisi-iue aim ornamental .11 i I of the t UUlll), provwlcd a sultieieal subscription lul is obtained. It wiil be from original ur lejs.embraemg all the roads, stieams. mono. UlUa, U.w .io.grfc riitirisiiM. h.l,. p..t .Sc.. -f 1. Ii. u - i. . ub llir r 01.U1. . ,1U n,. n, o( J li.-li.p. rt. tMiUhrra IU lliri, ,l...ikr.M,(,.t tk 1.. I...U...U. ,r;. ii.- .-LwriUo. .,u Ilirj I- bulb ia-a.tir.1 Kl.,p.r, Md ur.M. loiia itiir.auiie. - Tl. Ml 111 W SO by s i,rl,. bard.lu.l. titk-s rpli.j ...li.r.a ,j BMUtita uu roU. uiailai to UV. Man ..f M.,rrr Co N J p-ttro up h, ua in I49 ; drli.l noes ii uLt Mil a , v. JAM LILr JtL. BOOTS a SE0S. J l T received at ihe old eslabliah.J sure of ihe subscriber, on Market itreet, Lo wisburg. a large and new assonment of HOOTS AND SHOES. comprising eitery description of work rqau au (Ol WKV, LADIES, liur.s, susses, CHILDREN. The slock is Selected wuh care, and will t alior.lcd al reasonable prices. UHt om Work attended to as nana!. May. isjs JOH.N HoL'GHTOV. BEAVER & KREHER HAVE received their nsual . soi nnl it ui GOODS adapted for Ihe season, w huh will ba tola unusual v low. rers. ns wain n i.. ... r ney in nukint purchases, will do well to cal and examine lor themselves, as we df competition m manv articles May 8, " n ... -N ( ) T I (J 1-,. IOTICE is hritbv gnen that the Crer Mare, now in "pe-s-esMon of Guhi L'Hirnli, is mr nn Tiettv. and tht vis. ,.. be levied open ai d sold for his dfht. I have kantd her lo L,ui liuiini my plrj-uie. IL P. litLLEK. Lewisho x Oct. Sit HSi6 "Have yon seen SAH?" CJEEMS to te a Question asked lj k) almost everybiHly j but we inquire. O 7tu-e yt.u nm tlie Lute firm, ts'ilh their supply of "ew ltoo(s Miorti, Cuilrr. a, ajp, Th. s.ii....uia nanr.st associated them PL selves into a Copartnership in hostnes now . ll'rr b. the public, ai tlie Old Staat of S. A; I). Slih., on Market St. ibe cheaps (for Cash) and best lot of HOOTS and siior.s, for Men and Bovs. ever i fleiej in Lewiabara Also a new and splendid assortment of Ul'M SHOttS fur Luditi and Oenlltnten. A variety of Gaiters. Half Caiters. Ties, u kins, Slippers Ac. for Ladies and Misses also Children's Sboen of ihe latest styles and sires &c. 4c. Re work made to order Mending dona nsual and as the Workmen hate renderttt satisfaction, hereiofore, we trust we shall hara a lull share of public patronage. SAM wiil n m v- ir.tirul .. . t i"-..., n -il conunue 10 oe ou on no as n rn.erlr. and bnpaa & Mi w coMoireiS L.I AC M f A I1 DI L w-isbttrir. Feb. S '& li ta HAlMT TAlLOftl TOIIX H. BEALK, having enlarged J and im proved Ins Shop, n Market Suatl, next to Hayes' store, has uw cpened a largo ami select slock of C Iollis, (asslmeres, Testings anal Triuimlns of all kinds, also GEXTLEMEK'SFCKMSJa ING GOOUS.sucb as Shirts. Glove. Hoaitf Collars, Ac. 6.C He will also carry vat lutllns and MaWtua; in all their branches, with despatch, accordu, to order, without cvbbuging, and on Ih m.s reasonable terms. Ready-tuade C'lotblnt; always ou baud cheaper than the cheapen! Having a larce force of experienced hand in my employ. I hepe with all these facilidaa lo cive general satisfaction, and share liberally! in public patronage. I respecifolly invilt all WKnung anything in my line of business lo call aud examine any (kick of Good. JOHN H. BEALB. Lewtsbnrg, May 16. 1855.. COURT house! THE Subscribers lo the Building et X the Union County Court Honse. tc, ar requested lo pay the ONE TE.NTII of ikr subscriptions, tn the undersigned, ra the Jlrtl diifi nfererg merrrding aaama. till ibe whol i paid-eoaimencing on the lai day of Febraar next By order of ih Building Cmmitit JAMES F. LLNN, Trtasnrar. Lewisbnrg, Jan. 16. 1856 I3ap of Union and Sn-nJer Cocntlei J AKMSIIED, with Wooden Kollers I and on Mnshn. reai'y lo be bng a will be -eni by the snbscriber, postage paid i Township map, colored, I.- 91 M Geological I 7S The Divisien Tine f fra on this Map, ah Tow ashi LUes. and as it run aina all nrincijMl Koad. and shows comparative dis tances, it shrnld be studied by all who r lo ynie on the loeaiii-n of ihe Pea! vf Josiieo The Geological Map shows the strata of ! ro Conn.trs. Tor toeaper copies of the Map. sy'.hrs K roi.KMsH Lewisl Tf7-, May ! 1W . r, 1 ! it . as