Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, March 14, 1856, Image 2

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Tftuinlmni Cjirnnirlr.
B r lltCKOK, CuinRm Biimau
March 14, 1850.
fe - ?f 4ej .--The Lkvimuu Cnft'Xicu.
ib.frhM tt rah Pvi.U'tD, the lrct and bait
lruUtton of awj -..papr in Uftin oimty.
9.renBylTuiia TnVa Snmlnufine rooTentioi-,
H vutiserR. UtiM-Klny. Msn-h ?, is:,;
0)TrmXTntir Xtttoaal ' net-out, b ftowJioate 1tm1
iai and Vice Prwide-nt,
Citumtati, Monday, June 21&a6.
WBcpabtieaa 5tlni Nomina tin Convention.
1'uujinu.i'nu, Tuixtay. Jun 17, ISM
vuan&&t.pry AtnT-rrau N'ntninntinr Convrntkin,
Ntw TMtK. TtmrKlay, June 13, ISM
i'-o-Sf'ivry Amrrimn Ticket.
Ft r Er.ncrr M I LL A RT FTI.UMoRR, r-f Sw Yortr.
Vuk i'latji-tr A.NbUr.W J. luNfcLb-N,M Iobuvum
Ptnnmlvatu'a Democratic Ticket,
CmiL fhmmittimvTtEt'ifUiK HXVTT. of 0lirrabia Co.
.Ad.ffr wrti JACOR PPT, of Mot. Lg. .m.-ry Co.
Mtrvmr -wrtt Tl OTH V I V tift, of Pott' r Co.
for the Sake of the Union.
Ati-National Administration Stale Con
vention. Tbe citizens of Union conntj favorable
to the call for tbe above Convention, are
invited to meet in Ammons' Hall, oppo
site tlie Franklin House, Lewiiburg, at 1
I'. M. of Wedncsthjr, lOtli March, 1856,
to eolect a Delegate to said Convention.
A Lesson : irt'tf if he heedcl? For
two year past, tlie opponents of Peireeoc
racy Mil XobraAaism, in New Hamp
tbire, united, and by so doing gained tbe
State Government, two U.S. Senators, and
all the Congressmen. This year, a Whig
candidate wag got op to draw off votes,
and with tbe weight of Fillmore's nomina
tion upon them in addition, at the State
Election on Tuesday, tbe Nebraska party
gained somo thousands of voter, if tru'y
have not carried the State. Last year tbe
Anti-Xcbrit-ka majority was 5,700.
K.Ia Pennsylvania, ths opposition,
united, can carry the State. Our Members
at Uarrisburg have devised a plan calcu
lated to insure unity. But we observe an
open effort, in Schuylkill, Berks, and
other eountics,to make the proposed union
Covention, an "American" tender to Fill
More ; and in other quarters, a "Republi
can' want of concert, or a "Whig" doubt
ing. These are bad indications, but we
hope there is good sense, honesty and sa
gacity enough among the people to select
suitable men to go to Ilarrisburg and de
vise plans by wbieh, "UNITED, we shall
stand; for divided we falL" If Mr.
Buchanan is the Nebraska nominee, State
pride will add to his strength, and we can
not afford to be divided Let tbe Old
Keystone set a good example to the great
sisterhood of Freo States.
Spring Election. On Friday of next
week, the several Townships and Boroughs,
of Union and other counties, will choose
the Officers to manage their local affairs.
The importance of electing honest and
sensible men to every office, is often urged
but seldom heeded.
Ia our Borough, each Ward elects a
Judge and two inspectors, a Councilman,
s School Director, an Assessor, an Over
seer Poor, and Vote for two Auditors. The
two Wards together elect a Burges9, Con
stable, High Constable, and three Auditors.
What shall b done with the
County Buildings at New Berlin 1" is now
the question. They were mostly built by
taxation upon tbe county, and that town
lias had the benefits of tbem for forty
years. All the buildings, the pavements,
the trees, and the vacant grouud must re
main a permanent benefit, whatever use
may be made of them. We Lear rumors
of an attempt to Lave the property revert
to tbe Scebold family : also, to have it
presented to New Berlin for educational
or other purposes. But it is generally
conceded that the family and the town
have made enough from the county prop
erty, and that it should be sold to tbe
highest bidder and the proceeds divided
between Union and cnyder counties.
This would return part of the tax to tbe
- t. ,..: .-j .
SUCOCaSOrM VI IUUDO wuu Liulii, auv V J
expenses of Division, Contested Election,
Ac. Let tbe people express thoir views,
by petition, to the Legislature, and thns
have the matter effectually disposed of, the
present session.
Arrival of the Africa.
The steamship Africa arrived at New
York on Saturday, bringing dates from
Liverpool to Saturday, February 22d.
' She brings no tidings of the steamship
The Peace Conference is progressing
favorably. Count Orloff has arrived in
- There is nothing mors in regard to tbe
difficulties between Englaud and the Uni
ted State!', except that the London Adver
tiser professes to know that Mr. Dallas
brings very stringent instructions.
Letters from St. Petersburg and Wsrsaw,
in tbo German papers, give details of the
preparations in progress for the continu
ance of the war, and state that on no point
has the former energy of the military de
partment been abated.
A portion of the advanced squadron of
(he Baltic fleet bad steamed np ready for
leaving Spithead on tbe evening of tbe
' Affairs were quiet in the Crimea.
A Russian convoy of 75 men perished
ia ths snow in Asia, while on their way to
liea. Mouvorieff. It was also said that
the divisions of tbo Russian army, en
camped ia tbe mountains, bad also greatly
suffered, that their communications were
interrupted with the remainder of tbe
oontry, and that their supplies were near
ly eat off. :
Late. Tbe Arabia reached Halifax,
Wednesday. Tbe Peace Conference was
in session, at Paris. . Breadstuff had de
clined ; Cotton market unchanged. So
jswi of tbt Pacific.
Ncios Junto frum Other Comities.
Snyder. Geo. F. M'Farland, of Hol
lidaysburg, will ;tuke charge of the Free
burg Academy, coinineuciug on tbe 31st
inst Tbe Selinsgrove Dcmokrat (I. Gu-
tulius, Editor) comes out for Fillmore and
Donclson, aud predicts 1600 (!) niajurity
fur tbem in the county A meeting to
elect a Senatorial and Representative Del
egate to the State Convention, 2Gth inst.,
is called at Frecburg, thro' the Dcmokrat.
Sullivan. A I'edubaplist has opened
out, in tbe Democrat, a discussion on the
subjects and the mode of Christian Bap
tism The murder trial caused quite an
excitement. It will be remembered that
in May last, a German named Veitcngra
ber, in Elkland township, disappeared,
when hi wife aud a man named Kamm
cohabited, tbe latter wearing the watch,
clothes, &c, of tbe missing man. The
two were arrested and tried for murder.
The Bradford Reporter says :
"The tril progressed until Saturday
morning, when a son of the deceased, aged
about 1 i years, was brought into Court to
give testimony on the part of tbe Common
wealth. Immediately upon entering the
room, bis mother became intensely excited
rbsbed towards him, and clasped him in
her arms. The excitement brought on a
fainting fit (to which abe is subject) and
the Court adjoorned untit afternoon.
Iu the meantime, Mr. V. sent for the
J mit?. Counsel, and preachers to her cell, in
enter in make a statement. She commenced,
and soddenl stopped, saying that was alt
she knew about it.
At the enmin in of Court in the afternoon,
the boy was put upon the stand. He testified,
tu the idenuiy of ihe clothiog, pipes. Ac, as
belonging to his father. The mother becom
ing more and more intensely excited as every
arurle of clothing was sworn to by the boy as
belonging to his father, at length she sprang
to her feet, terror depicted upon every line of
her countenance, her hands extended and
eyes toward Heaven, she exclaimed: in Ger
man, "The Priest ! the Priest ! the Priest !
Help me ! help me help me ! I am innocent!
Thai is the man he did it he often threat
ened my husband to shout him he has put
me where 1 now am" pointing her finger at .
Kamm. She sal down, langhing hysterically,
and tbe Court adjourned until Monday morn
in?. Mrs. Veitenjruben on Saturday evening
made a statement to Mr. Bauer, also to Mr.
8eliemck, and on Sunday morning asain to
Bauer. Her statement was somewhat inco
herent ; she had evidently become insane.and
has since been entirely indifferent to the trial,
and is up to this time a raving maniac. On
Tuesday, by order of the Conrt, the trial was
suspended as far as concerns ihe woman.
Sunday evenine, March S, the defendant,
Kamm, having intimated his desire to make a
statement, Jndtre Wilmot and the counsel on
both sides attended in his ceil for this purpose.
He then made a confession, which was inter
preted by Jas. J. Setbencck. .He said he and
ihe deceased came together' from Germany
about two years ago, and bought a little home
together. That in May last, Veitengrubeo
came home one nieht after drinking, and be
fan abusine bis wife; Kamm interfered.when
V. attacked him, and he killed V. with an axe.
He and Mrs. V. first hid him under an upturn
ed root of a tree ; but seeing some men exam
ining the ppt, he dug his remains up in the
merit, enclosed them in a bed sack, and took
them out in a lake, where he dropped him.
The evidence was concluded Tuesday even
ing, when Paul 1). Morrow addressed the jury
on the part of the Commonwealth, followed
br Dietriefc and Mereur for the defence, and
by Metc.alf on the part of the Commonwealth.
Judge Wilmot charged the jury on Wednes
day afternoon, and they retired. After being
absent abont two hoars, the jury came into
Court and rendered a verdict of Guilty of Jtfur
dfr in the first degree, against the prisoner
The counsel for the prisoner moved for a
new trial, and a rule was granted, to be argu
ed at the May term of the Court.
Luzerne. The "dinner to Mr. Full
er," at Wilkes Barre, turns out to be a
fabrication. A private dinner was given
to a landlord, at which Messrs. Wright,
Fuller, and others, spoke, and from that
the " Union-savers" manufactured tbe
puff which bis gone ail over the country.
A new Court Ilouse is to be built for
tbe County, half at the expense of the
County, and half at tbe expense of Wilkcs-
Barrc Jebsup is a new coal town,
springing up on tbe Lackawanna, above
Lycomiso. Mr. Baker, of the
Jersey Shore Republican, has recovered
from a fit of sickness, and returned to bis
" case." The Lycoming County Teach
ers' Institute bad a three days' meeting
last week, attended by Prof. Sweet and
others, whose efforts wero very highly
commended. J. D. Wallace, of Wmsport,
officiated as Recording Secretary.
Montour. The Danville Gas Company
have contracted for tbe construction of Gas
Works, to be completed by July next
Isaiah Thornton is appointed Notary Pub
lic, in place of Alexander Best, deceased.
The Montour American, the new K.
N. paper at Danville, in an able editorial,
declines the support of Fillmore, and says
truly that " under no circumstances can
this State be made to assume and maintain
a Pro-slavery position." Tbo puddlers
of the Montour Iron Works have struck
for back pay, and demand pay, monthly,
Columbia. A new township, named
Conyngham, Las been formed from a part
of Locust Tp. .
&Of the Pennsylvania Press, opposed
to Pierce and Nebraskaism, 26 yield to
Fillmore & Doaelson some kind of support,
hearty or complimentary 35 openly op
pose and 25 take no stand either way.
Westerly and Northerly, no paper ia known
to favor. The snoet able, independent,
and influential are opposed to ths nomina
tion itself. Tbe counties that must elect,
are least in favor of the ticket.
Faib. -It will be recollected that when
Gen. Scott was nominated for President,
thousands of tbe Democracy were indig
nant, and said if they had nominated Fill
more, tbey would have supported him.'
Well, Fillmore is now nominated, and we
eall npon those Democrats to honor their
profession and fall into line in his support 1
Bakooe, Me., March 10. The Repnb
licaas elected their Mayor, to-day, by S3
majority ewer the combined opposition.
Lewisburg Chronicle
Washington, March 10.
House. Mr. Campbell, of O., reported
the Consular and Army Appropriation
Bills. . ;
Mr. Crawford, of Ga., addressed the
House, to show that it was improper that
tbe Committee oa Elections should be em
powered to send for persons and papers ia
the Kansas contested election. - Mr. C.
argued that Mr. Reeder represented a rev
olutionary movement outside of tbe regu
larly established government of Kansas.
Mr. Campbell, of Pa., advocated the re
solution of tbe Committee, accusing those
on tbe other side with the inteution of
stifling such an investigation as was neces
sary to properly understand the question.
Mr. Smith, of Ala., contended that the
Committee on Elections have abandoned
tbe issue raised by Mr. Reeder, and have
called on the House to give tbem power to
contest the legality of the election of every
member of the Kansas Legislature, thus
sheltering their real purposes behind the
shadow of one man, who had proved Liu
self an arch agitator, and by various spec
ulations committed such enormities as to
induce tbe Executive to remove him from
bis position.
Mr. Kunkel, of Pa., advocated the res
olution to send for persons and papers.
During his remarks,he said, notwithstand
ing the intimidations, emigrants from
Pennsylvania will continue to go thither,
and if the time should come when an inva
ding force from Missouri shall interfere
with their rights, it would be found that
they will maintain their rights even to tbe
Mr. Oliver, on behalf of the people of
that State, said that if emigrants from the
east go to Kansas for the purpose of con
trolling tbe elections, in open defiance of
the principles of the Kansas-Nebraska bill,
and prejudicing the institutions of slavery
in Missouri, strife, contention and perhaps
bloodshed will result. The popU of Mis
souri are conscious of their rights, and
have nerve enough to maintain them.
Mr. Kunkel said, in Pennsylvania we
form no Emigrant Aid Societies. The
people go to Kansas of their own accord,
aud have the right to go.
Mr. Oliver: Was not a society of that
kind formed here by members of Congress
before the Kansas bill passed f
Mr. Kunkel : I am not here to say whe
ther such societies were formed in Massa
chusetts or elsewhere.
Mr. Oliver : Does not the gentleman
know that Massachusetts chartered a com
pany for controlling the institutions of
Kansas, with a capital of $5,000,000.
Mr. Kunkel : I know nothing about it.
Settlers are there, now, and others are on
their wsy, notwithstanding the violence in
Kansas. Freemen are not easily frighten
ed, and he could tell the gentleman that
no men on earth will more firmly main
tain their rights than Pennsylvanians, and
si-11 their lives more dearly. He (Mr.
Oliver) must not involve tbem in illegal
Mr. Oliver explained, saying that when
ever it is seen that the elections and insti
tutions of Kansas are controlled by bona
fide settlers, he, and every man in the
South, was willing to abide by tbe will of
the majority, though it may be sgainst tbe
institution of slavery. That is the posi
tion of his constituents and of the whole
South. If troubles ensue, they will be
mainly attributable to tbe intermeddling
of Emigrant Aid Societies in the East.
Mr. Greeley writes to the Tribune .-
" The speech of Mr. Kunkel was one
of great power and eloquence, and fairly
electrified tbe right side of tbe Uouse.
It is pronounced the best yet made on ei
ther side.
ttTThe Pennsylvania Democratio State
Central Committee comprises 80 members,
of whom- Jons W. Forney, co-editor of
the Washington Union, is Chairman.
Among the members from this region are
A. S. Wilson, Thomas Bower, J. S. Mil
ler, R. W. Weaver, J. R. Jones, H. L.
Dieffenbaob, George White, Richard Mc
Allister, Ac.
Sending to Washington for a Chair
man and he tbe Editor of the Union
shows clearly enough what the powers that
rule intend to put forth on the Slavery
STATE and County Taxes.Pnrsnant
to law, we the undersigned, Commissio
ners of Union County, Pennsylvania, hereby
give notice to the taxable inhabitants of, and
all others owning taxable property or effects
whatsoever within the said county, taxable
either for State or County purposes, that
APPEAL, for the benefit of all interested, will
be held for the several Townships and Boroughs
wunin tbe county, as rollows :
Tar New Unmi Bam', at ths house rf St. KteefeMe.
on Monday th 7th of April.
Far Juasra Is, at Ik house f M.KUckixr, NwBtiin,
on Tiiewtav tbo th of April.
Fat Lonsrom Tp, at th bouae or Pater WVhr,
OD Wodn-dy tbe SUl of April
ror uimuv Tp, as ue vwr m w n. juien,
oo Thunday tbo 10th of April,
For Xmunm Bon, at tbo bnoso of cha Cmtser,
on Fridar tbo 11th of Aoril,
For West Bvmiet Tp, at the hooM of J. TRrd', Mif
flioburg, oa Saturday tbe l'itb of AprU.
For Bvrratoc Tp, at Um boaae of Jamoa STTrdgfat,
sa Monday tbo Utb ol April.
For Ktut Tp, at tbs boast of Janw hmt,
an Tooadar tte 16th of AprU.
For warn inxa ip, at tn nouae or jtna Ajajn,
oa Wodacadajr tbe loth of April.
For Rasr BcerAUat To. at tbe bouna of Oeorm Wolfe.
oa Th nradar Ue 17th of AprU.
For Vinos Tp. at th boose of Hrnry Oibeon,
a Friday, th. HI of ApriL
For Lrvlamea Starts. Ward, at tb Coamiiilener' OOea,
oa Satordar, the lath f A perl.
Foe Ll a Sooth Want, at lla Con in l .a loners' ottos.
oa nondar, tbe slit of April.
When and where all persona and corpora
tions, who snail feel themselves aggrieved of
the enumeration and value made of their tax
able property and effects, pursuant to an Act
entitled "An Act to establish a uniform mode
for the value of property and assessment of
taxes," approved the ISth day of May, 1841,
are requested to attend sad slate their griev
ances fur redress according to law.
All the above Appeals will be held between
the hoars of o'clock:, A.M., and , P.M.-y-
Attest t - - - Commissioners. .
A. KENNEDY. Clerk.
and West Branch FannM-March 14,1 856.
RF.rF.II1s & KXPEXUITl RES of CXIOX CsNisUy, by tu CVnunals-
sioneri Tan TreasureM.' sa.d County, from tbe first day ot January, to the erst day
of-January, 1856 Henry Bolomon, Esq, Treasurer.
Cuuntv Katet & Lrrin for the yenr 1855, Amcing the amount Charged, the amount
AmotiotOhw!. AhaUt
ULe County. M IS-
TIU.,b.o Kino aliaO.Ot MK'H .
' . i If .t.tt. r rtll. JO .-.30.S; 10 OS
l7.r.,l.s;m..l Ha. IMMl V...VI M.
Plaat Ifir.loe-anl Wfa. " M ,J"
M estUulUliH) e.KUirmn 669.4:1 J-".-!
Ooter-Danl.,1 sbo.ra J -?
rhapmen-C KcwUtb-r AS. ,40
traaklia-bnul Uwekmaa S-AOJ 4M.IS
X 75
so 5a
21, IS
Jaeknn MWial Oldt ."' 'l
a.lly Was. Sagto VfM.S-.
U-i-biH, .1 W. A. Kennedy 418J
do S. IV.- d . iJo.-O
IJmto Th"1" V. Itarbsr I7S,M
Mi Idlceraek J"l ilirr . Si.6J
MiMial.orr A. B.lloUball AV4.1S
New aVrliu Jacob Uurlacbcr
rrnne Jarol. Krdly
Perry John Kiebue
gcllaaaro.a JfT.Cruuee
Union Joe eoeie
ealiinetoo. Lulwlc Arbogaat IJS.14
bit. lhc Ukl sieeklejr U4,2S 4;.i.
tl,2ji,S9W,048,S94,r.M4,;'1.244lsS,40 961,71 502,34 132.20 12I.S3 3197,72 S237.41
Vi! in qitrn t Vvllrctort.
Matrirte. Collectora. Tiar. State T. Conner T.
N-w Berlin Groin IHeM 1S11
Union-Wat. aVI'hron do 43.9S
WeetllutIloe-llaeeprW.Bubl 1S5 S.9S
llanlry 4a 1-u.her do 858.20
IVrry-feter Troup do 9,
Wbitr I-er Jol KanrV do 12,
Fart llotTiloa Henry lrts 1S54
IVext Uurtmloe Win. Kulo do
CVuter Henry aturaer 145,13
Waj.tiinffton Hrnry bummer do S:t,0
White Dear Aaron 8llu a
Since paid In part.
$792 92 1000,16
AuJHon Pat fur 1855.
Auditors fr makin( Coantj SetUeaeat fee 1SS4,
lnl...lin.. I'Urk S7 00
John SilueforU foraudillnj aeeounta of Protli-
onotary and SXiateraua aoanere
J. B. Linn f r anuilioi I'rollironotary ana Be-
(later A ttteordrr orllre for 1S4
44 1)0
Asststort Pot.
Astresore for their roreicee in 1S
41 1
Triennial Asaeaaaienui lor io
Elictinn Exvtnsct.
nrii FWIInn. bold March. 18il
420 5S
431 15
Geairal tlecUvn, bekl October, 1045
St rulbing Court Ifoute.
Jueepb W. W akl4 J
17 IS
j-UltilC iomu"B-, i 1 ' "
Altornrt'$ Feet.
S. Welrfct, FVj., salary as Comm'ra' Attorney
34 00
Prothonotaiy's Office.
Sanuel Boaeh's fees fcr 1SU
S43 841
Remitter & Recorder' Office.
Wm. O. Biekok. one Deed Book, 14 quir
SO 00
J. W. Pennington, fi-coraing 24 drains
Z 40
. 22 40
Court E-rpentet.
Jurora' Tay and Mileage, Tit.
tlrand Jurora, reoruary ittbi
Traeera do du
Felit do do
Grand Jarora, May Term
Tran-m d do
I'etit do do
Orand Jurors, SapU-mber Terat
TraTera do do
I'elit 0 do
..! H .
!,' T I
v- -- I
Court Cryer's wage for Febmary Trrai
24 OO
4 09
22 00
do do Slay lorm
do do September Terai
70 00 !
Tl.,...a nr rVynalarilaa f.,r atteadlns CoaTt.
-r a. Art
May Teres 37 50
September 22 40
94 CO
re.r..fa,la mltaaee and makln- retnrns to
feornary lerm aa -
May Term 21 74
September 22 91
. 47 30
Road Orders issued ly Court.
Bobert Candor and otbera during th year
279 40
Fox Scalp.
Joseph fainter and otbera for foa scalps
127 40 '
State Costs.
Costs paid in eaae of Omi re on wealth agaiasi
uie louowmg perevua, via.
Patrick Caae 4 00
Search, Uul. hin.on. M'Oregor, and othera 31 49
BUemlierling and W.Oeiatit, Deo.Sea.'aS 3 40
fleoreo W. Kaula
16 12
Outeliua, Eyer, and Onndy
Daniel Strouae, rpt. 1S43
Kogera and Long
John aod-rs
David BVtlion ve Geo. long, Sept Sea. 94
So 72
3 43
1 5
1 43
1 10
Road Damage.
John TJonaaworth, 4amage for opening raJ
tbro bia land In unaptnan townauip w
Peter Minium and John Pox.damagee Sir open
ing road tbro their lands in tfuoaloe tp a vu
Aew Britlges, and Repair of Old.
Tborapw and Viabrr, rr lamher, labor, and
repair at bridge acroe l ean ereea near
Vneum'a mill 4 w
Tbotnpeon and Fisber, for making aew wing
wall at ortuge acroaa t-enue ereea, per wu
tract 164 00
A. M. Law-he, for M.Chappel, fltling In bridg
at Lewisbure S OS
Jacob Straub, for Siting la bridge across Mld-
dlecreek la Waablrigton Tp av
Le'okicher and Baus, fur tabor and repairs at
New Berlin bridg 4 IS
Thompeoa and fiaber, for making aew wing
wall an 'I other repairs at bridge across Feans
creek near Vocuoi'e mill 10 00
Simon Oldt,lbr making repair at bridg acroaa
Uiddleereek, iu lleater Tp 2 40
Samuel Kwin-. lq . in part of third aad mat
payment forbuildiug new bridge acroaa Ut
ile Buffalo ctvek. In Kelly Tp 174 00
Samuel Kwing. kla laet payment ia fall tr
bui'.ding bridge in Kelly Tp 48 34
Samuel Bwing. Ki , lor 1S3.1 et 3 inch plank
for Boor of bridge near Wolfe's tnlll
Iowial.org . 27 64
Ooorge tiilliert, for making repair at wing
waJIsatbridgeatKllne'aaiilliaMUdlecreek 1 00
App A Son, lor materials lur bridge across
Veaaa creek and Uiddlerreek 17 97
Joe. A a. W. Kelly, for 1513 feet oak plank for
bridg aear Wolfe's mill, at f 14 per tkmu
and feet, hoard meaaare IS
Nathaniel Moyer, for building a B-w pier to
bridge aeroas renna ereea at laing aw
m w l . el -S ejev tM-reh.
Fenna Tp.l2T perches, at 1,2S per ptreh.
247 44
rblllp tiemberiing, for hauling plank, labor.
aad repair at artag acruaa aauaw. iw
near W olfe'a mill ... 3T
rater Boaiirt.f.w materlala, labor Ac at brldt,-
acroaa Middleereek below Selinegrovo 149 03
Pater Boaltcb, tor aaaM aenwa Panas era 27 3S
Wm. Bule, for repairing bridg at Bockey ,
West Boflalo J M "
Jacob Kauoh, for repairing bridee acroaa Mid-
dlecfeek, at Hrenwr's still 44
John Mesbit,fbr making draft BaSalos Malg
atUwiabnrg , . 09
Ab. Biacnbower, Sir lepalrs bridg la Frank-
Ha Tp 00
Ab. Sayder, for labor, lumber, Ac, fcr bridg
acroaa Middleereek la Franklin Tp S4
Christina Millbnaaa, for repairing bridge 4. 87
Hiram Hendricks, for repairing bridge at Ban
fee's 10 Oft
Cb'a Krana.fbr tiling wing wall attwot.ri.lire
aeroas Middleareaa, Bear wetsei a, aaiuui-
dlerreek Tp
34 S3
ru. l-. m aula.. wall at Kline's
ill, MKldlerreek Tp 1
Daniel Zieber and otben. for 11 S40 feet ask
plank, new flooring two bridges aeroas Mid
dleereek, laying plank
Jobn ackock, SDr titling bridge in Franklin Tp 6 2
Heary Solomon, repair New Berlin bridge 1 SO
Dr. a L. Beck, ia full for ground air Slliug an
'. t.Tj I.. a.er.i e-k in 1813 37 40
- . 1944 4
Sheriff' Fees.
Joha Keavler, Sheriff, hit bill for boarding1
Briaaaers, commitment aad diecfaarge at p.
Casey, J. Bell and other T 40
Joha Keavler, Sheriff, fee for luiiiei'mj Fat.
Casey an UK lea Caaey aaatera Pea
Itentiary 12 M
Joha Keaaktr. SaarhT. klsbHI fcr patting up
baadhilla f"r Spring electioa for tjama
saoty MvtaVns . , "
Joba Heavier, Sheriff, for sIetln, drawing,
aad nanroareg Jawrn for Fa, Mar,
Sept., wood, Ac 10B 70
Joha Keastat, SjaaruT, trr kwatilhss irrvrooerf.
a. "
Public Building, Ac.
GWge Burauval, ibr m load piaewood Sw
Court Uoas, An. ... . 1 "
David kUaoa, VA tons sl aa saliag, aad
1 W
M. leertlett, raaairtag Jail wsU
1 40
Oorontr't Inquest. ,
Warn. 0. Harrold, Eaq, air aoMlag rnneetea
dasA body of Lweias F. Smith. 14 Jaty, 14 1 IT
Wat. a. ltersoM. br haMiag ire, neat aa tha
body of aa aaknowa Oeraraa drowned th
tbe Canal . . U S7
Jacob Rlbbiet, raq.. Inrrjeat oa body ol a child
, ra lb Oaaal aear laMasgnis la IS
ioaa A. Merts, eq , Ibr holding leqaast aa
iMdrat af a taU band tn aWk awl :
ia Lowltbarg aa th IstA ol Nor. il 11 is
S3 (4
S4 S
30S 37
ISO 37
65 SS
2S6 S
19S 25
AmttlWMd. Commutoo. KiOMnUona.
nim. youn'J. Bwwwiay.u y"v 1-
5:11.00 21U.0U
"337.M 1I,S
144.'.m 71,04
V4,67 fcssM
771.2a '20:1,44
2:17 (W l,VO
27. 11 ttt.UO
2,M 30.4S 16.1S Hl,4 343,11a
l.e ,73 ,14 SS1.73 122,e
41,73 .! S.55 326,01 13,4
21.71 .A4 Al
2i,7 11.35 11.S9 217.5
11.03 1.S7 2 04 151.R8 12o,19
li.M t.Di 1S-1.30 21,36
t2,o iu.se s,oe 17.81
iia.S 170.32 3S6.7I
IS.IS 1.07 114,54 4,S
Xu.26 17.2o 11. 'rt
14,82 . l.SO s,r
l.:.K4 ,19 S.ll
IH.76 4,77 4,21 14V
.ol a 47 ttJU ,
10,'Ji 3 S,4 7-V
10 31 1,44 t.57 32.11
44,10 4.SS 3,71 21.S8 470,66
17.5S 09 li 217.66 112.01
17.13 3-l,68 237,46
1,37 It tl . l it
21.79 63 2 jW 2l,22 1A,i
2.I.9S S.37 6.34 4M.07 32o.ua
7SAS6 S73.1M 44,10
II4IH 40.nf 1J.W
i. - S2
lil .57
47 ...T4
19 JO
Si Ia
Si, IS
41 30
20 MO
S70.UO 277.S2
iln.OO 150.00
406.00 121.31
Jail Exjxiiset.
Ed. Henner, baulln 2 tone coal from rlrer S 40
Joe. Abater, for boObliuir prinoner f.Caauy on
taking bin to tbe feuitonltary 1 40
David Mauck, lor 1 ton t-ol aud battling wood S 74
David Mauck, eoel and wood lor Jail 11
Commiaicmert' Office.
Sem tllsel, late Comoibwioaer 123 62
Jobn li. Komnt do 140 40
Adam .-heekU-r do 110 40
A.J. latere. Clerk to do 22 SO
J. U. Comeliua, for aunclrlea. tatlonery, Ae. 4 74
John tlnriird, Kl . 4Halifylug Coiaiaiamo-
BMpre aud sbenll. previous n aalectiug and
drawinic J mora for '14 40
J. II. Corucllue, Ull fc-r paper, Furuon'e Di-
vat. An. 12 SS
Bobert ewinrford'fl bill for paper, pens, and
one roam larice office paper 0 4o) 9 94
J. II. Corueiiue' 1411 4r paprr. ink Ai-.for Pro.
tbonotary't, KeKialcr's and Couuniastoarrs
oSlcra IS 25
C. D. Koo.b e bill for aealinf was for '43, '44,
and '54 1 44
. Wilaon, bill for eandlea. pasteboard Ac 6 49
J. b. Mojar, tor oicrrbandile 13 21
M kleekner do 3 H
J. II. Oorneliua, one rrau peper, Ac. 4 42
K. lViloa, ntcrcbandize 2 24
M. Kb ekaer do 1 49
Ja. llauca, 4 lbs. eaojlt 74
693 20
U K. Hitter, aernt of Lreoniing MuL fne.ro,,
Aaaea.ment Sio. II forinruianco of 1'wia' - -ii
a-, ati, auu 44iwiicurg bridge over
Bufl.l.. ererk 22 40
II. II. Maiie, po.tage np till Oct. 24, '54 2 44
M. Kleckoer.onete in raae of wlf as baainel
Stover for a tract of lanil aoid aa th- property
of jn Mover at tax aale in '52, Arbitrated 63 S3
9. Weirirk," redemption money on a tract of
operated land ennl in mifttako 7 23
Wm.fcvlliott. tax.o.u and per ceotaee on two
tracu uf unai ab-d laixi illeifaily aoid a th
property of Henry W eir.-k 13 9S
C. flejuianbi, fcsq money refunded on tract of
land aoM ae properly ol Henry Weirtck 4 11
Jacob K-iclily, las, roeta Ac. ou two tracts of
unaeated laoda. refiin.1ed 14 34
Frank. Sryfcer, anut of Lycoming Mnt Ins.
Co., Aeaeaameut No. 12, public buildings 22 40
If. Miller, lor e-rTing nuLCee un Collectors of
Binder county 10 00
Bathfon aud I'orrey. redemrtijo money & 73
County Printing.
John If - Winter, printiog aa par contract
I O. N Worrlon (for '64 do
20 oo
is oo
82 40
;tt..- t:
Wnrilrn A Corneline do
20 00
20 00
Sain'l Uuleliua, eucceesor of Merrill A Smith 31 2S
el. iIa On l.at ... . I '. VS
-l4 oo
Contested Election, dec.
ITerrold end other, aitneaeea, cost
for eonteetiog Electi.m, Uoiou va Snyder 324 27
Ieracl Outeliua, Wintera. and otbera, publlah
Ing Proclamation, ppecincalione, Ac, in
!Utjonlolivi4ionandcntatodaUvclioa472 00
497 27
Agricultural Society.
Bob't n. Laird, Trua. A. Soc, ain't alloeM
by law, '44, 100 OO
do do do '44, 100 00
Commissioners for running County
and Township Lines.
John nchrack and otbera. runnluz Divbjlott
Hoe of Hartley Tp 46 00
ner .vituuieewarin aun oiuerv, running uivia
icn line between Union and Miflhbc-.uiiUeeltl 00
Jamea sladdea and otbera. ruauiitg Divialon
iiue between Union anil harder Counties 240 99
Order issued Dec. Term, 1855.
Jurora pay and mileage, viz.
raad Jurora, Ueoneeber Terat 92 SO
Traverse Jurora do 234 13
Ueary Auraad and otbera. wltneaaea la tlie
caaeofCom lb va Henry D. Itodearmcl 36 BS
Geo. Searla and othera, Om'th va Jaa.WoISs 4 00
John lleru. lor three giasaand glanng in th
Comm'ra' office 62
i Geo. Kobland and otbera, Coostablaa, Ibr ma
' king returns, Dec. eea. 8 44
j Oeo. Kohland and olhera,Tipatave,Dee.Ssa.20 (0
llcnj. Sball. Court Crier. 6 days 12 00
I Sallade, witne-a Com'th va Uodearmel 3 S2
J Jamb Hummel, Comnii.ioner, oa account 33 00
n. V. n. Lincoln do oo 27 oo
A. Keunrdv, Cierk t.r Comm'ra, to Dec. 31, 45 20 20
193 77
TOTAL amount of Orders leaved
Orders No.'a 145, 14V, 153, 15. 157, 183. Its,
09,494 34
190. 1'.ei. arid amounting to S21
charged InConh-rted Kiectinn auit between
I'nion and Snyder eountes, which yet
remain oulatanoing and unnaid, making
total amount of Orders 1'Alu' 9,673 10
WE the nndcreiirord Commiavioners of the County of
Union, hereby suhmit the foregoing account of th
Receiate and Expendtturce of the said County, for th
year A.D. 1855. aa correct and true.
01VB' under our banda at tbe Commiaaioners Ofllc
In the borough of Lewiaburg, the loth day of January,
A. D. 1SO0.
Attest: CoauusrioMJUl.
Treasurer's Aeconot 1855.
Henry Sulumon, Esq.,Treasurrr,in account with
Vniim Cnunttf, Dr.
1554. To Cash received of Delioouent Collectors, Tie. for
the year ISM and previous yeare (4413 42
Tot'aah received of Collectora Soe 1851 6188 40
Tn amount nf T.i m.i ,nl not a.n..Mt In
doplieatee but voluntarily paid 1 94
To amount of Tax entered in Commission.
era Office sgaioat various persoa (oa
real property I 93 34
To amount of Taxes allowed bat after
ward! paid SS
To Caah received of S. Rooab, FrOthoBOta
ry, flaes and Jury fees 40 00
$10,472 42
By amount of Orders Issued by ftiBmiaatoaer during
th year 154, and paid S9.C73 10
By balance due Treasurer at hurt rettlement 424 93
By am't of counterfeit note ree'd of A. Kennedy S 00
By am't or Comroieaioa of 11 per cent aa AlO,
672 42. paid to Treaeurer during 1814, allowed
a enmpenrattoa 133 40
Balaam- due County by Treaeurer 9 97
lntrreat allowed Trasearer lor money advanced,
the County 54 OS
10,472 42
IS4S. Jan 7. Ratene du County by Collectora of 1SS4
aad piweloa years $1,000 44
Balaao dae Cuunly by Collectors of 1S5S 3,237 41
Baianc du by U. Solomon, late Treasurer S 94
Balance due County, Jan. T, 1654 $"1,247 S3
Wl the undersigned Auditor of th County of Colon
ami Snyder, having carefully aiamlned aad audited th
toeoeoiow aennnnte of tbe Commiaaioners aad Treasurer
of mid rtmaty. 11 find aad report the eaid acaouat of
Receipt and spenllture, sad Treaaarer aeooaat, sor
tlie year 1844. 1 roe aad correct a vtatevl.
In Wilneaa Whereof, we the eaid Auditors hay her.
anto aet rmr hands, at the Commiaaloaers Offi re la the
borDaahaf Lawlvhurg. tbi loth day of January, A. D. 1844.
or Uaurs
AdmlDlstrator's Notice.
W HERB A3. Letters of Administration to
the estate of BtstjAWia Saosa,late
of the township of Buffaloe, county of Union,
deceased, have bean granted to the subscriber,
all persons indebted to said estate are request
ed td make immediate payment ; and those
having, claims against tbe same, will present
them duly authenticated for settlement, at my
present residence in East Butfsloe Tp.and at
my residence in West BuSaloe Tp after 1st of
AvriL reB. 31, I hob -pd
HENRY NOLL, Administrator.
T1IE Partnership under tbe Firm of
JL i. HAVES flt UO. having closed on law
lftthof September lasl-Wt would respaetfully
request all persons having unsettled accounts
with the above Firm to eall apoa the subscri
pt rs and settle them without delay.
Jamea B. Hamlin,
JX BTOAice oa Second St- west side, two
doors soaib of Market, LeCWISDaixB;.
6m593 l"'nlon
Heal Estate.
. new two-stnrey BRICK HOUSE
in a desirable situation un North Third
Ht., Lewisburg. Ft particular, inquire ol
ihe subscriber, lending in it.
AT Private Sale. The undersigned
ufleis fur sale lhat corner lot property-,
situated in Smith's addition to Lewisburg, 60
feet front, (adjoining the Botanic Garden,) oo
which is erected a iwo-storey Brick MA
Home, a convenient Barn, and gnodJ&a,
Well of water. Persons wishing to purchase
the above desirable residence, can call on Mr.
Jnaa UuceBTex iu the absence "f the propri
etor H. B. NULL
Lewisburg, Feb 25, 1856
10 those who wish FARMS. To
have fertile land at a cheap price and on
easy terms, your attention is called to the
Twenty-five acres, or more in proportion, are
given for 9-00, payable in instalments of $1
ner week or $4 per month. It is located in
Elk county, Pennsylvania, and has one of the I
best markets for iu produce in ihe State. The 1
soil is a rich loam, and is not to be surpassed
for farming, as examination will show. It
has the best elements of prosperity, being un
derlaid by two rich veins of Coal, and will
shortly be intersected by four Railroads. The
Timber is of the most valuable kind ; Title
uneiceptionably good, and warrantee deeds
are given. It presents a good and substantial
opportunity to commence farming, providing
for one's children,or making an investment.
Further particulars can be had from the pam
phlets, which are sent to inquirers. Letters
ans-vered promptly. Apply or address SAM'L
W. CAT TELL. Secretary. 135 Walnot airt.
..mvt. -ia. fc.a-aa roiirlo and Fiiih streets.
Pliitadelpaia. Full information is contained
in the pamphlets 3m6!8
Woodlots and Small Farm for Sale.
Tn suit purchasers, on reasonable terms.
THERE are 9 lots of Woodland, si
tuate in White Deer Tp.. on Little Buf
faloe Creek.about a mile above (Juldin's store,
ranging from 14 to 21 acres each, well timb
ered with various kinds of Oak, Tine, Pcplar,
and C'hesnut.
The Farm contains about .15 aeres.of which
18 are cleared, and has on it a Two Stnrv Log
M House, a Log Siahle, Spring of Water,
and Fruit trees of various kinds. It ad
joins lands of John Hummel and Jacob Hart- j
man, about Ij mile from liuldm's Store, in i
White Deer lp , Lnmn Co., Pa.
The above property is offered at Private
Sale, by the subscriber,
Kelly Tp., Aug. 10, 55.
A Valley Farm of Limestone Land,
pOMPRISLXG about 163 Acres, for
J SALE. Said Farm is in one of ihe best
Wheai-growing vallies in Central PennsyK a
nia.within two miles (over a Bridge) to a Rail
road, accessible to Markets, in an eminently
healthy neighborhood, near to Mills, 8tores,
Church and School Houses, and in tbe midst
of an intelligent and respectable population.
The Improvements are a fir.t-class JJAiK
B4RN on by 45 feet.with a fair Mansion jTTJ
House, Wacon house. Corn house, andli
other suitable Outbuildings. It has a large
-xaxApple Orchard, and Peach and Pear trees
24c. sufficient fur ordinary use.
The Farm is all cleared except about one
acre (and plenty of Woodland in the immedi
ate vicinity.) all of Limestone soil, and as the
owner thinks is not surpassed for natural pro
ductive qualities by any in the State.
It wi.l be sold whollv. or a portion of 80 to
100 acres, as might suit a purchaser.
tjir"Any cash man wi.-hing such a properly
can obtain further information by applying in
O.N.Woant, Chmniele office, Lewisburg. -180
MThat large and desirable property on the
corner of Market and Wa'erstreets.wel!
calculated for a residence, for business, or for
a residence and place nf business.
There is a large BRICK House containing
4 large rooms on the first floor, 6 bed-rooms on
the second floor. and 2 large finished rooms on
the third. A Kitchen and Washhouse adjoins.
There are also a spacious Cellar.large Cement
Cistern, a Pump, and Well of good water, a
Stable, and all necessary Outbuildings.
For terms 4c. apply to Geo. F. Miller. Esq.
Lewisburg, Sept. 23 I860
A LL young persons should have a Stan
at their elbows. And while you are about it,
get the best ; that Dictionary is
the great stoTkjtnabhdged. If yoo are too poor,
save tlie amount from off your back to put it
into your head." Phrenoloeiral Journal.
"Everybody knows abont Webster's Dictio
nary, and every man, woman and child ought
to have access to iu It Will tell you everything
in regard to your mother tongue which you
want to know. LlrA man who would know
everything, or annhing, as he ougbi to kaow,
must own Webster's large Diclionary.jj It
is a rreat light and he that will not avail
himself of it must walk in darkness. Every
Farmer should give his sons a few square
rods of ground, well prepared, with the avails i
of which they may bur it. Every Mechanic
should put a receiving box in some conspicu
ous place in the house, to catch the stray
pennies, for the like purpose. It is a great
labor-saver: it has saved us time enough ia
one year's use to pay for itself, and ihat must
be deemed good property which will clear itself
once a year." Massachusetts Life Boat. '
Containing three times the amount of matter
of any other English Dictionary compiled in
ibis country, or any Abridgment of this work.
Published by G A C.MERRIAM,Springneld,
Massvsold by all Booksellers.
Wakefield's Hand Corn Planter, ,
Which after two sea
sons' trial has been
found much superior
to any other implem
ent now in use for
planting Corn. aVoosa
Corn, Beans, dec, is
now offered to the
Farming cotamonify
by Ageism auuhorijed
to sett the same. This
I 4q t nap teroen r rs plain
V and simple in eons.
a W..A.lr.n MA, 1 M A
rsars? get out of repair, can
VirL 1 easily adrosted to
is. plant at any desired
depth, drop any number of seeds in a hill, and
costs bot Five Dollars. An examination of it,
with the aaaadant Testimonials which can be
sbowu from those who leave used them, caa
not tail to convince every one lhat it is just
the thing needed bv Cevery Farmer.
GEDDE8. MAX8H k CO.. Ltwisturr.
j Agents for Ulrica aad the adjoining Counties.
7 A.
A Marvcloua Beiuedl
For a JUarttlot Agt!
J7ie Grand External Remedy.
Be th aid of a mieanen, w aa. mllliea af HttK
opnatnge oa tbe aurler f our bode. Through tbaa
Ibm ointment, wan rubbed oa Ihe earn, la came la
any organ r Inward fart. Biaeaae of th K idaeya. dis
order i f tbe Liver, affection, of the heart. Inflammation
of tlie I.onge, A.thmaa. Coast nd Cold, are by It
mu elleeluaily cured, livery housewife bnowe that
aa.t parrve freelv through bone or meal of any thlrkaea).
Tula healing Otatmeat far more readily peaetraie tl.ro'
anv lone or Beaby part of the li.ing body, rutins tbe
moat dangeroua inward eoavplaiata, laa caa act ae
reached ay other meana.
Erysipelas, Suit Rheum & Scorlutic Hu
mors. So remedy baa ever done an much fcr tbe euro of dis
eases ol Ihe ."kin. whatever form tbey may aeeuaie, aa
Una Ointment. n raae of ?elt kheum, tit urvy.herefula.
Sore lleada. or fcrvaipeiae. can long wilbeta&d ite influ
enna. The Inventor l.aa traveled over many parte ei laa
ginoe, via:tiDff tbe piinctial hoepltala. dlaaeaaias Una
Hutment, ..iog adva- aa So it application, and he
time been the meana of restoring eoeaUeee numbers u
Sjre I'g, Sore Breasts, Wound and
Some of tb moat acimtine aurgeens now rely solely
oa tbe oar of thie wonderful Otnuaeat, when aaeing to
cote with the worvt ra-ae f aorea, wound, elcer. glaa
dular wrltine-ft. and tumor Professor IleUoway baft,
hy coromand of th A:iied uVveraauent. diepetcaed la
the hospital of the La. I. larre attipmeau of thie Oint
ment, to te uaed uJer the direction of the Medical AtaAT,
in the wor.t eaaef of woaada. It will cur aay aleer,
glan.lu ar awelllng. tiffneal or contraction of the J4ata,
evea of 0 yeara' atamlmg.
Piles and Fistulas.
Th-ae and other aimilar dl.treaaing eomptalnt aaa Va
effei'tual.y eiir-d if the Ointment be well robbed an wee
tlie i art effect, d. and by etberaaie iAlvwiaf tbe print
directioue around each pvt.
Both the Ointment and Pill should It
used in the following case
Sore Leg
( hel ped Hand
( hilMaln
J laiulaa
Salt Hheua
lfcln Ihaeaae
. af all klad
Pea Me
Swelled Qlaxd
Venereal 8ra
Sore II ad
Btig Joinu
Mercurtal Eniptfoa 4or Tbroats
,e Sold at tte Maaufactorief of Prrfi-aaor Rotxowar.
SO Maiden Lane. New Tnek. and '444 Strand, Londoa, aa4
by all respcrtaMe lirusgi.t and Itval-ra of Medieiaaa
throughout the I'eited rtate. and the eivuized werut, la
Tote, at 24 cente, cent, and gl each.
aok.Therc is a coaaidereiile saving be taking tbe lar
ger viae.
K. a. Directions for tbe jruMane of patieats ia every
dieordvr are aSised to each Fit,
rr the Cara mt
to rmr. a ui.v, nun uauahe ASPSOKfj-
Xt:.S Vh THE B'tl'T Uk tit ClwtT? PsarlorsaJ a f
Idc to NnI. ttDd wrap up warm. toivftdtirtc( tbis.t.
tOH A COLD A.XD Vl'f'Gtt, Uk it moiahrc. mm
and f.4Dme. rrordint: to diictloM oti thm mitV. s-v4
the diftlcu.ty will 4iai br ras.oTtd. ' U1 lona. tafftr
from tlti b-n tbj find is caa bwo raadilvrarvd. Fr
ptonp avftliri-4, ith a mutrd rough, wbrvh bmki tbta f
thr-ir rrt-t at nipht, will ftnd try taJiinf ti Cherry Ptt4v
raJ on sroiBir to t-tnl. tbvy baj aarw of eWnrta aar-ka
ir-. and moM-quwl ivfraa.iK rvmt. Grrat rvltof frawaa
ulTe-nar. ni n -iltiaata ui, ia offr4 ta tassuwM
who art ttii ffw-r-tcd. bv ll.-f m?laabl4 ibj-
frnu lUa-rmtiie affettn in thttm t-avsvs-j. mtxmf tmd
tht.ml- uowiUios U tvrt.0 iU nam wbvn ttva mmtmmklf
f T It H-P fH-artal
20 iiXtFh$ -.VD prBLIC SPKAKBKS ibis leBwaly
i inalubl4f, aa by it action ob tiM throat aad )
wIirTD takrn in umail oautpt, it nawovaa all Ww
Bajtm nifc koura. s.d wowOcrf uiiy tsvertMaa tfe tnr
ad flxitiltt of Uiay Tnka-
ASTMA if grnorally sBorh rrlr-wrd. aadofttrn waaltv
rurt-d by Cherry H-rrioral. hot tttara aja mmw cMaw a
nbatinata to yield ntiiely to no 44jdiaM. Lhrnrrj
fryt. era) will cure lbni if Ibey raa b evrad.
BKOyCJItTiS, or irritation of the throat and van
F-ri"n r.f tte Iuhk. dt be rnred by takinc Cbrry
.Vrtoral in co-all and frrUrnt dceca. Tbe nnxi aUoria
ble oppwaroo ia won nfla-ij.
tOH tJiOl t. rtie an e-neic of antimony, to be Hal
low r) b lartre and Vs'qaent doe of tia t berry lateral
anbl it'ttubUura tb diswe. iJUketim sfaioa, it wiil
pot f.il to fur.
WHOOi'iyo COrGHmiy be broken up n&J mm
rorv-rl rt ih oar of rhrrv l"ftOTl.
T.V 7. t'Lt .ZA ! rp4-rdily lymoet-d by this thawed
Numv-roue iotan-t?w ha btxn oxtir-d wh-r wbnk fan.-n-4
wtrr prot4rti from any vtrxu 4-on44jqn4-staew while
thflr nriichbnre without the Cherry Pectoral, where of
tarriBt- frm Use diee-.
ftrpa.rd in.tan- art reported be re of patiesta who
haw ts-fa rar4l frrm
LlYtH CVJtl'LAlXTShj tbie r-medy. po B-anv tbat
tbrre caa be no qiestia of iU bewliias; power on th'e
diaiMi. It should be pereeriiigiy Uken oatil the
pain la tbr rds and othT unplraaant tympttm tf.
FOR CvSlMfTH'X in iu erlit Uga, it abonid
be bki nndrr the at ice of a food Phyeician if peeaiblo
nnd in eenry raae with careful i4-fard to the poated
tirtftimt on the bottf. If jodictocaly oard, and thepa
tieot ia earrfnlly nutsrd miiaiiUme, it wiii aaiUoai tMu te
ubdue the dia-
Fot evttlrd. loySVMPTIOX in Ha wont fern, tbo
Cherry Pt-ctoraJ abonld be fivrn In dce-adpt4d te what
the pata-nt ivqairM and tmm bwx. It nlwaya aftords
t-om reli"t. and ott unfrque-ntly eun thot wh are
eonaidered paat ait enro. Tlvre are many Uiewaando
aotttrrtd all over tberoontry who 1WI and aay that they
owe their live and prt-aent health to the Cb-rry rertfraa.
Many yt-ara of trial, Inatead of Impairing Um pablie
4oo6d-B4-e in thie msadichie. boo won Ibr it an apymiw
tion and notorirty by far rxcv dine tbe moat aaofaiBe
npertationa of ita friend. Nothinar bot ita tntrmrte
Sinatra and the nnmwUkable brnrflt tmtwrred tben
aanda of aufrVrrre, should orlfrinato and maintain tbo rep
ntaiion it enjoya. While many ioUnor iwm4-di-o tbrvt
npon tbe rnnnnnnity. bavo faitat and b-en diwarded?
Usta bM4rad fii-tia by ovary triwJ, eonlwrred benettt
on the af94-t4d thry can ncerr forjret, and pif-doced,
eor too numeKWw) and rrmnrkablo to be sbneotuaa.
While It is a fraud on the public to pretend that any
one modlcltM will lotWllible curi--atilI there io abwrntenS
pm.f that the Cherry Prrtoral JOt-a not only aa a general
thimn. but almoai invarUblw tan tbo maiadiee itr,wbKb.
U i ftnploved.
Aa tatue toakr-a the tmrXM wider awd barT know,
tliio m-diHn baa uradually beome tbe bat reliano of
the afflrcted, from the lojr-caHa of tbo liiibnii ftaaaat.
to th paiaera of Kuropa kina. ,
Pi?PjTd and aold by JAML'9 C. ATXB, Pnctleal and
Anaiyucai Cbemiat. L-vnaU, S.aaa.
Prepared by JAMES C. AYESt, Practical 4k
Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Co For sale by Schafflle, aad br Christ eV
Caldwell, Lewiiburp ; Caslow, Milion Gut.
and Kemper & K leek ner. Miiiiioburg ; and by
ail Dealers eTerywhere
nap of Union and Snyder Counties.
VARNISHED, with Wooden Rollers,
V and oa Muslin, ready io b bans; art
will be sent by the subscriber, postage paid t.
Township map, colored, for fl 50
Geological - I- 75
Tha Division line is drawa oa this-Map, als
Township lines, and as it contains all the
principal Roads, and shows comparatire dis
tances, it should be stadied by all who are ta
rote on the location of the heat of Justice.
Tbe Geological Map shows the strata of tha
two Coanties.
For cheapea copies of tha Map, address
Lewisburg, May IS, 1853.
Dr. John Locke,
street, Lewisborg.
Lewisburg. Kor. I, 1855
Dr. Jacob Horlacher,
BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, baring regained
his health, haa resaated bis practice mt
the healing art. Hi superior 8ALV E is still
in great demand, and all orders sop plied a
OMas. New Berlin. Mar 8, 1884
ft II. W. OVUMM WisMs a
a ttf aaniaawnia
Drug and Ckenu'cal Enrporittm.
Market Street ... Lewisburg. ra.
A PPLT to A-K-BeHor JoliCW&it
JX full eords deUrered. , lMayUl-