Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, November 21, 1856, Image 2

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. ' ' : I
i -.ij j I
Inublmn Cljainirle.
November 21, ISoii.
1'" Kiwim '... Tie l.nriMm.j rutoMnK,
I 9'4ilMf m th. t..ia. km Um larti aitrf fe.af ,
..mil In n f niiv Nr.. -....r in titi. I oimtv.
Our riagfor lao.
rn r. i-KEinr.XT:
Lancaster Bank, Suspended.
I.A.NiASTtu, Nov. IS. lie following
suice wan posleu ou I lie Uuor 01 I Do J.m- i
taster iiauk this uiorniiig :
i,v . i i i
.louce : j ruu tiaviog Keen wiae on i
the Lam-aster Uaiik, and its notes Laving ;
been refused by (be I'hihidclpliia Hanks, !
the f.fliepra lieem if ii.irtn.sil.Ia tn men! tlio I
liahiliticM of the Dank as they arc prcsen- ,
lei, and arc, therefore, compelled to close
the l!auk. The uotcholdirs are advised
not to sacrifice the same, as the assets of ,
the Hank are t-upii'ised tn be Fuffii-icnt to !
meet the circulation and dep isits. A state-j
incut, hovever. will I.r nm.lri tn tho t.nl.li.. .
as soon as tba officeis elect can make ac 1 l,e the Tost Master, imported at that!
examination of the condition of the Hank. ; .t 7- v"' ..1- s.nio
-II- Ha. UV..N, Cashier." ! 1 wo countlci 1,1 N- k Ma,tC
ANomKu wsPATTu Z 5. 3- a,lJ 1 l'ff-'rence only m the
Lancastku, ov. 1.-The Lancaster t T,,k'5 tIuy QA for tho three IVesiden
Uank did not open its doors as usual this ';al candidates, as follows :
. . , . I Frrmont. 'I:U'l.imn. Fillmnr..
luuruiuir, aud devclopements siuee made rma 7.uiu 1 m.'. i.w
ciiuCiru the fears of our cunmui.ity that
the stock of the Hank is greatly impaired; ;
and although the dcp'vi'g aud noteholders
e- . u -.. .
mav be uliimatelr r,:.id. if. will ii. r. !
' ' j i
tcr considerable delay. Speculation iu the '
Sliamokin region by irresponsible parties
have, in a measure brought about this re
mit. j
"The Rccoi.lf.ctio.ns of a Lifetime," j
by S. G. Goodrich, describing the authen- j
tic history of the veritable 1'etcr Parley, !
is announced for speedy publication by
Hitler, Urton .V .Mulligan. The work
couipriecs the pcrsnnal reiuitiiscenees of the
author for upward of half a cuutury, toge
ther with an account of numerous public
events that hare happened duriug Lis life
time, and of which Lu has been a witness
or a participator. Mr. Goodaich has had
a remarkable and interesting career. As
an author or editor, he has published no
Jess than one hundred and seventy vol
umes, the sales of which amount the cnor- i
inous Dumber of seven millions of copies.
lie was a private soldier iu the war of I
IKW. lb P-e' J- - 41- m vl.stj VV-
ecrvcr of the Hartford Convention, and j
was personally acquainted with most of
its members. He has crossed the Atlantic !
sixteen times, and was a wituess nf the
French Revolution of 118, aud of the1
cuup d clat oi Louis Napoleon. With the
variety of anecdote, incident and dcsciip-
non introduced in this work, by such
master of pleasant narrative style as Peter
Parley, it cannot fail to Present nre.it an.l
various attractions. X. V. TriUne. 0,1
The Humors of 'F.u.ro.NimiiMiE."
T. 15. Peterson is about to issue the hu
morous writings of Jomohan F. Kellcv,
better known as 'Falcoiihridce." reeentlr
o ' j
a beautiful style, complete in one lar-'c
tie of lhe most popular and genial con-! of tw ,,:'". and that Mr. Huctianan au-j -V ' ' IV-V.
..44. .u .,;, ,n) n.snanfrs thwize it to be said that he extended no ; M:p3p:;
iu the country. They are to be published ' iuvitattou tor a ...i : t.. ivki... T f;r. Kf?T7
in it-i. r,....l r.. .i . .in. -i 1 nerson. nor PTiirrsscd anv indication bv i ' ' Tw--i"'?.': ii'i v
ow and children. Thrv will be issued in ! hich a proper inference might be drawn j ' S&y .S'i' ? ";
duodecimo volume, beautifully illustrated, 1 his mind and avowedtohispersonal friends,
mid neatly bound in cloth, for 81,25; or ' that is, to imitate the example Gen. Jack
in two volumes, paper cover, for 81. The ' snni by making the Cabinet a unit, and
bock will be ready for t-alo on Monday i uuiakiug it, if the purpose be not attained
If c. 1. Advance copies of cither edition i 'he first experiment. He also savs that
of the work will be sent to any part of the j e ,1M 15iven no surance, promise or
T'uited States, at once, free of postage, on j ph'dgc in any quarter respecting any im
remitting the price of the edition wished ' portant places hero or elsewhere,
for. Address T. 11. Peterson, "o. 102, Baltimore, Nov. 17. The Hon. Hen
Chestnut st , Philadelphia. , ry A. Wise arrived here last evening, and
t - - ! started at eight o'clock this morning for
AfAnionr our losea bv fire last weel. ' . - i . . l .
e .oi -ii v) nrc ijsr. wech i.,,..,r it ,s nresiimcd that he ucsiirns
were our files of exchanges from Milton,
I-ewisburc, Mifflinburc New Uerlin. Mid.
.Ih.b..e l.V o.,:.. ' ...
c, (r ........ -D. .y.v. . -
r.,l 1....!....! : .11 . I -
- -4 ."cm,; oac io -i-
which, unless somebody elso has saved
other copies, arc lost to the world 1 Per -
Laps the piling together of such a host of
combatants so full of personal and local
. m-oeeasioned spontaneous combustion :
and this seems more probable from the
fact there was nut among them our files of
the I liRiixiri.K, the well-known "conser-
vative" character of which might have
"kept the peace" among these Killkenny
nn th. .k. I .... . r .,1, ..... .or . .
'" '
ions-literary, political and picto. .a'.-our
type shed tears whi.e they record !
f rum a cloo cxatniuation, however, it
foems that the fire origimted between the
flastering and floor over our rffice, and the DLmocratic party, and particularly as
was most probably communicated by Tat ' office holders at it) bauds, should be exer
or mice carrying matches there. They are ! cised in favor of tho circulation of Demo
caiJ to be fond of the phosphorus in which 1 cralic newspaper?." This is putting the
inatche are dipped. j screws upon office holders pretty sharply.
r " - - - I 'c havo not the plishte9t objection to
EI.ECTIOS luAlDS IV I'llILAIir.l.l'HIA. ! , , , n
rr. 11 ,,. , ! tlie'tr cettin2 np clubs for I'emoeratie pa-
Theodore IX'rringer.f Democrat) Deputy , fc . r. 1 . , . '
... , ... ... .. . 1 ii- i rcrs. Tits is all right and proper, but
I h rk of the (Juartcr i-essionj, was lo ld in ' , , , , , , ... ,
ei inn 1 1 .1 or . 1 ... 1 thev certainly should have the liberty of
SHOO tail on the 3d lust , by Aldiruiau I ' .. , , -., , -. .1.
v-,. , r- . r 1 1 treatin" a alike. 1 he only interest the
Kcnney, on charge of ..-suttig two fraudu- Vi:?3ItmcDi hJin lhc subject,
lent naturalizn.on papers, in the names of ; u Uie iuWiie f j,0B,age.
"'"c" ""ii ana John vUuk. J tic papers
were exhibited ; they have the Seal of tho i
Court and Mr. Derringer's signature, but
the records of ihe Court have been esam-
ined and no declarations of intentions to
become eitiz 'cs can be found corresponding
with the names and dates sr.ecifit d In U
naturalization papers.
tsjrWiluiot'g District gives 11,092 maj.
f.r rVmonl. ('Jave J'ien e 2,465 maj.
fciTAs will be rcinetnhercil, Lenox
Tp, in attqiiehanna Co., is the place
where it was proclaimed "100 Repub
: Means came over and surrendered all
: their Hags to the Democrat:-," after a
debate between Messrs. Schnablc and
Grow. As Lenox is Mr.G row's own
home, we thought we would compare t
the story with the figures, after the ,
Election. Here they are : !
ft. 1S.'t5 Mi lioliwit 34; rinm-r 91 57 rni. j
Oct- 1si6 (.'"bran U7: J-tl 119 IS Krp. nog
do iro 1W: Shiw-I 10S 11 Krp. ej.
Sot. 140-rremtat l'.'O; Burhaima lis l Rep. x j
Lenox is the fc Jlauucr Town" of the
county 1 I
I&RAPKOirr county, gives almost i
an nnbroken round of majorities for :
See the returns :
trrm llurti
li! 44
71 a
1M f.S
3-S 8
a.i ;i
14J S
li'i 4
II.O 14
io; i
1 J
) d
si&f i:'
Yrrai Buh
311 '.'4 !
S.-.nh frtflt
j ttilin4 a Ion.
I Trt
I l.l r
n I
11 J
r. 1
I Or.ll.lll.
pik' "
oi i
MAJOK1TV 4,k,4:!
LeRoy is doubtless the "Uanncr
l..1P. . nulu 1 i-.in f.f flu. 1irt n.i n nml
lmtau.Oe !." '.-
llerkiiiier, Jefferson, Otsego and St.
Lawrence counties, in the same State,
. .
were formerly the herks.tlie Monroi., i
. ., i .i. w
le .Noniiamiiioii aim uiu- cuov.w- .
land of the 'York Dcunieracy.
Their ,
vote couuts np as follows :
Kurlmnan. Filtoior.
.1. n-TMin
bt. Lawrence
9.1 4
3 ii
l.4 l.-U
:i,4-.i-i l.u'-s
1......U 1M1
St. Lawrence was the home and is '
the burial-place of Silas Wright.
ae-J. lLsox MtAiKEB, lormeriy
of Lewisburg, we sec has a handsome
niaioritv as Sheriff of Steohenson Co. I
Illinois. The vote of that new county
will be interesting to many friends in j
old Union : I
Frcmnnt. Butbnin. lillinnr.
F report
I -rnn r
Nw KriD
ti'M-r 'r-k
W . .t l o ut
7.1 I
1 Vrcslhiitail EU,h,,n A. rrens OFFICIAL.
I Fi-m-nt. Fillir-re T Into;:.. !u-lii.ti-n
i Vermont "9.!i03 ,510 4t.5t' 10.755
I Connect. 42,715 2,015 45,3:;0 31,990
! N.York 75.355 124,050400,011 194,703
! X.Jers. 3,.".o7 24.091 52,393 47,412
, lVtn. 117.51 S2.220 9,70? 230,51)0
' U,h- ':i"' f,',T3
Marv I. ,Sl 47,402 47,743
A f pecijl corrcspondet.t of the Tt t'titt,e,
writing from Washington, states that a
distinguished gentleman returned from
Wlieatlana on aiuruay nigni, aitei a iuu
. "n that subject. One poiut is settled in
; vW,io Mr BufUn!Ml. r.jor Wise is the
! . . i . .r
1 UO argues mar ine ciccuoi, o ..uc
hanao and new slave markets would raise ,
tne price ot-nrgroes j
fcrThe Times of yesterday states that
! Messrs Wise, Douglas, and Slidell, have
; been at Whellar.d, trying to 'fix sings' with
j old lluek, who.being too stubborn for them
! to mannage, Wise and Slidell left Wheat-
I,,d, on Wednesday, in , buff, refusing to
take Thanksgiving with the 1 resident
I Fort Postmasteiis. The Albany Alias
! ,C- A,y,a makes a touehiug appeal to Dcm-
! .- i. i. .i...
.crai.e 4usiu.as.er. n.. uSu .-
; try, not to aid iu getting up clubs of sub -
scribcrs for Republican newspapers, but to
! lend ihcir prrvices to the Domocratic cause.
"Their iufluence," it says, "as memhers of
Trkatt Neoiitia.'eh. l'rivate letters
received in Philadelphia from the Hon. G.
i Mhf Vnhci Statcs Iiuis,er ,0 ,he
! Court of St. James,Jouvey the intelligence
that he has negotiated treaty between
i the United States and En-land, which
j covers and settles all the points in dispute
j between the two countries, accomplishing
1 ; a foW moc'.'.s, what Buchanan Fpent
i years at aud did n ithing.
Wlieaitana on faturuav nigin, aitei a iuu i P3J.'s7CCLVsv
Lcwisbiin Chronicle and
Official Majorities in'Pa." " I
ocroBER. 0VKMUEa;Tl'imefedi.-aiuWsaii.gtoiicit..u..i..u-!,
Scott. ( fcfi n. Much Upit'j i d
A d im -Allegheny
t IVdfonl
r, arficij
i ii r i
l. lawaro
000 ;
505 i
; l.aucatcr
01 45
21 05
v,1Pt.llinihIiinj 1173
VT -. I . 1
: .....
003 i
1100 j
1370 j
'-" i
909 I
4ioi i
21 !
0 j
V'..cl ... nrt.lnnil
.Ruchnnau's, 705
Scoti's ran,!., 277 1
When Vau Buron, when Polk, and
-I..- I'i.re. were ected. each wsa pro-1
... , t
claimed to be a "oung Hickory yet
! the administration of each broke down at
i il. end of one term ! The joke is get
! tin" rather antiiiuated, but we see some
ambitious eenius predicts another "Hick- I
1 ....!
lory" reign! We re-publish the faithlul
' nnrtmit .f the President-elect, to show
that his countenance (as well as ts char-!
acter and history) j roves that he has "not
Hickory enough to hurt him."
Forlhr Lewiburs Chn ni- la.
The Editors of the Anjnn aunouncc, in
their paper of the 11th inst., that "thu ma
jority iu old Union has been considerably
reduced," also that "Jimmy Platform has
carried this State by 30,000." These
assertions are on a par with others which
have made that paper notorious with all
who love trulb and fair dealiug. For the
"me paper of 11th i.ist. says tho ''Fusion
I mai. in Uuiou was 4 10 in Oct. and iu
, - of tiS ou our sid
singular way of "conU-raMy retluuin" it
.. - , ,.a,, ..rcdlu.eip' ,hc same
way 01J i!u(.k wouj h!lv(. heen nowhere. I
! The fact it wo gave 523 against bim, or a j
j "considerable" gain of 83. And also the '
Argus of tho 1Mb. shows that instead of,
30,0i(0;' Duchaoan haa ate ou-' hJ !
JrThTFOickct?.od more t bant lit j
j . ig alsa well known were ea t 1
by llmse ignorant, foreign horn meu "who
i can't ate mate on Fridays," tho majority
of the sons of tho Revolutionary Patriots
voted ajainst him.
( y wi ot tonpU
1 . ' , dj , jL.fani.lti,)rJ tllc
,.jltors iJucd against centlemeu like 1
I Col. rreinont aaJ Mr. Fuller, but remind ,
1 them of their publishing that there was
not a l remont man in 11 est ISun ibie, tint
men wilder oath return 87 also to their
telling the Star that there were as mauy
,. . 1- : .
tillmore men as I-remout men m Lmuti
county, and as many (or oor, i am nut
positive) fur Huchanan as for eitlier. If
they think so stilt, let tne know. Until
men, reacci inai "nnnesiy is ueei "nirj
for hotifst men in the long run and I will
leave you go.
The B;tun T. Iyi
iph states that the
Hon. William Appleton, who was at the
same time a Whiij candidate for Congress
aud a Fillmnre Elector, voted the liiuhitn-
an Electoral ticket on TuesdaV. Such is
, i . r ii o..; .1.."
tho average crookedness of Straight
Whigism. Mr. Appleton is a millionaire,
al-o. He is the man sustaiued by all
these parties who tried to steal a march
on Ik'iu.IMiAMF, aud defeat him while
he was from home speaking for Fremunt
Hut the wide, secret plot failed, and Iiur-
j lingatue defeated them all !
j XL
- . fV4S.
West Branc
ien- J"1"1 "-"J f;"",ir'' bf I
.nation of '.Ion. Ijoo.
i v. I pen uj rest
... .. .... ....... i . . .. t.l
YV. Campbell, i 151?, .r' i
J.v (he (Joveruor as L ui'cd Mates Senator!
ilu i'li-rted (
by the LrUlaluru far art ucceuav i.
i-uJiii March 4, 154, at wlneU
time he entered the Cabinet of Gen. Jack
son as Sccretaay ol t ar, ana cuuunueu 111 ,
.... . . I !..
deposition uutd the abruption of j
Cabiuet iu 1S31, wheu GcU. Laas succeed-:
ed hiiu.
(Jen. Cass. Geo. Cass, who is seventy
live years old, within the space of six days
la.t mouth, delivered eight addresses, tra
velled a distance of tight hundred miles,
and accomplished nearly the same amouut
of labor the week following 1 Ho has hecu
a teetotaler for half a century.
Union County Court Affairs.
TATtl'l' hi.ri.liv irirnn In all rnn
..Ulivii i. in P ......... ,
Crrned.lhat the fodowni!' named persons ,
have setiled their accounts in the Keisier s j
Il.liee al l.ewismir'j. i no'ii e.iu.n. , ......
the said accounts will be presented I'nr confir
mation and allowance at llie tlipliain' Colin,
to be held at LCWIMH.'ItlS, for lhe county ol
rnion, on the third Friday of DVA'. licit,
beiiii; the I'Jtli day of said month, viz:
I. The ace. nml of John U. Linn, adminis
trator of Francis Jos. ph fic-siier, tale of llie
Honoieh of I.ewislmrsr. dce'd.
S. J'he account of Jacob Sp'-fliiiyr r.tiuar
dinn of Samuel lluniind.oi a minor child of
Wm. Iluaiing lon, late ol Hartley township,
3. The account of Dan. M. Ilenner.a lmin
istrator of John lleiniy, late el Uuilaloe town
ship, dec.'d.
4. The account of Israel Uuver. adtninis
trator of Susaimali Uu)er, late of While Deer
lownship, dee'd.
K.islcr's O.lice.l.ew isbur. Nov. IS, ljft.
1smi Ml, ttev. Ti rni, isr.8.
Danville Itank vs Jim Lawrence d Ths Stees
;eor,'e Sclmable vs t Jllierine F. lijua
.Manillas Wi!on vs h.ivid llerr
John Iloeluick vs A J limn
j,,hu llti Hockafeller vs Abbot (ireen's Ex'rs
I. li Christ lor W Cameron vs lien A Fncii
A V Oreamer vs Abraham linen
J iliu Dalesman vs John II Van with not
James I, liinii vs Win Heart et al
Snah Aim I'.dk vs J unes I. tjuiiin
ij. c'ser Weiler vs ("has sstees
I'has I' Fox et al vs Ad im li.virk
M Klins for Datesmaus vs lly Do llViolerfer
annuel llendcrsan vs t iiaries i ronrain
:.i of Tiiion for I. li Christ vs A Wiuesardncr
Henry W Hinder vs Sanil Kwinj
Coin sus. M t'haniberlin vs HolVman V High
Murks Weil Ac vs Jacob Hirtman et al
Julius Weil Ac, vs same
Win llerrol.l'vs Smith II Thompson
lienj F' tter vs Saml Uan.se aud wife
Caas II Cook vs Thus Fenny
John S-din vs H-nrv Chir:es
uavm net. s .. .. .e ... b
W II Whit
Sprout, Hurrows V Co vs .M A Sloe It el al
!;im( y ainl.
Mary J.iue Flint A-e vs Charles D Khne
Benjamin Fetter vs S.nnu-I llau-e
William Heiiien vs J n oi. M'Curl-y
Lairtvcits. Albriirhl vs John Dalesman
M.. melius. Yoiincjr vs st,:Zer iiunvmrer
II.. bar l'..r l!hnr. li Vs. I,,vi-Till I) I-.rri
s:nne vt ;mie
X-fff.ir Ktir-l vs Iiirhanl luirripr:v
n i:.in..!,.r jr v, (ie..r-- II .u-e et al
J John W-nzei vs I.i.-ks,.,, M I.au-l.i.n
I..I... l ll-l.t-r VS II. 1VI.I ,.r ol, tw.licp
1 Porter f..r M K shi nier vs (' II slimier with no
Ann (iinter vs Daniel Williams
1 Samuel liaker vs John Dat-snian
t F.lizabeth Var' vs David tirove
j Itank of Danville vs Lorenzo P Tead
, Thomas Sutton's A Imrs vs S F Lynda!!
Marv A Davis vs William Davis
D II Kiss-I vs Jno Kimple's Admrs
(ie.iree Wehr vs Ceorie Faust
Daniel Uanuler vs liasiian Teil'el, with no
liaak of Danville vs Chas ii Siirmer
j Win K iter vs Charles Dreisbach
j W T Linn vs l 1! Marr
Il.iiii-I Williams vs Kaufman A ttet.rr
! lly Walker vs Tins Walker Wm Walker
iiHANIi .IL'ltiilts lite. TF.It M.
.V-ir It-rlln J. hn M Ib nf. r. Cha's It Antes
'.W !tJfit"f David Keaui, Benj. Winec'ar-
d-ti. J lines Itiehl
M Hi'i'rtrj Win Youm;
ll.ijfiifor Thomas Cor net ins
llartlriH- U Charles, Jacob Katherman
t'niiin- I'emcgioiis Tucker
Wrsf (ii,1i.t Jno C Watson, Abel C Jones-,
Wm spoils. Daniel Pontiu-, I'-ier 1'ontius.
Kill' Win Xagle, IVler Ciuyer, D Kaiiilinaii,
John Hinelv
.'iri.'.iri' Franklin Spykcr, Isaac Wagner
.o..oif Ktnaniiel Waller
IWnre Dirr Cha's Cronralti
JurtHin ll-nry Mourer
TItA VF.ItSK .n itons.
AeiiiiVTirif Haul Shall' r, Joiia. Wolfe, Chs F
ll-ss, J i's Criswell, Jona. Neshil, Ja's-
ll.tves, I'-ier r.i'aver. Wm Frick, Tiieo. S
Christ. John ilrown, Michael Fichihorn.
Hunter I'ardoc. Sam'l Shier, Lev i Sterner.
Wm C Fainter
ll- li ijf.dic John Haves, Levi Kaup, Levi
lj-nrl nr Wm C Uarlier, Da v. W I'ellman,
Corn-lius Fellinan
A'..'y Jerouie I) Dalesman, I'eter Newman,
Levi Geluberlill IVm I1 D ,li;al
'n"..'.e David Heiser. Jacob Kaufman, John
.M. iiium. .Marini Dneshach, D.uiiei Moore,
David Ilenniii-. Win Walker, John shadle.
.V.e II rim Michael Kleckner. Danl Lemon.
Mijflinhiirg Tims Croiieniiller, Johu Jlelwci-
ler, llm.tniiel Vearick
W y Jos II I'm ray. Jac. Fees, Dan! Holler.
".... Johu I'liiHips, J:i-oh sl.-ar
W'.'iitr l rr Aaron s mill, S.iml Mar-ha'l
l'i'l H iI'll' Jacob Brown, Samuel L Noll,
J din l Brown
; I'liinii 4 omit) Court Pri lantsilion
; w x r HF.RIIAS. me Hon. AlI'M s.WILsoX.
Fresi.lent J:l 1-e f. r the "oth .Itnlicial
.f I'ennsylv.-uiia, composed of the :
j j,,,, m A,lsu ,1.1. and Fume Hum. F.-,is.,Asso- .
. .- ... i.ti tn ti.,.. -s.tv.'er tin,!
: (.,. Judges m rnio n county, have issue.! their j
precept, bearing date the day of Sept
i I'"'. and m me directed, for the hoi. mtt or an .
I (Irohans t.ourt, ( oiirt of Common Fleas. 1 Iyer
a n .IVrniinpr ;ni, anmt lJliarlcr .sK;ns j
I al u: (sit! Kii. f. r li.e t-ountv of fJMo.N,
I 0n the third MOMt.W of tn;t'i:tl!KK next, ;
j (hems ihe I.Vh day) ls;e, and to continue j
Notice is therefore hereby civen to the Cor
oner, Justices of the I'eace and Constables in
and for lhe county of I'nion. to appear in the'r '
own proper persons with their records, inijui- ;
silions.exaininalious an.l oilier rernemlirances
to do those things which of il.-ir offices and in
i...K,l. ..nnen.-.,,, i he done : and all Wit-
nescs tirni ..ilipr nersons nrnseeutlli? in behalf.
. ......i.i.
ll llie .OllllliOII t. e...... n...., is. ...... ". . -... ...
persons, are required to be then and there
1 atteiiiline. and not depart without leave at their
re qlll.srd , he pMflM, in
,,.,r attendance at the appointed tune agreea-
hie to nonce.
IJiven un.ler my hand and seal at the Sher
iff'., Otlice in I.ewisbnri;, lhe !lth day of No
veinhor, in lhe year of our Lord one thousand
eiaht hunilred and tifty-sii.and in the sevenly-
niiiih year of the Independence of lhe United
Httites of AmtTtra. 4tod sare the t'omtnoii -
weal.h! UAXIKI. U. CJrtDl.X, Mie,;;l.
Ii Farmer Xoveniber 2I, 1850.
The ( i.ir.ui.Miw.HHi oi rcun-yna-a
lt Khxai nh li. i.-ani, vii ol
Lewis Itcibsam, l;i e ..t M tine '
I.... ITn . . ... fmiii tf. :iS'.'l. o .in
chjM,,.,;f Aim y Ue
'l..:.,...,!r. e:ied. Jolllt
i;eii,i. An(!n'
nv K-iLiim. Jacob Bfibsam ,
and lt. ni im'.o I.VihaiH.
T.. ihp rhl.ilr.-il ol i
I . . .. "t i....m iv. ii I.1,., I. IIlmi-
R(.jD.sain sn.l rhartotte Kfibsam. To i
c,il lr. n ot iVliT Kt-ii-sam, ; . 1,1 "I
Sam, William, JuilD, relcr. Mraii, I an a., .r
ami ileiiy l'..'it,sai.
Toihecliilcir-noi imu,. ,
.uii.ti-'C .1, Jo1"'!'!! k
ll'ain, It -eilv, I r win :
Wh,.,.e;, Oi (.bans' V-nn b-l.t at I
..i.ii.i . 1 1 I'.-nti.iriue :
..m... - - i
isbur- ll.e rj:hitay...-S-pl.u.b.r.A.U.,ls..li.;.'aiy, -'"
ju.les ,.t Ihc same Cnr.. El.abe.h K-,ta:n 1 duly awarutd .. I. O , .1, . .ri
presenie, her ,-.,,,, . -M, her ; -? ; '.,,
1 in his deinesiic as in ice oi aou in .m ma. - ,
i .iin tract o. land situate in White I'-T tow;..- j
: . :.. i v.l .... ilu- Xorl i bv
; Mill., I in-'.. t-....j. - -.:
I 1....1, ..I- i ;n .... ihp Sunili bv lands l I
i Jnhii llaverlins, on the East bv lands of
! ami on Hie West by lands of J-.l.n ll.iveriin
i r.,m-.ni-ii acrs iiu r.- i r Ic-s, hi.v
.ir.t mail'his lasl will anil levlament. ,
; tiT.i s:,..l tteentent leil vour P"Ul ou a widow !
u-iilioot issue aUo no t"""
l heirs children of Anlhniiv K.ob.nm
Keit.-ain. Jacob :
' ,.,
mm Ueibsiim, children of
e i-.'d. Willi. im K'-ilisam. j
- .,i ..... .i',.
Henry Keiosam. arm .inn
,1,-eu of I'eter l(. il,sam,deceased, I'i.il.p Kclw ,
... .. . .... ....i. . 1 1, -. . in. i
and !! tty Keib-am. children of lMulip Iteib
sam. deceased, Joseph Keihsam. Keedv. Irwin
and ll-i.i;e:ia. cli ldn n of Caiharine K-ibsaiu
deceased. Jacob Miller ; that in his last will
and testament aforesaid the .rd tetafor made
i... iv. v. .I...-. nml liemiesls : " I Willi
and be. in. -si al inv property leal and personal I
. i .i I ....... I'l I m.I. .If.r.ii'. her nal- :
f ' , ,, lie sl.all leiiiain my wid- ,
and then this mv properly shall le at my j
wii.-'s privile.-e lo will it I., wii'ilu she pleases. ,
V.oir neli.ii.n-T f.it ther r-' i.resr nts thai she !
is still a widow, and that the tract of land is
Juctive. and that it would be lor net i
I inleresi aud al-o those w ho may have ci.n'in-
L'-nt interest to have tne same soni. cur
therefore prays y.nir honors to decree a sale
of ih- saiu-- under lhe provisions of the act ol
April is. ts.VI. in such cases provi led.
Wetherelore hrrcbyeomniaiid you and each
of you lo be and appear I. . tore our Judges ot
lhe Orphans' Conn of said cour.lv. al a court
to be held at Lewislmri; on Men, lav lhe l.'ilh
day of Dec.e i.bcr next, for tin- liearms of the
i,:ir'i..s in in:, rest on ties a 1. 1. lie.it o Ii and show .
e.iiise .v I iv an order of sale ot the premises '
shall not he made. Ilr tiik Cio ht.
Witness mv hand and seal ol the said Court
at I.ewistiur this -d d.iv of Oct.d.er.A.D.ls.ili.
rs A Ml CI. Ilof.-H CMk.
UMoX C ut A J Y, .s.V.
Tl;e Couiilioliwealtll '
f l..nnu'!fl.
U S. Tiia t the M.enfl uf I iiK-n County,
( s-e t irrftnifr :
herf;s, Jiiiiif H. M;i5on, Samuel U. Ma
un,U atuiitu Mii-uu, Uuiiiiiutl Caliierinuu
an. I 1 1.irr A. ins wile laic liarru t A. Ma.ut
j Charles M,i.-.n- Ia!? of your roiinfy, latt-fy in :
I cur C'umv nttul ot" C'tuttii(n I'leas ot Cnimi !
j county t-Ttire our Jtitles at Kewtmrt; were j
J suiiuu'jite.l to answer Jum h K. M.ison iy lua
i miar.Uau J.-hn Will, i f a jilra ill it uh-reab
; Jttph K. M.i1-''!. Iv his uartli:in J'1"" " i 1 1,
1 .iimI ti;e sanl Jiuni's H. Mitnon, Sitniii'-I H. Via-
tiii, Washington Mason, Kinanut! Cathennan
! aixl Hai l let A.lus uik- late II arr.ct A .Ma",
! air! Charlc .M .l-i-n, ti eiher aii'l utitivi!eil do
j In;!,! a reitam 'rai ct pf.-c of lair! -ltuaip m
H.irtley towrh-p. a ! j n i ii i; lnhN of John
j dwcoKcl, J,.i... K)tl, i'ttiiif iJnbh. J.irob
! Veri i", (ieorL'e Uniil aiul t.;ti- i, tu ni lining
O : e ilui.tiit ii ai.'t S.x .V'i--s innif or itii
i ilu aiii':ir!''i..ii'C. s -., il;' Jatm li-
M:tvi.n, S.tiniifl It .i.ib"n .W.fhiMMiui M.in,
I Kinatmci Cifinrinaii an-t Ifarritt A. hi witl
: laic I la: i r i M .i vo,;-1 1 ti lit u iiien?i4 bt'twet it
i the iu Im tf iii.il" a.-eoi.l.iiS-T l- lhe law and j
eti-t"'.! t f ilu-) C.M:iun':ivrt'.-i::li i:i suoh e:ie
ina'l and providr-l !i I irain-ay an-! thr same
; t. Ii- .ill n t iermit, verv unjustly an l
acainst the .-.ame l.tvv anl f:ti-!nni, an! tne
rSierilf having m ule i-luni that he had duly
MiiiJin'.neI thf Ii'i'-'ii i;iiit-i aceordii! to law
and order of this t 'onr'. and n one appearing
ihe (!oiirt pneetl'd to examin the I'laintitr.s
titie and 'iianiily ot his part and purpart, and
llie same M he ;h one un livn!t d mmIi part of
tlo- tract of land decr.he-! in The writ.
Wht-renpori it was n.n-idp'tt and adjiok'-'d
I in our sani otin ueiore our j uirs ;n i.-'u is
1 hurii that J'ai iitioii mad' of ihe lret or
j pu i'i- of lanifat 'repaid u itli :hv app:irtfiianei"s.
' 'i'ii' icl're w e eoaiuiand you that Liking with
J vmi twelve free, h'-io-vt and lawful men of
your haiiiwirk. voii proceed t make partition
: of :he :ud ir.i' i t,t land according lo the law
i in such cop inrole and provided.
W'ltnes-, !ht' il, n. ..vWi!von, President of
onr said C 'tirt. nt f-fwisbtirij, the Gth day of
Uctohrr. A.I) l-i-'.'i-
t'.Vl'KI. HOl'sir, Prothonotary.
Take nuiiee, fiat acci lim; iti tto; ah.-ve
i order n Part. in n u ill he he'd on'the prcm".
' on Fndav. the :Vi of Deeemher. at 10
oVloclc, A. M., of which all concerned will
t please take ii'-iiee.
i J'r.- . .,:Aj,ti ulnnnL
l'IVi:KSITl AT Min'IXIIt'Rfl.
"rOTH nhsei ihert to the Kuiltliu 1
' Fund are respectfully informed that the
Fifit Insialment vn their suh-eri pi ionv isnow .
due and pay aide. J. A. Mi:iM'Z. Ks-).. is
appointed Collector, and authorized t receive
and receipt for the ame. A. K. It Kl.L,
i Ceneral Asent and Treasurer .
I I.ewixhurs, Oct. 1, I.'iG
.IrimiiiKfl rafor's tiro.
""O'l'It'K is hereby qivrn, that Letter rf1
AdminLtratioii on the K-Tale of WM.
WIIXJ.V. Jr., la:e of Ke;y township, Cn- I
ion couniy, deceased, have Le-en granted lo lhe
untlerii;ned in due form of law : Therefore
all per-s- ns knowing themselves indebted to '
atd eNiate, are hereby requested to make
immediate payment; and those having ju-t
elaim ai;:i in t th-' same are also le-pieMed lo .
present ihem properly auiheuucaled lor settle
ment. IIICH P. SIIIM.IT.R, Administrator, j
Lewishtiru'. Nov. I, ;
VT a meeting of the H -ard of Managers
of the I'nion Cmnty Mutual Kire lusti
r.itice Company, held at the oliice vt said
Companv, in t!ie J'-Toui;h of Levi ivlmrir, on
lhe -t day of etiber inst.. the ft!lowini; re's
o!u!ioi was iinanunously adopted ;
Utsuhtil. That an asses-sineni id" twenty-two
per cent, on the premium not' he made, in
meet lhe los-.es sustained hv this Coinpitny
and due the devisee;, t.f J. 11. App & Co., Lii
a Hov anI others.
Pubhshe.l by order of the It .ar ! of Direc
tors. " J. A. MKKTZ, Secretary.
Oct- her I, is.-fiu I
if'-- '' "J ti"d Vhimirol Kmjitirium.
Lewishure. Pa.
! I.Ot US-all kinds nf S-d,,y an.l
i ft W.-W'-h.r brass (.locks and patent lever
M.sS' t'
me-pieces, llrass tl-ilay clocks at i I.
' brass
u-hourclorks as low as $1. All clocks
warranted for one year at J. I.. YOllKH'S
rrilE siihscrihcr oUits liis sorvices
-L in curing Horses of Foil Kvil or Fistula.
He will cure Horses of either of these allhc
tions for T, or make no charge if not suc
cessful. Here i. an opportunity for every one
whose horses are afllicied, le restore them to
; health and working order, l.e.sideoce on my
1 Farm in Keilv Tp.. near Lewishure".
Aiif.lU.ltf3.". CiEOKtiE MUIVELL.
vsios ror.vrr.N. , .
The '.nini..inves : "i ' mi! 1 .
l. a. '
llliiil nill lluirn rmlhiv, JolWl lf Mi
ni.. ul,u K-M.1.-S in Whit.: U-Vl lolVBShip
KiM canty H.irnurl h'!l.
be Md!" IT l-.IHt.l
Iflxwl wrrii. i
m.irrii - il Willi j'Ti'i
Hi' n
ill....... 1
...... '; ..-.. -la r fai.
'',' ;' '.:. ,. , ,u, ,a
ci 'li ii :y, an.i i.am.ti in." - -
M.-olienson cnnniy iii ui- '
. . . . . r U.I. 1. mm- I
rjfirs and tcsal rrprc-n
I r,'- l.ilf n! e.t J llKiloe
I . - -f I I... L'..n...T
l r--,,"'- ' ; ' "h
cmit.iiii"i--' -I ain - J" I 1 p r n
1 ; ll.iel
::i 5"'!';
in acres
anil tit
lliird and lal trar.l cotil.tlinn
I.i 1 il.l p.Te.hcs al .-ot .ia.
And where i none "' '" rs ' f i'.'' s
iri--,1 inn aif ! in Onit on llie ri'inru
nil '
of :
the s.u.l ilium
iii.dIo lake I lie premises ....
meniiontd al lii- ii.pr.ii.ei..enl : i n..w m
wit, Sept. 15. lS-'fi. i n ..t: i d ':- i-Ml..T,
Fsq., li on ih" h' ir and lesal repr-cma-
ii i s ( J din Kemp . decea-ed to npp. ar b
lhe lir.ldav ol in-: u Ferm i,leccin. l-i, I -..)
and eirci to !a' the ic;il rstaie at the va'uv
lic l...urt
, , . ., i ii, T11.
sl.a I decree the same lo be s. ld. 1.
C.i nr.
Witness tnv hand ar, ! tin --t: . : ' '
at Lewisbur- the til-i d.iy "I ' A. 1. Is
KAMI LL U'll --:i. L'"'r'-:
. T "J .N'lTH'i: is h. r! v -
Steel, holders of the I.LWI-lJI'Uil.
I I' TI' Fl A SIMM I K I Khl.K
HAI1.KOA1) t'OMl'ANY, ti.'at
i.e D.I
. I s.ud ('. mpany h .ve p.i
call in . ii e.i.-h sliar- su
rtseecti'. e block ii..:-'..! - i.ie tie-
:e rejoin' J
i pay inin lhe l'rr.i
er's otV.re. in I..w;s-
on or l!ore die :jiIi of lie io-'.ai t.
-s-'i en each share sub
I. 'I .
HI.- will be liable t.. pav u e er ce:.t
month on said-inst din.-nt after th i' nine.
(i F. Ml 1. 1. Lit, Ticas.urer.
I.ew isl.iirc. Oct. 1. l't
West Brunch Insurance Ccurany,
... ... I V . . I 1
1 Lot-K ll.ivt-ii. ra.. in ,::r- D0i.it imm
M. r. ii.in !.'. r arm
I'r.'twrty, and otiirr i.uii.i.ncs. and in
cuts, at moderate rale
Ii. in- t iisi
boihCashaud.Miitii.il plans. Cupi
Hon Johr. J I'earce
John li Hall
Clias A Mayer
Chas Cr:sl
l'eler Dicliinon
Hon. li C.
T. T.
il ii fi C Harvey
T T A ' r.ims
1 1 J I ,: .:i:.:iu
W Wl. I
T.ios Kitchen
II MiVLV. 1-resiri. ut.
AliK WIS, .lc Fie:.
J AM Ks II. II WILIX. Atciii.
27 Lev. isbt.ri;. I'm. C . I'a.
II. H. Denh-.m. IM. C,
AVfMJ pernidni'iiiU I.ir;i:'iJ in Le-
r. isbur-. I'
I'rolessK'liai JSeri 1 -s I
low u and viciiiitv . ii' b;i
j I v ri
llie duties oi i,i. pr :
ot their p-itronace. .'i.
to Chn.mr Diseases i i t
Wltil imrarailt led mi-.
1. i.um-ll M -i : '
Ameiicau KVct Me :..
having first studied ib'
tem ot in. .lu-ine. an 1 ;.:
el ih- Old School M
, elpb.a ; i.ul b -eoiio'i - c
1 b my -t the X'. 'i .. r Alio
,!i- ii will a'. ! " f3''1 I
l c. v :iu i t ,-iii sl i; ea!t l i
of A:
tt.;r,tuc. s v s.
nr. s m . ite
:,'.. ..f I'ii.la :-
f til- siiper-
!- sVs;..i:i.
att.-iidid two
r:,, : . r A ':.--,
t ;:.e im :.
he comme-ce t its st.
; courses ot Lectui-s l;l
. ricau F.ii-clic .M. d c.i!
; Civ of the 11 est. Tn.
V.t i'i II- .-.I-.lt..--. I,..- I- -
. i :. I r ii iv n.iiii .l i -i. " -
M. !!.-. 1 ' If .1 I !.: ,. '
I :
; j l y-i..i.ir. In -.1 j j s
ts- U.'
...... .1 lb,
1 lie !-...
..1 liT. r-r
1:. f. rtt. I
is -..,! ! .
I. lit. I. .1.-.
, ll.ri.l
a. I
t,t. l il.-.'
. m .1 rr. t.t:
. slti.tti..
in, tit-1
..I I!-,
. t r m.
1 I.
ill - - .
It I.
li... N.-.V MI.....I .-. r:..o
lit" tt-i-tifii-'fil -f f'l tl.
, I 'int til i,..rL th;.! th
i, i,lv it . r
Tins t- tin tit.
, w s. I I i- t.
In J. -...tie .t.
N.lt. HI Hi'
..f r.
rti-t,f.. tttt I
-t!U Ik UUJ
Executor's notice.
; VOTICE is her.'!. .uvcii. that Letters
IN Testa.nent'-irv on lb- last wll ai d ti'la-
inent of III .till .Mll.l.l.K. lale ol 1.. wisoiii
borough, deceased, ha-, e been K''l;:' d to
the uuderiutd. br the Ke ;er t,f l':i; ji
countv. in due f'tm of iau ; th-i ei.r- a'l per
sons kuow:ii themrivt-s indebted to said
estate are requested to make unme liale pny
ineut, and tliose having j'i-l eia:ins a.' .ins:
tiie same are also re.i.e-i-"l to pre-c nt ilietn
properly autheniicatetl tor s- nipninii.
ill till P. sllKLI.KK, Kx.vutor.
I.ew ishuri;, tct. - t. l-.vi
$1,103 a Year!
1 AdKNTS v;i nTc i in a m pn
IV'V' V (l, lut. i tll.,vt s-a-r.s. (, a beau
tiful work, The l';?mi ;isn;i ol llie
Old o: Il atx! tin" vw o--mj --ri-
iui5 a View of the pre-ni -iate oi ih" 'tt-ons
of the Woild. thir manners, rush UiS ami
pecuhanne-;. and iheir p tlmcat. morni. social
i aud intlu-trial ctnuliiini, inierspeise 1 nun.
I If. . Sk'tri ttni A"-1 tf.
! By Wmioi Pinm k, autlior of ilo Ihstury
(of l-'titan I, ireeee and Koinrt. IM';tr'e.!,
j levisetlaud f nbellishd with several hundred
JJnravitis fioni d:s of t'r.-me. I. . cieus
and other I i ' i t; n 1 . it art. ... P. i aNo
: illutrate with Z I beautifnPv r,d "rd plali ,
j Willi c-'SiumeN i- v.tr:nii naoiis.. ee.
j ArMits sel'iir this wr'n liave ci areii f HiO
1 a month. "v" "end for a p-Tttio'n ropr attd
' prospectus, which are se:.t by matt pot p ud ou
receipt of SCJ. with parictilars -t agency.
, J. W. Hi; M.i:V. Publisher.
.North Fourth S. I'hiluhlphia
! N.B. In addition to the uMial per cenlaje,
we make an ettra inducemeiii to Agents in the
wav of PKKMMJMS. J. W. It.
First Class Limestone Farm
17011 Salo, in While Doit Valley,
JL Lvcoinin Cntintv. two miles fion t!ie
Canal and Katlroad. on the road from L-'wu-bnri;
to Jersey Mu-re. It contains Hi it
t WCH, in a od s:ale f ctitnvation. It
has an Orchard, firt class IIarn,crood House,
anl other Oution'd;n.
Call on MAT THKU LUDWX, I n.mtown,
for further particulars, -r i n the Editor t .f the
Chrutticfr. Auj. 16. lo6.
$ 150 wet-gage rou sAi.E.Jn:,L;,;rs!:o':!-
.' 'l " J U',11 be sob! at a diseotoit ' '
Is well secure I. Property near Lewisburg.
Impure at the -Chronicle" office.
- -
To'onita!ilr Conrt Felnrns atido
Bla.iki sold at the Chroniclt Ullice.
VT AtTT10. : Will s.Wii ..n 'hr trr.
i.,ir lairly ocrnptt t by Wri.i.lAM
WII Sii,Jr...l'i "i-r', of K'.;. Ii .vim,;,
Union conuiv, u iihin a m o' i.ew iv.uir ,
Oil 'J'h nrilnu . 'SI IH fl-fltr
IK.'I a Ti.i Hi'y "t Hei'i nal l'ti j rty ol
sai l !':. a-'-'l. r-ii.hra-:nc
n 111 3' 3 Ul ? " I'J' T.
liifa'-s ol siip'ti',
"j'I rf 2
v. ,., ' a. , I II 7... ... , '
r ... . ." : V . ...V .. " . ' ... . "
i.'eii m.i i. j. au.i n i i-t' ...tk.
resaaiv lu cai rv I'U a 2ou r jrmiiiz uu.-.i.t o;.
' '
Ilav 1 v l
iii i!i.- e.ir.
H roiui'J.
. ::i : ii in U.
A '""' '.s' 'oa i n nxj tu:l;
Ac. I. ii i.M!i:. r u t. hi. nin n. fMie to c.i:n
rn T a' lo -.'ci. fii. A. M , of sai.i .lay, ist. u
Ti-rm.s ut sal 'tii ' nia-le kii'.u by
II. I. .Ml.'Jl.LKIt, AJ.niiiij.:iat,r.
I. -m i .;,-jr. X.iv. 4, Isjii
r f:.r:i' 'i .r :. l"riinn i inviird tn ;. ,
f".- - ' I fxr.-'let.t liilsC-, Ac.
c.- -aa
fliflU Cjjaty Prjj)e:ty fjr Sale.
V " ILL hi' Mill at Pill lie S.i!p. m
i ;iliii ;a. h- liilli ol Itva 'r.
1."). a I. ol' ' i.... n. ma I-. IVi.-i.e. .ii,
a x.-w i H i vr. Hoi!-: unit ft: ut;
S'I'A Hl.t; bii.it iu I s :f. situate 1 iu Lii-jiXi
uiMiur, M lilm Co.. I'a. '1 Ins location isa
.(-si, . !.-!:;, Pb s;c:an, tiore be in- n i:
l .-lw.- a i.ewish.wu and A iau.sb'ir. a lils
t.i n. e .1' -i-i ia.:-s. 'l'ue b.ni be srs were l-ui t
' i r a I hv i via ti. v. : i ...!.,e., cv at-Ti..-
I .-al.. n is u.ebesi hi tiie villa-."
h;i. '. .1 bus. i. es. Tb-re are t..
. I ...... Tores and mill in lhe v:!l,;.-. .
i t-1 s i; a .-.es,r able country res..;-
. d i.. jo..'.v era-s.
, .,!- wi.l b- o:.- half CPs!, .... ,;, .
! ve,'. !. a---! th- rem uti.rr i. . !" ::i ,
y-ar. v. :'i i- ! se.iir.iy. !' :.
1 I A; - .1. )s.ii. A s 'i.d t'tie wi;l - v
ss ;:, lo C.IIOiieii: e al 1 o'e .'a. I. M.. I t I
d;iv. V r t'n ;.-r inn-riio'i'ioii a b r.
J. I:
S..MK nil. I- A IsloVII. I'.l.
: ii, 'on. J. T. Tu.K!!OAD.
v&i.s io I'lios'tnti v
LL in- t'XibiM'! lu Ii!i! :r. nn
( ;s i v. i::-. ;.-. i ..-.,
i.i j a .; (.. .i ll. i l.-oiilie :i
t S: .
.rt.-r .
! .:l.
I w ii.it ;
ca le I Sini'il's Arld:t:o:t If. L vr : sb n rj.
II.- l o (eel ;n t r-a. IIi.o I.. t itlj lee: ,;r: ,
:h i -j triclt .l a brsi-iale
1 Clltal
1 ou v.l.
ilii su1 s-.ii.tiui an i !...i..:sou.e limine
11 , r !i
!.' eessaev ,' I'
i::--. I'll,
ell the Lot
- ts a v.i; ietv of en- ic- r'r " I'r- r.
il. t also a r.ever-tai.ii,- 11 Kl.L uf
11 .lie r.
; .-- s .1- '.. c.e.jrTince at 1
Tcr:::- n i ' li' own a: '. v
in i. H i. su. i.i 1 1:.
(iKdiitii: F. mii.!. in:.
I.CU..S..U,.', X. v.'Ci. ,i,.
. M.
,1LH''1 , t
k. n o ll.
Sheriff's Sale.
nr. ui' oi a lira ui vta.i. ln.
l.e Cm I ,1
t . li. im i, i'i.
' se! T p.,;,
r. ,n It-rbttt
i r
11 in. 1.
,V I'crt At'. A
'. ' ck. M .
I. A . erl.nl!
v ', w i s.t p. e
I rael ..f La''
'id. S'ln.-ie
Lit y aioresa1 . : .,u.,'.
i . i ii - ii - .. .-s;,, u, K i... iis.v
1 .1 . . II: : :.. - n li iy :.,: .;s . f
e. ;. ! It I it . l.ll. ' . f PlV !
:i. e : 'i.'t.a 11 If res u.o.e er
. I 11. L-i. li I... 1 1, li i.u :Ue app-jr-
: .'. r.tb.p.c. i r-.v
st ai -t s t:':i : t
im rth t.v I.i' s cf
Acre li. ere or :vn
ls ,,l t.,e
i." li..!
i a I...,.,
.... A
t'ev . W
i . ,..t,d
b ii ..I
!. , t I . V
-I'i:;-i o".
. II lb sb.a,
, I. 'all. II I
:t . f La-.d. si:-. - .a
,- a', r- sa:4. 1 b-J
son. est by !,.: 's ( J
I s il Jacou ii. I ;sti
i.e Km. i.e. n:a.i..-.j
loore i r le - ..u re, a
"!: :b- r.;-f ui:. cat c- s.
tun ato' lo be Mdd
'-'.. V- e.
l.l I.Lil.X, Slienl
lie:. '-: I, 1-ii.
. I J. F. 1 i
.. t il bv :..
v ..ii ..Is , l l.e
:.r: : A r
1. iti" Ki t,... :
t -ii i . . x-c tt:
I I ' : .1 .-
' HA.liLI. U
it c . L- ,..:.:
li.e jit.
r;iv;i:, S:i!.....Tl.e u!:
!" i - a Pr:: die .i.e lae :...: u
t riLrr
aide F.
u. I
Ill-TP ill Torre-:
i-oniaiiiir.s UOO
lot :: .lie . ,t ar.
' v th p. Jun-
A !. .it-.'Ul
i ai : ;:, a h.sa
I .
l;o'! fh.'.iiMi-ii.c 1,. ,.:ir vt-.l
I'm '-er. l t. :rr provf ;
-t w
are a
Lo- Iiwfduts II. use. I: A. Kill 2
L. ivA. iii.ti o;liL r i.T sat v Onii u .ii g
i lo 1- i o c.xet-.ieni An:. it it: chard
on ihe .' in.M's. .-t veral i tf turn
-)'"r are eonv- i.ifi,i to 'he impr -venirnt.
t. 1 1. Vi inch ti.e stib-i nber re Jp
Mill. lie la liea-e t -Ultsilip, V UIIV a! rrJ J
Ci n;.i.n.i i: C it(j A'M', ain'u: luo Il;:i..i
re o v. are eiraf.f. and tiie i r. o c
ve!! t:irt"eit'd. The j-ii TToveree1.! . ;,
Farm ate a !: od Fli A M V. Ti t 'I ;;.--
li.V.K FAUN, and all oihtrn- -.At
t ul-Lui di:. .u iroiid r.iiidiln-n. I :
tao ,.;h- r Vw 'it -j lliiv-fs i n !!..; :., vr.T.
A-o- t K('HA!:ls ,.f i-h. c . L-a'l
Zl't'-d tin:;. r.'Mifi iM.;e Apt'e. Pear V-
i fieri i. P. inn, tVr,., t.f ih" verv tei ar:e".t.,
a. i ;n '- d .u ir ii: coin; in on. tfe ei a; -i-: ?:
of v ..-r .i:e e-i: v en e;: in lie i r-:..(-
Th" l.inn is in a verv Lii;h Mate t f cu!:.t a.'., .
and nii'ler so, d lence.
i lie aiMtve Farm-- are w ithin 9 rm.e of .hs
i'ei.t - v tn;a Ka..r. ail ai . Calai, aiui
amor - :!, Lev m Tuimu i,i V..!,rv. 1
h entt. n i a verv heaithv (i e. ai d the. k
convenient t- Chnri Sies, Sciioi !s. M'!!-.A".
I'frs.'n- ::i : ot a desirab'e preperlv w : 1
tilt u ell iv Ci.ii an ! exa-t tip the ab.'i e. a I an
deiermiu-d -elt. WILLIAM Klo.N.
i :. l-i, 'f, v:t
jOU S;i!t. Ur.e Lot on So:i!h Vl
A Mtci . a -uuaie and a i.a i iion. li::' :
Three I., ts .ii s. ii.U Four:;i -j-r:, :
s.ii:ir' ir. n: V.uk.'t.
l i.e a'.io.e .lie level l.r 's, -e ; '. caf.i rr-
weli al.it '.ft! t,, t.,!.!ii.i5 purp, m-
IV. H. AKVsir.''i..,
A.vinu- Fx'r of 1 m. Ai in-u.-t.. -l-
Lewis:. ii r r . .I:i'..' 'Z'. Imi;
Wcoilots anil Small Farm far Sale.
'i'i tttt purchti$trv, i.r rrtisi-nuli- t-.r-r,.
'pU'.l.E are !) lots of Wimillaml. i;
.-L. tuale 111 11 hlte I'i
l.i'ec t 'ret k.abi u; a im ab. i c l.u '!:' ' x' .1'.
ratiipv; tioiu I t io ncr.s enrb. well ' ; '
.r.'.l w on i ai loUs kinds oi Dali, I'n.e, ly -t:-and
The Farm eor.vi'rt a'-ptit S." '"rf-' ''l
IS ate cleared, an.l h is . n u a T f ' " ' -'
House, a 1., :ible. r.i.L' el U -
I 1 J anil l-'t nit trees i f vai 1. Us !:,i Is.
loins lands ol John lluuiii.r! and J ic '
I' P. :
in. in, aboii! t nuie irotu ti.j.u.u's t:..1-
' White I'eer ip . I'nii n Co., I'.i.
'I be ale.ve properiv i olVered at ' r1,1
f:i-iir.f;p vriTrM-
Kelly Tp.. A nr. 10. 'ss.
. - - - " .
1 ;:l.s.. M.,cl,:irel. .-h i I. lie r ' -' n'.
! 'lJ 11 lute F.si... ti.ee r) in a lev . " vy
UllAl ill! A KKK.Mt-1"