.1 i : . " t.. . I 1 uteroRitTt nv sim, , i r;.hun.w Co.Pa. iinnriwiji,u - .i- - - TKMM&-t.Hrr- - '" "-. ; attteMtmUbrlMirrtnrta' n-rin. Tn.0D; uwnip.yforfotu.7Jtr.ididj for tt.t mooth,I dol. for .tren WKmlus. a dol: .6 j.,4c aie p;tf try tn .ii (pmH) nnind in gold, iutc .tamps or n '' Tia.h.. m kij. rie a the oat m When Ihn liino CXVirt. ,,fr .liifh S lPdrU paid, (tinlca we bate a runniui; account it w V .... .11: I J r.n .f. ft.. AnytA ItauUAXiineiy jiuwimi-u, ' juar on. track, 25 cU i-' li after in.-i Hen. .. a n i-.r aia montha, 4 dol. per yi-ar. '"'"rr::: "r not oniefourU. of a column, 10 d -1. r--r im . mit 1. f M-d upon. A .-iurr 1. W l'.u. S of OUllMt w or IS f n-xt turner. Ad. rti-rim nt f a donoillr'n(t toducj. nd Urg" cula. not aamitiM. Communication. dcirM on t i ira t:f -nrral iT.t. rft Hot IU.In the nip of prti7Jtn or wl.iri;i iniwi, d tmnpuM l'J the writer-. rl imntb nl ldmi5. Th MAONKTICTKUXIUAI'H ilu.i.t.J inl!i-"ffl"? et the Okr.kjtnUb oftdi Iwrt in.IK.rUnt Niw. I- ...M nf the PhniU M.ife. -Unth.are.r..lf,le.ter..l.tWn.t . Bcivpiirc ri.ifi ! exveatea w.U neMnrtw od demtrh nn on mti.o- ieru... SuCucwl AdMtiiiriiw-nu to w piiJ for Ueu liiidi-d I in. ui Job Work w!ko dc'.imL 1 o.orFICE on Mrk.:t ,-uare, north tide, S'-cond smcj f Sd door lioe Uie Tort Oltioe. ' Wokdkn i roi:xnuiT.. LiCicishurff, Ma. Fbidat Morning, Feb. 15, 18-jC. rjVRIlTI7.F!-M.iinfarer. il-r. l..nt. Mr.-n.mes, r.UK Crto.r. in itr .ltd tVuntrr. PuWi-l.-r-- 1 who wmh to bur or ell W'.uld d" WfU l t:in lij, lue tolnnM of Lh ttKn-XUf? trii. whirli ku . lar?j Md inereejitnc rltvuUuon in . roranmntfy cwnt.ailnc . lirf oroo-trtio. of wrUTe, wdrent pre-luccrti, coueuniers fend dealt-n, any in thu SUM. cy-Sc Sen Advoi'tioiiciil. . , . n j Wtr W c nave naa many ngrcc-um.- auu fwou'able calls " from couutry frieuda this week. We anticipate many more, next week. Follow the Telegraph wire nd you will find us. (Those in Kelly and White Deer, who subscribed to Aaron Smith, Eq , will re collect that they are to pay cither to him or us by Feb. Court. y " Lightning Jack ,' is laid up by a severe cold for a few days. The Telegraph is therefore indebted f ir oil tbe progress ' it has made, to Geo. W. Fbies, a prom- ising amateur; and the Chronicle ackuowl-1 edges iu obligation to the strong arm of noble Frank " of the Arjttt for butng " able to be out " this week. Accident On Monoay last, as a train ; t)f cars was running on the Sur.hury & Erie Road below Wiiliamsport, a piece broke from a wheel and flying into the . smoking car inflicted a severe wonad on , the head of Charles D. Kmery, Eq., of ! Wiliiamsport lie was senseless for some ' hours, but the skull was not broke, and j be is considered out of dangtr. j A freight train broke down this week ; between Milton and Danville, delaying i the express several honrs. 1 Adjourned Court The superb sleighing of the present week J has brought in a large concourse of people. ! Judge RuitLB appeared and took Lis scat. Each of the four children of the late Mr. j Gessoer had a separate Guardian sppoiut- mA frnm .mnnw thn tiinet rpnAt't:itilt r-itiz- tM of town, by whom they will he treated j as well as own children. The contested Commissioner case- was argued by J.lJ.Linn and Mi'.lcr for Pehnch ! and Weiriek for Smith. .Mr. Weiriek we 1 are tola made an ingenious atien.pt 10 "fuse" this with tbe Division question, it j is conjectured by some, with a view to get j aa - . i tin A iin.ul In tlifl Kutireiiift ftiurt nn thff ' ....-.. , ., 1 division Act l Jtie court rcscrvea tue furanco Companies in this State have re s' -decision of the Election case to some other j sov(.d Bot to jBsurfe buildings, any part of "Tuesday, WcDcslay and Thursday were hkh " ccuf!cd fur tLc .6ale of iu,oxi J occupied in the adjudication of three old j """S r for gambl.pg purposes." I matters of difference between the same j The Border Ruffians are said to te cx- parties. In the Orst,RengIer vs M Creight, j tremcly unpopular in St. Louis, Mo. A the Jury rendered a verdict for I'lff. In i j tbe second, Uengler vs 31 treight, verdict I for Deft. And in the third, M'Creiaht vs 1 Rentier. Jury were out last night. The suit of Teiphel vs. Fieher com I tnenced yesterday. I Re-DiVISIO.N. We do not learn that twv Legislative action whatever has yet j been taken on any of the various plans to ! disturb the boundary line betweeu Uniou ; and snyder counties, and do not believe I ttuy of them will pass. Nor do we know any of the citizens of the Townships in Buffaloe or Dry Valleys, who desire any of the proposed changes. Tbe rumor has bceu spread, as we Cnd, il the Western townships, that Lewisburg is anxious to exchange the West end of Union county fur the rich River districts lof Suyder county. So far from this being a general desire, we do not know an indi vidual in Lewiabarg or viciuity who is eren willing to part with any portion of Gov. Pollock issued his warrant on the Buffalo Valley, of which Lewisburg is the ; 7th inst,, to tbe Sheriff of Philadelphia, Insiness heart. Lewisburg and the Val- j for the execution of Peter Mattix, on Fri ley are one in interest and in feeling. It ', daT the 23d of May next is true also that we could but welcome a ; TT . , . nm-tinn ft. n nt Cvtntt . e . The Brig Wm, IT. Safford, was sunt in portion or all of Snyder county, if they ,, , . v. v , ' . , t,....i.i a .v.v i i . . - the East river, ew lork, on the 4th duuuiu uriiutjairi. fiiii.'iii.iii I l 1 .11 .1 . .. . -J vvwh.iauv. .vr J IA. IU a county organisation ; but it is not true that we are making any efforts to deprive that county of any of her Districts. Fmr On Thursday afternoon last hn barn of Daniel Moyer, of Musser's Valley, Snyder county, was totally destroyed by fire. Loss 1,000 no insurance. rime "The difficulty between the Student. ana faculty of Dickinson College has ! "ecu ECtliea. tbe Mmlent. .iihrt, ,(.-n . I.. .. .1 ; the .effort Af tl. 1 1... I Danville. Rev. Mr.Torrcnce lectures i on Music, this evenins. i court commences Monday next: twelve SnJtln- 11.KES JJAttBE, Thursday, Fch. 14,1 - .unnirg uas yet a heard of the niLHsiug f tr-smer, the IVlffc. I Counter ions. The new Tost Office in i aamuel vk emcnsaui, l ost luaier, mv Kt.i. Tr,.Mr .le,!. i - - . r Me ""urea dy iriena m narrisuurg, u a protestaUt, Bn(J not ItimaU Cathulic. ? ni k f We8t Chester, Fa, , . ' ' , , voted in Congress for Mr. W ells Df WlS- . . t 1 1 - ; enson for Speaker both Democrats, aud k , ... v. , K.-..fc.;.m ouvp-JBL-vi iu 'Tr" - B LicQ t'ieelB'J r', friirbr. franklio's last of benevolence, was ashes soriukled upon a slippery walk. Tor the. lark of this simple rcntcdi on WcJaestiaj, tjuite a serious accident oc curred in I.wiaburg. As l'etor Hiimmol of iJt'.ffaloc Tp was passing from the Court f.oom to Market street, he slipped aud fell, breaking the cap of his knee, I'.EArtB asd Mower. Another cand- .j f r . j. favor ,jn js t( bc r ' found in our columns this week. Those uot urea-ljT supplied with this iudispensa- hie machinery, would do well to examine j ; nod ascertain the best improvement before j purchasing. 1' raT-Vo are informed there are Chicken Thieves about town, and that Mr.Iiell lost two Cue white Shanghai hens, aud Mr. A enny One, last BtttnrQay nyllU Who j , , - , i,, 9 L ... i . .. a , them : Oraud J urv meet next week I Yesterday tnomintf.was the Coldest that any record has been kept of in Lewiaburg ' to our kuuwltdrrr I'rnf. James therino- I . . . ... 1 ; meter probably tbe most accurately kept 0f auy ;n 0 region indicated 21 deg. j hidnw .nro. I JfejrTbe roofs of two adjoining stables, belonging to Mrs.Ammona and Mrs. Shri ner, of 'otth Third t., fell together, a dny or two ago, iu consequence of the great weight of snow upon them. HeJuSome Klk oouuty lauds where the Allegheny Valley Railroad crosses the uabury Si Erie are advertised on the opposite page. T, "7t TT" . v AsuixuTOK, reo. 11. i ue oecrciary ' of the Xavv has assented to the reuuest of i Lieut, llartstein to co in search of the l'...;fi. .1- IT s n, , v. ""- ttud sLe wiu g0 t0 6Ca t0.dajr from New yorlf jf the necessary 6upply of stores ! bc ot on .0.ta Tlie j: :s to ! o o ; furmsh relief to other vessels in distress, if tue should fall in with any. The Arc- ! t;c js ,,e fiiea,ncr g0 successful in the j tcarch of Dr. Kane, ScBor Alnrontc Lm Jt ft Washington for Mclic0 at tJje BrgcBt 8oUcitations of his , . j Cous,itllti( rf tkat eountrv ! was tein rcn,od(.e(j. ani h;. Dfe9ece deemed nwessary for present and future contingencies. Washington, Feb. 13. It is under stood that information has been received here to-night which represents the danger of civil war in Kansas as more itnminect than is generally supposed. , Ameb.ca.v DLEOateS.-W e leaw frora tbe Wa"l"rS TcUymj.h, that the Americans of that Congressional District oave P1"' " -ger, x.sq., e National Convention. Mr. It III. I TILK. Ul . lllllll- HIIU HIT. 1.- a". ' Muench.uf Goon Rt i.e. Tbe Providence Tribune m i .la i 'r .1 t J" ' - . .,1...-. . , letter from that place which we Cnd in one of our exchanges, asserts that the tone of conversation among the people of that city is entirely against Atchison, String fellow & Co. A Pleniv More Left. The Xew Ita ven Journal says the ice houses in that neighborhood and elsewhere are nearly or quite filled, and there is still a plenty of jcc "left out of doors to spo'.l." It is stated that W. P. Belcher, Esq., of Abbeville, C. II., and Capt. E. B. Bell, of Granitcville, S. C, are raising compan es to join Major J. Buford, aud proeeed to Kansas. The Chicago Press estimates the grain crop of Illinois for Illinois as follows; 180,000,000 bushels of Indian corn, 20,000,000 bushels of wheat, 50,000,000 bushels of oats, barley and rye. inst, by the floating ice, and three men drowned. The post boy on the Coffee run frauJe in Huntingdon county, became lost a few weeks ago in the snow drifts, and was fro zen to death. Bishop Hughes, in his lecture at Balti more says tbe country has had enough of immigration. That's just what the Kuow- Nothings say. Elijah Denny, an old Revolutionary i Densiuner of Kpntiielrw wan IIS rnr. nf -S 'n September last. r.,Kt U.,nArA ...j.j t4- nnknn'. nA v i m..:. n . latTowanda. J. Hervcy Ewing, formerly of Muncy, has turned up as editor of the Williams burg, (Va ) Gotttft. Lewisburg Clir onicle & jWcst . Branch Farmer-Feb 1856. LOOKOUT!, Came recently to White Deer, after wards to L-cwisLurg, a yaanc man about ? " u,fc"! Cl' Proporuonea, raiuir if a .11 . .ir i e 1 - dark and knavl-h features. loDif nose and low forehead, wearing check pants and vent, grey coat, cap, aud Lrogan shoes, re presenting himself by the name of J. II. 15. Dieflfenderfer, son of John Dieffenderfer, who is known here si a respectable citizen of Alleutowc, ra.,and hariuy a !ure Con nection iu this neighborhood. 'I hi. tcupt ijratt reprcspiited himself as a jeond oou ein, and a Missionary of the Kvangelical Assoc iation, returning fr.mi Iowa. After rrviriir fn h itictrt emiid iisftlntrinfA imilor nrr1- . . . , i . wuee mat no was oui oi means ana wan- )n tkh3HAM jrraduated at the renowned inj; for a remittance from his Uther, and r ArnfTic.m EiPCt,e !Meriieal0..lle?e,Cinciniiati, Cudini; susjiicions fajleuiog upon him, j ,ai iut first studied lbe Old or Allopathic sys suddenly absqilatnlnted. Having Cousiitsd j tern uf medicine, ami attended Lectures in one his livin" and trarcling rspenres from of 'he Old Schwl Medical Colleges nfPhilad families of oilier na:.,es iu diff rent i.!aes 'lPbi.,'" h"C..minS convinced of the super , , j- i i .i iiiiiiyoltlirNewor American Eclectic system, under pretence of beniR luuie, at other hc c,(,mllwire(j iu stu,iy. and attended two places deaf and dumb, I bog leave to cau- j coursr 0f Lectures in the Beformed or Ame tion the public, and bh'iuld ho ever m ike rican Kclectic Mediral (Joliepe of the Queen Lis at p -arunee aiiam ln-re he will receive i at p -arunee a such a ifreelin2 fi j will never forget u Maa vvua.u , .T. I. DlFFFENDKRFER. LcU isLur, Feb. 12. IS 3t). lloLl.' w a i'a TlLUitna? be tiiRsm vit.lt fwrft nafrty by boiti b.nr-w, aiul all tlU'ir U'-ul l.n nuiil et ("-i- tive: llteir Munliittv (-rnpcrttnft tvw.Wr lh-iu imriilu:il:e f..r the -k-rm i nation ff ift? .l;.n.-tc. rirticnlivriv im-r aiitl yloiitach oouii'laiut," ; billion? diiMfrii, ltd ltidi-l- boti. A a puriliir d tbe :"vntin. tli- uikI thtrru virtuuM in fftsi-t at detvrniiu the h-a I. mill atl t.m'.so i-.-mi-iaiut. uum-l ! t tii4li ly wttitiitiit-ij tu. la ttliort. by m rrtTtrNnr with thtc mltuiritliit I'lHe, i In Tf aie t- w c -uilaiiuU ttblcli tnu r ti't !b"ir rxtror-itiiirv iutlttiK-e. I Currrdni 1'iVcAy a .5 Li j 1 i ' Uldl 9i,ovioi.o,t niiga live .,J t-orn. 6a Lard.... liucon . Hum.... 12 ' ia I Flaxseed ..... 12 Dried Apples Cloveiseed....iC,7j maiuIl:i, By Kev. V. B Ciieury, ol 1'iiilaiia, 5th inst., Rev. V. F. (.'in iam as ni J".rris:own, I'a., and Mrs. Mini K. IhtLS of Kluura. By Kev. Bj. llfiist, ad ult, John C. Itunkle and Miss Catharine JJutikle, both uf liulialoe township. By Kev. J. O. Miles, 3tst tilt., S. Shepard Blackwell of JereyShortf and Miss Mary 1'rait of Linden. On 5ih inst., J. C. Else and Miss Margam Brass, both of Monioursville. DttD, On Wednesday evenin last, Mr. - I T f At . .11 . .: j . . -i "'(;. " ' 'i u was supposed in usual health, but yesterday morning was found dead in his bed ! Jo Lewlsbur 8lh ,nst GlMMi m his Tid year. Also Juaa Jlrir sen of Abner M. and M. M. Lawshc, aged 3 yrars, 1 mnnih and t days. In Near Berlin, 9th inst., Hcxsr Enwinn son of Frederick ahd Mary Ann Smith, aged 10 months and 6 days. Near Bloomsburg, at his father's residence, Kev. Jacob Emu, of the Methodist Church, aged about 3-J; years. In Turbtit Tp, l:'th inst.,MATtm, daughter of John and Sarah Pllrger, aped I year. In Naples, III.. S'Jih nit., in her 27th year, Kmt. wife of Thomos Hollowbusb, formerly of ir Berlin. In Crnton, Hunterdon Co, N. J., 4th inst., Israel B. 8t.BLn, at;ed about 21 years. ! "iT'Al a meeliiig of the Freshman Class of the University at Lewisburg, called in conse quence of vlie recent dispensation of Provid ence in the death of Mr. Iuuaki. B. Scold, lately a inember of our Intitutiou, and a beloved classmate, it was KesolvcJ that our sympaihies be extended to the friends of the deceased, I he remembrance of whose gentlemanly conduct, superior schol arship, energy, benevolence aud goodness of charaeier we cherish with mournful pleasure, bat whose early dralh, whilst humbly submit ting to ihe dispensation of infinite wisdom, we lament. and whilst we rejoice in the hope that his freed spirit has soated lo the bosom of his God, we " 'eep with those who weep." ltesolved lhat in testimony of otr apprecia tion of ihe chararter of the deceased, we wear the nsnal badge of mourning fur thirty days. Kesolved that the proceedings of this meet. ing be published ... the Lew.sburg Chronicle i nntl in the ( hnstian t-hronirle. and that copy be furnished to the friends of the decea- sed. JAS. CHAMUEKMV Pres. T. P. COULSTOX, Sec. Atkins' Automaton, or SELF-Ttsikin.? lteaper and Mower! 7'Ae bft 4'omttitifJ M-irhine in use. SPECIAL NOTICE. Firl premium awar ded lo Ihe " Atkins' Self-Raking Reaper and Mower" at the State Fair of Penn'a, in lS.r5 also fiist nremium at lbe Xorlhunib'd Conntv .. f L , , . , , ' 1 Ja.r. Farmei, h,ng Atkins tSelf-Rakiog j Keaner and Mower can fret it delivered. tree ol ; freight,to Harnsbnrg, by giving Agents orders befure the fir-i of March, ISfi. Alter lhat lime freight will be charged, making about twenty dollars difference in price. Persons can get Castings at any time, at the Manufactory in llarrisburg, for Machines. Appivto F.IHV Alt ft I). fJXYDER, Milton; KUKSEL WRIGHT, W illiamsport ; or to I AMES PATTOX, C18!f Oeneral Agent, at llarrisburg. ljr"rOI"l Near Herrs Hotel, 6ih Inst, a PORT MONNAIE, containing a snm of money, which the owner can receive by proving property and paying charges. Inquire at the Lewisburg Chronicle oltlce. CARD. A B. LONGSHORE, .M. D., having located himself on the properly lately owned and occupied by Rev. C. A. Hewitt, in West Milton, respectfully offers his profes sional services to the pnllie, and from long experience flatters himself that he can render satisfaction to alt those disposed to patronize him. Kelly Tp, Union Co, Feb. 4, 1836 4m Winter Clothing; I PIIE AP FOlt ALL. The undersigned V-' will close out their stock of Winter Clo thing, A T COST, in order to make room for Spring operations; Those who are in want of good clothing will have an opportunity to get bargains. J. GOLDSMITH & BttO S. Lewisburg, Feb. 5 Turnpike Election. V0TICE is hereby given to the flock- 1 holders of the Bellefonte, Aarnnsburg fc Ynnngmanstown Turnpike Road Company, that art Election will be held at the house of Abraham Fredericks, in Aaronsbilrg,on Toes day the I llti day of March next, between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock, to elect live Direc tors to manage the concerns of the Road for the ensuing year. ft i lk n ii.hua, rresiueat. Spring Mills, Feb. , 1668 TAM NOTICE! ; i IJIC rartoersbip nndr r tbe Finn of . J. HAVES & CO. haviag closed on the 10th of S'pternbdr lastWe would repecifully request ail persons having unsettled account wiib the abuve firm to call up- o the subscri be ri aud scale Uwut wiihimi !uUy- . IlAVES,UOiDM.N & CO. M.lLDrsham,ir.D., HAVING permdncnth located 111 Le- w.sbur. fa., reVpec'lfuUjr. tender bis Pr..,-,,.innnl ServicM to the c.tizeus of this town and vicinity, hoping by preinpt alieniiun debted to said estate are reqi.estea to make to the duties ol lns profession to im-rit a share j immediate p.yineat,aBd those having any just of iheir paironape. Amntiou will also be paid : claims are also requested l present Inem ie toChroiiic Diseases of every name.aud treated; gaily aulhenlicated lor Keitlen.enU . - with unnaralleled success. City oi me west, iius tnsinuuon, auiioufi ... i in it. it,ritii.tf. In. hi. ii .fri..r in 1 tOnutt tie.-i..tni .. M .-,iv .,.Ui T i-Tt fl.lv nnmi iit ni rt .-inn-u'. : linn mt-1 Ii-byitwimiio lo ull pftrUoi our nno, tmi in tuumun. 4c, tii- y vriil vioii be uiofo uuuivroua IUhu vi utht-r J class of itiv-lfl:n. Th priofipil JiiT-fB'wbrtir'B thf B formrd (newjer Bclvcu-'.nitl tUt- ia Ai'iwitticyraa-niol uiliojueistUia; ; tii .iw Ufi m lit- Ui'-itti-l Mjjcr.t tU.lt i' iu ity f wit (t'jiiri'ii tn tit- hum .n vtMn, ' m r-il.-m-l. Anonte. Atitiiiinny.Ae.; firnprriorantJ harmM znu I Lave of lute yw.r bm-n itiwenJ. 0y tlf uvt-r h'-ral 1 i ,.,,..111.' i,liv-liiatis i.f tli-i N'-w s.ltl that !V r lire iniml!e t, c m,,t. ri nlrtiut.ii f..r t.lVw ( Itrion h mlir-Iti " Alum biwt-tl to ( i.tfiiel. ibstrel-tn; We lintu ito ml fr thm. With tlit-w ialutilitf ne nu-tat.-, ma an lli -e ft me ur Allopntliir ln'.lfx'lt Iw $ !K.soti! nifntlr.nttl al-v.., iintt nil improTi-nwnt- i t vt-T mhr ytt -m of -jiIi-ciit, ' tli-i Horn s-it-vtbic l.in.ii-lhie.TIitii-Mim. Mr.) dmiiv i n. ari m.r rurtllf tUal -r oin-e n-HMdTt-J Impsti-nltli. aiiJ tliat too wlthnttt brkinT .l"rn tlif co .titutii.n. an. I I'frtUitiC MtwT d l.:tw, M h'lHt. Htiti- tnaU'iti. I.p.' ft;i, I.iv.t li a'. tlt erat.il 6om I'Utvat, l:wt-itj llyiii'f, l-rrtiiai tire li-a hi iw iu, u xii Ntw School riiitainly ilitiiti ft prrftt surrtoritr in th treatment of all .1t-J-. It bw leii pniT.ii bv .-..rt iimt t i- Mrt&litv takiui; all d t.'k-ftUfr ut It M tba il lr owut; tiiat ol Aeialic Cholera Li only per eent Thin ii .n so of proer-.. .nI ImnroTemi'nt. n-I ttie N. w 8i-b'iol i. .Iw.eit ,rtitri-.i'nc. not htting WWid down df-i-il crtH-l. .tid atltl I. ted tli-orl. S-li. OKe'llJK at th. lowt-r tnd of Murket SU 618 PUBLIC SALE. WILL le'sold at Public Outcry, at V the residence of Ur. Funis, on BAT tKDAY, FEBRUARY 16, a splendid new PIAXO, warranted perlect in every respect. JJTSale to commence at 12 o'clock. Mi 111 in burg, Jan. 31, 18SGw3 Turnpike Election. THE Stock-holders of the Derrstown 1 1 YonngmanstownTurnpike KoadCompany will please take notice, that an Kleciion will l e held at the house of tiideon Bichl, in East Bufl'aloe township, Uniou coumy, on Momr the third dayof March next, for Ihe purpose of electing a President) Treasurer, Clerk, and a Board of Managers, lo manage the concerns of the Company for Ihe next ensuing year. Jan. 31 lb56. G. BCHNABEL, Pres. Wakefield's Hand Corn Planter, Which after two sea sons' trial has been found much superior to any other implem ent now in use for planting Corn, Broom Corn, Beans, Ac., is now offered to the Farming community by Agents authorized to sell ihe same. This implement is plain Jjjjland simple in cons- 1 rf-i- irucnon, not ltaoie to il iet out of ren.ir. can he eailv adiusted to plant at any desired j j - depth, drop any nuiuoer of seeds in a hill, and costs but Five Dollars. An examination of it, with the abundant Testimonials which can be shown from those who have nsed them, can n''1 convince rvcry .,c .a j (iKIlUES, MAR3H & CO., Uu-isburp, Agents for Union and the adjoining Counties. Executor's Notice. ATOTICE is hereby Riven, that letters 1 Testamentarv oh Ihe last will and testa ment or EP1IKAIM LONG, lale of Butlaloe j township, deceased, have been granted to the to the undersigned, br the Regisler of Union j county, in due form of law; therefore all per sons knowing themselves indebted tn id estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having just claims against the same are also requested to preseut them properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN KCHKACK, Executor. Feb. 1, 1856 pd COURT HOUSE THE Subscribers to the Buililin? of j -L the Union County Court House. &c, are I requesled 10 pay ihe O.NK TEXI'H of their . ... . ... ). itii.laraiirnml Ji lit Hrl I !'.'' ' .. - i-i . tf,iu nl errrii merrtatne mown, uu me .nuit ia ra,djLcol,r.nciT.sr on the 1st daVof February I .. . , i By order of the Building Commillee; J VMK5 r. 1.1A.1, treasurer. Lewisburg, Jan. 15, 1850 " The Good Time Coming." BY T. S.Arthur...Those who wish to hear something of lhat long-expected day, should read this book. it is having an immense sale ; 5,000 copies were ordered in advance of publication. We send a copy by mail, poal-par.l, on the receipt of ihe price. SI. . J. V. BRADLEY, Publisher, 48 rforih Fourth tit. VhilaJttphia, i'a. Ji.B. Agents wanted to sell this and other popular books in all pans of the United Stales. Send for our List and Terms to Agents. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Administration ort the estate of Rev. ABRAHAM DA W'SON,deceased,late of Unlort township. Union county, have been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Union eounty, iu due form of law; therefore all persons indebted to said estate are requesled to make immediate payment.and those having just claims are also requesled to present them properly authenticated for settlement, to r ' ISAAC WALTER. Lewisburg. Nov. 80, 1855 FARRIERY. THE subscriber oners his serrices 1 in curing Horses of f 61) Evil or Fistula. He will cure Horses of either of these afflic tions for $5, or make no charge if not suc cessful. Jlcre is an opportunity for every one whose horses are afflicted, to lestore them to health and working order. Residence oh m'j Farm in Kelly Tp., near Lewisburg. . A-. 10, 1855. GEORGE MEIXELL. "tEW Books received as soon as publish Jj ed, and fur sale at a liberal discount from Publishers prices, at Jtt. Fnzpatrick Ac I Bros' New Book Store. Dd ft-- Lewisburg- M J. U 0. RANGX, - ATTORNEY at Lar, MltBinliurg. IY Unma Co-I'a. LVAIl professtwnal bn ainrn coir its ted u bis care, wilt be punctually and laithlully attended to. June 1,'5 y Estate of John High, dee d. T0TICE is hereby given, that Letters 1 oi Adiuiiusiration an lbe tiaeoI Jmt JIium, late vt White Deer township, Ci.ioa county, deeeasnl. have 4e granted to Uit undersigned by the Kegiater of l.n.on eounty in due form of law ; llieref.u-e, all persons ii White Deer, Jan. I, isae Pianos, and Music. tcj.JoS. L.YODER, Agent for Meyers' 0J-iid Vogbt's celebrated IMailOH, has ti-jnst teceived a large assortment ..1 Shot JWt, i'l'tma, anil M Lidtun Uikt. Seminary and Teachers supplied at the Publishers' dis count prices. Muic published byUouid.Lee & Walker, S. L. Walker, or any Publishers in Hie United Slates, furnished at their prices. 2i.lt. .Meyer.' aud Voght's Pianos soM at less than City retail prices. Lewisburg, Nov. 1 BEAVER & KREHER HAVE just opvned a Second Supjily of Fall and Winter Cloud, consisting In pan of Ladies' Dress floods and Trimmings, Caiinere and Saiinetts, 4,000 yards or Calicoes we will sell at S cts, worth 10 Cts. Beautiful Calicoes at I2J els. 500 yds English Tapestry Brussels Carpets as li.w as tin y ran I bad at retail in Pailad. 800 vds Ingrain Carpets at various prices. A new assortment of yueensware. Hard ware, O.I Cloths, etc. eic. CALL AXD Nov. SH, ls:..- U- A K. Last Arrival. Tall and lv inlet- Dry Good., &.C. A LAME anils pelndid assortment ol i Collars, Sleeves and Spencers, Willi a full assortment of Dress Trimmings, Gloves, Mills Hosiery and Nuliunsi Window Shades and Paper,' l'.r.ol.. Hats, 4c. te., which will ac tually be sold at reduced prices to suit the times. Call and see the Goods and hear the Prices, and jndae for yourselves. C. MEXSC1I, Murray's building, opposite tn oia oratt.tu omuii-' Lewisburg, bt-pL SS, 1H..6 DISSOLUTION. THE rartnership heretofore existing between M. T. Reynolds and Jos h MTadden. under the name and firm of Rry nulds t yTKidilm. has dissolved by mnttial this I8th day of November,l855. Tbe books have been left in the hands of Joseph M'Fadden. All persons having unsettled accounts will confer a favor hy immediate attention to our wants. M. T. REYNOLDS, JOSEPH M'FADDEN. LThe Hardware Business will be conti nued al the old Graham stand by the subscri ber, who is lhankful for past favors, and j hopes by strict attention to receive a iair share of nublic patronage. Give him a call and see for yourselves. JOSEPH MTADDEN. Lewisburg, Nov. 58, 1H55 New Firm and New Goods! AT the Mammoth Drng & Chemical Emporium of CHRIST e CALDWELL. The undersigned having purchased the entire Maminoih Drug Store formerly kept by Dr Thornton 4 Co., are now ready to till Orders and Prescriptions at a moment's notice. We have a large and well selected stock of fresh and pure DIUGS, ME))ICIXES, Chemicals Dycslulls, Oils, Paints, Glass, Putty and DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE, All kiudt of Patent Mctltcina, Fruit and Confectionery, Tobacco,SnulT,and Imported Cigars of the choicest brands, Fane; Xotwns and Toilet Article, Fine Toilet Slaps & Perfumery of all kinds, Uhcshis uit Coins or Evxar tabisti. llonkN and Stationery, a general variety of Literary and School Books Pine Oil, Lard and Fluid Lamps of every description fresh Pine Oil and i'atcnt Burn ing Fluid alwavs on hand. PURE WINES and LIQUORS of all kinds for Medicinal uses. Fire 1'roitf and Zinc Puinfi. Preserving and 1'kling Jars, io' rSTustomcrswill find our stock complete, comprising many articles it is impossible here lo enumerate, and all sold al moderate prices Call and see us, one and all, and see our stock ; and if we can't sell you cheap goods, we will not ask yon to buy. We are always on hand to wait on customers. Remember the Mammoth Drug fmre ! Til TO. s. CHRIST, . F. S. CALDWELL. Lewisburg. Tninn Co. Pa. ttH 1")Y CANAL- A fresh supply cf While ) Lead, Pans and Chrome Green ground in oil ; also Turkey Umber in 1 lb. cans j Lin: seed Oil, Turpentine, Pine Oil and Fluid, all r( which we will sell at the lowest rales to be had al CHRIST CAl.DWELLS. LAf T, but not Least, a f.nc assortment of the very best Perfumery for the ladies and gents, consisting of A'monJ ahd Honey Snaps, Extracts Tor the hdkf., Cologne, Bay Leaf and Honey Waier, Bureau Perfnm. etc. lo be had at CHRIST CALDWELL'S. TY EXPRESS Just received a fresh sup- 1 ply of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Kigstc. June S at CHRIST & CALDWELL'S. Fresh Snpplict, at t)ie The long-eMafclished Hat Store ! T7K A XKLIX SPYK ER would respect- JL fully announce thai he has just opened a most splendid assortment of II.4TS, C llS itlld -.OTIII;,and is selling them al I tf 'lower prices than eVer before offered iu Lewisburg.. lata Moleskin, si'k, Tirush.Wide-awake, Angola, Hungarian, Panama, Siraw.t'hip Ac. Caps) of all sorts, sizes, descriptions and frFlaVls and Fancy Hals for CHILDREN, of the latest and most beautiful, patterns. Clothing for COLD WEATHER such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Suspenders, and every other sort of Wearing Apparel of the latest cut, and cheaper than the cheapest. iy Carpel Bags, Trunks, Umbrellas, and a great variety of other articles. The public are cordially invited to ei am ine his stock, as he is confident lhat they will be satisfied with his Goods and Prices. Re member the Old Stand Market street, 3d door easi of Third, formerly J & F Pp'yker Lewisburg, Ori. 1, 1855 Latest from Sebastopol! AjEW GOODS, . . .. i for Fall and Winter, COMPRISING. EVERYTHING WANTED IN OUR LINE OF BUSINESS, AND AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATES, now receilred and for sale by the subscribers. We invite a public inspection of bur stock uf Merchandize. nCRSIf A TOUSC. ' lewisburg, Oct. 10. 1854 TCtll,n--Coiirt Returns and other Bis'is sold at the Chromclt Ouiee. William Taa6xer, i TTORNEY at Law, - J. JLewlabarn, t Dion lb., I'a. CT'O.'rice ..n Suuili Secoud St., raceatly by H C HicWok, Es. , 574 sLttUet .! . be "Old aunmoth Sttiil&r WITH Ne CdflJsand 0W Customers! V I. 4 J. WALU are now receiving and opening for public in spection, an unusually large assortment of HEHI'IImJOIZB for FALL and WINTER comprising all the varieves of DRY GOODS. UKVCEKIFS. HARDWARE. (JlLLXSWA'lir'. ri.AHTKK.SALT, Fish, &c required in similar Mercantile Houses, to which they invite the atu-utiun of ail desiring good Goods at fai' Prices. Grain and other Country Prudac. taken as heretofore. J. t J. WALLS. Lewisburg, Oct. IS, 185.1 lAevlsburK Kxchance Store t NEW GOODS! T)ROWN &. P.irrtR have Jut received a ) splendid assortment of.Vew Go.ds, which will be sold cheap. Call aud see. Si-pt, SS, IrlfiS. New Goods at the New Store! THE Subscribers hnvinx entered into JL a Copartnership in Merchandising, and having re-iiurd and improved the Storeroom of H P Slieller fnrmerlv oecipied by Kremer tic Co, would respectlully announce to the trading crrmmuniiy that Ihev are just opening a LARGE AXD SPLENDID STOCK of FALL & WINTER GOODS, adapted to the wants of alt. and coiriDritinz he usual variety kept at Stores in the Uiger J Towns. I irC ALL AXD .SLE. j J. Scnreyer Son. j Lewisburg, Oct. 1, lf.r5 ' Important News! 7"nEN in tbe course of hnman . events H becomes neeessarv lor a , "Goldsmith" lo turn "Tailor, a propel respect j lo the opinions of mankind as well as to his j own interests, demands that a statement of his f intentions should be made lo the world ia gen- eral and his friends in particular. I , J.Uoldsinilth tt llro" would fiierciore respectlully intorm ihe res'd I ents of Lewisburg and its vicinity, .hat they , have recently opened a large and fashionable I assortment of XUTII I ti at their estab- ! lishmenloa Market St. next lo Yoder's Jewelry j store, j Being associated with one of the lareest j Cloihirg establishments in Philadelphia, they i are able to fnrnish the best ot lioorts at the very lowest Cash rrices. Their motto is " Quick &i!ci ami Small I'r'ftr." As they are determined to adhere to this prin ciple, they challenge competition. A Urge assortment of IJOYH' CLOTHIKO constantly on hand. Coats. Pantaloon..Vesfs. Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, boras. 4C. Ac. iu Vast profusion. Call ar.d etamine the assortment no charge is made for look ing. nrCUSTOM WORK promptly atten ded to. tV Don't miss th door it is next lo Yoder's, at the sign of lbe Big Flag. 1. GOLDSMITH &. BRO'a Lewisburg, Oct. 10t 1S55 TO THE PEOPLE. HAVING increased tfislhess facilitleSj we are now adding largely lo CUr stock of ll tRDW (RG, and would respectfully solicit The People to call and examine oar stock, which is made up of Coach-ware, Sad dlery, Shoe Find.ngs.Oils, Paints. White Lead, Mail. Lork. I.atrhc. tov. In, Van.wh.A, CauVrr, Cabinet M.avr.' Trimmi., CarArter.' Tools, HUL-k-tnttli' Tirol. e. Jte. THK IHOI I K will thai It t. MMf wtrtnitar. tn eo-rap- Ui. UtUUWAKK aiOKK. So .IUatm St.iunl niog liooj., at lbe IKoN anil NAII. Sti.rr ur L-w-bart. rt. S HrVvin.lw MT,W13r. I10K WINTER Coal Scmtles and Sieves, Shovels and Tongs, Soves a variety of patterns. Globe Cook, Sheet Zinc, Bake Pans, Iron. Tinned anil Malin Krttl-.. flritania Fluid tarnon, CanitlvvtrrlM, fnuffrrs. 1'r.ni'b It-rUn StKlii., Flrrh Furka. Skttnnter' and LawHi-h. Walfl Iron. ... al th. i Uanlwarr itrire of l:KV.VUt4.S t M KAUI'KN. ) I1ARMEK3 will find Grain Shove!s,4-prong ' M.Forks, Spades, Saws, Rakes, Chains. ! Iron, f nrinr. PsUlocfc., Asm. - at tbe t'.h tr.-m in.! i Nail Slur, of tUMUlu a M r SOUKS. lUTLEKY Knives and Forks.Shears and 1 Scissors of Rodger s celerrated manuf-; arture, Pe. Knlrea, Caner.' Tnht- and Hne-h.r Steel j at KbOOLliS a H rAODKN. I t UsT AT HAND Il rse Shoes and Nails, 1 J Anvils, ices. Files, Rasps Ac. at KHYNOMiS a M FAIIDFVS. SARGENT A Foster's Automatic APPLE PARER for sale by R. & M'l. NEW GCODS ! TTAYES, Goodman & To. have just A L received their Kail niMI nlalrr j Stock. We take pleasure in informing our I friends and patrons, that we have just ree'd and opened a lull an.l mniplet. a.netnrewt of FALL AXl WJXThK f.o.lt ,moii;!T-.i vrrtiiine in tlr. i line of MelvbanUHc 4.'l"tliff, CaMimerra, b'.Uabtta, Tt i ing, Ac. Also . I 1'i.in. tv'd an-l rtrin,'l Sitk, Barml aatln TVVin Hrodlde and watered di Wmrh Miireno. art iti.o 1 flain I'Ui'k itli le rin. no l'.r.iiMu nndTlubr-tt'.itriii j I'lam and tii all-woi.1 lK-l.in.. Plain an j tiril liughnma FUin and fld WUinf . Fmrfh and Amrirao do ! A full aarrtmenl ef naw;. I Brocha, lon aud Aiuare aliawl. .io '.i..li,ere Sbawta, j lt.r rtal ICnff ami njilar. Sha.ii. j TjAdie' Cloth. Clonk, aud Talim. (tnhmidVee-t.) I A full aortm.nt of IjKlte- Oliar. 1'n.l-rBiR.Tea. Bonw- I cinirj, and ban-1, tos-lock with a well . ctnd u-k ol real tlire-Ad. M:illi-t. Fnrct'li .mi etle-r LA.'KS, lilove, llotrry, and In far erery thing . ..re Urr Ooml aar;. 1 tV. IV-I oonlident tiial n will ami! but to ilaw all who j lttvor u witlt tltr-ir fMlrirunir'. W tlrereliir. tvnder a 1 oiir-lial iniitati'in l all u R.11 au.1 vjaui.be otir atoek an-l prWa :Ti no trouble, fut on the rotrrrary we tak. iiire inrliowing our tloo.r. Tkarkful nrpnst fiivnra U rrm-m. at. UA1 to, U JUlrii 4 K-O. le-wul.tinr. Oet. , tSSS CtARPEfS alarge assorlineni of All-wool, Ingrain; Hemp, Rag and Coilon.also all Wool Siair Carpels, jost ree'd and for sale by HAVES, OOOHMAN A VV.' LOTIIINO, Ready Ma le, ail kinds always on hand lor sale hv hatfi". noonwasi cn. I r 1 . I T , 1 1 I . It . . . , -1. J . , i . . n , 1 l t 1i..to i rAiv, rt?ii, o.ii.1, i u.i-, iik.r.i and Nails constantly on hand lor sair by II AY P.. tiOntUlAN a ". MUSLINS SOO pieces fine bleached and brown Muslins for sale hy UA.K.S, ihmomax a CO. KATS Daman's fine Moleskins jnst ree'd and foi sale by HAILS, oootim K k CO. KOSSUTH Hals, a full assortment fbt Sale by Hayes, Goodman A fb. WHITE Lead (Lewis') just reed ani', "fUr sale by Hayes, Goodman jj0 PURR Cider Vinejt.trconStanilj tin band for sale by llayes; Goi.d-.nan & Co. FLOOR 6il-ClotK,4 and B quarter widefrr sale by Hayes, Goodman fc CO. Small ProlJu and Quick Sales'! A T the CHEAP STOSE f ia. , BRO'trx 4. HITTER; TRe subscribers olfer, at ttie old M'Fadtlen Stbreroom, opposive p. Penny's badd.e shop", a choice assortment of bnnghl for Cash and selected with greit esire. Tke Goods eortprrse the usual variety, and will be sold I7"at Ihe lowest possible prices. We respectfully invite 6TJ aad new patrons and tbe puGIi gtneraliy tn call and see onr stotek before fir'chtt'.W, elsewhere. i H BROWN, , 8 ItfTTER. Lewisburg; fici. t, James F. Linn.. . J. Ilerrtll Linn' T F. & J. SI. L1XN. . J,, . 4 Horn), at liittw, LEWIriiUltl.. , - : , .. 674 . LirnC.niiy. Peaa'a, "HaYe yoa sen SAH?". SEEMS to 1 a Quesiitm sktI LJ aliost everybody ; but we Inquire, ttact tuu stcn tic Lute Fitrn, w.ih iheir supply of New Uoots, Jtuoe-w, aitrs, Itk. p. The subst ribers havfn Sswt.eia'ed rtieti f selves into a CoparTership rrr business ki oir. to the pirbfit; af the Old Srainf of S. A D. Si.ifr.ir, ttr Market St the cheapest (for Cas.k) and best Wl of UOOTS and ISIIO KS, for Men ar;d E-ys. ever cnVred in Lewisburjf Also a ftew and splvndid assortment of Cl'.lf WOW for Ludiet and Gentlemen, A variety of 'iaiiern, Ball' 'Jailers, Ties, Bus kins, Slipper-. f r J.adi. s and Misirs, also Childr-en's Shoes of iSe taleit styles and siies f e. 4e. tc. Work ina-le to order Mending done as nsnai and as liie Worinien have rendered salrsfs'etion rteretufore, we trut we shall havi a full share of pi.blic patronage. SAM will Coniinne to be on lumt as f rn.er'y. and bope4 lo give general i-at'sTaiiion to all eusiomer3 SLirUH MTABBIN. Lewisburj, FS. S, lt35 J. Franklin Earvey, H. D., HOMU:orATIIIC Physician wourf ri.-- ecilu'Iv ar.uonnce lo the citizrss uf I.e-vtsbuij and .ariniiy that he las permanent" Iv lucaied Limseif u. tins place, and asks a, share vl the public pationae, tVeliLj sssureii' that h ctn treat with unsurpassed success all curable disra.es that the huinaa famiiV are' prone to. In ihe tieatnieat cf diseases of ie-" males and ciiiitl.en the great lioinictpaibic low atands witVmt a rival; a'so in rLrcnic diseases, ihat has batl'ed the skill of u utter vs tetns, Him'i.'pa!hv stands f. rib as a giant claiming victory in alrnost every case. All ye athieted. give ir a trial r it will not cost yew much. Try br f.i.c yu'J condemn ' . Dr. II. is a regular graduate of the Hcma opathte Medical College, of fnnsj',vaaia (Phi.'ada.) . Otlice on feennd street, above Mai ket, fcir merTy ocrupied bv Irr. Wi'st n. where he can be rnnsalterj at all times when nuf rrt prgftir sional duty. i i 4 Lewisburg, April !0, 1S55. The Pennsylvania Telegraph. ISLAKGED Formi ltednced Teims. J THE CASH syyiM ADOPTED. Oo and alitr ihe 1st , Jiimary, lS6fi, tfce P-sk.tlvi.h TiLiwh ieM. ru liliahe-i ai u. nsbnrp. Pa., wi.'! be owned and conducted by the undersigned, who will gie thei h't eneigtes to make it worthy ot iu cause and ot its mends. It waIT rnmmrnf ill maw .4e in entirely new type, and the Weekly greatly en!aree. in form, while ihe L pnce will be lower than f?iai of any other paperof its class ever published ? ihe Capital of the State, and patincut ir U be reouirei strict ly in ad rate : No paper will be sent until it is jai far, and) ail will oe discontinued, as the subscripa expire, unless they are renewed. Tue Telcrrraph wi.t be issued 4r;-Vi'tekiyf on B sheet of twenty.f.ior columnsr during the session 'cf me Lcgirlature, and Mf'y, on ar double sheet of luriytghl colninns, the rem ainder of the year. It will present a complete summary of the Legislailte proceedings, all important general lam s as they are passed.and .in te Ki. the rnrrent riirs-nl InttliiAreuA. o. iu. tiaMW la tlie Iallt and uut reliable manner. In t'.rt. ttia nrpri u.rr hop. to nuke u a eamtdet. tanily aad friilit. ' ira J,mrnal. and Uie, rm.ndrntly appeal to tb. neoiiia bf IVuniiylfailia to .UAtain Uieir rnt.rnriaa. The TntfiaAen will ad.i-.tea liot-ral ilitiral aolirr an i aitla tr oiule tleww who. tl (h aBiaa.ted ly tb. aam. eolnirn purl., aid n.-ain; to til. aaaaa 1 neBt n-ealla. a-na dir'M-. ler tow ronSkt of dirtii.rUT. r.ri;abiiatloniA. it will utafn tne hijcWat aundard of Ann-rienw N.tioa.lit ; and. wMhr y!.M:a- a aarri'd l-tii-u,- w Uo. ei.mj.r.iu.e of tb. Cmirflcatioav willd.tvrBiinrdlT ri th. evtenl..n..f tlaniaaSlaA.r.. It will gi.. . ourdial.earat. bat indauMdenl MMNt tw the adxuinl-iratiua of fin.. Iouak k. TL'RMS...ri.ih, in A.hanrt. The T-legrai h will be fur,.h. mlDU1 irrlw tl.aw-nonaof the ti:.lure. and Iran on a deutt "T ST r'u,iao" rear, at O,. adlowint low ralAW til. nvm.y r-rariab: J to arvonivaBj th. onler SilHtle wlAMiiprloaa .1 ri.n.pi.,l St) eopr) u ta, e pi.. (1 511 par r-.pv) . 17 no lu.nt, r. (.ii-, l m .,,) 0 uO And at the ame prk-. ;$l i, yrr e?py) S,r any DIIlW oer twenty. J Inb .h -nld l madena.t enre. and tb. nnrription lhrwan.rt b-li.r. tb. tir-t of J.nuarr. ao that th-y eM muriiiAiK. witii tn. ...r.iii oi Hi. L.n:i,iatnr. es-A.I luu Ur addrtaAxa tr STLrsi A rei.LRK.. . j . riamabnrir. Fm. .".Unrforsi turn will tnit tS TeleTapb. lh r,ry tut Adrrrtismn lliam in r.anayrr.bia, aut of tit. Citi-a. I ? Subscriitirns fur the above fat Si M I received al the Chronicle Su e aud al Ihe os j Oflice, Lewiborg. HEP.CHAKT TAILOR! TOIIX L BL'ALE, havlnc enlarge- U and improved his fh. p, on Market Street; next tu Hayes' store, has now rpened a largr and select stock of lotus, t'aoimrrc,Tasilingsi and Triinmi.iv of a'! k;nds. also GENTLEMEN'S FI'RNISIT INI. t.ODLid.such as Shirts, Gloves, Hosier ji Collars, ic. &c. He will also carry on Cutting and .llaklng in all their branches, wi:h despatch, according lo order, tvithont cuibogmg, and un Uie mt4t reasonable terms. Bcadj-nin:o (Tothine always en hand cheaper than the cV?pest. Having a large furew i f experienced iiands -in my employ, I hope with alt these facilities to give general satisfaction, and share liberally in public patronage. I respecll'nlly Ibviie ail wanung anything in my line of iisintss to call and examiae my stuck of friwxis. JOHN li BEALE. Lewisburg, May 16, isoS. 1Y RAILROAD. A new snnply of Firaav' (;o,ls, Porte Mimnaii, German l'ipes. and Kiimikiniijue Tubacco; nlso a variety ui new Bo 'Ws, the very latest ..rks, to be had at JimeSVoj. CUIUS Ca ID WELL' j ii:yxolds & ?nDL .7ttp' IX Hardware su.re, I.ewi-.,Dr c'lfrr to t! e citizens of the V est Ur.ch, t't1r ,w men .vn , afr buiij.,. U ,.nJ j, w teir a.ge to call and examine our slock. Wilt .l as near cirr prices as pftssiblc. Call and tee t. at the old tirnhnm ttuld: Lewisburg. May 6. li5.-. C1AKPENT ERS, we can supply vnn witH J the celebraietl Gre-n field Tool Cl mpaay's-iVar-s, Hum's Celehraied Hatchets, Axes, Ad s, Boat wtuiiders Adzes. Chisels, Squares J Saws, Saw Sets, Angers, P'ane Biits, ildls bf all kinds. All will be sor lower than usual" at clh prices. Drop in and see. genilraiea no rharge for examining stoelc. al iie Hard ware Store r.f REYNOLDS M'FAl'DEN- SADDLER!-, if you rail and examine .out 5toc.i of Harness. Wiidle aid Roller iuo kles, Bins, Ilanies, Snrrup.. Mnanriarr.Girttf iijg. Deer Hair, Mraining Web, Saddle Treer W hip Stocks and ?ad V.f rs' Tools, yon will fin i: it lo your advantage. Ilardwareeiiore m isbnrg. J8EYf)LD5t & M FaISdEN. COACnMAfvERS will find constanTlV on,' hand Eliplic Springs, Affei, Hub Bands, Lacfs, Oak Felloes, Bows, and a genei-al as sortment of Trimming., at ilie Hardware StorJ of REYNOLDS fc M'FADDEN. Lewis burr- SCHOOL tiiin:kS .'.eatlv printedaTd ft sale at the ?k!i-i,! k . f.V; 'b , r. u ,e V'l)' Lead.now White Z:ne. S,-ver. 3 ,.., (vanp(,4 colors-weather fir,. Xa.l.s.Spikei. Gla,s; Put.v, l.ccWSi ,.,,,.,, j,,i:tS( ,,.rrews and ail kiir'-.j of Builrin. H-rdmare. Gentle.