In Phi!iU8lh lilt., Iy Rev. E. W. Hotter. Ana 8- Saci of Wisiiuietonville and Miss H. BiTtn of Muney. On the morning of ihf 15ih ult. at 2J o'c'k, by Re. Ira Foster, J.coa Scinrx and Miss Hais-aa M. Vovxa.all of Danville. On the 17th ult. by Uev.Mr.Koss, Dr. Kim t B. M'Uit and .Miss Si-s.w R. daughter of! Alet'r Colt Esq. both of Northumberland. On the Sid nit., by Rev. G. Uustinberger, D.CCacl and Smn Hrrr, both of Milton. Bv R-vJ.P.Shindel.IOlh ult.,Jon T.Chi rt- Hi? of Middlerreek Tp and Miss Eun Uift of Franklin Tp. Dtrfl, In Jackson Tp, 2Sth ult., a;ed 62 years. Etvian O DiDvtu, late of Lewisburg. 1 lu Chil'.isquaque, 30th ult., after a few hours illness, at the boose of John Kincade, ' Mrs. Hiatus, aged 74 years. . In I'pper Augusta, lOlh ult.. Elizisfth, wife of John T. Spratt, aged about 40 years. In Selinsgrove, 14ih ulL, Jicoi ll.irr, in his 4fith year. On the loth ult., aeed R0 yrs, Mintn, for many vears Court Crier of Knion county, j In Freebnrg. 10th ult , in his 16th yr, Hisar ; on of Dr. II. C. Houtz. ' j In Chapman Tp, 5th ult., Small, wife of Jonas Hummel. In Middlecreek Tp,27tli uil., I'KiLir Kmi-s ! in his 0ih year. FOR SALE. ri"lIE subscriber through a friend has for 1 ale one Mortgage of $500. one of $1000, and one of UStH), each running live yrs from May 10, ljit. with interest at 10 pr ct. pava ble semi-annually and coupons attached. To persons wishing'to invest money legally .safely and profitably, this is a rareopportutiiiy. 'As no security can be better, the mortgages must bring their face. A. K. BELL. Lewisburg, May 2, IS.'iS 3vr Rail-Road Meeting. rrHE friends of the Lewisburg, Center St Spruce Creek Railroad, are requested to meet at MILLIIEIM. Center Co. on Thursday the 15th of May, 18.5G. It is important there should be a full turn out. as a speedy organi zation is contemplated, so that operations may be commenced. All those having subscription books are requested to hand them in on that day. GEORGE HOAL. JiH I.ORSTBK, U. F. MILLER, April 2S, I85fi. Exec. Com. NOTICE. CAUTION ! We the undersigned hereby caution all persons against taking up or detaining any LOGS belonging to us between Williamsport and Northumberland Bow. Any one disregarding the above Caution, will be dealt Willi lu the utmost extent ol the law. HKAWNis. MSIIKit ro. Yol .Vi. HM.LV 4 1X1. J S li.UM.K. IHIHilIS UlWF. t-..lli. lial.l.ARP. HH 'I.V KI;T IN 2l.Vi.MAX. I. .MMIS.iN. U'WII C. BtiltTOX. E. H. KMJI.ANU. Williamsport, April 26, 1K56 3w At the Old Stand on market St. UPTKEirS Hat, Cap, and Variety ij Store. The subscriber has jjst received the largest and bet assortment of IlalN and Cap ever brought to Lewishurg, which he will sell at prices to suit purchasers. He has also a well selected and line stock of Clot III 117, I Handkerchiefs, I Gloves, Cloths, I Trimmings, I Stocks, Hosiery, I Cassimeres, I etc. etc., nsually kept at Gentlemen's FuriiUhing estab lishments. Drp i,, f F. SPVKER. l.ewisburg, April, ISj6 Ni:V OOODS! VT Mensch's Variely Siore. Just reeeived.'a splendid lot cf SPRING and SUMMER 0HESS Q000S, ennsisnn" of I-awn, Linen Good,;inghams, Calicoes, etc., a large and varied assortment of I a UfS' Collars. Cheraisetts, Kmbroide ries, UndTsleeves, HanJkerchiefs. II'?iery, Ioves, Laces, Threads. Silks in short, a general assortment of Trimmings and other articles sold at N'otion" houses. Lewisbur,Api.t, 1K56. C. MENSCII. Economy is Wealth ! THE Place to luv floods, cheap! Itrr tn annnnr- fr.o nnriltr ifiil ihotr . have opened a Un?e and complete stock of "J (l embracing every variety of Ladies and Gent's ' Hummer wear such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Vestincs, etc. Plain and Fi?d Silks ' Plain and Figd Detains French Morenoes all j colors, Parametta and Thibet Cloths, Plain and j Barred Ginghams Brocha.CashmereandBay j State lont and square Shawls, and everything j else in the Dry Uoods line. Farmers and Housekeepers nr wptiytfiillT InTitotj to xni'ti ftir e.rtmnt ff ! KtOmftlKS. CROCK F.R V. HARDWARE. OlKEXS- I WARE, 4c, ul w are- Katiffi tht you Will find Ttbinic, of the bent quality, juo my desire, at liw .roort , mo-lert mten. Our OtVMla wMT ptrt-d with nanmikl rr. w ImlfTf will b Ibnnd nf tbs wry hwt, antl .forthtquality) , nebmp ac th-y an mMiubly be offered a.t mnj other ton oa tbm M't Uraivh. Wo rmprtfullv iaiU onr old entomr to mlt od oar Ukck and wr nr narr wa ran mrt Tnr wants and tantaa. FBOhVVE Uka a oul CASH mm refOMd. l.KWl.S IIUMMiA. lwihaiN., AprH. A A RON K W KTZKl. Hayes Old Stand ! GOODMaW & fH.MBERLIN give notice that they have taken the above stand, and have just received an extensive assortment of NEW GOODS purchased at the lowest cah fisurcand of course will be sold al a small advance. We have a laree stock nf Dry Good of alt rradea att4 ttxtwrea Paney rnwa Hilaa fnm sneta ti '2.2i par yanl. Drrare Ilrlaina from 10 to 2& rta. Phally Hnraxaa, karrad and tflript-d Bnraae and Tinaea. French. F.agliah aad Am.rKin Prinla of all alylea, llio pieotv of color i nnui iai o'ii warranira iasi omora, aio m baodtwaii aMortaMot of Lam and Knhmidry,tLner w,ib a (trmt T.h-tv f Uiorea, Uor,, 4araao.s, Ladies p w.t- - "a- I nn, r. c 1 m KOCEHIESf HARDWARE, CROCKERY, PFHAE WAIIF STONFU'IRR ' a lot of KeaJy-Made Cloiliing, Hats and Caps of all descriptions, CARTE r.VC In (Train, all Wool, Hemp and Rajjr ; AarpetA, Ittair iMf Knee, Oilcloth, Window llliod. Ae. Ac all of which will be sold low tor Cash or , aioreed crediL ' 4Th biffheat Marvet price paid for all klnna of fiRAlX. tRvS,l'LASTLR.t FISH. SA L T. fOA L,kc Jwaveoa band. J. H WNHlMAN. Lewithury. May. 156. K CH AM Bt.KLI.V- M Industry must Thrive." friIE "old Mammoth" ahead! Not- X withstanding the cold Timer and the late spring, J. & J. WALLS have received and are now opening an nnos ually large and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting partly of Cloths of every firade, plain, blaek and fancy Cassimeres, a beautif ul arlty of Vrstinpm, Italian Cloths, Jeans. Tweeds and f ununr wear, also Iadic.i' DrcM Goods, rnrh aa Silks, Tiaauea, .retains. Hereirea, FrintF,WhlU oada.iii;ban.a. a mhroidriee. Ribhons. tloaiery, Glove, bteacbad and brown Aluflma, Irish Linen Shawls, aud STRAW GOODS of mrj mittf and ttjla alao a Dm arlectioa of Hardware, Qieensware, Cedar axd Willowware, Brooms, Ac. &c. Atta4 Io all the waata of tba paopla a raperb lot of CARPETiiSSS, Ar -all of which they opVr to their euatootta at wnttfmliy lew prieea. Oram and other Oonuiry Prorlor I taka is -.r.c, fr 'iocdj Lewisborf , May, UM. The War Terminated ! PEACE declared ! by III RSII KIORSr, Who have just received and expect another lot of FANCY DRY GOODS, of every vancty and shade, uttich they oiler at remar kably low price. Also a line assortment of GliOCEI. IES. QUEEXSWAKE, I ll.MlltWARE, A.,j Which they are quite sure will compare very favorably with any offered in this section of the j conntrv, and at prices that can not Inn prove j satisfactory to purchaser. I'lease call and ...... r a..-i.K..r 1 nril T.n ' AwNlgnre'ii Kulc. "1YTILT. be exposed to public sale atlheoM I Christian chapel on North Filth street on SiTi-mur the Kith day of May next, at 1 o'clock in the alternoon. Two Horses, Harness, one Flatt, Stoves, a variety ol t.arprntrrs Fools, one Top Btiggcv, one Spring W aeon. Lumber dressed and iimiresse l. J'lank and Boards Window Blinds, Carpeting, a lot of Paper, and a variety of articles too trdious to mention. i. F. MILLER. 11.1'. MUELLER, Assignees of HtsHY R. Noll. Lcvrisliurg. April 24, IS.'ifi Dr. I. BRUGGER, n.S rp moved to Lewisburp. ar? f.irmP'1 a raitnrrslnp with J.K.H AkV E V, M.l..of (he ame place Otnce, corner cf Fourth and . Market streets where he would be leave to ' inform his numerous friends and ! cps that he is ready to attend his professional duty in all its various branches. Orateful to the public for the liberal patronage with which he has met in previous limes, he Mill flutters j himself that it will be continued and increased. ! Knowing that all persons whi give lI mcrop- athy, the great and only known law of cure, a ; fairtrial.will be satisfied that it is tar superior j and safr than any other nioiie of practice. After studyin? the dd svstein, I became dissatisfied ! wnh the uncertainty nf the treatment, forsook it, and studied the new, in which I have prac ticed fT twentv-one years with satisfaction to '. mvself an-! treat success with my patients. April 22. lsftli . The Summer Sessbu, of 14 Week3, OF the I niifrsily in this place, will i open on 'I hnrsilay. the 2lih inst. It is in j'oi mm iu'ii-iii iiiMini tn iiirsi:iii iiiii.iu 1 ally, as recitations will commence on , alti a rprit.ilmns tm ill I'limmpnep iili Krnlav. . ! A library of Ihree thousand volumes, a cab- 1 ! inct of natural history, euibiacini; thousands of specimens in zoolo;;v, botany, eiitoinoloy. i . mint-ral-icy. rrolrpr. (Hinrtioliiy, Jt.. an stmive anj : en-lly cli.-tnital apari,tu.a rotnr.ivt i ll. miexl lulHiratn- I i rT. t.vetlir aitli tiiana. rhurL-. il.airmni-. Intsl tki"- tp. tu m&kin. r. ftirnixli a rare muiouut of fociiity in uie TarituH uepariuit-nui ui wi-'im-. Stu h nt not iTfKimJ fir O-H '; fmt in thr ACAIE- i Tuition in O.ll.-m-, fr th i-in jlo I Ac-!, my, riiii'v. 7 ! .M-i.-tititlr- ft TltF FF.VAT.E IXSTlTtlE u--ti at th 9tn tim, I with thr foritif r Talir. Tim luilling w roitiinoitHjU. I notl can accBim 1-it tturtv l"anlr!. j Tuition in Ihf H izhrKn-lhhrauchcn forth fCRMt(o$l J IcWir do i IVanl. liphL Ac Z,.l yor wm k. I iwifhure. April Z'i, 1H.". Slap of ths Original Surveys OF 2400 Tracts ol" Land in I'nmn Co., with about ten miles of IVnns Valley in ; Center cntv, and adjoining Inmls in Snviler. Clinton and Lycoming counties, on a scale ot 200 perches to the inch. This work is the ; ; result of xivr. months close labor anj search 1 j of the records and draTi on tile at the S'lrvey ! or GeneraPs Otiice at Hirrisbur, eitendmjj ! from 1767 to the present time. In prepanut; I it. recourse was had to ihe surveys for Berks, j Northumberland.Mifllin.I'lmton and Lycoming i counties, and the ditliculties overcome can be i imagined on!y by those who have encountered similar dilHculnes. lis importance can be j realized on a little reflection, and Surveyors, 1 Lawyers and Landowners in general are par- ; i ticularly intrrested in procuring it, as its price ; (50t)) ..uld in a short lime be covered by , j me coais i, r scarcn ann copy a-, i amstrartj. ; I ii unit i'i nit uiiKinai autvc.uiiu utii uu j to whom transferred when entered, is on each j tract as far as can be ascertained. Dr. S. I.. . BKCK, of I.ewKnnrg. has enaeed to procure ! subscriptions for the Map, which, when pur- chased, is to he kept hy the County Surveyor at his onice in l.ewi.!mr. for the ue of all. V. KI"CKE.. V.i.c. &. Drafmnian. Harrisburr, April S:), 1S5B License Notices, following applications for License I have heen filed in the otHre of the Tlerk the Court of Quarter Sessions of Union county, and the same will be presented at the next term of said Court: App'irantr. Limur atkrd f-r. Btrtnr T-icnship. 1- .t'ttin M'FaJJen tatin Itousm N W, Lfwinlmrg 2- Wm. Prtin ti Aw lierliu a Wm. lohoff Iun or Tavern do 4--Smtitl .3Uiii do do 6A. J. UVidtiul do X.W., Lowi.-bUTg 6- I'htlip tftr, Itj-nUnr.-itit 4 Ftn?Ttfui d-. 7- Jonf Fixlwr, Inn or Tavru, lt.MiJl-.VV hit T.-er j h-Wm. W. laioilr-nmutli do Kt lli.IT i!rC O-PriM-illa luJeiul;r do tt lluljiil . 10- DaTlJ MitZrr do HarU'-y : 1 1- Hfiry iiloa do Liimn ; lAon titub-r do N'rwCnl., W liitr liwr : 1.VK. C. M'lora do lUrtl'-toii, llnrllry n-.Mary i-ir-nnann. lniiiik iiouw, 1S-Mi.iH Kletl.n-r, Inn -.r .w Rfrlin ; W , U-wi-totrit l-Oarid llTT 17- Wn. Kilert H-aiexaiiJr rammlogs lUrtleti.n, fUrtl-y Miflliuburg ' du : do do 19".laeh lleckard I barlea Cnrfai-r 21- Marlin Kujy 22- Vrlrr Wcbr s:i-iii. I., mifr 2-l'boaiM Hiwa do do Fanmrimlla. IliilTaToa Limvatone Xew Culum Wbite Ihr Kelly do S. ROirsII, Clerk Q.S. 25, 1S56 Lewisburg, April A Human Life Saved ! DOWAGIAC. Jlieh., March 11,1856. j J.A. Khodes, Esq., Dear Sir: I took your j medicine to sell on consignment, "no pay- I take pleasure in stating its ertects as reported lo me by three brothers who live in j this place, and their testimony is a fair sneci- i men of all I have received. W. H. Coms tld mc "I had takn nln bottlf of CbneU Aguo Baln, andcontiuualiy run d--wn while ! .1 1- 7- f T1"- TI 7 iuj ? li t . that all thoupht it iitip-.i-MH' l..r m to lit tlirotih t ftm)tht.r rh, lbr dnrujrHoo dldall lin y ould lr di-, t but thuugbt I muMtli. N-.tliintr lid m any until j I rot KhorW r-or and Auw t'urf.whH-Ji at oorr rhT- ; in my brad and new la, aod produo! a pvriuanvut cure in a Miort tim." II. M. Coibi.i?i aaya: "I had Wn taking medirin of ; aa puod a doctor aa'wF have in our comity, and tnkn j auy quantity of qtiinine and uppriiHTa without any g.xd ( rrult.tron thfitib Auuat U ITth IWmkr. hut ! inr how nicelv it oprratwd'wi my bndber. 1 cot a bt.ttle of I KHOIiEa' tKFKR AND Atil'K .'I KE. whirli elTt-U-d a permanent cure bv uning- twotliird- of a bottlv." S. M CoMiti wiuinot tirte.t'iit both the other bmlharfl ay hiaeaM ao the Si m- aa H M i. I sold trie meditne to both tbe uioi day. and the cure waa m at-redy frKOl the same Fmali quantity, and I miyht ao p-ity. Yours wtlh miU A.UIaMlNGTON, The aWe aoeaks fiir Itwlf. fioo-l proof a itia. it la of DO better tenor than llie vai-t numter of like ol tifirated have pubiijthe-l. ami the aUll grt-ater amount that it rontinally pourintf in to me. One thinp more. Ijwt yecr I had occasion to Caution the I'ubllr in the word: 'I nti one firm who here taken one of tnr reneral etrenlara, nihatituu-d the name nf 'their noatrum ftr my medicine, and then with brazen impudence eud their pami-Mrt with the exrlamation, It the proprietor of atiT otlier medwine aay aa murfc if he dare,' " 4c. ISioar I takf pleaanre in aaymtc tht tbrution referred to the .oif Dr. Cbrilie's Ague Ualaaia "that u netiuon e.1 in tbe abote r-rtin-ate. Tin-re are several other indattHooa people who are ap plyincto tbir potMinons trah all that I puhtich aut my fever and Arne Cur, or Antidote to Mai aria, except ti Certifi-te of :urei, aod the Ortifleate ofthe cele brated Chemitt. Dr. Jame? R. Chilton. f . in faeor of .U perf.ct.y HARM LtSS CH Alt ACTEK, which is at tached to every b-tttle. Tbeee will always aem to du tinguili my medicine from imitations- J AS- A. RHODES. Froprietor. Providence, R. I. tForsale by C.R.M'GINLEY. Lewisburg Cross Cut, and Druggists generally :Jm628 REHIOVAL. H. EBIIRT, ZURGEOy QTff DENTIST, has removed to Market street, between Thi'd and Fourth, neit door east from Brown & Rater's Store. Lewisburg, April IS, 13$6 , Lewisburg Chronicle Dissolution---Notice. ri"UIB copartnership heretofore existing be- I tween W. A. Masee and Lmher K.inck, nn.ler the firm of "Magee & Kanck," was this ! day dissolved by mutual conseui, said M.igee having sold bis interest in the same to. sal I 1 Kanck and Charles Ko!ilaiid,'o whom all dues ) to the late Company arc to be paid, and who are to pay all debts of the Company of every j nature. WM. A. MA Li RE, i I.CTHER IfA.M'K. j ( IIAUI.ES ROIIL..r. White Peer Mills, April II, Iti36 p. Hi ifV FIRE PROOFS! j iliS delplua, aainn the jifruH World! ! K vans t VATsoN-?XoJ(;.S.Four!h ?t., 1 IMnlad.. have had the siire.-i demonstnvion in ! the foltowinj; Certilicates, that thnr mantifac ' lure of Salamander Safes has at length fu!!y ' warranted liie represpntsttoiis uhichbave hern made of them, as rendering an undoubted , security against the terrific clement : ri'inniLnni. April 12. IS'ft. Mfj-sro. E'v 4 WT-MtM t;.-u(i: It :ill"M- in it.c aiUlHcii-.n m ststf to ji.ii, tl.nt owins t . il c . .-ry prutrPIIv"' itnl i t ' nftw.t " Hi- St:imnii-!tr h 1 wl.i-'li we urtliN'44t of iu soiii" f-vc month pun-, we ; nafi-il prlion of nr .It-wfl'v. r.onkft. I'n-T-. Ar. j f .i i-t f thf r:il;imit 'iis Urti in KjiiMeaJ. rict, ou til in'Tton:: nf th Tlih in-t. f W hen we r. flt-rt that tit- K- Saf. s Wi-r li rit.-.t in tin- 't f'"irih try T thr t nil linji we pie, anl tint they , tell mi! tjuttit!y iittoa ln nt ol hurniii rnins.w li- re tin- :int'n of li ent-'! t ! hrw plutf t" i Ol"it. W r-mtHtt t ut r-tlii III' r p-lTiiti('u v.f lite vnlu- ' alie emit. -m- a? nwtt e.n iuriu tt iJ tl.tfreut ccil ' rilv uff'Til-J l-y your S.-K-n. V,-MrjOl iMke inu -li !.-!.-ure in roc'.iii'nn lin,; tliem to tuvu ! bumuui-a iJ a fin r-Mmt"e ft .m-t tire. UK'i:iH V. .slMi.NS a m:o. rim MiH.riiM, A pril li. MiSi: I"VAV9 X W T-"f I hare to -tte-r you fiv tH- , tiiti--tir in titvor if the creat wruri'v .-tlf-r'lfd to my n fure .f-n-k ol jenelrv. li.k, fia;.-r. c.luritiS tin re- i ri tit iliSejxtrom rttift ir:itiin in Khii-I-ji I y tl.e Iwt ttmt llie Mitn yiUiim-sl in iwus-UIu: in-ti ilr .!) niniiuta-tiir l M limn: fil!.-it from tit.- l.lih nt..r uf Hi- Knl-un TTiiil.1- f it;. lnr thtT Wi'rv ) r'vii.uj v plrttf'l snbi-xt"""! t-m ; VAt t- t f'-r a li'ii; tinu. Ittf i rv-rvti.ii of 1 1 tkIii- Mtf ( ritn Mfmiil V'-ry mir li' wiliuu-l itu- .ii , in t:tt itiUTiur fxauiinatiuu, a ui:tU-r of yrvf unl s- I'ni-lim'iiT. T.t :i wlin m.iv iwjnirp a tm ft"'' t irtirt t--n frf.m thr ; ravM't- nf lire, I slti.ll not I it-it-- ti nTniniin-u.i tin : of your: 1 conii.T tli- timf m.w un (tzii ; the mofjt trj ing tort. N. K V"t:"i. ! Pun uTtPim, A nl H. l".iti. i Mr-M FrsVS A W.ti! Ui-ntl. nu n Xu iNni'.t -.n i will tM-' Iy (mil tfn) to leiirn tlisj i'-l dniiti"ii in j wliirh 1 tli-rovm-'l niv Nek. M'!i.y t in-utan.f, rt-rtiti- riilM 4Y -tif k, atnl oth-a Tlurl.l- (: i in r Tit, wlwrn uu i tri t.iv l"t I "pfji-. thr s.iff iiiJ.; hv iur tinu. ! With my k ii- Ivitf of it jrr- at t'pitir.-. tn-tli fn t!i I intt-n-itv iif tlif h-i lrui h-.t lire s that whi b Ue i ftn-vi -1 tti Arti-ari l(ni!U:iiir. )f )- frf.m tttt fwro- t If full trim) iu f-rni-T lf;ttfii .-itiu in the thirst ' nt.iry. 1 enuM pnftTt:iin hut lfinhr htjtei prinrt" it;' in . t'-ri'-r ittiH-ti'n. th.t thn rtmU'iit whu-h limhiV nrtz-l Wtuhl t-T'T h"- f u r, 'fS In mi', hut as ' inrf iejr are nnw nf'ii n inoiiu. i n un- 0v to ttuit I imu h- ii'tMr!h rwomnieiiti th-- n' f jour Siff to nil whrt nty winh to fwl c-mi6'I-ih in the p-rl. i t ftertirity wlii- hmrh nil an fruiiili-a aaint ivy frightful afi el'-menr. F.1U AKD 'ASKIM., P- okWn.1 r. I r Ponwntly on hand, Patent IVudrr an.! ' Thict Proof Locks, for lI;ink.JMores,ri(. lvh- ' Great Iinprovemcnts ! j Hassey'3 American Reaper & PTow&r VMl 1S56 This Machine was pat l in supreslul operation in In;:!, and run tinned to be the only Reaper and Miwin Ma chine in the World of any pratieal votue up i to 1 s l r twelve years aio r u inir- ducitou. ! Other Heapers are now oftert-d with plowing Advertisements and Certificates of Gold and Silver Med.ils. IJut the Farmer, in search of ; thf best Reaper, arid not posted in the matter, ! had better see a httle lunher. One d the : ipthcr Reapers took the pre at indal tn Knpland, j at the premature trial in IHol; the close ! of the harvet of Ihe sum vear. however it was totally braten by a IIL'SKV KKAI'KK, ' which received th unanimous award of an i impartial Jurv of twelve English farmers. The ; fact is thai Ilussey's machine is achieving a i series of triumphs in Knland.and rapidly ob- ' taming that pre-eminent position ther, which ' it has already secured in the Jan-lot its origin. ' If tbre is any value in ' years experience j in building Reapers, and usinc; them in the ' harvest field, OBKD HL'SSEV, the Father of H.-anffs run rl.inn it. AH ulwi nrc vtivfi.t . u.;,h ,,. mT RKA.I:K ANU, ' be sup,lcJ by nilin ,he,r orders early in the season, as the crops indicate a lare demand, ; and we can not have over -OU Reapers ready for the vat harvest of I.rt- 1 We would refer tn the following gentlemen. who have used Hussey's machine.- lor several : )'dn, uii'i win ifMiiy 111 men iijri im iiy . IMOV AND SXYPKR COt'NTV. T.iae Kvrc, Itfnjimin I-tir, J"hn Mn'-h, Pamn'd Pa ii tin i. J- lin .fllr. Jwh ltill-i-h. Jao-b It.ilil. J.H. ttrowii, A brum Aumt:d. Timman Clinan. iwre K)-ck . ner, lavi'l Kli-ckn.-r. Unt. Kleckn-r.';.r Sb-ar. J-din j limiflv. Sum lift Z-MTf. Ji cf.ti IuFr. William Wil--n, At.raui V.lf. H .41 . rn-'J. t'liari.- Kulil. i.-.rne Kp hxrt. J'.hn i.rove. Altrm rrl-y . Ktnnnu ! I'ntiu, Il-n-rv Mull. Cyru Itntwn, U m. t. M-vt .I'.lm rhi.mbt'aiin, ; lViIn la. nn, John Van Itufhirk, KImvi-I 1 Iman. N( IRTII 1' M IlKIt I.A X I coi;xt Y. famtt-1 M l;.hin. M' Wtllinm Pcljdiin, ataciib ..fman. ti'-nre Kmrri k. tieor" Itrnciu, re i.nil. Jhn It. HcHt r. William .-nifn-k. U i hm ll'iif I, 4.iMirso r'r"i"rifk, ThoV Strawttride, obmin Vt'lt-r, ; Jsnif Nebit, J .i-h M ,.,. A. K Kac, J It l'ri--t-i ly, ThoniKH Jt-hiifton. John Wm ll..mT,lt'.h rt Curry, I Janvn II Kim- I. Am .a Vtin, J .S. A 1. Utir-h. lnr CmyM. J.-oh Itel, Mflier .humii. Antbonf A ; Win. Snydvr, J-hn C'K.per, Je-a C. Hirton,ticu. Cural. j MONTOI R COUNTY. I Jatv.h Fhattf. Mvberry G arlmrt, fvid Clwrk. -Troh 5'--blt-r, Jr. Wjlxon K'reimiii. l.-(.r V risbt. Snin. Y-rk. William Menrli. It'.hfrU a: KiHhfl, .la-oil Pnyl'T, A. . , I.tinat;).."!. I. :.i.c. J tciib set liler, br. rtm Vuiki, l'. Uritn : bach, Wm. Fonmn. COLL'MRr.l COl'NTY. r.-t-r Miller, John Hill. Win. Rn.wn. n. A Bowman, (im. A, liowman. .1. Wety i-.wiiian. ittlert r'owler.Me-j-lien Tltomaa. Il.nry I..k, John itohfrtmin. t.iniel .'ei hart, Alexander I'revhnz. Andrew ;r'Vliiitf. M'ore frr Jinii, J'.hu MtTtz.Jaroh Hill, Thom.i Onuer. Jfhn Con ner. (Vtrr Appleman, Ktti lhitrn k, J.-mieji Uninrnn, J'nph It- Hick. Miller 4 IlieV. tlwn IL idl-r. J.eph Vub, Samuel -k. Win. Il'tman. Amlrew Fri-n, Wm. Fria, Of. II. Frie. WVnky Fri. Sam'l Frie., FrntiHUn Kvan, Jolm Kirliie, Charlea aud U eQ liuw, John Ney hart, Jubn Wolf. LYCOMIXO COUNTY. fienrpe Critl, Hiram T Crey. Itenjimin Bar, Peter Ht-ilmnn, Fre-l-ririr. A pp. Snmiirt liun Iruru. Henry hoetnikt-r, IVtr K- ntz, TlifinMd lavif. fhV Tall man, Pni. l IV;ir. J-hn II Tuyl, .liarl l.!" J, li. W. Fores tuau, Kvlxrl UibMm. CMXTON COUNTY. Wtn. Iuon. James Wi-teh, Itoh- rt Mfonnick, James Carkaddii, Joseph IlaiiDu, Kcbert Huiiuea. CKNTKR mNTV. Wm. M'FarUnd, Wm. It-wl, W. A. Johnston, Jeph Tlitner. Wm iHrat. P.nid Hom, Jc. ph Myera, Jacob Har ter, John Hoy, Jr. Wm. Foster, A.Iam r'ar. The subscribers have the exclusive rightin the fnllnwirif? counties: Union. Snydr, Nor thumberland, Montour. Columbia, Luzerne, Ferry. Mifflin, Centre, Clinton. and Lycomin. All orders thankfullv received and promptly to. GEDl'Ea, MAIiSH Ac CO. Lewishurj?, Union Co. I'a., April 31, 156. FREEBUEG ACiVDEMY; fPJIE Spring Term of Ihis Insiilution .l commenced on Monday, March 31, wilh li Students, and fair prospects for ihe future. ! The advantages it offers, are many among i which are : beauty and healthfulness of loca- j tion ; the enterprise, hospitality and morality j of the surrounding comtuuniiy ; the division ! of the school into Primary and Acadtmir De- j panments ; the llmrough and praeticnl methods j of instruction pursued : the very moderate I terms for Board fonlvlO to $17S perweek) , . . . .'. n. . . Tuition, Ac. So lnilustriotis sinnent givniR this Institution a trial, can fail to impmre or feel al home at Fairaciio Acantuv. Accom modations are provided for l.'.O Students. Circu ars, Terms Ac. cheerfully furnished on application to GEO. F. M'FARI.AND, Principal. Freeburg, Snyder Co. April 8, lbftG SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. I THP.nnnRF. Richmond. A'ti for the American Sunday School Union, can supply all Sabbath Schools that may want Books. Residence in North Third St., Lewisburg. April 11,1855 James B. Hamlin, A TTORNEY at LAW, J tyoffice on Second St west side, 2nd door itouih of Market, Lewflftbnrflr, 6md93 Union to. Pa. mi I Kr,4i,!, & West lirauch Farmer May 2, 1856. NEW GOODS! . ; " . aprmj ut tit- tin ' Si're c )R0VN it HITTER, who have Just I received an 1 opened a large assortment of desirable JSrni.vG axd Si'mmfu Coops, tiich as SilE Uareges, Barege dt laines, Cal icoes, Oinhams Kawns, Muslins, Ac. Alo a line assoriment of ronsiitinwul ("lirs.Clif mifiu.l.iitlfr-tleeves. jkc, Willi a great variely i t' MUX'S WHAT. s tch as Clnihs, Kasimeres, I.tnen Goods, Hats, Ac. Alio all kinds of (Jiftnstcarc, Grwr'ui, lhird anil Cular Ware, Jlmomt, dc. Country Produce taken in exchange for '1 mula at L'a'-li prites. I.ewiburi;, AyrA Accounts of Lowisiurs Borough, 1855. Stimuli -Vifrr, Orcrterr I'onr, Xin-lliWardDR. l.".l. April 111 Tu amt of Tour TaK dup.fur ISiJ, 2i& Ta 111. 1 Ky ami r spruced fur rrlief of Mrt Tuffit un l r!til- : unit f purl ut me yvmr ill do llrb-n II- li I ail child 1-i -I' 1 d i lnrr Ann tlntt-liMn li-i VI tiu tl" .lrlll Km oi 4 ii ilfi John Kjl-Tl llu rrt) 3 4'J 1I ilv Aun V llllaui 'Jt a M'l di d. .l-'lin l'rt.-lti iiltirin ck-kni-l.) ami ilo d J.'iu-- tn:l ti. U. e'J, 14 :;l d- itit Tr.4ii-H'iit paiii- r 1 ,Mt ! ! Mr i.i--liarl- u 1 Mi tl .lu-ti' 1. 1'- I'-r ir-l' KTont-ration on 0tilM-ate aillMrs l.y AuUitors ) r rutttf fur t "li.fltnt; l'i i alo l liiire '.vt Otur.-etT it r vices Ity 1 itlaii'e due ihf Orwiwer oa jutth-mrtil f'x Htrrutitni on Ihtpficnte, A. 1. I Awratnl Uani-.l 1 liKsjoriuj Jotkin lijLs -ll J... tt i M 'Kiitty tlccM 1.. ' Mill' r j s'-tt I i ! M tllwr PJiinwo X i j vi (iv .)!, ii I'l K .Seal iMtii-t U.i, AUr.H.1 ll'iieth ll"nry li(-r tit's r t 't l'.-t.-rd hiumiel 'u v. nuiA Juiiit lUiiicfl f'li:tnfi f. h: lls:iwr Tbtuiits K Kill -It Joitu Via- J O ti-tu-r ( hrli l. Kiint U illim Kt i k l-.j Itrjtiiu K- t!-r A J .in K hnrr ltti-l K Ji.l. r, K 1'astNl m trror. 47 -un. Ainount, Vrtrr S' villi, ihrttr Vixir.ixmth Want' !.', Aril I'h ti ami of l''or Tax lu. fur Is.m, ru. IIT atul i Xl-rnitfj f'r iui':i-rt of 1'rnnri Khw anl (.mill I r Ui at lw 61 46 (to tto .I'lloi t.o-rjr t. o A nil 1 l-.iui.s 1 ilo llarr.i't llitfuuun'. cbiM do ilo Ivl-Tar-.I II I'oiMo'll ttf Hit ; ;s la 11 lu ! Ji:i ihi ' is 3i l oi :i 41 13 :,i . in h i ' a w IKJ 1 ilo ilo :ir.iti lactiani'r fly f-i's -f ,f u-l ii-i.'s I !-la-tiiiii; orl;ia til l.X 'ln-ralionp ou liooir:iUi 1 jr i-r c. niii lor rollf ttni: ai'tno I IliTftST ri.tlp- nr M-tVH-n t u-li fhl .loloi llonlit nlnt i f his ts- JtiU nl A M l.ain. 2 mo ri'tit Anu U illinm. LIU '-I Jui:i.t 1IiU.iiiii, taking cai ol .Ino lturrt W j 4-' IV ' tlti1 Itu1 Ovoriwr on frttlfini'nt t-'X'iirrvtinti.l nil Dttfilirut', .S. U. i rTtti Sannial li,Mrk Ji till Krr -rin luiii-atfl a: -mi' h Jrkunn i.- ft Si.mii'1 11 K M. in.r Kiuioiu-'l !li:'S .Imnra 2;. si..u. h Z liarwla K I'iM.r 11;rtj Mij t. (i.u0 fi-ur .i..!m.sui ll.-tiry 1 1- l-rn-r IS 1 K Mur v ui .cuilrartfir'i H'l l: Murkily larilhi-lii I Ann .41 tli'itrs Amman, Citlt-ctiir Burmtsh 7iu. IK. ls..u" In. T.. aiut i-f liup;icul fir l5Si h I .. Mltlt I.T11II plilllk .Ot tl Mnliriai artli; tu n.J ur .iJvwalka aU 2 bll liiil jial.a Mil4 1 0t 174 us CH. Amt J Fri.k, fllfcri Cu.n Eridg OctCI.'Si 87 65 On d o Star T, ! 8 iln ft'i Mar 1. 1 fill p-l .T:imis I Ilo... airrlei a Mraet Cninmi'. euer 4'J .'.n (ul I' Nt-Tiua, I'oll. lur ';,., itialmiri' ot In. ucrli Bll 1 ami t-ii-nl''l f r lutnlu r jnit malrrialtur IjriJe... rul.frt ai-nww null rac. ai-il r- iairN 254 4 aint -x peritlej f-r liaiiliuK aii'l Iiit or iitni un atreel anil aiii-yr, aa pr arrt r-nd"rid anil it fur lliackuntti woik tor Uuronh rkai k'r t'r StiM.r.i..or'i r.iroa aint ft Kiuvrulin on iu lli-ate ami of fwr eentafi tor rollKtinie tatna 1'a-li jmI John llnughtin. Tr.u-cr llaiau lu the Lauda ti Colltctor llalance due tin IlorV hy Collrrtnr on at ttlfincnt S. Exoneration on Horuw'U Tax. Anratxl THnM A niiuxn Samuel Ite.kla-v Matilda IU K MiHer Thontaj ' 7.. Mrnw Airiander 6- 1 Miller J.H.,-(.tt 7: 7b Miller am-)Q 7. 7 1 M V..y J. bu 7J b Mi-rr-'w JniiiM 7i fo I'urtM-1 l nit i 7 "S Tiir-el Altfwi 7; UronuH Jaoeb Jl'"'"' it .n.vt c u i.'-i.ttey J"tin K it.r Tt.omcj 7. i'oelh llcuiy I'. tb .1.1, u' tti itniue) (balance 'Ji 'iT tit-frra t III"! ivt.-n" I- m:.iiiii 1 i0 i tirlM r llarf J ! r i-lM-r U ln wii I liibtfiiy llusl , in-tt 3;unu 1 I llilf .lauii-a . llt- Tin. in i llitt"n.&n iliurliiun AnJiar ' Johnoon Ht-nry W 7.i Kke W iliiain 7. 7 K KNinaii V M fleft) 7.' it) Mri'-kland inuel 7- 1' nnth Jmif -f tlvv A 7- Mfiinrr Kniaitq I ?.- i 7. K Sht-llerS ' i S fll 6t StonIitn Frrrtrkk Shrill- r haniu! Ti Ktou'b .actmriali(1ft) 7 A K KHift IVltr K him bantfl K-rk Kfhraiin A Kt-tU-r Attain V. Krr I'diii'I 75 Ti lor Jmnca Vt tn Vniiac U iliiain 75 K Wii-i-n Samuel 75 ; 75 ; K h line niiHin K kn.h Jar.ib A ! Kou Kmni ii 1 L.-ii. iirin(; J"wrh ,o i: .aiti.t.itN :s 7.' K v,.ii-. i rarient'rr7.'i i 7 j VM llarinati 1 W i Mortfti Nimcv (tirnwrtv. 6"! yr .unoii : M'Kmty Jdbu tie M .''' M.tbutf .Mutb.aJ HI i M;itni" t( ut4-ii U SiUttuau Juliu 1- ' K Millar Th'.tnaa T;". I M.irpl.y tinfliHih 7f. Amt $ 1 : 51'r'dJtlin Jatnr 7jj John H uhttt. TrrnsurtTy DR. ISjS, June 7. T balanrp duf ll-.ri. on actlb-oirnt 12 05 t:. Tn rnh rw-M of ! KittT. on of 0rwr5 uf 1'uor f ir IsJ, iu lull lor bl. uf bin nrrount, 7 41 Ju 1j. Tocat-h mM f twi-burj ?ain In-i-titutitui, unW cf Wm Mihiit. drawer. .!bn lli.tiK:btn, itiibtrvtr diTuiiuteil Aril 2 V. f..r W dnyi. f-r tb uwnf tli- LVruughuf I-winbur,;, pfrrraolulitm of (uniil, 610 00 July li. T.i rai-b r-t'l oi iur. A. K. Bell, ap nt of L4wict.iir- t'liivtrrity. the sm'i of lmn U Ihe rh lor nif j't-nr for it"h Wm t-or, Hurp-MMraveuotH bvJobn Hou;htD.:rf0 00 ttol-r i. i'o ruth r- M (,f twirburg :iina lu Ftiiution. note d..''Hintr. lor uw tl Borontfh at if d.iYo. Mwin-, Burfa, draw:r, Juhn Houghton. iudorrr. 400 00 1 .'-. Jau 6. To cah ne'd of D hlr. (bal. fd him by Juna'n Wolf-) iq ot) Marrh T- cju-b rwc'dwf Joa GlaM, Col lie tor for 1 20 00 April 10. Toraurrtr'dof J Clinic.!! , (hal.of bU aocnuut in full) 73 April 10. To caeb ree'd uf Tryera Amnn, coll. fur in.'.;.. in ii Ai'ril 10. To rash ree'd uf P Nf ia.0TinMer of poor. 3 4'. ToDdUocvduelrraauntr bj tba', 43 cn. T.j tvh rd Crtl Eli Mif-r tr on of Bcro por rrorij't, fiOO 00 . Lv'wiphurtr .HurinKt Institution .lin nuut tn nr'ts, 7 09 July 21. " h Inttyon finr efttimatc for t wort. ilon rn I nirr-rMty Avcnu. rn-r rtur.pi, 5 Ot) July -7- '.ifh p- "hur H:ivni Institution nti n'U of Apht its, .u, f..r 4 ln. do tint .') W Itjr Nfti xl l.wihnrjr aiTinir Inptitution ilH'-CMitit on Dotp of f-.'.'ti', rt-nrwtnl for Wl iInvm, 3 92 i J pril :h. CukIi j i Klh Ditty for work pr rercipt 2a 0 ' Au. ?k !( do tl' iln do l'.l ; do 1. J do di di dd .Io 04) ' do H- d- do d do do W tw i do 27. ra-h rd A. K. n.trtnnn lie (pr order) f..r rord Inr w. ihtot town cUrk 7 0 1 An-;.". 4 :i-h 1 ..utptt 1'itty irrc'ipt . C' i ! do I". 4'll il aloliii llartz frvinc notices 1 i iVpt 1. Canta piJ Kalph Unty ptr rt-rij.t Sii it, do H. do di do do (h) do 17. do do do do 'Jit 0t Oct. ft. rah p i Irf-wiKhiirft ftariiigfi Institution di--f.nnt on not- of $4iU dbcoauted at W Uayi for utv ft Itorimud 6 27 Ort. 6. rsh pd I. r u of rmoch per iwrlpt Sid 27 do li. C."lipJ !-w..-''urSatioi; luotitution on note ot July Ti.r jJJM) now due 10 00 Ot. w. tau pj lewi.burir raamca inaumtinn .llA.,,t ,.n n.,t.. UB...J f r llMI -t Of, A..-. (1i)Unt on not.- renewed f .r nl 90 d:tTn 3 73 OrL 1 Afs'?,s and duptht of borough tnx 35 ft uo do. 12. A-5.irip nJ two rnplirMUv of p-mr taxes f r North and South wttrd of Borough ft 00", Jan. A. 1'afh pd lwi'biir? Saviti Institu tion tnr dinoount on not of fMMt rrnew-d lor twi day, lu- ludmc note of JIlHl d;tnl !t. 0, ls.So and iiot- of 100 dated Oct. l i !; 7 84 Mur-h 2t. Ch pd A. H. hiair for uf of hoiiM 4r., to bold Hor:h krtHmi for N. (. wan l 6 00 Airil 10. Dill pd John llaliirt jr., for -rTices a High Consul. I for purl of th Tear I8i 4 75 April 1". Hi'l pd ltaa Wagner, deputy H.Convt. 3 60 do 10. ItiH p WnrdMi k Coritflius for printing 20 00 do 10. Ititlpd Zit-bach A Lirn lor prinuii 37 25 do 10. rierk and iivaurr'trhar;nrbr wrrlrrs w 00 do lo. Bill pd Worden k Oomulius &r publtah- tatrmcnt of Borough aoroonU 12 00 April la Auditor' cbarge fur tiling aooounU 9 00 1976 2i By Balanro da Tmnrer by Borough $80 49 WE UwnndrsfgnM Auditor of tha Borough of Lw Itbarp do hTfrby certify that wa ham rxmatned tha f Ti-Ri.inir accounts, and find tbe turn to ha cr-rrveL Vltay-M oar hind ft the loth dny of ArriT. A. P. 1866. FftKDKfilC K MAM.-l!.) niAPLrS U. KM N't, AaditL 5 t.; 1 1 :i ; 61 I-'. lft c . C ill Wakefield's HinJ Corn Plaster, Which after two ea sons' tnal has Uteu fnunil much auprnor In any othrr iinylem rnt now in 0 fr pUntinj; Corn. Broom Corn, Brans &c, is no nlVereil to the Farming community by Auents auilinriznl r'Tj. U sell Hie same. This imiilfiiieiit i Pla,n ffli aii'l .,nn in Rons. - . -Ejirwi"-"! "ot 1,abIe "' ..yJSSF,,,, ollt f repair. -r. he ,aMly ailjosied to lanl at ao.V aesircu ilrpih.ilrnp any iium.L-r of seed in a hill, ana coms but Five Dollars. An examination or it, wilh the ahmiilanl'IVstimmiials which can be shown from lliose who have ue.l them, can unt tail to convince every one that il is ji1 the thins nee.leil bv I i'everv Farmer. CKODKS, MARSH k CO., Iswhbnrg, Agents lor 1,'nion and llie adjoiumx Counties. West Branch Insurance Company, OF Lock Haven, fa., insure Drtarhrd f nuililins, Slnre, Merchandize, Farm Property, and other buildinas. and ilieir con leuls. at moderate rales. Iwnns busii.ess on bollifaih aiid.Muliial plans. Capilal,$!t"l.iV)0. )uti:cTT;K Hon John J Ptarcc John I) II ill Clias A Mayer Chas rist l'etcr Dickinson lion S C Harvey 'J' T Abraius I) J .l icknian W White Thos Kitchen Hon. r. C IIARVKV, President. T.T. AHKM3, Vice 1'res. THO"3 KITCHKN. Sec y- JAM t'.t 0. IIMI.I, Aient. T l.ewisburg, I.'nion Co. I'a. Assignee'S MotlCC MIF. undersicned, Assitrnees under a vol- iintary deed of assignment for the benefit ol creditors, executed by Hisht It. .Noi l, of the boroii"h of ishuri. on Ihe fith day of April, I MSB, hereby give notice to all persons ' indebted to sai 1 ll-nry K. Noli to make iiiiinediate payment to llie undersigned ; and all thoe having claims attains! said .Noll are reiiuited to present them without delav. 11. I". SIIKI.l-KB. G. F. MILI.EU, Assignees of Henry R. Null. N. n. Persons having ttnsetiled account with Henry K. Noll, the Assipnor, are reques tid to meet the Assignees at the ollice of Gei-rr F. Miller, on Vedneday, May next, to niak settlement. Lewiabur, April 17, I8'ti the 11th of' J. Goldsmith & Bro's. JukI AriivrI V. OOODS! ,rOV is the m inler of oar discontent X made glorious sinutiier' by the ar rival of our NEW S TOCK of Srr.ING AND SCMMEIi GOODS, ennsisting of the largest assortment of MEA"S WKAH ever before brought to the town of 1 l.ewisburg. Our stock is complete, and we ; are se ling at very reduced prices. All of our! Hoods are selected by ourselves and manufac- i ture.l in our own establishment in I'hilad. viz. Itlack", Grown, Blue, (ireen. Claret and II a id Rroaddoth and I'assiwcre Dress, Frock and Sack Coats, as well an FANCY CLOTHING of every description Vests of Cassimere,Sltk and Satin, all made afier the latest fashions, j and warranted to be well made. Also White Marseilles Vests, White I.inen Vests and i'ants, I and every variety of goods usually found to a j iientlimin's Furnishing Ktab) ithmmt, j inr I iiding (J loves, Hosierr, Neckcloths, Slocks 1 Drawers. Suspenders, Handkerchiefs. Tnder- j shins, oic. Also a great variely of Fancy I Aniiles. Also II 4T,Onps lor Snrin-and 8".;r'r lTZLrZ monili s Court, theref. re ue have laid in a I much larger stock than we otherwise would j hav. ilonp. llnr mnltn is Guinea na ps anil . SmU Protits,Mand to this motto we adhere We would particularly call the atten tion ol'nts to our Mock of Cots' CL.rTHiwn, and a!s' that Soods will be carefully made to ordrr. Particular attention paid to orders from the country. Lwiburg:, April, IHjii NOTICE. HAYING, this day, disposed nf my ititfreiit in the Firm vf Juyes.Gixidtiitm 4r (. 'o., tti (iiKinM I1! & Chabehlix, who will continue the business at the old stand. I would rtpertfully request all those having unsettled accounts wilh J. HAVKs & CO. to call and settle them without del.iv. April 1, 185H. 'JAMES HAVES. Woodlots and Small Farm for Sale. T'i unit purehiwr, on reiaunabU ierms. THKRE are 9 lots of Woodland, si- a iiiiii in line I'eer l pHun i-ini. i.tii tiitoe 'rerk.nbtmt a mile above l.uldin's store, ranini; from 14 to 21 acres each, well timb ered with various kinds ol Oak, 1'ine, Poplar, and Ch'snul. The Farm contains about 55 acres.of which 1st are cleared, and has on it a Two Story Log mllone, a Log iSiablc, Spring of Water, and Fruit trees of various kinds. It ad joins lands of John Hummel and Jacob Hart man, about li nte from (ittldm's Store, in W hite Deer tp., I'nion Co., I'a. The above properly is offered at Private Sale, by the subscriber. UF.ORGE MEIXELL. Kelly Tp., An?. 10, '55. ELECTION. OFFICE of the Union County Mutual Mutual Fire Insurance Company. l.twiiiino, April 10. ISS6. A Meeting of the Members of ihio Company, w ill be held at their Office in this Iloroueh on Mixdt the 5th day of May neit, from I to 4, P.M., to choose thirteen Directors lor the ensuing year. J. A.MERTZ, Secretary. DAGUERREOTYPES. TORN W. DAVIS, having taken a J room in Anion' large three storey brick bnildinp, corner of Fourth and Market streets, would rei-peeuully invite the citizens uf l.KHISBLItll, AND VICIMTY, to call at his establishment, and examine his specimens. Frcm his Ion? experience in the art, in connection with one of the best artists in the country, he flatters himself that he can give general satisfaction. Having gone to great expense in procuring the largest size and best made instruments, he is prepared to take Life-like Daguerreotypes, Craynn.1, Crystahtypcs, Stereoscopic Picturet. April H, lSAO Fresh milk and Cream. The subscriber havine made ainpie ariangements, now offers to furnish the citizens of Lewisburg with a good article of Milk and Cream as may be desired, t tCall at llie second door on Ut street, cor ner of 1st aud Market streets. JACOB WOLFE. Lewishurg, April 1, 1856 pd Mount Vernon House, "VfO. 95, North 2d St., Philadelphia.- J.1 This old and well established bouse is admirably situated for persons visiting the city on bnsiness or pleasure. The continued patronage of the public (and of West Branch friends in particular) is respectfully invtled. I. L. BARRETT. Philad-, March 1, 1859. Proprietor. 1,7 V. W 7 J. M. 0. RANCK, A1 TTORNT.Y at Law, ailfflmbars, Union Co-Pa. lAil r"''-''nal bu. inr eoini-l. to hijearr, will be puiirtiially ami laithlully attrmlfit to. June I, ! yi CAIM). The Fi iiMEn Session- of tlio LEWiSBUBS ACADEMY Will commnr on Mmmr. April ei.lfM.lo cnnlinuf i:i we t. TIih ilfsian of 'he Princi- I mil m .horiii i ii" tin? rtonim; srjMon, l1 to ' aoi'' wartn "eVy 1--,n : an'' I iim thou eortailrd will br ma.le op in thf Kail and Winter sesvons. The course of Instruction i calculated to fit youihs for Collese or for general business. Ciimxuilinn and D-rlimnlmn receive careful attention ; and pnifirirnei in HvUttvm ol stu dies is rewarded bv the bestowmeut of Com plimentary Cards. A class of Vorxis I. iii,s is .eenre,?. The Bible is a text-hook in the school. Parents andUuatdiaus are always cordiallv welcomed to the school ; and short, frindlv visits of enco'ira'eine:it Irom them have a most happy eject upon the if'-pornneni and propre.s of pupils. With llie pp sent svjon Ihe Principal enters upon the lOlh vear of t his connection with Ihis Institution, ami lanes this opportunity to reinrn ins thanks to ihe ; citizens of Lesrishur' and vicnnv for the con- i .stantlr mereasin? support be nas reeeivett. I Tl'lTlOX (prr Nr..". nf i:i wk-.) PRIMAKV ..l-n.-. rl IfcfiiT. ti.-. !ffmpliT. 1 1 ram in nr. atul L'..s. Ht-Urv - -l ; Al 'SM-IIII Ki.i.I.-ll all "t iiii-:ii It 1 alH LAM'C it:s 1 I tisrfS-.rsT Kxpis-k. ."i cti l-T ..lon. No deduction except for proir.i-t-d ncWness. J.VO. KAMJflLI'H. April 4. ISjfi Principal DENTAL CARD. THE new mctliol of inserting artiti- I -L cial Teeth, Cum, Ac. known as . AUCW COHIinuoiis) uum worK, is, without nception, the best iinprovtineiii ever made 111 llie art 01 ueniisiry. 1 in worn. when properly constructed, is the most Iwauti ! ful.the cleallest,comllle4 the trrealest s-ren'h 1 with durability, and anis more 10 a i iear ami distinct articulatmn. than any oihT kind of work vT brwUiiht tfb,rv thrpnhV. AuJ not uiiU li'.-1. Ity t-Litii ii'Wfry ft- Hi- ii-r u iiimni ir-i ion. without, in tlx- Ifwst. tnta tlVituj ith ti u fulorM ul th- t-th io mwCH-alaiii. I would tak Ihi mik'tl of infr-rmlnr tiWe lnt-wrf that I he imrhiiMI ttw I'mV nt Kialit f-r ttii iuituf imprnTfinont, of tht inrntor. Jt' AII.-.(now f x.- a.v.l: i i .mn- niamitantiirlD!? an arLir-i relh andOUm.. tliat iUooiuir-laura'i:j aitli ai. 't.:'' m i.lit U ha r twn mail tn tlili r an. nwnirf. I aa an I an1 ennevialljr tbuw that nrd uth ill tie-, har.enaaril ! UirlB r But.) to rati, abj i-.airiii'- t'T tti' m-lT.-a. Jt lit IA" I.' l-i Otitic aii'l H'H -n TliirJ atirrl, n-r M.rart. OAlrain MiL!',un lliailway, ir'adaiader'-riiar XOTICK. THOSE knowing themselves imleli'ed I L forthe-.l.Wf.VC.V H.A(i." bTsnh I scription or otherwise, will please wake im mediate payment U the subscriber. Mnortr may be sent by mail at my ri k. provided the , letters containing it he registered in the I'ost ; Oilice. CJIARI.ICS CAWLEV. ! New Berlin, April 2, HSU THE subscriiier hi? in his Yar.1, for al. a goo l asortmnt of L'inihrr, viz. I.IO.OOU feet of dry Joist ami Scanilmf 25.000 feridrrinrh 11 iar.l.Weaiheroi I'lank 50,000 feet new l..arJs anil Plai.k, pail dtv 1,000 saved tl-inlwk KkiIk 20.U0D Lap anil Joint Shingle, 20,0110 fei-t Shinelmc L:ih, All of which he will sell at lair jnre. THOMAS -NKSIJIT. I.ewibnrg. April li :iinpd New Goods at the New Store ! ! TTTiST" -Mi I IIVA T. ! ? r Villi subserikrs bavins rc-litted and J- improved the Storeroom ol II r Mueller formerly occupied by Kremar Co. wuu d respeciuiiiy aiiuuumc- w oor - - 1 nitv tnai inrv are jiim uprnnn LARI.r; 1 AND SHI.E.NUIO STOl h ol I SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, ! i bought tit New York aiol Philadelphia. I adapted to the wants of all. and conipriain; ; I the usual variety kept at Stores in the lancer ; (Towns. tVCAU. AM ! I J. St lirrjcr & Son. I Lewishttrs, April 1, ' CI.VRI'KTS. A very larit and well selected lot of cotton and ail wool Carpets. Ir.un 1.3 cts. to !- per varu. j poruon 01 inrsr Carpets were bousht at auction, i thi rs direct . from the manufactory, at pncea that we can ' sail them very low. Those in want of Carpet I we invtle to call and ook before biivms else- j where. J. SCHREYEH X. t LAKtiE and desirable stock of Ladies': Al,ub Uress Goods, of everv kind, fr sale J. srilKEYF.R cc SDN. 4 LARt.K lot of LadieV sprins and sum f tner Shawls, for sale verv low. bv April 1.18561 J. SVHHEYEK SO.V. CLOTHS, Cassimeres. Tweeds and Summer Wear, for s:;! cheaper lhan ever bv April I.ISSSI J. SCH HE YEH S, SOS. Executor's Notice. MOTIf E is hereby piven, that Letters 11 Tsfarnrntirv on th last will and tta ment of GPHKAIM l,o.G, late of Hnflitoe township, deceased, have been granted t the to the nutters ig tied, br the Keter nf I'nicn county, in duo form of law; I hi re fore all per sons knowing themselves indent! in said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and thoe having jut claims airHiiiNt the same are also reqrieted to present them properly authenticated fr settlement. JiH. HrHHAtJK. Executor. PeK. 1. IS.'.A pd Pianos, and Slusic. JOS. LYODER.Aspnf for Jfeyers' ln...l V . . r. U t ' - 1 a, 3S 3:7a i.aaawT, S5?r?iiist leceived a larire assortiiieni of .NA- Miutr, j'taw, ami M t'Hftan liimk. Seiuinarv and Teachers supplied at the Publishers' dis connt prieea. Mimic published byt.ould Lee & Walker, 3. L. Walker, or any Publishers in the United Stales, furnished at their price. N.B. Meyers' and Wight's Pianos oM at less than City retail prices. Lewishurj. Nov. 14 KNOW al! lien by these presents, That William Jot and Jo,M'Fnnis of the Borouzh of Lewisbart;, !tale of Penn sylvania, have this 14th day ot February, 1 ."(!, purchased the entire right and title to manu facture and sell the GREEN MOUNTAIN FEED CUTTER patented by Jam. II. B,,rr. of the State of Vermont. in tbe fll..i, counties, viz.Luion. Snyder, Notthumherland. and Montour. All persons are there.ore cautioned asainst man- . . .. . uiaciurinj or purchasing said Machine Irom l any person or persons unless duly authoriiird I Dy tne said Jones M r atllin. The design of this machine is f r emtinc ' Hay, Straw, or Cornstalks any lentr.h desired. ' and will fully compete with anv machine now i in use. and will surpass any ever offered to ; the public for simplicity and durability ; and j as regards the ease with which the labor is i performed, and the quantity it will cut in a i riven time, there are none to surpass it. Anv i person desirous of seeing and examining said Machin can do so by calling at J. M'PAD DI.V.H Hardware Store, Lewisburs. Pa Price of machine ready for use $!0.(6m620 "TTLEHY-Knives and Forks, Shears and V Scissors of Rodcer's celebrated manuf- artan,rMKoiTaa,CmT.' TaW. a- ..t'. Si.Ia i at KKY.vuUii 4 M fADHLN. REGISTER'S NOTICE. VOTICK is ht'icliy given io nil 1.1 ceroe.ltth;ir the n.i-ii ' ;r-. f have ftettlU ihir rfcwutt.ts iu thr li iUi (ilfice at I.wirnre, I nin coui.iv, and tlt the saiU Erc'piit.m t t prrornir-.i l-rcfji,, natma ami alltwaire at iti Oi.-us IYU;. to t-e h't l at I,f.WlSlH K, tor live ci nnty ,j I'ninn. unihe fourth Frui.iy of MAY tt i be in? the 'Z'M rfar ol' nl iMonifi, via : 1 The accuunt ( dnirr HatnrT a S.ifnuel Swcit(fe. irint:.iirai.T ot 0.w.' Has!inT,tie t r' twnhtp tleC,.at . t The arconni of KturabetQ Hvi. An.: J Ktra'nx ol Frederick B-' MiJVt r Tp. rfpeM. :j The aeconnt of Christian KrtetT.rai Lewi' Krs.tetter, A!iiiim:raturs .f Mw ; t . Kersteitpr, In' f fh i(nftn Tp. 4 The account of Joiin M Km1. Kier,lVr of Margaret Ntymii, Uk ft C'h; in-.dit i 5 The nreonnf nf JsvUrte Y--Vr i-traior ul Hrury teiaiey,ble l Fr..!,,..,;, l U tiec'tt 6 Th aeennnl ff W ITirrt. n Iffiiry Fishfr. A-tminiirati.r. -I Ju.n H,, nsuu( Ul ol Feints 'i"p ilee'd. 7 'i lie arcoutit of Phi'ip Vf-nt!a. Vtu VoneMa ant itvni V hpula. AirrUi m:: t . Peter Vcnei-ia. U'e of Uitilai Tp. iltci. The arrouni ol Jna H"T.Alrui!,; j lf Catharine tiephar, late of l-nnesii n- T i .i.-,) The aeeount of John B Linn, A- nun trator ol Peui ,i)ers, late ul the boiuuu lcwisblirg. riee'd. 10 Tne aeeonnt of Thesselden Fi'hr. '. mimstrator fit' Aaron Crusbv Kisher.late nl 'h iHirouvti uf MirfliiiDnig. dee'd. It The gniritiansnip account of Thee-" Hay and Hubert M M is-er, tiiiardiaus .. William, and Sarah I'rire, minor ehildi'i of Catharine Trice, late ul the borough : l.ewisburg, dec'iL 14 Th account of Istac Wainer and Abraham Waencr.Kiecuuirs ul John V. aKuer, late ol est Ueaver Tp, dee'd. : The account of Abraham ard Peubi-i Drees, Administrators of Jacob Drees, lu:e f Beaver Tp, dee'd. 14) The account of amnel Shark. r.riit,r of Nancy Keiaier. late ol Hanlev Tp, ib c .:. 15 The account i f Atiraham ii'iinr.i i.e. the Kxecutors ol Jacot Reedy, late ul liuih..; Tp, dee'd. IB The account nl Jaccb A'irand.Kteeii'ir of John Anrand, lale of Midit n i. Tp.'S t I- 17 The account of 'I noma I'ennv. A ;i.. iatrator of Jainea 1.. Irelaud, ime of l-i b.: faloe Tp, dee'd. 18 The account of Henrv and Ceorge V -7, Esecolors ol John Motz. late of Wa-Hinttui. Tp. dee'd. li The acconnt of Piniel D 'JiMin. A minitrTtor of Samuel Netf, late ol I"" Tp, dee'd. iu The acennnl of Daniel Kessler. A im . istrator of Michael Kessler, late of femis T , dee'd. 21 The acconnt of feor?e Dreisbarh : mtnistraior ol Samuel Frederick, late ut 11 1: lev Tp, dVc'd. "J The acconnt of Thilip Grors. Ete- e - if John Hi-hop, Ute uf ihe borough ul .Nr H-rhn, dee'd. S:i The accctnt of John Datesmnn ar Henry Ku-tenbauder. .Vlimm-traiors ui H-nij Knstenbauiler. lale uf White Deer To. iiec'i. J The acei unt of H n. lhilip K ml. A -mim-trati r ol James Mnah, V. D, I'e ul i ..: borough of Mirlliiibnrg. dee'd. S5 The acconnt ol John and Davis TrJT. Riecutors of John Tranp, U;e ol Cliapmaa Tp. dee'd. 26 The secern! ard final nrrcnntof Sstrt'l Pawling. Giiar lian of P Richter.a mm.,: child of Feier R enter, late .if Selin-gruvr. dec .1. J. W. rKN.MN'i'niN. . -'V Kf gister' Office. Lewisburg, April 17. 1W James F. Linn. J. HerriU Liua J. r. & i. M. LIXX, sttwTiii')H at law, LEWI.- 111 Kti 67 4 1'nio.n Oiny. Pena'a. "Have you seen SAC?" rirJI5 J0 ,? g Question 3sLfd kl , . . .... almost everybody j but we inn-int. Have ym ee iht .nte firm, wnh their -snpply f cw nnolut, Sli or, .nllrr. kr. rf The subsi nbers having associated ilie Al I selves into a t'oparinership in Mimlcs. now oifer to the public, at li'e Old S ai of S. Se 1. Silvia, on Market b!. ihe cl.eart't (for Cash) and beat lot of HOOTS ""J SIIOI.S. I f,,r n ,nj,, cver flere.1 in Lcwulurt j A;so a nevr and splendid assortment if Vr.W .VOf:.V,r J.J(V ami l,rnti'rr,rn. A varietv of 'liters. Half Oai'ers. T es. Lj kins. Mippers Ac. In Ladies and M ie , also Clulilretrs iShurs of ihe laift styles and sizes ; Ac. Ac. Ac. V"nrlf mad- t. nrtler Vlfiiimir ,i Ie 1; ,.uaiani as tbe Uorkmeu have iti;m i satisfai tion heretof. re. we ir i-t we -b !. ! a share of pu' lic patn nasre. SAM v J continue to be on hand as t..rmer!' t"i; j tt give general tat'staction to all rr t. .r I H.IFF.R A M FAl'I :. ) I.ewisbnrr, Feb. lfS5 IlERCHANT TAILOR! I "JOHN H. 15EALE. !iaim enlarp. J and improved his Shi p, on M.trV.t Mm : next to Hayes". More, has uow i.ptnej a la .- anil select stock of Clotiitt. C ujiNlinorcw. Vewliups au.i '1'riti.iuliist i of all Vinds. also fJENTLKM KXS FIRMS!' j INUtSDOliS.siich a Shirts. Uloves. lli-si.ii Collars. Sic. Ac. He will also carry on ( uilluK and laklnar. ; in all their brani hes, wilh despatch. areer''it. lo order, without cablfrgmg, and on the iu : !' reasonable terms. ICrnds -ma.le ( lothinar altrays ou band cheaper than the cheapf Having a large li rce of experienced bai in iny einplov, I hope with all thrs. faeili:. to ive ceorrjl satislaction. and share llharal public patronage. I respectiully tavnea wanting aiiyihinp in my line of busin :. call and examine my stork of (foods. JUH. 11. BE.Ur. l.ei.sburg. May 16. 1655. -w-v s- t ...-. T, . . .nniilr of Ft a a ..,-1," - " r .- D IJixhK Porte Monnaies, liennan I p and Kinnikiniiiue Tobacco; also a rre:v new Uo'iks. the verv latest works, to be ba.. JuneSa,S5. CHRIST CALDW ELL EEYXOLDS & MTa.DIEX,a:. Hardware ."tore. I eibur. r-ri citizens of the W est Branrh, at estreme i prices, Ou. Turpentine. W hue Lead. r. White Zinc, Silver's Pla-tic Paints (i ar . r r V .. . I . tan a' j colors-weather am, "-r i .ss;, 1"T' 'v'i f u'... rf ! a" k,n,ls ?' ?"M" ?, Z -he'r , h" ''''' "5 "" ,fcn' '' in ra I nntl ptiminR onr SIOCK. i vantase to ea'.I and examine onr sti -"---- - rmllc . . . 1 1 n.fir nl. nin-... u nosstbie. I m" a sell as near city prices as possible. see wi. at the olii Grukum itand. Lewisburg. May fi, C1ARPENTFRS, we can supply yen ' tl.e celebrated ftrcenfielJ Tool Cowr"'. l 'anes. Hunt's r-lebr.i;ed Hatchets. As". zes Boat Builder.' Adzes. Chisels. Nt H;,w,Sav- S't-s. Aiicrs, Pbne Bins. all kinds. All will be sold lower 'han at ea-b prices. Drop m and see. eenilfff no charge lor esamini. g slock "'Vi.X ware Store of KEVNt'Ll'S Ax M FAi rf ' lOACIIMAKF.F?! will rnu ren.- I ,V."" li , V. , and a eenem' ! 3nmnt of Trimminrs. n the Hardware . i no . V i' .liK Lesut"- ot Rr. i IsOLlia o M r AUl't.W