Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 06, 1856, Image 4

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Thi is oar castle. Enter in,
git down, and he at burnt, sir;
Tour city friend will do. I hope.
As trailers do in Rome, nr.
Ti plain the roof is somewhat tow.
The sleeping room but scanty.
Yet, to tbe Settler's eye. you kuovr,
II is castle is his shanty.
Tbe famine fear we saw of old
Is, like a nightmare, over.
That wolf will never break our fold
Nor 'round the door way hover;
Oir twine in drnves tread down the brake,
Oar sheep bells carrol canty.
Last night yon salmon swam the laic
That now adorns our shanty.
The bread we break, it is cur own.
It crew around rav fcet, sir.
It pays no tax to 'squire or clown.
Which makes it doubly swet. Sir.
A woodman leads a toilsome life.
And a lonely one, I grant ye.
Bull. with his children, friend, and wife.
How happy is his shanty !
No feudal lord o'erawes ns here.
Bare the ever-blessed Eternal,
To Him is due the fruitful year.
Both autumnal and vernal ;
We've reared to him, down in tbe dell,
A temple neat and scanty,
And we can hear its blessed bell
On Sunday in onr shanty.
This is onr castle Enter in.
Sit down, and be at home, sir.
Your city friend will do, I hope.
As trav'lera do in Rome, sir ;
Tin plain the roof is somewhat low.
The sleeping room but scanty,
Y'et. to t ne 8ett!er'e eye, you know.
His castle is his sbanty.
Another Account of the Assault.
IiosTOS, May 9 Dr. Bunting, of
Montreal, Canada, states in a letter in tbe
Evening Journal, that be was in tbe gal
lery of the Senate Chamber at lb time of
the assault on Mr. Snmner. He says be
utt Brooks approach Mr. Sumner, not ia
front but at tbe fide af his desk, and ad
dressed bits soma words in a low tone, and
then at the moment Mr. Sumner raised
bif bead, turning it on one side to listen,
Le poured down ou him blow upon blow
with the greatest rapidity.
Mr. Suainar struggled several times to
rise from his seat, but was evidently so
mch hemmed in as to be nttcrly incapa
ble of rising until he bad by a great effort
torn the desk from its fastenings, and then
pitched forward insen.-ih'e on t'ue floor.
While this was progressing, Mr. Keiit
stood with one band flourishing a large
cane, and the other boldinr a pistal behind
him, partly under bis coat, but Dr. Bunt
ing saw it very distinctly projecting from
between the flaps of bis coat.
Dr. Bunting saya that be was, from his
position in the gallery, directly above the
actors in the scene, enabled to see this
very clearly. During the assault, Mr.
Douglas, he asserts, stood within Cve feet
of Mr. Sumner, with his bands in bis
pocVcts. Mr. B. assisted to dress Mr.
Sumner's wnnnd.
Danikl Webster and rnz Toon.
Mr. Webster was fond of a practical juke,
but only of harmless one, and, generally
benevolent one. He had in Nortbficld,
across the river from his Franklin farm,
a small piece of sandy barren land with a
poor bouse npon it, in which a very desti
tute family bad been living some time
without paying any rent. Upon one of
bis visits to the place, the good woman
expressed her anxiety about being ablo to
remain. She expected to be turned out,
aud didn't know where to go. She hoped
Mr. Webster wouldn't be hard with her.
He beard her tbrongb, and told ber, with
great gravity, that he knew it was a hard
ease for her j he wished to consider her,
and didn't mean to be unkind; but be had
a great many to provide for. At the fame
time putting bis band into bis pocket be
took out a five dollar bill and banded it to
ber, saying be was sorry be couldn't do
better by ber, lui if she thought she could
afford to stay on the place another year
for that, be ghoul J be very glad,and rode off.
SetKE in Court. During the exami
nation of the witnesses in the case of Mr.
Herbert, at Washington, on Saturday last,
the proceedings of the Court were inter
rupted by the entrance of Mrs. Keating,
the wife of tbe victim, who, with an air
of tragical distress, pointed at the prisoner
telling the infant in her arms to mark tbe
man who bad murdered its father.
Doctors will Disagree. A war bss
broken out between two sections of tbe
Faculty of the Eclectic. Medical Institute
at Cincinnati, and on Tuesday cvenitig a
conflict ensued between tbe two parties,
which rendered it necessary to call in tbe !
aid of tbe police. j
Cactios. On Tuesday last, a little boy j
and girl, in Boston, )1fs , who had been :
blowing eoap-bulbles with an old tobacco
pipe, were taken very ill, and tbe boy died
during tbe night It is thought they were
poisoned by tbe essential oil of tobacco,
imbibed from the pipe which they used.
Bridoino the Ohio. The pople of
Covington, Ky., ba", with tbe subscrip
tion of tbe Corporation, taken $175,000
of tbe stock, and only need (125,000
more to begin the work of a bridge to con
sect 'hem with Cincinnati.
The llarrisuurg Telegraph says that
tbe friend of Henry Clay who would vote
for James Bucbauan, bis most persistent
libeller and villifier, would deserve more
universal contempt than Buchanan him
self. One Century ago, in August, 1T5C, tbe
first printing press was introduced into
New Hampshire, the first newspaper prin
ted in October, and tbe first book ia No
vember of the same year.
John G.Miller, a Whig Member of Con
pees from Missouri, died recently at bis
buuie. ne bad never taken the scat to
Which be bad been elected.
Major Van of rhilad. has 5200 appli ,
eitioM Li tbe Ci3 officj to be 61W.
Great Improvements !
Hussey's American Reaper & Blower
I70K 1856 This Machine was put
JL in succeaful operation in 1BJ3, and con
tinued to be the only Reaper and Mowing Ma
chine in the Woild of any pratical value up
to 1645 twelve years after its introduction
Other Reapers are now offered with glowing
Advertisements and Certificates of Hold and
Silver Medals. But the Farmer, in search of
the best Reader, and not posted in the matter,
had better see a little further. One of llie
other Reapers took thegreal medal in England,
at the premature trial in 1 801; before the close
of the harvest of the sam vear, however it
was totally beaten by a Hi SSEV KEArblt,
which received the unanimous award of an
impartial Jury of twelve English farmers. The
fact is that Hussey's machine is achieving a
series of triumphs in England, and rapidly ob
taining that pre-eminent position there, which
it has already secured in the land of its origin.
If ih-re is any value in 23 years' experience
in buildine Reapers, and nsinr them in the
harvest field, OBED HL'SSEY, the Father of
Reapers, can claim it. AH who are satisfied
with the BEST REAPER AND aaOVVEfS.can
be suphed bv sending their orders early in the
season, as the crops indicate a large demand,
and we can not have over 208 Reapers ready
for the vast harvest of IS56-
We would refer to the following gentlemen,
who have nsed Hussey's machines for several
years, and will testify to their snpeiiority:
Tsaae Krrc., Benjamin Lotir. John M-neh, Samoel
Pauling. .1 ho Zellers, Jacob llilbish, Jacob Kuhl. J. ).
Brown. A bra to Anrand. Tbotnaa ClinK-an. Oeorp Kleek
er, lTM Kl. ekner. VI in. Kleckner.tioorrc Hear. John
(sutirir. Samuel Z-Mer. Joseph Mussrr. William Wilson,
Ahralit Wolf. W. (J Herrotd, Charles rtubl.Ueorgo Keu
lian, John Orove. A Tirana Varley.Emaniiel Pontius, Hen
ry Mull. Cyrus Brown, Km. C Moyer.Jobu Choml-erlio,
Hilton L!un. lolm Van Buskirk. Flarel Clinffsn.
Sunuel M U.liin, John M U.l.in, William Drlpbln.
JtiyiH H"!fnan 1trore Emeriek. lieore" llrorin", ileorse
Gaul. John B Holler, William Snieek. William ll"usel.
Ifeorg Frederick. Tho'a Strawbridire, Solomon Walters.
Jam Nesbit. J.rph M Nest.lt. A E. Kapp. J K. Priest-
It. Thomas J boatoo, John A m Ilamor.Kon-rt ( urry,
Jasaes H Rusal, Aim Vastins. J.S.IB. Uur-b. Isaac
Oaronb-M. JaroS le.d. Mellir A ghunian. Anthony A
tt'si. eaiydcr, Jobn Cooper. Jssae C. UortoD,Gev. Cuurad.
Jsonh Slinttr. MaTberry G-arhart. DarM Clara. Jacob
editor. Jr. Wl'son Foreman. Paler Wright. Sam. Vorka.
William Men' h. K lrt A Kishrl, .laouh Cnyder. A. t.
RimwI. P r!te. Janob dernier, Pr. ffm. Vorka, P. lieim
bach, Yi m forraman.
PMit Miller. Ji.hn Ilill.Wiu. N. Brown, D. A. Bowman,
Oe. A. Bowman. J. Wf nljr Bowman. Gilbert r'owl,r. tte.
pben T1innaa. Henry Duak, John llobertgnn. PMniel Sei
bart. Aleaan-ler Crertine. Atnlr-w Creelinr, Moore Cree
ting, Jonu lerU. Janob Hilt, Tlicmae Conner. John on
ner, Peter Aopleman. Klia Ilrilrii'k, Jantea Leoimon.
Joeeob II. Hiok". Miller A Itirka. Georee IL i ller. J.-erh
I'oeb, auiuel &-k, Sa. Hoffman. An.trew l-'riea, Wm.
Priea. Geo. II. Fries, Wealej tries. Sara 1 Pries, franklin
Erans. John Richie, Charles ana George Low, John Ney
bart, John Wolf.
Genre Orirt. Hiram T. Grey, Benjamin Bear. Peter
n-ilmnn. rred-rirk Arp. fiamuel uun'lrum. llenrr
Sboemaker. Peter Rents. Thomas Payis. rhaV Tollman.
Dani.1 Rear. John II. Tool, Charles Lloyd, D. W. Pores
man, Robi-rt Gib-on.
Was. T--- hm wersn, Rnte rt Cormtrk, Jamea
Oarskadilen, Joseph Hanna, Robert Holme.
XVm. MTarlari't. Wm. Boat. W. A. Jobnaton. Jnaeiih
Rttner, Km. Illret. ri-l Roa. Joseph Myers, Jacob liar
ter, J ha Hoy, Jr. Was. Foster, Adam Bear.
The subscribers have the exclusive rightin
the following counties: Union, 8nyder. Nor
thutnberland, Montour. Columbia, Luzerne,
Perry. Mifflin, Centre, Clinton, and Lycoming.
All orders thankfully received and promptly
Lewisbnrg, I'nion Co. Pa., April 21, 1856.
Atkins' Automaton, or
CELF-Raking; Reaper and Mower!-
k3 Thr A- Cimhined Midline in use.
SPECIAL NOTICE. First premium awar
ded to the Atkitis Self-Raking Reaper and
Mower" at the State Fair of Penn'a, in ISSS;
?'so fitst premium at the Northumli'd County
Fair. Fanners wishing Atkins' Self-Raking
Reaper and Mower can Eet it delivered, free of
freirhr.t TTarrishnrs, by giving Agents orders i
t fore the firt of March, 13SS. After lhat time
freight will he charged, making aboul twenty
dollars difference in price. Persons can pet
Castincs at any time, at the Manufactory in
Harrisborg, for Machines.
Appiv f EDWARD P. SNYDER. Milton;
RLSSEL WRIGHT, Williamsport ; or to
618tf General Agent, at Harrisburg.
Wakefield's Hand Corn Planter,
Which after two sea
sons' trial has been
found much superior j
to any other implein- j
ent now in nse for i
planting Corn, Broom
Corn, Beans, Ac, is
row offered to the
Farming community
by Agents authorized
lo sell the same. This
a implement is nlam
.""-, ana simple in cons-
.7 Sitcnetlc.n n 1 . Kl. ,A
get out of repair, can
x- be easily adjusted .In
wpiani au any uesirca
depih, drop any niiiutjer of seeds in a hill, and
cosis tut Five Dollars. An rxaminatien of it.
with ihe abundant Testimonials which can be
shown from those who have used them, can
not fail to convince every one that it is just
the thing needed by I"i?"every Farmer.
GEDDE3. MARSH ct CO.. ltuhburg.
Agents for Uniun and the adjoining Counties.
James F. Linn. J. Blerrill Linn
T F. tfc J. M. LINN,
.sAiiwrnv-s as a aLessw,
Union County, Penn'a.
Executors' Notice.
"VOTICE is hereby given, that Letters Tes
i tamentaryon the last will and testament
of STEPHEN F. LYNDALL. late of the
Borough of Lewisbarg, deceased, have been
granted to the nndersiened, by the Register of
I.'nioa county, in due form of law ; therefore
all persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having just claims against
the saf are also requested to present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
Lewisburg, May 19, 1856. Executors
Executors' Notice.
""OTICE is hereby given, that Letters Tes
tamentarv rn the last will and testament
of JON ATH AN RANCH, late of White Deer
township, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned, bv the Register of Union county,
in due form of law ; therefore, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate,
are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having just claims against the same
are also requested to present them properly
authenticated fur settlement.
White Peer, May 13, 1866. pd Kseeotors
Lcwisburg Chronicle
The Summer Session, of 14 Weeks,
OF the Uuivcrsity in this place, will
open od Thursday, the 24.1. inst. It is
important students should be present pmiciu
ally as recitaiions will commence on Friday.
A library of three thousand volumes, a cab
inet uf natural history, embracing thousands
of specimens in zoology, botany, entomology,
m.ni .!(., irroks;v, toi-bolory. 4, an uni n4
eoavtly cbt-intoftJ ppAnlui.-v roroplelr trbrnttml laborato
ry, turn ( Iter wilh inapt,, eharU, dlnrmH, mtj U. kle
tou, m-Uiavkin, e . furonh ft ran atoouut ul tacilily in
tb various tlcpartHMnU of trlpiice.
tulMiU not prtparal for Coilrgi. finrt in the ACADE
MY, hnh oiteim t the came tintf, every tvifao'ii.
TuiUuai lu Cull, ft-r th uua $10
Ai'c-4cmy,C'lktuii.il 7
SfHulillO ft
THE f TVALB IXSTITV7JC op-tm at tha came tlm(
wltj the friufr Tacheri. Tb buildiiijt Is conimuUioas,
and can acctimodatc thirty bunrdrrn.
Tuition in the Urgberkncliab br&uchcd fortheMt3tlon$!0
Lower tt 6
Board, liftfit, ic, ..25 pr week.
Lewietur, April 22, lbl6
THE Spring Term of this Institution
L commenced on Monday, March 31, with
12 Students, and fair prospects for the future.
The advantages it orters. are many among
which are : beauty and healthlulnrss of loca
tion ; the entorpme, hospitality and morality
of ihe snrruudiu; communi'y ; the division
of the school into Primary and Anufrmic De
partments ; Ihe thorough and practical methods
of instruction puraued ; the very moderate
terms for Board (only $1.50 to $1.75 per week)
Tuition, Ac. No industrions Student riving
this Institution a trial, cau fail to improve or
feel at home at ranavao Acapkmt. Accom
niodations are provided for 150 Students.
Circulars, Terms &c cheerfully furnished
on application to
GEO. F. M'FARI.AND, Principal
Freeburg, Snyder Co. April 8, 1806
The Si mmer Jsessiox of the
Will commence on Musnav. April Sl.tH56,to
continue 13 weeks. The design of the Princi
pal in shortening the coming session, is to
avoid the warm and sickly seavin ; and the
time thus curtailed will be made up in the
Kail and Winter sessions.
The course of Instruction is calculated to
fit youths for Colleae or for general business.
Composition and DrclamaViM receive careful
attention ; and projicirncy in Ktcitaticn of stu
dies is rewarded by the bestoa nient of Com
plimentary Cards.
A class of Vorso Lnt is secured.
The Bible is a text-book in the school.
Parents and Guardians are always cordially
welcomed to the school; and short, friendly
visits of encouragement from them have a
most happy ellccl npon the di-poriment and
progress of pupils. With the present session
the Principal enters upon the lOlll year of
his connection with this Institution, and takes
llus opportunity to return his thanks m the
citizens of Lwihurg and vicinilv for the con
stantly increasing support he has received.
Tl'iTlOS (prr ftrtwian of 13 irtek.)
PRIMARY ReadiDir.Writinc. Mutt. Arithmrtic.
ll.-:raiihr. Urammar, anil tr. littery - - -4.SO
APVANCKB ENtil.ll-U ,'all But locluda! ahoKj - C 0
No deduction except for protracted sickness.
April 4, 1958 Principal
The Summer Session
OF Mrs.Thompson's Schonl for Young
Ladies, will commence on Wednesday,
AprilOth, and continue 14 weeks. Instruction
will be given in such branches as are usually
taught in Academies and Seminaries of learn
ing. A thorough system ol insiruciiou will be
pursued, and prompt and persevering effort
will be espected on the part of the pupils.
Parents andGuardians are requested to secure
the punctual attendance of those they may
place in the Institution, as it is only by enmt
cutirc study and application, that much cau be
A pleasant and eommodioos Room has been
obtained for the School, in the German Refor
med Church, which it is believed offers some
advantages superior to that formerly occupied.
Extra charges will he made for Frenrh.I.atin,
Music, Needle-work, Drawing and Painting
English Branches, per year, from $13 to SiO
Contingent expenses, per yesr,tp'l
Lewishurg, March 1 1, lf36
William VanGezer,
IV l.?svibiirtT, I nion Co., Pa.
t-'iT" Office on South Second SU recently by
H C Hickok, Esq. . 6,4
AdminlMralorN' IVotlcc.
'"O'OTICE is hereby given, that Letters of
X Administration on the Estate of JOHN
KIMTI.E. late of West BufTuloe township. Un
ion county, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned in due form of law : Therefore
all persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate, are hereby requested to " ke
immediate payment; and those having just
claims against the same are also requested to
present ihein properly auihenticated for seille-inent-
We will be at the lale residence of
said deceased on Thursday and Friday, 17th
and 18th of April next, to make final settle
ment with all interested.
JOHN KIM PI. E, White Deer.
PETER Iwl.MI'l.E, West Butfaloe
March 17, 1856 pd Administrators
New Firm and New Goods!
T the Mammoth Drug & Chemical
Emporium of
The undersigned having purchased the entire
Mammoth Drug Ptore lormerly kept by Vr
Thornton 4r Co., are now ready to fill Orders
and Prescriptions at a moment's notice. We
have a laree and well selected stock of fresh
and pure DRUGS, MEDTCiyES, Chemicals
DyeslufTs. Oils, Paints, Glass. Puttv and
All kinds of J'atrnt Malicines,
Fruit and Confectionery,
Tobacco,9nufT,and Imported Cigars of the
choicest brands.
Fancy Kotmm and Tailrt Article;
Tine Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of all kinds,
BartaiaS aso Combs or svr.ni vabietv.
Books and Stationer)-,
general variety of Literary and School Books
Pine Oil, Lard and Fluid Lamps of every
description ; fresh Pine Oil and Patent Burn
ing Fluid alwars on hand.
PURE WINES and LIQUORS of all kinds
for Medicinal uses.
Fire l'ronf and Zinc. Paint.
I'resvrviog and I'rcklirjg Jars, Ac"
Cr"Cuctomerswill find our slock complete,
comprising many articles it is impossible here
to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices
Call and see us, one and all, and see our
stock ; and if we can't sell you cheap goods,
we w ill not ask yon to buy.
We are always oo hand to wait on customers.
Remember Us Mammoth Drug Store !
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. tt8
THE subscriber offers his services
in curing Horses of Poll Evil or Fistula.
He will cure Horses of either of -these afflic
tions for $5, or make no charge if not suc
cessful. Here is an opportunity for every one
whose horses are afflicted, to restore them to
health and working order. Residence on ray
Farm in Kellv Tp., near Lewishnrp.
Auij, 10, l"53. CKORGK MEIXEJ.L.
& West Branch Farmer June 6, 1856.
Tbe Salamand
r Safes, of Putla
delphia. against the
wrtd !
Evans k. VrAT30N,No.26,S.Fonrth St.,
Phiiad., have had the surest demonstration in
the following Certificates, that their manufac.
ture of Salamander Safes lias at leugth fully
warranted the representations which have been
made: of them, as rendering an undoubted
security against the terrific element :
PfflLADrLFHlA, April 12. 1S5S.
Mrsntt Fvl Watsos: Uvata: It aflonla as tha
hiirlM' satiftaition to state to you. tliat owiuit to tha
ry rrolK-ti qualltiaa of two of th Sslamaudar SiM
whtrh we purehsssd of yon fw nnnibt si oca, we
saM slartrr porlloo of our Jewelry. Booas. Papers, Ac.,
enpoae.1 to the ealsmitoua lire In kaostead rlaee, ou tbe
nioronig of Ibe 11th lost. .
hf u we rrSret that thaae Safre were locate! In UM
foonb aliiry of tha bullJuif we oeeupleil. and ibat they
fell eulaeqaeotly Into a beap of buriiinn roio,whre the
east roneriitratiuD or beat caused the brass plates to
melt. We eauuot but regard tbe presereatron or the ulu
ahle ntnteots as most eonelaeinfr proof of the great ewcu
ritT afforuVd by your Sates.
Wvaball take morh pleasure In recommendlnf them
to men of business a a sure reliant apalnHt Are.
PBILAMLrMlS. April 12, 1W6.
Mrasrs. Krass k STaTsoa 1 baee to ole-r you my tes
timony in la.r of the great seeurlty aflrd d to my
dire of jewelrr. books, papers. Ac . dnrlag tbe re-
e-nt dieetruua eoDlta)Fratiou in RausU-ad platv, from
the fa-t that tb same were contained lu two of tbe Sala-
mainler Salt-s manulactor-d by you.
n..., r.n.n from the snh story of the Artisan ntlld
iuic. .here tliv were preriuly plaoeil sob eipoerd 1" a
T.sl hial t"T a'lone; time, tbe preserealloii of the ealua
ble dp-Jiits seemed to eeent one who willie-eert the opeo
iol and inunur examination, a matter of prof.uDd aa-
tonibmiDt. .
To all who may require a perfeet proteetiou from the
raeadea of re, shall not heitate to reeommend the
use of your Safes, as 1 consider tuej base now undenrone
the moat trvlua tesL Ji. K. MoltOAN.
Pnn.4DSl.rnu. April 1. ISifi.
MrssM. Kvass k Watsos eutlemeu No doubt you
will he deeply gratified to learn lbs good condition iu
which I diconred my book, policy of insurance, certifl-
eateaofUk, and otbea Tsluabls aoclimenia. wu ou
Fri'lae last I o-eurd tlie aale made by your firm.
With ny knowledge of its great exposure, both to the
ih. 1.., (n an l...t a See as tbat wbirh tic
Ft roTM the Artisan Building, as also from the force of
the fall from it" former eleeated position In the tliird
story, could enferlain but slender hopes prior n us in
!..... tn.ictn.n. that tbe entenla which I onee St
high) pt ised would eeer be of any sereice to me, but as
these fears are now happily remo.ed. I feel it only due
In say to you. tbat I can henceforth recommend the use
of your Safes to all who may with to leel a cotilideoec in
the perfect security which such mesos proThlcs againat
so rricbuul an element.
fcDWARD OAPKII.L, Bookbinder.
rfConstantlv on hand. Patent Powder and
Thief Proof Locks,lorl!anks,Slores,eic. 1) 025
Engraving and Seal Catting
AF all kinds, at 204, Chesnut Street,
) PHII.AD. Visiting and other CARDS,
Corporation and other SEAI.S.and everything
in our line of business, promptly attended to,
in rood stvle. and on reasonable terms. Or
ders from City and Country solicited.
Jin M Colliicij cf fi.K? cK-rpuMlsiicO:
i A new and choice collection of Copy
rights never before harmonized, and many of
the Gems of .Modem Cermava aim Italian com
posers, arranged in a familiar style.adapted to
the use of Glee Clubs, Singing Classes and
Ihe Family Circle,
Iy U. Jarvib and J. A. Getze.
This work contains a great number of new
and favorite Songs, harmonized in a siyle
adapted to general purposes. w hile many of the
gems of Mendelssohn, Abt, Kuchen and other
celebrated composers, are presented in an
onsinai form. Tbe great variety of musicnl
compositions here introduced, eminently
adapts it to the taste and capacity of the
Singing School, the Glee Club, and the Family
Circle. IV Price One Dollar.
Just published bv I.EE x WALKER, lift
Chestnut St. and J.B.LIPPINCOTT & CO SO
Xoiih l.h Si, PniLan.
Sample copies will be sent by mail, free of
postage, on receipt of $1 4ru6"3
THE purity, fra-
L ranee, and mildj
emollient properties of
this Soap, renders it es
pecially deservinff a
place on every toilet.
For chapped hands.and
various diseases of the skin, it is unequaled.
Each cake is stamped WM. CONWAY, 168
South stecoud Street, Philadelphia. No other
is Genuine.
Improved Chemical Olive .Soap,
Wammtid to HiuA in Hard,Sift or Salt Water.
This Snap has powerful cleansing proper
ties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt,
&c., from every description of goods without
injury to them. For all domestic purposes it
is superior to any other Soap now in nse, and
"0 per cent, cheaper than the common Rosin
Soap. Each bans stamped WILLIAM COS
11 'A . HW Srennrf Slrert. vniliMphia.
manufacturer of FANCY AND STAPLE
SOAPS, Sperm, Stearine and Tallow Candles,
importer and dealer in Sal Soda, Soda Asb,
Rosin, oic.
Orders bv mail promptly attended to.
August 24, lSSft 59:m3
Fruits and Confectionery.
REMOVAL. The subscriber has
removed to No. 26 Market street,
(three dnort above the Old Stand, PHILAD.)
where he keeps constantly on hand a general
slock of all articles in his line consisting of
OKA.NGES, LEMONS, and all kinds of Fruit
in season ; Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts,
Ground Nuts plain and roasted; Pickles and
Preserves of all kinds to which he invites
the attention of Dealers and others visiting the
City. Goods packed at this establishment
warranted to carry safe.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
8. L. HERRING, No. 26 Market St.
3m622 above Front, south side, Philad
Wall and Window Papers.
HAVING purchased the interest of
Parrirh ( Hough in the Wall Paper
Business, we have now at our Store,
X. E. Corner Arch A- Thirl St.,
a full and complete assortment of WALL and
WINDOW Papers, Fire Board Prints.eic.elc.
Relying upon our ability to supply all orders
at prices to compete with houses in this City
or New York, we confidently invite an exam
ination of our stock. We call attention espe
cially to our Window Papers, embracing
Fine French Green, Satin Green and
Blue, Satin, and iinfrlazed Fisjured,
all 4-4 wide. PARRISH i BRADSHAW,
successors to Parrish & Iloush,
N.E. corner Arch and Third 8ts. PHILAD' A.
K.8. On reasonable notice being given, Pa
per will be hung at City prices- 3m623
Book Agents Wasted.
AGENTS wanted in every. Town and
County in the United States, to canvass
for the most popular Historical and other val
uable and saleable Books published Works
particularly adapted lo the wants of ihe people,
being beautifully illustrated wilh fine Steel and
Wood Engravings, and bound in the most sub
stantial manner.
Agents now canvassing for us, find it a plea
sant and profitable employment,
Onr list also inclndes the best boobs of T.S.
ARTHUR, Over 100,000 volumes have been
sold the past year, and their sale is increasing
yet. We have just added several New Book to
our list by this most popular writer, and shall
add others the ensuing fall and winter.
We think we have the best list for Agents in
the country. Send for il, and judge for your,
stltes. Tor full particulars and list, address
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher,
41 North Fourth street,
4mS9T Philadelphia, Pa.
Fishing Tackle,
AND GUNS...The subscribers Invite
rV allenhnn lo their" stock ol Fish Hooks
and Tackle of every description
Cane Reeds, Sea Grass, Trout lies,
Lines, tc.
Also, fine English and German Guns, Revolv
ing Pistols, Percussion Cups, and Spotting
Apparatns generally.
For sale at lowest Cash Pneef, W holesale
and Retail. .
624 No. 4T N. Second Su Philadelphia
Free of Charge !
TWO Splendid Parlor Engrav injjs, en
titled -Bolton Abbey in the Olden Times,"
a splendid steel ensrraving from the celebrated
painting by Landseer.and the -Departure of
the Israelites from Egypt," a large and beau
tiful engraving from a painting by 1). Roberts.
- i . . i i -l,h. .I.A..nmiu IS A3 IKr CUPV,
but will b sent rasa or chariik as follows:
The surrrib.-ra haa asuMlrhrJ a Hons Anrurr iri
Philadelphia, anil will liiri.iab any Is- or publication at
the mail price f any or lb 3 Mafalmes, such as liar
ners',0l'. rumaaa s.Orat.am s.rrai.il La-lic a Fa-h-ions.
Ac. will rcCT-irs thaa.siraiinesfori.oe year aoa a
enpa of eilhi-r ol Ihe alirc b-aulilul Uiraines. f" i
charge, or if ut.ribll;t a i, an. a fl. Majaimej
such as Paulson's, anil ( hallea a IjJie's Christian An
nual, the will roivlva ta.lh ma-ismcs au4 a copy ol
either of llie sb"e enirraeintra.
fcrery description of envrasinr on wood executed Wlin
neatness and di.pU-h. V irwa of Buildines, New.paoer
lle.....cs. Views of Machinery. Bo" Illustration.. ie-Ke
CeniBcslas, Bii.inesa lards, Ac. All orders eenl be mall
promptly attended lo. Kersona wi-l.inr Slews of their
building ensra,ed can send a naicureutyp or aketcb of
the buiidines by Bisil oreaprees.
Persons at a di.Unce ha.nu scalable artirlea would
find it to tnelr adeanUca to address the. siibscnbera, aa
we would act as agents 'nEHtr
SO, Socth Taxan Star", PansiiiLniia, Pa.
j. m. btsj.ii. lljWT r. mi rnrtcs.
The Good Time Coming."
BY T. S. Arthur.-.Those who wish to
hear something of that long-expected
day, should read this book.
It is having an immense sale; 5.000 copies
were ordered in advance of publication.
We send a copy by mail, post-paid, on the
receipt of the price. I.
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher,
48 North Fourth St. Philadrlphia. Pa.
N.B. Agents wanted to sell this and other
popular books in all parts of the United States,
bend for our List and Terms lo Agents.
Cheap Fruit and Confectionery.
Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in
Confer! lon-r or all kinds.
113 North 2d tSt.. below Race, PHILADEL'A.
The attention of dealers is requested to an
examination of their stock, which will be found
eqnal to any in this city. Foreign Pruits of
all kinds in season.
i.B. Orders by Mail or otherwise promptly
attended to 3m6l6
To Iron Blasters and Dealers.
PEN V A W ire Works-No.2 1 Arch SL
above Front--PHII.ADELPHIA.
of all meshes and widths,
with all kinds of Plain and Fancy WireWnrk.
Paper Maker's Wire, all kinds. Cylinder
and Damlv Rolls, covered in the best manner
in or out of the City.
A very snpenor article of Heavy Founder's
Sieves all kinds of Iron Ore Wire, Wire and
Sieves for Seed, Grain, Starch, Snuff, Brick
dust, iVc.
Trasses Trusses Trusses !
S.W. Cor. of Twelfth and Race Sis.
Importers cf fine Fulsck TnrssiS, combining
extreme lightness, rase, and durabilily, wilh
correct construction.
Hernial or Ruptured patients can be suited
W remitting amounts, as la-low : Sending number of
inrhes around the hi.s, and stating side sIT-cted.
o.t of Sinale Tru-s $i 3, 4. S. DouMs ". 8. . 10.
In.lriirtioos a to wear.and bow to alfeel A cure, wben
possible, sent wilh the Truss.
Also for sale, in great variety.
Dr. Banning' Improved Patent Body Brace,
for the cure of Prntapns fieri; also Spinal Props and
Supports; Patent shoulder Braces, fheet Ktpan-lcre and
Km-bir llrares. ailaplt-d to all with Sloop Shoulders and
Weak Lang.; s;ng,ch Elastic Abdominal Bella, Suspen
sories ; Si ringes, msle snd female.
OJLXadies' Jlooms, with Lady attendants. ly&90
Avenue, Phi la nsLPu i a The aMenlton
of the public is invited to the extensive Manu
factory and Wareroom of the subscriber, who
is prepared to furnish, at the shortest notice.
Iron Railing of every description forCemeta
rirs, Public and Private Buildings, also Ver
andahs. Balconies, Fountains, Settees. Chairs,
Lions, Dogs, cVc, and other ornamenial Iron
Work of a decorative character, all ol which
is executed with the express view of pleasing
the taste, while they combine all the- requi
sites of beauty and substantial construction.
Purchasers may rely on having all articles
carefully boxed and shipped to their place of
A book of designs will be sent to those who
wish to make a selection.
Ridge Avenue below Spring Garden Ml. Phila
George Sturges,
SOLE Manufacturer of the Improved
Spiral Spring Malreitsei, No.9'2
Walnut SL Philadelphia.
FIVE SILVER MEDALS awarded, viz.
Two by tb American Institute New York, Oct-) 1S51
do Franklin In.titut, Philadelphia,Nov. Vand
One at the Maryland Institute, Baltimore. Kov.) lSdx
The peculiar improvement in the construc
tion of this Matress is, that all the ctumy and
heavy wooden frame work is entirely dispensed
with, and its place supplied by a lighter and
much more durable frame, the springs are all
connected by harness-leather hinges, securely
riveted, rendering it impossible for a single
spring to fall down or get out of place, and
making a Bed so elastic lhat any part may be
raised or bent up, and is thus admirably fitted
to the wants of the sick or asthmatic who may
require a silting posiure. having the Insurious
softness of the best Feather Bed with the light
ness and facility of handling of the common
Hair Mattress.
These improved Spring Beds are invariably
made of the best materials, and will last many
years without repairs.
Persons having Hair Matresses, can have
them altered into Spring Beds.
These Beds are well adapted forHotels.be rths
of Ships, Steamboats and Hospitals.
Spring Seats for Chairs.Carriages orChorch
Pews and Hair and Husk Mali esses made to
order. Also an extensive assortment of highly
ornamented (in enamel) and plain finished
consisting in part of Bedsteads, Hat and Coat
Racks, Cane and Umbrella Stands, Garden
Chairs, Settees, Ac. Ac.
Philadelphia. April 30, 1855 ly575
J35TTJ Express Office i
s1 IT!') The undersigned have been
appointed Agents for HOWARD A CO. '8
EXPRESS LINE, and are now prepared to
forward, daily. Packages. Specie, Bank Notes
Ac. to Philadelphia. New York, Boston, Al
bany, Baltimore, and intermediate points, also
to the otherNorthern and Eastern cities.
The public are respectfully invited to pat
ronize the above line, as it is the quickest and
safest method of transportation between the
cities and Lewisburg.
Packages received by or before 0 A.M. will
arrive in Philadelphia the same day, and be
delivered early in the following morning.
Receipts given for time and price.
Philadelphia Office 1 A 43. Sooth Third 8 1
J.J. Clyde A F. Is. Hotter,
Succutorltt W. O. Bickok at (.'.
Book Binders and Sxatio.neks, and
Blank. Book M an c pact u msks,
Hnrritbunj, Pa.
MOST respectfully inform their friends that
tbey are engaged in the above business
Indirectly opposite llerr's Hotel.j They
flatter themselves, by careful attention to their
business, to receive a continuance of the pat
ronage so liberally enjoyed by the old firm.
BLANK BOOKS for Banks, County OlHces,
Merchants, and private individuals, and every
variety of full and half-bound constantly on
hand. Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Books,
Periodicals, Magazines, Law Books, Newspa
pers, Bibles, Music, works issued in Nos., Ac
bound in any style, plain or extra. All work
warranted, and done cheaply.
Please rive us a call. -'
I tTBooks Ac. to be bound may be left with
he Editor of Ihe Chronicle.
93 178 LBS. just received at the
etJ,4.0 nrttare n.re of KF.YS-
OLDS 4- McFAUDEy. Farmers and Black
smiths, call and see the btrrnt and lert as
the West!
rol of ihe j
sortment of Iron ever offered on
Branch. Havine the exclutite control
celebrated Vuiinu i Centre county Iron
1.1. . I . I ...l.r All
sizes Tire, Scollop, Round and Square; Horse
Shoe, INail Hods, Ac. atCasa prices to an.
Call and see tbe Hardware More ol
Lewisburg, May 10, 1855.
WE ber. leave lo introduce ourselves
to the citizens of LEWISBIRU and
vicinity, as extensive Miners and Shippers of
White Ali Anthracite C oal,
At Imeatter Colliery, Korthumbertand Co. Pa.
where we have extensive improvements, and
are prepared to oiler to the public a very supe
rior article, particularly suited to the manufac
ture of Iron and making Meant.
Our sizes of
Coal are
LUMP for Smelting purposes
do. and Steamboats.
BKOh.rJ )
VAM for Family Use and Steam.
Jig for Limeburnsrs and Steam.
Our Point of Shipping is SUN BL'BY, where
arrangements are made to load Boais without
any delay.
J. J. Cocwaas. !.anca.-ter. j Hrsj KrisHoin. Lancaster.
C. W. IBALB. tfuasBn.!. II. BaCMGaaascK do
r5"Orders addressed toShamokinor unbury
will receive prompt attention. Iy5i5
Lewisburg Savings Inolllullon,
IS now open and ready to du business. The
regular Discount days are Wednesdays.
The following named persons are the
Director Mr. Jonnaox Walls.
Mr. Bvaas Amwoss.
Mr. Jaajts M'CaaisaT.
Mr. THnaras HavftS.
Mr. William FmrK.
Mr. J. O. L. iiishkl.
Mr Jos. Mr.lxr.LL.
Omens WILLIAM FKICK, President.
DAVID KEBER, 7ruurer.
Four per cent, per annum will be allowed on I
all deposits over six months ; and three per
cent- less than six and ovrrihree months.
DAVID RHBEK, Treasurer.
Lewisburg. Sept. 19, 1853
Winlield Woolen Factory
Sear llarlleton, I'nlon County.
rilHIS establishment is now in the bestorder
I The machinery being nearly all new,
and none but the best of workmen employed,
the subscriber feels safe in saying that his
work shall not be surpassed by any establish
ment in this or the adjoining counties.
His waggons will be around as usual, and
those wishing In patronize his establishment,
will please avail themselves of that opportu
nity. IV r have also on hand, and intend keep
ing a choice assortment of CaOOdw, such as
CLith, Sntinettn, Cathmere, Tweed; Blanket,
Yarn; tr., which I will sell low for cash, or
exchange for Wool and Counirv Prndure ren
Ilanleton, April 22, 1853 tf
Lithographic Printing, &c.
KARL YOLKMAR is now located on
North Fourth street, near D. Phillips'
Blacksmith Shop, where LITHOORAPHIC
Views, Maps Ac are made to order.
I'K'Tl RES for Framing, and for Drawing
The German and French Languages. Draw
ine, Painting and Draughting, taught by Mr
Volkmar. Lewisburg, April, IMS
Improvement in Daguerreotyping!
tPYKER & IIAWN announce to the
J ' public that they have newly fined up and
greatly improved thrir Rooms and Apparatus,
and are prepared to lake l.lkrueNMrn sup
erior to any in this place heretofore. Pictures
copied, or taken from life, and inserted in Me
dallions, Breastpins, Fingerrtngs, Watchseals,
Ac., and warranted true. We annex a list of
our superior Cases: Papier Mache, Souvenir,
Jenny Lind, Jewel, Union, Soniae,Oval, Velvet
and Shell. Pictures taken at $1 and upwards.
Rooms at the old stand over Dr. Thornton A
Co.'s Drug store. opposite the Telegraph office.
Lewisburg, Feb. 22, 1855
FOR SALE A first-rate Outfit, all complete
and ready for use, which we will sell to any
person, with full instructions in the business,
for less than first cost
Take Notice.
DR. KELLLNG, of Mechanicsbnrs:,
Pa., announces to all a 111 tc led with Tu
mors, Wens, Cancer, Cancer Warts, Polypus,
Lupus, Moles or Marks, Scrofula or King's
r.vti, nue Eweuing, fever sores, Pore Legs,
and all diseases that have been usually treated
with laustic or unite, mat he can remove
them by an entirely new method, without cut
ting, burning or pain. It is no matter in what
part of the body, he can remove them with
perfect safety and in a remarkably short time,
if curable. No Mineral or Vegetable Poison
is applied, and no money required, except for
medicine.until a cure is perfected. Chronic
and all other diseases not mentioned above,
especially Venereal afflictions treated with po
sitive success, if curable. Full particulars can
be obtained by addressing C. L KELLl.NG,
M.D., Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa.
At the request of persons afflicted, residing
at a distance, he has for years been in the habit
of prescribing by letter, and with
He would say however to those desiring advice
in this way. that to secure attention they should
enclose, with the general symptoms of their
cases, a fee of One Dollar, to warrant him in
spending his time for their benefit.
The Doctor may be consulted at his Office at
all times when not professionally absent.
Cactiosi. 8trangers coming to Mechanics
burg to see the Dr. are cautioned to beware of
unprincipled persons, as some have been de
ceived. Dr. K. is the only one in this Slate
who can perform cures by the new method. His
office is directly opposite the Union Church.
Mechanicsburg is 8 miles from Harrisburg,
on the Cumberland V. R. R, and accessible
from all parts of the Union. The Dr. will visit
eases within a reasonable distance when de
aired. rjny 87563yl
JEWELRY of the latest pattern of all qual
ities for sal at the lowest City prices by
rPUE subscriber eon- n
J. tinuestocarryonthe ff
Livery IluMlnett. at
the Old S and on Ionna
Third streei. near Market, and ropectii.; .
solicits the pairunage ol lus friends and ,LI
public generally. CHARI.E8 F. 111.N)
Lewisburg, May S3, I WO
I ne iutiscrnirr, tnankitjl f,.
past patronage, would ir.
ihe public that they ccriiir.n,
manufacture all kinds nf V i '
taa.AKI.Mi and other tastings. Thrab.,
Machines and other Machinery repaired m
best manner. Castings warranied to t,
rood material, and at prires that can r.ci';
to plea-e- GEDDE8, MARsIl 4 ( 0 "
Lewisburg. Feb. 151
"lOOKINO Stovrs, of yarit us a! tri,
j J ami sizes, for Coal or oo , f,j ,
atlhe Lewisbuia Foundry by
Ueddea, Marsh A r
iTOVliS I'arlor, AYo-jcJ. and (,
tovr s, various patterns", for -a eai i.
Levii.buiE Foundry, tsrddes, Maish A ( 0.
17IAK1'S Patent tinntc Plow.,,,,,,
I? rmr article, for fair at the Let,u.
a- 1 i r:..l l.. XI I a.
Foundry ty
Grddes, Marsh A I ,.
I I KAlN or Seed Drills Ross' Pair.,
l rleciifidlv Ihe brtt and most uitl
(jrain Drill now in use. fur sale at tbe Lew hit. .
Foui.dry by Cjerldes, Marsh A Co.
Hussey's Grain Reaper.
for cutting both Grain and Grrn
AN TFACTI RED and for sale at .
Lewisburr Foundry by
Lightning Rods.
AFTER many years' close investigation tr.t
numerous experiments, the Patentee i4tr(
pleasure in iiilormifig the puMic that he lm
amrd at the I ue principle ol p'Oiectn.g laruiL.,
dwellings aiiii pri eny from thedestructue il-u-ncc
of LIGHTNING. the cal.m; .,
tbat eacrj City , Ton n, illafe and Commtfj ,
victim tu annually, thro' the gross negligrtre ,f
its inhal llai.u, is be ond calculation, esteem ,
when the remedy is so easy to obtain it,a
found in
Piitrnt lUagmtit figljtning Cch,
j and in this alone. This Rod has bteu tianm.M
by the most af-itniific fentlemeu in the wirM.
; Professors M'Murtrie, Johnson, V sllor sioi mtu
uttirr lhat have exanilnrd them, lecuroiornu t
i aj-takol thrin in the highest terms ol at 'trots i.s
I and base j renounced ihem the only sale roil,.,
ue in thieor any other coubtty fur the prokcu
1 olI.irsand 1'ropets. Onr advantage n-totlir ,
and throw back a part of ibeelrc ric fluid tn'r l-i,
to the clouds ; in time ol a stroke ibis ei.iMc. ;l,
rod tu ronduct thai portion of fiutd that t-slnri
lo Ihe earth siithoul the sltghle.l danger ol Is,,
ting the conductor. This rod baa mans otrir
sihai l t oart the old one. The only plite t
j mariu'ai tmir.p is in
I Vine St. 3 djor alote ISA, Philadelphia,
j si here all persons are respeclfolly invited to cv
and rianiine for Ihemselsra. For sale Whols.u
I or l.'eta.l by THO'S ARM1TAGE.
Outers promptly attended to. Tern., cats.
Tbrsc rods hae been purchased and succto
ully used by ll,e lolloiaiiig indnid.jals. couitann
nd corp., rations, whose names ar chsailui ,
ubmitteil :
.fro .r t'htlad'rphia A. A S. Formers. Cos,
Sai.Uiii., r. Judge at,.uier, Jn.is Coara.1. J. Moll,.-.
Jul.u 11. a . t . C laa.cy, J.brBar. (a. takli.,.L4aru
li .reoi, IL. bUxkk-y Alnshou... Andersr-a A broiUn
K.a J. t. ;rnt. Jooa olaaa. Thus. Orover. nau
lliwina, A. K. (linkers. II. eiroBioas. TLos. Noil Alt. X
lvMn. J. , l.r.rr. J W.Haleon.C. Iliimj hr..i .
Utpte, A I o , J. .Sjnian. B. Uarien. i osebebir. !,".
r. lr. M.iri. e.. Nr. slarnn, S.Irb,e. J mini.!
Mr. 1'ari.Min. l.r. laal.r 11.1'oa.ers A lo. J W ees.-,.
II. Miller.it. Kra Hank Uotcl, the l'.g.Ara.aaI u,
?pr:i.p c;urlen ('. mm:SMoner.' II, 11.
I" H .U .N.r J. r.e Georr. Tnenio
Mi a
Ju1te lis,!.. n. John .rtai.a. lie 11 w u...
benj.koLns, Mr. J. Iinwaing.
ix t:nix ( t-r.vrr
HnrU't ro.-Jlark llalfpenn;. W as yrter.JchnBsav
.ViLliael leters. J.crt. m:tb. Vml a li r a.,. lt.-
Mench. (.rorie kiiekn.r. Aca IMia-loort II as.
and'oninia-i'nrr.'orhre. JLiatc.-t-ss Tp Ji.t.D a.'.
f oion J..-Dr. I hsrles Wilson. Maaiaof'. is J k,
Ki.nti .?:,..:, Kuoii. . . Tp. Isaac tia-ilroa.
xcr Ijt. Hi. hael UotTnian.
. . ... fanara . Aaf 1J.lr
t'7 earerully inr-ct. f a rci ,.ii --jr
l ilitmnt wilh ,,, and in,lex. .reef. 4 . SL-
Ihoaiss Arn.nce. on Hellenic lloose. (It ,:i
have 1.0 l..ital,. n in ih.t it i, n. t.nl. ih. l-t
I naeerer..ei..lut Hal ,1 is the onl ore I lax s
eiamireil H al i. r. n-tr urn d sn strict!, sri-iiti:.c into
pies. It is .tl. tn. h pleasure tl.at I re. , a meaa u
conduct. rt, the ait. an. d ol onnersof l ui .1 r,.-'
II. . Ml K1R!J
1 amnell .sti.fed tt,at the Marak-tie L,,l,tB:nK K
nanutacliir.d l.j Mr. Th. was ArmiUire. of l b.isj.rt i
is tk. br.t thkt I, as erer b en n.ale I base .p. at ui
year, in the aluly ol the laws ot eleetn. it ai! B.tsrl
l.ai.ar.l h n.i h. -sitatli n in inn: that tre-.B a.
coo.trui t.d uon the only r rn.eip e of safe!,. Ih-.l-m
sh.-'k is receiie.1 and d.seraed hy tbe aWn-l st li a "I
of U.e rial, and it would be nnarssible. acrordnf li
laws of attraction and rrpnlfion. f. r a boilj n to sj
Injured by a str. ke .1 lichinin, when rriteciel hs ems
these rods. I hare been ac.Oaa!d wilh Mr Arpl'-r
for seseral year., and befnre lie a an menced tbe aurta
ture of the.. r.ts I essmiLl the principle ca b.ct tfaj
are ronstrueted. and fell connuced thai their adrt-'
wonld bestt. n led with complete success. Theinrr.s.1
demand for these rcls.and tha exteDsivesaies in al1 ra-a
of the country, is aniflacoar men-fat ion of i heir iiti'tt' sl
surenorilr. TRACT F. WALL1K.I P
..-n..milW IB.. April 1P.ISS2.
Hartleton. Vnion Co. f
at Agent for In ion and adjoining Coonitci
and will lu.nih the Hod on Ihe same terms tu
in tne same manner as the Proprietor.
Oppotitlon i thfLie oj Bu tin est !
'1 hesukarrihrr would respectfully intorpi ii
citixensof Lewisburg and tbe traveling eomnui
ity generally, that he has opened a new Livt'T
and Eichange Mialde on FOURTH streei hl
square f'outh of Market, and basprovideda o.a
tut oi nurses, wim entuely new good and
1 ionsMeCarrisge, Buegtea.Sleisha. Ae.talierrt
wisning anyiiung in hi line may be accornnoii
l ated on the shorten notice and noil reasonsf t
term. He will pa everv attention te tt
want of bi customers, and hope ty so iior
to merit and receive a liberal share of put:
patronage. WILLIAM MPOhE.
Lewi.burg Dec 30. J8.S1
NOTICE. Havins been appointive
SEXTON to the Lewisburg Cemetery,
ihe subscriber would state that he is prepare
o perform all duties connected with the l u';!
of the dead.on short nonce. Also that hew.
atteud lothe re-interment of deceased persons,
under the direction of their snrvirirg friend".
Residence in the l.mlee at the tiate cf t'ss
Lewisburg, May 30, 1854
DEALER in Pianos, Melodeor.s. an-;
all kinds of Moairal Mrrrhast- ,
line. Keeps crnstantlv on band, rlalirt
Davis, Boston ; Lighte, Newton A Frsdtort''
and Bennett A Co., K. Y-, PIANOS. .'
Princes A Co.'s celebrated MELODECV'.
prices from $43 00 lo $150 tO.
Orders from a distance will meet wilh pretfF5
attention. Second hand Pianos taken u "
change for new.
Room directly opposite the Coort Hen"
Wiwpor.. Pa. April 4, '55 S'S'
all engaged in the service of the t'. 8
in ihe War of lSllafand for their Widt ws,
the Office of the Lewisburg Chiomcle.
COOK and ether ST0TE8 just received by