Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, February 08, 1856, Image 4

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    Lewisburg Chronicle & West Branch Farmer February 8, 185G.
Mr. li.YMis. I repeat, .Mr. Clerk, the
priuciplo ou whkh I answer interrogator
ies fi out any j:iai it r, aud it is, tLat I streak
as a Member of tbis House fur one of ibe
liotm't of (be State uf Massachusetts.
Id regard to tuy position a connected
witb tbu panic of tbe country, I wish to
uiaLe mj sUteuicut iu my owu way, inas
u.uch as it is a matter which particularly
concerns myself. I will state tbe facts,
and gentlemen may draw tbeir own infer
ences. When I was elected to tbis House,
I was elected on tbe Domination of the re
gular Democratic party and of tbe Ameri
can party of that district. Tbe American
party was very largely in tbo majority. I
owed my sentiments freely and fully on
the questions which aro involved in the
inue presented by that party, before there
was any especial cause for me to do so,
and before it had attracted tbe attention
of the country ; and as an answer to tbe
fourth interrogatory put to me by the gen
tleman from Mississippi, after it ha? been
submitted to tbe gentleman from Illinois,
I have only to say that, in the speech
which I delivered to this body during the
last Congress, I expressed freely and fully
oil my opiuions on tbe subject. The re
cord is there, and to it I refer the geutlc
uian for information. Let the record
upeak. I have adopted the maxim of Ju-
nius. that it is an unfortunate waste of i
tiaic for a mau to spend any considerable
HArl!in hi. lif., ;., ....,...,,,:.. ., 1.
own works Laughter.
I come now to speak to the interrogatory
in reference to tbo equality of races. Iu
tbis matter, I accept tbe doctriue of the
Dcclaratioa of Independence that " all
men are created cual." Iu regard to the
superiority of races, I am impressed with
the conviction that it is to be determined
only by capacity for endurance. So far as
I have studied the sul jeet, it seems to me
to be the universal law, that the weak. r in
always absorbed aud disappears in the
stronger race. Whether the black race of
this comment, or any other part of tbe
World, is CijUul to tbo while race, can only ! Pkith iisi i in Keritatinn of Studies is rewar
be determined by the absorption and dis- ' ;!.' J L' CurLitSiaui
appearance of one or tbe other; and I pro- j A class of W Lahies is secured,
pose to wait until the respective races can 'r-;'e present Session atfords a pocnl nppnr-
, , , - . j . i - i -i i- i
be properly sul jeeted to tins philosophical
test before I give it a decisive answer '
Roars of Laughter.
L .
As the otbi.T question is tbe key to the
politics of the Country, I will now give it j
my attention.
Are you in favor of p'storin; the Missouri
restriction, or do you go for the entire prohi
bition of Slavery ta all the Territories of the
I n lied Stales !"
The Territorial question cf tbis day re
fers to tbe Tcrrttoiies of Kansas aud Ne
braska. I leave the Territories which are
to come hereafter to the hereafter : but I
.t .- ., . t - , .
r-a a. me same tunc Ilia: 1 am in lavor 01 :
the prohibition of Slavery in Kansas and
ebra-'ka. Then, in regai'd to tbe first
clause of the iuterroga'nry Are you in '
favor of restoring the -Missouri restriction? ;
I have to say that I desire that the pro- I
I ;i ;.; . i . ., tot
hibition made by Southern men and South-;
cru States the inhibition (if the itistitu- 1
tion of Slavery in the Territories of Kan
sag and Nebraka .shall be made good to
tbe people of the country. I cre not iu
what manner it shall be done whether
there be a restoration of the technical aud
arbitrary line, or by some other method:
or appliances, or principles, there tdiall be j
ruade good to the people of tbe United
States the prohibition for which thcSouth
cra States contracted and received a con
sideration. 1 am fur the substantial res
toration of the prohibition as it has existed
since 18.l).
Here arc severaj questions in regard t
Slavery in the District of Columbia, and
the modification of the tariff laws as they
now exist. I stand here ready aud desir
ous and determined to co-operate with the
men of the United States who arc for the
substantial restoration of the prohibition
of Slavery in the Territories of Kansas and
Nebraska. I am ready to act witb men
of any party aud of any views for the ac- )
compltsbment of this great end. I shall j
ask no mau with whom I shall co-operate 1
in tbis matter, what he thinks of the alio-
lition of Slavery iu tbe District of Colum
bia, or what he thinks or shall do on the
tariff question. Iu my views of the poli
tics of this country these questions arc cot
at issue ; and, Sir, inasmuch as I pro
pose to ask uo opinions of those with
whom I co-operate upon such questions,
apart from the great political issues of this
coming year, 60, Sir, 1 say that I have uo
opinions myself to pronounce. That, Mr.
Clerk, is my auswer.
Fate of the Murdekeiis of Love
joy. V correspondent of Tbe Kaveuua
Democrat, from Alton, Illinois, says :
Au old aud intelligent citizen, formerly
of the East, who was present at the death
of Lovejoy, stated to mo that as he was
aequaiuted with the two men who shot
him, he resolved to mark their after his
tory. The fiiat, a JJr. lleall, wcut to
Texas, was taken by the Iudians, aud
chopped to pieces and divided among the
tribes. The other man by tiie Dime of
Jennings, went to New Orleans, and in an
affray in a gambling-house was cut to
pieces with a Howie kuife. Thus p.'risheJ
ibe uiiser ible murder. rs of Lowj iy.
"The fail t f Luv joy was the death
blow to the growth and prosperity of Al
ton. Many busiuess men became disgust
ed, and abandoned the place, and otuera
who were seeking borne aud business pla
ces in the West passed it. Thus for more
than twelve years, Alton was a hiss and
j-yword, and it is ouly very recently that
it has exhibited signs of life aud growth.
It is a (Ued fact iu the midst of the people
i .t.iou that m sucli occurrence wool )
I e pertiikuJ lj transpire iu their m!dst '
William Janes,
TTORNEY at Law.--Collections
V promptly attended to. Odice opposite
Kline's Hotel,
Fur Artificial Teclli Hav-
ill" purchased the rich! to use Dr. N. I). Slay
ton's "Colired tluita Pcrcha" as a base lor
artificial teeth, I ain prepared to insert sets by
this process.
S.iuie of the advan'ages Gutta Percha has
over gold or anv oilier metal, are, the certainly
of an accurate fit, flexibility without danger of
losrmriitir. thi 111. It Ik fttv and mnrh nvreciineiiial to
the tuoiitli. tlicri-fire ten lit,le t waKe it ffm it i
altitli,-r uimlf cli-d by teervliiui nf thr nmulli, i it has
been subjected tn lli tot if powerful aeid-: ami the
natural contour uf tin gum can be more perfectly imita
ted titan br any oUior proorns.
An on winning it m have a sot inserted, an1! not
likiiii: tin-in ran have th m enchinired fri net on K'lltl.
Iientfe-t rMilinic in I'ninn and Snyder comities, ran
receive lutriu tiiiu suit iMlioe Itiirlit on reasonable tcruts,
II. f.ERHAKT, Surgeon Dentist,
Junction nf 'IViird street and Vnirernittf Arenue,
LE.VISIIlRl.,Pa Jan 17, l5ti llw
To all Concerned.
'PAKE Notice that bavins mislaid or
1. lost a I'eruficate of Stock in the Center
Turnpike Hand Camiany issued originally to j
Kmoch Cmvsr.ai.i, and assigned to me, I
shall apply to sam tympany tor a new Certi
ficate of Slock to supply said loss.
Lewisburg. Jan. 17, 18'6
Commonwealth Insurance Company,
UNION Bnildinss, Thinl St., Harris
burg. Pa. Authorized Capital, $300
OOO. Insures Puddings and other proiiertv
aalns, or "ama3e y I-1KL.
Simon Cameron Geo. Heraner V. F. Murray
Ge.i. M. Laiiinan llenj. Parke F. K. Iloas
Wm. Hock Win IF Kepner Jn Jl.IJerrjIiill
James Fox A. IJ. Warlord.
President SIMON C.Mi:i!ON.
Secretary S. S. CARKIEK.
W.'K. WILSON, Aarnl, Lcwisbur-.
Lewisburg Academy.
The Fall u Wistkm Sksio of this Iss
TfTi Tim will commence on Tuensini. Oct.
4, iN.i.'i, to continue 2(1 weeks. The design of
....! .
me riucipai in commencing somewnat ear icr ;
than usual, is to prepare the way by a shorter !
Fall and Spring recess lor a vucitum hereafter !
during iiir hot and sickly season.
I'he course of uistruetion is calculated to fit
Youihs lor Collpge or for ceneral business.
The Hi ble is a text book, and Coiu'sithis
and DfcrLAMATiiiv receive caretul atleutinn.
tiinity lor vonns uicn who are encased part o!
le vellr am, wn pnrps, Aevouns the Winter ;
months to their own improvement. Those !
desirous of t.biainii.s j;od stats should be j
present the first d ie and s"cure them.
Tuition For Cim-ion liii.Keiiisdteadintr, I
WriiincGenernphv.Antlimrtic.Grainmar ami j
nanieil above) and for l.sot r.F.s xio
Contingei.t expenses per Session, 50 cts per
scholar. No deductions except for protracted
Sickness. JNO. ItANDOLPH,
Sept. 21, 1155 Principal.
Clothing and Hat Establishment.
JUST opened, at Hie Kooms formerly
occupied by .V,r.f Ac lltah an entire
neu- a,t splendid assortment of lot 111 11
Slllil llatN. Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Doc
sums, and all sorts of THIMMIXU.S AM)
fCUMSIll.t; HiHUts, also
Ii-i'm and l'io k Custom Coals,
got up by experienced City workmen, and
even other article kept in such establishments
such as W hile shirts and Collars, I'nder-
carmeilts, ck-s suspenders. Umbrellas,
Overalls, a vaneiy of Gloves, Slocks, NecK i
an t rocket H lkts, Srwms SiU, 1 bread and
Neediis, Coat Cord and Binding, Boys' and
Youths' Hals, Caps, aud Clothing, Constantly
I on hand.
Custom Work done on the premises,
and sold at the same rates.
Tne times demand a good article at a low
price. Our molto is, (nick Sales and t!te
v ... n: " rrvn .i,,...
tr u..wiiib. Please call and see for your-
selves. if vm wish to save from 25 to at) prct.
TAILOltlX'i in all us brunches.
Terms Casn. A lib. I. AMMON.
Lewisburg, Sept. 27, 1855
Dvunfall f iSebiistnptil and Jliyh Prices!
II A Last nor Least!
TDDIX(;S& WETZEL would announce
JL to the Trailing community, in Town and
Country, that they have now finished the re
ception of the largest and best stock of
Fall and Winter C.ood
ever brought to their store room, comprising
the usual vaneiy of Dry Goods, Cients' aud
La Hei' iVt .t. r Wear,
liroitiif.tiiikrr.v, Hardware,
and all Roods desired for HOUSEKEEPERS
win i i acic m-ici iru nil uiiiisuui care.
an I we believe wiil be found of the very best
and (lor the quality) as cheap as they can rea
sonably te ailorded at any other store on the
West Branch.
We respectfully invite our old customers to
call and see our stocks, and we are sure we
cau suit your wants and tastes. Produce ta
ken as usual cash never retused.
On 11, '55. IliD.Nt.SiV WETZI L.
Improvement in Daguerreotyping!
trVKEIl & ll.UYX announce to the
I J puuiic that they have newly lilted up and
greatly improved their Rooms and Apparatus,
and are prepared to lake l.i!i'll('ss- sup
rnor to any in this place ln-retolore. Pictures
copied, or taken from life, and inserted in Me
dallions, Breastpins, Fingerrings. Walehseals
Ac.., and warranK-d true. We annex a list of
our snpTior Cases : Papier Mache, Souvenir,
Jenny l.ind, Jewel, I'nion, Sontag, Oval, Velvet
and Shell. Pictur-s ta!en at Sil anJ upwards,
Booms at the old stand over Dr. Thornton &
Co.'s Ding store, opposite the Telegraph oiliee.
t.ewistiurg, rn. ixss
FOR SALE A first-rate Outfit, all complete
ana rea.iy tor u-e, wnicn we wm sell to any
person, with full instructions in the business,
tor less than fir-t cost.
'PilE suhscrib' rs havhs associated
1 themseU-es under the Firm of Zr.LLF.R
Ai Srmr, in the lir'miRitlNC Business,
al the old stand nf F. . 'Hers, (in the rear of
his residence on South Third street) are now
prepare.! to supply the citizens of Lewisburg
and viciuitv with Fresh Meat, of all-kinds
Cheap for Cash We trust we shall have a
full share of putilic patronage.
IV Sll out on luesdtty and Fmlfty morn
ings every week. F. XCLLKR.
Lewisburg. Sept. 17, 1S5
N. B- I wih in have my old accounts
whether N ues or B ok account SETTLED
LP All indebted will please lake notice.
Sept. 17 F.ZELLERS.
iTs CLOCKS all kinds of 8-day and
-3 "ir Urass Clocks and patent lever
'Casat inie-piec.es. Mrass rt-dny clocks at $1,
lu.i.v :'.o b . irelorks as low as Jl. All clocks
warrant'. I b r cue year at J.L. VOJJEK'S
(.llADUATi: or the lVnn Medical
J.X. I'uiversity, of Philada , oilers her profes
sional services to tbe people uf Lewisburg and
(Mice at her father's residenco, (Dr. J. F
Crier's,) one door below J. L. Voder's Jewelry
Store. April 10, IS55.
New Book and Stationery Store
IN Lcvrislmrft. M. Fitzjiatrick &
Brothers, Publishers, llooksellers & Sia
tinners, 311 N. 6th St., Philadelphia, have open
ed a branch of their establishment in 3d St.,
next door to Heaver & Kremer's Store where
may be had Hooks in the varied departments
of Liloralnre, including Historical, Biographi
cal, Theological, Scientific, Mechanical, Poeti
cal, Classical, Juvenile and Miscellaneous pub
lications, llibles, l'rayer and Hymn Hooks,
suitable for the various denominations, Plain
and Fancy Stationary of all kinds. Ten and
Pocket Cutlery, Portmonnaies in Pearl, Ivory,
Papier-Macho and Morrorco, liold pens and
pencils, Ladies Cabas, Reticules and Work
lloxes, and a variety of useful Fancy Goods.
Ladies andCenlleman are respetlully solicited
to call and examine their assortment of ltooks,
Stationery and Fancv Goods. New Goods re
ceived every day by Express. June 8, 1855.
,ANK Looks of all patterns, including
Day Hooks, Ledgers. Journals, Cash and
.Minute Hooks, Pass and Memorandum Hooks,
Students' Note and Composition ltooks, Ar
at M. Filzpatrick & Bro.'s, 3d St., Lewisburg.
1)OKTK MONNAIES in Pearl, Ivory, Pa
pair Machc and Morocco at prices
varying from 10 cts. to l,"J.ri at M. Filzpat
rick A Bro's New Book and Stationery Store,
3d St., Lewisburg, next door to Beaver &
Kremer's store.
I.l.X E Gold Pens diamond pointed
1 Large -do " " "
Ex. " " Vft
Gold pens in silvercases from 75 cts. to $2.00.
(iold pencils with or without pens from 75 cts.
to .fl.no
G1 OLD pens repointed at 25 cts. each, at M.
W Fitzpatrick & Bro's New Hook and Sta
tionery Store, :i.l St. Lewisburg, next door to
Heaver & Kreamer's Store.
1)EN and Pocket cutlery of Rodger's, Ws
tenliolms, and others fine manufacture,
at prices varying from 10 cts. to $l.uo.
KliKIid for any Books published in this
Country or Europe, not on nano, win oe
v ' - . , ' ' ij.,i,,,
""," '',h Promptness 'Jt;'';B,'
applied in all cases at from SO to o I p er cent
hclou'piihlishprs'prifpc.by L'ltapatrifk X Hro.
C11IEAP letter, cap and note paper from i
cts. to 12J per quire.
Hurt" Envelopes self sealing, 12J cts. per 100.
Fine white " " l- "
at M. Filzpatrick Bros' New Book aud
stationery Store, 3d St., Lewisburg.
AKPEBS, Godey's.Graham's.and all the
other i:t,00 Magazines supplied at
r.o prr milium. Sm;lc -o s only CIS., nv
M. Filzpatrick ct Bros' :id St.. Lewisbtirg,ncxt
door to Heaver & Kremer's Store.
Philadclpfiia Adv'ts.
George Sturges,
COLE Manafaclurcr of the Improved
O Spiral prlns Matrcsses, No. 9i
Walnut Su Philadelphia.
FIVE SILVER MEDALS awarded, viz.
Two l-y the Sin. riran Inntttut. w Yurk, Octl 1SS1
itu Knnililin In.-titut-. l'lnliil.-li-liia,NiiT. Wi..l
One at the Marjlau'l lnlituu., Ultiuiortt. Nut.) ISj-j
The peculiar improvement in the construc
tion of this Matress is. that all the chmu ami
li(ar;i tnmtrn frame work is entirely dispensed j
with, and its place supplied by a linger and j
much more durable frame, the springs are all
connected by harness-leather hinges, securely
riveted, rendering it impossible for a single
spring to fall down or get out of place, and
making a Bed so elastic that any part inav be
raised or bent up, and is thus admirably fitted
to the wants of the sick or asthmatic w ho may
require a sitting posture, having the luxurious
soilness of the best Feather Bed with the li"ht-
ness and facility of handling of the common
Hair Mattress,
These improved Spring Beds are inrariably
made of the best materials, and will last many
years wilhmit repairs.
Persons having lla;r Matresses, can have
them altered into Spring Ileds.
These Beds are well adapted forllotels.berths
of Ships. Steamboats and Hospitals.
Spring Seats forChairs.Carriages or Church
Pews and Hair and Husk Mattesses made to
order. Also an extensive assortment ot highly
ornamented (in enamel) and plain finished
ca s r iu ox fu:xi tl j: i:,
consisting in part of Bedsteads, Hat and Coat
Racks, Cane and Umbrella Stands, Uarden
Chairs, Settees, Ac. Ac.
Philadelphia, April 20, IMS lj-5i3
BsS I-.vans & Watson,
i?'S -t. No. 2 South Fourth
IF'!) ft. St., Philadelphia.
HMauav, . ...
ureal a ire at
Chestnut & Fifth Sts.,
Friday morninz, Dec. 15lh, 1851 KV'AXS &
MPHANT, as ihey always ate when put to
the lest :
'PiniAnEintia, Dec. 15, 1S54.
Messrs.Evans A Watson.No.2U South Fourth St.
dentleineii We lake much pleasure in rec
ommending your Salamander Safes to Merch
ants and ethers in want of a secure means ot
preserving their books, papers Ac. from lire,
as the one we purchased from you about seven
mouths since has preserved our books, papers
and cash in as g I a condition as they were
when put into it, before the great fire of this
morning, which destroyed the entire block of
buildings corner of Chestnut and r ifth streets.
The above safe was in use in our oiliee, on
the second floor of our building, from which
place it fell into the cellar? and remained there
until the fire was out. The Safe was then re
moved and opened iu the presence of al least
1000 persons, who witnessed the good condi
tion of its contents. Will yon please have
the Sale and Locks repaired, as we intend to
put it in use again, having perfect confidence
in its lire-proof qualities.
Yours, respectfully,
Evans k Watson take pleasure in referring
to the following, among the many hundreds
who have ihelr Safes in use : V. S. Mint. Phil
a.la.; Farmers' & Mechanics' Dank, Philada. ;
Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sheriff, Philada. ;
John N. Henderson. City Controller; Caleb
Cope & Co, No. 1H3 Market St,; Richard
Norris & Son, Locomotive builders, Philada.;
Uancrnft & Sellers, Machinists, corner 16th
and James Sts.; Franklin Fire Insurance Co,
Philada.; Pennsylvania Railroad Co.. Philada.;
Lacey & Phillips, corner 5th and Minor Sts.;
sharpless & Bro, No. 32 South Second St. ;
James. Kent & Saulee, No. HI North Third
St. ; W. II. Horstman &, Sons. No. 51 North
Third St.; Smith. Williams & Co, No. 87 Mar
ket St.; i. & B. Orne, No. 185 Chestnut St.
t?"A large assortment of the above Safes
always on hand (warranted to stand at least to
per cent, more fire than anv Hernne's Safe
now in use). EVANS Sc. WATSON also
manufacture and keep for sale. Iron shutters,
Iron Doors and Iron bash, Tor malting; are
proof Vaults for Banks, stores, pnblie and pri
vate buildings; Seal and Letter Copying Pres
ses ; Patent Slate Lined Refrigerators, Ac.
Please give us a call, at No. 26 South FOURTH
St., Philadelphia. fAPril 6, '55 673yl
XTO. 2S North Ninth St., TliilaJa.,
1 manufacturer of Man! Illa. 'loakM,
&.. of t descriptions, at WHOLESALE
and RETAIL. Orders made up at short noiire
in the best and latest style. rnl i'm3
Dissolution of Partnership.
rVlU Tartnorsliip heretofore existing
1 between David Ulairand J. L.Barrett un
der ihe linn of Ulairfc l!arrett,in the business
of the Mount Vernon House, No. 95 North
Second Slreet, has been this day dissolved by
mutual consent, J. L. Barrett having purchased
the interest of said lilair, will continue to keep
the Mount Veruon House.
The Muunt Yemnn . will be continued
by ihe subscriber, who wiil be happy to see
his friends and spare no pains to make them
comfortanle. J. L. BARRETT.
Philadelphia, April 7, 1S55.
Patent t'hainpion Fire
Proof SAFES, with Han's
Patent Powder-Proof Locks,
which were awarded separ
ate Medals at the World's
Fair. London, 1H5 1, and also
at ihe Worlds rair, New
Verk, 1853 and IS5t. The
subscribers are the sole manufacturers and
proprietors in this State of the above une
qualled Safes and Locks. The reputation of
the genuine " Herring's Safe" is world wide,
and for the last thirteen years the mercantile
community have witnessed and borne testi
mony to their Mnvra failiso fire proof quali
ties. More than 12.0011 of these Safes have
been actually sold, and over two bcsuhkii
have passed triumphantly throush accidental
(ires. The public are assured that all Safes
manufactured by the subscribers are not only
guaranteed to be fully equal, but in many re
spects even superior to those which have been
to severely tried hy fire. Few will forget their
services in the burning of the "Tribune es
tablishment," New York.and at the (ireat Fire
in Strawberry street, at the large fire last July,
opposite the iflirard House ; and still more re
cently in the Fire at Fifth and Chesnni Sis..in
this city, in which these Safes came forth Ihe
acknowledged CmMruii. when many other
securities failed. PARREL & CO,
Inm Sifr arid Hank Isirk Maker,
3t WALNUT Street, Philadelphia.
Chilled Iron Safes, with Powder Proof
Locks, manufactured expressly for Banks,
Brokers, Jewelers, and others r-i "ft secu
rity froi -- DanK Vaults, Doors, &c,
on hand and made loonier. All the most cel
ebraterll.ocks for sale al manufacturers' prices.
Second hand " Safes," " Salamanders" and
" Iron Chests" of other makers, having been
taken ill part payment for Herrine's, for sale
at half price. Marrh 3t),'5.'. 572vl
Agent J. O. RirinKiisnx & Co., Danville.
THE purity, fra?-
L ranee, and mild
emollient properties of
this Soap, renders it es
pecially deserving a
place on every toilet.
For chapped hands. and
various diseases of the skin, it is uneqnated
Each cake is stamjred WM. CON WAV. I fix
Souih Second Street, Philadelphia. No other
is Genuine.
Iiiiiuotctl Chemical Oliie Soap,
Warranted to Wash in JIard,&ft or Suit Water.
This Snap has powerful cleansing proper
ties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt,
&c, from every description of goods without
injury to them. For all domestic purposes it
is superior to any other Soap now in use, and
20 per cent, cheaper than the common Rosin
Soap. Each bans stamped WILLIAM COX
WA Y, IM .SWA Sertmd Street. I'hihdeldiia.
manufacturer cf FANCV AND STAPLE
SOA PS, Sperm, Stearine and Tallow Candles,
importer and dealer in Sal Soda, Soda Ash,
Rosin. !k.c.
Orders bv miil promptly attended to.
August 21, ISo.'i r'.i:!in3
POUT Monnaic I'mkct Hook and
I Dressing Case Manufacturer. N. W. cor.
of Fourth t :hestiiut Sis, Philadelphia.
Always on hand a large and variJ asscrt
ment of
Port Monraies, Work Boies,
Pocket Books, Cabas,
Bankers' Cases, Traveling Bac:,
Note Holders, Backeanimon Boards,
Port Foli
hess Men,
Pocket Memorandum Books,
Cigar Cases, Ac.
Portable Desks,
Dressing Cases,
Also, a general assortment of ENGLISH,
Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops
and (iold Pens.
Wholesale, Second anil Third Floors.
N. W. corner Fourth iV Chestnut Sts, Philada.
N. B. On the receipt of $1, a Superior
Gold Pen wiil be sent to any part of ihe United
States, by mail ; describing pen, thus, medinm,
hard, or soft. March 3tl,'55 ly5?3
All XA MENTAL Irof Works, EMse
J Avenue, Philadelphia. The a'tentioii
of the public, is invited to the extensive Manu
factory and Wareroom of the subscriber, who
is prepared to furnish, al the shortest notice,
Iron Railing of every description for Cemeta
ries, Public and Private Buildings, also Ver
andahs. Balconies, Fountains, Settees. Chairs.
Lions, Dogs, Ac, and other ornamental Iron
Work of a decorative character, all of which
is executed with the express view of pleasing
the taste, while they combine all the requi
sites of beauty and substantial construction.
Purchasers may rely on having all articles
carefully boxed and shipped to their place of
A book of designs will be sent to those who
wish to make a selection.
Ridge Avenue below Spring Garden si. Pbila
ROOK 4 ; i:t v, .tr.
riHE subscribers have established a BOOK
1 AGENCY" in Phila.,and will furnish any
book or publication at the retail price free uf
iorgr. Any persons, by forwarding us Ihe
subscription price of any of the Magazines,
such as Harper's.Godey"s,Putiiam's,Graham's,
rrank Leslie s rashions, etc. will receive the
macazines for one year and a copyof a splen
did lithograph portrait of either Washington,
Jackson, or Clay ; or. if subscribing to a -V-and
a $1 Magazine, they will receive a copy
of either of the three portraits. If subscribing
tn f' werlli nf Vnpaini. all thra,. portrait will Iw, avut
gratin. MtH' furtiishtst to those ho mnj wih it.
KNVKl.oI'KS of ttitt ilrsrription and size. In lanre or
.mail fiuuii'.ilH;!, fumiflieu. tieal I'rrsw, llii, ir. 9,-nl
Ui onl. r.
KTi-rjr iWTrlf.tion of KXORAVING OX TVllfiDi xerntod
with n-atoMiN anil iljiMti-hVii-w. of llitililintrii. Newa.
l.a,i.r llra,finii. irwa of Martmii-r-, lloi.k llliMlratioD.,
i.iiri- (rtifif-at.n, niisitiefia t'arda. Ao. All order arnt
hy inil i-n'mplly alti-n,l,-il to. IVrnnii wlfhintt i.w
oi tlirir tmiljiii); ensraTed ran amil a Uaf;uerrrot-pL- or
ski li'h ot thr t,in,tii(i hy laii or Kxiirma.
Prnwim al a ilirtanis. harms; nalriUilr artirtra.wntilil tlni
it to thi-ir aiiTiinlatrr to aihlrra thr rul-wribera, as we
would act aj axrnts fir thr SALR of the iamr.
lirUAM riKW K,
60, PorTH Tiilr.D rlnrrr, I'mLAirit rniA, T.
t. n. aim. I'.VOO; T. Mil rlFRCX.
Express Oiliee!
The undersigned have been
appointed Agents for HOWARD A CO.'S
EXPRESS LINE, and are now prepared to
forward, daily. Packages, Specie, Bank Notes
Ac. lo Philadelphia, New Vnrk, Boston, Al
bany, Baltimore, and intermediate points, also
to Ihe other Northern and Eastern cities.
The public are respectfully invited lo pat
ronize the above line, as it is the quickest and
safest method of transportation between the
cities and Lewisburg.
Packages received by or before 9 A.M. will
arrive in Philadelphia the same day. and be
delivered early in the following morning.
Receipts given for time and price.
Philadelphia Ojfiret A 4 1. South Third t
To Iron Plasters and Dealers.
PENN'A Wire Works-Xo.2 1 Arch St.
of all meshes and widths,
with all kinds of Plain and Fancy Wire Work.
Paper Maker's Wire, all kinds. Cylinder
and Dandy Rolls, covered in the best manner
in or out of ihe City.
A very superior article of Heavy Fonnder's
Sieves all kinds ot Iron Ore Wire, Wire and
Sieves for Seed, Grain, starch, Snulf, Brick
dust, Ac.
Trusses Trusses Trusses !
S.W. Cor. of Twelfth and Race Sis.
Importers of line Fiikscii Tki sses, combining
extreme li;litne, ease, and durability, with
correct construction.
Hernial or Ruptured patients can be suited
hy rruiittinir am.-iuitu, a l--l.w : S-ielinir ntimtjer ol
inch,- aninuil lti ltt.i, ami nUtinK anVi-O-il.
.,.t i.f ,suielt TriuiJ. !, . i. UnuMi J5, 11, . I".
lu-trui!tilia a-, tn wrar.anU bow tu altcct cure, UrQ
poai-itile, 01-ul a lib the Tru.-s.
Aifo fur pale, in arrat YarMy,
Dr. Mannings tmprvred I'utent Ihidy llrace,
for the eura ft rrolaiiis L'ti-ri; lino Spinal 1'riu nl
S,i. ,.rt.; I'aU-lit sli'iuht'-r llrni--, l li t Kpan-lera ami
i;m t.r P.rarm, ailaplil li alt ailh Sli-.p Mi,iuldra and
W,.j.k tunic: Kitcloll Kla-li- AtHt.-uuual Hell, iiwwu
awr -pi ; S,riiiua. mall ami li mulr.
..l.aii-n' lliioius, Kill Laily alli-mlant. ly.'OO
Frnits and Confectionery.
T) E.MOVA L The subscriber
Ai removed to No. 'IH Market street,
there d,T atmve the Oid Stand, I'll I LAP.)
where he keeps constantly on hand a ceneral
stock of all articles in Ins line consisting of
ORANGES, LEMONS, mid all kinds of Fruit
in season; Almonds, Walnuts. Cream Nuts,
Ground Nuts plain and roasted; Pickles and
Preserves of all kinds to which he invites
the attention of Dealers and other visiting the
City. Goods packed at this establishment
warranted to carrv safe.
No. 2(1 Market street.
.ImSOfi above Front, south side, Philad
Book Agent3 Vanted.
V CENTS wanted in every Town ami
County in the United States, to canvass
for the most popular Historical and other val
uable and saleable Books published Works
particularly adapted to the wants of the people,
being beautifully illustrated with line Sieel and
Wood Engravings, and bound in the most sub
stantial manner.
Agents now canvassing tor lis, find it a plea
sant and profitable employmei ti
Our list also includes the best books of T.S.
Al! I 111 It. Over lno.ntm volumes have been
sold the past year, and their sale is increasing
yel. We have just added several X'lr llki to
our list by this most popular writer. ami shall
add others the ensuing fall and winter.
We think we have the best list for Agents in
the cotititrv. Send for it, and judge for vour
selves. For full particulars and list, address
J. U . lillAlil.EV. I'uh.hher,
4H North Fourth street,
Ant'07 Phiia felphia. Pa.
Helmoold's Genuine Preparations.
nr.l..Mi;in.l).s Jiii:iiiy itmeeniraieu i
itiitni! riiiiri I'.xlrart l !
Ill III . lor Diseases ot the Bladder and !
hidn-vs. Secret Diseases, Strictures, Weak- j
ness, and all diseases of the Sexual Organs, j
whether in Male or Female, front whatever
cause they may have originated and no matter
of linn- lone sf:i 11, i ill e.
tr v.,u hav.. r, i,t-f I I) territ.'a rt:one
Kll, II I t.,-,- H Lit- ,1 ill I..- s-
to ni "iii! i: in i uu 'i I - .hi '
in. :)
,.- . i v ,Tii ol itf'f. l" ll"t
;.t 4 'f tf"l.'k. WilO St:Lrt Up -i.
.. 1 It l Hi-- j Hp. Tf .th
i i-nl. ui:il-! I' ' ! tin' youinc
tt-. t!i- ir trit !.!. Vm c.u
trii-t v ur-lt in tl i
-ty tj;.y in a i iiy lik
i nir t;i- IkhhI.-
hikI 11. .-"i H"t :i Hi
u..t U- too cirrfiii iu tlic
i iD-u I a iruifuy iu iherp
Tl.,- V'ui t f'xtra. t i f ltl tin h:oi '"'n pis-n- nrii-r-l hy
t-Uilu- HI M -M.H 11. to-ntr-t l:.-Ui"l " annwn.
It i. a Mt.-iti.'in.- rr. rtlT i-lr:i.niit tn il- laslr ami i-ry
no.--, lit o, lt a, -Hon. '! 1 -" llioroiiirti that ll anni-
- i-T. rv l-srti, 1-- i ilif riink :oi 1 p.-ls ll- iru- of
tin. ilrra.llui ili-. a-r; ami. utiliki- i.ll.i-r ri.ni.-,t:.-. it I-h-.
n.. ,lry U tin- ili-i'HM in t ti- l,Uhl. I niii-titutl. out
i.-l,.liiv, t,r..n-lil on l-v s.-if iVn... a nin-t ti-rril-le
iii..a-i.'. ahi'h him t-ii.iiL-ht ih.-n-nii't ! thr hn
linn rarr ti. mil im- 'v cr.nm. lhu I lasloil thr l.rilliaut
hi, i-ui l-an-llt. and hii.-lililii: ill tin-l-ii'l Iheilmi'-iiS
Minl.ition i.f mimiiv a in, l.l )nuth,'"oi W run-1 l,v this
lnl .ltil.lr l:,-tnr.ir. And ft- a lur.1 rmr wtii, ll must t,rn
rlit rri-rv I--1V. linni Hi sinu-iy ilrin-atr to Ihr iv,ntiiit-l
and ilrpairiiii; iuii.l. im i-iuiil ia to tie fiiuud, acting-ln-tk
ar- a Cure aiid IT.-vi nil .r.
Hclinbold's Highly Concentrated Compound
I I ii Id i:tiatt sai'.aiiaiilla.
For r-tirifvinj llio IIIimhI. ri-m-'vinj; all ilir:L arising
fr m ris-ii. ol Mrmiry. ri-'Mir,- and inoTiiilrins- in
hi.-, chri.iin' loin-tiliiti. nal tn" :or. pri.in in-m an im
pnrr pl:itr ol tin- 111, "I. nod the only r-l:a!,.r and .1-Ir-lnal
kn,-wn rvini dy for thr t-urr i,t" Srn.liila, salt
l.ln-um. i-n lil Itra-l. I !, r.Uii-ns of Hie Thrniit and
l.i-.-.. I'aiu.i and Sw.-Ilioi ol" the l:,,nr.. T. Hit. I'llil
,lri.on thr I'are, and ail S.-aly fcrnptions of thr Skin.
Thif article i nnw pri-rrilit t-y r-omr of thr mot
il:-t:ntrn.lmi i'liiio' ian iti tiie r-.uiitry.anii ha irovi-U
inori-1 tlliii ut in Vrn- un than any ,ri-Li.rali,.o ot Sar?
J.arilla Ji-t l.ttrri-.! to llir J ilMlc. Si-vi-ral iar of .ri-on-ilarv
Jl.,ili.M,lllrial and S roful'-il di-rar- hare rn-liri-iy
riss.TiTr.l tn ll,.- ini-urahlr aard.or our I'uhlir In
i.tiln'lii'iii' ah.rh had f-.r many year r- -i.l.d rrrry in-Hjr
ol trraliui-lit that ci-nal W di-lrd. llli-sr rai-r furnish
trikiti!r rxnmi'h o! llir alutary rff. cl ot thi. ninlirine
in arr flina M ine ol the nm-l inr-'terate duo-a-rji. after
thr uliiiidii were- ilitp,yi'd and thr horn aln-ady aff- cteil.
NoTII'K. la'ttrrs fn m ri -ii.i,Tjsil.e I'hy-ii ian of sry
rral lr,ii.-al O-llei:.-. and i-rrliti,-al i-r rurrs fn-m p
tirnt will be found aerxtiipunyiiii; h-.th rn-iiaratiouji.
Pun is. Fluid Extract of Bucliu, Sit per
bottle, or fi bottles for Fluid Extract of
Sarsaparilla,! per bottle, or6 bottles for 5,
equal in strength to one gallon Syrup of Sar
saparilla. "
Prepared and Sold by II. T. IIELMBOLD,
Chemist, Uli:t Chestnut St., near the Girard
House, Philadelphia.
I ewisburg, and of Druggists and Dealers ev
erywhere. ! t?'All letters directed to the Proprietor or
Agent receive immediate attention.
June 1, lx.Vi yl
New Hasonic Hall, Philadelphia.
GENTS wanted in every town anil
county in the Tniled States, to sell the
beautiful picture of the rail (I I.OlliM
ICooill. in the New Masonic Hall, Philadel
phia. This Plate is selling very rapidly, and
elicits the admiration of all, for the correct
ness and fidelity with which the STATCAR V,
are represented, and the artistic beauty, and
harmony of the colors. Size of Plate, S3 X
SX. Price. OO.
Booksellers and Picture Dealers wishing to
take agencies for it, will plrase address, for
further information, L. N. ROSENTH AL,
Oct. lit, 'SSmtl Lithngeupher, Philada.
NOTirE. Having been appointedlhe
SEXTON to the Lewisburg Cemetery,
the subscriber would state that he is prepared
to perform all duties connected with the burial
of the dead.on short notice. Also thai he will
attend lothe re-interment of deceased persons,
under the direction of their surviving friends.
Residence in the Lodse at the Gate of the
Lewisburg, May 30, 1S54
DEALER in l'ianns, Melmleons, and
all kinds of 3Iui'al Illrrclian-
tliwe. Keeps constantly on hand. Mallet A
Davis, Boston ; Light', Newton A Bradbnrys;
and Bennett A Co., N. V., PIANOS. Also,
Princes A Co.'s celebrated MELODEONS,
prices from $15 00 to SlfMi 00.
Orders from a distance will meet with prompt
attention. Second hand Pianos taken in ex
change for new.
Room directly opposite the Court House,
W,t!iam-port, Pa. April 4, T)5 573m6
I)Ol NTV LAND WARRANT blanks tor
jl all enrarif m the service of the L'. S.
; in the War of 112 and for their Widows, at
J the Office ot tht LewisD'ir t hioniclc. j
J.J.Clyde It, F. E lluUer,
tuownll W. U. llickolt Co.
JJarrisLuri, J'a.
M OST respectfully inform theirfriends that
they are engaged in the above business
I f' directly opposite Herr's HoteL.j They
flatter themselves, by careful attention lo their
business, to receive a continuance of Ihe pat
ronage so liberally enjoyed by the old firm.
BLANK BOOKS for Banks, County Ollices,
Merchants, and private individuals, and every
variety of full and half-bound constantly on
hamf ISn.rniU In n.ll.rii. OM H.'.k.
Periodicals. Mak-azines, Law Books. Newspa-
pers, Bibles, Music, works issued in No,., Ac.
bound in any style, plain or extra. All work
warranted, and done cheaply.
Pleae give us a call. C. A H.
IV Hooks Ac. tn be bound may be left with
he Editor of the Chronicle. 5!
Tnnitri tooMii inriMiti
AlA ...
23 478 LI5S- J"st Tm'hei at ,,!p
' ' U Hardware Store of KEYS-
vL.i y met AUDcn. r aimers arm liiaek
smiths, call and see the larzct find Leit as
sortment of Iron ever offered on the West
; Branch. Having the esehnir control of Ihe
t celebrated Valksitisi'ii Ceiitre county Iron, '
we are enabled to warrant every bar. All
sizes Tire, Scollop, Round and Square; Horse ,
Shoe, Nail Rds, Vc., at Cash prices to ail.
Call and see the Hardware Store of
Lewisburg, May 10, lNj..
IVTE bes leave to introduce ourselves '
f V to the citizens of LEWISBURG and :
vicinitv, as extensive Miners and Shippers of i
Willie AnIi 4nllu a il- oal, j
At Omcaxter lolltery, Xartiumberwtd i'u. J'a. i
where we have extensive improvements, and '
are prepared to offer to the puhlic a very supe
rior arncle, particularly suited to the manufac
ture of Iron and making Steam. Our sizes of
Coal are J
i.vti- vnii r-iiiciunz purpose.
(uT do. and Steamboats
v.i in '.
fur Family Vc and Steam.
in-. ? f"r Limeburnsrs and Steam.
' LA ) j
O ir Point uf Shippine is SCNBI RV, where j
arraneeir.ents are made to load B ats without
any delay.
J. .? CiHaAS. l.sni-a.tr. I 11-sj ItnMii.i Ti. Lan-ati-r.
C. Pt.i., Sliamnkin. II. Ili MiiKiiM.u d
Jlr-'Onl'Ts addressed toSh:iuiokiri or n nbury
will receive prompt at'emion. Iv.'i'iS 1
Icwiliiirg sat ins Inliliillvn,
IS now open and ready to du business. The '
regular Discount days are Wednesdays.
1 he loltowing namej persons are the
JJirtctura Mr. Joiissu Walls.
Mr. Bilk A m m n s s.
Mr. Jawh M'Chf.h;ht.
Mr. Tminis II ns.
Mr. illiam Fun k.
Mr. J. (J. L. Shixuxl.
Mr. Jo. -Mki x kll.
Orrtcr.as WILLI M FRiCK, President.
DAVID REI1ER, Treasurer.
Faitr per cent, per annum will be allowed on
all deposits over six months ; and Mr per
cent, less than six and overthree months.
DAVID RKIU'.lt, Treasurer.
Lewisburg. Sept. IU,
Wiiilieltl Wouiin Faetunv
Near llai llcloii, I nioii ourty.
f 1 1 HIS e staid ishinent is now m the best order
I The maeliiiieiy being ticmiy ail new,
and none but the bert of workmen employed,
the subscriber feels sale in savins that his
work shail m l be surpassed by any establish- ,
ment in this or the adjoining counties.
His wacsons w ill be around as itsnal, and '
those wishing to patronize his establishment,!
will please avail themselves of that epportu- .
nity. j
iy I have also on hand, and intend keep-;
ing a choice assortment of (.uuds, such as
f'lidht, Satinetln, Cashmeres, Tiritd. ISlatiketf,
Ytrn, frr., hich I will sell low for cash, or I
exchange for Wool and IVumrv Produce pen
Harileton, April Si, I e":i if
Lithographic Printing;, Sic.
KARL VOI.KMAR is now located on
North Fourth street, near D. Phillips'
Blacksmith Shop, where LITHOGRAPHIC
Views. Maps Ac are made to erdi
Plf TI RES f.
Framing, and fur Drawing
The German and French Langtiaers, Draw
in?, Painting and Draughting, taught by Mr
Yolkmar. Lewisburg, April, lTiS
' Having taken the Shop en
'.Norm rotirtn street, near the
Franklin House, formerly occupied bv F
.. ........ .' J
Donachy and A D Elder, the subscriber most
respectfully informs the citizens of Lewisburg
and vicinity that he is prepared to manufacture
all kinds of illtiut'l t sirs?, comprising
HI REALS. TAULLS, Bedsteads. Stands.,'
Sofas. Corner Cupboards. Card Tables, all t,
kinds of CHAIRS, Ac. Also that hemakestGid
COFFINS to order, and hartur; provided hiin
self with a III: i. KM: he will be prepared t
attend Funerals.
Having engaged the best workmen.therefore
the public may rely upon having the best of
work from the best materials.
N H. All kinds of Country Produce taken
in exchange. Lewisburg, Apnl SB, lt55
Take Notice.
DR. KILLING, of Met baniesliunr,
Pa., announces to all alllicted w ith Tu
mors, Wens, Cancer, Cancer Warts. Polypus,
l.upus, .Moles or Marks, Scrofula or Kings
Evil, White Swelling, Fever iSores, Sore Legs,
and all diseases that have been usually treated
with Caustic or Kmle, that he can remove
them by an entirely new method, without cut
ting, burning or pain. It is no matter in hat
part of the body, he can remove them with
perfect safety and in a remarkably short time,
if curable. No Mineral or Vegetable Poison
is applied, and no money required, except for
medicine, until a cure is pertected. Chronic
and ail oiher diseases not mentioned above,
especially Venereal afflictions treated with po
sitive success, if curable. Full particulars can
be obtained by addressing C. L KKLLINO,
M il , Mechanicsburg. Cumberland Co.. Pa.
Al the request of persons alllicted. residing
at a distance, he has for years been iu the habit
of prescribing by letter, and wuh
He would say heweverto those desiring advice
in this way, that lo secure attention they should
enclose, with the general .symptoms of their
cases, a fee of One Dollar, to warrant him in
spending his time fi r their benefit.
The Doctor may be consulted at his Office at
all limes when not professionally absent.
Cactios. Sirangers coming to Mechanics
burg to see the Dr. are cautioned to beware of
unprincipled persons, as some have been de
ceived. Dr. K. is the only one in this State
who can perform cures by the new method. His
oiliee is directly opposite the Union Church.
Mechanicsburg is 8 miles from Itarrisburg,
on the Cumberland V. R. R.. and accessible
from all parts ofihc Vnion. The Dr. will visit
cases within a reasonable distance when de
sired. July S7 5fi.'tyl
TEWELRV of the latest pattern of allqnal
itics fur sale at the lore it Cur prices by
'THE Mibscriuer con-
JL tinues 10 carry on ibe
Lit cry llulur at
the Old tana on .oruv
Third street, near Market, and reipectlnH)
solicits Ihe patronage of Ins fiirnrit and tk
public generally. CHAIil.LS F. BLS3.
Lewisburg, May 22, l-'0
r-(-e.Tlie subscribers, Ihankful for
JijW( past paironaae, would inform
tatetiiihe public thai they continue n
GhAKI.NG and other Castings. Thrashirg
Machines and other Machinery repaired ib ihe
best manner. Castings warranted to be of
i goml an;! J? ".mIu", .M f
j P"3- v iJi;.LS' MAKfeM 4 t0'
. r
OOMNU fctovrs, ot various atterna
J nd sizes, for Coal or Woo , for sale
I at the LewUbuig Foundry by
Geddea, Marab & Ca.
f , 'J O VIS
Lewi.biir, F
1TOVKS I'ar.'or, Wood, and Coal
various patterns, for aie at ll.e
burg Foundry, tit Jde, Maiah A Co.
"I If. A KITS TaKntGang riow. a ,upe
I V rior article, for aV al the Lewisburg
Foundry by Crude, Manb &. Co.
GKA1N or Seed Drills fW 1'atenl
rlpcidrdly the bett and most durable
Grain Drill now in ue,for faleil the Lewiahur(
Foundry by GeiliJe-, .Mar.h & Co.
Ilussey's Grain Reaper,
for cutting Loth Grain and Grass
ANI FACTI RED and for sale at lh
Lewisburg Foundry by
Lightning Rods.
VFTLR many ytsm" close ineiigttion and
numerous experiment, the Patentee takes
plia.ure in informing the public thai n hu
af,iU at tit i, ue principle of pioteciinf familiwa,
dwellings and pn penv from the deatructive influ
ence ol LIGHTNING. I'he ealamitwa
that etery lily, Iod. illage and Country falls
ntctim to annually, thro' ths groaa negUseucs of
its inhabitants, is beyond calculation, especially
when tbe remedy is so tay to obtain this is
found in
Patent niiiguclic tijlitning Kobs,
sod in this alone. This Rod has beeu examined
by ihe moat acientific gmtlemen in lbs world
Proteseorg M'M urlrie, Johnson, W allur snd mnvy
blhers that have examined them, recommend snd
peak of them in the higheat terms of approbstioo,
and have pronounced them ihe only safe rods ic
use in thiaor any other country for the protect!
ot Lire and Property. One adrsntage ia to divide
and throw bark s part of the elecinc fluid harmless
to the clouds ; in lime of s stroke lhi enables Ihs
rod to conduct thai portion of fluid that belongs
to the earth without the slightest danger of let
sing tbe conductor. 'I hi rod has many other
adtant. gen ovrt the old one. The only pise ot
msiiutacturiiig is in
line . 3 d.urt ( Zth, Philadelphia,
where sll persons are respectfully invited to csl
nd examine fur tbemWrs. For sale Wholesale
or Ret.il by THO'S ARMITAGB.
Orders promptly sttended to. Terms cssb.
These roils have been purchased snd success
tully used by the lo! liming individuals, companies
nd corporations, whose names are cheerfully
lihiniued :
In anil n-iir Phil-td'tphia A. A 8. Roberts, GsorfO
Saiilimt- r. Ju.l;.- 11. uvivr. Ju-isr I i.nra.1. J. Mulfvrd,
J, liu 11 m..-. . I . l.n.j. J.Hr.nfi-r,..Umal.T,CsuaSi
lnsrrsA.1. H i- Kl i k)r A lu.nliuii-r. Snotoisjia a lltackars,
1!. . J. I., oriiiit. Ji.l.n ituian, Thi. ort.Ter, kau 4
I1-. U-. A K omki-ia. 11. ?imni,.u. 'iiio. Null A Co Mr.
'"!- J- 1 l-r.ir. J W. Wao.in,C. U umj tils-j.. JJ
lop A I . J. Nyiiian. B Uariro. J. Orrnsbira. O. -
I , r. Mr M,ar.. Jlr. .Martin, S. l)rl.leji, J. WloktoT,
Mr lati-uti. Or. I'aul.s. 11. Cowers A t o., J. Winepenar,
II. Millar, thi. K.d HaDk Ui.Ul.lBai K. a. Ana&sl, Lbs
r-fr i, llaril,.n t rmnii.ii,nrr llati.
th. Aiiil,- Jrney Owirre Crispia. Jodc
MTall. Jinliof Iinyton, Ji,tiu .Netm.m, Dr. ii. ji'MSaTtss.
Hcnj.bob.ris, Mr. J. Ikiwninjr.
y.v ror.vrr.
Hartley Tp Mark llalf-nny. m. jrwfr. Joks rTsaa,
V. lno-l l',.iir. Jais.ti fuiitli, iiariil liimaa. Krubas
lf-iu li. Oi-Mr Klrrl-ner. ..ic Iri,n ioart Hlsm,
an.i i . niii,i.i,,nrr. tith.-e. LimetnK Tp. Joha lUhar.
I'- lir. t harie W ilson. HaAiai7fi 7. Jobs
Kuroi. Simon Kuntx. lnmTp. Isaac Cuuliiroau WAHt
litre Tp. iliiliael Uueiuan-
fKlLABA, SUC 13. 1MT.
I tare this dy rarrfulir ia.-ptrd a rsotlactcr
l ii;litiiiii!i Hod. with ran. ana irdrx. arertrS hj Mr.
Hi, uiu Araiilain-, oa IWllmue llouar. Glrnraster, aa4
liar, no tivi-itation in avui2 ibat it is a.t oaly In. best
1 liaro rt.r wm, but tlial it is th- i nlronal bara .t
eutui 1 th;,l i. i-n.trurO-d on slrirtly snratific snaicr-
pl-. His w;tli ttiurh pli-asurs tbal 1 ffveosoaienOl SlS
i-ouiluctorto ihe aiuntiun ot ownvrsof building.
1 am writ atifii d that the Maen.;ie Lis;)itDiDS Kod
! ' tl" lh;" h '"'' "
vi-arii in tne stuuv ol Uia law ol .1
uiaiiuiai-iurtu i jr JIMS, mas ArmiUrs. ol rbilaalrbia
1 have snrnb several
IcrtrH-itr and BiAeBsl-
oni. and liitr,. no li.-iiitali,.n in ?avin tbat these Uoda ara
i ri'Utrui-tnl ujon the iniy rriiieipleof safrty. Tfaa alortri
t .ln-li i rrr.iiril and di.-l rr'd l-y ths mas-Bet at tbe ton
; or th ril. an,l it would be impossible, areordiTig to tbs
I laws of attrartii,n and repuion. for a building to be
I injun d t-y a stn be f I lihmiUiT wbea pmleried by an at
j tti.s. roil. 1 hare oiM-n aeiUa'Uti-d with Mr. Arajitacs
I fur st-iiral yt-ar. and brfure he eoa-jmeai-vd the BiaBUfas
' lure of Ihei-e r,sl I elamined the principle oa which they
. are rnniitriM-te,!. and fi lt eonruared that their ailontioa
wonl.t be atti-nilod with complete success. The iacreasiBC
i Jrn"",d for ""e n.ln.aud th. ext. asi.esales ia all carta
Of the COUntrv. iamt,leci.infneii.lttii..i, of .li,.
of the country, is ample rommeailatioB of their utility and
snperiorilv. ll.A 1 K. WA1XXR, M O.
lllnnp Sun. Philad Co., April 10. lSilt.
Harileton, Vnion Co. Pa.
sie Agents for I'nion snd sdjoining Counties,
and will lurni.-h the Rods on the same terms and
in the same manner ss ihe Proptietor.
Opposition is the Life of Butineu I
Thesuhscriher would respectfully intorsn tn
eitixtnsof Lewisburg snd thra'"ng ennimua
ity generally, that he i" opened anew Liver
snd Exchange Ms Me on FOURTH street hall a
square Nuib of Msrket, and has provided s good
lot ot llore, with entnelv new good sod Issb
l ionahletsrrisges. Uuggies.Sleigha. Ac. where sll
wishing anything in his line may be sccomnod
sted on the shortest notice snd most resaonabls
terms. He will pay every attention to ths
wants of hi customers, and hopes by so doing
lo merit snd receive a liberal share nf publis
pstionage. WILLIAM MOOKE.
Lewi-burg Pee 30. 1851
The University
IN this place will open its 17ih Semi-
1 Annual Session on the 4th of OCT. next.
The Faculty is full and experienced, the num
ber of Students so large asto secure emulation
and iiiiiiu.il benefit, and of such aa age as to
render anv pranks or violations of decorum
unpopular and distasteful. The number last
session was 1:13.
As the whole of the classes commence new
studies next term, it is eminently the best lia
for new students to enter. In Ihe Colere n
Academy together, not less than twenty-five
recitations occur daily, giving; inure men who
contemplate but a brut star InstituticB
an extensive choice of subjects and enabling
them lo pursue branches suitable to their pre
vious attainments.
Tlie lYniale Iiis.ii.nle opens at the
same time under the three Ladies who have
had the charge.
rsirs or txitiosj.
Academy English studies only )15a yf
do Classical do also SO
College proper 30
Female Institute highest branches 30
do common do '0
For further information, apply o Res'. H.
MAI COM. D D, President ot the I'niversiiyt
OOK aud other STOVES just received l j
. a a - rs t- r f TLi r r
titA at-I AiVsbJlaOn