Lcwisbnrg Chronicle and West Hranch Farmer Jan. ii, I S5(. 'Tf.V I i ifiuisintri (Ljaiiiirir. isr o. .v. mtxnKy a j. ;. cormucs. Jan. 11, 1S5G. Oprnintr of l iiion M-uiinai y. ' Tliis Institution was formally opened,) on Thursday of last week, by appropriate Union Co.,Pa. ! v'AH professional l.u- j sines entrusted to liis care, w ill lie punctually j an. I faithfully attended tn. June I, '05 yl m-m m.,..,r.. .wmtf 1H l.l'Vmvu runoMru . r'. n V 1 feu I. hM u bl . , Hr.r.M E0D COa.egC, Calllilc I Ii n MIB rnuiil WL.TI1. Am.rlmii r.-unrfl. t nnmln.t. rji. dtM for l-reuj.-iit .,. Vio, l-,i,ii. bii, I'mntiirm tnJ.j, lot.. JJ, ISM. PiiMTtTBii P.-c.o Hut, Onrnnlnu. in nom- ln.t. fr Canal l v,muiuioue r, Surrcvor A"I"'"-li' l'Jy, Jliuch 1, IU Compulsory Marriages Are seldom if ever Lappy or long contin ued a Divorce generally terminates a union where both parties are not cordial in it So, a Iissulution of Partnership t may lie mutual, when all parties are agreed ; LeU'IeWo- Center onA S n,b-T D Tnim. fV.ll II f tr fVtn .f 4fT.ll.L. - J. JO. U ttAi.Oll, ------- u.yin.uu.11, UUtUil VVIIIIIV V Willi al liia. ' 1 TTniJMT of v -Vlthlh.' nf urn, tress tn r..n.,rl-!,.il no L- r - " I . 1 dl Liln B f C . . . i. . . - i i 1 n ... T1-..1 4: !- tu cay mm ib iooing over toe amounts ul i an.uiuuiiaeu uuait i ivc i&uiauiti KllglOUltSerciites.partlCtpatea in by tl.e gtotk jci j t Aar0DsLur f ,- ; I V TTIIKKL'AS, the Hun. Abraham S Wilson, President (Kev.W.W. Orwis,-) ilev. J. B. ' J .1 , . 1 0 . . .1 V President Jud-e lor the V.01I, Judicial Adam, and llcv.l'rof.Johnson of Piekin- i , "c "1" r . , , . ."""j V,Mict. .K!': coiiiseJ of the j A I ne lit. me frow Or. Hanc, Tt,ivi , ; J " ....uU .u ui ,u" X r;.,' "-"J ; MicnUm:? his Arctic TrurtU, ilie liUlta anil , ..--f. IIrilo if T larshall Lsii.AssuciatrJinU'e in l.nnin couiiiv. : - w -. m, ,, . . ... Ui.!.h. ,.,.ll.nT a c... ! V 7 " "'- " ha si..,l Ihelr .Htr tt.. 1 1 """f e taw ireal, aul au wonirt iv t - i down at S20.000. and Miffiinbur? finrla- ,i,,..r , " . . " . "i i maD.-lUe bemmsry commenced Jing Lifllejtonc anJ Wwt ha(iihc t w ! .he lioMmj ,.f aVvmr! el Comn.u,, Picas, at on l-nday, with iixty pupils, one Lalf of. , ,n , c.n -,r rm u . - I l.ewiiliurt-. for the cumy .l Luioh, on the then, from abroad. I , ? " ? V, , " N, '? " "0t CW" i ' M'lay -f February ,.e, (being the m tUy) I8.0, ana to coii Hi. uc oue wrek, XiUice is thrreforc hereby given tn AVitnrs- nii-1 nil persons mt resieU in (lie Issue List liifi. Mitil tliftrA nrpi-i.f nrnl iii.r rfimrt ! James B. Hamlin, TTORXKT at LAW, J L ftf 'Oilier on 8econil St. west sU, t.j diiiirs louih of Market, Ultui ; Cm59l l.'mon U. Pa. ...... , . . UCU1, -'""iinuurg ana me two town- II lunutiiiiiiiis in lunimnir unacr nra iut ' .1 , , . , P. . .J sliins Lave much more wealth, aud au ' relipious luhjL'uecs, wo think can not tie i . , ,, , , I se ,,n .1 K.t i, xv. : 1 ual iur u.e itoau, as uaruey i u, W . , - I vi nuuuuijuiii uuuuwn oil e the friends of the New Berlin Lniou ft,- , j , e vm- t , ' ,. . ,. . the sizo ana wants of JlilUiuLurg, wtth emiuary may realire all reasonable an!i cipatiaus of its prosperity aud usefulness. Plblic Schools. The pnnctua, in the.r artance a, !he UZll' "o! the p.ivment of dues to the l inuiicl'. i oa the olJ aecuunl, iroui sulienl debtors. I have leen de!a)e.I in linisliitij the sculinR up nf several running aeennnts, which I purpose doing as fast as possible, ami tonhich 1 do not refer. Hut (here are many who have no otitis to maiie.anil whose longer witiihobling from its our jui dues must incur the out-ido rest., anft Co' ts. From one to I mm to DKX. the railroad at their door, placing them in j Uiven un.lcr my hand ami seal at the Shcr-: ? , . -. . . :flr. r.r. . .i.- ...v .- , commercial independence of Lewioburg, ! lfr s 'cc in Lewislmrs. the !tth day ol "Jan-; .1 1 i, , . i . . . f I nary, in the vear of unr f.or.l one thousand Last A of ire! T - i ' ...M 1 1. : . . . .i . ' JCWloOUrg noUiu 1UULU muiu Jlliporiani maU 10 F1l1( hundred an,t f.-K..s, t in lh,. s-,.,t. rilHK Subscriber is anxious to fettle the oM I. l!o..k Accountsof IJUOWX &HII.UISH. wucre one or more desires a separation he ' fenool building, (on the Bite of the old nartielon, witu the road soiao miles dis-1 ei-hth year of the Independence of ihe timed nj,Hlb ",r seinemem: can in a proper way effect it: but who ever Town Hall) opened on M,nuay of this j taut ? It docs appear that MiUlinburg , S;'f beard of a Compulsory Partnership J It week with a rush of scholars, aud the ! and vicinity muit take hold with a stouger j jritons ArmURNEi coi'CT j an-iiimts jilaccd in the hands of the I'KtH'KR I is sometimes d.fficnlt to Feparate Town- "same old kll" is acain on dutv in the i hand, to raise the amount assessed uuon ! Jordan. I' !.iT.l'idKNtI ClCT' AV?'"",!.:.,,-Vy J 'IV "" vnow:i- , - , . aliips, or tountios ; but when once Erparv tower. The scholars are divided into four our cud of the liuc. So far, Hartley has! hilr " iaac llu'ii, Joseph II K.-ithr, LeA i .i . . 1...I. i. , . , .. . i i ..i ... i t i I Jacoh i rixel, Aaron .M-ssinver.Saml Slear. ted, who ever knew them to be re united? 'Involutions never go backward." A TtA rat I . . . . f . . . J'f '""c me some UlfCOLIcntCU Or schools. It has been suggested to us, that . doue her share, and Lewisburg (bciug on I i,nv, iii,.i,.n,lerter. ilenryi'lisii' the event has not been sutiiciently noticed the line of another road) has done her i Hurth y Saml Carl, WiuOnug, (.has Emery, I but that the erection of sueh a noble share, compared at least with our ambi-1 t? . l..r:'r','.T. .i:,-:,,n'.,;r 1um ?., r5ir' t ... . . ( . , i . . . ... i ii"s i iiiinni. ii'ipi Litsi.'r .miirpir l.fiiin weenoub or atuoitious spirits in " old I n- j structure lor a noble object, should no of tious neighbors ot ililll.ubuig. I he ; KufiiUw Hams Steedman, Jacob l-'illman, ion," who have undertaken to remarry I public moment enough to occasion a pub- 25,0(10 which her wealthy men were; A,l;ir Voting. (Jeorce Smith the divorced twain, whether or no, and we lie reference to the event. A formal open- j willing to pledge fur Canty UuilJiugs j t'vSvtu Uaniel'MaarI,'S CrtZr' , have heard from a dozen different rmiirter I ing or scttine apart of the edifice to its should at least be signed to the Head i ' ra.ic lVn rtieiz ! oi petitions to that effect. Vc received j object, would encourage tutnrs and pupils, ! by that Burougli alone. And it would j from a fiieud there, a cpy of thnse f,,r enlist public sympathy, and tend to clc- ' repay them well by cuabliug them to ship ' onyder county, (printed, as we are told, at ate the standard uf education. Tho Free their produce and travel t ) seaboard mar fhe Timet office, N'ew Berlin) which gives i Schools should be nurseries for our Aea- lets without hauling or truunhipuieuts at as their reason that they thought a sepa- ; demies, Seminaries, aud Collegics, aud Lewisburg returning merchandize in the rate county not to tnnr interest, aud as should be so conducted that all having same cheaper and better manner going THE Lest Hunks fur AwntssenJ JL copies and try ihem amonj lor a Tour frioiuU. itiini:T si: tits eut.lMi.-. Hi., f.. II. .inn? l'.. u:;ir lllu-trMti Wttrk.-. n-I fr ttt Mle - f w hu-h lit. tlrirn. .n wlir- Axnt in ftcry r..uniy ..I Iho I'nit.4 statu. A .-mall capital of tM ur $ ouijr u ri tiuirvd. I. Aeur llnlm Uaii'l llorlacher, I'rcJ'k Siuiih, i.-.s (... u ii'.A .v i:ti.i. Sam'l llarmanv. Aliram Schoch i J""' r"iii"i"i n iiiuntr.ati Kiiii"nrth.i:rs'anv Imtlwrgt, I. Hawn ' " . '""L H.v.-i l i - inl In-lurr ol it. .. ,. . i I P'lt. rTimijiit nrnt j.r..inri.. vr- .lnri(.n. rc..iirn'. rnm- i.yiysiu'it nooi liaoer, l ei. mail I Imnv, ini- ti.,l iji.t, rumeiit, IHTHUire, I'tiitn Archibald Thomas j r-tii..n. .ot I iiihiiuit?, cuo.m.t. nti.u!t!., A". Ir-iu lit- !t.-t mi.! ni.-t .uttiriiuc pt.Lirvv.. -. . Kml-lli-li.l wi'h al-.ut l;.-o Kii-ravm-., .n.l li.. c.f moil t osinty oiirl I'riHiaisiatiun . t;"i "! Aimc kul. in. uic 'UBUEAS. the lion. AliltAHAM S. ! 'Zi SiV.'S "VZT'l "8M,U' esidetlt Judge fur the I IVrum ..,in. f. . t M A'f HI' an. I I.,ihir ... - ' -'it "tciiiinii jiiiiieiai 1'iirici i rennsvivnnin. ----- . ....uu.. uim-nuu-m m..t against tne division law. thev askeJ for its ; to have the rudiments of a rood education more or Niw York, in one dav. and back I .if the e. ... ..rr..i.... i,iii; ...a . l'r""'"' '-,h: i lr",: i-t2'.Kiu.a..iuir. . .T . - c-- j i . i v. v ....... in nuu . tini. mi iwii iiun.lnil tulMTit-T.. u. HealEstate. FOR RENT, l??My now liirce slmvy Iin'ck Dwell- jii. ing 111 1:K. on l.'niver.ity Avenui!. at tiie itiver hend. Possession given Apul 1st, 1IJ!'. For further particulars, rnqnire at the house, or by letter of me at .Northumberland. Dee. 'J7, lsi5 JOSLPII 1'. J La i IX. Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue or an Order of Hip Origins' fourt of Union t't.uiity, will be solj tn 1 the premises, on iyaHrdiry, HCth J.mnnry, KCit i commencing at II o'clock. A.M., the followiig desetlb.'l lv.-.-ll lstnre r.f l!ie t:ite J.iuv Ifif:i I deceased, viz. ! A certarn Tract of Land situate in White Deer township, county aforesaid, adjoining 1 lands of lh; heirs of f-ainuel Di rahaui. dee d, on Ihe east, ,.n the north by lands of Chnrii-s A. Dieffviderfer, on ihe west by fan ts ot Fre derick Dersham.and on the south bv lands of Francis Walker and ihers, containing :,. Acres more or less, with the appurtenances, . ArX on which are erected a rood 11 .useye. jV 3 Frame Barn, Spring, Orchard, Vc r 'ieims made knf.wn at sale l-v HEXRY HKiH. Adiuinistraur. j White Deer, Jan. 1, Iw'it; l.ct uk Reason fxihcrl VJt H Oipliaiis' Court Sale. it i HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. Mil' A HE WE SK Kf It Iiaj bct-n tii? Int of tLf tunian Tiue to 1 wilf!i'r d'.m h rfipumm mn4 tmltVritor. 1I01.I0W A V'H HT.i"t Iir f-.. .Aiiv Jtllil''i t" ll. r-lirl ti tilf ,:, ti liUHJkJU ar.l It JfiKl. 1 all rii,itf. -e.if. ant f w til utiv I'n f-.r Hll- n .er.ii:!) -- riiif' i 4 ih iinnufiM-titrr cf hit ntr-lKinr- m ttir t nttl r-tif-. ri M-rr hm ttr kti-i riii.itU il i-tafilf. a.- Ii..- bs-4 mst- tL eter naw Ir r-liiut:it f di.-aJe. Tkte 1'ilU 1'unfy the Wool. Th". fmou- Viil arv xprtir HibUDrJ to ovvrat f-ii Hit- rt inaU. if liT-r. ti V i iif . tlx lui r. thm i- kill, ni th- bTl, eitrrmtitiir mny dnHiiMii ia ll.fir fun-l;-n. j.tirifj iuj H,.- .,.-..(, ijie T-rv ivuikuu hi'-, jutvi ibus taniig Juc:e ia ail iu fortus. J-tytl" .iter CowjrluinU. , ir.y hn.t lie ntc LiTc tLt:e l illr. It li!ifi ,. .-n j r'iK-! in p-trt r t If.- w-KJ-thst nothii g linn li-n r-j'ti'. . Ut-iu inctarj uf l)iirrf tkm ii.- r.'l-j -;-i. sti-j -'i it: r. - h i-. t:i;-.a:t.l- c n. raJiv. Tli-jT si'-n r;i a h itl.y tin- tntbciM wrafir, h9wer attwls ii- rtii l, iti.-i tel. a au -.ill t lit' an.- iiuv iii-tt C-Mfml J..l.;t! It! Il-alth. - Min'f .n-t .'it;f rt"Trr.TTiiij buy mD' ! ir ii-tv iu li'.u.. U- ilif iiiirotiui-ticu thcatj i III' V T tmny ti-rCi,. 1,3 m'4.rin f IDEfM L'SFLtJ r- kliinC U't Uit-U;titjr i Ibm kWt rm-iU -r In-wn i. r f'f-,n- ! i.J -i.u- I.altlj. i-r U-f- it'- ui LaJ lw iiuMirtJ, iu imijucAttmg 1 1" it. . r Tbh i i r I rrii f. F mafc Cttrttnhtvts. . T'diiT irold, -h ui'I h without tlv)V- they had eiven a m:i;.,r!t ..f i-nn I w.r.Ic , ..l..'l.ln l , ., tl.oll nl.t., from "M;i!:,,t.r ( II.:t..,1..t..t.:, 1..1,: I T " II.silX, President Judge lor the I .i.-liT.-riHl :.t i repeat. :vow it ispiain, that even if these taught them in return for the tascs they : the next, without any slow hore mode of: "yder, and Jamh .Makshili., Lmj., Associate ; tim c i- wi d, wjr m tiurMfcrtjui ..;nic l. ii.. j. . .i . . I i ... . ... . jin;"e m i nion conniv. nave issaeil their ore- " - 'a"'B. 7nil "",l,'.,.,,.,e la" L "10" gave f pay. in as large a town as ours, students travel. Arouse, then, neighbors of Mil-1, bearing date the aid .lay of December, 700 niaj. fur division, and thinks it an cn and bhould be well fitted for the study flinburg, Limestone, West Buffalnc and ' '"''j. tt"l t me directed, for ihe holding of an adrantage to her, outweighs the other ar-' of tho higher branches of Icaruinir, free, : iusteadof tha rear take the front rank in 1 n;''' 'rt, Court of (.-onimon Pleas, Oyer gument aooui lbs.! I-ecisIation iiiav i leaving those who enn aud who choose, to the noble arm? bout on improvement and at J.E VVIUCUU. .w . ui ihMO divorce us, tut can without the mutual consent of both parties. A pull it tw w w -nxk Pa.noflL;P. erection of the School w I r.f -I in - i, ijih 1 1 . trr. r-.'iil:.tfP t , on titlii v t f -iirM-' t all rrif4 a firti in n;ariT ram a aham. BY virtue of an order of the Orj.IiauV ' V.u.;: ZtXjXT? Court c.f Union county, will be sold, a: fKUU " Um" "-u"1 the Hotel of David Herr, in J.ewisl arg, on : i7e'.W4'. ,v.' . wtt, AmnraiaM wmM 8-1,,.,. 7", !..... io..- - for v f-j:tciy Vif': rqi'iivqit, -;J I;1 , A,ti.m iro,.y ..r x..ri. eommrnring at 1 1 o'clock. A.M.. th- followin- ''" r""";':t' f. .r:.n.l A.nte bn'utl 1''W described Ktal f.state, ot the late Jimis 1 r. n a i. i,. tt .ne .nd Gr.l Ikllaxii, deceased, viz. 1 i i.t t'tw-..-. ii r-ilarf sii,k A certain J raet f !. situatej in Last 1. ! Legislation may j leaving those who can and who choose, to the noble army bent on improvement and at J.EV 'Isiii'KU,! it' - VAixJ, hardly remarry us incur the expense of such higher branches. pRn.i-e. ! !"e ""t Jc-r"1;'' ... ..... . I ! (being ihe ISlh dav) anJ to continue iscnt of both parties. A public recognition of tho fact of the; T, , 1T . m ! oneweek Huw the petitions in this county read, I would tend happily to the desired end ; we are not informed, tut learn of one man ! "d we submit to the Directors and to the who signed under the belief that a re-au-; citizens generally whether some Saturday ncxation might give Mifllinburg a ebance 1 way not jet be devote. 1 to the purpose, for the count, seat-a result not aotieipa- j Vcnnmn Uialar, UL'tUlCUl til Kmsa5---I'emalo Heroism. Jinny starmng insiaucca of now related, since tho siege of Lawrence was raised. One case was the britigiug iu of ammunition, through the besicers' Xotice is therefore hereby given to the Cor- ! fun, J,isi,cs ot the Peace and Constables in and for ihe county of Union, to appear iu their own proper persons with their records, inqni Sitions.cxaimiialious and ether remembrances to do those tilings which of iheir oliices and in I ...tiv.-t.v.a jxiw.tiot: lou nsuip. r.nuniv aioreaio.aojomtn? lja.n..i: the U'est branch ol ihe iSnspieh:iiina on the i .,-sM t tt- e:ict l3nHanf I..1... i:..i..l.. l-t... rn ti... c....,l. fc" l s.-l. n l.iii. (n the west by same aad M - . . ' t..r..ui..-iit u Li..i t w - .1. ui taiois ot s.iii juhu I.T. A lu-niiir.'r-, V.ivari". Ar. ; (imide. mnlirin.i ah. .lit rtih n,l ('.' .nunriil in tnr hi.Ii.rj. of Kilr..(.r sn.l; , , , . " ,, i , , k.-irhri.f..,..r i.fty r-iriimt. i lifrui.-,-i,ar:..-t. rs; i- itu- perches, neat measure, all cleared and in a tunny .1 w.m uuiutrims eiicntvintn. ' 1 tuI. ! jSV,high state of cultivation, having 4. jsvj. , I..V.I li u..,. miu iTi.v, l,i4. I lfc-uU u a Frame Hou-e.Frame Ham. .v,.ir n.-mmxi. r,r rutxj J.xn 1 .nd l)rcharJ 1,1 Viriuu: kiuJs itu" : , AVER'S FILLS. 7rri;,i-c..mi.ri.ii.-a.i.-..riti,.iiori!,.,. nni , appurtenances. It. Al.o it .IrrrilT intTrH intr rr-'nei". entittM a T11P. ' tji.isA.ajs .wi t.. ii of iKLt.UHAlLO t'f r.'.so ,-nO rrinc !! r nmn tip iui i 1. n re mel , eucn at .tT t oiii Knatuinatir n W urail t f aii kitMa ' It;w m l V ..kcp Mnnt:f "f rf" ff TVIr-mr 1Itjowt, 01- . j - ..ui 4.MMd. U Dtl u, am! thi if..n i.x irtivrinwa lUi 1.1m riiilXtii BurUI m U.Xf. nt 'J-'. n-lit.. I".'.: r. M- ;n..l jl t' i. tf -liH rauapoujiiet.bit taiiuE bj takiiic tha laav N. It. Ifirv-tnina.-i f..r t)i fmlUance of anUcAUio aTtrj lines, by two laJie.s. A lot of powdor, : l,,''ir hehal! appr-r tain to be rinne ; nnl all V tod in any manner in Fnydor county, where they have no Lotion of "oil." over t i . M-m- ! i e , , : has riroeecd-jd v gct oaeK 10 jj M j r-af I w.rl i n .f r.t .'.. 1 , A . r . . . I the election oi a L. fceuutor. ! aster l.l-tol.t,n.i.,..l,.J:.l.,... I. 1" "," " .i. . iuuu,iU( j j i l fici:uis. Ouc who Jsigncd the pnititiou without reading, said he wanted " tumethiuj up," and this perhaps might make some excite ment. Others arc doubtless earnest in the lead aud oilier ammunition was at a place The appointment of committees, ic, .'"ma eight miles distant from Lawrence, wis offered nd wanted. The besiegers Next Monday has been agreed upon for had the place completely surrounded,when the two ladies in (juestion, Jlrs. G. V. Brown, and Mrs. S. X. Wood, drove out with a buggy a'ouc, secured the needed ammunition beneath their clothes, and drove iu Rjtaia. The Misourians stopped . nesses anil other persons proseeulin- in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or per.. his, are re.jtnp-d to be then and there attending, and not depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are re;uc-teil to be punctual in their attendance at the appointed time agreea ble ti, notice. Uiven und.-r my hand ar l seal at the Sher iff's Odice :u l.eviisl.iug, thc yid day of lan tiary, in the vear of intr herd one thousand eiebt hundred find lifiy-six. and in theseventv eiginli year ol the In !-pendeuce of the United ites ot America. ti. id save the Common- Buckalew, stem to be the most formidable candidates of the Democracy. A bill has been read iu the House to repeal the so-called Jog Law. It is gen- their buggy onco or twice, but had the wealth ! DAXIKf, D. ('UMUX.ShernT. wott. : craiiy tnougnt it will not bo repealed uu-, gauautry to lot tuciu pass without a search, j I.lst or Jurors, Vvh. Term, IS5C. It will La remembered that before the 1 a better oue is first passed. j -1 Lis was ccrtaiuly a rouiarkablo piece of , fsnASD ji'itous. Division clucii.jii. the v. ii.i; The Governor tent iu a Messase.statinc female iotrencditr; but in mv miud. evrv '. r; s I"-Str- ' James 5hirl,ls, ciaiuieu mat fj vote should d luestion for ever. " As the tree Derliuersj St. ilecidc the i l'lat c disapproved the bill of last :c falls, so "'"'"S t'ic salaries of Members, 1 last session ; thing is thrown iu the shade by the con-, r,-vjas lilover, U , llalfpenuv. Samuel but that ; duct of the heroio and devoted sentries of Uhailes, Dame! I. .ng il.,.li;.. TU . ...... fi; iln... ;,it,si-norl.l in lb. f i,.n ljlrrsnr... I.',., f,.!l 1- !. ... , Jouu lu liken, r. It aitTS t. iut opponents 01 Uiusion " . ' ...v...r.,. ""rf'"i - ; - --- J e.u ea.-, jiuj,,1 vThos I! Cornelius, Maml .M'Clellan at llarrisburg also, expressed their entire ! ''" '"' uo rP"rtua',J' to I'ut ou bis ! posed to nocturnal excursions, and wero , ' .en John A Youngman willintrncss ta abide l,e il. .-..(..,... .1." : record bis name against it. ' fired upon every ni?ht. Gen. llobinsuii. ; ;"'"' -g Alex r Ammons, WmT r.eitmyer l.n,.,:c 7 " ...r """! TI. i-c..,.. t-. - t ' i -""-John Ueber, Ueo CJiilelius. Chas a. .uouiueu 10 SUlt lUem. t ith What i a" ittoie. o. Liia.u a.eo.suiei UOCB . a.i"ii"o oi.ii. uiwu ntn; invitiy a.Leuinis not seem to have commenced. i to gel a plausible jrfiund for riuariel, is- r,;vT v.r T.,v' tt.,. ,1. fued orders that the sentries should not done, and the faith of the State is involved j J.inuarv,' 1 M, was said to be the coldest f.C,,Ur"J!!,e fire' U,,til i"",'i"!;nt F' !I 6f llieir inhaljiUanLt iD ltp hiKtoriral cvciiU. irti- rrituj' rii. r. Ii-i'.n, .olu.Mti'.ii, In. r..tuiv, lunuri.-, arts, ' mitiiiif irttir., roTiimrm-. rtti'l tnai.iifr- nnl riiPt4tiu' t Uir ( pit, fr .m lite tarih t j-Ti'i of autlf n- 1 ti-- r-1 I., fl.o i r. ?. Tit tn:i. lilit-tr;.t.-.I Mith 2 0 vnraviiiK-i. ph liirw ic-Uv.i. J'rire, J,50. I IV. j ZFrrif'Tt:i t r.i. V! 1. r r.vsr:n tor. fiTT:-t of G.-nci-Mt KrinwItittT' i-mpri.-irn: a ltr rin-ie of iitttul u.l iitrl.n,uie inhtriiiuti-in. LfMgut-l for f.u- liit h--.l, ay lil.rarici. f-nt ootjivis. l'ri-t; j V. I V T'th'TA T. II 1ST It 1 ul' THE J VXRff 4 V REV OT.r) n,.x -., Jt.H.n i..r. v. rv l .tmiiy in tl,.- l iit' ii : It t'iitaio nn a--.uut i,f ih- nrlv JiM-tv if tlw- c-mutry, ".mut.iti.iiio! tj. Lniti J M.iLic.(hi..nij!-.l;ialUiaA,AJc r'TTiTMl''il rrnjr-uin-s,. frjrr i Will, a VfirVty -f (.. r p..nt:ar PI'TOI. I.A T WOltK.a. ! i f ftu- U a 10.. 1 i au-1 r.'.l.ji.mjii::u. iii-c. tli;tt wti.;.; (ftn..i j l-i.n -:iM m ti.. ir .in-nl,iti,.n. Hi. c nl-Ta j i b--ii. -tit, anU roc ilc a fjiir ixmij)ftu.itiuii fcr tbir i JT' mfn nf i nti-prir nu t tar-t. thl bu-l?'i AlTfru : nu p)H,rtuuitv lor ptotiU.. t nif'iojrratut w! iuni to be , Ul- t Vtlill. I'-r-.iK wi-l,inc tn piino-,. in tlt-ir fn". will tw-iw T r..uit.lly liy mill a t'ircmar fotitaimuf; full fartiruiar! with l'ir- "th.n tn -r-..ii! ..-.-. t- . t as Awn." ti;-thrr with i rm in wliirh th. y will furaisiietl, by alltcHMUi; tho .ul.-i T.'-r. j nvt j ,.t.. K'WKI.T V. tliti; I'i-MTlTrR. j l'I tiliAin Mrwt, Ni-w Vork. 1 Profit rMi nxr. r-rT. Sin.-U- .-..j i. i f Hi- nU,- wi-rk-ill h.' ran-full t -t'-IoHvl in "t-iiit iciimt. an-l f.rwar)i :it our ri-k. iAinl .-XI- ti-.- any -t i-V.i- m lU LmU i Mat-, tin- rt-.-. i; t 'f tin ri riv. 1tius made kot u-n at fa. hy j iid.MAs rnx.w, AHminiirator with the Will aiiittxt J. January 1, Hhti VALUABLE REAL FR0FERT7, AT 1'iiiVATi: saj.i;. grace and influence, then, can they now i 1 approach the Legislature ? Iho deed is! in its lieiKtuitv. Ihe vote carried i e .1 'He. I fiese orders wero obeyed, and such - - ' 1 1 uay Known in iuis region iur very many , ' county selected its C.uu.y Seat by over ,! Viar3. Wo are informed a thermometer, i IlLr'C txPosoJ l"ost 100 majority ; and contracts for County ,'eg3rded as correct, -kept by Pmf J,ES I UDPar!It;d' '' "e e'ots fired at them were Buildings are entered into, and lots pur- j , f thk jorou..U) in,i;caUd 1SJ de. below I mu' ranJom l'"actcr, but one chased for the same. Ioes any ouc sup-, y,.ro tUt Tho ra;iroad trains that I tn'?' , T r,utithrouPh Lii "at. pose (hat public faith and private contracts daJ W(re cc7mt,1(.tcly Etorpetl ly fnowJ ""other had a horse shot under him. wCrT " ;:-ef 1.tLoi' anJ LaJ not v. i MA,N;:-TheTo'wa;n;';h;ic7by lh, balloTbox ? U C"J ,bcir VLn aftCr l0S!nS a Uiiy' ' W for OTen' "f M""..1 It will be remembered that when the , , , , , 1 . , 7 i Manu:nS '"gcst, ciis next, and so on. J ne legislature met and choose Democra tic uud WI112 officers, by a "Fusiou" vote j intensity of tho frost. Certainly " now ' in each House, and voted fur Governor as follows : Wells, Democrat 109 Beed, Whig 07 Morrill, Republican CO All others . 57 211 J udgo Wells was then inaugurated, and j sent in his message to the Legislature. !... n.dd ...,.1 - t, .,.1 ;r county seat was Crst located at New Bir- j .1 f t. rr r ,1 r ., , , , . . do not hoar of much suffering from the am, 10 e.iuiicuis ciccwa to the lacgiaia. a.,r., Tl, W;ltl ,.t C..K a V U1 wc av; h tho time t0 rciuculLer thc .. f 1if:iti-n rr-r.-irf fi-mn a J t ! .rr. aBn.I.H.4 lue Kma C0IJ u aIlulw mwt lit(er anJ. fact that a majority of the peonle of the . .1 i . , . J J , r Ul 1 overpowering ingrcuient in their cup. county Jiai remonstrated ajrauist the loca- . ti . 1 1 - t ,1 t . , J , , 0.u.i. mi, ioe.1 : Xhc telegraphic wires work the better, tho f Kin 4n.I rnt C 1 I T t C34 I " . ",..," uutu ' clearer-cold the weather i", but steam ion, and individual rights based upon that ; vicU, bt.forc iu p(nvcrj as we Lavu icar, law, they could cot remove it. j ' M!Vr!ll i,,,:, l,iw fr,.,... b ..... ,,. -Mouti'Ittis P.'. ..;. jf..'ir Sam!ICaufinan.Dav:dniiee!liart -u, John 8 Sehraek Atic lnnin Samuel booji TUAVF.IISK JLROItS. ll llujfihr Danl Fisher, Peter Pontitis,.lno S .ehler.Jae I.ut.'i'e.. Klerkucr.DavM alson, Jno Deck.Aa Uaiicl,,Jno'lul l.iplry. K'lhf lllani .Meixell, V.'m Ciincan, F.avel ClniL'an, Jno lSennat:e. Sanil Pi'-kel Jf,iTt'i Jas King Jr. It Mensth, II Huffman. It V (ilover.Michl ScUiurc.Sml U'eidensaul, Solomon .Miller. Thus M'Curdy Lrtrirlmrn Jno limighlon, Hcnj Cawley.Thos tlrahain, Xathan Itawn, Frank Donehower. iVio .r, flehoeli, Jacob Manrk t:i.-t lliff,il,Wm Fox,(ieo .Miier,.Mi.Iirown. While Dirr Jerome Printzenh(dfiT, Kt Candor, Urbanns Kanck, P Heed. Jae Kostenbader Union Jacob Jlartihart, JI II Tafgart, Jaceb Ifummel Jr ltuff,ilttlmn Gebhart, David Herbst l.imestnt John Cosgrovc, Win Foster, II K Zanders j MlJrhihurgCro Vonretnan, J W Sands ! 'JMIE umloriiini'if nii'cr at l'riale T 1 a very desirable estate, situsie in Chil iisijuaijue 'I'p, Nor'.hiiuiberl.Wi 1 Co, Pa., cuta prisiiig the fullowing Iraets : No. I. The M;iiision Farm, adjoining lands of Wm. Royrr. John Metier, John Caul, John Wiitenmver, and ethers, con taining !' Acres more or less, whereupon are erected a two sn.rey Hrifk Dwelling ,-s House 40 byC feet, (hitherto used as aj J I .. 1 i-r-in .0-1 ..-.1 o. ii.-r as au-.-ii". puoiir. niise,j Willi a coinuiuilioiis at-liitou-u and Woe Unouse, a liaini Ji.iiu bi by 411 lee!, and other Outbuildings necessary lor a fai in. A U'ell of Water al the door of the house, at. d a Cistern, each tith a l'ump in. Also a, a aiitiiher llrick House, ii by is f. 1 1, on B the same premises. Tlie Fartti erutaiits iu acres of Meadow, and the I aianee I piand. ad cleared iand with thc exception of aoout two acres. No. II. A Lot of Timber Land situated in the town-hip aforesaid. f:'yi'lz. '. co'itamini .trrt-M in. re or less, lVi adj-iiiing lauds ot' Ji hn Wittetiniy t er, Isaac Urown. and others. . and 1'reseripii.ios jii 3 m..m.ui nniicc. We INO. 111. I DC UlKHVliJOu tlirct:- bave a laree anft we'd .selected sioek of freak ; fifths part of TEX ACUUs more 0r'le in and pure li:il VilDH li:s. Chemicals .the township aforesaid, adjoining lan Is of Dyesuill'-. Oils, Paints, lilass. Puttv and James Cumminirs, Hugh .Martin,' John U it- New Firm and New Goods T the :Ianinio!li Drus & Chcmkal .it Emporium cf I CHRIST & CALDWELL. ! The iniderMiiicd havini' purchased the entire ' Matnin.nh Drug Store former!)' kept by lr . Ih'irntuii .V Co.. are now readv 10 till Orders before His! 110 acrpJicsccs in the Jrcbraska bill; lakes j strong ground against the Lhiuor Law: l -. l'-.l . a. o, iiueu nuie .ioaiour cut loose Horn , rn fact, Who can stand old Columbia, and tho county was " a suow ''' weaiact although Columbia (much the , , ,..- .T,lnpa iTi.., ! recommends a license system; and con large,., elected Locators for the purpose j ,, of fh ' demns the alien and naturalisation laws, Jot eff et if- nd L T" r ' 1 I'-nsyhLia, died recency at Philadel-1 the lal ct' The balance Tit o ' 1 r r " DW at'1U1" I P'- -t President cf 1 f tLe SW is with csce in tho wisdom of this separation. ! . v .1 1 1 1 , , , tors w;.i. .1 1 .... 1 . 1 t'10 N'Jrthuiiiberland Ban!;, am! subsc- Cel . Ii e .T' Wn Lr , rC 1S I'"siJcut of the Tide Water Ca-! A "lan C'T h lut Gcncial Assembly will so far stult.fy c' not . ,d. sn one third of the vote of the people, and j-cguiuiion, ana encutnber themselves with j , , , but one third of the vote of tho Legisla- j ?e gene, itscess Lusincss, as to seriously entertain , . ... . j,, , ,. ! ture, could well afford to aciuiesce" in ! -,'r nis attempt at compulsory rc-marnage ot , caj,cJ j the Nebraska infamy, but does not reprc- j.oiucs now ugauy ana aavantaireousiv , , non. t.A.sty uas been appoint ed, by Gov. Pollock, to the ofSec thus va cated. Mr. Casey will fulfil tho duty de volved upon him, we believe to satisfaction, and certainly in his success. d it 1 ; 1 : 1 s i s' ( i r. ss v a it k, I All hlntls if l'almt JtiCchin, I ruit and ( onfectioncrr, Tobacco,Sniifr.and Imported Cigars of the choicest brands, Faimj Xitwni mitt '1'titrt Artirlm, Fine Toilet Soaps A: Perfumery nf all kinds, UttCSHES Avn Cimiis or tritr tiiieti. Hooks siiid Sltif ionrry, a general variety ot Literary and School Books. Pin. flit T ir,l find Villi. I I amne" r.f nt.r description; tresh Pine O.l aud Patent liurn- ing Fluid alwavs un hand. J'UKK WIXLS and LiyL'OES of all kinds f..r Medicinal uses. Fire 1 V'l'f mil ( Xinr. iints. Preserving and Pieklinj Jars, Ac -J" Customers will find our stock complete, comprising many articles it is impossible here 10 enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices tall ami sec us, one ana an, and see our ( yVMHX Co I' MY, SS. j The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to John j Veisley.Catharine intermarried with William ' Kuhn, l.udwig V'eislev, Polly intermarried ! with Martin Handel, Henry Veisluy, Michael j leisiey. ami i.aoiiol intermarried Willi Jacob s!ock . an, we cant sell you cheap goods, I artman. hens and legal representatives of i vc wM Ilot ask y , i,nv. IUm . tmti, late of Franklin township. We are alwavs on hand to wait on customers, in the county ot Union (now Snyder,) yco- Ucmcmber the Mammoth Drug store ! TiTruelit?!' , -f-'reetmg: TIIFO. s. CIIK1ST, AirHI.lttAs.byaninquestforthatpiirpose r. -s. CALDWELL. T duly awarded by an Orphans'Court of, Lewisburg. Union Co. Pa. StiS the minify aforesaid, thc real estate of the - - - said Henry Veisley was appraised at and for "T V KAII.UO Mi. A new supply of Fancy the sum of SiVIO, and on the l?lh December,; Jj) liuods, Porte Moiinaies, (ierinan Pipes, ls".j. dulv conlirmed, and on motion of Isaac f and Kinrtikiititine Tobacco ; also a variety ot Sien!;er Es. rule on the heirs and legal rep-1 new Hooks, thc very latest works, in be had at resenlalives of said deceased to the ! June S!i, '".'. Clllils'l CI Lit WI'l.L'S. neral Orphans Court, t.j be held at j tenuiyer, and others. ! No. IV. A Tract of Mor.nt.iin j LanJ. WELL Tl .Mil CUED, situate i S-'-jt'1' ''ie town-hip al'orvsaid.adj nning Vf lands of John Voris. James Cami r-ir-ii "n-ames Strawbridi;L' and others. I I IT Persons wishing to purchase any of the I above estate, will p!eae apply for further I particulars to either of the subscribers. Heirs ) of Fokf.smax, deeea.-ed. Mho will I sell thc above as the pr..prtv ef said cVc'd. fokf.smax, JOS. W. F0I1ESM AX. j I! EXIV. WITTEXMYEIJ. I AMAXHA WITTEXMVEK, ! J. II. FOItES.M AX. ! WM. S. FOKESM AX. I Jan. 1, 1S..G lw Heirs, &c rartics separated. Suppose Juniata should petition the Legislature to admit Dr. Crawfiiuii as a Wembcr, for the reason that they preferred tiin, and bad given a majority for him ? Would the Legislature grant tho modest reqnest I or would they say that as I'nion sent the people of Maiuc. Sensible View. The Newport Kentucky A'eirs has the following manly paragraph on '.ho preteu ded " Nationalism'' of the Slaveholders. for the county of Union, on Mo mi at the lsth dav o( February next, to accept 01 refuse to take the saiil premises aforesaid at the said appraised price, or show cause why the same shall not be sold. Uv tiik Cocht Witness my hand and the seal of said Court at Lewisburg the -rth dav of January. A. D.K11;. SAMUEL KOUS1I, Clerk. 1)Y CANAL. A fresh supply of White ) Lead, Paris and Chrome fin-en ground 111 oil j-also Turkey Umber in 1 lh. cans; Lin seed O.l, Turpentine. Pine Oil and- Fluid, all of which we will sell at the lowest rates to bo had at C7A7.NT .V f.'.l.ii WELL'S. r AST 1 A the FOR SALE, THAT desiraWc I'ruporly of the l.ile JL Joshua llotisel, comer f St. John and :M Sts, I.ew isbiir", being over a bail Lot, and m containing a good If-nse. Siables fi and other Outhouses, Wei!, and alXf lianlen. all in excellent order. The property is offered at Private Sale by the subscribers. Executors of the estate of said deceased. Persons wi.-hing tj purchase will leave their offers at the Ciiiiosicle Olfice when most convenient for thein. i ADAM SIIECKI.ER, JACOII STI1I I'.l.E. but not Least, a fine assortment of j j j oie- teiy oest i en umery ii r me lames 1 aim genu, consisting 01 .vmonj anil Honey rr.THrnX l-olt IUVtmCi:. I saps. Extracts for the hdkf, Cologne, Bay SVPMI Itl Htl- -i In the 1'iiiirt nf I'nmnmn I ... i n i- : 1 ... . ..... . , ., ! - - t.i-.ii auu i.oi.t v tt aier, f.iireau I en nine, eic. it is relresliing to contract siicu honest ; by her next friend l'lens of U.iion coiiniy, . ttl ,P jia,j .,, rillilSTA CALhWKI.I'S Xo. 8, Feb.T. Iti-if.. - . Plurius suhpu-iia iu Di- , I f t s ' M-s Jusi received a tresh sup- VOIT I. ' 1 1 f ry " "in"- t uriiii'i, HiU-iii". i i -;.: i u . June Vl at LUKIi V i'ALDU I'LI. .H. Julm M. Uaum, i JOHN LOOP. J 'A roll are hereby noiiiied that hy virtue of j . JL the above statfu xvnt, you are reijuiretl i CubTutRN l.MUiK.viio.N to Kansas. ! confessions, comin? from a Slave State llfi SlIViliT T.nntia er;wn AT s t-U r.i-o r TLtl jSlVaiillhll !... . ' ..T., .:!. it... .1 C r. I a larger majority, therefore lit was entitled 1 liuniber of Go. riau who arc aLuut cmi j Northern prints : J to the seat 1 The will of the neon. on eratibir to Kaiia. CatiL Tlmi-iVa X Tho irr nf ceel tnnttptn t.t i.rtn 1..... . . -c . ... , i, , ii..,:, r ... , '. . ... .' ' i n j i j. am api-ear at aCourt of Common Picas lae specific question, at the ballot box, Hami.ton, of Cass county, Ga., has offered , bear of disunion, is just now about the ' to h- held in and for ihe conntv of I'nion. al F.... tio ueciMtc nun ioe laegistaturc. j " v-v-J 'J " "n ccpatp a company j only wenpon in the armory of the cotton ' '-ewisnuig, on amindav, me .e.iu nay 01 itu- jy aI( ,.m(t3 of ifia-rrii-ni One more word, and we dismiss the j ot 10U ciuigratLt, carry them to Kansas : poliliciaas of the country. Opposition to I ' 'i!0',"", ' i ; LI', r'i iit,int,iv i ,Use- KeTS constantly on hand, llallet &. i , a i i r r.. nun tuen r ...tit imi,i .. . : . r i , . i t i i- . i 1 . , GEORGE T. COLE, " in Tianos, IMrlodoons, and subject. the spread of slavery, which runs counter thc interests of the mere handful directly interested in slave property is called 'sec- lias been paid as a seal to thc bond ; and ' tion for Councilman ia the Fifteenth ' tionalism,' although it would spare our 1 1 . 1 . 1. . ' r .1 , ... 1 . .. . j. .i . . dividual a consideration for thc grant of1 vt'rJ " Bcttled, last session, iu the sura of $500, which ! Baltimore, Jan 2. 1 he rpecial ttlec- DAXlEi. I). Glil.DIX. Sheriit I Sheriffs Ollice, Lewisburg, Dec. !, ISoti Davis, Doslon ; Lighte, Xeu Ion V Uradburvs; and P.ennett oi Co.. X. V.. PIAXOS. Also. Princes & Co.'s celebrated MEI.ODEOXS, prices Irom i-lo I'll In N;;! Oil. Woodlots and Small Farm for Sale. tn 5ii purchaser, on reasonable ttrms. TJIKKE arc 9 Jars f WothHaml, si- L mate in White Deer Tp.t on l.ittlc IJuf faloe t'reek,alnnt a mi If almve ('s store, ranin? from 14 to -I acre raeh, well tin. Le ered with variuus kiutls vt Oak, l'liie, IV j!ar, and Chfsmit. The Farm coniains nrmit r." whirh 18 are cleared, and has en it a Two Morv -- llout". a Lor .stable. SSnnn.v 't W ater- Ixi and fruit trees civa'-JskiruU it ad- pap of Unicn and Snyder ConntUs. jotns lands of John Hu.uinel aitd Ja.fb Hart- , VT.TI . . , n man, about U mile from GnM.u's More, in AKMMILD, M'llh OOilen KolIefS, White Deer ip-. I nton Co ra. t anJ on Mnlin, reay to be hnn ap 1011 all'ilit1 piirjuH s of a i ijiiaV riivsic. TirritK has loni? existrtl a ptibtie demand for ) fffcclivo p-irrai'j pi ii vLu-li i fu!l b relied on as sure and pcrtpctljr in its opraon. Tais b b'-en prr-p:ir d t u:pt tiiat d(.::i;jiI, aud an ex ten tirp trinl nf its Tirt;rs hn ron- lu-sivi It shown with wlint suc(.-es it aro!uplt9hr4 tiie ptirptjsc designed. It U ea-v ti in:ikv :t i liv-ival fn.'. but not fv.r ta make t!;r vt nf ne which xhonld hT iKTic ft tLft v' -i 1.. us, l ui ail the adTantars, of evrrtithrr. This hn )-rrn attfn.T.trJ ht-re. antf with wh;tt sneit-.s wc wfwu'i rpmctl iU submit to tl.e puiilic d-, !.; ,!,. It ii.iH l.een u:i?..rtunate f--r the p.itifnt hitherto tiiat alrr.nst r-rrrv puratiT iiieUioine is acr:aiOi:iu a:; J irrit-,ti:.s "tu tl.e bow r:. Tliifs i not. Minr nf thf-m prndcrc so much L-ripinc pain and rrml.Hioa in the system as to more t;;;iii cutmtfr:;iUT;ce ti.r to it (i.-r.vt-d frora thorn. These ptUs produre no rrritriti..n oc pain. unites it uri-e from a prf-wa&Iv existing obstrnc tinn or draiiTncit in th hnveU. llrinz purely Ttt-tuitU', no h;trm can ar6 from tliPtr usin aor tj'i.iittity ; t.;:t it is Ntttrr tiint aiiv tik uii-ine should te Ukc n ju.Ii. -r.i:-lT. Minute d:rcv-tions ft thir use in tin; acvT.4 ui't-js tawiiiih ti.LVkreap ph:iMe .ar' civrn fin ti:c Wr. Aw'- tve com ia4iiitsi whi,-h h.ivt bcn spcr-iilr mrrd uv them, we v - rurnti'.n 1.:t r (" ::i; .dx:t,in its r; ri.-us f..nrn rf J aim-:.. IndicrHtion. I.nnirir nd Ln-s of An- I" l.i-.UfH;i( -ss, lri;t:::.;:Itv, lieadathe. liih'Hjs KcvfT. Tc r an.l .Scnr, I'in in th Sulm '' and I."in5; f-.r, in truth, t.(.i arc but the eon f "f (I ":t-ri a.-ti-n m t!ie liver. ,s an ctx t c:,t, thr atf-rd pr-rpt and ';r rfiif in (-t.v-; r..c, I . ii Jv-.iTitcry, Iiumors, crof v'.i nr. ! Sfirvv, . ! with of tho hodr I i' -rs ,md iini.iirity t.f tite ; in short, any a:. l t ( rv c:c wiicrc a t r.r2:.tio is rfijuir-d. 'Ihfv i:.v :.l-'t rri-d v.Td "tiip s:hj:1.v!t SU--rf.f!il n.rc: fn Itlir.".:nat:m, 0'tit, T-rrrv. (irarel. rIn--.ipoI.-is, I'.iSpit.itwn of the Heart. I'aias in the Hack. Stoma, h. and TJ.ey shfi?i!-l be freely taken in the si'rir. of tl.e year, to purilv th blocd ai:i prep-iro the system ft.r trie cha::pe of neasons. An orrasir.rn d"e st:TitiUte t!:e stomrh and twiwrN int.. aMu.!thy ni tiiin. ami restore tiie appe tite and vU-it. They purity the biood. an-i. by thwr fitinml mt aetion on th rimilnrnrr srtemj rano Kite the Ftreurth of the body, aud restore the w.itcd or dNpa.-ed en.'-ic of the whole organism. Htiice ;:n K-c:tijna; ib-i U adi antrous, ctfo, ihou-h i,o St r.uMS (if T UlCIlieTit 3tits; but un- nrecsarT dosinsr should firvcr 1-e earrird t'm far, a every purgative mi'd.cine reduces the itrenstb, when taken to cxe. The th in-antl case :n which a phic is reUjrod cannot ie enumerated here, bat they Mildest tinmx Ivis to lae rt ax-n of eerr body: and it is eontidentlr belierrd this pill will an-twer a hotter iban any tliim: winch has hitherto bc n available to mankind. hn thotr T:rtues are onee known, the public will no longer d-uht what n-mrdy ta eiiAjiluy when, in need oi a taUiaUUt: nittihtwine. JAMHs r.AYi:K,l'tacucaI and Analytical l'iiciiiit. I.ttwciJ, .Iai.s. Trj.ce - j C 'eiiis p-.r Box. Five Bcxes for Sl- AYi:US CZSUKKV PECTORIL. For the cure ui roughs. Colds, Hoarseness Bronchitis, WhiupiusCoui:h, Croup, Aithma and 4 V'UsutiijHiua. Hits remedy nas won fr itself mch notoriety from its cures; of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the eTi rirnccs of its rirtues in any eommnTiity whwt it has Iwen employed- So wide is the field of its nse fulness. and so numerous the rases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lime by its ue. :en onet tried its siperioriry over every other mediine of its kind is t o appar ent to e-cape ohsenratmn. and where its virtues are known, the public no bmyer hesitate what antidote to employ fur the dii-tressin and dancerons aflrc tions of "the pulmonary ortran which are incident to our climate. And not only in formitlable at tacks upon the luns, but for the miluer varietise of, Cut-fins Hf.vKi:xK-is. c. - and for 'hilii;fn it is the plcaaantcit and safest medicin that ran be obtained. As it ha lontr been in constant use throuchont this section, we need not do more than ri-"e tlie people iUqualitv is kept up to t "at it ever Las been and that the tfe-i article w sold by Vt p:irt-l I r J vj---- " .A tl!, Tractital aiid Analjti ral fh. ti i-t "-- '' , , v, r 1 i W. .-!. A (1 rt-t X rV...wrU. Lewis-i.-tt: J- V. n!w. Mills n : II. l Ki-mprr hit ku. r, .Mitt'.iul'ur.-, aud hy all The above property is tillered at Tnrate Sale, by the subscriber, j liaEORGE MKIXELL. I Kelly Tp., Aitc. 10,-ViS. A Valley Farm of Limestone Land, pOMPKISLMJ uliout ICS Arros, for . n no-vi la.,- ,J Jl . . M Vtltri. I Ct. e y auu i , o .irv. . a,,islnte w, m,.c, I . I.. i m enimn and all wool CaiDets. from .. . . ... . . 1 , - -' - . - .- . auent on. rseeo 1.1 11:10. 1 . i.anos ia .-pu 111 f -r the Act ha, no reservation ofteer in the W.-.rd, to fill the vacancv occasioned bv ' ncw territories from tho blight, of slavery, ! 7:': '".V'". I, 'to , , ,,eti, ihers d re'e. I cl,.n."-"! f,,r ncw T m,;7,f. r.. . r. .i. .1 . . ' ...... 1 .1. a-... a-., at. ' vi's "- , -..(..,.-, . . ,,0, ...ct me eiee- iue aeatli 01 J.evi iavlor, Iem., waj held : alm 'eavc luem irca ior ine occupancy ol 1 inm thc mannlaetors. ni pnce tnai we can lion. These cCorU, therefore, attempt an i to-dav, and resulted in the election t.f ' tIie no'n-slaveholdin? whites of tho conntrv, j SL-11 lhrm low', 'J'l''e in want of trarpct iuiprwililitr if there be any legislative ! simolw, Am, riean, by 101 majority, over 1 -Xnr,h anJ Soutb. The rrT sectional pariy lo ca" j. sciillE VE K ' soxi " LcLtr m stability, and arc Tim late. ; Geor-c 1'. Kane, anti-Know Nothing. ' t,f ,1,e tIa5'. " ,,,st uich- frrets tho inter- June 1. l-o I-jrlt will be feen by n-ferrin- to our . """ V of,' . IjAl;(iE and diniUe stock f Ladies' . 7 i . S , 'he country, and prostitutes of law and I A Dress floods, of everv Kind, f..r sale t,.... ig oi.iiu.ii, iuai ine s-unnury .,, , riT:,, i. J. srilKF.VKR A- HON". iirnr " - i V 1..K. Said Kami is in one rf the best hral-crowint; vallies in Central IVnnsvlva ! nia.withiii two miles (over a Il-i.l-') to a Uail- road, accessible 1.1 Markets, 111 an eminently : healthy neighborhood, nrar io Mills. Siore, I ft.......!. S.-..1 1 11 .. ... .,.1 1.. .!. .... I.. 0111 diree.ilv t.poosite the Court House. ! ' :.'.n ...... 1 1. . ..- ,. , 11, . , ..... ... ' tu .111 liiieiiieiu anil reoee i.t o.e p. .;--ii.:: i. -n. iti.iV,rt, I .. lApnl 1. 55.311.6 , Tne .nOVFlnils . lirM '. I!AN K will be sent by the subscriber, postage paid:, 1 on nsliip map, colored, lor jl S(l fleolociial 1 75 The Division line is drawn on this Map. also Township lines, anil as it entrains all tho f rino'pal Heads, and shows rompart.,e dis taners, it should 1 r studied I r all who are to vote on Ihe 1. cation ol' the teat til' Juslare. The (ieoli -s-eal .Map shows ihe itrata cf ilia two Conntie-. For cheaper copies of ihe Map. address -K. YOLK. MAIL I.ewi-d-ar?. May IS. IS'S. LOtrtpondiiit cf the Arjun tec- omuitntlsa J'raukliu'i IJiiih-day ( 'elebra-1 tion, by the editors, tuhii.-l.iri, ptiulers , ilru.-s Hand will givo au cnlertaiuuicnt ...u o.ners wuo way stc Jit toutlend, to be tins evening, j hey come well recoiuinen-; The editor of thc Rnntyhanici unites btid at ilerr' hotel, lacninhurc, on the . did. and we have no doubt that thev will In. .;,: ,..1 . j iiviiuuu , n.tu u.uers, iirdtlllir VJOr. receive the cucouraeuient due to itood - roi.i.irk' 1.. nnnt . n.,,lnn i 11. . u 1 - . " .... 'B-VU a' ai.a.c , ..!..! ft'.. .1.. 1. :.. ...1 1 . j iub puruuu 19 ranteu, ug lurns cvouiug of 1 hurray next. W'o heartily I j.rove ct .-uth a gathering, and hope it iil be tvcil rcj rcii Litid. It however .' lues iu a uroiij; tiuie for us, as we Lave ' i r"' 5 -'"'-'' ar-il.-.y tvet.ii. t'S ; bi.t if J j-.-ibie e wiii 4ti. 1, 01 ,:c;l-1 a Land." I1C1 ihbor?. ud fc'ii; 1 y ' V ! 'lai i. ijuK. C'ori.iui..., of ('ariilo, is Of poin- i'ii; ?ri iteiiihiit of l'ulie Ivintinir. i, A. K. M'Clure, n- round and censures the Governor for do inj: what he at-ked should he done I Queer, i.-u'tit? Dut "bomc perk boll tha; way." Teaspoons silver-plated on the best Herman silver, $M per I doz. All roods warranted to pivc .satisfaction. All kinds of l.uRravuii; at the shortest notice at J. L. VliDKK'S. VI.AnoE lot of Ladies' sprint; and sum mer Shawls, for sale verv low, by June 1. 1855 J. SCHRF.YKIt t SOS. ClLOTHS,Ca-:sinieres, aiidf'nmincr 1 Wear, for sale cheaper than ever hv June 1, ISO.-. J. SC11RI-Yi:i; V -V"A". and 0 t for Justices Cot 1 or printed to oriitr,il lliu loUiucc j TIT ATTT-Cl f I 1 I i i 1 D Con-lab'es, for srtlo Dr. John Locke, swgl ox j) t:risT, Frier removed ta KOKTJI THIRD street, Lewisbuic. Lcwibbur?, Xov. I, l.s.'i5 C. W. SCHAFFLE'S fe WII0LESAI.1-: and RETAIL jl.A I I.I AKL f ake and card Baskets ,, ' , ,. , , A T.,1.1,1.- ,1 v 11... .- House, n aeon louse, torn lion v. audi 1 J able f orks, .Spoons and llutter hmves, . . 1 1. 1. , . . 1 , -Mrta, Apple Orchard, and Peach and Pear iree ;Vc. suliieient for i idinary use. 'I'he Farm is all c!-arr d ( .x -ept about one acre (and plentv of Woodland 111 thc ate vicinity.) all of Luni stone soil, and as the owner thinks is not Mirpa--se l for natural pro- ; fluetive finalities nv anj' in tiie Male, j It will be soi l wholly, or a portion of 60 to I no acres, as mi'.'ht suit a purchaser. llr'Any rash man wishim- such a properly j can obtain further information by applyn i. j O.X.Wuiii-i -v. 1 7,i-.m',-A- o:!1.-e. T.e-vi-l in ' WOOD FOP- SiJIF. 1 rn.Y m . k. l'riifi jfouir;-, iii'iir,. t l I'uil o.'i i t.. .(.!. i. ' li'. :- -. Glassware. TF vnu need .!.i...irc, call oa FITZ PA TKK'K A- tlie Uook-lore next door to IS. -aver A- Kremer's.n here is to be had .1 lot id cheap Clnssware beu2.1t at A uc 1 ion, to be sold at Piiilad. wlu-lesale prices : AOiloiil. -i Webber Cob'ets, Huted .I.'liies. Y " ! p-i.-h.-rs. (Vmtwi Hishe. Ke tilasses, Kiate l.v Hilars. Molasses Pilcheri, Concaie I'. . '1 1 How ls, Diamond Salts-Taylor Pitcher. Tumblers of various patterns and1 prices. Ilislios and Howls of all sizes and pal terns, lilacs Juis, tie. Lewiabuts, Oct. 5 Dr. Jacob Ilorlachcr, "jOTAXif rilVICIX, havinc recainfd h.-. he"-'i!i, hi. resumed hi. practice nf me heal. uk an. li 1.. supeunr -Al. V U is. till ) 1 i.t-f. M it 1 Kir 1 titt. t l.'MVtsuni". l a. . a'-.-t V 1 ( Vzx 1. i .ft 43