Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, October 03, 1856, Image 2

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A t
1 J
f f
uiislmrg (Cjjronirle.
October 3, 1856.
vfMiafced on lAstTa. FyMem. ha the Ureent and heft
' irtuUft at aar Miipiw liaiea, Tow.nty.
Presidential Erection
' Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1856.
"onURpO?rFORM! 1
My vote shall never be wanting when it ran be giTen
In awpnnrt of any rtuujonabl. BMaaul tA abolish Blavery.
-4MOM1 Wiwma.
Slavery ha been damaging to erery SUte whore it haa
.xiud. JiW Mam boh.
Libortr nd Union, now and for arer, on and
lnaepsrahle." lHsiti WrasTrt-
TbeConf tttatkm of the I'niteJ Sttatra I an instrument
Hot of immediate but 'f ultimate and uulver-el Freedom.
It wa pn r.tnplfc4 bv thetsnrat M-n who framed it,
an! tin World he so rei.-ar.lcd it. Tti National K.ag.
Chat i Its armhl.ls tho t winer of LIBERTY Its whit
and red fold. viutnl. of Kevoiuti.aiarv trials, of the.
crest, of Vletrv. and lire bkwl of eaeiiflee. M.T m
txekt rmnri EVa stash as lustrous an. imp-n-baMe
an th. golden Hresof Ue-r SrmamentP N.P.Bttrga, Ja.
. natti neper can, and werer seu7 To. W no
j.rr mU ceer nolle te rote, lo rriend .s'lurerjr
war limtory nam f dJ not easel." llatrat Ciar.
Free Soil, Free Speech, Free .V n, Free Prest,
Freedom for Kansas !
(Aoti Slavery Whigs, Democrat and Americans)
ron rrm presidest:
Cincinnati Platform Nomination.
fir PrrsUent JAMES rCClHSAS. of Pennsylvania
Vic trwJateolJOUN C. BKKCKIS IlIUOE, of Kentucky
Pro-Slavery American Ticket.
ear ptawwi MIt.LABU HLI.MOBK.of New Totk.
Kt PuaslKl-tl ANUKKW J. DO.NELSOS.of Itmnoaww
AltolUinn Candidate.
PRWM!T-ni!RKI1' SMITH, of New York.
Xim IWinawr-nAMtEL P. M FARLaMliof fvnn a
The October Election
Tvc1oy, Oct. 14, 1S50.
tt'Ule, Amrrlcan & Ilrpubllcan
ThuDiaa K. Cocbran, of York Co
Darn ln I'helps, of Armstrong Co
Ilarth'w taporte, of Bradford Co
For Uoners,
JOHN 0. KUXKEL, of HarrUburg
Kor Reprenentative,
N. II. TAG G ART of Union Co.
For Associate Judge,
JOHX W. SIMONTON, of Buffloe
Tor Prothonotarr, &.
JAMES V. SANDS, of Mifflmburg
For County Commissioner,
WILLIAM ltUUL,of WcstBuffaloe
For District Attorney,
- JAMES a. IJAMIiIX,of Jiewisburg
For Connty Aaditor,
JOIIN D. BOGAR, of New Berlin
Penniylvania Democratic Ticket.
KewitreJ, That hi th repeal of th ae known tho
Uyunon o.uiproDiiiu' a t, nnd tho pafeam of the art or
TeerHoririi of Kn nni rlera.ka. free
rcKFOMHKD 'i"'iKn. Iti fVir?l!tl Vfr .W'VtlWV. in
aviotlnc tho demand "f eertiqnal excitement by untdia
h B.lheeenej. as the fundamental law.
Jgeioieai, That we fully endoo the almtniatration of
rreeMeeit PlKC SATHWAU, rAll tin L, a.mi r.r
FIC1ENT fully eual to all Um important mT."neiee
whih the country baa had to encounter, and that he haa
vrthily maintained ncr lnter.t and honor at homo
and abroad.
ntfrrfto' na1f FWmnwB
witcA nomtnotetf f.e fn'ltnrmn CmAtdaUt :
Canal o.aatiaSea'r r.KOKOK fVOTT. of Cluml.la Co.
Awiuor Gmtrul JAIVIB FKV.of Montcomrry Co.
Caual J'IU HUH r, ol rrauaitn in.
Union Meetings!
The opponents of tho Pierce Admi
nistration and its nominaVcd endorser
James Platform, have appointed the
following meetings, which they invite
all their follow citizens to attend and
hear for themselves :
Frui ty Ere., Oct. 3 UurTalnn X Roads ;
Roycr'- school hotue, Kelly Tp.
Saturday Ece., Oct. 4 UeJ Bank S. II.,
West Buffaloe Tp.
Jfonday Eve., f. 6-White Deer Millsj
Barber S II., West Buffil ie; ami
Spiglemy.Vs Brick S II., Hartl. y.
Tuesday Eee.,0ct7Kcci'i White S.H.,
Wfh'uhy Ere, Oct. S II trtleton ; and
Farmorsvilln, Buffiloe Tp.
Thurflay Ere., Oct. 9 Deckjrd'c:, .Mif-flioburg-
Frvlay Ec.., On. lO-Zellcr's S.II., Eitl
Buffaloe; LiureJion, Hartley Tp.
Saturday Ere , Oct. 1 1 Stickler's S II ,
West Btifftloe; Orwig's S II . Hart
ley ; Union Furnace, Union Tp.
Monday Ete., Oct. 13 WLito Spring S.
II., Limestone Tp.
TTednesttay Ece., Oct. 15 IligVn S. II.,
White Deer Tp.
Friday Afternoon & Ece., Oct. 17 Sech-
ler's hotel, lower end Mifflinburg.
Saturday Eoe., Oct. 18 New Columbia.
f-Fricnds in the different localities,
will do themselves credit, and make their
meetings pleasant and profitable, by hav
ing definite arrangements for the fame. If
you Uit in doors (as is far preferable) let
the room bo opened and lighted early a
ma!l lire made when advisable f t health
or comfort and a pitcher of fresh water
for the f peaker if be nctds it. Assemble
early, so that speakers and hearers may
nil return in seasonable hours. And if (as
may happen wuh the best J your speaKcis
fail, talk yourselves or read iiuielbiu;
adapted to the occasion or moke arrauge
mcuts for other meeting, and Elections.
T Speaker. Dou't bore and insult an
audience by appearing before tbeni unles
yon have something which you think toi th
hearing. Waste no time in excuses and
apologies and set "pecebc.. Appeal to
conscience and common sense. When
you have CuiaheJ, quit,
Th UmonTn Fee Simple. A good
anecdote is told by Gen. Nye of Col. Fre
mont and some South Carolina seeecsiou
isU. The General with his South Caro
lina friends, were calling upon Col. Fre
mont, and the conversation ran upon the
election, when one of the chivalry said :
'Mr. Fremont, if you aro elected, we will
tecede." Col. Fremont instantly replied :
"I hope vou make arranffcn:..ti tn lara
c - ' t
tb State behind jox" I
Grand Rally at New Berlin.
Tuesday morning of this week, opened
cold aid raw, with a drizsling rain (much
needed) and roads muddy from the copi
ous showers of the preceding night. Tea
o'clock, however, found a horseback com
pany of East Buffaloe young Freaioalers
escorting a train of 15 or 20 carriages from
this ' region "inlo""New 15crlin where we
found DMt of the delegations bad come
in, some of them snperior to ours. We
were agreeably surprised to see the num
ber present, and found them all full of
harmony and of hope. We should say
there were 1000 to 1200 men assembled
a larger number than we hare ever
found at New Berlin before, and a very
gratifying evidence of puhlio feeling in
both .he Counties. The people of New
Berlin had made ample preparations for
an out door meeting, and had adorned the
two maiu streets with flags and banners
in tho most tasty and striking manner;
while their visiters came with badges, ban
ner, and fligs in great numbers and pro
ducing a most pleasing effect.
At one o'clock, those who could get
into the Court Room, assembled there
the closest, most compact party of the
many we have- seen within those venera
ble walls, and were called to order by
Charles Cawley, when the following Offi
cers were appointed :
President S"amcel Weirick E?q.
Vice Presidents Michael Brown, Ja's
Kelly, An hibald Thomas, Christian Biej
man, Geo. Gu'cliu, John Smith, (Hart
ley,) Jonas German, Jacob M'Curley,
Wm. Clingan, Rob't Cbamberp, David
Shafer, Adam Sheckler, Mathias Mowrey,
Joseph Swarm, Wm. Richly, J. C.Wilsou,
David Weirirk, Abrain Ileourix, George
Swartz, Joha D. Romig, Geo. D. Miller,
Wm. Mnycr, S. K. Hcrrold, Jr., Dr. F.
Secretaries Chs. G. VerBon, O. N.
Worior, Jaims Wilson.
The Mowing letter was read :
LANtAnTsa, Sept. 24, 1S50.
Dear Sir : When I engaged to be at
New Berlin on the 30th inst , the mass
meeting for Lancaster was fixed on the 2d
of October. In my absence the Commit
tee changed it lo the 1st. is it would
not do for me to be absent then, it will
prevent my complying with my rngagc
uiput with you. I greatly regret it, as I
had a strong desire to visit New Berlin.
Respectfully Yours,
Tiiaddecs Stevens.
Chat. Caicley, Eq. .
A despatch was read announcing that
by tbo detention of tho cars on the Catta
wissa Railroad, Mr. Ku.nkel had been
delayed. It was also moved that a Com
mittee bo appniaurl to invito Tno's II.
Ford, Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, who
was in town, to address the meeting.
Committee Messrs. Worden, Cawley,aod
Song by . T.ewisburg Glee Club.
Got. Ford being introdueeu . .:i
received, and addressed tho attentive
crowd with- great interest ami effect, for
an hour aud a half. Mr Kuxkei. having
arrived driven through Ihe rain from
Miltin, at the top of the horses' speed,
by Hon. Robert M. Frick Gov. Ford
closed, and (after a superior song from
the Frceburg Glee Club, led by Prof.
Eckert,) Mr. Kunkel addressed his con
stituents in a plain, but telling speech,
coutinued until it becamo necessary to ad
journ, to accommodate those who desired
to reach home. The Mifllinburg Glee
Club concluded the meeting, which alto
gether was unmistakably good, and in
every respect superior to our brightest an
ticipations under the untoward circum
stances. Ectniurj Meeting. A largo audience
convened in the old Court House in tho
renini; a great number of ladies pres
ent. The President addressed the meet
iui!, followed by Stepue.v Miller, of
' llsrrisbur, aud James Aiken, of Lew-
ioburg. The Frecburg and Mifllinburg
Glcu t.luhs gave some excellent songs.
Mr. Miller's speech was most pertinent
and tfiictive, and the whole day's proceed
ings left our friends old and new in
the best ( f spirits.
Old Kelly Awake !
There was a meeting of tho friends of
Fremont and Dayton, at Sjttt-' School
house, on Friday evening last, EGtli Sept
There was the best feeling, and grevisi
enthusiasm, and a firm, resolute determi
nation, to battle in the great contest for
Freedom, upon which we are now entering.
The following gentlemen acted as Offi
cers of the meeting :
James FntEi.ns, President; Wm. S.
Clingan, Wm. Ranck, John Ilhoads,Isanc
Ilhodacrmal, and Jacob Baker, Vice Pres
idents ; E'am Meixel, and Jacjb Moyer,
j Jr.,Soeretaries. The meeting being called
I to order,tbe President introduced Dr. Wm.
Leiser to the audience, who made a good
i address, followed by John Barnes and J.
Moyer, Jr.
A proposition was mado to form a Fre
mont Club, and every man present became
a member. The Club will ba formed and
organizsd on this (Friday) evening, at
Royer's School house. A general attend
ance of the people of Kelly will be expec
ted, and several addresses will be made by
various able Speakers.
We will roll up a majority for Fremont
and Dayton, in little Kelly, on the 4th of
November that will make James Buchanan
think that the lloody banner under which
he marched in '44 has been whitened in
the spirit cf Freedom. Old Kelly will
make the foul and corrupted Slavocracy
tremble with "Free Speech, Free Men,
Free Kansas, and Fremont."
tjqjuMessrs. Hamlin, Jones,and J.B.Linn
arc appointed to address the Fremont Club
Lcwisbnrg Chronicle
flew Compensation Bill.
When the I S per day pay of Congress
men was made a law forty years sgi, it
was, relatively, twice as bigh pay as it is to
day to great have the prices of living,
AU , at Washington, increased. In addi
tion to this, there have been Books (other
than publio documents,) voted annually
to Members, which sell and were some
time sold for 81000. lo 11500 per year.
Under this state of things the pay of a
member of Congress was nnocrtain.
Another evil constantly increasing was
the practice of Members absenting them
selves from their duties. We have it
from good authority that at the late ses
sion Asa Packer, a Buchanan member
from this State, was not in his seat more
than thirty days during the whole session,
and are well advised that one session,
while L. C. Levin was in Congress ho was
present only four times in tho House du
ring the year. Such cases wcae numer
ous. Members attended to their business
at home and took their pay, books and
all, while they rendered the people not
the least service, unless their absence was
a benefit to the public.
These evils demaniod correction, and
the last Congress undertook the task. On
the 12th of August, an act originating in
tho Buchanan H;into, was passed and
igncd by the Buchanan President, that
members of Congress shall receive toOOO
a year, no matter how long they sit. This i
set also provides that for every day a
member is ,out of his seat,uniess iu case
of sickness, a pro rata sharo of his pay
shall be deducted from hit icaga. It also
further provides that bcreaf-cr memhtn
of Congret thall pay for tach hjolc out
of their oicn money. This act is regarded
by men of all parties, acquainted with tho
facts, as a great improvement on the oi l
system. Now the people know what their
members really da receive, and tbey knotr
too that if they do not attend to their bu
siness they get no pay whatever. This
act was voted for by members of all par-!
tics, and has received tho approval of the
press of all parties, as likely to make the
sessions shorter.
Whether tho new law will really bj
mora expensive than the old one, is yet to
be tried. If found not to work well, it
of course can be changed.
MTBut now mark the duplicity of the
Loeofoco-Buchanan-Slavoc;aIic parly. This
act originated, th tlieir Senate, received tho
votes of most of tlieir Members, and was
approved by their President. And now
they have tho littleness the contemptible
meanness to conceal the most important
provisions of the bill, and try to raise an
outcry against the Republican members
who approved (with them) the now com
pensation aot ! Tbey defend and sustain
their Members who voted for it, and de
nounce aUta ticilw auu utuuk.D iua laepub-
licans who voted for tit. " O Shame !
where is tby blush ?"
Union Electoral Ticket.
We are bnppy to announce to our read
ers, that a Union Electoral Ticket will be
formed in this State in the course of a
short time, which will enablo every oppo
nent of the Cincinnati Platform and the
extension of S!avcry,to vote for it without
any sacrifice of principle on any other ques
tion he may now or has heretofore advo
cated. We give this information to satis
fy those who aro making inquiry on tho
subject. The Ticket will be formed and
published in time for the Presidential elec
tion. Pittiton Gazette.
T0HTH 4th Street. The subscriber
J. 1 most respectfully informs the citizens of
Lewisburs and vicinily, thai he has on hand
and for sale a cheap lot of FI ISTi ITI It E,
lor tne spring traue, comprising
Dressing and Common Bureaus, Sec
retaries nntl Book Cases, Center,
Card and Pier Tables, Dininsr and
Breakfast Tallies, Cupboards, Cot-
tatrc anu other JJed.-teads, fctands,
rotas, and Chairs
of all kinds. COFFINS made to order on
short notice.
The public are cordially invited to examine
his work", as he is sure that they will be sat'
tied with h'.s sl'-ck of Ware, and prices.
I.ewiabu! Sept. 15, lb.'6
United States Agricultural Society.
Office, tOO CUotnut street, I'iitailipiin.
rriIE FouNh Annual Exhibition of the
SOCIETY', will be held at POWELTON,
(Philadelphia.) on Tuesday, Wednesday,
1 hursday, t riday, ami Saturday, October 7th,
8th, 9th, tOih and lllh.
Premiums from Twenly-Five to Two Hun
dred Dollars, amounting in the aisresraie to
Fourteen Thousand Dollars, will be offered
for the various classes of Domestic Animals,
Fruits, American Wines, Yeeef-ibles, Grains,
and Agricultural Implements and Machinery.
A Local Committee at Philadelphia, repre
senting ihe various branches of Industry, has
been appointed to co-operate with the officer
of the Society, in perrectinj arrangements for
the Exhibition ; and Fifteen Thousar.d DoIHrs
have been cu.iranteed to meet expenses. This
material aid, coupled wiih ihe excellence of ihe
selected location, and the large amount of
Premiums offered, indnces ihe expectation
that the Exhibition of 1350 will be superior
to any of its predecessors.
A Grand Agricultural Banquet, in which
ladies as well as gentlemen will participate,
will take place on Friday, October 10, when
distinguished gentlemen will address the as
semblage. Favorable arrangements with the various
railroads, for the transportation of Stock and
other articles are in progress, the terms of
which will be given on application at the office.
The List of Entries, the Awards of Premi
ums, and the Proceedings, will be published
in the Journal of the Society for 1856.
The Premium List, with the Regulations
and Programme of the Exhibition, will be fur
nished on application to Mr. Joan M'Gowa
Assistant Secretary of the United States Agri
cultural Society. 1A0 Chestnut street, (Rooms
of the Philadelphia Agricultural Society,) or
by addressing the Secretary al Boston.
W f. S. KING, SeeVv. PresideoL
September 1st, 18".
and West- Branch-Farmer October 3, I85G.
West Branch Insurance Company,
OF Lock Haven, Ta., insure Uclafheil
t BuiMin's, Stores, Merchandize, Farm
Property, and other buildings, and their con
teats, at moderate rates. Doing bttsinet. on
bolhCash and Mutual plans. Capital,flOO,0H.
tlon John J Tearce
Hon 0 C Harvey
John B Hall
Cha's A Mayer-
Ohas Crist '
Teter Dickinson
Hon. U. C.
T T Abranis
, J Jackraaa ' !
W While 1 ' -Thos
HARVEY, President
T. T. ABRAMd, Vice l'ie.
THO'S KfTCHEit. See'r.
JAMES" B. HAMLIN, A?ent. ,
637 Lewisburs, Union Co. fa.
IS. H. Dereham, IS. D., -
HAVING permanently located In Lc
wubur. Pa., respectfully tender his
1'rofessiomal Services to the citizens of this
town and viciniiy, hoping by prompt attention
to the duties of his profession to merit a share
of their patronage. Attention will also be paid
to Chronic Diseases of every name, and treated
R'iih unparalleled success.
Da. PRRSRAM craduated at trie renowned
American Electtc Medical ('nlleae.Cmcinnati,
bavins first studied ihe Old or Allopathic sys
tem of medicine, and attended Lectures in one
of the Old Seh.Hd Medical Colleges of Philad
elphia! bui becoming convinced of the super
iority of the Xewor American Eclectic system,
he commenced its stndy, and attended two
courses of Lectures in the Reformed or Ame
rican Eclectic Medical College of the Ijneen
City of the West. This Institution, although
yet in it infancy, h no eoperior in thetireat Weal. and
Is alrca'tv anttunllv mure Htud-ntM than the four other
Medical roller of t-iiWnnati enmt-ined. It ie aemlinc
pliTNieiauii to .,11 aartv of nur u'ole'.and in Ohio, ludtaua.
Ac, th-T will en,.u be more numerous thin any other
clae ol phv.ii-ian.
The pnneeenl d tf rrne between tf.e H firmed fiiew' or
Eri.-ctir. ami the uiii Allojtathic oyttemot &clicine. ie thi.:
the a'ea- S'-l!on li- nu ni' dicitinl utent that i. in any
wey irjuri ta t the huniitn av.leiii. wh a Calom, l.
Aritn;e. Antiminr.Ac; for elll-erinr ami hnrinle. azente
l ae of lute year baea diaciTerwl, (fcy the er-T lile rtl
an.1 )-ror,-.-ive phr-li iiot of th-- V-w S l.-a. titat are
ooip tvaitltitut.' tor thoee ileleb rioua me-tieinea.tra-I'.mel.
4c.: llie-ef .re we haTe l.o ti'-ct f"r tii-tn. Wt:b
theeo taluat'A new aecnta, and all tho ft the Old or
Allopathic eehnol eji-ej.t ttie few poion- loeotioneilahoie,
and all the imnroremenu of 'every other yjtem of mcii.
cine. (a. Ihe li'pnepl liie, llylroptithic.Tlimn Ionian. Ac.)
man rti"a.e a-e now euralilo th-it w.-pe ont-e foniM-lered
inip:'iMe, and tli.t too without hn-akins down the en
atitution. and creatine other il1e.ne. a Ifc-bilily. ltliei-tnati-m.
!m p,'piM. Iaer Diei-ase. I.' 1 -crated rV.ro Threat,
It-ca"- d Itone r-r.-matilrc Lnea of T- th. Ac.
Th New S!m)oI certainly claim" a preat enporlcjrlfy in
the treatment tf all uia,-a-a. It U l-een proved l.y
I'lit.i.; J leO"tt that the mortality taking alt dieeaaia
t-v---tVr i, le-;. thau 2 per cenl; that of Asiatic Cholera
ii only 6 p-r cent.
Ttiin i. an'ae of prtiZTee. and improvement, and tho
New Seh l if alwaya pnirr-ae-n. not la-iaj; bound down
hy d-.potie en-eil. nnd siiti'inale.1 th-orie.
S.8. AKFLCK at Uia lower end of Mnrk t at. fcis
Tor Oiitrlct Atlornry,
rd joii r. i.in.
anr,12i4 -ViijIu- MMes.trs. Editors
The time is approaching when we will tc !
e,II.J i,w-, no l.uieiita II t... i
ft.;. ...;.,,.. .i .. -ii : ......
.ni. .....in,, .mi. n ,a oil mi I'm luii. tiim w i
Should have .n:m of intelligence, a r...,d nr.
cnutitani, and e.t-;;,rnced in tusiness per
mftinS to that orlice. We know i f no man
belter qualified for that station than Judge
MARSHALL, of White Deer. He has served
the public faithfully, with credit to himself
and our county, we would therefore recom
mend his re-election. MAN X Ul fcK".
Sept. 4. 1850
Arinl)lT. "il"""'. " "
ens friends. JOHN WILT, of Hartley town-
shin, will be an Independent Candidate for
Uepreseuiative of this DisfX1" 'n i1' General
Assembly of this State. ate coming
mtiiy oi mis
Election Sept. 1 1
,J- eo,v.en ' my"'f as a Volunteer
Candidate for re-electior. to the olfice of Com
missioner of Union county at the next election.
July 81 GEO. SCI I OCH
Please announce JOHN M. C. RANCK Esq.
of Mifllinhurg as a Volunteer candidate for the
office of District Attorney at the Octo
ber Election. He is a native of our count)-,
of large and respectable family connections,
of good character and attainments, and has
had that experience in ihe practice of the Law
which is indispensably necessary for a safe
execution of the delicate dunes of that impor
tant Olfice. WEST BUF?ai oe
To the Voters of L'nion County:
Fr.ii.nw CiTiisws I offer myself as a can
didate for re-election to the office of Profit
onotJiry and Clerk of the several Courts
oi Unmn eonuty. ' rjhould I be elected,! flatter
myself that the discharge of the duties of said
offices heretofore by me, is sufficient pledge of
my prompt attention to and discharge of the
duties of said offices with fidelity.
Lewisbttrg, Julys. SAMUEL KOI'SH.
WIIEIIEAS, in and by an Act of
T V the General Assembly of this State,
entitled "An Act to regulate the general elec
tions of this Commonwealth,'' enacted on ihe
2nd day of July, 1831), it is enjoined on me
to give public notice of such election to be
held, and to enumerate in such notice what
officers are to be elected I, DANIEL D.
GULDIN.Htgh Sheriff of the county of Union,
do therefore hereby make and give ihis public
notice to the Electors of ihe said county of
Union, that a General Eleciinn will be held
in said county on the Saeosn TrxsnavoF Or
Tonrn next, (being the 11th day of the said
month.) at Ihe several districts composed of
the following townships and borough, viz:
I district, al the Commissioner's office in
and for New Ucilm borough.
II district, at ihe house of Henry Gibson,
in and fur Union township.
III district, at the house of James Adams,
in and lor White Deer township.
IV district, at the honse of James I.awson,
in and for Kelly township.
V district, at the hoiiae of George Wolfe,
in and for East Buffaloe township.
VldistricLat the house of James M'Creight,
in and for Ilutlhloe township.
VII district, at the house of Jacob Deckard,
in Mifllinburg, fur West Buffaloe township.
VHIdistnct, at the new public school house
in and for the North Ward in I lie borough of
IX district, at the house of Jonathan Spy.
ker. in and for the South Ward, in the bor
oueh of Lewisburg.
X district, at the house of Charles Crotzer,
in and for Milllinbnrg boroush.
XI district, at the hoose of William Eilert,
in and for Hartley township.
XII district, al the house of Peter Wehr.in
and for Limestone township.
XIII district, at the school house, on lot No.
13, in New Uerlin, in and for Jackson tsp.
At which time and places there will be
elected by ballot
One person as Canal Commissioner of this
One parson as Auditor General of this
Commonwealth ;
One person as Surveyor General of this
Commonwealth; .
One person o represent L'nion, Snyder,
Dauphin, and Lebanon counties, and Lower
Mahanoy township in Northumberland coun
ty, in the Honse of Representativea of the
Congress of the United Stotes;
One person as Representative of Union,
Snyder and Juniata counties in the General
Assembly of this Commonwealth ; .
One person as Associate Judge of Union
county : . r- . . ,
One person as Prothonotary and Cleric of
the several Courts of Union connty ;
One person as District Attorney for Union 1
county ; . j
One person as Connty Commissioner; and
On, person as County Attilor.
"That uYarv nerawn. except rmf JuafTcef
lu. .h-.U ti.il.1 a ..ffiu or ariTuillitlilent
truat auder the United ftatea. ar of tlit state, or an I
J ,1ty or nvwrpor.,.- o.etrtct, rtelher . eamioi.-iorwa .
mcerorotlii'r-ttfiut'riiiiri nrmtr r ani, nn, j
or hnll r-a siiA4fj-ei norlnr tin tti. fxttitiwr,
...ti..,..rt .ler.rlmoht .. ,.. Stnt .a Mf th L'llttMl I
1-Ls.te, otnf tor lttrori.rai U irtrirt : wl Itvi that i
wprr mtjfar-r or Komrfrm moi r hi- wm 10 ni'-Bi.ir.
ml otftlst) arttft or Miamtin rt.uv il of nv rity. or com
milofier of ny t-orpnrtil ditskW Mr tnint.-
f hbUlfriK Xi'r.iMDjt at ihe Kimt itui-, im mvm
or ftppnintinwnt or jtt.Jcr. iot-r or fl rk .f any rl
unjixismni.rllht no Irwrw i--oranT
niliovr ol such U ju fctiail bo fliiUe to tw tl.au
votfi r.
And Uits M 'Act; o( Assembly, entitled
An Act rrUtine to elcciicns of tins Com
monwealth," passed July 2nd, lbJD, further
jiroviiies as follows, to wit:
Tlnt th" InTX-torn and Ji.dc rhn m?t at th ro
pt4ivt .rsjr. i app'iinttil tt hoUuit llf -it-tV-it to lb
.itrii-ta tm whl'-h Mt-y reiitfti!ljr bHj:, tr-.r o'
Ki latttv t oimz Jtt th at4 hjd'I T.iw-aJnw of itc
liu.r, uI wh ol ioMp.-c.tirs H mriMint on
el-rk. who f ro ii.iiiiti.Ti .lr of tttuli tii.-tnrt.
I it car Lb poru w ho pUall krm r-witxl tb avr
orxi hir:b'rt ouihtrf ot otoa tor iurpertT. abaJl not at
ttmi on tbt-day of anj flt-ctiw, U.-o U. imrM-a vho
hit) h;i rw-.Td tht! c nj JiUhit numb- r .f rot
it jtNlicr at th iiMlttvc.Jine l tion, tlimH met aa m-apot-tor
iu h p'at. Ait t in a-t4b- pr-i who alt-vil
bao n-cvitwl hmbf-'t numUr of ruU. r Iii.ctor
rhall t.otatti-11'l, th- imt-o fltU-U juJt attaa uioinl
an inp-tor ir h'w plare, anrt to nm th pt-r-uo aircUti
jtiiitt"' "hall D.-t .tttoiitl. then thr ionpw-tor wb.. rrx-ifd
th b.fhrr-t butbI. -r of -ou , aimll ai tKMot jitdj- it
ht alar: r If any TacaDcy rb ill ctjiHMiur M tb- brd
on- botir ftT tho timf hy lav flifd tr tb- ope-nlnj 01
tht Hor.n. til )Ot.lll."t V-sUra of th tBbip, -aJd
. r .ti-trW f .r trttn-b stu b orlcor haU na viem J.
fircarnt at tl.o f Ucr of flrti"a, abil eix ou wf IbvU
ftunlu r u fill U"-h trn-y.n
1 aUo hereby make known and prc notice
that the l,..owiog Act of Aeuibly was
passed by the general Assembly uf tins Com
inouweailh uu ihe Willi o( February, A i.
IS 11, to wit :
An act rflative to rot ion at loetlonit im tho ooinU.-
of Atiai, l.uittin, Kuril, J.urAUr, triUtiilio, Cuio
bvrl.itid. (.Voter. Ure.-u, Ura-Jf rl aoU Erin
Srmi. 1. lUt it nuartei. 4c, That it "h ill b lawful tor
the iiaiil.t! ,ot ra of Vix- ootuitMri of Adanu, baupt.in,
Lulu ustr. Vrk. f'rHiikiiu.Cuiubwr.antJ.Ci'Uit'r. tirr-Dtt
Ur,lL-rd au4 hrtct, fr.a aud afttrr Ui-i paafo ot thia
act, Ui voto 1'iraii tit. tuudtdaU'a for ttw varK-ua oftna
dej. ltiat onlco tor which every eaaltdat la voted lor, I
Ut im niM itt artr oifctioti on ona ni:p or i.caivi : 11 i
ehall I deeljnated. ae required By lue eaietoiK lawa oi
tine ltmaiuaeallli. 1 nai aity irauu nuauimni '
I'T hit n-r.uu t.rfiuiulhe tn suiter ab-ivu pr-aono. d.
Biiall h itii.i.-)n'd ai oitinlar frauils arc dirt tt-d t- txt
.tittiah. d i-f tlK HXtHtnikT l..w ( thin Cou.moi.Tfaitb.
i'liat l, lb'- d:l(X-:Uoa ti nu act paifd by tbo aaiJ
O. nerl A.-fn.i.I. on the tfib of Aj-ni, s-utitled "An
Aft rviaur? u nirt-tHdra in Krankliu routity,' A.f it 11
t'liiVkltTl : 'i'i:it tl.e A-t the i-o4-i--iil rrrvu f-f tbo
ii-tilursT i r..r-l thv-th-lfty nf feb.'4'.'.e.iitiioriiDj
lht iuaiil.vd .ot-nt ot A iaut aiid t).T oouulivt, u rcto
by geutrat tick-1, L eit udd Lo ililliJO, Luion, Cra
f n, ltvtll'or.1, M-itw, Wwrno and Noribumburlaud
couniir,itufara3 rx l.ibsto rotiusat ttHJjrftwrai elfctiua.t.
fvr (he infurmation ol the electors uf L'nion
county, I pubavh the following, being the -.th
sectiou ui lliC a :; of the Central Aeinbiy
ul the. session tl' HOI, entitled "An Aut to
provide fur the election of Judges of the sev
eral courts of ihi- Commonwealth, and to
regulate certain Judicial districts"
tec. si. 'that tint election f.r Jud uliail be held anI
f'u-lurUd iu tlit.- t-ettTHl rlvcUun uisirictisju Ibe Ktuii
itiNunor and in a. I rt-j(f tn as clertiotis ft.r r- ji re-matt
vim an or r-ti.tll Im iit-ld and roDdui-tft, ai.d by tlia
siiDir judrt, iti-i'rior and ollir-r orurfrB ; aud the ro-Tir-i.
iia ut thr art t f il' r.-Dcral viuM, t-uulU-d " An
A' t fr-laling Ut the vlt-rtioan of thiiOiniiitoavtcallh,' at-
r.-d I be ii ou-t U iy of Ju'y lfo.t, -vtid its ii-r-ral f-nj-t-lf-natitu
and all mUt lile U.w. aa far ax tbo fan..
hall l.e in l.-rct- uti 1 aj-t,ir-.ti-Ifha:l tiudt-ruioU -it dti.k -n
to apply tbd OMvlKut? tor Jotif: rruttdol, Thnt the
tt.'U-.-uid tflt-ft-.r-t tebali ule tor Jui-s cl ab tUBruiuu
t-ourt oa a e.'i'araU ; r.r.p. r, iiol f-r all vtn-r
vXdr" f.--iuird to to
pirate 1 1. iv f 1 ar- r.
ii'iru uiu law, vn aiaOUMr
'l will thus be seen that the electors of
, , . .. i
01uD CUUI"' 2re 'quired to vote tor t.anal
Commissioner, Assembly, and all Counly of
firers, on ore piece of piper, or the voter
may cast his ba.lot fur each office seperaiely,
if he prefers it.
It iliatt be ihe d Ity or the aov.-nl A-.-..ra refpeet
ively to attend at the plaea of holding every general,
en-eial or twn.liii eie le u- during the whole tuv .aid
eleclli n ia aent oi-n. I-T ttio purno-e ot lOvioa- iaa.ee.
ti iti to tt.-- ii.t r.-ie iiod,uji: all. n eile.l ..11. iu r.-.a
tun to the rut III ol auy tmua aae.l hy th- lo vote
at audi el' ru i. ' r-i-u- li otti--r inatt.-r m rri.li. n t"
tlu. RMw.in iiil iT vnfcre - ...petoea or etlr.er
of Iti'-Ul si. ail fi'.lti liuiv- t Olio, rvtiutri-.
Nnperroll ehall h. f-.-ria'111-d t" vte at any e1eetnn
.. .t-.r- ."J. than a abiie iri eu.aau! U. a(Cv ot la,-u-t
'.no yr, or ni .re. ah i ehnll have re-l l.-d tn thie
Stale at kat oitey.-ar, abd in tliee'ei-lion di.iricl wl.ere
lie offers f. loo a: le.t ten daja iniiio-.tlately .le vdiliK
Iui-)iel"-tl. n. au-1 aiunn two eara .aid a Male or coun
ty tas, which eliall hare leu a--e..ed a l.-a-l ten ilae
liol'ure tho eieetHin. Uut a eiUavil of tile bolted tilate
who has .reviii.il! tae n a 'tna.u J ot.-r-'l llii-.-Lite,
and reatote'l Uierefrein nod n lurui d. and uuo liaa resi
dnl in lh etiM-:i in d.trirt and p:iid t.ie.s a aferi'sai'l.
r-haU aerntitlid to iota after reaidim; In thia buato aix
inontlm : 1'roi i.h il, Thst lliantule l. '-n-..-n, ritiaene of
tho Uaiti d Statee, i etwieen the aaea of twenty-one and
twenty-two j ear., and have re-i.i-d iu Hie elsctiuu ilia-trh-t
a. aloro-ai I ten days, ahall he entitled to vote,
ailh"U;:ti lh'- ehall not hate .atd taxe
' No je-rs'-u f ha1! lx- j-ermitle 1 to voto whose name ia
not eonlained in tile lift oi taxable mhaUlaulelirn.ivd
fcy tin-1'- uimif -ii'iier.s, mi eea, l irat, lie'r")iuo" a n- rift
for ttieMiyinentwithio two yeareol a Mlooreinnly lax
aeeereed ai;rei-al!y to the Con.'tituliou, and int.- Kuti-;--tory
evidi nee eiiher on hia own oalU or ailirtnao n or
the oath ur afilroiation of another Uiat he ha.i paid eu. h
tax. or i-u failura to pro.lu.-e a reeeiot ah til make oath
to the pai meipt tlu re'd. or Seiitnd it h-- claim a riht to
fc t, y iwinr an n . ,n e-- oi iwenrj -.-m
and twenty-two team he ehall di-fom-on oath or aliiriua
tion that lie haa reaideil in the btato at loa-t one y ar
belore his al'plieatiou and make fut-h pro f of rcideure
in thedi.triet as iii required by tin aet.and that he !
verily la-lieve frointhe aia-ountsiiiveii bitnlliat he ianf tlie
afreaid aiie, and irive euch otherevidi n.-e as is n quire,!
hy thia act, whereu)on ihe nauie of Ihe persou M admit
td to vote uliail .- iueert'd ill the alpha rieitt-al ii.-t hy
the inepectori. and note m-ido opi ooite thereto hy wrltitur
the word tiijc if be i-hall le eduultid Ul ci.te ly ri-aacn id
haviliK paid tax, orUie wird ojt it he ebai! ha adoutted
to vote t y n a-on of such ae. nhall he caili-d uut to ttie
clerka who ahall make the like uuteainlue uataof voter
kept ly them.
In aU eain where Iho nemo of the peraon elaiminfi
to voteie found ou the li.t turninhed t-y the eoiam melon
em and aseesftor. or hia riht to voto whether Hiuud
thereon or not in objecud to hy any qualified cttiscu, it
ahall he the duty ot the inp-etor.s to exauitue pu. h ier
aun on rath ae u hie qualification, and If he claim to
have reamed within the State ft-r one year or mote bis
oath shall Im eunn-a-nt pried thereof, but he ehall make
proof hy at learn one eouipelcul witueii. who .-hall be a
quaiire-d elector that fa has rvai-lid within tho distrirt
for more than ten dayenextpn-eidini; a.o-1 election, atid
be ha!l aleo hiinaelf swear that hi bona tida reeideuca
in pursuance id hia lawful calling ia withtu , ), Jj.(rict,
that he del not remove into eaal dietrict lor the nurooec
of votin-j therein-
Kvcry peraon qnaliSed as areald and who jhall
make due proof it required of hia rweideacw and pay
ment of taxes atoreeal.1, -hall ho admitted to vote in the
town-hip, ward or district in which he shall reside.''
If au person ahall prevent or attempt to prevent any
officer ol any election under tbi act Irom hoklinr sm-h
election or use or threaten any violence to any such of
tcer, or ball interrupt or improperly interfere with him
in thecxeeutiou of bis duty, or ehall bliek up the win
dow or avenue Ui any window where ihe same may be
holdinit.or notouslj dijturli the peace at jnrh election or
.-hall use or practiro any intimidatinr threats, force or
violence, with desicn to influence unduly oroveraweany
elector or to prevent him from voting or to restrain the
treidom ol ei.oiee, euch person on conviction ehall be
fine,! , any -urn not exc eiiini fire hundred dullars and
impriroiud for any time not lea than three nor more
than twelve months, and if it shall he shown to the
curt where the trial ot such oflcnar shall be had.that the
pirwn soolTci.dinir was not a resident of ihe rity, ward dis
trict or towni-hiy where the ,aid offence was , -ommi'ttal
and not entitled to vote therein, then on conviction he
shall lie sentenced to pay a fine of not less tlisn one hon
or..! noi- nion- than one lb 'ii-aiui dollar, .n.l l- ...i
oned not lc than a
If auy pers.n or persons shall make anv h,.i e
- nor more taan two years.
upon thereault.f any dec,,,,, ,B this Ci.mmonaeallh.or
shiilt ofler to make aay such bet or wager, oilber hy ver
bal proclamation thercf or hy aT ,ri,tCn or printed
Hveii,. ntor ehaili nge or invite any person to make
To , I 7 WTr- U1";n """''i0- "'-reof he or th-y
offer! u"lo fibei. W """ to 1 "" bet or
vo'ti' '.'"rT."0t h' '""I'wJKWlIian frao.lnlentlv
vote at any election in this I'oininnnwcalth. or beini
otherwise q,i.l,B' d .hail Tot. nut of hi. pro,r district:
or if any p,r.n knowirur th. want f such .ualit!ction
shall aid or procure such person to Tote, the person on
eeuvicti-.n -ball be t ned in any sum notexr-edin two
bun.ir.-d dollars and he imprisoned for any term not ei
ceciiug three months.
If any per,on shall vote at more than ona eUrtion
distrutur otherwu, fi.u.lnlentl, ,ot. more than one.
on the same day, or shall fraudulently fold and deliver
tot he inspector two ticket together with th intent die
Itally to vote or ailriso and pna-ure another so to do. ha
or they so rfendmir shall on conviction be Surd in anv
sum not h-ss than Slly nor more than tlv. bnndmi d..
MZST" " more than
-U mV .rs..n not qnaliflod to Tote hi this Common-
7i l i;V'.Sl 7 '""T"h f qualified
eituena.) shall .pp,., , place of election for the
purp.e of i-.uing u, or , ini,B.,ns citi,en,
qualified to Tote, he shall on conviction, forf-it and pav
any sum not exreeoinu one huudreil dollarafor ev.rv
!."J2!.' ""I """""' term not exceed-
leg three month.
Agreeably to the provisions of the sixty
first section of said act "every General and
Special election shall be opened between the
hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and
shall coniinuenmil seven o'clock in the even
ing, when the polls shall be closed."
The Return Judges of the several districts
will meet in ihe Court House at Lewisburg,
on the third day after the election, (being Fri
day, ihe 17th day of October.) to do and per
form those duties enjoined on them by law.
The Return Judges or Union, Snyder and
Juniata counties are required tusjneel at ihe
Court House in the borough of Lewisburg
on Ihe 2fhh of October, to make out returns
for the member of Assembly.
Daled at Lewisburg. ibis Iflih day of
Sept. A. D. one thousand eiehl hundred and
nltv-six. DANIED D. GULDIN, Siff.
Sheriffs Otrlcf, Lewisburg, Sept. 10, 1S5C.
J.'.VM' J s. W.M V sold at d,sr,.v..t ,
Is well seenreft. Property near Levlab
In-jge ., ,h, rhr-Bial. -. -
"T1- . TTT . .y
, B f,t
aJT (hi tglm fl lS ro'cfccJ' A. M. imrnercrr.g on) Brow, nr,
SitWwea.aV Uwbnbvljor Selmserovf road, near JHm Doaachj.
- - - ' 1 Terms made known at the sale.
...- wy Wood Laail Jor Sale. s-. - -
IYTILL be sold at Puhlie rialo on S-rr-ff
T, Tt Tft T r.nTiJwii wr,
at the hone of William Lindenmuth, in East
DulTaloe mwnhip, I oion coonry. a certain
West BafTafne township, adjninino;
land of late Thomas Maekey, Phi
lip Kuhl, John liaves, and Ilutatne! I
aud Meixel, containing
. 443 Acres
The whole tract will be sold together, or in
pieces to suit purchaser!.
Sale to commence at I o'clock. T. M., when
Terms of sale will be ma le known hv
Evecntors of Jaeos Stihl, dee'd
Ke!ly Tp. O i. 3, 185S
Mfmns ccur.T sals.
4 tiKEEAULY to an order of the Orphans'
Court of Union County, will be exposed
lo public sale, on ibe premises, on
Thursday, the 13A day of Notembcr next,
all that Messuage and Tract oi Lstnti situ-
ate in Iliitlali
hiloe :owrtsbip, Lmon connty. nd- j
i! of Wm. flrans, heirs of Wm.
joining lan
Irwin atid John Kioiple.deceased.and others,
cantainine 1 1: acres and 10'J perches, with
the appurtenances. It is a'l cleared exceal
ahoUl "0 acres of Wood Land, and in a food j
s,a,e r cnl,V;li,cn. A frame IIOLSE
, . v
and BAR.. two wells f Water, one at
the hmite nn t one at the barn, and a
sjOkRCUAKU with all kin U of Fruit, are ,
famotig the innprovements. (
sHnnte in Vet GutTu!e towns... j, aHjointn 1
6u!Ta?oe M'inntains and lands late of lieuja
min Jt.nes, contatnint; . 7 acren .IU perches. I
Srtle lo rommenepat It) o clock A. M.9 wben
Terms of bale will b mat'e known hv
B'Ttrtnr and Etutrix of Psiirct VCLLLU, -Wc't.
liuHailte townhip, t:u 3, IS jo.
Administrator's Sale. j
"ITT ILL be off-red at public sale at the
f 1 hruse of M. Kleckner. in the borough
of New Berlin, Union county. Pa., on I
TaesJai, "Sfh of OjuUr,
185C. at 1 o'clock, P. M, I
All thai b t of ground situated in the Boro' j
of NEW BERLIN aforesaid, beginning at a.
post on he souih side of Water street, oppo-'
site the south-west corner of Lot No. CO ; I
thence, by land formerly owned by Henry
Gf oss, south 6 degrees east 2 percbes, to a
pjst; east 16 perches S-lfithu.to a p"St; thence j
north 6 degrees west U perches aud 6-iOths.to ;
Water strteel; ihence, by Ihe same, sooth 8-1
degrees, west 10 perches and 8-IOths, to ihe
beginning. j
Also, a iract of ground situated in the B-iro' j
aforesaid, an. I a.lj iinins ihe above ilesrcimi
trie:, silu.tte on lite smuh ot Wa:. r street I
honnHed o- .; west by lot of Michael Wag- ;
nerj thence, along the line (if satd 7Azner
lot south Hi feet tn a post, tlienee along hue 1
of land f Philip Gri.ss e.it V- fe--t a post. '
along other lar-.l of Jacob Orw:s of nhith this i
waa apart not th -t'eet loV a trr sty-el a foresa-d. j
thence along VV'arer street -es: 7 b et lo the
pl.tee of beinriitir;. cutitrii'iini; ab.-ut twenty '
perches. Terms mi le Woiirn hy 1
JOTIN A. MBRTZ. Admt'nisirator ;
of CATHARINE AUK AND, uec"d. :
Pept. .10. lf,fi.
ouphahs' ocust sal j
IY virtue oi" an cnierof the Orphans j
) Court of Union routity, wilt be rrfered
loraal-. at ihe public house of Jac.ib Deckard. I
in MIFFLIN BURG, at IU A.M. i f i
.';aturs!iij , i."-t"j Oct. insi..
No. I. A Tract of Lund smidted in
Buffaloe township, Uiiu-n L."...-itv. late ihe es- ;
tale of Benjamin Shoemaker. riecl.cor,lainine
SO acres and 17 perches, mure or less, ad
joining lan.Is of iivid Vuneid.i on the west
and soulh. Ly la nls r J,,hn li -nner on the
east, aud. on :he north by oiher lands of said
deceived, all LiinesloLC land, SV! acres r t u
Timfer land, and the remainder ail under
good improvement.
No. 2. A TRACT of LAND situated in
Limestone township, county af.nesaid, contai
ning tS acres and 37 perches, more r r less,
adjoining lands ofSjmuel Shoemaker.Charlcs
Royer, George KIcekner, Benjamni Chambers,
William Foster and others.all Limestone land,
about half Woodland and the remainder under
good cultivation.
Terms made known at sale, by
HENKY NOLL. Adminis-rator
of Bksj. SHoksaaca, dee'd.
W'est BuiLiloe, Oct. 1, 185H.
AT Trivate SaIe..The subscriber
offers at Private Sale the following val
uable Farms :
Xo. I. Snuate in Tttrbett township, Jun
iata county, containing 20Q Acres, about
175 acres of which are cleared and iu a bigh
state of good cultivation the balance well
set with Timber. The improvements -
are a good Log Dwelling House, BAXKjaLi.
9UARN.atid other necessary Outbuildings
Z?There is also an excellent Apple Orchard
on the premises. Several Springs cf tine
Water are convenient to the improvement.
Xo. II. On w hich the subscriber resides,
siluate in Beale township, county aforesaid,
coniaining lO Acres, about Two Hund
red of which are cleared, and the balance
well-timbered. The improvements on this
Farm are a good FRAME HOUSE.eSn
BANK BARN, and all oilier necessary JijlA
out-buildings ;n good condition. There are
two other Dwelling llonses on this propertv.
rj. Also two ORCHARDS of choice, grail
fed fruit, comprising Apple, Pear, Peach,
Uherry, Plum, Ac., of the very best varieties,
all in good bearing condition. Several springs
of Water are convenient on the premises.
This farm is in a very high stale of cultivation,
and under good fence.
The above Farms are wiihin 8 miles of the
Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal, and are
among the best in Toscarora Valley. Their
location is a very healihv one, and they are
convenient to ChurchesSchools, Mills, Ac.
Persons in want of a desirable property would
do well to call and examine the above, as I am
determined to sell. WILLIAM OKESON. .
Sept. I a, is:.6w3
Woodlots and Small Pann for Sale.
To suit purchasers, on reasonable terms.
THERE are 9 lots of Woodland, si-
X tuale in White Deer Tpon Little Buf
faloe Creek.atxiui a mile above Guldin's store,
ranging from 14 lo 21 acres each, well limb
ered with various, kinds of Oak, Pine, Poplar,
and Chesnul.
The Farm contains about 55arre ofa-WI,
18 are cleared, and has on it a Two Story Log.
m House, a Log Stable. Spring of Water,
and Fruit trees of various kinds. It adr
joins lamisot John Hummel and Jacob Hart
man, about U mile from Guldin's Store, in
W hue Deer tp.. Union Co, Pa.
The above property is offered at Private
Sale, by the subscriber,
Kelly Tp Aug. 10. '56. . ,
For Sale.
JLalFront stref i, near Market, Lewisburg.
A good RlilCK HOUSE and smtahle Out-
! re . rrn,"t- Knouire a: THIS
l",Hi I.vvjislnirjs, rVt. 12, er,6wl
f---, Univontty lots for Sale.- -
-tTTtft lJnfoni an FriJav. Ol-tfiW
V ' S I, 1 at Poblie Hale,' jorne
Tlic-a'e wtll akr pl.ie n the "rounds at 19
a ar nr.
On. A?'t4c, University at Lewisbure.
.,(..9, tKiC jf ...( 1 il
IOK Sa!c.--0ne Lot 6n Soma Thirl
street, a snjuarw and a half from Market.
t Time Um t.b . Soaih fourth street, tw9
aepmres fronj Market. ill i '-
The above are level Lots, well located and
well adapted lo bnrldiitr' purposes.
i;rr ? w It ARMSTBONQ.
Artin- Ex'r of Wm. Armstrong, drn'i,
AYEfVS- l.
cold, len.ns, wmm
BanrrrxLTi, Msas- SMh Dee. 1455.
Da. J.C. Area: Idonotaeattateloaay
the beat remedv 1 have ever foaad aar
Cuoirtia. Iloareeneaa, InSaenva, and rh.
concomitant ay rnptoms of a Odd. ia yonr
Cusaar PacroaaL. Ira constant was tn
aoy practice and my family luc the taet
ronr af saw-
ten year nae an'rwn u so pan enp
sinr virtnee Cor the treatment of the!
eumolainta. KBK.V SMIJ1IT, M. D.
A. B. MiMtTLSr. r of Unca. !l. Twritea : "I have
nwad yonr Pxctowal mveeh and ra Bay Sunfry 9m saw
TDamvanved M. and believe at aba beat aaaaVin. Sw an
barpiwe ever put ont. With a bad cold I ahoald anonar
nay twentT-Sva dolWa tm a Bottle them a wsthoal tt, at
lake any other n mody.
Croup, Whoopiac Cowgh, Inflaeaxa.
Srai von ti.pT Mias., reh. 7. li6L
BaoTHra Area: I will cheerfully certify yonr Pvevoaui
Si tbe beat rem It we piwaeas fur the cure of IVVinava.
(buoa. Croup, and the chit .liaaaw of etuMrea. We of
your rrau-niity in the South aprawiaa Tow Balll, aaj
vnunead yonr madicin t onr people.
AMOS LKK. FMoSTHUlT. Il.writa, 3d JaaIsMr
MI had a tedious InSuenaa. which cjavflne.1 tne ia di.es
J week; took many medidaea witaont rahef: tnaUj
tried yonr Faeroaal. by the advica of oar clerrrawui.
The first dwe relieved tlie ftawaea la my throat and
Innca; leas than one half Ibe battle martu as eumpleielT
well. Tour medicine are the cheapest as well aa tbe bast
we can I. .it. aud we etea you, Doctor, and joar rtia.
dlea, a the noar axena frSMid."
Asthna or Phthisic, anal Bronchitis.
Wsar visacarma, Pa eh. 4. lwX.
Sra: TarCirmf prTonai. Is ieiammr marvelloa.
enrea In this section. It baa relieved several fnen alars.
Incymtieaiif conenmpcain. nod fa bow curia- a mar,
who has labored under aa arM-taan of the mnra far th.
mat tarty yewra. I1ENKT L. rAKKS, Xlercaant.
A. A. RAMSFT. SI. D. Amow, Mombo Co. Iowa,
writ-.. Sept. a. ISS6: Dwrina: my practice id many year.
I have franel arhlng equal to yonr Cuebut PbToaaL frr
ITlvinfC ease and relief to consumprjv fjatieat, or cBfln
urh aa are rorl.e-."
We might aiM volume of evidence, bnt ttie most con
vincing proof -f the virtues of thia remedy i bond la it
eoect ujpon trial.
Probality no one remedy ha ever been known whisk,
cared so auay and meat aangeron caaea a thia. kane
no bum an aid can reach; bnt even to those th CxxaaX
pacToaal. afford relief and comfort.
Asto Hoci. Nrw Ton Crrr. Vareb S, 1S "
Dorraa Aran, Uraau: I fisei it a dnly and a pleaear.
to inform yon what yiair Cuaaar Parfvaal. baa doaeSw
mv wife. She hail been five moatha bxhoriBK under lb.
dangerons symptoms of Conaumplion, from which ao aal
we conld procure gave hv much relief. S. was steadfiT
nuliag. nntll llr. Stcng. of this ritv. wt uavecora.
f . . i. i.-cnmm.nded a trial of yonr medicine. Wa
r.ees hiskondne-a. a w.do yonr skill. 6 she ha recoe.
seed friaji that dav. She is aid yet a strata- a an asetl
to be. but i fr from her cough, and call herself weU.
Your with gratitude and mcird.
OflLAMJO SIIF.LUV, or Sbitvtijx.
Oinsreanfires. do red despair nil you have teVd Avrs
CntaaT pi'-rokAt. It i uia-te by oneof the best medical
chemists in tie- a orM, and it cures all around oa lss al
the high merit of it rirtue. iluiod-iciiu Lqtyer.
Ayer's Cathartic Pitts;
riiUE rirnraa of Owmiarry anl !vltnrs haa Wt
A UxmI thir ntmnat to proltror tiiia be. mt aartW
imrpntiTT win h in l.n.wn U ninn. Inn.iTralW pTv-aJp,
arr KhoWa. tliat th.-- Pitis hara nrtar wbirh aurpavM In
exc:truca the uniinary oie.liciuva, aaJ tkat tli-y wIb ao
ptTcraiitvJIy atn tlr- t. t-ni of aU mro. Tlaw ara mt
aurl ptc-amnt to tako. but p-w?rfnl to tnrm. Ttr TJro
tmt.DC pnivrtiaatiBaajwiwitaw
remnve tb oltrm tjt.rts of it oritana. pmriSy tha bimsd,
and espel diseaae. Thr piirptiot thftil hnmosa wbirh
breed and (trow diatmpor, aiiinntatw -4vrtrCTl. or aVar
deresl oixans into thfir natural action. and wr-vt bMaHhy
toe ith atrontrth U the hul tnnU-m. Nst only tt
thfy rare th Trry-.Uy eooiIainta of w?wry Wnly. hot
alst irmitW.lt and dan:fn.uR tlwiaaa that haw taafflsjd
tb bt-rt of human aktll. WliiltT thrr T-rr-iir pifwwrfikw
rta, thtT ar tl t-auir uxn. in dimtniwWi loa. thsa
tjat and btjat phyttic that caa be rnIoytd tbe rttiMran.
Binx wagmr-ctmtsfl, tbry aa pliewanl t tak; and bina;
parrly vreetaiila, are free? trues aay Halt of harm. Cut
hsre btwn made trhirh rtniTaAwa bt-lW wen thy aot anb
tanliated ty bmd of vnch eudted ptaritioe) anal ebancter
tw to (urbiU the tifp.cion of antntav Xajty aaaalii at
elerfrymeti and phyairiana hare lrnt their aaaiea tomtW
fy U the pnhlic tbe reliability nf my rrmfdiri while tnh
are hare aant me th aMoraoce of their crnitrtiQai that
bit rtparationa contribnte unmeaaslj to the relief ( my
$iJBKUl, fieri rig Mkrwnieii.
The A pent below naraM im plfatastl to forBtah ETatt ay
Amerirmo A! lianac. ontuninir tjjrctit-titj twr thair itaa and
certificatvt. of their curea, of the fellowing coaiplainti:
Costtirene, BilKwta Complaint. RhMiajtiin. Jhrp-f9
nwttini. Unktlarh aruiic from a tool 'inach. -Nao
lnltKtisn. Morbid Inactxrn Of th R veband Pain
axumic tiierefnin. Klsvttilerx-y, la) of Appettt, alt tkr
xia and Cntaneona In..ratea which require an enrtanC
M-ticine. S-T"fiila or Kmc Kni. Tbey aleo, by purify
ing the ttivB-M. and stimntatine; tb eyitem. mre many
CvoipUtntii whirb it a)tu4 Dt be auppoaed they cutilct
Ptvh. anrh an IVafnetas. artial BHodnea, Nevraljria airl
Kerroo" lrritaltlity. Itvraneementa of th Liver arnl Kut
neya, (lout, and oths-r kindml cnmplaiuta art-otnar from a
low atate of tbe body or obaniirtka of tta luactionaL
Do not be put off by unprincipled deaden wttb aoeae
other pill they make won profit ok. Ak fur ArmYa
Tills, ami take iiothliii: elae. No other they can rlw
you oomparre with tht in It lntTinaie vaitw or emmtiv
power. Tbe airk want th beet aid there ( tor them,
and tbey ahoald hare it.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER,
Tmtinl and alxiAlytical Chewd$t, l4t.ll, Mum
Paid 85 Cts. nm Box. Fro Boxm nm $ 1
f W. iVfttrrtB. snrl t'Mainr A rt.MiTUIwiabrf;
Mltut A Boorskur. Miffimbura; ; J. F.CAi, Mi ilea
OF Druss, Medicines, Books, Notion..
Varieties, Stationery, Ac, purchased in
New York and Philad. markets, has just been
ree'd at the Old Mammoth Drag Store of
GLASS Jars, for Pickling and Preserritif,
Quarts and Half Gallons, for sale cheat
i-hrist t cai.iiwsi.i.
J t cure for Dyspepsia and diseases arising,
from an impire stste of the stomach ale. a snre pre
ventive ol Al ii: A.U dorr-price 75 cts per booto,
forale hy rilKIST A CALIin ALU
SAPOR1F1EH. or Concentrated Lve war
ranted to make Soap without Lime, and
with lirttetrouhre. With one eakeof lyeanii foarroond
"p Fat, you -an make fifteen gallons good Soap.
Hard soap can be made In the same way. For sale by
CHRIST x CAt.liWtl.I.
Bu. ierCsgagts, Omuibases, Stages. etc
a superior article. f,sJe by CilKirT a c ALU WILL.
0. W. 8CHArFLE'S
Drug and Chemical Fmnoriu.
JUraei Street - . . JLtwisbnrg, p.
CLOCKS all kinds of 8-isy and
30-hour Brass Clocks and patent lever
time-pieces. Brass it.rl.av rlnrVa at S4.
btass 3tl-hourclocks as low as $1. All clocks
warranted for one year at J.L. VODER'S
.4- Table Forks,
teaspoons silver-
ATED WARE Cake and card Baskets
Spoons and Butter Knives.
plated on the best German
silver, 1 per I doz. All goods warranted t
give satisfaction. All kinds of Engraving al
the shortest notice at J. L. VODER'S.
THE subscriber offers his sfrrict
X in euhag Horses of Poll Evil or Fisiula.
He m ill cure Horses of either of these afflic
tions for ?", or make no charge if not sue.
ccsafal. Here i an opportnaiiy for every one
whoe horses are afflicted, tc restore Ihe. to
health and working order. Residence oa iy
Farm in Kellr Tp, near Lewislmrr