Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 18, 1856, Image 2

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    Xmishunj Cljrnnirk
Jclt 18, lSoGr
fmttrnm .He!. The I.twtwi Cnmcu
H(Hk4 wa the Caeh Protein. iee the largeet mad beet
atrculetiea of MJ NVwepeprr id Gains Cuuuty.
51 HJarne ct !
Many of oar country frionds have Kade
known a wish for general Musi Meeting
of tbs friend of Fbimoxt and Fmedom
immediately after Harvest. Correspond
oce is opened with several Speaker! at
distance, to know if they could attend,and
wbaa. BTbe County Comruittee are
rcqnted to meet at G. F. Miller's office,
at 2 P.M. to-morrow, to consider the sub
ject, and if they fee proper to determine
the time and place.
Union Electoral Ticket.
Let committee ol the American and
Republican parties meet and settle ttrenty
six Electors in c imrann. Let the frici'iia
of Fillmore name a tfrnty trveuth, and the
friends of Fremont do the same. Let each
party print tickets with tbe r.m names,
except the 27th, which shall be fur the
Fremont man or for tbe Fillmore man,
according to the preference of each voter.
Have each Elector pledged in writing to
cast the Electoral vote of the grate either
for Fillmore or Fremont, as tbe 27th Elec
tor for tbe one or tbe other shall have a
majority of the votes cast
Agreed to by the
Lancaster Ind. Whig,
Lcwisburg Chronicle.
KJPush along tits aUove proposition.
For ourselves, on the score of Slavery we
lave no choice between Fiilmor and Du
cbanan, but most of oar friends Lave, and
wo yield to their wishes. It aeems certain
that a union of this kind most be effected
to carry tbe State against Buchanan. It
is truertbe 7th vote may be lost; but it
i. letter to lore 1 than 27.
Let all pipers in the State of Fenn'a
whieh aprore tbe above plan, attach their
same, and send a mtrf.l copy to the Ed
itor of the Teryrnph, Ham.-burg J
Congress hoaortas Itself
The ll iu.-'i- uf Representatives at Wash
ingtnn did ittelf the honor to resolvo to
expel tbe ruffian Brooks of S C. bj a vote
rf Yeas 121, Nays C5 2C ronj. Every
Southerner except Jioffmatt of MJ. (Am.)
voted Kay. Floran-A.ftjr"n4" Fuller
1Q Dot vote. All tbe other Pennsylvania
Metabers ruled Yea. Every Republican
Member voted Tea. Buohacaa and Fill-
M M. J.I-IiIa 1 .I..... .1.. . 1 I f
bavins 95 fruuul U - intug -e art
with the cowardly, oath-breaking, would-be
murlcrfr cf a Senator I
roan the announcement of the vote.
Brook asked leate to make asp-ecu, which
was grnnted bim. He justified Lis course,
ridiculed and abused some of tbe Mem
bers who bad spoken against bim, threat
ened what terriUe things would have hap
pened but for his forbearance, and closed
by announcing that be bad tea days before
resigned bis seat, and was no longer a
Member of tbe 34th Congress! Ife retired
mid cheers an1! mes; and was met. and
kissed by sundry (not 'strong minded' bat)
trong-etomncbed women !
(There are rumors that Mr. Butler will
resign, and give bim his sent in Senate
also that he a 111 bj ejected Governor of
6oufh Carolina and also that he will
take the stump for Mr. BucLanan.)
On Tuesday, the House adopted the
resolution censuring Keitt of S. C. for bis
aid of Brooks in his assault upon Sumner,
by vole of Yeas 106, Xsys 96. A aim
ilar resolution agtinst ElmuncUon was
rejectedleas 60, Xays 136.
On Wednesday, Keitt also resigned his
Membership so the two flowers of cbiv.
a'ry will return home together 1
Lewi D. Campell of O. Chairman of
tbe Committee the Committee itself
sod tbe msjnrity of the House.deserve tbe
thanks of the country for this timely effort
to purify itself and st.ip tbe prevalence of
lawlessness and violence among its Mam
bers. (Those who apologize for Brooks
would find their mental vision improved if
they were put together on one plantation
of Senator Cutler's in Sou'.li Carolina.with
Brooks aud Keitt to oversee them a year.)
HSL.Wm. Y.Roberta, elected Lieut.Gov.
of itausas (lata a Democratic Member of
the Legislature, from Fayette Co. Pa.) in
a publie letter denounce Douglas' new
bill as shutting out all hope fr Freedom.
If it pass, it will lrgxlisa the Missouri mob
Legislature put tbe whole maeLinery of
lb election into their hands and (heir
Constitution (pro-slavery of course) is not
to be submitted to the people for approval,
but will be enforced by the bayonet !
mrTSa one we trust will fail to peruse
the Correspondence on our first pagt. The
sentiments czprefsed by Col. Fremont arc
wise, liberal, patriotic and ooniprcheosive.
Tne policy be indicates, would make onr
country feared, respected and honored all
over the world, and inaugurate prosperity,
haji iness and peace at home. He would i
"Jo jusiTy aud love mercy" with all man
kind. This is tbo man who some of lb
Bnchto'ers sneer at a "only t to eat
rat soup and horse meat ?'
TOT Jur in the ease of nerbert.fsiled
to-agree, and were discharged. Under the
pro-slavery icBaenc at Washington, it is
djutttul whether a rich Ongroeman can
be brought t3 punishment tor sbooticg an
bumble Irish waiter.
4 Fremont tnd Dayton Electoral ticki
bi formed ia Kootfcly.
OomfpondcaM of tb Lrviabart CfecnnMs.
Pants.. July 15, 1858.
Some twenty years ago. in Third St near
the corner of Ckeiout, flourished a very much
neglected manufactory of "tiles," under the
shadow of e very f romieent shingle, bearing
in prominent characters the enphar.ir-utt adv
ertisement of "T.B.Florence.Practiral Hatier."
Ko wonder the "uUukmrat" wasweglceted,
for iis ambitious proprietor had a hand in
every meeting having for its object the salva
tion of the country and the advancement of
the "working man's interest.'' the popular cry
in those days and any aight ia the week yoa
might have heard bis voice from the steps of
Moyamensing Hall, declaiming in very patri
otic strains and very bad grimmer, or reading
reading resolutions in the real Forrest style
a very popular man was "handsome Tom
From "practical hatter.- Tom became prac
tical editor, practical loafer.practical Temper
ance man, (where as M,W. P of the 'Sonnies
he used to make practically pious speeches
and cry over them, very affectionately, while
some of the brethren ho were cognizant of
certain practises of his, indulged in very prac
tical laughs at htm) finally Tom's fathrr be
came a 'practical boat builder," and the ship,
wrights of the 1st District arguing from that
that he would make a capital fellow about
the "Ship of State," sent Tom to Congress,
where he became a practical dooghfaee"and
now be can't see that Congress has any right
to punish practical blackguards who diserace
her halls. It is not to be wondered at that
Southern representatives hold the North in
contempt, having such noble allies as their
Truly we have hit on a great period in the
history of America. Fourth of Jnly orators
are eontinnally screaming "eternal hostility
to every fi rm of tyranny over the mind of
man but preachers who dare to denounce
national sins are invited from iheir pulpits
(Tjng of Phila. and Conway of Washington;)
and the Eagle of the "Old Dominion" is ready
with beak and talons to chase from her hal
lowed soil any miscreant (Underwood and
Rye) who dare to intimate that the traffic in
human flesh is not perfectly legitimate and
"peculiarly" humane and patriarchial, institu
ted for the express purpose of humanizing and
christianizing both the slave and his kindred
at home although when he is to be allowed
the opportunity no one has ventured to assert
and in alt respects a blessed institution.
And the platform cn which this precious idol
sits, is borne very complacently on the shoul
ders of a lot of huckstering, dough headed
northern representatives, who will find bye-and-hye
that even Polygamy is eonstilulion
al, as the constitution does not expressly say
that one man shall have only one wife.
Most of the sensible and good men down
this way are "going in" for Fremont. People
begin to feei that they have bees the tools of
party have been lucked and ended, bomrht
time to lane ihe matter in their owa hands,
and not allow those "practical" brawlers to
judge for thi-m any longer. All compromises
are to be made hereafter on the basis of right
and wrong, and not for the sake of peace and
harmony: for peace can nerer And a iiw
principle, wnicn
an abandonment of justice and right pre-sup
poses. And when such men as Mr. Cadwal
lader, and Mr. Florence suppose that their
a.t win be ni'lorsefl ny rntladelphla,and the
voiee of the majority go to sustain such foul
acts as that committed by Mr. Brooks it is
time they were undeceived,and they r quested
to resign a position they disgrace. . They are
tbe vcrv fellows who are in no danger by ad
vocating the "fortirer in re"; for there is no
danger of either of them telling the plain truth
so as to make themselves obnoxious to such
fireeaters, and thus have the rule applied to
One cannot help feeling that "judgment"
has not altogether "fled to brutish beasts,"
since the vote on the expulsion resolulien.has
shown so respetable a majority in favor of re
taining some title to decency ; for, after the
sham trial Mr. Brooks had, nearly every one
supposed that it would amount to only such
farce in Ihe House.
I listened last evening to a speech from Mr.
W. H. Fry of the Tribune, forcibly argumenta
tive and historical, delivered at a Fremont
meeting in Camden, where I am staying thro'
he summer months. His main subject was
a review of "sectionalism" the great gun of
Democracy, which is unloaded in the teeth of
every one who dares to attack Slavery ; and
Mr. Fry rather opened the eyes of the 'Span
iards" on that subjeet : btit'-Spain" is all right.
although Fillmore has a good many friends
through the State. Jimmy Buehacaa I dare
say is a very nice old bachelor, but I would
not occupy the White House at the price he
must pay for 1L if he does occupy i nor hug
such carcases of political and moral rottenness
to my bosom as J no. W. Forney and the clique
that surrounds nnn.for the power and poses-
sions ol the Autocrat or all toe Russias.
I have never voted, because I never felt
that my vote was worth anything, at least,
there have been no questions mixed hereto
fore with Presidential elections appealing so
strongly to our moral sensibililyjnd in which
the future of our country is so deeply con
cerned; but in the present contest, count me
in. Your etc, 8. U. F.
For tli Lewtobint Cbrank.
The other evening,! attended a meeting
of a Buchanan club, very respectable in
its appearance, and wis considerably en
tertained. Tbe speaker, a gentleman with
gray hairs, and who I was told bad served
in tbe General Assembly, gave a a very
original and learned geuealogical account
of a party which I learn by certain papers
are going for Mr. Buchanan the Whigs.
I suppose ho commenced their origin with
tbe Tories, but when I got in be was por
traying the enormities of John Adams -a
very fine old patriot, it was tho't by Gen.
Washington and the men of hi day, bat
really no better than be should be, accor
ding to onr orator. He followed down the
Whig pedigree till it mergad itself in the
Republican party showing conclusively
that Fremont, Dayton, Boeder, Bobinaon,
&e. &o,, are ltsanl political descendant of
Adams, Washington, Hamilton, and the
other old Tory Federalist who rebelled
against a lawful King. From Jefferson
a like, pore dosorat of Democracy down to
Buchanan was visible, broken by opposi
tion only about half tb time; bat whether
Jefferson's democratic mantle would fall
next on Brooks or Stringfellow, was not
revealed. Ia short, Baclunan was tbo
apostolical succeswoa of orthodox democ
racy ; tlicy were tbe "true church j" and
all outside were heretic 2 '
Tbs-speaW forgot to tell us that Jasat
Bacbattas belnngH ti bet game horrid j
Lewisburg Chronicle
John Adams Federal parly as long as it
existed ; and he could not have told us
when be became a Democrat if ho had
tried. - Nor did be inform a that Fremont
waa alwaya a democrat, nor could he show
an anti-democratio principle in tbe Repub
lican platform.
But what have all these vnpid nonsense
and a loaders of Revolutionary patriots to
do with tbe question whether Kansas is to
be blessed with Liberty or oppressed with
Slavery f This runuiog back to past days
to blind the eyes of tbe people against the
living issue of tbe present, is a confession
of weakness. The worst acts and princi
ples ascribed to John Adams, were not one
tenth as tyrannical as those of Kansas,
which were enacted aud are sustained by
democratic authority, fom Pierce down
wards (or upwards) to Jones. Buchanan
is by bia platform bound to enforce that
bloody code, illegally formed ; and every
vote for him is a vote for as much worse
than John Adams' laws, as Kehoboaui was
more overbearing than his father.
At the next meeting of the Club, it is
fair to suppose, judging by tbe past, we
shall be entertained by a concise history of
Old Blue Beard, by way of showing that
Polygamy as well as Slavery is democrat
ic They have a "right to regulate tbeir
domestic institutions in their own way j"
and the Mormons on tbe Platform are as
orthodox as the Border Ruffians. Better
scare tbe young Democracy with tbe Klue
Beard story, or they'll certainly bolt for
Fremont. Mather Hi bbarp.
The October Election
TuaJoy, Oct. 14, 1856.
vThl;, American & Republican
'ZiibTty and Union, now and for arar, ena and
lnfceparablv.' Damiu. W ttuitB.
MThOonti.ttttrn of ihv rnitxj Ptatf I an inwtTam"tit
not of iramHialr but of altimnt im1 unitrl Ftdin.
It so atntriHptat'd by tttirtat M-n wrm frntn'l it,
nt thv World Iim an rrrii-l It. Th Nation l FUg.
that i it nmbol, in the hantmrnf L1BKUTV it whit
nil toil tVld- vwtoli of KTiutirtMrr trial, of tha
rrtftft of Tirtorr, and Iho bWwwt of rariflf. Mat its
a the golden flrv of God Armament!" N.rMUnK, Jr.
rteptmi that 1 n9r can. and trr piJT , and no
AirlAfy p"rr rW err ' we rot. U txlmtt tita rrrg
mr Jtmurry whrn it dms tf cxuL" UJir Clat.
Voa Caii CtoMMifffrorta,
Thonian C Cocliran, of York Co
Acmtua Uiokkai.,
Darw in Phelps, of Armstrong Co
Fob EmvftToR sUvcral.
Bartb'W Laporte, of Bradford Co
For Congress,
JOHN 0. KUXKEf,, of Ilarri.sWg
(Sntject la Um drMon of Cougrejsiooil ConJvreoae.)
For Representative,
THO.M AS HAYES, of Lf wlshurg S.W
(Subject Id the dcMoB of Representative Conference.)
For Associate Judge,
JOHN W. SIMONTON, of Buffaloe
For Prothonntary, Ac.
JAMES W. SAN'DS, of Mifflinburg
For County Cummissioner,
WILLIAM HUHL.of West BuSaloc
-i inriii in. uttsj!., ol l,ewisburg Jf.W
For Countr Auditor,
JOHN D. BOGAR, of New Berlin
Pensthaiiia Democratic Ticket.
Rmind. Ttist In the repeat of tbe act knowa the
Mioari enmimfn!e art, atd the pamce of the nrt or
-anjeiua- u Jritorlee of Kaaeu,aML Keanrdtirf-e.
raft.HMWxnrrnrR or faTRiorio sacrificic in
meeting the dmeed of iMlinoei exrltentest bj UDba
k adherie. to the fuadaBiental law.
k'Mtrtd. Th.t e fullT enilo-e the ntmfnitretlon of
rre.-aib.iit Piaeea ee NATIONAL. FAITHFUL. AND I'F
FiriBNT folly eqnel lo ell the imp"rui.l em-rjr-nriee
hlrj. theeonnlfr hel had to enonunter. end that h lie?
evtrthllT ouiataiued tar intereeta aad boner at bume
lod abroad.
intorrg-nnfitm prhm flh Pbitrrm nft ftmirntinH
Ctmel Oimaiuramn ORORAE SCOTT, of Cxtamhia Co.
Auditor Central JACOB FKV. of UootKomriy Co.
Strvtior Gmerut of fo.
Please announce JOHX M.C.RANCK Eq.
orMifflinhurg as a Volunteer candidate for Ihe
office of District Attorney at the Octo
ber Election. He is a native of our county,
of laree and respectable family connections,
of good character and attainments, and has
had that experience in ihe practice of the I.sw
which is indispensably necessarv for a safe
execution 0f the delicate duties of that impor
tant Office. WEST BlT?ALOE
To the Vutert of Uniim County ;
Fsitnw Citixiss I offer myself is a can
didale for reflection to the office of Proth
onoiary and Clerk of the several Court
of Union connty. Should I be elected,! flatter
mvseif that the discharge of the duties of said
offiees heretofore by me, is sufficient pledge of
my prompt attention to and discharge of the
unties ol said omces with fidelity.
Lewisbure;.JuIy8. SAMUEL ROtJSH.
Presidential Election
Tueufcy, Noe. 4, 185C.
Fire Suit, Free Speech, Free Men, Free Press,
Freedom for Kansas!
(Aafl Slaver Wklgs, Dearer U and Anerieaas)
Cincinnati Platform domination.
Ftr Pivfli'lrat-rAMES BUCHANAN, of PrttnaylvaTria
-kwi4mi-JO!IN C.BKCKINhIIKE,of ktrotucivj
Pro-Slavery American Ticket.
For PwrirrrTMII.LARll FILLMOTIK, of New Tork.
Tict Pnataan ANDREW J. DONKLMX,of TaniMMea
Attrition Candidates.
-O ERR IT 931 ITU. of New Tork.
Vx-a r-Kintnrr SAXl l-X P M'VaR.,AM, of rVtin'
Hartley John Filman, ElishaC Moore. Geo
Klecltner Jr. Ja Hpigelmye-. 8a Swencel.
Lewisbnr? Ja's M'Clnre, Jho Chamberlin,
Martin Uahnv Joseph Green
Kelly Thomas Howard. James J,awson.
West Buffaloe O P Kdibermao, Berry hill
Yotine. Zach arias Brevraan
East Boffaloe Nt.ah Baker, Fredk Hippie.
Jacob Fredenelr. Jos H Walker
New Berlin Ja's IN ti roan, Jacob Milhonse.
White Deer Ths S Harbison, ElisbaWeikeL
MiffltnburpB W Thompsnn
BaffiUoe Win H Harmon
Hunley Henry Rnhl, Danl Katerman, Wm
Huntinffton, Ham I Ha apt, Sol'n Dreisbacb,
liavid Kline Bern Mencn
Lewisbnrg James Hatchison. Griggs Marsh,
Dennis Phillips, Beubeo Snvdcr. Jtihn P
Miller. Philip Billmyer, Charles 8 Crues,
White Deer Martin Kieor, Sa'l Henderson,
1 t Albrirtit, Gabriel Hantinginn, David
!tamy, Jooa H Robe n old, Joarah Ranek.
West Baffaloe Daniel Poatiiv, Thos Taylor,
Henry Gemberlinf. Jacob Jtcish
Mifllinborf Mathian 8tay manaGeoDreisbach,
John Frit. Saml Stitzer. Isaac Hobler
Iimestone.Saml Barber, Boht T Barber.
East Bnffaloe Henry Mall. Wm h Harris.
John Sirohecker -
New Berlin Jno H CorneJios, J no D Bogar,
Robert 8wineford, James Harrison
Buffalo Paul Diefenderfer, Jacob Derr
Union Noah Walter, Wa Hummel. Albert
Winetarden . .'.
Kelly James Prow, Jvha Kwtl
and West Branch Farmer July 18, 1856.
PROPOSING Amendments to tie Constitn
Hon of the Uommonwealih. .
J7jA.Why 'iW Smtmd Hm f Rpfremtotirt oftkt
Cnmm.mtaUh - mnxylrtihu m Gmenl Aml)f m.
That th followioir iwrwlwnl ik prot-o-aat to ui- aa
UiaUfMi of lb- CoaitMKiwulth. la tuoriliar with Um
pwvwioBfof the taath arUclo tlwrwC
ftH5T AH tl L H KftT.
Thain ahall Waa aoMiMwaal artfe m aaitf 4MUCatli.
to ba dewiaiiutwit aa mtUelm !. :
akticu .
' " . . 09 PDBLIC DltTW.
tjxrfb I, Tfco ! aaaa, aoairt dAwa, t rfppfr
aaDttat drfrHt of failures ia rvvmaa.or to mt mxpnme
not 0tlirw:iN providm! tor; but ttw nrtmU imt ont T
Kb drbU. airret mUa-at, wbmlbm ntrneUd bf
wirttM of una or avre tM of tlw varal aeat.y. or at
ditrTnt pr-riodaof iliaakDbaU hvsmI men hundn-d
and fifty thoumitd dnllar-.aiid iW money arising fram tl
nvastioB of aarb dabta. abait la aWiwl to tl pun f
athit-b u wad ttaiHl. or ia rpy Uto ttolrfa oouinctcsJ,
nd t io otbwr parioi wbata-r.
raCTlt!i i. In addittoa to ttta aboTa Uwtttd aowar, tba
atat mar rontrart dlt to rrptjl la raatna. mppnwa i nur
reruoa. defend th oute ia war.oTtomdarn iha prfwnt
oatKlmndinir indvbtwliwa of tbo ttat-; but th aiony
riidoit fma tb (ssntraetinw of aeb trbta, aboil ba app'sfd
to tba parpnae for whi b it wm ral-nl. or to repay aucb
dabta. aud to ao oUwr parpoa what rrr.
. Srmo.i S. Kxci-t't ttw dl4 al-trr aparifltl in aartiona
onr and two of tbi article, on d bt wbatarar abail ba craar
tvd br or on behalf of tha atata.
dOTto 4. To prvvldo f r tha paytwnt of the frMwTt
d-bt, ami any addlti'Miat dtt 4nntrari-4 m alhruMiril, th
laaifiature hull, at it trU m-ion aftr th wdophon of
tlii- ainrodiueut. eraata a ninkitiK fund, which ahall bo
ufflcirnt to pay th arrruinsr mtrrvat oa urh dit an-l
anaiially to r . th principal tbvivt.f by nua not
than two httnitreit and tlflv thmimnd dollarn; whii-h -kmc
fund nhall cn"t-t of tha net aaeoat taeonia of tbo
puhltf work, fmm tint to time owned by the tntt. or
tbe rorev-dfl of the al of tha aaaow or any part iht-r'f.
and o thr ineora or it-tl of aala of Mork wn--d br
tlv atote trnf thrr with othrr futtita or rwoure- that atay
he deiirnaHl by law. The aid it.ktnK fund may ba
Inrniaatl. froea limr to tiwte. by aarianins to It any part
of lh taiea. or nthvr ivvaautii of tbe atata. not n-tjiiiml
Sir tha ordinary and current wrgnenaaa of towernnieiit :
and unlwa in faae of war, tnafn, or indurrertion. no
part of the aaid fbiktnf; fund ahall be naod or ap,Iid
otlierwiaa than ia ntin;uihtnrii of tha public; dvht
nniil tha amount oftiuch df bt it n-dueed below tba turn
of fivf million of dollara.
8acnw!i S. ThroratHtof thaomnnionwaaHh shall not In
any mxnacr orewent bn pltrded or loaned loan indival
aal. company, corpontt on. or aahoriation : nor h'l the
eoDitmm wealth bereattrr brnmo a joint owner or tock
bnldvr in any ennipany, aaoriarton or corporation.
StcnoH S. Tba AMD aw wealth ahall not atswom tbe
debt, or any part tlien-of. of any enuntv.ritw.bonHieh or
lownliip.orif anyoorporatioa or aaanriatinn. unlaw urh
dehtxhall have ben rontracled inenahlr thetatet ren-l
iavaaioa. auppreaa do ova tic ioanrraetinn. oVf-nH itawlf in
time of wur. ur to aait the Mate in tbe discharge of any
portion of it preaeiit iniebtadnaaa.
fetcrioi 7- Tbe lecfinlature -hall not author.! any
county, city, boroauh. township, or fnroeporatMl di-trirt,
br virtue oi a aot of it riliieni or ot hfrwtne. in bacome a
torkbnldVrln anv company, aanciation or corporation, or
to obtain money for or loan it credit to any oMaoratioa,
ajawuation, fnautution or party.
saonira AMsimrcirT.
There ahall be an additional article to aalrrVmsUtaUoa,
to be detonated aa article clcten, as (Allows:
AKTicti an.
Mo connty ahall h divbbd hy a llnecnttlna; off over
(Hi truth ot it ffopulattoo. (el'jicr to form a nrw otmnty
or otlierwis -.f without tha rxDit-M aMr-eiitof finch county,
by a vote of tbo eleettira ths'reof; nor hall any new
ronnty be eubiiabed, containing loss than four buudrcd
square miles.
From aartlontwoof theflmt article of the ennstltation.
rtrike out tha word, V eijr of Phi udtlphia, and
ttu-h covntfi Tipttriy from section Ave. Name artie,
atrik out tbe wt.rU, -a Phiimitpkt mmH o tAe vrr.i
count ; from acrLion f-n. nniv article, ati Ike out tb
W'wdH, "ntitkT la ntf nf phUvtMpkia, nor oav," and
innert in ltcu thereof the words "ar.H n't; ani "trike out
sectlim futtr, lama arUck, aid tn lieu thereof uiacrt tha
"drrriJt 4. Ia the year onothouanrl f iht hnndred
and rlttt-fonr. and lu every scretitb year tnrreatter,
ivprwwntativea, to the nntnbar of one huodr-d. stall !
aportinnd and i"ttitirtxl equally Uirounbut tbe atnte
hy .ittrW. in pr"ortin tthe number of taxnhle iiibah
iUutu in die several pax U thereof, eaoept that any comity
containinii at least thrw thoawtd five hundreit taxable
utay be allowed atvparatK rwtsrwaentatiow ; bat no iar
than three raunti'S fhall ! joinol. and no n.ttnty hll
-isiiiii! a rrm.lrt.l.r,aaHrtTrT- entitle it to at
lea-t two reprtwenUtivva. nhall have a arm rate reprewert
taiion arrned It and shall ba dtvideil intn eJl .
distrMsMwotias territory, of equal UxaM.- popula
tion a near as mar be, each ol which district stiallclact
one rpraenUtave.n
At the end of m lion aeren, same artbrlff. hiaert tb- s
words. lc ctry f Pkitdlphin ,hnU rV drrtdrd into rivW
$wit'ruil dtttrxrt. contiywaaJ Urntor at nturi ea 'tml
iM.Utykif mm jUt fcaa.uw a.w i :
l lie lenlatnre, at Its ftrt session after tbe adoption of
this amciadment. shall div;d the city of Philadelphia into
penatorralaad rervKaenta,tivedi'tri-ta.in,the manner' t-owe
pnvi-b-d; such dtStrb M lo rrmaia nnc'baaced unUl th
T port uiQtTii nt tn ut jeai uow tuooaaaid eigbl kuudrvsJ
avuu SaAkJT tuur.
To 6c &rtia ax vi, ArUrU I.
Tbe Icxtalature shall have tha power to alter. reok T
annul anv charter of incorporation hereafter eonf rred hv
or under any general r apecjal law. whenever n th fr
opinion it may ia Injurious to the citizens of tha mm-
nvaweeiih ; In such maanar. however, that no injustice
suaii uv uuo lv iitM aurpurawra.
I ?Ct IT,
April 21. IW. f
F'frtJrtd. That this rcselrttton pant Cm tbe first amnd
meat, yeas 24, nays S On the Second amend men L, yeas
r. imti w. iff, ina mini ajnentunnt. yeas nays 1.
On th asarth araeadment, yas 23, aays 4.
Extract bom. tba Journal :
THOMAS A. yAGCntE, Oerk.
I Hoast of RcrasjirxTATiTCB, )
April -.'1, 16-XV f
aftfrctf, That this rafolntWvn putm. On the flrt amend
Stent, yeas 72. navs 2t. n the Second auMndmewt. votis
tta. nays On the third am-ndment. y.-a A4 nays 'Hi ;
tin u me lourin amenamaat, yeaa o, nays ia.
lUtraet from tba Journal :
SrrarrAars Omen,
Filed April -'A, 185C f A. (I CtTHTlV,
Mcrrtary a Iks &mmonm9tUM.
lacm start's Omci'
nuuusai;ao, J una i Ibot. f
JPenUftvanim, XXt
I do eertify that the above and lVres?oins; la a tma and
enrrecj copy of the orifinal MRosoiition relative to an
Amendment of tha Constitution," aa aba same rvmaias
oa tiW in this office.
In testraony w ha roof, I have hereunto act bit
band and caiteed to he r0ih the seal of the
secretary a umee, Uiaaay and year ahrwe writtea.
aSperenxrjr oIAc OmaionamaUA.
" I 9rAT,
April 21. l.s. f
rtesolntion proposinf amendments to tha Coniitatwn
of the CtMnmonwrnltb, bclnf under cobs Hie ration,
On ba question.
Will th- Senate acree to the first amendment f
The yeas and nay were taken aeeeably to the provil
lon of tbe (ntitution. and were as follow, vis :
Yba Messrs. Browne, Buckab-w. CreaMrell. Kvana,
Fergua, rienniken. Hoa, lnsnm. Jamison, Knox,
Laubaeb. Lewis, M'Ollatock. I'rioe; cVlier. fthuman.
Souther. Strauh, Tawsart, Walton, Welsh, Wbcrry, Wil
kins and Piatt (SkrT2l. .
ts Mracrs. Crabb, Oragir, Jordaa, afeUiager, and
Pratt S.
So the question was datomined ia the aflrmatlva.
On the question.
Will tbe ornate aaree to taw second amendment ?
Tbe veas and nays wre taken aareeahlj to tlie provif
Ions of tha Constitution, and were a tWlow. vis :
Ycas Messrs, Hrowne. Buckaiew, Cresswell, Kvaaa,
Botje, iMKnun, Jnmiaon. Knox. Lstnharh. Iewis, M:in
tock, S-lh r. Shaman, Soutbar. Straub, Walton, Welsh,
Wherry and Wllklne!?.
Nat Messrs Crabb, frrfuaoa, Orejrg. Pratt, Prioe and
Piatt (Srmdvr)-
6o the quststioa waa datcrmined In tha aiBraBaUvw.
On the quention.
Wul the 8ev.aU aarca to tba third amendmewt 1
The yeaa and nara were taken aanaablv to tba Conati.
tatio, and were as follow, vis :
I sta nessra. tlrowna. Buckaiew, Crahb. CroaswclL,
Kvana. yeraawon. s'lannikea. Hoa. Imreaan. Jamiawm.
Jordan, Knox. Laubarh, L wia. M'GHntotk. Mclliocer.
Pratt, Prioa. Sellers, Inhuman, Soother. Straub. Tasajart,
Walton, Wcl-h.Wharry, Hilkios and Fiatt .aUi- 8. ,
Kat Mr Omrr-1.
so tba qoeauon was dsAanaiSwd tn the aflnaative.
On the question.
Will the SenaU awvae in the Siwrth anMwidmant
The yeaa and nays were Ukn agtatably to tha Constl-
au-vji, anvj were a ioiiow, rtl :
Yaas Messrs. Browne, Backalew, Crcaswell, aans.
Fienaiken, Hofra, Incram. Jamison, Jordan. Knox,
Lauhach, Lewis, MCimtock, Price, Sal sera, ghnaieu.
onutner, PtratiD, n aiton, Welsh, Wherry, WUfcina aad
Nats Messrs. Crabb, Gretw, Melrfneer and Pratt 4.
. Be the question was detniilewd ia tbe am rasa tire.
. JotraxAt or tna Hocst. or aUniasa teTirsa, )
April 1, lVrX f
i na yeaa ann nars were token agreeably to the pnmsions
or the Constitution, and on the first pttroaed atawamlmaat
were aa spiiqw. wis :
YfcAfl Meeers. Amlerann. Backus. Belderiau tulL lUrh
fTcomhac.) Beck ( Tot u) Barnnard, Boyd. Boyer, Brown,
Bru-b, Buchanan. Caldwell, Campbell. Carty, CmwSiPo,
Crale. Dnwdal, Edineer, Fausold. rter, (lets, haiiws,
HameL Harper, Iletoa, Hibha, IUH, Hllleejae, Hi ante,
H'weomh, nonvieker. Imbrie. InshAaaJnais.IrwiaJobne,
Johnson, Laaoraa, Labo. Itavak, imstt, MTahwnnt,
w varcny, sixsnn. Maua;ie. Nenear. Miller. Mwityoierv.
Moaiwhaa!. N wnciemaeher, rrrr, fNauwow, rIaa, Puraeil,
tarnsey, Koeti. Keinhoid. Riddle, Kotkerta, inenR, Smttb
(Alleirhenr,) ?miUi(tmrwia. Hmitht'WtacnhM.lMrwm-e.
Thomion, Vail. Wbalton, Wrijrht (Dauphin,) Wrighl
OiMTne.) zimawman and w rticbt (Jiirer ,x.
Nat Mesara. AnaUsjtsBaml
Pry . r u Iton Xlaylord.ti hhoney . Hami I too. Uancnck . Honse
kaApr. Hunaker. Uienr.n(. Maawa, Manley, Morria. Mnnv
ma, Pat tenon. Salisbury. Smith (Pliilaiiwlpbia,) Waitarr,
WUrtrede and Years lerU. .
So the question waa deterrniaawj in tha arsaativa.
On tba qaestkax.
Will tha Rouse aaraa to tba twoand astcntmint t
The yea and ar were takem; and wereas -Hew, vis:
Ybas Meaam. Aiaderaoas tWekna, Baldwin, atoll. Bark
ffcamin;,) Beck (Tork.) Bern hard, Boyd, Brown. Brush,
Bacbnnaa. OaltfojelL Ps ma hail Oartv. tiw. aanlrl.
Poster. Oets. Ilalnea, name.. Harper. 3eia. Hill, Hibha,
ilillcfaa. Uippla. Hoieama, Hnaisaeker, Iaxeie. lachaaa,
lanla, Irwin. Johns. Johnson, Laaort, Lebo, Lnngaker,
Lov.-tt, SfOaJmont. afOajrtby. M Vosth, Manila, Menear,
Miller, Montgomery, Mooivhoad, Kanaemcber, Orr,
sananr Hasd Bainhnld Baidla TI..1-. I
bk Bmltb(Attaaaw.) Ftiwua,raiLWkvUon.Wrlcht !
r""'wu uwiawsmaav asm rvTifir ana-s-fjai-m.
NatS Meft.-ra. AugiMtine. Bar rr. Clover. Kdloi. Fry
FnltaAiaylMT.Oihlanney. Hamilton. Haneork. Hwawkcr,
leisenrinit. Maaxee. Mottley. Mrrw. Muuuna. PatwefwiB,
Pberva, Salisbury. Smith (( Cambria,) Thompson, Waiter,
WlutrwaV, Uriatlit (lwttpbiii, and Yanvaley lit.
So the quealion was tie let mined m the aflti mattve.
On f he qaesHcaj, '
Will Use IIowjw aarea to the third ememim-nt ?
The yeaa and nays werw ufcen, and were a- fi.llow, vis:
Ykas Mr. AndenwHi. Harku. Baldwin, H-ll. Back
rI.vCAmin2.)'tWkfTfrk.( Remit Apt, R-yl. h-.yer. Brown,
Bti'hanaD Caldwell, t'amiibell, t'arty, Cratjf. Crawford,
Kiittinur. F:inantd. ksvaen, rre, Oeta, Karnee. Haniel,
Harper. Ileiita. Hil.1. Hill, Hilleiras, lliri'l. IlolnMub,
llnusehreMprlnihrie.lu.'ham.lnnis.lrwinJohn .Jbnan,
Laaoj-lr, Lebe. LoninikfW. Loveir. 1 Cat moot, M't.'uib,
Mantle. Menenr, r.lilor.MontRT.mry. Nnnneeaai her.ih-r,
Peaeavwi. Phelr. Parcr-H. Kaarsey. ICerd. KhI.IK .-henk.
Smith (Allejrhenv.j Smith (l anthria., in.Hh ( uiinx ;
Thomp-on.H ballon Wri;ht(lMupb.n,) Wrnjbt(LuAeniv
and Iimmi i maa SI -
N.i VI.-r Barry. Clover. Cobowm. Pock. Dowdall,
Fnhon.Oeylord.ilAiwev, lUmilton, HaJienr-k. Uuneker,
lisefitina. M l arthv. MTe. Man.ey. Moorhend. M"rria,
Patterson. Beiohol.l l.-UrtS..lishii,W"ailr,Wiutfode,
Ycarslev and Wright . .icrr
So iliw questiou waa determined in the sffirtwativa.
On fhe question.
Will tbo House aflree to the U-urth smendment?
The yeaa and navs were taken, and were aa .liow. vis :
' YR,Messrs.Anderw.n Baekn-.Ball. Ileck i Lycminir.)
Beck York.) Item bard. Bmd. B.ver. Bn-wo. Bro-h. Bueh-ana.Cahlell.Cui.b.-i.CartT.ti,TSW.fd.l.wdall.
K.hncer Panld.ri,atrr.Prv,i-eta. II .rre-l Harper. Hems,
IlihU. Hill, Ilillegas, Hippie, U.lc.m Hhrrr,
Ilunserker. Imrie. lonfs. Irwin Johnson. ljportc. l-ho.
leoonaker. LveK.M'Clmnt,M'Crthy. Mfomb. MaV.-le,
Menear, Miller. Montgner, Mnorhead. N unnemachea,
Orr.leai-ann.Pheliw,Purccll. Kamsey.Beed. Ueinhold, Kid
dle, RnK-rt", Sb. uk. Smith (Camhris,) Smith (W vornln.)
Thonpaon. Vail. Walter. Wballon. Wriitbt (Luavriie.)
Year-ley ntu-rman and V. ri,(ht Sttkrr) ( 9.
NTt Meears. Barry .CIover.Urvanrn.ivUlton.bibamey,
ITaioes, llnc - k. Hnn-ker. lo. hi.rn, Ui-nnn. Mauee,
Manley, Mortis. Pittarsen. Salishury and intrude 10.
bo tha quuiiioa was deterwiued in the atfriuauve.
SFCcTaT Omre. )
rjASxi.HBtaj1 June Zl, 1856.
Pmntylrmtin. $$t
I do certify that the above and Siresnine fs true and
correct copv of the Yeas" and Naya" taken on the
Resof utioD pmpone Amendments to the Constitution
the Common wealth. the same appears on the Joaruala
of the two Houses of the General Assembly of this Com
monwealth for the session of iNi'O.
t ) Witnoss my haixl ad the seal of aid office.
t- this tweniy-st-v nih dy of June, one thoosaad
1 j eight hundred and bfty-six.
Secrttirg of IV Cbmrninnwealth.
James B. Hamlin,
IY &Ulher nn Second St. west side, 2nd
door south of Market, leCWlabHraj,
6raA93 Union Co. Pa.
Mitchell's New National MAP.
THIS is the only larse Metallic Plate
Map ever published in this country,
showing the l'nned Slates, Mexico and Cent-,
ral America in their proper connection.
It is on.a larger scale than any Map pub
lished for general circulation, emoracine the
tinned Slates ami Territories from ihe Atlan
tic to the Pacific Ocean.
tt is the latest Map of the United Sia'e,
published consequently embodies all infor
mation of the most recent Government Sur
veys and Explorations.
It exhibits the Rail Roads more distinctly
than any other geueral Map.
Bein finely eniraved on copper.the physi
cal features and geographical characterises
of all parts of the country aie more clearly
aud distinctly delineated than on the Litho
graphic Map.
Koeeneral Maps previously published show
Ihe Shoals and Sand Banks in ihe Vicinity of
Ihe West India Islands, ihis feature being
heretofore confined lo Marine Charts.
The M-ip of Sandwich Islands is on a larg
er scale than before . J i '"
The various acknowledged and disputed
boundaries of the several Central American
Slates, including Ihe claims of Ihe Mosquito
King at dilTerent periods, are correctly desig
nated, also the different points suggested as
proper for constructing Kail vBoa4iw UtSwrr
ca) and Mexico are indicated.
A table giving the distances hy Rail Koads
to the principal places throughout the United
States, and by different overland rmits across
onr unsettle ) i erriiories -yi the Pacific, as
well as d'stanres by water throughout all
pans ol the World. alo the height of princi
ple mountain and length of principal rivers
on the Map is much more full and valuable
than usually accompanies a general Map.
The table gives the population ol all the
counties in the I'nned Slates, according to
-Census of 1850, and area of all States and
Terrimries are of great value.
There are on the same sheet two Maps of
the World, one on Mercator's, and one nn the
Globular projection, on wnicb the relative
position and comp.rative size of the different
divisions of the Globe are distinctly shown.
By ihe Map on Mercator's projection, the
World is shown, as if viewed by one glance
from the I'nited States. This is done hy
plaring the American Continent in thecenter,
which also gives a dt-finile idea of ihe value
of a ship canal thronirh I enlral America, and
a Rail Road from the Atlantic tn the Pacific
Ocean across the United States, through which
the commerce and travel of the World must
pa... Mr. F. TAGGART, of Wayne Co.. is
eneaeed in canvassing Union and Snyder
counties for the above work published bv
West Branch Insurance Company,
OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Detar hed
Buildings, Stores, Merchandize, Farm
Property, and other buildings, and their con
tents, at moderate rales. Doing business on
both Cash and Mutual plans. Capital,$300,000.
Hon John J Tearce Hon G C Harvey
Jhn B Hall T T Ahrams
Chas A Mayer D J Jackman
Chas Crist W White
Peter Dickinson Thos Kitchen
Hon. G. C. HARVEY, President.
T. T. A BR A MS, Vice Pres.
JAMES B. HA MUX, Airent,
S27 Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa.
JH. K Oersham, SI. D.,
HAVING permanently located in Le
wisburg, Pa., respectfully tenders his
Professional Services lo the citizens of this
town and vicinity, hoping by prompt attention
to the duties of his profession to merit a share
of their patronage. Attention will also be paid
to enronic Diseases of every name.and treated
with onparalleled success.
Da. DER4HAM graduated at the renowned
American Electic Medical Cnllege.Cincinnati,
Having first studied the Old or Allopathic srs
tern of medicine, and attended Lectures in one
of ihe Old School Medical Colleges of Philad
elphia; but becoming convinced of the super
iority of the New or American Eclectic system,
be commenced its study, and attended two
courses of Lectures in the Reformed or Ame
rican Eclectic Medical College of the Queen
City of the West. This Institution, although
Tet ia ie infancy, baa ao superior rn the Great Wart, aad
has already annually more Student, than the rhnr othee
Medieal College of CuMinnatl eeaihlaed. It a, eewdiag
Ihyeieiaa, to all parte of our irlobe. and in Ohio, Indiana,
o-, they will enow be nam noaeroa (baa any other
elee, of phyeiriane.
The prinriaal difference between the Reformed (new) ae
Celeelie,and the eld Allopathic ylem ofmeinrine, la thta:
Um hew gebool aeea ae medicinal agent that te ta aay
vny injiirfcme to the human eyetem. euch ae Calomet,
Araanle. aaUmoer.ar.; Sir eaperior and aarmleap axente
hat a of late year, been diecovered. (ty the ever iib-ral
an praxreeele. phyeidaMi wf tbe New School.) that an
a.Blplrto auhetitutre for thnee drlelrriewe medlrinee.(k
loeawl, a..:) th.reSiw we here ao need for Uiera. With
tkeee ralaahl. new acerrte, and aH thiaw ot the Old ee
Allopathic erhwol ezeent rue fewnnieone mentioned above
awd all tlm improvemente ofeeery other eyetrm el aaedt.
eltm. (as the llnnvepatbie, HyilropatbicTliomeonian. Ac.)
maay dieeaeea ar. now curable that were once ctmefcltreil
tmpeeeihle. and that too without hreaklne rinwn ihe
atitutioa. and vreennx other dleaeeee, ae DebiHly, Khra
matiem. Drepepaia, tleer Dieraee. Ulrerated Sora Threat,
lli"eear Boeee, prematura Loea of Teeth, Aav
The New rehool certainly claims a irreat euperlraity In
the traatmaat of all dlneine. It bee been mmJ w
Cliaical repurta that tba mortality taking all dieeasea
together-(a taw tbaa 2 p weal; that of A eiatie Cholera
Is only i par seat.
T.ie ie en ace of eiieJieej and rmaroeemente. end the
Pew School aiwaye progn esiag. not being bound .
by deepotie creed, and aattnnatad tneorlee.
1 5. . Ot riCE at the lower and of Market St. Sl(
Drug and Chemical Emporium.
lfaaavivol eravka
iswuetirg, ja.
J)I, IUI vfill be si.ld at a discount.; i
Is well se nret. Properly ear lwisbur
Inquire at Ihe "Chroaicte" otfice. .
Caution, and Notice.
fZZre Knowa!! men
, ,. cLe, by 'e p,e.-
keil-,nd Jrw
a j v. liersham, of W.
Ve'i-.as Co.l-a,nave tnu
JA2S VTV7 I lfifj! nnr.
rhasedthe entire
right, title, and
interest to man-
nnfacture and sell the
invented and patented by Si lvester Davis, of
Claremonl, N.H, in Ihe following Townships
and Boroughs in Union count, vis. VV bite
Deer, Kelly. BnlTaloe, Wot ButTaloe. Miffliu
burg, Hartley, Limestone, Jackson, and New
Berlin. All persons aee therelore caution
again., manufacturing or purchasmg said
Hee.Hive nn e .lute aillMiirizeil DV saia lilCU
and Dersham. Rights to make and use the
above Hives in the fbreeoinv Townships and
Ilurouohs. for sale on reasonable terms, A '
single right for $-. H. ct D.
..TM. Hire baetakea tbelret .feminine at the ."tale
and Conine r'tre m VL, si. II., Mmm., lmL, mad Otis, ia
tin- 'all f I8 4.
Wnb tbie Hire, an, ese mar keep aVee. with verfret
Mfrti ao.l aiK-eree. -luce alt dirbcaltj end aneertejuty
are entirely n-ai'ired. 1 1
Tile Heeeiuar r.rseile lo svmrm imnw'wewTii -"
crrne. be ermdie-tm into an, Mumher
"il'TZ'iXTk and
nlber ineerts which aunojr ami ruin the He. Tbie we
mrrrual- W meneirM aceurjiuz to the direeteroe wbirh
.ttlej. -'
andrleer the 6.1b lroia their hure. w.lbout Bjiug out lo
Tbe Sub eaa be at any time nawred frora the hires
without dietiirbiux tb Beee.
Tbe Beee ean br trmni.S-rrt-d ae rna ae neeeeaary, w
gite Ibria new eoaib. aud without killm" Ibera.
it oreeenU all poe.lhility or r.J biiiB. while reMlinr.
It la iborouuhly eenlilaled throughout feed-drawerr,
bieee. bney-bnx. e and eliamle-re.
The work and pr.ne- of the ueea raay he eeea ia the
hive. honej-uDXi-e aud fred-drawi-re. fc3'J
Real Estate.
flHE undersigned Assignees of Hum R.
Noli., will offer at Public Sale on llie
prernii.es, on Savcrdav the 3uih day of Au
gust next, the following valuable Real E-tale,
to wit :
A lot of Gronnd fronting on Market street
in the borough of Lewisburs, Union county,
on the corner of Market and Seventh streets,
in what is called Smith's Addition to Lewis
burg. containing 60 Iret in breadth and 16
feet in depth, on which are erecied a
first rate BRICK DWELLING House. ail
substantia! and handsome Frame stable, and
all other necessary Outbuildings. There are
4j$t.atso on said Lot a variety of choice Frmt
jCTTrees, and a never-failing Weil of excel
lent waier.
ground fronting tin Market street and adjoin
ing the lot above described on the west, which
are well calculated for Buildine Lois, being a
very handsome location. Said lots will be
sold separate.
Sale lo crmmenee at 1 o'clock P. M. of said
dav. when HV'tiH P" RHTXLER.
Lewisbnrg, July 4, 106. Assignees. Ac.
MTwo Slorey Brick Housse and
H ill Lot of ground situate on Market
street opposite Ihe new Presbyterian Ch.
Also a Half leot of around situate on
the south-east corner of St. Louis and Ceme
tery streets in the borough of Lewisburg.
Also all my interest in a COACH SHOP,
doing a good business.
For Terms, inquire of
Lea-Uburg. June S3, lsS6
IOR SALE. Ilavin? become too old
to manage my large Farm to advantage,
i wish to sell a pan of the same a tract of
S& tcrest, or of 104,
as a purchaser misht prefer. The portion I
would part with is all first quality Limestone
land, and every field mav be a;ered frim the
Lutle Biilbloe creek. It is all nndcr the best
culti.aiioii.rxceptahoiii twenty acres ffle
of excellent TIMBER. It is uewly CSSS
limed, with new fences. There is a V
Limestone Quarry open, from which fj.
husands of bushels are sold yearly. It has
also a young bearing ORCHARD.
I ne improvements all new are a good
two-storey Frame HOL.E with a Cellar
Kitchen, and a Pumn beside it. a Sonne
Honse.a large Bank Barn, Wagon Shed.
Corn House and other oui-hmldings.
The property lies in Kelly township, near
ruca a store ana iveuy s Mill & miles from
Lewisburg. and 2 from Milton and has been
pronounced one of the best in the Vallev.
Title, indisputable. Payment to be made
one half down, and the remainder on time.
russeasion given the 1st of April next.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an Order of the Orphans'
Court of Union County at Mav T. 1861.
will be sold on the premises of the hue JACiiH
otiAr &K, in Limestone Tp, Lnion Co, on
Saturday, the 23 of Amust next
the following described Real Estate, late tha
estate oi tne said deceased, viz : Tbe
131133303 nm '
situate in Limestone township aforesaid, ad
joining lands of John Rinrharl. John Mensh.
Geo 1-eigluoer, Henry San lers. Henry Frock,
John Crossgrove and othersontaining about
and 5 perches, about 130 acres of which are
cleared, including NINE acres of excellent
MEADOW, with a convenient i-
large Basalt. Barta, -u.
CJa large bearing ORCHARD, a Well of
ZC.exeellent Water al the door, and other
necessary improvements.
Sale to commence at ten o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, and terms made known bv
36 ' Administrators of Jacob Sharer AmV'A
Rich Prairie Farm. !
U Lots in Illinois, Iowa, and adinimn
States for sale in great variety, at Low nr."
ces, and on favorable terms.
Pamphlet Catalogue DescriDtions of
my, - pneca anacnea, lorwarded gratis
by mail on application.
Our txttntire iixol connect lent will facilitate
giving valuable information of any part of
the Weal to applicants desiring ki locate.
ry Buyers of Illinois Central R. R. Lands
can avail themselves of ihe knowledge and
experience of Mr. Dcrrv, tbe late Land agenl
of the Company, to supply the difliculty of
making judicious selections.
Particular attention given tn locating TTar
ranis, examining lands, furnishing maps snd
descriptions, payment of taxes, aad to a gen
eral Real Estate Business.
Corner of Mich gan Av. and South Water St.
cha "a at. nrpoT. oerJll.Ce.R.R.Dep o!,
vin s. wobxw. 111f P '. '
FR Salc.--0ne Lot Soath Tkir
street, a square and a half Iron, jj 1
, Three ! nn Sooih Foarth utttt, t',"
squares (rum MafteM.
. The abo.e are level tots, well caj .
well adapted to building; pnrpne.
.. . ... ..,..W.H.ASMWrROsii ;
Acting Ea'r of Wm. Armstrug,'".,
Lf wisbarg, June 25, 185
FIVE Desirabl BUILDING irjj?
on eore street, op.o,,:e ihe
posed sue of the I'mversity feitale la.;J
t or saie low.
CMAfiI.ES 8. JAMf,
t'wtvtrsiir h,;.
Applv to
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex. is.
sued oat of the Court of Co mmoo ?..
of Union county, will he elapsed to P5. .
Sale at the house of Jonas Fisher. ,'
.. - - . o r. 1
... . m'cM
j h "
Deer Mills, iuion coumy, ra.. un rim,.
i r - .-
lowine desertbed real pMpery. iu it:
No. I A certain fract of land si:uat ,
township of White Deer and ctiumy
bounded east by the Suqaeha.1na rwtr.. n j
by lands of flenrv fliah and others, mnj, -y
lands of Ja's Culberison. west by lanrf, ia.
owned by Kessinger and1 otheri. eontai-,
two hanitrrd ami rwev acres more r -,!
whereon is erected a two-aiotey Brerk
aion House, a stone nana Darn, aud
0ii!ruiW.ngs. with the arpurtraances.
.No. a, ftttate m the town.hip ,S
brmruled east and SoC"l by fands Mu. i, f c--
j ..j. -r i rlurdu w..i v.. u... t"
! lately owsed by Henry Leas. comau'.? . '.
j hoarfred sftofe or less, whertua :i i
small Frame House, wiiii Ihe appunemwe
n. 3. Situate in the township a!i.ret-,
bounder! east hy lands No. 2. souih l--
aad lands lately owned bjD. Buser and'.
ers,wesl bv landrlaielvuWneit b, WmH. tr:
David Marr, north by lands of James C'uittr..
so a aud Jacob Farley, containing fifty arm .
m'ire or lejs. whereon is erecied a sma
House, wnh the appurtenances.
No. .. Situate in the township afresa.-.
bounded east bv No. I and oihe rs. .iuJi :r
the Sugar Valley A White Deer Trap
Rnad.-wcsl by the Factory lamis, nnr.h Lt
No. 3, containing thir:y-si.v acres aiote tr ;e:i
with the appurtenances.
No. ft. Situate in the Ibwnsrii a'meia :i,
bounded east by No. 4, south by the Fjcirr
lands and ihe TnmpiVe Road. wet hy !ar:i
lately owned by Wm. H. and wavio "air. i-.;
north by No. 3 and others, coniamini twee:?
arres more or lesSj with the appurtenances.
No. 6 Siiuate in the township aforen i
tuuinded east bv Nn. S and Factory lands ari
others, south by the Turnpike Road and nans,
west bv lands of Jacob Farley and ith-rs.
nonh by lands of Jacob Farley and H'r.7
Hieh. containing one hnndred and tatty uim
more or less, wnh the appurtenances.
No. 7. Mitnate in the township afrTesaii
hounded east by lands No. 6. south by Ui:
of J. Cummings, north and west by lands c!
Jacob Fartey, containing twenty-five acrn
more or leas, with the appurtenances.
No. f. Situate iu the rown-ship atoresaiH.
bounded east hy No. 3, srnth by No. 1 sr.l
others, wet by lands of No. 4, and lurk kr
No. 3. eoniaininc four acres more or less
whereon is erected a .small House, with the
oriwn anu raaen in exeemion anq in imt aui-
Sheriff's Office, Lewisburg, June 12,
Woodlots and Small Farm for Sale
T't itiit pureUasfTs, on remunabU terms.
TIILKE are 9 lots cf H'90t..aiid,
mate m While Deer Tp, on Little Bu.'
faloe Crerk.about a mile above Ooldin's siure,
ranging Iroin 14 lo 21 arres each, well timb
ered with various kinds ol Oak, Pine, Pcplar,
and I'hesnnt.
The Farm contain, about 53 acres.of which
13 are cleared, and hasoa it a TwoSton I'j
e-i House, a Lrg 8table, Spring of Water
iffjland Fruit trees of various kinds. It ad
joins lands of John Hummel and Jacob Han
man, about IJ mile from (iuldin's Store, in
White Deer tp.. Union Co, Pa.
The above property is ofierett at Private
Sale, by the subscriber.
Kelly Tp., Ang. 10, "55.
J. Goldsmith k Bro s.
TOW is the winter of our discontent
made glorionv snmmer" by Ihe ar
rival of onr kW Sl OCK. or
Spring and Scxver Goods,
consisting of the largest assortment of MEXS
WEAR ever before brought lu the towa of
Lewisbnrg. Our slock is complete, and we
are se'lmg at very reduced prires. All of our
Goods are selected bvourselres and manufac
tured in nnr own establishment in Philad. v;j
Black. Brown. Blue, Green. Clare and Fiaid
Broadcloth and Cassimere Dress, Frock and
Sack Coats, as well as
of every description Vests of Cassimere, SM
and Satin, a'l made after the latest fashions,
and warrani -d to be well made. Also Whirr
Marseilles Vests.Wbne Linen Vests and Panis,
and every variety of got da usually found in a
GcHtlmcHt Furvithinr) Ef tub! i fitment,
including Gloves, Hosiery?. Neckcloths, Stocks
Drawers. Suspenders. Haadhvrcterels. Under
shirts, die. Also a great variety of Fancy
Articles. Also H ATS, Caps fur Spring and
Summer wear. Umbrellas, Carpet Bags. etc.
There will be crowds attesdiBg our next
month's Court, therefore we have laid in a
much larger stock than wr otherwise would
have done. Our motto ia "Quirk- 8ales and
Small Profi's,"and to this motto we adhere.
N.B. We wonld particularly ea'l the atten
tion of Parents to oar sinew of Boys' Cio-rm x,
and also that Uoods will be carwfaNv mane to
order. Particular attention paid la orders tiom
the country. Lewisburg, April, 1858
COAL t The undersigned wanid res
peclfally inform ihe citizens of Lewiaonrg
and vicinity, as well as persona ia adjoining
towns, that he keeps constantly on hand a
c UAL, for Move and other purposes, of every
variety and ette. end will deliver Coal lo perron, derirlng
It, aa be baa a leem for that p. rawer, Havre erected a
pair of goad W If Kin FCALKS, he can aaenra rereeea
purrheeing Coal that they will gat fall weight, aad lhaa
pay only tnr what they receive.
Coal eaa le had at th. keaeet fash areata at hat Tafd,
a law tarda from lr. Webleneaui'a Hotel.
l7fi.iii.oC all hlwda will be ettred a. at hie Coal
Lewi-ho nr. Mar Is. ISIS
LtTAlso Blarksenith's Coal.
OF l)rns, Medicines, Books, Notions,
Vaneiies. stationery, c parchased in
New York and Philad. anarkeia. haw just been
ree'd al Ihe Old Mammoth Drug tlore sf
I H HIST & CALDWELL, Lewisburg.
GI.AS Jars, for Pickliag and Preserving,
Quarts and Half Gallons, for sale cheap
by CHS1.-T CAUrVaXL.
cure for Dyspepsia and diseases arising
from aa latawre crate of taw awawaea-aaa a ear. pre
vealive at l'At JLXP -dwTje pne. 75 cv.. per route,
Ine aele by VUKlSt CAUlW UJe
SAP0RIFIER, or Cooeentraied Lye war
ranted to make Soap without Lime, ard
with tittle trouble. With eneeaaeef I jaaadfeurpontds
e.iap Feb yoa ma awae Sileen galloae gaad soft Seee.
liard eoap caa be asad. la the soma way. For eel, by
CakicI a CALDw ILL
Buggies. Cans. Omnibuses, Stages, e'e
e e- Sir a-Hbe rPJi "AimT. ELa