Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 13, 1856, Image 4

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    The ..fO Fellow Proverbs lave
been called ''(be current coin of wicdoin
among mankind ;" and one of tlu'e asy
inge, which Laa been coined ia the mint
of modem everyday socio! v, nine as fol
lows : "A good fellow, mean, god f r
nothing." Wbo ia the good fellow J By
..l.e-rvinrr . nnrr.Wof tl.e in nl who
. , ,. , , , . , . ....
have rec.ivei ibii label 10 their daily 10 -
tcrconrM, we have concluded that he may
le characterized as follows: He nevor
refuser lo make an acquaintance, however
uuworthy the proposed acquaintance may
I ii l i it i i
be. lie ir band aud glove juke and
laugh with loafer and knve,cqiially with
those person, of position who will coi.de
r-ccud to accept bim :a rt'te of his afsoci -
Btions. Hi will fpend his last Cent with
, ,
.ot cornpoioas of the meanest etanip,wL..e
liis family may lack some ordinary com-
forts at home. The idea of allowing a
... . r
proup of Lis associates to watt f .ir auy -
thing while be can command a sixpence,
would be nrennstcroua ut tn denv bio
0e rr,,Poslerou?- ut t0 "3
children soma little trifle for their amuse-
ui;n is giit: !y a matter if economy. He
cau't sif'iai it. He would la a mean fel
1" to have bis associates befors two and
three o'clock in the morning a straight
aud sober tided home tick iiil-jv. Hut to
keep a wife waiting up till thoe bours-
tO rob her of ller natural re,t ia an (Tuir
u j .Ke over when tbe next bottle ia un-
Curaed. J o squander hundreds in distp-
. , . ,
atun amon the low and vilc,!a liberal an'T
gcocrous. To cheat tbe naker, the tailor,
und the f-hoeruaker,out of their hard earn
ings, is eimply tuiart a standing joke
with the good fellow. In short, the cood
i ,i i e " T 1 . . i
with the Mod Iciiow. In short, the cood
fellow is rendered a nuinco to society Ly
beiuj; always generous before be is just
always ltbvial iu dissipation and miserly
where money is really wanted always at
tentive tj ;"".t companions to the neglect
of Lis family, an'!, liually, because hia ca
reer generally ends by his g ;ing to the
almshouse to Le supported at the public
expense. Juniata fy ntintL
Tnis Indian in favor of the Free
Si ileus. At tho Anniversary of ihe
American Congregational Tnion, thellov.
Nr. Knight of Kausaa, s.id that the Mis
Bourians,univcrsaiiy cheated the Shawnecs
in trade, had inspired those Indians with
di.aat fr (be Chri.s'.iaa Edition. Uut
since New Enylauders aad opponents of
i?iaeiy uaa beitieu in tiuasas, ooouaence i
ia tl farmers aud juslic of white men
. , in., , j
had returned. Ihe buawnees Will gO iif-
teen mile la buy of a Free Soil merchant, I
k'ad of traJiug with tie Southerner, in '
, ;
their own settlements. For the first time '
. . . .
they find one price put on eooda for red I
i , -. ma- V 1
men and white men. The 1). Iawtr? also
ware so impressed by Ihi kiud and just
treatment of the Free State people, that
they offered last winter to send in their
wanicis to Lawrcoc3j and make war on
the Kuflinns. Whit a testimony is this
in behalf of Freedom and against Slavery !
t'lT-Senator Sumner ia described as per
sonally one of tbe most mild, amiable and
j.'ent'.eujiitily men, win it is preaumed Lad
never liKed his hmd in att'-r against a
fellow ; who had devoted his who!? life to
philanthropic, literary and scientific pur
cuits, uatil elected to the U.S. Senate by a
Democratic Free-Soil Legislature ; whoso
Fp.ech was called out by the manner and
and u.c matter of the many speech'. that
been made agaia.-t himself, his priuei
I Us, and his State; and during the deliv
ery of which he was not called to order by
the presiding officer or by any of the Sen
t'oir liu. the fell Fpirit of Oppression
could nut endure the cutting severity of
bis urghty arguments aud overwhelming
faeU. Let Lis Speech be read !
"KrFPiTBEror.ErHE FEOi Lt" From
the Census of 1830, it ap pears that the
number of Natives aud Foreigners convic
ted of crime, was :
Native, 13,000
Foreigner", 14,000
total rorvLATios.
Natives, 2!,0C1,5C9
Foreigners, 2,240,535
so that of Natives, only 1 in every 1019
ef Foreigners, 1 in every 154
are convicted.
Americans! do you want more such
emigrants ?
An Enterprising Couple. Our re
porter saw, cti iharsday last, a venerable
couple, some aixty yer.M of ag, who had
walked forty milts to attend the Circus.
Thoy are "on the town" where they came
from, but tbe husband had picked up a few !
1 n- i,..iii;. . i t j , - ,
t-hillmcs by coi hlia, and he determined '
b J
that he would treat himself and his old '
woman to a sight of the "show," as neith
er bad ever seen one, and they didn't want
to die in eueU ignorance. They saw tbe
elephant, and et out for home perfectly
satisfied. ifuntrote Hpiillicait.
" Weeding out." The meanest dongh-
t - : r 4 v f i j 1
face in Congress from New Kngland, is ;
I-aaa Toucey, who ha3 misrepresented ;
Counec'-icut in Senate some years, but is i
, tit t r . . I
now supp.r..,ed by Jav.es Dixon, a noble j
j.p'-cimon of an Atneriean R'publiaan.
Mayor Vux has decided that all appli-
, ii-
cants fjr office under him must be able to !
read and write. This causes vast indiena-
ti in, as it ruts off a thousand natural K.
N s. il a blow !
Tncta. Whilst most Frrcigncrs vole
the sham. Democratic ticket, the Dutch
begin to find out that they put in the most
v .tea whiis the Irish
t ivearly all the )
The "IPlrr Lau" of Senator Sewwd
t o. tn Cougre' is rotereeded br the,
'ye- arp" ,,f Iiuly Crgotj (jQ Arj(j
irl ;,.(, la .1 i .. i ' i
witu is the better law ?
ju i-aeuange uas a receipt Tor cooking
bhaJ. ATee;rloyl!jc,aatlre:iwnb
.i k j.ia, .,v,14 u.,.:u-
Great Improvements !
Hussey's American Reaper & Slower
?0R 1S5G..-This Machine was put
' 1- in succesful operation iu 18.13, and con.
tiuue I lo i e ine oniv iteaper ami .iion mg ma
j chine , World of any pratical value up
' to ix5 twelve years alter us introduction,
'! KeaPer are n- offend with glowing
Advertisements and Certificates of Gold and
Silver Medals. Hut tlie Farmer, in search ot
i ,,ie "rst K".iper, not posted in the maiter,
had better see a little further. One of the
mner R..alt.rs i,,ik ihegreat medal in England,
j at tho pieiiiature trial in 1851; before the close
j "f he " of he sa'n.'. 1 h""v" '
was totally beaien by a HlSstY REAPER,
j which received the unanimous award of an
i-npsr: ) Jorvof twelve English farmers. The
' fact is that H'issev's machine is achieving a
I ..,,, ,- lrlunipus ,,, Eugland.and rapidly ob-
taming that pre-eminent position there, which
!" has already secured ill the landof its origin.
If there isanv value in 23 years experience
1 in building Reapers, and uing them in the
' harvest field, OBE1) HL'SSEY, the Father of
1 ""aPPrs- n rla,m "- A no are "ausnea
i Wlln ,,. mT RE PER AND MOW Elt.ean
i,c suplicd by sending their orders early in the
i sM,n, as the crops indicate a large demand,
and we tin not have over 200 Keapers ready
for the vast harvest of I8:ib'
We would refer to the following gentlemen.
who have used Htissev's machines for several
years, and will testily to their stipeuority:
TMe Fre. B"-nj ttnin Lohr. John M.wh, Pim.l
I'anlint. J hn Z.lera. J".h llilW-h.Jae.it) Hub!. J.U.
1 Itmwn. Al.r .m Aurand. Tllomaa t'liniran. Oertr- kl.-rk'
nr. Oavid Kl. rknr. U ni Ktrkn-r.Ororie St. ar. Juhn
I Ai.rm w ir. w. n,mid. ci
' ban. J"hii ir.'. Ahrajn Farl
iv Mini. ru iin.wu. o
I liui.lV' Sauiunl J-llrra. JN--'ti Sluaer. William nil
I liarlf l.uhl.ite,irira Kri
i rawr. r.Tinmi.-l rnntiu. ll,-n-
i. O. Vovr-Juhn hamberlin.
Wilson Linn. J,hn Van UuaVlrk. Flarel l liuKan.
Stn.i-l M'Mahin, John M Miliin. William Pelphln.
I Ja'h H"(Tfii'ti li."ir..,. KtDrii'k. Utrir- Brnciup, flw,rtf
I Haul, J- uuB llrller. William .Sinn k, W illiam Ilo., l,
' te-inre rrwlrt'll. Tho r-frwlmilv, elmn Walt.-ra.
: jm s,.ii. j.-i,h M..i.it. a k k.i.i.. j ii. i'rit
; "aZ.
ly. llioma ji iiuptn. .ioiiu a n ui. niiar,nih'r( . urrT,
akttnf.. J. N A 11. llur-h,
anii-h. 11. .laenh Keil. M.-ltr A Hbnliian. AntboilT A
Vui. ndvr, John r,mM.r. Ji.h v.. Ili.rtun.tieo. Conrad.
.Tarab Phntta. VnyWrrv Gtarliart. Oivid Clark. Jacob
Wbl-r. Jr. Wilf'n r..renmn.lvirWriirbt,Saai. Vorka.
Wiitiam Menrh. R'ibtrt5 A ItichH, Jaroh ny Itr. A V.
tuawI.S F t'ae..laL'ibljeebler, fir. Wm.Yorka, F.fjeim
bach, Wm. Fur.araan.
Mr Vittrr, John Ilill.Wm. Hrr.u-n. D. A Bowman.
IK A. ttowmar.. J. Wi-lv bowtnati. iitll-rt V al-r,M-pbi-li
lhima. H.-nry Doak. Jnhn Rolarienn, Dniel Sei
hart. Meyari.ter Cryline. Aiidr-w t'rvrtine. Mitnre Tree
lin, Ji.hu Mtr:x. Ja.-oV. Hill, Tl.i.maa Conner. J"hn IVwi
nr. Pr-r Atplrmari. F.lii D. orn-k, Jame Lcmmon.
Jw h If HL-kk. Mill.-r A Ilirna. litrir lleidter, .leph
ISfh. lamuel K.-k. Wm. Hoffman, Andrrw Fhf. W m.
Pri-a-Ow II. Frie, WVulev Fri-". Satn'l Frien. Franklin
Fnnf. John Ki -tiii'harlea atd iicar Low, John ,.jr
bart, Joba Wolf.
fiwee Crit. Ttnm T. (Ircy, llenjamin Bir. Peter
Tt.'itmuti. Frtdri.-k App. faimi-! lunlrum. Henry
hhai.kr, tvtt-r It.-ntz. Thrmn raT;a. rlia' Tnllman,
ll,.,l. 1 Rear. J -hn II Tool, (.'barb LI .vd, U. W. Forea
man, Kobert Gib-on.
Wm Tiimn. Jimea W.-lah, R.irxrt SITormick, Jamef
i;arKaaaueu. j-
ckntkk coi:nty.
wm. 'rrrta,i. tin. w w. a. j..hnton, Joaerb
Piluer. W IHrrt.I'avi.l R.a.Jo.Tb Slvera, Jacob Har-
t-r. J..l.n ll y.Jr Wm Foi'.er, Adam bVar.
The cuhscrihers have the exclusive richtin
r f"ll1,-i7 counties: I-im-n. Snyder. Nor-
thiimberland, Montour. Columbia. Luzerne,
Perrv. Miftlm, Ontre, Clinton, and Lycoming.
AU orders thankfullv reeived and promptly
Lewisburg, I'nion Co. Pa., April 2t, 1856.
Atkins' Automaton, or
SELF-flakln!r, Eeaper and Mower!
1ft f htfi Citmttintil V'irfiine in uitt.
SPECIAL NOTICE. First premium awar
ded to the Atkins' Self-Riking Reaper and
Mower" at the Stale Fair of I'enn'a, in 1859;
also fust premium at the Jforihinnh'd County
Fair. Farmers wishin? Atkins Self Raking
lien per and Mower can get it delivered.free of
freigh!,to Harri-t:urg, by giving Agents orders
before the first of March, 1HSB. Alter that time
freight will be chir;ed, making about twenty
dollars difference in price. Persons can get
Castings at any time, at the Manufactory in
Harrisburg, for Machines.
Appivto EDWARD D. SXYDER, Milton ;
HlSSSL WRIGHT, Willian-spnrt ; or to
61tf General Agent, at Harnsburj.
Wakefiftld'i Hand Corn Planter,
Which after two sea
sons' trial has been
found much superior
to any other implem
ent now in use for
JU&fJL rianting corn, Broom
c'orn' u,an'i' &c- s
lveT,VS now ofTeretl to ihe
ftf'S Farming commnnity
p by A?ems authorized
l J to sell tlw same. This
FI tV implement is plain
tructicn, not liable to
get out of repair, can
lbe easily adjusted to
plant at any desired
depth. drop any nuiu er ofseeils in a hill, and
co.-ts hnt Five Dollar. An 'examinatien of it,
with the abundant Testimonials which can be
shown from those who have use ! then, can
nt fail to convince every one that it is just
thc ,1,m" n"dfd b-T Farmer.
GEDDES, MARSH & CO., lstmstntre,
. ,. r . n a .a, j 7
Aleuts for Union and ihe adjoining Counties.
- -r. ?
James F. Linn. J. Elerrill Linn.
T F. & J. M. LINN,
J Attorneys at Law,
574 I'nion dunty, Penn'a.
Executors' Notice.
"Vroric;E ls h"ehv given, that LettersTes-
j ,,, 0 the last will and testament
of STEPHEN F. LY I) ALL. late of the
u"roulh of I-ewi-barg, deceased, have been
cranted to the undersigned, by the Register of
r,cl, county, in due lrm of law ; therefore
all persons knowing themselves indebted to
siid e5U,e VfKr'"1"r"".'1 n,ae. im,nediate
pavment,and those having just claims apaiost
the same are also requested to present them
PrT"'v authenticated for settlement.
V.t. CAMrrtON',
Lewisburg. May 19, lt-56. Eiecators
Ezecnton' Notice.
"AOTICE is hereby given, that Letters TeS
i 1 tamentarv on Ihe last arill and teaument
of JONATHAN RANCK, late of White Deer
township, deceased, have been granted to tha
' nnaersigneu, Dy the liegieterot Lnmn county,
i in A t . , r , . .f I ... . . I f . .1,
knowing themselves indebted to said estate.
are requested to make immediaie payment,
and those having juMcla.ma against Ihe same
are also requested to present them properly
aumenticaiea tor settlement.
I w hite De er. Ma 10, xj Ki-cutor.
Lewisburg Chronicle
The Summer Session, of 14 Weeks,
OF the University in this place, will
open on Thursday, the 24th inst. It is
important Undents should be present pnnr.to
ally, as recitations will commence on Fridav.
A library of three thousand volumes, a cab
inet of natural history, embracing thousands
of specimens in zoology, botany, entomology,
mineral"?, nottigv, eoneholoiry, Ac, an extenaive end
eustly ebemiral apparalu.,aoonipieterhrniieal laborato
ry, bzether with iuN, charle, dlagrame, m.alele. eaeie
bin, manakin, Ae. furniah a. rare amount of facility in
Uli various deparluienle of erjenee.
Sttldenta not prepared College. And in the ACADE
MY, whhh opens at Uie Kmc timv, every advantajre.
Tuitioa m Cleep. for the aeeaioa $10
" Arademy, I'lasairal 7
" Seicnlitto
Tlir. FEMALE IXSTITTTE t- at tha time,
with th fcrros.r Tarhera. The building U) eoonnudioas
aud eaa arcinirrrdat tlitrty buarler.
TultHin in the Ut(lier Kugliah braucuea forthe Maltun f 10
" Luwer do t
Board, It.ht, Ac-, J,24 per week.
Lrwisburr;. April 2, 1&6
'THE Spring Term of this Institution
A. commenced on Monday, March 31, wuh
72 Students, and fair prospects for the futuie.
The advantages it offers, are many among
which are : beamy and healthfulness of loca
tion ; the enterprise, hospitality and morality
of ihe surrounding community ; the division
of the school into Primary and Academic De
partments ; the thorough and practical methods
of instruction pursued ; ihe very moderate
terms for Board (only $1.50 to $1.75 per week)
Tuition, Slc. Ho industrious Student giving
this Institution a trial, can fail to impniee or
feel at fame at FnKKnvan Aranr.MY. Accom
modations are provided for lj0 Students.
Circulars, Terms &c cheerfully furnished
on application to
GEO. F. MTARLAND, Principal.
Freeburg, Snyder Co. April 8. 1856
Tlic Scmmer Session of the
Will commence on Moibav. April 21.1856, to
continue 13 weeks. 1 he design of the I'rinci
pal in shortening tbe coming session, is to
avoid the warm and sickly season ; and the
time thus curtailed will be made up in the
Fall and Winter sessions.
The course of Instruction is calculated to
fit youths for College or for general business.
Campasitiim and Declamation receive careful
attention ; and proficiency in K'cilawm nl stu
dies is rewarded bv tbe bestowment of Com
plimentary Cards.
A class of Yor Limn is secured.
The Bible is a text-book in the school.
Parents and Guardians are always cordially
welcomed to the school ; and short, friendly
visits of encouragement from ihem hare a
most happy effect upon the deportment and
progress of pnpits. With the present session
ihe Principal enters upon ihe 10th year of
his connection wuh this Institution, and takes
this opportunity to return his thanks to ihe
citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity for the con
stantly increasing support ha haa raaaiad.
TVITIOS (per Saturn of 13 weekt.)
PRIMARY Kradinjr. Writmr. IVUnw. Arithmetic,
OwarapbT. Ilrannnar. and U.l1. llii-torrj - - $4 Ml
AIIV A NTF.I) ENOI.IMI all Dot iucludrd abore ft llO
CofrmiETT Feraae, SO eta per Seaaion.
No deduction except for protracted sickness.
April 4, 1856 Principal
The Summer Session
F Mrs.Thompson's School for Young
Ladies, will commence on w ednesday,
April 9ih,and continue 14 weeks. Instruction
will be given in such branches as are usually
taught in Academies and Seminaries of learn
ing. A thorough system of instruction will be
pursued, nd prompt and persevering effort
will be expected on the part of the pupils.
Parents audUuardians are requested to secure
ihe punctual attendance of those they may
place in Ihe Institution, as it is only by cmtw
eulire study and application, that muck cau be
A pleasant and commodious Room has been
obtained for the School, in the German Refor
med Church, which it is believed offers some
advantages superior to that formerly occupied.
Extra charges will bemadrforFrench,Latin,
Music, Needle-work, Drawing and Painting
English Branches, per year, from $12 to $20
Contingent expenses, per vear,$l
Lewisburg. March 11,1856
William VanGezer,
il lrM iHlrurer, I'nion Co., Pa.
I9()ihce on South Second St., recently by
H C Hickok, Esq. 574
AdmlnlNtrator' Notice.
""OTICE is hereby given, that Letters of
Administration on the Estate of JOHN
KIMPLE, late of West BufTaloe township, Un
ion county. deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned in due form of law : Therefore
all persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate, are hereby requested to make
immediate payment; and those having just
claims against ihe same are also requested to
present them properly authenticated for settle
ment We will be at the late residence of
said deceased on Thursday and Friday, 17th
and 18th of April next, to make final settle
ment withal! interested.
JOHN KIMPLE, White Deer.
PETER KIMPLE, West Buffaloe
March 17, 1856 pd Administrators
New Finn and New Goods!
T tbe Mammoth Drug & Chemical
Emporium of
The undersigned having purchased the entire
Mammoth Drug Store formerly kept by Dr
Thornton d Co., are now ready to fill Orders
and Prescriptions at a moment's notice. We
have a large and well selected stock of fresh
and pure URVGS, MEUIC1SES, Chemicals
Dycsliitls, Oils, Paints, Glass, Puttv and
All kinds of 1'atrnt Medicine.
Fruit and Confectionery,
Tobacco,Snnf,and Imported Cigars of tbe
choicest brands.
Fancy Rot ion and Toilet Article,
Fine Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of all kinds,
lliuiats Aa Combs or itiii TtiiRt.
Books and Stat loner v.
a general variety ul Literary and School Books
Pine Oil, Lard and Fluid Lamps of every
description ; fresh Pine Oil and Patent Burn
ing Flnid alwavs on hand.
ri RE WINES and LIQUORS of all kinds
for Medicinal uses.
Fire l'ronf and Zinc Paintt.
Preserving and Pickling Jars, Ac'
nrCustomers will find oursiock complete,
comprising many articles it is impossible here
to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices
Call and see us, one and all, and see our
stock ; and if we can't sell you cheap goods,
we will not ask yon to boy.
We are always oo hand to wait on customers.
Remember lixm Mammoth Drog Store!
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 8
THE subscriber offers his services
in earing Horses of Poll Evil or Fistula.
He will care Horses of either of these afflic
tions for $5, or make no charge if sot suc
cessful. Here is an oppnrtanity for every one
whose horses are afflicted, to lestere them to
health aad working order. Residence oa my
Farra in Kelly Tp., sear Lewisborg.
Aug. 10. 18S5. GEORGE MEIXELI.. '
& West Brancli Farmer June 13, 1856.
The salamand
er Safe, f Phila
delphia, against Ihe
World !
Evans & WATsoN,o.26,.S.Fonrtli St.,
Pliilad-have had the surest demonstration in
ihe following Cenilieates, that their manufae.
lure of Salamander Sales has at length fully
warranted ihe representations whieh have been
made; of them, as rendering an undoubted
security against the terrific element :
Pnil.AliEl.Fai A, April 1; W9.
Mix-is Etk h Wt. : Oauta: It aftorJa u tha
hixhaal aatlftartion to at to you. Ilia owinx to tbo
yrj BrnuN-ti'i. qualiti ot twn of tha llalajnamlar Sat. a
wbk-h ir purrhaard of joa enm b" laontba anwa, wa
aar-l alarire portion of our Jewelry. Rniaa, Fapara. Ae,
axi OM lo tin- ealamitoua fire in Kanatead Flaer, on tna
morning or tha lllh inat.
U ben wa r.-!i.-et tbat thfne Safee arero loeatrd In tha
foiirib alory of tbe tmll liug w.oecupuvd. and lhat tney
frll aul a"quent)y into a heap of buminx rina,aihrra Iba
aaat eentntratitin of bat canard Ina braaa plalra to
mrll. we cannot bnl n-irard tbe preneraatino of tna aalo
abla entrnta w nHt convincing pruof of the great aecn
nlr affordwl br your Snf.
W .hall talomiKh plraanra In recoinmandlng tnem
to men of buaincaa aa a aura r.lianee aftaint Sra.
Philaiiklphia, April 12, IPSA.
Mwsaa. Ktawi A WTo 1 bare to effrr you my ua
limony in faror of tbe great eerurity alf.iril-d to my en
nlre la?lt ol jewelry. iKKika. paper.. An., during the re
cent diaaatroua cuuRafrratiou in Kauab-a-l plaee, from
tbe laet that Uie aanie were con Ui lied in two of the Sala
mander saft-e manutarturvd by you.
llarim fallen from the fiflli alory of the Artiaan llnlld
lus. where tbey were previ'iualy placed aob eaawed to a
aaat heat for a loot time, the pre-eraation of llie aalua
ble depaila aeemeil to ewery onewbowitneaaed thepen
Inc and interior examination, n matter of profound aft
tuni.bment. To all who may require a perfed protection flman the
raradea of fire. 1 ahall nut heaitate to recommend the
ue of your Salea, aa I cunaider tbey have now undergone
the muat trying lest. n. a,, aivrawja...
Fan.Arn.ritlA, April 14, IKSS.
Mmsiui Kia-is A Watsou Gentlemen No doubt you
will he deeply gratified tn learn tha (("" condition fn
whirh 1 di-icnrerrd my book, polky of ineurauee. eertlfi
ealea of Klerk, aud otliea valuable doeuaaenta, wbau on
Fnav taut I opeittl the aale made ny your urea.
Willi me knowledire of Ita BTeat rapuaure, both to the
(nten.iw nf ti,e heat froua an hot a fire aa that whirh de-
Ptroy.-! the Arliaan Building, aa also from the foree of
the I all Irom lla firmer eleaateo pnanHaa in w- .una
atory, I could enferlain but alender hope prior toita in-
terior in.MH-tion. tbat the eontenta wbieb I onee ao
highly prited would eaer be of any aerriee to me, hut aa
tlieae feara are now happily remored. 1 leel It only due
lo ear to TOU. that I can beneelbrth remmmend tha uae
of your Hafea lo all who may winh to feel a confidence in
tbe perfect aeruritv whirh aucb meana proridea against
ao Irubllul an element.
KOW ARD OASKILL, Bookbinder.
IT'Conslantly on hand. Patent Powder and
Thief Proof Locks.for Banks,Slores,ete. ly6S5
Engraving and Seal Cutting
OF all kinds, at 201, Chcsnut Street,
PHILAD. Visiting and other CARDS,
Corporation and other SEA LS.and everything
in our line of business, promptly attended to,
in good style, and on reasonable terms. Or
ders from Citv and Country solicited.
Ji)i besi Coll'dioi) of tJlc-g cb:t puMisij '0!
I A new and choice collection of Copy
rights never before harmonized, and many of
the Gems of Modern German and Italian cHm
paaea, rrnr:rn: in a familiar style. adapted to
the use of Glee Clubs, Singing Classes and
the Family Circle,
By C. Jartis and J. A. Getze.
This work contains a great number of new
and favorite Songs, harmonized in a style
adapted to general purposes. hile many of the
gems of Mendelssohn, A tit. Kuchen and other
celebrated composers, are presented in an
original form. The great variety of musical
compositions here introduced, eminently
adapts it to Ihe taste and capacity of the
Singing School, the Glee Club, and Ihe Family
Circle. UTPrice One Dollar.
Just puoliied by LEE V WALKER. 188
Chestnut St. and J.B LIPPINCOTT &. CO.20
Nonh 4ih St., Philip..
Sample copies will be sent by mail, free of
postage, on receipt of $1 4mCS3
THE purity, fraz-
I ranee, aud mild
emollient properties of'
this Soap, renders it es- :
pecially deserving
place on every toilet. ,
r or chapped hands,and -
various diseases of the skin, il is unequaled.
Each cake is stamred WM. CONWAY, 168
South Second Street, Philadelphia. No other
is Genuine.
Improved Chemical Olive Soap,
Warranted to Wath in Hard, Soft or Salt Water.
This Snap lias powerful cleansing proper
ties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt,
Ac, from every description of g(.ods without
injury to them, r or all domestic purposes it
is superior to any other Soap now in use, and
20 per cent, cheaper than ihe common Rosin
Soap. Each bar is stamped WILLIAM COS
WA Y, 168 South Second Street, Philadelphia,
manufacturer of FANCY AND STAPLE
SOAPS, Sperm, Stearine and Tallow Candles,
importer and dealer in Sal Soda, Soda Ash,
Rosin, etc.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
August 24, 1855 S9.'lm3
Fruits and Confectionery.
REMOVAL.--The subscriber has
removed to No. 26 Market street,
(three door above the Old Stand, PHIL AD.)
where he keeps constantly on hand a general
stock of all articles in his line consisting of
ORANGES, LEMONS, and all kinds of Fruit
in season ; Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts,
Ground Nuts plain and roasted; Pickles and
Preserves of all kinds to which he invites
the attention of Dealers and others visiting the
City. Goods packed al this establishment
warranted to carry safe.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
S. L. HERRING, No. 26 Market St.
3m622 above Front, south side, Pbilad
Wall and Window Papers.
TTAVIXG purchased the interest of
II Parruh d Hough in the Wall Paper
Business, we have now at our Store,
A'. E. Vomer Arch & Third St.,
a full and complete assortment nf WALL and
WINDOW Papers, Fire Board Prints.etc. etc.
Relying upon our ability lo supply all orders
at prices to compete with houses in this City
or New York, we confidently invite an exam
ination of our stock. We call attention espe
cially to our Window Papers, embracing
Fine French Green, Satin Green and
Blue, Satin, and nnrlazed Figured,
all 4-4 wide. PARRISH A BRADSHAW,
successors to Parrish fe Hough.
N.E. comer Arch and Third Sts. PHILAD'A.
N.B. On reasonable notice being given, Pa
per will be hung at City prices. 3m623
Book Agents Wanted.
A GENTS wanted in every Town and
XI. County in the United States, to canvass
for the most popular Historical and other val
uable and saleable Books published Works
particularly adapted to the waatsof the people,
being beautifully illustrated with ine Steel and
Wood Engravings, and bound in the utosl sub
stantial manner.
Agents now canvassing for ns, find it a plea
sant ana prontaote employment.
Our list also includes the best books of T A
ARTHUR. Over 100,000 volumes have been
sold the past year, and their sale is increasing
yet Wc have just added several jVcie Bok$ to
our list by this most popular writer, and shall
add others the ensuing fall and winter.
We think we have the best list for Agents in
the country. Send for it, and judge for your
selves. For Tnll particular- and list, address
J, W. BRADLEY, PubtMer,
48 North Fourth street,
lintm Pbilije-lphia, Pa.
at- j?-,V.aa'.
Jaakawalatasakav aAWMaSeeJ
STkaa.Bk1L S
Fishing Tackle,
AND GUNS.Tbe subscribers invite
attention to their stock of Fish Hooks
and Tackle of every description
Cano Reeds, Sea Grass, Trout Flies,
Lines, Ac.
Also, fine English and German Guns. Revolv
ing Pistols, Percussion Cups, and Soorting
Apparatus generally.
For sale al lowest Caih Price; Wholesale
and Retail.
624 No. 47 N. Second St.. Philadelphia
Free of Charge !
TWO Sjilendid Parlor EngravinRS.cn
ttlled -Bolton Abbey in the Olden Times."
a splendid steel engraving from Ihe celebrated
painting by Landseer, and the -Departure of
the Israelites from Egypt," a large and beau
tiful engraving from a painting by D.Roberts.
The retail price of tbe aboae engraeioga ia $J per copy,
but will be aenl rata or manna aa follow:
Tlte Bubarribera haaa eatablii-hed n Bool ACT in
Philadelphia, aud will luri.iah any br-Jl or publication at
tlie retail price of any of the SJ Mav-aainea, aucb aa Har
pera'.liuley'a. I'ulnam'a. Ora'iAin'e. Frank Leelir'a ale
lone, Ac will reeeiwe the magtiainea f..r one year and n
ropa of either ot tbe above b--auOtui euiiravll.aa, free o,
rhaxge. or if elih-eritiniK to a $ ami a 1. MaKauneJ
aurb aa Paterann'a. and I'hallen'a Ladie'e I'hrialian An
nual, they will reeeive both magazmea and n ropy of
cither of the ala.f a eneraeioira.
H.ery description of rnera.ing no wood executed with
neelnaaa and dipat-h. Wtewa of buitdiiiirp, Newapaper
Heading, VieWH of Machinery. Book lliutratinn. Lodge
Certinrate. Buaineae Carda, Ac. All nrdera arnt by mail
promptly attended) lo. Persona wi-hlng Tiewa of their
building ep era red can aend a Dagureotypa or aketch of
Ihe buildinna by mail or eapreaa.
Peraona at a di-tanee having aeaiaoie anieiep won,-,
find It lo their advantage to addreea tho eiiheeribera, ns
wc would act aa a-euUi for the aale of Ihe f,me.
SO. Soera Thud Stout. puiLaiBi.riiit. Pa.
j. a. iraaa. llji'l -
" The Good Time Coming."
BY T. S. Arthur...Thosc who wish to
hear something of lhat long-expected
day, should read this book.
it is having an immense sale; 5,000 copies
were ordered in advance of publication.
We send a copy by mail, post-paid, on the
receipt of the price. !! I .
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher,
48 North Fourth St. Philadelphia, Pa.
N.B. Agents wanted to sell this and other
popular books in all parts of Ihe United States.
Send for our List and Terms to Agents.
Cheap Frnit and Confectionery.
Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in
C'onrccllonrry of all kind,
113 North 3d St .lelow Race, PHILADEL'A.
The attention of dealers is requested to an
examination of their slock, which will be found
equal to any in this city. Foreign Pruits of
all kinds in season.
N.B. Orders by Mail or otherwise promptly
attended to 3mfil6
To Iron masters and Dealers.
PENN'A WireWorks-No.21 ArchSt.
of all meshes and widths,
with all kinds of Plain and Fancy Wire Work.
Paper Maker's Wire, all kinds. Cylinder
and Dandy Rolls, covered in the best manner
in or out of ihe City.
A very superior article of Heavy Founder's
Sieves all kinds of Iron Ore Wire, Wire and
Sieves for Seed, Grain, Starch, SnurT, Brick
dust, Ac.
Trusses Trasses Trusses !
S.W. Cor. of Twelfth and Race Sis.
Impurters of fine Fagwt-n TReaai:s,combining
extreme Ughtneu, ease, and durability, with
correct construction.
Hernial or Ruptured patients can be suited
by remittiug amount, aa below Sending number of
iurhea around the biie, and ataling aid.- affected.
o-t of Single Truae Si , 4, 5. lmnble s S, . S, 10.
InatrucUona aa to wear, and how to aSect a cure, when
noeeible, aenl with the Truaa.
Alio for sale, in great variety.
Dr. Banning' Improved Patent Body Brace,
for the core of Prolanene rteri ; atao Spinal Pmr.e and
Support; Patent Shoulder Braeea, The! Krpander and
Kreetor Braeea. adapted to all with Htoop sbuuldera and
Weak Lung: Kngli.b Klaatie Abdominal Bella, Su.pen
aoriee ; Stringra. male and female.
an.laviiea Kooma, with Lady attendants. (Ij590
ORNAMENTAL Iron Works, Ridge
Avenue, PuiLAniLPHiA. The a'lention
of the public is invited to the extensive Manu
factory and Wareroom of the subscriber, who
is prepared to furnish, at the shortest notice.
Iron Railing of every description for Cemeta
ries, Public and Private Buildings, also Ver
andahs, Balconies, Fountains, Seitees. Chairs.
Lions, Dogs, &c,and other ornamental Iron
Work of a decorative character, all of which
is executed wilh the express view of pleasing
the taste, while they combine all the requi
sites of beauly and substantial construction.
Purchasers may rely on having all articles
carefully boxed and snipped to their place of
A book of designs will be sent to those who
wish to make a selection.
Ridge Avenue below Spring Garden St. Phila
George Stnrges,
SOLE Manufacturer of the Improved
Kpiral Sprlns 9Iatresset,No.9i
Walnut St. Philadelphia.
FIVE SILVER MEDALS awarded, viz.
Two by the Ameriran Institute, New York, Oct) 18S1
do Franklin ln-titute, Pbiladelphia..Nov. Vend
One at the Maryland Institute, Baltimore. Kov. j 18o
The peculiar improvement in the construc
tion of this Matress is, that all the clunvy and
heavy wooden frame teork is entirely dispensed
with, and its place supplied by a lighter and
much more durable frame, the springs are all
connected by harness-leather hinges, securely
riveted, rendering it impossible for a single
spring to fall down or get out of place, and
making a Bed so elastic lhat any part may be
raised or bent np, and is thus admirably fitted
to the wants of the sick or asthmatic who may
require a silting posture. having the luxurious
softness of the best Feather Bed with the light
ness and facility of handling of the common
Hair Mattress.
These improved Spring Beds are invariably
made of the best materials, and will last many
years without repairs.
Persons having Hair Matresses, can have
them altered into Spring Beds.
These Beds are well adapted forHotels.berfhs
of Ships, Steamboats and Hospitals.
Spring Seats for Chairs.Carnages or Church
Pews and Hair and Husk Matiesses made to
order. Also an extensive assortment of highly
ornamented (in enamel) and plain finished
consisting in part of Bedsteads, Hat and Coat
Racks, Cane and Umbrella Stands, Garden
Chairs, Settees. Ac. Ac.
Philadelphia, April 20, 1955 Iy575
Express Office!
The undersigned have been
appointed Agents for HOWARD fc CO.'S
EXPRESS LINE, and are now prepared to
forward, daily. Packages, Specie, Bank Notes
Ac to Philadelphia. New York, Boston, Al
bany, Baltimore, and intermediate points, also
to ihe other Northern and Eastern cities.
The public are respectfully invited to pat
ronize the above line, as ii is the quickest and
safest method of transportation between ihe
cities and Lewisbarg.
Packages received by or before 9 A M.will
arrive in Philadelphia the same day, and be
delivered early in the following morning.
Receipts gives for time and price.
Philadelphia Office 4 1 A 43, Sooth Third 8t
J.J.Clyde r. I II utter,
SucamrttQ W. O. Il,ak a fa.
Book BiNt-tR ani Station eks, and
Blank Hook Ma.m rAci tntns,
JlnrriJiurj, J'u.
MOST respectfully inform their friends that
they are engaged in the above business
llf directly opposite llerr's Hotel, jf . J They
flatter themselves, by careful attention to their
business, to receive a continuance of the pat
ronage so liberally enjoyed by the old firm.
BLANK BOOKS for Hauls. County "luces, f
Merchants, anJ private individuals, ami every j
variety of full and half-bound constantly no j
hand. Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Hooks, i
Periodicals, Magazines, Law liookv Newspa
Ders. Bibles. Music, works issued in N"S., Ac r
bound in any style, plain or extra. All work
warranted, and done cheaply.
Please give us a call. C. A H.
!"? Books Ac. to be bound may be left with
he Editor of the Chronicle. 609
9. 17k LBS. just received at the :
eSU.-tlO lIar,are store of jV. V.V- !
OLDS A MeFAIlDEX. Farmers and lllack-
amiths, call and see the loree-t and lert as-
lie lured and lert as-
offered oil the V.'e-t
xchnirr control of the
i sortmeut of Iron ever
Branch. Having the exclu
celebrated Valax rut's Centre county Iron,
I we are enabled to warrant every bar. All
J sizes Tire, Scollop, Round and Square; Hnrse
I Shoe, Nail Rods, Ac, at Cn prices to all.
Call aud see ihe Hardware store or
Lewisburg, May 10, 1S55.
"XTE bes leave to introduce ourselves
11 to the citizens of LEW IMll'RG anil
vicinity, as extensive Miners and Shippers of
White 4s.li Antlirae ite t al.
At Lancaster I'olliery, Northumberland Co. Pa.
where we have extensive improvements, and
are prepared to offer to the puMic a very supe
rior article, particularly suited to the manufac
ture of Iron and making Sieain. Our sizes of
Coal are
LI MP Vfor Smelting purposes,
STEAMBOAT -for do. and Steamboats.
EGG for Family Use and Steam.
N I'T i
PEA i 0t kimebtirnsrs and Steam.
Our Point of Shipping is SI'NBI'RY.wher
arrangements are made lo load B ats without
auy delay.
J. J CoenA. Lanea-ter. I llrj Kkianotn. Lancaster.
C. W. rs..LS. Pbatuofcio. I II. Bi nu.khma do
recorders addressed lobtiamokinor unliury
will receive prompt altetilion. 1jS'.5
aLewlsiburg sat in;:: Institution,
IS now open and ready to do busmers. The
regular Discount days are W'etlnesda) s.
The following named persons are the
Director! Mr. Jumsow Wills.
Mr. Bvkrs Aaniivt.
Mr. Thuw.s Htvi.A.
Mr. W iLLiaw Fhh k.
Mr. J. G. L. Shisoll.
Mr Jua. Mail f.i.l.
Orncaas WILLIAM PRICK, President.
DAVID REliKIt, Treasurer.
Four per cent, per annum will be allowed on
all deposits over six months ; and three per
cent- less than six and overihree mon.hs.
DAVID KEBEK, Treasurer.
Lewisburg. Sept. Itf, lHoa
Winficld Woolen Factory,
Near Ilartleton, I'nion County
I I !H IS establishment is now in the be.-t order.
The machinery being nearly all new,
and none but the be.t of workmen employed,
the subscriber feels safe in saying that his
work shall not be surpassed by any establish
ment in this or the alj ining counties.
His waggons will be around as usual, and
those wishing to patronize his establishment,
will please avail themselves of lhat opportu
ri" I have also on hand, and intend keep.
ing a choice assortment of (.oo. such as
Cloth, Satinet, Cashmere; Tweeds, lllanktts.
Yarn; wc, which I will sell low for cash, or
exchange for Wool and Country Produce gen
Hartleton, April 22, 1853 if
Lithographic Printing, &c.
KAKL VOLKMAR is now located on
North Fourth street, near 1). Phillips'
Blacksmith Shop, where LITHOGRAPHIC
Views. Maps Ac are made to order.
PICTURES for Framing, and for Drawing
The German and French Languages, Draw
ing, Painting and Draughting, lauclit by Mr
Volkmar. Lewisburg, Apiil, 1S55
Improvement in Daguerreotyping !
Q;PYKER & IIAWaN announce to the
KJ public tbat they have nev. lv filled up and
greatly improved their Rooms and Apparatus,
and are prepared to lake l.lkeuc-MKF) sup
erior lo any in this place heretofore. Pictures
copied, or taken from life, and inserted in Me
dallions, Breastpins, Fingerrings, Watrheals,
Ac, and warranted true. We annex a list of
our superior Cases: Papier Mache, Souvenir,
Jenny Lind, Jewel, Union, Sntag,Oval.Velvet
and Shell. Pictures taken ai $1 and upwards.
Rooms at the old stand over Dr. Thornton A
Co.'s Drug store, opposite the Telegraph office.
Lewisburg, Feb. 22, 1855
FOR SALE A first-rate Outfit, ail comolete
and ready for use, which we will sell to any I
u rit . ., . . i . .
pciavii, win. mil IU.UUVUUU. IU luc OUSineSS,
for less than first cost.
Talro Iffntlns
Adava uuuee.
DR. KELLING, of Mechanie.sban;, ! nd Exchange si.bie foi rtii .treibus
Pa., announces to all artlicted with Tu- i sunre Senth of Market, and has provided a good
mors. Wens, Cancer, Cancer W arts, Polypus, I I"1 ' Horace, hb entirely new good and laaha
Lupus, Moles or Marks, Scrofula or King's j ionsblt Carriages, Uusgirs.Sleicha. Ac. whereail
Evil, W lute Swellins, Fever Sores, Sore Legs, I wiehing anvibing in his line may be accommod
and all diseases that have been usually treated ! ated on Ihe shorieii notice and Bull reasonable
wuh Caustic cr Knife, that he can remove ' terms. He will pay every attention to the
them by an entirely new method, without cm- ' wants of his customers. and hopes Ly so doing
ting, burning or pain. Il is no mailer in what lo merii and receive a liberal share of poblit
pan oi me ooay, ne can remove them with
periect saieiy ana in a remaricaniy short time,
if cnrable. No Mineral or Vegetable Poison
is applied, and no money required, except for
medicine, until a cure is perfected. Chronic
and all other diseases not mentioned above,
especially Venereal afflictions treated with po
sitive success, if curable. Full particulars can
be obtained by addressing C. L KKI.LI.NG,
M D-, Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa.
At the request of persons afflicted, residing
at a distance, he has for years been iu the habit
of prescribing by letter, and with
He would say however lo those desiring advice
in this way, lhat to secure attention they should
enclose, with the general symptoms of their
cases, a fee of One Dollar, lo warrant him in
spending his time for their benefit.
Tne Doctor may be consulted at his Office at
all limes when nol professionally absent.
Cactiow. Strangers coming lo Meehanies
bnrg to see the Dr. are cautioned to beware of
unprincipled persons, as some have been de
ceived. Dr. K. is the only one in this State
who can perform cures by the new method. His
office is directly opposite the Union Church.
Mechanicsburg is 8 miles from Harrisburg,
on Ihe Cumberland V. R. R and accessible
from all parts of the I'nion. The Dr. will visit
eases within a reasonable distance when de
sired. (July 27 563vl
JEWELRY of the latest pattern of all qual
ities for -alt at the lowest City prices by
MMIE subscriber eon- Irf
X linues to carry on theaaswwjMrV
.lie-ry Runlness ' ill) vtnj
the Old Stand on NorthaMEBMaailMMi
Third street, near Market, and ie.,.cuu; .
solicits Ihe patronage ot his friends ard
public generally. CHARLES F. HKSsj
Lewisburg, May 22, IHfiO
i i'1 subscribers, thankful f.,.
arUai.Iaaa.! past patronage, would ,f, ;n
kkSnfesiaS111 public lhat they connr,.,
fclneras manufacture all kinds of MlLt
i.bAlii-NO and other Castings. 1 brant,.,
Mae lanes and other Machinery repairej ln tj
best manner. Castings wairanted n, tt ,
good material, and at prices that can m ii
to please. GEDDES, MAKfcll 4 (0
LewisLurg. Feb. lt-il
CtOOKINU Stoves, of various at:trii,
; and sizes, lor Coal or Woo , fu. st,
at the Lewisburg Foundry by
Gedilea. Marsh A r
O Si
1'I'0 IIS Parior,
Wood, siid r,,,i
fives, various patterns, lor -n e at (,,
Lewi-burg Foundry.
Grddea, Mai.l, & (
j . T . , .. ..,
! . I "
a l atent fian;! 1 low, a si
1 I nor article, for tale al Ibe LeiUrj
Foundry ly Geddes, MsrsL A (.'.
KAIN or Seed Drills Ross' .'aim;-
decidedly the but and most duroUt
Grain Drill now in use. for sale at tbe Lewi. bur.
foundry by t.eilde-, Alarab & Co.
Hussey's Grain Reaper.
I for cutting both Grain and Grasi
ANI FACTI KED and for sale at il.
Lewisburg foundry by
Lightning Itotls.
VFTLK many yiara' cloae inveaiiatiun tod
liuiueroua riperinienta. tbe Patentee lakes
I'hueure in infuinnna the puidir tbat Le bis
nriived at toe liue principle ot p'otecimg lamiliea,
dnelliiigs and proper!, troui the deetiuttlve ir.tltA
eore of LIGHTNING. The talsibaie,
I hat every City, Ton, illuge and Country lali,
iiclim lo annually, thro' the groan negliKenre f
its nihal'itaiita, ia b ond calculation, e.rcili
when the remedy ia so caey lo obtain itie u
found in
I Patent fllugiutit Ligijlning Uo&s,
I And in this alone. This Rod haa been ei.n.n.aJ
I by Ihe moat ariei.iilie g.nilemen in the aioiU
J I'roteaaora M'Mortrie, John.on,W allot and man
' utbera that have examined them, rerunin.er.d iritf
apeak ot Ihem in the tnehrel terms ot epprobenoe,
I and have pronounred ihem the onlv aale rode it
j use in thiaur any other country tor the protecti
ot Lives and Properly. Oneailvaiitna.e ietodiviJt
i and ihruer back a part of ihe elictnc fluid harmlras
to Ihe clouds ; in lin e ol a li.,ke ibi ei.n le. tba
rod to conduct thai portion of fluid lhat belong
j to Ihe earth without the rlighte-l danger of Ira-
ving the conductor. '1 him tod ha many oiler
I ndvatit.igea over the old one. The uuly place ot
I manulacturirig ia in
! Tine St 3 do0r above IIA, Philadelphia.
j where all persons are respeclluilv innlril lo vl
! and eiainiiie fur tht mselv, a. For aale Whw-ale
j or Retail by THO'S ARMIT.tGE.
Oi ders promptly sltentied lo. l ein a ca.b.
i eae rods have been purchased and
lull) used by the lollouing inumdusle, coinpaniM
lu'pniiiiwu!. vinoae uamee are cheerfully
tibmitied :
la ., -... - 7! . ' ..J.I- I ' . . .
ra-l. J. MuUeoi.
OaAlar.t nrad
re . A l;Pl.i h...
,t,.a. l.. orant. j-.i.n otman. Tlioe.
It'-Us, A. K. tlinkele. II MuiUl..n.. il Oa.
Is a uiiitf, J. t .oreer, J. . Uu.-on, t.
liii.le, a t'o.J. Nvnian. B Rnrlen J o.
- - ei.a nuinin. nine. i.n.Ver. HU A
-Ur, A. K. talDkele. II. iunii..n.. il.o.. Not! & ta Air
a uniir. J. I.urrrr. J U utti.n . n i. ' .
liile. a t'o.J. N.vman. B Barlen. j'oven.hire. (i r.a
.. r, Mr. shar.e... Mr. Jlariin, S. Ii, rb.ev, J. bnt.H.1
? ' l'r- II-l ow-r. A Co., J. W mete-bur
II. Jlll.er. tbe K.d Vena. Uuel, ihe f.S.AraenaJ ita
E-I noir oanleti r. n,nii,.ii.n-r.' Hall.
JH tit' Stale ff A, a, J.,.!. r-:
tall Ju.Jue Iiajti n, J.bn .Netaun, nr. U At lluiu.
l).J.j.KoU.rt.,Jir.J Mowaiaa-.
i .;o. tw.vir.
ffOTtlfnTji Mark ll.lfa.aa tt. V. , l
Sll.r.ael l-elera. Jan.b Mu ll , O... J Vumta, K.utaa
Men. b. l.ta,;e hl.rl.ner. Arr iferia oart ll. aaa.
I ,,J.''T.?'JLT','ft''.:1i".'''''" L,"r
luxate -e . " -a
Ottr 2.3ait:b.ael ilollaiaa.
n kat
... ... fiiruba., Anr 1S.1MT.
lieboT ' " ''""J in-iei.d a ron.lurtT at
I eblama K.d. will, vane aoj indea. ererud bv .Mr.
ibomaa Arnilane, on Hellevue Ilouae. bloueesle'r. ai.4
have no be.,r.r, ,n ,h;.t , ,,.,, th, t,,,
..." """"" 'at It IS the onl, en. j bar. ..I
eseniir.r.1 tl at , e, ,,-trurled on atr:rtly .enofc i nnci-
l.a in. w II, n.u. b l leaaure that 1 re. . mmenil but
conductor to lb. aib ntion ol tinner, of l w dmi:.
11. MiMl KTRII.
11 aatt.rer) thattheMaew.il. l
annt.,.tnr.u 1, Slr.Th. m Arnolafe. ot rbHade.ph,.
le tbe We, 1 bat 1. ever b. en m 1, 1 have .pen! eev.ral
'"" ' " ''J " - ! aoj mmri.t.
lem. an.i h.v, h. nUti. n in ravine II at tl e-e lir a, are
rouatrurled u oi. II.. .al; anncipUr "I aalely . li e elrrtna
I .VVa. ,'r",'"na a..errl I j the niaenel at tl a t. a
of the r.l..nd,t.ould be n,r.iWM,.,,crd.n to iba
lawa of altrarti. n and repu.rion. for a l uiMing tc ra
r jured t., a ,tr, ke of licblnm. wh-n reoi,e.ed h, on. a
ilieeeroda. I bare heen ae.ua nt.d ailh Mr. Arniit.ia
foraeveral year., and before h.e, mroeneed tbe manalat
turest thee, rials I examined the principle oa whirl.
I are ren.trueted. and felt e.j,inred that their adopt,.-,
WO, ,1.1 h. all.n.l . L , r -
"-man.i for the., rr.ia.aml iheevt. nsive.ai
, , ' " " le suereaa. Tbe inerearir a
emand for the.e rr.la.an.1 the ..t..a.i....i.. .- .n ......
of the country, if ample comm. n.!ati. n of tb.irntilitraa
superiority. TKAtV K. WALLER, M ' I.
Kl.-lliS Sun. 1'hilad Co., April 10, 1S4J.
Ilartleton. I'nion Co. P:
aie Agents for Union and adjoinmi Counties,
snd still turnieh the Uo.la on ihe.ame terms and
in the same manner is ihe Proprietor.
Opposition it the Life of Butinru I
'I'braubacriher would respectfully intuim th
riiixen.of Lewi.barg and the traveling commun
it ...n.,.n. ,k., i,. i .
I pationaee. W ILLIAM ilUOKE.
Lrwieburg Dec 30. 1851
"VOTU'E. Havins been appointed the
JLl SEXTON to Ihe Lewisburg Cemetery,
the subscriber would slate thai he is prepared
to perform all duties connected wuh the burial
of the dead. on short "once. Also thai he will
aiiend lothe re-intermem of deceased persons,
under the duectu n of their surviving friends.
Residence in the Lodge at the Gate of tbe
Lewisburg, May 30, lt5.
DEALER in Pianos. JleWewis, and
all kinds of Ttlutairal MrrchaB-.
tle. Keeps constant!!' on hand. Ballet A
Davis, Boston ; Lichte, Neton A Bradburys;
and Bennett A Co, N. Y., PIANOS. Also,
Princes A Co.'s celebrated MEL0DE0N9,
prices from $45 CO to $150 00.
Orders from a distance will meet with prompt
attention. Second hand Pianos taken in ex
change for new.
Room directly rpposite the Court House,
Wiliiamtport, Pa, April 4. '85 573n"iG
all engaged in the service ef the V. 8
ia the War of 1812 and for their Widows, al
the Office of the Lewisburg t'aienicle. '
C100K ad tver STOVES jnst received by