Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 05, 1856, Image 2

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    Xruiioliurji Cljrouirlr.
September 5, 1856.
I'm BSit4r9 . Tli I..h!.imkii Chk.isici.k,
j-i s.-h. I on tin- I'ash rlrin. ha th- larrp.t and Lret
, ir- ill .l.r.n of any V w .) a-, r ill I'll ion County.
K0Tlie lMnoeratio Conferees met at
Scliunmvfl oo Wednesday, and after tco
"r twelve Lillot3 selected 1'auicl Loog, of
I'uion county, an candidate for Represen
tative in th ta District. His principal op
pojicnts were Henry W. Fries of Union,
I'r. Jas. I'ravrford of Juniata, and
lUniil S. l!iycr of Snyder.
James W- Sasps. A report Las been
tut in circulation, tliat the Union ciiulM
ute f .r I'riitlionotary of tliis county is not
able to sptak or write in fiormun. This
i-i a tni.stakiv A native of l!trks county,
:iirl all Lis days living anJ d iing buiiues's
willi a mixed (jerDian and English popu-l-jtion,
Mr. Sands is abuudmtly qualified
in that as in every other particular to dis
charge well aiid satisfactorily the duties of
the uffije of 1'rothonotary of Union county.
mrOn Saturdjy last, all the Huehanan
men iu the lower Houo of Congress ex
cept 1MV1D ISarclav, of Pa., and all the
Fillmore meu except Geokiik G. Di ss of
lud., voted () r cede from the amendment
t. the-Ariuy "Jill prohibiting the use. of
the U. S. Army to enforce the usurped
Laws of the l'ordor Ruffian Legislature,
and the Dill passed 101 to OS allowing
lie .'resident to execute these confessedly
illegal, unjust and bloody laws at the point
of the bayonet and cannon's mouth ! liv
ery 'riend of Fremont stood by Kansas
to the last. Xuw they have, the " purse
and the sw ird," let us see if the Buchan
an party will pare to enforce those uncon
stitutional and bloody enactments !
Lewisbtiui, Center & Si-ruce Creek
Railroad. A large assembly convened
at Center Hall iu Center Co. on Tuesday
of this week, to organize the Company.
About S000 votes were polled, of which
there was a unanimous preference for Col.
Km Slifeu for President. A number of
gentlemen were proposed for Directors, of
whom the following were elected :
Joseph Paxton, Cattawissa ; George F.
Miller, John Walls, James Young, Mark
Halfpenny, Union county; Dr. S. Stroh
ockcr, W'ni. JJurchfield, Wm. C. Duncan,
Peter Wilson, Juhn Holler, Center county;
G-?oAV. Johnson and M' Williams of
Huntingdon county.
rj,Tlie Directors meet at Ilartleton,
Friday 12th int., to further organize the
"The fact is iiicontrovcrtibly estab'islted
that John C. Fremont is indebted to the
United States Eiyht Ilandreil Thousand
Pullars!" So says the Argus. Xow,both
bouses of Congress and the Prcsidenf,witb
all the accounting officers, did officially de
clare, (on their oaths) that HE OWES
NOTHING. If Lc ewes on accountsyears
old, why was it no published until three
months befon; the election ? And if he
owes, why don't Uncle Sam collect it off
his Thirty Million Dollar Mariposa tract
your party talk eo much about? Tho
truth is, this is but one of the infamous
falsehoods against TU E COMING MAX 1
if Fremont. Read tho fallowing testi
mony of some of our great statesmen :
"I have acquaintance with the Colonel,
mi'! I am so ft notably impressed as to him,
that I ten Id in readily trust him as any
n'her individual. His ISTEOKITY IS IiE
ViiND susi'irios." John C. Calhoun.
"Col. Fremont is a young officer of great
merit one who deserves well of his coun
try for the bravery and ability with which
lie dichargod his important and delicate
duties in Calif ornia." Dnnil ,btcr.
"Col. Fremont exhibited a combination
f energy, promptitude, sagacity and pru
dence, which indicatis the hiyhest capacity
f.r CIVIL and military command. That j
tlf country ici'l d Justice to his valuable, j
and distinynii-hcd sii'iires, I entertain nut.
the tliyldest. daunt. .nator Uix.
"Col. Frement, in my opinion, is the
must meritorious American of bis age now
iu existence." Senator Allen, nf Ohio.
:'I regarl Col. Fremont as one of the
must heroic and successful offieers in our
army an army of which any nation might ;
lc proud." Senator !';, if Texas, j
Grand Rally.
On Saturday last the Workingraen rais- j
rd :i Fremont pole at the Rough and Ready ,
Works, muid the cheers of a large and en-,
tliu-iasiic assembly of freemen, who had.
gathered around if. Addresses were de-j
livered by W. C. Laws.m, Esq , of Milton, ,
Win. ran, E.-q.f of Philadelphia, and
Mr. M'Min, of Wiiliam'port. Scchlci's
'.nut I!:md also enlivened the occasion
with fl.eir presence. We feci an honest ,
j ride in the reflection, that we haye never ,
f ill, red iu advocating the interests of the
W"ikiugtiicu, Ltcaue they have exhibited I
in every great crisis those sterling qualities ;
i f mind and heart, that prove the people j
1 1 be the only safe depository of SDVcrcign j
power. Tho very inscriptions on their j
t aimers proclaim their deep devotion to
the principles of freedom that they un-j
ierstand the interests of the white laborer, ;
and know how to guard t!ieiii,aud that they
spurn with honest iudignation the prctcn- I
ri.'hs of the old Arirtcrat, James liucha- .
i nn. who advocated the reduction of wages ,
and the subsequent degradaliou of working-1
men. The Iron Workers of Danville, true
to themselves,and true to the country,have I
minted f..r the war. Nor can they bo
ridiculed, sucered, slandered, led or driven j
from their course. Our opponents have
tried it, and the serpent has recoiled upon j
tl.enss-lvcs. 1 he cheers for Fremont anil
Freedom around the IVle on Saturday
fveninp ?vc thedeath blow to th- ir hoped
f creating . division anmng nr. The work
'rav'y " v...t..ur 'A,. :.,
Burlingame at Willlamsport
Wednesday of this week, was a gala day
at Williamsport. Flaizs were flyine in
the 6treets,ino.st of them bearing the uatnej
of Fremont and Dayton.and every railway
train brought in hundreds of visitors from
tho North and East, who, with hundred!
more from the town and country number
ing thousands in all had becu attracted
thither to hear the distinguished Congress
man from Mussachusetts,who Bully Brooks
did not 6ght Assort Bi-bmnuame. He
is a plain, intellectual, solid looking man
of medium height, with nothing assuming
or rcmakable in his appearance a genuine
type of the learned, fearless, honest, prac
tical Yankee.
Bradford county sent down a couple of
hundred men to represent her .'!0OO majo
rity ; Montour had a beautiful bauner,nnd
her Band of Mosic.with a large delegation; I
Northumberland had scores of Fremonters i
and Fillmorenns who will vote so as to kill '
Buchanan ; Union was well represented ;
and nearly every township in Incoming
had specimens of members of the large and
giunmg I'uiij tur ine inner1.
A. UPDEGIJAFF was chosen President
of the vast assembly, (which convened in
the rear of (he Court House), assisted by
a lnr,. nnmher of Vico I're.lent, from
that anJ other countic?,aml J. M. M'Mtx.v,
Secretary. The Williamsport anil Danville
Bands, with tho Committee, then escorted
Mr. Burlingame to the stand, and he vis
heartily wc!otned. Although weary and
hoarso, Mr. B. rocccdi d, in a clear, effec
tive, and clrnnont style, to discuss the !
great issue of tho contest, and after speak
ing over two hours, had not concluded
when we were forced to h ave. Cheers and
laughter from the gentlemen borjuets of
flowers from the ladies and deep and
earnest attention of all the intelligent au
dience showed how his words and tho'ts
were sinking into their hearts.
The meeting adjourned with 3 most
hearty chctis for BuriingMue.and 3 for
Iu the evening, the Court Ilonsc was
crowded to overflowing by cger listeners
to a rich, racy, but thought-breeding and
instructive speech from Mb. Ut-OSS, of
Monroo county, New York.
From every quirtcr we received words
of encouragement, and are satisfied that
only effort is required to carry our State
for Fremont. Documents and Meetings
should be had in every neighborhood; and
the earlier, tho butter.
The Kansas Committee,
Wash l nutos, Aug. 3 1 . Messrs. Hyatt,
.irov aim camels, uic i?uo-aiionai iNan-1
i I. . i i l i i r
rltli tli i
President, yesterday. They report that
the I'rccident justifies Lis general policy
with regir-l to Kansas, expressing bis be
lief that if the inhabitants of the territory
hud been more anxious fir peace and hss
about their institution, there would have
been no trouble, lie does not think that
the condition of things in the Territory
is such as to prevent the obtaining of jus
tice in the Courts,and admits that the pos
session of arms was the Constitutional right
of all American citizens. Ho pledged
himself that invasions of the Ten itory,come
from whatever quarter they miy, shall be
prevcutcd, and declared emphatically that
the actual settlers shall have a fair election,
though it should require the entire force
of the Government to secure it. He also
expressed his determination to enforce the
Territorial laics, but said he had no power
to protect the emiyrants on their way to the
Territory, and 'hey must rely npon tLepro-
tecti"n afforded l'j the civil authorities of i
the Mate.
Lawrence, Kansas Terri'ory,
Saturday, Aug. 23, 18.riO. J
On the 221 the Quaker Mif si.iD, on the
roa 1 from Wtatport to Lawrence, was at
tacked by an armed baud of Georgian?,who
plundered the place, taking all the horses I
they could find, and committing all man-1 platform. The Catholics r?mam faithful,
ui r of wanton outrages upon persons and j Catholicism and Slavery aro the only pil
prpcr,y. The peaceful inhabitants were lar? TZL . i
sliutm fuily insulted, and tLcir lives put
in jooparJj ; and threats of an uparallelled
prossucss wera made to seize the helpless i
Q'laker women and carry them off to the j
Hum in camn with aa oMeet Mo thoekinr.
to coiitcniplate. Tho iuoffensive people
were compelled to flee for their livcs.tlicir
property all stolen or destroyed. Cor.
We have Kansas advices liy wiy of St.
Louis t.j ihe 7th u't. Gov. Shannon had
on the 2-"nli proclaimed the territory in a
Mate cf insurfction, but the precise bear
ing of this movement is not yet certain.
It seems to be aimed at the Free-State.
men, but it may be intended to get rid of
men, out ii may oc luienueu to cct. riu oi
, 1 m- - 11 t ,,
ho have rushed
ucli force. The
mto the Territory iu such force. The j
fact that no further collision has occurred .
down to the 27th leads U3 to hope that a '
general conflict may yet be averted, or at j
least staved off. The Free-State men must I
. .t I it l .1
fnin strpnftli I-v iloliir ntiii a mnntTi in
fc- J " "VI
cauip, even without fighting, will be euro
to thin out the ranks of the I'orJcr Ruff-
iars. Every dny. therefore, thnt pa?scs I
without a cu!!.a:iiu is a day of grtin to the
Free State caupe. Two mnnths mnre
tirinjrs to the elrt-.inn, winch wo trust
will termiuatc the reir; of KufBins over
t f'' We invjic OUT rraHers tn tlie pcmsal of f
1)r. AtKii'a advertisements which arpar in!
tion as trcatsi:; nf uhat intfrets n all. and
frnm a sonrre which all have lone respected, j
The DtrCtor is well known as one uf the lead-
in? ChemiMs of tins country, who devotes his ;
prat acviirements to the discovery and man. ;
uiuciiiir in rrmc'.ncs tor popular use. i nc ,
unparalcl.'ed success which has followed his
labors is lo well known in this commnnitr to 1 JonfiO Kent, son ut ('baliCfl!or Kent,
t,r ! aov luruUtii n fr :ir p-n HcjAmr i'n-sideil over a Fremiti t mutiiiig at l-'itli-'
"t.rfr. ' . kiii ..audit,?. X .."
Lcwisbiiiir Chronicle uiitl
The American State Convention, wo re
gret to see, have out in nomination a full
Fillmore ticket. It can amount to nothing
except to give the State to liuchanan, and
can not therefore receive tho support of
preat boJy of tll0 Amcrieaa rar(J.
Tho struggle is between rrcmout and;
freedom on one aide, and Buchanan and j
slavery ou the other; and when the time
for action shall arrive, but very few will
In f.uinrl willing to flirnw iiMr.iv their votes
.......e -. . j !
upon a third candidate. Ibis paper can
not be made a vchiclo for creating disscu
tions among the opponents of Buchanan.
.Viuei Chunk Oiizttte, (formerly for
Fillmore.) j
Seiiun.iui.r. Coustv. Fremont clubs
have been formed in Pottsville, Miners-1
villo, Ashland, St.CIairrremont.Colonibo,
and Piuegrove, under most flattering cir-'
cutustances. The Protestant adopted citi- j
,..nJ 1 1, ... ,- ; ..
common g,a A m-m ,
I unf Tick(ft bM tccn furmcJ Iiy , fu j
I rM-en,ian :,. re.n()miuad Hon. Jas.
H. Campbell for Congress, and Charles '
1'railey and Jacob Ilauiimr fur Assembly.
The Richmond Whiy, Aug. 25th, propo-1
. ........ ...... .. n-i - i .i i. ...
, scs lual ,uc lrSlu,a " U,S auu ,uu c,u"
ucrais UUllC, luriu UUIUU tllliut Ul Vlgui.
Democratio and seven Whigs and Ameri
cans, to le supported by all parties in Vir-
siuia, with the distinct uudirstauding and :
e ' . i.i '
agreement that tho hltecn electoral vote;
of Vir.iini-i shall he cast fur Mr lir.elir.n in '
ei irginiasuau ot casuur .'ir. uncuuan ,
if he guts moro Northern electoral votes '
than Mr. Fillmore; or for Mr. Fillmore. if
lie neU more thin Mr linelnnan I 1 " y ' '"" r ..s . . . j,,- UMi)mn v inur tl tins lir l.i
UC gets more nun .nr. jucuanan. t;aiididate f..r re-elertiuu to the olhce tiftlom- I , "... ;! .'. . r.i.
r . . . 1 .1 . .1 Ti n i
ir. IS statea inai me lteimoiieaus in
Maryland havo determined to run an in-
J dependent electoral ticket, and that Fran
cis I . Blair is to be one of the electors at
large. In three southern States at least,
Maryland, Keutucky and Missouri, and
probably iu Texas, tickets of this party
will be formed : and also iu Delaware and
Tho Fillmorcites boasted what treat
things they were going to do in Iowa, but
L . . l i- i . . I . . r .
we uavo seen returns, auu unu notuing oi i
tne party in that Mato since the r.lccnon. :
Tho Republicans have swept the Siut bj
5,000 to e,tH0 anJ promise to doublo tho
dose and cure the State of its Black Ic- :
mocracy and Black Americanism in No-
vember. I
We arc credibly it.forraed that Couneaut ;
township, Crawford county, has only three i
Buchanan men in a list of about four hurt- j
dred voters. All the res! go fir Fremont ;
and Dayton. Conneaut will be the ''ban- j
ner township" of Pennsylvania. The three '
Buchanan men talk of staying at borne on j
election day so as to make the vote unani
mous. Lrie Constitution.
We find in tho Cleveland llerild a call ,
for a meeting to form a Democratic l'rc- 1
rnout Club in that city, tho members to
be entirely of those who have
always .
nercioiore voicu ihe iemocraito
i o tre cai! .ixtt-ix namta are arpcodoJ.
ana it is voueuea ior, mai every man oi i
tbcni voted for Med ill, tho Democratic)
canJiJuto f r Govcroor, last full. j
The larg si meeting in Jli'JJletotvn, Vo. ,
for luany years, was ircsiJcJ over by lion. !
IJonj. Jor Jau. John t?. Uoweu Ksij. ppoko
two hours, and the meeting adjourned with
three cheers for Fremont and three for ;
Uowen. lion. James Clark presided at a I
similar meeting in JArry. Daujhiu county
ia coming up strong. i
Montour county is getting wide awake
for Liberty. A large Fremont Club was
i . ij . i
formed in alley J p, last week, after an
address from Oco.A 1-nck (the eUU r) and
Dr.Browcr. Amnn thev-fficer are 3Icsrs. i
Mau?, ISriclif, rfcustormachir.Hiue.rurst), i
I Cadwalader, liobcrts, Ilock, Uurr, Itusli, j
now, ;lson, tc.
Tho Republicans of Sanilac county, j
MicLigan, havo fuunil a notallo mode of
saving troul'c. TLcy have adopted the J
entire Democratic organization of the coun-;
'y- Kvcr7 ,uau 0I? ,Le "'J coimnittc
and on ihe township committees of the old j
Democratic organization, ii now a thorough
Fremont man ; so they just ''lull 'iiu Lc." ;
Detroit Adcertiser.
The Welch, English and Seotch miner?, j
and a large trcportion of the Irish and I
German l'rote-tauts and free-thinkers, are
leaving the Democratic fjr the Republican
shape of politics, that the smth west j
county of Iowa the one nearest Kansas
should be named Fremont, and
,own where the Kansas routu crosses into i
-clJrasla, Dayton. &o the way to lvati
it. : -1 l
sas, literally, is through tnmonl and .
Dayton. j
Decidedly rich The certificate in the '
last Aryus that Josiah Colo of Kaston was j
offered Jj'JOUO by the Fremont men. Satitu !
himself would not give onc-teutli that ,
atiioutit for the body, soul, and effice of
the half idiot. I
In McKcan counly, a voluntary move-1
tnent has been made by members of the
Democratic party, resulting in a thorough I
Fremont organization, at the court hou.-e
. " . ' , ,
at"! in every township of the county.
At a Jk publican mass meeting in K.ck
county, Wiscotisiu. 7,000 rreemtu were
in council. They formed a precession
two miles in length, l'retty good fur a
S,a, of fcat yesterday !
1 he Lehlh xl':'r!"' 80 "'""cntial (Jer-
"- r"l" I'uuncutu ud .aiiiiionvu. I il..
' . -
has tikcn down tho names of Fillmi rc and 1
I . - 1 1 . .! .1 1 . i !
Dayton flar.
The Detroit Advertiser, of Fridny, Mra
174 Germans signed the Fremont Conati- :
j tution, at a meeting in that city,i!iis v.ct-k ;
lol of whom voted for 1'ieree iu j
j ISince we hoisted tho naiue of Frti.iont '
j for the Presidency, we received fort -one
new subacrihers. A good week's busiuesf. '
Tjehoilt 7Vmr i
n, - , !
j'uu.i.vuuu ai tune onu Hereto- -.
l)T0 democratic, has hoibted the Fremont
The Portland K-rnositor. a lfitV.r.tr nri.
voratft nf th- 1,,: aa
lns now supports 1-reiiumt.
West Branch Fanner September 5, 185C.
It lilir. American Itcpobllcau
I'MIH TM-fcl'-TS.
'Liberty anil nnion. linw .in4 fur ever, on anil
inparal.:e."- Ihmii. l .
'Tl.. '.inr.tiili -n ..f Hi.-1 i.il' .l Stat- i' n inlruinrnt
nt ( m, h:.l.- l.m ..f ulliiiul- 1 tmivr-iil r-l"in.
It - . .-..I- mi.h.t. . I l.y tl.Or-:il M -u .1... fr.lu-a It,
mil th- W.ul.l h. r.-.-r.l..l it. Tl..- Viln.nl H'-
u,.' .-.:. fc. th. i -m..r..r i.niKitry-it. .i.,-
...J r. J I..MH i-lllib.il" "I K. v..lillt- iinrj tnulf, ! Hi"
rr.it, .-r Vi. l..rC. .t..l lh., l.h-1 ..f S.tIJI. WT m
mwl'iM ,.,,,v...Ti.i..l.i-lr..u-i..li..--ri.l.:.M.-m
Uio sli ii m..fK-r rn.wiH. -N.IMk.-,Ji..
" rvi.l V.H I !-' ''. ""' ' "
p-mr -'II rr "" " '
imt l.rru..r, '.,: K crof-llum L.
r.)C1l.'-lJIMl-M.)MB, r
Tliomiin i-:."ochran,of York Co
K.R Al'!.T.. lliMUt,
l;M ill IMlt-lpi, ol Armstrong Co
Itarltl'tV I.aiHWlc, of UradforJ Co
For (Jonqri'ss,
JOHN C. KUXKEi-, of Harrisburg
Snl.j.-t to UM'tl., l.i..n f u tVt.tfre.mul c..iilr(.'i.i. ;
Kor KepresiMitativc, j
M. II. TAUtJART of Union Co. I
For Associate Jinls",
JOilX W. S1AIOXTON, of ButTaloc j
For l"rithon"tarv, Ap.
J AM ES W. SANDS, of Mifdinburg ;
For (Joiiiiiv Cioninissioiier, !
W I LM.V M 111 ,' 11 L,of West Buffaloe ;
For District Attorney
JAMKS !. HAMliIN, of Lcwisturg N.W
For County Auditor,
JOHN I. BOf! AR, of New Berlin
' nnsileiiniii Democratic Ticket.
R'virfl, That In the r. :'l f t1 n' t knnirn the
Mi-M.uri roiiippiiiii-e net. iin.1 thr .n.i;i) uf Ihe wt r
piiiiiiili llm Teriiloiieji uf K ilisiw nii.l N- sr;i-k, !'-
t'r..iii uii..111 itnti'.ii.il ri-rtri. linns. Ihe la-t Cn-jre-M
llleettit; til. ilemnn.N ..f w'tioi.nl rxeiU'Dietlt l.y Uu.-h.
ki 11 n.llier.'Iire to the fil IK IliUli'll till hin'.
J:.;'ml. Tint we l-illv eii.t...: 11..' n.m!iil.rratioii m
fr,.iiei.t I'lrr. r. a. NATION At KAITI1H U AMI r.t'
' t'll'IKN T lul.v iiul lo till the liiirl!!!il emerflirie.
I nhii-li the miliary li.is h:ul tm in nuuter. mid lh.it lie Iiji
.nrlhlly liiKtliliuma Ii. r iuien-5l uim ii'-uur m u.'uiv
m.l nbr,t: .l.
le .i'A .. tht ','..; Om-Mvt'H
..-,;,..,,,., '.N,r-iii:ii;iiK sruTT.f.rc.iumUmCo.
'''"' '"'- -'ai i ill mv.i.f M. iite.,m. ry t o.
rr,y, ,;,.,pjnN u,, n, rf Franklin i ..
'0!H!llis-.iHH'IV-At ihenrqent request
. c i . . - ii- .... - i-. .1...., ......
missionerot I nion county at nic next eiecnon
w. , ,
July -1 tit.o. siiiii. ii.
Please announce JOHN M. C. KAXCK Y..
of Mitlltnburn as a Volunteer candidate for the
nice of lliti'U't Attorney at the Oct.i
ber Election. Ik' i a native of our countv.
of lar?;e and respectable family connections,
of muid charaeter and attainments, and has
had i.iat experience in ihe practice of the Law
which is indispensably necessary for a sale
execution of the delicate duties ofiliat impor-
wE.xr r.i;F?Ai .ok
l uiuii Conn:
j't fjia y,,i, rs of
Ff.lmiw Ci n.hs I olTer mysult as a eatl
didale for re-election to the ollice of I'rolll
onol.iry and t'lein of the several Couns
ol I'nion county. Should I be elected,! Il.itter
mvself that the ilixrharse of the duties of said
ollices heretofore byme, is sutiicient pledge of
my prompt aiteniiou to and discharge of Ihe
duties of said otlices with fidelitv.
I.etvisl.ur?,Joly XAMI.'BI. KOCSII.
Calhartic Pills,
Invalid, Fallirm, Mother, Phytic ln,
I'lillanlliroplatit, read lbtr ky.fr
and Jnlce mf their Virtue.
IlenJachc, Sick Head arhr, Foul Slomnrh-
riTT-l:lai. May 1, 1-J.
Dl-J CATM. Fir: I !t r-'-n1t-ily rtirfl of
tlu- irt ltfMtlarlKi nuy lly can l ilitw r tu
of vour I'il If, ll Hi-ui' trnin-v fn-uiH fml totiun'lt. hit h
ti-y eiraiw oikv. ii tin iti cure otiurs iUej
nie, laii i worth km
tlie, t!) Im l ih worth ktiowinif.
xuareaitu grunt tiwi-t, ki. w. i-kkhkk,
C"tL u Simmer VUtrvm.
Billoufl Disordrrs find I-ivrr Complaint.
AnmMTtjf. U. 7 Kb., lfW. f
Pm: I hw nwl tomt Till- in my p-mr-d an-I hipilnl
pmrhi-f r-r mim- "U niifri' them. unJ miuntt Iiemlatvto
My thi'y nrf iIip U-t mthartic pntjttor. Their ricn
bititi); HclKili on tin Iter wui k an-l lUci-Uil, ciuHtif nt
ly tln-y nr n Hi)inlr!.t' rvm1y fr lTni'ni'ntit"f that
orynn. Imtiitl. 1 liav (M-Moni founl a ivn of Inlwui tht
tUe m oWtftintc I hut it u-t r-:i'ti!v vi-T-I to th-ii.
imUrually yuurs, AI.oN.O HALL, M.I.
Pftytidan f V,t Mirint UoijnUtf.
Dysentery Helax, and Worms
IMfT Ornrr, II rt.isd, Lit. Co, Mirn Nor. Ifl,
At kb: Vonr Pill am the Tf--tion f mUrin.
Thfy have tlu my wife ni.-m cuihI tluta I nui tell yon.
Plm lt;nl litH'ti -k ami inintr away for month'. W-nt
off tu hr ilortortI at icrtat rxi-n but Kot if U-tter. Sho
iiH-n conimi'tirfti mttiitx yoitr I'ih. nu n mmn rnrni iter.
i-it. tii.-v art. ai-i cmi hrr an.i onrt.ciiiMren
wiiyiiy-mrry. oncor,mri.iKhi-ha.) itii..n,i
.... - w ... j..... .....
olliora nroiiii.l u. mil fi.4ii ftri to twenty iMIani durtiinf
Mil, an.l liwit iiiiii li liniH, without U.itu i
et.'n thfn, K" mnmttif ilh ymut, wlikh la actually
p au.i uuuv&t, will Im I'livisl li.r..
OKO. J. tiUIFFIV, Ihthnntlfr.
Indigestion and Imparity or the Blood.
Vim Her. J. V. Jlimtt, lutur nf Ailrtiit tftuirA, liatim.
Inl. Ateh: I havo n.l your Till, n ith etrn..rliimry
mrcwmn Id mr rauiilyaii.1 aintniK tlitw. I am callisl tovfe.il
In .lintrt.. "T.t nsiul.it tli. uricnnnof .liiriti.ii an.l puiify
tlw l.ltio.1 tli1) arts tlie vrry lt n-meily I hTe ever
known, au.l l'cau r-.iifi'li-ntly rts-i.ninifii.1 th.-m toniy
l.uu.ln. Y.Mins J. V. IIIM.
Wirjiiw, WroiriTfl Ol, N. Y.. Oct. 24, 1S.S.V
Pslt 9tn : I nni iimiic yonr Calliartic Till, in my prnis
ti.. ami Hn.l tlni an ixcrll.nt pnntativ to clt-anse Uio
H.tuu ali.1 tiiirily tliv funntntn. of tlx' M....1.
Er, siprlns Scrofuln, Kins's Fvil, Tetter.
Tmnnrs nnd Salt Kheam.
Train a ft-nmrJinff Mrttant nj SI. Louit, ftb. 4, HVt.
Da. Artlt: Yonr Till, am th parais.n of all that I
fjtut In niisli.-inr. Tlii-y havn rnn.1 my little danirhter
f iilcemii. M.rt!i upon Iht hAti.t. an.l feet that ha.1 ir.iT(.l
Inriirnl.In f..r y.nr.. II.T mother haa bts'n lone rwtoii.
ly afflirtisl with l.lotch. and pimplm on b.r akin anil in
h-T hair. Aft.T onr child was cure.1. aha also tri"l your
fills, and tin y liava cunsl nor. A?A MOUUKIUtie.
RbcumattsDi, Nearnlcia, and Goat.
t. :
Jrnr 1
la von. i
From, tht itir. Dr. Itawl-es. of Uit SttilmdiA Ejns. Chunk,
Pi L;-Kl llotc. Hatassah. lift- Jan. 8. IH&ff.
IlovnaTO Sit : I altouM 1 unitrati-riil rr the reliiT y.
ikui i. i,r.mKi(t .. if 1 di.t n..t x my c t F0.
n-urIith' tHiiiii, hirh cotll in rhrmtic rheiiniatum.
NnlaitliF'Tai,.litiic I had the U-t f hyM"Un, tli dirtvai
(rrw ..fw and ww, until. Iy tht alvip of your (Xrfl
I nt at-nt iu UuItitiiortN lr. Ma- kvuzit. I tried your
Thf Ir fflirU wen hIow. l-ut mirt'. I!y ittm-tt-ring iu U.0
ttw uf tht'Oi I am ni-w ctiiirv.y wt-H.
8r.vrt Chamber, B' ?t Hof.ii, la " DorM 1S5.
Pa. Atkr : I have -rn entirely cur-l hy yonr ruin cf
Rlieunmltc (iurjt a ptuuiul dlM-iKe that hail MtlHrt.-(l nitt
forywiri. VINCENT PI.l LiKl.L.
For Dropsr, Plethora, or kindred Com
plaints, rvuiriUK an artite jurge, tht-y ar au excel
R ut rrnunly.
For CoMircnefia or C'onslipBtion, and as
a Dinner Pill, they are aym-iiMc and t-fT-t timl.
Kits, SnppreMon, I'nrnlyain. Inflammft
tlou. and ecn lafuraa. and Partial llllutl
mesa, have been cured ty the alterative action of lueaa
Mot of tha fiilh In market wrntain Mwtiry. hh h, al
though a tnlimMe renmly in skitrtil banda, ta danmntua
In a imhlir ill, from tin- dreadful r.neinnrf th.nt tr
qnenily fullow itx inrautiow ntw. Thcae eootain bo mer
cury or mineral substance whatever.
ani for tti relief of conauniptive patleuta in a4rancet
tagea of the diaeime.
We need nut ftpeak tn the pnMic of It lrto.
Thmnfthnut every town, and almost every hamh t of th
Ameri.-Mn statea. ita womh-rful rnrea of piilnmnarj- cmn
plaint hare made It alrnidv known. Nnv. few are the
fanuli.-) in aitr fit Hired countrron thientinent wirhiait
ar4ne trwnal expenenre m itn enrrti; and S-wer yet the j
coniniuniiiM any h-ro wluh luvr ntt iimi.)c thnu
nun .Mnj; trni'tiy 4 It" Titiry ovr ttie unttlf ami .Ian
frrtttw iu-nm of tli U.ttt an 4 IniiRR. W hile it m th
ttfmt jiinrfiil antiiltt yet kiwrnn to man f.r th fcnnl
dal'l and lanKFrmu ilLa wm nf Km paltiiMimry orpuw, it
1m hIh ti t-wgiiil-tit Whii natVttt reitHNty thnt ran If ciih-
Cl'tye-I lor inuinla ami yuan rrwiiii. I'arrDtB should
ivc It in Mom acwnn ttit iimidiirtts rncmy thatsti-als
rnn thuM ni.nMauM.1 Ma kav atlataii r1 T-miml tn
l-lv Whs Chkbrt rirroat n.ii niore live y the mn-
iiwnta than it cnri. hp tt i.y
canker that, fi.tt-nM n tlm itala, .ts ym-life away.
iy. ,
All know thr ih-rmlfiil latality of Innfr diaonlrra, and aa i
thr. hmi- toA thr rirtllra uf thin rrnird.. wr nml 11(4 no
morr than tn ajamrr thrm it la atill madr thr Isl it ran
tr. Vir aiarn no cat, no rare, no toil to pnshu e It Urn
ttort prrf.s-t piawiMr. anil Ihim affnH tlaiae wlio rrly on
it tba baft ax nt wLidi our akillcaji furmi Ii.r ll.iir cuir.
, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, HaiaV
.'. I: .
ant I 'tnoT '
i. I.r :..l-.in-, .'
Pamphlet Laws.
VOTICi: is hereby Riven that the
A 1 tiiita tfth I'anip'nlet Laws uf the last
.sssii.ii of tUe Irf-xislature have hern rreeivfil
.it till- lriitlunrit:irvf r.llir-P fif t'ni(n C'tHintV
fur ili.stril.utum t" thme rntitled in the same,
SAMtrKI. Pn.tli'y
Protlionotary's ollice l.cwtsiir; Aiic It,
01 1."jM MOUTUAfiE roit SALE.
'.' j "-' Vil! he sold at a discount
Is well secured. I'mprrtjr near Lrwistiurg.
Inquire at the '-('hruuicle ollice,
f I'n'.Mik'iit Jthigc li'T the gum Juilicial
I)i"!rirt of IVnnsylvnnia, cnnpoft! of the
cttiinlirt of I'uion, Mitllm anil Kn viler, anil
Jails .M tnsu vll and TuiLir Huiil EMp.,Asso-
j . fcs .ii ihh i.i. quit ui i-i r lit. hi. hss.,.-t Mi.-
riaie Juds-s in I'lii. it county, have i.sMi-d tlifir
precppt, tif-nriiisr d.itc the day ot Mav,
1k5i;, and In mr .lir.-cltil, for ihe hoiilint; of an
Orphan' Court, t.'onrt of Common rica. OyiT
ami Trrmini-r. and Ot'tieral tuartcr Sfsioii,
nt I.KWIsltl Hi;, for the county of IMON,
on liic iluiJ MONDAY of SIU'TKM BEK n-it,
(l.i'ini; ih'j 15li day) 3.i6, and to continue
imp n'crk.
Notice is thfrrorc hcrrby triven to the Cor
oner. Justices of tlu lVact and Constaldt'S in
and for the county of Cnion.to appear in their
j own proper persons with their records, iniiii
.sitioiis.exaiiiiiiatiiihs and oilier remembrances
' to do ilinsc thincs which of their otlices and in
I their behalf appertain to be done ; and all Wit-
nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf i
of the t'onimonwealih against any person or i
. persons, are reipnred lo lie then and there '
' altendin-.', and not depart without leave at their t
j pc.-il. Jurors are requested to be punctual in i
I their attendance at the appointed time agreea-
ble to notice. j
I tiiven under my hand and sea! at the Sher-'
: ill 's Ollice in I.eu-isloirL', the 4lh day of Ail- ;
Ijust, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eiirht hundred ami fifiv-.six.anc! in ihe seventy
! ninMi year of the Independence of the l.'niled
States of America. (iod save ihe Common- :
'wealth! 1) A N I V. I. I). ( ; I 1, 1)1 N, Sheri if.
License Notices.
' lllllM e..ll t.i..-. ew;
I'li-rlf of the Cnurt of Quarter Sessions of
I I in.. n ( ..mil v, an. 1 the same will be presi ntcd
at Hi iifxt li nn of said Court :
', I Alrxamlrr (.'uinmins fur license lo keep
a lloti l in .MillinilMiiL'.
2 Willi.ini lulu. If I..r licence tu keep Ealili
Il.itise in New llcriin. I
SAM IK I. KOOIf, Clerk Q. S.
: I.'wisbur?, An;. -i, Ix.'iO.
VOTH'K is liort'by ;ivin lo all cim-J
! i- ccrneil, that the foMou'in natnfil persons'
have sctilt'il tlit-ir acco tints m llie Keisistrr's
oirnc ,ii l.twi.iir I'tiiun counlv, ami thai
. ihe sai.l arrotints will be pn-scntH forconfir- :
illation and allowance at the Orphans' Conn,
tn he held a LKNVISIil.'ltti. for ih county of
I'tiiun. on the third Krulay of M:i'r. i.eii, :
beins 'lie I'lth tlay of sanj monih, viz :
I. TUe account of Z.icht its (.onion, Eec
i tor of Wrllis Uurdmi, late of IVrrj- township,
; ilt-cM. .
! 3. The account nf Jacob Keirltley, Admin- i
I islrator de bonis mm with Ihe will annuel of
Uenrr Thomas, late of llraver ip, dec'.l j
j :i. The linal arcount of C..ire Braver,'
Administrator ol i.nilvvi-.' Ueii.'or, late of Jack
son ip, dccM.
I. The account of J. lin Smith, Administra-.
, tor Willi the will amipied of Leonard Sinilli, '
i late of Hartley tp. dee'd.
I 5. The aceoiint of John llenner and fieurgr
i llcniifr, Kxecutors of John llenner, late of
i I'liion county, dt c'd. .
G. The ure.oiint of Jacob ltronrher and
Samuel Wilt. Kxecntors of John Urown, late
of Hartley, dee'd.
i 7. The account of David Kline and Win.
Sniiili. Executors of John Kline, late of West
Heaver tp, dec'.l.
rt. The linal arcoitnt of Samuel Marshall i
and David Kamsey.Ex. enters of Dan. Kautk,
late of While Deer tp, dee'd. ;
t 9. The account Alexander Penny anil J. II. 1
Knox, Exectors of Hugh l'enny, late uf Ea-t I
' Uiitlalce, dee'd.
i II). The account of William Elliot. Admin. '
uim ..'- wcrii inr.i 111 inr v ir m iii
' iMralorof Hubert Lojran, late of East Bitll'aloe
tn. dee'd
11. The first account of B. F. Van rtoskirk. ,
. Administrator of Idchard Van Husklrk, la'e of
j Milllinbtir;. dec'.l.
i 11. The account of Mark Halfpenny, survi- (
vin; Executor of William Fuiter, late of Har
, lley tp. dec'J.
( IX The account of Daniel Smoaker, liuar
; dian of iiarhara Kennedy and others, nunor ,
, children of Absuletn Kenneev, late of West!
Biltlalor-. dee'd. " j
! 1 1. The account of Daniel S. Miller, fiuar
; dian of Mary Ellen Miliums and olln rs, minor j
children nf Henry Iddings, late of Wesi llnir. I
aloe tp, dee'd. j
' 15. The account of Caiharine Wolfe, Guar-1
dian of Samuel I.. Wolfe and others, minor !
' children of Samuel Wolfe, lale of the Boruugh I
of I.ewisburg, dee'd-
lfi. The account of Catharine Wolfe, Com
mittee of James Wolfe. a son of Samuel Wolfe 1
late of I.ewisbitrf, dee'd. ;
17. The second account of Abner M. I.aw
she, Ouardian of Mary Eilen and W.H.Wolfe, '
two of Ihe children of Samuel Wolfe, late of !
the Borough of I.ewisbtirir. decM. j
J. W. PE.MX(i TON, AVV. !
Ite-jister's Olfice, J.ewi.-burt;,Att!;ust ls,IH5ii 1
II. II. Dersham, PI. D.,
TTA IMi pcrmanenilv located in Le -
1J wisburg. Pa., respecifully tenders his
''fl'inal Xervires to the citizens of this
,uwn and vicinity, hopin; bv prompt attention
piciuitv, hopiu; by prompt attention
to the duties ol his profession to merit a share
of their patronage. Aitention will alo be paid
to Chronic Diseases of every naaie,and treated
with unparalleled success.
Dm. DKItSHAM sraduated at the renowned
American Elcctic .Medical I'olleie.C'incinnati,
having firsl studied the Old or Allopathic "sys
tem of medicine, and attended Lectures in one
of the Old School Medical Colleges of Phiiacl-
eipnia; nut ieComin convinced of the super- !
iority of the. ewor American Ecleclie system, !
courses of Lectures in the !:w,,rm.l r '
ne commeiiceu us siu.lv. ami attemieil iir i
pIa.h Ar.l;ni ..it .1. . I
City of the West. This Ii.stiintion. although j
T.-th, it. !,.,,,. I..n.,.,n..r in .irat w,..;.,
I... air.-a.iT nn,,iiy n.r.. tu,t. .s ,han thr r,ur...h
MlH-air.ll.ni-'.rriiH iimali iml. It I rn.linit
.l.jMcian, I,, all ..art, uL.ur rl.l-.ai..l in Ohio, In.liana, I
e, th- j will nj.li) ti mir. uuuirn.u. iliau anj oilwr I
ciaw 01 .hv-i.-an.
tha xw Si-tiool wm n ntiirinal agent thai la Id aor
" i"J"n. u. 10 111- nunian .y.i. m, a. aionu-l,
. jiiTC-nic, ..ii,uii..nv.... r.r.H.n.rana nannLfaauvnui
1 l.av or lau- j,.;,r in .ii..n rensi. (i., n, -.ir hir rai
' an.l prtrw.iv. pliT.l.-fan. of the N.-w -brfil.i that are I
in.mt.lifti. uttiliit. a fur tlioM ilt'lrt rioiH nnsli.in(.'it.M'a- !
lomt-l, Ac.:l thirt-for hart no m.i for ttivra. With I
th.o valuahta new amntf, anil all tb.is. ol tlie IH.I or i
AllopatMe M-hool xr-.t tnr n.wM.ivnA mentiontslaoore,
. an.l all Ihe lm.r..T, miit. . r,i rn.iher -yst. nl i.l ar.li-
I ciiH..(aathe llom.nalhir. lly.lroj.alhii-.TIioniwiian. r !
i many diai-aara arr now. -uial.l that w.re nnn. fa.nMi.lrrr! I
in.if.iblr. aiHl that too without l.rrakinir .town lhrrr.n-
"""-M'r r-ur.lMMT.Ktmh
matl.-m. lit Knep5i.-, Liter I'ijtfan. ri.vratiil Sore Threat.
uiea. Bone, pr-m.iturtt iom oi lei-th. Ar.
th Irratmrnt i f all tlisras. It bra hern iroyri l.
i ne ,fw rt-niHii reriaiiuv t irtini .t crvm f upertorilT in
riini.-ai rrlx.rts that thr niortatitr taking all liA.asat
toirthrr i. tr.a than - per mil; that t.f AoiaticCholrra
la only 6 prr rrtlt.
Tlii. I. an'wp nf rroTrr. an.l imnroTrmrnt.. an.l thr
Nrw Srhool in alwava j.r. ;r..i.sinc, ai.it 1. in;; uuunil Uvwli
by rli'.iotir ms-ila an.l anli.nalisl ttiiairira.
X. II. KI'I U B at thr lowrr rnJ of Matkrt 81. l'il
Portrait Of John C. Fremont. :
he most correct likeness ever made ; ex '
edited in the hishesi stvle of Art. and i
pruned on line India paper, published and ,
for sale. Wholesale and Retail, bv !
r - ! .1 i r t i I
.. hosenlltal, Lilhoyrapher, ;
. n. corner rttili and Cliesinut Streets. '
rliilailelphia. s,ze of paper, 17xii. Retail !
' price. Nil. A liberal discount will be allowed
. those wishinir tn sell a'.'ain.
! 'j A.ii:.M- WAMT'l'. ;
Dr. Jacob IIorl;iclitr,
T-riTMt; ri!VlflAN. havins rrrainnl
.fh,,lir art. llissi... rior.N.I.V r: is , nil
i i... u.,hl. l, u. rr,iin. .l liis prat'tir-.c hi
reat demand, ami all utiitrn MirpiK" ,
jkl. New lierlin. May H, 1M54
j nsoal
Real Estate.
First Class Limestone Farm
117011 Sale, ill White Deer Valley, i
L Lvcioiiinz Cniiiilv. lo mill's from Uic j
Canal ami Railroad, on the n-ad from Iirwis-bnr-;
Iu Jersey fclmri'. It coiilauis IliO
lit res, in a cunt! slate of cultivation. Ii
has an Orchard, tir-t class llarn, stood ll uc, ,
, ii
an" '
Cail on MATTIIKW CROWN. I.'niuntown,
for further particulars, or the Kditun-I the
fhrunide. Anu'. I". I "-I.
Orili:mV Court Sale.
T IMLSTUM-: Farm, near Mi Hun... In
pursuance ol an order ot the Otphaus
Conn of Northiimbi rland t'oimtv
II in
ou ejpose.l tn Pulilic Sale on Ihe premise,
Saturday the '2.th ilay S'J't.
licit, a valuable FARM, sitnated in Ti
i towuship. North'd County, alnnu t miles
east ot Milton. I he I. an.l is i.l the i.esl
Limestone qnality, with valuable improve
ments, consisting of a
nearly new, a lait;e I U.W1E I.WEI.l.l.NU
HOl'SE, with the tieeess.ny outbuildings,
two wells of water, one at the lloite. the
other at the Uarn-yard. Also, an DUCIIAKD
ol Fruit Trees, Ac, c , beiuj; Ihe tract as
signaled as purport A.
Hounded by lands of f'har!e Hi.ttenstine,
Win. Marsh and other-., eotuainiti annul
!M s rvs. iiioi'- r IraiH. Ais" a'.I
that rertain lot of yruund situate in the U t
otiL'h of Milton, countv aforesaid, and de
scribed as follows, viit : Hounded on the ni.rih
bv Locust street, on the east by lot ol (ie. r.'i'
Correy, on the south by lot of J. f.. Ant:n,
and on Ihe west by the Sunbury an-l Erie
Kailroad Companv. on which are ererttd a
storey l'r:imc House ami
Lale the estate of (ittici.a M tttsii, dee'd.
Sale to commence at In o'clork of ii.l day,
when the terms of safe will be ina.br known
by WV.MAItsll.
By order of the Curt. .htm'rs.
r. I1UVD PI IISEI., Cltrk.
Aiisnsi r.i, is..ii.
Sheriff 's Sale.
DY virtue of a writ of VYn I.
Ex. is-
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of L'nion countv. will he exposed to Public
Sale at the house of David lltrr, in I.ewis
liurjr. on MnMin.ihe l.'nh of Si ptettrl er next,
the following described real proper'v. lo wit :
A certain Lot of Cround siiuated in the
boroiioh of Leu ivbnr.4, L'.l o. "I.t, bounded
on the eaM by Front street, on the south bv
Lot N i. i'.ti. on the Ktt by Chesnut tree
alley, and on Ihe north by I...I -No. -i'Ji. c. ti
taimn io feet tri.nt ai.d l.'ii tj t'.-e -i
uhereon is pf-a -. e-vtcr. y ilri.-k A-sj
li-rlnnsr House, a Suininer ll..u-e. andJljaLl
tither Ont-luiilditii'S. wi:h the appnrit tiatit es.
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold
as the propertl ot t'hinlrv F. SrhnJTlr.
DANIEL I. OI'LHI.N. Sher.li:
Sheritl's Ollice, Lew:.-burp, July -I, ls.'i;
ArnioniNKD sai.i-:
MI K tinilersine.l A.-isiifo it" H.ht II.
I .Null, will i ll. r at i'ul'.ic fii 1 1-
trmbrr next, the 'oi,m tn valua!-le K .tl
Klaie, to wnt:
A lot of (rmiml friintiiic en Af.nk'-t rp'rt
in ihe bornu-'h of I.wiixir-j. I'mmii rtmnry,
on Ihe curn'-r of .Market ?.n.t S;'ii:h .ret r.
in what is calit-il S.iinli A-IIiti.:i u l.-uis-btir?,
conrainnii; Ho fi-t in I tm I'h an !
feet in ilt'pih. on w hirl. iir r-vtr.t xr$t
first rate UKICK DWKl. UN; H. ue.aiil
I snbstaniia! and han.l-o
i all other neces-arv O n
f l'raiu." !"tah!f. an I
aUo on va.-l Li 1 a vanfiy vl ctu'ioe rrmi
C Trees ami a never -lai'.in W t il i-l excel
lent waier.
crouotl frun!inr on M irUe! ireet and adjoin
in the Int alnive ilesciihel ''ii th west, which
are well ea.cularr.l lor HinNtin-j Lois tfinira
very bamlsome localtoii. aiil lots will bm
soM separate.
Sa!e lo ci'inmpr.f p al 1 oYWk P. f. of said
day, when terms wt!I be made know n bv
Lewisbnr, July I, l5fi. Asicnees. Ac.
MTw o Slorry Hi i U IIuiiko and
llali'Lnt of ground situate on Market
street opposite the new Presbyterian Ch.
Also a Hill I' Lot of "round situate on
the south-east corner of S:. I.ouis and t'eme
lery streets in the boroueli tf l.ewisbur.
Also all mv interest in a COACH SHOP,
doing a coed business.
For Terms, inquire of
I.ewisbnrtr. June S:t. I ."
, T-,nK K..h, nnu , ,
j i UA 0'"u lMle 1J
! x stree a fq"afc
i I hree Lois on Souih
Lot n South Third
I a half from Market.
Kourih street, two
squares from Market.
The above are level Lot's, well It. rated anJ
well adapted to builtlm; purposes.
Artin; Ki'r of Wm. Armstrong, dte'd
Lewisburg. June 25, ls.ii
Woodlots and Small Farm for Sale.
Tn suit purcha.nrrf, on reammable term.
rrHl'lM.' .rn O l.,t f H'.,.H,n I c!
I ! Wis Of OO.lIand, SI
"i i.inie
faloe t'reek.abool a mile above (in
laloe I reek, about a mile above (mldin s store,
rnntn? from 14 to 21 arrea enfh u-elt timh-
re.l with various kinds ol Oak, l'tne. Poplar,
and t'hesnnt.
The Farm contains about 53 acre. of which
,a 1 1 1 . ... ,
IS are clf are, a'"' has vn " a 1 ,or' L"S
House, a Log liable, tprin!i .f Water,
liAand Fruit trees of various kinds. It ad-
Js of John Hummel and Jacob llarl-
man, about 1 1 mile from (uldins tttirc in
v hile lleer tn.. I n on Co- I'a.
. . , . iV . . -
1 he above properly la rllered al Private
Sate, by the subscriber,
v ll T a ,a 'r- ....
"Clly I p., AO". II', ,J.
Pioh Prairia Pama I
1XH.U flcUlIU t dTIUS .
TT VTM1M fiV I.M1 I Wilt l ir
I I iM U tl U I t . I L A . 1 1, il lid I OW 11
J Lots in Illinois. Iowa, and adnuniu?
States for sale in sreal variety, at low pri-;
ces, and on favorable lei ins.
Pamphlet Catalogue Description of Prop- I
erty, with prices attached, forwarded gratis I
by mail on application. !
Our txtcntire lucid connection will farjlitate '
Rivine valuable it forma tion of any part of
the West lo applicants (lesiritip; to Incite,
1 1- Hovers ol Illinois ( entral K. K. Lands
can "nrail themselves of the knowledge and
"!Perl,nre ,,r- l rl - ",e lale '-and aenl
. ; "Tr j " uuueuay oi
mak,,,f J""c'"s seiernons.
1 ar"'-tl'ar "cn!i..n Riven to Ioca:n,s A ar-
ranis, eiaminin"; lands, furnishing maps and
,lesrrjp,i,-,s, payment of taxes, and lo a pea- ,
eral Real Estate Pnsiness. I
ll.V's M. prPCV A- CO. I
Corner of Michigan Ar. mid Sonili Water St. t
' v. pi rri. t r.t jr I'l.C't R U Dor- ,
HUM if.m.1 (llfACir (
I The Winter Session.
fY Mrs.Thonipsnn's School for Yf)3n.
,Pu 17, anJ cont.i.ue n m.mih,. Il(
tion will be
givm in the various t,rai.,i
usually taiii;lii in Seminaries of lcan.n,
Farticalar care will Le taken tu have ik,
pupils loiin hahils of study and iiivest17S!, k
While a knowledge ot Ihe nolo! brai,r'j, '
considered uf primiteif importance, it,,. , r"
mental will be so interspersed a? to an ,r,i 'J'
riety and at the same tune cultivate u1(. JV'
i'encilinK and several beautiful t;U,
Crayon Punting will he tau;ht, for ,'lrt, .
well a' Latin, Frr neh, Nredlt-wurk atrt y',
extra charges will be made. '
Rioin in ihe (Jertnan ltefoimd Chnrrh.
Ti-rin. lor Kn?tili t.rmnetw-? tr m $12 V- j. ,.r w r
I tmlittgrnt ejiiiiw p Kr.
Administiatrix' Notice.
! "I'lT'lIKltKAS, Iitr of Adminisira,. n,
y ihe otate i.f T.i ltn.s.,. 1JV
j of the t.iivlisbip of IJotValoe, county of ,
deceased, have been "ranted to tli.- .iihirr.:
j all persons indebted to said estate ap: r..lit ..
e.l to make .ai ineut on or belore ihe tin, , '
of September next, and those havu. C;a.. ,
against Ihe same ill present um in
i auilienii. ate.l b r seil'i rnenl, at the la:e r
eufe of 'I h,m as fiobiiison.dccM.
' MARY K. n'HlINSON,A iniiiiM:a:f ,
, lltillaloe, A lie. IK. lhi 1
West Branch Insurance Company,
ill' 1....1 11. ion 111 In.nn. l,..i.. L ,
I It J.ma liauu,iu.,iunii' lirttllutj
ISiiildins, stores, Merchatobite, fi:
Property, and fiber btnldinsr, and their t
tents, at moderate rates. Dotu bn..r,.4
bulhCash and Mutual plans. Caj.ua;,.in ,i.w
Hon John i Pearee I H .n (i C liar
John W Hall T T Abratu
('has A Mater D J lackn.an
l ha Crist' j W White
Peter Dickinson ' Thus Kitrhn
lion. ti. C. HAIiVEV, Pr vVot
T. T. AUK .ls. Vice P;-.
THO S KIT( HE.. See'y.
JAMES 11. IIAMI.I.V. A;..i.
6 Leuisbtir. I'nu n t'... i
Administrators' Notice.
NOTICE is hereby ;iven,lli;it Lrli
of Adiuinistratioti 011 the Ksiateof J,t..f
Strukii, late of While Deer township. I n
county, deceased, have been irraii.i r. :
Ulidersllie.i l.y the lleister ot Cn:nli u:.'t
in due form 1 I law ; iheref. re, all p-r- iM
debted to s-aid estate are leijnest.i ,,
immt diale payment, and those ham.; in -:
claims are also requested lo present u.tm it
sally authenticated for settlement.
Altlf AHAM SVPIIEK, A!,:r.ii
CH.VS IIOTTi:..-TEI..5 tr..-. rs.
Tttrbtit Tp, .orth'd Co, July 1". !-..
r-i-Last lMotice.'i-a
VS we
wish to have the accoun's of .'.
laves I o. close. 1 up, all p-r"
knowui'j themselves indebted to the a', k
Firm, will please cail and setrle. as the acr
will sh' n'y be placed in the hands ef a rr y
otlicer for collection.
Julv 1. J. HAVES 111
a. iruiusmun s Uro's.
Just irrlttcl J.OODs:
OW is the winter i.f mr J ,r. i.'.;:
made o.oriotis summer' b
tir -NEW STOCK of
v 1 be a:-
rival ul'
consitinii of the largest asMTtineiit i V;.
WEAH evt-r U-for lrtn.oi,i t, the t..un
- w ibnr;. Ottr sfwk is complete, ai.d e
;ire se'lms ;tt very rrdurfil price. Aii it
Uf tts are e.Vcfci, by iMir.se.'ves ant maitiiUc
mrr tn cur i n eTaMiInnt iit in Thilail, x i.
Black. llp'U n. HJio. 4ir-n, Claret ami I'la !
IJr',i.!c-l ih and ravs,ir,-re Lress. Frock a:.!
.""ack t'cats. as well an
of every descrr-ion Ves!s t I'aiuiere. ? i
ami Saini. a!i n.aiif af:er the laiet lahit..
anii warrariieil to be well ma'Ie. Ah. W'h. t
Marx jllr.N Vots.Whi.e I, men Vets and Pa:; s.
ai.it every vanity t i g-t !s uualiy tvuwi in a
ttf 't ),f n't Ftti ui-hinj lt"l'i-hmtit',
xwchuViV'z d loves. Hi , -KC!t'!hs. 5:.4rk$
Irauer-. Nii-.pn-ters, Hai.-ikerrhiefs, l:r
hirK, Ac. .h a t-rcat variety of Fanrv
Articles. A!-o II AT., '.'ps for spring a:.,
uminer wear. I nitTcifa, ( arret Uas, etc.
There he crowds aitedinu oor ntn
month's Ci'iirl, therelVre we have laid in a
much larger tt ck than we otherwise wmi. !
have clone. Our molto is !?ick Sales ant
Small Profirs'and l this motto we a. .here.
-.B. We would particularly cali .:ic a:;t
lin of Parenis to cur Meek ol BotsTiotiiiii..
and also that (Joods will be careluilv ma te t
order. Particular attention paid uit-rilmtrorn
the country. Lewiturir. April, I-a6
COAT.! cote:
C10AL ! The umlersiirned would r-
pccifu'ly inform the citizens of l.t-wur;
and vicinity, as well as person tn a.!;.'i'!ic
towns, that he keeps constantlv rn hai. T i
supply of SHAMOhiy and U li.Ks-HAHllF.
COA L, for Stove and other purposes, of evrrr
variftJ" and iiie. and will delinr Ci-al to prr n 'tIr-:;
it, he ha a tram f'-r tlmt r'iirr-ie. JIuTir tivrtrl
pair of tr-d Kd. II .M'Al.t. lie ran hutv -r
pun-hnsiriff Coal t lirt tht-y will p-t full t-tt:lit. and Tl
pav only f r a liat ht rwite.
I '. al i an e hnd at the towri-n Cn-h prirv at hi- T?i.
a ft lardi frt tu Mr. V einr ti-nul'i Mot' U
H 7."(.7AV all kiud!- ili Iv att. n-l.-l to at hi-T-rd.
t;tOi;t.E Ht'LMMl
l,. ilitrtr. Mnr IX TV
t ir Also Hla-.'kanitir$ Coal.
OF Drus, Metikines, Hooks, Xo!
Vaneiit s, Stationery, Ac, pnrchax! "
New York and Philad. markets, has jnst brea
rte'd at Ihe Old Maininolh Drue t-tore :
GLASS Jars, for Pickling and Prejerviw
Wuarn and Half (iallons, tor sate rh- J,-
cure for Dyspepsia and diseases arisicl
j tiom an impun. txt.- .-r tht tr.nia-h alto a .un-
: f,r s,ic i,T ciiuist a f.t.u ku
OAlOhlMfcK. or Concentrated ..-,
1 O '.' "; without l.im t
."i.'.. . ,h,"',n k" 'r" '""'.l l".
ar lat. nu -an make f.nn calk.n fu. J f
, ""f " I made in tb- ' ' '
' 1 lliilT c
1)AYES' W H1TE UREASE, lor Was?..
y Ua. ii rCsr-acts, Omnil uses. Man s. e':
.up.riorartirlr.f.Tlr by II;I-T r.l.l'
Druy and Chemical Em mtrin"-
.MaiKei Street - - lewiPurc.
CLOCKS all kinds of t-.ay :
:tii-hour Brass Clocks and palrni If"'
time-piec e. Brass 8-dav clocks at
brass 0-bourclocks as low as $1. All c1'"
warranted for one year at J. L. VODEK
ILA I EI) WARE Cake and card Ba-.'1'
Table Forks, Spoons and ltuiter Km"''
Teaspoons silver-plated on ihe best Cerrii
silver, tcl per .J doz. All poods rarran"''1
I pive sallslaclion. All kinds of Encrayint
the shortest notice at
HE snbserilier offfrs his scrvicf
in rnrins Horses of Poll Evil rr r is''1
He will cure Horses of either ol" these a'"
Hons for ". or make no charge if not !iU'
cessful. Here is an orportunity for etrrr en
whose horses are aUlicted. tc restore them t
health an.l working order. Residence en ir.jf
fain in Kc'V Tp.. near Lewtshnn. '
lit-, !-5.". OLf'K'iE MtlXLLI-.