i 5 f -, ; e, hi Gently Check a Child. r child, when VI why a certain tree frrw tiwikwl, replied, '-Somebody trod upon it, I supple, rr!ien it was young." He whi cheeks a child with terror, Steps its play and stills its song. Not alone commits an error. But a grievous moral wrung. Give it plav, and never fear it, Active life is no detect ; Never, never break its spirit. Curb it only to direct Would son stop the flowing river, T'nuking it wmi'd cease to flow! Onward mast it flow for ever Better teach it where to go. Ta the Editors of the tewUbmj Chronicle: HtBTLtTai, June 9, 185(1. In the last number of trChmnicle appeared a statement of "iy having graduated at "a Fe male Medical College" in Philadelphia. As this is not quite accurate, it has seemed to me but just to myself as well as to my Alina Mater to cive you the rea! ;;-. in the case. The Penn Medical l."niversity of Phila., in which I was el'icaicd, is not a Female Insti- , but one designed for both sexes, and one which accords to women the same advan l;iges,n;;hts.and privileges that it does to men. The same Faculty lectures to both, and gives to the female class the same teaching that it fives to the male. Both classes are.Uowever, not present at the same lecture at the same tune. Whilst one Professor ia lecturing to the ladies, another is lecturing to the gentle men. The school is therefore entirely freed fmm the charge uf superficiality which always more or less attaches to instimtioni exclusive ly female. It is also by this arrangement saved any aspersions of indelicacy or impro priety which might be cast upon it.were both cia.es attendant on the same lecture at the same time. Neither is it a Medical College, bnt a Medi cal University, and is believed to be iuc most comprehensive in its rarie of slndies.and also fie most thoro'of any exisu'ng-this side thewa ir." The number of branches taught is 84 and these are arranged m four conrses.of fonr months eaeh.the more fundamental being first nursiied. and in resnect to all oih'S a regular r - a progression is observed throughout. Each course comprises six branches. It is self-ev ident that Anatomy must be well understood before Physiology can I comprehended, and this again nalu-ally takes precedence of Pa tholorv. and this of Therape-'.ics. II nee, the first course is termed Philosophical, and in this Anatomy is a leading branch. The second is the Phyio!"-ira! course, the third the Pa thological, auJ the fourth te Practical. Botany general and Medical, Philosophy Natural and Intrllectti;!re obligatory branch es of studv. Of Anatomy there is !- me common descriptive branch, but alo Anatomy Mistropic and Topographic There iv a ehairof PalholoskJiiid ch.irof Medical Jnnsnriidrice. History of Medicipe is also! an obligatory study. Much attention is given tj Organic Chemistry .a department of science whose importance can har- be overrated.'out Thus at a glance is seen the superiority of the Penn Medical Uuiv-rsjty of Philadelphia in its wider range of scientific pursuit,and the conseq neatly greater lengrh of time necessary. Instead of two repctitional terms, in which the initial and concluding branches of Medical Science arechaotically mingled.this institution his four regularly prrrressive terres it. which arc taught not only medicine proper, but also the cognate branches of this noble science. Yours, Are. E. Csiviar. Does Farming Fay? Eds. Rural : I tale the liberty of 'uUiug joa the following statement of the p-oduct of afield of miuu the past season. It is not with the iilea that it exceeds many others in the country, hut my ob ject is to detcODE'rate l s fact that farming trill pay, evuo on land at one hundred dollars par acre. The field contaiua 9J acres, lhere are 13 tree in it, which di miuibbed the yM of cora somewhat The account stand as follows : Dr To mannrin, JjO.OO iijc davs plowing, 12,00 Karrcnirg, 3,00 Marking, 2,00 Ten days plar.tintr, 10,00 Twc!v das cnluvating, 18,00 Tcu dajs hociDg, 10.00 i'red corn, 2,00 "v-ed potatoes, 2,00 J'ifTfling potatoes, 3 00 I'itklug apfle', S,00 Cutting np corn, 8,00 Ilust-ag corn, 32.00 llepairs on fence, 8,00 1'laster, 3,00 Interest on land, CG,50 Tolal, 232,50 Cr J?y 1,050 bos. corn at 28cts, $294,00 105 bushels potatoes, 32.00 130 lusbcl applfi, 20,00 Fonr bushels turnip, 1,00 Twenty -three loads .tails, 69,00 Ten load pumpkin, 10,00 To i-.d a half bushels beans, 4,00 Plight bushels black walnuts, 2,00 One bobliel walnuts, 1,00 ToUl, 8433,00 $232,50 200,50 From the above it will appear that I hare a profit of $200,50, or more than 21 per cent, on the capital invested, which is rather Letter, I think, than some of oar Kailrosd stocks. G. W. WOOD. Wendon, N. Y., IS56. Brooks of S. C. was a Delegate to the Cincinnati Convention. Some say he went and was loudly eheeivd ; others saj that be was urged not to appear in Convention, aud had a substitute, who voted for Cu- cbansn and xji-cckenridge. T r, ,",i ti! u ' " r " , . I Francis I. Biair,Jr.,has been nominated lor Vingrtas by the Henton Lremocrats of the Filth district, Missouri, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of J. O. Miller. A Boston ISuehanan paper represents the murderer Herbert aa a Northern man and a Know Nothing, when ho ia ia faet a Southerner and Buchanan man. There is oUy one Lutheran church in Nw Eogland, aud that is in Boston. In h United States there are wore Lutheran than Catholic churches. Agricultural Great Improvements! Fnssey's American Reaper fc Blower FOR lS5G....TIiis Machine was put in succeful operation in 1833, and con. tinned to be the only Reaper and Mowing Ma chine in the World of any pratical value op to trt-15 twelve years afier its introduction. Oiher Reapers arc now offered with glowing Ad'crt.ements an ! Certificates of Gold and Silver Me.Ials. But the Farmer, in search of the best Reaper, and not posted in the matter, bad belter see a little further. One of th other Reapers look thegreat medal in England, at the premature trial in 1851; before the close of the harvest of the sam year, however it was totally beaten by a HUSSEY REAPER, which received the unanimous award of an impartial Jury of twelve English fanners. The fact is that Hussey's marhine is achieving a series of triumphs in England, and rapidly ob taining that pre-eminent position there.which it has already secured in the land of its origin. If t'uere isany value in 2:1 years' experience in hnil.line Reaper, nd UMng them in the I hnr-csl field, OBED HJ SSEY, the Father of tteapers, can claim II. All who are s.nisneu with the BIT REAPER AND MOWER.ean be suplied bv sending theirorders early in the season, as the crops indicate a large demand, and we can not have over SOU Reapers ready for the vast harvest of I856- We wor.ld refer to the following gentlemen, who have used Hussey's machines for several years, and wili testify to their snpeiiority: TNIO AVT flNYDFR COVNTV. laaae Free. B-njamln teMir. .Ihn Meneh, Samnel Pauline. J. hi- Xrliera. J:"- 'b ll.II.i-h. Jae..b Until J. -Bn.wn. Almm Aurar.1. Tliemaa Oinean. Ilw;f Kl.-rk-oer, (taTM kierkner. Vi in Kleekn-r.iieoree Mear. John Dundy. Samuel 7.-llera, Jintiih Mn-err. William Wlt.n, Ahram Wolf. W. G H-rmld. Oharlea ll.ihl.llenrire Ken hart. l' h lre,re. ASram Farley. Kinanu.l Pnnllua. Ilea rv Mull. T5 ru. Hren. Vim C. JT .v. r.Jnhn Cbamhrrlin, W ilwn L'un. John Yen Bu.kirk. Flarel liofran. NORTHUMBKBt.AND fWNTV. H,nn,l M'Mil In. John M Mahin. William MpHii. Jarb ll -ffmn. fliw KmfHrk. C-nr- Hntrim, llMorjrw 1dI. J 'hn H. Ilfllrr. William Sinn-k. Williim lionet, OMtp, F-l.i k. ThoV Strnrii'tir-, soli.mcn Wlt, r, .l.lir N1..I. V N"l II. A. V. K!M. J . Hrit- l. T'l.tr J.nrt". Jhn A W oi llmn"r.lt--h-r CnrT?, Jam it Ru-'l. Am"S S,lio. J S. A l. tlar-h. Iar rumplx'll. J- lt4. M.-llr A Mmm-i. Anthnnjr A Win. Snj Jrr, Jolm c.mprr. C. Hitrton.Ofo. CooraJ !MOTt'R t'TT. Jh chnttii. M,Nt-t llerhart. TwitM Clark. Jafoh j!.),!. Uil.on K--oian IV'ar Wrtiht.Sam. Yorka. William Mi-nrh ! i- rt' l:t'h-l. J' Jnytf. F. Itnwl P. P Ca Jarob SV-hlal, .-r. m Tortus V. Iltim fcach, Mil For ama-. mi u Mills rorxTT. j fl , r. Prtar stillar. Jolio Ililt.Wm N Rp-wa. 1. A Woarman. .J V.-lv ll,itan. ,IH"rT inaiT.w rh'-n Thnma. HanT I-ak. Jthn K'-hwiaAn. rfcinh-l hi.it o,T,n.. fraThfiir. Aiidr.- fis-i-tin. Unnia CrT hue. i- ho l.-rt. Ja-s,l' Hi II. TlMMnaa t'.nnar. J"hn Con ner. IVt-r Apvlman. F.-v.a IVitriak. Jama L-mmoii. J. aaph II. llicka. Miller A nirta. Oaor-ja ll. l ll-r. Joeaph P.ah. Paunlei Krk. Vn. Hoffman. Andrew Fre'a, Wm. FrimOeo. II Frlaa. Wealev Fne. Saul I Friaa. Franklin K,an. John Kiel.te, Charles mn4 UeiTge low, John Nejr hart, Juhn n'oir. LTCOMINO CtU'NTT. Canrra Crit, Hiram T. Grer. Ilenjamin Baar. Pater rfi.man. Fred.-rirk Ap. Samuel lun.Imra. Ilenrr Kl-mli.r, Peter R.-ntr.. Thomaa tlaria. ch' Tallman, Daniel Hear. John II. Tool, Cbarlae LlojJ, D. W. lorti n.v "rMSTOj, OOITSTY. Ia. Tnnn. Jamea W-lsb. Rolvrt MTnemick, Janes CaraluulJen. Juaevli llanBt. RolaTt Holmes. CENTKR Clll'NTY. ,(,'. wm iirt !iai.i R.a, J-a-r Me,Jacobllar- Ta. VFarl ..M. H e. Ho I. W. A John,tll, Jnaeph ter. John Hot, Jr. m Foster, Adam Bear. The subscribers have the exclusive rirhtin the following counties : I nion, r?nyner. .Nor - , vnnoru, dllll Lycoming. All orders thankfn'lv received and promptly liMIIIKM, M AKMH t;i). I.ewisbnrg. I'nion Co. Pa., April 24, 1S56. Atkins' A-toaiaton, or SELF-Rakius Reaper and Mower! 77ir text I'timbined Machine in use. HPECIAL NOTICE First premium awar ded to Ihe ' Atkins' Self-Raking K-aper and j Mower" at the State Fair of Penn 'a, in 18i5 also fiist premium at the Nonhumu'd County fair, farmers wishinz Atkins Belf-Rakina Reaper ind Mower can get it delivered, tree of freight, to Ha; nsburg, by etvtng Agents orders before the first of March, 156. Alter that time freiobt will be charjed, making about twenty dollars diflerence in price. Persons can get Castings at any lime, at the Manufactory in Harnsburg, for Machines. Appivto EDWARD D. SNYDER, Milton ; RL'SSEL WRIGHT, Williamsport ; or to JAMES PATTO.V, fil:f General Agent, at Harrisburg. James F. Linn. J. Qerrill Linn. T F. & J. M. LIXN, J t i'lorneja at Law, LEWlsiiiKO, 674 I'nion C mnty, Penn'a. Executors' notice. "yOTICK is hereby given, that Letters Tes tamentarvon the last will and testament of STEPHEN r. LYNDA I. L. late of the Bornogh of Lewisburg, deceased, hare been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Union county, in due form of law ; therefore all persons kuowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having just claims against the same are also requested tn present them properly authenticated for settlement. WM. CAMERON, C.W.SCHAFFLE, Lewisbnrr, May 19, 1S56. Executors Executors' Notice. ""OTICE is hereby given, that Letters Tes tameniarv on the last will and testament of JONATHAN RtNCK, late of White Drer township, deceased, have been granted to the nndersiened, bv the Register of Colon county. in due iomi ol law ; theretore, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having j'ist claims against the same are also requested to present them properly authenticated fur settlement. EDWARD RANCH", LEVI KANCK, White Deer, May 19, 1856. pi. Executors Dr. Jacob Horlacber, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, having regained his health, has resumed his practice of me nesting art. His superior SALVE is still in great demand, and all orders supplied as usual. New Berlin. May 8, 1854 CLOCKS all kinds of 8-dav and PValSn - hour Brass Clocks and patent lever .ytime-pieces. Brass 8-day clocks at $4. orss n-nourclocks as low as $l. All clocks warranted for one year at J.I..YODER 8 PLATED WARE Cake and card Baskets Table Forks, Spoons and Buitef Knives, Teaspoons silver-plated on the best German silver, SI per doi. All goods warranted to give satisfaction. All kinds of Engraving at the shortest notice at J. L. YODER'8. WOOD FOa SALE. A PPL Y to A. K. Bell or John Chalfant A Full cords delivered. May 10, US. Trn1abIri-rvrlRH'u-n$ und other lf-LAira. told &t the Chrtitc Ufree. Lewisburg Chronicle Educational. The Summer Session, of 14 Weeks, OF the University in this place, will open on Thursday, the Sllta inst. It is important students should be present puncto ally, as recitations will commence on Friday. A library of three thousand volumes, a cab inet of natural history, embracing thoosands of specimens in loology, botany, entomology, aiinaraknrr. reolosrr. enncnolosTr, e, an estasirtra roatlr rhentiral apparataa,e enmpleto rhemieal lebnralo ry, t.ether nitb Bana. rharu, dlairrasaa, iKalela, skele ton, man akin, Ae . furnish n rare nnaoaot of tncititj in tlia vanona depnrtmanla of aeienoa, Stmlenta not prepared foe IV'llae, And In the ACADK HY, vhirh opens at the seme Uese, every adraataice. TuIikw In Coll-, for tl, aeaeion $10 ' AeMlemy, Claeeieal T fVientifie TIIK TEH ALU IXSTITTTK op.ns St the sane time, with the timer Tenehera. The bnildine; ia emnmudioiia, and can aer,enm"date tliirtr taainlera. Tuition in the llielierKniahbraaKbeetbrtneteaslonill) laivsr do ft Board, licht, le . f iA per week, aa-wiahnrg, April J2, I8e FREEBURG ACADEMY rFHE Spring Term of this Institution X commenced on Monday, March 31, with 7t Students, and fair prospects for the future. The advantages it offers, are many among which are : beauty and healihfulness of loca tion ; the enterprise, hospitality and morality of the surrounding community ; the division of the school into Primary and Arademic Ile partments ; the Iharuugh and practical methods of instruction purnned ; the very moderate terms for Board (on ly I .SO to $ 1 7S per wet k) Tuition, &c. No industrious Student Riving this Institution a trial, can fail to improve or feel at home at Fmssaran Acabrwt. Accom modations are provided for 150 Students. Circulars, Terms Ac cheerfully furnished on application to GEO. F. MTARLANO, Principal. Freeburg, Snyder Co. April 8, 1856 William VanGeier, , TTORXEY at Law, i !.? Ishurtr, I'nion Co., Pa. rSOifice on South Second St., recently by II C Hickok, Esq. 6f AdnilnlNtralors' Kolice. "TOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Administration on the restate oi joii.h KIMPLE. laic of West Buttaloe township. Un ion county. deceased, have been granted to Ihe undersigned in due form of law : Therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, are hereby requested to make immediate payment; and those having just rl,imt nirainst the same are also requested to present them properly authenticated for settle ment. We will he at ihe late residence of said deceased on Thursday and rriday, 17in aud lSih of April nest, to make final settle ment with al! interested. JOHN KIMPI.E, White Deer. PETER KIMPI.E, West Buffaloe March 17. 1856 pd Administrators New Firm and New Goods! T the Mammoth Drug & Cbcmica jLI. Emporium of CHRIST & CALDWELL The undersigned having purchased the entire Mammoth Drug More formerly kept by Vr TharaLm 4, :'. auroTtlent s notice. hare a laree and rail e,Ueua -C ftcsl and pure DKl Ut, MKHH IMES, Chemicals DvestufTs. OJ. Vamts. i:iss. Putty and ' saas,as'alS'I V GLASSWARE, All kinds vj I'utmt Methane, Fruit and Confectionery Tobacco,?noff,nd Imported Cigars of the choicest brands, fowew A'oions and Toilet Article. Fine Toilet Soaps A. Perfumery of all kinds. llaraaES asb Combs or iviir yantxTT. Books) and Stationer;, a general variety of Literary and School Books Pine Oil, Lard and Fluid Lamps of every description ; fresh I ine Oil and Patent (turn tng Fluid always on hand. PURE WINES and LIQUORS of all kinds for Medicinal uses. fire I'rutif and Zinc Paint. rreaervin and Pickling Jan, &.C fir"Customerswill find our stock complete. comprising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices Call and see us, one and all, and see our stock ; and if we can't sell you cheap goods, we will not ask you to buy. We are always on hand to wait on customers. Remember the Mammoth Drug Store ! THEO. 8. CHRIST, F. S. CALDWELL. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 68 Let as Reason together I ml HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. WHY AXE WIS A1CK9 It bat hn tb lot of tb human rare to hm wichd down by d.MMBr! aud eUtfriDa; llULI.OVAT I I Ll are ep-rtttJ.r auapira m ine rfiir oi ine tiaaiv, uie NKIlVtH l', tb htLH ATK. and the INPIKM, of all climi, atff. rrxrtu and emtiitutioBa. Priratr lloflo wn wrfoalty tuynut't.tl thm mantiiarture of hi nt'uitin.-it in utc Liintl taitMuana w m litem to a Trx and oi.cliien-d rfplf. an the bet rtmctly Uw world ever aa tor Uw renutfal of diavaae. 7 Pilti Purify the Blood. ThM famoat Pills are rxprrwlj ronl-itM-d to operate on the ttimach, the liver, the kidni-a, the lungs, the tkin, and the ln-wel, enrrertiiic; anj dfrnngenit-nt In th'-ir funrtion. turifiuff the Mood, the very fountain of Ue. and tuns earing diai in ail it funns. Dypepia ami Liver Complaint. Nearly half the human race have taken these PilU. It has been proved in all parts of the world. that nothing btw be-ea found -q"al to Lhrm ineae-s of dioruVrcl the lir,lrf7ii&, and iUtniMch rosoflaiit gnrailjr. Thfj anon tzive a healthy tone to the ory ana, however much dv3Tani;edv and bn all other meanti have (ailed. General Dtbility, 111 Health. Many of the in out despotic Governments have opened thnr 1 Uftom 1Iuuk to Uis iiitroiJuctiun of tbem l'tll, thxit tliejr ny beeome the nH-dicine of the Biaac-ea. LeariHl Collrtct-s adu.it that this mdi(-tne is tlie bet-t n mtiy ever known tor pertwna of delteate bealib, or where the stem ban ben inopeired.aa iu mTioraliug lroperties m-ver tail tcaflorl rt-lkf. Frmate ComjtlaintM. 5o Female, younir or old, should be without this eel brated mediciua. It oorrerts and regulate the montl.tj eourtsew at alt periodit. aetnip iu many races like a charm. It in alo tbebt and aatcft mt-dinoe that can be ti'D to rbildren ot all and -r any eumphuBtt conas o,ueiiUj no UrnHj afaould be without iC Hallonay't Pillt artjk Vr fwfy Hantm ui the world for tht oUtming lttttM: Aftthm IrnMy Liver Complaints sVweJ CoMpInintrt Fever and Ague Lown'ssof fipiriU Couebs emairComulaints Piles Cold ll-adaebss tone and Gravel Chet DiaeMea IndiireU.n rVeoodary 8mptons Ctw-tiveueiis li flitf usa Venereal Affections Psepsii luHaannititloa emu of ail kind Diarrbom Inward Weaknen Scrld at the Manufactorie of Professor Houowat, 80 MaidVn Kane. Kew York, aud 24 Strand, London, and by all reepeetahlr Urnfrgits aed Ueaiers of Mt-dw-iuee thrown boa i the L'niu-d fSuiess and the civilised woiitUa boxes, at a ernta. J erntevaixl $1 earb. tTr,Tbrn is a cotufclcrable raviitg by taking the lar ger uses. N - B. Direeti ons for the jraidaaca of nattsnta la SfTwry disorder areafftxed toaacb Box. FARRIERY. THE subscriber offers bis services in earing Horses of Poll Evil or Fistula. He will cure Horses of either of these afflic tions for $S. or make no charge if not suc cessful. Here is an opportunity for every one whose horses are afflicted, lo restore them to health and working order. Residence ob my Farm in Kelly Tp., near Lewisburg. A'ifj. in, l6V SIUTvGE MEilELL. wmmm & West BranchTFarmcr June 27, lg5C. Philadelphia. FIRE PROOFS! Tbc Salamnndo er Safe", Jn,, delpbia. against the World ! EVAS3& VATSoN,Xo.26,S.Foiirth St., PhilaiU have had the surest demonstration in the following CerttBcaies, that their mannfae. tare of Salamander 8afes has at length fully warranted the representations which have been made' of them, as rendering an undoubted security against the terrific element t raiunnrniA, April 12, taS MisaU tVASl A Wataoa : (leoll -U eonle the hleheet seliafaetion to Mate to joo. that owtnKto the eery prolrrlire qualities of two of the oalnmnoder Bales whieh e purehase,! of Ton sons, fcw raonlhs ainoa. no fared a larae portion of our Jeoelry, Books, eaper", e, e pored to the aalamiloua Ore in Kansteaat FUo.-, on M morninir of the lllh Inst. . When niter, that these Sat were ssraMl In the fourth lry of the bulklinf weoreupied. end lhal tliey fell auteequenlly Into n heap of n.irni ruln.,lere tna eeateoneJulrati... of hael ran-al -.brM,,J''-1'" melt, we cannot last reward the preset-ration of the jelo able eontents as nioet convincing proof of the gren arcsv ritT atlort.-d hy y,r ftifra. U'eshsll takemeh h pleeanre ia reeomovnling tbess So naen of busiuees ns n sure reliance acr"in-t nre. loawnoinusiueeaa. UKma, w SIUINS 4 BItO. I'HiLinn.i'Hu. April 11, M raalts. EvS A Wavsos I hare to offer yon my tes timony in farnrof the (rent security sff .nl.it to my ea fiire tock ot jenelry. booka. paiaira. c durli.l the re reot diaastroua rnnflacration in Knnalend pla, rrom the bet that the same nere contained in twoof the Sein mai.der Safea manulnctnred by yo. e ,i,.ini,..f, of the Artisan Build- inc. where Uiey were preriou-lr placed an espoard to yast Iwat for a lone time, Ihe prcarration of the rnlna ble depots arelned lo erery one whi.oilneaee,! Ihe open ing and interior ezaminauon, n matter r,wu To all alio may requires ptrfectprotcetio from the raaedea ofre. 1 shall not heeiute to recommend the .A ,nnr .Safes, as 1 eosuidr then hare now undenione the must trying lest. K . JaORUAJI. PniLinrtPHlA. April I. tsiS. Mi-s rinl WTos llinllemen No donl yon :u k. i .1 - Mim.l Ia learn tli, eiod enndition in nhirb 1 di"coTcd my tax, policy id insurance, rertiu- eatee of lock, and nthra ralllable .lia'limenia, wncu v yridar lat I o,aned Ihe sale made by your nrm. With mr knowlcdircofils anal eaposnre, tadh tn the 1-. ... ... . 1 n. I,.., - Ore aa that which de- rtroy.-t the Arlleau rluildinu. aa also from the force of the fall from-IW former derated pnenion in ...... atnrv. I could enfertaio but alender hopes prior to IU !- b-rior Inepeclion, that Ihe contents nhh-h I once so hiRhlr prised would erer be of any aerriee to me, but as theae'fears arc now happily remo.ed. I leel it only doe to say to rou. that I can henceforth rwommend the nee of iiHir P:,fra to alt who may wish to fret n confidence in the perfect serurltr nhh-h such means provides against so frlgtiirul an element. . , EUWAItO 0ASKI1.L, Bookbinder. nr Consiantlv on hand. Patent Powder and Thtel Proof Loc'ks.for Banks,Stores,etc. !yS5 Engraving and Seal Cutting OF all kinds, at 201, ( hesnut Street, PMI,AD. Visuin- and other CARHS, Corporatnn and other SEAI.W.and everything in our line of business, promptly attended to, in o..r,d sule. and on reasonable terms. Or ders from Cnv and Country solicited. S. II. FULTON. J. W. O. MASON. Ibe tai Colijciien of &izc$ cm pMlwil r PIP-TOP GLEE & CHORUS BOOK. I A new mnrl e-hnie- Collection of CltPV- -i - narmonized, and many of Iheuenis of Modern uerman and Italian com posers, arranged in a familiar style.adapied to the u-e of (ilee Clubs, Sin"ing Classes and the Family Circle, By C. Jarvis and J. A. Getze. This work contains a crear iioje.ijf' af rfryre aoaptedto general purposes.while many of the eems of .Mendelssohn, Abt, Kuchen anil oiher celebrated composers, are presented in an original form. The great variety of intiMcal compositions here introdnced. eminently aaapts it in ine taste and capacity of the Singing School, the Glee Club, and the Family Circle. liTrriee One Di.llar. Just published by LEE & WALKER. 108 Chestnut M. and J.B.LII'PLN'COTT & CO.20 Aorth 4th St, Pbilsd. Sample copies will be sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of $1 4mG23 GENUINE HONEY SOAP. THE purity, fras ranee, and mild emollient properties of this Soap, renders it es pecially deserving a place on every toilet. For chapped bandstand various diseases of the skin, it is unequaled. Each cake is stamred WM. CONWAY, 168 South Second Street, Philadelphia. No other is oenutne. Improved Chemical Olive Soap, Warranttd to Kiuh in Hard, Soft or Salt Water. This 8oap has powerful cleansine orooer- ties, which readily remove Oil. Paint, llirt. &C from every description of goods without injury to them. For all domestic purposes it is superior to any other 8oap now in use, and 20 per cent, cheaper than the common Roain Koap. Each baris stamped WILLIAM CO.- VM Y. 168 South Second Street. Philndrlnhia. manufacturer of FANCY AND STAPLE SOAPS, Sperm, Stearine and Tallow Candles, importer and dealer in Sal Soda, Soda Ash, Rosin, 6lc. Orders by mail promptly attended to. August 24, 185ft 59:im3 Fruits and Confectionery. REMOVAL. The subscriber has removed to No. 26 Market street. 'three door above the Old Stand, PHI LAD.) where he keeps constantly on hand a general slock of all articles in his line consisting of ORANGES, LEMONS, and all kinds of Fruit n season ; Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts. Ground Nuts plain and roasted; Pickles and Preserves of all kinds to which he invites Ihe atlentinn of Dealers and others visiting the City. Goods packed al this establishment warranted to carry safe. Orders by mail piomptly attended lo. 8. L. HERRING, No. 56 Market St. 3m622 above From, south side, Pbilad Wall and Window Papers. HAVING purchased the interest of Parrith Hough in the Wall Paper ousiness, we nave now at oor More, A'. E. Corner Arch & Thiri St., a full and complete assortment of WALL and WINDOW Papers, Fire Board Prints.eicetc. Relying upon our ability lo supply all orders at prices to compete wilh houses in ibis City or New York, we confidently invite an dam nation ol our stock, we call attention esoe- ally lo our Window Papers, embracing Fine French Groen, Satin Green and Blue, Satin, nnd nnglazorl Fismred. all 4-4 wide. PARRISH A BRADSHAW. successors to Parrish A Housh. N.F.. corner Arch and Third Sis. PHILAD'A. N.B. On reasonable notice being given. Pa per will be hnng at City prices. 3m62.1 Book Agents Wanted. A GENTS wanted in every Town and XL County in the United States, lo canvass for the most popular Historical and other val uable and saleable Books published Works particularly adapted to the wants of the people, being beautifully illustrated with fine Steel and Wood Engravings, and bound in the most sub stantial manner. Agents now canvassing forns.fiod ita plea sant and profitable employment. Our list also includes the best books of TS. ARTHUR. Over 100,000 volumes have been sold the past year, and their sale is increasing yet. We have just added several A'ete Bonlu to onr list by this most popular writer, and shall add others the ensuing fall and winter. We think we have the best list for Agents in the country. Rend for it, and jodge for vonr selves. For full particulars and list, address J. W. BRADLEY. Publisher, 48 North Fourth street, 4mM7 Philadelphia, Pa. Fishing Tackle, AND GUNS-The subscribers inne attention to their stock ol Fish Hooks and Tackle of every description Cane Heeds, Sea Grass, Trout 1 lies, I.inns. Ac. Also, fine English and German Guns. Revolv ing Pistols, Percussion Cups, and fporting Apparatus generally. For sale at lowest CojA Prices, W holesale and Retail. ., . D JOHN M. Htl ut.Koin "", 624 No. 4T Is. Second at, i nuaarim.i. Fiee of Charge ! TWO Splendid Parlor En?ravin!T?,en; I ..,le,l.H.,.i,.e. Ahhevin the Olden Times, a splendid steel engraving irom in-ccicoi.c. painting by Landeer. and the -Departure of the Israelites rrom fczvpt, a lante".. tiful engraving from a painting by D.Roberts. Tba retail pnee nt the st"e ennraTi.-a- i but will he aenl rs cBaana aa fulk.a: . The aulaa-rite-ra had eelal-H-l a Philadelphia, awl .III rur..il. any lea or pul..K-at.n at the retail Dnrr -f an, o( ll (-i l.a.n, a.ieh aa llar pera'.Hudej a. 1'utoamX Ural.an. a, frank l-lie fab- ae will reo i,. the n,ailnea f..r nn year aoj a rnnfellre-rottheahneb.altifol n-rarmi!a. lre o. rharne, or ii eun-arinma in a ..... - " - aneh aa l"al.-m.n'a. and halle a Ladie-a t liriallao An ml. Uier will reeelre hr.th ajiuul ana eonj or llheruf iliehi.eOirraini. . Krerr derrri.U,.n ofenrraainy on es-eotea WHO neatnaae all' I .li-pat- h. lewa ..f B.iiMi. N-w..ar llead.nnm View, of Maehii.ery. Bo..k llhl.trati..n.. Ul C-rtile-alae. Un.ine-a tar.l. c. All ..r.lere -ol " mail rrr.m,tly attended lo. faraon. wi-liint Wwa tlieir buildMK eiwra.e.1 ran aerel a DaureijM or aketcli or tlie l.uildtni;a ly mall i,r esj.reaa. Peraona al a di.lanee harinr aealahl. artielea would find it to their adraoUue U, aiWreaa tha au harribare, would ae, ...... fcr the a.,e .M- W. 5CTH Ta STRT. fUlLAUSI lHI4( f. J. B. af RAM. !'J - "f n"Cl The Goad Time Coming." B Y T. S. Arthur...Those who wish to hear someihing of that long-expecled day, should read this hook. It is having an immense sale; 5.000 copies were ordered in advance of publication. We send a copy by mail, post-paid, on the receipt of the price. J1. J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher, 48 North Founh St. Philudtlphia. Pa. N.B. Agents wanted to sell this and other popu'ar books in all parts of Ihe L'nited States. Send for our List and Terms to Agents. Cheap Frnit and Confectionery. RUBINCAM & SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturer and Dealersin ConlY!lonrry or all kind, 113 North 3d St., below Race, PHII.ADEL'A. The attention of dealers is requested lo an examination of iheirslock.wlneh will be found eaual to any in this city. Fon ign Pruiis of all kinds in season. N.B. Orders by Mail or otherwise promptly attended to 3m6l6 To Iron Masters and Sealers, F.NN'A Wire Works-Xo.2 1 Arch St. ahove rront PHILADELPHIA. SIEVES, RIDDLES, SCREENS. Woven Wire of all meshes and widths, wilh all kinds of Plain and Fanry Wire Work. Paper Maker's Wire, all kinds. Cylinder and Dandy Rolls, covered in the best manner in or out of ihe C.'t,Vr... .e m Meayy F-under's Sieves all kinds of Iron Ore Wire, Wire and Sieves for Seed, Grain, Siarch, Snuff, Bnek dust, Ac. 3m.r0 BAYLISS, DARBY A LYNN. Trusses Trusses Trusses ! C. II. NEKDLES, TkL and brack establishment. S.W . Cor. of Twelfth and Race Sis. PHILADELPHIA, Importers of fine Fatten Tai asr.s.combining extreme lighlnm, ease, and durability, with correct construction. Hernial or Ruptured patients can be suited hy remittine amount., aa helr.w : Sendine number of inrhea around the hiJ. and atating -id.- alf-eted. ot .f Sintle Tru- J. .1. 4. o. Ix.ul.le fS. . . 10. In.trurtmua aa tn wear.and bow to aili-ct a cure, when poatlble, aeut ailh the Trui... j Aleo flir aale, in ereat variety. Dr. Banning't Improved Patrnl llody Brace, for the euro of Pmlap.ua t'teri: alao Sninal lroa suit fupnort.; I'atenl shoulder llrare. 'h-.t rVpan-lera aud f.rertor ltraree. aditpted tn all wilh Sti.ip sliSildera anil Weak Luna: Knchh la-tie Abdnmiual Helta, u.pen eoriea : III riuaea. uialr iml f male. aLadtfa' lluumr, wilh La.ly .ttend.nta. ItSM! WOOD'S ORNAMENTAL Iron Works, Kid;c Avenue, PniLAPkLrHia. The aMention of ihe public is invited to the extensive Manu factory and Warcroom of ihe subscriber, who s prepared lo lurnish, at ihe shortest nonce. Iron Ratling of every description for Cemeta ries, Public and Private Buildings, also Ver andahs, Balconies, Fountains, Settees. Chairs, Lions, Dogs, Ac, and other ornamental Iron Work of a decorative character, all of which is executed with Ihe express view of pleasing the tasie, while Ihev combine all the reiini- sites of beauty and substantial construction. Purchasers may rely on having all articles carefully boxed and shipped to their place ol destination. A book of designs will be sent to those who wish to make a selection. ROBERT WOOD, Ridge Avenue below Spring Garden St. Phila George Stnrges, SOLE Manufacturer of the Improved Spiral Sprina; HafrerNcti,No.92 Walnut St. Philadelphia. FIVE SILVER MEDALS awarded, viz. Two hy the Smeriean Institute. New Ynrk. Oct.) 18.M do franklin ln-tltute. ltiilauV!uhia.nv. I.e. I On. at th Maryland Inatitute, Baltimore. Aior. j ISai The peculiar improvement in the construc tion of this Matress is, lhal all the clunky and heavy wooden frame work is entirely dispensed wnn. ami us piace supplied tiy a lighter and much more durable frame, the springs are all connected by harness-leather hinges, securely riveted, rendering it impossible for a single spring to fall down or get out of place, and making a Bed so elastic that any part may be raised or bent up, and is thus admirably fitted to the wants of the sick or asthmatic who may require a sitting posture.having the Insurious softness of the best Feather Bed with the light ness and facility of baudliug of the common Hair Mattress. These unproved Spring Beds are invariably made of the best materials, and will last many years without repairs. Persons havine Hair Matresses, can have them altered into Spring Beds. These Beds are well adapted forHutels.berths of Ships, Steamboats and Hospitals. Spring Seats forChairs.Carnages or Church Pews and Hair and Husk Mali esses made to order. Also an extensive assortment ol highly ornamented (in enamel) and plain finished CA S T IR OX FURXl TURK, consisting in part of Bedsteads, Hat and Coat Racks. Cane and Umbrella Stands, Garden Chairs, Settees. Ac. Ac. Philadelphia. April 20, 1855 ly575 ExpreH Office! The undersigned have been appointed Agents for HOWARD A CO.'S EXPRESS LINE, and are now prepared to forward, daily. Packages. Specie, Bank Notes Ac. lo Philadelphia. New York, Boston, Al bany, Baltimore, and intermediate points, also to the other Northern and Eastern cities. The public are respectfully invited to pat ronize the above line, as it is the Quickest and safest method of transportation between the cities and Lewisburg. Packages received by or before 9 A.M. will arrive in Philadelphia the same day. and ba delivered early in the following morning. neceiprs given ior time ana price. Philidtlphia Office 4 1 A 43. South Third S Oct. 26. CHRIST A CALDWbLL. IIAllltlSBURG BINDERY J.l. Clyde ir.L. Uutler, Swewaaoral W. O. lliclti. at C: Book IJisDKRa and Stationers, and Ula.nk. Book MANtTACTtREttS, JJurritburtj, J'a. MOST respectfully inform theirfriends that they are engaged in the above business t directly opposite Herr's Hotel. j They flatter themselves, by careful atienlion to their business, to receive a continuance of the pat ronage o liberally enjoyed by the old 6rm. BLANK BOOKS for Banks, County Offices, Merchants, and private individuals, and every variety of full and half-bound constantly on hand. Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Books, Periodicals, Magazines. Law Books, Newspa pers, Bibles, Music, works issued in Nos., Ac bound in any siyle, plain or extra. All work warranted, and done cheaply. Pleae give ns a call. C. A H. I"?- Books Ac to be bound may be left with he Editor of the Chronicle. 60 IRON! IRON!! IRON!'.! OQ I7Q LBS. just received at the eCfJatlU iar,uare Store of i.'rVYA OLDS 4 McFAl'DES. Farmers and Black smiths, call and see the large,! and het as sortment of Iron ever ollered on the V est Branch. Having the exrlwire control of the celebrated Vaissnsis Centre county Iron, we are enabled lo warrant every bar. All .., Tire. Kcnllon. Round and Square: Horse Shoe, Nail Rods, Ac. at C. prices to all. Call and see Ihe Hardware Store of JOS. MTADDEN. Lewisburg, May 10, 1H55. NOTICE. WE bes leave to intro.Iure ourselves to Ihe citizens of LEWISBI RG and virinitv, as extensive Miners and hippers ot While Ali Antlirarltr Coal, At Lancaitcr Colliery, Kttrthumbeiland Co. Pa. where we have extensive improvements, and are prepared to offer lo the public a very supe rior article, particularly suited to the manufac ture of Iron and making Steam. Our sues of Coal are LI MP for fmelting purposes, STEA.VIIOAT J-for do. and Steamboats. BROKEN ) y.tm for Family Use and Steam. STOVE ) PEA '"r Limeburnsrs and Steam. Our Point of Shipping i Sl'N HI RV, where arransements are made to load B"ats without any delay. COCHRAN. PEAI.E A CO. J.J Cnensas, Lanra.-ter I llasj. Klish.mp. Lanraeter. C. W. fr.JiLB. shamnkm. II. BimuAausia do VOnl'-rs addressed toShamokinor unbury will receive prompt attention ly-Wi LewlMhurs: Savings) Inotilulion, IS now open and ready to do business. The regular Discount days are Wednesdays. The following named persons are the Director Mr. Joassov Walls. Mr. Bvkrs AwaloSS. Mr. Jawss M'CrkIwHT. Mr. Tsusii H.vas. Mr. W ILLla Fmh k. sVr MirtiiL. Orrtnas WILLIAM PRICK, President. DAVID RE11ER. Trea.urer. Four percent, per annum will be allowed on all deposits over six months ; and three per cent, less than six and uverthree months. DAVID REBER, Treasurer. Lewisburg. Sept. 19, 1853 Winflcld Woolen Factory, Wear llartleton, I'nion Couuf jr. fjnillS establishment is now in the best order- J. The machinery being nearly all new, u... .u. . ... ..... i . . and none but the best of workmen employed, the subscriber feels safe in saying that his work shall not be surpasse.1 by any establish ment in this or the adjoining counties. His wapgons will be around as usual, and those wishing to patronize his establishment. will please avail themselves of that opportu nity. VJT I have also on hand, and intend keep. ing a choice assortment of Goods), such as loths, Anftnettt, l asltmeres, itrirtln. filunkets. lurnr, ye., wmrn i win sen low tor casn, or exchange for Wool and Country Pn.ilure gen erally. MARK HALFPENNY. Harileton, April 21, I8A3 if Lithographic Printing, Sc. T7AKL V0LKMAR is now located on North Fourth street, near 1). Phillips" Blacksmith Shop, where LITHOGRAPHIC Views. Maps Acare made lo order. PICTURES for Framing, and for Drawing Teachers. The German and French Langnajes. Draw ing, Painting and Draughtiiel, tauchi by Mr Volkmar. Lewisburg, April, 1855 Improvement in Dagnerreotyping! CPYKER & imVX annoiirfip tn Hip O public that they have newlv fined ud and greatly improved their R. oms and Apparatus, and are prepared to lake I.ikr U)s-H sup- enor to any in this place heretofore. P.ctnre, copied, or taken ftom life, and inserted in Me- TJallions, Breastpins, Fingernngs. Waicheals, Ac, and warranted true. We annex a list of our superior Cases: Papier Mache, Souvenir. Jenny Ltnd, Jewel, Lnion, Sontag,Oval, Velvet and Shell. Pictures taken al $1 and upwards. Rooms at the old stand over Dr. Thornton A Co.'s Drug store.opposite the Telegraph office. Lewisburg, Feb. 22, 1S.'5 FOR SALE A first-rale Outfit, ail complete and ready for use, which we will sell to any person, with full instructions in the business for less than first cost. ' Take Notice. TYR. KFT.T 1R nf ItrPi-hnniVchnrn- I a " - - , " ."vmuunju.ij,, -L Pa., announces to all arllicted wnh Tu mors, Wens, Cancer, Cancer Warts, Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, Scrofula or King's Evil, White Swelling, Fever Sores, Sore Legs, and all diseases thai have been usually treated with Caustic or Knife, that he can remove them by an entirely new method, without cut ling, burning or pain. It is no matter in what pan of the body, he can remove ihem with perfect safety and in a remarkably short time, if curable. No Mineral or Vegetable Poison is applied, and no money required, except for medicine.ontil a cure is perlectrd. Chronic and all other diseases not mentioned shore, especially Venereal afflictions treated wuh po sitive success, if curable. Full paiticulars can be obtained by addressing C. L KKLLINU, M D., Mechanicsbtirg. Cumberland Co., Pa. At the request of persons afflicted, residing at a distance, he has for years been in the habit of prescribing by letter, and wilh BKr.Bal SaTISraCTinK. He wnnld say however to those desiring advice in this way, that lo secure attention they should enclose, with ihe general symptoms of their cases, a fee of One Dollar, to warrant him in spending his time for their benefit. The Doctor may be consulted at his Office at all limes when not professionally absent. Cacvioa. Strangers coming to Mechanics burg to see the Dr. are cautioned to beware of unprincipled persons, as some have been de ceived. Dr. K. is the only one in this Stale who can perform cores by the new method. His office is directly opposite the Union Church. Mechanicshurg is 8 miles from Harrisbnrg, on the Cumberland V. R. R.. and accessible from all parts of the Union. The Dr. will visit cases within a reasonable distance when de aired. July S7 563yl JEWELRY of the latest pattern of allqual jties for sale at the lovest City prices by Voder. THE subscriber con- m nurs to carry on ine .ew Llvrrj Baalne- I he Old Bland on ioitnawawj Third street, pear Market, and retpectlnlij solicits Ihe patronage of Ins fnends and lu. public generally. CHARLES F. Hr.SS. V Lewisbnrg, May M, l&0 LEWISBURG FOUNDRY. The subscribers, tbankful for past patronage, would inform the public thai theyeontinne la manufacture all kinds of MILL l.bAKI.Mi'snd other Castings. Thra.'bmt; Machines and other Machinery repaired ia ibt best manner. Castings warranted lo be of good material, and at prices that ran not fj to please. GEDDES, MARSH A CO. Lewisburg, Feb. IHM COOKING Stoves, of various atierns and ize, for Coal or Woo , for silt at the LewiabuiJ Foundry by Grddes. Marsh It Co. STOVES Parlor, Wood, and Coal Stoves, various patterns, for .ale at tj,, Lewisburg Foundry. Gcddea, M.iah A Co, "IXTIAKD'S Pnlent Canjt Plow. supe- V rior article, for sale at the Lewishurs Foundry by Crude, Marsh A Co. GRAIN or Seed Drills Roas Pslent decidedly the belt and most durable (jraio Drill nowia use for sale at tha Lewi.bn.rs Foundry by (ieddee, Marab A Co. Hussey's Grain Reaper, for cutting both Gram and Grass AN t FACTI RED and for sale at tht Lewisbnrg Foundry by UEDDEf. MARSH A CI Lightning Rods. AFTER many yrara' close inveatigttism 4 numerous experiments, tha Patrutee takes r-kaaure in infoiming tha public Ibat be hat arnard al the true principle ol poieenng laaiilirs, dtatllii.ga and pmieny liom ibe tle.tr uctiar in tin er.ee ut LIGHTNING. Tha talaatiurt Ihst every City, Town, lllixe snd Country (all, victim to annually, thro the gross net ligeure of ita irihal'itsiits, ia beyond ralculaiioo, especially when the remedy ia so easy to obtain tbia is found in ABMITAGZ't Patent magnetic lightning Coos, nd in this alone. This Rod has beu examiDtd by the moat scientific genilemen in tba world Protestor. M'Murtrie, Juhnron,Vs allur and man olhera lhal have examined them.recomniend and speak ot them in Ihe higbeal term of approbation, and bae pronounced tbem the only safe loastc use in ihieor any other country for the protect! ot Liesand Property. Onr advantage into dmda and throw back a part of the clecrie fluid harmless o llie clouds ; in lime ol s stroke Ihia enableatba rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belong lo tbe earth without tbc slightest danger of lea ving ihe ronducior. 'J hi rod has many other adar.t. gea ovei ibe old one. The only place l manu'acturtng is in evc wm. 3 Jwn oiore 12M, Philadelphia, here all peraona are reapectlally inrilnl to ttl and examine for themselvrs. Foi sale Wboleeaht or Retail by THO'8 ARM1TAGE. Ordeis promptly attended lo. Tera.a caab. These rods have been purchased and ancccM fully uatd by the lol lowing indmdoals, eouipaniea d corporations whose name are cheerfully ununited : ' In una- near a..;. a. Fnberta, 8, ntii.Srr. Judiie B,.u,K-r, Ju.le, Conrad. J. Mulford. J.-tiu linn,., . '-Clau.eT. J. Ilrenuer, li. 11.1k, . tura4 I i.prreoi. ihe Blitkle, ain.ahou.-.. Aod-rar.. a Broker., I," . '""' Ju''" Ib.Ni. Ureter. Sale "o.na, a K. Uiukrra, U eimnnnaa. Tuoa. Malt taw air I '" 1. II K , J i,reer. J U K.,. f n w "'"''i ' . J Njm.n, n Earien. i ie.en.kire. u r-a fev. "r barujraa. Jlr. Jlarnu s la el.:., j n.i Mr. ilariasn. 1T. fanl.S. II. (., (.. j. ny,.... li. tliller. ISe K.at Hank Ui.tel, ibe L.K. intaal. tba s-rins liardrn lonirat.Hne.-a Hall. M rail. Jude, D.ju.n. Jukn .Setnun, Or. u. M Vuiua. Benj.KokerM, Mr. J k,.a1BI. ' t. i;yjo. lor.xrr. m i . 7 M" llnitpenn. Wn, ttw-r. Join Raws, ""narl l-eiera. Jan.), Mnill.. baaid Silaian, Bauawii .Men. h. Oeorira Klerk aer. Aur rJrrtia loort Bowa. and I. irin,i i , er- , MB,.. tin,j., rn-J.knK.ber (men T, Dr. Charier Wrlain. J. Jobs Kunri i.Mmeu hu .. rn.-laaa, Caldto.. Wk. liter Tji. Alichaal UuUaiaa. ECO MM .XPJ T70.T Fa-run., aag.lS.lt4T. -Te.",,"l.Ui."l!,.l. "nl,are,,,,erprinl. plea lti w.thnrneli flea.urr that 1 ren anKad kia e,.ndurb.rtolbrnitealioD.f o.uer.nt nwildmrr- - ,. H. MrNl'KTKII. 1 am well aatlalled that Ihe V.e,i. i.w..; u- . . T.t'." '? r Th- Jrn.nae...f rb,la.l,lph.a i,Ir. ..k""' """.le. 1 kaaeapen. ee.aral Jrara In the arm r l II.- I... A. . . . . ifm.and hare i,., h.-aiuti..n in ...in. ,K., ih "vnrninr when preteerrd l-r en l!.ee ro.la I hare hern aninambd with Mr. Arsrt.ra tor aereral year., ard he.re haeoBmeneed Ibe nanufaa- ' ilu"il'.I"Vr.f:'i",,'""J "' lh"' -'-r'-v ! 'in..nd r..r the. r.-t.ud et.n.1.V..i,T,n'I7t.'ri! oMh"",""rJ,.''P'nn,en.iaii. n er ih,i, ntiiityan 'Ti."m. rww c... If?. AM' " CT B.C. WILT and HAMI EL HOOVER. Hartleton. l uivn Co. Pa. a f't Vnion "Bd ,j'"ing Connties, and will fumieh the Rod on ibe .am terms tm4 Fn the same manner as ibe Proprietor. Oppotition is the Life oButineu! JV- NEW LIVERY afi EXCHANGE STABLE. 1 hrsuliaciiber would reapeclfully inform lb cilixrnaof Lewiabnrg and ihetrareling commas ity generally, that he has opened anew Liver and Exchange Mablr on FOI KTH alirel half a aquare Souib of Market, and has provided a good lot of Horaea. with entirely new good and fash ionablcl arriaiee, BBSies,Sleigha. Ac. where all wiahing anything in bin hoe may be accommod ated on tbe shorirsi notice and most reasonable term. He will pay every attention tn the wants of bin customers, and hopes by so doing lo merit and receive a liberal share nf public patronage. WILLIAM MOOhE. I.ewi-borg Dee 36, I8A1 OTH'E. Having been appointrd tbe 1' SEXTON to the Lewisburg Cemetery, the subscriber would state that be ia prepared to perform all duties connected with the banal of the dead. on short nonce. Also that he wull attend loihe re-inierment of deceased persons, ander the direction of their surviving friends. Residence in Ihe Lodge st the Gate of tha Cemetery. GEORGE DONACHT. Lewisburg, May 30, 1854 GEORGE T. COLE, DEALER in Pianos, Melodfons, and all kinds of Mimical Merrlia- Hs". Keeps constantly on hand. Hal let A Davis. Boston ; Lighie, Newton A Bradbnrys; and Bennett A Co, N. Y., PIANOS. Also. Princes A Co.'s celebratrd MELODEOKS, prices from f -15 00 to $150 00. Orders from a distance will meet with prompt attention. Second hand Pianos taken in ex chance for new. Room directly opposite Ihe Conrt Honse, Milliamsport. Pa. A pril 4, '66 573n BOUNTY LAND WARRANT blanks lor all engaged in the service of ihe 17. S in the War of 1812 and for Iheir Widows, at the Office of the Lewisbnrg Chioniele. COOK and ether STOVES jnst received UT BHAYER A KKEMER I el,,, K,j. .jlh ,,, ,Bd (B r lkni Aril.,, o. Bail,,.. House. Ulr.eeV. ..a l.,e no bet,. j ,.,,. it j, ,, . ee.e e.er -een. Ul II, , , K. .