Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, January 11, 1856, Image 4

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    V; ?
Bonnets and Skirts.
Little head and little bonnet.
Little pate and nothing on it,
(One might say "with nothing in it,"
but that yon charm me every minute:)
I.iltle lady, now i know
Why maiden let their ringlets grow,
For otherwise as bonnets go
Their beads would freeze, and that is so.
Little waist and monstrous fljunces!
How the silk sea waves and bounces!
How the hooping billows quiver
Like a lovely rustling river !
Oh, wondrons, water-stlkene 4 sea !
What whalebones in youi depthsuiust be'
What lots of gold, all wastelully
Squandered on you, bright silken sea!
A Kitchen Scene.
"Well, Dinah, Lere I come to cool: tLc
dinner. Manirru has tucked mj curls
closely under this cap, my arms are as
bare as if I was goiug to dance, and with
this hideous apron 1 trust I suit jour
Pinah, showing the whites of her eyes
in the most extraorJiuary manner "Yes,
missy ; but is dat a couk-book in your
apron pocket V
"So, you old lynx eye. You know well
that it is a very interesting novel that I
intend tj read while the meat is roasting;
and recollect, you arc to say nothing about
"But, missy, you know dat I had my
orders not to touch the dinner, and if you
read dat bock, do meat burn as black as
Dinah's fate what den ?"
"Oh, mind your wash-tub, Dinah, and
leave me to manage. A piece of pork to
roast, eh ? Lucky I am no Jewess ; here's
the dredging box and salt, so I'll com
mence operations."
Mrs. Clement Elsie's mother was a
thorough New England housekeeper.
Married whon a mere child, totally ignor
ant of domestic affairs, she had experien
ced, of course, innumerable mortifications
in consequence, and having by persever
ance and energy made herself acquainted
with all the details of domestic economy,
she determined that Elsie should begin to
time to make herself useful as a house
keeper. But return we to our heroine. There she
eat with her little slippered foot peeping
from beneath her neat gingham morning
dress, her shilling hair confined uuder her
cap of snowy muslin, and in her hands
the book referred to by Dinah. Dinah
herself stood near at the wash-tub, ever
and anon looking over her shoulder and
muttering "ccber saw a gal do two things
well at once." But after watching some
time, and seeing the salt and flour duly
applied, and the meat occasionally turned
tbo ceased to remonstrate.
At length, the meat and the novel be
ing done, Elsie jumps op from her scat,
patters a handful of soap-suds in Diuah's
face, and says :
"Look here, my dear wooly pato, there's
your meat done (o a turn, and your gravy
com me U fiat, which, translated into Afri
can, means you could d j itnn better your
self. Now, do your duty as I have done
mine, dish it up properly, and I'll ."peak
a good word for you to I'ompey ; so now
I'll make the custard, and then prepare
the dinner."
This being done, with a skip and a
bound she vanished.
The last shining curl was just arranged
to her satisfaction when Dinah presented
herself at the door, with both hands raised,
and her face looking, if possible, blacker
than ever :
"0, Lor ! O, Lor ! Missy Elsie, it only
wants five minutes to dinner, and young
Alfred coming home with your papa ; Lor
bless my soul, 'tis too much for this nig
ger if he tinks I cook dat dinner 0, Lor!
O, Lor!"
"What on earth do you mean ?" said
Elsie, with a vague foreshadowing of some
impending evil.
"O, Lor '" said Dinah, sitting down in
a chair and wiping the perspiration from
her face with the corner of her apron ;
"you take the cup of salaratus and you
baste the meat and season de gravy wid it
and you put peppermint in de custard
instead ob de essence ob lebben. Land
ob Goshen ! dis nigger neber so decompo
sed in all bcr life. Only wants five min
utes to dinner. O, Lor ! O, Lor I all for
dat novel book, Miss Elsie !"
S3Tho new Democratic paper at Belle
fonte is an able journal, and almost alone
of the Democratic press in Pennsylvania
goes strongly for I'res. Tierce. We
copy a couple of its opinions :
"The present administration is the very
embodiment of ' Jctfersoniau Democracy,'
and is now regarded with that sound favor
which the authors of pure and patrutu
deeds always receive from the wise and
It also stated, (we quote from memory)
" Tho administration of Gen. Tierce is
mora than great which reminded us
of the remark, " Thero is but a step from
the sublime to the ridiculous." The
WulJinuiu " puts oa the praise very thick"
As Affecting Appeal. An unfor
tunate editor iu Kentucky, thus addresses
his doliuqueot subscribers; "Friends,
we are almost penniless Job's turkey
was a millionaire compared with our pre
sent depressed treasury. To day, if the
price of silt wis two cenfs a bat relful, we
couldn't buy enough to pickle a jiy-bird."
Mistakes. A correspondent writes
that he sent to the two M introso papers a
notice in which occurred the name of Mr.
Buck, and one piper made it Beech and
the other Birch, and he think a third
would have made it Mplc, or some other
A paj.er his just bovn started in Bich-mo-iJ,
Indiana, called "The Broadaxo of
Freedom and Grubbing Ua of Truth."
William Jones,
ATTORNEY at Law. Collections
A promptly attended to. dice opposite
Kline's Hotel,
Lewisbnrg Academy.
Tmt Fall inn Winu 8r.iaioc of this Ift
titctios will commence on Tucasuav, Oct.
4, 1855, to continue 20 weeks. The design of
the Principal in commencing somewhat earlier
than usual, is lo prepare the way by a shorter
Fall and Spring recess for a vacation hereafter
during the hot and sickly season.
The course or instruction is calculated to fit
Youths for College or for general business.
The Bible is a text boolt,and CowrwaiTiim
and Dixlimatiox receive careful attention.
PaonciKxci in Becilation of Studies is rewar
ded by the btstowment of Cmruxunii
A class of Wens Lints is secured.
The present Session affords a good oppor
tunity for young men who are engaged part of
the year and who purpose devoting the Winter
months lo their own improvement. Those
desirous r.f obtaining good seals should be
present the first day and secure them.
Tuition. For Com no Bhixchi.ii (Reading.
VVriitng.Geography.Ariihmetic.Uraromar and
U.S. History) $G; Aninctn Esur-ian (all not
named above) aud for Laxgi-aoks $10
Contingent expenses per Session, 50 cts per
scholar. No deductions except for protracted
sickness. J.NO. RAMMJM'H,
Sept. 21, 1SS5 Principal.
Clothing and Hat Establishment
JUST opened, at llie Rooms formerly
occupied by Xerius It Beale, an entire
new and splendid assortment of Clothing
and llutx. Broadcloths Cassimcres, Doe
skin., and all sorts of TUIMM1XGS AXD
Dress and Frock Custom Coats,
got up by experienced City workmen, and
every other article kept in such establishments
such as White Shirts and Collars. Coder
garments, Socks, Suspenders, Umbrellas,
Overalls, a variety of Gloves, Stocks, NecK
and Pocket Hdkfs, Sewine Silk, Thread and
Needles, Coat Cord and Binding, Boys' and
Youths' Hats, Caps, and Clothing, constantly
on hanrf.
Custom Work done on the premises,
ant sold at the same rates.
The times demand a good article at a low
price. Our motto is, Quick Sulrs and thr
Smollett Profit in lawn!' Lsr No charge
for showing. Please call and see for your-
ae'rec if vr,u wish to save f tn HO prcL
TA1L.OUI.MJ in ail lis branches.
Terms Cash. ABEL AM.MON.
Lewisburg, Sept. 27, 18,5
A Complete Cure for Ague !
rPIIE very extensive prevailing condi-
1 lion or tins disease, and the tact that it
is not known to the public that the undersigned
is able to CLUE At!l K, has induced In in to
make known lo the public that he uses a pre
paration in use by no less than 2.000 Ameri
can Eclectic l'livsu-.ians, called ltf Mloi'U
tlVC Wine Hitlers. This preparation
acts on the Liver. Spleen, Stomach, Kidneys,
indeed on the whole system, and brings it into
a healthy and vigorous condition. Now when
the whole system is bronght into a perfect state
of health, it is impossible for Ague to occur,
which generally attacks the feeble, or those
whose constitution has been broken b some
cause. This can seneraliy be done by our
Restorative, and almost every case completely
cured. Of course no disease can be cured that
a man may not take it agtiin,b'.it we mean cu
red and bronght into the same healthy Condi
turn as one that never had this disease, cured
for tins season if the person observes the laws
of life and health.
N.B. This medicine should be taken from
3 to 5 weeks, dose a table-spoonful 3 or 4 times
a day. price of quart bottle $1.
Now if yioi are no friend of the Asne yon
will call and be cured. Lower end of Market
St. Lewisburg. M. H. DERSHAM, M.LI.
Duwnfall of SiLarlnpol and High Prices'
Not Last nor Least!
TDDINGS& WETZEL would announce
L to the Trading community, in Town and
Country, that they have now finished the re
ception of the largest and best stock of
Tall and Winter Goods
ever brought to their store room, comprising
the usual variety of Dry Goods, Gems' aud
Li lies' ttiuur Wear,
Groceries, Crocker j. Hardware,
and all Goods desired for HOUSEKEEPERS
Our Goods were selected with unusual care,
and we believe will be found of th very best,
and (for the quality) as cheap as they can rea
sonably be alfurded at any other store ou the
West Branch.
We respectfully invite onrold customers to
call and see our stocks, and we are sure we
can suit your wants and tastes. Produce ta
ken as usual cash never refused.
Oct. 11, '55. IDDIXOS ft WETZEL.
Improvement in Daguerreotyping !
CPYKElt & II AWN announce to the
O public that they have newly fined up and
greatly improved their Rooms and Apparatus,
and are prepared to lake LikeuCMNes sup
erior to any in this place heretofore. Pictures
copied, or taken from life, and inserted in Me
dallions, Breastpins, Fingerrings, Walchseals,
sVc, and warranted true. We annex a list of
our superior Cases : Papier Mache, Souvenir,
Jenny Lind, Jewel, Union, Sontag.Oval, Velvet
an i Shell. Pictures taken at $1 and upwards.
Rooms at the old stand over Dr. Thornton &
Co.'s Drug store.opposite the Telegraph office.
Lewisburg, Feb. 22, 1855
FOR SALE A first-rate Outfit, ail complete
and ready for ue, which we will sell to any
person, with full instructions in the business,
lor less than first cost.
A PPLICATION will be made to the
a V. next Legislature to change the name of
the " Lewisburg Savings Institution," located
at !wisburt? in the couutv of Cninn, to "THE
I.LU ISBLRG BANK," with One Hundred
Thousand Dollars additional capital, and
authority to issue theirown notes for circula
tion ; subject to the provisions of the general
banking lawn of this Commonwealth.
By order of the Directors :!
DAVID REBER, Treasurer.
Lewisburg, Ha.. June 8. 1855.
'PHE subscribers having associated
J the.nselves under the Finn of ZstLKas
Sr..i!,iu the BL'TCIIERI.XG Business,
at the old stand of F. Zellers, (in the rear of
his residence on Smlti Third street) are now
prepared to supply the citizens of Lewisburg
and vicinitv w ith Fresh Meat, of all kinds
Cheap for Cash- We trust we shall have a
full share of public patronaee.
!.5"Sell out on Tuesday an I Friday morn
ings every week. F. ZEI.LERS.
Lewisburg, Sept. 17, 1855
N. B. I wish tn have my old accounts
whether Notes or Book account SETTLED
CP- All indebted will pi c&se lake notiep.
Sept 17 ' F. ZELLERS.
fLIM'htt- all kinds of 8-day and
10-hour Brass Clocks and patent lever
time-p;eocs, Brass 8 day clocks at $,
brass 3n-hiiurclocks as low as $1. All rtorks
warranted for or.e year at J. L. V0DER"8
Lewisburg Chronicle &
GRADUATE of the Penn Medical
II University.of Philada, offers her profes
sional services lo the people of Lewisburg and
Office at her father's residence, (lr. J. F
Oner's,) one door below J.L. Yoder's Jewelry
Store. April 16, 185.
New Book and Stationery Store
N Lewisburg. M. Fitzpatrick &
Brothers, Publishers, Booksellers Sl Sta
tioners, 3D N. 6th St., Philadelphia, have open
ed a branch of their establishment in 3d 8U,
next door to Beaver & Kremer's 8tore where
may be bad Books in the varied departments
of Literatnre, including Historical, Biographi
cal, Theological, Scientific, Mechanical, Poeti
cal, Classical, Juvenile and Miscellaneous pub
lications. Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books,
suitable for the various denominations. Plain
and Fancy Stationary of all kinds. Pen and
Pocket Cutlery, Portmonnaies in Pearl, Ivory,
Papier-Mache and Morrocco, Gold pens and
pencils, Ladies Cabas, Reticules and Work
Boxes, and a variety of useful Fancy Goods.
Ladies and Gentleman are respetlully solicited
to call and examine their assortment of Books,
Stationery and Fancv Goods. New Goods re
ceived every day by Express. June 8, 1855.
ELANK Books of all patterns, including
Day Books, Ledgers. Journals, Cash and
Minute Books, Pass and Memorandum Books,
Students Note and Composition Books, &c,
at M. r itzpalnck fc Bro. s, 3d St., Lewisburg.
" JORTE MONNAIES in Pearl, Ivory, Pa-
1 pair macne ana morocco at prices
varying from 10 cts. lo $1,25 at M. Fitzpat
rick & Bro's New Book and Stationery Store,
3d St., Lewisburg, next door to Beaver &
Kremer's store.
17M.N E Gold Pens diamond pointed 37)
; Large do " " 50
Ex. u " ' 75
Gold pens in silvercases from 75 cts. tn $2,00.
Gold pencils with or without pens from 75 ct.-.
to $1.00
GOLD pens repointed at 25 cts. each, at M.
Fitzpatrick & Bro's New Book and Sta
tionery Store, 3d St. Lewisburg, next door to
Beaver & Kreamer's Store.
1)EN and Pocket cutlery of Rodger's, Wos
tenholms, and others fine manufacture,
at prices varying from 10 cts. to $1,00.
ORDERS for any Books published in this
Country or Europe, not on hand, will be
attended to with promptness anddipeh,and
supplied in all casts at from 20 to 50 percent
below publishers' prices, by Fitzpatrick & Bro.
CtUEAr tetter, cap anu noic jpci r.m s
r.ts. to 12J per quire.
Buff Envelopes self sealing, 12 cts. per 100.
Fine white " 15 " "
at M. Fitzpatrick ik Bros New Book and
Stationery Store, 3d St, Lewisburg
HARPERS, Godey's,Graham's,and all the
other $3,00 Magazines supplied at $2,
ftil per annum. Single No's only 20 cts., by
M. Fitzpatrick & Bros' 3d St.. I.ewitburg.next
door to Beaer & Kremer's Store.
Philadelphia Adv'ts.
George Sturges,
O0LE Manufacturer of the Improved
O Spiral Spring MatreMCS, No. 9
Walnut St. Philadelphia.
FIVE SILVER MEDALS awarded, viz.
To by the American Institute, Nrw York, OeLl 1HM
dn Franklin Inrtitnt-. l'hUJl.hi,No. VdJ
One st th Msrylsnl Institute, Baltimore. Hot.) 182
The peculiar improvement in the construc
tion of this Matress is, that all the clumny and
hrary U'lxuten frame work is entirely dispensed
with, and its place supplied by a lighter and
much more durable frame, the springs are all
connected by harness-leather hinges, securely
riveted, rendering it impossible for a single
spring to fall down or get out of place, and
making a Bed so elastic that any part may be
raised or bent up. and is thus admirably fitted
to the wants of the sick or asthmatic who may
require a silting pnsture.having the Insurious
softness of the best Feather Bed with the light
ness and facility of handling of the common
Hair Matiress.
These improved Spring Beds are invariably
made of the best materials, and will last many
years without repairs.
Persons having Hair Matresses, can have
them altered into Spring Beds.
These Beds are well adapted forHotels.berths
of ships, Steamboats and Hospitals.
Spring Seats for Chairs.Carnages or Church
Pews and Hair and Husk Matiesses made to
order. Also an extensive assortment of highly
ornamented (in enamel) and plain finished
consisting in part of Bedsteads, Hat and Coat
Racks, Cane and Umbrella Stands, Garden
Chairs, Settees, Ac. &c.
Philadelphia, April 20, 1855 ly575
Evans & Watson,
No. 26 South Fourth
St., Philadelphia.
Great Fire at
Chestnut & Fifth Sts-
Friday morning, Dec. lftth, I8o4 LVANS 6c
MPHANT, as they always aie when put to
the test :
PHiLinKLrmt, Dec. 15, 1854.
Messrs.EvansccWatson.No.29 South Fourth St.
Gentlemen We take much pleasure in rec
ommending your Salamander Safes to Merch
ants and rthers in want of a secure means ot
preserving their books, papers &c. from fire,
as the one we purchased from you about seven
months since has preserved our books, papers
and cash in as good a condition as they were
when put into it, before the great fire of this
morning, which destroyed the entire block of
buildings corner ol Chestnut and r lfth streets.
The above safe was in use in onr office, on
the second floor of onr building, from which
place it fell into the cellar, and remained there
until the fire was out. The Safe was then re
moved and opened in the presence of at least
1000 persons, who witnessed the good condi
tion of its contents. Will you please have
the Safe and Locks repaired, as we intend to
pnt it in use again, having perfect confidence
in its fire-proof qualities.
Yours, respectfully,
Evans & Watson take pleasure in referring
to the following, among the many hundreds
who have their Safes in use : V. S. Mint, Phil
ada.; Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank, Philada.;
Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sheriff, Philada.;
John N. Henderson. City Controller; Caleb
Cope & Co, No. 183 Market St,; Richard
N'orris & Son, Locomotive builders, Philada.;
Bancroft & Sellers, Machinists, corner 16th
and James Sts. ; Franklin Fire Insurance Co,
Philada.; Pennsylvania Railroad Co., Philada.;
Lacey & Phillips, corner 5th and Minor Sts.;
Sharpless & Bro., No. 32 South Seeood St. ;
James, Kent &. San tee, No. 147 North Third
St. ; W. H. Horstman &. 8ons, No. 51 North
Third St. ; Smith, Williams & Co, No. 87 Mar
ket St.; J. & B. Orne, No. 185 Chestnut St.
r?"A large assortment of the above Safes
always on hand (warranted to stand at least 10
per cent, more fire than any Herring s Safe
now in use). EVANS & WATSON also
manufacture and keep for sale, Iron 8hutters,
Iron Doors and Iron Sash, for making fire
proof Vaults for Banks, stores, pnblie and pri
vate buildings; Seal and Letter Copying Pres
ses ; Patent elate Lined Refrigerators, dee.
Please give as a call, at No. 26 South FOURTH
St, Philadelphia. April 6, '55 573y I
"VTO. 28 North Ninth St., Philada.,
ll manufaclurerofManlllla.Cloaku,
&.C.. of all descriptions, at W HOLESALE
and RETAIL. Orders made up at short notice
in the best and latest style. April O'mJ
West Branch Farmer January 11, 1856.
Dissolution of Partnership.
rTHE Partnership heretofore existing
L between David Blair and J. L. Barrett un
der the firm of Blair At Barrett, in the business
of the Mount Vernon House, No. 95 North
Second Street, has been this day dissolved by
mutual consent, J. L. Barrett having purchased
the interest of said Blair, will continue to keep
the Mount Vernon Mouse.
The Mount Vernon House will be continued
by the subscriber, who will be happy lo see
his friends and spare uo pains to make them
comfurlaole. J. L. BARRETT.
Philadelphia, April 7, I8&0.
Patent Champion Fire
proof SAFES, with Hall's
Patent Powder-Proof Locks,
which were awarded separ
ate Medals at the World's
Fair, London, 1851, and also
at the Worlds Fair, New
York. 1853 and 1854. The
subscribers are the sole manufacturers and
proprietors in this State of the above une
qualled Safes and Locks. The reputation ol
the genuine - Herring's Safe" is world wide.
and for the last thirteen years the mercantile
community have witnessed and borne testi
mony to their nxvsa rains fire proof quali
ties. More than 12,000 of these Safes have
been actually sold, and over two boubbkb
have passed triumphantly through accidental
fires. The public are assured that all Safes
manufactured by the subscribers are not only
guaranteed lo be fully equal, but in many re
spects even superior to those which have been
so severely tried by fire. Few will forget their
services in the burning of the "Tribune es
tablishment," New York, and at the Great Fire
in Strawberry street, at the large fire last July,
opposite the Girard House ; and still more re
cently in the Fire at Filth and Ihesnnt ms.,in
this city, in which these Safes came forth the
acknowledged Cmsnxs, when many other
securities failed. FARREL & CO,
Iran Snfr and Bank lnek Makert,
34 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia.
Chilled Iron Safes, with Powder Proof
Locks, manufactured expressly for Banks,
Brokers, Jewelers, and others reqniring secu
rity from rogues. Bank Vaults, Doors, &c,
on hand and made lo order. All the njov"'
ebraterLocksf..r..i.---rdCiurers prices.
second hand " Safes," Salamanders" and
" Iron Chests" of other makers, having been
taken in part payment for Herring's, for sale
at half price. March 30,'5S. 672yl
Agtnt J. O. Ricumuso & Co., Danville.
THE purity, fraz-
JL ce, and mild
emollient properties of
this Soap, renders it es
pecially deserving a
place ou every toilet.
For chapped hands. and
various diseases of the skin, it is uneqnaled.
Each cake is stamped WM. CONWAY, 168
Sonth Second Street, Philadelphia. No other
is Genuine.
Improved Chemical Olive Soap,
Warrunted lo H'usA in Hard, Soft or, Salt Water.
This Soap has powerful cleansing proper
ties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt,
Ac, from every description of goods without
injury to them. For all domestic purposes it
is superior to any other Soap now in use, and
30 per cent, cheaper than the common Rosin
Soap. Each bar is stamped WILLIAM COX-
WA Y, 168 South Srennd Street, I'hilndelphia.
manufacturer of FANCY AND STAPLE
SOAPS.Sperm, Stearine andTallow Candles,
importer and dealer in Sal Soda, Soda Ash,
Kosiu, &c.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
August 21, 1855 593m3
F. H. SmiTH,
PORT Monnaie, Pocket Book and
Dressing Case Manufacturer. N. W. cor.
of Fourth & Chestnut Sts, Philadelphia.
Always on hand a large and varied assort
ment of
Port Monnaies, Work Boxes,
Pocket Books, Cabas,
Bankers' Cases, Traveling Bags,
Note Holders, Backgammon Boards,
Port Folios, Chess Men,
Portable Desks, Pocket Memorandum Books,
Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, Ac.
Also, a general assortment of ENGLISH,
Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops
and Gold Pens.
Wholesale, Second and Third Floors.
N. W. corner Fourth A Chestnut Sts., Philada.
N. B. On the receipt of $1, a Superior
Gold Pen will be sent 10 any pan of the United
States, by mail ; describing pen, thus, medinm,
hard, or soft. March 30,'55 ly572
J Avenue, Ph iLanKLpma. The attention
of the public is invited to the extensiv Manu
factory and Wareroom of the subscriber, who
fs prepared to furnish, at the shortest notice.
Iron Railing of every description tot Cemeta
ries, Public and Private Buildings, also Ver
andahs, Balconies, Fountains, Settees. Chairs,
Lions, Dogs, Ac, and other ornamental Iron
Work of a decorative character, all of which
is executed with the express view of pleasing
the taste, while they combine all the requi
sites of beauty and substantial construction.
Purchasers may rely on having all articles
carefully boxed and shipped to their place of
A book of designs will be sent to those who
wish to make a selection.
Ridge Avenne below Spring Garden St. Phila
THE subscribers have established a BOOK
AGENCY in Phila,and will furnish any
book or publication at the retail price free of
postage. Any persons, by forwarding us the
subscription price of any of the .$3 Magazines,
such as Harper's.Godey's.Putnam's.Graham's,
Frank Leslie's Fashions, etc. will receive the
magazines for one year and a copy of a splen
did lithograph portrait of either Washington,
Jackson, or Clay; or, if subscribing to a $2
and a 51 Magazine, they will receive a copy
of either of the three portraits. If subscribing
to $A worth or Uagaxine. all thrm portrait! will bo mi
gratia. MUSIC furniabed to llioas who aaay wfch It.
ENYELOPF.S of every dearrlptiott ami alio, in I area or
small quantiUea, furnirked. seal Plaana, Ska, Ac at-nt
to order.
Krery damiptlon of FVORATIXO OX WOOD exeeo ted
with neatneSR and deapatehViewB of Baildinva, Naa
paper Itearitna. Views of Machinery, Book lllaatrattona,
Lodge tVrtifleatea, Ruidneea Cfcrde, Ae. All orders pent
liy mail promptly attended to. Feraona wishing vfewa
of their building enerared can and a Deguerraotjp or
aketrh of the building hy Mail or KipreM.
Prnona at a distance baring saleable articles, would And
tt to their adrauUge to address the subscribers, ae wa
would act aa agents for the 8 U.B of the emaae.
ryram rreucK.
to, Sncri Tbiu Stsiit, Fauuaexnm, Fa.
j. K- ataam. 1)007 I. altf nan.
Expret Office!
jail I 111 I The undersigned have been
appointed Agents for HOWARD A CO.'S
EXPRESS LINE, and are now prepared to
forward, dailu. Packages, Specie, Bank Notes
Ac to Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Al
bany, Baltimore, and intermediate points, also
to the otherNorthern and Eastern cities.
The pnblie are respectfully invited to pat
ronize the above line, as it is the quickest and
safest method of transportation between the
cities and Lewisburg.
Packages received by or before 9 A.M. will
arrive in Philadelphia the same day, and be
delivered early in the following morning.
Receipts given for time and price.
Philad,lpkia OffirA 1 A 43. South Third 8t
To Iron Masters and Dealers.
"DENX'A Wire WorksNo.21 Arch St.
of all meshes and widths,
with all kinds of Plain and Fancy WireWork
Paper Maker's Wire, all kinds. Cylinder
and Dandy Rolls, covered in the best manner
in or out of ihe City.
A very superior article of Heavy Founder's
Sieves all kinds of Iron Ore Wire, Wire and
Sieves for Seed, Grain, Starch, Snuff, Brick-
dust, Ac.
Trusses Trasses Trusses !
8.W. Cor. of Twellih and Race Sis.
Importers of fine FasscBTaossrs.combining
extreme lightness, ease, ana auraoiwy, vim
correct construction.
Hernial or Runtured patients can be suited
by remitting ameonts, aa below : Sending number of
lurh-a arouad the nips, and stating iie aneeien.
I n.t off Sinele Tru. .1. 4. b. DouMe S&, 6, . 10.
Instructions as to wear.and bow to affect a cure, when
possible, aeut with the Truse.
Also for sale, in great variety,
Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body Brate,
for the cure of Prolapsus Cterl ; also Sptnsl Trope and
Supports; Palest shoulder Braces, Chest Ktpandere and
Krrrtr llrares, adapted to all wkh up Miouldera and
Weak Lungs; Kngltnu Klaslle aouomioai Deiu, Buspeu
anriva ; Svrinera. male and female.
(a. Ladies' Bourns, with Lady attendants. 1)390
Fruits and Confectionery.
"DEMOVAL. The subscriber has
J.I removed to No. 26 Market street,
three door above the OU Stand, PHI LAD.)
where he keeps constantly on hand a general
stock of all articles in his line consisting of
ORANGES, LEMONS, and all kinds of Fruit
in season ; Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts,
Ground Nuts plain and roasted; Pickles and
Preserves of all kinds to which he invites
the attention of Dealers and others visiting the
City. Goods packed at this establishment
warranted to carry sate.
No. 26 Market street,
311)590 above Fiont, south side, Philad
Bosk Agents Wanted.
VdLMS wanted in every Town and
County in the United States, to canvass
for Ihe most popular Historical and other val
uable and saleable Books published Works
particularly adapted to the wants of the people,
being beautifully illustrated with fine Steel and
Wood Engravings, and bound in the most sub
stantial manner.
Agenis now canvassing for us, find it a plea
sant and profitable employment.
Our list also includes ihe best books of T.S.
ARTHUR. Over 11)0,000 volumes have been
siilil thai niiti vear. and their sale is increasing
, j . n
yet. We have just added several iYrta Bmiks to
our list by this most popular writer, and shall
add others the ensuing fall and winter.
We think we have the best list tor Agents in
the country. Send for it, and judge for your
selves. For full particulars and list, address
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher,
48 North Fourth street,
4m 597 Philadelphia, Pa.
Helmbold's Genuine Preparations.
HELMBOLD'S Highly Concentrated
Compound fluid Extract ol
ItCClIC, lor Diseases of the Bladder and
Kidneys, Secret Diseases, strictures, weaK
ness, and all diseases of ihe Sexual Organs,
whether in Male or Female, from whatever
canse they may have originated and no matter
of how long stauding.
If you bare enntrarted Ihe terrible disease wbirb.
wbi-n once seated in tliesslero, wiil snp-ly go Uowu
from one gvneratein to another, undcrniiinuc the con
stitution and piiitg the ,ry vital flull of life, do ni't
tru..t yourself in tlie bands of Uoarks, who strt up ev
ery day in a city like Ibis, and lill the pap, with gla
riug falsehood loo well cal'-utated to a-fr the youn
and those not acquainted ilh their trirks. You ran
not be too careful in the selection (fa remedy in Uieje
The Fluid F.ttTart of PiKha has been pronounced by
eminent pliyniriaus the Greatest Remedy erer known,
it Is a medirine perfectly pleasnot In it taste and rery
innocent in Us arlioo, and yet so thorough anni
hilate, erery particle of the rank and poisonous rirus or
this dreadful disease ; and. unlike other remedies. It does
not dry up the disease in the blood. Constitutional
l-btlity, brought on by eelf-almee, a most terrible
disease, which haa brought thousands of the hu
man race to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant
bopesof parents, and blighting in the bud tbe glorious
ambition of many a noble youth, can be cured by tbis
Infallible Hemcdy. And as a medicine which must ben
efit erery body, from the simply delirate to the couhnrd
and despairing invalid, no equal ia to be found, acting
buth as a Cure and trcvcntiTe. j
Helmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound
Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla,
For purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising
from excess of Mercury, rxposure and imprudeoce in
life, chronic constitutional disease, arising from an im
pure state or tbe Biood. and the only reliaMe aud ef-fe-toal
known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Salt
Kheum, rVald Head, Ulcerations of the Throat and
Legs, rains and Swellinpa of the Bones, Tetter. 1'im
pleson the Face, and all Scaly abruptions of the Skin.
Thie artirle !s now prescribed by some of the most
distinguished Physiriana in the country, and has proved
more efficient in practice than any preparation of Sarsa
parilla yet ottered to the public. Several cases of secon
dary Syphilis,Merenrtal and (Scrofulous diseases have en
tirrly recovered in the incurable wards of our Public In
stitutions which had for many years resisted every mode
of treatment tht sou!.! h devised. These cases furuish
striking exsmples of tbe sal utary rncrts of this medicine
in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after
the glanda were destroyed aud the bones atreaiiyaflVeted
NOTICE.- Letters from responsible Physicians or aer
eral Medical Colleges, and certificates of cures from pa
tients will be found accompanying both Preparations.
Paicss. Fluid Extract of Buchu, $1 per
bottle, or 15 bottles for $5. Fluid Extractor
Sarsaparilla, $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5,
equal in strength to one gallon Syrup of Sar
saparilla. Prepared and Sold by H. T. HELMBOLD,
Chemist, 263 Chestnut Sl, near the Girard
House, Philadelphia.
Lewisburg, and of Druggists and Dealers ev
erywhere. I'tPAU letters directed to the Proprietor or
Agent receive immediate atteulion.
June I, 1SS5 vl
Lithographic Printing;, be.
KARL VOLKMAR is now located on
North Fourth street, near D. Phillips'
Blacksmith Shop, where LITHOGRAPHIC
Views, Maps Ac are made to order.
PICTURES for Framing, and for Drawing
The German and French Languages, Draw
ing, Painting and Draughting, taught by Mr
Volkmar. Lewisburg, April, 1855
Ice Cream and Eating Saloon,
Curner of Second and Market Stt.
M Having rented the commodious and well
fitted buildings at the lower end of Market
St. (formerly the mansion of Wm.Hayes,Esq.)
the subscriber is prepared to entertain
Man and Beast, with lodging and food bu
nuf with intoxicating liquors.
CrThere is also attached an ICE CREAM
8aloon for Ladies, and an EATING SALOON
for Gentlemen.
He respectfully solicits a fair trial, and a
share of Ihe public patronage.
Lewisburg, March 30, 1854 3m
ATOTIPE. Havinz been appointed the
ll SEXTON to the Lewisburg Cemetery,
tne subscriber would state thai he is prepared
to perform all duties connected with the burial
of ihe dead.on short notice. Also that he will
attend lothe re-interment of deceased persons,
under the direction of their surviving friends.
Residence in the Lodge ai the Gale of the
Lewisburg, May 30, 1854
JEWELRY of the latest pattern of all qual
ities for sale at the love-it City prices by
. l,. VODER.
J. J. Clyde ft. F. Is. Ilulter,
Suxussvrtto W. O. Hid ok at Co.
Book Binders and Stationebs, and
Blank Book 51 a nc tact c reus,
UarritLurg, l'a.
MOST respectfully inform theirfriends that
they are engaged in the above business
Indirectly opposite Herr's Hotel.j They
Aalter themselves, by careful attention to their
business, to receive a continuance of the pat
ronage so liberally enjoyed by Ihe old firm.
BLANK BOOKS for Banks, County Offices,
Merchants, and private individuals, and every
variety of full and half-bound constantly on
nana. Taper ruled lo any pattern. Old Books,
Periodicals, Magazines, Law Books, Newspa
pers, Bibles, Music, wurks issued in Nos tVc
bound in any style, plain or extra. All work
warranted, and done cheaply.
Please give us a call. C. & H.
fe'Books Ac. to be bound may be left with
he Editor of the Chronicle. 509
93 47ft IKS. just revived at the
' U Hardware Stre of ItEYX
OLDS it MeFAUUEN. Farmers and Black
smiths, call and see Ihe nrges and bet as
sortment of Iron ever offered on the West
Branch. Having the errwire control of the
celebrated Viuvim'i Cet.lre county Iron,
we are enabled to urarrant every bar. All
sizes Tire, Scollop, Round and Square; Horse
Shoe, Nail Rods, Ac, at Cash prices to all.
Call and see the Hardware Store of
Lewisburg, May 10, 1855.
W"E weff leave to introiluce ourselves
If to the citizens of LEWISBl'KG and
vicinity, as extensive Miners and Shippers of
Wblte At.li Anlbras lte Coal,
At Lancaster Colliery, Xorthumberlund Co. I'a.
where we have extensive improvements, and
are prepared to offer to the public a very sure -
nor article, particularly suited to the mannlac-
lure of Iron and making Steam.
Our sixes ol
Coal arc
LUMP -for Smelting purposes.
STEAMBOAT U,t do. and Steam!"
avftrV"' i lor Family Use and Steam.
N L'T i
PEA or 'mf oarnsrs ""d Steam.
Our Point of Shipping is srXBI'RV, where
arrangements are made to load Boats without
any delay.
J.J CoerniAv;. T,anea.trr. ISr.sj RriSHotn. Lanea.ter
C. W. ra.i.a, Miamoltin. I 11. IIM'muiedsle do
lOrders addressed toSh.nnokin or u nbury
will receive prompt attention. Iy5c5
LesvlHlsurp Savini lllllf lllioil,
IS now open and ready to do business. Th.
regular Discount days are Wednesdays.
The following named persons are the
Directors Mr. Joh.ishw Watts.
Mr. Bvehs Avj.os.
Mr. Jmks M'Crmkht.
ivir. i now AS ri iris.
Mr. W ittiaw Fuick.
Mr. J. G. L. Siiisiiei.
Mr Jus. Mkixsm.
Omctii-WILLIAM FKICK, President.
DAVID UEUER, Treaturrr.
Four percent, per annum will be allowed on
all deposits over six months ; and Mree per
cent, less than six and overthree months.
DAV ID REBER, Treasurer.
Lewisburg. Sept. 19, !S5:i
Winficld Woolen Factory,
Sear llarf li-lon, I nioti fuiuilj.
TIHIS establishment is now in the bei order
The machinery being nearly ail new.
and none but the best of workmen cmpluved,
the subscriber feels safe in saying that his
work shall not be surpassed by auv establish
ment in this or the adjoining counties.
His waggons will b sroand as usual, and
those wishing to patronize his establishment,
will please avail themselves of that opportu
nity. 17 I have also on hand, and intend keep
ing a choice assortment of . otitis. sy?h as
Clnths, Sntinetts. Cashmeres, Ttrrrd, Blanket'.
Yarns, 4-c, which I will sell low for cash, or
exchange for Wool and Conntrv Prndure gen
Hartleton, April 22, 1853 if
VOTICE is hereby sien, that ariili-
J.1 cation will be made to the next Legisla
ture of Ihe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
fr the Charter for a B.ink, to he known by the
name of the - SELINsGRoVE BANK.'' to be
located in the Borough of Selinsgrcve, Snvder
county, (lately part of I nion) with general
powers of discount and deposit, with a capital
of one hundred thousand dollars, and power
to increase ine same to two nnndrerl.
I , - Having taken the Shop on
North Fourth street, near the
Franklin House, formerly occupied by F A
Donachy and A D Elder, the subscriber most
respectfully informs the citizens of Lewisburg
and vicinity that he is prepared to manufacture
all kinds of Cabinet Ware, comprising
BI REAI S, TABLES, Bedsteads, Stands,
Sofas, Corner Cupboards, Card Tables all ipL,
kinds of CHAIRS. Ac. Also that hemakesixJ
COFFINS to order, and having provided him
self with allE.iKSt: he will be prepared ti
attend Funerals.
Having engaged the best workmen,therefore
the public may rely npon having the best ol
work from Ihe best materials.
N B. All kinds of Country Produce taken
in exchange. Lewisburg, April 26, 1855
Take Notice.
R. KELLIXG, of Merbanicslinrs,
Pa., announces to all atllicted with Tu
mors, Wens, Cancer, Cancer Warts. Polj-ps
Lupus, Moles or Marks, Scrofula or King's
Evil, White Swelling, Fever aores. Sore Legs,
and all diseases that have been usually treated
with Caustic or Knife, that he can remove
them by an entirely new method, without cut
ting, burning or pain. It is no matter in what
part of the body, he can remove them with
perfect safety and in a remarkably short time,
if curable. No Mineral or Vegetable Poison
is applied, and no money required, except fur
medicine.until a cure is perfected. Chronic
and all oiher diseases not mentioned above,
especially Venerea! afflictions treated wuh po
sitive success, if curable. Full particulars can
be obtained by addressing C. L KELLING,
M D , Mechanicsbnrg. Cumberland Co.. Pa.
At the request of persons afflicted, residing
at a distance, he has for years been iu the habit
of prescribing by letter, and with
Gixiaii stTisrAi-Tinw.
He would say however to thoe desiring advice
in this way.ihat to secure attention they should
enclose, with Ihe general symptoms of their
cases, a fee of One Dollar, to warrant him in
spending his lime for their benefit.
The Doctor may be consulted at his Otlice at
all limes when not professionally absent.
Caotiovj. Sirangers coming to Methanics
bnrg to see the Dr. are cautioned to beware of
unprincipled persons, as some have been de
ceived. Dr. K. is the only on. in this Stme
who can perform cures by the new method. His
office is directly opposite Ihe I'nion Churrh.
Mechanicsbnrg is 8 miles from Harnsbiirg,
on Ihe Cumberland V. R. R and arct ssil.te
from all parts of the I'nion. The Dr. will visit
cases within a reasonable distance when de
sireiL July S7 5fi3vl
1)!'RE Cider Vinegar for -ale at
Mar 4.W-J BEAVuS V KhT VfR S
JIE subscriber con
tinues to carry on ihe ,
Livery Buainese at
the Old oiaml on iortbS
Third street, near Market, and reipeetfnlli
Solicits Ibe patronage ot his friends and tlti
public generally. CHARLES F. BESS.
Lewuburg, May S3, 1850
The subscribers, thankful for
past patronage, would inform
ihe pablie that Ibey continue to
mVn.'ilnv all kinds of MILL
GLAKiNU and other Castings. Thrashing
Machines and other MaeSinery repaired ia Ihe
best manner. Castings warranted to be ef
good material, and at prices that can not fail
to please. GEDDES, MARSH & CO.
Lewisburg, Feb. 1851
COOKING Stoves, of various allerne
and sizes, for Coal or Woo , for sal
at the Lewtabsrg Foundry by
Geddea. Marsh A C.
STOVES Parlor. Wood, and Coal
Stoves, various patterns, for sale at the
Lewisburg Foundry. Grddes, Mai ah it Co.
XYJ lAKD'rf Patent (.arij! Plow. sope
1 V nor article, for ale at ihe Lewisburg
Foundry l.y Geddes, Marsh tt Co.
GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross Palest
decidedly the best and most durable
Grain Drill now in Bsc. for sale at the Lewisburg
Foundry by Geddes, Marsh At Co.
Hussey's Grain Reaper,
for cutting both Grain and Grass
MANl FACT! RED and for sale at tho
Lewisburg Foundry by
Lihtniiii: Rods.
' ' s '
; A FTEI ""n clo,e ."
-L - n'ou. eip.rin.enu. the Pat.Dle.Ukoo
i ' " ,u !". '..
nrriveu ai ine true principi. 01 piotccitng lamineas,
dwellings and pn - ertj trom tb. Ueruetivo influ
a.. LIGHTNING. The ealamili.
that every City, Town, illag. and Country fall.
victim lo annually, thro' the grow negligence of
its lnhal Hants, i. bevood calculation, especially
when the remedy ia so easy to obtain thia is
found in
Patent magnetic ligljtning Ko&B,
and in thia alone. This Rod has been examined
by the most scirnlilic gentlemen in th. world
i'roleor M '.Murine, Johnson, Wallor and many
others that have examined them, recommend and
speak ol them in the highest terms ol approbation,
and have pronounced them Ihe only safe rods ic
j use in Ihisor any other country for th proteeti
, rrope.iy. i-ne auvant.ee is to divide
. nd Ihr"'': P' of 'be elremc fluid harmlea.
..... , . ,,, v, . Inls cuiuicsiap
J rod to conduct thai portion of fluid that belongs
: to the earth without Ihe slighte-l danger of lea
' Vint- the conductor. 'I his rod has many other
I nihaiit.gr over the old one. The only place ol
msriu'arturiiig is in
j 1 ine St 3 d iors above 1SA, Philadelphia,
j where all persons are respectfully invited to csf
, and eiannne fur themselves. For sale Wnclwaht
; or Ktia.l l.y THO'S ARMITAGE.
i Orders promptly attended to. Terms caab.
These rods have been purchased and succose
: fully used lv ihe following individuals, companies
I nd corporations, whoa, names are cheerfully
i lihiiiiiied :
la ana -ar ri.i!,id.!rl.im A. 9. Roberta. Oeorg.
Karitinitrr. Ju-lj- B- oim. Ju.l- Coats.!. J. Mulford.
J- tin 11. a:,-. . i . t i., .,. j ir, ,,. u.Oailer.Coareo
li .-. tl.e litre.- A u.fl.. u-e. Aurlr-rsna a Brothers,
K-v J. L. rj.rr.nt. J.. n .Noriuan, Trust, tlrever. Hate 4
11 -,,. A. U. Oirjk.-rs, II. .s;n.ui..i,s, TI os. Nott . Co., Ml-.
!''AWi!iriir. J. a.Or.er, J. U. VtaboD.C. Hueex-areTa, J
li ' ! l . J )m;.in. B liarien. J. Ovenhjre, O. Fea
I- r. Mr M.sri less. Sir. Martin, . iKrhlev, J. Hrlnkiev,
.Mr I'sm-on. l.r. rani.. II. lowers a Co., J. Wioepeaaj,
II Miii. r. tl,- II. J IUnk Hotel, the V. 8. Arsenal, lb.
! r li- UardrD 1". DimtssioDers' Uall.
In t, .v. (, r.f .., J.Tttj Uenrpe Crispin. Judf
M l all. Juilv-e I:.yt n. John Netrnaa, l)r. U. Xarlet,
bYnj.Koberls, Mr. J. liowniue.
.V I.Wu.s lOlATr.
Ilartlrj Tp. Mark Halfpenny. m. Fo.trr, Job. Haas,
Vi' tiKel rnere. Jarob iuitii, Imu.A 'tlman, Reabers
.M.-rh. Il-ursr Kl-rSner. Are AeWrf. Court tlowee,
arirl Coniiuiii-ir.nrr. OSir-e. i.iaM,l.e 7 Joba Keber.
I rro.n If Dr. I risrlrs ils- n. HiruAiarei T. Job.
Hunts. Simon Kunti. Ins Tf laaac Ciru,drura. Whits)
Vetr 2. Ma-Lael Uufiuan.
Puima., la. 1S.1MK.
I bare this day earefally in.preud . conductor .V
l-tIitrrinc hod, with vane and index, erected by Mr.
1 nomas Armttsce. on llellevne llonse. Gleweefter, ud
hme co hrsoaifjn ia ssyme that it is aotualy the beat
1 hav.- rrver seen, hut that it ia tbe only one I baea yet
eisruine.i that i r,.ntr urt.d on strictly scientific armei
pl.s. It is with much pleasure that I reeomsaeael nia
coLduclorto the alknlkrn ol owners ol hnrldines.
I am well satisfied that the Marsetie Lightning Pad
msnuisrturr d hy Mr. Th- mas ArmiUire.of 1'hiladelpbia
is Ihe best that has ev-r b.en aiarie. 1 bare spent several
years in tire sttK'y of the law. of electricity and magnet
imd. and hare n. br-siuth-n in r-ayin- ttrat these Rods are
roni-trurt,-d uien the only principle of safety. Tbeeleetrio
shi-ck is reeeiierl and disi erstd by the magnet at the to.
ft the rod. aud it would be impossible, according; to tba
laws of attraction and repulsion, for a building to b.
injured l.y a stroke of ItehmiBK when protected by on ot
these reds. I hare hen actiua nted with Mr. Arfaitage
for several rears, and before he commenced the manufae
tnre of thee rods 1 examined the principle on which tney
are constructed, and tvtt convinced that their adoption
would be atten-lvd with complete succeas. The increasing
deniand for these rod..aRd theextensivesalea in all parte
of the couotry, is ample comm. n.!ation of their utility andj
u eriority. TKAl Y K. W AU.tR, M. P.
Ursine Sun. Philad Co., April 10, 1SS2,
Hartlrton. Vuion Co. Pa.
ai. Agents for I'nion and adjoining Coon tic a,
and will lurni.-h th. Rods on the same terms aatt
in the same manner as th. Proprietor.
Opposition is the Life of Business I
Tbesubscriber would respectfully inform th
ctliaensof Lewisburg and the traveling eoaasiai
ity generally, that h. has opened "" Livery
and Exchange Stable on FOL " ' " reel half
square Somh of Vel. and hat provided a good
lot ot Hor-f". with entirely new good and laah
ionai'ct arriages. Buggiea.rSlcigb. Sit. where alt
wishing anything in bis lino may b. accommod
ated on tbe shortest notice and most reasonable
tor ma. He will pay every attention lo tho
wants of hia customers. anJ hope, by so doing
to merit and receiv. a liberal ahar. of pnblio
psironsge. WILLIAM MOORE.
Lewi. burg Dee 30. I8.M
The University
IX this place will open iis 17th Semi
Annual Session cn the 4lh of OCT. next.
The Faculty is full and experienced, Ihe nttta.
ber ot S:ui! nts so large as to secore eronlatiosi
and mutual Urn til, and of such an age as to
render any pranls cr violations of decorum
unpopular and distasteful. The number laat
session was :VJ.
As the w hole of the classes commence new
studies next term, it is eminently the best lima
for new students to enter. In the College ant)
Academy n gether, not less than iwenty-five
recitatii ns occur daily, giving young men who
contemplate but a brief stay in the Institution
an extensive choice of subjects and enabling
them to pursue branches suitable to their pre
vious attainments.
The Frntalr InMilnle opens at the
same lime under the three Ladtes who have
had ihe charge.
mira or TriTtow.
Academy English studies only flSaytar
do Classical do also 20
College proper 30
Female Institute highest branches 30
do common do 20
For ftirher information, apply fo Rev. H.
MAI COM, D I)., resident of the I niveisiiyt
tOOK and Cher STOVES just received hj
liLAiLiica rVKtMEK
T. V.