r A i Br o. x. iri. '.' Jl .' IIH'K'IK V J. II. VOESKt.ll S. J AN', is, hv.r,. ha. tu. i.t-t hot c.nuiaii.'a of any N,.-ip-r Cmra 4-owitjr. 5.Tli American Vil i -njl .V.iiT,riI. I.. ti'nihitt randi- J y.v i rj-.i.i. nt u.t. .t ; - ' . jt:e eaiil.tM' I'-tr '! O'Uiiuiw-ioarr. !ure?ur n-rI. U.RU...rr i. TwM.r. Mr. h, JS:.. FOREIGN NEWS. The America reached Halifax, lljth. Flour and Cotton,at I.ivcrpool,declined ... 'UUIUVVIIUb1li eaec propositioni! were Ftiil exchanged i . . .i it- . ti -.i . i tetween the belligerent rowers, without i , , , ,. ... ... i nj marked result. Meanwhile, warlike .- ., I preparation! continue ou all sides. r '. . ,. , , The llunian claim to have captured a troop of Jtritish how, and to be making rood use of their victory at Kars. j fc , IfirThe 112th ballot f.T Speaker stood : r-. v &mi Panks 68, Uiehardnou (55, Fuller '20, all '-hiring out ncgroei!," "Uyiny ami srlliny others 13, 'necessary to a choice 0(5. The I n-jrun," "selling of slaTes at public and Democrat and Slavites still prevent the private sale," each setting forth their adap doption of the plurality rule, which it is i tcdncs to the business, and their accom Wicved will eloct Mr. liauks. ! modations for carrying it on in the best Pennsylvania I.t'iwiufurr. The nomination of T.. J.eaty, of Carlisle, as Superintendent of l'ubliu l'liutiug, was : unanimously confirmed. ' Mr. Sellers read in place bill to incrr'a.'e the capital and alter the name of I.twio-' burg Savings Institution ; als", bi!l to iu-1 corporate the Luwhburg (.ias ('onipany. j Several bills were scut back by the j Governor without hi approval; all of wuicu upon neing agam put to vote were TOted down almost unauimously. 1. T!,v . i. M-i-1! . Mr. Beck contests Mr. M Uhee s seat, ! and a Committee was drawn to try the , " iri t .. i There tavo been a larger number ot ; Officers appointed, this year, than ... any i previous session. i The bill to repeal the '-Jug W is ; contested in the lloue by mcuibers who demand a better law before that is repeal- j ' Win tl. PennavlvMi. Democratic i caucus for IJ.S Sena.or, the 1st vote stood: ! ,.io ,.i.:. i r. n T, a I at l'ortsr 7, Buckalew t, M't'andless C, and ; 9 scattering 12 in all. On the 10th vote : Bigler had 43 (a majority,) Foster 18, ic. ' On Monday, 14th, the Legislature con-; Tencd to elect a U.S. Senator for six years from 4th March last, when F.x-Oov. Wm. j Bi:i.eh was elected, he having ?2 vote", ' nd E. Joy Morris 43, aud several of the Opposition absent It is stated that ; lie will relaiu the Presidency of the S. & ! llailroad Company. i Obituary. Died at his home in Hamilton, MadisonCo. JT.V. Monday. Till inst., SSTtl'IIK.N W. TAV, I.OR. I.I..L) , I'resideut of Ma iisin I'uivcrsity, azed 65 years. He had suffered for months from a hidden but excruciating disease. l)r. Taylor was a native of Otsego Co., N.Y. Uy borrowing tho mean', he ente-! nil the I ongregutioiial institution at Cl:n-: Ion, N.V., known as Hamilton Cullcgc,aud in 1817 graduated with the honors of his class. Marrying soon after, he settled at :u- t. i. u..!..' """" "B C" 7 ' , Ol lie nrsi uruur. in icoj nu uuuu te lake charge of the Preparatory Popart- went of the Baptist Literary & Thcob-gi- cal Institution, at Hamilton, now Madison University. Iu 1310, he entered upon the work of establishing the University at Lewiiburg, Fa., and contributed an impor tant part iu laying broad and deep its foundations. After graduating its first class of pupils, he returned to cuter upon tho Presidency of Madison University, iu the faithful perfoimencc of the duties of, Which he breathed his last. : Retiring iu his character, Dr. T. was 1 Inowu truly cn'y to thoto associated with him by family or educational contact, and . ry those he was esteemed second to none. ' Wc believe his father, as well as bis wid-. ow and three children, Etill live to rcalixj ; a loss which will be motirucd by thousands to whom he has becu a benefactor as an ed ucator, as a rare txamplc of inauly and Christian virtues, and as a (rue and con- ' ' aiucratc iricuu. HottKin An. wit. At Maysville, Ky., on Tbauksgiving day a eouplo of young men whose family connections are of the "highest resectability," w hile on a drunk en frolie at tho l'arke House, tt j'uc to a colored waiter whom they found asleep iu j order to awaken him. They first poured camphene upon his whiskers, and then ap plied fire to them. The poor fellow was terribly burned, aud lived two weeks iu ' aba most excrutiatiug aony. The young men being rich, have fettled the affair . with the owners of the boy by paying hi m ; $1200, their "high positiou" sheluriug them from any movement fur leal inves ligation ! PiTTSBt'R.., Jan. 12. A tciriflc explo sion occurred this morning about 5 o'clock, at the corner of Ihird aud Crant streets, Tho escape of gas from a meter had filled the cellar of a colored man, named lirowu, 1 who went down to remedy the defect, and ! cattle has ricn from 2,000,000 to 2,250, on lighting a match the explosion follow- ' 000 while the quality has correspondingly cJ, completely gutting the lower part of improved. Still, however, of 20,000,000 the house, and injuring llrown severely. 1 of acres which Ireland comprises, only The windows of several houses iu the 1 ...;-l,l.rl. KL-n ....I i ! t " .. j j . t. . . w i'iu. i., .in. .uv lii'iii- ' l,.,.,.l .,1 , .....i.i: l-i ... . ' ' I Ciwb i hi vt ' iMjuaaij. i i r 1, ' At the election for 31a or in Allegheny i City on Thursday last, the result was as. follows: Auauis (Independent) 040;dcut I'iecro over Mr. liuchanan. The McDowell (American; Oil) ; Ottcrsen ! friends of the Istfer more than intimate (Uctnorratj M ; Tyler 115; John 20. ' Adams' majority of McI.wU 27. k'nr th Lr inLurg CbrooUlw. Honors to the Grevtown warrior. Tim liUhmimd Emitt'trcr of tbo 3d inst. illuiitraius the above caption, iu the follow- iug stylo. It s;ya : i "The following remarks of the Ptfcr$- lcnondonO will b echoed vy all true incB everywhere : -The lV.-sileiittak-sin his Message strone "found for the SUIiTII, and this portion cf Mes e u.,n r(.Ceive the hearty approval . ..,. tlvst 1 -t nrlt iiMlltr not itiat lie reside North or South or Mason 9nH llivim'h line. We earnestly commend this , ,..,.1... ...4 h,.W" none Will fail to give it a cartful perusal.' Id orJor to uuderstanJ what principles, righU aud privileges of "the Soctii," the ' ob . . onlv uecessarv to turu to the biumes col- u J """""'J " UIHD3 of tli6 fame paiier.whcre we will hail u""" ul "' 1 ' the follnwiiis list of black advertisements : .. 0 rtaler.Pleasaiits t'o.eor. Franklin & l.n.S-s. uP1,.w.Taler. unler Metrop n Hall. Frank, St. lickinsnn,llill & t'o. Frauklm & Wall Sis. "'" . K-"''SS. K''nnond. IrfUlS Hili ill) advertise their occupations aH tho.'e of i style such as dry houses for the keeping ; of the slaves during the hiring aud auetiou season, atteution to them wheu sick, &c. These men (and others) iu the saino paper advertise for salo as follows : January a. 1856 15 negroes. do 3. 4, 4, 1, II. 15 30 Jl 4it do no i do do 2, man and woman1. At priVate Sale 1 negro woman, 20 years old. irood cook. &c. Warned :l aide bodied men (colored) to -a MIs M Maclieslevr as0 sevcraJ gooJ CoipeWf a g00J Cham- 1. ;j o.,.l ,n..lrB .ti. mell of lese lvcrtlscmcnU B'eUing furth tbo gooJ qnaht;M of the warc;l( guch as good mecbauicsuc:lUhy good washers, iron- cooksfielJ Lands-women with a niJmbcr of L(,aULy MUlcat r(;,tl)en, it Bet.lus is tho groat (lUil;tcs, ''"' tLat our BJ " Uuat takcs Bir""S 8"" DDV - r-r ate it in the old States, but to extend it to .... i . nririn mill fit OUf a u uuuiuu in m o new Territories a system which 'fanatics' call eri7, aud which our l'resident and those for whom he take3 stronu uround" call yoof a system for the abolition of which (a clergyman of a respectable church de clared, iu thr presence of a learned teacher of m tr.d philosophy, without rebuke) the Church of Christ could do nothing !'.! Surely that prophet was not mistaken, when ho said, the days would come, when evil would be called good, and good, evil. J. F. L. Emigration tO this Country. The following table shows the countrcs from which our emigration has been de rived during the past year : ; Ireland, 42.1)3:! Ilelgium, 1,001 ermanv iil,itf7 4,221 1,118 4,451 457 3,219 f2l 03 o01 173 C;it 71 W est Indies, 18 -;U"!aud, 1 cutlaud, Wales, I ranee, Nova i-cotia, oaraima, ui South Amcrica.l 12 : Canada, 01 IS 18 0 20 5 irpaiu, China, Sicily, Mexico, Russia, Kast Indies, Turkey, Greece, Switzerland, IlolllI'd, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Portugal, Total, 121,475 The following table shows the relative i proportion of lierman and Irish emigra tion for the last seven years : Irehtml. 52,0 0 !S,0UI 112,5'Jl 117,038 102,256 118,131 113,104 82,302 tt, 857 479 : Alb.IXV, Jan. III. The Assembly or-, ganiicd to-day, by electing Orville Kobin son, (Soft I'em.,) Speaker. The Annual .. ..i,.v ., o. . :., .Message of (ov. Clark was then scut in, and read iu both Houses. Tbo financial affair of the State do not present a favor- j able exhibit, there being a deficiency dor- i in the financial year of onwards of 250,- 0"0. The surplus of the Canal revenue : over the expenditures is 1,050,000. After diseussiug various local topics, the Governor closes by an allusion to the Kansas question, denouncing in strong terras the overthrow of the Missouri com promise, and expressing a hope that the voice of N'ew York will again, as hereto- fore, Le unanimous in asserting the Jcflcr- sonian policy of restricting Slavery and extending freedom. Irish Agkici : lit re A correspondent ' ! .!. r r.-.M : - : v. inv iwuuuii i nil' , iu cuiiiiiifuu K UUUU the progress of IrUh agriculture, states ' mai uurinjr ine rasi lounccn years the ' value of farm stock in Ireland has increa .. 1 r .... r.ra,-. .- Mr r..x.. n.n ' pv.a inill a.w.',i'7 iu dk'J.l.vOV.UO'J ' stcr.iug, and that the number of horned about one fourth is under . direct tillage, 1 -.! f..n .i.:. i i.. . i auva .u.iv ui.c-.ui.u ... IHUlUIt!. t . ; IlARniSlil'ltB, Jan. 12. Tho nomina- .;, .r.l it .. v. i: l .t .1 T. tion of the Hon. Wm. L-lglcr by tho Ucm-, ' I ocratic caucus for . S. Senator, is gener- j ally considered here a triumph of Presi their dissatisfaction. They fear they have . bcCO Sold 03 with 31 r. Bio-JllcaJ ju 1851 , Ytar. Germany. 1S47, 53.1S0 IS 1st, M,!'73 11!), 5"i,70l 1S.V, 45,.r35 l?al, 79,r'Sa 1S.V2, 118,611 1S5.-J, 119.CH 1S51, 1JC,SS Total, f.9 1,517 Lcwisburs Chronicle Another Indian Battle in Oregon. The last arrival from California brings news of continued contest between the natives of the Western coast of North America and the encroaching whites. The writer of the following, will be reeogniied a.4 one of the graudsona of CuL JullN Kei.lv, (one of the earliest settlers and most renowned Indian fighters of Buftaloe Valley,) whose remains rest under the nio nuuieut in the l'rosbyteriaa grave yard, "Market street, LcwUburg. James K. Kelly removed to Lewistown and practised law, but several years ago started with a number of others to Oregon or Califor nia. The blood of the grand father seems to show itself in him. In the battles de scribed below, 8 whites were killed, and 12 wouuded. IIuiKtCAiiTnis. Lift Coli i. 1t IIi.it. O.M.V. ) I'rflupuD WAlla-HalU KiT-r, INK. b, ltM. To W. II. Faiuiaii, Adjutant Sir: Vesterday morning, as my command was ou the line of march from the mouth of the Do Shuto Kivcr to Whitman's Valley, we were attacked by about 400 Indians, with whom we kept up a runniug fight all day, and for a distance of about ten miles j along tho W alia-v ana mver. ai uam ou yesterday the battle was suspended by the lndiaus withdrawing. We drove them from every position which they took, both iu the brushwood, nlong the river bank, and on the adjacent hills. This morning the battle was renewed and raged all day. At dark this evening the Indians again withdrew. The number of Indians who fought us has been considerably grea ter than yesterday, ami is supposed t- ex ceed CUO. To-morrow morning we expect a renewal of the battle, which in all pro bability will last for some time to come. I regret to say that yesterday and to-day we have lost many brave aud gallant meu, who fell nobly fighting for their country. The loss of the Indians must be very great, as their killed alone, during the two days, caunot be less than lifty men. Among their killed on yestcrdny was the noted chief of the Walla Walla Valley, the cerebrated l'cn-pcu M Max. lie was taken prisoner by my command on tho oth inst., near his camp on the Tou chct, aud during the battle made an effort to escape. Ou doing so he was killed, together with four others who were made prisoners at the same time, and who at tempted to get away. To-morrow, as I said, we expect a renewal of thfl ha't'" auo'i regret 10 say tuat we are not in a situation to repel the attack of the Iudiaus with the vigor that is desired. This arises from our scarcity of ammunition and the broken down condition of our horses. The animals have become so poor and jaded that it is impossible to make a sue- ccsslul charge aguusi me inuians, wnu arc mouuted on Heet horses and can easily escape. We are, therefore, in a measure compelled to act on the defense of our present position, which we are fortifying by making a stockade fort. Oar ammuni tion will bo exhausted, I fear, with anoth er hard days fighting, and unless we can procure a supply from Fort Henrietta, our position will be critical indeed . Povistons we nan on.y cnougi. .nr ' ' , . . . ' IU inn ur mice a uuua. man upvu a supply of all kinds being sent forward at once, as I do not intend to abandon the position until the last extremity. J!y do- iug so the enemy will bo greatly cmbold- 1 i cned. 7 T 1 ' 1 1 .1. t i ; n ...... I 1, .In iuih upaiuu 19 nillll.ll .11 .u. u..aL, and is disconnected aud exceedingly brief, and I know will be unsatisfactory, nut 1 wish to send the messenger forward imme diately, so that he can reach Fort Henri etta by daylight. Respectfully, etc., Jas. K. Kei.lt, Lieut.t'ol. Rcg.O.M.V. Maryland is beginniug to discover that ! her system of lottery gambling is not only j a disgrace to, but a fraud upon the peo ple. The Ualtimore American is Very bold in the exposure of theso frauds. Theory of Disease, An ITS S1.HLK METHOD OF Cl'RK. It is not our object, at this time, to go into a detailed explanation of Professor ILdloway's theory of disease, but simply to inform the A merican people that one of the most remark able men of this or any former age is among them, and that his medicines have a celebric ty unprecedented in the annals of the world. There is no charlatanry in his pretensions. Unless all the civilized world are deceived. tne H"oway's P'lls and Ointment will drive Uledse iioiii me iiunoiii system, uuuci uic most unfavorable circumstances, and in all climes. Other men have sprang into an ephe- meral notoriety bv advertising their remedies. e. i j .u , , S euker Esu. rule on the heirs and legal rep- Like butterflies of the day they have buzzed H , ... ,. , ., 1 . ' , , . ' resentatives of said deceased lo appear at lhe for a while and then expired; both lhetrnpIt Beneral Orphans' Court, to be held at Mm., and their medicines have sunk into an ' I k...,. r,,r ..i.nii. .,r Union nn M...... obscurjty frum which they never emerged, i Oihers have met with a limited success, per- j ' haps as much as they deserved. IS'o though he may have the wealth of Cro-sus, can long deceive an intelligent people with worthless remedy for disease. If health fol- lows the administration of a remedy for dt-! reuse, almost without an exception. Ihouirh it i .. i is prescriDeo in a minion oi iusinnccs,aim in all forms of disease, all the doctors on the' elobc could not make the people belieye that . it was not a goad remedy, or thai the inventor j . or charlatan. Professor Holloway's remedies i occupy this position before the citizens of the world. The inventor is a man of enlarged i pors of mind, who has seen disease in an ! its forms, an I in all climates of the world. ,,. ,. , . , j -i ii:. ..l;4l .in.. ;n r.nn.l., A-tiiv iro , .llh liellts , such an ,,,, tIiat I . ,.i. r,.r no..cr,. ... t c.,.;,..! . , , . m tr . , i at his door. But an oflWe practice afforded ! c.,.r.L : I luu DUlluw a uc.u .u. ii.c r.cKi.c vi ...9 n pansive intellect, and he determined to be the world's physician. All countries have had their celebrated physicians j England has had an Abernethy, France a Magendie.aud Amer ica a Rush ; but these men's ambition only extended to a practice confined to a narrow circle of friends and admirers, or the super- ..r , .,.i;ni i,...;,.! ' iuuvuii J h.'i.. a ifUHliI : Hollowav has chosen the nlobe as a theatre for his practice, and though now a resident of tvpnoiican America, ne is piscrioine aai y f 'h,.dl.eils OI lllosaIldson four auarters lor hundred! of the globe, ! ., 6 ' ' ' . - Uts raeiUciue, are expressly designed to act on ine oracs whose luuctions are so essen-1 tial to health. They operate on the stomach, i . .... i, . .i i . i. ... ... . , ,i . t ""'I ""in'J.i ."b. ...ii, .nrii. . .a.-. ZV?Zf "7 " " deranged functions or uses, and thus I. n,.r.r. the very four tains of! life, Vcm York Sunday Tunc. and West Branch Farmer Jan. IS, 18r. Adjourned Court Proclamation. "1 THERE AS. the Hon. Abraham S Wilson f I'resident Judge lor the !iOlh Judicial Di.rrict of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of tnion, Minlin and Snyucr.anu jas , Marshall Esi.Associaie Judge in tuioiicouutv. have issued their precept, bearing date the Sid day of December, l55,and to me directed, lor the holding of a Court of Common Pleas, at I.eu-isbiirg. for the comity of L'nior., on the second Monday of February next, (being the . llth day) IBM, and to continue one ween, .Notice is therefore hereby given to Witnes ses and all persons interested iu the Issue List to be then and there present and not depart without leave. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at the appointed time agreeable to notice. Given under my hand and seal at the Sher iff's OlBce in I'wisburg, the Will day of Jan uary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiht hundred and t'ifiy-six.and in the seventy eihlh year of the Independence of the Uniled States of America. (iod save the Coiuinun wealih! DANIEL D. tiULDIX, Sheriff JUltORS APJOL'KNED COLttT. Jarkton- Philip Seebold. HTlire lirer Isaac Hich, Joseph R Kettlcr, Jacob Troxel, Aaron Messinger.Saml Slear, David Dieffenderfer, Henry Hih ffnrA.S:iiil Carl. WmOrwiff.Chas Kmrrv. I Jns MilIerJr.ShemSniaelmverJohnYereer. : Thos Church, Robt Foster, Andrew Cook tuffuloe Harris Sleedman. Jacob Filtman, Adam Youni;, George Smith Mijflitiburg John M Taylor, Charles Crutzer, John Kleekner, Daniel Mass F.mt lluffal'ie Peter tietz tow Jlrrlm Dan'l Horlacher, Fred'k Smith, Sam'l Ilarmany, Abram Schoch Iswistmrg Jos t. llawn Limestone Robt Badger, S Pellman Union Archibald Thomas I Hlon Counly Court Proclamation IIF.RKAS, the Hon. AURA HAM 8. W ILSON', President Judge for the Twentieth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of L'uiou, Milflin and Snyder, anil jaxes viaihll, i.sq., .tssociaie Judge in I'i:ion county, have issued llieir pre cept, bearing date the Sid day of December, lM.tt, and to me directed, for the holding of an Orphans' Court, Con rt of Com-- s, t ye r aaU j-.TTiiiiicr. mid General Quarter Sessions, at LEWISBl RG. for the county of LNION, on the third MONDAY of FEUKIJARY next, (being the lKih day) 1S5G, and to continue one week. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Constables in and for the county of Union, to appear in their own proper persons with their records, inqui sitions, examinations and other remembrances to do those things which .f ihrir ntnp and in their behalf aonertain to be done : and all Wit nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf . , l,u ni m t nv nrrson OT r , uieil and mere attending, and not depart without leave at their peril. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their attendance at the appointed tune agreea ble to nolice. (iiven under my hand and seal at the Sher iff's Ortice in Lewisburg, the 9ih day of lan uary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eifjht hundred and fifty-six, and in the seventy eighth year of the Independence of the United States of America. Uod save the Common wealth! DANIEL D. UlLDIN.Sheriif. List of Jurom, 1'cb. Term, lSo. GRAND JURORS. Kelly Jos Musser, Wm Noll, James Shields, Daniel Stahl, John Klin-;, Levi Pauling Hartley Jas Ulover, Wm Halfpenny, Samuel Charles, Daniel Long j Limejitime John Rinkert, E Walters Huffiiloe Thos B Cornelias, Saml M'Clfllan .moil John A Yotinman liriburg Alexr Ainmons, WtnT Reitinyer Mifflinhargiam Keber, Oeo Gutelius, Chas Monlelius W'tt Hiiffaloc SamlKaufman.DavidEngelhart Eiwt Huffalite John S Schrack AVic Berlin Samuel Boop TRAVK11SE JURORS. Wot nuffulne Danl Fisher.I'eter Pontius.Jno Sechlerjac Ltitz.Oeo Kleckner.lvWatson, JnoDeck.AallauckJnollechtel.l'hil l.iplev. Keltii Elam Meixell, Wm Cliniran. Flavel Clingan, Jno Bennage, Saml liickel Hiirlli Jas Kins Jr. R Mensch, II Huffman. R VUlovcr.Michl Schnure.Sinl Weidensaul, Solomon Miller, Thos M'Curdy Lewubur" Jno Houghton, Uenj CawIey.Thos Graham, Nathan Ua n, Frank Donehower. Aeu Berlin Sem Schoch. Jacob Mauck East BuffidaeW'm Fox.Geo Miller,Mi. Brown. White Deer Jerome PrintzenhofTer.Rt Candor, Urbanus Ranck, P Reed, Jac Kostenbader Union Jacob Baruhart, M H Taggart, Jacob Hummel Jr Buffatoe Geo Gebhart, David Herbst I Limeitone John Cosgrove, Wm Foster, II K Sanders MiJJlinburgGco Yonntnan, J XV Sands yVMOX COV STY, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to John Yeisley.Caiharine intermarried with William Kuhn, l.udwis Yeisley, Polly iniermarned with Martin Sandel, Henry Yeisley, Michael Yeislev. and Rachel intermarried with Jacob Hartman, heirs and lejral representatives of llti.nr Yr.mi.i.T. laie ol Iranklm township, in the county of l'uiou (now Snyder,) yeo man, deceaseil ureeting WHEREAS.byan inquest for that purpose ! duly awarded by an Orphans' Court of the county aforesaid, the real estate or tlic i sa( Henry Yeisley was appraised at and for the sum of !f5ao, and on the 17th December, i !o.dul conlirmeu, an.l on motion ot Isaac i the lSih day ol February next, to accept or refuse to take the said premises aforesaid at the said annraised nrice. or show cause why the same shall not be sol.L Bv the C..i:ht vVitness my hand and the seal of said Court at Lewibburs the Sthd.ivof Jannary.A.D.ISftfi. SAM I EJ. KOU.SU, Clerk. rErmoj FOR 'mVOIICK .. . .. r . ci..K.it Itwur, l in ine i.ouri oi iflmmira hf ner ,Kxt friend I Pleas ol U.iion county, John M. Baum, No. 8, Feb.T. IdSfi. vs. Plurius subpama m Di JOHN BOOT. J vorce. "Y7"OU are hereby notified that by virtue of. I 1 lhe ahnve stated writ, rou are rennireil 1 , be an, ppear at at'ourt of Common Pleas i to be held in and for the counly of Union, at Lewisburg, on Muhiiav, the ISth day of Feb- ruary nexi, at iu o ciocr, . , .o anawci mc I ..mnl.lnl ff 1.ihl tf said PlaintitTT. TI imp;, d. GUl.DIX. Sherilt . .T " . CARPETS. A very large ami well selected I i lot ol cotton anu an wool t.arpeis, irom . . e,t a ,,; r m .J CIS. u (i- r J . I Carpets were bought at auction, others direct from the mauufactors, at prices that we can sell them very low. Those in want of Carpet we invite to call and look before buying- else where. J. SCHREVER &. SON. June 1, 1855. a T.it!r:E and desirable stock of Ladies' l- I'ress Goods, of every kind, for sale cheap by ! SCHREYER & SON. " - ALArvGK lot of Ladies' spring and sum pier Shawls, for sale very low. by 1, 1855 J. SCHREYER 4- SOS. CLOTHS. Cassimnres, Tweeds amlSummer ( V" . e . bv ?-J " ' , . vriiuFVrj A voV JuDe I85ftl for Justices and II I M r I 1 D llV W JVO Contbles. for tale j or pr intcd lo ordrral lhe L'lirtii-ick Qflice Iuc List, Fell. Term, ISMi. Daniel Rangier vs James M't'reight John Haas vs Wm M Vanvalzah Daniel Handler vs James MVreiglil James M'Creie,ht vs Daniel It- unler Samuel Shriller vs Daniel Schrack K II Carey vs Mark Halfpenny Mrs K Moatz vs Alexander Amnions sll , Teinhel vs j(,m Fisher Samuel Kvle vs Catharine Wolfe Jacob Stewart etc vs Michael Fichlhorn Krtli. Chase Jt North vs Chs II Sbnner V & W 1) Turnpike Co vs White Deer Tp ,. . n Vs Hannah I In in no-1 (jj,.,,! & Masscr vs Vounguian Walter same I atrsart, r nrman r sanup fame Noah Walter P O Campbell and others vs I. P Teed Francis Zellrrs vs Alexander II Hlair t'om'ih surj J M llenferetal vs J HausJretal Trustees Lutheran Ch etc vs .Martin A Stock Susauna lirown.late M, vs Sd-J Messersuiith Danville Hank vs Juo Lawrence d ChsStees Alfred Kneass and wife vs James (juinn Thos Penny for Isaac Ever vs S Walter (ieorce Selinalile vs Caiherine F. lii.wes Ths t.'utelius for J M Taylor vs Aaron Zeller W'eiler, Kline V Ellis vs Wm L Hitter Christian Millhouse vs Nicholas Millliouse Jacob Stuck vs John Kiuiple Matthias Wilson vs David Herr Daniel Raimler vs Daniel Herbst ct al John Kuel.uck vs A S ttmo John Ou Roekafeller vs Abbot ftreen's KxVs L B Ch L B Christ for W Cameron vs t.eo A rnek A W t-'reamer vs Abraham ljrien Israel t.meiiiis. iur j iy v r-, 3 jouh o i John Datesn.au vs John II Var.z with not James L Qiiinn vs Wm H-art et al .. ... . .. ... wi.c... i ....... t- . ii.. j l' .... i.i. iv i : CGtiilvkiinst.suard'ii.etc vs W H Marr.u iihno I Jas F Linn do vs same Saml Henderson do vs same Sarah Ann Polk vs James L jiiiiin Becker & W'eiler vs ('has Sices Chas P Fox et al vs Adam Ranck M Kling for Datestnans vs I Iy Dicffenih-rfrr The above causes are for trial at the Feb rnary adjourned Court, commencing on Mon day the llth day ol February, IK.Mi SAM IT L HOI Sll, Pn.th'y STATEMENT OF the Military 1'iind of Union county for the year 1 ."." Henry Suloiiion.Trta snrer. Tl f..tu-,-kt- - - Militia Fines assessed in each District fur the year 18tt, the amount received. Com missions, Exonerations, and balance due : KAricU. Ml'rtmrt. 'Vrt. Jl'cJ. " tJ-n. Pw lu nUn KIM - T'l V.Birr Si. hir-o-lliT 1 '- BuOal-Ki Samuel Ilium i.M 4.".1S i'.s'J K Iluttalo II iin ir:.r.liiiT ""'" l.'" W.BiilJ. O.I'.Katheruiau H,,," l.I- '.l 4.sl 4. .'Ml -Jl,ls 1 r.K, renter I'nul .-h'-wr - '..'.O 1.1. - 1.-- Chaiminn I h. K. r.t.-tlvr TT.'1 ! " "-si franklin l.riM-Ularlim:in 4! ,H'l ii;;;'J- ...'U Hartlv Iflm T. Smith i.'.M -' t 60.53 JarkMj'n Mlihaet OUl -''i-" ' -' Krllv Wm. Nat" '-' ' ' " ' i .kavu- A.KfliO'.sl.'".i I' "I,"' -.-'I 1-.-" . . ;Inl..i i.-- v. u Tt. " Mllniliu An.l It Lct-li-.H .."l -1 :i.m in.ir. (Ml MilJUcr.-k l.rt llili'-r ..: Jl.s.'t I.i; ;.u i N. w Iferlin .ln. ll .rla. liiT. l.il l.-'.-i 4 " I rirnns Jacwli Kr.ll.y 7'J.iio rtt.'. :i.l li.-.o IVrrv Ji.Iiii Kr.M :.-...'i lo.u J -('0 4H '.s Si-lini.niii- .lri'.l'ruqa- ft'..; t "J.-7 il.'l Uin. n J... hnirip :i"..".'i 21.S 1.' f .'.O W .liintfliii I.. A rlrf.r:il 4I.. H -.' r...Ts WUlt.Ocr Wv.Me..i.) 4 ...rl f."'l -At , J i ,10 lsti j ll,,..',.. i fitliflijilfut ( iillirtur if Military I'iilfS. (Il.lnnn- dim 1,1 jn. lsir..) Union Tp Wm. M'l'iierson 1S."1 J 17 !'" WMiullalo W'.RuleforRGIiUaycslS.VI 7 (: Hartley Wm. Fisher " 1 Perrv Peter Troup " II o West Bullalo W'm Rule 1""1 1" H Center Henry Musser " 6 SS Franklin Simon Snyder " 13 Washington Henry Summers " 2fi :ts White Deer Aaroii Smith " 8 Ctt Si 101 is M'litnrj Ortlrr prritl l-0.'. John Emniit, ('apt. of Kminit iuards .."iO (111 Jac Hartman, Capt. Cenn-rv. Ritle Co. So nil Daniel Smith, Capt. Pollock Guards .r'0 ml F.A.Donehower.C'apt. L'li.Caiue.Guards S" CD ss.nii t.o Paid for Atsewnrit fr IS." ftr rrturuiu ililui- quntt Militiu Mn. vrz. John Drrsham, Assessor W lute Heer $1 Tst Jinathan Griintu, Assessor Washii.giuti Joseph Leplcy, Assessor l inen John Ennnit, Assessor Selinsgrove Daniel Lease, Assessor Perry Isaac M. Kreider, Assessor I'rniis fieorf;e Merril, Assessor X'W Berlin Henry S"hoeh, Assessor Mni.ilecreck John Rishel, Assessor MilKiiihurs II. T. Barber, Assessor l.iinestnne Peter Nevius, Assessor Lew i.sbiir? S W. Levi Sterner " " -N.W. Daniel Kaufman, Assessor Kelly George Klincler, Assessor Jackson Jacob Fees, Assessor Hanlev Jacob Fryer, Assessor Franklin Harrison Herrold, Assessor Chapman Ji.hn Bowersox, Assessor Outer Win. Rule, Assessor W est Buftaloe John Gundy, Assessor Lasi IliitValoe James Irwin, Assessor ISntValoe John Diemer, Assessor West Beaver John T. Smith, Assessor Beaver I ;r, 1 2-. i :m i :;o 2 Mi 1 24 111 r, 1 12 2 no 1 no 2 OS l r,s n nt 1 (!(i 1 H 2 12 1 20 2 HI !ji:i; uo Adam ?heckler.('otninissioner. for services in makin" out Military Fines for lS.'ij fill 00 Sem LeiUel, for same services 10 WW : John I). Roun " " 10 on .m 00 AJ.Peten, for publishing statement of niiliiarv fund of I'nion Co. for "ol.in G. rniaii 10 00 J.H. Winter, for pnblts. same in English 10 00 Merril & Smith " " ' 00 S;jo 00 i Si30 00 sf:l27 'M ; Brigade Intperjor'i trrrirrv. John W. Sunonton, on account for 'S Total of Expenses I'nion County. . I, Henry Solomon.Trea surer of Union Sml Snyder counties lor lsi.V. do herehv submit the foregoing account of the Military Fund of said I 'nion county, as correct I aud true. Given under inv hand at the Trea surer's Office in the Borough of I.eu tsburg the tenth day of January. A.D. Is.it!. HENRY SOLOMON, Tiir-ASi-nctt. Statement r the I'll ml. i Henry Sdomon. Eq.iTrraunr. in account with the Military Fund of Union County fir Is.j-'i, in-. ! lS5(i, Jan. I. Ami of military fines uncollected for 1S;4 and previous ycais .flan ol To amt of said fines assessed for 'oj, as per book in which said fines are entered by lhe County Commis'rs 063 00 To amt entered among other taxes in Com'rs' office and afterwards paid 5n , !ki:i: 01 ' T. I By amt of Military Pines oiitstanding f r IM51 and previous vears sjillti : By amt sd Fines outstanding for IMi 'Jli ; By amt Exonerations allowed Collec- ' tors of 1S53 and previous years 127 9 By amt of Commission allowed Col- j lectors of 155 al 5 per cent. 41 19 By Orders pd as per annexed account 32V 00 ; ByTreasurer'sCoiumissioii on .sJtj9V,2t at I pr ct. G 9 Balance due Commonwealth by Conn- i ty Treasurer !6 62 : 1:!IK 01 WE the andersignd Auditors of the count ies of Union anil Snyder, having carefully examined and audited the foregoing Mditary Account of HenryS loinon,Treas.urer of Union connty, DO find the same true and correct as stated. In Witness Whereof, we lhe said' Auditors have hereunto set our bands, at the Commissioners' Oflice in the Borough of Lew isburg, the 10th day of January, A.D. lHSfi. I. Alltt. Mow A till, I Aii.it.w4 J..IIN SiUIHACK, .r I inix A. THOMAS. iO'isil. II. W VVI.ie. 'cril.rs NKH WtnM.KSW r. r'i, i Ol nu ; Arrm: a-klnnllv, i.ui.i. t K A MI- a hOLr! I i James B. Hamlin, TT0RXKY at LAW, Oll'ice on Second St. wst Side, two doors south of Market, I.CM ilnrp, 6m'93 l.iuoii Co. Pa. Real Estate. FOR SALE, Xcw IJrirk HOUSE, ami LOT, in a most dc-nralde pari of Lew is bur?, if application be made within Iwo weeks.-j , ; Eii.iuire at tin: rhrmutl: Oilh-.e. Jan. 15 FOR RENT, I rrMy npr lhrtT slorcy l!nVk Dwell-' JtiL in? HtIIsE, mi t'niver-.ity Avenue, at the Kiver bend. Possesion given April 1st, 1jG. For further particulars, rnqinre at ihe : house, or by letter of me at Nnrihiimherland. ltec.27.lN.tt JOSEPH P. TLSTIN. Orphans' Court Sale. i BY virtue nt' yn Order itf ilie Orjilians ' C lint of L'uiou Counly, uill be sold uti the premises, on Stturtlny, S'li'A .antt'try, l-'i, commencing at 1 1 o'clock. A.M., the following described Real Lslate of the lale Jhs Hioii, deceased, viz. . certa ii i raci oi i.:inu suu.i.t h. ....... . Uer township, coiimv alor. sa ,J i a j,m .. lnd t he.ra ol s..,..i.e Dershau . d. c , the rasi. on the north bv lands ol Charles A. Diell'-nderfer, on the uest by lands ot r re dehek Dersham.aiid on the south by lands ol Francis Walker and tlur-:, coiilaining '.i'-i ifrt-S tnoie or les,,w.ih the appiirteiiauce, a on which are . reeled a s-h.iI llouse. . ,3 Frame K irn, Stnnu', On diard, A.C Tciuis made known r.t sale by HENRY HIOII. Administrator. White Deer, Jan. 1, I ) Orpliaiis' Court Sale. BY virtue of an ordrr of tlic Orplians" Court of Union county, will be sold, a; the Hotel of David H.-rr, m Lewislurg, on '(i-Ja'i. V Im:. ,- ' ,, . .:. ..ocif, A..M.,tbe following described Real Estate, ol the lale James L. Iki.lan ii, ilecca-c.l, viz. A certain Tract of Land, sHuated in East Butf.il.ie towi.sinp. c.iintt aforesaid, adjiui.iiig the Wesi branch of tin- Susquehanna on the east, lanJs of J. lin Gundy E.-t i n the south, ou lhe west bv same and lands of Godfrey Deck, and on the north bv lands of said John Uundy, containing about tfO .it'ri'N and o'.l perches, neat uieaMire. ail clear..! an.! in a Mtuigh statu of rultiva'ioii, having s. fnpn it a Frame II u-e. Frame Barn.jji.i ant Orehar.1 ui various kiir!; of Fruit : .. the appiiri'-o 'io-.'s Term., mad, known A iinini-tr.i: -r wiiU the Will ;iini -. January f. j.V VALUAELE F.EAL TROFrnTy, I'jav.vrr. salt:. T II I" tj n.Irrsiirm-tf nll'iT at 1'riv.ite S;i!f lisijitai;ii..' Tp, Noi uniMiL ' ri.tud C, Pa., cuiii prisin' the Iui.wiK trai : ,o. I. Tho Muiipion Farm, adjoinin? lands of Win. IT .yer. John MrG-e. John Caul, J. hn W,:ti ini .yrr.and oihers.coii lamini; (I l l's no r.- or less, whereupon are erected a two storey Buck Ilwelhnc f. Hons..- di. t'V feet. (Iiiili'-rto tisrd as a f j ; piibluT ho'ise.)wi;h a conniiodious W a: hin-u-e ami Woodhoiise. a Bank Barn !i2 by 4o :'..!. and other ( i itbi:ili!i'"-s necessary for a farm. A Well of Water at tiie door f the uou-.-.ai.d a Cisteni, c.u !i Willi a l'iin:p in. Also..- another P.rn-k Hi. use. 22 bv 2S l'-.et, onjtl the same pi'-mes. Th Fnrui contain ." acres ot Mea.h.w. and ii baiuuee U;"Iai. 1. a'l cleared i.iii.l u iili t.i'j t.-.et j.;... 11 ol aliuu! '.v.o acres. o. II. A T.otf.fTiirilierl.niK! situated iu the to-.vn!:;p aforesai I. f.Jl'V rolltAttlil!!! l-" It l t'S ill. re or less, f't.'Yi ai.j . : ii in ..iiivl er, Isaac lliou :i I.I Jo ii Vi'ii;ei;:ny- V'-i th.rs. " fii. No. III. The uudiviiled thrct - fiflhs pift of TEN ACUEs.tuore .rl-ss th.- township afi.r--.aid. sd:.in:ns lands f James CuoiMiinis Hui;h .Marm., Juiiu Wit tenmyer, and others. No. IV. A Tract of Mountain f.rXV Land. WELL TIMBERED, situate fsV.'. i n tiof town-hip af oresaid. a'lj.Mnin SSyi&-? lands of John Yoris, Jau,-s Cam-, r- ftAai i ii.J.noes sti-awbruie atid otin rs. L J I'crsi ns wishing to purchase ar.y f ?he above estate, will please apply for further particulars to cither of the subscribers. Heirs of IIknjahi Fouksm.x, deceased, who u.il sell ilie uhovd ns :Ue i r. perrv of s?.id i!ec'J. EVELINE FORESMAN, Jos. W. FOK'E.-sV AN. 11 E.N I . WITTENMYER. A :1 M t WITTENM YEK. J. II. I IIKESMAN. WM. S. FORES.MAX. Jan. I, lS.vj In- Heirs. Vc Woodlots and Email Farm for Sale. 'I't uit purchuxerxy on reasonable lerm.i. rriEl.Eare!J lots of Wm.,ll;inl, si- L iiiati in White Deer Tp., on Little I'nf tivc Creek,.. bout a mile abuve (iuiihifs stor.', raniin? from 11 t 'Z aores c:uh, well limb ered with various kituU ut" Oak, linc, I plar. and Chesniil. The Farm n-ntains abnut r ncrcs. of u liicli IS are cleared, and ha en it a Two Sr,.rv i.i1? Haute, a Lt!X liable, Sprint? ut' Water, Jj.jLand Fruit trees ni'varifUs kuuls. Ii ad joins lands td J. hu Iliuain-'l and Jacd llart min, ahout mile from (.iilthn's iSore, in White Deer tp , I'uion 3o Ia. The above property in oilcied at Frivatc a!e by the iuber;!''r. :i:ouf;i: mftvkm.. Kelly Tp., Any. lt. 'jj. GEOraGE T. COLE, Ii)' EALEll ill rianus, Mi'lmlt'ims, an.l all kinds of lliiiitl ler liilil- llisiC. Keeps constantlv ou hand. Il.iUet & Davis. Boston ; Li -lite. Newton ."ir Bradburys; and B;-nnett .V Co.. A. Y.. PIANOS. .v"so. Princes & (Vs celebrated MLl.ODEO.NS, prices from !.". On to S.i.'m 10. Orders from a distance will meet wi'h prompt attention. Second hand Planes taken in ex change for new. Room directly opposite the (V.nrt IT. use, Williamjiirt. 'tf. Aniil '1, 'oi .'i:tui6 1 LATE It WARi:-C.ike and carl B.isk.-ts lanie rorics, spoons alio iiiiiot nnivcs-. Teaspoons tilver-plated ou lite best l..-rman silver, 1 per 4 doz. Ail ;-ouil wiiiianli-'d lo pive satisfaction. AH kinds of Enirraviii at the shortest nolice at J. L. YODEB'S. Dr. John Locke, s vn ceox i) vs ris r, OITICi: removed to NORTH THIRD street, I.-u i-l ut. Lewisbur, Nov. I. 1835 C. W. SCHAFFLE'S WHOLESALE and 11 ETA I L Drift and Chcmi' nl Emporium. Market Street I.. ibiui;. Pa. WOOD FOR SALE. A1'!' rPLY to A. K. or Jolin Chalfaat. twii.. i.. .. .m.. if. I-..-. I.t-t iih Itrxson loscllier I' S Sri i : y ? "'ix4'"bL. I i:tV-rVKs'iPrr v HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. ii r AUlu ne sn:kt i ',mf Iwm lli K.t i-f Hi" human rare t lth' . . , v ..i. .,,.1 ,ylf-riir. IIOI.I.OWAY S ULLS ".,!..,:.'... ..!.; ..I I- II- t.ll ..f Hi' "K,I1. N i.i: ill S. Ill" I't.Ul All.. i s,ir., i. . ., - '.ii.4-r.iil Ml Il.f tit a It u I w tutw tf bis 7- VllU 1 ''! y &e Word. .ii (T,fc--f..iniir.i. tho liTr. ihr tkMnf. th luar. Kkin. Hi- I -. ,-, - rr- ii - any 'U ran-. mut itt th. n hii. t.Ui. I'Uiiijifcl l IU: " fc'UUUi i 1.1. , au-i i in.-- -uuu in i" y-sr'y hah ft' fciitoan rare liar ta HillK li h.' 't.n rvil i l! "f t"- av.ht,f I.. 1 . ii fi-ui .t -:'. t 'ii iiincr i f rjt.rraif IW iiHt-r.tM ---.Ma.iinilft. n. 1' nil iaiMURrii, 'ily 1t"7 .....i. f a. 1 . a. ll.'. l i. I -1!. "ri.i.. h . latiad 1. ai.il M ill (.'liter aUi:tI)t lt tMaW (,'LiuT'tl IhlUitg, I'd H"iith. ot tif in -t ti'- y ri' ti- rmn -iit htiTeonnI -t.,m - t.'i- iiitrfliidi .D 'tf thmm fills. tlt-i l.i.V li.: V In-.-'jit-' Ilir Iftr.l i Uif ! tli DIMUS-l.-;.ri. -l t'l'H'-:' i-iii'it 11. .it tin m-li-in- is tli Wsf n t-vtr kiifu l-s W r.-t-jj.- ul .i.-l.-atf health, or v in rv'?!..- - -i. n 1- ' u mil airt-il, a it iu igoratiaj lr-jc:LaL-s U' vn l..i: a.l r-1 Hin t. I lufii-in'. U r..rr.il :ri'l rntnlatr t.e u'Btbljr ....,!. .t all l r.i ii-. a. t.lir' .11 l.i.t. likr a charaa. It i" itl'-n ti- t--r-l .ti,.l -al. "t tnt-.ii. iDif that r lm gio t,. . L !:r. ii ol il ' I'f ' f-uivU.ut; ii i ; i nw r.iiiilr ?lt -u.il I - HWuUt. A-Iliina ,r l,. v I.II u-mpin l'M h. 1 ( 4.mi'Uia!- ; t.-vwrati-l A'nr u,.hhi i -,t-lis r- H . i . iiii,ia.ut? I i;i a b.. i U.W oJ firl ri."t lii-in. t'll tl4t- It,.! t-.tl a l i.i; u it.. .is..i.laIT r-impwa. V arl A al un. Vuiu.- tla.iaiuda n, ., , 1,.;:..: ai n IV it rl-- .i IrntaM WfikneJ i-v tl rrfpr'liil'tf ktu.t mud ltt.a.t-1 v1 ldicm H'r.-Ujib. ui iLf I int.-1 .-t.ti-. tin tic riTilUid wariii.itV at riiLs. ii:'7i Ul-Jili'l jl rarti. J . rf ' 1 li .i...-i.alU: raitu l Ikklog tb. llf jj.-r -I.-- N I:. Imp -'t'l :i; f r '!; j-iiMiirn v f-f patl ntilnaTwiy AYER'S PILLS. 1011 all iLc I'lnin-si's of a 1 riMiii nii'sic. Tirrm. h V-n? rxi'tM a pnMir dpfnani for m rfrotive puru:ttiYe p ii which couid hm relied on a h-irv an I p.-rtt-fily .it- in its dp'-ration. Thi h bi-n irT:irrti t't tit 't th:tt d'-m:iiid, ;ifid an exten Mf tri.i it i.r;;.f, l. tcii- iu-ii-ly hcwn wit w r.:tt -:ic- - it ;l.-i :n;t',iit:iAs the- pTirtM-.- dinetj. It in " tn m.ik" a phvsk-al ptU but Cot rajr t n.. ik.' . t - i . ; '.v i.T f h "h'tnM liate Ii'T.'- of fi'- '' l.tit a'd the .tdr;iit-u:S, of c i tv i ' i,T. "i;:-. Urn itt'inptefl hrc. and witii :. t iit-fi-vs t- v. -t;M rr-.pr. ti'till SMbmit to? Vn piii.t.e fici-i-iini. It hits bet-u uulortunatv fuc t:.- ' ti. -it rt tii .t an"-t every pMrativ :'' iT:rv.niti" ai:d irritatiii to the Uw eN. 'J i i.t-t. Jiii.v el thf in ppt-inrC S murb :t .!::.- r .;n ;-.rrl r vt.!- Vi in :hr svtcm to mor tiiri it-tiTit r:j.j::i: th" ir-Mtl t 'ic dt-rivttl fn-ia tilt::,. La-.- pr.-in. v no irn:iti'n tr pain. ti:..r-.- it :in fr"iu a prvioiislv exislinij obstnie titjii ur di.ra'itri ;:: Lt iu th' bimtU. lit-inir puivly vi t. ' b-. iMt h c m nrl-e fr-tm thrir use in any qiianiitv ; ti'it it in Ittttf-r i!.at anv mtdw ine should) tn. taki-Ti j . .J it l v. Minute d:rrft"nn fr thir nso in the !pv-r.tl da-.is to which they are ap piiiMhle nr? yiven im tkc hx. Aiu' n the com ji'i iii.t- v .: !i !. V ' !"-ti -tr"i!"!v n-.rcd by them. w mv metitiijii ljv- r Compbiiut, in iu rarious nrin ii ,l:;iii.iia-f. I:.'ieti"n. L:ti!uru"r and I-o-s rf Ap- r''titm, I.r-tlr---tif. Irntflbilify, iiilmiu iirftdaci i.hiuis i cvtT. 1-Ttr itJid Al'ik', in tii Sidm aiid Li;i: ; f"r. in truth, all thc-p arp hot the e-scqui'n'-e if i:s'- ai-timi in the Uver. At a : r.i :it, try a; .rl prompt and Mirr relirf in livtiif lYf. t "lir, iMjM'ntery, Humors. Scm( nl.i ;t:id 5,-nrvv, C"ids witli surciif f( the !ody M.-crs and urity nf tSe Mood; in hnrt. any and ct'tt r:;-e wUerf a piir j: tie is remiirr-L 'J u v i-.ir ;:!- iit..d:;t-t 1 sitne sinijalarly U9 rrf; rt;r-i in lihn-jTuatiini, (tout, lmpy, Orael,, Kr-;pc'.us l'.i.pit .linti "f th Heart, I'jinsinthe !,.". k. St..::i.i. h. :nid SM. Thw .nv4 be freely t:.kiu in tiie F'trinz f tl.f year, tn purify t'ie blue A ;n.il r. i:irc t.c --.-i- :n i- r the (h:Ji' of eaon. An n- :t..TKil d' e n.:n:ik'tt the st'imarh an b-'weU i:.to iiful::.v a !:"-i. and rustfres the ajp titc ar.d : lt r. Tl.ry purify the Mood, and. hy their stitcai int action on the ircn.aWry ksimi, reno i: t!.c ftri-Li;"1. of the t".y, a:.d roM-ire the w r-i it ilca I frr re'io i' the whole unramim. lii i: e au t.ci-.if ifii.ti iioc U a ivat:t;ij;itiis. ften ii: ti' M-ri-'iis tb r irjrinent cxittti : hnt nr. iif e.- irydosaiii: should nyv r le c.irried tou tar. as i-vtTv p-.r.it.c ii.ttKcine rri:nLt the strcmrta, vrhrr. t'tkrn to ex The thou.-.ni ra&esm whirU a puyMi- i rt(U;rctl tar.uot be enunitTuted here, but tii. v' rot tin ni-ein- to the n aon of every tody; and it is coMiih-ntlr bvlievnl this pill will niiMvi r a better p-r. -e th'.m any tiiin? which ha l:!t:irto b.-ii a :li:iii'..- to mankind. When thair Virtues are ime ki.um, the public will no longer doubt v?..it u mt iy to tii.ph'j whea ia nce of a tatiiaxtic iut4Jtcuie. JAVES C. A UK, IrAc:iciI and Analytical ChemiM. I-owt-;, l'rrce 25 i'ci.n p-.r liox. Five Duxes for$l - - ivi.ii s cni!iuv rrcTonii Fur tlic cure ui t "ouhs Colds. Hoarseness, Ilronehitt., W huopi:i2 t"ou-.h, L'ruiij Asthma. and Co:iuit;; :ii u. This reraedT has won f-r itself tnch notoriety from its run s ijt every variety of pulmonary disease, , thnt it in entirelr unnecessary to rewtunt the eir denrrs of its virtues in any community where it has !een em;Ioved. So wide is the Held of ita use lulnc$$, and so liumrrous ti:e cases of its cure, that ahii' t every sretien of the eonnfry abonnd m persons nuhlii ly known, who have been restored from akirnuni aiid even h -.prr ite dise:;,es of tha lunirt bv its nte. Whin m.e tried its aiiperiority over eery oh r nitttiemo ot" itt kiiid is too appar ent to escape fihen;t!i' ti, ard where its virtne an known, the rmblie no lontri r hesitate what antitlote t enijt'ov tur ti.f u:trei:i and .Ltm:eruu-s affec tions of the puhnnmry onrnns which are incident tt our climate. And not only iu formiiUble at tacks tipon the lunu'ii. hut f"r the milder varieties of I'oliw. Cot r.its, jUo vRUNE.st, Ve. ; and tfot mLiKi. it in the nle : .tuut and saicst medicine that c.n be obtained. A it h;. Urns Ui n In constant re cfcmrhmit thks section, we ncd n-t d. th people itaqiKditv ker- P . the b t tt it ef e : LAron and t:.e nuine ulu-v u ld by Las been and 1 IT- I - j a v t Ai .K, l'racncal and AnaivH- ii.i.-r. L- M.-i". t'urv:: .t-itT. Mut- u: II . t:ut. mill krmi-ri t Ki- lour. 1 v ali li.'.wrist-vrrvwbt'nr. n ip cf Union and Snyder Counties. TAUMS1IKI. Wowlen Rnllfr. :in:l on Muiin, iea iy lo be bung up, will K- jrnl I'j- ihi: .-iilcrii'i r, jj. stage paul; Tvw :r-!i: li;a, fill ltd, u r 1 rn ti.nlosiciil ' " I 7a The IliviMun In it" i diaun vn this .Map, al-o Towihip liiie, an l as ii cun'ains all lhe principal Ho!, arc! hows eninpantlire tfi-laii.-o. it -l.i-iit.l I'tuilied ah wuo are m vote on t Iia localion ol the S?rat ol' Justice. '1'hc tlrol. ii'al .Map iliuws lh itiata vi llie tWi. (.lllll!''. For ili' iptr ecpit'S ol'lho Map. a.lilrr.. K. VOLK.MAK. i -!.iir, Mav 18, lSTij. GUssware. IF von tirpil Cliissn :irr. call on F1TZ l'A'rilll.'lv. .V liUO.ai mc li iukjiorc next (i....r to llrav.T V Kn'tiicr's.wliere i tube bad a l"t ol clicaii (i!a-s"arf touclit at Auction.to be so'J at P:. .1.1.1. ln irsale prices: A-libnit. :i ;.fi l Velter Uehlets, Flufcil Ji tiii s, I'.i. t.-.I Pit.-hcr:, e.-rr.met Dishes. Kit: ;iast-. KntuCKV S'liirs. Molas&es Pitches, I'niK avo K ii t. it linn i-, ll-.m."iil aa-.Taylor rm bcri. 'I'liialilcrs ..f v.ui.'U paiti-rns an.l nricrv. Iiisiis am! Hou-ls vi all siacs and pal terns (lid.- Jar.-.. .Vt;-. l.eia isbmg, Oct. 5 Dr. Juccb Ilorlacbcr, "I)OTM(; PlIVsit lAN, havins re-air.tii I i. l.e.'ih. h.- reMiii'.c.l b's praciire rt ihe lu iii u ..i. ll.ipeiit'r t AI.V E in ui.'! ill fcr i il. ai"l all orri-ii iufrlKd a. ....... 1 . -.in . Vcv e.