1 Lewisburg Chronicle and West Branch Farmer August 15, 1856. '.i i 'K. K IK- .4 I il Trdofaini Cljronirle. August 15, lS.r)C. ' Jf-,. .reY. Tit- Lb-mtneM Cti.-a.L4. I i u nk.u uc mhm liar i iuet mi tart i peop'e ui uie uaiiea CHatea.- lM political yrC'JJZ?i''J. Sovereignty of the Territories is in the people, S-jj.H Uie living;, tlie late Hon. An- i'i ownership of the soil is in the penple,nl PiitiV Gauiu, of Cuiilcr Couuty, via dc-i tue people's Representatives in Congress are nmi!HO.l without uuasurc, for haviug ' r''"'y required to exercise the said political fciniM-if a Democrat of tie , ure stamp-1 '"Wiy. property , . 1 1 . i according to the wishea and die Ira. interest m . .w j cns.s (.ppoecd Ilia comifff:uf their coDsuwenta, the I-.-niocr:.tio pr'r. "(His son, Senator Now has Conf.ress ,he rih, to ,WiMt.the Auilrew 'r"iz, ami Hon. AuJreW Gropg t Sovereign power of the people in to and over 0'ir:iu, ..! iiktiea 1'. rti .crats iu the ! a vast reeion hire Kansas, to th few emi i.iimr usc f the word.) The Dana- j Brants who mar chime to ie first on the spot )'.,,.,; of IJeliif.ntc, (a liu- J,ow Pl,,' !" it require, gentleman, , t t ! . i to exercise yonrgloriou prertMjative of Snnat. ftlaliiul l -pi:l,l of a ! ;le oate, CXpreraca . , ,' t.o"e.n ofinai. . . , ' ter Sovereignly Can three if n do it ! .Can I'jiiii! il, nosevcr, ul toe masses uj i ,-. j,, ,. . f. .1. . j , . ' . three floie. do it (.an three hundred doit taut ..e i faol attav. Let ail men act j Or.doei it take three thousand! Does not us lie ml ininc-stly ajj iiifJ;aJui,t!y even bn.lv see that to Irave a michty question atj'l :!i-v tail only Satisfy a ood tun- like Slavery or Freedom to he determined by cience, but j.'jficrity wiil tln-in justice. in.l ev.r t?i ) l ite Aiiiiiw Gregg op- jo- iViu .ratii! nuciplcs V So. lie' wa-, ainn tjo hrai tidvccito vf lV'iuo- j iuiic imturLg, and was aui.nig tue must ar icut i.i tM.ijj wii Ucvo'ij;' rallied s.i. ui A J i- IU was sciil to IU Le-1 gi .lu.., i.oiu Hi b .uiity, us a Ltt-tiiiiClat, j "I" .t.!iliJ Die ti-:nct lu i I'.tisa Si a . it tin- iiiit n eccli lie ever f..ui. i '.w, ai.it r tit- iait Kt'Cccu O'Vl W.H a goiiMlLI itljjllClMU til Ills iui Uu not 'j iie.Tt:rt ilia j: iwyi'u whieu lit: a ) d,-;n I V l"V. 'l, nor t'j aLaiiiiuu a party ,:U he i tfliJcJ iu hia youlu, 111 Ilia r.u'iii"'"!, ainl i:i h.s oid age. 'J ho sketch ii-iivt-r-.-J ia iict!.-fwC' iu ti e old tVtiit ii.'iir".-, atid the old scterau was so to.-ti!.- that he was CMtip-jUcd to addies nic ilK-Ut. nuie seated IU lila cli.ii. 'i are :; living who rvuieuibr-r io ai'jic.: in lavor ul Jactsuii, ua 1.1: , lii t. j ids as to the rise au'i i -r.v-ci f urii. in !' d-untry. Ik :.J oppn. :iu!Uc, but ti'at opposition . r- i.eet-"ary Ly the euerpi-tiuj ;t t'.e iiir.fi, at.d i.M love of country j l-tanipu-d iiiiu to tiir.,w asi iudivuuai ! iclcum-e, an 1 o;.w, u we &z. buci ti.ru ol vim., every cujiu mu is , i..i5c- to admit that A:ii!;iW lrr. was j''li:, ..ii.i sl.ii liu t'levatioit of Siiul'Zf v, n.s an vi! or gr.-.tt tiiea to be foijl'.tttu :.. In tbis cr.uuty, ;!:e li:iio of ttiis ciot'an statfunt i" ciicrisLed w it Is a lial ) .wed i .in. mlir.iuce. 1!'! was iu every r,--fiJv.L a Liau of the people, c1l.ii- ei.ltcd .-1.1 -ral io liis views, pruin.cd to en- !,jy i'i "r.lr to stimulate those an.utiJ li:i.: f ::. In -fry ; lie lias K't "hiiid liiui n eoiiiM'rtii'ti in bnsiupss, and a nvne iu r..ici.;ty, uhich i still spukeu of witu rov-.ni.-e and gritiiudo. Cet:tr c.uuty, tincj tlie tii-.b : f i oUew ting, b .n'iue(. J i in nit'ti h's equals, aud celtaiu j L..IH" Lis M!p riuis." y?T"-V rrj .-uri: no l iiou Inlgr no u'titt-mtti'S' is a c-'tniiioo astrtiou airaiu!! ol. i-'remotit. Head the ou'lincs of bis , ,,.!.! . - l.r .1 ti'i.-. nil -n.i ir-.il im tnxt t liis v. s lus be n an LA.cvitiiiA'it - i rventful career, liingiag bun into constant i contact with lUt-ti of ull kind., aud iu daily ! itiurc .urse with and subordination t.itiov- erjimeaf, fir ever iTnfy year. " With a mind and L il.its like i!.,. f Fr.-mnnt .. oh .i t 1 . V...,.!" c,rr tnajoriiyof the actual settlers ,....,. ,Jr, uev, n buui'i'e orphan to the first tUvernor of a coiiqticrid Tirritory, and Uuiud rituti o Seuator s-tt-li uu.nttrruptcd traiuiuguiaiV liitit. n and other s'atrsman such inti mate knun!c Jja of 'tVasbington kff-i're- Mreiv, 1 A.i lb- rseul,arkuo!ed-,loih . . " . , , . , , .. t'trsoual and acquired, to ht bun I .r the ,. . ! .' ..i.ies, r.i,c-1.i.v J.arim. lie ra-iy not 1 ive tL J dry d tails of every depirttnetit : neither Lai '."Liii(:ton, or Jackson, or li urison. tr Taylor ; but be has the cast of mind, whifli twill tjualify biuj for the frrcat duties of a I'losi iti.t to cy-rutr the laws. in, nnn-i ami knowledge ol men nnder biiu better adii. ted tj tbe office . .... . ..u,.v. in ii.-aK n tut iiu. i nr, than Mr. Jltiibanau i:h all Lis mere I would disgrace even ihe Despotism of Aus-form.- wbieh cleiks and Secretaries always j "d their enforcement by Pierce and aitend (o. I his a:ellnes, wou'd disgrace that Haynan, J rcMowi.t I ivrcc fctit a tuosage to the Scr.r.te on l UtsNy, sayirg that in order j l:aJ ! fi n issued from the War IV payment i l"tie ,aws. and of the Legislature which to any olEee eommauiling, in Kansas, to I ra"fd them, is a pan and parcel of rhe Cin disprrso nv unarmed meetings of tbe 1 .ma.i rlatform-.hat platform into which . c , ; James Buchanan has merged his moral, po- , e .rle cf tbe rritoryf or to proveut tbem j ,ira) and ld,nIlly Any ty mil.luiy p.w.r, fn.m assfii,bl,r.?. f ivrc.-s Administration, is also the opPo J'ruu the nccoti pmyinp cot mtpoii Jenee, 1 neat of fqisltir Sovereignty, a explained it feeuis that tbe ."vcrc-tary "f War is not ! bV the great High Priests of the Sham Dem-sati-2-d that tbe cireunistaiices were eucb ! criarT- Squatter overeienty being inter ns to iiistifv Col. Sumti.-r in f ii.i.li. w imr rreted by high, infallible Democratic author- ' c -vp the milit-riy f .rec to diey-vse the assembly nt T..p.La, slid be bus called upon liiui to t iiiuiuuicate m ue Ui!y uinn liiit poiut, i it n-.t a.rrariii(f that tbe case was one, i r.p.yu.. beb by bia instructions he- was j la.led l i aet. (Backing ou' La?) M-M't'sy, tie nun who challenged K:;.a t i a "rmuc mscvssios " iu ?, " -i-elll K:is ill I? jni. on t'le night ' ' ""'("', i' ,. i .ii .i i I, . r t i.u d'V a.v-.'fij l.v Ibe ctiallcppod ; .. : l.trrv. :m. I :it .r:I.iirr.li,r utnl 11... r.l ... I in-: crcr; :!..'. His speech at Danville is' tj rcrit ed t ) us as less pro-slavery than ! ih:il l.eie: the lrnbrs have jrjbally' f..no l ti, ,t .t s ... - i . i i i . ; I , , , . . . t-J iicvce to be lcctar-?J on that point by . . . r 1 n r n.-gaue Ii j.ii fr-o punc.ples. He as ei's thut be tvas foru.eily a Whig, but i.f.i-ci lt support l'ii!uiore, net Ucausu J-Mliiuiw is n ,1 reliable fir Slavery, but btiSTis ' tl.'. re is no chance for bis election. 1"hU'tfIh a'iptii AuiLT.f-.Qs of Ra- j Slavery, its sucrednet4,tnd their right and ci-.e ti"?., UU a largt- meotiDm the-h j onr duty t pprad il 4vor the free territo aod reived u M.pport ihe nriceei of ; ri(? j and alw-vi concludiog that the Cia iic itubiu-n p-irty. Sir;ct iutM. there i m lf ' . w n iZiui . j : i ciijOAti riaifarm will best serve the eudt a K'puHican paper started id i , . ... . .Nw Yrrk,!aiid iui.etiiijsii aro herd aud the i of a J?bck 1 i,weT' A PoDU lemocrat WeJc are railyii p aroiiud Fremout in the OD hearing one of the alove naDied gentle iiiiuii.; r. g.oiis ti IVul a. The Welch did : making one of these fpcrchea iu Con iilway tll' twMiiifeLiiicrry. griiw, waa a!tnot pcrauadd to vote for To tint Fair of the Thumberlaud j rcmouti il we have D dubt that the Vnity Agricultural iiociety will he held 1 diatrihutiun of hUt'h appeals aiuong NT- at I i on- j them freemeu, Would thoroughly disgust lcvtmi uuthi-ra pupen have publUhcd J ,l0m w'1'1 x Oefl.ocratie I'htforin and -lef opini4.tt i r,.u CVi. FiomrjLt will be! b.iiiinicf. 5ueh rpeeehe : tCir i.xt Frcridvot. t fnity jun tfait.l tr'rrr , ' JU-k, uJ kiwis tfc tt Cjuunaoisatcd for tt Lawl.totj Cbxoaiicl. Squatter Sovereignty. Wa there erf r a more stupid and oulra feou hoax npon popular credulity, lhaa this new-fansletld.rtrine wf -Squatter Sovereign it 1" The Territories ir tha nr.. .,... e it.. , , ., . . r 1 the first few settlers in a Territory Urge enough r a prcat Empire, is piece of sheer fully 1 1 ne '" peop.e or the Lniied Stales have an i'"erest in this great question, and ilie whole people of the I'nited Suteshave ariqhi, through their Representatives, to take part in rlrtermination. True, Mr. Kent M'Cay o'l u in h'S speirh that we the people of 'i" arsiown na.i in nam io mvuuie in tne matter. But even Mr. Kent M"Cay was mo well informed, to Ix-lieve his own assertion. He knows better. lie only intended to fool a few spoony Democrats of Pennsylvania. The doctrine of Squatter Sovereignty was first in vented by Gen. Cass'in 18 IS. The only use thai t'ass wished to make of it. was to enable him to dodre the mighty question of Slavery eitension.and thus et votes f..r the Presiden cy, both iu the North and in the South. Squat ler Sovereignty u- a very voting and very f ebie hobby at that time, au1 il broke down with the great Mich aanilcr on its hack. The p;a fJfieral took such a bad roll that he has neverseen a well (lay(pnlincal!y)rrom thaltime tn ,nis. But though natter Sovereignty had (-aj,,j IO answer purri.se ot ;en. Ca-e,yei (I WHS hls own ;;,,, ad he loved it wiih , rery e;,nall, ,,v,. jtr Mahird it, and fed rn)br( jt j,,.,. anrf , rfi ,, om to the street to show it to the public. And what a sight! Lean, consumptive, spsvmed nnghoned, blind, ant! wind-broken. Whv with such a carcase, even our keenest jockev couldn't have cheated the most unsophisticated city clergyman. Squatter Sovereignty was carefully avoided by all political jockeys, and lanphed at by all aeusiMe people, until a very brilliant thought found it way iuto the head of Stephen Arnold Douglas. Kansas lies close inon Missnnri. and Douglas and his fe'low coi.spirators.c.onceived the plan of organizing a Territorial Government, leaving the ques tion of Freedom or Slavery ostensibly for the peonle to decide ; but Ihea part of the pln was, to throw into Kansas a sufficient number of M;snuriins to make the establishment of slavery absolutely certain. But how was this holy enterprise defeated t. .. ,u ' ,. .... r .i l i e "t t"t- osiitnrn uir ennui rn oi lorn i r'pie oi ine isonn, ana ot ine r.M, ,hat they preferred Freedom to Slavery Bv in lividual energy and enterprise, and by the help of the awfully wicked "Aid Societies," when the first territorial Legislature was to Pe lMn 111 territory of han ho were in favor of making it a Free State. XV hat now was to be done ? Pierce, Douglas. Striiicfellow and Atchison, were not li.ng in deciding. Th'ir great paramount aim had been from the beginning to intrrduce Maveiy into the territory. So noble and pure was i ,his i ri their ,ha hat the -end jusiiliea the means." The Blue , , , .. Lodges were organized. Men were sworn to ai4 jn the prf,paga,io of Slavery, and on the day of election, the polls were overrun l.y armed Missouri hullies, and a Legislature ! was chosen by this Missouri mob, who were men after trhison's own heart. The laws which were passed by this mob Legislature, were worthy of such a paterni- ' I tV. Nfllle SO il.flimillK tllfll I lrniu, i.f liav. i hn .,r,A , e ,i .-.i.. tw.. who for his beastly cruelties was beaten half to death by the laboreis in a London biew- ery. And, fellow citizens, the sustaining of ;...;,,.,.,,... ... j wiH"j lutuu. ia, i i i I'l'afEaiiuisDI. OLD DEMOCRAT. Moxiflfi V. Best, editor of the I'aiivillo InttHijoirrr, will be a candidate f-T bc I'liuocrati.' nomination tn Congress. II n. John G. MovruovtBY will also be a caudid ite Tuo Georgia Slave-driver, M'Cay, a.ldrewl a large number of per sons in P.iiivilie on Wednesday week. r.... i. . i. . I I...J1.I l. e rftw. tic i.a.i vFiieiuueo,iuiee iii'ariy cneers - ,- . ,. . . ' f'lf t r.m.int and rreetloin were mven. reii- ... o derir.g it highly piobable that Ins converts were few if any.and rendering it still more certain that many r-nouLC- d their deter mination of supporting Kuchanau, and hereafter will cooperate with the Kepubli 1 1 cam. The j M'Cny, M. C'.s iiuffin. Stt-phenn, et id ! gtnu vmn9 are must effective iu advan- cing Rrpublicaim ibttrt-Bt. Fur tho most j part they are wade up of plorificulioDB of Politics ut Wet At tbe YounV Meu'e R puidean Cunvehimn held at Daytou, Ohio, last wei-k. vrhich was at tended by One Hundred ThoiiMud pr 9iiuaf a delegation of yon rift Bieu from Iu diana, .got. op & pteraottificatioo of the " Border Ruffiaos," which moved through the ptreets in the following order : 1. Hi ftrUnle N,jf4T fradinff him earthly anaj. 2. Hw-ive and bi 'iliut-t in a buaU a. Buchanan and Brvckcnrkltn. . iiUbwtora. li Wy Wallur. ... 6. Ilomt adocat-a "f lb Nobraska bill, Ird by Caa. A. Vrv-Htato ctatWc of kanaaa. T. ttordar lluffl;o. 1 by Auhiw-a, Strincfrtlow A Co. a. Tarrt atrd latbvrii.f frev-Ktato turU on a wagtm. 9. biac aui-tUiB ua a viKua, 10. 8l w-driti nu ll. Unnlr Ruffian baodof mtwie. It HiiftTd CmiJ. 11. Fnn rrr ere. KdUor cajucd, tamA aad leatb- Tttl, and hDjrri. 14. Prw eiial tfllfni in ehalna. - - - 16. It Mtna of piMitdrvd trttod. ' Irt LtiiU-J hute cttnoi n. 17. DoiimMimiiV tnw. kf Mmwoa. 18. uudrr Unirl ftata auiburlt. 1. Th Hii-ok ai.d Sumn rafTuir. .a. Brijlrtim Vtntj; a i Hi w . il. llMiuiilbty lJouitla. Zi. lit CcxgikasioBal luvuti-atios CrtBimltta. Ua.iAU Marshall The ' Tbanquimtt" of Kansas. A mao named A J. I'earce, has just returned from Leavenworth, Kanaa, with er he went with a few friends merely to viMt Ihe territory, wtihout iutending to remain. He was from the neighborhood of Pittabnrg,aud on reaching Leavenworth was accosted by a band "f armed invaders from the slave States, who commanded his namp, and what Sate he came from. When he answered he was frrnn Pennsyl vania, they ordered him to leave the ter ritory, lie urged that he was no aboli tioo.Kt, and merely wished to see the coun try, but was lie vert he less obliged to leave on penalty of persona violence. This sort of thing has been continued openly for M veral months past, and yet the Uutted Stages military authorities make no move to aflVd protcctiuu to emigrauts. Nine brother, living in diU-rent local ities nver a reginu of country 2U00 milei in exteut, recently met iu Chicago, In pro ceed to St. Lawrence Conn-y, N. Y-, to visit an aged mother. They had been Democrats , from the coinmencement f manhood to the present time, hut on com paring notes when they met at Chicauo, i bey found they all repudiated the Cincin nati Southern Sectional Platform, and could only stand on the Natioual oue f Freedom, Fremont and Pavton. The October Efcction 7l,rty, Oct. 14, 15.5. 11 b I?. American Sl Itopublican IAIO.V iitKi:is. Liberty arid Uuion. now and for eer, on and maeparab1." IMml Uhmlil Tbeinatitiition of tbe t'nitrd tat' i i" an intrumpnt not ol imtwliuir ha of mtiinat- ai.d untvrr.a Kr- dom. It wn ei.ot'tnplitt'd by theivreat M"ii wh - franitoi il, an I the World haJ m rr'.rnril. d It. Thr National Kin;. Ilmt ia it- nm'-ot, i- the tanner of I.l IU.K f V t whiir and red fold.- atmoola of hrvoluti"tirv tnalp. of the rrrftP f Virlorv. and the Mor-I of ra--rifiee. 1 T iT.t hTU'KT L'MoM r EiTMi nuvhiutin,uiatul ioijv ri-hl'le - -4- firnf God's firiuauieui:" N I' Un JR. i ri Uat I ortr can, and wrr will rot. and no titihiyi y-wr t i', rer aidi wr r4r. to extrnd .S-tvrry rrr 7rrfry teffit it duet irnt tzut." li-.Mti Cli. f'. CAI'Mt MIH.-tOXF.lt, Tlioman 1 Cochran, of YurU Co f At't'lllH. UlRfAU Uarit lu IMlClp, ofAnnsirong Co fm l?r i-i.pw i.rAUAL HUrlh'' Laporte, of Bradford Co For Coneres, JOHN 0. KCNKEI..r HarriVburg (?ol Jtti to th- dH-Win cf a Coi.grnaioDai Oonfrreoot.) For Representative, T 1 1 0 l A S 1 1 A V ES, of Lewieliur a S. W (ol Jnct to the dtei.if.il of a Urpruaautative Coi.ftn.iic. ) Fur Associate Judge, JOM X W. M MONTOX, of Duffaloe For Pn.thon..iarv, &c. J A M KS W. SANDS, of Mifflinburg For County t'ominissioner, W 1 UU A .M li V II L,f West Buffaloe For District Attorney, ALKKRT B. VOKSE.of LewisburgX.W For Countv Auditor, JOI1N PJtfOGAR, of New Berlin Prunsilvanin fkmncratfc Tirkrt. AVanfrwf. That In the repeat of the aet known aa the Mi-liri ronirr.4i.i-e art. at.d 111. .attairi of Ihr art or- ciui: tb- T-rritorir i.f Kantat an.t NSnttka. fre. fiom unrnitituO)oal rrtri-tiona. thr I ant t'omrrra i eKKrOKMKO A UOItK OF 1'ATUloTIO g rRIFIt r: in j I11t-rt IrW thr llfinatllti. ni aM-f iai.kI ,.ltMl.nl kv nmha. I k-n alb-r-nr to the funilantrutaj law. j n wr iuiit enooo ne anminiFiraTinn P.-l....t Pin..E aa NATIONAL. FAITHFUL. AND KP FIPIENT lully equal to all Ilie important ent'-rio-Diieii abieh the to.inlry haa had to eneoutiter. and that h- haa a-orttitlv m.'iiiuiued ber iutcraals and boaor ax bomo .nil abroad. r-Tniira pitrlinmfflh PTntfitrm iHtimrentiim whit k nomitmtrit Ui anTiiamo inddntr: Con. O'mmutmmrr IIKOHHK SCOTT, of O'loniMa Co. Auditor tnrrul IACOH KKV. of Montirom-ry Co. Srrwr O-nml JoUX BOW t, of tranklio i'o Coilimli.Sloner.-Attheurgent request i ,. , , ft . of my tneuds. I otter myself as a Volunteer , vanninat- lor reflection to the oftir.e or ij. m missionerof Union county at the next election. Ju'ySl (JEO.SCHO.H Please announce JOHN M.C.RANI'K Esq. of Vi,ffl,nb,,rs as , V..lu,i,eercand,da.e forthe i Oflice of Dlstr'Ct Altornrjr at Ihe Octo- ! ber Election. He it a native of our county. of large and respectable family connections, of good character and attainments, and has had that experience in the practice of the Law which is indispensably necessary for a safe execution of ihe delicate dimes of that impor tant Cnee. WEST BLT'Al.OE T'i ili V4ermtf f,rfi f'mtwfy; Fkllow OiTixrsa I offer myself a a can didate f..r re-election to ihe office of Prof la OaaOtur and Clerk of the several Courts ul Union county. Should I be elected,! flatter ' ' , ' .,., i ,nc uimua'ec ui i ne nuiirs oi sain ' office heretofore by me, is sufficient pledge nf my prompt attention to and discharge ol the , ditties ol said othr.es with fidelity. Lewisbure.Julytl. SAMUEL ROPSH. Presidential Election Tiiemlfy, JVotf. 4, 1 856. Free Sii,Free Syenh.Frer M n,Fiee 1'retn, eu.rreenrreer.eei.eu, w-a . . . V rPPllfllTI till rifl fS ' 11CCUUUI 1UI IVtXIlCa? ! I REPUBLICAN XOMINATIOXS : 1 . taan o aiwry i. nip, uranncraia ana arawntaoij fOH rBExlDEyT: I JOHNC.FREMONT OF CALIFORNIA FOR TICK PUBS1DEXT: WM. L. DAYTON OP NEW JERSEY Ciariaaati Plalurm X'imniation. for rwi.irt.t-JAMKs DUr-IMXAS of rnnayeanl l Irondeul-JuU.N C. BIliCKIMlllAJE, of K.ntoc.y Pm S'lcrru American Tirket. ,T 1"'Ir' MII.LABI nLMOtlE,of Mrw Tork ..K raaauiaJiT AAUHLW i. IHIN ttJUM.of Ttraiuama avnna. iai, aapnraa. If DO, lieniraser, ' iZ,C' r , 'o mortailtr ula: ,t a,-.-. , , LI ' " " ' I y " "i 'l laxes in(1 a uoua lor ;!, or make no cnarsa ,1 pi'i . , .l-tt.lTS.ImnLMVMIh,.M''OBli.MauBl..leI..r. ' frsl Heal Estate Rllamev . p e....l ... - .., OB RESOLUTION 1) ROPOSI (5 menrimeuts to ihe Constitu tion or the Commonwealth. h9 'Ac tt mutt It f kpr9ntH rt mf t V CnmmmmHittk f iVauW Gruertti A$mUw mH. Vital loilowintf BilDiiiaBlv npof latlit .?nay FtiiutH of ih-0iiMieaHh. la accordaawa with h proiiaioo oi iIm Uutb article tbrao r , rrnsT aantPMKST. That vhull tw an d ltTlonal arttek- to pa 14 flOMtitvUoa. to ba UaHbjiaata a rnrtida fevn, a laUoara: . , , . i . awicw xi. - ' . OF I'll Ul-10 UKUTft. 0ECTIOW 1. Tttf xtnta mar rontraft dftt, t applj' uot otli-rwt3 imiritit-d tor ; but tbr airjrrrffat amount f tth di lt. dirret aad tmlinfi'M. bUir cmitrvtMl by virtue of w or m-Tf art of in jnpral mt-ty. nr at (JilTfnHtt p.-riotU"t tm.piallil wr xrA at-vt-nhuailn-d aad fiOjf thoufcw d dtillara.and Ui aioi.-tr artMtifffriai Uia crvntmn of urh dflta. rhall ht apf lied Cn1h ruirn- fi-r buh it wax obtained, or tn rvpay th dattfe ao uitrmctdt and to ho nthi-r pari oar wbatt-vrr. 8wrri0X 2- la Miona u thm alaota limitod aawar. Um tatr may t-oiitrat d-litj Ui rrf inTaidna. vupprmw iur rcetMin- tiwarnd tlx Male im, war, ur tn iwdtw-ta thm rrmt uttanttitie titd"ttilnrM f lb tat-; but lb nnny artRtuR tmm ttw cmtrartina of ndi U-bU. vhall hr apalird to tha purp-.- for whfa-fa it wm ral-Bd. or to repay uch drbt". aid m no other parpota lilrfK t-tcil"? 3. Kd'pt tlr- d-l-t4 atrt H(Hfl -d la flrrtimia onr and tN of Uti- artirto. twtl bt wbatrr cliall b crra Ud bv nr n llialf of ibr Ntatr. cit t 4. To imTidr ar th pm'nt of tbe prrarit d. bt.andanv additHmal dlt runtrarird a aCraid.UH! Irfflilatrr iisll. t it 0rat atwion aftrr thr idpOjn ol thin aiurnduiotit. frrato a itinkina; fund, wblcb aball be pufflrirnl to pi.T tli wrrniinr mtrtvat on MK-lt drtit. and an n aally to rr-iu-vthr prieiai ibmf btasuainot lea than twohti'tdrt-d and "fry ihoui-and dolUra; wtii b -in kinr fund fball connift of the net aanaal mrm of tbe ptil.lic workp. frm tiut-- to lint o word by thrntatr. or tit yrucw d of the aai of the unbw or any part tb-r-fX and o the iiciu or prmri nf wite of Vk oto-il by thr nUte byttlu-r vitb otWr futida or -onrrm that aity be dwt(fntnl hy law. Thr n.tid ijik:nC fund may tHereaa-d. tutu time time, by nai;aiaic to tt any pert of Um Ura. r otli- r rt veotit-a t.f tlut Ut. not rriird fir tbe ordinary arid nrrriit exnvntt of citM-imeiit ; aud unI- in raae "f war, inii u, or iniirrartion. no 'rt f thr oald olitkitif; 1 iod b I or nanl or apflird otberwiM than In rxt.nuiidirariaj of tbr public debt until ttir k mount nf uch d- bt is r -duc-d belv tbe tun vt flvr millioiif f d.Jlata j-uti i. Tbi' crelitif therommonwealtb tihall not in any waai r or event or plrflfp! or Imned ian indifd 041. touiiay. oi,pr)t'iu. nr aMtriitit'o; nor ball lte roatiuoti wraitli brreaftrr b-ri'irw' a .Hut owner or stock boldcr in any cmvny, Mnouciatloii r txrp'ratlon. SicTt'iKi tf. The roinmonweMrtb rhall not a-umr tlir d bt,or any part theritif. of any aai.tv,cttv,borou)(b or town-htt- rn toy rorpt'fettoa urun t-iiiifm. nnieK vn-n dtMbtli b-4r b- rn mntrartrd tAenahk- tbat In ror-1 in-afi"0- apprr.M dnmmtie insurrection, ilrf nd itwif in time of war, or I" afit the ttalr in the ditcbargt of any pur lir tn of it prwiit iiidrhvdnf. u-Ttoii 7. Tbe lrj.illurr altaU not awthorlaw ? county, city, borough, ti'wn-hip. or ini-nrpnrat ditri-t, be Tirtur ot a tr of it- ridarna oib-rat. t c--taar a rtorkhold'-r in mir maapany aurta'iioor rorrutB.or to uhtaiu monry fr or han it credit to any corpumtlon, aaociaUuD, ibltitution or party. 0ac5 AMKXPitnrT. Thrre fiball be an additional article to aaM eonstltntlon, to be draitfualed a arth lr tleren, an fiiilowa: AMTPLC XII. OF XKW C'HJTIF. Ko onnnty "ftall br di'i l'd lv a line rutting off or r On biith ft it i-opulwtinri, 0-rhrr to firm a nrwronitty or othrrwia-.f without ltr rsorrw a)rntof -iieh r.mntr. l.v a rote of thr 4 W-t-i. rt ihrt-'f; nor Oi nil atty m ntuuty br riabbbed. containing lesa tbau four buodred uare tuilca. Tdirn e!ip?riWT. m m rert ion two of tlr flrt artirlr rf tb Cfrfstltntl'-n. trike out tl.e w.nl, Vt city mf t,U tirftyi.t, aH ttf whTn'i -rejrrfy;r' fiom .i tion Mint arfu lr. ptrik out tht w.irdp. "tf Phvudttphia nt.it f,r rrr-il cmnfi;' tiom 5rrti"h ert-n. Bum- art cle, Ptrik- out lb w rtli. ' eihr th rttft of i".t.rfr'';Aii, nor awji." an I iMititt lieu iltrr of the word -and ni;" an! 'trikrout -rrtinu or. Mior art;clf, and in lira tberruf iuavrt Um fo;ii.i-.fc: jiini'i.i 4. In the year onr thouand etbt hundred end intj-fonr, ail in rTry eeanth yar tb rraftar. r prr-nlnt-rm. to lh ntiinbrr of one hundred, nhall br arportintird and .ifttrirmu-d rqnally tbronnut tbr att h. di!trirt. in pr'-ortK n t" tbr nuinUrof lavMhh- iubab itrtJi in lb wveral part tbrivof. rxerpt that any enitnty C'iiUiDiut at l-at thrr.- ttioand five hundred taxablr ( nil 41 br allowi-d a 'rrt" r-fvertati'fn ; ut no more tr.I Uifr' toniilire "iiaii nr juiuni. nu nu nuintj rnaii brilividr In ..: frmntion of a ditrirL ny ritr rnn tuittit.it a aufll'-n. 1 number of taxable to entitle it to at Ka-i twnr-prrnUtt.."- "haM bava a parate rrprrarn tHtioB ai,n.d it aad than diMed tto convrnwut district of rootiKUoui.trriitory.OT J"-' Ulablr popuU tioo a nrar a voiiy ba,eacb Jf wMcb diiC l dttailelert one r'pr a- ntNtive." At the end of -trrtion prrrn. eajne artirto. lnarrt tb-" Words '( ciltt nf Phitiidrtphtn th'fll brd.Krf4 tnttimgl ra"fortfi dtrtrict.'. Vonie' Urntorif tt wrur ffiftl in t-nib f pnf,Mt'ittn on p.wi)J; Out mo wnj htU bt rftrtWu in lAr I'lraKifiaa fWrry Thr lepitilaitMrf. at it- fit a'fion aftrr tho adoption of th : an.ridiriit. xliali divide the rity fT rtitlat-lpnia Into M'taJtU'rotl ntiJ rrfray ittirc ttiH-tr. in Um niriMr ahovr .r..i.t"i; f-UMl u u "woor uiHiuit.J uttll K ?ppnrtiininrnt iu Ibe year our tbotuaad oigbt huudred and ixt) -four. foctitb AimTmryr. To b .Stcftoit xxvi. Stitch i. Tbe lefrfeTaturr hll bav the power to alter, rerok or annul any cbartrrof iiieorpftration farrralWronft-rml t-y or undrr any aen-r;d or aierial law. wiieni-vrr hi tb ir opinion it na te it jurioua to tbr rititene of th ro ra in nwi-ahb : in aurb manner. b)evr, tbat M iijuUea ahall be done to tbe oorjyiratura. Ill ftmrw. April Ul. 185n. f PWtatt.Tbat tbiateeolntloiipaMi In IheflrHamrod mrut. yeae 24. naya 6. On the ercond amrndmrnt, y-u l" nay a. On the third antrnfttnriit. yew naa 1. On the fimrtb amrndinent. )raa Xi, uaya 4. Extract from the Jouronl : liiUllAS A. MAGCIRE, Citric. In Hocsc op RrrUarTtmaa, ) April -VI. Ift.d ; JfMrVrf,That tht rrnolntion pn On tb flrt arad mrut. yea 72. tia 21. n the ereond autrnduient. vrP (t, nay 2. On tho thini an-nUnmt. yt-aa 64. hay X and in tbe fourth ntorDdment, yva Hi, naya 16. Kxtxact from tbe Journal : WILLIAM JACK, Clerk. SatarramTV Optic. filed April 24, 1650. f A. ft CT RTtY, isecTrtary of Uu Commonvmuttk. SrnuTART'a Orpicx. TttaRaaaiRo, June 27, 1 'io cert if v that tbe abore and f'rrfroiin la a true and eoTTre' copy of the original "Rcanlulioa rrlative to an Am-tidm-nt of tha ConitUutioa." aa tbo aaaiti n-maiu on file In thia offirw. f In treUnony whereof, I bare berrunto at my Ji I llianil ainrl r.naatl tai 1 mtHm Ik a-al t (kit ( J 6Cjrctaxy'aUfB-e,tbr day and year ahoTr written. A II. I I BTIN. Secretary a (Ac QtmmimKatLh. l Sf.t. ) April III. IsM.; Iteaolutloii propoalna amawtmonta to iheConalitutioii of th. i.nim..ntaltii, b'ing uoder oouaidtrauon. On th. irettion, Wiil th - Senate arte, to tha ft rat amendment ? Tha ?"aa andnaTaartrefaken aereeably to clia proThv Ion. of tb. I'oi.alilutH.n, an.l were at follow, .ia : Ybab Met-rt- Hrowne, Boekai.-w Cre.well, Raana, Feiftioon, rlenniko Hnjm loirram JaaalMO, hoox, ".,;rk'.!l;,Tl't1i".Uw J"!- fi'Tk """"l' "outlier, ffliano. T.i art. Walton, Wtlah, wbarry, Wil- kin. and Hatt (iihr,--ii. Navb Mratra. Ciaiit.. Groitx, JordaB, Melliauier, and Pratt 5. So tho queatMHi was deUraaiaed In tha aArmaUfa. On the question, w ill tho tVnat. axrea la tbo eeaoret atntadmeott Tli.' yeai anil nay. re tiikeB arfnositit y to ilia brottt- Hosa, Ingram, Jamiaou. Knox, Laubarh. Lewis, MVhn- tnek. eVII-ri. .shiitiianailioutber, Mraub, Walton, nUh, 11 nerry aim n name or. Nay. Meatra Crubb.ForxBaoa,Orefi(, Pratt, Price aad Plait .ra'."- . Si the iiutttiou wa detarmincd in tbe afflraiatlM. On th. qne-tion, ill tha ftenau. airrMi tn tha third aaatadmmt Tha yean au.l nayn wera taken airreeablj to the CoaauV fni On th. quLtnlon, will th. eenaa. aarea to the Finn a ataandmant r .. . . , , . ., tutton. and w-ra a taiow, hr : a taa Meetra. on .... . atut aaiew, irra-weu, svana. Ft.nniketi. lloxe. Ingram. Jami-ow, Jordan. Kn.'X, La.lba.-h, Lewia. M ClioCck, frj. li'tTi aa)- WcUhVW 4TS tirtan. iTion, rrfrr, Wninpr and inrmtw-. ; hob. .. w ....., 1 1 ti ; norma nanf iv ln,.ninj tM x . t loimnff lanils nt Julin itinehari J,.h ai.mi. i-t ...u ...1.. - . . . -. d Ytia-Mtttrt. Br. .ne, Uuek.l.w, Cral.b. Ct mw.I1, M l'1 1 """l "IJ lUlUil'U III I.C" J. , u " . J . c. : .7 iurf aTio I h. -17. n . " F.Tana. F-rneo. Flennik... Ilotre. loiram. J.t.n. J.X wisburg. Pa., re-peclfully lenders his , . '''"". oU.rrs. aieuij rr.iCK, j VlTiT.T . VaiViii" I Jordan, too. Lanb-uh, le-wia. at'Ciiiilnk. Meliiog-r. Professional Services in the .,.. . f .1 John CroaSRruve and olhei s,colllaiuirie about " t ! ITalt. ITioe. Solera. Sb'.rn.a. Soulier rJtraub. Ta.rl, 1 . iess ion ai oervices tn the Cllizena of ihlS ) ,.-,. . , . . . . 6 llnllValril-iL.i'i.i. , , W.lu..-ltb u berry, Wukio.Hl Puut ytrr-M. i town and vicinity, hoping by piiirupt attention 184 ACRKS I t V 1 " t'hKA!' 'or Watraooa. 'eTd Mr. Green 1. tn the H.itle. of Ine nr,,L,. , .--i 1 aa I -i ...... .... I I llU. it 1 1 Mllit ts. On. lublises. Slaeea. TIC So Ibe qoealioo . 4wttnnUl k. th. aOrmaU. " 4,,l"i..J.Tia t" v "-li ! -1 " J" la". T """" ,'lf,J" atnp, rieT artrtle. fer aale ti. 1'llhlsT a CAt.PW F.LI- I I go tbe qutation aaa datriaaiued iu Um aaXraviilta. j elphla ; but beeominc convinced of the super J0iauorM.U...e..TnvM,t i"'y of the New,,, American Ecleclie system. April ill, lMrtJ. Tha.Ma tnd nara were tken airrea.bly with. pmruaofM i Course of Lectures In the Reformed or A roe-rtber.o.Vl,..dU-a,pro1 aa.dlB rican Ecl.e u'fCZ ''lrAmnk..m. M (t-tom!o.l neekiVork.lrlernharl. Botd. aoyer, Hrowo, . "r"-h- '"'bat..n. Cldll, CampVII, tarty. Cnafcrd. , ( r.ti. IV.dail, r.llnar, F.o-o.u. F. -' 11. 1 II 11.1... 11.1.1 ll.i. U.I!-.,.. UiuU. ll.iin.mh Hun.leker.Imhrie. liHrham.lnait,Irwla.J.d.na, f-XZ lrb"',-iru'u" V1 St Varthr. M iiBih. Slauftle. Slenrar. Mll.er. MiaaUoaaary, Mooreiaaad. laaanau r..i...T. Rei-il. Reinbo Mooreiaaad, Kanneanwher, Orr, Pearooa, Pbrlaa, Pttioell, I r..o.T. ReiH. Reinbol.l. Kaldle. Itonarta. Shrwk, Smith '(Ai I. k-l.-nv. smith .Cambria. ewitth (WyaaaiaclMroaaa, Tb.-mi toti. Va.il. W ballon, Wriht (loiapb.n,) Wrijbt fl.ti3.rn. 1 Zimmaroian and ' ritfht fAaar.rV TX. N,Tilf,.,.riAuea-tiiae.llarrT.t,loer.ColloarB.IInek. I PrT.Fuln.i (l.vk.liil.l-oiv... Hamiltoo.Hlieor.llooa- ' kaaMtr.lluiM'ker. r lfl-irtns Mae,Mai.teJ,M.rii.wum- Kaliahanr. eaaitk iTbiladtlliuia,) Waiter, : ma. raltertot.. .WHO. MH l". I On tb que. lion, -' . " l.l nm -tr-- ' mwwm- .oe - .'--, i . T)M'aamwtl.alt-nalMlw,Tk: I 0.7;, l5laS ' llilltaaa. Hippie. Ilaltomh. Ilunaaoker, Iml Ti. iMham. 4wt.-r.rry, Fnlluu.tlayiord.tlit-'oiH'V. Ilnmttton. H.iiih-o- ltarurins. Mmvom. llianler. M.o rn, lumuia. ;V.it.'f,, ; I'Hel) . S ilibury. 9iattb i .uiiiria.i inoinp. on, naic-r, V latrudr. Hrivbt Ounpbin.l and Yarl-y A. K ltiruerti ii wua Ocloiuiiiiwd fan ibe afSrmative. On thr tru-'len, . n ill tiw lloiier azrer to the tblrt aaBr udwi'-nt The j-e and Bar were Ukm. and w-r- a P.Mow. via: Vca Mr.orra. Ander-on. l'akii. Baldwin, Jtll, l-rti d,venaala,r.) bVk I trk.) IVmbard. a.t. B..yeT- Frown. tu hau.tn. t aWwrll. rmnip-r-.l, Carty. t ranc- tmwftrd. fcdincer. raU-old. Fualrr Frv, Il.ue, llumel, MHrprr. Ueina. lllblMi, Hill, llilbu. Hippie, tbdcooib, Ua?ki?efHr.llit4rnlB haui.lnah. Irwin John Johna-u, Import. Li-bo. 4ntrkrr. Lvi tt, M i;a:mtnt, M louib. Mangle. Menenr. Muirr. MoiiiKoniury. Xunnrinachrr." irr, iVarwo, Fhrlpa, furivll. Ituiwy. l.erd. Itidiih-. sh ok. Smith ( Alle-beny rHnlth (t'ambria.) Sailtb ( H'vomina ) Thorop-vn,WIaliuii.WnAbivliuupbiu, Wib4il.tueru- and kiimmrrnvm li. N r Mnura llarrr. Clover. Onhnurn, Dork. Iowdall, FuUon.tiajlord.tjtbbuoev. Uumilton, tlaooork. UniMk-r, U-iw-aiini. M t wrtby. Vanby. Moorhoad. M -rria. Fattron, Brio hold. tMKrU.JtatiliuryflValtr,ViuUude, Tearrlry and W right (SfraJr) 'J. So tbe qaectiou wu dtWrtuiutfd in the affiruaUTo. On the qoratioB, Will tlie IJoutr airrre ti the I orth amendment? The jea- ant nere were tnkeu and were aa follow, elf: Vr. M-T.At..lrr-.-n.!rku-.lH. Hn k i Lyeoniiuic; ltek(T(k,illrriihnnl.H..vd.Bov. r. Brown.Bru-h. Iinrlf anan.C'aldMoiUuii b l.:arty. C'mit. rwfi.rd. lw.ill, I-.liner r ran .-old. roab4,rry.i Jets. Ilnnn-I llarp-r. Heine, Hibha, Hill. Hilti-ira. Hippie, ll..lroa.l. ouatk re(r. llunaeekrr. Imlne. Inni-. Ir. in Johnnon. Uporfe. Lrbo. l.oii.'k.-r Lovetl.Maluoiit, V I'arUiy. M'Otak. MaU.'le, Mi nrnr, Miller. yoott iwi rv. MoorbrMd. Nunnenia h r, Orr.l'euraiu.l'he)i,v'urrti. Kajom y K-rd Hrinbold, Kid dle, KoNrO, Shruk. Muitb imhri.) utttb WtommK-1 TDi;-atB. Vail, M aiUr. W ballon. Wrinht il.uavrne ) Vcar-lry Zaiui-rman aod W r sht t ,Sttlrt II. fMMWirii. Barry. i;iovrr.L"4lK.orii.l''ulun.4iilihonry, Haiuee. llano k. Hun ker- Inbam. brieetirutir. lar', Mato-y, M wri, KatUrwa. Saiiat-ury anl tt iotr.-le 16. So ihe tjueBtiou waa dttrruiined iu tbe aflii uwUive. fiuacTutr'a Ornex. ) HiBKl.-avat;, Juue 27, 185B. fnmtylrtmia, SS: i -i-. Mir. !.- .tw fiwmlna' la a true and aoa, of Ik. mul -Nay.- t.-.i aa tl.. I ...... ..m.,. .,i.. r...,.til.n. f ... .. .. .t- u..i..j...r.di, ; in . .n.m.iw-in. w. ... - .... - k. t ... ii..,. ..f il.- 11. .r.l ib!i ul U11. Com I axiDwalth for taa M'.Kn ar lao. I Will J t . Vtki I. ( J eight I WitDW mf han.l anil tha md of M onif-. twealy-.-nlQ ay ot Jan., una i..-iwi Aundri.-a auu cr-.ia. A O. rllMTI V. C3ta Srcrrt'irg of Vt ('nmimwnUh. I'nlon ( ounl) Court I'luclamxtluM lHEItEAS. ihe Hun. AB M S.W ILSOS, I'resident Judge fur Ilie aoih Judicial District oT Pennsylvania. compoed of Ilie counties of ttli 'ii. Mitflm and (Snyder, and Jam MAai.L aud Paiui Kihl Kq.,Aaao ciaie Judees in t'nii.n county, have issued ilieir precept, tiearinfr dale thr day of May, 1856, and to tne directed, for Ihe bidding id an Orphaiu' Court, Conn nf C. miiinu Plea-, Oy-r and I'erminer. and Oeneial W larier SenMin, t i.i'vviitim: r.,e ii.p e.,iiino .if i;mii.V Kara M'-aara Aiiicuatiae Harry. iJbner. Minn.-r, rry. on Ilie third MO.M' Wi f SEPTEMBER nex', 1IJIIK ' SA1.H I mypc-.j VALUABLE WDAL ESTATE. ! Xi.lii:e is IhereA.re hereby jiven to the t'l.f- fE und rsisned At2iiee uf llnai K. onrr, JutiC'"S ol tl.e Peace ai.d Constables in j iN'uit. trill nff-r at I'ub ir ale on Ilie and fcr Hie countv ol l im.n.li. arpear in the r p,einise, on SxTtmiiit the :tOiii day i.f An on proper persons with their records, inqui- I j,US rxi, the 'ulioiiiK valuai !e K-ai E-U!e, sitions,examinaiiins and other remembrances j tu to do those thinzs -h ch of llieirolfices and in t f Ground frontini on Market stfe.t their behalf appertain 10 be dune ; and all Wit- I j Iue L.on.uli of i.ewishuri;. I nu n re ih-1, nesses and oilier persons prosecuting in behalf cornrr of Market an 1 Seventh -meet.. , of the Commonwealth aganikt any person or jn wi,at is called Smith's Addition to Lewis persons, are required to be then and there burg, containing tit) leet in bieadih and ll'.j aitendin?, and not depart without leave at Iheir I rel , wluc-h are er.-c;td ajf-'Ji j pern, jurors are reqne.stea to oe punctual 111 their attendance at the appointed lime agreea- b!e to noiiep. Given under mv hand and se.il.at the Bher- iff's OHiee in Lewisbur", ihe 4ih day of An. gust, in the year ol our Lord one inousana eient nuniired ann nnv-sn.ann 111 ine seveniy- ninth year of Ihe Independence of Ihe tinned States of America. fiod save the Common wealth! DANIEL I). lil'LDIN, SiieriiT. Herring's Safe again the Champion ! ! The ouly&ife w?icli,in tvery instance, prtJrvtd ther en t irt contents in the Ittt Kjcftmive Fires. VT l.ie burning of the Art-zan Huildins, t'n ti; I Glli of April, and .11 the fiKtaT FIKE i Market Street. iT -8;li genmue Ham 1S Pp- ered Ihe Jewetry of ffeo. W. Simon? & Bro. ; Books, Papers, &.c, of Fisher & Bro, and Edward Semans & Co., after remainin? exposed in the burnine ruin for nearly FORTY UUUliS.aai provine conclusivtlv what we have alwar claimed for ihem. their treat superiority oirer all secu rities now known. In these fires. Ihe I-rrfnK' Safe, standing side by sidewuh those advertised as "warranted. Io stand 10 per cent, more lire than Herring's. ' came forlh ihe acknowii'dted alrtor.ntoniTr.er.i..,ih.iris...t.i.t, io -aerinnt . r d.r. I.oi brinr ih-m.vr ia a oondinoa to c tho oali anolhtr ordeal, while Ihr boatfl - i-al;.ro.n Itra" of .-Hi- er ana-m wrrr lw.il. ared r io er.-ry inal.nn-, and iu aonie rane. ih-ir enure n.nttnu rfiuii.lvb'l. d'.lr..el. x...-...,i u -1- .17-. . . 1.- IbaemtlM, llaV.Sfc w. i.t"h. mora tl..n t.o Landnsl l-are paatrd thr..nih ide.it.1 tt" without ih ot currrno T tin:lr U-. We wnuli. tlTi-.f-rr. cautum i,Ur.Lar- .in.t th mbtn-prrrruution .f tnt-ntrl parthn. Tti llrnimE in iirrnmi MV'raV'-.. of beat of any I froirrirrt tj rutrnt KiyliL ll to re-tut morr thB double tlie amouot or beat of auy otber Safa now known. Farrels K Ilrrrlnfr, ts-,.e laniiD.rtiir r. in thtt Mm!.' of 41 Herringa Vattnt CUumptun Sifrt" 31 Walnut 81.. PHI LA II A N.B. "Etransdt Watson's Improved Sal- amanders. Olirt Evan , "C J.ISayler s, and Scott's Asbestos," Iron Chests, (a larre assortment havins been taken in pari payment for " llerrinrf's,") will be sold at low prices. June 6, 18:flyl West Branch Insurance Company, OF LOCk HaVt'Il, Pa., inSIire Delaclieil Buildings. Stores, Merchandize, Farm Property, and other buildings, and iheir con tents, at moderate rates. Hoing business on bothCash aud Mutual plans. Capital,$'iOO,Ot(. IHKECTOKS. Hon John J Pearce Hon G C Harrey T T Ahram 1) J Jackman VV White Thos Kitchen John B Hill Chas A Mayer Chas Crist Peter Dickinson Hon. O C.HARVEY, President. T.T. A DRAMS, Vice Pres. THO'S KITCHEN. Sec'y. JAMES B- HAMLIN. Acenl, ST LewisburR, 1'nion Co. Pa. n. H. Derohim, HI. 0., Io Chronic Diseased ol every na.i.e,and H eated wnn unparaiteien success. D.DERSU AM erdoaied at ihe renowned American Electee Muical Colle.e.Cineinn.ii e, aai er.. siiuioan. baving 6rsi stinl.e i aeO:d nr Allopathic sys tVkwrr,, WilkiB. and tem of medicine, and attended Lectures in one ' Waler 81 ,he duor' ani "'! " v" o'-"'vi jsiicii iiHtr-Trs i rniiao- , wuy, una auennea two Ci.y of the Weu This In.tituti; ".lihi..rt T tamnea, naa no aui-erloe ia ttieOreat Weat-aaa baa already aooo.il, nor. niod. nl. than th. f,.7othar l.hriMU.O.IlM.l..f . . . . . vn.aitwHitoail oartaofnur alobe.aiid ioOkL, i-.i... llaaahHaroT " u""" tb" T other I The BTimopal ditr-Tenet, hetweett tha Reform rd (newl elnBtle. a.ul t li. nta . 1 . . . .. 1 . V . '".i'i. aent tl.at it to anr Wny tnjurkias to the human ay.teta, .urh a Calomel 1 Im. ml 1-,- " . . 1 ' -"" "annieataeenta orwoic nnumonv.ae . .ii.. . and l.roaranitTe phTtleian. of lh. v-.i..i . . . ir . I ,J . . " iere.i. (o. tkf .ter libra euaaplekt auhttitntea bit tho.odelrt. non. aioa'lU -'- Wane). Ac.:) therrf .re we have no n.eo fr ti theae ralnab a n.w ..-.ot. and .11 it . J'"" j 7. , r 1 ctim IW 1' W tKlllB. . - 7 ,.,were OHO. tOn.NI. red I lk,,ta'i''llwkiB...,.u.7 I XV-ZSLSLX yZSr?XJr!J .: Z "l u dlarstea. It he. Kaon ...i i . tolhi. l. I" r,.",0'u'-'" " oi, j 4 i j J10 ilK j Ali I'J I Uil MI,r.. Uli"u VS'ill be a!! at a flisrn.ihi Is well ' urerl. triifnv neir Inquire at the -Chnmirle Hire. .lima Caution, and Notice. &H: AV-K- rots. Thai A.C. ?"&r.. -T ll.oh and John wV" lcr.ham.of VV. Z1S && ? Vfa T)eer Tp. I.'uion JxJuuf. iH.rrf pur- "rhaspdlhprniire : richi, titlp, atid nt.rp-.! Ill man. ' nufaclure and ell Ihe j PLATFORH EEE-HTTE , invrntfd anrt p.mpntfrl lv Sv Ivever Davis, of -i.r.n,..t V II. in ihf I'nllf.ainP Tiwnrlir 1 and BiirmiEhs in L'ninn ci.no'v. v.z. Ime iu., ir.iiu Hiiilal..p. .i Uiiilvlne. M iHm- biirf. Hartley. ItimeaMiie, Jai'liw- 'l, . U. riiu. All pervmis are werrn're rmin.ii" against maniifaemrii.r t.r pnrehasins ai urr-ni.c unitsi "... 1.-.' - ai.d brrMiam. K iilits t.. inale anil e Itie atxive Hives in the I11re5.un!! I ownsmps anu lUrniiahc f.ir .alp im rtau.liaD r iprin. single riphl f..r 'jii. 11. A D. .Tl,i-lIielia.l..kintli.-flrprrmiiini.atlht.-li.l- ,"T.u.,iTr..r.iu II , Mt.,li..l, ""'.' ti.- lii ..f i. . . U-1,H 11.1. Hi, in, on. ai.1T hf-eo rV-ea. wnn f "rlrc- Mf tj and ..ici. trncu all duluuit; ai.J ia.o iUwtjr ar rimj "''"'. , on-f .rr 1, I". Hwi. Utu.; toiww. rrf.mon.orrii.n-1. or BI..V be rf.tt.lii' ll inlo ai uo , , , , , . , , . ",, and will oa. a Jail W V V'" TI.. 11. ...lir. 1. ,1J l,;,n li, I" M 1 other ia--la which annoy an-l rain lb- B. ... Ti... a. rrut'l. if niaiiML-Hl arc..rdti.f( to the Uiricti u lii--li art yiveu iu tle I-'Ok. It. Hi. Spi iriL' II. e ll'-et hv sn r j.p..r!tin:iy t,.erF,.e and tlear tl.- tb from ihtir hie-w.lh' ullijlns out to Ui. on tl.e tin... The filih nn ha at anr time r. m .Tifl from the hites aithi.ut (li.t.rl.na th.' 11.-''. Th. r.eiin I. Ir..n-r rr. .1 "tVo r. r-otftary, to lh- la 'new mu.h. and w.ll.i'ilt 1 illinn th.ui It r.r.-.i.'N all mmo-iI. lit V "f r'.l l.n.z .111 11 if llM.ri'Uvhlv iriitil.tr.1 throoKl.'.i'l t.-H-awt't, liirin. hi...lz. t "i-d tl ant'- r. Th.' V'.rk'aad proar. - . f W.- I aiay be P-en o thu bi.ta, h.int,-lt.x"t aod a-.v-l!.-rt. ' - , S9 J ta, - Ck f : a3aE 3 ft 2e J r.rNt r3te ii(H K l)n EU.l.Mi 11 iii-e-.-.iti i S1,bstaulial aud handonne Frame s'lab.r, and I all other necessary Oulli.ni.liii-. There are: I sal-o ou said L"l a variety ot cli. ire Kru t , , 2CTrees, ,-.nd a never-faiting Well if exeel I iel. wa.r ilsi. THREE rMKl'KOYED I. ins of 1 eruuntl fro 11 tin tn M trkrt street atid adj't.u in ihe lul above dr-j.rn1.fi, nn ihe wrst.u'hirh are well calculated for DuHdms L'is, ttiuz a lery handscme ltcaiu-u. Said lots will be i 5,.i,i srf.rtrate, Sale 10 ci'inruer.re ai 1 o'rloi k P. M. of sa.d dav, when terms will be made Lnown l.y IH H I. SIIKLI F K. liEOIiiiE F. MILLER. Letrishnr;;, July 4, lt-.'.t. A.-sisaees.Ace. FOR SALE. eT-TWO SlorrT llt U k IIOU5P and I JLxS. Hall Lot ol ground situate on Market street opr-oaiie Ihe new Ptesbylenan Lb. Also a Hall" I-Ot of ground situate r n the south-east corner i f Si. L .uis and t en.t - terv streets in the horou-h of Lewi-biirc .1 . i-.iii it -ii.ii. Also alt mi-interesi iu a COAtH MIDI', dome a en d business. For Terms, imiuire i.f WILLIAM JOXES. Lewisburz. June 23. V VLUABL2 FAHil FOR tiALii . , ., . . . .,,'. ' fPllt SUOMTlOCrS Will P! at I'tlllllf i I Ue.lnesdav, ihe 20th of August i , ., I lo, n Ihe premises, I ' 1 T I - T.r T.. t.i f " r 1 -T l.'ll.O.'lill.Ii 1 .111.11. i Situatf in Ea-t liill..!,.e ..wiish.p.f Co. ,l,e r.ad lead llg fi.m the lllllipthe Io ( , , . . , , I Hflln, H.t'v MHIir !ali i'i Ji'lm 1.WI , anil John lleii.tHth. rnijl.tiiine 3 acics j anil Juhu lleiitHtr.. cniji.timiie &j aricN. i m"re "r a,",u' !4 ,,f wl,1,h " e"t"' ",a - I ber land. '1 he improv -iiient eoi.Mt rl , vr lan'i. uniiiv .-Hfin' .iji m TWO Dmrlllntr I7oil)tt. Tn Hams ailtl vll.t-r tl'llbuIKlillj;. : logeiher with THREE tlliCH A ll)-s ul ihe best fruit. 'Ihe fai 111 is well watered and in' ' excellen! cultivation. Tao Veins OF ikon on v., Of ihe best quality and in'preat abundance, are louud on tbe Urm. b. iti t xiendine loi up- V wards ol a hall ir v, Irre lion, laulu, U.h mrep nrilts ready tor irmk, with curs, ratls j and pleuly of timber lor furiher operations. rersona desirous ni purchasing ate quoted to call and examine the pieunses. I tale 'o.rommi.nre 111 I o'clock, P. M., when conditions will be made know n br THO-S. WALKLR ci CO. East Buftalne. Anj;. 1 lH.'.r. Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue of an Order of Ihe Orphans' Court of Union Countv at Mav T Ififi. will bescld on the premises of Ihe lateJACtlU RM A FKl; Io t.imt.lnn. T. f.. I , ' ! ' isnlunny, the 'la.l of Amlift tifj t, the lollowint de.ent.ed Real Estate, late Ihe estate of the said deceased, viz : The iHiYjijS JIXlJ ilAiiji in I.tmeston, ,..ws, 0,......, siluale in Limestone township aforesaid, nd MEAlOW, wiih a convenient DWELLING HOUSE, large Ilank Ilarn, J. a large beanos ORCHARD, a Well of -j i oaie to commence at ten o clf-ck in the fore- noon of said day, and terms made Wn.mrf by 1IAAIKI. SHAFEK HEM KY K. SAMlERS, M6 Administraiors of Jacob Skater, dei-'d Rich Prairie Farms ! TTKIMPROVED LANDS, and Town I i---"- Lota in Illinois, Iowa, and adjoining I Mates for sale in errat varietv at l., nr.. ces, and on favorable terms. ' Pamphlet Catalogue Description of Prop. , , erty. with prices aiiached, lorwarded uratta J by mail on application. 8 . Our rxttnuut Imil ennn'cVon will facilitate ' Ml.inn nl..kl. . I" . ' eivine valuable it lortnattr... r . . r the West to applicants Uesinne lo locate i v uuyrrs oi Illinois Central R R I -...A. ' i" o.n,, 11C IO .C 1.81)0 a&eilt I of the ComDanv. It. .,nl .1.. j.i ",. V subscriber off.rs his srrrfecs r.t'",!'!u". War- j . - " ""'miiaj maps ana VALUAVLlU OUlliUiWU LCT3 COR Sale. Ci:e Lot mi Souih Ik X ulrwl, " t quart- ami a liall li,,n, jj ' , Tiirf .l-..ts .ii .S.iiiIi I'mrth ,i,etI ' squarrs fri.ru Marfcfl. - - " Tl.c alio vp are Irvpl I.ol, wp Itca;f(j well addptrd to tnililrne fiirprup. 8t W. H. AkVlsTRr)Xfj Artinjr V.X't t f tl'm Ariatri.n. d-t' i l.ri!bnrS. Juiif 25. l-i " Woodlots and Small Farm for Salt, Tn mil jiureltuMrt, on rtutuuabU rrau TlItKEare lots of Wuoijian s: lualr in W hite lprr Tp., on Lni), j,, aj,,r f.'ri-f U.aboul a mile abuveUulil . n m .. u iVi.in 14 In '11 nr-r. ti.li erejlwillt Hri.im kmUs i.l Uk, YiM, pLf Jr an-,hr,'t"a"J1 'remain, ahom s53rrp,.ofh. . j arp r!eaif il, aii.l has i.a it a Ti, si,; . Inu.t. a L1.1 Maliit. uiiin ..1 1. ' ' .'ti. jiiiiia l.iii'K i.f John Hnninipl and Jac. b M2i man. at... u( l( mile Irom fiiildm'a Stirt W h.ie Deer ti , I nu n r. aimve pn.per'r i uffered at Pr,.. ra.r, vj iiir uioliiu. i, (;Ki;KO XLIX IEI.XEI.L. Kt-M Tp., Anj. 10, 'S5. l-'artrait of John C. Frp mont 1. 1. ...... 'P1" m'-t "'"eet I.Uenr.., e.er ma ; n 1 1 eruttd in the hifcheil atyle i.f A,it asi piintui mi nue India paper, pnbliahed .aj k.rsale. Wh.leale and Keiail, tr -V ,'m(L, y,.'i.iy .rr. .ci.ri.er rilih and Che.'niit rtti, I'I.. a lelphia. cue t.f paper, !7x?. jj, pri. e. A lit.eml ttiarnunl will be a..i.c5 lii...e u i.hn.p t. fell nwa.n. i V A t i E N I S W AN TK D.j " Adialn!stratars' Kcticc. VOTICE is Lt'U'Ii Riven, that Lef.fR t i' id A.liuinis'ralo.u .111 ttie Ksta'enl Jar.a . Pinn a, late ol V bur Lieer lown.hip. I nnn Z. i-i.un'v, deceased, have been framed i ft. tiinliT-iiii d bv ibe Ketrisrer of I'n'fn ei.i.cr in .Lie 1". rin i-l law ; it.eielure, all pt-r-uiia :m eerie. ! in ..aid e.-taie are teuestrd h. rej,. f, iinmeil...te paiiieui,aiiii tho-e haniij acrjuit iia:ui aie ato rcpjraird In present li.toi . I caliy ati.tieiii.i-ated f..r settleu.eut. s , AUII.MI AM SYHHEU. 3 ArlmT.iv H A S HuT l'K.Wl El., S t.at. t,. Turbui l'p, Am lii J f", Julj 1", IHb rx.Last Kctlce.-i-a f Ve5 V e t H.i e wish to have the arrmiai cf I. I" & Co. elided op. ail per-.:., kix.win llieiiise. vrs in.liol'd Io tl.e a:tf I'ir'ii. u ii! 1 J'-a.e ca:l ai.d m tile, a ii.t anr:'., ; tti.l h. rliy be placed 111 the hands 1 1 a pp per ; 1 III. er f.r ri.lieclo.n. Juiv 1. J.HAVE.S A CO. S J. GDldsmith & Bro's. Aiiiicd LH GOCDS! r,..i rl)W is the winter of rur r( scrmttt made el. ri..os sunuuet ' by the :- riva. i.f our -EV j OI'K of I . . c. iN'iaNG am Dimmer (Iiod; cnnMsiiiijr ff 'lie Urcest a-f.rme:iT f ME XX li.AK evtrr before br 112. it i ihe u rt of il ur. Our Mrk 1 ennpiete, ai d we are -e I .it ny reduce. J fru'ts. Ait tj' our t mi. (Is ;t 1 .r it C It tl b t-tll ei V a niCl'lii-iC- tui e.l m ii.ri.an eMail i. bine nt in Phi a l. n. ; I u..leh. t lln ailil. ' balk ... Bn in. lilue. tip tn. Claret alio' Pia it n ainl I'assni.eie Lies. Fiotk ai.d t. as eil aa j FANCY CLOTHING " I of evei v iJeser-l.tli'ir Vests nl Cassirnere, S 'k I and diin. ait made alter the latest lashi. lj. , and .rtai..ed it. be we. I n.a.le. Also Win'e ' Marseii: VeMs.Wbuc Lineo Wsts anii K; and every laneri uf pods usually found iu a j (,; .,, ,,, ,.., , AVofViVimtoi' . . . . . , ' ! r.. 1,! s f. ...vrs. Hosiery, eekrlolhs S-..cU ; l-'iatver.. suspeii,jers. Hat dkerchiels, litn- , lt,r Ac. 'AN , Brfll, TJrif,v u( I Ann-It s. AIsi. 41 , Caps f..r Spr.ti; an I j Miinmer wear. Imbrel.as, Carpel buss, etc ; Th. re wili be ciuwits atteiu.f; oi.r unt ! in. 'I. til's Ci nit, theielvir ir have laid in a rnui-ii larger Mi-ek titan we etUerwise u.ui i I"" '!'.""'-. -ur nu.no is - g.itrk Sale aU Km .11 I'r. iVs.-and I this m ..... e adhere. I t --I- . would pariteularlr cal! the alien- . i1b, 1 P,,..,. ,. ... . i. .1.' - , Hon 1 Jretus Io . lir sU.i k ol Lars Cl.THua. and also that li.io.ij. will be rareluily ina.ie 1 t., 1, . . . . , , '"calM "" P- '''.., ' Coull"r- I L Isburj?. April. l'a - - I . . t . tJ.tl- . a . i f1OAL ! Tlie uni?tTMi-neil would res- V; pecifuPy mloini ihe citizens ol Lewisbu-g nt I and vicinity, as well as persons in ailn unnr t. i. ns. inn be keeps constani'r on hand a supplv 1 1 7iJ.i;A.V ad UJIKS-UAHKL Cf.tA.f.. rStore and other purposes.of event J Tiriett aod ae. aa.1 a ill .lrli.,-r l .-al to r-r-oo d:ri r ( it. ... I,- lias a 1,1a t. r ll.t puipr. HaTiBw trifle a j f.-iir i.f pfl Wi:tCll M At K.-. I.e ean at...r (er- K I p, ,.,.iv f,.r i.a. ii.- rtist,.. , '"'" ' b. at th-.. ,t r.-h prites .t hiaTari. I I l.'W 'aril, fri.m Mr. VVeaj.'flaau! pl.ael. ( u t.t no-n u.u. I attKird t t ltd. UKOKtil. UoLtltlN. L. H.urj;, Mar l.X lis ft ."Pn Itlarkstnith's Coal. A FF.ESH SUFPLY OF Druss, .IeJiciriC.sBc()ks,Xotinn5. Varietica. r-iatuiocry, Ac, purchased in New York attd Pbtlad. niaike-s. has jnst beta ree'd at the Old Mnmia. ih- )ruc More of HKl.-sT & t ALD ELL, Levisburp i 1 LA-S Jars, for Pick lint; and Preserruir. VJI tjuarts and Hall Unlioiis, lor sale chtao riiKt-T m rtl.l'H 1:1.1. i I l tiRt:K. S AROMA I f Cllie ,, , KV!,p, pMa a ATIC SAP, a ceitin and diseases arising im an itnt nr. at.u ,f lb- '.nati alta a tort rt- -..(!. ft e.l i J.l a..rt pn-e 75 ft- per Irtl-. lor Kile 1.7 lULlat A tlillULlL. Q V10ltlHER.or Cmicemraied Lye-wt I Q . ."'. P Umt.m war- i.i C. W. SCHAFFLE'S WHOLESALE an! RETAIL Urtiij and (.'hrmiral Emporium. .lh Street . Itcwisburg, 1 a. Dr. Jacob Ilorlacber, BOTAMC PHYSICIAN, having regained his health, ha resumed his practice t'l I ine healing an. Hissuperior fALVE isstilr in sreai demand, and ail orittrs supplied as usual. tew Berlin. May 8, 1854 t LOCKS all kinds of 8-day and. -HO-hour brass locks and patent ler'r NUT l'"'-P'eces, Brass 8-day clocks ai 5. 1 v"-- du-honrclocks ai low as $1. All clocks 1 wafr""fJ' f"r " J.I-VOl)fcR S i . 7 T)LA TED WAKE Cake and card Baskets .4- Forks. Spoons and Butter KotrfV Ttltn.H.nc . I -. 1 ,. A ... .1.. W , I'.rWiall Jeaspt.t.ns silv I ,,lv'r. P" A" '"e'l" wanaatrd t e'' sa'ioicuou. ah amus 01 cneravo s a I J. 1,. 1 1l.a.n IMOOli BV ARR1LRY, . llore..rrH Evil ,r I -' -w iioisca va eiiuci ui mr' 5 . . s t AbJt'tit CZiml'ulatt - i Mill-r. Moatwiwlary. aloarekwl. Nannemoebar. Orr, ""' tr ent , L i '""' I th.tta.-KkT kv. ot a vv - F-.r-m. e.re,ll. luL-y, k-d,lu.hi.d.l:,l,lu.K..rta; tV" - rTm od iroorom.nu, ,n4 ,. r . - t HA 8 M. DL-PCT CO. I "hose horses are aflltc.ed. a .c,.,r,i-vt'' a ' t SLMii ."Zinb'Tj. o . t 6bk.tlth(4iltfh..)Stroo.,VaU.w.r,iS fLZiH PKwr.aa.ot. rTuw'l.J Corner of Mieh.gan Ar. and South Watei Si h'1!" ' orkmg order. Ke.idi.-T? i i t .il-iaJ.ial, r. w ftAM, cf P-, (t- rairaa ... iHra-a Wn?1Slrt ' "ar liI.Cwii.R It DeT-, 1 ' in Keilv Tp", near Lewtsbu I :