JU ft ; i i l ' i I O. N. WOE DEN & J. B. COUNLLIUS. Kovkmi;i:k 14, 1850. T Ftmiitrtt .Vw.- Tin- 1.1 .. r. 4'iir.'vrix, . f u'-IMn-J ! flif so-h --il-m. tti lrer.t nJ b--.it Our Flag for 18150. off riticxrnicxr: JOIIXC.FKEMOiXT or cALirniiMa ton rws rnssiPEXT: W31. L. DAYTOX JJLi-iiJ. I'rospcrts. 'Have yon surrondcred ?' said tlie Captain ol the IJritMi Fltip. wlion tlic 4'J5on Homme Itii-liard'' temporarily reaped its firing-. "o !"' tlitindcrpd Johx 1u-t, .Tone."", the Captain of the jimerie:in shiji, "we've just beuux to KKiHT !'' Similar to this i the spirit evinred ly the members of the great Itepubli can party. Never have wc known a party w hich Las not been defeated, lint simply failed of complete success to feci t,o proud of (heir Cau.se and of their Standard bearers. Not they alia glory ia tL fact that they voted for the defeated IIkxkt Ci.ay nor thone who recur with heart felt satis faction to the ballot thev deposited 4'.- H- . . . iur i i.t b . r-( UTT rci.iicn iimrp in the recollection il,a lrl,o ,t ,! last election eonHded our sulTra-es to .Tonv r.r . pi rc r.-,mv, trt- in the Man and in the Cause. From every part of the Free States wc see proofs of this spirit. Kc-orga-iiization of Clubs, and re-iiomiiiation of Fremont, is the common, sympathe tic movement. And while our party firmly believe the legal majority of our counlrvuien have misjudged the ruomeutous i-ue, "wc 'bate no iot of ,..r.r." ft... ll. n-ir.,- ,.f I tountry. r'-r'lnni's n1t!. pner tieun. H'-lT(.-tliil Irtn l'!s..II,-e in to Na, Tliuugii Lkj!:t ,t, i trr id." llie veterans iu the cause may echo the sentiment of Whmtieu Nilrn! in tlir .tnrm m.J trfnU lon, Ttit- r;tk-pt 'f t'lir l-jiiiil jp ptrun." The Youth and Young Men too arc mostly on our side, and the intuitive judgment of sad but not disheartened Woman cheers us on our way. "We arc happy to state Hint the Republicans of L?wi;.burg aud viciu ity.arc in as good heart as their more successful opjioncnts. After it had been settled, last Friday cvcning.that Lucuan.tn was elected, a meeting of! inc liepuuiicau .ASiocmion convened by adjournnieiit, at the usual jilace, without any special notice.and proved to be one of the largest and most spi rited lucctiugs of the campaign. Ad dresses were delivered by Messrs. Van Gezer and Jtichnioud vote of thanks passed to the Republican Editors of the County and Committees appoin ted to report measures for the future action of Ihe Association. They are to report Til IS EVENINO, at Am nions' Hall. All interested are invi ted to attend. TUi: ST A TKS. For Fremont. MAINE NEW HAMPSHIRE VERMONT m a ss ah i csett3 rhode island connecticut new youk: OHIO MICHIGAN "WISCONSIN 10W A 8 5 5 13 4 6 35 3 C 5 4 in TOTAL For Fillmore. MARYLAND For Buchanan. NEW JERSEY 7 PENNSYLVANIA 27 INDIANA 13 ILLINOIS 11 DELAWARE 3 V1RCINIA 15 NORTH CAROLINA 10 CEORIHA 10 A LA RAM A 9 MISSISSIPPI 7 LOUISIANA r. TENNESSEE 12 KENTUCKY 12 FLORIDA 3 SOUTH CAROLINA S MISSOURI 9 102 3s ot yet hcara from. CAI.IroUMA 4 AKIvANSAS 4 TKXAS 4 12 V-jmr!rt .Ifrjoritirr FREM OXT : In Ulaine 25.000, New Hamp. 7,000, Ver't ad 5 000 i 25,000. Mas?a. 70,000, 1! Islan 1' Alrt V 1. ;", fiiirt I'.inr, 7.000. Ynrl- Til 000 Vmb on Wl Ohio 15,000, W 1I.C0, Jo.',! .j0J0 i F 11.1MOVX: Maryland 8,200. j devoured by the wolves. We are j JiUaiANAN : N..Jcrsey a.OoO, Ponn. ! Jct,mal'e to rccorJ ,ue reticulars, the , 20,0U0,ln.I.15,0U0,Vir.'. 20,000, N.Car.ifadou,1"H'8C"',y bv,nS Jot reached 15.H00, (Icorg. 0,000, A!i. 10,000, Ie!a. ; ,',0',O, i.ousia. 2,i'-i0, Mi. 11)000. Tcnn. ! Km. 5,0 .: ', I I. lib 1.2 0, 111. 5.000. Mo. 10.-! ' S C u.,;mn. i . it IJTfl i Hrtl I -' sii man Ins a riiht to do ss he nlmcA. i n'.rss he pleise. to do tight. Lewisburg Election Returns- -Union Co. Opposition. 350 113 147 301 9(1 BO :n 7 7 SI 63 ir.4 Official Buchanan. 169 67 30 S3 !14 102 170 S 65 33 fitj 140 l.ewisburg East Buffaloe Kelly llnllaloe West Buffaloe MillliuLiirg llaitlcy Limestone New Uiilin Jackson I nion While Deer lfiI5 10S2 rremont 14J9 Fillnir.re Cn. 171 r'illmore tit. 15 Cochran had Ms: 110 mtij. Scott had 104:5 Unitctl ain of S3, and 523 tunjority over IJtiehanan. A similar gain in the oilier counties would have secured the State. Election Riots in ISai.timore. The election riots in Baltimore on Tuesday were as serious as many a pitched battle. The Republican reports that twenty-five per sMig were either killed or mortally wound ed, tweuty scven dangerously, fifty-one se verely, and thirty-four slightly wounded making a total of one hinnlrnf anil thir-ly-Kim persons injured in the riots at this election ! This is shamefully disgraceful. What is our country coming to? THE CITIES. The foregoing is we suppose correct (or nearly so) as to the loss of life and maiming that resulted from the election fights of two "National"' parties, (the Democ rats and Americans, the Republicans not being sufficiently "national" to be counted "in,") at Baltimore. Small ! ('",in0DS as wdI as P'6'01 ani1 San3 il ; s staled were used openly for hour at a time without any attempt to sup press them. "Americans ruled Ame rica" with a vengeance I In New Orleaus also, were disturb anccs,which kept 3,500 known voters from the polls! In New York city, several election districts Trere blockaded bv alien- - 1,orn nu"n- a"d t!:c IpuWicnns abso luteir prevented lrom voting. Jt is no wonder, then, that the world-wide infamous "Five Points" voted as fol lows for President : P.tichanan 576 All others 0 Under such circumstances, wo are far from taking the heavy vote for Buchanan in the large cities as any complimeut. The rural towns and farming districts have most generally preferred Fremont. B3uThe concluding Buchanan mee tings in our county were addressed by Messrs. YanDykc of riiilad. and Packer and Lloyd of Wmsport. Levi A. Fl-M.EIt, F:s(j or 41 Wall 3t. New York, was engaged on the Fremont side.and made several spceches.w hich, with Lis unassuming and geutlemanly intercourse in private,made him many friends, whom ho left much pleased as ho was himself with Lis autumn's trip to Union county. Tote or Pennsylvania. ITarrisburo, Nov. 12. The official vote of 55 counties at the recent Presiden tial election, foots up as follows: Buchanan 213,514 . ( Fremont 137,702 Iusion, ' ,, , ' h illmore 52, 1 ri Straight Fillmore 25,540210,012 There aro nine counties yet to be heard from, viz. Clarion, Clearfield, Elk, Ful- tou, Jefferson, Luzerne, M'Kean, Pike and Warren. Gov. Pollock to-day issued Lis proclam ation declaring the election of members of Congress, ia the several districts of this State. The Canal Commissioners make their annual appointments on the 18th itist. Large numbers of borers and candidates are already arriving. The counties named above are estima ted and reported as follows : ,Voi.i. Clarion 993,Clearfield S00, Elk 250, Pike 550, Luzorno IOCS, Fulton j 200 SSfS. Oflionitwn. M'Kean 400, Warren 850, Jeffrrson 200 1 150. A very close shave doubtful whether Buchanan Las a maj. over all n' as. n.. 1 JI.MOT S JUSTBICT. 1 110 MmtrOfe. ' It I f TI I " Tiopa couuty gives Fremont 3.150 mnjoritj, and is undoubtc-iiy the banner county in tbe State." In October, Tioga gave the Union j tick.;! 2,578 majority. The Fremont pain i 572. The district voto is as follows, compared with the October election : taopiwi.'i. .V..jnmtf Uradford 3,975 4,700 Tioga . -',578 3,150 1,104 1,300 So cusiiticbanna Total ..7,057 s.iriO 7, GOT Fremont gain since October. 1,493 Two Women Katen by Wolves. Some ten days ago, in the northerly extremity i of the towtibhip of Dornington, fwo, fe males went out in the eveuing in search of i ,lie'r C0W?' aD1 "ot rcturn'cg 'bat night, - "auuiu me morning, when, '. r skeletons were only to be found, their flesh having been com- us' uur "1"rl;int also states tnat a man ' 'u1 J"ei""J oecn auf"g lor ILe i; ihi iuc ! I -..ft last ten days. No trace can be found ! 11 """ "foafer, an.l tears are entertained or ii "'3l ne nK' the same fate as the un- r..ei,,nn n j- - ,,- ,. v v " ) '"- Jurmcr. 1 Clironicic and From Kansas. Tlio latest news from Kansas is to the effect that ninety of the Free Soil prison erg at Lcrompton in January. ' Several arrests have been made of citi zens of Lawrence; among others, Mr. Bahcouk, Post Master. Mr. B. lias rend ered himself peculiarly obnoxious to the rufliaus Ly the active part be Lai taken in favor of a free State. He was arrested at Topcka, while on Lis way to Iowa, on a charge of horso stealing. Gov. Geary re leased biuj, upon his proving ownership of the huisc which he was charged with steal ing. Such are the paltry aud mean issues : raised toaunoy the free State men of Kan Gov. Geary's position in Lccompton, does not seem a very enviable one. The pro-slavery party accuse him with sympa- thy with the Abolitionists, aud deuouttce iiitti in no measured terms. Unc ol tol. Tilui' mcu threatened to shoot him a few days since, on account of the appointment of Col. Walker to the command of the military company raised in Lawrence. The Governor's action, iu this respect, has excited their displeasure. At the recent election there were nearly four thousand votes polled. The secret Rluo Lodges of Missouri furnithed from twenty live hundred to three thnusaud vo ters, who ag:iin invaded the territory and robbed the people of the elective franchise. This invasion was quietly made, aud as artfully concealed as possible. They be gan to come in two weeks before the elec tion, and took care to come in numerous small parties to all the different points. litmUmj Journal. Rumors have reached the States, that Col babbitt, a prominent Mormon, and Secretary of Utah Territory, had been murdered by the Indians. Captain Ilaw ley, who bad charge of this train, got the facts at " Seet Water," which is a sta tion about two hundred miles west of Fort Laramie. The Indians Lad come to the fort aud reported that twelve of them had attacked Col. liabbitt, while one of bis own men was away, and after the Col. had fired his double barrelled gun and bis revolvers, one of tbc Indians crept stealthily behiud the wagon and toma hawked the Colonel. The Indians said that the Col. fouvbt like a grizzly bear. Premium Cattle Sold. During the late Agricultural Fait at Baltimore, Md., the following valuable stock was sold ; Rich ard Thomas Esq., of Eastoo, sold a two year old filly to Thomas Winans, Esq., for 81,000. Col. Richard France, of Tal bot couuty, bought of W. Ashton, Esq., of Ohio, a very superior Southern Buck, (imported.) for 8350, and ergaged of the same gentleman a lot of ewes at $70 each. Also, a very superior Hereford hull for SoOO. The President, Mr. Eirle, also purchased several important Southdown from Mr. Belts. Russia. The Czar has issued a ukase allowing foreign merchants, with few ex ceptions, the right of free entry into Rus sia. There is unusual activity exhibited in furtifjeng the shores of the Russian Em- i ptre. A sea lortress ia contemplated on the Island of Kasko, to replace that of Bomareund destroyed iu the late war. There will be five more new fortified com mercial towns in Finland, aud one high up the Gulf of Bothnia. The pressure on the Money Mark et,at Hamburg, has fully subsided, aud the rates ire now 7 per ceur. A good joke occurred tho other day, which slums how naturalization papers are used. Two sons of the Emerald Isle quarreled after the election, when one of th.ru remarked to the other, " You are a d d ungrateful man, anyhow, fordidu't I loan you my naturalization papers to go ' and vote on, and this is the manner you ! . . ,, . , , , I Irate mc for it." There is no doubt that those papers do good service. LtO. Cuur. Mutualy Kmbarasing Question. When Sir Charles Napier recently visited St, Pe- icrsourjr, the drand liuke toti'tantine, ! after showinp him the arran etnrnts and! enure sirengin 01 i.ontaut, a.sKeil bun in a chuckling sort of manner : " Well Ad myral, why didn't you conic iu ?" To which Sir Charles rerlied : " I'rav. whv J d ,1 not yniir mn,l II;., I...... ,? ' The Dcmocrata aro not wholly without their trouble, even while shoutin" for vie- tor uai siueinS ".Io P8 The '" iu inn ouices, put in vj i icrcc, want to stay iu under Huchanan, but the out say rutatiou iu oEee it one of the unwritten principles of the Cincinnati platform, which must be carried into practice after the 4th of March ucxt. The Underground Railroad appoarn to i j , , . , . be doing a large business. A report of the Albany (N Y.) Vigilance Committee colored states that between the 12th of September, 1855, and the 15lh of July, 1S5(), a period of ten months, 2S7 fugi tive slaves passed thro' that city on their way to Canada. Towanda,N.'ov.12. The North Branch Cati.il to the State line is now open to business. Xiue boati from Wvoinino. '-bitumioous ccal.passcd through toh!miIa ," d;; In New York and the New Kn-dand States, Fremonfa vote exceeds Ruchauan'g by about 210,000. St Paul, Minnesota. I?y a census re- . , ., , . ... S PnP',,on 01 tu' amounts to 0,073 souls. Counterfeit 85 bills on the Danville bank of Pennsylvania, aro in circulation in N'.w York. West Branch Farmer November 14, 1856. Mr. Iiuchan-jn havinp been elected Pres. 'dent by a solid vote of the Slave States, eiecpt Maryland, it behooves us of the North to prepare to " march upon Wash ington, seize the archives, and conflscato the money" in the federal treasury. Wo can n"t, as true patriots and lovers of the Union, permit so " sectional" a President to take his scat, and we call upoc Wis", lirooks. Floyd aud others who think with us, south of Mason and lixon'a Hue, to come to our aid ! Phin. Sun. Kaii.roai) Accident. Oa the Will- iamsport Si Klicira Railroad, on Saturday . . , , week, the Philadelphia express train broke a rail and rau off the track a few miles north of Crescent, above Williumsport. The whole train was thrown off the track. The express car caught lire and was burned up Tbc passenger cars were saved. Thos. Sisk, baggage master, was killed. The mail agent and sevcial passengers are bad ly but nut dangerously hurt. We have been shown a counterfeit note of the denomination of five dollars, on the Morris County Bank, Morristown, N. J., extremely well executed. OltAMl JLIIORS DEC. TERM. .Vein R rlin John M B.: nfer, Cha's It Antes V.iiyl Huff ihir David Keain, Benj. Wiucgar- den. J.invs Hiehl Mjflinburg Win Vounff li'ijfuhr Thomas 'ornelius Jlnrtli-i Hv II Charles, Jacob Katherman I 'oim lieinegiiitis Tucker Wi.il Ituffiifoe Jno C Watson, Abel V Jones, Win Stpuits. Daniel Pontius, Peter Pontius. Krllij Win N'agle, Peter Uuyer, D Kaiilttnan, John llinely .fin-burg Franklin Spyker, Isaac Wagner .iwriiiieEinaniiel Waller ll'-We iee Clia'ii Cronrath Jackson II' nry Mourer TRAVKKSK Jt:nORS. Lrmhur; Danl Shairer, Jona. Wolfe, Chs F Hess, Ja's Criswell, Jona. Nesbit, Ja's Haves, Peter Beaver, Wm Prick. Then. S Christ, John Hrown, Michael Fichlhorn. Hunter Pardoe, Sam'l Slifer, Levi Sterner, Wm Painter U.. Iliiffutic John Hayes, Levi Kaup, Levi Miller liiww-Wm C Barber, Dav. VV Pellman, Cornelius Pellman Kilty Jerome D Dalesman, Peter Newman, Levi Gembcrliiie;, Wm P Dnngal ISuffnlt David Heiser. Jacob Kaufman. John Minium, Martin Drieshach, Daniel Moore, David Hennino. Wm Walker, John Shadle. Xnn B'rlin Michael Kleckner, Danl Lemon. Mifflinlmrif Thos Cronenollcr, John Detwei- ler, Emanuel Vearirk llirll, ijls 1) Furray, Jac.Fees, Dan! Holler. I ''mm John Phillips, Jacob Slear Mii'e ee Aaron Smiih, Saml Marshall East Buff line Jacob Uruwn, Samuel L Jioll, John U Urown 1 nliui ( ounly 'ourt I'ror In million 17'HKIiEAS,tne Hon.AB'M S.WILSDX. I T President Judse for the -loth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of ihe counties of I nion, Mdllin and Snyder, aud Jamis Mihskili. and Philip Hem Esqs.,Asso ciaie Judges in (.'nion county, have issued their precept, bearitiR date the dav of Sept Is. li. and In uie directed, tor ihe holding of an "i piiitns 1 diirl, iun ol nmmnii llea. ye r ami I ermtner. and Ceneral Oiiarler Sessions. at LE WIMH KCi, for the county of l .NIO.N, on the 1 bird .MONDAY of DECEMBER next, (being ihe I.i:h day) 1M56, and to coulinue one week, .Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor oner. Justices of the Peace and Constables in and for the county of Ctnon. to appear in their own proper persons with Iheir records, inqui sitions.exaininatioiis and oilier remembrances to do those things which of their ollices ami in their behalf appertain to he done; and all Wit nesses and other persons prosecuung in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to be then and there filtiMidin?, and not deparl without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at the appointed tune agreea ble to notice. (iiven under mv band and seal at the Sher iff's 1 lllire in Lewisburg, the Ith dav of No veinbor. in the year of our Lord one thousand eiolit hundred and lifiy-six. and in the seventv ninih year of the Independence of the I'nited Slates of America. (iod save the Common wealth! DANIEL I). fil.LDIN, Sheriff. .itlininiKtralor'M Satire. "VOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of j. Administration on Ihe Estate of WM. Wll. SON", Jr.. late of Kelly township, I'n- ion county. deceased, have been granted to the undersigned iu due form of law : Therefore all nersons knowin? themselves indehte.t fn said estate, are hereby requested to make ''"",llli"e payment; and those having just claims against the same are also requested to present them properly authenticated for settle ment. Hi:CII P. SIIEI.I.ER, Administrator. Lewisburg. Nov. 1, I85B t .O.Y COl A7 Y, ss. i 1 ) L' S' ( 1 he I ttinmon wealth of Pennsylva nia to the fchcrill" of Union Cuuntv. reetiiig ; When-as, James H. Maon, Samncl B. Ma son.Wash.ngion Mason, Emanuel Catherman I au.i iiarnet nis wile tale Harriet A.Msn. Charles Mason, late of your county, lately in our county court of Common Pleas of L'nion county before our Judges at Lewisburg were : summoned to answer Joseph K. Mason hy his guardian John Will, of a plea that whereas Joseph K.Mason by his guardian John Wilt, and llie said James IL Mason, Samuel H. Ma- , son, Washington Mason, Emanuel Catherman ' ami Harriet A. his wife late Harriet A Mason, and Charles Mason, together and undivided do i iioiu a ccnaiii tract or piece ot lanj situate in nl,ll " "c r.ieciors oi ine saiu county ol cm oi ineuicine, ami auen.ieu Lectures in one Hartley township, adjoining lands of John ' L'nion, that a lieneral Election will be held "' 'he Old School Medical Colleges of Pliilad Swengel, John Kuhl, Piniip llilhish. Jacob in said county on the Tri.u.v after the first elphia; but becoming convinced of the super Yerger, Oeoree Kuhl and others, containm? Monday of Noi F.nm, IM.Vi, ( tth dav of said tonly of theNewor American Eclecue system. One Hundred and Six Acres more or less Willi I the appurtenances &c Ihe same James 11. j .Mason, Samuel II. .Mason, IV ashingtoti Mason, l.inanuel Catherman and Harriet A. his wife a i... i . la.c ...uir, .-a..,iasuii,,t.i uuoii increoi oetween them to be made according to the laws and custom of this Commonwealth in such case made and provided did gainsay and the same to be done did not permit, very unjustly and against the same laws and customs, and Ihe Sheriff having made returns lhat he had duly summoned the Defendants according to law ami order of this Court, and no one appearing the Court proceeded to examine the Plaintiffs title and iiiantity of his part and purpart, and the same to be the one undivided sixth part of the tract of land described in the writ. Whereupon u was considered and adjndged in our said Court before our Judges at Lewis burg that partition be made of the iract or piece of landaloresaid with the appurtenances. Therefore we command you lhat taking with you twelve free, honest and lawful men of your bailiwick, you proceed to make partition of the said tract of land according to the law in such case made and provided. Witness ihe Hon.A.S. Wilson, President of oor said Court, at Lewisburg, the Gib. day of October, A.D I SSI. SAMUEL P.OUSII, Prothonotary. Take notice, that according to the above order a Partition will be held on'the premises on Friday, the 5th of December, 1856, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of which all concerned will please take notice. Oct.15,1856. DANIEL D. GULDIK, Shff. u.siox cor.xiY, so. , '1 he I'uinmouwealih of Pennsylva- J I..S. s.ni It. Elizabeth Keihsam. widow of! I .. LVtltsnin t ile lit While Deer ' KtiU""". "' "nl, "Vr township, I. mora couniy, deceased, lo in rhiliiren of Amhony Rcibsaiu, deceased, John Keibsam. Aai.honv If.bs.m. Jacob Ucihsam . aiitt lirnjoniin Kritiam. la the cniltlrri ol J.,hn Ki-ibam. dcc'il, William Kcibtain. lien ry l.,ba, and Charlotte Ueibsam. To .he ctuMren ot J'eier Keibsani, itecVt. J'tniip Iteib- sam, VI illiaiu, John, I'eier, Karah, CaiUnrnir ', Hl-''J' c""'1,r1-" ;b",p Ueiliain, d'X .1, Jueih Ktilaiii, ll'-eily, Irwin anrt Henrietta. To the child of i 'aihanne R..ihvaui. rWM. Jach Miller. (JnKtrlso: Whereas, at an Orphans' Court held at Lew- j isburjr. the I'JiMay of September, A. U., I;, before Hie Hon. A. s. Whmiii, 1'resoleiit, and ! J"i Marshall and I h.lip Jii-'kps ol Ihe same Court, hli , .nIt.a hcr ,,, K11I11, Esquires, lizatieih Ueiha:n presented her petition srituix lorin, linn ner husband, Lewis Kribsnm, late ol White leer township, 1,'nion county deceased, died seized in his demesne as of lee of and in all that cer tain tract of land sitiiale in W hite Deer town ship, L'nH'ti county, bounded on the North by lands of Culp, on the South by lands of John llaverling, on the East hy lands of and on the Wesi by lands of John Havcrlins, comainiof; Curly-two acres more or les, hav ing lirst made his last will and testament. Thai said decedent left your petition a widow without issue also the following collateral ! heirs children of Amhouy lieihsam, deceas ed, John Jieihsam, Anthony Ju-iosam, Jacoh Keibsam and Benjamin Keihsam, children ot John Keihsam di re ised. William KHbsam. Henry Keibsam, and Charlotte Keihsam, chit dren of Peter Heibsain, deceased, Philip Keib- j sain, " illiam, John, I'eier. Sarah, Catharine, ! and II'-tl v Keihsam, rhiliiren of Philip Keib- ; sam, deceased, Joseph Keibsam, Reedv, Irwin j and Henrietta, chililii'ii of Catharine Keibsam deceased, Jacob Miller; that in his last will and testament aforesaid the said testator made the following devise and bequests : I will j and bequest all tnv property real and personal j lo my beloved wile Elizabeth during her nai- ; ura) life as lone as she shall remain my wid- -ow," and thn this mv property shall be at my wife's privilege lo will it lo whom she pleases. ! Your pe titioner funiier represents that she j is still a widow, and that the tract of land is : unproductive, and that it would be for her 1 interest and also those who may have eonlin- I cent interest lo have Ihe same mid. she therefore prays your honors to decree a sale of the same under the provisions of the act of , April IS, l.V), in such cases provided. j H'etherefore herebrcominand you and each of you lo be and appear before our Judges of ! Ihe Orphans' Court of said county, at a court i to be held at Lewisburs on MonJav the S 5th : dav of December nct, for the hearing of the j parties in interest on this application ami show I cause why an order of sale of the premises j shall not be made. Br tiik CiimT. Witness my hand and seal of the said Court at Lewisburg this 2.1 dav of tlrtober.A.D.l!')6. SAMI EI. ROOM. Clerk. r-Miners' Jour, copy 6 w ks; bill to Shff r.iri:RSiTi at m:wi.hiu m.. IV' TOTICE. Subscribers to the Building Fund are respectfully informed that ihe First Instalment on their siibseriptions is now due and payable. J. A. MKK1Z, Esq., is appointed Collector, and authorized to receive and receipt for the same. A. K. BELL, (ieneral Agcat and Treasurer Lewisburg, Oct. 1, IH.'iB FiAILRCAD LTJSTALBIEKT. I .NOTICE is hereby given to the 2ac3S!nckh...icrs of the i.KWIsBt'R'i, CENTRE & sPKL'CK CKEEK K.MI.KOAD COMPANY, lhat lh Directors 4,1 sailt nmpauy havu passed a Kesoluimn to Call in (ill each share subscribed. The repeciivf Si.x Uh..Mf rs are th-rt-1'..re required 1 . -1 to nay into the re anrer s vtTicr. in Lrwis- , Mir, tn or hefure ihe J.Srh tf Ortoher iniant. Vj on each sh.ire suleritel. 'I'iii'se nrplrc- I ting will be lialtle to pay one per rent, per month ou said instalment atier that time. ;. F. MII.1.EK, Treasurer. Lewisburg. Oct. 1. 1;. NOTICE. VT a meeting i f liie Board of Managers of the f iimu County Mutual Fire lnsu latere Company, held at the office of said Company, in the r,.rottgh of Lewisburg, on the 1st day of 1 letober insi., the fo, lowing res olution was imaniiii iii-!y adopted: y..orfi, Thai no assessment of twenty-two per cent, on tiie premium notes be made, to uitet the losses sustained by tins Cinnpaiiy an l due the devisees of J. H. App ft Co., Ell as Hoy and others. Published by order cf the Board of Direc tors. J. A. MEIITZ, Secretary. October I, ls.'fiwl C. V. SCHAFFLE'l WIIftLESALE ami KE g', lifuj ami Chrmiciif V.mpr, C. V. SCHAFFLE'S I ET A II. por!um. Mrtikei trerr Lewishnr?. Pa. Sr-ry ( I.tK EiS -all kinds of S-day and pv-ao-hoiir Brass Clocks aud patent lever Kejstime-pieces, Brass 8-day clocks at orass iio-nourciocus as low as Sit. All clocks warranted for one year at J. L. YODEK'S FARUIERY. rPIIE stiltscrilior offrrs Ills services 1. in curin? Horses cf Poll Kvil r.r Fistula. He will cure Horses of eiiher of these alllic tion.s for or make no charge if not suc cestul. Here is an opportunity for every one whose hordes are atflicied, tc restore them to health and working order. Kesiilence on my Farm in Kellv Tp npar Lewibtirsr. An?. 10. lS.Vi. :Fn.li;E MKIYELL. piii:sii)i:xTiAia ELECTION PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, in ami by an Act of It the (ieneral Assembly of this S:atc, entitled "An Act to rezulale Ihe general elec- tiotis of tins Commonwealth," enacted on the ; ""J 'lav of July, In:i'J, it is enjoined on me , to give public nonce of such election lo be held, and to enumerate in such notice what i ollieers are lo be elected I, DA.NIfil. D. I CI 1.1)1 N, lltizh sheriff of the county of L'nion, ' do therefore hereby make and give this public month.) at Ihe several districts composed of; the following townships and boroughs, viz: j I district, at the Commissioner office in ! and for New Berlin borough. II district, at the house of Henry Gibson, in and lor Cuion township. III district, ai the house of James Adams, in and lor White Deer township. IV district, ai ihe house of James Lawson, in and for Kelly township. V district, at the house of George Wolfe, in and for East ltull'aloe township. VI district.at ihe house of James M'Creight, in and for Ituflalce township. VII district, at ihe house of Jacob Deckard, in Mifflinburg, lor est BulT.iloe township. VHIdistrirt, at Ihe new public school house in and for Ihe North Ward in Ihe borough of Lewisburg. IX district, at the house of Jonathan Spy. ker, in and for the South Ward, in lhe bor ough of Lewisburg. X district, at Ihe house of Charles Crotzer, in and for Milllinburg borough. XI district, at the house of William Eilert, in and for Hartley township. XII district, ai the house of Peter Wehr.in and for Limestone township. XIII district, al the school honse, on lot No. 19, in New Berlin, in and for Jackson tsp. At which time and. places there will be elected by ballot T'vonty-Pcvcn Por.on- for r'lcctors'ol President and Yico rrcsiJonrjf the United States. SOTICI-: IS IIKItKttY U1YI.S, " That e.ery ter.ttn, i-vs-puna Jtl.licee of Hi Peace, who aiSatl hold any ertT.ee or aitbointw-nt of or.t .ir trn.t mulcr llie limled su-tre, -r Una elate, or any ! " "eriuriilcd nt-tnt, .lielh-r c niutl.iii.d i .,.rir..ih-r.i.....f.U...trom.er m .nt. .bo ;k r rttM lr ,ln,,iri .i.r uir umi iir-. 'i"-i. j judiciary di-iartmeui ,.f Una mu ih- Lmtd Zjj WlZlZ j BIlJ ttfti,r t r-mm.-ii emm- u of aiiy ttj. mi-Umr ui m. inrinuA iiiri.i, m .jf Uw hm-h. , ruv;T i ,,, u,i. r..iuijit.i.rBtiii.ii.i tht m. m-i t-.r.jifiitr, ry otvi uili ini hu.iik.1uiW in t tiwu ! " . j. K. ,h ry .f ,V .. . I (,Hy u .,.,, t ,, pllu, , , iiM , ,,. ry ,. .,!, r . iai or t.wohi. i-if u- u. luring ti.- ' itin-- -iii . " -I- I- ..rp.- ... ...f- ti ou li llie m-OTLor. ana jli.lj.- hn rol.l . n. In f he tH.n to Um- larht ol ni p r.i a.-.. -I k lie In at aueh eh-oon. or aurh oiler mMrr in r.Mtion to Ih a w.iio-Til of lot -ra a. tli- -ael ni.--.-lor or ,ii l.er of them aoail from ton V. lone re.inn-. 'N.iK'X .hall l-. rui!lle.l to ...u at anye'ertk.n p ah.r. .na. iimu a aioie iri-einnn ot thr ai:- of tt.. te i,.,i.e y.ar. ur more, .ko .lull hay.-re-, .. , I in tl.ia Slale at h-aft One y..ar. aiel In thf rl.cll- ii 'li-turt atieia be ..ft-t. t . at m.M vtu ea uw. .liaMy ire-..i.,f, loirltt l,ten. aiel artlon tan e:irs j..iel n stuie or eonn- , ly lax, a lie li .hall hate te aii a'oa.-J u' It- ,.t ten tla I t. fttre Uie eleflion. Hilt a eilizt-n nf tlif t iiit'M St tltat tlx has .rc?i"Uly Ik- a a Ui.b i tvu-r ..I ihi- sl;,Ie, Mini n timtisl liter tr-ni ml n liirrcl. ; I .vl. ! r .1 li in the !if-lii'0 di.trx-t itnil .oi tme i, :ifMi-..t.l. flial) Uiutltid to ot after rt-llM.i; M, lia. .soil .iv nioiotu : l'r"tti-il. 'i h.it the lm. fm n. n. nliii- ! The llilbti Stuten, t trlmrn th "t tw-nl-"ne t. twi-nty i-nri. anil li:i i- ri-:'l.tl in Ihf .It-i :mi '0 tiVt a- Ml-.re-ai.l len itiiV-, nhll Ir rnUU,'4 to TOr, alth"Ujh llp'y rhall not havr m l taTr-. .No p-rru rhall be pTIiolleii l nt .lenle name if nnt muoiiresl in tie' ll-l ot iaxiihh' i!th;it.itailIiii hi-:.i-1 hv tin- Couilios-loiir.. Iin. fircl, h-Jin.lur.- a recijt for the p:iymljt within two year of a Sl.-itenr -ouht, l;,a ae.eJ ni;ir.-ahi to the Cun.lllutlon. anil tfiye .n.fac- j n,r iaiihor aiiirmaiiiiu t anmb-r thai h-h. poa -u-h 1 . tumre to iulw . re. . it t ,hil mak-oa:li tl.t- eatuieiit there.. I, or sw t.n.I if h.- rtx.m a rtt:hl la tote It, l.-llijr an rleefor hfIrtMi lit :, of tv-n I v olie alttl ta.-lit la. t yearn he ali.tll i.'I.i.,.n tmlli orathrina lion that he Itait rf tl-l. .1 In 1 Stale at l.-n-t .Hi- yt-ar ttt'tore In, ai'l'lieatloti anl make ut li lin f "f re-t.lfitr in tht't'otrli-l a. ia nsUire.i l.y tin at-t.Bittl th it he .1 -a yerily !.! fwtnilli a', vilbl. Hlt n lorn 'hat ha ii f the al'tre.itltl aire, nil. I Ire .urh oth"rf..l-li' e a- if rt ittire.l l.y Hot. a.-l. wht.rt.ti-in lh.- nulne of the poison fiMiit - iu fit, ftiali Ji; iiifu rti t in tlif t h ''ii' ai I Hi- i ti-- tnr n-i umlf i-f tit1 Ui'tcim i.j r:rni ! lltr ti J Vis if ti- -inU h' aWliilttl ! v-p I ? r .ti t-t , hriviit (.tii-1 ln. or tiie .rii it li.t iliil ttfl , t Vote I ' r-Mll 'if rt ) lit- r;,lt- l ilt l. til" ( rl-rn h- rlult make? tli liLe oute iu;b' liteof vuleni 1 k") t by It., m j lu wll whi tlit name of fin pi-rf-n rlnintiiitf ( crit nml a-rw-i-Mr, ir bin ri: lit to OUs w!n-lbtr f-un-l ' tlirTix.ii or n( i- i.l-jr. tit tv uuy tjUibii c.tis-n. it ; MtlMtl bf III-' tlut "f tilt- ill.-IH't'T! U l-Jbitmiti l T wn iii 'jiitli it in hii .lUHl.li' l u. ami if r.jttM to hT- rt-mJI wiihin Hit- f r w- jenr or nwiTf t.i- uitli n.ill Mitln i-nt t.1 tli n-.f. t ut h rtmli mal. priK.f bv at Itufl in- riiiiijeflflit wtttu- ). I; a (iialitit-il t iiTtnr itii he icm rM'i u w.ii.in ui-ui-irn i b-r nnn' tban tm tiny ui-xt (r-i'iliiiir ; i' 1 !! n-n. nul lie t-til 1-U IllUIM-lt -r tllrtt Llrt bolB li'lt! re '1 lfll'f in t.tirpUlit? t hip IkwIuI caiHine; i- mill. hi tli- d.-Tirt, tli.it lir di-l not rfm' u.to Mtitl Ji.-trl'-t lor the ur(c of Tt'tniif tlir. in. Kr-ry jK rfj.n inIili.d an a'ort-aiiJ and who .liil Diuke .Iu- ipH-f il Tf'i'iirfil f bi r--i'l-nrr ami -:i-ni. nt ..f t...n n aliri-tit. -tiMil l-r niltuitu.l n voir in the t- wti-l.ip, wiii t,r ilistri.l id larti li-pbikil rfn.Ur.' 'It any p ;.m fliil pr.-Ttut r D itij.t l pr -nt v ftt.t r of muy rlrlnm uinb-r thn -t frutit li"liiii;; mi- 1i flr-tiu r um or ttirt'tt-u an VK-irn U- ai f ou h ol ficT. t-r t-bll iiitcrriii'l r.iiiiroiriv iut rlfit- w.tu In in in tl.e- Xr uli'-n t Inn .I.j'y. ir -i, nil t.l-K k u, t!. m ilnw ur HTi-itm- to any wn.ii.iw wii rr ttu i my b- holillllt'.iir ri'It)tl! iiitlirb tllf :. ;t eU'Il cir-tl-ii ur bull U" or rwt miit intin.nl .tin"; thr. a'-i. t-:ct ur iiib-urr. will. (l'eivn U tnttiifnt untltiiv oroteriiWfi'iijf r.rri..r or lo prt vrut him trum in ur ! rotrnm tl.t fti'.iiito. i.f i-lif ;, "in-It jrf rx.n on rnvirti n uli-ill b fin' I iu any fuiu n.t, -i-tYai:t-' ti v-liuiKlr--i tlollar an l iiiii'rir-om-il ft.r any tan- m.t !- ttiau tlirVt itor tnor fl.:.n twt-i nr-nth-. nn-J if it -b-ll Ik- -.b-.wn to th curl wbt-r-- thftrual of Kin h tilf.-n--- abail b Im.l.thitc ib iH-roii a-M ff. n ltnc m n..t a rrnl. ntolfhfi ity, want.-li-trict ur ti-wn-lm wh--r-tLe i-ai.l it!in--r wa.-f-ino.llt--i t-.i n"t rittiti. ti t.i vote t)i--rt-iu. tht-ii on ciiiTicttcii bv (halt W n uti-Dml t, pay titi of ixt It-Kit Uian ir hun ikvti nor inurr tliwti "ti- th ii-.-.tui .f-Ilrn aii'I hf iuipri--ou-l n. bn th-in ix m-'r.th-' n- r mv t) .in xwn r.-rt.. ' If any nrn- u or p-rrr--iiii xball mkp anv h-t r wcr U(-m tfitr-Mt'tof an. t-ii-rti-.n in th.i. iiMiioriMi-a.lii -.r -.h.tll t.ilr to miti- atir U t or npr, wth--r by v.-r-bal pp.i iatiiatuju Un?rr..t or by mny written it r.nt.it ja-lTr-itfUiiit or --bli-ofi-r ii:nif any t-NUl ike curb i-r wa-r, uj-'ti i-i.m i. tiun tbri f bt-r Ibt-v rbr.lt f-.rf. it ami uy thrrw timet, th- amount r b-1 or jlf.-rt j to bet. 11 any mt.-i.h nvt lr law iialitV.) ahatl rrn-lnUnt'T ntf at any rlectimi m liiu- mtiK-nwraitri. or U-tiu ntli. rwi.' m nai i Ii, .1 Tt.tf nut i t h: t ri-sfr it-trti I. r " ' r-..i. .1, ti.r ..nt t u..u .,ua;(i.,-:.tt-.n r..nirti-.B .bail u any um t,.,t rxcJfu t.. ' bun-lnil bi;tari ami b- luiprMonnl f-.r any t- rui a .t fi ! r,'"i: tl,r"- wo"V,;1 , , " I"'Tm,b ball at more Ihannnt ITfmn ,i;.,. t ..r ..ti.-.p f,-,i..i... .. ... 1 "r-"r w' 11 f-M"!-ntiT s-'-i .-.n t t. i tc.!b K,-t' i.vtii. r i'b llw int-ut iM.- t:.i;y to lot- or a li- nt.. .r..-.ire no- th. r l. .1... be or il.ey mi olfrmlinif hiiil on .nvfr'tion bp fint il m nn Mini ii' t It-fta ih.iu bl'ty Mr m-trr In in t buu..rit I:,r- mini b- un) rL-uu-U ul krs itiau tbrr n r u.wiv thn twftic nioiitb. lf any n not qiuliii- U to i.tw in tbi.- C-mmf-n- W.lOlll. .'I.Ti't il r t.. .i ..r.-. tl -.-TO. "f ijll.-i i.'.I fltli'lis. i Ii;ill iijyrf-iir at .Hit i.:ir.- nf tl, i rib'' fur -ot le-Miiutf ii. ttt-or -f mtlne-ni -ir tbe i-;t-i. ttiHtiti. l t.i v. t--, Lj .-Ljii i tt mil it-T:on. t- rt :t a: ,i j.,-iV :iy uitl not e i i'.:n ; i:i 1: Hi 'Iri il il ii;ir- I r e.,r bin li i.lifin-i-. iii.il lac lUiriMJUfii S rcuy Uiw nut rx-i-d-! log tbri-f ui It Un.' f ArrfaliTy to ilie provisions of the nxtr j fir-l st-c ion ol a;d act "every (lenera! antl i s.'-nul election shaii be tpened tn-iweeri th . h'iurN of eight ai.d ion in the forenoon, an ! Itall cun'itnie u.nil seven fi'rlt't'k in tbeeven . in whii the polls h.ill be closetl.' I Tbe liriurt Judges of the several Iirtr is will me- i in the C. ttit lluthe at Lt wi !jnr . tm tbe third day afiT ihe election, (bf mi: Fi i- diy. ihe ? tn dav of Noveniher.) to do and p t- form lhoe dmits enjoined on them ly law. Iated at L-m isbur. ibis Sih d;ty of Oct. ' A.D. one thousand eisnt hundred and hftv-MX. DA Ml-: I. D. I.IXDIN. M'J. SheriiTs Oillce, Lewisburu, Oct. 8, I80.'. West Branch Insurance Ccmpany, OF Lock Haven, J'a., insure Delat lied l'uildmzs Stores, Merchandize, Farm Property, and other building, and their con tents, at moderate rites. Doin business on boihCasu and Mutual plans. Capiui,-:i)i,00u. j lHKLCTOkS. Hon John J Pearce Ji hn H Hall Chas A Mayer i'has ("rit Peter Dickinson . Hon C. C Harvey T T Abrams , D J -lack man W White Thns Kitchen Hun. ii. C. HAKVKY T. T. A1SKAMS President. Vice Pres. THO'S KITCH K.N. Sec'y. JAMK.-J U. 11 AMI.IN. Acent, 6C7 Lewisburg, t'liion Co. Pa. IU. H. Dersham, CI. D., HAVIM. lu'rinancnily located in Le wisbure;. Pa., respeeiiiilly lenders his il Pro; peelltilly ,s j n i fessioiia! Services to the citizens of th town and vicinity. hoping hy prompt attention lo lhe duties of his profession to merit a share "f 'heir paironage. Attention will also be paid to hronie Diseases ol every name, and Healed w-ith unparalleled success, Da. DEI!SH M graduated at the renowned American Electic Medical College. Cincinnati, having first studied tbe Old or Allopathic sts- he commenced its study, and attended two courses of Lectures in the Reformed or A me- ncan Lcleetie Medical College of the Queen City ot ihe V est. This Institntin. although yet in its infant--, haa no -iiferinr in thelireat Wett.and ! lis. alrt-auy annually more tuli-nt.. than the four otltrr Mi-lieal Coll. ire. of Cita innali roml-in-.!. It ia at ntliu , .liyi.ieianit to ait ftartt. of our iflnlif.aml in utile, In.liana. ' Ar.. they will aoon tie tnor. numerous than auy other ' chi.s of thy-iei;oi. ; The priiH-ital utIT.'renre h-twe-n the Rt fi irmetl (newlnr ' Kfl-rtii-.atiil tlieoltl Allott:itl,ie,ylt m of me.ljt-ine. iattiiji: ' the arw S-liool naea no m. ilit iii.il axent lhat i in any way injurioua to the biunan av.tem. aut-h a.. Calonifl, t Araenie. anoniony.ae.; n.r .usthh- atal hartiileati aoenta h.T of late year, barn tlin-o-eml. (l.y the e.er lil-'ral antl rnerreaaiTe physirian.. of tlie Xt-w S-bool.) that are eomlete autt-titiltea for thoa. tlelen-hona metlieine...l(a loniel. e.: therefor, we have no need for ttit-m. With this, valuable new aaenta, anil all tho. ot the 1IM or AUonathie at-bnol elrea Ine f.-w i-ii-on mentiouetl atre, anil .11 the imnroaenenta of e.err other -yt m ol aie.li fine, (aa the Uomtepathie. llytiroi.thie.TlioniMtnian. Ar.) many ili-efci-a are now r.rable that were our. eenaelereil trnlto-riltle. antl that loo without breakinir ilown the eon atitution. and erealinc other illM-ite-, a. IVhilitr. Kb.u mnti-tn. D,-i--nain. Li.er OiM-atte. rit-eratis St.reTbre, niaeaat d Bonea. remaliire Lo-a of Teetli. Ac. The New school certainly claim, a crrat aiiperiority In th. t realm. nt of all ttiaevea. It nee been nro.-tl by t'linit-al reports that the mortalitr taking all tt-ae loirether ia leaa than i per ceut; that of Anialie Cholvrn ia only o per cent. Thia ia an mvr of pmcreaa .ml improvenHmt-, antl th. ew School in always tiroirreastnit. not being bountl tlwww by de.polic eeeeile and antiiiuan.l tbeoriea. N.H. tr r'U'E at lit. lower end of Market SL HIS CJ I5Q MORTfiAfJE FOR SALE. . ,7 .W,H be SU,d o,scont Is well seenred. Proprrlv near l..eui,... Inquire at the Chronicle" olhce. Xo C onslables Court Returns and o BtAas sold at the .hnmlck OXc. SUPERIOR STOCK A f 41 'llAbV W.ll t. i.t -a. w ii.ai.w. Jiu un r t rt.. ir iv i,.. L'niu . . ... - i ",pii, couniy, wimin a j mile ol l.eijhur., 7'ne-.l, i7A Xf trailer "' on 18SB, a laijf- ffnanli'y of rsc nal Propertr 0i saoi deceased, n,rraeiii ' y H Honrs of superior y AwfTialitv, a "Dumber' nffl'l ' T7 Horned Cattle of ihe best. Yyi t.reeds tons AM) SHU HI', a TVs. Tbrashmc Machina and II ir-e l'o.r (J'f A I.N Dlifl.I. and all oiner Inipleniruis n.'M resarv to carry on a zood t'ariiio.e bus.ti... Hay III lIlC IOII, tOm In IUC CUr, a 111 j ' " llrnin in lU rrnilliH ! rain 111 lilt grOUtll. Also a Varietv of ! , f H rf'A VfTCDP " " ' ' n - ' ' ' f; ' &c. loo r.'inie rotis to mention. Sal? to rijin i mece at ID o'clock. A. M . of said day " ... - ""'irif '"r wl" ,,r mane Known ry II. P. SIIEM.ER. Adiuinistra!,., Lewishurg, Nov. 4, 1S6 ti'Panieiilar aileniion is inviied iu , ro".sale of excellent Horses, Cows, rle. 1'L'BLIC SALi:. VT the house of ihe subscriber, iu Bulfaiv township, will be sold, on Tumtui, the IVi of X'urmlcr next, ihe fol'owing perstnnal property, to jt, li..r,es an. i IJuje Uears. Mo.i, stiie, rhrahin ,( 1Crmie anJ Power, Win for. li, Cbiiiue b(.r, (,Mki Slnre, me Cital iive, Tat.es, Chair, lle-J-s'eai ami a varieiy til" nther Jlmveholtl ai..! ! Kiioheii Furniture and Farmin? Itentls too ntimr-rou" here lo.n-.rrt. Sale to commence at lf ricli.4k A f. ai.I tiay.when due atiendancc will be giveu and lrnn of sale ma le know. by WM. II. UARMA.V Or. CI IK-.fi f2w state. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of a writ of Vena". Ex. fs sued out of the Court of Ci.niir.on Pleas of L'uioii couniy, will be rxpose.l 10 Puniic Sale at ihe house of Win. Enert, id Haruetuu, S'llurtluy, X'cemtcr l5t, at 10 o'clock, V.M., to wit: .No. I. A certain Tract of Land, ,itua e ra Hartley towusnip, coun:y aforesaid, boui.d.d east by lands ot the heirs of Shem Knaus.weit by lands of Jacob Hilbisb, souih by land, cf Jacob Moore, and north bv land of Dav.J Ka beriiian. containing 17 4 rest mote cr less, ail TIMBER LAND, with tbe arrur- icnanres. .No. 2. snuale in Hartley township, county aforesaid, bounded east, west and louth by lauds of Jacob ILlbish, and north by lands of tie .ige Rule.cotiiaiuing Due Acre more or its, w ith a Lime Kiln. fio. 3. A renam Tract of Land, sitnare ia Hartley township, county aioreiairi, bounded cast by lamU 1 1 J. F. nson, west t.y lands itt Jacob Koer.sou:h by lands of Jacob H:ib:aa. and noit 1 by lands of George Ruhl, containing Ouc-Filiii parlol an Acre more or less.wberfua is erecteil a L ine Ki'n.w i h tbe appurienance,. Seized, taken in execntion ann to be sold a, Ihe property of Ihmtrl Spitmyr. ' DANIEL D. IjI I.UI.N. Sheriff. Sheriff's lltr-cr. Lewi.burg, Oct. 21, 16 VALUABLE FARHS AT Privalc Sa!t'..Tfce su'dscribtr V. ofTers ai Private Sale tLe following val uator r arms : .No. I. Situate in Turhett township, Jun iata ct'iinty. containing UOO Acir. about 175 acies of . hich are cleared and jn a high s:aic if eood cultivalioo the balance welt set with Timber. Tbe improve me i.ts t are a g.-.-d Log Dwelling II. use, lfAKKJiJ. ev,ltARN. and oilier neceasarv OutttHna.ng I lure is also an excellent Apple Orchard on the premises, several Spiu.gs of &l Waier are convenient to ihe improvement. IE. On which ihe sub-criber residei smiHte in IJeale tow Rshtp, rt unty aforrtaid containing 'J ! O A res. about Two Hun re. I of whu-h are cleared, and the I an te well iim:.ciei. The iniprevements on thi rr.rm are a g ,1 r K A M t. HOfSE.VL- bA.NK 11AKN. and all oilier necessar j out-building' iu iEin.il coml'iion. I beie 't two i. tio r Dwelling llou.es on ibis property. r,. two ORCHARDS, of rhoiee. gra iCjed Irnii. coniprisni. Apple, Pear Peach, Cherry, Plum. Ac, of ihe very test vanetiri. all in good bearingcondilion. Several nrrnci f W.uer are convenient no the sremiiea. This farm is in a very highatate of culnvatita, and nndcr good fence. The above Farms are within 8 milei of the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal, and are among ihe best in Tusearora Valley. Tt.e.r location is a very healthy one, and they are Convenient lo Churches, Schools, Mill. &c Persi ns in want ol a desirable property would do well to call and examine the above, as I aa determined to sell. WILLIAM UKESOri. Sept. IS. lr.Sv3 First Clas3 Limestone Farm "TOR Sale, in White Deer Valley. X Lycoming County, two miles from the Canal and Rai'road. on the road from Lewis, burg to Jersey Shore. It contains tU atvrrs). in a good state of cultivation. It has an Orchard, first class Barn, good K. use, ami other Outbuildings. Call on MATTHEW BROWN. I'niontown. for further particulars, or on the Editor of he Chruniclt. Allg. IH. Is.i6. VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS jrOR Sale. One Lot on South Thiri L street, a square and a half from Mar.ei. Three Lots on Souih Fourth street, two squares lrom Market. The above are level Lots, well located sai well adapted to building purposes. W. 11. ARMSTRONG. Acting Ex'r of Wm. Armstrong, dec'oa Lewisburg. June 55. 15S Woodlots and Small Farm for Sale. Th uit purchasers, on reasonable terms. THERE are 9 lols of Woodland, si- J. mate in White I'eerTpon Little Buf- laioei recK.a&oDtainile above Guldin store, ranting lrom 14 to SI acres each, well limb ered with various kinds of Oak, Pine, Ptp'ar, and Chesuul. The Farm contains about 55acres.of whica IS are cleared, and has on it a Two Siorv Leg jf House;, a Log Stable, Spring of Water. .La-land Fruit trees of various kinds. It ad joins lands ol John Hummel and Jarcb Hart man, about 1J mile from Guldin's Siore, ia White Deer tp-, L'nion Co, Pa. The above property is offered at Privat Sale, by the subscriber, GEORGE MELXELL. Kelly Tp., An(f. 10. '&. Executor's Notice. "NOTICE is hereby Ki en, that Le t!er5- X 1 Testamentary on the last will and testa ment of IIL'GH MILLER, late of Lewisburg borough, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of I men . county, in due form of law; therefore all per sons knowing themselves indebted lo sanl estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having just claims against Ihe same are also requested to present iben properly authenticated for settlement. HIGH y. S1IF.LLER, Eiecuter- Lewisbuig, Oct. 29, 1356 1 40 blll.S. Mrckirel. Shad, Herring.'"1 White Fish.expecled in a rewdavs!' 1IE.WUK Ai KKEMKK. s.. Si '3a- ' -s''eep. Wa-gons, ifjj. TV "'it-.'ey. Sleds, Plough. Harrow,, VfYi ''u'lfators, one Tumbling Bake, n?2ftfi Il.ivat!'lers, one first raie lirmd. in