Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, March 28, 1856, Image 2

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    itiuLnlmrq Cljronidf.
M.uw:n2S, 185G.
Wm SmiMtf Wm.T1m Lrwuntlta CflftOincLa,
vMtah4 on thm Oah tyntrro, hn the iarfvt and Nt
ajS. "n National OaTcnUon, to nomiualr l'rvi-
deal ud Vioe r-re.Hent.
C.'iiWATi, Monday. Jane 2, tssfi.
1-MiLAruunu.Tumi.y.Jun. 1-.1S5S
tfaaaU-TMaearj Atm-T-n .ntninalinr convention.
kiw Yuaa. Tburaday, June 12, lio
l'ro-Slnvfri) American Ticket.
? PaWTneirr MII.1 itl FII-I. WOKE, of New Tort.
Tld FasaiDCJtr ANUltUW J. IKlNKI.buN.ol Itttneraee
Penntyleania Demnrratic Ticket.
NwlivH. That fn tie repeal of the met known aa the
Mieaoart eompromW art, and the r-aahare of Hi net or-a-antaiiia
the Territoriee of Kan'aa and Nebnaka, free
Tmni anrontita'i..nal reetri.-ti'-na. the lat ronrre-a
neetinc Uie demand of ee.-tioi.al excitement by un&ha
ken adherener u tbe fwiolnineniat Uv.
ao-enn-eif. That Wf fultv en-lo-e Ihe a.lmintatrnttnii
Freehlent Plim-a aa NATIONAL, FAITHf I'L, AMI Y.V
FICIEVT ful.y eital to al the iinoorunt mir' U' te
erbirb the eoanlrr han hud to mranntr, eud llovt h- liac
worthily maibUuoed her interval and bouor at huoie
and abroad.
rTewa nianinvr- OEOIlliR acOTT. of f-ilnnibi To.
jtudiOir fneralJ.itH Flit. .n.. of Montirom.ry Co.
Mi-Tver Oarrei TI MOTIIY 1VF.S. ol PiilwCo.
)?ip:i)Jtnt Sulci)
M Libarty and Union, now and for aver, on and
tnaaparabia." Oakill Wrje-Tta.
rrntTf that 1 aeeer flaw. ani bw wiTI roo ottf mn
earMy f-mcr wilt rvtr make mt nttf. t ertrn-l Airrerjr t
mtr Jtrntivif wfirrt tl al HA JI. ui.Mil tLiT.
Voa Catt GoWMiwaoNaa,
Thomaa CC oclii au, of York Co
Darwrn Phelps, of Armstrong Co
Fob Srarcroa lirvs-jiL.
Barth'W I.aportO. of Rradforrl Co
Oorraapondannr of tbe Lrwiiburg I hronicle.
IlARRIni RU, March '2d
There wan s good attonJunee from all
parts of tbe State at an iuformal meeting
of the Anti-National Administration State I
ConTention last evening, and the best
., . ,, . , !
tptnt prevails. All are anxious to harmo- j
Dice, out ai eacn aesires ois own ptattorm
to be tbe basis of harmony, much wisdom
and consideration are required. I will
telegraph when nominations are made.
Tal agraphia Deapatch to Lcwiabnrg Chroniclo
Harrimjuro, Maich 27
ti - n .: n ir,,
lllfl uuvrjuuvu uuuiiuiLcu a uui o 't
of Armstrong for Auditor General, 15.
Lapobtb of Bradford for Surveyor Gene
ral, and T. E. Cochran of York for Canal J
Commissioner. Best feelings prevail J
strong Free-Soil resolutions.
sWTbe nominees abor named are we
believe competent atd able men, and have
' . . . .
represented their respective counties in ;
the State Legislature Mr.Cochran in the j
Senate, and Messrs. Pbclps and Lsporte !
., . , , . I
in the House. (Mr.Laporte s father was
Surveyor General under Gov.Sbunk.) Col.
Slifor declined the use of his name. TLc
proceedings we shall endeavor to give more
fully in our next
Republican Caucus at Washington.
Washington, March 24 11 o'clock,
P. M. The Republican members of Con
gress held a Caucus to-night, at the Capi
tol. There wis a full attendance, snl
speeches were made by Messrs. Campbell I
- . - j. ..I r. , ill '
of J.'a., Campbell ol luio, Stwara, ua.io
way, Pennington, Giddings, and others.
Mr. Giddings urged a thorough uuion,
as in Ohio, on the principle of requiring
no one to surrender his conviction? on
other points, if sound on the Nebraska
Mr. Ilorton, of Ohio,thouglit they must
look much to men, so as not. to get objec
tionable candidates. lie advocates a uuion
of the Anti-Nebraskaites. lie Paul tne i
country was looking with peculiar interest :
, Tl .shinrrton for tnsti.ms as to a ht-
form and crndidatcs, and ho recommeuded,
without abatino urincir'e that that con.
ol I I
icrvstive feeling should be rejected.
Mr. Galloway earnestly argued that
freedom was the great ovcrBha,lowing issue, ;
and he was satined that even the Anti- j
jcorasKa Americans, as ne.ouuutuew.
liampsnire, so regaraeu u.
Mr. CampbeH, of P.., said the Amcri- ;
can feeling was very strong in tbe central j
and eastern portions of that State and ta ,
carry rennsyitrania, , atsnt.T.r. ;
ea to me nti-.eoraaiies. ue ioukcu ,
with evident hope to see such an uuion j
effected. ' I
Mr r..nr,1,r.ll f Oliln r..r,.r,l tr, hi.!
Ir. Campbell, of Ohio referred to bis
1 1 -ll 1
pledge, when tho Nebraska bill passed,
that he would oppose it to the bitter end
and now be would carry it out to the
letter. He would vote for no man who j
endorsed that iniquity aud outrage. He
advocated a union if all the elements of !
.1.. aj -.-i 1:1.- . I . 1
OPDOSluon to tne .Auuiiuisiraiiuii.i ae mat
vj pi 'o " . '
which so cloriously triumphed in Ohio last
c j t
autnmn, and pointed to that State as a no-
ble monument of freedom. i
Messrs. Allts ,u and Covode, of Tern, a, ;
aid that, in their part of the State, the
Anti-Nebraska feeling was predominant,
, .
and eonenrred in the views cxprefscd by
Mr. Campbell, of Penn'a, as to the neces-
sit, of harmony and onion, to carry that ;
' o a a . , - ,
Mr. Seward made the closing speech, I
t-iT r n r ,
&U imc mr. tauipueii, oi vuio, was ire-
' ; ' ' :
quently applauded. He urged action, j
faying that tee creat pract:cal question
' " " , , .
was to rescue Kansas from the tyrant s
, , .... , ... '
crasp, by her admission into the I nion as 1
. . r i . .i
a State. He hoped the House would push :
,,.,, , , . r 1
tbe bill for that purpose through its pas-
, ,. , , , :
asge, and send it to the Senate. In the ;
.... , , ,1
event of failure in the latter body, the ,
i. . . . , f , ,-. ,, - .
J resident might Cud d.fliculty in obtain-1
, . , ,. i
ing money from Congress to "crush out "
.x. i ... , ? o . '
the frea settlers of the State of Knrs.
,..,., , ,
The issue having been made, the people i
. ... " ,. . ', . .r. I
will see to the vindication of the pnnctp a j
in th. .lection of President
Th. VU;n. laaf fill 1 I 1 i
- - - ..wa., auu
then adjourned till next Monday.
Mb. Strousb has sent as a copy of the
Rates of Toll adopted by the Canal Com
missioner for 1850.
The Examination and other cxerciecs
; cnnncctid with the close of the Winter
Session of this fljurishitig Seminary, were
bighiy. satitfactory and entertaining. A e
gave a lint of the Essays prepared by the
young ladies fur the occasion :
"A rolling Stone, eathors no Moss,"
Assir. Ptti:, Philadelphia
"The Fashiun of ibis World passelh away,"
N. K. Giiuiisoa, Pitlston
Breathings from the Spirit Land,
NtaaiE Y. Iiiiti, Lewi!,bnrg
The I.anit of Ju'lea.
Ilt'LUK T. tjnnnwm, Briilgetoo, N.J
Cliani;es of the last Fifty Y ears.
Kliubktu Hirn, Dttneansville
-And there shall be no Night there,"
H. Sil.imi LtKivat, Lcwisburg
Leap Year,
Ri.i.i K. :aiaiRLiit, Lewisbnrg
Dignity of the Human Mind,
Axxie Dill, Sabbath Rest
The American Congress,
Jrji-sn M. Batrta, Lewisburg
The Spirit of the Breeze,
Muvi.ii liowLixn, Hilltown
(Jems of Memory,
Am.ia Oonss, Greenwich, X. J
I'carls of the Vei p,
AkXATB Rowlkii, llilltovn
Twilight Musin?s.
KutH K- Rtidkahhel, Jersey Shore
Cling not tn Earth,
" Hi-llie T. GiMinwiit, Bridgeton, N. J
si:nior academics.
The ijeiiiiir Acaueniio Class was honored
by a large audience as Urual,and furnished
varied and pleasing eutertaiumeut. The
bill of fare not omitting two original
poetical articles, sung by an impromptu
choir, aud published at our request will
be found below :
Success d.ies not always ensure Happine,
YVn. E. Cuknwlll Jr, Lindgetun, N.J
Liberty. W. H. H. Bijiohji, Williamsport
Lrv Character ol the Scriptures,
Kt.bkkt L. r aLv, Moorestown, N. J
Passjn Away jjim h Lewliburg
ivi The American 8todent,
W. T. Jnmsow. Cooperstonm, X. Y
The Creature ,of Reason,
likoaoa W. Folvtcll, Moorestown, X. J
BV W. T. J.
At an f'Xriitiition,
ftan.tiRR thua in puMte,
Fwiinir Twry iiovr,
TUiukiti oft aiiii woudor
.. T' f"" r--
tnatan KVK.iti'U'
l.-trmtiir wit and trmat Hoards I aMK-ar!
Whut a 1 asitruilika, Th u!liui am uow rarolrluf
Tl rtl fTlTT Ml,' A wr tlHW I'll TflC',
1; it ni'i r-r...Um. Ytw, it ia provokli.i;
l-j.. inline ou lilt otaj. f jfut!i on tbe tA;e.
ifl out, fc-uut. p. ut, atiout. apout, fout awaj t
lt it uul prjvubiu, iouliDj ou Uii Uge?
i II.
P;.1 T.f-n iriTd-r
u i,t w hrt- tu far,
pT Tria A"-an-n!V
If In tbi rxritem.nt
T,-u ubiiuiil frar i-r itr-u.-t,
W-'U-i'riue in ytiur fnucy
ttlmt tip alt about.
Civ y,urw!f no troulilo,
Sui-h vain tlm'tfl aiwuau,
Tip but Ai-li-niiia
puntmir ou tbe rtum.
n- i-n !hV .-inr.h..
Sli!ltu in Una war!
Ill-- future will prntage,
m;:i it i. ,-ro, kii
fc,""5t. iwi."!?'
DipulariunHs Prosperity a tendency to
nromi'te the Morals of a Nation !
Atfirmattve-I.a.r U.Have-, Corsica
Nesame Chb. X. Cusm, LewUburg
An Arnio.it hMit? Fra
i hluuohiv . aSHFPPinn, Camden, N.J
BV T. W. S.
Th m'lTnt nVy with nL-bt oVr;road(
Tli humxa hi. u.I Iim lone mic.ml.
Ami itru'-a 1i,m- tht-ir lulit im. htl
On Ittnjw of MrrU-bnltiMK and irlfxtta;
Put ?.. with Jut rwiiant laai9,
A'.r 'Iv on tlw Jrkni. ffli.m".
An I av. n will reach Mm w.-rl't's extreme.
And okv and and Isvd Illume.
n em rtMnp. w!li tcfilT p'.
V tv-ii liiii n1 truth 'liill t'lP th nc9
Of man. 011 -rth in Try flaw.
Anii I jiiii-lt inrki.eit, rrmr. t'rim.
Tlnt-a knoHl.-l- VIW with raj'iJ tngt
li fM'.n t! -ul'ifH-t xml the kin,
lu itiduftin- kiki itj .wr will bring
A &Nriud lurtoiu and ubiitue.
H:4l wr-li-om ddTl Ihy cn. ao brieht,
h.D. m..ii will t'.jnt-h '-ariii r rlnrk liightr
WVmitiiO'. rV- tin luntn.rjs litrlit,
Aii knnwlitiji- rvtrvwlHTf abound;
Thm ha! 11 on t-hi fv liail I
t-i.rt-mtt f:tr aud wide, o'er bill and vale,
biH-ucv mut truth, nil tln-y frcfail,
Aud eaxtii bi oiu' rat-haiited gruynd.
l'ronounced their Orations on Tuesday
evening, aryl thanks to tho request of
I' -J tue tffor'3 ot i
Constable Miller to a much better beha-;
ved and tberef ire belfcr pleased audience :
t,.,n tl,a Avuniniv n,...!,.,,i Tl. Mnnnv '
" - ; J ,
Cimig l.a.oi vo.uuieereu nie.r ,c. wees w
alJ1 t0 ,I,e lest of tlie Te fol-
"wi"S was ,Lt! I'ramme :
. ,r., wisburg
Occidental Aspirations of Genius, j
c Lewisburg ,
R.;1(r Dvnllrt Hiiidaysbnrg
Dead on the F.e.d phiIa,P,nv,
Thp .nrant of (he West Knn9as)
tiroasr. M ,iu, Hartsville !
As It Is, H.avtr W. Mitcrkl, Damascus
The Muratlr Sublime,
. G A.r.I.i.n PaLTX. Philadelphia
S,reneih'of Luera.ure,
J. . Auams UuHHt.it. Rohrersville. Md
Cormai-on-Jeur. ol Ui Lra iaturg Chroniclaa
rniLAHA., March 24, 185G.
KiiiTf'Rs CiittoMci.E: It is so long
,L i, . .. u
since I nave bail an opportunity of addrcsF-
. ., ; i, -
)Dg you, that you will baraly recognize
. . , ,
me ; but my engagements have prevented
, ,. ". .
my devoting any time to many sources of
amtwcM,nt ,nd pIeajlurei and ,mo tbe
-mtvnmiTM with the Chronicle."
, . . , i i
lour paper has been a constant and wel-
. a t . .t t
come visiter, ana 1 am free to say that 1
,ook fjrU, M mmh pW
m mytWmg j lnl in rcceipt of It
reminds me of many a hearty hunt among
, , -. e .i c i r
the hills of the Susquehanna; of many a
, -. it t n i
ride ou its rugged bosom, of rollicking
cn)wd6 of raf;iuenof ha th,
, , . .. . ... , .,
A very different world 13 this from the
T c . j r .i
one I first opened inv eyes on from the
,. , , - , ' ,. .
one linked with my earliest memory, par-
tieularly in the item or newspapers. The
, , . . .
Crst hcaJine I remember having deciphered
f. . . . , . . '
a'ter mastering my alphabet, was the
. v. , T
" Belfast News-Letter." How often I
, . , , . ,
bave been tanned by my good mother for
,. . ...
clipping out those precious big letters,
. . - .5. .'
dwells not in my memory, but I know it
, , i . i
was often enough to leave an impression.
T. . , .. .
The l"1- thMn-
u,u6' u, ' lue F-1". "o-
ing subscribed for by a single family along
with one or two others, as it is now-a-days,
was a club aBair. a, anivntial dif
ference between that day and this, was the
arrangement in constituting those clubs by
Lcwisburs Chronicle
which the subscriber who bad tad reidiiij, j
altniyt paid ticice nt tnncA at tie rrM ; of
course tbe papers were bis, and as we had
one of the first readings, my " clipping''
were from the property of another. He
would be a laugbed-at old fogy who would
stipulate for a last reading now-a-days, es
pecially of a newspaper, and it would be
still more curious to see a whole township
subscribe for a newspaper " on the shares"
in the United States. I bave no doubt
the same thing is prevalent at this day in
many parts of the old world ; for, although
there has been in my experience a wonder
ful change in men and things in the Uni
ted States, I see no change in the stereo
typed forms from abroad no indications
of growth either in education, or that in
telligence and refinement belonging to an
active and free-thinking people.
. But, as well-meant laws sometimes pro
duce Lad effects, so the press, which is so
mighty a lever in the cause of civilization, j
is perverted to the basest and most poison- j
ous cuds, in all our cities ; some of the i
most trashy publications have a very large i
country circulation too. It is sickoniug i
to visit some of the news-venders' stalls
and look over the pabulum furni.ihcd daily
to that portion of the public which of all
others needs healthy instruction. These
publications sail under every name aud
color, from " Ned Buntlinc's Own" thro'
all questions and " isms" of the day, and
are like so many blow flies, infecting and
contaminating everything they touch.
They constitute the recreation of the din
ner hour, aud the subject of conversation
to the many thousands of men, women
and children in thu workshops aud facto
ries; aud their heroes and heroines are the
cherished models dreamed over and copied
by silly girls aud boys who, under better
influences, would muke useful and happy
members of society. I saw.
a ItiW CVC- '
i i t i i
uiugs since, over two tuousanu novels soiu
at a book auction part of the stuck of a j
circulating library the whole stock con-
, , , , -I , , - ,
sistcd of novels! Don t you think we
need missionaries, and tract societies, aud i
publication boards, to counteract all such
. , ,. ' , ,. , ,
influences? lalk of liquor laws, ana ,
Sunday laws ! It in like being vaccinated
e x. -l 1 .1, , . .it , I
after you nave uau the small-pox.
J '
ir education is neglected, and the ene-
my has been permitted tl sow tares, what .
... , ,, r -a ir
laws will prevent them from growing ? If
the B.b'.e is a dead letter in our school',
if one-third of the press is purely political i
aud another third purely i.umoral-if
that is not a contradiction ia terms and
these tWO-tLirds find the largost support, i
how shall we look for
a better state of j
morals than the present standard ?
There have been some rca changes in
the world since I was in the habit of wri-
ting to you regularlv, which it is too late !
. . , , . , ,.
now to notice, but which, among other (
thing', developed a statement of mine for i
which a correspondent of yours called me '
i i ,i . r- i i -in I
to account, to wit, that England aud France .
bad no sympathy from America in the
, u ;.!, , ., . o.,:
struggle with llussia. Are you not satis-.
fiod that I was right, whether America
was or not ?
People are looking for great things from
the Peace Convention, but my opinion is,
that after England has tried to advauce
her interest, and Xapoleon hi, and the
interest, an
summer opens, tbcro will be another cam
paign, and many disappointed men on both
sides of the Atlantic. May be, however,
I am not right.
But, my letter is already too long, and
I will close a desultory bomily I did not I
6jt dowu to writo, with the hope that I !
t.-it t i- t..r... i
" tcioure ucreier, suuuiu ;
you suu be pleased to consider me among
your correspondents.
Very truly yours,
S. II. F.
telligence from Turkey announces the offi-
rf de.
crce whicU abolishes all distinctions be-
A- I, between different races
anu rcligion3( in the SulUn'3 dominions.
Hereafter Greek, Servian, Moldavian, Ira
nian, or Osmanli, if they are domiciled
within tbe borders of Turkey, will stand
on the same legal footing, will enjoy the
same rights and will have tbe same roads
to public employment open to them. The
descendants of Othman will no longer en
joy exclusive immunities. Even the army,
heretofore reserved so carefully for the
followers of Mahomet, is to have its ranks
thrown open to Turks and Christians alike.
It must not be supposed, however, that
this decree, although it should be executed
in perfect good faith, will at once elevate
the Christian population to an equality
with the Turkish. There are social pre
judices to overcome, which will make the
reform slow, even if sure. The former
subject populations bave been, for so many
generations, in a degraded condition, that
it will require one generation, at least, to
render them capable of being what they
ought to be. Long habits of peaceful sub
mission,' to give a single iustance, have
extirpated much of what was martial in
their character, so ibat the numbers who
will enter the army will be comparatively
inconsiderable, and thus the power will
virtually still remain with the Turks.
Again, the soil heretofore has been held
exclusively by Moslems ; the Christians,
with the exception of tbe Greeks, are
poor ; and, therefore, it will be long be
fore the weight of the landed property
will be on the side of the emancipated
Nevertheless, the blow has been struck,
and, sooner or later, the Moslem domi
nation will be over. Tho Christian pop
ulation ia numerically the largest, is the
most ina,trioQ(li ,nd js eyen the ,hriftier
of the two, so thai i ,0 the reiJ
and West "Branch' Farmer March 28, 1856.
power of the Commonwealth, now tbtvl Its
legal equality hag been established, is
merely a question of time. Abdul-Mes-eliid
may not bo the last Othman sovereign;
but he is, most certainly, "tbe begianiug
of the end." Public IjcJijrr. ? ;
Horse Thieves. A doien or more
members' of a' desperate gang of horse
thieves, bave been arrested and confined
in Elroira Jail. An attempt was made
to burn the American house, while one of
tbe gang was temporarily there ; he had
turned state's evidence, aud it is believed
the design is to murder him. The confede
racy extends front southern New York into
central and western Pennsylvania, and
embraces sotuo men wboso characters had
stood fair. "
Union County Spring Election.
Burgess George A Friclt
Constable Hngh Miller
High Constable Henry Hess
Auditors Jas Hayes, J WShriner, Jno Miller
Nirth Ward, K7 antra, gontb Ward. 1G! rotea.
Judge Jonathan Wolle Hunter Pardoe
Inspectors Nathan Rawn Elhanan Fisher
Alex Aminon Jona Nesbit
Council Josiah Girton John Brown
Assessor Levi Sterner Danl Neyhart
Overseer Poor Sainl Slifer Peter Nevius
Kehool Directors H U Walker V S James
Election chl House Sd 8u Jona. Bpyker's
BIFF ALOE, 1G8 votes.
Juilge David Herbst
Inspectors Weidler Roland, Cyrus Dreisbaeh
Justice David Herbs!
Assessor Andrew Kuhl
Overseers John Ritter, David Herbst
Constable Wm Aikey
Directors Jas Irwin, Dav Beaver, Enos Stahl
Supervisors Adam Grove, Saml Ewing
Auditor John Wise
KELLY, 51 votes
Judge-J.hn Nidi '
Inspectors John Datesman, George A Stahl
Assessor W'm 8 Clingan
Overseers. Wm Naglf, Danl Noll
Constable Joseph Guyer
Directors Wm P Dougal. David Moyer
Supervisors John Benna amiet aiahi
Auditor vvm 1 Dougal
Judge Saml Noll
a 1 or 1 1 aai I It
inppciois jnnn a&t-iirrs, cam. uruwu
Assessor joiia r diowu
Collilal,i.Vlisn J Linn
Overseers Jacob G Brown, John S Schrack.
Btrectors-Ab Frederick, Jacob Gundy .Jacob
Auditcr John Schrack. Brown,
Mupprvlil,rs-(.eo Kreisher, David Schrack
Town Clerk Gideon Biehl
WHITE DEER, 172 votes
Judge John L Ranck
ius,ect..rs Saml tJoodlander, Jos Caldwell
Assessor John W Fisher
Overseers John F Richard, Jacob Dershant
,, . n n i n i i - u..
Directors Danl B Reber, David Raiusey, llv
Constable Jacob Kostenbader. High,
Supervisors Jacob Troiel, Crbanus Ranck
Auditors Joseph Mover, Jonas Fisher
Tova ,;crtGe0rge Heverling
W EST BLFFALOE, 113 votes
Judge Wm Rliule
''ectors-John C'apham, John V Barber
Supervisors Ueorge E Sheary, Jacob Reish.
Overseers George Wagner, Aaron Hauck
I - . t . o Si r .n-iL'.r
Constable Andrew Iddines
Dueclori (!eo W Weixer, Danl Fisher
17. Seek
HARTLEY, 231 votes
Jnrlee Daniel Holler
Inspectors Mirhl Scbnnre, David Fillman
JusVlce--K,char.I V B Lincoln
Supervisors Wm Boncstcel, Christian Dale,
Assessor Daniel Spiglcmyer
Auditor Daniel Long
(;oll!,ab!e John Kline
Overseers John Hower, John Frederick
Directors Solomon Miller, John Diehl
Tuwn clerltD B Kerst
M1FFLISBURG, 174 votes
Justice George Dreisbaeh
Go'S Jacob KUn.em.n
Burgess Geore Mader
Council Hv Beenreif, Jno Gast.J H Yonnfr.
K i,.i, i:,.iJt,,n iprr
Eirertors Jno Reichard, Danl Moss, HyWoIf.
Constable Christian Millhouse .
I.IMESTOSE, 80 votes
Jndqe John Crosrove
Inspectors-Fredk llolender, Jonas Hoy
,T:.rr.i!rSe!.8mi,b' ioha Riakttt
Overseas-John Bogenreif, John Shenkle
Directors Jas Crosgrove, Robt Chambers
Constable Christian Dauberman
Auaitor Fredk Stees
Town Cletk Jos Sanders
EW BERLiy, 131 voles
Justices Lewis E Kessler, David Spitlcr
Burgess George Merrill
Council F K Staufler, Ed Wilson, Ab Schoch,
Josiah Swinehart, Mich! Kleckner.
Judge Fredk Smith
Inspectors Geo W Baum, Jno S Heimbach
Directors S Hcrmany Jr, W R Sieinruck, G
Merrill, A bin Schoch.
Assessor John P Seebold
Overseers Jos Kleckner, Michl Clcmmcns
Constable Jos W Ewing
Auditor John D Bogar
JACKSON, 27 votes
Judge Jacob Gross
Inspectors Christ'r Seebold. Cha's Oldt
Supervisors Joseph Seebold, David Oldt
Auditor Chs Wilson, John Moyer, Jno Maize,
Assessor Philip Gross
Overseer John Mitchell, Wm Gebhart
VSlOy. 104 voles
Judge John VnnBuskirk
Inspectors Peter Young, Josiah Lloyd
Justices Archibald Thomas, Jno Youngraan.
Assessor Aaron VanBiiskirlc
Overseers Jacob Slear, Jonathan Hummel
Constable GeorEe Lloyd
Directors M H Tasgart. Charles E Morris,
Isaac Eyer Jr, Chas clear.
Supervisors Danl Price, John Stocker
Auditors R 8tocker, Chs Slear, Isaac Lapley
I lerk Henry Gibson
White lirrr Saml Berkheiioer, Jno Dersharo,
Andw M Clenahan, Jacob M Curley
Hartley Wm Eilerl, Saml Wilt
fc'iKf BiiTalne Leonard Wolfe, Abr O Brown
Kelly Andw Black, David Grove, John Cris-
well, Jacoh Keyser
MijUintmriT Danl Beekley, Henry Bogenreif,
Jos Bonp, Andw Gutelius
West Buffuloelno Clapham
Lewiibun; Saml Deitrich, Jacob De Frain,
Jas Blair, Saml Geddes, Lewis E Jones
Btiffaloe James Irwin
Uniun Chas E Morris
Lnmsburzi Henry Brown, Martin A Stock,
Danl Nevhart, Wm Moore, Chas D Kline,
Charles Voder, R M Musser, S F Lyndall
Wrt B'lfilxeUavid Watson, Wm Rhule,
Gabriel Shoemaker
Limntnne Jacob Leiby, John Bogenreif, Robt
Kelly John Mover
Eiut BuffalnrkT Penny, Jno Schrack Esq,
Abm A u rand, Thos Penny, Saml Zellers,
Danl Miller
iVrin BerlinSat Kleckner, Josiah Swinehart
Buffalo Wm Baker, James Mathers, Robert
Siravhnrn.Martin D Reed, Gersham Biddle,
Jacob Ziebach. Michl Dnnkle. Chas Fry
White Deer Wm Stadden, Edwd Marshall. W
I Ritter, D B Kaufman, Jacob Billing, Wm
Wallers, Joel Ranck, Jacob Leiser
Hartley Elias Orwig, David Hayes, Jacob
Rhule, Jacob Hilbish, Joha Betz
XJVnuurglos Eilert, John H Winter, Sam
Orwig, George Mader j
Engraving and Seal Cutting
OF all kinds, at 20 1, fhcsnitf Street,
rilfLAl). Visuins art'l other CARDS.
Corporation and other SKA IiS,anil everything
fn our line of business, promptly alien. led to,
is good tyl and on reasonable terms. Or
ders from Citv and Country soli-tited.
. H. FClrON. y W. O. MASON.
- We have recently ailded a numlier
of varieties of JQQ TYPE to our
former large assortment, making
of type, large and pinall, with a good
variety of borders, and most respect
fully folieit a trial of them by those
wanting anything in tho way of
Tickets, Itlanks, Liibels,
CARDS, Circular., Kills, At:. Tlie
iiic of these liy merchants and lmsin
css men generally, is more common in
morU communities than in ours. A
larger range of operations may le
gained by a constant "keeping before
tne people" of the trade, occitatiux
or professiox of any man : and a
nearer approximation to a Cash busi
ness may lie made with patronage
attracted by this means.
We think we have the materials
and the experience the taste and the
tact to execute all kinds of .Milling
expected from a Country O0i c, in a
style not excelled on reasonable
terms and iu prompt time. Call
AT THE "ClLvfo" Cff.c.
STATE and County Taxo s.Piirsnant
lo law, we the iindersiened, Couiuii"""-
i w-ten no.ri.rj. rmnsyivania, herel.y
give notice to the taxable inhabitants ol, and
all others owning taxable properly or ctb'cts
whatsoever within the said county, taxable
either for State or County purposes, that an
APPEAL, for the beuelil of ail interested, will
be held forthe several Townships and Boroughs
within the county, as follows :
Toe NlW ISIIUS Boro , at tli. Iinuaa ft M. Kturknar,
ou M- ii-Uy tlie 7th ni April.
For Jiraftoa Tp,at the bout of M Klarkni-r. NiTll-rlin,
ou Tur"Jny tin Mb ol Ai-riL
Por LraiaTOWE Tp, at tb. himar of rVtfr W.-hr.
ou WiT.lii. tay Uie H:u of April.
Tor Habtut Tp, at the honrr t Win Kil-rt,
oo ThunkUr tun lirth of April.
For MirrutiBCno Born, at thi- Iiouhi of rlia'n rrotzor,
oo Ifulay thr lltli of April,
rot Wist Bernini To. at tli h.-u or J. IWaaH, n
flitiUiiri:, on S--ttiirlay th rth of April.
For Bcffaloe Tp, at the liuiiiif of .litm M l r.-iijlit,
on M.iDilay Ui.t 1 lUl of April.
For KetXT Tp, at the hoa.-i of .l:iiu.-a liw.n.
U T.it-ailay iht- l.Vn of April
For WlItTE DtZtt Tp, at the Iio.im- of .lain.-a A Um,
on Weihieiulny the li'.lh of April.
For EaST BirrAtoa Tp. at III.' liouee of llrr-rje Wolt.
on ThnrnT the Ktti of Aprtt.
For Csiora Tp, at the house of II--ury liih...u,
on Friday, th.- lsth of Arril.
For IalsacaG North IVar-I. at tlie Ci-iumifaioner.' office,
on Satar-lav. the I'.ub -f A--ril.
For LsinaBCRO Sauth Ward, at tbeCowniseioii-rOlhe,
on MonJay. the 'Jlst of April.
When and where all persons and corpora
tions, who shall feel themselves aggrieved of
the enumeration and value ma le of their tax
able property and effects, pursuant to an Act
entitled "An Act to establish a uniform mode
for the value of property and assessment of
taxes," approved the l'nh day of May, ts-tl,
are requested to attend and state their griev
ances lor redress according to law.
All the above Appeals will be held between
the hours of 9 o'clock, A.M., and 3. P.M.
Attest : Commissioners.
A. KENNEDY. Clerk.
-Kl-kTi.- A . -..'i-i e -.
"flET the m:sT."
A LL young persons should have a Stan-
dard l)KTII IKV
at their elbows. And while you are about it,
get the best ; that Dictionary is
the great woTk.unnbrittgefi. If yon are too poor,
save the amount from olf your back to put it
into your head." Phrenological Journal.
"Everybody knows about Webster's Dictio
nary, and every man, woman and child oncht
lo have access to it. It will tell you everything
in regard to your mother longue which you
want to know. frA man who would know
everything, or anythins, as he ought to know,
must own Webster's large Dictionary.ivj It
is a ereat light, and he that will nuVavail
himself of it must walk in darkness. Every
Farmer should give his sons a few square
rods of ground, well prepared, with the avails
of which they may buv it. Every Mechanic
should put a receiving box in some conspicu
ous place in the house, to catch the stray
pennies, for the like purpose. It is a great
labor-saver: it has saved us time enongh in
one year's use to pay for itself, and that must
be deemed good property which will clear itself
once a year. .Massachusetts Lite Boat.
Containing ir timet the amount of matter
of any other English Dictionary compiled in
ihis country, or any Abridzment of this work.
Published byG.cV C.MERRIAM.Springfield,
Mass. sold by all Booksellers.
Wakefield's Hand Corn Planter,
Which after two sea
sons' trial has been
found much superior
to any other implem
ent now in use for
planting Corn, Broom
Corn, Beans, &c, is
now offered to the
Farming community
by Agents authorized
' to sell the same. This
rk- imnlement is plain
??5rjand simple in cons,
traction, not liable to
oet Ant if rpnmr nn
- - n - - - - i
be easily adjusted to
,Splant at any desired
depth, drop any number of seeds in a hill, and
costs but Five Dollars. An examination of it,
with the abundantTesiimonials which can be
shown from those who have used them, can
not fail to convince every one that it is just
the thing needed by teevery Farmer.
GEDDES, MARSH & CO., Ltwiiburg,
Agents for Union and the adjoining Counties.
Administrator's Notice.
"VYTHEREAS. Letters of Adminisiratinn tn
Ihe erstAtenf Ri.i.mi ST.-, ........ u,.
of the township of Butfaloe, county of Union,
deceased, have been granted l0 the subscriber,
all persons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment ; and those
Having claims against Ihe same, will present
them duly authenticated for epiiloment t mo
present residence in East Butfaloe Tp.and at
my rrsiuenoe in west Bullaloe Tp alter 1st of
A . IS l n . . a-
niui. ieo. si, trioo
pd HENRY NOLL, Admiaistrator.
THE Partnership under the Firm of
-n. e. ii.iido uu. naving closed on the
10th of September last We would respectfully
request all persons having unsettled accounts
with the above Firm to call upon the subscri
bers and settle them without delay.
f" James S. Hamlin,
il tyOlHce on Second St. west side, two
doors "on th of Market, l,i tt lahtirsr,
6mS93 I'liioa to. Pa.
Real Estate.
WILL be soli at Tublie Outcry, on
the premises, on
Saturday, tin 29iA iW.,
at 2 o'clock, P.M., the llueiliUK lluusn
Mand other Out-buil-!inu,s ou l.ul
IH7, on ISonth Second street, iu Hie
Borough of Lewisburg.
April 37, IB5(i C. F. .MILLER.
Rich Prairie Farms !
Lots in Illinois, Iowa, and adjoining
Slates for sale in great variety, at low pri
ces, and on lavurable trims.
Pamphlet Catalogue Descriptions of Prop
erty, with prices attached, forwarded grans
by mail ou application.
Our exen.irif litcal cnmirrtivn will facilitate
giving valuable information of anv part of
the We3t to applicants desiring to locate.
iVUuyers of Illinois Central R. K. Lands
can avail themselves of l hi- km.u l.-.L't" ami
experience of Mr. Dim. the late Land aent
of the Company, lo iujipiy the diiliculty uf
making judicious selections.
Particular attention given to Inciting War
rants, examining lands, ftiinisliine maps and
descriptions, payment uf tail's, and lo a gen
eral Real Estate Business.
Corner of Michigan Av. and South Water St.
r.' at. Bin t.J near Ili.Ceu.R.R. Depot,
DAVID i. oontx. 5 CIllL'Ali O.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex. is
sued out ut' the Court of Cuminon I'.eas
of Clearfield county, will be expose.! ta lublic
8aie at the htin.se of Jacob Drckari. me
borouh of M.jiU..Ur-' catuy. Ia.. on
itui-iatv, iti Utith day of April next, at 10
o'clock. A, M.( tbe following deicrilivJ prop-
erty, to wit : j
A certain lot cf frrntin sifuate in t!ie boro' 1
tf an acre mtre or le?;s. with the appnrf nan
ces, with thereon erected a two-Mvrey j
house, weatherboarded, and kiichf-n and iLa i !
stable, adj nining lot of Jact b Antes on the
west, John Badger on the east, aud the Turn
pike on the south. j
.4L.SU another lot of ground on Water!
street in said borough, adjoining lot r f K. '
Chambers on the west, W'm. Young on the
north, Ji-seph Boob on the east, and an alley
on the south, containing nne-fmirth-of an acre ,
more or less, with the appurtenances.
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of Mm Mi-Anrnnf. t
lANIKL 1. Gl LIil V, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Oflice, Lewisburg, M.irrh 25, lsjfi
A new two-storey BRICK IIUI'SK
c ill a desirable situation on North Thud
St., Lewisburg. For particulars, inquire of
the subscriber, lesidin: in it.
A T Private Sale The iiinlt-rMinoil '
-..I- oilers lor sale that corner lot property, i
situated in Smith' a-!-l to Lou i-hurg, tin
feet front, (adjoining the Botanic ti.-ir-len.) on .
which is erected a two-storey Brick -A '
House, a convenient liarn. and ,
Well of water. Persons wishing lo purchase 1
the. above desirable restdenre.ran call on Mr. !
Jons Hoigbtiis iu the absence of ibe pn.pn-1
etor 11. U. NOLL
Lewisburg, Feb 25, lass
rP0 those who U FARMS. To
X have fertile land at a cheap price and on
easv terms, your attention is called to die i
liibGWAY LAM A VnAL ro .VM.VK !
Twemy-iive acres, or more in proportion, are i
given lor $-00. payable in iribiaimei.ts of -l
per week or f 1 ner uiun'h. It is Inc.-iiH-t in '
Eik countv, IVrinsvlvama, and has one of the
best markets fir its produce in the Stale. Tbe
soil is a neb loam. and is not to be surpassed
for farming, as examination will show. It
has the best elements Ot prosperity, being un-
derlanl tiy two nth veius ot Coal, and will
sliorlly be intersected bv four Railroads. The
Timber is of the most valuable kind ; Title 1
unexceplionably good, and warrantee deeds i
are given. It presents a good and substantial ,
opportunity to 'commence farming, providing '
for one's children, or making an investment. I
Further particulars can be UaJ from the pain- j
plilets, which are sent to imitiirers. Letters
answered promptly. Apply or address SAM'L
W. CAT TELL, Secretary! 135 Walnut street, i
north side between Fourth and Ftllh streets,
I hilaailpma. Full information is contained
in ihe pamphlets 3mfil8
Woodlots and Small Farm for Sale.
Tu luit purchasers, on reiuimalle terms.
THERE arc 9 lots of Woodland, si-
J. mate in While Deer Tp on Little lluf-
faloe Creek.abom a mile above Giildin's store
ranging Irum 14 to 21 acre each, well timb- ;
ered with various kinds of Oak, Pine, Poplar, j
and Chesnul.
The Farm contains about 55 aeres.ofwhich
18 are cleared, and has on it a Two st,(rv Low ;
f r Houe, a Log Stable, Spring of Water, .
JIlJa.and Frnit trees of various kinds. It ad-
joius lauds of John Hummel and Jacob Hart- i
man, about lj mile from Guldin's Store, in j
nue irrertp., t-nton to, ra.
.ae,uis.t. pn.iiciiy i. VHCICU at rriVdlE
Sale, by the subscriber,
Kelly Tp., Aug. 10, '55.
A Valley Farm of Limestone Land,
puMPRISLXG about 16'3 Acres, for
J SALE. Said Farm is in one of ihe beat
Wheat-growing vallies in Central Pennsylva
nia.wiihin two miles (over a Bridse) to a Rail
road, accessible tu Markets, in an eminently j
neauny neigimornoou, near ;o .Mills, Stores,
Church and School Houses, and in Ihe midst
of an intelligent and respectable population.
The Improvements are a firt-class BANK
UAKN so by 45 feet.with a fair Mansion
House, Waeon house. Corn bouse, and t"i S
other suitable Outbuildings. It has a lar"e
Apple Orchard, and Peach and Pear trees
"rc. sufficient for ordinary use.
The Farm is all cleared except about one
acre (and plenty of Woodland iu ihe immedi
ate vicinity,) all of Limestone soil, and as the
owner thinks is not surpassed for natural pro
ductive qualities by any in the Slate.
It will be sold wholly, or a portion of 80 lo
100 acres, as might suit a purchaser.
rAny cash man wishing such a property
can obtain further information by applying in
O.N.Woriies, Ch.rnn.icle office, Lewisburg. ISO
,That large and desirable property on the
. corner of Mitrkoi nn.l Wdi... .. n
i s, 3UCCU,WC1I
calculated for a reside-no rn.l...;.....
- - .u. u,..-,lucsa, vf Jlfr
a residence and place of business.
mere is a large UKlCk House containing
4 larue rooms on the first rt.ie ft h-i . ..Z
, w.u-iUWii8 VD
the second floor.and S large finished rooms on
tne tnira. A Kitchen and Washhouse adjoins.
There are also a snncinnc f.iu. t .
r v.i,ai,iai;ririiiCBl
Cistern, a Pump, and Well of giod water, a
cini.ic, on. i an necessary Ontbnildintrs.
For terms ic. apply to Geo. F. Miller. Esq.
Lewisburg, Sept. 23 1850
T ConstablesCourt Returns and other
tUixas solrl .e Chronicle Office.
A Slartrloaa Itemed t
, J-'ur li Murttloiu Ajtl i
The Grand Estrrnal Rrmtdy.
Tly tlie m i of a mieroar-.t, wa are aaillloaa of IHUa
nntinae th mtftj. e ol oar Valiea. Tkreuah Uuja.
1 thia lioar.r.t, wh-i, ruU on Ule m, ia amrnaa u
any ormn i.rinwar.1 t-art. biara of tL. Kidueya, oav
; or-l-ra or Hie r. allcclion. -J the UarWlUlaaiaiatioa
j ot lb- l..iii, A.tl.aaaa. Coarka aa Colaa, by iu
I BH-un rnerloally eore.1. Kery booaewia- kaovi that
; .,.11 pa-ia Hrly Lbroiwb Uaor aiaatof any tbiekuaaa.
1 Tin- h. allua Ointment far more rewllly penaUalea Ulr
! any ooaa.-r aealiy part af ibe Irainf bi-Uy, cartas Uw
rn-.-.t ilaiiL-eroua iuward coaiptaiatK, tliat caa aot ka
' ri a. bed h) otUar me.ana.
' L'fjtijtUi, Halt A'i-tiBe it- Scorlutic Hit.
I vtom.
N a rentedT ha eeor ilone to mvh frr trio, eara of dhw
mrr of the skin, hteer form thay may aaauiu., ia
tl.it llinrment. Xo rae of Suit Kheom. Sruray-Serefula,
Sure llradi.. or I'rtaiprlaa, can l.-o aiibauad IU taSa
eiire. Thr laT 'iiti.r l.a travel. .1 ov. r many art of tbe
' tf:..l, aia.tias U peiurit! kopitala. dipeaatas tkia
oioluteiit. aiwoir adrire a t. it ai-pliala.n. and baa
j thua been tlie ncatu of realoriug coabUeaa aaaubara k
! Iiraltb.
Vre Js, Sore Hrtwts, TToundi and
I llrrn.
Some of the anoet ari.atioc aarreoaa a? relr aalaV
. ou tl.e utm-oI thia w.-n.lrrlul Ointment, ahea bating lo
) eo.a anh the worrt rare, of aorra, woaaar. altera, giaa
.lular .wllini,'!.. ai.ii ti nii-ri. 1 r..f..r-r llolu.way baa,
hy tmuand of Ibe A:il.d . acrnReata. dupotrkad a
th- Im -imala of the lart, lar.e .himenla of lhi Oiat-ai-nt,
to e uiol uulrrtkedirertioaortlM Vediaal SlaaT,
' in th-- ,.ryt inei ol w-uD-l. It will cure any alee.
alandular aael-ioir. atiffneeaoc contraciioa of tka Jaaaak,
eeu of lu ear' ataAdiag. ( ,
JVfM and Fitu7dl
Theee.nd other Fiaiilar .llrtrendnit compralnta mm ba
! efl.rtu.liT ".r.d it the O-nnnent be wl rubojd aw
- the t-arle aAVrtrrt. and hy otheialaa fcUuajmg lb printed
dtriartioaa axouud easb ot.
i,'o7i the Ointment and Pill ihould It
uttd im Me futUitcinij rate
R unions
lora Laca
(hi it. I. ma
fH ItbMM
tkin f
tore Hrfiotl
(L r rltajs:
t.tT J-mU
frjrati at all tlatU
Ttaral Soma
YfouDda,all kiatla
Mt-rrurt l Frni'tfrnf r Thioats
hoitl at t Maiiufartrir rf Ihvfakwr Hauawar.
SO lMisin I.il. .New York. anl -UatratMl, lxndoa,aad
llirouvh -ul tlrv t UlUfi fUattW, ttM ii.im wmlA, m
Poip, ut lit criitf. 'Jl-uifl. ami $1 tmcb.
-.Tht-rt? is a cwiarar.lc mving fc Ukivg tb lar
ger Ml -It.
Tl. rirTns fnr t1irii;t!ancof pativnUla ry
t'r lb Car mf
TOrVKF A t nLii, , i ii ti l-MA( HE AP SOJtK
yKSSOF l UK Klrm tl . bmy Partumlea fja
lu ir larJ. Nti'l wmi tip w,.rm. t .wtat iunt)t ti.aif 1-U
f'R A fiH.l AM t rtHff. lk it mfitoiog. ao-M
an-1 ri-iiti. aM(tUiit U -iir rilrtia nn the bottia. aatt
th -MV-u'tv Ht fn rf r mniitl. ?ta will knciirTr
tti-ui ihm -ticu tlit-j r.nl it can ho rwadily e?arr-l. pr
rrrn nf.irttl wih a ittij f.uh. w Inch lraka Ibaia af
tlieir mat at niiit, iil t.bj 1 y akifj; Uiv CbiT laata
rai -n e,-iK t- le-t. thfy bi.iv be ur-t-f oiid aabrrkaD
p. im1 roow-qurnl r lrert.ii.(t rt. tirrat raltaf faMB
fiiff- riiiir. anj n uli ninte run-. i ffTr-rxJ lo thauwtia
mUn art- Uat.n ff rUii. hj UiU iBTalamble irmaiT.
f r-.m itf wMihlf t-tfe-i i!. in tln-aa raa, mmmj trntt
tht-mfiTf unailliDg W fcrgo its um bca Iba MMll
ft-r H mt f---',
to t7.'jy.s aW Pr'Bf.W SPEAKEttS tAta Tfawly
i.- i(iv-.li.al'. rT t.- an .n u tli tltiat aad Ct,
j wtim taken la KRinll q-atitt4-. ft imovaa all Iwiataa
I .if, in a U w hoiir-a. at. I wti-irr tulij iucrt-atwa tha power
atid ft. sihilitT of !ric k'-.
A itifA t! g-n-ra, ly niii'-h r-Ii-Ti. aDtloltca wkaJlw
' riitvfl hi CY.rrry Ivcioral. Hut th?r ara aoim caaaa ao
j rihftiiiatti m uitUl nut if fly tu aa ni-rdtciDa. Cfaarrj
! l'rt-t" rrtl will niTf thi-oi if tt-j -an h rurrd.
ii.'OA' ItiTI. (.r irr:tatita of lha thrtaU aa apaar
1 portir.n t4 tin- liintri. may rurrtt ty takinn; Cbrrry
i fta.rai in Murtii an t ir i"-rii a-a. lka aaoLaimta-
i-l fn-.-i'.O tf OU rrilvTi ti.
"v , ' '. an r'Mie of aotimoBT. to b lbl-
Itiaft liv I;ri;t atil frftiu-at ' of tie Caeir? Pectrat
1 ?,'.t!i '' ;llMlj'!
s tlii UiAfaa. it Lakrn id araacn, it wtit
j tvffonrfyf) rorrnwr hrokea ap and aoaa
i rur"' ' t'1" UlH " "n ui.
..Wu ,,o i...e beeait,eedberhoief.
I iur-twere prolerte.1 fr--m any fw-re-ue n.neeueaea..b-l.
, u" 'r neieno.-r annom tne l berry t'ectoral, wbere am-
I fi-rinic tr.m Uie diaeoee.
hei-ea:.-tl mutant-.- are reported bere of patienta who
hare Seen eure4 fr. ni
LlYt.lt LUM1I.AI.VTS t-y tbia remedy. 10 mane that
tlir ran t-e no .nie.ti.-n of ita hralinz ooer on thee
J-n woi. It i-hould ba aeraeeenniely taken aatil tha
p-.m in the .-i.r and other nnpliaaant aTBit-traia reaae.
folt ri'SIHI'lfX in it earlieat naera. It fbonlii
o.- taken un, r the advice -l a -od Pbyaieian il'roioibi
ai.d in i-T.-ry rate aith a rareful reirard to tb. printed
axrt' tiumt on tbe bottle. If jndirieualy used, and tbe n.
tinit ir earrtully nursed neaaluue, it will eeidoaa fall 10
trul.lue ttie liera.e-
1,-rsetilrJ fXsrVPTlOy in ita wont form, tbe
! berry IVeu ral abi-uid be e-irea in doeeeadai ted to what
wit. nt ri-uuirv!. ami can bmr. It alwava afford a
m um rcli- f. ant art anfrHioritly rum Xhom who aro
nnio!jTl pnPt all cure. Tli re are aiany tbousaada
Matt 'rid a. I owr-T thf mnntry who JW1 and mt that lby
.- tlit?ir ltt atiJ prrrit Walih to Ui( berry Ptctoral.
Wnny y-ars cf tril. instrii'l f inirairiiiic tha pablie
rfiit. J. my iu tin mniiciiiaf , tiw wwa ft it aa appracia
-1 a.i or.i
n ani niirit-iy py nr -sctjinir in n,ot fanrniaa
t nt tt irir-nti-. tiiiin7 r-ut it mtriatta
I (tit unniiklaWali t-fnt-ht ronf nrd oa tbon
ultiTr. ciulU oricinat atxl maintaia tba ra-
i utttti'n it rnjoy. W bi!t nixtiv inferjtir rrn-ira thruxk
ujw-n th rrtnoioaity. hut fmlrd and bta difcaiad,
tl.if ha irin-.i trfiKl.t ly M-ry trial, mnfrrml bfBliU
u tlia Mttlif.Hl tliry nn tmrtr fcnrwt, aa4 prrdttawd
cur- U o nunirri-U'i and r-aiirkallf? to bt lri;ottPn.
W ht! it is a fraud nn tha puMip tn pnut.i that aaf
am mr.linn will infclubl rurt- till thrra- in abundant
pr'-.t'that tlw-Owrry ftwff.ral dtxn aot obIt a a rraaral
ti-nv, tut almost iaiariabia cure the maladies for wh.cia
it h mpIoTi-1.
Aa uiDt matfs thi'f tn.ts widnr and batter knows,
tlii.- ttitinf hu ernilnally twwiTt ttw ht tvliaora f
ttit atUictfd. fr(ai tue Itte-caMa of lu Ajaaxicaa FaattaatW
. . .. t - , r ar . - i-
I i-rei-.re.i .nd im.i.i i,y jamw c ATSR, Fraetkal ana
"iva oi r.ui' ijuu ninKI.
. v urn-T. eu. .iate.
Prepared by JAMES C. AYER. Practical
Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
lir For sale by Scharllle, and by Christ n
Caldwell, Lewisbnre ; Caslow, Milton ; Cast,
and Kemper A. Kleckner, MiUliuburgi and by
all Dealers everywhere
dap of Union and Snyder Counties.
VARNISHED, with Wooden Rollers.
and on Muslin, ready to be hung np,
will be sent by the subscriber, postage paid i
Township map, cob-red, for (1 5f
Geological fc " 1 75
The Division line is drawn oa this Map, also
Township lines, and as it contains all taa
principal Roads, and shows comparative dis
tances, it should be studied by all m ho are to
vote on the location of ihe Seat of Justice.
The (ieological Map shows Ibe strata ol tha
two Counties.
For cheaper copies of tbe Map, address
Lewisburg, May IS, 1855.
i Dr. John Locke,
street, Lewisburg.
Lewi.burg, Nov. I, J85S
Dr. Jacob Horlacber,
rOTANTC PHYSICIAN, having regained
) his health, has resumed his practice of
the healing art. Hissnperior SALVE is still
in great demand, and all orders supplied as
usual. New Berlin. May 8, 1854
Drwj and Chemical Emporium.
Market otreet .... Lewisburg, Pa.
PPLY to A. K. Bell or John f aaltait.
IA. Full cords delivered. May 10, ldM.