r h r if If ,1 I .1 ' 1 I?. ! ill ! I 4 ffiuLnlmrfl Cljrnnirb. BT O. If. WOHDEH J. H. CORNELIUS. Ktmtfmme Weu,Xbm Lrwismitg Curovicix pub. tidied oa th CWb tpyntem, hu tbe larrt aud beat circulation of snr NVwcpapvr in Union County. Presidential Election Tuesday, A op. 4, 1850. OUR PLATTORMI My vote nhall never tr vein tine when It ran be given la rapMrt of hi rewj-ooable aaea&are to abolish Slavery. 4J..k..i Wjumixai"... Slavery ha Wn damage to eTcryFtatc where It Lai jinUd. jAjica M-tnigos. Liberty and Union, cow and far ever, one and inseparable." Immu, Web&tul "TbCoftitutira f the United Stat i an iiMrtrunient not of immediate but of ultimate and uuiFr.il r'reedoui. It wm an win tern plated by thei.reat Mo who framed it, ant the World bw an tX'.Tarded it. The National Flax, that. it nvmbol, i the tanner of LIDK1LIV US white and red fold aymboU of Revolutionary trials. of th creU uf Victory, aud the blond of tarrifiee. MV ITH PT'iii.T I. vioic f r STi-a T.v.a'-lutroUi'n I iuiperi.-bi.Me a tlte golden ftnn of God firuuiuient.'' N . I IIasi Kis Jn. lI rv&tt Vi'tt I mrr-T cm, and n rrr v fll rlV. and tin emhlm jvnwr wi't rvr mtkt me r4e. V txtrud S'arerf ftcr Icrruorg k litre tf does nut exist.' Uks&x Clay. F,c Suit, Fret Speech tFrte Mcnt Free Vijw, Freedom for Kansas ! REPUDLICAX NOMINATIONS : (Anti elavery Whu:, Demorratct and Americans) FOH riiEStttF.ST: J0IINC.FRE3I0NT Of CALIFORNIA FOB TTCg ntESIDEXT: W31. L. DAYTON OF NEW JERSEY Ptnrhinafi Iluffurm Xominations. St PreM-I'lit .MMKS RI'CIMVAV. ft tVnri.Tlvania Vk-c l'rauk-nb-oU.N C. BiUithlMllWiE.i'f KcMueky l'ro-Slavery American Tiiht. vi. rMililtT-Mll.I.Ai'.l' Kl I.I.MiHIK.nf NVw York. i'lkitul-lMiKCW J. Im.XELcHJ.N.i'J lVnu., A 'rIilioii CaittliJati . rn Pmni rTT (JEKKIT SMITH, of NVw Y-rk. Vk I'uHsm-UMCIiL P. li riKl.lB"f Prnii' The October Election Turnip, Oct. 11, 1850. TVTiIrr, tnifrlcati & Itrubllcan I.MOV TICKETS. Tlioiiia k'.. C'ocliran, of Vork Co ItartTill Illlpi, of Armstrong Co f)m Si tluR ItrNi.KAL. llurtll'tv Laporto, of Bradford Co For Coneress, JOHN C. KUXKEr., of HarrL-burg For Uepresenlalive, M. II. TAGGAIIT of Union Co. For Associalc Judge, J( UIN W. SIMOXTOX, of Euffaloe Fur rrfthonntarv, &c. JAM KS V. SANDS, of MiffliiiLurg For County Comtnissitmer, WILLIAM KUIlL,of West Uuffaioo For District Atturrjrv, :i JAMES K. HAMLIN, of Lewisburg For Cuanty Awlitor, JOHN i. ItOGAR, of New licrlio Jnpfihanta Democratic Ticht. R?ltv-t. TYU in tho r, fx of the a -t known aa the MA Ort conit'tooiiio act. anj lh- of lh" at r- ff.n!iO Ui Trtirttorn trf KaDxan an! Nf'jrai-Ua, fr from unH'Titmiti'nal r-tii'tiMii. tin 1at ' fttZT" nCKh'iKMKO A UtKK OF PATKluTH' t V';KI4: in uw'uiif tb Ifiuan-Is ot (MH-tj'.nl t'&-ileuivul ! uu.-lia kn alltrn-nrt to Ibc fuiid-aii atal ii,t -ir. i. That fnllv noM tin- h h.ilmtratinn f't IT.-Vl.t(tl in.r aft NATION W.. rAITHKI L. AMI KI-- fiCILNT lullv ciiai Ui nil th- lun-orUiit m. r-iiiit- ahl'-h tbo ounrj. h-s U'i to "Di'oiintrr. unJ tlit h h-. trorthfly ntamtaiutU bt-r IuUtc&U aui b'-uur at ifc ine and abroad. Thtfar'iffinQ is a frtvm nf (hf Ptotfimm oVt Omrntia Cam it OnmiiMnr KoK'iK Mi r.of Tolumbia Co. Ju-frt-w fimf J AOtB KitY, of Mntaiiry Co. Survey Vmeral JOHN K'JH K, of Fraoktin V. Union 3Icetings ! The ojipononts of the Pierce Admi niatratioa and its no minuted endorser James I'i.atfoi.ii, liave appointed the following nieetings, which they invite all their fellow citizens to attend and hear for theni.--clY08 : Fndau : . Ort. 10-Zil.er's S.H., F.iA iiuiialoc ; F,urolton, Harllry Tp. Situriliy E , Oct. 1 1 Slrickl-'r's S II., West Uoffilue; (trtfip's S.H., Hurt- Icj; I'uion Furnace, Uniou Tp. MntJu'j Krc, Ort. l: Whitd tfpriug S 11., LiiucstoDO Tp. vrjnrui,y : ., Ort. io iiiD-Vs s. 11., bitu !).rr Tp. friil'i' A'urnuon l- I'vf., Oct. 17 Sceli Irr's hotel, lower end MiiHiuburg. JSittunhty 'rt., Oct. IS New Columbia. The People are Awake ! W'e have never seen curb interest exhi bited in our county in political affairs, a.s at present. Tbe attendance at the Fremont &. Day ton meetings ia very large, and the spirit evinced most gratifying. We can give but brief avcounu of each. The meeting iu Kelly is noticed on our first pago. The sumo cveuiug at JTaloe X Koad, a very large meug convened, Judc lluhl in tbe chair, and addressed by Meisra. Worden, Siifcr and Aiken. Saturday oveniDg, Mr. VanGczer made a most impressive address to on enthusias tic crowd at the IUd Bank school bousa in West Buflalje. Monday evening, J. M.Linn l'q , and Ir. Leifcr addressed the citizens of High town in White Deer Tp, and the Lewisbg Glee Club gave several Sougs. Aaron C. Hih i l'rcsideut, and Jacob Leicr, Jjiiu l)ei.haui, Samuel M'Curley, and Aaron Meoeuger, Vice Presidents. This ii the only place where we have beard of any liuehauier attempt to disturb our meeting. Moudjy, Tuesday and Wednesday even ings, meetings iu Hartley Tp, addressed by Mesri.lavid IIaycs,Aikcn and VauGczer. Wednesday cveiiicg at Farmersville, Ad am Sbcckler Ksj. in tho chair, addressed by Messrs. Word.-n and M'Call. (Old Buliloe will do bc-rwholo duty 1) Friday evening, Mr. Harncs addressed lha Club, at Lowiburg; and Wednesday evening, Hon. Lot M. Morril until, tbe propagation cf tbe Cincinnati Platform, a leading Democrat of tbe State of Maino made us a superior speech. sr Owing' to ft j.rcs3 of Job-work for two weeks jast, wo bav uot been "ble to pay uguiil attention to our paper. Several New Advertisements ic utccssarilv omitted. Next Tuesday is General Election Day. Let the friends of Freedom for Kansas get a thorough canvass of their Districts, give their friends full Tickets, and see that they arc all at the Pollsearly. Trade off no votes ! Our "skies arc bright ! " "Let us have a clean victory or a clean defeat !" Union State Ticket. The euccess of the ticket formed by tho opponcuts of Buchanan in Pennsylvania, is a matter of the first impor(ance,whcn we view its influence upon tho other States of tbe Union. To demonstrate that be is in minority AT noMB, will bo an incubus upon the efforts of his friends, and give unwonted strength to his opponents, every whero. It will demonstrate that tbe mighty North ia inflexibly opposed to tho Exten sion of Slaverr. It will show the strong under-current cf tho popular will in tho Free States first seen in Iowa, outspoken in Vermont, and echoed in thunder tones from MAINE ! Let Pennsylvania now give expression to tho real feelings of her honest, liberty-loving German, Quaker, Scotch-Irish, Welch, and Xew England population, by voting for Cochran and Phelps and Lafobte, for the State Offices. JOHN C. KIMEL. A reform in tho National Administra tion, can not bo effected by the election of a President alone: he must be sustain ed by an able and independent Congress. In tbe House of Ua resentatives at its recent session, no new Member won a more honorable position for industry, eloquence, parliamentary tact, and devotion to the right in the great struggles, than our own member, John C. Klsuel. IIo has reflected honor upon his District. Unan imously ro-nominatcd f ir election as he is, we shall do ourselves credit by returning him with the most triumphaut majority. The next Legislature. A local contest in our District, resulted in the election of Win. Diglcr to the U. 3. Senate. Tho next Legislature has another U. S. Senator to elect, and to district the State for Senators and Assemblymen. The Buchanan- Kausas party are secretly exult ing in the hope, that by a division of the Unionists upon u volunteer oandidatc,they will elect their man. We are assured in the two other counties, that our nominee will run with the Stato Ticket, bo that it probably depends upon the Whigs, Amcr icaus and Republicans of Union county to decide whether iu tho next important ses siou cf the Legis'aturo they will have a friend or a foe whether they will strug gle to elect a President, and yet tie his bands by a Senate opposed to him 1 It is conjectured that tho U. S. Senate wilt contain, next session, '2j friends of Fremont, 7 of Fillmore, u0 of Buchanan ; but if wo sacrifice Penn'a, the Buchanan vote will be 31 one half the Senate, and thereby prevent cither Fremont or Fill more from having a working majority. The County Ticket. "i'ji'te ice stand tlichhil ire 'ill," is a truth as applicable to County as to State and National affairs one helps the other. On the opcuiug of au eventful battle, is no time to be caviling or disputing about who eball bo OpUius, or who Colonels. United under our duly appointed leaders, let us like men and brethren prove indeed that "in Union there is strength." The County Ticket is as fairly nomina ted as a'iy are, and the candidates arc respectable and competent. Half of them opposed, and half ft' them favored, Divis ion. Tho full Convention which selected (Loin, unatiimo'isly ' llEsor.VKu, Thit in the tcleetion nfcan (. lies J rum the different section of our r..un'y, njirrmnfii': all Hie mUrtsts which j If the Eastern States wero to unite in hue vr;i diei'h'i us, ALL l'AST S0Iid phalanx against the West, or the LOCAL DIYISIOXS AUK TO DAY. Southern against the Northern, they hap- .'. ; mi, th u tee on', atlc for i peninc to have a mnjority, would you tnb f iithj U jreru :i.n nf the Division Law, in m;L "Cries of "no." I am sure you its UUtr and tpirit." W0UJ uot . for J j;now T0U , be mea As honorable inon, we adhra to that j Anl,shou!d they further accompany every resolution. Wc beiievo it to bo our inte- j act of their triumph with every expression rest the interest of Lewkburg and the of contumely aud contempt, xcoul.l you not interest of our union party at the present , U!lve " '' ,' "'" '"'! You - -j..,, i i need not respond I know your manly sen- foruiiug period to forget all personal or j t:weQts " cimtinnil rl itT.iritiu.oa irmmtm ntit f lacuna . - ' now settled, and start anew, as cno man. o one uouLts but L tion county has . l -t . i . i..t. : . . ! Kaneas party. 1ft Itinir I'rrrtia ' tn. t lfc.1l.t fit- . " Ul , , . ... 1 . J i arc doing tlio t-aruc) that they will elect their whole ounty l letor, and Assembly man ! And how ? Ily fotnetitiiig divis ions and irritating- old sores in our rani: ... , . r , j uuu uy ircaeuerousijr cncouragiuc oiua- i ,i . . , . T , ., ... , . , b, had been examined before Judire Cato, teera who they will desert on tho hour of! . , -,.,, ... . , . , . ' . . . , , . , , , , , ! aud committed for trial at the April term trial ! It remains to be sceti whether the : yf (jdurt WhigB, Americans, antl Iteptiblietins will j --' al'ow themselves to bo thus divided and ! Chicaho, Oct. 8. Private) advices re defeated to the delight of f'outb. Carolina -''v'd here from Kihsas mention a rumor and the Uortkr Ituffitins ! i that Govcruor II obiuson was about to con- We have no personal antipathies aud Te"9 t,ie Ytee Slate legislature. Tho no nartieular nartialities as to our County ! uinu'''l Free State men arrested under I J . Ticket. We advocated the union at an early day wo announced our intention to staud to its actiou and wo see no rea son for violating our plighted faith. Tbe candidates in the field are aix well known and respectable men. "Princii-les, wot men' should therefore govern our choice. We had not intended to make any refer ence to these local matters, bat our com parative silence having been tuisreprcsen- tod or misunderstood abroad, we make this statement in justice to ourselves. Beware of SpiiriousTickets Lcwisburc Cfironiclc and West Branch Farmer Ocjobcr 10, 1856 UXIOX. The leaders having refu sed, the people of Berks and Lancas ter counties liave originated measures to form a Union Electoral Ticket, to defeat Buchanan in Pennsylvania a measure that will bo hailed with delight by .the honest and earnest masses who don't want another Pierce administration. Tho titno is short, but sufficient. We hope to seo some from everv District at tho nicetin to-morrow. It will afford a good opportunity to dislrilmto Tickcts,aud to appoint other Meetings". UaTTbe Buchananite slave-holders seem to have a special affection for Union county, and manifest a very strong interest in con torting it over to "tho nigger-driving De mocracy." First, they bestowed upon us a lot of M'Kays, from Georgia the "Judgo" ia particular; then Bob Tyler, Esq., ono of tho F. F. V's of Virginia.son of Traitor John ; next "Hon." Mr. Wal lack, tbe nullifier of Washington ; and this week they have vouchsafed us "Brig adier General Thomas F. M'Ciaig, Esq." all tho way from Maryland 1 Tho number cf converts these slave-driving advocates havo made among our honest farmers and mechanics, could be put iu a flea's car ! a3fcTbo pooplo wero called up to Mif flinburg last Saturday in order to havo proved to them that "the Democratic party is Itiborinj for Freedom for Kansas !" We are informed that tho Mary lander, Brig. Gen. Thos. F. Craig, Esq., illuminated the position, by arguing that the diffusion of Slavery extending it over a larger sur face would tend to destroy it ! On the samo principle, wo should "diffuse" yel low fever and tho itch to get rid of them! By tho samo philosophy, a farmer should scatter cocklo and dock and thistle into all his new ploughed ground, in order to erad icate them ! To givo Slavery more U- S. Senators, Ac, of course woald decrease tho political power of tho Slaveocraey of courso 1 O 3Ir. Brig. Gen. Thos. F. M' Craig, Esq. of Maryland ! the Dutch of Pennsylvania can't bo fooled by such talk. If the course of the Democratic party is "Inlorinij fir freedom for Kansas," what would their "laboring for S!uctry be? A Distinguished Arrival. A Fallot box stuffer of great notoriety Ins come to town. He left San Francisco for the ben efit of bis health, under tho prescription of the Vigilance Committee. Ho has al ready been seen in company of a doubtful character. The crowd by whom he has been surrounded and who have been f irm ing a kind of ovation for him, aro well known file leaders cf tho Democracy. It is known from tbeir past lives that they are ripe for any schemo cf corruption, though it were rotten and fetid as a charnel-house. Now wo advise all of tho inspectors iu tho city, who aro opposed to the Bucbauiers.to examine carefully every bsllot-box ere the polls open, to see whether thero are fahe sides and bottoms to them. They can easily be detected by examination. l'h'd. Tilllti. Mr. Breckinridge, tho Democratic can didate for the Vice Presidency, in his late speech at the Democratic mass meeting on the Tippccanoo Battle Ground, assumed the same disunion ground occupied by Mr. Fillaioro. As reported in tho Cincinnati Enquirer, a Buchanan paper, Mr. Breck inridge said : News ftom Kinsas. St Tni Tw W ' llr... T,. , ,.-.,. . . snra a proclamation ior tno tnerilis ot the the v -M'.l.aj VJVf. yj, IUI LIIU UIVUIIUU of a delegate to Cot.cress and ui.-n.bcrs of Legislature, under the ieiritoital : ! Las. A letter to ths Domorrat. dated the it -'a I li c.oa ii. .!.. vol. . . . - -."j . mi. mu no) I.-IUIW i riS'Jiltra I I IT Wl ' 1 w v - . ""vcy ' uicfiorv 1'oiut, had all been committed on the charge of murder. The Question Setti.eo. Tho last story is, that one Thomas Jones eaw at Urown'a a man named Smith, who had seen a man that thought he heard one Thompson state that ho believed that his great uoel,;oo his mother's ei tie, had a cou sin in Washington who had whispered con fidentially that he had slept under the same coverlid with Fremont; rhatLe saw noth ing to convince him that Fremont was not a Catholic. . . : . - - - " - REMEMBER KANSAS! CMTEK9IT1 AT LCWLSOrnU. NOTICE. Subscribers toF;lhe Building Fund are respectfully informed that the First Insialment on theirsub;rnptions is now duej and payable. J. A. MKRTZ, Esq.. is appointed Collector, and authorized to receive and receipt for the same. A. K. BELL, General Aent and Treasurer Lewisburp, Oct. 1, l RAILROAD m3TAIJ3EKT. JiOTICE is hereby piven to ihe Stockholders of the I.KWIHBLRti. CENTRE & SPRUCE CREEK RAILROAD COMPANY, thai Ihe Directors of said Company have passed a Resolution to call in $. on each shaie subscribed. Th? respective Stockholders are therefore required to pay into the Treasurer's office, in Lewis burs, on or before Ihe S.lih of October imtant, $3 on each share subscribed. Tlmseneleu ling will be liable to pay one per cent, per monib, on said instalment after that time. J. F. MILLER, Treasurer. I.ewislmrj, Oct. 1, lsi. NOTICE. 4 T a meeting of Ihe Board of Managers J of the Union County Mutual Fire Insu rance Com pan v, held at the olhre ot said Company, in the' Borough of Lewisburg, on the isl day ol October inst., the lolluwiiig res- ulution was unanimously adopted : Jiesolccil, That an assc.smeiii of twenty-two per cent, on the premium notes be made, to meet the losses sustained by this Company and due the devisees of J. II. App A Co., Eli as Hoy and i thers. Published by order of the Board of Direc tors. J. A. MEIM'Z, Secretary. October I, 1S."Gw4 PRESIDENTIAL, ELECTION SiStiSSf PROC I AMATION WHEREAS, ia and by an Act of 1 f the General Assembly of this Mtate, entitled "An Act U regulate the general elec tions of this ('niiimnnueallh," enacted un the 2nd day of July, I it is enjoined on me U' sive miMic mtire of such election to be held, and to enumerate in sttrii notireiuhat ofTirers are to be elected I, UAMfil. I). (tl'MlIX, If iiih Sheriff of the county f Union, do therefore hereby make and give this public notice to the Electors of the said county nf I nion, lhat a General Kb i non will be held in said comiiy on the Ti esimy after the first Monday of ivenr.ii, lTiti.lth day o: sai I month.) at th several districts composed ot the follow in:,' townships and boroughs, vi-. I district, at the (nitniioners ohVe i;i and for 3ierHerlin borough. II district, at the house of Henry (Iibst-n in and for I.'nion township. Ill district, at the house nf James Adams, m and for U nite Deer township. IV district, at the house of Jdnv-s I.awson in and for Kelly township. V district, at the house of George Wolfe in and for Kast UinTalne township. VI districitnT$fh"!hot.e of .fames .M(rcii;!il, in and ior iJutlalce township. VH district, at the house of Jacob Deckard in Mi 111 in bur?, lor West Unliable town-dun. Vllldistriet, at (he new public school h-oise in and for the JNurlU Ward iti the borough of Lewisburcj. IX district, at the house of Jonathan fpy- kcr, in an t lor the iouth Ward, in the bur outih of Lewisburtr. X district, at the house of Charles Crotzer, in and for Mifllinbur borott&h. XI district, at the house of William Kilert, in and for Hartley township. XII district, at the house of Peter Wehr.iu and for Limestone township. XIII district, at the .school honsp.on l-t ID, in New Berlin, in and for Jackkon tsp. At which time and places there will t elected by ballot Twentv-Scvcn IVr?on? for Illcctors of IVeidont and Viee IrcsiJcat of tho United States. yowl-: is iilrv.b y civvy, That cwry perron, t-iovptinT Jtntif cf tV ?Vrif., v:tit h:ill lutl'i liny ofTirw nr :ippoinii;i.-tit -it fir- ii; t trut uhlcr tint t mini rt.-itf, vr of this ,"t:it.-. ..r anv .-Ily T im-Mi-pi.rati 4 tli-tn. t, wLt'tl.i r a o.iii.in--U'ti-t rfTi.vr ur cih-rwj.-.-, a ptiNt lii.:tt tiWT t-r ;i-Dt, wh l Mr ill t.- i-ihji-.' I uu l. f UivU .;i-l:itiv.. i-i.-ciiti' or juilnnury l.-(.uri:ui-iit of tftiH M;it or "f Iti- I mtfl Stale. r i I' auy i:i-irj j "l J li-trict; mil h''. llinl v.:ry nn-iulT of Cvuzf- au4 o: lit.- Stat-- U i-bli an-l ot'ltio wlivt cr c nauvn inuif-il of .1117 r:ty, r - Iiiii'.UiT of iii'ri-iiraI'-U t'-lrl''(. T 1 ii.''ir:f )!' vi ln!-1ii:: t i'x-rt-iriiij at tUo wuw tiut, t! tii ur uj point ut-iit or juJ. iuM'Uir or rlt-rk i f ny ! tt ii tf tlti- t 'out nf -it Wcttit li. u:t I that no in-jt-i t-.r,j n I; i.ranj i:t:ct.r i f .-u ii cld-tiuu JUaU y. eligible to K: th-11 And the a:.d ct of AsemMv, entnUd -Au Act relating lt electmns ol this f.-iu inonweahh." passed July Jnd, IS"U, further provi Irs as follow, to wit: Tliut th- iu.rpc. liir it ,;ri'l jii'li ti'-t at t':f r' pi i'litt- pl; fiHHill li-r l.- l-lm,- lh ! .-l:ofi in thi i1:tri-tf lo wl.iih tin) rc-i -vm--.- I ':.-!.'. I I Tc ; .,' rlti'-k in I ! iw -riling -jf tlio iai-l mcoij. i'li.-.J.iy of lol.r, .inj wh o I .-diil ittpf t' rs :.;..i.;iit d-rk. h..sh.ill I- .puiSiti-.l v-.t. m or si, h .ii-tri-1. " In ca-.' ttif T" 11 l. 1 r.ul (i:f.( r.-i'.-n'rHl tliv ullt hull -t UUinti. r "t Sot. lor i!lpet t-r, Plmil n..t t U i.'l i '.i tli 1 . 1 V ! :tuv ;. tn.n. tliwli It.t .iT-ori wi,. Ijm11 h. r--ivl iff -u-l lii'ht-t iiumt. r -f I'or juU at iliu u -xt ( r. iN it.Hi; .-tf.lin. ill art ji. hiv v-r in lii.- .!-'. An t iu c.t.- this j- r i ! iti.i: h.iff n-it ivt-i th" liuhr-t tiUtuhfr of otv. t -r it:n (rt"i c-ti.il I nt Jtttfii.l, It." o r..n x-ct-l J-I j-li.i It :j ..int mi iii' l c!or in hiji .tat-", ana in rruu i. r--n t'.ri j'l.J.i rliall li"t Mtf. inl, ttii-d th iti"-f''-rr.r nti ' r. .. i lh) hul.tt llUUltxT Of t'.-4, Milull ti'iiut a jiul- 1) 1 9 i-l;ir; or it aiiT vuctU'-v h:tli roTHiiiUL- in ti t- oTil onft hour atl r Itit tinn' by law tit- r'-T tin opvrjin ; tiu Ifi-tioti. the mi.ili:,-! t.it.-r f tli- U- o-tilp. wrt f r litrii-t f-T ni- h cii.-h of!' ir islinll h.n .-L.-t. t. rft'Ut at tliu jLu-m of eli-ctiou, lluH elf t one of their numlH-r to U 1 .-m n vm-aiity. For th' information ot the electors of (,'ninn county, I publish the following, being the Jth section td the act of the General Assembly of the session uf 1851, entitled "An Act to provide for the election uf Judges of the sev eral courts of this i- of 11 niuiiwrai i fi, ana lo regulate certain Judicial districts" fine. 4. That the lection for Jii.ti(v ?htt I h' l nti- muijutii in th- ?iivi i:I tiou listrkt-, in thw oii-lumiL'-r anil in all rir!cUa iwtioiisi I r r-pn ctti;t-ti.-s nrn nt flirt)! ln-Ul an. I eoriilti. t-J. an t l.y tin- 'iii j 1 t LT-iiiT-pci lor aiitl oth-r olhtt rx ; tli 1 n vi-. ot.- of U:e a t ot ilio k Qi ra! -i-.. mMr, n 1 1 i h ! An I At r Uitint; t I ho tli cii i.i of thi-if.oiiiin-inwf ;i!ih.' ;ip ( proreit jhv fcvun l d-iy vf July W;'., nn i it-; m -r U riip j iii--rtn a:il all older I1..0 lawt. as f;ir n n. p.tui, 1 fha.. W in tou-t an-I appiii,attih.iil hw.lcemf'l -i-! ukt-n to 'ipj.!y lo tl !( t'lj .n fr Jn ! i: I'rotitt- -A. 'I Iho j af-rciai 1 el'vt.j' fball xt Mr JuiJej; of tl.a -itiprnu i j t'ourt vn a t-.i-ariito (if'- t T'.r, av.l for all iili. r I Jivi.'t'H riuirwl tube hMiiu4iuLh law, oa anotlu-r ! fr'i.mat piLi-tf uf .npt'r." It will thus be seen that the electors of ,;'""n c'y arE rii'lirfJ ' v"ie f ,;an:l1 , ,..i -.n r.,i,i.. ..r ficrs, on one piece of paper, or the voter may cast his ballot for each oflice sepcraicly, if he prefers iu It r.Hli W ihe duty of the neT-ril Anwuenra rriipcft- i.i. ivriv atti-nil at tin place ot liotUtu ft ry fifinr). Fpri or town.-hip ei'fth n. during the who it-"tint" t-mA lection is kept uf.t ii. l.r the purpcti of lovinr ii.form.i tloii 1. iit-prr.'r., ftnJ jutUr wli.-u e.tlltd tu, in r-ia- t:i u to tin- rijfliti.f nny piT"ii Mwirfft by tin ui tu f'tn at mii-h i-li-ftion, or itrlt .ihr inntt'r! in ivUtion to the .ifcM-nint of toUji ah tl. miJ inpecUTd or cither tf ti. iu sliail fr-iin time toiae rt-purf. Ni ) rton rhalt In iK-riwtt,iJ tu Tit nt any pftftlon te a-T, Mid. ll.u a wltit treeman of the i(t of twen-ty-ouu y-nri or m.re. wh'i blottl hae r'.-i it d m tliiti S'.alp at I- u-yeur,and in tun .:cutuUi-tnct where lie otT'n in vote at U-:,t U n davi ituux-d tutely -mi iltu Hti'-h ' bet iii. and within two ynirft paid a Plate or comi ty Mi. wh.-li ? ha.il haio Immii afiwM-d at ht t-m days before the i'U'-tli.U, Uut a C lliCD of ihe L'liileil -Utj) Lp) hi" rrrrirMifly Ki-n a mwlii..'"l Tuter ot Ibis MAttf, and r. rrioffNl th-r-frttn atiJ returned, and who hrut rei drd in the i'lccti.a liHtri-t and p:tiJ tvs as afonsaid, (bnll be etititlfd to vote nfJ.-r p .Nidin in this Hate nix moutl.fi: i'nvided, I'h .t th while fre.mrn.ritiwii of th United itated, Ntweeu tbe a.'i'f of tiYcnty-one aud twenty-two ycurs, and Lmt niii-.l In the election di trb t a" alArV-ai I ten drtvts shall bu cntitlrd to vote, although they hall But li ivc iail taxeif. N't person nhall be inmttttt to vote whi.ce nitme U not ntMiuii tbe list of Uxatilelnhnhitantufurnifthetl by thi- Ct.uituinf-iou. nt, un , 'ir.st, be produce a rm4;t for th payment within two years ol" a State or eouoty tax anKiwed agreeably to the CoutitutkD, and dm MatMibrw try eT.Uet.ee either on hU own oath or aJbnnationor tli oath or ufl'.rtnatiOD of another that be ban paid su h tax. or on failure to prod woe. a rxript shall innke oath to ttte payment tberetif, or iNMxmd tl Uu claim a right to vote by bviU an elector between the a ol twenty-ona and twenty-two years he fhall depose on oath nr ulllriu;. tion that he his reaidett hi the lilate at lea one year before bif appliratioii aud make uch prwf of residence hi Ihw dt-trkt an b niuirrd by this art. and that be i'tm Tenly bsdieve frnilheaceMJDtpienbtnthat he it the alorevud ae, ttudpfe sucb other tudruie a it rtiiuired by thi art, whereuHt the name of the jiTm-u m a.lm:t td taite eball be inrUd in thi- alrhahelieal lint ! , thi; incpertor and noteuvi(k opptifviU- thereto dy wr.lii.tr Um aoil Itx If he tai! tv uiloilltU to ?te t rtas.-n uf j ha.loc rl tan, or h '!' " to roU I'J reason of uth , hll U (nlli-l nut to th. rlrrk. who h.:l mjke tliu lit. notes itbo ll.Uof toteM 't by iIm-ui. . lb eviH whirs llm nnmenf III. WTf-'tt cLimlng lo Toto, tmuJ o llm li-t liirnili-l hj tl" i"iiitiiiMion cru anil imm, ..r hi rulit in b-lli.c IuudJ tliiwia or D. i t olij..-l. a t.i hr ny iiwalinnt ot!, It .hall bo tin- dut ol the in!!"! to .xanone i.n-l otff- .n oh oath a Ui hi (iul.ti.lin.aoa 11 o nuu b.itemdil within th Sue- fcr oii.y.aror root. hl oath nhall l iturari-nt .n-l th. r-i; hut hp ?hali uiukw K v 1.. .t l....t r.mr.t..nt wiln who ..hall t a ;ulitilh-U.rtlith. hn rrld within , Hi. listrirt for more than u-o uijuin cir..".." - . hr ahall "t-o him If w. nr that hin bona ti.lr r. -i 1. 10 . in iiursuan ol hi. lawlul onlllnjj i wilhin th. Ji.lru t, that he .H i not ri-uioo Into aij Ju.uict lor the urw of Totlnic therein. f.fery "Tnon unalifl'-i aa aforpnai-t an.l whn chall mult. .n'f 1' r.' iiiri-.l i.r I.U r. -i lei.co aii'l -ay-uientof uirt atoriiMiia. thall I ajmittej to ti in the t.wn-hip, wanl or.li.-tri. t in nhieh heh.ll rest.le. If any peiton fhall prevent or attempt lofcn Tent any ofllr-r til any ele-lou un.ler thi.4 aet Iroul h 'Minir eii-h eh tron or u- or thrt-aten any i..linc to any u.-h of fira r. cr .hall iiiterruit..riuii.roi. rly Interfere nh him in theejeeution nf hw Juty.or -flail M k lip the.in low or avnile to any win.low when; tho kiiiik m.y h. Lnlilinv.or riotously .li.turl. the .eeeut iueh eleetn.il or h:lll u.-e or praetiee nny intiini-latlmt llir. ato. f.r.e or liolenre. with .le-in to inlluell.T un.luly oroveraw-'ioiy elector orto pr.ri-i't l.hu Irom Tolitu; or lo restrain th. freeai.m of ehoire. mi.-Ii . ron on eon:eti.-.n ll.01 I.' f ne l ill any PUIli Il.-l esi ee.liii til.' liUli'ln d ueliar; ."'1 Impri.-oneil for anv t-.nn- nr: I. tlinn three nor more lhan Iw. lin IilonClK. nnj iT it hall be horn to th" court where the trial ol Il ff.-rii. ha!l be ha 1. thai the IHTM.o .Hoolfeuilinjr wanot are-iilentolthueity, wanl.-liii-tri t or town-lov wlo-r. tho iaij old nee . o.ionoluil anl n.t enr:tl.a' to fote therein, then on ronvielion uj eh.U la- rntoitee! to pay u line or not lee- than one hun tlre.l lo-r mi re than one th m-aii.l -tollar- ami ho impri.. onl not I. r than month. n r mom than two yearn. If any per-oh or oereont l.all make any hetnr Tracer Un ll.ere.-illtol any clcetiohio thi- ( ..ulini-r..:alth.or .hall oiler to make any pueh l--t or wa'er. either by Ter hat pni-iauiattoti thereof or by any written or printe.l aiir.rti.-ement or ehaller.ceor invite any H'Pn to make eueh U i or wai;er, upon eoniii tinti thereof he or they ehall forf. it and j ay three time, tho amount 0 bet or t'ff. r. I to I. l-t. ' If un ie-rw.il not hy law .nalified .hall fraudulently Tot. at any rleetion in thi fomuK-nwealth, or bein oth'Twii .Ualilii il .hail nolo out of hut proper dbitrii:t, or if any T-on knowing the want of eueh .pialifi; ation .hall ma or pro-ur -neh pereon to ri'te, Iho person on e .nvi. ti- U chall l-i- htie-I in any Mltn it' t e. w. .Iiiiii two hun inl dollars ami Ui iiaprun-ncj f .r ajiy tortu not ex ceeding thr. mouth. Ml anv .T-on ahall Toto at mom than one election .Hi-trletor olherwi.-o fraudulently vol. more than onee on the .amu .lav, or shall fraudulently fdil and d-hvor tothcln-pettor two lki KUwlkt with tho int.ut ille irallv to vote r a.lvii-e and pmriire another an to I...Ih or t'l.ev k f If ndiUL- -halt on emvieliou no fim-d in any FiiRj nl.t le. than f.fty nor more than live hunlred dol lars and la- iiuputoued u--t h .-sthau thruc nor mure than tuelie mouths. "If any Kr-on not unalified tt. Tote in tliii Ommon weallh, arei-.l.ty to law. (eat-ept the son. of .luaiitied citizens.) shall appear at a:iv place or election for th. purpose of i-siiiio.- ticket, or . f h.ltiiiiielni: the citizen qualified to vote, he shall on conviction, f .rltit and pay any turn not cseecdmit one hundred dollar-for el. ry u.h offence, and be uuj risoued fr any term not execej inir three month.-.' Agreeably to the provisions of the ixty f;rl aection of said act "every IJi-ncral and Special election shall tc opened Letween the hours of eight ami leu in the forenoon, and shall continue unlit s-ven o'clock in iheevcu mz, when the polls shall te closed." The li -liira Ju.les of the several districts will meet iti the Court Iloue at Lewisbiirs. on the third lay affrthe election, (lieuiR Fri ll iv, the "Ah i!ay of .November.) to do an t per form those duties enjoined on them by law. Dated at I.ewilmrtr. this Slh day of Oct. A.U. one thousand eiL'ht hundred and fifty-six. UA.NIKL 1. (JI LUI-N. iT-Sh.-rirs OXce, Letrisbnrt, Oct. S, t56. Tor m-.-r.ll AKornoy, I.NIJEI'UXUK.NT CA.NUIUATE, .l JUI1.V 15. MX. Ai-olatc J:ltri--Messrs. I'ditors: The tune i approachini; when n :ll be called upon to elect an Associate Judge for thu county, and it is all important that e should have a man of intelligence, a good ac countant, and experienced in business per taniini; to ihat otlice. Wc know of no man better nual'tied t r that station lhan Judge MA ft 1 1 AM., of White Deer, tie has served the public faithful!)', with credit to himself and our county, we would therefore recom mend his re-election. .MANY VOTER". Sept. I. iw.ili. 4wifI5iIl . ' 'he r iii"-t . f iiumer otis lrie:. !s, JOHN WILT, t.l Hartley town ship, will be an Iii-trperideiit fandidare for I! -jiresenti'ivc of this District in the (ionera! Assembly of this State, at the coming October Election Sept. 1 1. l-.Vi. OIliniiSflO'JClV-Atlheuf.-ent leijiiesl of my friends, I idler myself as a Volunteer Candidate for re-election lo the i.Hice of Coin nnssioiieruf L'uioii county ai the next rleetion. Ju'y 21 t.i:o..sCHOt II. 1'lease announce JOHN .M.C.li.WCK Es.. of Milllml'tiro as a Volunteer candidate for the nlHce of t?ll I le t Attorney at the Octo ber Election, lie is a native ot our county, of larite and respectable family connections, of good character and atiainnients, and has had that experience in the practice of ihe Law which is iiidipeus ibly necessary for a sale execution of the delicate duiies ol' that impor tant 0:!ice. WEST Ul.TVALuK To the "t rs of l uioir Coiiiify : I'i.iliiw Crri.iNs I hIIt myself as a can didate for re-election to the oliiee of Tro'll Oliutary and " r'.; of the severed (Joints of I nion county. Mi.uild I be elected,! tetter uivsclf that the discharge of the duties ol said otVices lit retol'ore by me, is stillicient pledge of mv protniit atteiiiion to and disehaie ol the duties of said olliees wnli li ielnv. Lrwtstmrs.JitlyK. SAM t EL KOfSlf. I JLASTEK at HE WEIti KUE.MEir: Vc3t Erancli Insurance Company, OF I.oi-k llaven.l'a., insure Detached Huildint7s, stores. Merchandize, Farm Property, ami oilier buildings, and their con tents, at moderate rates. Doing business on bothCash and Mutual plans. t'apital,:iiHi,000 MUECTOliS. Hon John J Peaice Hon (J C Harvey John 11 Hall T T Abrams Chas A Maver D J Jackman Chas Crist" W White Peter Dickinson Thos Kitchen Hon. li. C. HAItVEV, President. T.T. A I! HAMS, Vice Pres. THO'S KITCHEN. Sec'v. JAMES 11. HAMLIN, Agent, C2i Lewisburg, Enion Co. Pa. H. n. Dersham, H. D., nAVIXfi permanently located in Le wishursr. la., respectfully teuJers hi: l'rofessional Services lo ihe citizens of this town and vicinin-, hoping by prompt allention to ihe duties of his profession lo menl a share ot llicir patronage. Attention will also te paid lo Chronic Diseases of every namend treated with unparalleled success. -Dk.DK1.SHAM graduated at the renowned American Klectic Medical .;olIe-e,Cincinnati, having lir.st studied the Old or Allopathic sys tem of medicine, and attended Lectures in one of the Old School Medical Colleges of Philad elphia; but bpcominj; convinced of the super iority ot ihe New ir American h dec lie syMem, he commenced its study, and attended two courses of Lectures In the Reformed or Ame rican rdectic Medical College of the Queen City of the West. This Institution, although yi't in its tnf:iii-y, tin no nupeiir in t..MJn;.t Vest,aDl l nlrctuty n no us I It n.'ru tftuih ntn Utnn ULe four other Mitlim) Colliif of CmHnnati romHtifJ. It tt nt'tiiing I'liyhirianti to all parUof our slolM,&t.i iu Ohio, Indiana, Ac-, th'-y will Boon bo mom uutneruiu Uiaa anjr otucr tlitw of pbycicinn. The prin-ipl Jinr.'n-eVtwwn t he U formctl (new) or Krlfclic,anti the hl AlitiptUhit- iyttcm of mt-Jiciue, is tni: the Kfw School uf no m tlU-iiml asent that in any wny itijarinuH to th burana pyfltru, surh an Calnmel, Atvenir, Antimony. Ac; for superior ami harmUiw nent tava of latr yt-arit Iwa Uir.Terwl, (lj thyer lilnTnl onj proreruiT chyt-i- ians of tin Nw School.) Uiat arw (N'mplete nubntitutvii for thrw d'(wtriR milkiuefl.t'r lomel, Ae.-.f thertfotu we have no nia fc,r them. With thine valuable new aTrnt, and all ttuwe ot the Old or Allopathic rM-hool snpt to 6 wpowons mL-ctioucJabovtT and all tli 1mprofm'nt ofJfcry othrr fTnt-in of 3ttlr rin,(aM tb. lloiu-tptbic, tldnpaUue,TliinMnin. Jtc.) many ilix,'a.en arr now .;urU tht wrw our vrrnshlervd iiupowibl., and that too without brmkinir d'n th eon atitutioo. and m-atintt othiT dlw, an Uv ttility. Khu matiiiui. lrhrpMt, Liter lbafM-, l'lTerat-d Aon XUreut, IiM!ttd li-mt-!, pr aiuturi Us of Tut th, Ac The New iN-hoo! rertaiuly r laiui.i a urcat nuperiorily In Ihe trvntini'tit f all iliwaarn. It b-n iVvn pmrcd by Cliniral Fs'i-irt" that Uf laortalitv tltti4 all dita-arv top. t l-r in It? Ihn 2 fur ceui; that of ArUUcCLoItra b itnly ft p-T rviit Thi it. atraf uf roirrr!iii and imiiroT.-oient, and the Svw Si'hol i.w hIw:i pnirfttii.'T. m.t Win,; touud down l.y ilr-.fM.tien rrrstlr. htid .iiiLiuutUol tlmiri.-n. y. U. yl llt K at th- V-x-r id I ci'Mar!;vt -t- frV" MORTiiAUH FOi: SALE. Will be si-til at a di-ci t Is well secured, frop-rty near Ix wis.urej. Inquire at the "Chronicle" ollice. Wat Wood Laud for Sale. J ILL be sold at Public Sale on 8ti.- Dar.Tiir. Nm my or.ovx-f iirh iiiu, at the house of William Lindenmiith, iu East Ituilaloe toWiiship, I.'nion connty, a certain I f WOUD-LAMl, in et-vfiW-St L'i i;uu.uoe inwnsnip, aoinininr; UHi of late Thomas Mac'-iey, Pht- Ht I. John Hayes, and Hunme! I aud .Meixe rnobi.nin 443 icres The whole tract will be sold and 105 peiches. lotjetiier, or in j piece, to suit purchaser. Sale to commence- at 1 o'clock, P. M., when Terms of sale will be ma le lit., in by JACOB STAKE, DA 1KL S I AIIL, JOHN STAI1L. SAVI EL sT.MIL. I Executors of Jacou Staiil, dcc''l Iv 'IjrsTp, Oct. 3, I K-,S ! VliKHKAUIA" to au orler of the Oi phar.' ! Court of I'niun County, will be exposed t lo public sale, on the premises, on Thurstfay, thu 13fA titty nf Xccmlfr next) all that Messuase and Tract of Land situ-j ate in IfutTaloe township, Cnmn county, ad- t joining lands of Wm. Cleans, h'irs ofW:n. ( Irwin and John Kimplet deceased. and others, containiut: 113 acre- an t ItVJ perches, with ; the appurtenances. It is all'cleared except ' about 0 acres of Wood Land, and in a jro.ul state of cultivation. A frame llULSEA-t. i and BARN, two wells of Water, one atjrJl ' ihe hnnse and one at the barn, aud a larue iwOKCIIAKD with ail k;udd cf Fruit, are yramong the iinprovcmenN. j ALsox Tract oTXTooA Lar.t'J situate in West JJulliiloc township, adjoining Uuflaloc Mountains and lands late of Uenja- j min Jones, containing 'tl acres 3U ptrche. j Sale tu commence at 10 ocIwck A.M., hen ' Terms of Sale will be made known by I ISAM. KL MCLKI.LKX, MAKY A. M-CLEI-t.E.V Eseeiitir and Eteeutrix of ficr. M'Ciuxi, dee d, lliiilaloe ttiwnhip, Ocu U, H."ti. ) Administrator's Sale. j "Vlf II.L be otVercd at public sale at the i If house ot M. K'cckner, in the boiou-'h t of .New lierlin, l.'nton county, la., on Tucttfdj, if OctoUr, lo6, at 1 o'clock, I. M All that lot of ground situated iu ihe JJort of NKW IiCRM.V aforesaid. beginning at a posl on the south side of Water Mret, op po st lie the south-weal corner uf Lot .t. W : thence,!) land furnuT.y owned ly lleary ! (jfoss, south 6 decrees east 2 perches, to a post; cast Hi perches i--lOtiis,to a p"si ; theme j north 6 degrees west 3 perches and OlOths.tn I Water streeet; thence, by the yatne, south hi ! degrees, west Hi perches an! Mn.h5(ti the' beginning. j Alsi,a tract i f irnmnd sitnaied in ihe li.ro' aforesaid, an 1 a .joining the above described tract, Mtuate on the south sitle of Wa'er stre t t bounded on the west Iy loi of Michael Was- t ner; thence, along the line of sai'l aguer's lot south 7- feet to a post, thenre alonir line ; of land of Philip (ir.'s east 72 feet to a pol, along other land o Jacob Orwig ol which ihis ; wa apart north ',fett to Water Mr- tt foresaid. 1 thence along Water street west 7Z f et to the place ot beginning, cnlainiritr ftb- ut twenty! perches. Trrins ma 'e l n un bv JOffN A. VKFCTZ. A !i.mmr:,:.,r of CATHA1.!.NE Al 1UM', decV. i Sept. ;:o, w;. ORPEATJS' COURT SALE. It.Vu irtue of nn orI r oi the Orphans ! ourt ot I mon cuiifiTv, Will b oih-red tor snle. at ihe public h. u-e t Jacb Deckar !. in Miri'LIMli IU;, a: H A.M. ..f Sattntlc.y, afh tut. Inst., No. !. A TriM'S of Land silnaie.l in ' lltillaloe townsht, I'n.oii Ci-utitv, hue liie e tate of liVnjrtiiiin Shocinaker.d.'cM. ciditainuig ' SO acres aud 17 perches, more or les, a l- ! joiiiiiig lan :s ol lavid Voncid i on the tvet and MMitli, t v lands of Jrh'i Ucnner i n t!ic j east, and on the north by othf-r lands of s.ud : d"-ce.ie.!, ail Litnestone land, 2- arres ot it; Ti in lei lariiT. and the remainder ail undvr ' giiod linproveii.eiit. j -N. C. A TtiACT of LAND sitna-ed in1 Limestone township, county at'.resa:d,contai- ' ningiw acres an t 37 perches more or h i adjoining lands of.amuel shoemaker. Charles ; Kover, (ieorge KleeUner, Benjamin Chatnbers, William rVsteTaud oilier,ali Limestone land, about half Woodland and the rcma::.d. r un!er ; good cultivation. Term in:i'.ie knr-wn at sale, by ; ilLM.Y MOLL. Admini:raior t f Ut.xj. S;ioi At r.u, dee'd. ' West BniTaTcp. Oct. 1, l-t.V. VALUABLE FAS2IS Private- Siilf-.The suliscribcr uahle Farms : So. I. Situate in Turbeit township, Jun- I iata county, containing 'i0- Acres, ab.ut 175 acres of which are cleared and iu a high ! state of good cultivation the balance well j set with Timber. The improvements j arc a coed Log Dwelling House, BAXKi.ji I BAHX,and other necessary Outbuildings ! ii There is also an excellent Apple Orchard 1 on ihe premises. Several Springs of tine I Water are convenient to the improvement iVf, 'ti wuiuii me -kucnoer resiues. v Tun lliiml - situate in Beale township, cctiniv cniii.iiniiii; " Hi a..--.?.. nL.mt n j uf which are clfarej, anj tlie balance well-limbered. 1 he unprovcmciiia un this Farm are a gomt FliAML! HOI iE,-- HANK U.M1X, ami all oilur necessary IjijL out-buililinrjs :n fjnnil condiliun. There are two other Dwelling Houses tin ihis propern. pvAlsii-lu-o OUL'liAUIW nf chuice, urali Sifccl fruit, cumprisini; Apple, Tear, Teach, L'iierry, I'lum, Ac, of ihe very best varieties, all in couil bearing conditiun. Several springs of Water are convenient on the premises, 1 nis iarm is in a very mgusiaieoi cumvaiiun, anj uniler cooil fence. The above Farms arc within 8 miles of ihe Pennsylvania Kailroai! ami Canal, ami are amone; the best in Tusearora Valley. Their location is a very healthy one, and they are convenient to Churches, Schouls, Mills, Vc. Persons in want of a desirable property u-onlj do well to call and examine the above, as I am determined to sell. WILLIAM OKESON. Sept. 12, 1SSSw3 Woodlots ant! Small Farm for Sale. To suit purchasers, on reasunalde terms. rriIEHE are 9 lots of Woodland, sf- J. tnate in White Deer Tp., on Little Uuf faloe Creek.abont a mile above Culdin's store, ranfjin-; from H to 21 acrea each, well timb ered wilh various kimt. of Oak, Pine, Poplar, and Chesnul. The Farm contains about 55 acres.of which 18 are cleared, and has on it a Two Storv Loa House, a Log stable, Spring of Water, JLiLland Fruit trees of various kinds. It ad joins lands of John Hummel and Jacob Ilart- man, about 1 nine irom ouiiiin s Store, in While Deer tp., L'nion Co, Pa. The above property is tillered at Private Sale, by the subscriber. tif.OHUE MEIXELL. Kelly Tp Anp. in. '66. For Sale. mA VAU AULE PKOPHUTy on Xi.rlh Front street, near Market, Lewialiur:;. A kimhI liKICK HOI SI" and suitable Out- liiulilm arc rrected. Lui'nre nt THIS UFFI'-'E -L.-vr burtr. frt. li, I'Tr'M I $1,150 University Lots for Sale. TTILL k o.Tt reil on FrMay, OrtnVr t V a I, at Public Walt, som, a utTiT.iHxa iaOis. The sale will take place on Ihe sroantl, ai'in. ii'eb cU- A. M-coniinencinr; o Itrown ir-.i or SelttisL-rove road, near John IJotiatn- ' Tetnu made known at the ialr. A. K. BELL. Cen. Ag'tctc, I'niyersiijaiL.wiji,,, Srit.'J, K'G. VALUABLE EUILCIBIG LOTS l0il Sale. One bt on South Thirl ' smeet, a fqtinra aud a hall from Mau. . Three Lots on South t ourtb street, tw srjuares fnon Market. 1 he fiove are level i.ois, we:i 'i rate'l well adapted lo tuil.tin" purposes. W. II. AliMsTIiny;, Acting ExV of Wm. Arnisiro:io T.evislior', June -.r. Is1-".'; - ? AYER'S CIIERIIY PECTOIIAL, toK TUB RA)7ID CLT.B Of Coltls, ConRhs, and BxTwrrrLn, Maw., 3)?h Dec 165. Da. J.C.A.ita,: 1 i ut tijLao Uumf the U-tit remedy I bj.vn ever found t.r CouictiA, Ifoane-netta, luflucnza, and tho tsmo'UiiUrjt ymptonvi of a 04.J, k yonr Cuuit lai7r'B.4L. lwc.ui-"tan uae la my prwrtiotf and my family the hut KT5SS. fjW IIT, 3LU. U-ii yi-wra nan iii'mu p ri. TirfiMH fir th" tf-arflK-nt - ttmiiUiula. EUKN KMtiHT, A. B. M'tRTLKV, tJi-tf t'TKa, S.T., wrltw: Mfl yunr PectojlU. niy-'f wnd in my Buuly ever A yn invented it, and b-H.-ve it tin bt n-'li.ii.e purport.) ever put ont. WUi m bad odd J honM M pay twenty-five dollan f r a buttl than do ftiihoat It, Ink any other reiuudy.' Croop, M hooping Couch, Inflaenza. M-Hl.fflMILD, illet, jTrti. ',, lot. Jtvmm. At: I will eheerfiilly rertlfyj .iir Vtrrit t tiiA bt reuv-.ly wo pumrm U the eur" of UTt. Otfjh. Crp. aod the eh-rf aiaoae.-e f eUl hvn. W, y,rur frat-niiiy in the t-euth aj i-reriatts au aUli, .j ouUimoud yjur uicJiuno tu otrr iif.;e. IlIlLtU CONKLIX, 31. D. AM09 LER, Esq., Motttext. It., writ'. -1 Jan.,liM, I bud a tedious lulluetiZii, whirb Ctiitimd me io iVe alx vk-Im; too many nied.c.u-4 witli.nit rf; flmuy tried iur 1'n.T'JiiAL by tlte advir of ckrryinv,. Tlie Arst d-e relieve"! th" n-wm In my thro i.t luntCit; hvM tlian one half tho hot Mo mde lue cnitjlrMy well. Y'tor Di'-dMtifle are the chenpeMt m a 11 a Uv- ut wc can buy, and we etteiB y'u, lxtur, and juux m ili-w, a tin. poor Bian'e frieDti. Asthma or Phthisic, and Rrnachiti-u W'tsft I . uejtlx, I'u )r' l. i. li. ?in: Y-'nrCnraBl I'leroUAL b p. rf mante anarv4l na dire in thin ti u. It h nH-'i- J ir-.E In;; n) mitt-ioui f conittwiptiof). and in n- cuiinic i tnttj. wlt. h.ut Ltbomi BUtkr an aff-i tion of i!.,. tm, t-t V..f Itktt tiy an. HL.NKi L. I'AUK Mcrcbaat. A. A- RAMtfEY, M.D- Aunos, MMI O), low, writen, S'pt. . l--.'ej: During my practice uf niAuy y- I b;-ve 6-und n-thi:iz e-iimi l' .ur Ouiuiar PatT-jtuL f r Kivintr " and reln-f tu tutumtive pai uu, or cuii bui h aa are tunLic. Wc mit;ht add volnmt of ividence, 1 nt the moat o n tiucinp pruuf of tho virtue of tbu Riueily ia tvuud io It ejects upon trial. Consumption ppbal'Iy no one reuifdy hu ever been kii'wn wliiob cnretl eo many and such d.u.jferows caxea a thia, Swn no human aid can rearh; Lut eTeo to thewe the CiiXiAr rxcroEaL afT -rda relief and comfort. Anoi Hoc ml Nftw Yor.x Crrr. March S. 16 rtorroa. A via, Lowxll: 1 tV.d it a duty and a pW-w- toiotxTTu yon wh.it your 1'as.RJtv PtcTi.t hitd d.-at f r Tuy wiiV. irhe hail le-ii five nit.Dths lalwtriijf nn r tt-dAnptT-tUfl ftyiiipfceinsof CoiwuL-ipu-tn. troin v. huh no iwt we could pr'iciire mv her much relief. he mm HttLy f.vtlm. until Ur. i-trynir.t f Uiw uty. where we hrtveo-Tw f. r a.!..-. rwomm. nd a trial of your medicine. W hi. - hu,. in-1 an weii---nr akill, fr ahe bae ire. er d fp-ni that ti. tw w "t yec aa rtrr.rir an phe ivd to be. t-ut it. Irvsri troin her eii;h. and calM IViavif w-.iL Yura with prafitode and r-ard. KL.v.Mj slit.LLY, or SnxtBTTiax 0.irvfati. not dti-Twir till yi-u h.i- lred AmC Cllttla. X'iRaL. It id liiiele b uie-of th Ut nlfl rrv mitirt iu the m-thL an.l it curea all an und ua lti'tC th- high DJcriU uf iu ;irtu'S. lltuiuuu Lttijcr. Ayer's Cathartic Tills, riIIE s- b nri-a uf O-enilarry and Medklne have btw-i, J- tiixi-d th-ir utm-et b- pn-lure Una btt, ao ptrf.t purc-ati.e whi-h ie Luwn t num. Inniunerabte ptv-.tftj iu-'- shown tluit theee PiLta tuwe vtrtoeve wtrb iuq- exf. ll' nre the oriliivar)' mwheinta, and that tbey win nn prectib nt. dly on Uie eetvetn of alt men. Tliey Jb and pleaeant to take, but pweKal to rare. TV It prD. tritttiig rop. rtiea Atiiuulate the vital actirif-i of thr UJy, n iiM-ve the ulietructit iw of IT oriaiit. panfy the bk.nl, an! exj-el diai-aee. They purr twit the fowi bmnon wokb bret-d and prow di.4ten.'--r, stuuulato alujrt-h or duur dered onr-uie into their natural a tiua. aud impart hrJty tone with rtreivth to the whol" nystem. only do they cure the e very-day rmpluuta -f crery toily. tnt aluo frmi lalde and daneruus iliaauiei that have baErd thtf U-ot uf huiiiu k.lL While they prx-iuce pL-werfld elToTtn. tbt-y are at thi- wane Lae. iu AmtiiMied tho aaft-Mt and brtt phyir tliat ran be empiyed for cruldi-ja. Brinir utrar-c- t eil, they are pbvuant to twi-: and tn-lakf purvly teafetaid.-, are free from any rUk of tuna. Cora have been oaIe which surfa- belH-f were tliey !t sob sUutUted ly men of sach rxaked ptwaUua and character att to ( rt id the suspicion of nu truth. Many enua.T.1 ch-ivymen and physician bae lent their namex to crrtV fy t tbe public the relUiUIity uf my riawdiea, while utli en have aeut me the aasarance of tlnar oinvkaioD tbit my l'n parationa contriboto uuturnat-ly tu tho EtiicC of ay afflicted. truth-Tin? felK'W-men. Tbe Aent beluw named i pletued to fttrnish rrarM mf AmeruiiU Ahiianao.cunuiniD zdirecti'Wefur thtir one and certitieatra cf their cures. 4 the ftdlowin? emplaiutn: CowTivene. UiUoiw CuinpLiints, Khruui.ttufru, I)tniwy IlHtrtlHirn, II.a.ih.-ari-iin; tiotnaf ul pfomavh. iiu liPturytioti. M trti.d linwli. n of tin- t..wfUaiid lalit ari-inj th-i In m. rI ttuleury. tJf all Vk oiwaiil Culaueou lip-".L-i wIikU r-iuire au rv-uwii l.-li.'ii)e. ikrofuU Kiii'n fcvjl. They al'. by purify iiii th - l !,--tl and liu;ul.tliiii tlte m. cure luai.y comptAiiib. wiu.li it aild not W mppotMl they ct ai.I rett-h. BU' h iw l-.if!ie-s. IVirti.ii f"hn-liiens eurj.lP ui I Ni-riuii lrntal ility. l-raneturutB of the Liver au-l Kid UeSrt. Wont, and kUii'C kiiii-il c'itip!.iinU an.fic t'i"0i a luw tate uf the body or ulnlructiuu uf its fBjucUoua. lo u "t 1 put tf by nupriiuipted tb-alen) with a-n other pill th y ni:tkn mure profit on. Ak tor ArrJ I'iias, and take nothUitt el'. N other tbej can gfa y,.u comi-orta with this In iu tntriusic ralne or ruiatlva powers. T1m siik want the best aid there fc ftr thu wild they should hae it. rrparod fey Dr. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Che-mist, lowell. Mas l'au '43 da. ria Box. Fiv ikizzs rem i 1. SOU) EV 0. W. F-Rvrr'r, arel i hri-t & Cittwrrl.I.ew:.! nr; ; M:u.hC Jt II1.m;lii, f:lhiulunc ; J '.Cau .. M.it.'H A FRESH 'SUPPLY 0F Ins-S !.lMincs,Bo.l.s.Xot:oB5. 1 " V annus, f laiiuntry, Ac, pi;rclias'-i i" I York Phitad. marlids. Ins just beta ree'd at the Old Mammoth l:ru Mure of L'J!ltI.-T & CALDWELL, Lciburg- LASS Jars, f..r Picklins and Preservin;. G1 Iv Snarls and Half (laHotis. for sale cheap riiKIsT CAI.I'Wi.l 1 I) cure for Dyspepsia and diseases ansae In m an imr iire state el tbe aTcmarh rimi a imre fe- f Alii: J.i Ao! K ne T rtaiwr K ill j ' ' riiuisT rvi.nwti L Al'OlilFIKU, or Coticentrattd Lye uar- ranted to make Soap without Lime, aro with little truobka. With fn. raae of I yw and four ron.l. s.'ap I'at. yen -an make tlleea italloui giAsd ft 'P llard aoap can te roade in tho ssme way. F- r sale t-y niHisr rAi.nwrn.. 15 AVKS- WHITE GKEAS-E. for Wa:w. Hu, ierCsaaels. mnituses. Stnres. etc uj erior arlirlo. f.T.salo by CUillaT ALl)ttELl- C. W. SCHAFFLE'S irirriTfijAT v ..j vrTUI. ' "viiiij.iiiii auu in.."' " A Dru'j ixnd, Chemical Emvoriui. Mu.nei Street - . Lewisburg. Pa- Q-Tiv CLOC KS all kimls of S-day and pVa3t-nour IJrilss Clocks and patent lever ty time-pieces. Brass May clucks at fcrass au-hourclocks as low as AH c warranted for one year at J. L.YOl'F.R'S Dr. Jacob Ilorlucher, BOT.VKIU PHYSICIAN, harinr re-ainf.l his health, has resumed his practice the healinsr art. His superior SAL, E is stul io great demand, and all orders supplied a usual. New Berlin. May 8, t-l FAERTERT. rTIE suliscrilicr oCVrs his .vrviVcs X in curins Horses of Pol! Evil irFi'j'''" He will cure Horses of either of th"' a'c tu ns for ". or make no charie if ue ecssfnl. Here U an of pi riuuiiy for . "" whov.- h. iivs are aiilitied, lo resist th"" lu health .ii.! v.ui.:ng eiJa. Kesidinie enmy Farm in Killv To-, near Lewisburr;. An;-, f.'. 1-j.V OLtKt.i: MUHELL. svj-; in -ta