Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 25, 1856, Image 4

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    Lcwisburg Chronicle & West Branch Farmer April 25, 1 850.
' i.
v -
t ,
What constitutes Democracy ?
This quo-ti'in, wbicli has ciercised the
faculties i.f the best intellects, X ..-th and
i-outh, ever since the a Inrition of the Vir
gin.. reolutious of lT'jS-'Of.is about to be
settled, judicially ; and, therefore, 'here
will he uo ueed, on t lie par! of tlio faith
ful, to attempt to solve the rid Ho by wa
ding through the platform of 1S52, or the
Jiiord r.-eeut emanations of political tncta
hviiciin. If tho editor referred to iu
the surgnined paragraph should Ricee.l iu
recovering the subscription from hi refrac
tory "patron," then the files of the Alton
KrjHjumler will hereafter be the text-book
f r the DoinTicy, and stun -iA p-d copies
will be in great dcniaud. Xntional Inttl
tyrncer. "The court of Illinois Lave for decision
the most perplexing question that ever
puzzled th brain of a judge. The ques
tion is, What constitutes Democracy V
It originated thus: A Democrat at Altou
subscribed SJ5 to sustain 'a Democratic
paper but afterward refuse. to pay his
nubicnprivin, became tho editor'! views of
l-mr.eracv did not coincide with his own
n - r .7 iff i
prominent Democrat wote called to the
, B1
staud, but the testimony a to what Dema-
cracy is, was decidedly incongruous and
conflicting. The justice decided iu favor
of the editor, but the subscriber took ap
peal to a Ligher court, and a rich time is !
expected in taking testimony on the main
, '
(juesitoa. iue only way to get at a just I
decision of the difficult problem is to sum- '
in m Job u Van Jiare-n and some dis'.in-j
guished isouthcra politician. If they are j
Dot competent to difiue democracy as it is j
in the year Hfitj, the courts will be oblig
ed to give up the case as iusolvable."
Singular Taste. There is in h? pos
session of a firmer uear Lloton, Ktigland,
a j ick ass, which is known to be fifty years
of age. lie is named "Hilly," snd pre-
. , i ...
lers tobacco tj any other luxury. lie is
likcwie very fotid of a pi;:.!i of snuir.
Uur iuformant (saya an English journal,)
Las, within, these few days, geetf Billy
masticate a large quid of pig'ail with as
much relish as any Jack Ur iu her 31 ijus- j
ty'a service. When he bad finished the j
tobacco a pinch of strong i.,ipee wa ad-
ministered, which Billy suufied up with-
out the least d.'inur, and curling up bis
olfactory organ, delivered one of those '
cLan,i.1;; .oU peculiar to bis species.
. . . '
A Sad Wauniko
vonnir ,1.,
. j!"",, cetine-
"s" !
to i
mi a who had been educated fir the profes
f iou hi a aanay, not uavinir the ujeau9 to , r
' Limself P M frncl bis j "' r"lTss
atlention to loafing.with considerable abil-! i.eisl.urg, Jjh. i:. is.mj
ity as an aiualeur, was found dead, a short ' ," t
time since, in IV.tsburg, having evidently , . . .'V.'l.vi-v
,1; i . , , - i Clotliin; and Kat EstaV.ishrp.ent.
oicd uad'-r particu.ar shock. og eireum-'
atanec. Id swallotving a lump of molasses I U''f 0;cn.'.!. at till! Ilt OlllS formerly
, ... , ,, , , , ) orriinird by A.n Sr ('. an entire
e .udy, t!ie i-t-.cky edible had cau-ht the j atlll S,il as-ormn-ni of t'lotliiiiv
end of his mustache and pulled it down ! Bl:ts. I'ri.adc'.oth-. Cas-tmeres, U.e
bis throat, and a painful d,a,h was .he'-S
entiM.itteucc, though the jury could not n,.,.ss ., l l tnW , ,., oaH,
agree as to whether it was the result of b. ,penei,fe.l C.ty workmen, and
etrangiilution, or foisja by the nitrate of every other artn-le k'-pt in sn-lieviab'.ishnienis
,i. j - , ti i ' such as W'iiiie Mnns and Collar--, tinier-
Ivtr in the hair dve with which the iuu- i i . u
' (:arments, fs.u k-, huspenders. I uion Has,
taeoe was colored. j UvrV's. a variwv of Glmes. Storks, XecK
'"- j and I'ocWet H IUI -. Si in (Silk, Thread and
Boston. An enumeration of the pop- I Needle-. Corn Cord and Binding, Boys' and
ulation of Boston iust taken shuns B 1
t If i -n
gam ot Jo l ptr cent, siuco ItoQ.
This is luostly foiei"n, the increase rf the ;
Dative population being less thau one per
cent. The census of IST.5 is the fir-t. one
,. t .. ...!.,: . r
n",l","n f,.r -It -Ming. Plene rail and see lor your
BostoQ to oatDutnbcr the Americms. 1 selves. if v. o wt-h 10 -ave trotn o to :to prct.
The total American population number !
73,92, 47 02 per cent., and the foreign
number Sj)ji7, or 5'2,!tS per cent., the '
entire population being 101,420, ami eon- j
sisiingof 77,oti7 males and SS'iJ fe
Tll SEARrn LAW OF VlfH'IMA, which
,,. ,, r
obltg-g every vessel to be exaimucl before
it leaves any port in that State, the search ,
being at the expetisc of the vess .1, is cias
ing uucb di.-satu-fuction, and w 11 inter
fere with the coasting trade to Virgiuia.
The Alexandria Seutiucl says that ouc of
the coal aud iron companies it ho have
their depot in that city, and whose ves-. Is
are searched as they go out of the I'oto-
mae. in e id to test the constitutionality
, ., , . 1
va mv U-xIf .taI IUV Ut At LU Vk lUU .
An interesting report of pauperism iu
the State of New 1'ork has just beeu pre
rented to the Legislature. Total number
received and supported, l!0 1,101 ; teti.pi
rarily relieved, 170,0112. Kxj.euses of
cout.fy poor bouses, S99,C:4 ; cxpen.-cs
of temporary relief, S-I-rj0.2ljl j making a
total expiuse to the Slate, f.r the year cu-
ding 1st ic., l5. of si,:;;3,o;.y. The
nativity of paupers is given as follows
I . iri-n r.n wfi'MI . r .
ALi nKD Conki.i.v, for more than twen
ty years United States Judge of Western
New York, the warm personal and politi
cal friend of Mr.Killinore, aud Minister to
Mexico uudcr that geuileuiau's adiniuis
tratioD, in a long letter of thelltb ii.st.
declares he can not support Mr. Fillmore.
Ue is a Republican.
Vall'ai.i.e Memcjne. A Vankeedoc
ter has contrived to extract from sausage
a rowerful tonic, which, he says, contains
ho whole strenjh of ori.'iinJ L,.l- I,-
call, it the "SulpLate ,f Canine ! lic
' Father," Mid a cobblci'a bid as 1.., '
pegging away at an old -hoe,"thcy say that
roui one good now." ..;VtM. ..n. rH.
i-.ied the old gentleman, J0U stick to
jour work.ud they won't lit, su.
An mcLanc, in auunuiicing a deaih,
tliat the deccaseJ, .,loll,u , Vui
X rec,, u i-u!!y Micvtil Hied a
l JH--(uii, iud universally rc-j-ctcd "
YUilTH llii S!nrt. The suWrHier
i must respectfully informs the citizens of
Lewi'urg and vicinity, that he ha on hand
an 1 for sal- a cheap lot of I't It W IT It E,
fur the Sprint; trade, comprising
Presiiwj ami Common Bureau?", Sec
retaries ami Book Casr-a, Center,
Card ami Tier Tables, Dining ami
Breakfast Tables, Cupboards, Bed
steads, Stands, Sofa.s, and Chairs
of all kin Is. COFFINS made to order on
short notice.
The public are cordially invited to examine
his work, as he is sure ih:it they will he satis
fied with his sti ck of Ware, and prices.
I.ewtshiirg, March 17, IM6 j
The Slimmer Session
OF M rs.Tlioinpoirs School for Youn?;
La. lies, will commence on Wednesday,
Ann! Situ, aud continue 14 weeks. Instruction
will be c'veii in such branches as an usually
! taught mi Academies an 1 Seminaries of learn
in?. A thorough system ol instruction will he
wlM he V.,,,-, ,! on the part ol the nunils.
j Parents audt.uardianv are nonnested to secure
1 Pl,,t!",:i1 a'trmlance of those they may
: p irr in 1 hp l,wm,""n ai 11 ,s ,n,y lV
stn lv nmt application. that much cau be
iieciniptiii'ii. i
i - po-aaitl ano riMiiinnuioMs ivi'imti nn itt-en
f,h,aineJ ,r .scho..l.i,i thciern.an Ref..r-
i . . . ti l t
i 'nd Cluiii-h. uhieh it i l-elieved oilers some I
ao vantages superior to that ttM'meriy ocriipietl. j
Extra chars-" will I"1 m.nle for French 1. at iu.
Music, Nedle-wnrk. Drawing and Paiiilins
Knirlisji I'ranehes. per vear. from .1- lo $i-0
j t;"1""""' expenses per year,!
I Kewialjure. March 1 1, is.,0
William Jones,
TT0RNKV at Law.---('olleetions
1 1 promptly aiteuded i-j
Otlice opposite
ne s Hotel,
GRADUATE of Hie Penn Medical
j 1Y I'niversity. of I'hilada , oilers her profes
: sional services to the people of l.cwUburg and
j 0;iice at her father's resilience. (Pr. J. F
( (Jrier's,) one door below J.. Voder's Jewelry
April Ifi, IS.'.:..
B. L0XGSJ10KE, M.P., bavins'
V . loeated h,m.. f on the proi ery lately .
. wntd an 1 orenpied hv K
V. A Hewitt, m
t Miiton. resiiertl'uiiv t-lVers his ruof.s-
a.onal f,rvn' tti the puhlic. and li.uii h'hff
txoirunce l:ittT hinif 1 1 that he can render
sliM rtp'ii all tlitoe di-pn-ed Ut paininze
him. K"lly Tf, Uin.Jii Co, Feb. 4, KS iia
.p c , U 1 , nf
SuWrillCrS Call Jin- Of
JL the I ii;on County onrt II. .use. Ac, are
P-oti led to piv the O VE TtM H of Iheir
i - .i.r, .. .i ,, f,.,i
reiju'sied to piv the UXE-TEN I'll of Ihcir
snOx-riptii'iis. to llie undersigned, nil Hit first
i! ill "j ' erny turcrriinig month, till the uliole is
r-i: commenritig on the 1st d.iv 'f Februaiy
Vcuths Hats, Caps, and Clothing, Constantly
on h:init.
fnsioill Voi'Ji done on the premises,
i , . , ,u , . , !
!n n. io
The time- ,le,r.aud a s d article at a low
price O ir motto is, - unl; Sulrn uuil the
'-.'O'O'' 1 ''ill" hi ii.irn: ij- .so cnarge ,
TAH.OItlNti 111 all Us branches.
Terms-Csh. ABEL AMMON.
Lewisl.nrg. Sept. 27. lo5
n. IL Dersham, PI. D.,
TTAVINH iiermanenilv lticated inl.e
IX wisblirc. Pa., ic-p.-t Holly lenders bis
I Pioles-ional Services lo ihe citizens ol tins
'" n and vk in ly. hoping by prompt atten ion
lb" duties ol Ins proles-i-n to ui'Tit a share
,- ,r ,,,.,,,. .vtrnoen will al-o be paid
to Chronic Di-a-es of every iia.ne.anJ treated
h unparalleled sun-.
1 iu i.imnii i ..... i, ,.a,.,a at th,. renowneu
American Eiectic MedicalCollege.Ciiiciiinati
haiin f.r-i studied me Oi l or Allopathic sys- ;
tein of ine linn", and attend. -d Lectures in one I
of liie Oi l School Medical C..I eges of Philad
elphia; but l.eeoming convinced oftlie-uper-ionty
of the N"r or American Eclectic, system,
he commenced its studv. an. I atlenileil two
courses of Lectures in ihe Reformed ur Ame-
r, can llenx Medical College of ihe yuceo
City ol th.- We-t. This Institution, although
t-I in iif mt.itiT, ha M' .nri .r in tin'.er'-at Uet.anl
'h Ir-nlv .miotisliT n t-- S'uI n ti hi th f--ur ollmr
Mwticnl loil.iEf- m rim lnnaii nUl inl It i -n liug
rliviri.-tnf U all ju t' "I fur Lr.rf-.ant in liio, luai-tua,
kr.. tii-v will -'"U li- iiiore auiur-ju tbu any utticr
cin-! "t liv-i- i-.n
i if prtn--ip.il t IT tiTf IVt arffit tit a H f .rnit i'nwl nr
F'-i'-e-1 11, -Oi'l I- 1 AHo(-stti.ii" ytfiu ft mi-lirili'-. if this:
t fc.-w i- li.l nr. m rlm il H;-n.t tt-st t- in any
w t ir jiin in th- li"moi -v.:. rn. .i.-i n- rl..iin l.
t-tu. nl iri' 'lit ..; f- r "Mj- i ir .v I I urmlcv .'nN
ti -. .! !'-V nr n l.r .v.-rv-l. l v It.-CT.T lilTal
ami i.m.'n- V- ( t.-i mn- ol th- N- b'-il . l,-tt r.'
c. nil i ti--tiiui- f-t tli-t-r .-let-n-n- iho.1i.
L.tm-i. A i thfiff r- - hT rtt ln-vl furtti-i
t!i v;t,-.' V re ajnti. and U In--- M-fl IN or
A:'. p.-tt' 1c rh -'I --tti t f- w tit-i.it ni itifO'daroir,
att-1 ;M tti mpr tfim'Pt- f T.-ry h-r -vH m ol aititi
nni'. la' m- II- m cithir. II .lr"t.a'ltt.T!.orn-nia . )
. mit 'l)i A-r Tr nn ' linM- thait W-ri fnf rfBsilfrnl
' iin;!'i''t". ari. f tif ti ttlniit lirjiiiiiv' l"n 111- .u
ftilnlM.n. anrl .-r-n'in ft!i. r .II" a.- Ih-hility. lilieu-
outturn. Imp-P"- l.ocr Oi-tiM ii'ini.i M-r i ureal,
Th- N w srl rrrtmiOv claim- a trrt-at niwrorMy in
irtlm"it " ill .Iia- It lift t--"ii i-rofti y
:ni-l 't- thit th- mnrttiiilr tain alt ilifa
tny.-th.-r 1 iiaa it r ceni ; tht of Aunt it Cholera
Ik -u1t n f.-r r-t
Trof i- a- "f .rAur-ei and im.pT mctitf. ani thi
N Sh-ot i- Ha" ip-ti- mr im.i twiiij; houod down
bv flr-pvlir -rwU ainl anlhi UHlci lit- on .
S.. Ot r'I K al O p lower t-n.' of I.ofct ?t.
rPIIE suWriltcr ntn-rs li is srrvifes
L in cunn; Horses ol I'i.M Evil rr Fistula.
He will rore II .rse- of either of tne.e afllic
tioti fr ". or make no charge if ntt suc-ee-sttil.
Here i an oppnrtHnily for every one
who-e hordes are aflbcied, to le-torc I lie in to
h-aith and working order. Beid-nce on my
Fat iii in Kellr Tp., near Lwislotr?.
Am. 10, ls.V.. t.Edliia: MEIXELL.
Commoenh imm?nc9 Company,
iTrviflVr.nildinirs. Third SI ..llarri
t j bur;. Pa. Authorized Capital, ,U0
I Capital, 3frO-
!!,(. tn-ures Mnildincs and other property I
aHin-t loss or damage by FIRE. Charter
S-in.-n Cameron Heo. Iler?ner W. F. Murray
Ceo. M. l.vinian I'enj. Parke F. K Unas
Wm. D. e.W Win. 1 1 hpner JnH Beiryhill
J rnes Vox A. 11. W.irfoM.
S-er,.t.i.v!--. S. CAFIUER.
THE"). P. CHRIST, .-lrif.Lewisburs.
William VanGezer,
,ti;inliir'c. In ton Co.. Pa.
t FOinc on South Second Si., recently by
II C Hickok, Esq. 6i4
Atoms' Automaton, or
SELF-Kakins Reaper and Mower !
Th' A-. t'lunhinnl Machine in use.
.-I'El'IAL NOTICK First premium awar-
lci tn the "Atkins' elf.Rakini; R-aper and
M.iW'Lr" at the Stale Fair (' t'enn'a, in I8."i5;
also liist premium at the NorihiimoM (Nullity
Fair. Farmers wihine Atkins SSrlf-Rakinj;
KiMp'rand Mower can set n delivered, tree of
lreisht,to Harrishnrir, hv ivio Agents orders
before the first nf March. Itiofi. Alter that time
iVemht will be charged, making about twenty
,Iolirs a.lV. ience iu price. IVrtoiu. can pet
t'astinis at anv lime, at the Manufactory in
I Harri!,biiri:. f..r Machines.
Appivto KnU'AHD D. s. VDKR, Milton ;
Rl'SSi:!. U RHili r, U'llliaiospi.ri : or to
I AM lis I' ATTON,
C 1 Stf ('-neral Aj;enl. at llarrisburg.
l.ilt'St !
The "Old mammoth" Swarming
WITH KewGoodsand Old I'nslomers!
J. & J. M 4I.I.S
are now receiving and opening for public in-
spection, an unusually large assi rtineul uf
j a - " - 1.
Icr r AL.Lt ana iit.ii romprisin
Ihe varieties of
Fish, Ac, required in simitar Mercantile
Houses, to which they invite the attention of
all deirui? aniid (iouds at fai Frices.
tirain and other Country Produce taken as
heretofore. J. & J. WALLS.
t .. i k... in fcr.e
j iii;wiiiiiii, ori, i ,
nr .
'MIL Farlliers!ll) IllTftOforP CXISllIlK
J between Jtin Dalesman, J. li. Half mm an
aii-i K- lae-nian, under the itauie and firm uf
"iiii't.siiiun v , lias been Hisi.ved ly
mutual consent litis filleeiitli dav of March,
IN.Vi. All persons having unsettled accounts
u iil corner a favor bv cilling at ihe old stand
and settle them. LMTKSMA.N A SIlNs.
.V The OuMness will be eontiuued al the
uiil siann oy tne surwcribers, whn will be
thankful for past favois and share of public
patronage. Give thein a call and see for
yonr-elf. J. B. & it DATKSMAN.
' i.-ii t v.k "o iv-,
Last Arrival.
raM and Wintrr Ii j Goods, .c.
LAKGE amis pt'lndii! asorini(,nt nl
Ctdlars. Sleeves and tpncers, with a full
i jl Ctdlars. Sleeves and tn-
aoriinent tf liressTnmmings. Gloves. Mitts
Ho-ierv a-id Notions; Window Shades anil
Pap'T, Parasols, Hat-, Ac. Ac, winch will ac-
tuallv be sold at reduced priees to -mt tin
Call and M e th? Cods and hear the !
Prices, and pidjp for y"ur--elves.
C. .MKNSCH, Ainrrav's bitildinir,
opposite the odl Ciahaiu Stand
Lewishnrir, S -pi. 2S, 155
4lini(iif rafoiH'' .olir.
""OTH'K is hereby gneii, that Letters of
X Administration on the E- tate of J HI N
Ki.MPM:. late of West Butfaloe township, I'n
lon countv,deceaed. have been granted to the
undersicned in du? form of lav : Therefore
all person- knowing themselves indebted lo
said e-tate, are hereby re.jneste.1 t.. make j
i.nme.iiaic mi.ui'iii ; aim ...o-c .on iu ji.-i j
claims against ihe same ate also requested to j
present ihem properly aiithe:nie.ated l. r -eitle- t
, , it ii i,a ;,i ii,.. l.iiw ri'-iilrnee ol
Siiid-decca-etl u. Tnur-itay and Fn.lay, 17ih
at.L1 lsih of April net, lo m ike liual -ettle-
m,.nl wah al! iniert -t. d.
JOHN kIMIM.E. While Deer.
March 17, 1-SoG pd Adiiiiinsiiators
New Firm and New Goods!
T the Mamniulli Dru.s; & ibcmical
1 i;
uiporoiiii ol
: The undersigned havint purchased the entire
Mamiuoih Irn Store tiirnirrly kept by Ur
TlfrntfH 4- are now ready to fill Orders
and Precr.i'ti"tis at a moment';, notice. We
have a larse and welt selected stock of Credit
ami pure " ' Mt.un cnemicals
Dvestuti - . Oils, i'aint, lilass. ruttv and
Dlil (ililsTS' CLASS U ARE,
AH kinds uf l'atntt M'llit iiiis,
Fruit and ('otifectionery,
Tobacco,SnufT.an.l Imported Cigars of ihe
cboieest brands,
Ftincv bullous and Tuirt Article.
! Fine Toilet Soaps & Perlumery of all kinds;
j Ltuisiits asm Combs i.f iiiiii t.hilti.
i ICooKh anil Matloiin-y,
! a general variety ol Literary andisi-ln.ol Books
j Pine Oil, Lard and Fluid Lamps of every
'description; tre-h Pine Oil and Patent llurn
I in? Fluid nluav- on hand.
! Pt KG WINES and LOCOES of all kinds
1 for Medicinal uses.
; Fire J'l'ff aitil Z'utr. J'uiut.
) reserving and I'a kling Jars, &c
fl'T'iistnirnrswill find our slock complete,
' compri-tng manv articles il is impo-si'ile here
tt. rilUIll" in'" n'.u " -. ..--.. ..... -. .
Call and see us, one and all, and see our
slock ; and if we can't sell you cheap goods,
we will not. ask you to buy.
We are always ou hand to wait on customers.
Iieruember ihe Mammoth Pin? Store!
I.ewitburg, Cnion Co. Pa.
Frrkh .S'liiyiZes, ot the
The long-established Hat Store
"I?RANKLIX SPYKEK would respect-
X lully announce that he has ju-t opened a
most spleiiiiiii assoriineni 01 s., i
n.l i I Ik'l'lfl II and is selling ihem .11 i
( tr lower prices than ever before offered iu '
1 ewi-bur?.
Hals Moleskin, Silk. BrOsh.Wide-awake,
Aiuvda, Hiinjariati, Panama, Straw. Chip tic.
( Uis of all sort-, sizes, descriptions and
Flaltsaud Fancy Hals for CHILDREN", of
the latest and most heautilol patterns.
..ann. f.r rnt n ivrriiirn' .i, '
as G
Mtispenders, and every other sort of Wearine
Apparel of the latest cut, aud cheaper thau
he cheapest.
I?"Carpet Bas, 1 runks, i mbrellas, and a
great variety ot oilier articles.
The public are cordiallv invited to exam
ine his stock, as he is confident that they will
be satisfied with his Goods and Prices. Re
member the Old Stand Market street, 5d door
east of Third, formerly J At. F Ppyke
Lewisburg, Oc- I, 1H5S
usiices and
ble. lor sale
or printed to order, at the Chronic!? Office
Engraving and Seal Catting
OF all kinds, at 201, ('hesnut Street,
PH1LAD. Visiiing and other CARI1S,
Corporation and other SEAI.S.and everything
in our line of business, promptly atteuded to,
in good stvle, and nn reasonable terms. Or
ders from Cuv and Country solicited.
Fishing Tackle,
XD GUXS...The subscribers invite
IV attention lo their stock ol Fish Hooks
and Tackle of every desenption
Cane Reeds, Sea Gras-s, Trout Flies,
Lines, &c.
Also, fine English and German Guns. Revolv
1111; 1'istols, j'ercussion Cups, and Sporting
Apparatus generally.
For sale at lowest Cash Price), Wholesale
and Retail.
C21 Nn. 4T N. Second St.. Hliiluttrtihia
Jli: 'usi ColLvlIci) of &i:s tW b'iM;.iK il
'IMl'-TOr GLEE & CHORl'S BO'lK.-
J. A new and choic collection ol" Copy
rights never before haimotiied, and many of
the iiems of Modern (ierman and Italian com
posers, arranged in a familiar style, adapted to
the use of (ilee Clubs, Singing Classes and
the Family Circle,
Ily C. Jar vis and J. A. Getze.
This work contains a great number of new
and favorite Songs, harmonized in a style
adapted u general piirposes.while many of the
gems uf Mendelssithn, Abt, Kuchen and other
celebrated cnmpsers, arc presented in an
original l'rin. The great variety of musical
cotiipttMiioiis here introduced, eminently
adapts it to the taste and capacity of the
iniitg School, the Cce Club, and the Family
Circle. I'xrVncp One Dollar.
Just published" by LKK A: WALKER. 1N8
Chestnut M. and J-B LIPPI-NCOTT & CO. 20
North 4th St., PniLin.
Sample copies will be sent by mail, free of
postage, uu receipt of ijil -4mf23
rpiIE jmrliy, fra-
L ranee, and mild
emollient properties ot
this Sap, rentiers it es
pecially deserving a
place on every toilet.
For chapped hands. and
various diseases of the sWin. it is unequaled
Each cake is stamred WM. CONWAY, IK
South Second Street, Philadelphia. No other
is Genuine.
lmpio.l 'likmirsil OIUo Soai,
Warrant tf to U"i.A in Hard, St,J't ttr Suit Water
This Soap has powerful cleansing proper
ties, which readily remove Oil, Paint. Iirt,
Ac, tmm every description oo.ts wttiiout
tujttry to litem, for all ttouiestic purposes it
is superior to anv other Soap now in uv, and ;
20 per cent, cheaper thau the common R isin
Soap. Each bans stamped WILLIAM COS
WAY, St,uth SrmnJ Strerf, Philufrphia.
manufacturer ol FANCY AND s'1'APLE
SO A Ps, Sperm. Stearmc and Tallow Candles,
importer and dealer in Sal Soda, Soda Ash,
Rom ii. &c
Orders bv mail promptly attended to.
.u:ist 24, IK5.V 59:tui3
George Sturges,
COLE Manufaclurrr of the Imnrovnl ,
i Spiral Si Inn laliihs , No.tf-2 ;
Walnut St. Philadelphia.
F1YC S1LVEK MUHALS awarded, vtz.
Two Ly tti Mii.-rtian lim!:tuif. .V-w York. let. j
d" Tr.itoMin lii-teut- l'lnliwt-l-hmAT ;o.t I
Out at tin- Mitrviao-i In-tilutt, Uititinjorw. Nut.) ls.'.i I
The peeuliar improvement in the construe- j
tion of tins Ma tress is, that all the f fi- am
hrarif Winrfrtt frame work is entirely dispensed '
with, and its place supplied by a lighter and j
much more durable lrame, the springs are ail
connected by harness ieaihtr hinges, securely j
riveted, rcndeiinj it impossible for a single
sprins to fill down or pel out of place, and j
making a bed so ela-tic ttiat any pan mav be j
nlsv r ,., p. ai is ,httJ admirably lilted
,0 ,), a, 0I the siek or asthmatic who may
i-ojmre a -iMtng po-tiire,having the luxurious
s,s5 f trle best Feaihrr Bed with the light-
ne-s and facility of handling of the common
Hair Matiress.
These nnprtived Sprint Beds are inrtiriuhty
ma le of the be-t materials, and will last many
years without repairs.
Persons bavin? Hair Matresscs, can have
them altered into Spring Beds.
The-e Be 1s are well a.la toed fori! otels.berlhs
of Ships. S'eambo.its and Hospitals.
Sprm? S- ats for Chairs.t.'arnaues orChurch
Peus and Hair and Husk Matiesses made to
order. Also an extensive a.-sortment of highly
oriiameiiled (in enamel) and plain finished
consisting iu part of B.-d-tead-. Hat and Coat
I'aeks, Cane and I'mbrella Stands, tiarden
Chairs. Settees. c. Ac.
Philadelphia, April St, 1S5.". lyf.75
Fruits and Coniectionery.
17EM0VAL Tlie subscriber
J V removed lo No. 26 Market street,
(three dm ubnre the Old Stand, Pill LAD.)
where he keeps constantly on hand a jrenrral
sioek of all articles in his line con-isiin? of
IIKANUES. LEMO.NS. and all kinds of Fiuit
in season ; Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuis,
(trotiud Nuts plain and roasted; Pickles and
Preserves of all kinds lo which he invites
the attention of Dealers aud others visittn? Ihe
City, (ioo.ls packed at this establishment
warranted to carry safe.
Orders bv mail promptly attended to.
S. L. HEKItlNC, So. 20 Market St.
rtinfi- above Fiont, south side, Philad
Wall and Window Papers.
HAVIM! imrcliiiseil the Interest of
Pnrrhh V Ihugh in the Wall Paper
Ltusiness. we have now al our Store,
X. E. L'ttrnrr Arch tt Thir-1 St.,
a full and complete assortment of WALL and
WINDOW Papers, Fire Hoard Prints,etc. etc.
Kelyme upon our .ibilitvlo supply all orders
at prices to compete wtth houses in this City
or ,ew i orK, we conti'ientiy invite an exam- ;
inaiion t.f our sloek. We call attention e-i,e. I
cially lo our Window Papers, embracing
Fine French Green, Satin Green and
Blue, Satin, ami iiiiirluzeil Fijruretl,
all i-t wide. PARRISIl i BR4DSHAW,
successors lo Parri.-h & Hoii''b,
N.E. corner Arch and Third Sts. PHILAD'A.
N.B. On reasonable noiiee being triveo, Pa
il! be hung at City prices. 3tnr'.!3
Book Agents Wanted.
VGEMS wanted in every Town and
County in the I nited Stales, in canvass
for Ihe most popular Historical and other val
uable and saleable Books published Works
particularly adapted to ihe want-of the people.
"i"". nnp,.a. i.i,.i.u iniuuu IU IUC U1USISUU
slantial manner.
Agents now canvassing for us, find it a plea-
sani ann prnnianie emptoymeni.
Our list also includes the best books of T.S.
AK'l'HI'R. Over 100.000 volumes have been
sold the past year, and their sale is increasing
yet. We have just added several .Vie Bunks to
our list by this most popular writer, and shall
add others the ensuing (all and winter.
We think we have the best list for Agents in
the country. Mend for it. and judce for your
selves. For full particular, and list, address
- J. W. BRADLEY. Publisher.
48 .Vorth Fourth street.
iviMr Philadelphia, Pa.
Free of Charge !
rrW0 Splendid Tarlor Enrai in?;s,en-
J tilled -Boutin Abbey in the Olden Times,"
a splendid steel euravin; from the celebrated
painting by Landeer, and the "Hrpatrture of
ihe Israelites from Egypt,' a large and beau
tiful engraving from a painting by X). Roberts.
The rvtuil priv nf th !i'jer f HeXtTitm in $ r cupj,
but will br rV-Df fh.tr uf cmari.b fvil-t:
The tmNtrriU-r" )tiivf tTtwMi'hmi a H K Airurt in
PbilMt-i-bi, HD-i will furntitli any U-k or (urnu-tnii it
tb rvlRil price of any ol the $-i Mtnt,WA. "ii'ti ai llitr-pi-rri'.(tirfti-y
!'utnjim ), liritham's. Kraiik Lolf'tt f-n-li-ivua,
A'- will rrtrt'ive ttmfiiinp for .m yvur aid a
cil ui tilh- r t lite te atiiiilul ni;rNni;ii fr f,
i-h.-trfTf. or if f ub.riliiiiK u a f. aol a $1. Maa2inj
wh aa FatnTwD. and l h;illfii l.ali'a 1'hrMtin Ait
u I . tliy will rttvittt Uth maaxiui-a auJ a rny of
Ithrtr nf th atMtva earavDCi.
Kvt-ry rfwriliin of rncravintr on wimd t-XtTtit' with
nritttiM and iliep'tti h f It tii UiirtkFH, Ncwopair
Helin-. Vitw f Marhintrv. Hok llutriiliiiit. U(tr
Ortiticiite. UuiiteMi Car Id, Ar. All onlvrn Prnt by iuil
jtroiiiftly alUntl-a to. IVrwrm wi-hin xirmn if t t-ir
Ltnl.litiif enirravl ran wml a taLurtrot ur oketrb, of
the duiiatutcp by mail orfiT"H.
vrMn. at a Uutantw hating twalable artklea woul-1
find it Co their alvotaire Ur Mitlri-ait the mi ierif r, ad
we would art a atrenu for the pI- Mhe f iie.
j. n. avh.iif. l')w,"J V- Mai riERrK.
The Good Time Coining."
BY T. S. Arihiir Those who wish U
hear something of that long-expected
day, sh'ttild read this book.
It is having an immense sale; 5,000 copies
were rdered in advance of publication.
We send a copy hv mail, post-paid, on the
receipt of the pnre. $1.
J. V KHADI.KV. Publisher,
4H North Fourth Si. Vhilndtlpkia, Pa.
N. B. Agents wanted to sell this and other
popular hooks in all parts of the I'nited States.
Send for our List and Terms to Agents.
Cheap Fruit and Confectionery.
J. V Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in
C'oiifci'tloiii'i-)' of all kinds,
113 North 3d St.. below Race, PHM.A DKL'A.
The attention of dealers is requested to an
examination of theirstoek, which will be found
equal to any in this city. Foreign Pruits of
all kinds in season.
N il. Orders by Mail or otherwise promptly
attended to KmClS
To Iron Plasters and Dealers.
PEN.VA WireVorks--X.-2 1 Arch St.
1 above Froiit--Pllll.All-:i.IlilA.
of all iiie.-hes and widths,
with all kinds of Plain and Fancy Wire Work.
Paper Maker's Wire, all kinds. Cylinder
ainl Dandy Kolls. covered in ihe best manner
in or mil of ihe Cuv.
A very superior ariirle of Heavy Founder's
Sieves all kinds nf Iron Ore Wire, Wire an I
Sieves fiT Seed, Grain, Starch, SnulT, Brick
dust. Ac.
amauo BAVLlss, DARBY A LYNN.
Trusses Trusses Trusses !
-g) j V. "if. .NEKDLKS,
S.W. Cor. of Twelfth and Race Sis.
Importers of fine Fnrsru Turssrs. combining
txlrtmr inhln'ns, ease, and durability, Willi
conect construction.
Hernial or Ruptured patients can be suited
1y r-noltoii .lui.utitis i l.-li.w : SVn.lintt numU.r uf
im'hiK aroiiii.l tin- lj i (-e. nii-l .ImIihc i.li- lf.-ctl-I
o-t ..r Sourl,, Tru.. f II. 4. S. iMotl.Jv . . 10.
In.triirliuiiH . In .far.AiiJ no. to .Il.-ct . cure, wfacu
poMiible, sviit .ilh lliv Tru.-..
lor sU. in rrit .srlf ty.
Dr. lUinniii" Imprnvrtl Vahnt limlif flrorf.
f..r tli -ios ..r lMi!:tp-m I'r
.-iiiM.irl; l'.t.-nt -li...tl..-r III
ri ; a!o Sj ;ii-.l iTt " anl
1. 1 "h -t Ki I'n'i It !i?i'l
with f imp "linn ul-r- :ir.
Ah.loOllUal M-lf, ,ll-l.t'D-
W.ttk Knli-b Kla-t;,
tl ilf .
A UNA MEM A I. Iron Works, RMe '
V Avenue, Pnii.4n.LPiit. I he a'teuium !
ot the public is invited to l lie extensive Mann- j
factory and Wareroom of the subscriber, who .
is prepared to furnish, at the shortest notice, I
Iron K ulina if every deertptn n for Cemeia-
ries. Public ami Private If uihlmss, also Ver-
audahs. Ualconie", Fountains, Settees. Chairs. :
I. ions, Dos. Ac. and other rnamental Iron
Work of a decorative character, all ol which ;
is executed wnh ihe expre: view of pleasing j
the laste, while thev combine all the retpti- ;
sites ol beauty and Mibstantial Construction, j
Puichast-rs mav retv on having all articles ;
carefully boxed and shipped to their place ot
A book of designs will be sent to those who
wish to make a selection.
Ride Avenne below sprms (iarden St. Phila
Type Foundry.
rriV0 Premiums awarded at the lale
J Chrvst.il Palace exhibition in Mew York
to the Oldest Tvpc Foundry in .he Tinted
Mates. E-tabli-hed by ltin..ey & Konaldson
in nut., uti the base ol Sower's Germaniowa
Foundry of 1 i3'J.
I'lie It ne experience of the several proprie
tors ol the Phil. i.t.i.r.ii Tve-K Ftit-snsT, en
ables L. Johnson tV Co., to oiler the latgesi
variety of Printing Types, and all the appur-tt-uaiiees
of a Priniiuu Olliee to be found in
any establishment ot the Tinted Siittrs. aud of
a quality, too. which is deemed lo be unrival
led. The composition of the metal u-ed is
calculated to alb.rd Ihe greatest durability ;
white the sertiptileiis care exercised io the
tilling up of the type is such as to insure ac
curacy and squareness of hotly, ,c. Our fa
cilities are so extensive as lo enable us to till
orders of any amount. Estimates given in
detail (with the cost) t.f all the materials re
quired for a New-paper otlic. Plain and I
r':n..ir 1't-.ie- Mo-ir- ol' 11 n ra r.i 1 tnl.l hi.Qiif !
" ' ' " I" j
cast in Ibis ronndry, also. Scrips, Flowers,
Borders, Cuts, Bra-s or Metal Rules, Labor,
having Rules, Brass Braces, Brass Circles
and Oeals. tVr.
PKI'.SfsES of all descriptions, and all sorts
of Priming Materials, most of which are
made bv us, will be furnished at manufac
turer's Prices.
PillNTIMJ INK of all Varieties and ol
ors, Varni-hes, Bronzes, Ac, of the mo.t
celebrated American and Ent-li-h Manufac
tures, which we sell at the lowe-t terms.
STEREOTYPING or Elrctrotvping of
Books, Music, Wood Cms, Ac. 'Pipe used
in Stereotyping for sale at reduced prices.
Wood Cms designed and engraved in the
linest stvle ot art.
Our -Minor !peciien Book' (the first of
its class iu the country, and original in its
conception and ectting up) will be sent to
a'l printers that have not received it, who
will direct how it mav be transmitted to thetn.
'Newspaper Primers who publish this
advertisement entire, (including this notice,)
three limes before feptemher 1st, li35, and
send lo us a c. pv of Ihe paper containing it,
will be allowed their bill on purchasing arti
cles of our manufacture to four times its
amount. L. JOHNS' 'X A CO.
No. (!, Samson St., near the Hall of Inde.
pen lenee, Philadelphia May 20, 1855
Express Ottirc
Tit. I n .1.. r-. . .... .... L. .
i.t, aia.c un-n
ajipointej Aents for HOWARD & CO.'S
EXPRESS LINE, and are now prepared to
forward, daily. Packages.. Specie, Rank Notes
Ac. to Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Al
bany, Ualiimore.and intermediate points, also
to the other Northern and Eastern cities.
The public are respectfully invited In pat
ronize ihe above line, as ii is Ihe quickest and
safest method of transportation between the
cities and I.ewishnrg.
Packages receive! by or before 9 A M.will
arrive in Philadelphia the same day, and b
delivered earlv in the following moraing.
Receipts civen fi r time and price.
Pail idrlphiu 0ir 1 1 A IX South Third Ht
llAllllLSllUIHJ BIN I) lilt Y
J. J.IDde tL F. t.. Ilutler,
aci;crs. It" O. llietui 6'..
Book Bimh.rs and Statio.ners, and
Blank Book. MAMKACiLtitu.s,
ll'irrithmj, 1'a.
MOST respectfully inform their friends that
they are engaged in the above business
I it directly opposite Ilerr s Hotel. jt J hey
: Halter themselves, by careful attention to their
i business, to receive a coutinuanee of the pat
ronage so liberally enjoyed by the old firm.
BLANK HOOKS for Hanks. County Ollices,
I Merchants, and private individuals, and every
variety of lull and half-bound constantly on
hand. I'aper ruled to any pattern. Old Ui.oks,
Periodicals, Magazines, Law Book-. Nespa-
pers. Bibles, Music, works issued in N'os., Aic
bound in any stvle, plain or extra. Ail work
warranted, anil none cheaply.
I'lease give us a call. C. A- H.
IV Books Ac. to be hound may be led with
he Editor of the Chronicle. rai'J
IRON! IRON ! ! IRON ! ! !
17R LBS. just rHM-ivnI at the
,,Tij Hardware Store of iV V-
! OLDS V MrFAUUES. Farmers an I Illa. W- ,
j smiths, call and see the r. uatt htt as
sortment of Iron ever nnVrtd on the Wrt ,
Itranch. Having the rjrrlusir control of the
celebrated VLkri.ts.' Centre county Iin. '
we are enabUd to warrant every tar. AHJ
sizes Tire. Sedlop, Round and Square; j. r-e
Shoe, Nail Rmls. Ac, at Ch prices to ail.
Call and see the Hardware Store nf
Lewisburg, May 10, Ib55.
"VE leave lo introduce ourselves
II to the citizens of LEW IS11I 'Rft and
viciniiv, as exten-ivc Miners and Slnppers of
While 4nIi tnllii ai lie l oal.
At Ijl'trilstrr 1'iiltiert, Xi.rtiumbrrlum Vo. Pa.
whre we have exten-he iiupri vemeiils, and
are prepared to t iler to the public a very supe
rior article, particularly sino-d to ihe manufac
ture of Iron and making Steam. Our sizes t
Coal are
l.l'Mf s-flo smelting purposes,
STEAMROAT J for do. and Steamboats
for Family Cse and Steam.
I for J-imehurnsrs and Strain. !
Our Point of Shippine is Sl'N HI KY. where ,
arraneinent-s are made lo load B -ats without '
any delay.
J.J CocilRAS. ln.a-tr It j It inium i. I.nnrtr
C. U . I'CAI K. bilUk)ll. II. IU I Ms (KDMI ll'i
IV Orders addressed loSliamitUtio r unbury '
will receive prompt atuiihoii Iy55 ;
lc.vlMbur Sat iiih liisliiuiioii,
IS now open and readv to du business- Tne
regular Discount days are Wednesdays.
Ttir foltowiti tl(llliv(t iri,s(-tiii r r. tla
Director Mr. Juiish Wurs.
Mr-JttiKa M'l'm.ir.HT.
Mr. Thom as II 4 1 s.
Mr. William F h i r k .
Mr J C I. Shisi.ll.
Mr J. MciitLi.
OrnrEHR WI I.I.I A M FKICK. Vrrsidtnt.
IAYli KEBLK. Tr,aurr.
Fnur per cent, per aim u in w ill he allowed on
all deposits over mx months; and thrte per
cent. Its than six and overihree inoiiihs.
DAVID KKliKK. Treasuier.
Ie wishnrp. Sept. 11, lts;VJ
Winiicld Wtutleu Faclorv.
r;ir llarllt ton, I nlott ontii.
HilSestabltshinent is u-.w in the best order
The machinery- bnn nearly ail new
and none but the bet of workmen employed, i
the subscriber feels sale in saying thai his ;
work shall u t be surpassed by any establish 1
inent in this or the adj"iniii counties. j
His uauci'tis will be around as usual, and !
those wishing to patronize bis establishment, j
will please avail themselves 0f that opportu- '
11 ity. I
1"?" I have also on hand, and intend keep- j
inr a choice assortment nf (,odi, such as
1 7 M. Stitinrftx. tahntfm, 'I'a'ttds, Hank!
Yarn, 4e.. which I will sell low for cash, or )
exchange for Wool and ("onutrv Pn'dio-e en- j
erallv. MRK H AI.FPL.. V.
Hanleton, April 22, ls.'i tf !
Litho"rnphic Printing, &c.
lr A II L VOI.KMAK is now loeaied on
IV N rib F.-urth street, m-ir D Phillips'
Blacksmith Ship, where LITHOGRAPHIC
Views. Map- Ac are made lo order.
PICTI'KES for Framing, and lor Drawing
The German and French Laneuaes, Draw
Inn, Painting and Draiihtmc. laoshl by Mr
Volkmar. Li u-isburg, April. 1S."5
Improvement in Daguerreotyping!
(Jl'VKKR & IIAWN announce to the
k public that they h:ive newly titled up aud
greatly unproved their Rooms and Apparatus.,
and are prepared lo take l,ikril4r sup
erior to any in this place heretotore. Pictures
copied, or taken ttom lite, and inserted in Me
dallions, Brea.-ipins, Fingerrings. Watch-eals,
&c.., and warranted irue. We annex a list vf
our superior Cases : Papier Mache, Souvenir.
Jennv Ltnd, Jewel, l.'nion, Suiias.Oi al.Yr Ivet
and Shell. Pictures taken at 1 and upwards,
liooms at the obi stand over Ir. Thornton A
Co.s Urus; htore.oppoMle the Telegraph oifice.
Lewisburs. Feb. H'yS
FOR SALE A first-rate Outfit, ail complete
and ready tor tie, which we will sell to any
person, with lull instructions in the buines,
tor less than first com.
Take Notice. I
R. KELLIMi, of Met lianit slnirs, :
Pa., announces to all allliclt d with I u-
mors. Wens, Cancer. Cancer arts. Polypus,
Lupus, Moles or larhs, Ser.-lula or Kn g
Evil, While Swelling, Fever Sores, S. re Legs,
and all diseases that have been usually Ire ited
with Caustic or Knife, thai he can remove
tlieiu by an entirely new method, without cul
ling, burning or pain- It is no uiatur in what
part of the body, he can remove them with
perfect safety aud in a remarkably short tune,
if curable. No Mineral or Vegetable Poion
is applied, and no money required, except for
inedicine.until a cure is perlecird. Chronic
and all oilier diseases not mentioned above,
especially Venereal afflictions treaied wuh po
sitive siicce-.-, if curable. Full particular- can
be obtained by addressing C. L KELLING,
M 1) , Mechanicsbui.;. Cumberland Co., Pa.
Al the request of pei-ms afflicted, re-idine
at a distance, he has lor year- been in ihe habit
of prescribing by letter, and wnh
nk.KRtL H ATI SF.t'T 1..1.
He would sav howeveru. those desiring advice
in this wav.ibat it. secure attention they should
en.:lo-e. illi the gfiicial symptoms of their
ca-e-, a fee ol One Dollar, lo warrant hi in in
spending hi- lime for their benefit.
The Doctor may be consulted al his Office at i
all limes when not professionally absent. I
Cr-rio. 8rani;crs cuminr to Mechanics-
burg to see the Dr. are cannoned to beware of !
unprincipled persons, as some have been de- I
ccived. Dr. K. is ine onlv one in this Stale j
who can perform cures by the new method His !
office is directly opposite the Cnioii Church.
Mechanicsburg is S miles from Harnsburc, j
on Ihe Cumberland V. It. R., and arctssil.le i
from all parts of the Cnion. The Dr. will visit '
ca-es wiilnn a reasonable distance when de- i
sired. July S7 StMyl I
"I E WEI.RY of the latest pattern nf allqual
ities tor sale at the lovcsl Cuv prices
...e. .or suit ai me lovcst. itr prices r.y
'HE subs-crikr rnn- I t
liuues lo earrv on the a '5tA
1-iliTJ Uuhiu-it at fi VTvJ
the did -S aixl on .orlhKaBBBaMHB
Third street, near Market, and retprctfu!'
.(.lints Ihe patronage ol bis friends and tl
piil.lie re.rallv. ( II AKI.E3 F. M.fc.
I.ewisburjt, May SI,
(.prr-The subscnOers, thankful fQr
4aa.l'aMl past patronage, would u.f,.,,n
ii?a.'.5ii3 he puhlic thai they conlinu. hj
SfjJlf'"'! all kinds of Mi.(,
OhAKI.NU and uth-r Castings Thrahir.
.Mat hn.es and oilier Machinery repaired in th.
b-si inanniT. t a-lings wairamed to it (f
P'od material, and at pr ces it. a t ran m.i fa,i
to p!eae. lihUHr, MAKS11 & CO.
I Leuil urs, Feb. It-ol
; 1
10('KIN(! Stovi'B, d various St irtu
and sizes, tor Coal or Woo , for sa,.
tibe Lewisburg Fouiolr, hy
Grdde.. Msnh A Co.
Siovi s. various patterns, for -a e at
Lei.huri Foundry. Grdden, Msi.b A Co,
tTlAKU'.S Taleni tianu Pit.
I ri'.r uniclL', li.r sale ni the I
a stipe-
Foundry by
(rtlile. Klilli A Co.
KAl.N or Seed hnlU Ross' Patent
rlccirlerlly the lirMl and iim rI durable
Gmif. Drill nuviD im. for .ate at th. Lewisburg
Foui.dr) by GeiMe-, M.ihb & Co.
Eussey's Grain Reaper,
for fiittni" boili Grain and Grass
AN l FACT! KED and for sale at u.
Lewi-burg Foundry by
I i ii 1 1 ( f i i 1 1 ir Jiods.
F J I. J; niaijy tin' clo invcMipatiun ir.J
liuirvruu ri prnmeiiU. the Patritlet: Uk.a
l-h-eure in iritotmit.g the pui-ht that Ut 1st
aried jt the due pm.c p!e ot p ottcui.p taniii.Mi,
dwt lliiic nd pf' rr lioin thr destiui tiw it.riu.
t.ce l LIGHTNING. '1 h1 cln.m
that etery t ity. J . wo. illa:e and (.ounuyi.,
victim Iu annual! v, lbo tb gria lieglit-iit e f
it- iiihat Hants, ic bi ond calculation, ewpt-riillj
hn the lemidy i au eaty to oLtain tLia u
fouutJ 111
yalcnt iluiiutic Liljtning tio&s,
and in lhi alone '1 lu- bixl ba bvu exanni.i)
b the most M itnulic gtiniinn in a, w(,i(J
Pnt -mi Al' Murine, John7iu, VV at lor and nun
tlh rn th.it h.ive eiaiiun-d them icofi.ii.eno nr .
speak ot tin ii in the h :t bcr-i temo- ul apprut a iuo,
aL-d bat prunoiKtCfti (h-Mi the inU alr r"ili(
u in ihisor anv ollit-r rountr lui thr pioterti
oi I.ieiaiid J'r-ipe ty On adaiit.iEf i!todiTi
andibrow back a partut thr fl.c r it flwn! haro l".
i w thr ciuuds ; in lime ol a stroke this maMe lit
rod tot oiuiuci thai portion ot fluid that bvleig
to Ihe earth withuut the liBhte-t dattr f lea--u-i:
the conductor. 'I hi- rod baa mm:) .u t
rid.aiit p. a ovn Ihe old one. Th only place ut
maiiu'acluiirif! ia in
line St :i d.r afmvt Zth VUlad tphia.
h. rc ail pt r-.ns are repectlolU invited total
and ei unme lor th. ml. a For aale U h.in
or Km, I by TUO' ARMITAUK.
Oidtr promptly attended lo. Tern. caB.
'I hre rod, have tien purchased and aucce
tulU u.-(d b liir tolloiim indivhtuafn. coiiipam.
nd corporation.. whot name are cbeertully
ubmiitrd :
In ,i.a n.or V'.ti t.Jph.a . fUrwrt. 6mt
S'HiiiriT.ua-r. J u.tL-. H uth-r. Jad Conrad. J. MuIit-:,
.1. ht. h. ii..-. ( i .. ii..-j , J. (r. iiiir. oalily.tiif.it
ll'.rw Ur hi - k.. A . ii jtlif.ii r. AihItm.1 lir.Hl.rr,,
! v J. i. or. i i J.i.u .Nuiinuu. Tbu. ttrmrr, hat-
H us. A H ..!,(,. r It .-.n.ui. iit, l i.oj.. Nit A -lr
u.un, J. h l.nrr, $ U Ht.-uu. t . Uun hrTt J
v A i i. , J. , ic-Lti. I. l:irili. J OVrli.-tilK. I'.p
Mi M.ari.if:-s. lr. Iarun, . ih rhir. J linn it
i I;,,.
.Mr I'avi" b. IT. I'iUi,.. II. i i.-rr- i I 11 , J Ut-p. nil
II Molt, it,- K-a F-iih H.M. itit- I . tf. Armii, ii
t i,- i. nr. in, t . u.u.i-tt lirr.- H-li.
m ih Si.,L J.tfty (iHre Crippm. Juli
M ti.ll. Juv 1' .t ti. Jnhn Ndiu-a, irr. U. MJliUU.
llriij.Ktl-ii. Mr. J In. w nut;;
J. I .Jo. H't , TY.
Htrthy Tf. Vnrk Hallj-nnv Mm Vontrr. Jehu Itau.
Mi.iijirl ,..t. Ja,..i. rojitn. l.d i.niau, Krutwa
b in Ii. I.. ..rr- h .ciii-r. .rr lritn t onrt Ilt u-.
i ii. I it . ti I -I- ii. r- iMi L.mt V ut 7p John K-t-:
' " if - b' ' 1 r.r.- V u. ti lla Ata.;"fi Jp J.
Hums. eiiP'-n Kiint ln,i 7 laa Couldnm. IT..
l,r,r ij.. Mi. I,-, ii. lln.ali.
t jVauafA., Aojt 13.1P1T.
j I kntr thi ilftv rarvfutT m--rid a rondu't- r t
j I i 1-T int. at I;, d. i: h mnr aua irl. x, mrrru a hy Mr
Mli.ni.l- AtllMlfiK.; ill fcrllrlUr II(UM-. U t"UOle T Lj
b:i' in. )i. siinin r. in jio-g eh.it it i ot.nl it- tr
I I h t it-r -..-ii. I nt tl ul it m thr .Di tir 1 hte irt
, t : m : i:-i tl :it i u-t urt d on ttrrti m ir-iiin f j-rtL't-;
It i! tti noirti (.iraMirt-tlirtt 1 r,- n; air od b.s
I ci.'iiducU.rt ibt ai(.uiiou ! owmr.'-'t r-ir.ii-.ij-
j 11 h!l KTRTE
I :-in . il .-ti-ri.-d tint tlir Macrf-tir I.iarblttlDi: KM
Bo. in, t... : i.i, i Mr. 1 li. Di:i Arii.ll. iue. ol k hiiaJr L.'
( tt- the t- ; 1 1. t 1 n rrr t rn ii anlc t h;if m etr.l
j i-n: . in M.. -i ii y ot ihr Liw- t r-Irt trt. it? av--. ni.ti.-i et
, i -in. ;n,il t..ttt- n.i h- -lUiti.-n in -aiDt thai tt.r- Kcil ir
itu,-;ru. I. .i hj ,.n tl til) irn n r I (tatfty 1 1 ! nr:tj
j fKf k rtfiifl and ib.-j it.mI lj tin mnf t at tl.r t'-p
ot thr rml. at:ti it ..i.l br intf"i"iMr. a-rordine tc tr.a
! lii ol Httrm rt ii ami repii imi. f r a to.ld.n tc t
; injiin il l y ftri kt- t to i.n. lp n rwr-dnj ! t of ut
J tin - ro.N. I Uir ii MCiuu nt tl iil lr. Arnut
; fur "i-teri I v, nr-. ar t! U-f'Tf hr n.ntmrnrni ih- niani;fo-turt-t.f
ttif-r r-l I f-'minrti tin- j rtin-t.f on h"l tt-
nr.- f ii.-tru- tt . m! f. It ruiittncnl Idat thrir adititia
aotllit 1 :ttti-T).li il ai'll r-Cllil :tf Ulirfok. Tbr IDrrraMCS
.IcrcMml fr thr rw1.ni)d thr t-sli ni tjites id r,
ot tin nitnlr-. irami-lrci D-m ri'iaTif n i f tti-r ntttir ad
; Mii-rwiv TKAt'Y K. WALLtB, M. D.
i KwnrSufi. Philail Co.. Af rit lo.
! tV S C. VIIr and ?AMI KL HOOVER.
Hart h ton. litivn t'o La.
: ate .c-ut for 1'nion and ailjoiuin; Cot; nun,
. and will turni-b tl,e liml. (n the ame term and
: in ihe ..iine manner aa the Proprietor.
OjymiiitiiiH it the Life nf ftutinrs !
m:w I.I V Ell Y
l lie sun&critirr would repecttull inlorm th
f,,,z,',l!,' l'il'ur and thetraeimecnnimua
itV ffl'Ilrrall . lhaf ha hu .umr...! r.' l.lr
si'.u Exrh,.ee si.iie oo KOI K'l H -treel hnlt.
pi' South ot Varkri, and b.s pnxiuttl eood
l,.i ol Horses, with eiilnely new good and tah
tollable' .maces. IluCBirs.Mei-h &c.beri-all
wn-htoK .nulling in bis line may be accommod
ated on the nhurtesi nonce and moat tea-onaM.
leima. He will pay every .urn ion to ill.
mil., of hi. cnvlonier. anu bopr. by so .ii..n
to n.erii and receive a literal .hare of poMit
paiionage WILLIAM Ml'OhE.
I.rwi-bure Dee 30. IS.'.I
"VOTIi T. Having leen appninft'd Ihe
11 SEATON to the Leu i-buig Cemetery,
the sub-criber would slate thai he is pn pared
to perl, rm all dunes connected with the burial
ol ihe dead. on short nonce. Al-o thai he mil
aiiend ...the re-intetnieul uf deceased per-ens,
under the ilueciion of their surviving friert-'J-
Resnlence in the I o.'re al the Gate . t liis
Cem. ierv. 4. Kl'KfiE IIONACrlV.
Lewi-burg, May :iu, IS.AI
! TJEUi" R in Pianos. Jlrlm'rtirs. ni
j l all kinds ,.f yii.-sHnl f:ril:D-
tllM'. Keeps ronslanilv on hand. Ilaiiet a
I Davis. Itoslon ; l.igbte. Net. I. n A Brprtttiry:
and Bennett A Co.. N. Y.. PIANOS. ,Ve,
Priiicrs A Co.'s celebrated .Vtl.ll'ED-
prices fiem isli IHI lo !fil;.0 HO.
Orcleislron. a distance will meet with prenyl
aiientton. Second hand Pianos taken in r
chane f.-r new.
Room directly opposite the Conrt I'eitse.
Wtllianial,,rl. Pa. April 4, '!3 iT-'i"8
all tnitage.l in the service of the '" s'
in ll.e Mar ol IS12 InH for Ih.-.r W:i!, , '
I the Office of the Lewi-burg Chicn:."le
s ,,,K . ,h sTO Fs uit reeivf
l J