-JUL Tlie Lcwteburg Chronicle. II UDII'tilltXT TAWIlt.T JOl lt. tituci on Friitiy 3brniuyt at Isirubury, , 1'uion county, Uniifihaniit. TIKMS. t.M par year, to ci ".tin IX Mr.ixct I tha samara r a looter or ah.oft.ir period. Tloia j eanta will pay for four months, 75 etr f.T Fix month, j 1 foraitrbtntoatlu, IS f't rlltrn OK nth,, for two aara, 4c. Siojjle No. 'a, i cts. raiments by mail U'aid 1 ! .ceired gold, poMae -tamps, or hank notw- at their ; taluekere. ,-':-'" M stop with ihe tiuie paid ttt. I ADrr.Eil-TrSTS han.tsomslj- inserted at cents per j qttara ana irek, 25 cvuli i-aeb aul.wiuent insertion. tl , or lii m on tin, S a year. Half a iuarr IV, 1. ToUawa $l,iOc,$l, JT.W. "ilcrrhant.-: Ac. not i rer a fourth of a column, $M a year. All others as msV be agreed upon. A witiarr ie lii liua of brevier, or 12 of nonpareil. I.nrt;e cutfs.sterootype, and .idvertiseuieuts of ; a demounting tend-nry, are n-d a-lniitted. Communications desired on topics of jrrner-il interest ' not within the rane of parly or aeeturlnn contest. All : I attara to come pn!-t.paid, aerompauie d hr the name and j addreii of ihe writer, to reeeiye attenln yi. The MAGXKTIl? TKl.K-iKAPlI i hi-ated in the off,. f the Chronicle, l.r which we often f-t iniportaut News aAtawca of the Malla. , Connartad Willi the f-lnoe are ample ai.Oerli.1 Ibr moat fciadaorj'o'tf VMtynG, which will tie eyeeutcd nilb j peatoeae and despatch aiel on reasonable terms, j f))i anna AJrerli.-ein.'riti-. to he paid fur when lianled to, and J"b Work when, deliren d. I o.eiMnoeon Market flrei t, north -i!o, second. fto:y,r.l door aboye the Post Office. WOETirN tc CORNELIUS, j L,citis!mrff, Vi. Friday Monxixc, Jax. 11, 1S"0 AOVRHTIzr- Manufaetnrer. M. reli mt. Meen-in'e. PuMie irrneeni in City ant i.nlry. I'uMi-hers alt who wih to .nr or ft 1 1 - tton! 1 .1.. wi 11 to ent 'ov lV oluainl of the Ijiiristtvr.1 fir-iairVe, whi.-h ha a iar( and inerea-in rtreulati'in in a c'.iiititui.it v e'.titaiTiiii a lrre propi.rtMtn of artir". aolTent projuei-r, eonuBier aa4 dealori- af any in the at ite. 0j" Sec Xtw Atl'rll-eiiieilt. A PltilM'M EST.--. The Cotiini'fsi.'iiers cf Union county have made thj following appointments for the coming year : Cferfc Andrew Kennedy. OmiwI J hn 15. Linn,"Erj. JWrrrantic Appraiser John A. Mi-rtz. The Commissioners and Auditors of this county were in session this week from Monday until Thursday evening, (and the (Commissioners and Auditors of i-uydor ; countv were also in attendance ) Their report has to be finally passed upon by the Judges of Court, before publication, Grrrnlr-nf' 1'simiry .1 m-i.V S.I, 'A Ar 'iJtmuti-: C'rctnhif's A' jilt a. We are indebted to the Agtnt fir a co py of these works, which bsve obtained much celebrity among a host of competi tors. They aro well printed. The late Vnion and Fny-b-r Counties T'ubcrs' Convention, at Mifllinburg, expressed a preference far GBCtNLEAF's over all other Arithmetics. The works are for sale by tbc Publishers, Hubert ?. I 'avis .1 Co., 1'oston, cr Lipjincott, (iiauibo i Co, l'hilda. JcJ-We are obliged to Messrs. Sellers, Si rouse and lioltou, for favor from llar risburg. lion. Xcr MidJ'ewarth lias presonled us with a copy of last year's Congression al Globe aud Appendix, a valuable com pendium of Congressional proceedings. ' JMr. M-, wc are glad to Fay, appears in much improved health, and says he fee's as young as when be was first tlcclcd to the Legislature, -11 years ago. lie is now 73 years old, but perhaps performs as much mental and bodily toil as any man in the county. JtaTThe fore part of this month was very lively in our town, and the oldfash iotied strings of teams, six to twenty in a row, were seen coming in with produce to dispose of. The cold diminished the trade for a few days, but there seems now a promise of milder weather. .Our Tliilad. mail did not get in until 6 last eveninrr. We find no important Foreign or Congressional news in the ldnr, the only paper we received. 8Qk.Atour last accounts from Washine-- ' .. . ... I o. c t . 1 I -I . e it , , t ' ton, fcabastopol had not fallen, the'vote lor peakcr) on nearly the 100th ballot, standing about like the SO cr fJ0 before. (Some Northern members are earning an ' unenviable fame.) j aLq. Sulckler will be in town on j Saturday (to-morrow) when any one wish-! ing to purchase the Hocfei, corner lot I can confer with him. ; - ! taTThe Jiulhtm, iasutd at Mincrsville ' in Schuylkill county, has renounced its ; neutrality, and comes out for the Americ-, an party. S-i3Shcriff Oi r.tiix offers at Auction, to-day and to-morrow, his stoe'a: of Store ' Goods, at his residence in KlvTp. j or)Tho Border Kuffians of Missum-i j caused sonic damapa to the cause of Free-! dom, bcide tho Hood they spilled, aud : their other oulrages. Not only did they ! snpprcsa the election for the Constituiion ! in several precincts, but the labors, alarms, excitement, and uncertainty the campaign ! aiau luuueeo, causeu llic vole cvcrywilcre l. . i : i i , . i . i to be (mall, even where there was no armed opposition ; but it is nearly all, in favor of the Constitution. A Free State Convention Ins fined been held, when I'r. Charles Ilobiusou wag nominated for Governor, and M. Y. Itobcrts, lately of Fayette Co., Fa, for Lieutenant Governor. It is rumored that C.en. Cass will present the Free State Constitution to the U. S. Senate, and urge its acceptance, V e Lope he may. A few men like bim camitio to the rescue, would settle the ' . le el : l 11 iiruai aim ieariui question auu wouui set- . . . . . 1 tie it rightly, too Ly accepting Kansas as a State with this constitution. Invest ed l y I". S. officers, ale would banish Foreign Kufiians, and be a Free and Inde pcndeiit State indeed. The Hrml l nf F.c.h.m savs there -re J..U2 pafe.s in Kans.-, c'.s.:S which am iu n or ef a Lee :Ute 2s c 0)5 Jicms from CDlIja Counties. ?.s-TrER. Tltc Crst Jury Court will be couiiuciiecd on the lib Monday, 25th Tub. next The Times says there, are several Commonwealth cases aud 43 civil coses on hand already. " " (BAXI) JCnOTi-S. .IfiJdlerrrki.ts Zicbcr. John Kline JekiH F W aller, Oeo Kngt-1 Pmm Ai ram KrJ'cy, Hcnj milli, Jno IKlin, M F Bishel, Mii harl S Fuller HVvf Bwr (i 1' Cias, lanl Sleiningcr, Sol Monbt-rk, IVter Lehr, Chas Krebbs Sriitirgrnrf John Fry t'tiinn Jacoh 11 Th, J.is Enjel Franklin Ji.hn S Kirn tf-avcr Paniel Hassinrr Wmliiwrton Eiltrd Miller Cfntrr Atiihr Mnwrer V'ttv Wm ArlMeat, Jac leiclienlach Chojimati John F StalilJ TUAVEKSB JIT.OItS. Stlinszrorr J L I'arks, Jacnb Miller, H A t;, rhnrt, ;,-o IVm ich, Jos Wenrich, FreJU Starirlf. lionj Hoiis,ecnh JlraTr- Ken (Jnmm, Jtr .Miller, Hy Milchell. 'r.-l lltiu-erUy Henfcr. Jos Moiibcck. l'ttcr (Jass Sr, Jacob Klick, John Knepp rrrryJ Kr. hs. s.mon Kol.l- r. V Sehnee Jr. Levi KaueL Jim I, Acker. Abr Kisenhower. Franklin Saml Witlenmycr, Aaron Stetller, Jno I, Keuiner, Mic France, Jac ISoleiitler, Jac Wiitenmyer. AbrKiseiihowcr. lly Mover. f'iaiii.naH J (J Hcrrold, A brain M ifglcr. P,nn .Saml IWrr Jr, Isaac l.iu-.k, Charles Hughs, Juo .-j Walter, r-'aml C Fisher, I. K iitiuiinci, Isaac Ann . H W.mi'.-Jac un-,H W Schrover.EJw nassi,.r ' . ' Mn.lttcrrikMv W Wclzcl. Abram Iieric, John Kiniiev 1 ! Juckxtn llv T Cook i Center l'eterlteiah, Jesse Bilger, Jac Sanders , Vli m. nrr , , . , , , , I new 1 ost Uluce is established, called T- 1 '11 11 1 1 m. . t lroxelville; Y ni.JS.ISaum, post master Tl. ltn.t.... . 1 .... -. , . I 1 he liea ers voted uuanmiously against , JWision, and have recenily held a ltepeal 1 mpptitltr tat iliniJ.nnr 1 ,.t Ia".T,.a. n the chair An aged man, I.udwig Yet- tr. of West lieaver, was almost instantly ! l-;h...i nn ii,,'M, .. J ' ..... u.v. srntkxna in .1 limestone quarry, when loose earth ! above hint caved in, burying liiui several j feet under ground. lie died in half an. hour after being taken out, leaving a wife j and ten children The Snyder County ! liuiiding Committee Lave (contracted with (icorge Smith of Middleburg for building the Court H.tuse, for tho sum of J?.j,G09; and with Iaic Waiter, of Fr:!i!:!in town ship, for building the Jail, for S 1,500... The JuiIJit)g Committee call for iho pay ment of the lirst instalment S. Xeuw- aid propo-c to publish an independent Kn-: giish paper at tho couuly seat to be called the .! ' 'fiu.htirj JiiurmiL The Seiins- grove JkmU-rat of last Saturday, says "Two unfortunate accideuts harpencd in our lJorough during last week. Old Mr. llecker aud old Mr. I'ictrick each broke a lo";. The fracture occurred in each in tho upper part of the thigh bone. Mr.lSccker 1 aroko bis by a full in his room, and Mr. lietrich his by a fall at his door, lioth ; of these gentlemen are over eighty years of age "Amicus Libcrtatus," a L itiu I'utchinan (a Shade mountain, has killed j a deer, and while ei.joyiug his steaks ad- i vises the Hemoersey never to reward tbe j Know Nothing- with an officeif they even , came back meekly to the fold. j Clir.sTKK. A road view was set aside, 'ate of White Deer township, Union , . , . , , , county, deceased, hare been granted to the bc-causo some of the viewers had partakin I undersigned by the Hcgister of Union cuniy j freely of litjuor and refreshments at the : i due form of law ; therefore, all persons in 1 ,r ti,,. 1 r t e .1 dehted to said estate are requested to make I house of the rnnc pal applicant for the: ,. . , ., ', 1 j 1 ku 1 immediate pavmcnt.and those having any just opening oi tuu roau. 1 Lvco,!,NO.-The Gazette is informed j that the entire ttock has been taken for the erection of gits work? in Williams-port, and that the work wiil be commenced early iu the spring Henry Kepbart , . , . ,..,.! hostler, iu iliiamsport, was kicked in 1 the abdomen bv a horse, on Wednesday ! week, aud died the next day. lie was t about 60 years old The Knglish Lu theran Church edifice is to be dedicated on the 20th inst.; services to commence at 2 o'clock 1. M The County Com- missioncrs have appointed J. S. llunvan, I . . . ' ' - J ' ; oi , e t , , r ., ! C lerk of the beard for the ensuing year. Center. A large and stirring mooting j r 1 1 s ... 'i- . . i ' T .. 1. 1 1 1 I Ul luo se'uiiLj xuaeueio j.us.llultj nu ueiu f at Uellefonte, 2d and 3d inst. Addresses wero delivered by gentlemen from several I otLer nnties. l'rof.I.G.I5ush of Philad. j was cmI',0Jei1 to Iec-ures Pl"- lar nu -- 0Ter - -TPO""- j mDts ln d'1T';rcI-t V"1 ot the county j William Oliver, of Aaronsburg, was com- i m;ttcd to the County Jail last week on a ! cbarc of poisoning his child The j ff;,ujs 0f tuc Lotk. Haven Itailway route I arc Clrn0sty invited to attend a 'iiusincss Mcetiug' at Uollcfonte, 15th inst Wc j nave nut seen the Center Democrat for a ! tuuuth. The Jji.-irosAL or the 1eai.- -Fron- ticci -' the Louisvillo JoarnaK gives the i geography of trM and burning : "A South Carolina ditor inquires whe-i ---cr burning or burying is the better. If j ve aro to die in Kentucky, we should pre- j f- to have our remains mingle with her j t.:rta .;i i.i . I r .. i fc, J1 Joua con l'uu ii nc neiu bo uuioriu- j natc as to draw our last breath in South i Carolina wo should prefer burning by all i i mQMiS. Lewis Darnura has) recently recovered i . , , , . I of the New liri and trio U. It. Co., the value of an over coat, whien was stolen ! while left in his scat in a car at an eating ; station, in compliance with a notice posted ! by the company, that passen-rers to retain I 'their scats must leave soniethiug iu thciu. j f jAf.TIMonK) Pcc. 27.-Son.tof Clay-! ! t . t) a t Lo WouW ' . ,i , i c .i . I allow Ins name to go before the American 1 c ii...,.,' , i i . r .1 n Convention as a candidate for tho I rcsi-i dcuey, ays that he prefers his present po- j S.t,oD and reapcctfully declines being ( consiiicrcu as a canuidate. The Allentown Democrat says, tho barns of the farmers iu that section arc absolute-1 ly breaking down under the Weio'it of' grain, ar,d yet tlify roj p'.u tj m.ttk::. will nt Lcwisburg Chronicle iVest Branch f v"Vc ara cLlitJ to Chas. M. Di ilz fur a catalogue of the KocltCbtcr Theologi cal Seminary fur 1S55-U.." It embraces 8 Instructors, a Senior Class of 14, a Junior Class of 14, ami a (lornian Department of 8. This is a fcp.iratc Institution from Uochegter Uuiversity, but under the jiat trouage of the same cliureli. it3?-In Maryland and Mas.sehnsett. the Americans organized the Legislatures and havo gone on without confusion. Iu V., A,.rl- tl.. 1..i.Ml,i;..ona nrirn;l ll.o ..,. . , .... Si nate the first Jay, hut the UouaO baJ not clioen a Speaker at our last dates. The rarge A mericana.llepuMicanjjSofts, HarJs iu strength. Gov.Clurk we hope will not Trait lung for their foolish play, but do his dnty, as President Tierce did Iiia Li ae-nilimr in tlil Antlll'il ATiwierA i ' . ' . , 6 required by the Constitution. " , , rof. 11. D.W aiker will preach for the l.ewisburg Cliristian Church, Sunday i . i .( I uext. at 1 1 V M-. at CV0U,DK- teityGcore l'ifer, of N. Fourth St. in this borough, having lain for some months uiialilu to work bv reason of "a broken W. : . e r-i . - j moso inonuiy arj ue.nreu to j-iu iu uo- nation offering at his house, afternoon and i re. t.. tci-.it ; oa.uruaj, u. i-, ' I . ?AAM: tt.,',T r ,t. r,.i. iui;i.!. i:eme.u.a f-rSnlt Klenm. toward JaekHon. 4 liaWetifi. Texaa. un' red iinceaRiiiK.v lor lour venM with suit riietim, eo a5 r. ,u eii.d o. ke. pi.i- i,i, nj th- .! rs to: t him randiilU thethentnl never aain eipeet to be Well, niejn, u.n u i-1i1ee4.ee iieli,,,1,f,.!o ,.m.r.i 1Um- iliat. iy put h-m-eT uii-ter a n.ur-e of iI"l!o-vay Cint- r,,t mt rui-.tiiefinerem.-iie, P,.n m.i.i meh n improvement), in lam tl.al he wan enabled to resume hta l,. and u e..niii..iiv ih. m i..r a ehort t,..-, ho MO. ----- " ZLWltiUltVS JH.lVfcCt. .... . C1 -V'Tv.. 1' V heat 81.iOtol.bi) hggs... ..S 15 - 1-5 .. 12 .. 10 .. 12 ..G,50 ,v, 1D4 Corn VJ Oats S7 Flaxseed 1,2") I,r'e'l Apples. 1,'2. 1Juttcr ,) Xil- .. Wd Uacon Ham Cloversecd.. MARK IK I K Pv Pee. E Kieller. tith inst. Wm Manrh of Millheim and Miss Harriet S Hansc ofMilMin hurg. On the Rtli int, I'.Iias Hoy and -Miss Leah Winner, all of Miillinburg. I!v Itev S Gate'ins.Sth iii-t.f-aml I) Bower and Miss I.ncinda Kisenhower of Snyder Co. On the 16th nit. by John l.mmit V.. Ilaniel II Zanders of f-elmsgrove and Miss Susan Himindinger of Northumberland. fXorm,n an,', M:lrv raj.,t.r, s y.ars, 8 months and St riavs. I! White Deer Tp, 20lh Sept. Jobs Hick, aged US years, 3 mos. ! In Dry Valley, IVih nit. the Widow Lrrtir, in her 75d venr. COXCKIIT ! if4sra)The Sunhury UKAisS and I KING UANU will give a uieert 111 Lcwisburg. at new Hall, Uiis (Friday) evening, .r'i. Donrs open at 7 commence at ?J o'clock. Admittance 25 cts. children pnce- Estate Of John High, dee'd. VTOTICE is IltTcl.V givon.lliat I.OltorS of Administration 011 the Estate of J.m-r rlaims are also requested to present llicru le -! nistrator. White Deer, Jan. 1, InM Public Auction of Store Goods ! ' 1 BDUersiSneU, AIHT Ul Cllil S X It. M'GiMir, will expose to public auction a, the j.)re Rom sl,ualc at ,hc Uu.ul.ur Cross Cut." a numerous and well selected mnn 1 1 . . e !.,. assortment of Store f.ooils, uselul ana ornamental, such as are generally kept in a j country store, viz. Calicoes, Casimcres, Cast- nctts, Muslins, China ware. Glass ware, Cut lery, Keady Made Clothine.a large and varied assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes, also Men's Boots, Children's Shoes, Egg and I-imelmrner's Coal, etc. etc, rSale to commence on . v -die I'l cnmincticc nn I T.r.sn evening ,ne 2ra i jav f januai v, isnn, and to br r.oa. tinued every Timdau, 1'r'utrsilat and Stiturduy evening thereafter until all the Goods are dis posed of. Terms made known at time of sale by J. WOODS IllJOWN, Assignee of Charles K M Ginley IR.-Glw Jan. 0 LOST, A Black flip, about four I it inonlhs old.tvhite tips to his nose, I j". il'i. feet, and tail. Twenty five cents will oe given to whoever will return him to his owner, ANNIE MA1.COM. Lewi.sburg, Jan. 3, IHof) Latest from Sebastopol ! TEW GOODS, i for Fall anil Wints-r, COMPKISl.NG EVEKVTHING WANTED IN Ol lt LINE til" BUSINESS. AND AT THE MOST KKASONABI.E KATES, now received and for sale by the subscribers. -j iSil?. " our SIO Ill RSII &, TOKSC. I-ewisburg, Oct. it), ij Q0nimonwealth Insurance Company, ttvtav Piililiiir Tlliril St Tfsrri-i. I - - , - - - yj bur". Pa. Authorized Capital. S.tOi- OOO. Insures Buildings and other propertv a-a,,u', ,,,ss or da5e by r-KE- Charter perpetual. DIRECTORS. f imon Cnmeron Geo. Bergner W. F. Murray Geo. M. I.aotn.in I'.enj. l'aike I . K. Boas Wm. Dock W in.ll.Kepner JnH.Cerryliill James Fox A. 11. Warlord. President SIMON CAMERON. Secretary 1$. s. CARKIEJL W. R. WILSON, Acnt, Lcwisburg. r.ni.ltlij aLriYisliiirsr r.lt:iiio Store? ! MEW GOODS! 1P.OWN A.- EITTEI! have just recrived a a splendid assortment of New Gojds.whtch ta. ail be soid cheap. Call and sec. Sept. Cfi. ISO.".. FARRIERY. m Fj Sl,s,-rilir r flffm his services in curing Horses of Poll Evil or Fistula. He will cure Horses of either of these atflie- cessml. Here j. an opportuniiy for everyone wh"-c hordes are atB-ete.), tei restore them to lml'... 41 ... . I .. 1. . r . r ... . .. 2a,?i I Ammons' Jan. 11,1 heattli and r-rl f.-n in K-!lv A-K, 10, lii order. Re. idence ou rav. r.ew's-ierg (.u'lk-fE MHIAF.I.L. fucN.as 'jyj;! 1jL. oOtsrcJ for aaese-T(3d' ; sae, on Mftr.r7yihc 2S'I nf Jannarr hut. at Hie hon."-e of Bmj-FoaKSMas.'rateiirCliHKwinaqtiPHrwTiship, cieeearsetl, the tnnin jrnrf.f, vir. ft, 'ri. VLH Wa.n liu'gey, 11 iruess. 'I'nn"hirt; Marhtn rind li.irsc l'oner, M'inilmills l'l"vs Harrows, Cultifatnr?, a rrnanlitv of Wheat and live. j Xea.hUr'rrS;:. reans, lar?;e of rarpetinjr. Mantel flwlt, i fonocr Kettles. Cook Wtove. Wood nn.l CorI ,, ... , f II.,... hold and Kitchen Furniture also Grain in the LTuund. Sale to nommence at 10 o'rloek on sai 1 day, when due attendance will be given and terms of sate made known bv JOSKl'H M. .NESlilT, Executor. lT"If the goods are not all sold on the above dav, sale will be cuuiinued next day. January 4, 1-!j5 Auditor's Notice. TIIIIK nndersigned, lnin appointed, bv the J Orphans' Court of Union couniy.Auditor to audit the account of li-jorgc? Meixe II and John Iluntiti'.'ton, Kxecutors of the last will and testament of Wim.ia Ili-tTinoToi. late of Hartlev township, dee'd. and make distri bution f the balance icin.nuin!; in the hands of faiil Kxecutors Ac. will sit at the house of i A J.Weideiisaul.in the Borough of l.ewisbiir. ... lst A.,v , K,.,rur,rv nt..,, lo o'clock, A. M for the purpose ofiliicharcine the dunes ot Ins appointment : wnere an per sons interested may attend if ihv think proper. JOHN UL'HIiAl'K, Auditor. January 4, lo6 T 1ST OF LBTTRRS remaining in the Post I j Oilice at LKVMSIll'Uti, Pa Wuarler ending December 31, 1855. Adams Sauil Mlair 1. H. Buoy Pennis 2, Bell F S, Burke Alargt, Brown Mrs Barbara, Bower Saml, Bennett G M Croft Marv Jane, Cleinm Kev W T D llielfeiidcrfer Wm.liougliertyNeal.Drum J"hn I'ollweiler Levi S. Fisher Daniel, Fesler.Miss Cathaiiue, Foclit Abram 3 . fioell Ilr A C, Gordon James II ursh Henrv. HofTert liernhard, HufTert Wm, HorlacUer Mr. Hoss J D .I irjpn pmO, J.-lmston Lewis. Jones Adaline. H"ukle John, Kunkle (Jeo, kcik n a, Ueub Jacob L, Kirk Hiram, Koons I L Lewis Annie V. Miss H, Lewis Mrs M, I.en- hart Geo, I.cbkichter Lucy A, Lair.PCatha- rine Mrs, T.eisenring J P Marrh Pr, Miller Demima C. Mertz Henry, M'D 'weil .Mrs Jane, Moors Wm oble John tr iphant (i'O litt William ! It audi I.. Reed liseph 2 Shannon Mrs Mary, Siickle Wesley. .Smiiii t.eo K. Shannon Jacob, Silsby Mrs Esther, Shirk faml I. Tavlnr Jas W 3, Thomas Panl. Tntstall N It Wilienmyer Miss Christian, Watts & Green, Wei leticorn M i3 Persons railing for above, will please say they are advertised, or thev mav not get them. H. W. GKOTZEILP. M. LOST, r-yOrln Lt'w iskrs.Coilrt Week, bv a citizen of Hartlev. a pair of fcdLVEK STECTACLES, in a red morocco case. The j 2 finder u requested to leave it at tlie Chrvnicle ! Oiiice, or with the Post Master, Lewisburg. Arrival Of HlC Atlantic! TMPOKTAXT News from the PehaMopol ! ! , 1 IOO.OOO Men and Boys WAN TED, 1 in t for iheiservice in the Crimea, but to buy j HEADY-MADE CEOTIIIG at the Cheap and Fashionable Cloihing Store by J. GOLD- ! SMITH A LliO.'S, Ltwisbtirg. j Clii'istmasi and cv tear's 1")nE?ENTS a line assortment of Gift Books. Albums, Portfolios, etc. New Rooks, the latest publications, a large variety of Old am Standard Works, etc. For sale by FITZPATUICK BliO, neit to Beaver A Kreme r's.N.Third St. I.ewisbnrg. " The Good Time Comins." BY T. Si Arthur Those who wish t.i hear something of that long-expected day. should rea l this book. it is having an immense sale; 5.11(10 copies were ordered in advance of publication. We send a copy bv mail, post-paid, cn the receipt of the price, sst. J. W. BKADI.EV, Publisher. 48 North Fourth St. Phitmhlphia. Pa. N.B. Agents wanted to sell this and other popular books in all parts of the United States. Send for our List and Terms to Agents. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Administration on the estate of Jler. A HI? AHA M DA WSON.deceased.late of Union township. Cnin conntr, have been granted to the nndersie-ned, by the Itegister ot I nmn j county, in due forhi of law; therefore all; persons indebted to said estate are requested I to make immediate payment,and those having t just claims are also requested to present them properly authenticated for settlement. tr ISAAC WALTKK. Lewisburj, Nor. HO. The Pennsylvania Telegraph. T? X L AUG ET) Form & Red need Terms. Xi ;; cash system adopted. On and alter the lst of January, Is.Mi. the Pkishtlv -.nia Tutii aPK, published al llar risburg. Pa-, will be owned and conducted by the undersigned, who will give their best energies lo make il worthy of its cause and of its friends. it will commence the new year printed on entirely new type, and the Weekly greatly enlarged in form, while the LT? 'price will be lower than that of any other paperof its class ever published at the Capital of the Slate, nwi ywyiueu.y miUtr.rfniircilrictlu in adraiirf. No paper will be sent until it is paid for, and all will be discontinued, as the subscriptions expire, unless they are renewed. The Telegraph will be issued Stmi-Werklii, on a sheet of twenty-four columns, during the sessions of the Legislature, and lleiAy, on a double sheet uf forty-eight columns, the rem ainder nf the vcar. It will present a complete summary of the Legislative proceedings, all important ceneral lairs as they are passcd.and aim to giro the current politiral inteiiijreueeof ibe time in tim lullmt and monl reliable maimer. In ahorl. ihe proprietor hope to wake it a eomnlete Family and i'ol.t-h-til Journal, and timy enoli.lentiy n'.pe-il to Ulo people of Peuitevlvi.nia to auitaiii their enterprise. The TaLUkAPH anil advueatu a lite'ra! politieal poiiey, an 1 aim to unite thoec who. lhoui;li animated ) the aamo common purpose, tool looking to the aaine l.eneli.'ent result, t-roul Ul.-:racli d l.y llm eonliiet of rli.tiiieiire oraoiaalinni-. it will suatain the hiliem stntiditrd of Anieriean Nationality ; and, white yi.-l-iin - a Fier.l ohiHiienee to the coinproiniea of Uie Ooimtitnlion, ailldyteruiiedl.1 re-i.t the eatmieion of II no-artl...ry. 1 1 a ill jire a a.rliiil.earncJt, hut indrpeudcutsupporl to Ibe adiuinistralion of Uor. I'ollo.. b. TEft.VS... strictly in Alcancf. Ttr Tel.-rrmpH will be furnished -Sniil-M i tain durirn theaeseieos of tlie le'irislatura. aud V.i.ctl on a dout.l. sheet ti e remainder of the ye.-ir. at the following low rales Ihe money invariahl to aieeompiUT' th- order : hiaplaaulaleriptPiinl $1 '-t Fivrropiea-I Ml per copy) e W Ten eopiea it 70 per eo-.i l 17 Oil Twenty enpieail M per eopy) SO And al Ihe. aamr pttea (.(1 per pipy) for in; number oyer I Weill'. I'liiba shouM he martenp at nnee. and the nthaeriplions firwarded be for. tit flrat of January, eo that they can cioiMTene. with Ih. aeaahr-Motlie Je-sialatnro. 4at'All ordcra muni he addrenetu lo . M CLtnn "tfl.t.ftrtS, llarri.bnnr. Pa .nmlneas men will find the T.-lej-raph. tbe eery heir Adrerlt-in- M. dium in l'ennellv.mia, out of Ihe dti-a. '"".-'nhscripiisns f or the above (at tJl.CO) re-eived at the Chronicle O.Tice an 1 at tiie Fo.-t tOru.e.Lewisburjj. Farmer fan. 11,1 856 Tianos, aad IHisic. J0S. L.YODEK.Agrmt for ITcyrra' 4iiJ Vohi' celebraieJ l'iauwt. ha iu .t icceived a laie asstrrimeiil ol i'm an 1 'IVirr.hers Biplit'U at Hie lub!iUeri" Ui.--coiiiii (irices. Musie puiIialtei lyUvuMX-t: iV Walki-r.S. L. Wa'!;-r. or any I'lihlishers iu tlie l.uiieil Sia'cs. ftirnnlic'lat tiifir prices. N.U. Meyers ami Vogiit's I'jauos sold l lss than City r .-tail prices. f.-whtnir", Nov. It BEAV2A & KRLIlEn H.WI jnst opcncl a ScconJ Supply of l ull and Hiuitr uul, i ,....;,,, ,n .rl ,,l Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, Cassiniprcs and Satinrlls, 4,000 yaids of Calicoes tie will sell at 9 els Worth 10 cU. I'eaulifnl Calicoc: at 1CJ rts. boO yds Envii b Tapestry Brussels Cjrp"l as low as tliey can be had al rvtail 111 I'tii'iad. 800 yds Ingrain Carpels at various ptic-s. A new aortmeiit of li ieeiiswar'. Hard ware, Oil Ci.nhsj etc. etc. CALL AMJ Sl-: Nov. 2i, 18."3 li. i K. nssoLUTioni. 'PUB rartnpr.liiii h.-relnforc (-islinj L between M. 'I'. Itoynolds and Jos 1. 1 VS.ld..n. nii.T-r the name and firm of Ilru- I 'h.J-1, &' Xt F.l-t-n. lias diss.,'. -el bv mutual! con-tut this C -tli dav of ovem!T,l.S"..). T . I books have b -e,, left in the bands of Joseph M'Fadden. All persons having unsettled accounts will comer a favor by immediate atteniion to our waats. M. T. REVNOI.DS, JOSEPH M FAliDEN. liThc n irdware jtiisiness will be conti nued at the old Graham stand by the subscri ber, who is thankful for past favors, and hopes bv s'rie! attention to receive a fair share of public patronage. Give liim a call and sec lor yourselves. JOSEPH M'FADDEN. Lewis'.ulrg, Nov. is.'v'i Aliiiiiiislratoi-s' Aolicc. "VTOT1CE is hereby given, that Letters of 1 Administration on the Estate of J A Coil BAKEIt, late of liutl'aloe township. I'nfon county, dftceacd, have been granted to the undersigned in due form of lav . Therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, are hereby rei'i'-'sted to make immediate payment ; and those having just rlaims ae.iiusl Ihe same are also reijuested to j present th-am properly authenticated for settle ment to the snl!sirilers,iii Buflaloe t.wnsbip. HENRY BAKKK, ) . , . . , C VI II ICIVK uais-bu Administrators. Nov'. . !--.''."i p low I'lntfyttnni't Lim M ' fji'trntt's Jtiliri'.ri. 1, Eiuns's Justice, VP BUSINESS MAN'S LEGAL GUIDE. iVik FtiUi'jit, hri.iii fit L4.W d-i'-n tu 1S5. A Tp Mi.e on ttte 1 fit.-' ai.-l .lntie, .f, AM- rtmn unl Jii.!l.-i j of tl... I'e in lti roinnienwea.il h of Penn.vl- x oils l.irtnin .u tl. rw lir.-l F-'mi ef Proeees andj lioi-Kel t.ii. ri. - : :.u.i elm., i ui ui oni v wiinu irr w , ..!eeii!i-.i valu .! ! t-.-ll l T. l::o-.-. l.tit lo !...! . r.l- Teri'O. 1T.1 Oeneral Ae. nt : and mnkintf It.i T-.iuiiie ah o itl 'irporte !.. A v..'p .fti! iiiu't fir ;..omii M . llv J-it.n Ulna-, late Al J-r-asn of Wul nut Ward, in tlie '. ilv of f;.il.-.t.-ti.hli. Tile ith t-B- rick ' ISr.-.tly. Ks--.. AuU. t of" TrfHti- in tl. f -i: inity .lurifi-n-k'tiCf," "Nisi I'thn I"rti-," K li--r t.f rir lni iiii- .-t," . Iff oiic tbidt iglutii-, it'UTo. Trite oii-j C0MPAVT N TO IMN.VF"? jrTICR- Graydons Forms. Forme t CrtiivttyTii ini:. and of Tract irv in 1 1- Tn;5-f fomtuou 1'rf.ut, QuarU r it.u, (yr nnJTi-rni.ns-r.tN' Ulrlll-t itU'l nrj.Uau'jt t-l.-, Mli J tl' ollic-.- I U.f vari- Hon. re?i-l. e..rr.-t.st.enlri-l. and adapted 10 the pre-, 'r' :t ;,ert K. "riel.t, t-.i In out ihlvt Oc'sve tnlumc frieewi l-i I il oiliicr- itu-1 Jn of Id- Va--. r-.urrn ru Stroud and Brighty's Furdon's Digest. 1700 to 18!!, A Tt;.-..l of the liw of peniisiKanii. from the rear I One Tl.ousatil Sey.-n ilnii-lred, io tlie Kitfih da of VUv. i ll..ei-.oiJ l.ul.t llnu.tre.land litlv-l iie. The Kirf. j Konr f.li.i.u- hy 'the t.Oe J.-tm I'nrd. n. K-e. Tlieliphl Sixth and Seye,.:h.t.v the l..n. li.-orr.; 11. Sir-.n-l. ri:hlh Klillon. lieyise.l. w:tii ..l-ruinal llelereie-ee. ..wt ..tes ( to I he Juihi-iai ll.-i-.ous Au .lvlieal t:onti-io-; a l''i- -e-1 ' Sytlat.u- of et.rh Title: ,1 tl I a Y-w, full, nn.l Kxh.stl.tire t lil ies. Bt Hediriek r. llriL-hlly. Il-q . Author . f "A j in :iti-e oil tlie hror r..t.-. -..lllOv .1 lirLrildt nee,'' j Ni.i I'rin- hej rt-.' I: ul r of ilinii:'.. J u.';lic,'r c. I ime t! i-k R. T-il Sro. I'r: only J-..no. rrll.Tlia fV-esIlnesB nnd permanent Talue rf Pirw.-vn fl Mi.. -t : pr- i .1 1 V ;i M i-'ntUsAl. loiuteilly id a 1 Iti.- l.nw- n:.i t-.( ju i-acil fir. Tt,.- ottnL il i'l-jr- nr-- ftrr..n.'-l tn .rri-- r-mt' rmUv to to "f I'unli n i l-izox Tt.- hr". lfm. rfiMihlt!liKl iiiiimllv: nrt k.i:ntt teil ti-irtlo r bv l in-rl tiu- I n-r-.!;tr ! sn. w i etrh y .J:ic! t-inl-rfip? the mvt-nti I l'tiif l. tw-i 't ts-vri ri::r f.in-i th puMicatiun -f Tur- l-.n Jh?t5-t. in ono IiJi.n -t : ntil art lxuui v Willi l'uiJt u's I'.f-t. aci .;.- I t .- -ar:t. Iy. Tlam tl; .of imhcr t.f 'on-.- Il:-t trH! alltr?sr- Vf in iw-ifii"it of ih .mrl-i- f.f tt Slatiilx I of r.-iiuffli.-imtt itnto t- vTf br aIwii !. .unim fet-it it. ilior-e vitt linvr )rc:ily i-tf r'-iieW-l Tiirlt-n's Im C-st m:iy nlnttyt r. mi )fe it t...i t-- for ih -mflU unm of t'tt'tj t'mts, tlif pri. ul Toltimi- ntuiitiniM? H llif mi niitj Um flit t-s-u-tl tin- tin; iifst pii-ntJ-rii f rlit- prc-i-'iit t j.tiuu of Tunloia'u !ia.'-t. a- h.-r -t- f- r.- ptitr.!. h . X HuHTHKK. Lw BiK.r -tli.' ki ATi. Tuitt.tjtnms. J7 tl 1 r $,u-h Fif'h .Sdrt-. 1 .rt ft-.r- iNni h -tTi.it. PS orkttt-re oria;uiry for Law Itowksftum tiie I roll ii try, i-roinj ti ntti'tnt. tl !. j j Administrator's Notice. : ATOTICE is lien-hy Riven, that Letters i 1 1 of Administration on the Es'ate of Mrs. SUSANNAH GUY I. It, late of White Deer township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, bv the proper authority. Allper-I son, knuwin- them-elves indebted to said es- I tltc arc requested to settle up immethatelv, and ihnee having claims tt lil pn'srnt them le- ' gaily authenticated for settlement. ISRAEL ;i;YEU. Adminhfretor. White leer Tp., Oclober SIS, lKSfi. New Masonic Hail, Philadelphia, j GENTS wanled in every tiiwn ami 1 V cotinlv in the United Stales, to sell the , beautiful picture of the t.raiiil l.iulf ; Itui.l.l, in the iNcvv Masonic Hall, Pttilailei- , phia. This Plate is selling very rapidlv. and j elicits the admiration ot ail, tor the correct- . n 1 ind li.ll 1 u u.-iin u- II 11 1 1 ini ni I A il . , K-iii.'i;n A'TIGS AMI FUUMTI.'Ki: pre represemed. and Ihe artiatic beauty and harmonv of the colors, size of Plate, N i iwe. s:t iin. Booksellers and Picture Dealers wishing to : take agencies lor it, will please aidrc. lor i furiher information, L. N. ROSEN I II VL, j O-t. ttl. 'oomit Jiitttigraplitr. I'iulada. j i'resh Supplies, al ittC The long-established Kat Store ! ! "l.TvANXLIN SPYKER wonW respect-1 L fully announi e thai he has jttst opened a j inosl splendid assortment of II A'l'ji, II'S j nn.l tl'I.OTiil .Vt;, and is selling them at , l.tff lower prices ilian ever before oll'ercd iu j Lewisburg. t Hals Moleskin, Sil!f,J3rnsri,Wide-awaa;e, Angola, Hungarian, Panama, airaw.Cuip Ac "apl of all sorts, oir.es, descriptions aud Flat's ami Taney H its for ClW.rMvEN, of the latest and most beautiful patterns. 4'lotl.iDn f'irCOLI) W EATHER such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts. Hosiery, Gloves, Snsnendi rs. and every uuier sort of Wearing Apparel of the luteal cut, and cheaper than lip: cheapest. '. 1' 4'arpct Bags, Trunks, Umbrellas, and a j gr-at variety of other articles. I - The public ere cordially invited t,i exam-1 ine his slock, as he is confident that they will j be satisfied with bis i.o.vis ana i rii es. ..e member the Old Stand Matket si reel, z door east of Third, formerly J & F Spyk-er Lewisburg, O-"- l, IW5 Kaui, Shoulders and Cheese. I ."WW I I-ius' received and for sale by Lewisbur-J Cross Cut. I-t- - Js5- 1"AIN an t Fanev Stationery of nil Mnds at M. Ftl-pntrletr St BrS N Bin Cure, 3i "t. T.e-vi-'h sr;. . j A ' il j I"; TTOILNEY at Law, I.orl'.Diiiir, l niuti t o., i-a. ytllfiei- on Njutb Second St.. recent.y by II C llickok. JiMj. 7 I,.it-.sl cn! , The "Old Mammoth" Swarming WITH Xew CowLvaiiil 0!d Customers! V J. fi. J. WAieleSi are now reeeivine an 1 oprmna; tor public in spection, an anosnal'y laree assortment of m t: lu ii iMiui: for FALL and AVINTI.lt comprising all the varieties of DRY COOPS, VKUCr.RlES, juiuiwarh, (jVLLXSWARF. Pl.AMFK.SAT.T, Fish, Ac, required in similar Mercantile Houses, to which they invite the attention of all desirins go d C. ods at fair Prices. Grain and other Country IV- dure taken as here;ofore. J. & J. WALLS. Lewisburi;, Ot. 1", J .').- TT. nF.STTA TtT. :-V ... xxf Siiracon Dentist, at Ins resi- ere, Cr.Tnrr ,, 1inf Strut mill VniTtrt-tit Jrvitue, I.EWlSBnMJ. Pa Li2W U0CU3 at the ieW fci-Cie: 'Vl Siiliscritirrs li;n titr rntrrrrl into ; 1;V)l shoes. UJi unj dathmn, I a Copartiurship in Mer.-han I. zing, and : A tai..,v f rsajte.ra, Half :ai!rr. Ties, Eos having re-tilted and improvej tile Storeroom ' , siioBers Ac. for Ladies and. M.ss.s. II I' Mlieller formerly occupied by Krcinar it Co, would respeetfullv announce to the tradiiiir r iinmiinilv that ihev ar inst opening a LARGE AM) SPLENDID STOCK of FALL & WINTER fJOODS, adnptrd t ibe wants rf all, and comprising ihf usual variety kept at .Stores in the larger I Towns. riTCl.. .t.V SEE. j J.S hrrj.T A. Son. Lewisbnrg, Oct. 1, Important Mews ! "l7'HEN in the course rf human V events" it becomes neceasary for a "Goldsmiih" to turn I'ailor," a proper respect to the opinions of mankind as well as to his own interests, demands that a statement of his intentions should le made to the world iu gen- eral and his triends iu particular. jr. ;ollsaiitli t Uro-at. would therefore re-pectfully inform the resid j r 1 ...:-!....-.. ...1 eirtnite ihT iher I tins 01 a,c 1 . "p;;" ' , , -r ass. rtiueiit ot I.OTI1IM- at th'ir estar lishmenlon Market St.neit lo Voder's Jewelry store. Ileiri!;. associated with one of tT: largest Cl. thtug establishments in Philadelphia, they are Bide to turnish iht best t Goods at the very Iowc.-t Ca-h prices. Their motto is " Oniric Svtt nnl Xmiiil I'r'ijiti. As tbev nro delermin.! l.a adhere to ibis prin- ciple, thy chall compeiition. A large a-.-.ortimiit or HOYS' rr.OTlIlNTr constantly on hand, t.'oats. Pautah oi'.s.Ves! Cravats, llaiivlkerciiicfs. huspenders, Sock iTe' I k-1 iVr.Jkc. iu vast profusion. Call and examine toe assermicnt 110 charg is rr.aiie for loo ing. Lv CL'fcTil.M WORK promptly atten ded to. Li' Don't miss tiie door it is next to Voder's, at the sign of tiie ii;g Flag. J. GOLDSMITH A DUO'S Lewisburg, Oct. 10. lsi." TO THE PEOPLE. TI AVING ineraed business facilities. We I . .Mie. l,e..olv lo nor sloelr of I """ " s- .a- '.' .-- . ii uimv iti: snd would respectfully solicit VVe Ftnj.lt 10 call and examine our , ,-..' ,t...f r.,.1, .,r, -ii.I- stock, which is made lip of Coach-ware .Sad- dlerv. Shoe Findin-rs.Olls. Palllts.U bite Lean, l.o.-t,.. l.;o li- StoTes, Iron. arro.n.'.. 1 imery, Cal met Maker-' Irunm.D, tarpvi.Ur.- I'.rtl5, Mack- l jinilh-' T.-.I-, i r. i e. 1 1 K PK-U I K will nt It to tVIr aitfuntaje if neon- I rip tl. IIM.U It. tJ.e. .sinict.. :-.n rt.arca .r eaami- nil X 0O.-J-. at the IIW.N and Mil. Si re of le-al 1 nr.;. o-t. .'. I: r. ol.is MTAM E... j 1 lOIt VITEi:-:oal Scuttles and Sieves, j siU.-olc il T. n-s Siot-es .1 ejirie'v- of patterns. Globe t ook. Sheet .:nc. riaKe i ans, ; Iron.liun.-l and Violin li -ttle Britain H" L.e,r. ) Cn; dteetn-ki. .-null-rt. ro-n-l. Hj.,:il.r Sl- lis, Fm-.-I, , tork-s. .-simel-r and Ud'.a. Wafite I." r... e, al Ilia ' 1! .r.lwr.-.-lore ,.f I!IVMH V riidO:N. j "I 1Ai.MI.KS will lind Grain Shovels. 1-pr.mg I I M.Forks. Spa-b'S. Siws, liaKes. Chains, in.n. .SpriOiM. 1'n.ii,. :.r. Ax . .'. at tbe C-h Tn.tJ anl N ail Si .re of Kt:l Yl HOI'KN. Clt'TLEHV Knives nntl Fork", Shears ar.d ' Scissors of Kode-or's celebrated e-inntif- ' a-lur fen Knirr', Caryer- T il l and Biitrh.r Steely 1 . I: i; .Vll.l'.s A .11 I' ilit'KN. J J LVT AT II AND H 'le U..es and Nails, Anvils Vices Fi'''. Kap Ate. at laKVNiU.i .t M'KAM'KN S. o AKCKN r v Foster's Attt-m;i!lC AIrlE j O I'AUKR t.T sale by It. A M'F. NEW GOODS ! HAYES, Goodman & Co. have just received their I';:ll acid lliiuri' S(ot U. We take pleasure in inloruimg our friends and patrons, that e have jut ree'd an l et . nr.t :i t-01 and e -n-i fete asorne. i t of FALL t. it It ;. . t;iml' n.iiri-inj ererytliin; in th. i n- of lerrhaudie Cloth", C1--1-D1 rci, batineits, V-t-in s. A . A'-" I I .in. li.-t and ftrlpei 3i!., ltm J iwttn t-.1"his l:r.-,..l.. .....I wnt. r d .'.o Vren. h h cenos all -hades plain hlaek to .1. rlne do l'ar-jniet.-i ami TlitlN-tl'lolta ( l lionandnc'l ;ill W...I Detain I'ikviuami o;ir-l timriaiua i Plain and uJ 1 1 T-iurl: in ul Auii-ritaii U j Prorlia. Jcnc am! miUiiri ltxfl-a. fin rlWi" Shaip??-, iUv -tuite it-Tcj: Mi.ii i-iiiarf .!iaula. La-lit'i' t'.uih. l it,-. Rti-i Tam:i- I'.iT-.l .--r.'.l.. j A full a-Tiortiat'it "t I .Lii-"' Co!1.it. tn-icrt'iTt .tfinn- ami I ml". tn. ti-r wilh wrll aa-lwti-l M.vk t.f ( I rval ti.r. .i, M.wl. r-neh .nl otlH-r I. A' re-, , H'-I'TV, ftliai JU Uicr Pti'rt.tiii'r -1 -"i -" . - - f fi rl !- nT..Int that wi Tm w-t tStil t- i'i'!"ll who ! fiir a lth tlit-ir p-itrmm-". We thTt-fre tt-n-trf t ' tor.Iu-itilii"i t" - u tr.!! n-l fsmn-ne -ur 8io"k j nrj I j.ru.-K l i- tn.it-!.-.l nt on tin' "ii. i j.)- tv.- t;,Vf 1 ,.-nnr Irtlmwii.t; f.nr tJo- t" Tlianfcful r i-nst fiT.r ' t . ..n.n ii. 11 vk iiihIiI A jtl O: . 1 i..t 1 1 1. . . . ' V T. 7 ! ( .nT.a V as''rL1n'in J, " i V ' '- , . . . ':,. 1, I w,Tl" c'""r -.--. J ' :d and for sale by ; -. r.ootiyi iv A n. "1LOTHI.NG. Ready-Made, all kinds always 1 V J on hand lor sale bv rAif. I'eVinMtX - 0-1. I 1 lasti:k. fish, salt COAL, IRON I and Nails constati"v on hai'd fi sal- by 11 wrs.ianuiM.tN a i -. 1 I USI.INS "thl p.Vccs f.rt bleached a .11 brown .Muslins tor sate hv ittvrs. oitiif.'V 01. ATS Daman s line Moleskins just ' lec'd and loi sale br iiatps. r.0 )iiM.- . ro. ! K ossurn sale bv Hals, a full assor'rornl for If. ye. G.u-drpun ex Co. W ill 1 1. I.eau (i.cuis just reed and lor , sale by Hares, tioodman .V tni I I JURE Cider Viuerarconstanlivon hand fur i sale oy liayes, ton Oiit-i pv 1 o. I 1LOOR f)iI-CIo!b.4 and GquarUr wide for sale by Haers, floinitnan iV CO. Small rr:f.ts anJ Quick Saia" T thc( jn:l' STORE of il i:hw & isiTTrR. The subscribers 1 ll'. r. at the old M F.-o! !- n Storeroom, opposite C Penny: Saddle shop, a ciioiee assortment t f bought for Cash and selected wi.'h gteat rare. The Goods "comprise the usual variety, and will be sold al t'.' hrrest possible pr.crs. Wc fespe.-ifiil'y invite old and new patron, and the public generally to call and see rnr siorlr before ptiiehaSdii" elveifherP. ir 11,..' .. .a, rjTTETt. T.ewisbur;. "i' :o5 James F. Linn. J. Beriill LIna J. Y. & J. M. LISX, ! Allornrjw at law, LRWIsuLlcti, A7 I nian C-wntr. Praa'a. ' Lan ArrivaL Fall aud Tt lnUr IJiT C.tt,ie. L 'Xxl. anJs pe IndiJ ashertintrnt of l. (iollars, Sleeve and Suyucers.wuU a full assortment uf ltresaTriiiinuogs. (;iovs,.Mm , Hi s.erv a id Notioiis ; Window thaJts and Paper, ratsola, Hal, Acicwbich ac -taally Le soul at redurcd prices to suit ihe times. Call and see the linods and hear tbtr Prices, and judje for yourselves. U. MEX.SI'II. Murray's bnildina;, opposite tb old Uraham fiiand Lr wisburg, Ski I. VU, 1855 "Have yea seen SAC?" CEOS to le a Qncstion askid ly O almost everybody ; but we iurgaire. Hint ltu the IaiI lirm, with their f of ply of cvr Miora, (.utter, T 1. snhsi r. x rs navin: associairn inrna Al' I. i... , r,,n-.erl.ia in kmiiKii !' - .e- .1' 1.1. . ., .U li'l ti,.,l tt ". 'T.V". 'iuXI . ,h. chD.a , , , , , h " f t f.-r M-?n and B vs. trrr ofT-ff J in Ltwisbar? I 1 ).,. a orvrl nlan.ltH a-Cnr!miIlt of a:so Children's Shoes of the latest steles and sizes 1 Ac. Ac Ac. Work in 1 tie to onurr Wending dene as usual and as the Woikmen have rendered satisfai tion beretof. r, we trnt we shall har a full share cf rtiblie patronaire. SAM will 1 continue to be on band as fi rinerly.and hopes to "ive general sati'hetio to all customers. SLIFEU A M FADDIN. Lewisbnr.g, Feb. 28, IS55 J. Franklin Harvey, H. D., nOMa:OPATIIIC rfcyMdan wculd respectfully announce to the citizens of Irt-wishorg and riciniiy that he haspermaneat ly located himself in Ibis place, and asks a share of the public patronage, fee'ing assured that he can treat with unsurpassed success alt curable diseases that the human family arc prone to. In ihe treatment of diseases ot le males and children the treat Homoeopathic law stands withont a rival; also in rbrt nic io,.in, iinrt t. tf nrc-j-mc stain or orner sys lenis, Hnni'ropathy Mst:ds forth as a giant, claiming victory in almost erery esse. All ye aliltcted, ?ive it a trial ; it will not cost you much. Try before you condemn. Dr. II. ts a regular graduate of ihe Hi rr.ru opathic Medical College, of Pennsylvania. (I'hilada.) Office on Second street, above Market, for. mer.y ( cctipied by Dr. Wilson, where be can be consulted at all times when nut 1:1 jrofes sional tlatv. Lewisbur-j, April 20, Rhodes' Fever and Agne Cure, lOPi the rrevcnlion and Cure of Inter- l mittent and Remittent Fevers, Fever aio! 1 A cue. Chills nnd Fever. Dumb Ague, Gnerl Debility, Night Soeais, and all other forms ul disease which have a common origin iu Ma lana or Miasma Tide ! a AATLllAL AXTf U'TB wMrh aatlrely prt.tert ait. r-i''ent or IraTrllir ern in tbe moat .irkle r awaoipy tncal;tiea. fr. m any Arna or Billti.aa diaraaw wbavrer. ur any li.ury frew rona'.ant Inbsliug atalaria er ihbiL It wi;l iiothrttr eheek the Ague in pert-oM who fca ' tV.m a-r lenulh of l me. tn m .O..I.J to io.st year eo that tie j need neier lo liaya anolbrr cblil, ay rotitinnlrr hi ne arec-rtitr-r to ilirette na. Tha patfeas at once Uvm. to r -r..er aipetiteand urenath. and ua lirnee r.ntil a p..rwsneni and rsiiU-atenre is.refted. Umw fw ,t. ul.n(W,.rfl.rrjin,.re.,; M, may require mere. Mreetion" printed in Herman, franco. ,t. spaiiob. ae..mpaey 'a- u neliie. irasy v aealia. Literal discount." made to the trad. ,. EVIliKMJ! of SATTrT. Terk. Jnne tl. IstS. i j j,nT, mTe , ehemVal eiaminatain ef -Kr.. Dta Kl- Tr, ,., So. t it " or "Asnreirt 1" Jhtim." and 'ZtZZtlSrSZZ'Z! ttTw liars f-iin I aif.-f-i'"'i:r.'f in it mpofjUf'ti Uial woua t.ry-iaa innirifiim ti ID.' rf ntit lit "H. J A M Ka- K. I tl I LiOlf , M. l. ClwBBiUL" FVTP K ..F MfiRTT. '?,'!epj f ... Vnion '.'o.. T.. May f. tSifc. fr 3. k. I-for Ifr r: The Wx rf m-,icinr jink r:t m tlniv Trr-iTrt 11th cf April. 1 L f-M ul- vt f'Tir tr) f ft it. atii -w. far th pa,lf that lis nor 1 it rv f-iri-n- il that fl b rtr.J tLtriB. It b rr titin'v pt pi'i-tl t!.r Ait uif ii i vi-rT rue who uJ it, ati 1 i of tlis t a- .r "f h-w KtamiiPir. M tT, wh.. h.f 1 it l-TT.Tfor-ix T.-?iTl-arl(.r-ir-l'i nTrt F -t it -tn;-;.- !. fX'-t-jt !-T t4::rt:nr. unti tlt-it 03 JM tr a h- w.-u'J lata- it, is Bow, I LLmk, ntirt It rurt-rf by j.-ur rt-mrdy. C. IL M UXM.T. CAT TTn T A 'IT K S-rtTFttMt?. tnkri nT Aift-ni. T--ni. -. MrrntrT, Vuinte, F-b ffttr. Slrvrhniii. tor Av.'i IVri. rirji nf ipv fcio-J. Thm wd i known hirff? it-nry of tli--mxt-H- jh.;-"t prorm i.-m i ,,r.. -i". a.;t.-a- t.f .. 'ir- i.rinri- r . tr cf rnercs-na.y Hickii. Thf onijr remedy tft mce tli'.t i- l-otn Fiir ani iiirmi.a. - i;tl !r:S' r XYr:.l .Nl A'.l K CTRK. tP,Vor fcUj L tlie lwL'utirjCiw. Cut br Z-.a l f. K. N GT5I.T. Arfaiiir's) solf-srallng; Cans 4 RE the cheapest and lest Patent out, for' preserving Fresh Fruit and Vegetables! Three sizes f--r sale by HI RSH ox VORSE, Lewisburg. rTT'Petersons MANUAL lor preserving Fruits iSte. for sale as above-piire. 13) els. MERCHANT TAHORI TOIIN H. BEALE. kvir.q; enlarged el atK. improved his Shop, on .vlarkrl Street t next to Haves' .-tor-, has now tperied a largf and select stock of C lot!)!.. C ssit.cre,ToitinR and 'I iitiiitiiiKH of all lin Is. also GENTLE.ViEN'S Fl'RNiSH ING GOO l--. such as Shins, Gioves, Hosiery Cellars, sVc. itc. He wiil also carry on ( uttin? ar.tl Making irt atl their branches, with despatch, aecordin, t- order, withoui cubbog ng, and on the most reasonable terms. Itcailj -utailc f lotltiua; a!ravs ou hand cheaper than Ihe chespesl. Hai ing a large li.rce of experienced hands 1 . , . 1 :.u .11 .1 r . . 1 ... . 11 my employ. noj-c i:o 011 im-t os. to give general anslar.ttnn, and snare i.Dcrauy i:i ouhlic patronne. 1 respecttnlly invite all wanting anything in my line of business ta call and eXaii-iue my stock of Ootids. JOHN IL EEALE. I.ewi-hnrg. M;,y irs, IMS. li i;u l'XOLDS & MTiiI.DD..at the ... t : . . ir. .U . laniware r-u-re. i.l-ouui., - nci 10 mtr eili.eusot liic w e-t t :;ttti-i.i riiirmiti mw ofiees, .Ills, i pyweiitiwe, vi hiie J.eaei snrw White Zinc, s.li .-i's Pla-tic Pa til (various, j.n eatbrr.md bre-prnor.; AaiU.Spitea . tilass. Piiii-. Lo t", I a:ri,r. iinoa, r-rrews, 1 and ail kinds ol 1' moling Haniw are, Geaile-J men who are building mii l.a l it to their ad- var'Jje to call ann e-timine cur siora. m srll as tie-ir citv prices as possible. I ll r. ' .ir T5. i:t the old Critt.tim itttltd. sb org. Mav . 1 .'. ! - 1AHI 'ENTERS, we ran supply ytn with ' ihe eelebiao ilf-'re -ioel ! Tiid C. inpany'-. Plane., Hunt's eelebrat-! H.neheta. Ajre, AC? res. Hoat PutbieM' Adres, Chisels. Square?', Kawai Sttnv Sets. Anrees. lisne Ilitls. ll'' ft all kinds. AH w,; be ,oM lower lhaa usaal at cash prices. I'r p in and see, ntlemeD ; no char"' for et-in-in-'-' st-s-k. at the llard-iv.-ire store . S RKV-NtiLI'S h .WFATPEN- -ATiIi.I:n". if yoit rail and ejpmme ou ."or. of llnrness. triiile and Rolls; P.eo 1.: . Fott.-:. Ilames. S'-rrttp-. Moenitnr. flirfl. it- . Tieer Hair. Simmier Web. Sadsire Tree " lop Stocks and addters" 'i'oi -.vo-t will fig? 11 o. your a-it i--re. Hjr.'a-vf.str.,. -,. T el, .sier- KtYNLSs a ,r.ixpr:. nnr A es