Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, March 07, 1856, Image 3

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Clje ftoisbnrg Cirofliclf,!
Isnud Fridayat L'triJvrj7l'uion Cf.Pa. j
TF.kMS.-f HO jr j.-ar, tw u rsn ia Atra'scc o 1
at Um mm rate fjr a l-er or shorter pvrinrt. Thui, 60
U will paj fir ft'iir viotiihi,7 ct for nix mmth, 1
fr rifbl month. 2 dl. fir lixteM mouths. 3 Uol. tor two
tr. Hnlr No.'p. 5 cts. rTmrn1 ljr mail H,
rtcrirvd ia gold, postage rtauips, or bank not- t lUir
valua bora. Must kmU I'ruJucu r.-civptj al th- yln-.
t3,nfQ time eirw, f.-r wlmL a .aper U paid.
(unifMfl t bat a runuius ktouui," it i 5TtriKH.
AtKETlcitr.3iT ItanOjoDiel imUL-hM, at 60 eta pr
quao one wak, 2i ctu vaIi aMvr iuwi t.n. 3 d 1- f r sis
ui - ir.ir - . "'.ta i
ilwl, 3 Jul. TwttUartt 1, 4.m, M rrlunts.!.-. j
Dot otjt od-fourth of a f'.lumn. 10 J'l. p r ycr. mlier
mitet lc. an may 1 jrrvv.i ui"n. A fuitmr' i 1- of
tmal'vtt trj-p. r 16 of n-t lar'T. AittTl-in. ui. of a '
4i-raoraIizinK trultiy. u I Urgf cut. tvt wluiittfJ.
Cotnmnnications .-inI on todies f ;cni:ral iiitTi t (
not within the range of lartlinn or Urian o.nt-t. and
aAoaviaairl W th vritr'p r"1 n:me :id art lr-M.
Th MACNKTIC TKI.KGKAl'lI K I.-cat. .1 iu Ih-ofllre
ltCh md.K which we of nil iii.-t-n imj- rl-mt . tn
in aJvanro (.f tin; I'liil 1. Mailo.
Connm-tod with tit OHir r am4t matVriil.- far mn-t
kind of JOB PRINTING, which will ho t-xciu-d witb
tit-siiK-af awii 4:ati-k cd tn ix-'tnlit tmts.
AdTliiu-nt to Ur taiJ for lirU htith J
Iu, auJ Jot Work wlivu Jel:T-mj. j
0U tl'KH'K "o Murlii't Square, uorth .itf, nailJ .-t-r-y, '
Zd dour at-iv th P"t Ufti-e.
AVor.nrx A Coiixn.irs.
L,Ciclsh9trfj, MUi.
Fr i rAr JIokmng, ym ii 7, 1S-"G
I)Vf:r.TI.E! Vanuf'o-tuwr. Mrn-ltatit. M- oaiilr-t,
I'tihiu OlljrT in ( itj ui; 1 I'oui.tiv I'ui.li-ii, r
all wh winli to huy or wllwnuhl d. w-u i. tMt-i i li '
ro'umim ot the mj ' '--). . Ii J,;ti a inrj-
aud inctaiB( rirruUttou in a ron:niuoity n-tii ttiii-tj n
Tite f.rcrtion of active, riit jTodactr,-, o.Uf iimeis
aud dal-rr. a any in ttw -(.
Cj SCO XCIV iH4'Ill-2lf Si.
Vc liavc recently ad(l-il a liiiiul'cr
r.f variotic? of JOB TVPE u "r
former rood as.-ortmeut, liiakinir
oftvpo, lnrg'O ami ni:i!l, with a pno l '
variety of lunder. am! nin.-t re.-ieet-
fully ."ulieit a trial of tln-m l-y iltu.-f
vautiiiir anvtli:;!!j in the wav of
CARDS, Circulars, I.al.els, Ac. Tlie
li.-e of tliwc by mcrthaat? ami liusiii
t'fr1 men rouerally. more common in
jnost comimiuities than iu o:n. A
larger ranire of oii.-raliiMis mav le
gained liy a constant "kei j."niLr l" i'orc
Hie (ColV' Cf tliO TliAI'K. nctTIWili'X
or 'rikesio of any man : ami a
licarer ajiiroximatio:i to a C.isii IjiisI
jieis may Ijc made vi:h ij;iui;a;ro
attraeteil by this, means. i
We think we Jiave the material
ami the experience the taste ainl the
tact to execute all kinds nl'.loMiii:
expected from a Country Olli.-r. in a
Myle not excelled on reasonable
term? and oil prompt time. Call
AT THE "'Ctijmi'u-fo-' fjj'ic.
Our ncijfhl'or CrjonoE Sci ptt of Ca
tawiisa is "tip"' for Canal Commissio- j
ner. 1'at and fun-lovitiir formerly j
of Bradford county easy and 'cute,
lie'll get alon! as well as c ither of the
old cormorants, his associates, lie is
a Fon-in-law of Col. .loseph l'axton. a
leading AVhij of yore, but who this
year petitioned the I'cnn. Legislature
lo allow Slaves to be taken thro' our
State at the pleasure of their owners!
Confess lias? effected but little the
past week. The House Committee on
Elections have reported the reasons
why they desire to send lor jhtmhis
and papers in the Whitfield and It co
der case ; but the I'emoerats and Pro-;
Slavery Americans seem determined j
to fight, step by st 'p, ag.iiust the de- j
sired investigation ! !
... .. . .
IfiyFrom the proceedings of a meeting
held to consider the subject, it will be
seen that a resolute effort is to be made fur ,
holding a Union Teach kiss' Institute,
on a large and liberal scale, at Lewiaburg, j
commencing the last day of this month, i
and to continue two weeks. Arrangements j
are lein made to board Female members
without charge to them, aud Mule uietu-
bcrs at low rates, but $1 Tuition fee will
j Lc required of all. Messrs. Ueekendorn of
I Snyder, lteimcnsnyder of Northumberl'd,
I and Coukling of Montour Common Seh'l
1 Superintendents of their respective coun
ties have united in the effort, and mem
bers from other counties also arc expected.
The Institute is to be conducted mostly
I by Prof. Sweet, of New York, who has
I had ample experience in the management
J of Institutes, in several States, and who is
i at we suppose well qualified to conduct
; an assemblage of this kind in a useful
-1 and pleasant mannor.
(Circulars, explaining more fully the
I object and plan of the Institute, may be
" Lad at the Clirou'icle office.')
j - -
$ New Beri.ix. The second Lalf of the
I first session of I'nion Seniiuary will com-
J tncnee on the 3d of April next, when also
) a Ladies' Department will be openod, and
; a separate boarding hense for ladies will
be kept by II. D. Maize.
On Thursday last, as Wm. T.osbong was
engaged at sawing wood with a circular
aw, he had his left thumb accidentally
cut off by the saw.
John Swineford wag admitted to prac
tice at the Par of Snyder county.
aDaniel Weidcnsaul has our thanks
for another club of ten subscribers from
Lavrelton, in Hartley Tp. A pack of
25 Chronicles at a new Post Office, shows
not only the utility uf the Uiiiee but also
the increasingly reading character of the
tffi-Oa the opposite page will be found
a notice to those who wish to appeal from
I their State or County Taxes for 1356, to
appear ana state their reasons, " or for
w aiier com their peace.
I. A large number of valuable ITiir-
, Cows, &e , will be found advertised in
to-day', paper.
Advancement of Education.
A meeting of citizeus of Lewisbarg was j
held at the uffico of G. F. Miller 'Ear, on
Tuesday, 4th March, ISjG, fur the purpose '
tif taking into consideration the subject of
huMine & 7VarW Institute frr Central j
awl Xti. tturn l'atnfyhaniu, in this place.
Jamks P. Hoss was appointed Chairman,
aud James Hayes, Secretary, of the meet
ing. After some remarks, from Trof. Sweet,
on the nature, importance, aud method of j
holding an Inc
Prof. Walker,
holding an Institute, it was on motion of!
Picsolvcd, That Prof. S. 1
K. Svvckt be iuvited to hold a Teachers' j
Instituie in this place during tho 1st aud 1
2d weeks of April. j
Ou motion of Peter Ueaver, the f .How-
iog gentlemen were appointed a Commit-;
tee uf Arrangements, with powca to add
to their number, to wit: Prof. II. 1).
Walker, l!ev. P. . Marr, Samuel Geddes,
Peter Ueaver, S. Hitter, Thomas Ilayas,
James P. ltos, and K. II. Laird.
Ilesolved, That Prof. Sweet be request
cd to deliver a Lecture on the nature and ;
rtauce of Teachers' Institutes as a'
i " I
means to the efficient training of Teachers
for our Public Schools, on Monday Even- 1
iug next, (March lOih) ia the Christian
Chapel, Lewi:-burg, j
Ilesolved, That the.e proceedings be :
Cf.ntf.ii. The bain of llenj. Ilutton, I
on Hal l E iglc, below Milesburg, was con-
sutued by lire on Sunday evening, 24th
ult The Center county papers are all
"Democratic" viz: tho lhmikratisi:lu.r t
J- riiJitrr, at Aarousburg ; the Democratic
Itii;, the ri m,-, xo..,.,r. nn,l the D m-
(icnttic U'tid'ini'in, at Ijollefunte : but all
ii u i ' :n rir r,n
ta.K 1'emieracy m uuiert.ni waj. '
Messrs. Humes, .U Allister A. to. Lave
started a Jiauktn" House in j.eiieionte ;
u-... m m... r,a.;. m. n;;..
,1 111. inuil'il! V
r . , . i r .i l i-
of Aarousburg, tried for the murder of his '
, ,, -..l i
child, was acquitted. 1
, ..... f.i . r. I
Lvcominu. Oue of the American (.oni-
. . , . i r .i '
tntssi iners having removed from tho coun-
.. . . . , ,, .. , e
tv, the Court atqiointed Mr. Duiteh, of .
, . , .. . . ,,
V. mspi rt, in his place. I his gives the '
Democracy the Board, and they Lave i
taken the county routine from the Munev i
P iper and "en it to the two Democratic
I fc i
papers in Jersey Shore A man la3
been sent to Jail for lareeuy iu
Sulladas- i
burg, where he had been " buying" largely,
and passing himself off for a rich man.
Williutusport and Hitghesville were
carried by the Americans at the Spring
,, , , r. , t, , ;
.iitiLi.. .liiuic oniuL-i e, ot iki-cus-
. ... ... , j
vine, was siuinr: in a railway car, wuen a
locomotive ran into it, causing a fatal in
jury to him, and severely wounding a col
ored man from Baltimore.
jfe?"Our correspondent insistsnpon
it that he is exactly right on the steak
question. He says : " Now, Mr. Editor,
1 am prepared to prove that all the articles
named in mine of the COth have been 1
brought to this market in abundance, and '
in no instance nave I paid more than what
I have them quoted at ; anl if your cor-'
respondent has been in the habit of pay-1
ing more, it is his own fault, for not atten-
,i; n,L-M ;n so.,i.in !,,. t ,i. i
' ' !
very much whether he pays much atten- ;
tion to the market, from the fact that I !
seldom see him there, and I am sure he ,
does not have the time that I have to ac
quaint himself with these small matters."
If it comes to " pistols and coffee for two,"
the State Treasurer promises us he will
interfere, and sec fair play.
Tt.Thc -lmcricaii Hnidisl Memorial,
Ilichmond, Ya.,has secured as editiors,in ad- j
dition to Pev. Dr. Purrows. ltev. Dr. Man-1
ley, (who is alsi its Publisher,) and Key.
Prof. Curtis of Lewisburg, Pa. a strong
team for a small craft.
Dr. Mauly is also President of the Rich
mond (Va.) Female Institute, established
in 1S53 at a cost of 70,000 for the su-
perb building ia which it is located. It i
ooiovs h or-rn nieasiirn ni nmsniT v. nnii -
has 14 female and i male Instructors cm-
ployed. I
Satfliy the proceedings of the Union !
Agricultural Society, oa our first page, it
wid be seen that its finances are well j
managed, and also that " Lewisburg" has !
not claimed the privilege of having the '
FAIIl next fall. The Society still leave j
the question open, for contesting by cither
of the " ancient metropolises," or an v other i
locality that may desire it.
-On Saturday last, a small child of
Thomas Search, in Chillisquaquc Tp., was
near a tub of boiling water, which acei
dcutly falling over burnt it on tho lower
part of the abdomen, hips, legs, and feet,
very severely, but it is hoped not fatally.
JsyU. J. Jones' History cf the Junia
ta Valley is anuounccd as about ready for
tale. Price S2,00. It will be sent by j
mail for that sum and six postage stamps, j
received by the author at Hollidaysburg. i
Public Sales alttrlhrd at "Chronicle OJicc !
Robert II Laird, East Bull'.. Wedn., March 19 '
1. l.onL' s l.x r, liullaloe, 1 uesday, March S.
Ihu'l Uciialer.Sr-Buffaloe. Tl.i.r;.: Marel. S7
oe, 1 liars- .March
Dr.W Hayes, Lewisburg. Salurd, March 2D
E3Lvery one who feels any interest in
tirilinol ini. the emfsf. nf r.iliinntlitn iu nvttcA
' ei fc"
to hear Prof. Sweet's Lecture, at the :
... -.--., , , , . I
t... I C C , T . .1 . .
.leal x 1 Ji. I Htbl 3 .eciuro. ab tllO .
vuru,naa cuapei ou .uouuay cveu g neat.
mr i v'-"ot r i i r iiiei
airvola. tu blifcr and A. K. M Clare I
have been recommended for tbe office of i
Auditor General of this State, but both
desire not to be regarded as candidates.
fcJudge Lyiuan Trumbull, P.epubiic
an,wuoee right to a seat in the U. S. Senate
from Illinois was contested, is admitted, by
a vote of 35 t-j 3.
Lcwisbtirg Chronicle & West Branch Farmer March 7, 185G.
l'nniania legislature.
Feb. "25, ia the Senato, the House bill
313, relative to tho estate of Jacob
Wagonscller, doocaed, was taken up aud
Feb. 2C, in Senate, Mr. Taggart presen-
ted nineteen petitions from citizens of
Snyder county for the repeal of the act
creetin" f:iid county; idso, sixteen petitions
from citizeus of Union county of similar
In the I Tonsil, tune da v. suwilcmcnt to
the aet incorporating the l.cwi.-burg, Lcn-
ter .V Spruce ( reek Kailroad. passed hually. :
In joint ouveutien, the selection of at
State ('rioter was further postponed until
the 12th March.
In Senate, Feb. 27, Mr. Taggart prescn-
teu r.-iuoiis-runces irom ciu.eua oi .i.ou ,
and Lycoming counties, npainst laying out
t.. . i. . . a t w r:- v I
a ?i:ne itoau uniii j.ewii'ui j
Iron Works to lluutei b .Mills, Lycoming j
.c"",1,y- , !
T Sotinte F,.h rS Mr Si- 11,-rs fCn U.
, i
j iLiuiii. n.- luiiiiuiitv, fin -t i... ... .
ize the erectiou of piers iu liuffuloe Creek, i
Union county.
fc3"We are indebted to Messrs. Ililf, J Tue pj , i,lcorp0rate the monastic or
Kutikle.and L D.Campbell, for favors from i Acr ()( ,)ie p'rantiscan Brothers was throt
Washington ; and Messrs. Gregg, Sellers, j t, , , j ,v i th T)cnl0cra,g of t10 pa.
i'iatt, Strouse, Struble, and Munsun, of
llarrisburg, for late remembrancers.
3-IW. T. F. Curtis will preach for!
il.n Mi,n,i;.t Utnir,.!, I.nwi-l.ur-r :.t 10. !
A. M. of Sunday next.
I.-?"Cold; but some sleighiug yet.
Having a Good Time of it. Thecd
iter of the Pittsfi.dd (Mass.) Eagle, coun
tiro-. Li 0fhVe window, tho other day, j
s'ts-horso bleighs, foui teea four-horse, 1
' '
nine two-horse, aud any quantity of single I
teams, all from Loe, couveying W indi- ;
,.:,i.,ta .,11 i,,i l,,r , ,vl "
' " b "
SttZI RE OF lillEAD. Oa W cduCSdaV
hist, the P'ibcj of Montreal seiz d two
' 1 .
hundrej and uniety loaves of bread at the
, , . . ,
dill. lent bakeries, ou account of their Le-
. . ,
ing of light weight, an J distributed them
, ,
among tho charitablo institutions of that
c1' "
A Family FitozEN to Death. John
C- ,Io!'' late ol Su?:lrlo:'fi Columbia Co., i
T . , , I I
- a , lognuer wan ins who atui ciem cuu-
aron Wcru "' "en to ueain recently, on an ,
I'lino Tirairio. vr hiln traveling vritli nn
j , 0 ., ,
ox-team. '
Nkw VoBic, Mareh 4. Wm. O'Pricn .
was arrested, this morning, on the charge
of cniistiug men iu Philadelphia, for the '
Nicaragua army. He will be sent to Phil-
aJehihta for trial.
During the rceent cjld weather, it is
stated a span of horses came to a tavern
on a prairic,in Miuncsota,drawiug a sleigh
in which were the bodies of five persons !
unknown frozen to death !
ii.iiLiwAT . unmiiT isn iiii.s, r-nam rnre lor
v. un.i. i.j L'-r-. .'ii..in:i iii..niis..n. rf thtri. i
i iiie. " i '-y t-em-vi riuK uh ttiw r. n. rrtm
w-'-tcs. h wo? ennii'I lrlv rund, ttn-I new enjoys tin-ls.t
.r ii.iih.
Persons laborin: under this distressinq ma-1
lady, will lin 1 Da. ihsn's Epileptic Pills to .
be the only remedy ever discovered for curing
Epilepsy or Falling Fits, 't hese Pills posses
a specilic action n the nervous system; and
f CIlrilleV,ts. thev will be found of especial
benefit to all persous alllicted witn weak nerves,
or whose nervous system has been prostrated
or shattered from any cause whatever. The
dyspeptic patient, whose stomach lias lost the
power of duly converting food into a tile sus
taining element, is relieved by a single course
of the extraordinary Pills. The gastric fluid
I r-av.uii r lis solvent putiei, tnu .lie (.luiic
nutriment which was a load and a burden to t
the suuerer, while his digestive organizaiion ,
w" parlyzcd and unstrung, becomes under
I the wholesome revolution created in the svs- j
1 tern, the basis of strenih, activity and health.
! .Sent to anv part of the country by mail.free ,
1 of posta-e. Address S,;Tii M. His.-.:, 108 U.il-
j tiiiiore Streei, l!:ilti,nore, Md. Price one I
' box. ; two, 3 twelve, -iiil. j
orced to erow in six weeks- by OK. ,
ranted not to slain or injure the skin. Price
is, .00 ner i-m-Kai-fi. it : mr .-jij.iin. ,
S"nl ,c '3nv "f ",e by mail or, ,
reeeipt of a remittance. Address SV th P- 1
ZER d CO, Ilox 7H9 lVst Ullice, Daltimore, j
; 1
&CttJ,.0&U Y$ jHJirUtt.
Corrected Weekly
VIiCat $l-( tol.i lvgs...i
j"" " 40
()t3 30 It-icon'".".'.!'.!
Flaxseed 1,25 Ham
Dried Armies. 1,5 Cloversccd.
..$ 1") i
.. 12 ,
.. 1 2 '
.. 10
.. 12
r.y Rev 4 ti Anspaeh, mh tilt. Sanviel I
r , 1 n t : . . uj- i. ri ii jl
v.iiinier iiu .miss .-iii uaajiiii-rvi i.evi ncra i
ol wnite uecr J p.
On the 2th ult. bv ltev L Mar, Emanuel F i
Maize of .ew Iterlin and Miss Lydia Ml
Weid man of Troxelville. '
On the th ttlt. bv Kev Cm Erlenmver, Wm. I
Swartzlamlcr and Miss Kate Leitzel, both of I
Middlecreek Tp.
In East Iiurtaloe Tp, 1st insu CATnxaisrE,
wife of Michael Wolfe, ill her isoth year.
Oa the SOih ult, .! beiaLsxiER, Sr., of
Hartley Tp. in his 7 till year.
At the residence of his brother, Robert M.
Frick. in Milion, I'l iiist., of pulmonary con-
ii...... I-'.,,. t c.n ,.f i: t :..
"'"I' "I."."' "- "" J"":
Xear Wa.shnmtnnvillc, 10th ult, f'lxi rt.
Lmaii, in his 5Sth year. !
In Danviiie, '.1th uli, Mrs. Miar DeSnT, :
r.. ....... i ..i' I h,i'i s in, rt, !t...1 Ail imk. Th. ,
.t i yr. ..-i.. s,.r. .. v. i.:. .. .
iieteasvi lotincnv ..s.s ..csui.y ... ,u
,1... I ,,, , li.ni e nf ten r 1. r.n .
, ".- , - I
'he youngest
as noticed in
; noticed in ihe Chronicle some months ago '
ont lis an '
,, ,vm,,(!tr of whom are all living I
In Danville. 27ih ult. Alm' Best, Esq, a
f , hjs 62J Ile w ,
Foreman of the Orand Jury, the week before j
his decease.
In Wolf Tp. 23d nit, Hawwh. relict of the
late Philip Opp, in her 93d year.. In Muncy
Tp, S.Sth ult, Josipit Hi-aa-r, in his 9-d vear.
In Jackson Tp, 6ib inst, Sransi, wife of:
Jacob Mowrer. atred t9 years. Also JacoI ,
Ft, asjed abont 48 years.
In Delaware Tp. Ith inr.t. lsne Vurtitr.
in his 74th year.
N.-w y-.rt;. . ffl;.-t.-.i ill nx r liis li. lv with rnnwa-r y.f r........nri 1.1 fl..t.K..n- ol--s '
I .:. 1... 1... - .... . .;. ; u r 'ail Ul iUIII'l till uiu s..,. iviio ....-;v7 , , . ., .... c r I w omo. ...i , r - , ,-.,! ..iMtiin.. th, fs-wnrnm.
h.. ni,-. ry u, lumM li, m l ...yur, o. hu. r0W VOttn" Cattle Ho"" Wa-'OIH . ' . , . .,; , , . f ,,r ' enls "f LewisburR and its viciuily, thai they . ill .f-t-ro.D ju i-l-t th- .
rri.-i... i.,ii,;i,-.rnfi.,ii,ni:r.ii,fih,,M.nTi,,i:. I Otme aui". llO. , Joil.., . hopc, by s,r,ct atlenlion 10 receive a fair , have recemlv opened a larse and fashionable i lfii.-il.n-,l,.t
1,- nmnUK.i nv.-ri ri,v.i. ti ami mtisns. i-ut his ' a iiroaa-lirc l' arm atron, ari lasn, share ot pntiiic patronaje, i,ive nun a can : .'..- i s . , i,h. 1 uMMinmitrwuoi, m iK,r r-jiion.
?r;Z''??T;Z:!:'?; I limrtrcv. Sleds. Plows. Harrows. Cul- i and see for yourselves. , - , ' , Sl,r K v.ie.',Jewir. TERMS...? in
New Youk, Feb. 28. The Steamer
Star of the West, from Saa Juan, armed
this morning. She left Key West on the
2;ld inst.
On the 10th inst., a decreo was promul
gated in the city of Greuada, claiming and
annexing thj whole Mosrpiito territory as
an integral portion of Nicaragua.
. Shortly afterwards the diplomatic corps,
headed by Col. Kinney, arrived at Grena
da from San Juan, and had an audience
with Gen. Walker. On the following day,
Col. Kinney was placed under arrest, and
subsequently banished from tho territory
of Nicaragua. He was sent under the
( charge of Major Martin to the Atlantic
j Tjc fjjow7ng ja ppcciuI eommiUce
iutcJ L tLe ppealjcr 0f tl,0 U. S
.. . ,.,, ...:,, .
thp milrfiiid tiffwrrn tlii At!antie and Pa-
c;Be . of . WuoJ.
worth, of 111 ; Houston, of Ala.; Mott, of
. . . ' .. . ' .. . ,r -
U., V ens, 01 is., iviuweii, in a.; jew-
ett, of Ky.; MX'arty, of N. Y.; Evans, of
TexaJ joadr, of N. C; Wood, of Me.;
Liudly, of Mo.; aud Kuukel, of Pa.
Scuate iu committee. It was reported with
a negative recommendation, on the ground
t!:'t courts have jurisdiction in the
matter. We shall soon need a committee
of inquiry to determine whether the De
mocracy of the Senate or the Democracy
of the House is the real Simon pure artielo.
Ifount Vernon House,
"V"0. 9", Norlll 2J St.,PbiI;ltlelp!lill."
i.X . 'I,',,,is "J1' :,n,, wel1 established house is
admirably situairt fo r,u, visum" the
adinirahlv situaiert for r vision" the
city on business or pleasure. The conimue.1
patronage ol the public (and of West Branch
",l p'"-""; i.-..reiiiiuv mvnea
I. l. uakkk i r.
Philad., March I, lofl.
i "IYTILL be beltl at tbe resilience of;
' ? the subscriber, in BnlTaloe Tp, Union
I'o. Pa. on 7irfoy, the 2?tli day of .March, !
rsoii, as follows
1 Ftml IIore 2""- !
.-til f' il T!!; '
rXfi -Mares with Colt, 1H
2 thrcc-vear old Colts. 4 two-year old j
II I. C. I. t 1 r. IT . ei.,...
i o is. f ''l'.;
a .viv.m.s i . xi.,iu.j mu uu-
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M., of
said day,and a reasonable credit will be siven
by U.YMEL liE.NULElitK.s.
" March 3, IS.'iG
JLJaS 'jN&H?
rTTS JtCt'ftTL
stS!i-iipS!l-.a ;
T tbe residence of the Subscriber, in
J L Fast BnfT.iloe Tp, will be ottered at
public sale, on Wednesday, the 19th March,
uoscr.ne,, property, viz.
A valuable stoeK ol Horses, anion";
.... . , ,. , ,
vbicli is a larjrc ureedinsr Marcs aiu!
thine and IIor?c Tower, Hor.sc J.ukc, ;
'lay Fork, AViudmill. Kollcr, Ilor.-C j
' 'ears, two setts ot Double Harness,
together with all kinds of Farmini;
1rsxsii.P. Hav hv the ton, all kinds
of Edtre Tools, Cut Hide, IIous.clioIJ
and Kitelten Furniture,
With a variety of articles loo numerous t"
mention, falc to commence at 10 o'clock ol j
said day, when due alien lance and a reason- !
able credit will be ;
riven hv
Feb. 2'J, 1856.
TtTILL tie sold at tbe resilience of!
' f me suosrriorr, m iwisour,.,
,h,'Ph ,,;,v ,,f March. !... niv entire slock
and HIUlu II Furnit-
ure- '"cludin? Ihe following articles, viz :
1 Slipevli rrrainl rtctioit PCVClt Oftavc
rosewood PiatlO, bl'USSels and illtrraitl '
I arnetmir, Illtll'lile toil 1 let' lalile, .
Card Tables, tiialiotranv Biirintr Feat 1
Chairs and Sofas, inahoLrany and bos
ton lloekintr Chairs, laee and cinliroi-
deied Window Uil'taius, eiutian
l,iud-t, maliotraiiy, hlll post, trench
a,j Ma.lIo jlclstonil, PpritlL', hair,
and corn-litisk latrass'es, 3 tnalioany
Hm-cans, 2 of them with marble tops
ml ili'Ociiirr irl-.i-JCDJ Mirrni'i linmitC-
1 icturcs, b Move?; 3 niarlilo topi
Washstands, Secretary and Bookcase, j
1 Feather Hud, with a Variety ol other j
articles too numerous to mention.
t n-.t c.-.(f lr,1-l U.,rnni: 1 I
Ladtes'Side Saddle ami Uridlo, 1 Car
riatre, Sleiirh, 1 Cow, Ac. Ac.
i t cf 'siale to commence al 9 o'clock. A. M.
Anv one wishiuj to purchase any of the
. - . .. .".
above inentioneil articles at rrivate ale, can
iavft a opportunity of doing so between this
aIlj lnl. jay oi'saie;
Feb. 28, 1S5(( W'M. IlAYEsi.
D n. u.... . k. rn.,t iw
his services, at his residence, until
ihe lSih of April
and after that time, when j
; not nrol'essionnllv encased, at the Office he
j occupies at present, whieh he retains for the !
ensuing iwo years 1
T7N0W all Men I)' tllOSC prCSCKl-S,
; J That Wiinn Jesus and Joa. M'Fannitv
, ltie Borough ot" LewisburR, Stale of Pcnn-
sylvania, have this I4lh day of February, lSofi.
purchased ihe entire niht and title to'manu-
lactnre ana sen iuo
fi nnnm wtovTTnTIVt a TUT lin?(. t CITTtni'mO 1
v..sj-ii.. iw........ . ,
patented by Jisma !T. Dstfxrr, of the fctate of ,
Vermont, in the followina; counties. viz.L'nion, ,
sti.v.t.-v. ,'worthmiiherlnnd. and Montonr; All '
...... ,l.u...r...M i,,i,mit noainct man-
,.e,.s,., iiimoi i. s...
n r:ielnrin nr tl II rr.hasin? said .MaeBine Irom '
a t ..... .. -
anv person or oersons unless rJU17 aautorirea
any pers
bv'the said Jones & M'Faddm.
The design of this machine is for cnttin
,.. or Citrnstalks any length desired.
and will fully en -ji pete with any machine now
in use. and will 'surpass any ever ottered to
the public for simplicity and durability ; and
as rejards the ease with whieh the labor is
performed, and the quantity it will cut in a
Riven time, there are none to surpass it. Any
person desirous of seeing and examininf" sard
Machine can do so by calling at J. M'FAD-
DIN'S Hardware Store. Lewisbnre. Fa
Frice of machine ready for us $!0..mS20j
1 1 a v .c vn it I 1 11 I I 1 h tw 1 1 1 niVAia. .- ...
J. II. C. RAItfCK,
TT0RNEY at Law, ' MfiRInbwj:,
iL Union CoTa. nTAIl professional tm
uness ciurusteJ lo hiscare.will be punctually
ami laithlully attended lo. June 1, 'ia I
Executor's Notice.
ATOTICE is licrt'Iiy siven, that Letters
X TesiBinentarv on liie last will ami tf Ma
meni of Kl'ilKAIM LO.Vt!, late of liullaloe
township, neceasnl, have bern granted to the
to the undersigned, by the It-'gister of Union
county, in due fono of law; ihi refore all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are reijiiesied to make immediate pay
ment, and ihone having just claims against
the same are also reiiie-ted to prevent them
properly authenticated lor seltleioiMit.
JOll.N tiC'II ItACK, Executor.
Feb. I, 1S5G pi
Estate of John High, dee'd.
AT0TICK is berrbv "-iven.thdt Lellers
W i it ni!l . "on il.
H.iii.. late of White Deer township. Union
eountv, deceased, have been BTi'o'ed to the
uniersi..n-,l bv the Kenster of Union countv i
in doe f.nn of law; therefore, all persons
debted to said estate nre rrfjneteil to make '
immediate navment.and tho-e havin? anv just I
1 . - ... . .i - i i
claims are also ri-qm
gaily au.h,-,it i-ar.-.t r : '!''-"""
HKNUV 1H:H. Administrator.
White Deer, Jan. 1, 150
Pianos, and Music.
JOS. LYODER.ARcnt fur Beyers'
.ami Vnvht's celebrated I'luutis. has
'lust icceiveil a lar?e assortment of SHtrt
.1Iii.ii, 1'tanui, and M'ludtim li(,k. SSeminary
and Tea'-liers supplied at the Publisher'' dis
count prices. Miimc published hy(lnuld.l.ee
& Walker, . L. Walker, or any Publi'-hers in
tbe United States, furnished at their prices.
N.U. !Wer' and Vejhi's Pianos snl.l at less
than t'itv retail prices. l.ewisbnrs. Nov. II
HAVE just nirnt'il a St'con.l Supply
of fall ami Winter Good,
consign? iu pari of
Ladies' Dress fioods and Trimmings,
Cassiineres and Satinetts,
4,000 yards of Calicoes we will sell at ft cts, i
worm iu cts.
Ilcautiflll Calicoes at Vi els. 1
500 yds i;nKIi,h Tapestry Brussels Carpets as ;
low as thcr can be ha I at retail in Philad.
8110 yds Ingrain Carpets at various prices. I
A new assortment of Qoeensw.ire, Hard.
ware, O.l Cloths, etc. etc. CALL A Ml S EE i
Kov. 2M, 18ri5 H. V K
List Arrival.
Fall ami Wiulrr Wry f.ootls,
EAKUE a nds peln liil assortment ol
l- Collars. SUeves and Spencers, with a full
assortment of Dress Trimmings, li loves, Alms
' Hosiery and Motions; Window Mhades and
Paper,' Parasols. Hat
Ill'lilll 1.0 ..l!,! Al l
. svc. eVC, which will ae-
tuaily be soid at reduced prices to suit the
times. Call and see the (ioods and hear the
Prices, and jude f-r yourselves.
C. MEXSC11. Murray's buiMins.
opposite the old Graham Stand
Lcwisburg, sept. -), lh.'iS
TUP Piirtr.r-rsihin !icn-t nfnrs existin"'
-L between M. T. Re
MTadden. under the nai
,, yri'Mn. has .
vuolds and Jos li
name and firm of llry- '
V yn-'adJt ii, has dissolved by niutual '
consent tins -no uay m '' .
books have beer, left m the hands ol Joseph
M Fadden. All persons having nnse tied
accounts will corner a favor by immediate
ailLIIUUll . VWl WWUIK -
rv'Thc Hardware Business will be couti
nucd al the ill iiraham stand bv the fiubscri
TATaitr TTirin anil ftjouj flnod 1 T
VT thO JIanimiltIt Ding & Chemical j very lowest Cash pr.ees. Their mo.to is
Emporium of Quirk S tim uo Snmll J'rfii.''
CHRIST & CALDWELL. I As they are determined to adhere t,, this prin
Thc nodersi'.'ned havin? purchased the entire ciple. they challenge competition. A largi?
Mammoth Urn:: Htore formerly kept by lr I a.ssortir.ect of
Thurnlun to., are now ready to till Order!
a, Prescriptions at a moment's notice. We
have a larevi and well selected stock nf fresh
an-, .u.- . .- - . - ....-.j
I ........ .I.'r.'.S- ,1 ' .V h.mi.-i , , .
livestutls. Oils, faints, i.iass. mtrv an4 ,
OKI (ill I SI'S' (il.ASSWAKEi
Ail hinds nf J'ntr rtt Mi ri' in",
Fruit and Confectionery,
TobaccoDtiiT.and imported Cigars of the
c In net st brands,
Fancy yattnn and Tniirt Articles,
rmei onet soaps c 1 enuuier, 01 a., un-i-.
llrsc -.. C.ns or kt.iit vI.ist..
ih and Stationery
a ntral var!(.,y ,.t f.,terary and School fo.ol.-s
!,,. o,l, l.ard and Fluid Lamps of every
description'; fresh Pine O.l and Patent Buin-
inc Mm I aiwavs on hand.
PI KE WINKS jt,d LKib'ORS of all kinds
for .Medicinal uses.
Fire I'll' . Uuil Z'nf. Paints.
Preserving and Pickling Jars, &6
1 1 -"''Customers will liud our Slock complete,
coinpiisiiia tuauy articles it is impossible here
to eiiumeiuic, aim all sold at raoderate prices
i an ana see usi our aim .1,1,. sec .,.11
ZCiilZ il : yn 1.. bi.V. ' 6 j
i t. : -..
Kemember the Mammoth Druj f;ore
i - , T-..: r... !.. era
I.C". l.SUUI l.llil'U S. o. a. v -
l)T I'A.VAi..-A iresr, .nppiy 01 nire
il l.CaO. Jans am nrrnr.c l.reen sninni
in oil : also Turkey I.'nther in I lb rans ; I. in-
see l O.l. Turpentine, IV.e Oi! and Fluid, all I
nl" whirh v.c will sell rt I the lowest rules tt !
. . , . r.foi s."o ten Hum i'u
I .ul .'. . L ' i?:,:-. .Z ,"r .. ,."..'
--f .: .': . r ..... ..i .... it
Soaps, Extracts for the hdkt ddosne. Hay
Leal and Honey Water, Kureaii I'imiuiii, etc.
,.. l.o lu.l ..I flllilST f A .III Kl. .'.,
. .
THY I'XPKK.-'s'. lust received a I'resii ..
I I l....n. Iemn,.s rt..i5. r,-. ...
M. w ": "
at I 11 Kits I sv t AI. II V r.l. I, S.
7.". 7, s.. ..,,'. . . T
I,,n, octahliOir-d flat it-rO '
lunf-CaldUlliJl-U Ildl OtuIS .
An.l-U Tiiingnn.in, ranania. S rau. f htp Ac. !
d'nt nt" n!I cnrtc ciot Hfli-fin ifnn I '
. . - , . r-iT.r nnev
r laus aim lain) imo i iiii.l'an.i
, , , -,k. ,:fi
o.e nicsi .,,,u i.mst .a-....- .
C'lOlbinsr for COLD RATHER sneK
as Coars, Pants. Vests, S'urts.Hosiery.tiloves, j
a.M...l.H .nl ,-,,.,- n,Vi. vn.t nf i'". - n r. 1
Apparel of the latest cut; and cheaper than
the cheanest.
y Carpet Baps. Trunks, Umbrellas, and a
great variety of other afticles.
The pn'nie are oordiaiivinvnea to ejsm
ine his stock-, as he is confide' that they will
be satisfied with his Goods and Prices. R..
member the OH Stand Market stret, 3d door
east of Third, formerly J F PpykerV
Le--iikr, Oc I f l
IIP AW I IV siPYk 'l-'l! unul.l ructmet ' "' '' ' r ''' u - ''! t - 1AR1 L.MtHN we can sniplv von wtthi
Pll.n ; IVLI.l Wlnl.ll HOIlltl rtMiPf I- I r.a! t .rr-l. rr...-i a:.t . :l, r tVM. ,..rw. I , .,1, (,, f . 1 Tnl.l rnn...'
nilly arr:.ncc tha, he h;; i-U, , ; .w, -v, j kXVlo
most splendid a sof tmrr.t cf II TS, VA VS . tl-ir r t-es,., w . .ws.-. t-n-i... . ' li,,,, BiuWei-s- Adzes-. ChiseU. Penares
I I11 ' I.OTII III fi. anrl is selling litem at c..tial i;,.it:.ti-.n o. u t.. ...u ami .ur .u. . s K , ir io.... .. ,,,n
E flower prxes than ever befotc ollVrcd in r?''...!l!y?'.;?''''T,7V:J';?Vl .,. Lo,.:... Allw.'.l t u.r,h::'
William VanG&zer,
TT0RXEY at Lnw,
il !, isliiii . I nlon Co., Pa.
IVOifice on Mouth Svcuud St, recent'y by
II C llick.... Ksi). ill
Atstn3' Automaton, or
CELr-I'i ikin lleapcr and Mower !-
O Tht tie.4 i ' lntliiiusl Machine iu un.
K1TCI I ' i " I I J " t. l-'irl nrwn.iiim lli'ar-
io me Atkms seii-H,i.intf it-aprr id
' State Kair of
' a so ls. premium at me .V.r!l.u.b ; onnly
Kair. Farno rs wi.'
l-aper ami Slower ran get n ,ie:iverei, re- ..i
reiai.:,t. llairisl.oi- by ?,vi,.g Ae: r l. rs
bif.re the int ol ..l.ire.i, l-.o. Aiu r that time
fr-islit will he cli.ireej. n.H.iiia aU.ul tv.eutv
fl,,li:irw il 1 1 . i ii nf in urtra. I'ff-nm. rflri
i astmys at any time, at ite .iaitutetoiy iu
Harrisb'irc. fir Mar hines.
App:vti F.DWAKI) D N VT'ER, Milton ;
HUSiEI. V.KIGll i', Wiiiiampi.n: "r to
,iencral 31 Harr'Ih"r-"
The "Oid Mammoth" Swarming
II J. & J. V .4 l.I.H
are now receiviii? and opening lor pubnc in
spection, an unusual. y lai:e assi.r'nieiit of
ji i: v ii i v in i:
for FALL and WlViTK comprising a'l
ihe varieties of
DRY anons.
II A Kit tt'.lf'P.
I f..l.st,(.,I.l,,
Ac. reisTiire.l in similar Mercantile
n,,,,,. tn which they invite the attention of
a!1 ,p,,rjnrr Rnd t;,,js at lai' Prices.
Itr.iin a,..t .-Cier r,,uiii-v l'ro.t'iee taken as '
h(,rPpfor,. .1. i J. WALLS,
Lewisbur?, O.-t. i, ISJS
i.cu iobui ir lA. iiaiise moic !
1rtOVN .t LITTER have jn-t received a
.splend.d assorlineni ol.X. w Gojd,hich
I will be soid cheap. Call and see.
i Scrt. le,".".
Ksw Gcods at the Kew Stole!
THE Subscribers IblVin!: enlerr 1 ir.tO
L Ci.partui.iJ.ip iu .'dertoai.uiiiiK. and
Bavins r-fitted and improved the Mtorero, in
of H P S!n ller formerly occupied by Krciner
, Co. wou ti rcspeciiuily announce to the
i tra ins cominiinilv that iheV sre inst opemn:
! a l.AU'ii: AND isPl.K.MiiD bTOCK of
, ., , - 7
i adapted to the wants ,.f ad. and Comprint,?
I ! ,e U5ual ?y "l",3' . xht lar8cr
! luw"s- tAL'' A')U ' . -
I i -. J. M-Mreycr i. son.
' ' '"
Important News !
'IITHES in the course of hnmau
neesarv )or ,
, .f;0,.j.,V,1,.. to !rn a pr, ,rtrrL..pect
(i (,ie ,lu,mi, f ma,ll(,1,j as weU Rs ,,,'h,,
cr.vn intcrr';, remands thst a !?.!fmn! of h"?
inU'iiti'in"; hoti!d lc mae to the world in gen
eral and bis fru i'd in parfirtp.T.
J. f.olclsmiili K Uro's,
s,orei , i- 1 1
Ueinj assnrlated wnn one of the (arrest
' Clothini; establisinnems in I'tuladelf tua. iliey
' are nl.le to lurinsh il..
lisl ,.l IbihiiU at lllw
cor.stantlv on hand. C'-uis. Paoulouiis. Vests,
Cravats. llandeichicf. buspenders. Socks,
e.OsC. 111 va
protosio,!. I'all and examine j
,,, .,..,,,.,. rhr... 1. .-.,,- iok
1 r ,t s ,i.M nllK promptly atteu
I ded to. iV Don'i miss ihe it.x.r 11 is next to
; V oiler's, at the sic.11 01 ihe E .5 Flait.
J. ioI.lis;
,111 a. e;:o's
l.en isl urir. 0,:t. lo, !"'
"AVIXG increased busin-ss fiicilities. ore
are now 3t tins lurjelv to our sli-rlr of
II fcttim 4 Its;, ami would respeetiuiiv
solieit tttr i'tffiit to call and ermine our
stock, wti;. h is ina ie no of 1 0.-1 l-.i.i e, 5 i-l-,'lcvy.
fht-c F:r.l!i...--.n,:s, Pi.-r.t.-.Wh-v I.rn 1,
X.i . le-t . I.it.-1
'al i.,,-1 Ma'- --' '.r,
hDi'-hs' Tis.i..-ivi-. Jie.
fill; fl. 0 t K wV
r -.- il,. Hi " I' "
nl-ie lim :J. 1 tin- 1 U
1,:,-1 ir- (let. .-
. Ii
V .rnl-h.:
rit. ns' In
I., BUr'k-
t it t ti.ir Hfntnf. to .neee
S.ilil! H.id.Wii f.rtinli.i.
ae.i Ml. s...r. ..f
t kvmh.os x ti t ipt:v
Tlt i.N'l l.K Coal s-cuules and Sieves,
t-iloveis and. I'ontts. sion;, a vaileiy ol
.. ... .... ii!.. ii. i '.. .. i , 1:,: .. P ..,
, T,uu,..i 1 -i. o. ., i- ,.,,u
1, It, sl in: Se ii-. M. -y.
. U r . I,..,. Hi-. at tin, i
.1 il, iru S'i.;-.-e!s. it-prone-i's.
st.ws. R.iW.I'nain. 1
ihitow-ht ninre m
1 I ARMi;f:.- wl;l n
I i1 M. Fortes. Spat.
! 'o " Sfrtnw, r.H., A
I XsilBhintif
r n ih- (' h in-n atii I
ii rv Si 1 1 a M riMins.
. . . 8ciNS,r ,., 1; d:-, 5 ,.,.'ei.,.,
ii iii. in ii i -
. ,lur,p,S li,vr Clir.er.
foli- Htlil 1 U
1 at
1.1 il.U- i 1.
izvsj c:ods :
I I I 1 VL'O l!.inn,nn . Cn 11.11 n i :t
ii'r-ion 9t Cn
1 L received the!r'r:t! n ,..,,'
' Slt;v. Wc tat- P!.-n. , in:.,rmtn .-tr
tin-nds mil nations, that we hove it ree'd
, ,5r.KT;rt,'
i io,.. i.tM. r.-ii.iu.iii.. cn-.tij, ....,
, nt.e.it ..f r'r
i i.rtrl.:i. in 111.
tes, f.-ft.ue..?. t i:.-.t-
iir - s. ie.
I I'l.'i'iit. Aril n,i I - Hp-f" P'. li", l;ir l.t;n n.-t--ii,s
Br... . w,.i.t,si u . r -.m -i, .i..r-i ati .-.
i f:'i.',l . v.. I'-.' o.n. -snir. .1.1... -
.;on jml I-l a.l . I..L.iv I', ol' ,i-.J lor-i i.ii.i-' sum.
i r:i.n muU td IX . -ti-e. i, a iii-Kn do
j A pill .ir'l:i-lit ,-f Slt iw i..
' r.ro-.ei,Wui ai.'l - r ,o..-i' .-I n.-r. 5law,
! T !' I'toih.Ct. its, and Ion, i, .-uirw.irMl.l
I full a.oif-,..itl li.n C .i..li-i,i,.w.nn-
1 ai
Small Profits and a!ck Sales!!
1 IliC t Jll'.AI' ol 1 1 1! 1.
ititovvv i.mr.n,
. i rrm eincrnnare nv.-r -t i toa hi.i n r inii.n
Stpreronm.- otinos-.te C. Pennr's Haddle shoo.
a ehoice assortment of
. ......
VViiJ J ii vf5 'JZiUJy
tionplit for Cash and selected wiih sreat care.
The Goods comprise the usn.il variety, and j
will be sold lP at ihe lowest possible pr eea. -
We respeeilully invite old and new pvrrns
and the public generally lo call and ee on.-
stctk belore parchasiu,-; elsewhere. .
. .. '. s R'Tk.R.
H I i I A . A ( ' I
Jam63 F. Linn. J. Mrrill Uaa
j r. t j. n. ux
J lfom-y at law,
571 Union G.nnfy, Tena'a.
"Have yon teen Sail?"
; UELTIS to Le a Question asked bj
J almost rvrrybocly ; cot we inquire.
Have ym urn tlit Itte Yra,
with their stip(iT f
Xer UooIm, Shoes, Walters, Ac.
The subsi nbrrs Latuig assiciated tben
P1 selves into a Copartnership ia basiaess
nw cfler lo the pnhdr, l the Old Staail
of S. & I). Slivl, on Market Sl the ekcapeal
(fur C-1") anil Lest lot of
hoots aJ sitot:s.
; for Afen and 15 vs. ever f fTere-l in Lewisbnrj
j Also a new aud sp'tndid assortmeal of
UIM HUOtS f'r LadM and CtnUtmttm,
, a tinnv r .4ii-r,nai ". ..
'.H - IX
Work made to order Mending done ai
osiial and as the Workmen hare readereil
saC-fai t-en heretofore, we trast we shall ha
a fti'l share of public patronage. SAM will
ci.ui.ue to be n band as lermcrly, and bot
to give geueial ,at sfae'ii n to all customers,
I.ewisburg, Feb. Si, lbi5
J. Tranklln Harvey, H. D.,
TTOMd'OPATIIIC Physician would
J. respectfully announce to the citizens !
I.ewisburg and vicinity ilial he has permaneat
Iv located hnnvelf in this place, and asks a
. l . I' ,u. .. o f...l..
that he can treat with unsnrpassed success all
; curable diseases that the human family are
prone to. In the treatment ol diseases ol -j
maJes and children the great Homoeopathic
law stands wnhont a rival; also ia chroma
: disra.se, thai has batKed the i-kill of other sy
i tems, llomin paihy sterds forth as a giant,
! cianninf; victory in almost every case. All
ye afflicted, give it a trial ; it will not cost y
j n.orh. Try before you condemn.
I Dr. H. is a regular graduate of tbe Hoaca
opathic Medical t. uileg, of Pennsylvania.
! s ''' '
OlT.ce on Seeond street, above Market, for
merly ocnif id bv Dr. Wilson, where Le can
be consulted at all times wLea not ca irons
j 1 ."f . .. n
The Fcnnsy.vania Telegraph.
j 17 NI.Allf.L) Eoriu & Keduced Terms.
'. Jn and aiter he 1st of January, 156. lh
i risssiivinu 1 uomri, published at Har-
risburg. Pa., will be owned aud conducted by
me uaitersiiineij.
w ho
ill give their best
unties to make it worthy of its cause and of
; Vl"M commence the new year printed ob
I entirely new tvpe. and the Weekly greatly
I enlarged in form, while the t3Tpnce will be-
: lwer than that of any other paper of its class
; ,rrT published at the Capital of the 8tate,
mi payment w.tl Urejuired $tridli) in mdranet.
. p,,per will be sent until it is paid for, an4
j will be discontinued, as the subscriptions
cxrore.nn e-s they are renewed,
. The ,wlj, be issafd Semi.WetkJ
i on a sheet of tw-ntv-fnor column,, daring lb.
session, of the Legis!atnre,an. Weekly, on s
; ubic sheet of f-riTieht colnmni, the rem-
! air.der ol the vear. It will present a eompleta
summary of the Legislative proceedings, all
1 important ceneral laws as they are passed, and
mm o. ifi.e 11,. enrrvlit poliUi-al iBtellisuicw of th timm
in thr f.i?!f-t and m-.-i tf!i) nuntn-r In lKrt, tk
I npri-UT luim to niak it a rMni-M Tmmtij ud Voli
f'-itl Juurmtt. Ami lltv tot fi te-ntl) j pl to thm ppl9
of IVhii-x hni t uraia thir Dtrpri.
The XfUiiKun wij. aui, itUrnt olfttfl fottcrr
ant m'm t. tmit ( who. tkovti animated bjr tb
p:vuj omiin ii pi), ui'l r""hi't) to tb nrf
hitvfl(.t in'tF Mem 4imnn h? tti ronflirt f
dititv.)te oranrzaliottf. It will ul n th MytMAft
tnrint ff Am- rfn VHrtilhr : and. Mia jl&xf
luftha eoBctitattoa.
, but iDrpendtnl 9fl to
Tl. . T.. . V. ill K hnijul nn.W.rat Jna.
1 ft-. m-. C'ii, i-r th. Iii.i.i.ir'. J Vi'.niT no doubL
, ,t,t u r.-,ind-r of th. mr. u. Mlowln. tew
rate tii. m .b.T it. rial-jr to -cvmf.Bv th order;
, . v-
9 vt
T-il .'t-ie. it TUtwreerifi IT
TVi-ut, (. p:., (1 S r r riiT 30 00
And at tl uii prk-e ,$t SI i.r wfT) Ibr aoj wilsiWr
ir Iwi ntr.
I lnb ,h- u! W ms-1. ay, ot nin. nn-1 tho initmrrtfittoa
f--rwi.ni, U N-ture tu lirsc of JntlDorj. Ml that tb.y own
mn.moiu. wi.l. 11,. Msi.inii. hi tbtf igi!alcre. 43-All
nril r, UiU.L oe 4dreiw V
ItarrUliar. Pa
.,Fnin-. men wit! fn4 th. T. e-prsi-h. lie, r.ry oaf
Ailf.rtiMr. M-.sl-UBa in PeanltaAia. out of tbo Citioa.
.VSubscriptinns for the above (at IJl.fiO)
reeeived al the f'hrunitlr OlEce and al the Post
Otfire. Leu-ishori.
! TOIIX II. BEALE, liavine enlareei
. ) and improved his hop. on Market Street a
; net to llaxes si-'re, has nuw tpened a larg V
' and select stork ot
t'iollit, C':svliirrr. Testings and
1 1 imiiincK
(fall kinds. aisotiE.NTI.HWFN'SFL'RMSH
i IMI CO iliS siirh as slorts. 0:ove, Hosiarj
Collr.rs, A-c. Ac. He will also carry on
CiifUrsr anal lnkln?
- in all their branrhes, vmh despatch, a.-CoHia,
to order, witln-nr a:!0vg;ng, and on the most
reasonable terms.
Uf ul-n:alc IoMb
always on baud cheaper than tbe cheapest.
Having a larre li ret- of etperienced hands
in inv employ. 1 hone nun all tnese facilities
to ;. ;ve ecio i. l s u si.ir'i, u. and share libarally
' in pnMir pjnn.it"; I t-espectfnlly invite all"
va"t,r.; aiiTtlun: in nit br.e ot basmss to
, call and ea.noine my flu k of Goods.
JD1IS, 1. il.L.
Lew isi iKT. Mav IB. lfS:
ltAILROA D. A new supply of Fancy
I. . -
i w . p.r,- ...,-,, .s t...
I nii.i Kiiinikiniqtie Tobiiero : also a variett of
i new Bo-'is, tee v"Tv latest worU.i, to be bad at
r "miii.ii ,,j.rs,
Jim. :, ;,-,. ( ;(n;.s 4 CALDWELL'S.
' 1 " & M"F. DPK.N". it th(T.
' Hardware .-tore, l.ewisl nrF. rffer to the
i eitien ol Hie
t branch, at extremely lo
1 rr "
I V,'l
Oil1. Tnrpentiro, W ti'te Lead, Snow
e Zinc. Silver's P!isiic Paints fvaras
c-.lws w.-aiher and fire-prnnf, nils, tipikee
lii.is. Piinv, I. . . ks, i.aiche, Mulls, t;rrews
an! al1 kinds nl HuM.r; Hardware; Gct!e-.
neii wi i are bin J-jij will l;:;d it !a their ad-,
vauo.e lo call and examine cur Mr.ck. Will;
si I! x., iie:?r city piices as possible. Call und,
Se o. . tU" nlH ffrfthtrr irld.
I.ewisbar;. MT . lSr.
ti cash friers. Prop in ant wer.tremKS s,
no charge lor fin'n,innr sin,k. at !ie MaraV
; wat s...re ..f ki.v.mm.s a m k.u dfns
SADDI.hh'S. if yt u c.i.' e.'.Dinai n-
m. i-k of Harness. Hn-I'e .-nd Roller Buot
. k!. Itet. Ifames. S-i.Tnr-. Jfonniiitf. (Sinli
iiiK, Deer Hair, rra.illp tVeb. Saddle Tiee!
I W hip rus ts and .i ln ;V Tools,von will (i R
I il lo vour a 'vTo n e. Hardware Siore in Le s
; isbn-r. FFTVOLDi" M FArTEf.
r-tOXf l 'tAKESS find t-rasfantly civ
j hand tliptic Spria. Ailes, Mob Bands
I. net s. Oak Felloes, Bows, aad a general as.
f REYNOLDS ft M'VaDPRN I.ewi.bnr
' C '"HOOI. fRDEKS r.fa-V rTt- ,a4 eA
Mtr ,.,, ct,OT:..v ' ' " "
loient ol i rimmmirs. at Ihe Hardware ehsr